Hammer проверка на ошибки

Народ. подскажите как струю воды вверх сделать, для фонтана надо

Даже экспериментировать необязательно, можно расчитать исходный вид, и от него указать градус

Samdog, поэкперементируй с Texture scale и Texture shift в покраске текстур

Что делать если майнкрафт текстуры в 2 раза больше и некоторые блоки перевернуты

задам прямо сюда, можно ли определить скорость игрока в определённой области (тригере)? если да, то как?

где здесь можно задать вопрос по маппингу?

да, инфы дофига, что не может не радовать)

Фига тут инфы куча :mrgreen:

я живой :ugeek:

Пусть остается таким какой он есть, не трогаешь, не ломается

Сайт уже давно на пенсии, тут надо радоваться что хотя бы он все еще работает как таковой! :ugeek:

Реально не хватает возможности редачить материалы, чтобы исправлять свои косяки, столько лет сайту, а до сих пор нет такой возможности

Или даже по возможности ответят

Просто лучший русскоязычный сайт по маппингу который только существует! Если что-то ищешь, всегда находишь находишь то, что нужно!

Можно ли как-нибудь глянуть список всех энтити которые присутствуют на карте?


Barney, Вот краткий гайд на цикл https://prnt.sc/tw3ed9

Кто знает как сделать сирену(цикл)? :?:


Скорее всего это и есть туннель, и наверно этот туннель многополигональный, от этого и траблы на карте, плюс утечку желательно закрыть

На этот случай в хаммере есть поисковик по брашам, ты можешь узнать где находится этот браш и удалить его

Я не пользуюсь дискордом, только стим

CobuLight, дай свой дискорд

CobuLight, посмотри мой лог

CobuLight, У меня частая ошибка Trying to create a non-quad displacement! (entity 0, brush 3398) она в основном в брашах туннеля( у меня карта под метро 2033)

И скорее всего из-за расстояния тоже, но здесь я не хочу тыкать пальцем в небо, я не помню

Попробуй сократить количество брашей в func_detail, а если у тебя сложные браши, то сделай для них отдельные func_detail

у меня funl_detail много брашей на большем растоянии

Могу попробовать помочь, но только визуально, хотя давно не видел у себя этой проблемы…
Если так подумать, проблема может быть в переизбытке func_detail, либо ты слишком много брашей запилил в func_

4)Есть какая-то проблема с ареапорталами, ликами и т.д.

2)На карте слишком много маленьких простых брашей 3)Следует поработать над хинтами, чтобы помочь компилятору разбить карту на vis-листья эффективнее

Сорри,ничего конкретного сказать на эту тему не могу, могу лишь только предположить что 1)карта, пусть и оптимизированная, просто слишком большая и имеет множество зон

SpacetimeJunglist92, мой дискорд loeskee#6984
если сможешь помочь напиши

SpacetimeJunglist92, The map overflows the max portal count (43965 of max 32768)!

SpacetimeJunglist92, в основном нарушение лимитов по брашам, но когда делаю в func_detail,также пишет что привеш лимит.

Есть, кто живой? можете помочь с картой, а точнее с ошибками?

Вот карта, также болььшиство моделей черные у игроков, хотя в вроде как вшивал их

Через часик попробую загрузить карту в мастерскую (удалил)

Скинь название карты, я гляну, может даже помогу узнать что за проблема. Тут надо уже смотреть, так проблему не понять на словах, да и лично я с такой не сталкивался.

Скинь название карты, я гляну, может даже помогу узнать что за проблема. Тут надо уже смотреть, так проблему не понять на словах, да и лично я с такой не сталкивался.

Такая проблема после компиляции карты, при запуске ее на пк все отражения норм всё как надо, но при загрузке в мастерскую и запуске ее оттуда все отражения на предметах яркие и совсем не те что нужны

Чтобы вращать и изменять размер через Ctrl+M (Rotate, Scale)

Пасаны, кто может подсказать как вращать и увеличивать декали? :?:

Кто может подсказать как из браша сделать проп. Префабы вроде как для этого, но я не понял где там в точечный энтити перевести. на карте перевес геометрии, не компилит, другого выхода нет.

Name_BY, к Вольво вопросы, нахерна они сломали и не фиксят уже сколько лет.

вопросик по cs:go. почему там не работает env_spritetrail? и можно это исправить?

Hammer checkforproblemsdialog.png

Opening this dialog will cause Hammer to run through your map and notify you of any errors it finds.

When you select one of the errors, the entity/solid will be highlighted (if applicable) and three options become available to you:

Go to error

This button will center the 2D and 3D views on the object that the error is referring to.

Tip.pngTip:Double-clicking on an item in the list can also be used a shortcut to show the error.


This button will attempt to fix the currently selected error.

Fix all (of type)

Using this button will fix all errors of the selected error type.

Note.pngNote:The Check for Problems command looks for errors in unmodified, supported game types (Half-Life 2 , Counter-Strike, etc). If you are creating maps for a proprietary game with your own game code and .FGD, some or all of the errors generated by this command may not be applicable.

Check visible parts of the map only

When this is selected, errors related to objects in hidden Visgroups will not be shown in the list.

Common errors

Invalid solid structure
The solid has invalid structure, probably as a result of vertex manipulation. What this means is that the solid is not convex in every plane. You will need to either fix it, or if this is not possible, rebuild it.
Solid Entity (entity_name) is empty.
This solid-entity contains no solids. Fixing the error deletes the entity.
Entity (entity_name) has unused keyvalue "key_name".
The entity contains keyvalues (variables) that are not used in its class. You can fix this error with the Fix button. Note that this error will pop up if you are taking advantage of custom compile tools which add keyvalues to entities, but you are not using an FGD file that has these special keyvalues listed.
There is no player start.
There is no info_player_start entity in the map. This error could also occur if you are using the Edit Cordon Bounds tool, and the player start entity was not inside the cordon area marked. If no player start point was created, use the Entity Tool to create one.

See also

  • Optimizing and Checking Your Map
  • Controlling Geometry Visibility and Compile Times
  • Compile Errors
  • Troubleshooting Level Design

Добавил: root

2013-01-02 05:20:51

1629 просмотров

В этой статье Вы узнаете о том, как осуществляется проверка карты на ошибки в редакторе карт. Также мы расскажем о наиболее часто встречающихся ошибках и способах их исправления.

Проверка карты на ошибки осуществляется клавишами [Alt-P]. Мы рекомендуем почаще проверять свою карту на ошибки, чтобы можно было вовремя принять меры.

К сожалению, не все ошибки обнаруживаются в редакторе карт. Многие из них (зачастую более коварные :) проявляются только при компиляции. Но в этом нет ничего страшного, т.к. компиляторы ZHLT обладают подробнейшей системой сообщений об ошибках, что позволяет быстро их находить и исправлять.

Наиболее часто встречающихся ошибки при создании карт:

  • There is no player start
  • Invalid texture (название текстуры)
  • Texture axic perpendicular to face
  • Invalid solid structure
  • Solid entity (имя объекта) is empty
  • Unmatched ‘target’ field (название)
  • Mixed face contents
  • Entity (имя объекта) has unused keyvalues
  • Entity (имя объекта) contains duplicate keyvalues
  • Invalid solid contents
  • Solid contains duplicate planes

1. There is no player start

На карте не созданы точки рождения игроков. Чтобы исправить ошибку, создайте один или несколько объектов «info_player_start» и «info_player_deathmatch» (точки появления контра и террориста, соответственно).

2. Invalid texture (название текстуры)

Ошибка означает, что объект или несколько объектов не имеют текстуры. Перейти к ошибочным объектам можно по кнопке «Go to error» в окне исправления ошибок. Объект, вызвавший ошибку, будет абсолютно белым.

Данная ошибка может возникнуть, если не были найдены текстуры, в результате отключения wad-файла. Чтобы исправить ошибку нужно или подключить wad-файл с указанными в ошибке текстурами, или закрасить объект какой-нибудь другой текстурой.

Также эта же ошибка всегда возникает, если Вы выбираете какой-то один wad-файл из списка и строите объекты. Затем Вы переключаетесь на другой wad-файл из списка и продолжаете строить объекты, забыв выбрать текстуру из нового wad-файла. То есть получается, что wad-файл Вы изменили, а имя текстуры используется старое.

3. Texture axic perpendicular to face

Эта ошибка возникает по двум причинам:

  • Если Вы вращали объект с выключенной опцией «Texture lock», и текстура стала перпендикулярна к стороне объекта;
  • На карте есть объект неправильной формы, полученный в результате манипуляции с вертексами или при помощи функции Carve.

В обоих случаях проще удалить объект и создать новый.

4. Invalid solid structure

Ошибка означает, что на карте есть объект неправильной формы, полученный в результате манипуляции с вертексами. Попытайтесь исправить данный объект или удалите и создайте новый.

5. Solid entity (имя объекта) is empty

Ошибка означает, что брашевый энтити-объект не имеет формы (что он пустой). Трудно сказать из-за чего возникает данная ошибка, но было замечено, что иногда энтити-объект самостоятельно становится брашем, а редактор по-прежнему считает его энтити-объектом. И вот когда мы повторно превращаем браш в энтити-объект, возникает данная ошибка. Так что, скорее всего, это происходит из-за глюков самого редактора. В любом случае, лучше избавиться от таких ошибок, хоть они никак и не влияют на компиляцию.

А избавиться довольно легко. Нажмите [Alt-P], в появившемся окошке выделите строку «Solid entity … is empty» и нажмите кнопку «Go to error». Посмотрите на размер объекта (в статусной строке), если Вы видите что-то вроде:


, то нажмите Delete (т.е. просто удалите этот объект). Также поступите и с другими «пустыми» объектами.

Примечание: когда Вы перейдете к «пустому» объекту, то на карте его не будет видно, но редактор все же переходит к нему и позволяет удалить.

6. Unmatched ‘target’ field (название)

Ошибка означает, что в параметре «Target», вызвавшего ошибку объекта, указано имя несуществующего объекта. Для исправления ошибки перейдите к объекту кнопкой «Go to error» и удалите/исправьте запись в параметре «Target», или же создайте объект с указанным там именем.

В качестве примера можно привести такой случай. Вы создали кнопку, включающую лампочку. В параметре «Target» кнопки указали имя лампочки, но саму лампочку сделать забыли. В этом случае появляется рассмотренная выше ошибка.

7. Mixed face contents

А это постоянная ошибка тех начинающих мапперов, которые не хотят читать наши статьи о типах текстур в Half-Life :) Ошибка означает что какой-то из объектов Вы покрасили несовместимыми типами текстур, например, несколько сторон объекта Вы покрасили обычной текстурой, а другие — текстурой воды. Прочитайте статью «Типы текстур в Half-Life/CS» и тогда Вы с легкостью исправите данную ошибку.

8. Entity (имя объекта) has unused keyvalues

Указанный объект содержит неиспользуемые в его классе параметры. Ошибка исправляется кнопкой «Fix».

9. Entity (имя объекта) contains duplicate keyvalues

Указанный объект содержит несколько одинаковых параметров. Ошибка исправляется кнопкой «Fix».

10. Invalid solid contents

См. ошибку 7. «Mixed face contents» выше.

11. Solid contains duplicate planes

Ошибка означает, что какой-то объект имеет две плоскости, наложенные друг на друга. Для исправления ошибки нажмите кнопку «Go to error», удалите объект и создайте новый.

