Gta 5 ошибка fatal unknown game version

Ошибки во время игры могут быть очень раздражающими и могут помешать наслаждению любимой игрой. Одной из таких ошибок, с которой могут столкнуться игроки GTA 5, является сообщение «FATAL Unknown game version check http// for updates». В этой статье мы рассмотрим, что вызывает эту ошибку и предложим несколько способов ее исправить.

Причины ошибки

Ошибка «FATAL Unknown game version check http// for updates» обычно возникает, когда установленнная версия игры не совпадает с требуемой версией модификации скриптов, установленной на компьютере. Многие модификации проверяют версию игры перед запуском, чтобы гарантировать, что они будут работать без проблем. Если версии игры и модификации не совпадают, возникает эта ошибка.

Способы исправления ошибки

Вот несколько способов исправить ошибку «FATAL Unknown game version check http// for updates» в GTA 5:

1. Обновление модификации

Посетите веб-сайт разработчика модификации и убедитесь, что у вас установлена последняя версия модификации. Если она устарела, загрузите и установите новую версию модификации согласно инструкциям на веб-сайте разработчика.

2. Проверка совместимости версий

Убедитесь, что у вас установлена последняя версия игры GTA 5. Если игра обновлена, но модификация все равно не работает, проверьте совместимость версии модификации с вашей версией игры. Если модификация не совместима с текущей версией игры, то вам нужно будет дождаться обновления со стороны разработчиков модификации.

3. Проверка целостности файлов игры

Откройте приложение Rockstar Games Launcher и выберите GTA 5 в библиотеке игр. Затем щелкните на значке «Настройки» (шестеренка) и выберите «Проверка целостности игры». Подождите, пока проверка будет завершена, и исправьте все обнаруженные проблемы.

4. Удаление и повторная установка модификации

Если все остальные способы не решают проблему, вы можете попробовать удалить модификацию полностью и повторно установить ее в соответствии с инструкциями разработчика. Удостоверьтесь, что вы удаляете все связанные файлы модификации, чтобы избежать повторного возникновения ошибки.


Ошибка «FATAL Unknown game version check http// for updates» в GTA 5 может быть очень неприятна, но с помощью вышеуказанных способов вы должны суметь ее исправить. Всегда следуйте инструкциям разработчика модификации, чтобы убедиться, что у вас установлена правильная версия игры и модификации.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Hi when i open Gta v Both in online and story mode i get this error : FATAL Unknown game version, check for updates

Supported versions:
1.0335.2, 1.0.350.1/2

I have been on the but i dont really know what to do, i didnt get any answers from the site. Hope you can help.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

so I think this error shows because script hook isn’t updated for the new gta5 version after the recent patch basically rockstar ♥♥♥♥ blocking us at least that’s what I found the latest scripthook version is only compatible with GTA 1.0.335.2 but GTA is in the 1.42 patch so just wait


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Hi when i open Gta v Both in online and story mode i get this error : FATAL Unknown game version, check for updates

Supported versions:
1.0335.2, 1.0.350.1/2

I have been on the but i dont really know what to do, i didnt get any answers from the site. Hope you can help.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

after the new dlc was released (finance and felony) i just get errors saying that my game version is unknown and i cant do anything more, i’ve gone to and reinstalled scripthookV but still can’t open up the game, just errors 😛 what do i do?

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

i have the jordans mod menu and it just says fatal error

P.S i dont have scripthook installed

so i couldnt use it and i deleted it si i just did a bunch of ceo work, bought a few shark cards, and did some heists in a day and they perma banned me

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Try this if its still not working for you.
Redownload the updated Script Hook V and Script Hook V Dot Net files
Then delete the old files from your main gtaV folder
Follow instructions and install new files
. Got it to work for me!
forgot to mention if you have OpenIV go ahead and open it then navigate to «Tools» then install «Asi Loader»


Как исправить ошибку Script Hook V Critical Error в GTA 5?

Игровые ошибки – это обычное дело для геймера на ПК-платформе и сегодня мы с вами разберем одну из них – Script Hook V Critical Error в GTA 5. Похоже на то, что после недавнего обновления GTA 5, Script Hook V начал выдавать игрокам ошибку, которая указывает, что у вас установлена неизвестная версия игры. Так в чем же причина этой ошибки?

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Причина Script Hook V Critical Error

На самом деле, причина Script Hook V Critical Error в GTA 5 довольно элементарна. При обновлении GTA 5 разработчиками, Script Hook V также должен быть обновлен, иначе возникнет несовместимость между ними. Если вы увидели у себя на экране эту ошибку, то, вероятней всего, Script Hook V просто еще не был обновлен. Процесс обновления Script Hook V занимает приблизительно два или три дня. Также сразу стоит указать на то, что этой проблемой могут страдать как игроки с лицензией, так и с пираткой GTA 5.

Решение Script Hook V Critical Error

Решается Script Hook V Critical Error в GTA 5 просто и от вас требуется только подождать пару дней после обновления GTA 5, а затем установить в нее новую версию Script Hook V. Давайте разберем этот вопрос поподробней, дабы не возникло каких-то осложнений.

Заметка: если вы увидите в папке с игрой файл под именем dsound.dll, то удалите его.

Решение Script Hook V Critical Error на лицензии

Что же, порой бывает такое сильное желание поиграть, что прям нет сил терпеть. Если вы знаете, что не сможете подождать, то в этом случае можно сделать следующее:

Чтобы вернуть игру к старой версии, вам нужно для начала удалить полностью GTA 5. При этом не забудьте сделать бэкап модификаций и сохранений. Далее вам нужно установить чистую версию GTA 5, а затем начать обновлять ее. Как только игра дойдет до нужной вам версии GTA 5 – прекращайте процесс обновления.

