Hp t830 ошибка 0

Системные ошибки плоттеров HP DesignJet T730 | T830

В этом разделе описываются все серьезные ошибки, которые могут возникнуть при использовании принтера, а также описываются методы диагностики и действия, необходимые для устранения обнаруженной проблемы.

Системная ошибка

Описание проблемы


Разрядилась батарея часов реального времени (RTC)


Сбой или неисправность связи с главной платой


Передняя панель не отвечает


Ошибка связи сканера с главной платой


Проблема энергонезависимой памяти сканера (Scanner bundle PCA)


Ошибка мотора сканера


Сбой сканбара (Scanbar 3 шт) Распечатайте диагностический график сканера или откалибруйте его


Сбой ползунка сканера


Станция технического обслуживания не в состоянии пройти весь путь


Слабый мотор праймера или с недостаточной мощностью


Priming motor or electrical failure


Утечка воздуха в системе наддува


Чернила не текут к PHA во время процесса запуска PHA


Во время запуска PHA закончились чернила, неисправный или отсутствующий картридж


В процессе запуска изменились значения уровня чернил картриджа (пустой или поврежден)


Сбой мотора ISS или неисправен диск энкодера


Ошибка ISS Optotrip (оптические датчики клапанов)


 Неисправность ISS Bongo. Проверьте запасы чернил. Убедитесь,что они являются подлинными чернилами HP


Silent S.E. for troubleshooting


Проблема PHA


Не удается переместить привод протяжки бумаги или не получена обратная связь


Не удается переместить привод узла каретки или не получена обратная связь


Не удается переместить привод укладчика (Pick Servo) или не получена обратная связь


Не удается переместить привод обратной намотки или не получена обратная связь


Неисправность датчиков крышек Top (SFP) или Front (MFP)


Отказ датчика дверцы PHA


Неисправность датчика дверцы картриджей


Ошибка датчика OOP (Out-Of-Paper)


Неисправность датчика выходного лотка


Обнаружен конфликт между главной NVM и резервной копией


Сбой или несовпадение между основной и резервной копией NVM. Возможно были заменены два электронных узла одновременно


Резервная копия NVM отсутствует или работает неправильно


Ошибка датчика энкодера


Ошибка датчика энкодера


Ошибка ленты энкодера


Не обнаружено наличие многолистового лотка


Проблема запуска системы IDS


Проблема самонаведения каретки


Неисправность датчика каретки (Line sensor)

Как интерпретировать коды серьезных ошибок

Коды ошибок используют две группы  DAXX-YYZZ.

Краткое описание ниже:




Тип агрегата: 1-значный номер от 0 до 9.


Действие: 1-значное число от 0 до 9


Модуль: 2-значный номер от 00 до 99.


Служебная часть: 2-значный номер от 00 до 99.


Причина ошибки: 2-значные числа от 00 до 99.

  • hp designjet t830 mfp ошибка b82fcf10 (синий либо зелёный экран )

    Проблема с материнской платой.


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Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 01:10
Electronics module failure.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 01:11
Electronics module fan failure.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 01:12
EEROM not configured correctly.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 01:13
Electronics module failure.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 02:10
Carriage failure.

Analyse: Kann ein 2,5V Problem sein. Netzteil testweise ersetzen.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 02:13
Carriage failure.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 03:10
Power supply failure.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 04:11
LAN card not detected.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 05:09
Formatter or HP GL/2 card not detected.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 05:10
Formatter not detected.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 05:11
Formatter not detected.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 06:03
Formatter hard drive not functioning.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 08:11
Front panel not detected.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 11:11
Trailing cable defective.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 11:13
Printhead voltage: Possible trailing cable or carriage defective.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 12:11
A short detected in the Carriage Assembly.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 21:10
Service station failure.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 21:11
Service Station/Aerosol Fan cannot be detected or the Service Station is badly adjusted.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 22:10
Ensure all inks are genuine HP or possible Ink supply station failure.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 41:10
Paper axis (X-Axis) motor failure.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 41:13
Paper axis motor encoder failure.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 42:10
Scan axis (Y-Axis) motor failure.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 43:10
Vacuum fan failure.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 43:11
Vacuum fan not detected.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 56:10
Drive roller encoder sensor failure.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 56:13
Drive roller encoder sensor failure.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 61:04
Firmware error, attempt to resolve by firmware upgrade.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 61:05
Communication problem, try new driver and different connection method.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 62:03
Parallel port communication error, call us to discuss.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 63:03
LAN card communication error, attempt firmware upgrade.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 64:03
USB port communication error, attempt firmware upgrade.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 64:04
USB port communication error, attempt firmware upgrade.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 65:03
Communication error, attempt firmware upgrade / driver upgrade.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 71:04
Formatter issue, attempt firmware upgrade.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 71:06
Out of memory, request quote for memory upgrade.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 72:04
Scan axis firmware error, attempt firmware upgrade.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 73:04
Servo error, Possible new electronics module.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 79:04
Firmware error, attempt firmware upgrade.


— Kann ein errorhafter Druckkopf sein.

— Hin und wieder error 02:10 und ein Abbruch bei der Druckkopfausrichtung: Kann auch mal ein 2,5V Problem sein. Netzteil testweise ersetzen.

— Nach der Druckkopfausrichtung: Encoderstreifen kann zu sehr verschmutzt sein.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 81:01
Paper axis shutdown, possible defective encoder disk.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 81:11
Paper axis shutdown, possible defective encoder disk.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 85:10
Paper axis encoder error, possible defective encoder/sensor.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 86:01
Carriage-Axis shutdown.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 86:11
Carriage-Axis shutdown (during the Carriage Movement test).

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 86:13
Carriage axis shutdown, attempt firmware upgrade.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 87:13
Possible defective carriage assembly.

Designjet 500, 510, 800, 815 error 93:10
Ink system failure, check inks are ok and genuine HP, possible tubes assy.

Designjet 600, 650 error 010024
Pen interface ASIC test failure.

→ Solution: Replace main PCA.

Designjet 600, 650 error 010025
Communication failure between the main and servo processors. Communication occurs through the processor support ASIC.

→ corrective Actions: Replace main PCA.

Designjet 600, 650 error 010026
Servo interrupts not occurring or not reaching themainprocessorthrough the processor support ASIC.

→ corrective Actions: Replace main PCA.

Designjet 600, 650 error 010027
Error in servo drive calculations.

→ corrective Actions: Replace main PCA.

Designjet 600, 650 error 010028
Error in EEROM checksum calculations.

→ corrective Actions: Replace or clear EEROM. Replace main PCA. Performall calibrations. Press Enter to temporarily clear.

Designjet 600, 650 error 010029
Error in EEROM write.

→ corrective Actions: Replace or clear EEROM. Replace main PCA. Perform all calibrations.

Designjet 600, 650 error 01002a
RS-232-C loopback test failure.

→ corrective Actions: Replace main PCA.

Designjet 600, 650 error 01002b
Centronics test failure.

→ corrective Actions: Replace main PCA.

Designjet 600, 650 error 01002c
Servo processor communication error.

→ corrective Actions: Replace main PCA.

Designjet 600, 650 error 01002f
DRAM test failure.

→ corrective Actions: Replace main PCA.

Designjet 600, 650 error
Failed communications betweenthecarriageand mainprocessors.

→ corrective Actions: For all 01003X codes, check trailing cable connections and continuity. If needed,replace the main PCA or the carriage assembly.


Designjet 600, 650 error 010032
Carriage ASIC test failure.

→ corrective Actions: Refer to 010030.

Designjet 600, 650 error 010033
Pen interface ASIC and carriage ASIC link test failure.

→ corrective Actions: Refer to 010030.

Designjet 600, 650 error 010040
Error detected in X-axis servo feedback loop.

→ corrective Actions: Check X-encoder, encoder cable, main PCA.

Designjet 600, 650 error 010041
Error detected in Y-axis servo feedback loop.

→ corrective Actions: Check encoder strip, carriage assem- bly, trailing cable, main PCA.

Designjet 600, 650 error 010050
Uppermost SIMM indicates a failure.

→ corrective Actions: Replace uppermost SIMM.

Designjet 600, 650 error 010051
Next to uppermost SIMM indicates a failure.

→ corrective Actions: Replace next to uppermost SIMM.

Designjet 600, 650 error 010052
Both upper and lower SIMMs indicate a failure.

→ corrective Actions: Replace both upper and lower SIMMs.

Designjet 600, 650 error 010080
RS-232-C data overflow.

→ corrective Actions: Data byte was not read before another was entered into the UART. Replace main PCA. If problem remains report the firmware problem to the HP Response Center or the nearest HP Sales and Support Office.

Designjet 600, 650 error
Firmware problem. Bad EPROMS.

→ corrective Actions: For all 2XXXX errors, report the firmware problem to the HP Response Center or the nearest HP Sales and Support Office. Note conditions before the error occurred. Include system configuration in the report.


Designjet 600, 650 error 030000
X-axis shutdown.

→ corrective Actions: All 300XX errors indicate a failure of hardware or electronics of the X- or Y-Axis. Refer to SERVO CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES in this chapter.

Designjet 600, 650 error 030001
Y-axis shutdown.

→ corrective Actions: Refer to code 030000.

Designjet 600, 650 error 030002
Y-axis friction too high.

→ corrective Actions: Refer to code 030000.

Designjet 600, 650 error 030003
Y-axis failure.

→ corrective Actions: Refer to code 030000.

Designjet 600, 650 error 030010
Excess friction in pen capping assembly.

→ corrective Actions: Check mechanical parts in pen cap- ping assembly for binding.

Designjet 600, 650 error 04xxxx
MIO interface error.

→ corrective Actions: If an MIO is installed, check the MIO setup. Then replace the MIO.

Designjet 600, 650 error 05xxxx
Problem Description Plotter system errors found.

→ corrective Actions: MIO problem is indicated. The most likely cause is the main PCA or the interconnect PCA. Replace the interconnect PCA. Replace the main PCA.

Designjet 600, 650 error 060111
Line sensor LED not bright enough.

→ corrective Actions: The optical sensor on the carriage has failed to locate lines drawn during the pen calibration routine. Reduce the ambient light. If the media is not clean and reflective, change the media. If the lines are faint, replace the pens. Clean lenses. Replace LED. Use the Edge detect test, found in the service menu, to help troubleshoot.

Designjet 600, 650 error 060302
Large final residual correction.

→ corrective Actions: Refer to code 060111.

Designjet 600, 650 error 0700xx
Could not calibrate for the drop detect sensor location.

→ corrective Actions: Check that the sensor and the sensor housing are properly aligned. Check that the service station cover is correctly seated over the sensor housing. Check that the sensor housing opening is clear of obstructions. Use the Pen nozzle and Drop detect tests, found in the service menu, to help troubleshoot. Use the Drop detect calibration, found in the service menu to recalibrate the position of the sensor. Check the drop sense cable connections. Replace the drop sensor.

Designjet 600, 650 error 0f0000
Firmware error.

→ corrective Actions: Notify the HP Response Center or the nearest HP Sales and Support Office.

HP Designjet 700, 750, 755

HP Designjet 700, 750, 755

— Error Code
— Description / Recommendation

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 010001
Window sensor defective, front panel required.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 010020
ROM test failure, possible main PCA.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 010021
DRAM failure replace main PCA.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 010022
Swath RAM failure, replace main PCA.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 010023
EEROM failure, clear EEROM / Replace main PCA.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 010024
Pen interface failure, replace main PCA.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 010030
Internal communication error.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 010032
Internal communication error.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 010033
Internal communication error.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 010034
Internal communication error.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 010040
X-Axis servo error.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 010041
Y-Axis servo error.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 010050
Defective Postscript SIMM.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 010060
Primer motor failure.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 010080
RS-232 data overflow.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 020001
Memory error, try turning off queuing & adding more RAM.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 020002
Memory error, try turning off queuing & adding more RAM.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 02002x
Firmware error, replace Postscript SIMM.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 030010
Service station error.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 04xxxx
MIO error, check MIO setup.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 040601
Incorrect MIO card.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 05xxxx
MIO system error.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 06030A
Mark Position not found, possible carriage assy.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 06030B
Bad ambient temperature.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 060308
Problem with pen voltage.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 060309
Problem with pen voltage.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 070000
Unable to calibrate drop detect.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 070005
Calibration problem.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 070006
Calibration problem.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 070007
Calibration problem.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 070008
Calibration problem.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 070010
False drops detected, check your power supply is not noisy.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 070020
Drop detect error.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 070030
Drop detect error.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 070100
Firmware error.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 0000D8
Firmware error.