§ 2.1   Последняя версия
§ 2.2   Установка и настройка
§ 2.3   Интерфейс редактора
§ 2.4   Обзор главных инструментов
§ 2.5   Меню редактора
§ 2.6   Размеры и масштабы
§ 2.7   Как лучше работать в редакторе?
§ 2.8   Проверка карты на ошибки (основные ошибки)
§ 2.9   Быстрые сочетания клавиш редактора
§ 2.10 Распаковка архива с ресурсами pak0.pak


Error listing


Use the buttons below to view errors in any category. You can make any errors visible by clicking on their title or their corresponding checkbox.

Error_checker.exe, the program you can use to automatically scan your log for errors, can be found here

You are encouraged to add your own errors you encounter, even if you don’t know what they mean. Someone else might!

FYI: The search engine runs client-side, so you can save this page to your computer and it will remain its functionality.

Search errors

Post your compile log here to have it checked for errors. You may also search for any errors by entering a search query and uncheck ‘this is a compile log’ to search for non-compile errors.

This is a compile log

Category selection

  • hammer
  • compile
  • vbsp
  • vvis
  • vrad
  • ingame
  • steam
  • max_map
  • references
  • search results (0)

Javascript disabled; Search functions and showing/hiding errors unavailable.

Link to this list

3d window is completely black

Nothing gets rendered in the 3d view, may be caused by a bug where no default camera is made in Hammer. Other causes are drivers or other interfering soft/hardware.

First try to create a new camera view (click the camera button, then drag a line in one of your 2d views). Or, you can go to the Map menu, click Entity Report, then click Go To. That should fix it sometimes.

If that doesn’t work, and you made sure you aren’t just looking at black textures or into the void, you may need to restart Hammer. OpenGL is a real bitch if you switch between programs that aren’t programmed exactly like they should. As as last resort, try updating your drivers, or reinstalling SourceSDK.

Last contribution: ziplock

3d window only shows lines

You have set the render mode to wireframe.

You need to set the camera mode to 3d-textured. Simply press on the word ‘camera’ in the 3d window and select ‘3d textured’.

Last contribution: zombie@computer

can’t open filesystemopendialog.dll

When this error is seen various file open dialogs (sound, models) make Hammer crash. The cause can be found in the absence of filesystemopendialog.dll

You can recreate this file by:

  • Play Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, or Counter-Strike: Source.
  • Play the mod you’re mapping/modding for (if you’re mapping for a mod)
  • Check the GameInfo.txt file. Some mods use a certain game to run, and may not be set up properly.
  • In GameInfo.txt, when ToolsAppId is set to AppId, you may also experience this error. Try changing ToolsAppId.

Last contribution: The Odd One

entity ( [entity-type] ) has bad I/O connections

This error means the specified entity has wrong outputs or inputs. Either it is targetting a non-existing entity, trying to tell another entity to do something it isn’t programmed to be able to do or just using the wrong output.

Go to the outputs tab of the entity and fix any values in RED.

See also:
Entity input/output system

Last contribution: Anonymous

invalid solid

One of your brushes is invalid. Just remember these three rules and you should be fine:

  • no concave brushes (no hollow brushes, you should never be able to draw a straight line through the same brush twice)
  • no twisted faces (each face should be completely flat)
  • no multiple faces on the same plane

Last contribution: Anonymous

models are black in (old) model-browser

You need to set the color depth in Windows to atleast 32 bits, for the models to appear correctly in the browser.

Right-click anywhere on your desktop, select ‘properties’, go to the ‘settings’ tab and set the color quality to 32 bits. Outdated drivers may also be the cause.

Last contribution: zombie@computer

out of memory loading solids, error 7

Hammer does not have enough memory loading all the brushes in your mapfile. This can be caused by either a BIG, excessive, ENORMOUS HUGE map, or some error in the vmf structure of your mapfile which caused Hammer to go into a loop. Causes are using quotes or curly brackets (» or { } ) in entity names, values or outputs (mind: game_text), which will break your map’s datastructure. Another big cause is Hammer saving invalid coordinates.

you have three hopes:

  • A backup file (mapname.vmx) should be in the same directory as your mapfile, rename it to vmf to open it)
  • Hammer has autosaves (atleast if you have in enabled). You can try opening the autosaves, look under the Hammer options to find the autosave path
  • A long day trying to try to repair your map with Notepad. You can try three things:
    1. If a line was reported, use Notepads goto line option to see if theres a problem on that line (end of file? weird characters?)
    2. Search the mapfile for ‘.#INF’. If found, do a search&replace where you replace all instances of ‘.#INF’ with ‘.00’.
    3. Check if there are any {‘s not closed with a }, or check for strange strings. Most often, adding one or more closing brackets ( } ) to the file fixes this error, but be prepared to have lost some, if not a lot of data on your map.

If you really can’t figure it out, and you have spend a lot of time on your map already, you may also send me the map and I will take a look and see if i can fix it.So far I have been able to repair all maps people have sent me, so bring em on!

See also:
WIKI: vmf structure
vmf structure

Last contribution: Anonymous

texture axis perpendicular to face

This means a texture is aligned to its face at 90 degrees. This is because the «align»-settings for that face are setup wrong.


Either use the problemchecker (alt+p) to fix the error, or do it yourself by selecting the face or brush, and then go to the texture-application tool and select ‘align to face’ or ‘align to world’. if that doesn’t work, your brush might be too broken (invalid) to repair and you’ll have to repair/delete it manually.

See also:
Reference: What are invalid solids?

Last contribution: Anonymous

There is no player start.

Hammer always checks if there’s an info_player_start in your map (it’s the place the player will be spawned on start), even with mods that don’t require an info_player_start (but eg info_player_terrorist).

Either ignore the error or place an info_player_start somewhere in your level. Even if your mod requires an info_player_start, the map will still work, but the player will be spawned at the exact center of the map. Please note that if your map doesn’t have any entities, it may leak, causing other problems.

Last contribution: Anonymous

WARNING: light_spot at [x] [y] [z] has inner/outer angle larger than 90 degrees!

Spotlights usually throw their light in a cone. you just can’t make a cone thats larger than or equal to 2*90 degrees (this is a purely mathematical restriction). This isn’t dangerous or anything, when your map is compiled the values will automatically be lowered to the maximun allowed. It is merely a warning.

Go to the specified entity and lower its angle value. for larger angles you should use the normal light-entity, or multiple light_spots.

Last contribution: Anonymous

[number] solids were not loaded due to errors in the file

There were [number] brushes in your map invalid and removed. Hammer can’t load invalid brushes, so it just deletes them instead.

When you see this message, you are already too late. The invalid brushes have been removed, and there is no way for you to find out which ones it deleted, apart from flying through your level trying to find a hole or missing brush. It’s most likely a vertex-manipulated brush, since they have the most chance of becoming invalid.

Since the brushes are already deleted, there is no need for finding invalid solids, they are already gone. Tip: Check for illegal brushes


you save your map, to make sure you don’t end up with invalid solids in the mapfile.

See also:
Reference: What are invalid solids?

Last contribution: Anonymous

Compiling takes too long

As you create bigger maps, the compile process will take longer and longer. You can prevent a lot of this by optimizing your map. By telling the compile tools what to ignore and how to work, you can seriously decrease the time needed to build your map.

Optimize your map. Use func_detail and hints to speed up the compile process. Alternatively, you can use visgroups or cordon tools to only compile a part of your level. This is great for checking only a part of your level. Lastly, you can set vvis.exe and vrad.exe to [-fast], so they do a worse job (not for final compiles!) but much faster than before.

See also:
Optimization tutorial
WIKI: Optimization
Controlling what to compile
Reference: Compiling theory

Last contribution: Anonymous

Error opening mapname.bsp

Half-life couldn’t open your map. Did you recieve any errors in the compile process? Got your paths set up right? Maybe your map is empty?

Scan your compile-log for other errors and fix those

See also:
Logfile-checker (see search above)

Last contribution: zombie@computer

The command failed. Windows reported the error: The system cannot find the file specified.

At the end of the compiling process the BSP file is copied from the directory your vmf file is in to the game/maps directory so it can be played. This error means it couldn’t find the BSP to copy it.(the message Windows returns may vary on it’s language)

The cause is usually some fatal error in vbsp.exe (the program that generates the bare bsp-file) so check for other errors in your log. The other cause is some invalid setup of directories, or bad mapnames, too long pathnames etc.
In which case you should also see the effects further upwards in the log (something like the other programs not being able to load your map). For mapnames, remember to avoid any strange characters, like brackets, dots, commas and spaces. try to build your mapname out of characters ( a-z ), numbers ( 0-9 ) and the underscore ( _ ) only. The exact cause is usally findable in the logfile.

Remember this error is

not a cause

of your map to not compile, it is merely a sign that your map didn’t compile.

Check your logfile for errors, check your directory setup or rename your map.

See also:
Logfile-checker (see search above)

Last contribution: Anonymous

**** leaked ****

You have a leak. A leak is a hole in your map that exposes any entity in your map to the void (the black space outside your map).

Fix the leak.

See also:
Reference: Leaks
WIKI: leaks

This error will cause your map to fail compiling correctly

Last contribution: Anonymous

bmodel [number] has no head node (class ‘[entity-type]’, targetname ‘[entity-name]’)

A [entity-type] should be brush-based, but doesn’t have a brush tied to it. This can happen for instance when you tie the brushes of this entity to another entity in «Ignore groups»-mode.

Find your entity (use entity report in Hammer to filter for the entities class and/or name) and delete it or tie it to a brush.

See also:
WIKI: Entity report

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: zombie@computer

brush [brush-id] , side [brushside-id]: duplicate plane

This error means you have a brush with coplanar planes (a.k.a. an invalid brush). simply put, two sides of the same brush aren’t allowed to be on the same plane.

The fix is to repair the brush, by either merging the two brushsides or moving them so they aren’t on the same plane anymore. You can find the brush using view->goto brush number ( [brush-id] ).

See also:
Reference: Invalid solids

The affected object may not work and/or cause general errors

Last contribution: Anonymous

Brush [brush-id] : bounds out of range

Your map is too big (you have brush(es) too near to the edge of the grid) or you have invalid brushes.

Find the brush by going to view->go to brush number ( [brush-id] ). This may not always give you the offending brush though.
If the problem-checker in Hammer (alt+p) doesn’t find any offending brush(es), and you can’t see brushes near the edge of the grid, you should use the cordon tools or visgroups to find them.

See also:
reference: Finding the unfindable
Reference: Invalid solids

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Brush [brush-id]: areaportal brush doesn’t touch two areas

One of your areaportals touches either too many, or to few areas. Possible causes are:
-areaportals touching/intersecting each other (this causes them to touch more than two areas)
-areaportals not sealing an area ( you can move from one side of the areaportal to the other side, without crossing world geometry or other areaportals). This is also regarded as a leak.

The fix would be to move your areaportal(s) around so the above situations don’t occur. You may need to read up on the usage of areaportals if you don’t understand the problem. I suggest you find your areaportals using it’s brushnumber (view->go to brush ( [brush-id] )

See also:
WIKI: Func_areaportal

The affected object may not work and/or cause general errors

Last contribution: Anonymous

Brush [brush-id]: FloatPlane: bad normal Side [brushside-id] Texture: [texture]

One of your brushes has a face with a bad normal (a ‘normal’ is a oriëntation of a texture on a face).

