Hp 7510 ошибка 0x61011bed


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I understand that you are getting ink system error, I am glad to assist you.

Reset the printer

  • Resetting the printer might clear the error message.
  • With the printer turned on, disconnect the power cord from the printer.
  • Unplug the power cord from the power source.
  • Wait 60 seconds.
  • Reconnect the power cord to a wall outlet and to the printer.

Update the printer firmware to install the latest updates

Here are the steps:- click here

Refer to this HP document for further assistance:- click here

Keep me posted.

If this helps, please mark the public post as an accepted solution so that it benefits several others. 


I am an HP Employee

HP printers are widely recognized as the most advanced and reliable printers. They are known for their superior quality, resilience, and durability. For this reason, users across the world use HP printers for varied printing purposes. However, technical nags and errors are not new to any device. While HP printers run incredibly well, there are times when users come across certain glitches that require guidance and expert support. Amongst the most common errors, you may face an error code “0x61011bed”. So, what is this error and how to fix HP Printer Error 0x61011bed on your computer or laptop screen, without wasting your valuable time and money?

HP Printer Error 0x61011bed

This article attempts to highlight some proven ways to easily identify and resolve 0x61011bed Printer Error. By following the below guided instructions, you may be able to overcome this glitch in a fraction of minutes!

Causes 0X61011BED Error Message HP Printer

What are the common causes of 0x61011bed HP Printer Error?

When a user plugs into HP printer, he/she may encounter a common printing error 0x61011bed, which typically connotes to documentation error message displayed on their computer screen. The pop-up of this error on your screen is associated with an issue with your printer head. Some of the common reasons for this error are:

  • System crash
  • Program crash
  • Unable to print the document

If you encounter this error, check for below symptoms to get an appropriate resolution:

  • HP Printer Error Code 0x61011bed continuously popping-up on your computer screen
  • User may receive a Syntax error
  • User may see 0x61011bed Error popping-up on the page

One can reach to Printer Error tech support helpline to get appropriate assistance for their HP printers. Alternatively, you may choose to follow the below guidelines to get a quick solution in lesser viable time.

Troubleshooting Steps HP Printer Error 0X61011BED

How to Solve HP Printer Error 0x61011bed?

Below is a list of steps which users can follow to troubleshoot 0x61011bed error code and resume their printing job.

Step I: Reset Your HP Printer

If you are following this approach to deal with HP Printer Error 0x61011bed, here’s the list of steps to follow:

  • Remove the connected printer power cables from your nearby wall outlet, without turning-off the printer.
  • As the printer turns off, wait for a minute until it reaches an idle state
  • Plug back all the power cords into your HP printer and turn on the device
  • Push the printer’s power button to turn it on (if it doesn’t turn-on automatically)
  • Lastly, check if the error if it still pops-up on your machine

If this doesn’t resolve the problem, move to next step!

Step II: Paper Reload

In this step, check if you’d need to reload paper into the machine. You may pursue below instructions:

  • No matter what you try, it is important to firstly check if there are any damaged papers in your printer, and if so, replace them with the same type and size of papers
  • Next, appropriately check and align all the paper edges
  • Make sure you are not placing more than 20 sheets in a stack so that the machine does not get congested with papers
  • As you carefully push the paper stack into the printer, check if you still get 0x61011bed printer error.

If so, proceed to the next step!

Step III: Paper Settings

It is imperative to check the paper settings to confirm if the HP print driver is compatible with the paper settings. Follow below steps for this:

  • Open your printing document and click on “File” icon to select an appropriate print option
  • Go to “Properties”, you will be prompted to “Product Properties” dialog box
  • Next, click on “Paper Quality” option and select the paper type and size from your menu bar
  • Click “OK” to print the document

In case HP Printer Error 0x61011bed persists to pop up, move to the last step (as indicated below).

Step IV: Cleaning HP Printer Rollers

  • Turn off your printer off by unplugging all the power cords.
  • Clean the rubber rollers of your printer by opening the access door of your device. This can be done by using a soft cloth. Also, clean paper rollers inside the input tray.
  • As you carefully close the access door, plug power cords of your printer back in place.
  • Click on the print command and check for the error.