Designjet 700, 750, 755 error 080001
Postscript error.

— Error Code
— Description / Recommendation

Designjet 1050, 1055 error Ausrichtungserror
error bei der Druckkopfausrichtung.

Lösung: Wenn das Druckbild ok ist, dann eventuell das Papier auf «Fotopapier, glanz» umstellen.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0000D8
External Library Error.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0000D8 005D0273
External Library Error.

— Kann JetDirect-Card oder Firmware Simms oder Motherboard sein.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 01002D
The Main PCA Cannot Communicate With The Carriage.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 010020
FirmWare DIMM Test Failure.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 010021
Memory Module Test Failure.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 010023
EEROM Test Failure.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 010028
EEROM Checksum Failure.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 010029
EEROM Write Failure.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 010040
Error In Paper-Axis Encoder Quadrature.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 010041
Error In Scan-Axis Encoder Quadrature.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 010042
Error In Service Station-Axis Encoder Quadrature.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 010050
PostScript Processing Error.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 01009X
Error In Paper-Axis Motor Encoder.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 02xxxx
PostScript/Firmware Error.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 04Cxxx
EIO Accessories (EIO Card/Hard Disk Drive) Error.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 048xxx
EIO Card Is From A Third Party Vendor May Not Be Fully Compliant With IIO Protocol Specification2.0 OR EIO Card Firmware Is Not Updated.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 048500
There Are Too Many EIO Cards Connected To Printer.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 060300
One Of The Printheads Has Internal Electrical Problem.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 060301
One Of The Printheads Has Internal Electrical Problem.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 060305
Thermal Shutdown Error (One Of The Printheads Has Gone Above Maximum Temperature).

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 060306
Problem With Printhead Selection.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 060307
APA Regulation Failure.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 060308
APA Regulation Failure.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 060309
Problem With Setting The Voltage Of Printheads.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 06030A
Error In Finding The Mark Encoder.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 06030B
The Ambient Temperature Measured Is Out Of The Normal Range.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 070100
Firmware Error.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 080001
PostScript Error.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 09xxxx
EIO Accessories (EIO Card/Hard Disk Drive) Error.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 09Axxx
Internal Error.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 09A001
There Are Too Many Hard Disk Drives Connected To The Printer.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 09Bxxx
Internal Error.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 09Cxxx
Internal Error.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0A0000
The Air Pressure Is Below The Minimum Requirement.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0A0010
Problem In Pressurizing The Air System.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0A0020
Error In Calibrating The APS Sensor.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0A0030
Problem In Depressurizing Air System.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0A0040
Ink Tubes Initialization Failure Due To Low Air Pressure.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0A0050
The Printer Has Detected A Leak In The Tubes System Before The Life Of The System.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0A0060
The Printer Has Detected A Leak In The Tubes System After The Life Of The System.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0A0070
The Backup EEROM Contents Stored In The Tubes Systems Are Not Consistent With The Ones Required By The Firmware.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0B0000
Bad Ambient Temperture Measured.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0B0001
Bad Humidity Read.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0B0002
Bad IDS Pressure Read.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0B0003
ACDO Internal Channles Check Failure.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0B0004
Unable To Detect Pump.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0B0005
Unable To Detect Valve.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0B0006
Trailing Cable Incorrectly Connected OR Fuse In Electronics Module Has Burned.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0B0007
Unable To Detect Vacuum Fan.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0B0008
Unable To Detect Cooling Fan.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0B0009
Unable To Detect Aerosol Fan (Including On Right Cover).

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0B000A
Primer Shut Down Error.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0B000B
Pump Or Pressure Sensor Not Working.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0B000C
Serial Device ADC Test Failure.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0B000D
24 V Source Test Failure.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0B000E
Short Circuit In Scan-Axis Motor.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0C0030
Bad Drop Detector.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0C0032
Drop Detector Not Calibrated For All Printheads.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0C1000
Primer Not Calibrated.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0C1001
Primer Shutdown Error.

Designjet 1050, 1055 error 0D00xx
System Error Code Related To The Multi-roll Feeder.