First see if the problemchecker in Hammer (alt+p) can find and fix it. If it can’t, find the brush and fix it manually (usually it’s best to delete it and start all over) or select the brush and «align to face» it in the texture-tool. You can find the brush using view -> go to brush ( [brush-id] ). The specific brushside will have the [texture]-texture, though that may be multiple sides

See also:
Reference: Finding the location of errors

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Brush [brush-id]: MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES

You have too many brushsides in your map. The mentioned brush is simply the first one that didn’t fit in the buffer. See Max_map_brushsides

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Brush [brush-id]: MAX_MAP_PLANES Side [brushside-id] Texture: Not a Parse error!

You have too many planes (a plane is a surface from which brushsides are cut) in your map. The mentioned brush is simply the first one that didn’t fit in the buffer, it alone is not the cause of the error.
See Max_map_planes

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Brush [brush-id]: MAX_MAP_PLANES Side [brushside-id] Texture: [texture]


Your map has too many brushsides, or, simpler said, too many brushes. The brush and brushside mentioned are simply the first one in the map that went over the limit.

Reduce the amount of brushsides, for instance by simplifying existing brushes or removing some of them. Perhaps you can turn a couple of them into models?
There is nothing wrong with the mentioned brush, it is the TOTAL amount of brushsides that is your problem

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Brush [brush-id]: no visible sides on brush

One of your brushes has no visible sides. My best guess is that this is caused by an invalid brush. Rumors have it that this error is caused by mixing tool and non-tool textures.

Try Hammer’s problemchecker (alt+p) to find and fix it (or view-> go to brush number ( [brush-id] ), otherwise you’ll have to find the brush yourself and use vertex manipulation or a good ole delete.

See also:
Reference: Finding the cause of errors
Reference: Invalid solids

The affected object may not work and/or cause general errors

Last contribution: Anonymous

Brush [brush-id]: nummapbrushes == MAX_MAP_BRUSHES Side [brushside-id] Texture: [texture]

You have too many brushes in your map (more than 8192) The given brush is just the first one to go over the limit, it’s properties in this error are useless.

Delete some brushes, turn some of them into models for area’s high in detail. For singleplayer maps, you may decide to add a level transition and split the map into multiple levels. Multiplayer maps that reach this limit are probably too big for multiplayer anyway.

See also:

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Brush [brush-id]: num_entities == MAX_MAP_ENTITIES Side [brushside-id] Texture: [texture]

You have too many entities ( >4096). This excludes func_details, prop_details, and prop_statics (and info_overlays?).

Remove entities or split the map in two. 4096 is a lot, even getting near this number earns you the Nobel prize.

See also:
Nobel prizes

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: zombie@computer

brush [brush-id]: origin brushes not allowed in world

You have used the ORIGIN texture on a brush that isn’t allowed to have the ORIGIN texture. ORIGIN is only allowed on parts of brushbased-entities, and only on brushes that have all sides with ORIGIN.

Simply replace the offending ORIGIN textures.(there’s a replace option in the texture browser menu). Find the brush using view-> go to brush ( [brush-id] ).
On a side note, if you turn on helpers (the diamond shaped button in the right, top bar) you can specify an origin without the use of origin-brushes. much easier and safer. The origin-brush is just there for compatibility with hl1 maps, you shouldn’t use it for hl2 maps.

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Brush [brush-id]: ParseDispInfoChunk: nummapdispinfo > MAX_MAP_DISPINFO Side [brushside-id] Texture: [texture]

You have too many/too big displacements

Destroy, or simplify, some of your displacements

See also:

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Brush [brush-id]: WARNING, microbrush

One of your brushes is smaller than the smallest allowable brush-size. This size (when it will be warned about) is specified in the compiler, but can be changed (it’s an option for vbsp, [ -micro #] default is 1.0 cubic unit). I doubt this will cause problems in your map, but it’s a sign that you have detailed brushwork that may be better simplified or turned into models.

Find the brush using ‘view->go to brush number ([brush-id)’ in Hammer or ctr+shift+G in Hammer and enter the specified brush number. Either delete it, or enlarge it, whatever you desire. If you need small brushes, you may be better of with models instead.

See also:
WIKI: Vbsp

The affected object may not work/appear properly

Last contribution: Anonymous

Can’t load skybox file [texture] to build the default cubemap!

You have entered a skybox texture which doesn’t seem to be valid. Make sure you don’t specify the last three letter (_UP, _DN, etc) of any skybox texture you use. You may also need to fix your vmt files if they are broken. It may also be caused by compiling a non-HDR skybox texture.

Fix $hdrbasetexture errors first
WIKI: Skybox

The affected object may not work/appear properly

Last contribution: Anonymous

Degenerate Triangle

A degenerate triangle is a triangle with no area. for instance, when two of its points are at the same place or all three on one line. I believe this error only affects displacements, but i am not entirely sure. It also seems to be used in collision data (for the displacements?)

Find the triangle (using the coordinates, each set represents a vertex) and see if you can fix it (e.g. by moving one of the vertices, or deleting it. For displacements, you may need to destroy the displacement and start all over if you can’t seem to fix it. It wont harm you if you leave it, but make sure the area doesn’t look weird because of it. (holes in the displacements, overly stretched textures)

See also:
Finding coordinates

Generally, this error may be ignored

Last contribution: Anonymous

Displacement [number] has bad geometry near [x] [y] [z] Can’t compile displacement physics, exiting. Texture is [texture]

One of your displacements has gone bad, your awesome reshaping of one of them has caused it to become so complicated vbsp is unable to determine its collisions.

Although you can try to salvage your displacement by reshaping it more, its probably a better idea to destroy the displacement and recreate it. You can find the displacement by going to the coordinates [x] [y] [z] (view-> go to coordinates) and looking for a displacement with the [texture] texture.

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: zombie@computer

Entity [entity-id]: func_areaportal can only be a single brush

Pretty obvious, an func_areaportal(window) can only consist of one brush per entity.

Make multiple brushes multiple func_areaportal(window)s, or make different windows in a wall the same areaportal(window) (they can go through walls if needed).

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Entity [entity-type] ([x] [y] [z]) leaked!

You have a leak. A leak is a hole in your map that exposes any entity in your map to the void (the black space outside your map).

Fix the leak.

See also:
Reference: Leaks
WIKI: leaks

This error will cause your map to fail compiling correctly

Last contribution: Anonymous

Error loading studio model «»!

You have an model-based entity (prop_something) without a model specified.

To fix, delete it or give it a model. It can be hard to find, and if you really cant find it, use this trick: open your map (.vmf) in wordpad, and search for the string:

replace it with something you never used in your map, eg.

"model" "somenameineverusedforanentity"

Save the file, and open it up in hammer again. using ‘entity report’ in Hammer, you can search for the string «somenameineverusedforanentity» and your entity comes up. Alternatively, you may delete the entire entity, by removing it entirely:

"some stuff" "more stuff"
"model" ""
"origin" xx xx xx"
"color" "220 30 220"
"visgroupid" "2"
"visgroupshown" "1"

would be what you can delete. after the last «}» the next entity will be specified. Remember to delete the entire entity, and only that one, or your map may get broken. As a precaution, you should always backup your map before editing it in a text editor.

The affected object may not work and/or cause general errors

Last contribution: Mr. Happy

Error loading studio model «[model]»!

You have used the wrong model with the wrong entity, or there is another reason the model couldn’t be loaded, like an invalid location, errors in the file etc.

Either change the model, or the entity (eg. like it says in the error, use a prop_physics, prop_dynamic or prop_physics_multiplayer) or whatever the compiler tells you you should use). Just as a thumb rule:
-anything that can be picked up is prop_dynamic or prop_physics(_multiplayer)
-anything thats completely static is prop_static (you may alsop recognise these with invisible backsides)
-anything with dynamic shapes (eg. bodies, matrasses) is prop_ragdoll.
There are exceptions offcourse, as allways. The GUI model browser shows you exactly what types of entity a model is suited for.

You can find the entity with the offending model using entity report. Enter for key ‘model’ and for value ‘[model]’.

See also:
WIKI: Prop types

The affected object may not work/appear properly

Last contribution: Anonymous

Error! entity sky_camera in solid volume!

Either you have placed your sky_camera in a brush, or your map has a leak.

Use entity report to find the sky_camera and move it, or in case of a leak, fix the leak.

See also:
3d skybox tutorial
Reference: Leaks
WIKI: leaks

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Error! prop_static using model «[model]», which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.

You have used the wrong model with the wrong entity.

Either change the model, or the entity (eg. like it says in the error, use a prop_physics, prop_dynamic or prop_physics_multiplayer or whatever the compiler tells you you should use). Just as a thumb rule:
-anything that can be picked up is prop_dynamic or prop_physics(_multiplayer)
-anything thats completely static is prop_static (you may alsop recognise these with invisible backsides)
-anything with dynamic shapes (eg. bodies, matrasses) is prop_ragdoll There are exceptions offcourse, as allways.
The GUI model browser lists all entity types compatible with a certain model

See also:
WIKI: Prop types

The affected object may not work/appear properly

Last contribution: Anonymous

Error! Too many detail props emitted on this map!

The amount of detail props (the grasses and such that automatically appear on displacements with certain textures) has exceeded the maximum number of allowable detail props.

Either reduce the amount of textures/displacements which cause these props to appear, or edit the texture’s vmt’s to decrease the number of detail props those textures emit.

See also:
WIKI: Displacement grass
WIKI: Detail props

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Error: displacement found on a(n) [entity-type] entity — not supported

You have tied a displacement to an entity. Displacements aren’t supposed to be entities. (they don’t need to be func_detail, vvis.exe ignores them anyway). Displacements can’t move around. Period. Forget about parenting them.

Find your displacement and de-entify it. The easiest method to find it in a big map is to select all displacements at once (select the «displacements» visgroup (in the visgroup-window to the right in Hammer), then press «mark») in the ignore group mode (button «IG»). Now tie all of the displacements to an entity, and «to world» them again right after that while they are still selected.

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Error: displacement found on a(n) [entity-type] entity — not supported (entity [entity-id], brush [brush-id])

You have tied a displacement to an entity. Displacements aren’t supposed to be entities. (they don’t need to be func_detail, vvis.exe ignores them anyway). Displacements can’t move around. Period. Forget about parenting them.

Find your displacement and de-entify it. The easiest method to find it in a big map is to select all displacements at once (select the «displacements» visgroup (in the visgroup-window to the right in Hammer), then press «mark») in the ignore group mode (button «IG»). Now tie all of the displacements to an entity, and «to world» them again right after that while they are still selected.

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: zombie@computer

Error: material [texture] doesn’t have a $bottommaterial

You’ve tried to use a water texture which should only be placed in the map automatically by the compiler, or the water-texture you did use has an invalid bottom-texture. Invalid materials usually end in _beneath or _bottom or _dx* .

There will be a matching texture without those suffixes which you can use instead. Try another water texture.

The affected object may not work/appear properly

Last contribution: Anonymous


One of your info_overlays is spanning more faces than the maximum of 64. This number is based on the faces after bsp cutting, so it might look allright in Hammer but doesn’t work ingame.
This can also be caused by an overlay that is applied to a very large brush or a brush that has a very low lightmap scale.