Решение Script Hook V Critical Error на пиратке

В случае пиратской версии GTA 5, вам необходимо ожидать релиза новой версии таблетки для игры. Тем не менее ожидать вам долго нет нужды, так как таблетка должна будет обновиться довольно быстро. Вы также можете попробовать попросту удалить библиотеки Script Hook V, но модификации потеряют работоспособность. Плюс, ваша копия GTA 5 может начать работать нестабильно.


Ошибка Script Hook v Critical error как исправить?

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Расскажу, откуда при запуске gta 5 берется ошибка Script Hook v Critical error и как ее исправить.

Данная ошибка появляется при запуске гта 5, из-за чего она?

Вероятней всего у вас лицензионная игра, и всего скорее вышло новое обновление для гта 5, как итог у игры стала другая версия.

Что делать и как исправить данную ошибку?
Вам необходимо обновить файлы Script Hook v на более новые, т.е заново скачать архив с Script Hook v, и перенести файлы dinput8.dll и ScriptHookV.dll в папку с игрой, подтвердить замену файлов.

Что делать если самая последняя версия на странице загрузки не помогает?
Новая версия Script Hook v выходит через 1-3 дня после обновления игры, если на странице скачивания Script Hook v нет более новой версии, вам придется подождать.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Ok so i came back home and launched the game. Steam asked for an update, i pressed yes, and now this message is coming up: FATAL: Unknown game version, check for updates.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Here you go guys:
tested it myself and i can confirm it works again! Have fun!

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

I got the same problem and found a solution, but quite a solution for me :/
If u delete the Script hook files in your directory game folder and download the new update with it which is here and paste it in again it will work. But NOT for they who had mods in the game it will just crash?

Like me.. So i downloaded the new upate of the Script hook v and paste it in GTA main folder and tried running the game with my mods which i had BUT still crash ANY HELP! Please would be so help.. PS dont wanna delete my mods.. :(

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

I got the same problem and found a solution, but quite a solution for me :/
If u delete the Script hook files in your directory game folder and download the new update with it which is here and paste it in again it will work. But NOT for they who had mods in the game it will just crash?

Like me.. So i downloaded the new upate of the Script hook v and paste it in GTA main folder and tried running the game with my mods which i had BUT still crash ANY HELP! Please would be so help.. PS dont wanna delete my mods.. 🙁

You need to delete your mods and test the game without them, sorry.

It’s the first thing you should have tried.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

«FATAL: Unknown game version, check for updates

Supported versions:
1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2, 1.0.393.2/4,
1.0.463.1, 1.0.505.2, 1.0.573.1, 1.0.617.1, 1.0.678.1,
1.0.757.2/4, 1.0.791.2, 1.0.877.1, 1.0.944.2, 1.0.1011.1,
1.0.1032.1, 1.0.1103.2, 1.0.1180.2, 1.0.1290.1, 1.0.1365.1,
1.0.1493.0/1, 1.0.1604.0″

I’m using the latest Scripthook (1.0.1604.0) and the latest GTA V, considering I reinstalled it twice. It seems like I’m the only person with this problem.

EDIT: I’m not the only one.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

ROFL. Right, obviously didn’t look at any posts in the last 3 days.

Current gtav is 1604.1. SHV currently supports 1604.0.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

you are the only person with a problem that’s for sure.

It seems like I’m the only person with this problem.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

recently installed a car pack through OIV and now I get scripthook error, game will not start. here is what it says on my scripthook log:

// GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Sep 3 2017, v1.0.1180.2)
// (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2017
[11:46:11] INIT: Started
[11:46:11] FATAL: Unknown game version

I didn’t create a backup of anything, so I’m really hoping I don’t have to reinstall the game

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

I updated my scripthook files and it fixed the error but now the game just doesn’t open. I click play and nothing happens, it seems like it’s loading forever. Steam says its running so it didn’t exactly crash but I’ve been waiting 10 minutes for the game to open now but nothing is happening. This is as far as the scripthook log gets now


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Grand Theft Auto V

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

After an update is released modifying the program version, scripthook will refuse to work, this is because that version of scripthook was designed to work with that extremely specific version of V. It’s very annoying, and even a 60mb update like todays can ruin the fun.

and check it every day or so, and see when an update is released under the release date box in the chart, then download it, and drop it into the GTA V directory, it’ll ask you if you want to overwrite it, and you should click yes on all of the boxes until it is successfully in your directory.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Wait for scripthook update, rollback/downgrade to the files you «saved», or remove mods.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Wait for scripthook update, rollback/downgrade to the files you «saved», or remove mods.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

After an update is released modifying the program version, scripthook will refuse to work, this is because that version of scripthook was designed to work with that extremely specific version of V. It’s very annoying, and even a 60mb update like todays can ruin the fun.

and check it every day or so, and see when an update is released under the release date box in the chart, then download it, and drop it into the GTA V directory, it’ll ask you if you want to overwrite it, and you should click yes on all of the boxes until it is successfully in your directory.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

recently installed a car pack through OIV and now I get scripthook error, game will not start. here is what it says on my scripthook log:

// GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Sep 3 2017, v1.0.1180.2)
// (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2017
[11:46:11] INIT: Started
[11:46:11] FATAL: Unknown game version

I didn’t create a backup of anything, so I’m really hoping I don’t have to reinstall the game

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

I updated my scripthook files and it fixed the error but now the game just doesn’t open. I click play and nothing happens, it seems like it’s loading forever. Steam says its running so it didn’t exactly crash but I’ve been waiting 10 minutes for the game to open now but nothing is happening. This is as far as the scripthook log gets now


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

«FATAL: Unknown game version, check for updates

Supported versions:
1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2, 1.0.393.2/4,
1.0.463.1, 1.0.505.2, 1.0.573.1, 1.0.617.1, 1.0.678.1,
1.0.757.2/4, 1.0.791.2, 1.0.877.1, 1.0.944.2, 1.0.1011.1,
1.0.1032.1, 1.0.1103.2, 1.0.1180.2, 1.0.1290.1, 1.0.1365.1,
1.0.1493.0/1, 1.0.1604.0″

I’m using the latest Scripthook (1.0.1604.0) and the latest GTA V, considering I reinstalled it twice. It seems like I’m the only person with this problem.

