Hresult 0x8007000e ошибка

I have a .net 3.0 solution in VS 2005 Professional with SP1 with about 60 projects.  For the past couple of weeks, I have heard complaints from other developers on my team that they were occasionally see an error message when debugging that causes them to have to restart visual studio.  The error is as follows:

«A fatal error has occurred and debugging needs to be terminated.  For more details, please see the Microsoft Help and Support web site. HRESULT=0x8007000e. ErrorCode=0x0.»

This wasn’t a huge problem before, but as of yesterday, everyone is receiving this error 100% of the time.  It is impossible to run the project through the debugger since the IDE keeps crashing. 

The solution contains two startup projects.  The first is a server which is a console app and the second is a winforms client.  A few of the projects are common class libraries which are referenced by other projects.  The bulk of the projects are plugins to the system that are dynamically loaded at runtime into their own appdomains by the client and server.

If I run only a single project through the debugger, for instance the server, I do not see the problem.  The error seems to appear at the point where the application is loading its plugins, so I think this might be related to the number of assemblies dynamically loaded by the application.


I have applied the hot fix for KB number 912884 which did not help. 

While i am trying to run a MVC 2 application in VS 2008 i am getting following error:

A fatal error has occurred HRESULT=0x8007000e. Error Code=0x0

can any one explain what is the problem?

asked Mar 18, 2011 at 12:14

Muthu's user avatar

An HRESULT has three parts: some flags, a «facility» and the error code.


  • 8: Error
  • 7: FACILITY_WIN32: ie. this is a Windows error.

So you process or system is overloaded.

answered Mar 18, 2011 at 12:44

Richard's user avatar


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answered Mar 18, 2011 at 12:42

Zach Green's user avatar

Zach GreenZach Green

3,4215 gold badges29 silver badges32 bronze badges

I have a Visual Studio 2008 project that is proving difficult to debug. I need to attach to IIS 7 to debug it. At least 50% of the time I get the following error shortly after attaching to w3wp.exe:

Microsoft Visual Studio
A fatal error has occurred and debugging needs to be terminated.
For more details, please see the Microsoft Help and Support web site.
HRESULT=0x8007000e. ErrorCode=0x0.

It then terminates w3wp.exe.

I don’t get this problem with any other solution. Any ideas on how to fix this please?

asked Oct 28, 2010 at 0:54

Alex Angas's user avatar

Alex AngasAlex Angas

59.3k41 gold badges138 silver badges210 bronze badges

If you Google this error you’ll find a lot of information about it.

0x8007000e = The application is out of memory. Perhaps your computer does not have enough RAM and/or disk space.

answered Oct 28, 2010 at 1:15

tidwall's user avatar


This is also an issue with Visual Studio 2012 on a console project. Oddly enough the same projects in Visual studio 2010 do not cause the same issue.

Whereas it didn’t provide the information I needed, I found that you can launch without debugging and then attach the debugger to the process to gain access to your breakpoints without triggering the error.

For what its worth, I have noticed in a few posts online that people who are experiencing the issue tend to have multiple projects within the solution (including the OP).

answered Sep 7, 2012 at 19:17

Robert H's user avatar

Robert HRobert H

11.5k18 gold badges68 silver badges110 bronze badges

Had the same issue when I was working with web services based application.
I used Visual Studio 2012 + Win 7 (32bit) OS.

NONE of the solutions that I found with google has worked for me (wasn’t a RAM or disk space problem).

The only solution that worked for me: installing Win 7 64 bit OS.

Just backup your data & install 64bit OS + apply latest Win Updates.

answered Jan 3, 2013 at 8:38

C.L.'s user avatar


4524 silver badges11 bronze badges

Из-за ошибки 0x8007000e не заканчивается обновление Windows. Это вызвано:

  • повреждением системных файлов — сервис апдейта не может их заменить или модифицировать;
  • недостаточностью ресурсов компьютера;
  • внутренними сбоями сервиса обновления.

Есть несколько способов исправления проблемы.

Как исправить ошибку 0x8007000e?

№1: проверить целостность файлов ОС

Запустите запрос sfc /scannow в командной строке, открытой с правами администратора. При выполнении команды могут появляться сообщения о нахождении поврежденных файлов. Хорошо, если при этом такие файлы будут восстановлены. В ином случае создастся лог, где будет указано, какие файлы испорчены — их следует восстановить или заменить на оригинальные в ручном режиме. Если проверка sfc не обнаружит проблем — переходите к следующему способу.

№2: ручная установка обновлений

Скачайте и установите апдейт KB3050265. Еще попробуйте обновление KB3112343.

