Have you ever was to california найти ошибку

Find one incorrect word in each sentence, cross it out and type the correct one
Даю 25 баллов
1. Have you ever was to California?
2. I has never tried lasange
3. They have already finish their job
4. Did she studied philosophy at university?
5. Have you done your homework? Yes, I has.
6. Where have you go? Its very late.

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Exercise 2   

Complete the answers. Some sentences are positive and some negative. Use these verbs:

be   be   eat   happen   have   have   meet   play   read   see   try

1   What’s Mark’s sister like?

     I’ve no idea. ……………………. her.

2   Is everything going well?

     Yes, we ……………………. any problems so far.

3   Are you hungry?

     Yes. I ……………………. much today.

4   Can you play chess?

     Yes, but ……………………. for ages.

5   Are you enjoying your holiday?

     Yes, it’s the best holiday ……………………. for a long time.

6   What’s that book like?

     I don’t know. ……………………. it.

7   Is Brussels an interesting place?

     I’ve no idea. ……………………. there

8   I hear your car broke down again yesterday.

     Yes, it’s the second time ……………………. this month.

9   Do you like caviar?

     I don’t know. ……………………. it.

10    Mike was late for work again today.

        Again? He ……………………. late every day this week.

11   Who’s that woman by the door?

       I don’t know. ……………………. her before.

December 4 2014, 18:31


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под катом ответ на вчерашний * тест про всех и каждого
и разница между ALL — EVERYTHING — EVERYBODY.

ВСЁ переводим как ALL, если дальше идёт расшифровка:
I will buy all that you want. Я куплю всё, что ты хочешь.
Кроме ходовых фраз, типа That’s all. All right.

ВСЁ переводим как EVERYTHING, если дальше нет расшифровки:
I will buy everything. Я куплю всё. I know everybody. Я знаю всех (людей) / каждого.

All people — без артикля — когда мы говорим про вех людей.
All (of) the people — когда мы говорим об ограниченной группе людей.
всё население Земли не может быть уставшим одновременно.


выберите лучший вариант

Have you ever been in California?

Have you ever been to California?

Have you ever been into California?

Study this example conversation:
DAVE: Have you travelled a lot, Jane?
JANE: Yes, I’ve been to lots of places.
DAVE: Really? Have you ever been to China?
JANE: Yes, I’ve been to China twice.
DAVE: What about India?
JANE: No, I haven’t been to India.

When we talk about a period of time that continues from the past until now, we use the present perfect (have been/have travelled etc.). Here, Dave and Jane are talking about the places Jane has visited in her life (which is a period that continues until now).
* Have you ever eaten caviar? (in your life)
* We’ve never had a car.
* ‘Have you read Hamlet?’ ‘No, I haven’t read any of Shakespeare’s plays.’
* Susan really loves that film. She’s seen it eight times!
* What a boring film! It’s the most boring film I’ve ever seen.
In the following examples too the speakers are talking about a period that continues until now (recently/in the last few days/so far/since breakfast etc.):
* Have you heard from George recently?
* I’ve met a lot of people in the last few days.
* Everything is going well. We haven’t had any problems so far.
* I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast. (= from breakfast until now)
* It’s nice to see you again. We haven’t seen each other for a long time.

We use the present perfect with today/this morning/this evening etc. when these periods are not finished at the time of speaking:
* I’ve drunk four cups of coffee today. (perhaps I’ll drink more before today is finished)
* Have you had a holiday this year (yet)?
* I haven’t seen Tom this morning. Have you?
* Ron hasn’t worked very hard this term.

Note that we say ‘It’s the first time something has happened’ (present perfect). For example: Don is having a driving lesson. He is very nervous and unsure because it is his first lesson.
* It’s the first time he has driven a car. (not ‘drives’) or He has never driven a car before.
* Linda has lost her passport again. It’s the second time this has happened. (not ‘happens’)
* This is a lovely meal. It’s the first good meal I’ve had for ages. (not ‘I have’)
* Bill is phoning his girlfriend again. That’s the third time he’s phoned her this evening.