If the above steps are unable to fix HP Printer Error 0x61011bed, get in touch with a reliable team of HP Printer Support provider to get an instant resolution!

Scope of Service

  • Complete assistance for all HP products (including HP Laptops, desktops, Scanners, Tablets, and Printers)
  • Online Printer Technical Support to diagnose and fix HP Printer Errors
  • Reliable support team with 24*7 availability at a click of your mouse
  • Anytime, anywhere technical helpdesk availability to fix HP printer errors

So, if you are seeking high-end technical support for your HP printer – just call Printer Error experts at toll-free number Technical Support For Printer .

Модераторы: KOT, Женька 116

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Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑всем доброго времени суток! принесли аппарат hp 7500a(впервые разбираю такой аппарат,+ очень мало опыта с A3 форматом) с ошибкой- «Общая ошибка принтера 0x61011beb». Я покопался в просторах инета и наткнулся на один пост

http://www.complace.ru/remont-printerov … jet-7500a/

и по нему разобрал аппарат, вся посадочная площадка было чень грязной,дощел до площадки и снял как показывается в ссылке. помыл и в обратном порядке-вставляю на место площадку,надеваю печатающую головку на место , ну все в обратном порядке как я думаю…Включил аппарат и пишет уже «замятие бумаги устраните замятие и нажмите на ок»…разобрал смотрю датчик который сидит под планкой ПГ не зажат,ни где замятий не вижу…
Пожалуйста подскажи в чем может быть причина? и Пожалуйста кто не посуществу и просто позлорадствовать проходите мимо…ВСЕМ ОГРОМНОЕ СПОСИБО!

Последний раз редактировалось shelho Пн окт 15, 2018 10:13 am, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а).

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Сообщение aresson » Сб окт 13, 2018 9:18 am

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑По вашей ссылке, пункт 3, в фотке слева лежит мятниковый механизм, не сломана ли в нём шестерня, если нет, то правильно ли он стоит на месте.

И ещё нюанс, перед включением парковка должна быть выдвинута вперёд и каретка с головкой должна стоять на ней. В противном случая принтер не понимает чё ему делать и валится в ошибку.
Кенону и эпсону, к примеру, пофигу где чего находится, они сами всё подкатывают, как надо и рабюотают. Хьюлет так не умеет)

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Сообщение shelho » Пн окт 15, 2018 11:18 am

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑маятниковый механиз целый, шестерни в нем целые

щас это проверю » перед включением парковка должна быть выдвинута вперёд и каретка с головкой должна стоять на ней.»

маятниковый механизм вставляю свое место,он целый,шестеренки внутри целые, маятник со штыра на который его насаживает не соскакивает

aresson писал(а):По вашей ссылке, пункт 3, в фотке слева лежит мятниковый механизм, не сломана ли в нём шестерня, если нет, то правильно ли он стоит на месте.
И ещё нюанс, перед включением парковка должна быть выдвинута вперёд и каретка с головкой должна стоять на ней.

Щас коретку здивнул в вперед и коретку посадил на место…собрал…включил… та же проблема пишет «устранить замятие»


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Сообщение oldman_lbt » Пн окт 15, 2018 1:13 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑для многих HP есть шанс попасть в ложное срабатывание с ошибкой «замятие». Причин масса:
— проблемы с насосом отсоса чернил(чаще с черным)
— проблема с загрязнением энкодеров (лента и диск)
— помехи при движении каретки в принтере (в том числе из-за двигателя)

по сути — пока все не перепробуете, можете и не найти виновника.

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Сообщение shelho » Пн окт 15, 2018 5:55 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Лента было очень грязной(да и как весь аппарат)…ленту почистил,диск тоже почистил(использую стеклоочиститель)

а ПГ при включении аппарата при замятии должна хоть как двигаться? ни кто не вкурсе?…

oldman_lbt писал(а):для многих HP есть шанс попасть в ложное срабатывание с ошибкой «замятие». Причин масса:
— проблемы с насосом отсоса чернил(чаще с черным)
— проблема с загрязнением энкодеров (лента и диск)
— помехи при движении каретки в принтере (в том числе из-за двигателя)

по сути — пока все не перепробуете, можете и не найти виновника.