EDIT: I’m not the only one.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

ROFL. Right, obviously didn’t look at any posts in the last 3 days.

Current gtav is 1604.1. SHV currently supports 1604.0.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

you are the only person with a problem that’s for sure.

It seems like I’m the only person with this problem.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

recently installed a car pack through OIV and now I get scripthook error, game will not start. here is what it says on my scripthook log:

// GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Sep 3 2017, v1.0.1180.2)
// (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2017
[11:46:11] INIT: Started
[11:46:11] FATAL: Unknown game version

I didn’t create a backup of anything, so I’m really hoping I don’t have to reinstall the game

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

I updated my scripthook files and it fixed the error but now the game just doesn’t open. I click play and nothing happens, it seems like it’s loading forever. Steam says its running so it didn’t exactly crash but I’ve been waiting 10 minutes for the game to open now but nothing is happening. This is as far as the scripthook log gets now


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

«FATAL: Unknown game version, check for updates

Supported versions:
1.0.1207.58/80, 1.0. 1232.13/17″

This is the popup I get after trying to start my game after its most recent update today. I have since verified the files five times, uninstalled and reinstalled my game, verified the files another two times- and still no difference. My game has worked fine before this update, and now that I’ve ruled out the use of mods being the issue- I really don’t know what to do anymore.

Anyone else having this issue?

If so, has anyone found a fix for it?

I’d really like to actually play the game I paid a lot of money for. :)))))

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

The mods use the scripthook programs, you would have downloaded them to use with mods, and they will need to be updated, if you want to play now, I would suggest clearing out all of your mods from the rdr2 folders, and track down which script hook programs you are using for them, and remove those files also from the rdr2 main files.

It can be a little annoying to remember all the different files, but they can be removed and the game can be run clean from there.

Either that or wait until the scriphook programs get updated, and update the files from there.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

But- I’ll try what you suggested, Michael. Hopefully if it makes a separate game folder, it’ll be «cleansed» so to speak of any remaining mod files that I may have missed when I removed them.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Of course it’s a mod issue. You have used mods that use Scrpthook, and when RS updated the game it broke. If you want to play the «game you payed for», one solution is to rename the entire RD2 steam game folder, and then Steam should recognize it as not downloaded and create a new version. I used to do that with GTA5. Keep a modded version and a clean version. Whichever one you want to play, rename it to the «playable» folder, and change the other folder name. And vice verse.

That’s a nifty idea, but that is also a lot of space for rdr2 in particular, and I am not sure how updating would go, though I am guessing it would be automatically set to update in steam when it gets renamed?

The other option is just remember or keep a copy of the scripthooks, asi loaders etc, so you have a list of what to remove. Or take a screencap or two of what the folder looks like without mods.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

recently installed a car pack through OIV and now I get scripthook error, game will not start. here is what it says on my scripthook log:

// GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Sep 3 2017, v1.0.1180.2)
// (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2017
[11:46:11] INIT: Started
[11:46:11] FATAL: Unknown game version

I didn’t create a backup of anything, so I’m really hoping I don’t have to reinstall the game

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

I updated my scripthook files and it fixed the error but now the game just doesn’t open. I click play and nothing happens, it seems like it’s loading forever. Steam says its running so it didn’t exactly crash but I’ve been waiting 10 minutes for the game to open now but nothing is happening. This is as far as the scripthook log gets now


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

The game updated today alright, even after I denied the Updater doing the update. It went ahead and downloaded and forced the update on my PC without my express consent, and SHV no longer works.

@2SFGMadman next time use this to start game without update (but don’t forgot follow instructions and run game by right exe)
@YoSoyGodot follow this page to gert SHV update as soon as it would be out. Normally take about 5 to 15 days till SHV is updated after new game update

GTA (V) REAL in progress
Most realistic GTA ever
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@ArmaniAdnr I’ve been using that and my game still updated.

Building a bridge.
Be patient with me I’m autistic.
I don’t have Discord. Please don’t ask.

@QBit07 so you placed it in wrong folder or you used wrong exe tos tart the game, coz I»m using it and it works. Until I didn’t missclick and didn’t open game with wrong exe aswell and updated game Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

GTA (V) REAL in progress
Most realistic GTA ever
Stay tunned and find all details at

@ArmaniAdnr «so you placed it in wrong folder or you used wrong exe to start the game,» incorrect i’m not a a noob at modding the game

Building a bridge.
Be patient with me I’m autistic.
I don’t have Discord. Please don’t ask.

@QBit07 I’m aswell not noob but mistake can happend lmao, I’m not blaming you, I’m just trying to let you check if you did everything right coz that mod work for me Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5maybe you have steam version? Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

GTA (V) REAL in progress
Most realistic GTA ever
Stay tunned and find all details at

@YoSoyGodot It‘s kinda an established fact that every update will break the Scripthook V, so in the meantime you either download an older version of the exe fkile, or wait until Alexander Blade sort out the problems.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

«FATAL: Unknown game version, check for updates

Supported versions:
1.0.1207.58/80, 1.0. 1232.13/17″

This is the popup I get after trying to start my game after its most recent update today. I have since verified the files five times, uninstalled and reinstalled my game, verified the files another two times- and still no difference. My game has worked fine before this update, and now that I’ve ruled out the use of mods being the issue- I really don’t know what to do anymore.