8.1 You are asking somebody questions about things he or she has done. Make questions from the words in brackets.
1. (ever/ride/horse?) Have you ever ridden a horse?
2. (ever/be/California?)
3. (ever/run/marathon?)
4. (ever/speak/famous person?)
5. (always/live/in this town?)
6. (most beautiful place/ever/visit?) What

8.2 Complete Bs answers. Some sentences are positive and some negative. Use a verb from this list:
be be cat happen have meet play read see see try
1 A: What’s George’s sister like?
B: I’ve no idea. I’ve never met her.
2. A: How is Amy these days?
B: I don’t know. I — her recently.
3. A: Are you hungry?
B: Yes. I — much today.
4. A: Can you play chess?
B: Yes, but — for ages.
5. A: Did you enjoy your holiday?
B: Yes, it’s the best holiday — for a long time.
6. A: What’s that book like?
B: I don’t know —
7. A: Is Brussels an interesting place?
B: I’ve no idea — there.
8. A: Mike was late for work again today.
B: Again? He — every day this week.
9. A: Do you like caviar?
B: I don’t know —
10. A: The car broke down again yesterday.
B: Not again! That’s the second time — this week.
11. Who’s that woman by the door)
B: I don’t know — before.)

8.3 Complete these sentences using today/this year/this term etc.
1. I saw Tom yesterday but I haven’t seen him today.
2. I read a newspaper yesterday but I — today.
3. Last year the company made a profit but this year —
4. Tracy worked hard at school last term but —
5. It snowed a lot last winter but —
6. Our football team won a lot of games last season but we —

8.4 Read the situations and write sentences as shown in the examples.
1. Jack is driving a car but he’s very nervous and not sure what to do.
You ask: Have you driven a car before?
2. Len is playing tennis. He’s not very good and he doesn’t know the rules.
You ask: Have —
3. Sue is riding a horse. She doesn’t look very confident or comfortable.
You ask: —
She says: —
4. Maria is in London. She has just arrived and it’s very new for her.
You ask: —
She says: —


2 Have you ever been to California?

3 Have you ever run a marathon?

4 Have you ever spoken to a famous person?

5 Have you always lived in this town?

6 What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever visited?


2 haven’t seen

3 haven’t eaten

4 I haven’t played (it)

5 I’ve had/I have had

6 I haven’t read

7 I’ve never been/I haven’t been

8 has been late/’s been late

9 I’ve never tried/I have never tried/I’ve never eaten

10 it’s happened/it has happened that’s happened/that has happened

11 I’ve never seen her/I haven’t seen her


2 haven’t read one/a newspaper

3 it hasn’t made a profit./it has made a loss.

4 she hasn’t worked (very) hard this term.

5 it hasn’t snowed (much) this winter.

6 haven’t won many/any games this season.


2 Have you played tennis before? No, this is the first time I’ve played tennis.

3 Have you ridden a horse before? Have you been on a horse before? No, this is the first time I’ve ridden a horse./… I’ve been on a horse.

4 Have you been to London before? No, this is the first time I’ve been to London.

  1. Unit 8.

  2. Ex. 1

  3. 1. Have you ever ridden a horse?

  4. 2. Have you ever been to California?

  5. 3. Have you ever run marathon?

  6. 4. Have you ever spoken with famous person?

  7. 5. What’s the most beautiful place you ever visited?

  8. Ex. 2

  9. 1. What Mark’s sister like? – I’ve no idea. I’ve never met her.

  10. 2. Is everything going well? – Yes, we haven’t had any problems so far.

  11. 3. Are you Hungry? – Yes. I haven’t eaten much today.

  12. 4. Can you play chess? – Yes, but I haven’t played for ages.

  13. 5. Are you enjoying your holiday? – Yes, it’s the best holiday I _________ for a long time.

  14. 6. What’s that book like? – I don’t know. I haven’t read it.

  15. 7. Is Brussels an interesting place? – I’ve no idea. I haven’t been there.

  16. 8. I hear your car broke down again yesterday. – Yes, it’s the second time it has happened this month.

  17. 9. Do you like caviar? – I don’t know. I haven’t ever eaten it.

  18. 10. Mike was late for work again today. – Again? He has already been late every day this week.

  19. 11. Who’s that woman by the door — I don’t know. I have never seen her before.

  20. Ex. 3

  21. 1. I haven’t used a computer today.

  22. 2. I haven’t been to the cinema since spring.

  23. 3. I haven’t travelled by bus today.

  24. 4. I haven’t read a book recently.

  25. 5. I haven’t eaten any fruits this week.