— Error Code
— Description / Recommendation

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010020 (DJ 2000)
The CheckSum Read On The Flash SIMM Is Incorrect.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010021 (DJ 2000)
The Base DRAM Or The RAM SIMM Tests Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010022 (DJ 2000)
The SWATH RAM Test Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010023 (DJ 2000)
A Fuse On The Main PCA Has Blown.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010025 (DJ 2000)
Problem Initializing The Encoder Pulse Generator.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010030 (DJ 2000)
One Of The Two Interconnect Boards Not Detected.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010031 (DJ 2000)
The Printhead Primitive Driver ASIC Test Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010032 (DJ 2000)
Fan Test Failed — Current Not Detected In One Or Both Fans.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010033 (DJ 2000)
The DC Motor ASIC Test Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010034 (DJ 2000)
One Of The DC Motor Has Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010035 (DJ 2000)
One Of The Stepper Motors Has Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010036 (DJ 2000)
ADC Test Failure In The Main PCA.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010037 (DJ 2000)
ADC Test Failure In The Carriage PCA.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010038 (DJ 2000)
A Printhead Voltage Could Not Be Set — Main PCA Failure.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010039 (DJ 2000)
A Printhead Voltage Could Not Be Set — Carriage PCA Failure.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010040 (DJ 2000)
The Ambient Temperature Measured Is Out Of The Normal Range.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010041 (DJ 2000)
Problem In Setting The Printhead Voltage.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010042 (DJ 2000)
The Status Of One Of The Optical Sensors Is Not Stable When It Should Be.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010100 (DJ 2000)
Error Reading In The EEROM.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010101 (DJ 2000)
An Action Outside The EEROM Limits Has Been Performed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010102 (DJ 2000)
Physical EEROM Write And/Or Write Operations Failed. The EEROM Data That Is Written Does Not Match The Data That Is Read.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010110 (DJ 2000)
The Content Of The Permanent Configuration Area Of The EEROM Is Not Valid When The Printer Is initialised In Service Mode.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010111 (DJ 2000)
The Content Of The User Configuration Area EEROM Is Not Valid When The Printer Is initialised.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010120 (DJ 2000)
The Content Of The Permanent Configuration Area Of The EERom Is Not Valid When Printer Is initialised In Normal Mode.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010121 (DJ 2000)
One Of The Banks Of The User Area Was Corrupted While Writing Or Reading In That Area.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 020000 (DJ 2000)
Error In Finding The Primer Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 020001 (DJ 2000)
Error In Finding The Elevator Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 020002 (DJ 2000)
Error In Finding The Refill Arm Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 020003 (DJ 2000)
Error In Finding The refill Stepper Motor Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 020004 (DJ 2000)
Error In Finding The Service Station Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 020005 (DJ 2000)
Elevator Has A Problem Reaching A Desired Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 020006 (DJ 2000)
The Refill Position In The Y-axis In Not Calibrated.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 020010 (DJ 2000)
Problem With Fine Movement of The Y-Axis Motor.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 020011 (DJ 2000)
Error During Initialization Of The Y-Axis.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 040xxx (DJ 2000)
MIO Card Error.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 040601 (DJ 2000)
The MIO Card Does Not Support The MIO 6 Protocol Cards With Vision 5 Or Below Can Not Be Used With The Plotter. Version 5.1 Cards Behave As Expected But Does Not Support PML Intructions.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 050000 (DJ 2000)
The Line Sensor Has Problems Finding The Mark Encoder.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 060000 (DJ 2000)
The Line Sensor Is Not Functioning Properly Because There Is To Much Ambient Light.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 060200 (DJ 2000)
Incompatible Firmware And Carriage PCA.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 060399 (DJ 2000)
Incompatible Firmware And Line Sensor.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 07xxxx (DJ 2000)
Firmware Error.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 08xxxx (DJ 2000)
PostScript Error.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 080001 (DJ 2000)
Hard Disk Drive Installed Without PostScript.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 09xxxx (DJ 2000)
Problem With The Hard Disk.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 09004 (DJ 2000)
PostScript Installed Without The Hard Disk Drive.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010020 (DJ 2500)
The CheckSum Read On The Flash SIMM Is Incorrect.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010021 (DJ 2500)
The Base DRAM Or The RAM SIMM Tests Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010022 (DJ 2500)
The SWATH RAM Test Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010023 (DJ 2500)
A Fuse On The Main PCA Has Blown.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010025 (DJ 2500)
Problem Initializing The Encoder Pulse Generator.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010030 (DJ 2500)
One Of The Two Interconnect Boards Not Detected.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010031 (DJ 2500)
The Printhead Primitive Driver ASIC Test Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010032 (DJ 2500)
Fan Test Failed — Current Not Detected In One Or Both Fans.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010033 (DJ 2500)
The DC Motor ASIC Test Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010034 (DJ 2500)
One Of The DC Motor Has Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010035 (DJ 2500)
One Of The Stepper Motors Has Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010036 (DJ 2500)
ADC Test Failure In The Main PCA.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010037 (DJ 2500)
ADC Test Failure In The Carriage PCA.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010038 (DJ 2500)
A Printhead Voltage Could Not Be Set — Main PCA Failure.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010039 (DJ 2500)
A Printhead Voltage Could Not Be Set — Carriage PCA Failure.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010040 (DJ 2500)
The Ambient Temperature Measured Is Out Of The Normal Range.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010041 (DJ 2500)
Problem In Setting The Printhead Voltage.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010042 (DJ 2500)
The Status Of One Of The Optical Sensors Is Not Stable When It Should Be.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010100 (DJ 2500)
Error Reading In The EEROM.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010101 (DJ 2500)
An Action Outside The EEROM Limits Has Been Performed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010102 (DJ 2500)
Physical EEROM Write And/Or Write Operations Failed. The EEROM Data That Is Written Does Not Match The Data That Is Read.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010110 (DJ 2500)
The Content Of The Permanent Configuration Area Of The EEROM Is Not Valid When The Printer Is Initialised In Service Mode.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010111 (DJ 2500)
The Content Of The User Configuration Area EEROM Is Not Valid When The Printer Is initialised.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010120 (DJ 2500)
The Content Of The Permanent Configuration Area Of The EERom Is Not Valid When Printer Is initialised In Normal Mode.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010121 (DJ 2500)
One Of The Banks Of The User Area Was Corrupted While Writing Or Reading In That Area.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 025000 (DJ 2500)
Error In Finding The Primer Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 025001 (DJ 2500)
Error In Finding The Elevator Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 025002 (DJ 2500)
Error In Finding The Refill Arm Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 025003 (DJ 2500)
Error In Finding The refill Stepper Motor Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 025004 (DJ 2500)
Error In Finding The Service Station Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 025005 (DJ 2500)
Elevator Has A Problem Reaching A Desired Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 025006 (DJ 2500)
The Refill Position In The Y-axis In Not Calibrated.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 020010 (DJ 2500)
Problem With Fine Movement of The Y-Axis Motor.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 020011 (DJ 2500)
Error During Initialization Of The Y-Axis.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 040xxx (DJ 2500)
MIO Card Error.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 040601 (DJ 2500)
The MIO Card Does Not Support The MIO 6 Protocol Cards With Vision 5 Or Below Can Not Be Used With The Plotter. Version 5.1 Cards Behave As Expected But Does Not Support PML Intructions.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 050000 (DJ 2500)
The Line Sensor Has Problems Finding The Mark Encoder.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 060000 (DJ 2500)
The Line Sensor Is Not Functioning Properly Because There Is Too Much Ambient Light.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 060200 (DJ 2500)
Incompatible Firmware And Carriage PCA.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 060399 (DJ 2500)
Incompatible Firmware And Line Sensor.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 07xxxx (DJ 2500)
Firmware Error.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 08xxxx (DJ 2500)
PostScript Error.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 080001 (DJ 2500)
Hard Disk Drive Installed Without PostScript.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 09xxxx (DJ 2500)
Problem With The Hard Disk.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 09004 (DJ 2500)
PostScript Installed Without The Hard Disk Drive.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010020 (DJ 3000)
The CheckSum Read On The Flash SIMM Is Incorrect.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010021 (DJ 3000)
The Base DRAM Or The RAM SIMM Tests Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010022 (DJ 3000)
The SWATH RAM Test Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010023 (DJ 3000)
A Fuse On The Main PCA Has Blown.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010025 (DJ 3000)
Problem Initializing The Encoder Pulse Generator.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010030 (DJ 3000)
One Of The Two Interconnect Boards Not Detected.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010031 (DJ 3000)
The Printhead Primitive Driver ASIC Test Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010032 (DJ 3000)
Fan Test Failed — Current Not Detected In One Or Both Fans.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010033 (DJ 3000)
The DC Motor ASIC Test Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010034 (DJ 3000)
One Of The DC Motor Has Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010035 (DJ 3000)
One Of The Stepper Motors Has Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010036 (DJ 3000)
ADC Test Failure In The Main PCA.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010037 (DJ 3000)
ADC Test Failure In The Carriage PCA.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010038 (DJ 3000)
A Printhead Voltage Could Not Be Set — Main PCA Failure.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010039 (DJ 3000)
A Printhead Voltage Could Not Be Set — Carriage PCA Failure.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010040 (DJ 3000)
The Ambient Temperature Measured Is Out Of The Normal Range.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010041 (DJ 3000)
Problem In Setting The Printhead Voltage.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010042 (DJ 3000)
The Status Of One Of The Optical Sensors Is Not Stable When It Should Be.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010100 (DJ 3000)
Error Reading In The EEROM.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010101 (DJ 3000)
An Action Outside The EEROM Limits Has Been Performed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010102 (DJ 3000)
Physical EEROM Write And/Or Write Operations Failed. The EEROM Data That Is Written Does Not Match The Data That Is Read.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010110 (DJ 3000)
The Content Of The Permanent Configuration Area Of The EEROM Is Not Valid When The Printer Is initialised In Service Mode.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010111 (DJ 3000)
The Content Of The User Configuration Area EEROM Is Not Valid When The Printer Is initialised.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010120 (DJ 3000)
The Content Of The Permanent Configuration Area Of The EERom Is Not Valid When Printer Is initialised In Normal Mode.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010121 (DJ 3000)
One Of The Banks Of The User Area Was Corrupted While Writing Or Reading In That Area.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 030000 (DJ 3000)
Error In Finding The Primer Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 030001 (DJ 3000)
Error In Finding The Elevator Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 030002 (DJ 3000)
Error In Finding The Refill Arm Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 030003 (DJ 3000)
Error In Finding The refill Stepper Motor Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 030004 (DJ 3000)
Error In Finding The Service Station Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 030005 (DJ 3000)
Elevator Has A Problem Reaching A Desired Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 030006 (DJ 3000)
The Refill Position In The Y-axis In Not Calibrated.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 020010 (DJ 3000)
Problem With Fine Movement of The Y-Axis Motor.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 020011 (DJ 3000)
Error During Initialization Of The Y-Axis.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 040xxx (DJ 3000)
MIO Card Error.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 040601 (DJ 3000)
The MIO Card Does Not Support The MIO 6 Protocol Cards With Vision 5 Or Below Can Not Be Used With The Plotter. Version 5.1 Cards Behave As Expected But Does Not Support PML Instructions.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 050000 (DJ 3000)
The Line Sensor Has Problems Finding The Mark Encoder.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 060000 (DJ 3000)
The Line Sensor Is Not Functioning Properly Because There Is To Much Ambient Light.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 060200 (DJ 3000)
Incompatible Firmware And Carriage PCA.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 060399 (DJ 3000)
Incompatible Firmware And Line Sensor.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 07xxxx (DJ 3000)
Firmware Error.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 08xxxx (DJ 3000)
PostScript Error.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 080001 (DJ 3000)
Hard Disk Drive Installed Without PostScript.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 09xxxx (DJ 3000)
Problem With The Hard Disk.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 09004 (DJ 3000)
PostScript Installed Without The Hard Disk Drive.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010020 (DJ 3500)
The CheckSum Read On The Flash SIMM Is Incorrect.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010021 (DJ 3500)
The Base DRAM Or The RAM SIMM Tests Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010022 (DJ 3500)
The SWATH RAM Test Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010023 (DJ 3500)
A Fuse On The Main PCA Has Blown.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010025 (DJ 3500)
Problem Initializing The Encoder Pulse Generator.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010030 (DJ 3500)
One Of The Two Interconnect Boards Not Detected.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010031 (DJ 3500)
The Printhead Primitive Driver ASIC Test Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010032 (DJ 3500)
Fan Test Failed — Current Not Detected In One Or Both Fans.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010033 (DJ 3500)
The DC Motor ASIC Test Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010034 (DJ 3500)
One Of The DC Motor Has Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010035 (DJ 3500)
One Of The Stepper Motors Has Failed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010036 (DJ 3500)
ADC Test Failure In The Main PCA.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010037 (DJ 3500)
ADC Test Failure In The Carriage PCA.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010038 (DJ 3500)
A Printhead Voltage Could Not Be Set — Main PCA Failure.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010039 (DJ 3500)
A Printhead Voltage Could Not Be Set — Carriage PCA Failure.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010040 (DJ 3500)
The Ambient Temperature Measured Is Out Of The Normal Range.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010041 (DJ 3500)
Problem In Setting The Printhead Voltage.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010042 (DJ 3500)
The Status Of One Of The Optical Sensors Is Not Stable When It Should Be.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010100 (DJ 3500)
Error Reading In The EEROM.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010101 (DJ 3500)
An Action Outside The EEROM Limits Has Been Performed.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010102 (DJ 3500)
Physical EEROM Write And/Or Write Operations Failed. The EEROM Data That Is Written Does Not Match The Data That Is Read.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010110 (DJ 3500)
The Content Of The Permanent Configuration Area Of The EEROM Is Not Valid When The Printer Is initialised In Service Mode.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010111 (DJ 3500)
The Content Of The User Configuration Area EEROM Is Not Valid When The Printer Is initialised.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010120 (DJ 3500)
The Content Of The Permanent Configuration Area Of The EERom Is Not Valid When Printer Is initialised In Normal Mode.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 010121 (DJ 3500)
One Of The Banks Of The User Area Was Corrupted While Writing Or Reading In That Area.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 035000 (DJ 3500)
Error In Finding The Primer Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 035001 (DJ 3500)
Error In Finding The Elevator Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 035002 (DJ 3500)
Error In Finding The Refill Arm Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 035003 (DJ 3500)
Error In Finding The refill Stepper Motor Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 035004 (DJ 3500)
Error In Finding The Service Station Home Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 035005 (DJ 3500)
Elevator Has A Problem Reaching A Desired Position.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 035006 (DJ 3500)
The Refill Position In The Y-axis is Not Calibrated.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 020010 (DJ 3500)
Problem With Fine Movement of The Y-Axis Motor.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 020011 (DJ 3500)
Error During Initialization Of The Y-Axis.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 040xxx (DJ 3500)
MIO Card Error.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 040601 (DJ 3500)
The MIO Card Does Not Support The MIO 6 Protocol Cards With Vision 5 Or Below Can Not Be Used With The Plotter. Version 5.1 Cards Behave As Expected But Does Not Support PML Instructions.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 050000 (DJ 3500)
The Line Sensor Has Problems Finding The Mark Encoder.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 060000 (DJ 3500)
The Line Sensor Is Not Functioning Properly Because There Is Too Much Ambient Light.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 060200 (DJ 3500)
Incompatible Firmware And Carriage PCA.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 060399 (DJ 3500)
Incompatible Firmware And Line Sensor.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 07xxxx (DJ 3500)
Firmware Error.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 08xxxx (DJ 3500)
PostScript Error.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 080001 (DJ 3500)
Hard Disk Drive Installed Without PostScript.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 09xxxx (DJ 3500)
Problem With The Hard Disk.

Designjet 2000 CP, 2500 CP, 2800 CP, 3000 CP, 3500 CP, 3800 CP error 09004 (DJ 3500)
PostScript Installed Without The Hard Disk Drive.

Beschreibung / Empfehlung

— Error Code
— Description / Recommendation

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 01.0:03
Error Impact 12C Channel.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 01.0:10
Problem With The Gamut PCI PCA.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 01.1:10
Problem With The PrintMech PCA.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 01.2:10
ISS PCA Faulty — Humidity Sensor Out Of Scale Or NVM Backup Failure.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 02:10
Encoder Seems To Be Wrong.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 02.1:10
Problem With The Carriage PCA.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 03:10
Problem With The Power Supply Unit.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 05.1:10
CPU Fan Is Stopped Or Burnt.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 05.3:10
Main Memory Size Failure.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 06:03
NVM File Has Bad CRC.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 06:10
Main NVM Failure — Not Detected, Read/Write Failed Or Readback Error.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 07:10
Aerosol Fan Drive Burnt.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 08:10
Problem With Front Panel.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 11:10
Trailing Cable Does Not Seem To Be Detected.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 13.n:10
Problem Starting Acumen Supplies.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 21:03
Service Station Servo Shutdown.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 21:12
Fail Moving Service Station.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 21:13
Problem With The Service Station.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 23:10
Problem With The APS.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 24:03
Ink Setup failure (Ink Supply Tubes Purge Failed).

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 24:10
Broken Bag Detected in Ink Cartridge.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 26.0:01
Bad Contact Detected In ISS Slot 0 Floater.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 26.1:01
Bad Contact Detected In ISS Slot 1 Floater.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 26.2:01
Bad Contact Detected In ISS Slot 2 Floater.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 26.3:01
Bad Contact Detected In ISS Slot 3 Floater.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 26.n:10
Order Of Ink Supplies Incorrect.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 26:14
A Wrong Ink Cartridge Has Been Detected.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 27:03
An Error Has Occurred In Printhead Detection.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 27:14
A Wrong Printhead Has Been Detected.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 29.0:01
Printhead Cleaner Not Inserted Correctly In Slot 1.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 29.1:01
Printhead Cleaner Not Inserted Correctly In Slot 2.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 29.2:01
Printhead Cleaner Not Inserted Correctly In Slot 3.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 29.3:01
Printhead Cleaner Not Inserted Correctly In Slot 4.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 29.4:01
Printhead Cleaner Not Inserted Correctly In Slot 5.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 29.5:01
Printhead Cleaner Not Inserted Correctly In Slot 6.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 29.6:01
Printhead Cleaner Not Inserted Correctly In Slot 7.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 29.7:01
Printhead Cleaner Not Inserted Correctly In Slot 8.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 41:03
Electrical Current Limit In Media-Axis Motor.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 41:10
Electrical Fault In Media-Axis Motor.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 42:03
Elecrtical Current Limit In Scan-Axis Motor.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 42:10
Electrical Fault In Scan-Axis Motor.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 43:10
Vacuum Fan Has Stopped Functioning.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 44:10
Problem With The Aerosol Fan.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 44:11
Aerosol Fan Not Connected.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 51:10
Window Sensor Failure.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 51.1:10
PHC Access Door Sensor Failure.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 52:10
Drop Detector Switch On/Off Failure.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 53:10
Media Sensor Failure.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 54:10
Media Lever Sensor failure.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 55:10
Problem With The Line Sensor.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 56:03
Analog Encoder Calibration Failed.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 56:10
Analog Encoder Calibration Failed.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 61:01
The File Format Is Incorrect And The Printer Cannot Process The Job.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 61:04.1
The Postscript Fonts Are Missing. Upgrade The Firmware.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 61:08.1
The File Cannot Be Printed Because It Is Password Protected.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 63:04
Input/Output Problem Through The Network Card.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 64:04
Input/Output Problem Through The USB Port.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 65:04
Input/Output Problem Through An Unknown Port.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 66:08
Cannot Print File On Current Paper Type. The Paper Type Has Changed Since The File Was Sent.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 67:04
Input/Output Problem Through a Fireware Port.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 68:03
Non-critical permanent data was lost. This does not prevent the printer working, only that internal life counters will not be recorded untill the printer is restarted.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 71:03
Out of memory failure.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 71:04
Out of memory failure.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 71:19
Defult serial Number found in the main and back up NVM. It seems that both the Ink Supply and Hard Disk Drive have been replaced together.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 72:04
Generic Firmware error.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 73:03
Servo error.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 74:00
Failed getting part number/serial number.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 74:01
Error uploading firmware.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 74:04
Old vacuum fan detected — upgrade the firmware.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 76:03
Out of disk space — data was lost.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 77:04
Embedded web server internal software error.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 79:03
Generic firmware error.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 79:04
Generic firmware error.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 79.1:04
CDS server lost connection with client.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 81:01
Paper servo shutdown.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 81:03
It was impossible to correctly stop the servo before setting the encoder position.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 81:10
Fail starting paper motor.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 85:03
Problem finding the drive roller zero.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 86:01
Carriage servo shutdown.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 86:03
Scan-axis lenght test failure.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 86:10
Initialising scan-axis motor failure.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 86:11
Scan-axis length too short.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 91:10
Repeated printhead issue.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 93:11
Unable to pressurise the IDS.