Check each overlay in your map, and make sure it doesn’t cover more than 64 faces. Allthough easier said than done, you must try to find the overlay in Hammer (where you can only guess where your faces are cut) so its best to check big (stretched) overlays first, and also make sure you have no world brushes cutting each other up near these overlays (eg. near stairs, or when you use a small lightmap scale). The use of func_detail will stop that.
If you have an overlay that is applied to a very large brush, try cutting up the offending brush so it is not as large. Reset the overlay brush faces and recompile.

See also:
Reference: Finding the unfindable

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: cdxx

Find Visible Detail Sides…Bad detail brush side

The cause for this error is using multiple (incompatible) tool-textures on the same brush, or so it seems.
Apart from HINT and SKIP there aren’t much combination of tool-textures allowed on the same brush, so any other combination is a possible cause. Tool-textures are the ‘tools/’ textures you can find using the texture browser in Hammer, and that have a special meaning.

You will need to find the brush(es) with these tool-textures and replace those textures. The easiest way to find the source of the error is to hide all visgroups except for the visgroups which are for tools textures and then just look around the map in 3d textured mode.

See also:
WIKI: Tool textures

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

FindPortalSide: Couldn’t find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near ([x] [y] [z])

This error is usually followed by something like this:

Leaf 0 contents:(may vary)
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID (may vary, e.g. CONTENTS_WATER)
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID (ditto)
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents
Candidate brush IDs: [none or more brushnumbers]

Usually, this error is caused by a leak, so fix it if it is.
If it isn’t, there is a (group of) brush(es) that is/are giving vbsp.exe a hard time to figure out your level.
Apparently it cannot determine the boundaries of a certain portal. Maybe there is a large brush covering the area, maybe the area is just to complicated for poor vbsp to figure out.

I don’t know the details but usually turning entities to world brushes or vice-versa helps to fight the problem. Hell, just cutting a brush in two once helped me fight this problem.

Find the given coordinates (or if a brush number is given search for the brush number) and see what you can do to to simplify the area (like turning brushes to func_detail). You should also check to see if the brushes are overlapping at any point.

See also:
Finding brushnumbers and coordinates

The affected object may not work and/or cause general errors

Last contribution: Smurfy

Found a displacement edge abutting multiple other edges

A displacement is touching more than one other displacements at the same point along one of its edges; in other words: at some point, three displacements are touching each other along an entire edge. This may cause lighting errors, as vrad doesn’t know which displacements need to have their light smoothed out, if you know what i mean. I guess it can also be a wanted situation, in which cause this ‘error’ can be ignored.

The usual cause i can think of is the accidental non-deletion of displacements along the sides of brushes. Eg, if you have two brushes next to each other, and their tops displaced, and you accidentally also displaced the vertical brushsides between these two, you get a T-shaped intersection of three.
image: purple: side that should’ve been destroyed, red: the edge.

This is no real error, but it could be the cause of lighting anomalies. There is no easy way to find the displacement either, the fastest way would be to go through your displacements one by one.

Generally, this error may be ignored

Last contribution: Anonymous

HashVec: point outside valid range

Your map is too big (you have brush(es) too near to the edge of the grid) or you have invalid brushes.

If the problem-checker in Hammer (alt+p) doesn’t find any offending brush(es), and you can’t see brushes near the edge of the grid, you should use the cordon tools or visgroups to find them.

See also:
Reference: Finding the unfindable
Reference: Invalid solids

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got [char] in key in file [filename]

There seems to be a parsing error in [filename]. Fix it if you want the texture or other resource associated with this file to work correctly.

The affected object may not work and/or cause general errors

Last contribution: Anonymous

KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file [filename]

There was a problem parsing this texture ( [filename] ). Looks like you forgot to close a (couple of) brackets in this file? Or perhaps a string not closed with a «?

Find the file, open it, and fix it. If you don’t know how, see below.

See also:
Valve wiki: Materials

The affected object may not work/appear properly

Last contribution: Anonymous

make_triangles:calc_triangle_representation: Cannot convert

Usually preceded by some coordinates, the best explanation I can give at the moment is that this is caused by certain models (a b0rked subpart). In particular the «/wasteland/InteriorFence002d.mdl»-model. I’ve also heard small panes of glass and some other (even self-made) models can cause this error to occur, as do some freaky regular brushes. This error can also be caused by bad displacements.
If it is displacements they may fail to collide with vehicles and physics objects on the triangles that are causing a problem. Parts of the displacement may still work others may not.

You can look for ages to find the model causing the problem, after hiding all your models first and see if that is causing your problem. Once found, you can decide to reconstruct that model, there doesn’t seem to be a real error in the model itself though. In other words, leave it be, it won’t hurt you. Unless you bite first! It may be the case that the game will not load the map because of this error. It would present you with a pup-up with the beloved memory error.
The displacement problem as of right now has only 1 solution and it is to delete the displacement. If its a brush, find it with Cordon Tools and delete it.

The affected object may not work and/or cause general errors

Last contribution: jmplayer

Map has too many texinfos (has [number], can have at most 12288)


This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Material «[texture]» not found

The error is self-explanatory. Somewhere in your map you have referenced a texture that doesn’t exist. Perhaps you used a texture from another modification or game you haven’t correctly set your current game up for?

Make sure you have your mod paths set up correctly and that you are including all mod contents you need.

The affected object may not work/appear properly

Last contribution: zombie@computer

Material glass/glasswindowbreak070b is depending on itself through materialvar $crackmaterial!

You shouldn’t use this texture, but this one: glass/glasswindowbreak070a. The b-texture is used after the glass is broken, so you should never put it into your map manually. Sometimes this error occours and you dont have this texture anywhere in your map. Probably being some strange bug, might as wel leave it, it seems to cause no harm.

Generally, this error may be ignored

Last contribution: zombie@computer

Material not found!: [texture]

The error is self-explanatory. Somewhere in your map you have referenced a texture that doesn’t exist. Perhaps you used a texture from another modification or game you haven’t correctly set your current game up for?

Make sure you have your mod paths set up correctly and that you are including all mod contents you need.

The affected object may not work/appear properly

Last contribution: zombie@computer

Material [texture] uses unknown detail object type [model]!

One of your textures is scripted to emit detail props (the grass thingies that appear on displacements), but the detail props specified are not defined in the mod’s data files.

Usually this error is caused by mindlessly porting textures from other mods, without porting the detail props file. The fix is to either get these detail props from that other mod, or fix the texture so it emits detail props that exist in the current mod.

See also:
WIKI: Displacement grass
WIKI: Detail_props

The affected object may not work/appear properly

Last contribution: Anonymous



This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Memory leak: mempool blocks left in memory: [number]

These warnings can be completely ignored, they have nothing to do with your map (but with crappy programming by Valve!).

Become a Valve programmer and fix the problem.

Generally, this error may be ignored

Last contribution: Anonymous

Multiple references for cubemap on texture [texture]!!!

You can specify for each cubemap which faces should be using it. However, each face can only have one cubemap attached to itself this way. If you want the face to use multiple cubemaps you shouldn’t tie them statically to cubemaps this way, but split the face (into multiple brushes).

I hope you can find out by the name of the texture which face vbsp is talking about, because that’s the only reference you have. No nifty stuff will help you find the problem, you have to check each texture or cubemap individually to find it. Or just leave it, as far as i know it defaults to one of the two env_cubemaps anyway, so it wont harm you one bit if you leave it.

Generally, this error may be ignored

Last contribution: Anonymous

No such variable «$hdrbasetexture» for material «[texture]»

You have used a non-hdr skybox texture, while the compile tools expect a hdr skybox instead.

Either make a HDR skybox, change your skybox to a HDR one or ignore this error. See below for a detailed fix.

See also:
WIKI: HDR skybox
How to fix this error

Last contribution: Anonymous

NODRAW on terrain surface!

You aren’t allowed to have the «tools/nodraw» texture one a displacement.

There are two possible causes, you accidently covered a displacement face in nodraw or you accidently made a hidden face a displacement. In order to fix it in either cases, uncheck the «auto» visgroup, then check only the «displacements» visgroup. Now, look round the map see if nodraw is anywhere you wanted a real texture. If found open the material browser and find and replace the nodraw texture with any other texture. If there’s no vibisible displacement faces with nodraw you’ll probably want to destroy them. Open the material browser, check «Only show used textures», select NoDraw and press «Mark». Open up the face edit sheet, and click «Destroy» on the displacement tab.

See also: Reference: Finding the unfindable

The affected object may not work/appear properly

Last contribution: Angry Beaver

numvertexes == MAX_MAP_VERTS

You have too many vertices in your map (point from which brushes are made). In other words, your map is too big or too detailed.

Delete or simplify some of your brushes. Perhaps you can convert parts of your map into brushes, or in case of singleplayer maps, divide the map up into multiple parts with a level change?

See also:

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Occluder «[entity-name]» straddles multiple areas. This is invalid!

This error means you have a func_occluder (by the name of [entity-name]) that is touching an areaportal or is inside a brush that’s touching two area’s. ( An area is a part of your map closed off by a areaportals and world-brushes)

Move or delete the occluder or areaportal(s).

The affected object may not work and/or cause general errors

Last contribution: Anonymous

Overlay at [x] [y] [z] has invalid render order ([number])

A render order determines which overlays are drawn on top over the others (or under). These render orders are simple numbers, ranging from 1-3. Other numbers are invalid, causing this error.

If this error is accompanied by insanely huge numbers, it is most likely a badly placed info_overlay (atleast it was in my case). These entities don’t like to be placed on the edge of a brush. If even that is not the case, try to open the map in a texteditor and look for the numbers. They may be caused by a b0rked map, or something along those lines. I recommend to atleast try to remove said overlay (view -> go to coordinates ( [x] [y] [z] ) and recreate it.

See also:
Finding the unfindable

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

Overlay touching too many faces (touching [number], max 64) Overlay [texture] at [x] [y] [z]

You have an overlay (info_overlay) entity that is touching too many brushes, or parts of a brush. The error message tells you also how much you have and allowed (touching [number], max 64)

You can find the overlay using the coordinates. View -> go to coordinates( [x] [y] [z] ) You can delete, move or resize the overlay.

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

prop_physics at [x] [y] [z] uses model [model], which has no propdata which means it must be used on a prop_static. DELETED.

You have used (created yourself?) a model without the data compiled in it for it to become a non-static entity. These kind of models can only be used on prop_statics, unless you recompile them with the neccesairy data.

Find them using the coordinates, or simply recompile the model with the appropriate data

See also:
Find coordinates in a map
Compiling models

The affected object may not work/appear properly

Last contribution: Anonymous

Static prop [model] outside the map ([x], [y], [z])

You have a prop_static outside the map, or you have a big leak. You may also have a prop completely inside a world brush (that’s the bounding box entirely inside the brush).

Delete the entity, move the entity into your level (or turn the offending brush into a brush entity), or fix the leak.

See also:
Reference: Leaks
WIKI: leaks

Last contribution: jmplayer

Too many portal verts

You have too many portal verts. Portals are doorways between visleafs, verts are their corner points.

Try tying some world brushes to a func_detail. This will lower the amount of portal verts in your map by erasing some «doors» between world brushes. Also try deleting any unnecessary world brushes that are lying around your map.

See also:
Optimize the map

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: cjdelta04

Too many t-junctions to fix up!

See here

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: zombie@computer

Too many t-junctions to fix up! ([number] prims, max [maximum] :: [x] indices, max [y])

(from Jeff Lane, Valve) «VBSP does cleanup of edges where func_detail geometry meets world geometry to avoid getting visual cracks. One of the ways it does is this by elminating t-junctions. It sounds like you may have hit a limit of the number of those cleanups in the level.