а как можно бы проверить насос отсоса чернил?
Лента было очень грязной(да и как весь аппарат)…ленту почистил,диск тоже почистил(использую стеклоочиститель)
каретка вообще не двигается

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Сообщение shelho » Пн окт 15, 2018 7:54 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑

oldman_lbt писал(а):каретка хотя бы дергаться должна. двигатель надо проверить — при включенном аппарате мультиметром.
если есть где — взять рабочий подкинуть.

матор ненайду ( завтра уже мультиметром проверю…

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Сообщение aresson » Пн окт 15, 2018 11:23 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑

shelho-95 писал(а):ленту почистил,диск тоже почистил(использую стеклоочиститель)

а на ленте после чистки остались метки? А то были прецеденты с хьюлетами :-)

Ну с другой стороны аппарат в таком случае просто бьётся головой в стену, а не сразу впадает в ошибку

xCooLx писал(а):Ленту энкодерную хоть в прорезь установил когда собирал?

вот кстати да, там же оптопара в которую лента энкодера нужно заправить

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Сообщение shelho » Вт окт 16, 2018 9:45 am

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑

xCooLx писал(а):Ленту энкодерную хоть в прорезь установил когда собирал? )

а вот этого я не знаю))энкодерную ленту я после как прочистил нечего не делал и в какой прорезь не устанавливал(когда чистил ленту я его не снимая просто протер с двумя пальцами взял и протирал) не знаю как это на самом деле делается но я обычно так делал всегда

а этот прорез как его обноружить?

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Fix HP Printer General Error 0x61011bed

Fix HP Printer General Error 0x61011bed- Printers are the most useful device in offices and for educational institute. These gadgets makes work a lot more easier. Every type of document work totally depends on Printers. In the printer segment HP is the best corporation which manufacture hi-tech featured printers. Sometimes while handling such devices issue occurance is quite common. As most of the users report for General Error 0x61011bed. This error is also known as Carriage Jam issue. To help the users in fixing HP Printer General Error 0x61011bed. We have shared few methods.

For any kind of technical help, always appraoch to the professioanls. For printers, Tech support expert is the best company which give genuine services. As many users encouter with Carriage Jam error to help the users we have shared this article. In this we will share methods to fix HP Printer General Error 0x61011bed. 

Fix HP Printer General Error 0x61011bed

To get in touch with our executive you can dial our number 800-742-9005. This is our toll-free number and our lines are open 24*7 throughout the year. For more information mail us at support@techsupportexpert.com

Methods to Fix HP Printer General Error 0x61011bed

To solve this technical error in the following section, we will discuss numerous solutions which definitely help you to fix your Carriage jam issues. Most important follow the steps as it is.

Method: 1 Reset the Printer

In this method, We will reset the printer. The steps involved are-

  • Firslty, Disconnecting all the cables without turning off the printer.
  • Wait for 30 seconds
  • Now, plug in the cables and wait for an automatic turn-on
  • If the printer denies to turn on then press the power button and check if the Hp Printer General Error 0x61011bed has been resolved or not

Method: 2  Clean the Cartridges

Here are the steps for performing this method:-

  • Click on the power button to switch off your printer
  • Open the cover
  • Take out the cartridges slowly
  • Now, Wipe the cartridges with a soft cloth
  • Place a paper under the print head
  • Clean the print head by using damp cloth
  • Dry the print head and cartridges with soft cloth
  • After drying push the cartridges back. Insert it
  • Restart the printer to see if the error has been resolved or not.

Method: Reload the papers Again

In this method, we will reload the papers again. The steps that are taken are-

  • Make sure that you use A4 size sheets which fit to your printer paper tray
  • Now, Aligning the stack of papers
  • Keeping at least ten papers in the tray and not more than 25 papers
  • Inserting paper stack into the printer and starting with the printout.

Method: 4 Clean the Rollers

Here are the steps for this method:-

  • Firstly, turn off the printer
  • Now detach all the cables
  • Afterwars, Open the access doors for managing rollers
  • Just Clean all the rubber rollers by clean cloth
  • Lastly, Plug in the cables and start with the printing activity

Method 5 Checking Paper Settings

The steps involved are-

  • Make sure that the settings for tray and drivers are compatible.
  • Opening print document.
  • Now, click on the File icon from print options
  • Tap  on the printer properties
  • Afterward, Select the paper quality option and choose appropriate paper size from drop down
  • Click on Okay following the same with the print document.