Anyone else having this issue?

If so, has anyone found a fix for it?

I’d really like to actually play the game I paid a lot of money for. :)))))

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

The mods use the scripthook programs, you would have downloaded them to use with mods, and they will need to be updated, if you want to play now, I would suggest clearing out all of your mods from the rdr2 folders, and track down which script hook programs you are using for them, and remove those files also from the rdr2 main files.

It can be a little annoying to remember all the different files, but they can be removed and the game can be run clean from there.

Either that or wait until the scriphook programs get updated, and update the files from there.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

But- I’ll try what you suggested, Michael. Hopefully if it makes a separate game folder, it’ll be «cleansed» so to speak of any remaining mod files that I may have missed when I removed them.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Of course it’s a mod issue. You have used mods that use Scrpthook, and when RS updated the game it broke. If you want to play the «game you payed for», one solution is to rename the entire RD2 steam game folder, and then Steam should recognize it as not downloaded and create a new version. I used to do that with GTA5. Keep a modded version and a clean version. Whichever one you want to play, rename it to the «playable» folder, and change the other folder name. And vice verse.

That’s a nifty idea, but that is also a lot of space for rdr2 in particular, and I am not sure how updating would go, though I am guessing it would be automatically set to update in steam when it gets renamed?

The other option is just remember or keep a copy of the scripthooks, asi loaders etc, so you have a list of what to remove. Or take a screencap or two of what the folder looks like without mods.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

FATAL:Unknown game version,check for updates
Supported Versions:1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2, 1.0.393.2/4

What Should I do? :/ I was searching for updates on steam,but I Couldn’t find..

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

FATAL:Unknown game version,check for updates
Supported Versions:1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2, 1.0.393.2/4

What Should I do? :/ I was searching for updates on steam,but I Couldn’t find..


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Grand Theft Auto V

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

FATAL: Unknown geme version, check for updates

Supported versions:
1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

So in another words, now is the time to play before the hackers are back in.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Just move the scripthook file out of GTA V’s folder then the game should work fine but you won’t be avaible to use any mods

I use to mod, and he’s right, this is Rockstar’s way of stopping modders for the time being.

All of us know that this will only work for the time being though.

Breakthrough!! THE SCRIPTHOOKS CODE IS OUTDATED!! IT NEEDS TO UPDATE TO THE NEW GTA UPDATE CODE. I was working through the scripthooks properties and the files don’t match up anymore. like the last update only the un-updated version didn’t stop the game from working.

This is not relevant to the discussion, just thought you guys would like to know this little tidbit.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Ok so i came back home and launched the game. Steam asked for an update, i pressed yes, and now this message is coming up: FATAL: Unknown game version, check for updates.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

ya i had this problem too

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

hey guys just delete all scripthook ♥♥♥♥ youl will be fine then

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

all you need to do is delete any mod file that located with GTA5.exe,works for me atleast

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

all you need to do is delete any mod file that located with GTA5.exe,works for me atleast

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

all you need to do is delete any mod file that located with GTA5.exe,works for me atleast

But i want to use mods. Do i just have to reinstall the mods? Or wait for Rockstar to fix this?


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Ok so i came back home and launched the game. Steam asked for an update, i pressed yes, and now this message is coming up: FATAL: Unknown game version, check for updates.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

ya i had this problem too

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

hey guys just delete all scripthook ♥♥♥♥ youl will be fine then

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

all you need to do is delete any mod file that located with GTA5.exe,works for me atleast

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

all you need to do is delete any mod file that located with GTA5.exe,works for me atleast

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

all you need to do is delete any mod file that located with GTA5.exe,works for me atleast

But i want to use mods. Do i just have to reinstall the mods? Or wait for Rockstar to fix this?


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Grand Theft Auto V

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

FATAL: Unknown geme version, check for updates

Supported versions:
1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

So in another words, now is the time to play before the hackers are back in.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Just move the scripthook file out of GTA V’s folder then the game should work fine but you won’t be avaible to use any mods

I use to mod, and he’s right, this is Rockstar’s way of stopping modders for the time being.

All of us know that this will only work for the time being though.

Breakthrough!! THE SCRIPTHOOKS CODE IS OUTDATED!! IT NEEDS TO UPDATE TO THE NEW GTA UPDATE CODE. I was working through the scripthooks properties and the files don’t match up anymore. like the last update only the un-updated version didn’t stop the game from working.

This is not relevant to the discussion, just thought you guys would like to know this little tidbit.


Script Hook V Critical Error FATAL: Unknown Game Version in GTA 5

In this guide, you will come to know how to Fix Script Hook V Critical Error FATAL: Unknown Game Version in GTA 5. You will need to follow the simple in this guide to fix it.

This error occurs when the game version and the script hook V version do not support each other. When you get this error, you will find the games’ version that is compatible with script hook V, as shown in the image below.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

If you are using the old version or the latest version of the game, you will get this error. To find and check your game version, you have to go to the GTA 5 game folder and right-click on the GTA5.exe file. Then go to the properties, as shown in the image below.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

A new tab will open, so you have to click on the Details tab and find your game version there. Check whether it supports the script hook V version or not, as shown in the image below.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

You have to open your browser and search for script hook V official website from the link given below.

When you get there, you will find the game versions supported by the Script Hook V and then check whether your game version is listed on the page. If it is listed on the page, you have to click on the download button link to download the Script Hook V, as shown in the image below.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

After that, you have to paste those files into the GTA 5 game folder, and now it is fully installed in your GTA 5 game, and it will completely work.