If that is the case, you could fix the problem by reducing the number of func_detail brushes in the level, especially ones that touch non-detail geometry. It’s probably a sign that you have too much complex brush geometry in the level, and would benefit from having some of it be model geometry instead.»

It is worth noting that func_brush geometry does not perform the same fix ups on compile. Turning some of your func_detail geometry into func_brush geometry may solve this error.

The error message shows you that you have [number] primitives (max [maximum] causing all of this, resulting in [x] t-junctions (max [y])

See also:
WIKI: making models out of brushes with XSI

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Dives

Trying to create a non-quad displacement!

Displacements can only have four sides, no more, no less.

Find your displacement (you’ll have to check each one in your level) and recreate it so it has four sides again. You may need to be creative with some vertex manipulation for some shapes you want to create with displacements.

See also:
Finding the unfindable

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

vbsp crashes upon building physics collision data

vbsp crashes upon building the physics collision data, windows may bring up the error pop-up.

check to see if you have tiny and/or overlapping displacements most likely in a skybox. Replace them with func_detail or models.

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

WARNING: areaportal entity [entity-id] (brush [brush-id]) touches > 2 areas

One of your areaportals touches too many areas. The probably cause is one or more areaportals touching/intersecting each other or world brushes that seperate atleast two areas (this causes the areaportals to touch more than two areas).

The fix would be to move your areaportal(s) around so the above situations don’t occur. You may need to read up on the usage of areaportals if you do not understand the problem. I suggest you find your areaportals using it’s brushnumber ( [brush-id] )

See also:
WIKI: Func_areaportal

The affected object may not work/appear properly

Last contribution: Anonymous

WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near ([x], [y], [z]))

vbsp is having a hard time figuring out your level, it seems to have found a part of your level that is infinite in size. This is, offcourse, invalid

Look near the coordinates given. It is likely that you either need to func_detail a lot of brushes in that area, or that you have an invalid brush somewhere (Alt-p in hammer to check for them). It may be pretty difficult to hunt down the exact problem though.

This error will cause your map to fail compiling correctly

Last contribution: zombie@computer

Warning: node with unbounded volume

Your map has a node with an infinite size. (a node is what a clipnode was in hl1, in other words a volume denoting where the player can get to and where not.)

Unless you just did some vertex-manipulation or placed static props in a wall, or added a funky new displacement, you shouldn’t hunt this error down, as it may take you ages to find, unless you get strange effects in your map. Just fix (simplify) the awkward gemetry if you find it. May also be the sign of an invalid brush, or simply vertices offgrid (unlikely?).

See also:
Reference: Finding the unfindable

Generally, this error may be ignored

Last contribution: Anonymous

Warning: node without a volume

Your map has a node without a volume. (a node is what a clipnode was in hl1, in other words a volume denoting where the player can get to and where not.)

Unless you just did some vertex-manipulation or placed static props in a wall, or added a funky new displacement, you shouldn’t hunt this error down, as it may take you ages to find, unless you get strange effects in your map. Just fix (simplify) the awkward gemetry if you find it. May also be the sign of an invalid brush, or simply vertices offgrid (unlikely?).

See also:
Reference: Finding the unfindable

Generally, this error may be ignored

Last contribution: Anonymous

Warning: overflowed [number] displacement corner-neighbor lists.

There seems to be a fixed amount of displacement-sides allowed that touch other displacements, and you seem to have reached the limit. I’ve seen this warning show up more and more, mostly with mappers trying to create large tracks of landscapes with lots and lots of displacements. This may be the cause of occasionally reported lighting errors, but that may not be the case in your map.

The only (theoretically) fix i can think of is to reduce the amount of displacements touching other displacements. You *only* need to fix about [number] displacements, so… I’d only fix this error if you do experience problems in your map.

The affected object may not work/appear properly

Last contribution: Anonymous

fastvis = true

You seem to be running vvis in -fast mode. This is okay for testing purposes, but mind that this will cause:

  • Strange compile errors, like ‘cluster saw into cluster’ errors
  • Strange errors ingame (including unexpected crashes)
  • Hitting limits ingame, by skipping essential optimization processses
  • Lower performance ingame

If you experience any of these problems, and don’t have any specific clues for the cause, please try to compile without the -fast option, see if that helps. If compiling without -fast is taking too long /seems to crash vvis, you may need to optimize your map using func_detail

Last contribution: Anonymous

Leaf (portal [portal-id]) with too many portals. Use vbsp -glview to compile, then glview -portal -portalhighlight X to view the problem.

One of your leafs is neighbouring too many other leafs. (the ‘doorways’ between leafs are called ‘portals’). This causes vvis.exe to quit compiling your map. e.g. in the example picture, the center leaf would have 12 portals, and all other ones only one. image

Find your leaf, and see if you can reduce the number of neighbouring leafs by adding world brushes or turning existing ones into func_detail (or clever placements of hints). Big leafs in the sky should also be avoided. As the error says, open your map in Glview to find the exact location of the portal.

See also:
Reference: Using Glview
Optimizing can help against this error
WIKI: visleafs
WIKI: Glview

This error will cause your map to fail compiling correctly

Last contribution: Anonymous

Leaf [visleaf-id] (portal [portal_id]) with too many portals. Use vbsp -glview to compile, then glview -portal -portalhighlight X or -leafhighlight L to view the problem.

One of your leafs is neighbouring too many other leafs. (the ‘doorways’ between leafs are called ‘portals’). This causes vvis.exe to quit compiling your map. e.g. in the example picture, the center leaf would have 12 portals, and all other ones only one. image

Find your leaf, and see if you can reduce the number of neighbouring leafs by adding world brushes or turning existing ones into func_detail (or clever placements of hints). Big leafs in the sky should also be avoided. As the error says, open your map in Glview to find the exact location of the portal.

See also:
Reference: Using Glview
Optimizing can help against this error
WIKI: visleafs
WIKI: Glview

This error will cause your map to fail compiling correctly

Last contribution: Anonymous

LoadPortals: couldn’t read [mapname].prt

Vvis.exe cannot find the portalfile, a file that vbsp.exe creates which specifies the location of portals and leafs. Usually because of a leak or other fatal error (see further upwards in your log) in the vbsp process, but may also be because your directories are set up wrong.

Check your logfile for other errors (mainly leaks), and/or check if you have your directories set up right.

See also:
Reference: The compile process
Reference: Leaks

This error will cause your map to fail compiling correctly

Last contribution: Anonymous

The map overflows the max portal count ([number] of max 32768)!

Your map has too many portals. (your portals is [number], the max is 32768)

Optimize your map (tie brushes to func_detail) to reduce portals. You may even have to decrease the size of your map.

See also:
Using func_detail
WIKI: Optimization

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

WARNING: Cluster portals saw into cluster

(I think) vbsp.exe has made a concave leaf (or in other ways invalid) that can see into itself. I’ve also heard about this being caused by overlapping brushes or brushes that are off-grid (thuss causing offgrid visleafs). Allthough i find this unlikely, I am not sure if it isn’t, so keep those possibilities open too.

The solution is to simplify your leafs (func_detail) as much as possible to avoid this error, but usually (or sometimes) you will find no bad things come from it and your map runs as it should. If you got unexpected low FPS somewhere, this may be the cause. Finding it may be hard, and usually ends up in using cordon tools or just not doing it at all. First look at complicated parts of your map, try to use glview glview to find it.

See also:
how to use glview
WIKI: glview

The affected object may not work and/or cause general errors

Last contribution: zombie@computer

warning: Vis decompression overrun

I think you have hit some kind of limit in the vvis process, considering the process (vvis.exe) I suppose this is visleafs, if so, optimizing may work. You may also try to reduce the amount of props in your map, (grasses), I’ve heard this can help too.

See above

See also:
Optimizing tutorial
HL2 WIKI Optimization

This error will cause your map to fail compiling correctly

Last contribution: zombie@computer

AllocatedLightmap: lightmap too big to fit in page

I don’t know the exact cause, but ive heard rumours that it can be caused by:
-lightmaps not set to a legal size (power of 2) To check, select all brushes in your map and set them to a lightmapscale of 16, save to a different mapname and try to compile the map. If you still got the error, the cause lies somewhere else.
-big displacements in combination with too small lightmapscale. (seems commonest)
-invalid brushes -invalid displacements

You may want to start by hiding all your displacements and see if the error persists. If it does, check every lightmapscale in your level first and if that won’t help, use visgroups or cordon tools to break your level apart.

See also:
Reference: Finding the cause of unknown errors

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: Anonymous

ClipWinding: points exceeded estimate

There are too many displacement points in your map for VRAD to calculate the lighting. This error will cause VRAD to fail completly.

Reduce the power of your hight powered displacements. Alternatively, remove some of your displacements.

This error will cause your map to fail compiling correctly

Last contribution: Megadude

Could not find lights.rad in lights.rad

Vrad.exe couldn’t find lights.rad, a file used to determine which textures can emit light by themselves.

Move to/make a new lights.rad in the right directory. You should search for the file in your mod’s directory, most mods have one.

See also:
Lights.rad tutorial

The affected object may not work and/or cause general errors

Last contribution: zombie@computer

Error trying to allocate [number] bytes

Vrad.exe did not have enough memory to finish it’s task. There are two causes: 1) You are running low on memory (ram + pagefile). 2) Vrad.exe is chocking on some very complicated bit of your map, causing it to ask a lot of memory which doesn’t exist (like infinite sizes).

If you are running low on free memory (ctr+alt+del to see that) try increasing the pagefile if you aren’t letting Windows take care of it. If not, use cordon tools to isolate the problemarea in your map (might be a broken brush, or simply too complex geometry) and see what you can do to fix it.

Dan Prati

informed me that is mostly a problem with very large, open maps, or particularly detailed ones (or as part of an engine limitation to the total amount of lightmaps).

Reducing the lightmap resolution on larger surfaces, or particularly complex objects, can fix this problem. If this is not acceptable, or does not fix the error, reducing lightmap resolution across the entire map may be necessary. This provides a solution when there is no single map element that is causing the error, and simply deleting map objects won’t fix the problem.

See also:
Reference: Finding the unfindable

This error will cause your map to fail compiling correctly

Last contribution: Anonymous

Luxel axis perpendicular to face at ([x], [y], [z])

See Texture axis perpendicular to face

The affected object may not work and/or cause general errors

Last contribution: Anonymous



Your lights.rad has too many entries (there is a maximum of 128 entries) the rest will be skipped.

Generally, this error may be ignored

Last contribution: Anonymous

no samples x

Vrad.exe is freaking out over some part of geometry in your map. Did you recently add any complicated/oddshaped brushes?

Find the brush(es) vrad doesn’t like and remove or fix them.

See also:
Reference: Finding the cause of unknown errors

The affected object may not work and/or cause general errors

Last contribution: Anonymous


You have too many (more than 32) differently named lights in your map. You can’t have that many independantly switchable lights

Remove some lights, or give a few the same name, or remove the names of some lights.