Well, these above methods will definitely help you out to fix HP Printer General Error 0x61011bed. In case if you face any difficulty while performing this method then do not hesitate and direct connect with our executive. We will help you out.

Tech Support Expert – One Stop Solution Provider

Our company Tech Support expert is certified company. We are third party service provider. Our company is highly professional and offer on-call assistance to all the tech users. We have a team of experienced staff which provide valued services and help you with your technical glitches. Our team will help you for issues like installation, driver, repair, and setup. We ensure you to give you unmatched support services.

Our remote services gives you assistance at your place, so that without leaving you can fix your devices errors. Our company has a vision is to maintain the workflow at the global level and providing the best possible solutions to all the technical issues

How to Connect With Us?

Well, our team is very motivated and always available at your service. To avail our tech support dial our toll-free number 800-742-9005. Our lines are open 24*7 throughout the year. With no call-waiting we will answer your call and help you out. In case if you want to write to us then mail us at support@techsupportexpert.com

Our certified experts are here to save your day with our highly secured and safe services. Our services include all possible solutions from installation to unlock all the issues and provide solutions.

This article will guide you on how to fix the HP printer error 0x61011bed within minutes.

Table of Contents

Solutions to the HP Printer Error 0x61011bed

The HP printer error 0x61011bed is usually caused by a problem with the printer’s printhead. Therefore, you can fix the error using any of the methods below.

1. Reset your HP Printer

To reset your HP printer, click this link: HP Printer Errors and Solutions – HP Printer Error Do Not Use Setup Cartridges, and then follow the instructions under the “Reset your HP printer” subsection.

Resetting your printer should fix the HP printer error 0x61011bed. However, if the issue remains, then move to solution 2.

2. Clean the Ink Cartridges

To fix this issue, simply clean the cartridge with a cloth that is lint-free and moistened with isopropyl alcohol. When you wipe the cartridge, avoid touching the metal areas of the cartridge as well as the chip. This will prevent the electrical contacts from being damaged.

After cleaning the cartridges, dry them with a soft lint-free cloth. You can now reinstall them into your printer.

To confirm if the issue has been fixed, restart your printer.

If you are still experiencing the error, move to the next solution.

3. Reload your HP Printer with Papers 

How to Reload your HP Printer with Papers

Follow the steps below to reload your HP printer with papers:

Step 1: Confirm that the papers you want to load are the same in size.

Step 2: Arrange the paper stack properly.

Step 3: A minimum of 10 papers and a maximum of 25 papers is what you should load into the printer at any given time.

In this article: HP Printer Errors and Solutions [Detailed], we provide solutions to different HP printer errors.

4. Clean your HP Printer’s Rollers

How to clean your HP Printer’s Rollers

Follow these steps to clean your HP printer’s rollers:

Step 1: Turn off your HP printer.

Step 2: Disconnect all cables such as USB and Ethernet from your printer.

Step 3: Open the printer’s access doors that allow you to see and reach the rollers.

Step 4: With the aid of a soft cloth, clean the rubber rollers.

Step 5: After that, use a soft cotton cloth to clean the other roller.

Step 6: Reconnect the cable to your printer.

Step 7: Try printing a document.

If it doesn’t print, move to the next solution.

5. Check the Paper Settings

You need to ensure that the paper settings on the tray and the printer are compatible.

To do this, refer to the instructions we shared in these links: HP Printer Errors and Solutions – Change the Size Settings of the Paper and HP Printer Errors and Solutions – Check the Settings of the Paper Source.

What does HP Printer Code 0x61011bed mean?

The HP printer code 0x61011bed means that your printer head has a problem. This error also occurs during ink cartridge alignment.

Other causes of this error are:
i. The cartridge and printer communication path isn’t working properly
ii. The printer settings were changed

What does oxc19a0003 mean?

Oxc19a0003 is an error associated with a failure of your printer’s ink system. This error code is also displayed as 0xc19a003.

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