  26. Ex. 4

  27. 1. Jack is driving a car, but he’s very nervous and not sure what to do.

  28. You ask: Have you driven a car before?

  29. He says: No, this is the first time I’ve driven a care.

  30. 2. Ben is playing tennis. He’s not good at it and he doesn’t know the rules.

  31. You ask: Have you played tennis before?

  32. He says: No, this is the first time I have played tennis.

  33. 3. Sue is riding a horse. She doesn’t look very confident or comfortable.

  34. You ask: Have you ridded a horse before?

  35. She says: No, this is the first time I have ridded a horse.

  36. 4. Maria is in Japan. She has just arrived and it’s very new for her.

  37. You ask: Have you ever been in Japan before?

  38. She says: No, this is my first time I have arrived in japan.

55 месяцев назад

(ever/ride/horse?) Have you ever ridden a horse? 2. (ever/be/California?) 3. (ever/run/marathon?) 4. (ever/speak/famous person?) 5. (always/live/in this town?) 6. (most beautiful place/ever/visit?) What


1. Have you ever ridden a horse? — Вы когда-нибудь ездили на лошади?
2. Have ever been to California? — Вы когда-нибудь были в Калифорнии?
3. Have you ever run a marathon? — Вы когда-нибудь бегали марафон?
4. Have you ever spoken to a famous person? — Вы когда-нибудь говорили с известным человеком?
5. Have you always lived in this town? — Вы всегда жили в этом городе?
6. What is the most beautiful place you have ever visited? — Какое самое красивое место, которое вы когда-либо посещали? 

Перейти к контенту

Each of the following 40 sentences contains 1 typical mistake. Can you find it?
1. This money isn’t mine. I can’t take them.
2. Volga is the longest river in Russia.
3. Tom has to get up very early now, hasn’t he?
4. I’d like to tell a few words about my family.
5. He’s leaving to London tomorrow.
6. We’ll go to the country if the weather will be fine.
7. Can you explain me this rule?
8. I don’t like rave music. — So do I.
9. Our teacher made us to read the text again.
10. Did you watch TV when I phoned you yesterday?
11. Have you ever been to London? — Yes, I have. I’ve been there last year.
12. Has anybody seen him to leave the room?
13. Which of you want to go to the concert tonight?
14. Look at this man! Are you seeing him?
15. What a nasty weather we are having today!
16. You look tired. Let me to help you.

17. When will be built the new shop?
18. I usually go to school by foot.
19. Julia Roberts has a wonderful brown hair.
20. You’d better to stop worrying!
21. Sixty millions years ago the Earth was ruled by dinosaurs.
22. I don’t know where is my diary.
23. It’s often raining in autumn.
24. Nick said that he has never been to Disneyland.
25. The Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
26. Jane said that she wouldn’t go to school tomorrow.
27. I’ve spoken to everybody except he.
28. I wonder if he comes to the party tomorrow.
29. Ann runs slowly, but Tom runs very fastly.
30. I’m agree with you.
31. Last January there had been a fire on the second floor of my house.
32. It was already dark when we arrived in the station.
33. There are a lot of furniture in the room, aren’t there?
34. How long do you know him? — Since 1992.
35 From my opinion, he is a very talented composer.
36. I wonder how long will it take us to get to the airport.
37. It’s such a difficult work!
38. In a few days Sherlock Holmes suddenly disappeared.
39. How does she speak English? — Oh, she speaks English very well.
40. I looked around. There wasn’t nobody in sight.