№3: убедитесь в достаточности памяти

Иногда на проблемном ПК недостаточно места для обновлений. Проверьте, что на системном диске имеется от 5 гигабайт свободного пространства. Если апдейты грузятся не напрямую с серверов Microsoft, а из хранилища рабочей сети, то обратитесь к его администратору. Пусть он проверит, что на сервере выделено не менее 1 гигабайта оперативной памяти для нужд сервиса обновлений клиентских компьютеров. Это должно устранить ошибку 0x8007000e.

> 2017-11-28 19:56:40 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.Program.Main:0 - Logger Initialized
> 2017-11-28 19:56:40 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm..ctor:0 - Instantiating MainForm
> 2017-11-28 19:56:40 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.SettingsManager.LoadSetttings:0 - Loading settings from user.config
> 2017-11-28 19:56:40 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.SettingsManager.LoadSetttings:0 - Loaded settings from user.config
> 2017-11-28 19:56:40 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.UpdateChecker.StartUpdateCheck:0 - Starting update check
> 2017-11-28 19:56:41 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.Init:0 - Initialization requested with parameters reInit=False, forceOn=False
> 2017-11-28 19:56:41 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.Init:0 - Initialization lock set
> 2017-11-28 19:56:41 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ToggleCapture:0 - Processing toggle capture command: ON
> 2017-11-28 19:56:41 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ToggleCapture:0 - Toggle capture lock set
> 2017-11-28 19:56:41 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ToggleCapture:0 - Executing toggle capture command on a new Thread[IsBackground = True]
> 2017-11-28 19:56:41 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.Init:0 - Initialization lock unset
> 2017-11-28 19:56:41 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm..ctor:0 - MainForm Instantiated
> 2017-11-28 19:56:44 [INFO] [4] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ExecuteToggleCaptureCommand:0 - Toggle capture lock unset
> 2017-11-28 19:56:51 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.Program.Main:0 - Logger Initialized
> 2017-11-28 19:56:51 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm..ctor:0 - Instantiating MainForm
> 2017-11-28 19:56:51 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.SettingsManager.LoadSetttings:0 - Loading settings from user.config
> 2017-11-28 19:56:51 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.SettingsManager.LoadSetttings:0 - Loaded settings from user.config
> 2017-11-28 19:56:51 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.UpdateChecker.StartUpdateCheck:0 - Starting update check
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.Init:0 - Initialization requested with parameters reInit=False, forceOn=False
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.Init:0 - Initialization lock set
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ToggleCapture:0 - Processing toggle capture command: ON
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ToggleCapture:0 - Toggle capture lock set
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ToggleCapture:0 - Executing toggle capture command on a new Thread[IsBackground = True]
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.Init:0 - Initialization lock unset
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm..ctor:0 - MainForm Instantiated
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [4] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.EnableCapture:0 - Enabling 0 screen capture(s)
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [4] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.EnableCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Enabling screen capture
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [4] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.EnableCapture:0 - Enabled 1 screen capture(s)
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [4] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ExecuteToggleCaptureCommand:0 - Toggle capture command ON completed
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [4] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ExecuteToggleCaptureCommand:0 - Toggle capture lock unset
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.InitScreenCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Initializing screen capture
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.InitScreenCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Screen capture initialized
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.ConnectProtoClients:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Connecting ProtoClient[ (10)]
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.Dispose:0 - Disconnecting ProtoClient[ (10)]
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.TryClearPriority:0 - Clearing Hyperion priority for ProtoClient[ (10)]
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.TryClearPriority:0 - Hyperion priority cleared for ProtoClient[ (10)]
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.Dispose:0 - ProtoClient[ (10)] disconnected
> 2017-11-28 19:56:52 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.Connect:0 - ProtoClient[ (10)] Init lock set
> 2017-11-28 19:56:54 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ShowSetupFrom:0 - Loading SetupForm
> 2017-11-28 19:56:54 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.SetupForm..ctor:0 - Instantiating SetupForm
> 2017-11-28 19:56:54 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.SetupForm.LoadSettings:0 - Loading settings using SettingsManager
> 2017-11-28 19:56:54 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.SettingsManager.LoadSetttings:0 - Loading settings from user.config
> 2017-11-28 19:56:54 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.SettingsManager.LoadSetttings:0 - Loaded settings from user.config
> 2017-11-28 19:56:54 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.SetupForm.LoadSettings:0 - Finished loading settings using SettingsManager
> 2017-11-28 19:56:54 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.SetupForm..ctor:0 - SetupForm Instantiated
> 2017-11-28 19:56:56 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.TrayIcon_DoubleClick:0 - Tray icon double clicked
> 2017-11-28 19:56:56 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ToggleCapture:0 - Processing toggle capture command: OFF
> 2017-11-28 19:56:56 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ToggleCapture:0 - Toggle capture lock set
> 2017-11-28 19:56:56 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ToggleCapture:0 - Executing toggle capture command on a new Thread[IsBackground = True]
> 2017-11-28 19:56:56 [INFO] [4] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.DisableCapture:0 - Disabling 1 screen capture(s)
> 2017-11-28 19:56:56 [INFO] [4] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.DisableCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Disabling screen capture
> 2017-11-28 19:56:58 [INFO] [4] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.DisableCapture:0 - Disabled 1 screen capture(s)
> 2017-11-28 19:56:58 [INFO] [4] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ExecuteToggleCaptureCommand:0 - Toggle capture command OFF completed
> 2017-11-28 19:56:58 [INFO] [4] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ExecuteToggleCaptureCommand:0 - Toggle capture lock unset
> 2017-11-28 19:57:01 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.Connect:0 - ProtoClient[ (10)] Init lock unset
