Hp pavilion g6 ошибка 0501

error-501-biosОбладатели ноутбуков HP очень часто сталкиваются с проблемой, когда при запуске BIOS на этом устройстве, система выдает сообщение о том, что приложение HP BIOS повреждено или отсутствует, и что для решения проблемы необходимо переустановить эту оболочку. Если же Вы уже посещали официальный сайт HP и никакой из советов, описанных там, Вам не помог, то в этой теме Вы узнаете о действительно эффективном методе, как исправить Error 501 в BIOS на ноутбуках HP.

Шаг 1: сброс BIOS

Первое, что нужно сделать, когда Вы видите на своем ноутбуке HP BIOS Error 501 – вытянуть и вставить обратно батарею CMOS. Делается это предельно просто:

  1. Переверните ноутбук нижней стороной вверх.
  2. Далее, откройте заднюю часть ноутбука, переключив фиксатор и сняв пластиковую панель.fiksator-krishki
  3. Найдите круглую батарею, отсоедините небольшой шлейф, через который батарея подключается к ноутбуку, после чего вытяните её совсем.cmos-battery
  4. Теперь нужно поставить ноутбук в нормальное положение и войти в БИОС без батареи.

Шаг 2: настройки БИОС

Войти в БИОС на ноутбуке HP можно, если во время загрузки устройства часто нажимать на клавишу Esc на клавиатуре.

Когда Вы попадете в оболочку, чтобы избавиться от ошибки Error 501 в BIOS, осуществите следующие действия:

  1. Нажмите клавишу F10.Ошибка 501 в BIOS HP: решение проблемы
  2. На верхней панели выберите «System Configuration».system-configuration
  3. Далее – «Device Configuration».device-configurations
  4. Пролистайте меню вниз и отключите два пункта: «HP Quick Web» и «HP Quick Web: Write Protect».hp-quick-web
  5. Нажмите на «Save», чтобы сохранить изменения.save
  6. Выйдите из БИОС с сохранением всех внесенных правок.

Теперь осталось выключить ноутбук и вернуть батарею CMOS обратно на место. После этого Вы обнаружите, что Error 501 в BIOS исчез, а сам ноутбук и вся система работают корректно и без перебоев.



During startup, the system performs several checks of the computer BIOS (Basic Input Output System). If an error in the BIOS
is found during these checks, an error message might display on the screen. To resolve these errors, use the following steps
and procedures to recover the BIOS.

BIOS Recovery error (500)

During the startup process, the BIOS might need to perform a system recovery. The BIOS Recovery (500) message displays for
15 seconds before the computer automatically reboots. You have the option of pressing enter to proceed without waiting 15 seconds.

Identifying the BIOS Recovery Error (500)

To resolve the BIOS Recovery Error (500), update the computer BIOS to the latest version.

  1. Navigate to the product page for your computer.

  2. Select BIOS from the list that displays, and then review any available BIOS updates.

    • If you do not see a BIOS update listed for your computer, no update is currently available.

    • If there are multiple BIOS updates available, identify the motherboard installed on your computer using the information from the System Information utility.

    • If you find a BIOS update, click Download. If HP Download and Install Assistant displays, select Download only, and then click Next. Click Save to save the BIOS update file on your computer.

  3. Browse to the folder or desktop where you saved the downloaded BIOS update file, and then double-click the file name (example:
    sp12345) to start the installation.

    Wait for the computer to install the update. The computer might beep, turn off and on the display or cooling fans, or display
    a blinking power light. This is normal.


    Do not turn off or restart the computer until the update process completes.

    Location of saved BIOS update on computer

  4. Click Yes on the User Account Control screen.

  5. On the InstallShield Wizard window, click Next.

    Clicking Next in the InstallShield Wizard

  6. Select I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click Next.

    Agreeing to End User License Agreement

  7. If a Location to Save Files window displays, click Next.

  8. On the HP BIOS Update and Recovery window, click Next.


    Windows that display during the update process might vary depending on your computer.

