I forgot to do my homework где ошибка

Упражнения на глаголы Make и Do

Глаголы make и do часто используются в устойчивых выражениях. Многие выражения не подчиняются строгим правилам, когда употребляется make, а когда do, поэтому их нужно просто запомнить. Пройдите эти упражнения, чтобы лучше запомнить выражения с make и do.

Читайте также: «Do и Make — разница между глаголами и полезные выражения.» 

Расставьте по местам глаголы make и do в этих устойчивых выражениях.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. Make a mistake — делать ошибку.
  2. Do a favour — оказывать услугу.
  3. Do the shopping — ходить за покупками.
  4. Make a choice — делать выбор.
  5. Make a cake — делать пирог.
  6. Do nothing — ничем не заниматься.

Упражнение 2. Make или Do?

Выберите между make и do в подходящей форме и заполните пробелы в тексте.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. It doesn’t make any sense! — В этом нет никакого смысла!
  2. Your so called help did more harm than good. — Твоя так называемая помощь принесла больше вреда, чем добра.
  3. Jack is still doing his time for that crime. — Джек все еще сидит в тюрьме за то преступление.
  4. Make sure you have enough fuel for such a long ride. — Убедись, что у тебя достаточно топлива для такой долгой поездки.
  5. It’s your turn to do the dishes. — Твоя очередь мыть посуду.
  6. How do people make money nowadays? — Как люди в наше время зарабатывают деньги?
  7. Always do your duty! — Всегда выполняй свой долг!

Упражнение 3. Make или Do?

Выберите между make и do в подходящей форме и заполните пробелы в тексте.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. It’s prohibited but we can make an exception for you. — Это запрещено, но мы может сделать исключение для вас.
  2. You were doing your best. — Ты старался изо всех сил.
  3. You are making too much effort. — Ты прилагаешь слишком много усилий.
  4. What makes that noise? — Откуда этот шум? (Что создает этот шум?)
  5. They don’t do any business with unreliable people. — Они не ведут никаких дел с ненадежными людьми.
  6. Let’s make it certain. Is it free or not? — Давайте проясним. Это бесплатно или нет?
  7. The costume is made of plastic and paper. — Костюм сделан из пластика и бумаги.

Упражнение 4. Найдите ошибки

В этом задании вам нужно найти и отметить ошибки в тексте.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. You made right decision. — Вы приняли верное решение.
  2. I forgot to do my homework. — Я забыл сделать домашнее задание.
  3. He is doing well at work. — Он хорошо справляется с работой.
  4. It doesn’t make any difference whether we are right or not. — Не имеет значения, правы мы или нет.
  5. Don’t make fun of people. — Не смейся над людьми.


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Английский язык,

вопрос задал Katerinkacat,

5 лет назад

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Ответил svetafinchenko


Ответ:1 you made a right decision. 2 + 3 doing 4 make 5 +


Не понятно

1you made right decision 2все правильно 3 he is doing …4 it doesn’t make …5все правильно

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Световые кванты. Задание прикреплено.

Упражнения на глаголы Make и Do

Глаголы make и do часто используются в устойчивых выражениях. Многие выражения не подчиняются строгим правилам, когда употребляется make, а когда do, поэтому их нужно просто запомнить. Пройдите эти упражнения, чтобы лучше запомнить выражения с make и do.

Читайте также: «Do и Make — разница между глаголами и полезные выражения.» 

Расставьте по местам глаголы make и do в этих устойчивых выражениях.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. Make a mistake — делать ошибку.
  2. Do a favour — оказывать услугу.
  3. Do the shopping — ходить за покупками.
  4. Make a choice — делать выбор.
  5. Make a cake — делать пирог.
  6. Do nothing — ничем не заниматься.

Упражнение 2. Make или Do?

Выберите между make и do в подходящей форме и заполните пробелы в тексте.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. It doesn’t make any sense! — В этом нет никакого смысла!
  2. Your so called help did more harm than good. — Твоя так называемая помощь принесла больше вреда, чем добра.
  3. Jack is still doing his time for that crime. — Джек все еще сидит в тюрьме за то преступление.
  4. Make sure you have enough fuel for such a long ride. — Убедись, что у тебя достаточно топлива для такой долгой поездки.
  5. It’s your turn to do the dishes. — Твоя очередь мыть посуду.
  6. How do people make money nowadays? — Как люди в наше время зарабатывают деньги?
  7. Always do your duty! — Всегда выполняй свой долг!

Упражнение 3. Make или Do?

Выберите между make и do в подходящей форме и заполните пробелы в тексте.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. It’s prohibited but we can make an exception for you. — Это запрещено, но мы может сделать исключение для вас.
  2. You were doing your best. — Ты старался изо всех сил.
  3. You are making too much effort. — Ты прилагаешь слишком много усилий.
  4. What makes that noise? — Откуда этот шум? (Что создает этот шум?)
  5. They don’t do any business with unreliable people. — Они не ведут никаких дел с ненадежными людьми.
  6. Let’s make it certain. Is it free or not? — Давайте проясним. Это бесплатно или нет?
  7. The costume is made of plastic and paper. — Костюм сделан из пластика и бумаги.