This error will cause your map to fail compiling completely

Last contribution: zombie@computer

Texture axis perpendicular to face at ([x], [y], [z])

This is vrad’s way of saying a texture (face and its corresponding luxel(lightmap)) is aligned to its face at 90 degrees. This is because the «align»-settings for that face are setup wrong. image

Find the face using the coordinates. You will notice a very overstretched appearance of the texture belonging to the offending side. If you can’t find it, you must select the entire brush, if you can find the exact face, just select that face in the texture application tool. When you are in the texture application tool, notice the «align to face» and «align to world» tickboxes. Try the one that isn’t currently checked, or both. If they don’t work, your brush is broken and needs to be repaired. Either using the vertex-tool, or deleting the brush and recreating it.

See also:
Reference: Finding the location of errors

The affected object may not work and/or cause general errors

Last contribution: Anonymous

unexpected strips found

When compiling with -textureshadows this causes VRAD.exe to ignore every model.

Last contribution: oskutin

Warning: Couldn’t open texlight file lights.rad

Vrad.exe couldn’t find lights.rad, a file used to determine which textures can emit light by themselves.

Move to/make a new lights.rad in the right directory. You should search for the file in your mod’s directory, most mods have one.

See also:
Lights.rad tutorial

The affected object may not work and/or cause general errors

Last contribution: zombie@computer

Warning: Duplication of texlight ‘[texture]’ in file ‘lights.rad’!

This texture was listed twice in lights.rad. the fix is obvious, but not necessairy

Lights.rad tutorial

Generally, this error may be ignored

Last contribution: Anonymous

Warning: ignoring bad texlight ‘[texture]’ in lights.rad

One of the entries in lights.rad is invalid. Make sure when you edit this file you use plain text-editors, e.g. notepad, wordpad. DON’T SAVE MAKE-UP to this file as MS-Word (from office) will!

Lights.rad tutorial

The affected object may not work/appear properly

Last contribution: Anonymous

WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at ([x], [y], [z])

There’s a face with too many different light styles of light shining on it. (more than six). For every switchable light (that is: any light that is named or has a custom appearance) shining on a face, vrad.exe makes a new lightstyle. Basically, it calculates how the face looks like when:
-light 1 is on and light 2 is off
-light 1 is on and light 2 is on
-light 1 is off and light 2 is off
-light 1 is off and light 2 is on
I’m sure you understand how 6 switchable lights make 2 ^ 6 lightstyles, and how this enormous amount of memory has to be saved somehow. and limited.

To stop this error, remove lights, dont give the light names unless you need to, make sure certain lights dont shine on the face (max_shining distance or by blocking it with brushes) or simply dont use that much switchable lights. Dynamic lights are not used by vrad.exe thus dont count. Lights with the same names are counted as the same lights. Find the location of the error using the coordinates.

See also:
Reference: Finding the cause of errors

The affected object may not work and/or cause general errors

Last contribution: Anonymous

zero area child patch

A solid in your level has a face with no area. My guess is that vrad.exe is trying to create a lightmap for a face that doesn’t exist. Maybe you have an invalid brush?

First check Hammers problemchecker (alt+p). If that doesn’t solve your problems, you can either ignore the error, or try to find it anyway using cordon tools. You would be looking for brushes which might be too complex. I wouldn’t recommend the second option.

See also:
Reference: Finding the cause of unknown errors

Generally, this error may be ignored

Last contribution: Anonymous

[number] degenerate face(s)

A degenerate face is a face with no area. For instance, when two of its points are at the same place or three vertices on one line. Rarely, this error can cause all the lighting in your level to become black. If this happens, you will have to track down the degenerate face(s). This is however rare, so only go after the face if your level turns completely dark or you experience other strange errors.

Don’t try to fix this error if you don’t experience strange problems, it will take you ages to find them in your level (trial and error, most likely). You will want to examply vertex-manipulated brushes first.

Generally, this error may be ignored

Last contribution: Mr. Happy

DispInfo_LoadDisplacements: dispcounts ([number] and [number]) don’t match

The game has done a miscount on the amount of displacements in your map.

Try deleting and recreating your displacements (one at a time or all of them at once), or copy/paste them to another map and back. It seems to be caused by one or more displacements that haven’t been saved properly to the mapfile.

Last contribution: Anonymous

Ed_alloc: no free edicts

You have too many entities. Either total (4096) or a maximum of a specific entity. Temporary entities such as bullets and particles are also part of this number.

Reduce the amount of entities as much as possible. Start with particles (dust, func_precipitation), as they are usually huge in numbers, or other entities you have a lot of.

Last contribution: Anonymous

Engine Error: [entity-type] with no model at [x] [y] [z]

One of the brush-based entities in your map doesn’t have any brushes tied to it

Find the entity by searching for an origin of the coordinates in the entity report dialog, ( key:origin, value:[x] [y] [z] ) Once found, either delete the entity or tie a (few) brush(es) to it. A brush-based entity without brushes tied to it is completely USELESS!

Last contribution: Anonymous

Host_EndGame: Map coordinate extents are too large

Your map is too big (you have brush(es) too near to the edge of the grid) or you have invalid brushes. In 99.9999% (may be an understatement) of the cases, the cause is an invalid brush.

If the problem-checker in Hammer (alt+p) doesn’t find any offending brush(es), and you can’t see brushes near the edge of the grid, check suspicious or recently vertex-edited brushes first. If you still can’t find anything, you should use the cordon tools or visgroups to find them.

See also:
Reference: Finding the unfindable
Reference: Invalid solids

Last contribution: Anonymous

Host_Error: CVEngineServer::PrecacheModel: [model] overflow, too many models

Your map has too much models, this includes weapons, players, props, bullets, gibs etc. You should seriously remove some!

Last contribution: Anonymous

Host_Error: Server is enforcing file consistency for some_file

The server wants you to download a file you already have, but you have the wrong version so it overwrites your version with the one the server has (your version is probably a custom one since the server is ‘enforced’ to overwrite it). Happens untill the file is replaced.

Last contribution: Anonymous

Invalid [entity_type] spawnpoint at ([x], [y], [z])

This means this spawnpoint is invalid. Did you place it inside another volume (e.g. a model, brush)? or does your map has a leak? First check if you didn’t place the spawnpoint inside the ground (commonest), so preferably place the spawnpoint one unit above the ground to be sure. Offcourse you can find the coordinates in Hammer to see which one it is.

Last contribution: Anonymous

Invisible props ingame

See this topic

Last contribution: zombie@computer

MaterialSystem_Interface_t::AllocateLightmap : lightmap ([number]x[number]) too big to fit page ([number]x[number])

I don’t know the exact cause, but ive heard rumours that it can be caused by:
-lightmaps not set to a legal size (power of 2)

big displacements in combination with too small lightmapscale. (seems commonest)

-invalid brushes -invalid displacements

You may want to start by hiding all your displacements and see if the error persists. If it does, check every lightmapscale in your level first, (using the tool above), or just selecting your entire level and enter a legal size for all brushes) and if that won’t help, use visgroups or cordon tools to break your level apart.

See also:
Reference: Finding the cause of unknown errors

Last contribution: Anonymous

Node Graph out of Date. Rebuilding…

This is not an error, it’s simply a message telling you the game is making paths (using info_nodes) for npc’s to use. It should happen only once for every map, given that you don’t change the map afterwards.

Last contribution: Anonymous

Textures act weird ingame

If your textures act weird (e.g. flash, look brighter from some angles but darker from others) check if you are not using model-textures (models/sometexture or props/sometexture). Since these textures are compiled to be wrapped around a model (and be lit like one) this can cause strange things when you apply them on world brushes.

Use another texture (most model-textures have a normal counterpart), or rewrite the texture’s vmt (find «Vertexlitgeneric» and replace it by «LightmappedGeneric»).

See also:
WIKI: vmt’s

Last contribution: zombie@computer

Textures are purple/black checkered

Half-life cannot display your textures properly, check to see if you set them up right. (you may need to check not only the directories, but also the vtf’s themselves: were they compiled right?).

Be sure to use programs like Bspzip or Pakrat to include the textures when you distribute your map to others, as they may not have your custom textures. Models also come with seperate textures, don’t forget to add those if you want to distribute custom models.

If you haven’t placed any env_cubemaps, a purple shine will be all over your textures, so don’t forget to add one.

Last contribution: Anonymous

Too many indices for index buffer.. tell a programmer ([number]>32768)

The only time I can over this error is was caused by a func_precipitation that was too big. If you got one in your level, try to decrease its size so it sits under the max again ([number] is the number you currently have, 32768 is the max). You can also try to decrease the density of the effect you were trying to make using this entity. It also seems optimizing helps.

Last contribution: Anonymous

Too many verts for a dynamic vertex buffer ([number]>32768) Tell a programmer to up VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE.

You have too many dynamic vertices. These are points that make up entity brushes (like func_doors). In Hammer, most lines are dynamic vertices too. (like the leakfile), but the brushes aren’t (they dont move in Hammer).

Tie as much of these entity-brushes to either world (de-entify them) or func_detail (the only, non-dynamic entity). don’t be confused with hl1: func_wall should not be used to optimize your map! Instead use func_detail. Proper optimization (with the use of vvis.exe) should reduce the times you see this error. According to steampowered.com, this can also be caused by a broken cache file. A Valve programmer mentiones on the Valve Wiki that this error should only happen on mods with errors in the code, but practice has learned otherwise. (so far for their coders abilities :P ). You currently have [number], and the max is 32768, so there’s quite a bit to do.

See also:
How to check your cache files

Last contribution: Anonymous

Warning: Table modelprecache is full, can’t add some_model

Your map has too much models, this includes weapons, players, props, bullets, gibs etc. You should seriously remove some!

Last contribution: zombie@computer

Water does not look properly ingame

water in hl2 is special. make sure you give all faces the «nodraw»-texture and only the top one a water-texture (e.g. the NATURE_ ones, avoid the DX* ones or the _BENEATH ones), make sure it has an env_cubemap (and type «buildcubemaps» in the hl2 console), and make sure both vvis.exe and vrad.exe are running properly (that’s why leaks will ruin water). You cannot have two levels of water in the same area of your map, unless you use a cheap and a normal watertexture, or use the func_water_analog entity. A func_lod_control is also needed, but will be automatically placed when it’s missing.

See also:
WIKI: Water

Last contribution: zombie@computer

[entity-type]: UTIL_SetModel: Not Precached

One of your brush-based entities wasn’t tied to any brushes. You probably deleted the brushes belonging to this entity with ignore groups enabled, causing the entity itself to remain. Because of this, the engine cannot precache the brushes belonging to this entity, and crashes when starting the map because no brushes are precached for this entity.

Use entity report to find the entity and delete it. You likely need to go past every entity of this kind in your map.

Last contribution: Anonymous

(missing) gameinfo.txt

A certain file used to configure Steam which resources to load is missing.

Simply start the game you are mapping for once, and this problem should be gone. If that doesn’t work, you’ll have to make one yourself.

See also:
WIKI: gameinfo.txt
Steam site

Last contribution: zombie@computer

Cache Needs Decryption

This error occurs when you try to use the SDK without starting HL2 first.

Run HL2, SourceSDK and any mods neccesairy to fix this error.

See also:
Steam site

Last contribution: zombie@computer

Cache Needs Repair

According to www.valve-erc.com: This error occurs when certain game cache files have encountered an internal problem (usually after a crash while running a game).

To repair the cache file, simply shutdown Steam and restart Steam, and then run HL2 and any of it’s mods if neccesairy. The programs will fix their errors once they have run once.

See also:
Official Valve forums
Steam site

Last contribution: Anonymous

Failed to load the Launcher.dll. The specified module could not be found.

Some properties of your game setup haven’t been saved properly, or are simply missing.