If your game version is not listed on Script Hook V’s official website, you have the older version of the game. So you have to update your game and if you have already recently updated your game, then wait for a while until a newer version of the script Hook V is released. If you don’t want to wait, you have to downgrade your game, and then your mods will work.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

«FATAL: Unknown game version, check for updates

Supported versions:
1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2, 1.0.393.2/4,
1.0.463.1, 1.0.505.2, 1.0.573.1, 1.0.617.1, 1.0.678.1,
1.0.757.2/4, 1.0.791.2, 1.0.877.1, 1.0.944.2, 1.0.1011.1,
1.0.1032.1, 1.0.1103.2, 1.0.1180.2, 1.0.1290.1, 1.0.1365.1,
1.0.1493.0/1, 1.0.1604.0″

I’m using the latest Scripthook (1.0.1604.0) and the latest GTA V, considering I reinstalled it twice. It seems like I’m the only person with this problem.

EDIT: I’m not the only one.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

ROFL. Right, obviously didn’t look at any posts in the last 3 days.

Current gtav is 1604.1. SHV currently supports 1604.0.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

you are the only person with a problem that’s for sure.

It seems like I’m the only person with this problem.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Ok so i came back home and launched the game. Steam asked for an update, i pressed yes, and now this message is coming up: FATAL: Unknown game version, check for updates.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

ya i had this problem too

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

hey guys just delete all scripthook ♥♥♥♥ youl will be fine then

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

all you need to do is delete any mod file that located with GTA5.exe,works for me atleast

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

all you need to do is delete any mod file that located with GTA5.exe,works for me atleast

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

all you need to do is delete any mod file that located with GTA5.exe,works for me atleast

But i want to use mods. Do i just have to reinstall the mods? Or wait for Rockstar to fix this?


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

I keep getting the same error message, it goes as follows:


FATAL: Unknown game version, check for updates

If I need to use a newer version of Script Hook, where do I copy the file to because I cannot find my GTA5.exe file anywhere but the game still runs, please any advice would be greatly appreciated, I haven’t been able to play this game for like 4 months because of this, I just want to mod in some cool cars and cruise around 🙁

Thank you for your help

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Same. Can play SP but but GTA Online won’t load.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Same. Can play SP but but GTA Online won’t load.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

You did it. You found the solution to a problem I didn’t think I could solve, if I could give you karma I would!

So from now on, when I download the new Script Hook and Trainer, I should be putting them in that file correct?

P.S. Now my game won’t start, it says «GTA V quit unexpectedly, try running in safe mode» and it still crashes in safe mode LOL. It used to work not sure why it won’t load on my comp. any way of launching it on minimal graphics, before loading the game? I dunno haha

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Okay here it is, thanks so much again for doing this

Please click Retry below to enter the game again, or click Safe Mode to launch the game with reduced graphics settings.

Please click Retry below to enter the game again, or click Safe Mode to launch the game with reduced graphics settings.

Please click Retry below to enter the game again, or click Safe Mode to launch the game with reduced graphics settings.

Please click Retry below to enter the game again, or click Safe Mode to launch the game with reduced graphics settings.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

FATAL:Unknown game version,check for updates
Supported Versions:1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2, 1.0.393.2/4

What Should I do? :/ I was searching for updates on steam,but I Couldn’t find..

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

FATAL:Unknown game version,check for updates
Supported Versions:1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2, 1.0.393.2/4

What Should I do? :/ I was searching for updates on steam,but I Couldn’t find..


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Grand Theft Auto V

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

FATAL: Unknown geme version, check for updates

Supported versions:
1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

So in another words, now is the time to play before the hackers are back in.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Just move the scripthook file out of GTA V’s folder then the game should work fine but you won’t be avaible to use any mods

I use to mod, and he’s right, this is Rockstar’s way of stopping modders for the time being.

All of us know that this will only work for the time being though.

Breakthrough!! THE SCRIPTHOOKS CODE IS OUTDATED!! IT NEEDS TO UPDATE TO THE NEW GTA UPDATE CODE. I was working through the scripthooks properties and the files don’t match up anymore. like the last update only the un-updated version didn’t stop the game from working.

This is not relevant to the discussion, just thought you guys would like to know this little tidbit.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Ok so i came back home and launched the game. Steam asked for an update, i pressed yes, and now this message is coming up: FATAL: Unknown game version, check for updates.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Here you go guys:
tested it myself and i can confirm it works again! Have fun!

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

I got the same problem and found a solution, but quite a solution for me :/
If u delete the Script hook files in your directory game folder and download the new update with it which is here and paste it in again it will work. But NOT for they who had mods in the game it will just crash?

Like me.. So i downloaded the new upate of the Script hook v and paste it in GTA main folder and tried running the game with my mods which i had BUT still crash ANY HELP! Please would be so help.. PS dont wanna delete my mods.. :(

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

I got the same problem and found a solution, but quite a solution for me :/
If u delete the Script hook files in your directory game folder and download the new update with it which is here and paste it in again it will work. But NOT for they who had mods in the game it will just crash?

Like me.. So i downloaded the new upate of the Script hook v and paste it in GTA main folder and tried running the game with my mods which i had BUT still crash ANY HELP! Please would be so help.. PS dont wanna delete my mods.. 🙁

You need to delete your mods and test the game without them, sorry.