Designjet 4000, 4020 error 98:02
Switching to lower performance due to printhead quality.

Beschreibung / Empfehlung

— Error Code
— Description / Recommendation

Designjet 5000, 5500 error FFFF FFFF xxxxxxxx
General firmware error.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error FFFF FFFF 02B301b0
This error usually appears at the beginning of Printhead Alignment due to a firmware bug. If requent, upgrade firmware to A.02.xx.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error FFFF FFFF 02E30751
Related to a Hard Drive starting to fail.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error FFFF FFFF 01DCxxxx
There is a problem with the I/O Card (happens during power up).


FFFF FFFF 027302F8

Designjet 5000, 5500 error FFFF FFFF 030D0170 or 030d0171
At power-up, the Printer thinks it is smaller than 42 inches.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error FFFF FFFF 031609xx
This error code only appears if the Main PCA was replaced without removing the media from the printer, because the firmware tries to find the last media information in the EEROM. Since the information cannot be found, this error code is displayed. Remove media and re-boot the printer.

FFFF FFFF 03160A14

Designjet 5000, 5500 error FFFF FFFF 031C02C2
Media System Error: Upgrade Firmware (Error points to not have any profiles). Replace hard Drive if Firmware Upgrade fails.

Can occur when or if a printer has been interrupted in a process and shut down with paper in the paper path. For example, a user cancels a print but the printer keeps on printing so the user interrupts by switching off the main power switch.

→ Solution: If the error recurs when the printer is rebooted, try the following: Remove paper from the printer and power cycle it. The system error will disappear, the printer will start up to Ready for media and you can reload paper using the front panel LOAD MEDIA button.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error FFFF FFFF 03450097
If the Window is opened during the cutting operation, the Printer hangs and the Carriage suddenly stops. If you press any key on the front panel FFFF FFFF 03450097 may be displayed. Re-boot the Printer and make sure that the Window is never opened during the cutting operation. Upgrade to any A.02.xx firmware release.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error FFFF FFFF 036000BD
This firmware error code is related to the detection of the Printhead cleaners by the line sensor. It always happens during initialisation, while checking the Printhead Cleaners. In most cases, it is a problem of incorrectly inserted Printhead Cleaners, but it can also be caused by a service station fault.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error FFFF FFFF 036e0136
This is an internal general error code which can appear during the Printhead Alignment process. The chance of this error appearing is less than 0.5% and there is nothing wrong with the printer. Re-boot the printer and error code should not appear again.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 01002D
(Non-Continuable) The main PCA cannot communicate with the Carriage.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 010023
(Non-Continuable) EEROM Test failure.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 010030
This error code appears when the power supply detects a low spike (e.g. due to a temporary loss of tension).

034c095a The Power Supply may not function correct.

034c095e There is nothing wrong with the Printer. Reboot the printer and error code should not appear again.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 010040
Error in Paper-axis Encoder quadrature.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 010041
Error in Scan-axis Encoder quadrature.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 010042
Error in Service Station-axis Encoder quadrature.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 010090
(Continuable) Error in Paper-axis Motor Encoder.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 010091
(Continuable) Error in Paper-axis Motor Encoder.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 010092
(Continuable)Mark Encoder position not detected on Drive Roller.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 011000
NIB Crash. Power printer off and on again using the power switch at the back of the printer.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 040000
01E603D9 This is an error that is related to the parallel port. It happens normally in new printers and only once (it is unlikely to happen again). Even if the error appears again, there is nothing wrong with the Printer.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 050000
(Continuable) Lens has problems reading the Mark Encoder on the Drive Roller.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 050001
(Continuable) Lens has problems reading the Mark Encoder on the Drive Roller.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 06030C
Bad line sensor.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 06040C
Line sensor not connected correctly.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0A0000
APS Failure.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0A0010
APS Failure.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0A0020
Error in calibrating the APS sensor.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0A0030
Problem in Depressurizing Air System.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0A0040
APS Failure.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0A0050
(Non-Continuable) The printer had detected a leak in the Tubes System (should only appear in printers with the Ink Leak Detector installed).

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0A0060
(Non-Continuable) The Printer has detected a leak in the Tubes System (should only appear in printers with the Ink Leak Detector installed).

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0A0070
(Continuable) The Backup EEROM contents stored in the Hard Disk Drive are not consistent with the ones required by the firmware.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0B0000
Bad Ambient Temperature measured.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0B0001
Bad humidity read.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0B0002
Bad IDS pressure read.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0B0003
ADC0 Internal channels check Failure.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0B0004
APS Failure.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0B0005
APS Failure.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0B0006
The trailing cable has been incorrectly connected.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0B000X
Unable to detect Fan (X= 7-Vacuum, 8-Cooling, 9-Aerosol).

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0B0010 xxxxxxxx
This firmware error code is related to the detection of the printhead cleaners by the line sensor. It always happens during initialisation, while checking the printhead cleaners. In most cases, it is a problem of incorrectly inserted printhead cleaners, but it can also be caused by the service station.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0B000A
Primer Shutdown Error.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0B000B
APS Failure.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0B000C
Serial Device ADC test failure.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0B000D
24 V source test failure.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0B000E
At power-up, the Printer thinks it is smaller than 42 inches.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0B000F
(Continuable) Only applicable to Designjet 5500 series. Unable to detect the Heater. If this error appears, all settings related to the heater will disappear from the front panel.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0C0030
Drop detect failure.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0C0032
(Continuable) Drop detector not calibrated or the calibration settings have been lost.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0C0040
Error in Printhead Drop Detection. This error code appears when the Printer detects that the same area of nozzles do not work in different Printheads. The possible causes are either fibres or a piece of paper in the Drop Detector or that the Scan-Axis reference is incorrect.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0C00FF
Print Mask could not be generated. The mask generation algorithm could not generate the print mask. Possible causes are memory corruption, print mode definition incompatible with mask restrictions (if using an external RIP). This cause is not likely to be the Printhead because if it was, the Printhead would be marked as XX21 REPLACE.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0C1000
Primer not calibrated or the calibration settings have been lost.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0C1001
Primer Shutdown Error.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0D0000
No media profiles available.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0D0000
033f019C No media profiles available.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0D0002
(Continuable) Insufficient memory to Initialize HPGL2/RTL. The minimum memory required is 96 MB so verify memory installed on the printer.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0D0003 xxxxxxxx
(Non-Continuable) This error usually appears at the beginning of printhead alignment due to a firmware bug. If error appears frequently upgrade to firmware release A.02.xx.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0D0004 xxxxxxxx
(Non-Continuable) This is an internal general error code which can appear during the Printhead Alignment process. The chance of this error appearing is less than 0.5% and there is nothing wrong with the Printer. Re-boot the printer and the error code should not appear again.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0D0005 03180382
(Non-Continuable) After cutting the media, the Printer cannot deactivate the cutter.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0Fxxxx
(Non-Continuable) A firmware error has occurred.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0F0100 030C099F
(Non-Continable) While start up:

This may be an error finding the mark encoder. The mark encoder is the white plastic piece on the left end of the roller. Replace the lense cover first. If the error remains, turn the printer off, and place a piece of black tape over the hole at the left end of the drive roller, this will block the mark encoder from the line sensor and should trigger a 010092 error during power on. When the 010092 error comes up, press enter to continue past the error. After the printer comes ready, remove the tape, and run a scan axis calibration.

To run the Scan Axis Calibration:

1. Enter «Device Setup».

2. Enter «Utilities».

3. Press the UP arrow and ENTER keys simultaniously.

4. Select «Yes».

5. Enter «Service Calibrations».

6. Run the «Scan Axis Calibration».

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0F0100 03180382
(Non-Continable) After cutting the media, the Printer cannot deactivate the cutter.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0F0100 36B0923
(Non-Continable) Firmware error. Hard Drive Replacement fixed issue.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0F0200 00B007bc
This is an error related to an internal crash involving media profiles and memory.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0F0200 00B007E5
Refer to System Error Code 0F0200 00B007BC.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 0F0200 01E603d2
This is an error that is related to the Parallel Port. It happens normally in New Printers and only once (it is unlikely to appear again). Even if the error appears again, there is nothing wrong with the printer.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 1F500XX
(Boot Failed) This is an error related to the Hard Disk Drive, either the connections are bad or the Hard Disk Drive or the Main PCA are defective.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error 1F50010
(Boot Failed) PCI Bus Error. Hard Drive could be bad. Replace Hard Disk (Main PCA, Power Supply). Also swap JetDirect Slots.

Designjet 5000, 5500 error E50000
This is an error that is related to the Hard Disk Drive, either the connections are bad or the Hard Disk Drive and/or the Main PCA are defective.

— Error Code
— Description / Recommendation

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 01.0:10
Problem with the engine PCA.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 01.1:10
Error in the engine PCA.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 01.2:10
Problem with the backup NVM.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 01.7:10
Communication errors between engine PCA and formatter.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 02.1:10
Problem with the carriage PCA.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 03.2:10
Problem with the E-Box cooling fans.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 03:10
Problem with the power supply unit.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 05.1:10
Problems with the formatter FAN.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 05.4:10
BIOS data corrupted in formatter.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 05.5:10
Action: Update the printer’s BIOS.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 05.7:10
Synchronization problems between control panel and formatter.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 06:03, 06:10
Problems with NVM in hard disk.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 06.1:10
Hard disk not detected.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 06.2:10
Hard disk cannot be unlocked.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 06.3:10
Hard disk is corrupted.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 08:04
Communication lost between front panel and formatter.

Action: Restart the printer. If the problem persists, update the printer’s firmware. See Update the firmware.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 08:08
A front panel icon does not work.

Action: Retry the operation that you were attempting. If it fails again, restart the printer. If the problem persists, update the printer’s firmware. See Update the firmware.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 08:10
Problems detected in the front panel Hardware.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 08:11
Communication lost between front panel and printer.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 09:01
Media jam in Scanner.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 09:01:10
Scanner Motor is failing.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 09:02
Scanner not calibrated.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 09:02:10
CIS A Element is failing.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 09:03
File I/O Error.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 09:03:10
CIS B Element is failing.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 09:04
Library failed to load.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 09:04:10
CIS C Element is failing.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 09:05:10
CIS D Element is failing.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 09:06:10
CIS E Element is failing.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 09:08:11
Power cable of the Scanner is failing.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 09:09:11
USB cable of the Scanner is failing.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 09:10:04
Scanner is in SAFE MODE.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 09:10:10
Scanner Controller Board (SCU) is failing.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 11:10
Trailing cable does not seem to be detected.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 21.2:13
Failure moving service station.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 21:13
Problem with the Service Station motor.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 22.0:00
Service-station-side ink supply station error.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 22.1:00
Front-panel-side ink supply station error.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 24:10
Error detected in ink tube system.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 26:01
Ink supply error found during IDS diagnostic test.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 27:01
Too many nozzles out detected.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 39.1:01
Roll 1 has been unexpectedly unloaded.