    Clicking Next on HP BIOS Update and Recovery window

  9. Select Update, and then click Next to prepare the update.

    Selecting Update in HP BIOS Update and Recovery

  10. Click Restart Now to install the update.

    Clicking Restart Now to install the update

  11. On the HP BIOS Update screen, click Apply Update Now, or wait for the update to start automatically.

    Clicking Apply Update Now

  12. Wait while the BIOS update installs. The computer displays the installation progress.

    Screen displaying progress of the BIOS update installation

  13. When prompted, click Continue Startup, or wait for the computer to restart automatically. It might take a few minutes for the computer to restart.

    Clicking Continue Startup


    If the update fails, a failure screen displays with additional information. The system might run a BIOS recovery after restarting.
    Do not attempt to turn off the computer if this happens.

  14. When the lock screen displays, sign in to your computer.

    The lock screen displays after a successful BIOS update.

BIOS Application error (501)

During the startup process, the system performs an application test of the BIOS. If the BIOS application fails the test, the
BIOS is assumed to be corrupt and the system installs a hidden copy of the BIOS to correct the problem, and the startup process
continues. The BIOS Application Error (501) message displays for 15 seconds before the computer automatically reboots. You
have the option of pressing enter to proceed without waiting 15 seconds.

Identifying the BIOS Application Error (501)

To resolve the BIOS Application Error (501), restore the BIOS.

  1. Press enter to restart the PC.

  2. If the error displays after restarting, try to restore the BIOS using a USB drive. For more information, see the «Recover
    the BIOS using a USB recovery drive» section of the following:

    • For desktop computers, go to HP Desktop PCs — Recovering the BIOS (Basic Input Output System).

    • For notebook computers, go to HP Notebook PCs — Recovering the BIOS (Basic Input Output System).

  3. If restoring the BIOS fails, contact HP.

CMOS Reset (502) The CMOS checksum is invalid

During the startup process, the system performs a checksum test of the BIOS. If the checksum is incorrect, the BIOS is assumed
to be corrupt and the system installs a hidden copy of the BIOS to correct the problem, and the startup process continues.
The following message displays for 15 seconds before the computer automatically reboots. You have the option of pressing enter to proceed without waiting 15 seconds.

Identifying the CMOS Checksum Error (502)

To resolve the CMOS Reset Error (502), restore the BIOS.

  1. Press enter to restart the PC.

  2. If the error displays after restarting, try to restore the BIOS using a USB drive. For more information, see the «Recover
    the BIOS using a USB recovery drive» section of the following:

    • For desktop computers, go to HP Desktop PCs — Recovering the BIOS (Basic Input Output System).

    • For notebook computers, go to HP Notebook PCs — Recovering the BIOS (Basic Input Output System).

  3. If restoring the BIOS fails, contact HP.

You may have get a ‘BIOS Application Error 501’ error message if using not HP Preload image and press INFO button when starting unit.
The HP BIOS application selected is corrupt or missing. Please install the application and try again.

BIOS Application Error (501)

Enter — Continue

This error is the result of using the INFO button launch HP EFI Application and if not using HP Preload image, the operating system cannot find the EFI partition.

What is EFI ?
EFI is a set modular interfaces that replaced the set of traditional BIOS interfaces between the OS and platform firmware.
The EFI partition is viewable on HP Preload image and HDD and is labeled as HP_TOOLS.
The EFI partition and HP EFI application are not required for the basic operation of HP Notebook, however, if partition is missing, EFI feature is not available.

Read mode on EFI Features on the «HP Business Notebook Computer — EFI Guidelines» that are downloadable on the www.hp.com

EFI Guidelines (116.5KB, PDF) HP Business Notebook Computer

I am an HP employee

Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

Здравствуйте! Прощу помощи!

Модель ноутбука: HP Pavilion g6-1205er
Product: A1R04EA #ACB
ОС: Windows 7 x32
Ноутбук не на гарантии.