It’s the first thing you should have tried.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

recently installed a car pack through OIV and now I get scripthook error, game will not start. here is what it says on my scripthook log:

// GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Sep 3 2017, v1.0.1180.2)
// (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2017
[11:46:11] INIT: Started
[11:46:11] FATAL: Unknown game version

I didn’t create a backup of anything, so I’m really hoping I don’t have to reinstall the game

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

I updated my scripthook files and it fixed the error but now the game just doesn’t open. I click play and nothing happens, it seems like it’s loading forever. Steam says its running so it didn’t exactly crash but I’ve been waiting 10 minutes for the game to open now but nothing is happening. This is as far as the scripthook log gets now


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Grand Theft Auto V

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

try to lauch it with steam laucher game menu

if it dont work you can try to uninstall your game and reinstall it

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Specs? FULL please
Do you have any mods in the folder?

Radeon R9 260x
8GB of RAM
AMD Athlon X4 860K Quad Core processor that’s 3.7 GHz
Windows 7 Ultimate

I had mods yes, but then I uninstalled the whole game and deleted all the mods and then reinstalled and same issue


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

recently installed a car pack through OIV and now I get scripthook error, game will not start. here is what it says on my scripthook log:

// GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Sep 3 2017, v1.0.1180.2)
// (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2017
[11:46:11] INIT: Started
[11:46:11] FATAL: Unknown game version

I didn’t create a backup of anything, so I’m really hoping I don’t have to reinstall the game

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

I updated my scripthook files and it fixed the error but now the game just doesn’t open. I click play and nothing happens, it seems like it’s loading forever. Steam says its running so it didn’t exactly crash but I’ve been waiting 10 minutes for the game to open now but nothing is happening. This is as far as the scripthook log gets now


Script Hook RDR2 critical error

Hi everybody,
I simply installed Script Hook RDR2 yesterday. I noticed there was a new update for the game on the Rockstar Launcher. The Script Hook RDR2 is for game version 1.0.1436.25 but now the game version is 1.0.1436.31. So now when I start the game I have an error message :


FATAL : Unknown game version, check for updates

1.0.1207.58/80, 1.0.1232.13/17, 1.0.1311.12, 1.0.1436.25

Attached Files

I think the cause is the game just updated to a new version, and ScriptHook doesn’t support this new version yet, so the best solution is waiting for ScriptHook to update to a new version that can support the game.

Yup, same issue for me. ScripHook needs to be updated. Hope it doesn’t take too long.

Yep I uninstalled RDR2 and reinstalled it I get an error message every time and when I don’t used mods or trainers it works so we need an update to ScripHook.

Yea the update broke script hook. Hasn’t been updated in 3yrs. Really hope we get a fix as I’m mid-way through the game and don’t want to continue without the mods.

Yea the update broke script hook. Hasn’t been updated in 3yrs. Really hope we get a fix as I’m mid-way through the game and don’t want to continue without the mods.

9 Months, not 3 years. But it’s still a LONG time.

When I try and replace the original exe file with the other downloaded one and the game starts up it will not let me replace it.The windows says it can’t be replaced while in use or something. And yes I’m trying to replace it quickly before the launcher starts.

First I open the Rockstar Launcher as an admin. THEN I move the replacement RDR2.exe file into the RDR2 folder where the original RDR2.exe is, but it tells me that it’s in use. and wont let me replace anything while the launcher is running. I guess that means the ScripHook needs to be updated.

There is a fix for single player. Here is the new scripthook.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

FATAL:Unknown game version,check for updates
Supported Versions:1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2, 1.0.393.2/4

What Should I do? :/ I was searching for updates on steam,but I Couldn’t find..

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

FATAL:Unknown game version,check for updates
Supported Versions:1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2, 1.0.393.2/4

What Should I do? :/ I was searching for updates on steam,but I Couldn’t find..


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

«FATAL: Unknown game version, check for updates

Supported versions:
1.0.1207.58/80, 1.0. 1232.13/17″

This is the popup I get after trying to start my game after its most recent update today. I have since verified the files five times, uninstalled and reinstalled my game, verified the files another two times- and still no difference. My game has worked fine before this update, and now that I’ve ruled out the use of mods being the issue- I really don’t know what to do anymore.

Anyone else having this issue?

If so, has anyone found a fix for it?

I’d really like to actually play the game I paid a lot of money for. :)))))

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

The mods use the scripthook programs, you would have downloaded them to use with mods, and they will need to be updated, if you want to play now, I would suggest clearing out all of your mods from the rdr2 folders, and track down which script hook programs you are using for them, and remove those files also from the rdr2 main files.

It can be a little annoying to remember all the different files, but they can be removed and the game can be run clean from there.

Either that or wait until the scriphook programs get updated, and update the files from there.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

But- I’ll try what you suggested, Michael. Hopefully if it makes a separate game folder, it’ll be «cleansed» so to speak of any remaining mod files that I may have missed when I removed them.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Of course it’s a mod issue. You have used mods that use Scrpthook, and when RS updated the game it broke. If you want to play the «game you payed for», one solution is to rename the entire RD2 steam game folder, and then Steam should recognize it as not downloaded and create a new version. I used to do that with GTA5. Keep a modded version and a clean version. Whichever one you want to play, rename it to the «playable» folder, and change the other folder name. And vice verse.

That’s a nifty idea, but that is also a lot of space for rdr2 in particular, and I am not sure how updating would go, though I am guessing it would be automatically set to update in steam when it gets renamed?

The other option is just remember or keep a copy of the scripthooks, asi loaders etc, so you have a list of what to remove. Or take a screencap or two of what the folder looks like without mods.


Script Hook V для GTA 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Script Hook V

Это библиотека необходимая для запуска в GTA 5 на PC скриптов созданных на ASI.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Script Hook V для GTA 5

Script Hook V в GTA Online теперь не работает. Для того чтобы войти в GTA Online, необходимо удалить ASI загрузчик.