Action: Reload the roll.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 39.2:01
Roll 2 has been unexpectedly unloaded.

Action: Reload the roll.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 39.11:01
Media unloaded.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 39.12:01
Media unloaded.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 41:03
Electrical problem (fault, current limit, overheating) in paper-axis motor.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 42:03
Electrical problem (fault, current limit, overheating) in scan-axis motor.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 45.1:03, 45.1:10
Error in the rewinder 1 system (upper rewinder).

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 45.2:03, 45.2:10
Error in the rewinder 2 system (lower rewinder).

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 46.1:10
Error in the upper pump of the PHA blowing system.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 46.2:10
Error in the lower pump of the PHA blowing system.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 47:03, 47:10
Starwheel motor error.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 47.5:10
Problem at the starwheel lifter motor end of the travel sensor.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 48:00
PRS Actuator system failure.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 52:10
Drop detector failure.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 54.4:03
Pinchwheel lifter motor error.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 55:10
Cannot access the line sensor EEPROM.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 56:01
Drive roller analog encoder homing failed.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 59.1:09
Two electrical parts have been replaced at the same time.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 59.2:00
An unsupported or reused part has been installed.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 59.3:10
Wrong information stored on CryptoAsic.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 59.4:10
CryptoAsic failure.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 59.5:19
CryptoAsic type mismatch.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 59.6:19
Printer serial number mismatch.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 59.7:14
CryptoAsic generic error.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 60.1:11
Initialization error (cannot read RFID tag).

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 60.2:17
Initialization error (RFID has incorrect data).

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 61:01
Incorrect or unsupported file format. The file format is wrong and the printer cannot process the job.


• Turn off the printer using the Power button at the front.

• Turn off the power switch at the rear.

• Disconnect the power cord.

• Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.

• Send the same job to the printer again.

• Ensure that the printer’s firmware is up to date. See Update the firmware.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 61:04.1
PostScript fonts seem to be missing.

Action: Update your printer’s firmware. See Update the firmware.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 61:04.2
Unknown PostScript ID sent to printer.

Action: Update your printer’s firmware. See Update the firmware.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 61:08
61:08 Incorrect paper type specified in job.

Action: Resend the job.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 61:08.1
The job cannot be printed because it is password-protected.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 61:08.2
The job cannot be printed because it contains errors.

Action: Resend the job from the Embedded Web Server.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 61:09
Unexpected end of job.

Action: Resend the job.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 61:10
Job timed out.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 63:04
Network interface error.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 63:10
Network interface error.


• Turn off the printer using the Power button at the front.

• Turn off the power switch at the rear.

• Disconnect the power cord.

• Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.

• Check that the network cable is correctly connected.

• Ensure that the printer’s firmware is up to date. See Update the firmware.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 63:20
A potential problem has been detected in the network interface.


• Turn off the printer using the Power button at the front.

• Turn off the power switch at the rear.

• Disconnect the power cord.

• Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.

• Send the same job to the printer again.

• Ensure that the printer’s firmware is up to date. See Update the firmware.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 71.03
Out of memory. To avoid this, in the HP-GL/2 driver select the Advanced tab and then Send job as a bitmap.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 71.08
Insufficient display list.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 72.02
A service calibration should be performed.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 74.01
An error occurred when loading the firmware update file.


• Turn off the printer using the Power button at the front.

• Turn off the power switch at the rear.

• Disconnect the power cord.

• Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.

• Reload the firmware update file into the printer. See Update the firmware.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 74.1:04
Error uploading paper preset.

Action: Try the firmware update again. Do not try to use your computer while the update is in progress.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 74.8:04
The firmware update has failed.

Action: Your firmware file may be incorrect; try to download it again. See Update the firmware.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 75.11:10
Preventive maintenance 1 is recommended. Contact us.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 75.21:10
Preventive maintenance 2 is recommended. Contact us.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 76:03
The printer’s hard disk is full.

Action: You may want to use Disk Wipe to free some space; see Disk Wipe.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 78:08
Borderless printing not possible; setting ignored.

Action: Ensure that the loaded paper supports borderless printing.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 78.1:04
Paper settings area missing in paper settings file.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 79:03, 79:04
Generic firmware error.

Action: Update the printer’s firmware. See Update the firmware.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 79.2:04
Generic Operating System error.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 80:03
Stacker overdrive motor error.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 81:01
Paper servo shutdown, possible paper jam.

Action: Open the printer window and make sure that there are no obstacles restricting the movement of the drive roller. If the paper has jammed, clear the obstruction by following the instructions in the front panel.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 86:01
Scan axis servo shutdown, possible paper jam.

Action: Open the printer window and make sure that there are no obstacles restricting the movement of the printhead’s carriage. If the paper has jammed, clear the obstruction by following the instructions in the front panel.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 87:01
Problem reading the scan-axis encoder.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 89:03
Stacker ramps motor error.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 90:03
Diverter valves motor error.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 93.0.n:10
Ink pressure error in first test during in Printhead filling for color n.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 93.1.n:10
Temperature error in first spitting test during in Printhead filling for color n.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 93.2.n:10
Ink pressure error in second test during in Printhead filling for color n.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 93.3.n:10
Temperature error in second spitting test during in Printhead filling for color n.

Designjet T920, T930, T1500, T2500, T3500 error 94, 94.1
Restart color calibration. See Color calibration.

Beschreibung / Empfehlung

— Error Code
— Description / Recommendation

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 01.0:YZ
HCI queue does not end after 2 seconds — problem with formatter and/or main board.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 01.1:YZ
NVM backup: not found, read, write or read back error.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 01.2:YZ
Print mech PCA fault or NVM backup failure.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 02.1:YZ
Encoder seems to be wrong. (Code YZ seems to be a more general error with the carriage.)

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 02.1:10
Seems to fail reading pens voltage. (May need replacement of Carriage PCA, Trailing Cable or Main PCA)

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 02.2:YZ
Problem with the Carriage PCA.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 03:YZ
Problem with Power Supply Unit.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 05.1:YZ
CPU Fan is stopped or burnt.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 06:YZ
Main NVM failure — not detected, read/write failed or readback error.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 08:YZ
Problem with the Front Panel.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 11:YZ
Trailing cable does not seem to be detected.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 12.n:YZ
Carriage and PCA Main doesn’t detect pens.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 21:YZ
Fail moving Service Station. (General error)

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 21:13
Service Station is very dirty. (May be the Print Heads are more worse after cleaning as before.)

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 21.1:YZ
Service Station servo shutdown.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 22.0:YZ
ISS left BPSO error. (Supplies 0, 1, 2)

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 22.1:YZ
ISS left BPS1 error. (Supplies 3, 4, 5)

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 24:YZ
Ink Setup failure (Ink Delivery System (IDS) Tubes purge failed.)

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 26.n:YZ
Order of Ink Supplies incorrect.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 27:YZ
An error has occurred in Printhead detection.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 29.n:YZ
An error has occurred in Printhead detection.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 31:YZ
An error has been detected with the cutter.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 38:YZ
An error has been detected with the Media Output Tray.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 41:YZ
Electrical fault or current limit in Media-Axis Motor.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 41.1:YZ
Electrical fault or current limit in Media-Axis Motor.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 42:YZ
Electrical fault or current limit in Scan-Axis Motor.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 44:YZ
Fan electrical fault, or not connected.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 45:YZ
An error with the Rewinder System has been detected.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 47:YZ
Star wheels motor error.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 48:YZ
PPS system failure.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 51:YZ
Window Sensor failure.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 52:YZ
The printer has detected a problem with the Drop Detector.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 55:YZ
Problem with the Line Sensor. The printer has detected a failure to access Line Sensor EEPROM.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 56:YZ
Drive roller analog encoder sensor fail or calibration failed.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 58:YZ
The Line Sensor of the printer is not functioning correctly. Either the line sensor shutter has failed to open, there is a failure to communicate with the Line Sensor, the Line Sensor is not calibrated correctly, or the firmware is not compatible with the Line Sensor.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 61:YZ
The file format is incorrect and the Printer cannot process the job.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 62:YZ
PC Interface.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 63:YZ
Input/Output problem through the Network Card.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 64:YZ
Input/Output problem through the USB port.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 65:YZ
Memory Driver Internal I/O error, I/O Socket Manager Internal I/O error.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 66:YZ
Cannot print file on current paper type. The paper type has changed since the file was sent, so the file cannot be printed on the paper type currently loaded.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 67:YZ
Input/Output problem through a Firewire Port.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 68:YZ
Loss of engine counters tracking.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 71:YZ
Out of memory failure.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 71:19
Default Serial Number found in the main and backup NVM. It seems that both the Print Mech PCA and Hard Disk Drive have been replaced together.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 72:YZ
Generic Firmware error.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 73:YZ
Servo Error.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 74:YZ
Error uploading firmware update file.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 74.1:YZ
Error uploading media profile update file.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 75.1:YZ
Preventative maintenance Kit #1 counter active. (Scan Axis Components, Ink Supply Tubes, Trailing Cable, Carriage)

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 75.2:YZ
Preventative maintenance Kit #2 counter active.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 75.3:YZ
Preventative maintenance Kit #3 counter active. (Cutter Assembly)

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 75.4:YZ
Preventative maintenance Kit #4 counter active.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 76:YZ
Hard disk drive is full.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 77:YZ
Web access application. the web server is not functioning correctly.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 78:YZ
Borderless printing not possible. Setting ignored.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 78:1:YZ
Media settings area missing in media settings file.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 79:YZ
Generic Firmware error.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 79.1:YZ
Recoverable firmware error that does not stop the printing process.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 81:YZ
Problem with paper advance.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 81.1:YZ
Problem finding the Drive Roller zero.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 84:YZ
Back tension servo shutdown (roll feeding).

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 85:YZ
Problem finding the Drive Roller zero.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 86:YZ
Possible paper jam.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 87:YZ
Problem finding the Scan-axi encoder reading.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 93:YZ
Unable to pressurize the Ink Delivery System.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 94:YZ
Colour calibration error.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 94.1:YZ
Profiling algorithm failed.

Designjet T610, T620, T1100, T1120 error 98:YZ
Automatic backup print mode enabled.

Beschreibung / Empfehlung

— Error Code
— Description / Recommendation

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 01.0:YZ
HCI queue does not end after 2 seconds — problem with formatter and/or main board.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 01.1:YZ
NVM backup: not found, read, write or read back error.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 01.2:YZ
Print mech PCA fault or NVM backup failure.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 02.1:YZ
Encoder seems to be wrong.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 02.2:YZ
Problem with the Carriage PCA.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 03:YZ
Problem with Power Supply Unit.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 05.1:YZ
CPU Fan is stopped or burnt.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 06:YZ
Main NVM failure — not detected, read/write failed or readback error.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 08:YZ
Problem with the Front Panel.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 11:YZ
Trailing cable does not seem to be detected.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 12.n:YZ
Carriage & PCA Main doesn’t detect pens.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 21:YZ
Fail moving Service Station.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 21.1:YZ
Service Station servo shutdown.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 22.0:YZ
ISS left BPSO error. (Supplies 0, 1, 2).

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 22.1:YZ
ISS left BPS1 error. (Supplies 3, 4, 5).

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 24:YZ
Ink Setup failure (Ink Delivery System (IDS) Tubes purge failed).

