Http 905 ошибка

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Настройка IP-телефонии на Avaya S8400

Здравствуйте. Поделитесь пожалуйста мануалом на русском языке по настройки IP-телефонии на Avaya S8400. А то пришли платы TN2302IP и TN799DP, а я тыкаюсь, не понимая, что делаю. Как я понял, сначала надо настроить плату TN799DP C-LAN через ch node-names ip. Потом настроить IP-интерфейс через add ip-interface… Потом add datamodule. Впоследствии настроить плату TN2302AP IP. Настраивать надо, подключившись к этим платам напрямую (т.к. ch node-names ip надо вводить при настройке TN2302 и TN799)?

Да и не совсем понимаю таблицу change node-names ip.

Какие IP-адреса брать, т.е. должны ли они быть из того же диапазона, что и у медиасервера S8400?

С курсов Avaya MultiVantage ничего не помню уже, т.к. сразу не закрепил практикой, в отличие от стандартной телефонии.

На совсем крайний случай подойдёт на англ.мануал.

Заранее благодарен!


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freeud »

Подключаться напрямую не надо. Настройте node-names ip(принцип DNS-сервера), затем add ip-interface, возможно подкрутить network-region понадобиться. Адрессация может быть любая, всё решает маршрутизатор через который будете стыковаться с др. сетями.


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Boxer »

В change node-names ip присвоил имена и ввёл IP-адреса для TN2302IP и TN799DP. Затем через change ip-interface 01c01 и …01c02 и настроил маску и Gateway Address. Только не понимаю в Gateway Address чей всё же IP прописывать? Когда прописываю в Network Region IP платы TN8400AP Media Server, то пингую только TN2302.
Ещё вопрос — к общей локальной сети, где телефоны надо подключать обе платы TN2302IP и TN799DP?
Network Region поставил 4, думаю, здесь не важно какой, главное, чтобы везде одинаковый (телефоны в одной сети к одной плате C-LAN).


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freeud »

Gateway Address — адрес шлюза который будет маршрутизировать в другие подсети.
Network Region на пинги никак не влияет. У Вас все проблемы и вопросы связаны с маршрутизацией tcp/ip. С помощью Network Region решаются вопросы с кодеками и протоколами передачи факс-модем, в распределённой топологии можно распределять нагрузку.


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Boxer »

В Gateway Address для TN2302IP и TN799DP поставил адрес шлюза —, но телефон не находит сервер. IPу телефон поставил, TN2302IP —, TN799DP — Телефон при загрузке выдаёт HTTP 1-404.

На аппарате 1608-I ввёл:

Там же возникают проблемы, если файловый сервер не указать?


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freeud »

регистрироваться надо не на medpro а на clan


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freeud »

т.е. CallSv


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Re: Настройка IP-телефонии на Avaya S8400


Boxer »

CallSv прописал Поднял tftp-сервер (без него, судя по мануалу, работать не будет).

При регистрации телефона выдаёт HTTPS: 1-905, HTTP: 1-905. Это означает, что интерфейс с таким именем не зарегистрирован на маршрутизаторе? На пути от АТС до телефона вообще нет маршрутизаторов.

Ещё, пинги вот такие:

ping ip-address board 01C01 (MedPro):; 01C01; IPMEDPRO; FAIL;2805

ping ip-address board 01C02 (C-LAN):; 01C0217; ETH-PT; ABORT; 1125

Что-то вообще зашёл в тупик. Не идёт телефония. Положил АТС, поменяв IP-адрес на Ethernet 2:Control Network A, когда зашёл через web-интерфейс в Configure Server. Ненадолго оставил завод без связи так… За что отвечает эта настройка и почему там именно, а при изменении вся АТС виснет? А в Ethernet 3: Enterprise LAN Interface у Gateway поставил, его же указал в Gateway Address, при настройках C-LAN и MedPro.

Может, я не тот диапазон IP-адресов беру или какую перемычку или патч-корд между платами не поставил?

Поможите народ, плиз! Могу скинуть на почту логи с настройками и скриншоты с web-интерфейса, чтобы тыкнули, где не так делаю.


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Re: Настройка IP-телефонии на Avaya S8400


Pterodahtil »

1. для работы телефона tftp или http сервер НЕ нужен.
2. для 16хх серии нужен HTTP сервер в случаи обновления прошивок. Дополнительно для сохранения настроек телефона
3. На аппарате 1608-I ввёл:
Router — забавно. А кто будет маршрутизацией заниматься?
FileSv — напишите тоже
VLAN ID 0 — точно vlan нет?

