Hp ошибка 5970

as a certified tech it would take me 1.5 hours maybe- for a person with no experience- 4 hours+ and you will need the service manual.

probably best to get a printer tech to do it unless you have mechanical/electrical experience. You can look at the procedure in the service manual- I’ll PM you

**welp, no I won’t the company i get parts / service manuals from does not have a repair manual for the M452- sorry, you might can google search for the service manual- you may have to buy it** sorry

it’s about a 37 step procedure

also, after reviewing the thread- you probably are going to have to replace any empty toners. this part on the transfer belt or associated hardware may have failed due to the printer not being able to calibrate because it was missing one of the colors. If you get new toner- the problem may go away, but I bet the part has worn out or the timing has been thrown off due to the empty cartridge.

I am not a HP employee. I am a service tech on these forums researching topics and offering my best guess to aide in your troubleshooting.

Модератор: vetal

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Никто не сталкивался с ошибкой, которая периодически вылазит на HP 2320: 59.70. Перезагрузка помогает, но потом снова выскакивает? На англоязычных сайтах пишут, что возможно надо заменить developer motor. Но к своему стыду не могу перевести — что это?

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Сообщение Усатый Полосатый » Вт апр 14, 2015 10:13 am

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑если не ошибаюсь, мотор там один, главный, но требуется уточнение, катрыжы зоправляются или оригиналы ??
мотор а точнее узел в принтерах HP4015/M600 клинит сам катрыж, когда ставиться совместимый ракель, и некоторые разновидности фотовалов, тут либо обильное припудривание фотобарабана выручает, и самого ракеля, при замене, либо подбор соответствующих фотиков и ракелей

Кто чего то хочет — ищет пути и возможности !!! Кому ничего не надо — только причины ….

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Усатый Полосатый


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Сейчас этот форум просматривают: Фирма ReStart и гости: 55

Всем привет. Сталкивался с данной проблемой дважды. В первый раз устранить эту проблему помогло обычное обновление микропрограммы (firmware) по сети, когда принтер hp m477 выдал эту самую ошибку на экране. На тот момент первое, что пришло в голову  обновить ПО до самой актуальной версии, так как совет с форума HP по перезагрузке устройства с отключением питания никак не помог. 

Кстати: самая актуальная версия «прошивки» выпущена 22 октября 2020 года, актуальнее нет.

Но это решение помогло всего лишь на пару месяцев, после чего ошибка вернулась на этот МФУ от HP.

Поиски в интернете не очень обнадёживали, так как ссылались на проблемы с запуском моторчика. 

Пораскинув мозгами, прислушавшись к работе МФУ (который туговато крутил шестерни при запуске, издавая характерный звук) было решено поочередно заменить картриджи (чтобы выявить виновника). И, на удивление, проблема оказалась в одном из картриджей, после замены которого данная проблема ушла (после замены картриджа принтер лучше перезагрузить).

Как связаны между собой первое и второе решение – мне пока не очень понятно.

Если Вы решали данную проблему каким-то иным способом  буду рад увидеть это в комментариях!   

The printer has experienced an error with one of the internal motors.

  • 59.30 = Fuser motor startup error

  • 59.40 = Fuser motor rotation error

  • 59.70 = Black developer motor startup error

  • 59.71 = Cyan developer motor startup error

  • 59.72 = Magenta developer motor startup error

  • 59.73 = Yellow developer motor startup error

  • 59.80 = Black developer motor rotation error

  • 59.81 = Cyan developer motor rotation error

  • 59.82 = Magenta developer motor rotation error

  • 59.83 = Yellow developer motor rotation error

  • 59.90 = ITB motor start error

  • 59.A0 = ITB motor rotation error

  • 59.C0 = Developer motor rotation error

  • 59.F0 = Transfer alienation failure

Hp printers have rewritten our way of innovation. The range of home, office, on the go printers, has truly revolutionized the printing experience.’

HP Printer Error 59.70

This smart technology leads to an obvious dependency. And when this dependency is disturbed due to any external or internal error, we feel caught up. Isn’t it? Well, don’t worry, in such times DIY self help comes into play. And this article is written just for that purpose. We will discuss ‘hp printer error 59.70’ here.

Causes 59.70 Error HP Printer Machine


By understanding the reasons behind the error you can better handle the troubleshooting methods and will be able to maintain your printer in a much better way for future usage. So let look at the reasons why your printer displays this error message:

  • There can be a motor error in your printer.
  • If the Electronic transfer belt (ETB) in your printer is missing this error can crop up.
  • If the Electronic transfer belt (ETB) is incorrectly installed in your printer.

Now let us fix HP Printer Error 59.70:

There are a few straightforward ways to troubleshoot HP Printer Error 59.70 message. Please make sure that you follow the steps in the order as mentioned below:

Troubleshooting HP Printer Error 59.70

Solution 1:

A simple power cycle can help your printer to configure itself and any related errors do get resolved with the help of restarting your printer.

  • When you see the error message- ‘hp printer error 59.70’ on the control panel of your printer press ‘Ok’ to continue with a restart of your hp printer.
  • Now switch off your HP printer.
  • In addition to switching your printer off, also press the power button of the printer in order to discharge any remaining charge on your hp printer.
  • Give your printer a while to settle down any remaining actions.
  • After waiting for a while, now it is time to switch your printer on.
  • Make sure the printer is connected directly to the wall outlet and not to any surge plugs.
  • To do so, firstly switch on the wall outlet switch first.
  • Now press the power button on your printer to switch your printer on.
  • Take a test print to see if the error has got resolved or not.

In case the error still persists then turn off the printer. You then would need to follow the next solution.

Solution 2:

The next step is to perform a cold rest on your hp printer to resolve the error completely. Please follow the given steps:

  • Switch on your printer.
  • Observe the control panel carefully now. You will see that the memory of your printer will start to count.
  • At this point you need to press and hold the green button on your printer. Green button is the ‘Select’ button on your printer.
  • You need to continue to hold this button until you see the lights of ‘ready’, ‘data’, and ‘attention’ to flash in one go and just after it become steady.
  • Once these light appear to be steady, release the button.
  • Now you need to follow the instructions that are displayed on the control panel.
  • It will first display ‘Select language.’
  • In the same category go down to the option which says- ‘Cold reset.’ You can do so by pressing the down arrow key too toggle through the options.
  • Select the ‘Cold reset’ option to initiate the cold reset of your HP printer.
  • Once the reset is done, you should be able to resolve the error.
  • Take a test print to see if the error has got resolved or not.

Solution 3:

Another method to keep HP Printer Error at bay, is to use ‘hp Print and Scan Doctor for Windows.’ It is an initiative by hp to empower you with troubleshooting methods without running to a technician. You can download the program easily from the internet and follow the step by step instructions to resolve the issue.

The Scope of Services:

  • The above steps should help you resolve the ‘hp printer error 59.70’, but you may still need some technical assistance.
  • To help you in need, our HP Printer Technical Support team for resolutions is always available.
  • You can feel free to connect with our experts at any hour of the day as and when required on Printer Support Phone Number.
  • You can opt to either chat with us live or email us as per your convenience.
  • You can also call us on Technical Support For Printer for a customized service on your issues.

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