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 26.n:YZ
Order of Ink Supplies incorrect.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 27:YZ
An error has occurred in Printhead detection.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 29.n:YZ
An error has occurred in Printhead detection.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 31:YZ
An error has been detected with the cutter.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 38:YZ
An error has been detected with the Media Output Tray.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 41:YZ
Electrical fault or current limit in Media-Axis Motor.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 41.1:YZ
Electrical fault or current limit in Media-Axis Motor.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 42:YZ
Electrical fault or current limit in Scan-Axis Motor.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 44:YZ
Fan electrical fault, or not connected.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 45:YZ
An error with the Rewinder System has been detected.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 47:YZ
Star wheels motor error.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 48:YZ
PPS system failure.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 51:YZ
Window Sensor failure.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 52:YZ
The printer has detected a problem with the Drop Detector.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 55:YZ
Problem with the Line Sensor. The printer has detected a failure to access Line Sensor EEPROM.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 56:YZ
Drive roller analog encoder sensor fail or calibration failed.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 58:YZ
The Line Sensor of the printer is not functioning correctly. Either the line sensor shutter has failed to open, there is a failure to communicate with the Line Sensor, the Line Sensor is not calibrated correctly, or the firmware is not compatible with the Line Sensor.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 61:YZ
The file format is incorrect and the Printer cannot process the job.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 62:YZ
PC Interface.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 63:YZ
Input/Output problem through the Network Card.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 64:YZ
Input/Output problem through the USB port.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 65:YZ
Memory Driver Internal I/O error, I/O Socket Manager Internal I/O error.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 66:YZ
Cannot print file on current paper type. The paper type has changed since the file was sent, so the file cannot be printed on the paper type currently loaded.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 67:YZ
Input/Output problem through a Firewire Port.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 68:YZ
Loss of engine counters tracking.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 71:YZ
Out of memory failure.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 71:19
Default Serial Number found in the main and backup NVM. It seems that both the Print Mech PCA and Hard Disk Drive have been replaced together.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 72:YZ
Generic Firmware error.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 73:YZ
Servo Error.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 74:YZ
Error uploading firmware update file.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 74.1:YZ
Error uploading media profile update file.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 75.1:YZ
Preventative maintenance Kit #1 counter active (Scan Axis Components, Ink Supply Tubes, Trailing Cable, Carriage).

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 75.2:YZ
Preventative maintenance Kit #2 counter active.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 75.3:YZ
Preventative maintenance Kit #3 counter active (Cutter Assembly).

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 75.4:YZ
Preventative maintenance Kit #4 counter active.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 76:YZ
Hard disk drive is full.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 77:YZ
Web access application. the web server is not functioning correctly.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 78:YZ
Borderless printing not possible. Setting ignore.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 78:1:YZ
Media settings area missing in media settings file.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 79:YZ
Generic Firmware error.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 79.1:YZ
Recoverable firmware error that does not stop the printing process.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 81:YZ
Problem with paper advance.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 81.1:YZ
Problem finding the Drive Roller zero.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 84:YZ
Back tension servo shutdown (roll feeding).

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 85:YZ
Problem finding the Drive Roller zero.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 86:YZ
Possible paper jam.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 87:YZ
Problem finding the Scan-axi encoder reading.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 93:YZ
Unable to pressurize the Ink Delivery System.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 94:YZ
Colour calibration error.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 94.1:YZ
Profiling algorithm failed.

Designjet T770, T790, T795, T1200, T1300, T2300, T7100 error 98:YZ
Automatic backup print mode enabled.

Beschreibung / Empfehlung

— Error Code
— Description / Recommendation

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 01.0:YZ
Communication with Main PCA failed.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 01.1:YZ
Error in the Print Mech PCA.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 01.2:YZ
Failure reading acumen chip of an Ink Supply Station.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 01.3:YZ
Device I2C acumen Right Ink Supply Station failure.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 02.1:YZ
Problem with the Carriage PCA.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 03:YZ
Problem with Power Supply Unit.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 03.0:10YZ
Battery of Real time clock ran down.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 06:YZ
Failure reading/writing NVM in Hard disk.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 08:YZ (or front panel is blank)
No communication between the Front Panel and the Main PCA.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 11:YZ
Trailing cable does not seem to be detected.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 21:YZ
Fail moving Service Station.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 21.1:YZ
Fail moving the Primer Motor of the Service Station.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 2x.n:10
Ink supply error found during IDS diagnostic test. The n represents the ink supply that is failing. The ink supply furthest to the left is always 0, and then they count up from left to right.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 22.0:YZ
Left Ink Supply Station error.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 22.1:YZ
Left Ink Supply Station error.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 22.2:YZ
Right Ink Supply Station error.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 22.3:YZ
Right Ink Supply Station error.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 24:YZ
Ink Setup failure (you must bring purgers).

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 31:01
An error has been detected with the cutter.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 31:02
An error has been detected with the cutter.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 31:03
Paper is loaded. While testing the cutter, paper should not be loaded.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 41:03
Media-Axis Motor failure (likely due to friction or obstacles in the media path).

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 41:YZ
Media-Axis Motor failure (likely due to friction or obstacles in the media path).

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 42:03
Scan-Axis Motor failure (likely due to obstacles in the scan axis or electrical fault).

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 42:YZ
Scan-Axis Motor failure (likely due to friction or obstacles in the media path).

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 44:YZ
Fan electrical fault, or not connected.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 47:03
Star wheels motor error.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 47:YZ
Star wheels motor error.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 48:YZ
PPS system failure.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 48:00
Druckkopfausrichtungserror: Der optische Fokus erkennt das Messmuster nicht.

Gründe: Möglicherweise stimmt der Druckkopfabstand zum Material nicht.

Lösungen: Der hintere Gleiter am Druckkopfschlitten fehlt möglicherweise.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 51:YZ
Window Sensor failure.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 52:10
The printer has detected fibers in the Drop Detector.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 55:YZ
Problem with the Line Sensor (Tetris). The printer has detected a failure to access Line Sensor EEPROM.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 56:YZ
Drive roller analog encoder sensor fail or calibration failed.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 58:YZ
The colour sensor ESP (spectrophotometer) of the printer is not working well. It could be a problem with the spectrophotometer, a communication problem between the spectrophotometer and Carriage PCA or the colour sensor shutter does not open properly.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 61:YZ
The file format is incorrect and the Printer cannot process the job.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 62:YZ
PC interface issue. Power on and off. Get the latest version of the firmware.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 63:YZ
Input/Output problem through the Network interface of the formatter.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 64:YZ
Input/Output problem through the USB port.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 65:YZ
Memory Driver Internal I/O error, I/O Socket Manager Internal I/O error.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 66:YZ
Cannot print file on current paper type. The paper type has changed since the file was sent, so the file cannot be printed on the paper type currently loaded.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 67:YZ
Input/Output problem through a firewire port.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 68:YZ
Loss of engine counters tracking.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 71:YZ
Out of memory failure.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 71:19
Default Serial Number found in the main and backup NVM. It seems that both the Print Mech PCA and Hard Disk Drive have been replaced together.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 72:YZ
Generic firmware error. Check that the printer has the latest firmware version — if not, update.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 72:YZ
A service calibration must be performed. Check the internal error code to see which calibration must be performed. To check the internal error code, press UP and CANCEL together while the error code is displayed.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 73:YZ
Servo error.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 74:YZ
Error uploading firmware update file.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 74.1:YZ
Error uploading media profile update file.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 75.1:YZ
Preventative maintenance kit #1 counter active (Scan Axis Components, Ink supply tubes, trailing cable, carriage).

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 75.2:YZ
Preventative maintenance kit #2 counter active.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 75.21:YZ
The spittoons (left spittoon, service station) have reached 80% capacity

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 75.22:YZ
The spittoons (left spittoon, service station) are full.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 76:YZ
Hard disk drive is full.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 77:YZ
Web access application. the web server is not functioning correctly.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 78:YZ
Borderless printing not possible. Setting ignored.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 78:08
The job received can not be printed without borders on this paper.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 78:1:YZ
Media settings area missing in media settings file.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 79:YZ
Generic Firmware error.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 79.1:YZ
Recoverable firmware error that does not stop the printing process.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 81:YZ
Problem with paper advance.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 81:YZ
This error can occur because the printer has been dropped during transportation, causing structural damage. Before continuing with the 81:YZ troubleshooting, first look for structural damage.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 81.1:YZ
Problem finding the Drive Roller zero.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 84:YZ
Back tension servo shutdown (roll feedng).

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 85:YZ
Problem finding the Drive Roller zero.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 86:YZ
Possible paper jam.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 86:01
Problem moving the carriage, most likely due to a paper jam.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 87:YZ
Problem finding the Scan-axi encoder reading.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 93:YZ
Unable to pressurize the Ink Delivery System or the ISS Motor does not move as expected.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 94:YZ
Colour calibration error

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 94.1:YZ
Profiling algorithm failed.

Designjet Z2100, Z3100, Z3200 error 98:YZ
Automatic backup print mode enabled.

Beschreibung / Empfehlung

— Error Code
— Description / Recommendation

Designjet Z6100 error 01.0:10
Main PCA hardware failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 01.1:10
PrintMech PCA hardware failure request a service/repair estimate.

Designjet Z6100 error 01.2:10
ISS Top PCA communication failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 01.3:10
ISS Bottom PCA communication failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 02:10
There is no signal from the Scan Axis Encoder.

Analytics: Scan axis encoder may be wrong. Try to replace it.

Designjet Z6100 error 02.1:10
Carriage PCA communication failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 03:10
Power distribution failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 05:10
Formatter communication failure with ISS.

Designjet Z6100 error 05.1:10
Formatter CPU fan stoped or burnt.

Designjet Z6100 error 06:03
Main NVM communication failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 06:10
Main NVM communication failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 08:11
Front Panel communication failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 11:10
Trailing Cable does not seem to be connected.

Designjet Z6100 error 17.0:11
PrintMech to Interconnect cable does not seem to be connected

Designjet Z6100 error 17.1:11
PrintMech to Interconnect Data 1 cable does not seem to be connected.

Designjet Z6100 error 17.2:11
PrintMech to Interconnect Data 2 cable does not seem to be connected.

Designjet Z6100 error 17.3:11
Main PCA to PrintMech Black 1 cable does not seem to be connected.

Designjet Z6100 error 17.4:11
Main PCA to PrintMech Blue 2 cable does not seem to be connected.

Designjet Z6100 error 21:03
Service Station electrical current limit

Designjet Z6100 error 21:13
Service Station jam.

Designjet Z6100 error 23:10
Air Pressurization System failure; unable to pressurize or depressurize tubes.

Designjet Z6100 error 24:03
Ink Supply Tubes purge failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 24:10
A broken bag has been detected in one of the ink Cartridges.

Designjet Z6100 error 24:11
PrintMech to ISS Top cable does not seem to be connected.

Designjet Z6100 error 24.1:11
ISS Top to ISS Bottom cable does not seem to be connected.

Designjet Z6100 error 26.0:01
Bad contact detected in ISS slot 0 floater.

Designjet Z6100 error 26.1:01
Bad contact detected in ISS slot 1 floater.

Designjet Z6100 error 26.2:01
Bad contact detected in ISS slot 2 floater.

Designjet Z6100 error 26.3:01
Bad contact detected in ISS slot 3 floater.

Designjet Z6100 error 26.4:01
Bad contact detected in ISS slot 4 floater.

Designjet Z6100 error 26.5:01
Bad contact detected in ISS slot 5 floater.

Designjet Z6100 error 26.6:01
Bad contact detected in ISS slot 6 floater.

Designjet Z6100 error 26.7:01
Bad contact detected in ISS slot 7 floater.

Designjet Z6100 error 27.1:01
Calibration failed due to poor performance of the Magenta / Yellow Printhead in slot 1.

Designjet Z6100 error 27.2:01
Calibration failed due to poor performance of the Magenta / Yellow Printhead in slot 2.

Designjet Z6100 error 27.3:01
Calibration failed due to poor performance of the Light Cyan / Light Magenta Printhead slot 3.