Работает с патчами: 1.0.335.2/1.0.350.1/1.0.372.2/1.0.393.2/1.0.393.4/1.0.463.1/1.0.505.2/1.0.573.1/1.0.617.1/1.0.678.1/1.0.757.2/1.0.757.4/1.0.791.2/1.0.877.1/1.0.944.2/1.0.1011.1/1.0.1032.1/1.0.1103.2/1.0.1180.2/ 1.0.1290.1/1.0.1365.1

Решение ошибок связанных со ScriptHookV

Достаточно многие игроки сталкиваются с ошибкой “script hook v critical error unknown game version”, ниже мы описали возможное решение данной проблемы. Вы также можете найти ответ в комментариях ниже.

Решение: Ошибка “script hook v critical error. FATAL: unknown game version” чаще всего появляется после выхода новых патчей для GTA 5. Чтобы решить эту ошибку удалите все файлы статор версии плагина, а именно asiloader.log, ScriptHookV.dll, ScriptHookV.log dinput8.dll и NativeTrainer.asi, после этого установите последнюю версию плагина.

Версия 1.0.1290.1:

Версия 1.0.573.1:

Версия 1.0.617.1:

Версия 1.0.505.2:

Версия 1.0.463.1:

Версия 1.0.393.4:

Версия 1.0.393.2:

Версия 1.0.372.2:

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5 Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

98 оценок, среднее: 3,88 из 5


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Grand Theft Auto V

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

try to lauch it with steam laucher game menu

if it dont work you can try to uninstall your game and reinstall it

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Specs? FULL please
Do you have any mods in the folder?

Radeon R9 260x
8GB of RAM
AMD Athlon X4 860K Quad Core processor that’s 3.7 GHz
Windows 7 Ultimate

I had mods yes, but then I uninstalled the whole game and deleted all the mods and then reinstalled and same issue


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

recently installed a car pack through OIV and now I get scripthook error, game will not start. here is what it says on my scripthook log:

// GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Sep 3 2017, v1.0.1180.2)
// (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2017
[11:46:11] INIT: Started
[11:46:11] FATAL: Unknown game version

I didn’t create a backup of anything, so I’m really hoping I don’t have to reinstall the game

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

I updated my scripthook files and it fixed the error but now the game just doesn’t open. I click play and nothing happens, it seems like it’s loading forever. Steam says its running so it didn’t exactly crash but I’ve been waiting 10 minutes for the game to open now but nothing is happening. This is as far as the scripthook log gets now


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

recently installed a car pack through OIV and now I get scripthook error, game will not start. here is what it says on my scripthook log:

// GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Sep 3 2017, v1.0.1180.2)
// (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2017
[11:46:11] INIT: Started
[11:46:11] FATAL: Unknown game version

I didn’t create a backup of anything, so I’m really hoping I don’t have to reinstall the game

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

I updated my scripthook files and it fixed the error but now the game just doesn’t open. I click play and nothing happens, it seems like it’s loading forever. Steam says its running so it didn’t exactly crash but I’ve been waiting 10 minutes for the game to open now but nothing is happening. This is as far as the scripthook log gets now


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Thankyou very much for the help, I looked all over and couldn’t find it for some reason. So I just uninstalled and now the estemated install time is 3 days and 4 hours 🙁 damn DSL

No problem, my friend. If you mean you looked all over for the game’s forum, you can get to game forums easily from your library if clicking on the game in question and looking to selections to the far right on that new library view, or what I usually suggest is that you can right click that game in your library and select «view forum» from the drop list that you see and get to the game forum that way easily.

If that is not what you meant by «couldn’t find it», then please excuse me for misunderstanding you. If you need help on the game if it will not launch when you finish the download, just post in this thread again and we will try to help if we can. Thanks and good luck to you.

You can also use this link and search for game forums.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

recently installed a car pack through OIV and now I get scripthook error, game will not start. here is what it says on my scripthook log:

// GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Sep 3 2017, v1.0.1180.2)
// (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2017
[11:46:11] INIT: Started
[11:46:11] FATAL: Unknown game version

I didn’t create a backup of anything, so I’m really hoping I don’t have to reinstall the game

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

I updated my scripthook files and it fixed the error but now the game just doesn’t open. I click play and nothing happens, it seems like it’s loading forever. Steam says its running so it didn’t exactly crash but I’ve been waiting 10 minutes for the game to open now but nothing is happening. This is as far as the scripthook log gets now


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

recently installed a car pack through OIV and now I get scripthook error, game will not start. here is what it says on my scripthook log:

// GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Sep 3 2017, v1.0.1180.2)
// (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2017
[11:46:11] INIT: Started
[11:46:11] FATAL: Unknown game version

I didn’t create a backup of anything, so I’m really hoping I don’t have to reinstall the game

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

I updated my scripthook files and it fixed the error but now the game just doesn’t open. I click play and nothing happens, it seems like it’s loading forever. Steam says its running so it didn’t exactly crash but I’ve been waiting 10 minutes for the game to open now but nothing is happening. This is as far as the scripthook log gets now


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Grand Theft Auto V

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

FATAL: Unknown geme version, check for updates

Supported versions:
1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

So in another words, now is the time to play before the hackers are back in.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Just move the scripthook file out of GTA V’s folder then the game should work fine but you won’t be avaible to use any mods

I use to mod, and he’s right, this is Rockstar’s way of stopping modders for the time being.

All of us know that this will only work for the time being though.

Breakthrough!! THE SCRIPTHOOKS CODE IS OUTDATED!! IT NEEDS TO UPDATE TO THE NEW GTA UPDATE CODE. I was working through the scripthooks properties and the files don’t match up anymore. like the last update only the un-updated version didn’t stop the game from working.