Упражнение 4. Найдите ошибки

В этом задании вам нужно найти и отметить ошибки в тексте.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. You made right decision. — Вы приняли верное решение.
  2. I forgot to do my homework. — Я забыл сделать домашнее задание.
  3. He is doing well at work. — Он хорошо справляется с работой.
  4. It doesn’t make any difference whether we are right or not. — Не имеет значения, правы мы или нет.
  5. Don’t make fun of people. — Не смейся над людьми.


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15 авг. 2018

  • Бенгальский
  • Английский (британский вариант)

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

2 is more natural.

Doing is more of a present-tense verb in this sentence.

  • Английский (британский вариант)
    Практически свободно говорящий

  • Хинди
    Практически свободно говорящий

  • Тамильский

2nd is the right one…
forget — present forgot — past
do/does — present. did- past doing — continuous

However mistake is not on tense…,
u can say, I forgot that am doing my homework
but it is different conception
so 2nd one is the appropriate
I forgot to do my homework

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Which one sounds natural or Grammatically correct? 
1. I forgot to doing my homework. 
2. I forgot to do my homework. 
Plz explain as much as possible.

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    What are you trying to say

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    2 I am doing the work.

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    «I work the hardest here.»

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    Number 1 sounds natural
    Number 2 change to “ I’ve been studying for most of the day”
    Number 3 change to “ I’ve been studying for the whole day”

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    2. I always do my homework on the weekend.
    Which one is…


    Both are correct! I would use number 2 more often though

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    1. I finished my homework.

    2. I finished with my homework.


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    2. I’m on my way to work.
    3. I’m on my way to …


    @Alice_An 2. I’m on my way to work

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  • #1

I usually ask students to show me their homework. Sometimes some of them show me blank pages. Which one sounds better?

(1) Sorry, I forgot to do my homework.
(2) Sorry, I have forgotten to do my homework.

I believe the following is right.
(3) Sorry, I haven’t done my homework.

That means, should they use simple past tense or present prefect tense with ‘forget’?

Sometimes some of them don’t have the textbook with them. Again, which one is correct?

(a) Sorry, I forgot to bring my book.
(b) Sorry, I haven’t brought my book.

    • #2

    Hello Markingbee,

    It helps if you follow the rule that you only ask one question.

    I’ll try your first question:

    1. sounds better than 2. but one could say either.


    • #3

    The present perfect is fine in (3), but not quite so good in (2).

    I’m not sure why this should be, so let’s examine the two sentences.

    I forgot to do my homework.
    I forgot (at the appropriate time, probably yesterday evening) to do my homework. If I had noticed that, late last night, as I was putting my books away, I might have said to myself «Oh, no! I’ve forgotten to do my English homework. The teacher is going to be angry». At that moment, there was still the possibility of my sitting down again and doing that piece of homework, and that’s why it would have been natural to have used the present perfect. But I was very tired and I went to bed. At school the next day, the forgetting is in the past, so I use the simple past tense.

    I haven’t done my homework.
    This use of the present perfect is very appropriate when I get to school and admit to the teacher what the present state of affairs is: I haven’t done my homework, and I know there are going to be consequences (the teacher is going to admonish or punish me in some way). The soon-to-be-experienced consequences of my not having done the task are more significant than the fact that yesterday I did not do/forgot to do my homework.

    Выбирите правильный))


    2) I forgot to (make/do) my English homework last night.

    3) My mother (does/makes) all the housework in our house.

    4) I had to (make/do) my own dinner last night.

    5) Did you (make/do) English at school?


    1) He (made/did) a lot of money when he worked in America.

    2) It’s not always easy to (make/do) friends in a foreign country.

    3) I (made/did) a one-week course in programming.

    4) We must (make/do) a decision before 6 p. m.

    5) I can’t work when the children (make/do) a lot of noise.

    Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Выбирите правильный)) 1-вариант 2) I forgot to (make/do) my English homework last night. 3) My mother (does/makes) all the housework in our …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

    Искать другие ответы

    Главная » ⭐️ Английский язык » Выбирите правильный)) 1-вариант 2) I forgot to (make/do) my English homework last night. 3) My mother (does/makes) all the housework in our house. 4) I had to (make/do) my own dinner last night.

    Практическое занятие 4. Задание 2.

    Найдите и нажмите на все слова, связанные с обязанностями воспитателей

    детского сада/педагогов дополнительного образования/педагогов начальных классов,

    упоминаемые в тексте (чтобы выполнить это упражнение без затруднений,

    рекомендуется сначала перевести текст).

    1. All children need attention and care especially those who are learning how to be independent.

    2. I would like to surround babies with my love and help them to get used to kindergarten, teach them everything I know and also instill moral values.

    3. I understand that kindergarten teachers have a great responsibility.

    4. First of all, they are responsible for children’s health and they should make sure children do not get injured at the playground.

    5. Of course, kindergarten teachers cannot scream at children or punish them.

    6. I think it is the most important thing every teacher should know.

    Практическое занятие 5. Задание 1

    Переведите лексические единицы с русского языка на английский:

    Практическое занятие 5. Задание 2.