Correct sentences:
1. This money isn’t mine. I can’t take it.
2. The Volga is the longest river in Russia.
3. Tom has to get up very early now, doesn’t he?
4. I’d like to tell you a few words about my family.
5. He’s leaving for London tomorrow.
6. We’ll go to the country if the weather is fine.
7. Can you explain to me this rule?
8. I don’t like rave music. — Neither do I.
9. Our teacher made us read the text again.
10. Were you watching TV when I phoned you yesterday?
11. Have you ever been to London? —Yes, I have. I was there last year.
12. Has anybody seen him leave the room?
13. Which of you wants to go to the concert tonight?
14. Look at this man! Do you see him?
15. What nasty weather we are having today!
16. You look tired. Let me help you.
17. When will the new shop be built?
18. I usually go to school on foot.
19. Julia Roberts has wonderful brown hair.
20. You’d better stop worrying!
21. Sixty million years ago the Earth was ruled by dinosaurs.
22. I don’t know where my diary is.
23. It often rains in autumn.
24. Nick said that he had never been to Disneyland.
25. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
26. Jane said that she wouldn’t go to school the next day.
27. I’ve spoken to everybody except him.
28. I wonder if he will come to the party tomorrow.
29. Ann runs slowly, but Tom runs very fast.
30. I agree with you.
31. Last January there was a fire on the second floor of my house.
32. It was already dark when we arrived at the station.
33. There is a lot of furniture in the room, isn’t there?
34. How long have you known him? — Since 1992.
35. In my opinion, he is a very talented composer.
36. I wonder how long it will take us to get to the airport.
37. It’s such difficult work!
38. A few days later Sherlock Holmes suddenly disappeared.
39. How well does she speak English? — Oh, she speaks English very well.
40. I looked around. There was nobody (wasn’t anybody) in sight.
Find the mistake. Найди ошибку
From Speak Out 4, 1998

Complete the dialogue with the correct verb forms

Anna : (Did, Have) you ever (be, been) to London?

Bob : No, I (didnt, havent)

Anna : (Do, Would) you like (go, to go) there?

Bob : Oh, yes.

I(am going, shall) visit it in summer.

Anna : With whom (do, will) you go there?

Bob : With my school friends and our teacher of English.

На странице вопроса Complete the dialogue with the correct verb formsAnna : (Did, Have) you ever (be, been) to London? из категории Английский язык вы найдете
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    10.06.2020 15:03


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        1) В: вы когда-нибудь были в Лондоне?
        Б: нет, я никогда там не была
        2) A: вы уже видели Парфенон?
        Б: Да, я уже видел это. Это потрясающе!
        3) A: имеет Дэмьен когда-нибудь кататься на лыжах?
        Б: нет, он этого не делал. Ему это не нравится.
        4) А: Аким дома,
        Б: нет, боюсь, он уже вышел.
        5) A: боюсь, я никогда не посещал Мельбурнский музей, и я был в Мельбурне целый год.
        Б: Правда? У меня уже есть. Это фантастика!
        6) A: как долго вы с Беном были друзьями?
        B: мы дружим уже двенадцать лет.
        7) A: я только что приготовил ужин.
        Б: это хорошо, потому что я еще не ел и я очень голоден.

        1) Ты когда- нибудь был в Лондоне?
            Нет, я никогда не был там.
         2) Ты уже когда-то видел Парфенон?
              Да, я уже видел его! Это удивительно!

           3)  Дэмиен когда-нибудь отправлялся кататься на лыжах?
             Нет. Он не любит это.
        4)  Скажите, Аким дома?
             Нет, я боюсь, он уже вышел 
        5) Я боюсь, я никогда не посещал  музей Мельбурн и я был в Мельбурне весь год.
          Действительно? Я уже был. Это фантастика!
        6) Как долго вы с Беном были друзьями?
            Мы были друзьями 12 лет.
        7) Я только приготовил обед.
             Это хорошо, потому что я еще не ел и я очень голоден

        СРОЧНО НАДО!!!! Возьмите красную ручку и исправьте ошибки.Подчёркнутые слова оставьте без изменений.
        1. There is a standard lamp near a sofa
        2.-Where is an exercise-book?
        — The exerice-book is in the bookcase
        3. What a bad weather we are having today!
        4. Have you seen The film YESTERDAY(подчёркнуто) ?
        5. I have met him TWO YEARS AGO
        6. I ALREADY helped my brother
        7. Have you been to Africa LAST YEAR?
        8.Have you EVER be to London?
        9.I have buy a new toy
        10. My friend have seen a very interesting film

        Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Error correction (Исправить ошибки) 1. Have you ever go to London 2. I’ve studied English since eight years. 3. Which subject are you going …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

        Искать другие ответы

        Главная » Английский язык » Error correction (Исправить ошибки) 1. Have you ever go to London 2. I’ve studied English since eight years. 3. Which subject are you going study next year? 4 We might to go out this evening. 5. It has rained all day yesterday. 6.

        Помогите сделать домашку, очень нужно!

        Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite или Present Perfect.