> 2017-11-28 19:57:01 [ERROR] [5] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Exception in screen capture attempt: 1
> System.Exception: Failed to connect to Hyperion server using ProtoClient[ (10)] ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte
>    bei System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.Connect(String hostname, Int32 port)
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.Connect()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.ConnectProtoClients()
>    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.ConnectProtoClients()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture()
> 2017-11-28 19:57:01 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Waiting before next screen capture attempt
> 2017-11-28 19:57:02 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.Dispose:0 - Disconnecting ProtoClient[ (10)]
> 2017-11-28 19:57:02 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.TryClearPriority:0 - Clearing Hyperion priority for ProtoClient[ (10)]
> 2017-11-28 19:57:02 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.TryClearPriority:0 - Hyperion priority cleared for ProtoClient[ (10)]
> 2017-11-28 19:57:02 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.Dispose:0 - ProtoClient[ (10)] disconnected
> 2017-11-28 19:57:02 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.TryStartCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Screen Capture finished
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.TrayIcon_DoubleClick:0 - Tray icon double clicked
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ToggleCapture:0 - Processing toggle capture command: ON
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ToggleCapture:0 - Toggle capture lock set
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [1] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ToggleCapture:0 - Executing toggle capture command on a new Thread[IsBackground = True]
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [7] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.EnableCapture:0 - Enabling 1 screen capture(s)
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [7] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.EnableCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Enabling screen capture
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [8] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.InitScreenCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Initializing screen capture
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [7] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.EnableCapture:0 - Enabled 1 screen capture(s)
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [7] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ExecuteToggleCaptureCommand:0 - Toggle capture command ON completed
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [7] HyperionScreenCap.MainForm.ExecuteToggleCaptureCommand:0 - Toggle capture lock unset
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [8] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.InitScreenCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Screen capture initialized
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [8] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.ConnectProtoClients:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Connecting ProtoClient[ (10)]
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [8] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.Dispose:0 - Disconnecting ProtoClient[ (10)]
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [8] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.TryClearPriority:0 - Clearing Hyperion priority for ProtoClient[ (10)]
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [8] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.TryClearPriority:0 - Hyperion priority cleared for ProtoClient[ (10)]
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [8] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.Dispose:0 - ProtoClient[ (10)] disconnected
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [8] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.Connect:0 - ProtoClient[ (10)] Init lock set
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [8] HyperionScreenCap.ProtoClient.Connect:0 - ProtoClient[ (10)] Init lock unset
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [8] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.ConnectProtoClients:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: ProtoClient[ (10)] connected
> 2017-11-28 19:58:56 [INFO] [8] HyperionScreenCap.NotificationUtils.Info:0 - Info notification: Connected to Hyperion server using ProtoClient[ (10)]!
> 2017-11-28 19:58:57 [ERROR] [8] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Exception in screen capture attempt: 1
> System.Exception: Error occured while sending image to server: HRESULT: [0x8007000E], Module: [General], ApiCode: [E_OUTOFMEMORY/Out of memory], Message: Für diesen Vorgang ist nicht genügend Speicher verfügbar.
>  ---> SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x8007000E], Module: [General], ApiCode: [E_OUTOFMEMORY/Out of memory], Message: Für diesen Vorgang ist nicht genügend Speicher verfügbar.
>    bei SharpDX.Result.CheckError()
>    bei SharpDX.Direct3D11.DeviceContext.MapSubresource(Resource resourceRef, Int32 subresource, MapMode mapType, MapFlags mapFlags)
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.DX11ScreenCapture.ManagedCapture()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.DX11ScreenCapture.Capture()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.TransmitNextFrame()
>    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.TransmitNextFrame()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture()
> 2017-11-28 19:58:57 [INFO] [8] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Waiting before next screen capture attempt
> 2017-11-28 19:58:58 [ERROR] [8] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Exception in screen capture attempt: 2
> System.Exception: Error occured while sending image to server: HRESULT: [0x8007000E], Module: [General], ApiCode: [E_OUTOFMEMORY/Out of memory], Message: Für diesen Vorgang ist nicht genügend Speicher verfügbar.
>  ---> SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x8007000E], Module: [General], ApiCode: [E_OUTOFMEMORY/Out of memory], Message: Für diesen Vorgang ist nicht genügend Speicher verfügbar.
>    bei SharpDX.Result.CheckError()
>    bei SharpDX.Direct3D11.DeviceContext.MapSubresource(Resource resourceRef, Int32 subresource, MapMode mapType, MapFlags mapFlags)
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.DX11ScreenCapture.ManagedCapture()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.DX11ScreenCapture.Capture()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.TransmitNextFrame()
>    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.TransmitNextFrame()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture()
> 2017-11-28 19:58:58 [INFO] [8] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Waiting before next screen capture attempt
> 2017-11-28 19:58:59 [ERROR] [8] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Exception in screen capture attempt: 1
> System.Exception: Error occured while sending image to server: HRESULT: [0x8007000E], Module: [General], ApiCode: [E_OUTOFMEMORY/Out of memory], Message: Für diesen Vorgang ist nicht genügend Speicher verfügbar.
>  ---> SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x8007000E], Module: [General], ApiCode: [E_OUTOFMEMORY/Out of memory], Message: Für diesen Vorgang ist nicht genügend Speicher verfügbar.