    Отметьте ошибки в предложениях, нажав на них. Обратите внимание, что ошибки могут быть не в каждом предложении

    1. You did right decision.

    2. I forgot to do my homework.

    3. He is making well at work.

    4. It doesn’t do any difference whether we are right or not.

    5. Don’t make fun of people.

    Практическое занятие 7. Задание 4.

    Переведите лексические единицы с русского языка на английский:

    Why is it wrong to say this sentence and what grammar rules are broken

    asked May 16, 2013 at 15:36

    tinaserafin's user avatar


    If someone told you that

    I’m afraid I forgot my homework at home.

    is wrong, the only possible reason is that that someone believes you should have said either:

    I’m afraid I forgot my homework. I left it at home.


    I’m afraid I left my homework at home.

    The string «I forgot my homework at home» is ambiguous. When you were at home and supposed to be doing your homework, did you forget that you had homework to do? If so, then you should say:

    I’m afraid that after I arrived home yesterday, I forgot that I had homework to do, so I didn’t do it.

    The problem is one of semantics, not grammar. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

    However, most native speakers would understand your sentence to mean that you were claiming two things:

    (1) I did my homework.


    (2) I forgot to bring it with me. It’s still at home.

    answered May 16, 2013 at 16:23

    The verb forget does not take an indirect object marked by at, whereas leave may.

    So, in

    I left my homework at home.

    the at home phrase is an argument of the verb, specifying its meaning.
    whereas in

    I forgot my homework at home.

    it is not, and can only be an adjunct: specifying where the action took place, not being part of the meaning of the action. Furthermore, forget in the special sense of leave behind (as opposed to forget about) is not really compatible with such a locational phrase.

    As Frustratedwithformsdesigner says, the second sentence is understandable in context, but it is not something that a native speaker would say, except in the rather unusual meaning where at home is an adjunct; something like

    I was thinking about my homework all the time I was at the gym, and then on the bus, but I forgot my homework at home.

    For your meaning, either

    I forgot my homework.
    I left my homework at home.
    would be the normal ways to express it.

    answered May 16, 2013 at 18:45

    Colin Fine's user avatar

    Colin FineColin Fine

    75.4k1 gold badge92 silver badges195 bronze badges


    When I look at this, the way I see it as being wrong is that you left out the word «that»: «I’m afraid that I forgot my homework at home.»

    Without the «that,» you technically have two complete sentences: «I’m afraid.» «I forgot my homework at home.» This is technically a run-on.

    Although, in informal English, I’d say this is fine.

    answered Nov 20, 2015 at 17:34

    Kelsey's user avatar


    Выбирите правильный))

    1 — вариант

    2) I forgot to (make / do) my English homework last night.

    3) My mother (does / makes) all the housework in our house.

    4) I had to (make / do) my own dinner last night.

    5) Did you (make / do) English at school?

    2 — вариант

    1) He (made / did) a lot of money when he worked in America.

    2) It’s not always easy to (make / do) friends in a foreign country.

    3) I (made / did) a one — week course in programming.

    4) We must (make / do) a decision before 6 p.

    M. 5) I can’t work when the children (make / do) a lot of noise.

    На этой странице находится вопрос Выбирите правильный))1 — вариант2) I forgot to (make / do) my English homework last night?. Здесь же – ответы на него,
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    • #1

    I usually ask students to show me their homework. Sometimes some of them show me blank pages. Which one sounds better?

    (1) Sorry, I forgot to do my homework.
    (2) Sorry, I have forgotten to do my homework.

    I believe the following is right.
    (3) Sorry, I haven’t done my homework.

    That means, should they use simple past tense or present prefect tense with ‘forget’?

    Sometimes some of them don’t have the textbook with them. Again, which one is correct?

    (a) Sorry, I forgot to bring my book.
    (b) Sorry, I haven’t brought my book.

    • #2

    Hello Markingbee,

    It helps if you follow the rule that you only ask one question.

    I’ll try your first question:

    1. sounds better than 2. but one could say either.

    • #3

    The present perfect is fine in (3), but not quite so good in (2).

    I’m not sure why this should be, so let’s examine the two sentences.

    I forgot to do my homework.
    I forgot (at the appropriate time, probably yesterday evening) to do my homework. If I had noticed that, late last night, as I was putting my books away, I might have said to myself «Oh, no! I’ve forgotten to do my English homework. The teacher is going to be angry». At that moment, there was still the possibility of my sitting down again and doing that piece of homework, and that’s why it would have been natural to have used the present perfect. But I was very tired and I went to bed. At school the next day, the forgetting is in the past, so I use the simple past tense.

    I haven’t done my homework.
    This use of the present perfect is very appropriate when I get to school and admit to the teacher what the present state of affairs is: I haven’t done my homework, and I know there are going to be consequences (the teacher is going to admonish or punish me in some way). The soon-to-be-experienced consequences of my not having done the task are more significant than the fact that yesterday I did not do/forgot to do my homework.

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