Проблема следующая:
Для включения ноутбука почему-то задействуется клавиша F5, а не клавиша питания.
При включении ноутбука (по клавише F5) показывается черный экран и ошибка BIOS APPLICATION ERROR 501.
При нажатии на клавишу ENTER, производится загрузка Windows 7.
Жесткий диск еле-еле работает.

Гуглил. Находил сайт технической поддержки HP. Там была рекомендация выйти в режим HP BIOS UPDATE.
Сделать это можно было сочетаниями клавиш WIN+B+Power Button (в моем случае это F5).
Но если произвести эту операцию, то ноутбук не входит в режим HP BIOS UPDATE и при этом Windows не грузится.
Просто черный экран с мегающим Caps Lock. Возможно, я нажимал не так или рано отпускал.
При этом, его никак не выключить, только через вынимание батареи.

Так же, по инструкциям на сайте HP, мне удалось обносить BIOS.
Так как Windows грузится, я просто скачал exe, запустил его и перезагрузился.
Ошибка осталась, но уже с обовленным BIOS.

Нужно восстановить BIOS, чтобы я мог производить загрузку с другово жесткого диска, подключенного через USB.

Заранее всем большое спасибо.

The BIOS application error is a pretty common issue if you are using an HP computer. The fixes you apply collecting from the internet to resolve the issue, are also ordinary. I tested those fixes and the result was shocking! Implementing those fixes didn’t resolve the issue permanently.

If you are too facing this trouble, and you are worried about your computer’s health, then you’ve come to the right place.

After using a couple of hp notebooks and solving a lot of trifling issues, I found out the main reasons behind that type of BIOS error and how to solve them permanently.

Do you know how that works? If not, that’s not an issue. Not knowing about something is not a crime, and the urgency of learning is always appreciated.bios-application-error-501

Before knowing about the fixes, you must know why BIOS application 501 occurs.

The primary reasons are corrupted BIOS system and not using hp preload image. In addition to that, if the operating system can’t find an EFI partition, i.e., a missing partition on the HDD / SSD or an outdated firmware problem also creates the error.

Sounds a lot, right? As long as I’m here, you don’t have to worry about the issue.

Why does BIOS Error 501 Happen?

Do you know, not using the HP preload image and pressing the INFO button while starting can cause this error?  There are also other reasons why this horrific app error appears, and I’m gonna explain why this error occurs to you and how to fix that.

Here are the reasons behind the Error 501 occurs:

  1. Corrupted BIOS system: BIOS systems can get corrupted due to power overflows, a failed BIOS upgrade, or a virus. If the BIOS gets corrupted, it can lead to an application error.
  2. Missing EFI partition: EFI means, Extensible firmware interface. When you boot your computer, the system firmware loads the data stored on EFI to operate your system with various utilities. If any of the EFI gets missing due to corrupted data or other variables, the BIOS immediately shows an error message.
  3. Outdated Firmware: When your computer’s firmware runs out of date, it can not detect modern hardware, and it introduces the hardware as a threat to the system. And the force usage of the hardware displays as an error code, and in short, it’s shown as a BIOS error.

These are the main reasons behind an error message displayed on your screen. Learning the reason will help you to fix the issue.

Enough with the why! Let’s work on How!

Follow our guide to fix keyboard not working in BIOS.

Now that you know why this error occurs, it’s time to prevent it from happening again. In this section, I’m going to explain different solutions regarding BIOS errors. You have to be the judge of choosing a method.

Nervous? That’s the last thing you need solving the issue. Being anxious or tensed won’t help. Instead, read the whole article and follow my instructions.

Here are the methods to resolve BIOS Application Error:

1. Reinstall CMOS Batteryreinstall-cmos-battery

When your computer’s CMOS battery begins to lose power and strength, the BIOS becomes vulnerable, and it starts to lose data. If that happens, your computer might exhibit a BIOS application error.