Refresh your sdk content (use the link in the sourcesdk menu from Steam). You may also try to start your map/mod manually (not via Hammer), usually doing this once fixes the error.

See also:
Steam site

Last contribution: zombie@computer

STEAM validation rejected

Steam can’t seen to validate your server.

Try running your games with «sv_lan 1» in the parameter box. Valve knows about the error but can’t be arsed to fix it.

Last contribution: zombie@computer

This application has failed to start because Tier0.dll was not found

This error occurs when you try to load any program or tool in the sourcesdk before loading the sourcesdk first (after an update).

Start the Sourcesdk menu through Steam once after each update.

Last contribution: zombie@computer

This game is currently unavailable

See this list for common causes and solutions.

Last contribution: Anonymous



The total amount of func_areaportals and func_areaportalwindows. You really shouldn’t have this many areaportals, there are other ways to optimize your map too.

See above

Last contribution: Anonymous



An area is a part of your map sealed from the rest of the map by world brushes and areaportals.

The fix is obvious, merge some area’s by (re) moving world brushes or areaportals.

Last contribution: Anonymous


8192 brushes

primitives or brushes, e.g. boxes, cylinders, spikes. Triggers and nodraw-brushes are also counted!

Be sure to check your level and see where you can remove or merge brushes. For some things (especially small things) it may be better to replace them by props, or bumpmapped textures.

Last contribution: Anonymous



The total amound of all sides of all brushes in your map.

Delete, or simplify brushes (maybe you can replace some of them by models?)

Last contribution: Anonymous



A cluster is a group of visleafs, kindof similar to visgroups in Hammer.

Reduce this by tieing world brushes to entities like func_detail. This reduces visleafs, and thus, visleaf clusters.

See also:
Optimization tutorial

Last contribution: Anonymous



Amount of cubemaps in your level.

Reduce the amound of cubemaps, you’d be surprised how little you need for some good reflections. By reducing the amount of cubemaps you will also decrease the mapsize considerably.

Last contribution: Anonymous



Total amount of displacements in your map. Allthough this number is astronomically high, a lot op people get faces with this error. Perhaps larger displacements, or those with a higher power add more to this number than others?

Offcourse reduce this by reducing displacements, or merging some. If my theory is right, displacements with lower power cost less. Try it if you are stuck or desperate.

Last contribution: Anonymous



Edges of faces shared between adjacent faces, it seems.

Lower this number by reducing the amount of brush-sides, or make sure complicated brushes don’t touch each other as much (as with stairs).

Last contribution: Anonymous



The number of all entities in your map (excluding func_details, prop_details, and prop_statics) should never reach this number.

Remove some entities from your map, merge entities or convert some entities to static ones (like the ones mentioned above)

Last contribution: Anonymous



A string is a variable that contains a line of text, e.g. targetnames, model locations, output data etc. Basically all settings of all entities combined. You seem to have too much of them.

Try removing names of entities you don’t trigger, simplifying entity in/output etc. Its the AMOUNT of them that matters here, NOT the LENGHT.

Last contribution: Anonymous



A face is a side of a brush, after BSP has cut them up (brushes that touch each other will cut the other brush into bits).

Fix this error by reducing the amount of brush-sides, or make sure complicated brushes don’t touch each other (the steps of stairs for instance).

Last contribution: Anonymous



Brushes that surround (border) visleafs ?

Reduce this by tieing world brushes to entities like func_detail ?

See also:
Optimization tutorial

Last contribution: Anonymous



The sides all visleafs are made of.

Reduce this by tying world brushes to entities like func_detail.

See also:
Optimization tutorial

Last contribution: Anonymous



Visleafs, volumes used to calculate your maps visibility.

Reduce this by tieing world brushes to entities like func_detail.

See also:
Optimization tutorial

Last contribution: Anonymous



Data used for water-visiblility? I’m not sure

Last contribution: Anonymous


0x1000000 (16 megabyte)

Max lighting data? May be the result of an error, or you have a lot of switchable lights.

Last contribution: Anonymous


1024 models

You have too many brush-based entities (doors, func_breakable, trains, that sorta stuff). Func_detail is the only entity not counted.

Use models instead, or reduce the amount of these entities.

Last contribution: Anonymous



A node (a.k.a. clipnode in hl1) is a volume which denotes if a part of your level is passable by the player or not.

Reduce their number by simplyfying the nodes using clip brushes to clip away complicated area’s, or simplyfy the architecture of your map.

Last contribution: Anonymous



info_overlays offcourse, you can’t have more than 512 of them.

Try decals, they are cheaper to render anyway, just a little trickier to master.

Last contribution: Anonymous



A plane is a side of a brush (not technically, but see it as such).

Therefore, fix this error by reducing the amount of brush-sides, for isntance by deleting/simplyfing brushes, turning some of them into models etc.

Last contribution: Anonymous



A portal is a doorway between two visleafs.

Reduce this by tieing world brushes to entities like func_detail.

See also:
Optimization tutorial

Last contribution: Anonymous



Number of cornerpoints allowed for all portals (a portal is a doorway between two visleafs).

Reduce this number by reducing portals, which can be done by tying world brushes to entities like func_detail.

See also:
Optimization tutorial

Last contribution: Anonymous



Surfedges indicate which direction the edges are used for a face.

You may want to reduce faces by reducing the amount of brush-sides, or make sure complicated brushes don’t touch each other as much (as with stairs).

Last contribution: Anonymous



Texture data? I don’t know what kind exactly, try reducing the amount of (differently) used textures.

Last contribution: Anonymous



Some sort of info used by textures? May be the combined size of all vmt’s used in your map, or all texinfo’s?

Try reducing the amount of (different) textures.

Last contribution: Anonymous



A table used for holding some texture-info is too full. Perhaps your vmt’s combined are too big?

Try reducing textures.

Last contribution: Anonymous



The scaling, orientation, alignment and lightmap size of a given texture. Miltiple faces can use the same texinfo, as long as their info is the same.

Reduce this by having more instances with the same value (multiple brush faces with the same texture offsets, ori?ntations and scale), reduce textures and reducing env_cubemaps if you have a lot of reflective textures.

Last contribution: Anonymous



Amount of different textures allowed per map.

To fix, reduce the amount of different textures used in your map (use the texture browser to find textures that look alike and which you can change, or simply walk through your map and see which textures you can do without.

Last contribution: Anonymous



Number used to store the location of a vertnormal.

Delete, or simplify brushes (maybe you can replace some of them by models?).

Last contribution: Anonymous



number used to denote the direction of a vertice.

Delete, or simplify brushes (maybe you can replace some of them by models?)

Last contribution: Anonymous



You have too many vertices, corner points for faces and brushes.

Delete, or simplify brushes (maybe you can replace some of them by models?).

Last contribution: Anonymous


0x1000000 (16 megabyte)

Max visibility data. The table that specifies which visleafs can see which other visleafs, but also plays a part in lighting (or so it seems). Reduce this by reducing visleafs.

Last contribution: Anonymous



All light-entities (dynamic lights excluded) combined.

Remove a few lights.

Last contribution: Anonymous

All about the compile process

Because of the way the source-engine works, all your maps need to be compiled: Translated from a format your editor (e.g. Hammer, Quark) can understand to one the source-engine can understand. Currently, this takes three programs:

  • Vbsp.exe: transforms your map to a completely playable map. Also outputs a portalfile
  • Vvis.exe: uses the portalfile created by VBSP to calculate which parts of your level need to be drawn from where.
  • Vrad.exe: lights your map.

Seeing what each program does allows you to predict what happens when you do not run each program:

  • Not running Vbsp.exe results in an error (no playable map will be made, nor will vvis or vrad be able to work). If a previous successfully compiled map isn’t removed, the rest of the tools will work on an older version of the map!
  • Not running Vvis.exe results in ingame lag, because the entire level will be drawn. The fast-vis option allows you to do a semi-good job, but it’s crappy and error-prone. Water will not work without vvis.
  • Not running Vrad.exe results in your map not being lit, which causes source to go in fullbright mode so you will still see something ingame. Again, the fast options is faster but does a crappier job.

It is advisable to not run any tools on fast option for final compiles, so your level looks and runs the best it can. If vvis or VRAD take too long, you need to optimize your map, see this tutorial.
All three programs have some extra options do do extra nifty stuff. More on that here. The only option you may need to know, is the «only entities» option for VBSP. This allows you to change entity properties (e.g. targetnames, targets etc) without the need to recompile the entire map. This only works if you already have a compiled map ready, and for some reason you can’t publish your map when using this option to make «last-minute-repairs». It’s just for testing-purposes. There’s also entspy, which can do the same, only without errors.

Batch compiling
Because compiling is done by external tools (not by Hammer) you can also use batch-files to compile your map. they also allow you to use the other extra options for the tools.
Learn more about it here: batch tutorial.

Or simply use Nem’s batch compiler: found here

Expert compiling
Expert compiling combines the ease of the normal Hammer compile mode with the versatilability of batch-scripts. Read all about it here and here.

Lastly there is this tool that basically removes the need of any thinking braincell in your head to compile a map.
Go here

Last contribution: Anonymous


ErrorChecker.exe is a small program that scans your compile log for the errors that we currently have in our database. If it finds any, it will spit out the descriptions found at this site and write them in the logfile of your map (html output). You can also use errorChecker to start a program only if the compile was successfull (eg. don’t start up hl2 if there were compile errors).

How does it work?
ErrorChecker is an executable that can be executed like any of the other executables needed to convert your vmf into a playable map. You simply run it after each compile, with the map’s log as a parameter, and the logfile will be scanned for errors. ErrorChecker uses a datafile which it downloads automatically from this site. More information can be found in the manual, which can be found in the zipfile.

You can download all the files needed here, including a manual errorChecker.zip version You can report any errors, questions or additions via the forum

Is errorChecker open source?
Yes, it is. It’s not that big of a deal, but it can be usefull for others to see the source code, or even adjust/improve it for me :P ErrorChecker is written in VB.NET. Why not c# or c++ ? Because i’m lazy, that’s why. ErrorChecker requires Microsoft .NET 2.0 or higher.

The source code

Last contribution: Anonymous

Finding stuff in your map

If you have coordinates
In Hammer, go to «view->go to coordinates» and enter your coordinates, and the views in Hammer will center around your problem.

If you have a name
In Hammer, go to «edit->find entities…» (or ctrl+shift+f) and enter your name, and the views in Hammer will center around your problem.

If you have a brush-number
In Hammer, go to «view->go to brush number» (or ctrl+shift+g) and enter your number, and the views in Hammer will center around your problem.

If you know values of certain keys or the entity-type
e.g. targetname, lighting, target etc. In Hammer, go to «map->entity report..» and filter for the entity type, or one of its keys.

If you don’t know where to begin
The easiest tool to find errors in your level is the problemchecker in Hammer (alt+p). It does not only diagnose errors, but it also brings you straight to them and can repair them often too. If you have an error somewhere in your map but you don’t know where use this method.

Last contribution: Anonymous

Finding the unfindable

It’s actually very simple. Use visgroups or cordon-tools in Hammer to hide parts of your level when you compile. If the map compiles without you getting your error, you know the error is in the part you didn’t hide, and vice-versa. With this knowledge, you can hide half of that half and compile again, again and so forth untill you got your error.