Designjet Z6100 error 27.4:01
Calibration failed due to poor performance of the Light Cyan / Light Magenta Printhead in slot 4.

Designjet Z6100 error 27.5:01
Calibration failed due to poor performance of the Photo Black / Light Gray Printhead in slot 5.

Designjet Z6100 error 27.6:01
Calibration failed due to poor performance of the Photo Black / Light Gray Printhead in slot 6.

Designjet Z6100 error 27.7:01
Calibration failed due to poor performance of the Matte Black / Red Printhead in slot 7.

Designjet Z6100 error 27.8:01
Calibration failed due to poor performance of the Matte Black / Red Printhead in slot 8.

Designjet Z6100 error 28.1:01
Magenta / Yellow Printhead in slot 1 is deteriorating.

Designjet Z6100 error 28.2:01
Magenta / Yellow Printhead in slot 2 is deteriorating.

Designjet Z6100 error 28.3:01
Light Cyan / Light Magenta Printhead in slot 3 is deteriorating.

Designjet Z6100 error 28.4:01
Light Cyan / Light Magenta Printhead in slot 4 is deteriorating.

Designjet Z6100 error 28.5:01
Photo Black / Light Gray Printhead in slot 5 is deteriorating.

Designjet Z6100 error 28.6:01
Photo Black / Light Gray Printhead in slot 6 is deteriorating.

Designjet Z6100 error 28.7:01
Matte Black / Red Printhead in slot 7 is deteriorating

Designjet Z6100 error 28.8:01
Matte Black / Red Printhead in slot 8 is deteriorating

Designjet Z6100 error 28.1:02
Magenta / Yellow Printhead in slot 1 nearing the end of it’s useful life.

Designjet Z6100 error 28.2:02
Magenta / Yelow Printhead in slot 2 nearing the end of it’s useful life.

Designjet Z6100 error 28.3:02
Light Cyan / Light Magenta Printehad in slot 3 nearing the end of it’s useful life.

Designjet Z6100 error 28.4:02
Light Cyan / Light Magenta Printehad in slot 4 nearing the end of it’s useful life.

Designjet Z6100 error 28.5:02
Phot Black / Light Gray Printhead in slot 5 nearing the end of it’s useful life.

Designjet Z6100 error 28.6:02
Photo Black / Light Gray Printhead in slot 6 nearing the end of it’s useful life.

Designjet Z6100 error 28.7:02
Matte Black / Red Printhead in slot 7 nearing the end of it’s useful life.

Designjet Z6100 error 28.8:02
Matte Black / Red Printhead in slot 8 nearin the end of it’s useful life.

Designjet Z6100 error 29:00
Maintenance Cartridge almost full.

Designjet Z6100 error 29:01
Maintenance Catridge not inserted correctly.

Designjet Z6100 error 29:02
Ink Absorber almost full.

Designjet Z6100 error 32:01
Take-up Reel (TUR) communication failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 32:01.1
Take-up Reel (TUR) early paper jam.

Designjet Z6100 error 32:01.2
Take-up Reel (TUR) paper jam.

Designjet Z6100 error 32:01.9
Take-up Reel (TUR) disabled because paper was removed unexpectedly.

Designjet Z6100 error 32:02
Take-up Reel (TUR) not detected or disconnected while printer was off.

Designjet Z6100 error 36.0:01
Duplexer communication error.

Designjet Z6100 error 36.01:01
Duplexer paper skew error.

Designjet Z6100 error 36.02:01
Duplexer paper incorrect lateral edge position.

Designjet Z6100 error 36.03:01
Duplexer unable to detect paper.

Designjet Z6100 error 36.1:01
Duplexer not ready for printing.

Designjet Z6100 error 36.2:01
Duplexer internal error.

Designjet Z6100 error 41:03
Paper motor electrical curent limit.

Designjet Z6100 error 42:03
Scan-Axis motor electrical current limit.

Designjet Z6100 error 42:10
Electrical fault in carriage motor.


— The error points to the scan axis motor. What is probably happening, is the printer is sensing too much resistance. Maybe because of less oil on the sliders or after it engages the cutter. It may be that the cutter is dragging and not running properly. Perform a manual form feed and cut through the paper menu and see what happens. If that causes a problem, then start by checking to see if the cutter is seating properly. It is probably cheaper to replace the cutter first, before trying to replace the scan axis motor.

— Look if the servicestation set wright in the platen.

— The error code is with misplacement of carriage stopper on the right side of plotter. Refix the carriage stopper issue will get resolved. If not check with the latest firmware.

— The scan axis motor is faulty and needs to be replaced.

— Your problem can be a dirty encoder sensor in the carriage or the strip is damaged in the service station zone. Clean the encoder strip if you have not already. The problem with the cleaning cartridge detection came from is the line sensor. Can be dirty or damaged—check the bottom of the carriage.

Designjet Z6100 error 43:01
Vacuum Fan spinning at wrong speed.

Designjet Z6100 error 43:10
Vacuum Fan failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 43.1:10
Vacuum Driver PCA communication or hardware failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 43:11
Vacuum Fan PCA cable does not seem to be connected.

Designjet Z6100 error 44.1:10
Left Aerosol Fan stopped.

Designjet Z6100 error 44.2:10
Right Aerosol Fan stopped or spinning at lower speed.

Designjet Z6100 error 44.4:10
Right Aerosol Fan Filter blocked.

Designjet Z6100 error 45:03
Rewinder servo shutdown.

Designjet Z6100 error 46:03
Primer servo shutdown.

Designjet Z6100 error 46:13
Primer test distance failed.

Designjet Z6100 error 50:03
OMAS fatal error or disconnected.

Designjet Z6100 error 50.1:10
OMAS Module communication failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 50:14
Firmware version mismatch between the OMAS Controller Card and Hard Disk Drive.

Designjet Z6100 error 50.2:10
OMAS Controller Card communication failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 50.3:11
Main PCA to OMAS Controller cable does not seem to be connected.

Designjet Z6100 error 51:10
Error detected in the Window Position Sensor.

Designjet Z6100 error 51.1:10
Error detected in the Maintenance Cartridge Door Sensor (Service Station Door Sensor).

Designjet Z6100 error 52:10
Drop Detector switch On/Off failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 53:10
Media Sensor error.

Designjet Z6100 error 53.1:11
Media Sensor cable does not seem to be connected.

Designjet Z6100 error 54:10
Media Level Sensor error.

Designjet Z6100 error 55:10
Line Sensor communication failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 56:01
Incorrect readings from paper encoder.

Designjet Z6100 error 56:10
Paper Encoder calibration failed.

Designjet Z6100 error 58:01
Embedded PhotoSpectrometer (ESP) shutter error.

Designjet Z6100 error 58:10
Embedded PhotoSpectrometer (ESP) failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 58.1:10
Embedded PhotoSpectrometer (ESP) Shutter Actuator failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 58.2:10
Embedded PhotoSpectrometer (ESP) Shutter Deactivator failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 59.1:09
Two electrical parts have been replaced at the same time.

Designjet Z6100 error 59.2:00
An unsupported or reused part has been installed.

Designjet Z6100 error 60.1:11
Initialization error.

Designjet Z6100 error 60.2:17
Initialization error.

Designjet Z6100 error 61:01
The file format is incorrect and the printer cannot process the job.

Designjet Z6100 error 61:04.1
The PostScript fonts are missing.

Designjet Z6100 error 61:04.2
PostScript unknown Paper ID.

Designjet Z6100 error 61:08
The paper type specified in the file is incorrect and the printer cannot process the job.

Designjet Z6100 error 61:08.1
The file cannot be printed because it is password-protected.

Designjet Z6100 error 61:08.2
The file contains format errors or incorrect settings and the printer cannot process the job.

Designjet Z6100 error 61:10
A slow computer processing complex files can pause for longer than the default printer timeout, which can be interperted by the printer as an End Of Job, in which case some elements of the job may be lost.

Designjet Z6100 error 64.1:01
The printer does not recognize the USB Hard Disk Drive accessory.

Designjet Z6100 error 71:03
Out of memory failure.

Designjet Z6100 error 71:08
Insufficient display list.

Designjet Z6100 error 74:01
Error uploading firmware update file.

Designjet Z6100 error 75.21:10
Total printer ink consumption reached upper limit.

Designjet Z6100 error 76:03
Hard Disk Drive out of Space.

Designjet Z6100 error 77:04
Embedded Web Server internal software error.

Designjet Z6100 error 78.1:04
Media Settings area missing in media settings file.

Designjet Z6100 error 79:03
Generic firmware error.

Designjet Z6100 error 79:04
Generic firmware error.

Designjet Z6100 error 79.2:04
Operating-system signal error.

Designjet Z6100 error 81:01
Paper servo shutdown; possible paper jam.

Designjet Z6100 error 85:03
Problem finding the Drive Roller zero.

Designjet Z6100 error 86:01
Carriage servo shutdown; possible paper jam.

Analytics: Can be a bad the carriage belt, than replace it.

If no problem can be found proceed the Service Tests (Diagnostics): Scan Axis Test.

Designjet Z6100 error 86:11
Scan-Axis length requires too much force or energy.

Designjet Z6100 error 87:01
Problem with the Scan Axis encoder sensor readings.

Designjet Z6100 error 87:10
Problem with the Carriage Encoder Sensor readings.

Designjet Z6100 error 94:01
The paper is not suitable for colour calibration, being too dark (low L), or too coloured (a or b above thresholds), or transparent.

Designjet Z6100 error 94:02
Colour calibration error, some of the consistency checks on the Embedded SpectroPhotometer (ESP) measurements failed, which could have several causes.

Designjet Z6100 error 94:10
Embedded SpectroPhotometer (ESP) contaminated by aerosol.

Системные ошибки плоттеров HP DesignJet T730 | T830

В этом разделе описываются все серьезные ошибки, которые могут возникнуть при использовании принтера, а также описываются методы диагностики и действия, необходимые для устранения обнаруженной проблемы.

Системная ошибка

Описание проблемы


Разрядилась батарея часов реального времени (RTC)


Сбой или неисправность связи с главной платой


Передняя панель не отвечает


Ошибка связи сканера с главной платой


Проблема энергонезависимой памяти сканера (Scanner bundle PCA)


Ошибка мотора сканера


Сбой сканбара (Scanbar 3 шт) Распечатайте диагностический график сканера или откалибруйте его


Сбой ползунка сканера


Станция технического обслуживания не в состоянии пройти весь путь


Слабый мотор праймера или с недостаточной мощностью


Priming motor or electrical failure


Утечка воздуха в системе наддува


Чернила не текут к PHA во время процесса запуска PHA


Во время запуска PHA закончились чернила, неисправный или отсутствующий картридж


В процессе запуска изменились значения уровня чернил картриджа (пустой или поврежден)


Сбой мотора ISS или неисправен диск энкодера


Ошибка ISS Optotrip (оптические датчики клапанов)


 Неисправность ISS Bongo. Проверьте запасы чернил. Убедитесь,что они являются подлинными чернилами HP


Silent S.E. for troubleshooting


Проблема PHA


Не удается переместить привод протяжки бумаги или не получена обратная связь


Не удается переместить привод узла каретки или не получена обратная связь


Не удается переместить привод укладчика (Pick Servo) или не получена обратная связь


Не удается переместить привод обратной намотки или не получена обратная связь


Неисправность датчиков крышек Top (SFP) или Front (MFP)


Отказ датчика дверцы PHA


Неисправность датчика дверцы картриджей


Ошибка датчика OOP (Out-Of-Paper)


Неисправность датчика выходного лотка


Обнаружен конфликт между главной NVM и резервной копией


Сбой или несовпадение между основной и резервной копией NVM. Возможно были заменены два электронных узла одновременно


Резервная копия NVM отсутствует или работает неправильно


Ошибка датчика энкодера


Ошибка датчика энкодера


Ошибка ленты энкодера


Не обнаружено наличие многолистового лотка


Проблема запуска системы IDS


Проблема самонаведения каретки


Неисправность датчика каретки (Line sensor)

Как интерпретировать коды серьезных ошибок

Коды ошибок используют две группы  DAXX-YYZZ.