Настрою IP Office и классическую Avaya


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Откуда: Красноярск
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05-16-2012, 08:38 PM



Join Date: May 2012

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brgnewman has 10 reputation points

HTTP 905 Error on 96xxupgrade.txt

Lately I’ve noticed when our phones boot up the following prompts/messages come up on the phone’s display and new/edited configuration files are not processed by the deskphones:

As I mentioned above, I have been attempting to alter some of our configuration files and create new ones, but the deskphones never process the newly updated/created ones. Once the phone receives the HTTP 905 error with the 96xxupgrade.txt file, it just contacts the call server and logs the user into their phone with the existing stored configuration files. When I open the link through the web browser on my computer, I can see the changes I have made — but this 905 error stops the phone from seeing them.

Our Call Server ( is a IP Office 500 (R8) and it hosts everything from the file server (SD Card), HTTP/HTTPS/TFTP server, and DHCP server — the only thing running on a separate box is the Voicemail Server.

Unless there is something special that I am suppose to do after uploading files to IP Office’s SD Card (through the IP Office Manager’s File Management tool), I think we have a problem here. To verify that the configuration files are not at fault I have successfully loaded them onto an individual phone using Avaya’s MV_IPTel utility.

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05-17-2012, 11:08 AM




Join Date: Aug 2010

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pdgavin has 10 reputation points

HTTP 905 Error on 96xxupgrade.txt

Which phones are you using? The older 9600 series phones, 9620L, 9620C, 9630G, 9640, 9640G, 9650, 9650C can be upgraded using the SD card but the newer 96×1 phones require an external HTTP server due to the size of the bin files. If you have installed IIS on the Voicemail Pro server you can use that as your HTTP server. In Manager in the system tab you would put the IP address of that computer as the HTTP server and for Phone File Server Type: leave it as Custom.

You would have to setup IIS as a file server in the wwwroot folder put all the bin files from the administration DVD.


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05-18-2012, 10:22 AM



Join Date: May 2012

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brgnewman has 10 reputation points


We currently have a mix of 1616, 9608, 9620L, and 9650C models on our network.

I just logged into the Avaya IP Office Manager and noticed the following on the System tab:
TFTP Server IP Address:
HTTP Server IP Address:
Phone File Server Type: Manager
Manager PC IP Address:

However, is our Voicemail Server and is our IP Office 500 (R8)…so, shouldn’t it be:
TFTP Server IP Address:
HTTP Server IP Address:
Phone File Server Type: Memory Card
Manager PC IP Address:

The joys of taking over someone else’s IT infrastructure!

EDIT: And yes, the IIS role is not installed on our Voicemail Server.

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05-20-2012, 11:17 PM



Join Date: May 2012

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brgnewman has 10 reputation points


I was able to take down our phone system this weekend and switch the Phone File Server Type from Manager to Memory Card.

After the restart, all our phones came back online and successfully downloaded the 96xxupgrade and 46xxsettings from our IP Office

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05-21-2012, 08:38 AM




Join Date: Aug 2010

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pdgavin has 10 reputation points


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07-17-2014, 08:33 AM


Good to know the issue is resolved

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The most common reason for the 905 error code on the HBO Max app is poor internet speed. A lot of times, rebooting the router can fix the speed-related issues on your network. To do this, unplug your modem or router from the main power outlet and wait for 30-45 seconds.


  • 1 How do I fix error 905?
  • 2 What is error 905 Google Play?
  • 3 What does server error mean on my phone?
  • 4 How do I get rid of error 495?
  • 5 What is error code 905 on HBO Max?
  • 6 How do I get rid of server error on my phone?
  • 7 How do I fix the server problem on my phone?
  • 8 What does error while retrieving information from server DF Dferh 01 mean?
  • 9 Why do I keep getting error code on HBO Max?
  • 10 How do I fix HBO Max error?
  • 11 Why isn’t HBO Max working on my Samsung TV?
  • 12 Why do I keep getting a server error?
  • 13 Can’t connect to server on Android?
  • 14 What is a 501 error?
  • 15 What are servers in Internet?
  • 16 What is a computer server?
  • 17 Who is my server on this phone?
  • 18 How do I fix my Google server?
  • 19 How do I connect to server on Android phone?
  • 20 Is Google Play server down?

How do I fix error 905?

Google Play Store cache is corrupted – In most cases, the issue occurs if the Google Play Store cache ends up containing corrupted files. If this scenario is applicable, you can resolve the issue by deleting the cache and data of the app.

What is error 905 Google Play?

Sometimes while updating or downloading apps from the Google Play Store, users are met with an error message that reads, “App could not be downloaded due to an error. (492, 910, 905 etc)”. This error occurs when data stored in Google Play Store’s cache becomes corrupt.

What does server error mean on my phone?

Normally, Google Play Store throws up the “Server error” when the internet is not working on your device. If you are on a Wi-Fi network, check whether your Wi-Fi internet is working or not.If the web page also doesn’t open, something is wrong with your internet connection.

