Htpasswd 500 ошибка

I’m working on blocking a folder with .htaccess, which I’ve never used before, and I’m having some trouble. Here’s what I have

.htaccess (located in the folder I want blocked):

AuthName "Username and password required"
AuthUserFile /.htpasswd 
Require valid-user
AuthType Basic

.htpasswd (located at root, password is encrypted in actual file):


I’m getting 500 Internal Server errors with this and I can’t figure out why.

asked Sep 27, 2013 at 21:46

Tim Aych's user avatar


Most likely problem is this line:

AuthUserFile /.htpasswd 

This line should provide full filesystem path to the password file e.g.

AuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswd 

To discover your filesystem path, you can create a PHP document containing


Chuck Le Butt's user avatar

Chuck Le Butt

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answered Sep 27, 2013 at 21:54

anubhava's user avatar


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If nothing helped and you’re using PHP you can make it work by putting this in your index.php (on top):

if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) {
    if ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] !== 'user' || 
        $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] !== 'pass') {

        header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Protected area"');
        header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');

        die('Login failed');

answered Dec 5, 2014 at 20:11

Arne's user avatar


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Permissions can cause this issue too.

Make sure .htpasswd is readable by the web server user.

For instance, if you use nginx check the nginx.conf to find out what the server user is, if you use Apache you can find it out this way, etc.

Then set the right owners and read permissions to .htpasswd

Community's user avatar

answered Sep 19, 2014 at 23:22

Oriol's user avatar


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If you see 500 Internal Server error these days — it’s mostly due to the fact that in newer Apache versions the path in AuthUserFile has to be put inside quotation marks.

AuthUserFile "/var/www/somewhere/.htpasswd"

answered Sep 11, 2020 at 10:39

Hexodus's user avatar


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I would also add that some on some Web hosts, the .htpasswd file will not work if placed in a publicly accessible area. A recent installation I did confirmed this. As others have noted, it’s best to place this in the root of the site.

answered May 26, 2015 at 6:34

karolus's user avatar


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Had the same problem, it had to do with access! Have you given ownership of the password file to www-data user through

chown www-data /var/www/.htpasswd
chmod 640 /var/www/.htpasswd

? It’s best to keep the password, for obvious reasons, to keep the password somewhere outside the /var/www/ directory, let’s say /home/MYSERVER/ in such a case you also need to give ownership of this parent directory to the user www-data.

answered Jun 18, 2019 at 16:40

Lab Nap's user avatar

I have got same problem on Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS).

It turned out that Apache has some bug (, and you need to set password from console like this:

htpasswd -nb username newpassw > <path-to>/.htpasswd

answered Feb 3 at 13:30

ButcherFromHell's user avatar

Solved in .htaccess remove quote » and write full path for AuthUserFile then it will work.

Tested on xampp

AuthName "Restricted Area" 
AuthType Basic 
AuthUserFile C:/xampp/htdocs/.htpasswd 
AuthGroupFile /
Require valid-user



answered Jul 26 at 20:49

Hakan's user avatar


2584 silver badges4 bronze badges

I just edited the .htaccess file to include:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "My Protected Area"
AuthUserFile /home/path/to/public_html/
Require valid-user

I then created a .htpasswd file via the htpasswd command. I have enabled the module: LoadModule authn_file_module modules/ in the Apache configuration.

Now, when I load the page I get a 500 error and Apache log says:

configuration error: couldn’t check user. No user file?: /

MrWhite's user avatar


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asked Jan 6, 2011 at 15:00

bacord's user avatar


The AuthUserFile command is provided by the mod_authn_file module. Make sure your Apache configuration includes something along the lines of:

LoadModule authn_file_module modules/

This would need to go into the main server configuration, not in a .htaccess file. If you don’t have access to the main server configuration you’ll need to contact your local administrator.

answered Jan 6, 2011 at 15:06

larsks's user avatar


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I’ve created a .htaccess and a .htpasswd file, both using my hosting’s tool, uploaded them, and I get an error when I try to view the directory. Why?

my .htaccess file:

AuthName "Restricted Area" 
AuthType Basic 
AuthUserFile /home/u947248131/.htpasswd 
AuthGroupFile /dev/null 
require valid-user

asked Apr 27, 2013 at 18:25

David Abgaryan's user avatar

in your .htaccess file is it within

 <Directory /path/to/the/directory >
AuthName "Restricted Area" 
AuthType Basic 
AuthUserFile /home/u947248131/.htpasswd 
AuthGroupFile /dev/null 
require valid-user