ANd also while starting up I get this. Software starts, and immediately quits (I start as admin). This is with DX9

> 2017-11-29 20:00:30 [ERROR] [5] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Exception in screen capture attempt: 1
> System.Exception: Error occured while sending image to server: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Invalid call (-2005530516) ---> SlimDX.Direct3D9.Direct3D9Exception: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Invalid call (-2005530516)
>    bei SlimDX.Result.Throw[T](Object dataKey, Object dataValue)
>    bei SlimDX.Result.Record[T](Int32 hr, Boolean failed, Object dataKey, Object dataValue)
>    bei SlimDX.Direct3D9.Device.GetFrontBufferData(Int32 swapChain, Surface destinationSurface)
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.DX9ScreenCapture.GetCaptureSurface()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.DX9ScreenCapture.Capture()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.TransmitNextFrame()
>    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.TransmitNextFrame()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture()
> 2017-11-29 20:00:30 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Waiting before next screen capture attempt
> 2017-11-29 20:00:31 [ERROR] [5] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Exception in screen capture attempt: 2
> System.Exception: Error occured while sending image to server: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Invalid call (-2005530516) ---> SlimDX.Direct3D9.Direct3D9Exception: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Invalid call (-2005530516)
>    bei SlimDX.Result.Throw[T](Object dataKey, Object dataValue)
>    bei SlimDX.Result.Record[T](Int32 hr, Boolean failed, Object dataKey, Object dataValue)
>    bei SlimDX.Direct3D9.Device.GetFrontBufferData(Int32 swapChain, Surface destinationSurface)
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.DX9ScreenCapture.GetCaptureSurface()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.DX9ScreenCapture.Capture()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.TransmitNextFrame()
>    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.TransmitNextFrame()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture()
> 2017-11-29 20:00:31 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Waiting before next screen capture attempt
> 2017-11-29 20:00:57 [ERROR] [5] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Exception in screen capture attempt: 1
> System.Exception: Error occured while sending image to server: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Invalid call (-2005530516) ---> SlimDX.Direct3D9.Direct3D9Exception: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Invalid call (-2005530516)
>    bei SlimDX.Result.Throw[T](Object dataKey, Object dataValue)
>    bei SlimDX.Result.Record[T](Int32 hr, Boolean failed, Object dataKey, Object dataValue)
>    bei SlimDX.Direct3D9.Device.GetFrontBufferData(Int32 swapChain, Surface destinationSurface)
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.DX9ScreenCapture.GetCaptureSurface()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.DX9ScreenCapture.Capture()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.TransmitNextFrame()
>    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.TransmitNextFrame()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture()
> 2017-11-29 20:00:57 [INFO] [5] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Waiting before next screen capture attempt
> 2017-11-29 20:00:58 [ERROR] [5] HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture:0 - HyperionTask[ConfigurationId: 58b071]: Exception in screen capture attempt: 2
> System.Exception: Error occured while sending image to server: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Invalid call (-2005530516) ---> SlimDX.Direct3D9.Direct3D9Exception: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Invalid call (-2005530516)
>    bei SlimDX.Result.Throw[T](Object dataKey, Object dataValue)
>    bei SlimDX.Result.Record[T](Int32 hr, Boolean failed, Object dataKey, Object dataValue)
>    bei SlimDX.Direct3D9.Device.GetFrontBufferData(Int32 swapChain, Surface destinationSurface)
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.DX9ScreenCapture.GetCaptureSurface()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.DX9ScreenCapture.Capture()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.TransmitNextFrame()
>    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.TransmitNextFrame()
>    bei HyperionScreenCap.Helper.HyperionTask.StartCapture()

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