        1. You ever (to be) to London? — Yes, I (to be) there several times. — When you (to be) there last? — I (to be) there last a month ago. 2. You (to see) Mary this week? — No, I … not. But I (to see) her last month. 3. When you (to enter) the Nautical College? — I (to enter) it last autumn. 4. The ice-breaker Sibir just (to arrive) at the pilot station. 5. We (to learn) about our next voyage lately. — But I (to know) about your coming voyage (предстоящий рейс) three days ago. 6. When you (to make) your first voyage? — I (to make) it four months ago, but my brother just (to put) to sea. 7. The sailors already (to launch) the life-boat. — When they (to lift) life-boat No 2? — They (to lift) it 10 minutes ago.

        Each of the following 40 sentences contains 1 typical mistake. Can you find it?
        1. This money isn’t mine. I can’t take them.
        2. Volga is the longest river in Russia.
        3. Tom has to get up very early now, hasn’t he?
        4. I’d like to tell a few words about my family.
        5. He’s leaving to London tomorrow.
        6. We’ll go to the country if the weather will be fine.
        7. Can you explain me this rule?
        8. I don’t like rave music. — So do I.
        9. Our teacher made us to read the text again.
        10. Did you watch TV when I phoned you yesterday?
        11. Have you ever been to London? — Yes, I have. I’ve been there last year.
        12. Has anybody seen him to leave the room?
        13. Which of you want to go to the concert tonight?
        14. Look at this man! Are you seeing him?
        15. What a nasty weather we are having today!
        16. You look tired. Let me to help you.

        17. When will be built the new shop?
        18. I usually go to school by foot.
        19. Julia Roberts has a wonderful brown hair.
        20. You’d better to stop worrying!
        21. Sixty millions years ago the Earth was ruled by dinosaurs.
        22. I don’t know where is my diary.
        23. It’s often raining in autumn.
        24. Nick said that he has never been to Disneyland.
        25. The Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
        26. Jane said that she wouldn’t go to school tomorrow.
        27. I’ve spoken to everybody except he.
        28. I wonder if he comes to the party tomorrow.
        29. Ann runs slowly, but Tom runs very fastly.
        30. I’m agree with you.
        31. Last January there had been a fire on the second floor of my house.
        32. It was already dark when we arrived in the station.
        33. There are a lot of furniture in the room, aren’t there?
        34. How long do you know him? — Since 1992.
        35 From my opinion, he is a very talented composer.
        36. I wonder how long will it take us to get to the airport.
        37. It’s such a difficult work!
        38. In a few days Sherlock Holmes suddenly disappeared.
        39. How does she speak English? — Oh, she speaks English very well.
        40. I looked around. There wasn’t nobody in sight.

        Correct sentences:
        1. This money isn’t mine. I can’t take it.
        2. The Volga is the longest river in Russia.
        3. Tom has to get up very early now, doesn’t he?
        4. I’d like to tell you a few words about my family.
        5. He’s leaving for London tomorrow.
        6. We’ll go to the country if the weather is fine.
        7. Can you explain to me this rule?
        8. I don’t like rave music. — Neither do I.
        9. Our teacher made us read the text again.
        10. Were you watching TV when I phoned you yesterday?
        11. Have you ever been to London? —Yes, I have. I was there last year.
        12. Has anybody seen him leave the room?
        13. Which of you wants to go to the concert tonight?
        14. Look at this man! Do you see him?
        15. What nasty weather we are having today!
        16. You look tired. Let me help you.
        17. When will the new shop be built?
        18. I usually go to school on foot.
        19. Julia Roberts has wonderful brown hair.
        20. You’d better stop worrying!
        21. Sixty million years ago the Earth was ruled by dinosaurs.
        22. I don’t know where my diary is.
        23. It often rains in autumn.
        24. Nick said that he had never been to Disneyland.
        25. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
        26. Jane said that she wouldn’t go to school the next day.
        27. I’ve spoken to everybody except him.
        28. I wonder if he will come to the party tomorrow.
        29. Ann runs slowly, but Tom runs very fast.
        30. I agree with you.
        31. Last January there was a fire on the second floor of my house.
        32. It was already dark when we arrived at the station.
        33. There is a lot of furniture in the room, isn’t there?
        34. How long have you known him? — Since 1992.
        35. In my opinion, he is a very talented composer.
        36. I wonder how long it will take us to get to the airport.
        37. It’s such difficult work!
        38. A few days later Sherlock Holmes suddenly disappeared.
        39. How well does she speak English? — Oh, she speaks English very well.
        40. I looked around. There was nobody (wasn’t anybody) in sight.
        Find the mistake. Найди ошибку
        From Speak Out 4, 1998