More help

Otherwise if you can put the error log that would help

answered Apr 27, 2013 at 21:21

Joe Block's user avatar

  • #1


I am using vanilla install of
Plesk Onyx- Version 17.5.3 Update #12, last updated on July 4, 2017 01:32 PM
‪Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS‬ 64bit

I want to password protect WordPress file wp-login.php which works fine on friends shared hosting

however when I apply adjusted settings to Plesk, it doesn’t work

added to top of .htaccess file (vanilla WordPress install)


# Protect wp-login
<Files wp-login.php>
AuthUserFile /absolute/path/to-this-file/
AuthName "restricted access"
AuthType Basic
require user test1

Htpasswd Generator – Create htpasswd — Htaccess Tools

.htpasswd created with values



I have tried both Apache and NGINX, on NGINX it doesn’t work at all

  • #3

thank you @UFHH01

problem is resolved

here is how to prevent HTTP auth and allow only HTTPS auth


# Protect wp-login
<Files wp-login.php>
ErrorDocument 403
AuthType Basic
AuthName "restricted access"
AuthUserFile /absolute-path-format/
Require valid-user

  • #4

I have just tested this rule for Nginx — unfortunatelly it doesn’t work with Plesk Onyx 17.5

do you have idea why ?

here is my Apache & nginx Settings for that domain


gzip on;
gzip_disable "msie6";

gzip_vary on;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_comp_level 6;
gzip_buffers 16 8k;
gzip_http_version 1.1;
gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/javascript application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;

location ~*  \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|css|js|pdf)$ {expires 30d;}

if (!-e $request_filename) {
    set $test P;
if ($uri !~ ^/(plesk-stat|webstat|webstat-ssl|ftpstat|anon_ftpstat|awstats-icon|internal-nginx-static-location)) {
    set $test "${test}C";
if ($test = PC) {
    rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?$1;

# Disallow access to important files for ngninx
location ~* (/\.|wp-config\.php|(?<!robots)\.txt|(liesmich|readme).*) {
    return 444;

# Auth protection to wp-login.php for nginx
location = /wp-login.php {
    auth_basic "Restricted Admin-Area";
    auth_basic_user_file /var/www/vhosts/my-subscription/;
    include /etc/nginx/fastcgi.conf;

after Login form, PHP is «downloaded» and not processed :(

I would like to use Ngnix, thank you :)

Last edited:

Я работаю над блокировкой папки с помощью .htaccess, которую я никогда раньше не использовал, и у меня возникли проблемы. Вот что у меня есть

.htaccess (находится в папке, которую я хочу заблокировать):

AuthName "Username and password required"
AuthUserFile /.htpasswd 
Require valid-user
AuthType Basic

.htpasswd (находится в корневом каталоге, пароль зашифрован в реальном файле):


Я получаю 500 ошибок внутреннего сервера и не могу понять почему.

Tim Aych

Ответы (6)

Скорее всего проблема в этой строке:

AuthUserFile /.htpasswd 

В этой строке должен быть указан полный путь файловой системы к файлу паролей, например.

AuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswd 

Чтобы узнать путь к вашей файловой системе, вы можете создать документ PHP, содержащий



Если ничего не помогло и вы используете PHP, вы можете заставить его работать, поместив это в свой index.php (вверху):

if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) {
    if ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] != 'user' || 
        $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] != 'pass') {

        header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Protected area"');
        header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');

        die('Login failed!');


Разрешения тоже могут вызвать эту проблему.

Убедитесь, что .htpasswd доступен для чтения пользователю веб-сервера.

Например, если вы используете nginx, проверьте nginx.conf, чтобы узнать, что такое пользователь сервера, если вы используете Apache, вы можете узнать его таким образом и т. д.

Затем установите правообладателей и права на чтение .htpasswd


Если вы видите 500 Internal Server error в наши дни — это в основном из-за того, что в новых версиях Apache путь в AuthUserFile должен быть помещен внутри quotation marks.

AuthUserFile "/var/www/somewhere/.htpasswd"


Я бы также добавил, что на некоторых веб-хостах файл .htpasswd не будет работать, если он будет размещен в общедоступной области. Недавняя установка, которую я сделал, подтвердила это. Как отмечали другие, лучше всего разместить это в корне сайта.


Была такая же проблема, это было связано с доступом! Передали ли вы право владения файлом паролей www-data пользователю через

chown www-data /var/www/.htpasswd
chmod 640 /var/www/.htpasswd

? По очевидным причинам лучше всего сохранить пароль, чтобы сохранить пароль где-то за пределами каталога /var/www/, скажем /home/MYSERVER/, в таком случае вам также необходимо передать право владения этим родительским каталогом пользователю www-data.

Lab Nap

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