Краткое описание ниже:




Тип агрегата: 1-значный номер от 0 до 9.


Действие: 1-значное число от 0 до 9


Модуль: 2-значный номер от 00 до 99.


Служебная часть: 2-значный номер от 00 до 99.


Причина ошибки: 2-значные числа от 00 до 99.

  • hp designjet t830 mfp ошибка b82fcf10 (синий либо зелёный экран )

    Проблема с материнской платой.

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В данной статье мы поговорим об общем положении ошибок. Все системные ошибки можно посмотреть в сервисном мануале вашего плоттера. Опытные мастера без проблем определяют причину возникновения той или иной ошибки и устраняют их в большинстве случаев на территории заказчика. Большинство ошибок плоттера не имеют прямую связь с кодом ошибки и не могут быть исправлены описанными действиями, но тем не менее существуют и не критические ошибки, которые устраняются действиями рядового пользователя. В таких случаях компания HP рекомендует вызывать квалифицированных инженеров.

При некоторых ошибках можно продолжать работу, нажав кнопку Enter на передней панели; при других ошибках продолжать работу нельзя — попробуйте выключить и включить принтер, если ошибка не исчезла, то требуется квалифицированное вмешательство.

Код ошибки состоит из четырех цифр; в таблице 1 приведены расшифровки первых двух цифр, в таблице 2 — последних двух. Чтоб открыть таблицу нажмите на кнопку Показать/Скрыть

Таблица 1: первые две цифры кода ошибки 

Таблица 2: последние две цифры кода ошибки

Утилита просмотра лог-файла ошибок

Подробное описание кодов ошибок плоттеров HP

Если Вы умный, смелый, ловкий и умелый, желаете работать в дружном коллективе и зарабатывать достойную заработную плату, то просто позвоните нам,…

Для юридических лиц мы рекомендуем заключить договор на сервисное техническое обслуживание. В случае, если Вы заключите договор во время покупки…

The problem in this post has been solved prior to posting. I am simply sharing this problem and what fixed it. There is a locked post with the same issue here , but no resolution.

I recently installed a Designjet t830 on a customer’s network. After unsuccessfully attempting to setup a «scan to network» folder (see how here) I assumed something on the network was blocking the plotter. During the troubleshooting process with the cusomter’s IT, I discovered several things: 

First, if I attempted to use the computer name in the file path, the setup failed immediately. If I used the computer’s ip address it took 5-10 minutes to fail. (this is not normal) 

Second, scan to email worked fine. Scan to thumbdrive worked fine. However, scan to computer would only scan small drawings. If I attempted to scan arch size drawings the scan would fail. Scan to network would not work at all.

Third, when removing the printer from the customer’s network and directly connecting my laptop to the device via ethernet, I had the same symptoms. (This told me the problem was with printer and not the network)

The following steps were then taken: 

The firmware was upgraded. (did not solve) The printer was reset to factory. (did not solve) The plotter was swapped out with another t830. (the new plotter scanned fine) 

After multiple calls, several days and hours on the phone with HP,  and multiple attempts by them to remotely setup scanning, they finally sent someone out (printer was new, under warranty) to replace the mainboard. Afterwards, I was able to setup scanning and send a test drawing. 

Solution: Replace MAIN PCA SV / Part number from service manual: F9A30-67001

In my research, I only found one mention of this issue which was in the aforementioned post. I hope this saves a little time for anyone else experiencing this issue.

The problem in this post has been solved prior to posting. I am simply sharing this problem and what fixed it. There is a locked post with the same issue here , but no resolution.

I recently installed a Designjet t830 on a customer’s network. After unsuccessfully attempting to setup a «scan to network» folder (see how here) I assumed something on the network was blocking the plotter. During the troubleshooting process with the cusomter’s IT, I discovered several things: 

First, if I attempted to use the computer name in the file path, the setup failed immediately. If I used the computer’s ip address it took 5-10 minutes to fail. (this is not normal) 

Second, scan to email worked fine. Scan to thumbdrive worked fine. However, scan to computer would only scan small drawings. If I attempted to scan arch size drawings the scan would fail. Scan to network would not work at all.

Third, when removing the printer from the customer’s network and directly connecting my laptop to the device via ethernet, I had the same symptoms. (This told me the problem was with printer and not the network)

The following steps were then taken: 

The firmware was upgraded. (did not solve) The printer was reset to factory. (did not solve) The plotter was swapped out with another t830. (the new plotter scanned fine) 

After multiple calls, several days and hours on the phone with HP,  and multiple attempts by them to remotely setup scanning, they finally sent someone out (printer was new, under warranty) to replace the mainboard. Afterwards, I was able to setup scanning and send a test drawing. 

Solution: Replace MAIN PCA SV / Part number from service manual: F9A30-67001

In my research, I only found one mention of this issue which was in the aforementioned post. I hope this saves a little time for anyone else experiencing this issue.

The most common error codes.

0824-2000 Description: 24.20. SHAID (Ink detection sensor inside PHA) not covered
0027-0056 Description: 27.00. Printhead
0027-0019 Description: 27.00. Printhead
0024-1100 Description: Out of ink detected in altered supplies during the startup process
0021-0059 Description: 21.00. Service station assy
0824-2000 Description: 24.20. SHAID (Ink detection sensor inside PHA) not covered
0024-1100 Description: Out of ink detected in altered supplies during the startup process
0027-0056 Description: 27.00. Printhead
0027-0019 Description: 27.00. Printhead
0026-0200 Description: ISS Bongo Malfunction
T830 0001-0082 Real Time Clock (RTC) Battery ran down. go to the Support Menu by pressing the Power key continuously for 15 seconds, Go to the Diagnostics Menu check RTC battery status, replace the RTC battery by replacing the Main PCA T830 0004-0001 Printer Bundle Board communication failure or malfunction Turn off/on. Check Cables in bundle pCA, Repalce Bundle PCA, Replace Bundle FFC cable, Repalce the Main PCA T830 0008-0001 Onsite troubleshooting and solution (service engineer) No communication between the Front Panel and the Main PCA, e beeps. Call service engineer. T830 0009-0101 Scanner Bundle Board PCAOther Turn off/on. Check Cables in bundle PCA, Scanner Repalce Bundle PCA, Replace Main PCA T830 0009-0174 Scanner bundle PCA Non-volatile memory issue Turn off/on. Check cables, Replace scan Bundle Board T830 0009-0201 Scanner Motor Failure Turn off/on. Run the Scanner Media Drive diagnostics test, Replace Scanner motor and transmission, check pinch rollers and sliders, run scanner media diagnostics. T830 0009-0301 Scanbar failure Turn off/on. Rrint scanner diagnostic plot or calibrate, scan check results, Check scanbar to PCA connections, replace scanbar set, recalibrate. T830 0009-0401 Scanner slider failure open scanner lid, check for wear, dirt on sliders, replace as needed, if blocked remove scanner platen & clean, check & removes staples, debris. T830 0021-0017 Service station is not able to move all the way Turn off open PHA door and look for obstacles blocking SVS movement, Reconnect power, check cables, replace service station, Replace the Bundle Board, T830 0021-0132 Weak primer motor or underpowered motor Turn off/on. Check cable to prime pump & PCA, Replace cables, replace Pump motor, replace the Print bundle PCA. T830 0021-0161 Priming motor or electrical failure Turn off/on. Check cables, Replace Priming motor, Replace the Print bundle PCA, T830 0021-0180 Air Leak in Priming System Turn off/on. Remove cover and check Prime Pump air circuit, inspect Fluidic connections. Repalce Fluidic pump, replace pump motor T830 0024-0000 The ink does not flow to the PHA during the PHA startup process Reseat the PHA and ensure the ink tube connections are correct, install PHA replacement kit, replace RIDS (Ink Tubes) T830 0024-1000 Out of ink ,faulty or missing cartridge during the PHA startup Check ink cartridges are seated, reinsert. Change ink to new cartridge. T830 0024-1100 Out of ink detected in altered supplies try agin with New unused HP supplies. T830 0026-0061 ISS motor stall or bad encoder disc Restart, run service diagnostic test to verify ISS, replace ISS, run Service diagnostics to test and verify ISS and sensors T830 0026-0100 ISS Optotrip failureOther Turn Off/on. Run ISS diagnostic test, insure ISS cables are OK, ensure no ink spots or debis on media or opto sensors. Replace ISS T830 0026-0200 ISS Bongo Malfunction Check ink supplies. Ensure they are genuine HP ink supplies. T830 0026-XXXX Silent S.E. for troubleshooting call HP tech T830 0027-00XX PHA problem, Carriage PCA, Trailing Cable, Main PCA Remove clean and reseat PHA kit, check ink tubes latch, if under warranty arrange for PHA replacement T830 0041-0017 Unable to move Paper Servo or no feedback received. Turn off/on. Go to support menu press Power key 15 sec. run paper servo diagnostic test, replace paper motor, replace feed encoder sensor PCA, repalce Paper Motor, Replace Main PCA T830 0042-0117 Unable to move Carriage Servo or no feedback received. Turn off/on. Check carriage motor belt, replace carriage belt, replace carriage motor T830 0043-0017 Unable to move Pick Servo or no feedback received Remove covers and chec that cables to Printer Bundle Board, pick motor . Repalce Cable, Repalce pick motor T830 0045-0017 Unable to move Rewind Servo or no feedback received. Turn off/on. Remove spindle, check gear and cap position, look for damage, replace spindle, check cable to Main PCA, repalce left roll support, replace main PCA T830 0051-0101 Top (SFP) or Front (MFP) Cover sensor failure, Main PCA failure Turn off/on. Run top cover sonsor diagnostic, replace the top cover sensor PCA, replace cable, replace Main PCA T830 0051-0201 PHA door sensor failure Turn off/on. Run top cover sonsor diagnostic, replace door sensor PCA, replace cable, replace Main PCA T830 0051-0301 Ink Cartridge door sensor failure Turn off/on. Check cable to door, replace ink cartidge door sensor, replace main PCA T830 0053-0201 Output Tray sensor failure Turn off/on. Run Output Tray Sensor diagnostic, Check output try sensor and replace if needed, replace output tray sensor assembly, replace Main PCA T830 0059-0190 Conflict found between NVM main and backup The error appears if during a service operation, the Main PCA or the NVM backup PCA are replaced by a reused part (not a new spare part). T830 0059-0191 Default data found in both NVM main and backup The error appears if during a service operation, the Main PCA and the NVM backup PCA are replaced at the same time, restart printer between replacing parts. T830 0059-0289 NVM backup is missing or does not work correctly Ensure NVM backup cable is properly connected, replace the NVM backup T830 0085-0101 Feed index encoder sensor does not work properly Turn off/on. Check all cables to the Main PCA, replace cables, repalce feed index encoder sensor PCA, replace Encoder Disk T830 0085-0201 Feed encoder sensor does not work properly Turn off/on. Check cables connected to Main PCA,replace cables, replace feed encoder sensor PCA, replace encoder disk T830 0087-0001 Encoder Strip Failure Turn off/0n. Check the Encoder Strip, clean or replace. Replace encoder strip sensor. T830 0153-0302 Multi-Sheet Tray presence not detected Ensure that the Multi-Sheet Tray is properly placed and the latch is closed, check cable connection to the MPCA T830 0824-XXXX Silent Error IDS startup problem: Silent System Errors not shown in the Front Panel. Refer to Ink supplies troubleshooting for more information T830 0942-0188 Carriage homing problem Reboot system, clean encoder strip, Check encoder strip, scan axis and service station parts, repalce parts if needed. T830 0955-0050 Line sensor failureOther Turn off/on, run the Line Sensor diagnostic , replace damaged cable, replace line sensor, replace carriage assembly, replace belt, replace Main PCA

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