Instead of using geometric halves, you may also try to hide e.g. all your displacement, or all your point-based entities. As the part that creates your errors gets smaller and smaller, you may try to delete/hide certain suspicious entities/brushes (like vertex-manipulated entities, or complicated input/output systems) to see if that fixes the error.

There are some things you have to remember though: Some errors are caused by having to much of something. If you compile your map in parts none of the parts will have the error, but the error will still exist. Also, some errors are not caused by specific brushes but by entire area’s. Any changes to these area’s by cordoning or visgroups may fix the error, but again the error still exists. Lastly, in some occasions compiling a part of your level may cause other problems you didn’t have before.

Hiding certain brushes or entity-groups can be done very easily using the visgroups (the window on the middle-right). A visgroup is a group of brushes which you can hide or show with one click. Just uncheck the tickbox left of any group to hide everything part of this group (and check it to make them visible again). Adding visgroups can be done by selecting some stuff you want to hide, and go to «view->hide selected items». a new, unchecked visgroup will appear in the visgroup window with the brushes you just deleted. You may edit visgroups directly in the visgroup tool by clicking on their name.

The cordon tools work like a construction-box. Click on the black&yellow striped button to edit cordon bounds. the «edit cordon bounds»-button gives you a red box to (like a brush) you can place in your level and resize. The button left to this one enables and disables the cordon tools. Only stuff inside this box gets compiled, so its great for fast preview-compiling and error-finding. They also make the 2d screens in hammer less cluttered. Be sure to disable the cordon tools once you dont need them, because they act like a giant sky-box. (thus cause lag) Whatever you do, be sure an info_player_start (or other entity) is available in the part you are going to compile, or else the map would not compile properly (errors like leaks will appear) If you require more information, see this (more explaining plus visually more attractive) tutorial.

Last contribution: Anonymous

Invalid solids

Because of the laws in BSP (Binairy Space Partion, a method to save mapfiles) country (which i will not confuse you with here) brushes have to be convex (non-hollow on all side). In other words, if you can draw a straight line through your brush that enters and exits the brush twice, it’s illegal.

The fix is to find the offending brush, and use vertex-manipulation to move its vertices so its convex again. Or simply delete and recreate the brush.

Another way to create an invalid brush is by making two faces share the same plane. No two faces can have an angle between them of 180 degrees. The solution is to use vertex-manipulation to fix the brush.

The last way to create invalid solids is by twisting a face. Faces in BSP have to be flat, if they are not, they are invalid. If you do not see whats wrong in the example below, make a cube in Hammer, and go into vertex-manipulation, and move one of the vertices (select one in 3d view) outwards. You will create atleast one twisted face. The solution, again, is the same as the most obvious cause: vertex-manipulation
This solid is concave at the top-left See how a line can be drawn through this solid, which enters and exists twice (blue dots) Fix this by either move this vertex to either of it’s neightbouring vertices to combine both concave planes, or by moving the vertex outwards so the planes it defines are convex (pointy) again.
This solid is coplanar with it’s two bottom faces See how both faces are in the same line (plane)? Fix this by either destroying on of the planes by moving the vertex on one of its neighbouring vertices, or by moving it outwards. Moving it inwards will make the brush concave!
The blue marked face is twisted. Fix this by selecting two vertices and press ctrl+f to split the twisted face. Make sure you don’t select the wrong ones, you could make the brush concave!

Yes, the usual cause is either vertex-manipulation or usage of complicated brush-shapes (e.g. rotated cylinders, torusses). Usually, Hammers problem checker (alt+p) finds these errors. Occasionally it doesn’t, and vbsp.exe or even vrad.exe will report the errors instead.

BSP doesn’t really support complicated brushwork, you’ll often find yourself splitting brushes or use models or displacements to create the shapes you need. For instruction on how to use the vertex manipulation tool, see here.

Last contribution: Anonymous


With leaks vbsp.exe wont be able to divide your level into visleafs, so it wont create a portal file. Therefore, you can’t use vvis or Glview. Leaks also make vbsp.exe not know which faces it can delete, making your map only laggier and bigger, and vrad.exe will not be able to light your map as good as without leaks.

In short: Leaks give you trouble. Leaks are holes in you map. Since the compilers will try to find out what the inside is of your level (so they dont have to create the outside of your level) they will not be able to do that if the inside of your level is in contact with the outside.
Think of your map as a spaceship: only when it’s hull is completely air-tight, people (all the entities) will be able to live inside. If there’s a hole leaking into space (the void) everybody will die. On our spaceship that is. Not in this game. And just like in a spaceship, entities (humans) can’t plug holes in the hull. (displacements can’t either btw) Vbsp.exe simply takes all entities and see if it can draw a line from the entity into the void. If it can draw such a line, your map has a leak somewhere. This also means that if your map doesn’t have a single entity, no leakchecking can be done. However, in that case vbsp.exe will still report a leak!

How to find leaks?
First of all, vbsp.exe will write an error in the compile log. The leak error doesn’t stand out, but if you look carefull you can see something like:

**** leaked ****
Entity info_player_deathmatch (22.94 -64.44 17.00) leaked!

It will report an entity (e.g. info_player_deathmatch) and some coordinates. Now, when you go to [map->load pointfile] and load your pointfile (usually Hammer can find it, if not, youll have to search manually for it (it’s called «mapname.lin»). If it doesn’t exist, make sure your map has entities in it) a red line will appear, starting at the stated entity (at the stated coordinates), and ending outside your level in the void. If you just follow that line, it will eventually pass through your leak.

If you cant find the entity the line starts, go to «tools-> go to coordinates» and fill in the coordinates mentioned in the log. Remember entities and displacements can’t block leaks, therefore its easiest to hide all entities and displacements so you can spot the leak easier (you might have turned a wall into an entity which was supposed to seal your level for instance). In space you can’t seal holes in a spaceship with humans, in maps you can’t seal holes with entities. Simple as that. Better use vis-groups to hide the entities. Simply uncheck «auto» in the visgroup manager (to the right in Hammer), and all entities will be gone untill you check the box again. This is great for searching for leaks. Removing the mentioned entity will only help if the entity itself is outside the level, but the level itself is sealed (e.g. when a person from our sealed spaceship is going for a space-walk).

Also, leaks may be caused by invalid use of areaportal(window)s (in our spaceship, areaportal(window)s are airlocks). If you’ve fixed the leak, there may still be another one. Therefore, unload the pointfile (under «menu» )and recompile. If there’s another leak, simply load the pointfile again. Keep doing that untill there are no more leaks.
Note that no pointfile can be made if your level has no entities, but your map will still leak. You need atleast one entity in your map to compile it succesfully.

See also:
Leaks explained
Advanced leaks guide

Last contribution: Anonymous

the instruction at [hexadecimal] referrenced memory at [hexadecimal]. The memory could not be «read»

This is a general error message, simply telling you that Windows discovered the program tried to read memory it shouldn’t be able to read; In other words, the program crashed, or allmost did. Programmers add error-messages into their code to avoid this situation, so when you do get this error, the programmer has failed to do his job (unless hardware is the cause). Possible causes are:


  • entities that have certain important things not specified, like a prop_static without a model specified, or a ambient_generic without a sound. There should be other error messages for these situation though
  • All other software bugs/errors in programming
  • bad drivers
  • broken ram
  • cpu goofed up (overclocking/cooling failure can cause this)
  • and a whole lot more

Overall, it just means crappy programming or bad-working hardware.


  1. First check this list to see if it can sort out your problem.
  2. Once you’ve made sure its caused by anything in your map (try another pc), try to use the cordon tools to find out which brush or entity is causing the problem.
  3. If it is caused by your map, try to delete the last few entities you added and try again. Usually you will find the error there. If you made any weird things, experimented with entities in mods that dont support them, this is the time to fess up and remove them. Recently added custom sounds, models, sprites.
  4. If it is caused by your map but the method above doesn’t work, you must use the cordon tools or visgroups to find out what is causing it.

Situations known to cause this error so far are:

  • running HL2 in a window during buildcubemaps.
  • model entities or sound entities with no models or sounds specified
  • invalid brushes (that somehow got past hammer, vbsp and vrad)
  • too many of a certain kind of thing (eg entities) in your map
  • too long or invalid filenames/paths
  • intersecting brushes
  • intersecting entities
  • the use of infinites (including zero) in any entitiy
  • path entities linking to themselves
  • entities triggering themselves (infinite loop)
  • physics anomalies (including too complex stuff), like towers or constraintsystems that hang onto themselves
  • bad models
  • bad collisions
  • bad entity naming (only use 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and ‘_’. for special occasions, you may use ‘*’ or ‘!’. Not avoiding curly brackets or quotes will make your map crash, and become unreopenable.
  • linking to non-existant entities
  • using bad textures or other resources
  • normals in a funky direction
  • bad map (BSP structure, or a bit messed up)
  • hardware anomalies
  • software anomalies
  • making unexpected constructions (non-geometric, mean I/O’s and physics)

Last contribution: Anonymous

Using glview

Glview is a program that allows you to view visleafs: Your map is divided into area’s to determine from where what can be seen, these area’s are called visleafs. The creation of these visleafs can be very troublesome, so it’s very handy to have a tool like this to see where the process has gone wrong.

Part of the functionality is obsolete since Hammer can load the portalfile (view->load portalfile) to view visleafs.

How to run glview
In expert compile mode make a new configuration, name it glview (this allows you to use it for all your maps), and create the following commands:

   Executable      parameters:
$bsp_exe -glview $path\$file
glview* -portal $path\$file.gl

*the command for glview isn\’t known by hammer, so youll have to find it yourself: press «executable», and browse to glview.exe (in the sourcesdk\bin directory)
If your map is in a path with a dot in it (for instance, in your Steam name) you need to copy both the gl-file and the portalfile to another path without a dot, or else glview wont work. For instance, by adding these commands between $bsp_exe and glview.exe:

   Command:        parameters:
$bsp_exe -glview $path\$file
copy file $path\$file.gl C:\temp\
copy file $path\$file.prt C:\temp\
glview -portal C:\temp\$file.gl

Where c:\temp is the path you want to use to place the files
make sure both commands are set to run, and press «GO!»
Once vbsp.exe has made a gl-file (it wont do that if your map has errors like leaks) glview will start and a 3d screen will appear of your level. you can fly around using the wasd-keys, and toggle portals with the 1 and 2 keys.

Last contribution: Anonymous

Dialogs: Check For Problems

hotkey: Alt+P

Opening this dialog will cause the editor to run through your map and
notify you of any errors it finds.

When you select one of the errors, the entity/solid will be
highlighted (if applicable) and three options become available to
you. ‘Go to error’ will center the 2d windows on the selected error
object, ‘Fix’ will fix that error, and ‘Fix all (of type)’ will fix
all errors of the selected type.

Some common errors that may occur in your maps…

Invalid solid structure
The solid has invalid structure, probably as a result of vertex
manipulation. What this means is that the solid is not convex in
every plane. You will need to either fix it, or if this is not
possible, rebuild it.

Entity (entity_name) has unused keyvalues.
The entity contains keyvalues (variables) that are not used in its
class. You can fix this error with the Fix button. Note that this
error will pop up if you are taking advantage of custom compile tools
which add keyvalues to entities, but you are not using an FGD file
that has these special keyvalues listed.

There is no player start.
There is no player start in the map. To add one, select the Entity
tool, drag the crosshairs to the position you want the player to
start at, and press Enter.

to the Valve Hammer Editor 3.x User’s Guide

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