You need to reinstall the battery every now and then. Do you know how to do that? Follow me if you don’t.

Here’s how you can reinstate the CMOS battery:

  • Shut down your computer and remove the power cables.
  • Open up your casing or open up the back part if you’re using a laptop.
  • Find out a small, silver-colored battery on your motherboard.
  • Remove it and wait 10-15 minutes.
  • Put the battery back in. Do it carefully.
  • Close the casing / back part and power up the computer.

You can also use a new battery if it is much old. The battery powers your computer’s BIOS firmware. If it works properly then you might not get a new app error for some time.

Check out the easiest way to gateway BIOS updates.

2. Configure BIOS Settings

When it comes to faulty BIOS settings, it can lead to various error messages, including the app error 501.

There are two methods to configure the boot menu. You can either reset the boot menu, or you can change some specific settings, and you can apply whichever seems easy for you.

Here are the methods to shape the BIOS:

Reset BIOS: You need to follow the next steps to reset BIOS.

  • Press F2 / Delete key while starting up your PC
  • Press F9 key to load the factory default settings.
  • Confirm the changes by pressing
  • Save and exit the menu by pressing

This process will reset the BIOS to default settings, and your app error should vanish away.

Change Device Configuration: To perform the fixation, you need to track the following steps.

  • Open your boot menu by pressing Esc / F1 / F2.
  • Go to the System configuration tab on the BIOS.
  • Select Device Configuration by navigating arrow keys.
  • Scroll down to Hp Quickweb,Hp Quickweb write product and uncheck those.
  • Disable those options if the tick mark( ☑ ) is not available.

Both of these methods will work fine, and app error will come to an end.

Before commencing any further, I must clarify that all of the above solutions are temporarily workable. That means, if you apply those solutions, your application error 501 messages will stop but there’s a chance it might come back.

If you need the permanent solution, follow the next chapter exactly as it is a more technical solution.

Also, check out our separate post on fix M.2 SSD not showing up in BIOS.

3. Recover BIOS Systemrecover-bios-system

If you use one of the latest versions of the hp computer, it comes with a feature that allows you to recover BIOS emergencies. If you are using older versions, then the next steps are for you.

Also, check out our separate post to find out whether Motherboard Screws Universal or not. Have some time to spare? Check out our latest post to Enable Aura Sync Control for Corsair RGB Memory

Here’s how you can recover the BIOS version.

  • Turn off your computer.
  • Press and hold Windows + B keys simultaneously when it’s turned off.
  • While pressing those keys, try to press and hold your computer’s power button for more than one second.
  • Release the power button but keep pressing the Windows + B keys till you hear the beeping sound or the BIOS update screen appears.

If you hear the beeping sound then the HP BIOS Update screen will show up. Wait till the window comes to your display. Process next to update the system.

NOTE: Remember, it is troublesome to get into the BIOS update screen. Follow the steps as I explained. If you can’t get to the window, repeat earlier steps but hold the power button + Windows + B keys a little longer (more than 3 seconds). Try repeating the process till you get the result.

Follow the next steps to complete the action.

  • Click on the Continue startup button after the BIOS is recovered.
  • Press Enter to continue when you get the message. A system BIOS Recovery has occurred.

Your system will take some time to restart. After rebooting, you might get a message saying the computer was shut down improperly or something like that. Don’t panic. That message means you’ve done your part successfully.

That’s a permanent fix you can apply when you get the error code 501. Though it is a lengthy process, I would recommend you implement this as you will be relieved for good.


The last thing I would like to add is that be careful with the methods I mentioned here. Implementing them wrongly will damage your system even more.

A well-optimized system is the least needed thing for a computer user. And to make that happen, you need to ensure your components are in their best condition.

If you’ve been to this place of the article and read every word I have put, I can assure you that you will be able to solve the BIOS error on your own, and you won’t face any trouble implementing them.

But, If you face any difficulties applying them, feel free to comment. I’ll try my very best to solve them.

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