How do I get rid of error 495?

Error code (495) on your Android phone comes up when the app you’re trying to download won’t download.
Method 2: Disable and Re-enable Download Manager

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Tap Apps.
  3. Locate Download Manager and open App Details.
  4. Disable it, then re-enable it and Test.

What is error code 905 on HBO Max?

The most common reason for the 905 error code on the HBO Max app is poor internet speed. A lot of times, rebooting the router can fix the speed-related issues on your network.Now plug the router back into the main power outlet and wait for a few minutes until all the lights on the modem/router turn green.

How do I get rid of server error on my phone?

Method 4: Navigate to Settings > Accounts > Google > Remove Gmail accounts. Use another Gmail account to log in. Then, force stop the app, clear cache and data and add your Gmail account again.

How do I fix the server problem on my phone?

‘Server Error’: How to Fix Google Playstore Error

  1. Uninstall updates from the Play Store and then upgrade.
  2. Log out of the Google Play Store account and log in again.
  3. Clear Play Store cache and force app stop.
  4. Setting the phone time in automatic mode.
  5. Disconnect from Wi-Fi and use mobile data.

What does error while retrieving information from server DF Dferh 01 mean?

Some users might be facing this issue due to an outdated version of PlayStore or because their version of PlayStore might not be able to update automatically. Therefore, in this step, we will be installing a new version of PlayStore after downloading it as an APK. For that: Download the PlayStore APK from here.

Why do I keep getting error code on HBO Max?

Make sure you have the latest version of the HBO Max app.If there’s an app update, download it and see if the issue is resolved. Computer: Go to and do a hard refresh for the page. To find out how to do this, search the Internet for ‘hard refresh’ + the name of your browser (e.g. ‘hard refresh Chrome’).

How do I fix HBO Max error?

Fix HBO Max error Oops, Something went wrong and Service Error

  1. Reload the HBO Max page or log out and log back into your account.
  2. Play another HBO Max movie or series.
  3. Clear your web browser and HBO Max app cache.
  4. Restart your network device/router.

Why isn’t HBO Max working on my Samsung TV?

If your Samsung TV won’t play HBO Max videos, it may be that HBO Max needs to be updated. To do this, open the Smart Hub on your Samsung TV and select ‘Apps’ > click on the ‘Settings’ icon > ‘Updates’ > ‘HBO Max’ > then select ‘Update’ to complete the process and resolve video play issues.

Why do I keep getting a server error?

An internal server error happens when the server encounters a situation it doesn’t know how to handle. Occasionally, your browser can be the source of these kinds of errors.Clear the browser cache. Clear cookies.

Can’t connect to server on Android?

Restart your device.
It might sound simple, but sometimes that’s all it takes to fix a bad connection. If restarting doesn’t work, switch between Wi-Fi and mobile data: Open your Settings app and tap Network & internet or Connections. Depending on your device, these options may be different.

What is a 501 error?

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 501 Not Implemented server error response code means that the server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.501 is the appropriate response when the server does not recognize the request method and is incapable of supporting it for any resource.

What are servers in Internet?

A server is a software or hardware device that accepts and responds to requests made over a network.On the Internet, the term “server” commonly refers to the computer system that receives requests for a web files and sends those files to the client.

What is a computer server?

A server is a computer connected to a network of other workstations called ‘clients’. Client computers request information from the server over the network. Servers tend to have more storage, memory and processing power than a normal workstation.

Who is my server on this phone?

Tap and hold on your current connected Wi-Fi connection, until a pop-up window appears and select Modify Network Config. You should now be able to scroll down a list of options on your screen. Please scroll down until you see DNS 1 and DNS 2. These are the two DNS addresses saved on your device.

How do I fix my Google server?

How to fix the Google server problem on your Android phone?

  1. First, check your internet connection.
  2. Try connecting to another network.
  3. Ensure your device’s date and time are correct.
  4. Incapacitate 2-step authentication.
  5. Remove your Google account.
  6. Clear the information and reserve of Google Services.

How do I connect to server on Android phone?

Connecting your Android Device to the Exchange Server

  1. Open your applications menu and press the email icon.
  2. Enter your email address and password.
  3. Select manual setup.
  4. Select Exchange.
  5. Enter in the following information. DomainUsername = acenetusername.
  6. Change your account options.
  7. Final page.

Is Google Play server down? is UP and reachable by us.

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http 905 error on 4621SW phone

http 905 error on 4621SW phone


While upgrading 4621SW phones from firmware 2.4 to 2.704 some phones (not all) do not set the fileserver correct. During there boot procedure the phone gives a 905 http error.

Last sunday we have installed 400 new phones (delivered with FM 2.2)without any problems. They now run on FM 2.704.

We checked DHCP option 176 etc..

somebody any idea ????

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