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          10 — 11 классы

          11.05.2020 15:28

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              Each of the following 40 sentences contains 1 typical mistake. Can you find it?
              1. This money isn’t mine. I can’t take them.
              2. Volga is the longest river in Russia.
              3. Tom has to get up very early now, hasn’t he?
              4. I’d like to tell a few words about my family.
              5. He’s leaving to London tomorrow.
              6. We’ll go to the country if the weather will be fine.
              7. Can you explain me this rule?
              8. I don’t like rave music. — So do I.
              9. Our teacher made us to read the text again.
              10. Did you watch TV when I phoned you yesterday?
              11. Have you ever been to London? — Yes, I have. I’ve been there last year.
              12. Has anybody seen him to leave the room?
              13. Which of you want to go to the concert tonight?
              14. Look at this man! Are you seeing him?
              15. What a nasty weather we are having today!
              16. You look tired. Let me to help you.

              17. When will be built the new shop?
              18. I usually go to school by foot.
              19. Julia Roberts has a wonderful brown hair.
              20. You’d better to stop worrying!
              21. Sixty millions years ago the Earth was ruled by dinosaurs.
              22. I don’t know where is my diary.
              23. It’s often raining in autumn.
              24. Nick said that he has never been to Disneyland.
              25. The Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
              26. Jane said that she wouldn’t go to school tomorrow.
              27. I’ve spoken to everybody except he.
              28. I wonder if he comes to the party tomorrow.
              29. Ann runs slowly, but Tom runs very fastly.
              30. I’m agree with you.
              31. Last January there had been a fire on the second floor of my house.
              32. It was already dark when we arrived in the station.
              33. There are a lot of furniture in the room, aren’t there?
              34. How long do you know him? — Since 1992.
              35 From my opinion, he is a very talented composer.
              36. I wonder how long will it take us to get to the airport.
              37. It’s such a difficult work!
              38. In a few days Sherlock Holmes suddenly disappeared.
              39. How does she speak English? — Oh, she speaks English very well.
              40. I looked around. There wasn’t nobody in sight.

              Correct sentences:
              1. This money isn’t mine. I can’t take it.
              2. The Volga is the longest river in Russia.
              3. Tom has to get up very early now, doesn’t he?
              4. I’d like to tell you a few words about my family.
              5. He’s leaving for London tomorrow.
              6. We’ll go to the country if the weather is fine.
              7. Can you explain to me this rule?
              8. I don’t like rave music. — Neither do I.
              9. Our teacher made us read the text again.
              10. Were you watching TV when I phoned you yesterday?
              11. Have you ever been to London? —Yes, I have. I was there last year.
              12. Has anybody seen him leave the room?
              13. Which of you wants to go to the concert tonight?
              14. Look at this man! Do you see him?
              15. What nasty weather we are having today!
              16. You look tired. Let me help you.
              17. When will the new shop be built?
              18. I usually go to school on foot.
              19. Julia Roberts has wonderful brown hair.
              20. You’d better stop worrying!
              21. Sixty million years ago the Earth was ruled by dinosaurs.
              22. I don’t know where my diary is.
              23. It often rains in autumn.
              24. Nick said that he had never been to Disneyland.
              25. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
              26. Jane said that she wouldn’t go to school the next day.
              27. I’ve spoken to everybody except him.
              28. I wonder if he will come to the party tomorrow.
              29. Ann runs slowly, but Tom runs very fast.
              30. I agree with you.
              31. Last January there was a fire on the second floor of my house.
              32. It was already dark when we arrived at the station.
              33. There is a lot of furniture in the room, isn’t there?
              34. How long have you known him? — Since 1992.
              35. In my opinion, he is a very talented composer.
              36. I wonder how long it will take us to get to the airport.
              37. It’s such difficult work!
              38. A few days later Sherlock Holmes suddenly disappeared.
              39. How well does she speak English? — Oh, she speaks English very well.
              40. I looked around. There was nobody (wasn’t anybody) in sight.
              Find the mistake. Найди ошибку
              From Speak Out 4, 1998

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