This is not relevant to the discussion, just thought you guys would like to know this little tidbit.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Grand Theft Auto V

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

FATAL: Unknown geme version, check for updates

Supported versions:
1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

So in another words, now is the time to play before the hackers are back in.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Just move the scripthook file out of GTA V’s folder then the game should work fine but you won’t be avaible to use any mods

I use to mod, and he’s right, this is Rockstar’s way of stopping modders for the time being.

All of us know that this will only work for the time being though.

Breakthrough!! THE SCRIPTHOOKS CODE IS OUTDATED!! IT NEEDS TO UPDATE TO THE NEW GTA UPDATE CODE. I was working through the scripthooks properties and the files don’t match up anymore. like the last update only the un-updated version didn’t stop the game from working.

This is not relevant to the discussion, just thought you guys would like to know this little tidbit.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

FATAL: Unkown game verison
supported versions

Any idea about what I can do to fix this?

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

The only files you need for scripthook itself are:

I’m pretty sure scripthook also comes with an optional trainer, but it’s relatively barebones.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Verify Integrity game files

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Verify Integrity game files

Did that. No luck. I might have done something wrong. I can’t do anything about it because I’m reinstalling the game now. Bummer. What could I have done wrong. I swear it’s something basic that I’m just missing.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5
Not what is shown up top in the first post-
Released 03 Sep 2017
Version v1.0.1180.2
Supported patches 1.0.335.2-1.0.1180.2

Find the files in current scripthook release- then replace’m.
Search your pc for them (ignore the ones that show up in windows folder)
(unless dear god you decided to extract to the windows / subfolders.. /facepalm)

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Did that. No luck. I might have done something wrong. I can’t do anything about it because I’m reinstalling the game now. Bummer. What could I have done wrong. I swear it’s something basic that I’m just missing.

Try deleting dinput8.dll what’s that deleted then open iv cannot use any modified RPF files dear God please tell me you did not just mod through the in-game files please tell me you actually made a modded folder and did the steps like I was saying once deleted you should be good to go back
playing the game back to its vanilla state also verify Integrity of game complete all those steps and you should be good to go


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

recently installed a car pack through OIV and now I get scripthook error, game will not start. here is what it says on my scripthook log:

// GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Sep 3 2017, v1.0.1180.2)
// (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2017
[11:46:11] INIT: Started
[11:46:11] FATAL: Unknown game version

I didn’t create a backup of anything, so I’m really hoping I don’t have to reinstall the game

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

I updated my scripthook files and it fixed the error but now the game just doesn’t open. I click play and nothing happens, it seems like it’s loading forever. Steam says its running so it didn’t exactly crash but I’ve been waiting 10 minutes for the game to open now but nothing is happening. This is as far as the scripthook log gets now


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Grand Theft Auto V

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

I dont like GtaV without mods.. i dont like any Gta without them.. 🙁

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

I dont like GtaV without mods.. i dont like any Gta without them.. 🙁

Are you trying to use them in single player or online?

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Are you trying to use them in single player or online?

In singleplayer but the problem is i can’t even get into the game. When i click «Play» it opens me the error.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

In singleplayer but the problem is i can’t even get into the game. When i click «Play» it opens me the error.

Are these specific mods like cars and minigames or is it just a trainer type thing?


[FIX] Script Hook V Critical Error FATAL: Unknown Game Version in GTA 5 (GTA Gamer)

Показувати елементи керування програвачем


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

📢Script Hook update for the latest game version 1.0.2628.2 has been just been released on 28 May 2022

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

You need a gold medal my guy. Your videos are always sweet clear and too the point! I love them!

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

This was so helpful and also straight to the point. Thank you.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

This is legit incredible! I tried doing this EXACTLY like you showed in the video before I saw this and saw my error and it didn’t do a difference but now when I watched it and tried doing it again it worked! Thank you so much man!

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Thanks a lot! It’s REALLY helpful! And your work is so nice, I really like the format, thanks again!

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

This was a really helpful video I didnt know what to do but this helped me fix my game within minutes very quick guide and would recommend it😁😄

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Thank you so much it worked! The first step I was missing was that I didn’t know where to find my version which is apparently 1.18something. Went to the download page, slapped it to my directory and worked immediately. Thanks again.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Thank you Mr Gta Gamer very slowly and easy to understand now I can enjoy my game

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Excelente, me funcionó perfecto, gracias

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Did everything step by step and it worked for me, thanks!

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Thanks dude! I had no clue wtf was going on. short, simple and straight to the point good job dude

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Thanks so much for the help! I legit reinstalled GTAV because I thought the game was corrupted. This was both informative and amazingly helpful, thank you!

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

i dont usually comment on videos but this was a life saver tysm :))))

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Thank you so much man, mine was actually Red Dead Redemption 2. You helped me to be a cowboy again 🤠

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Thank You SO MUCH I was so close to reinstall my gta but thanks to you i can play!! keep up trhe good work!

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Thanks, I taught I had a serious issue:)) but easy solving

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Thanks, mate! It helped me a lot. Рік тому

Perfect fix, thank you

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Thanks man You really helped fix this issue big thanks man! 🙂

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Great help! Game works awesome now! Thank you so much!


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

«FATAL: Unknown game version, check for updates

Supported versions:
1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2, 1.0.393.2/4,
1.0.463.1, 1.0.505.2, 1.0.573.1, 1.0.617.1, 1.0.678.1,
1.0.757.2/4, 1.0.791.2, 1.0.877.1, 1.0.944.2, 1.0.1011.1,
1.0.1032.1, 1.0.1103.2, 1.0.1180.2, 1.0.1290.1, 1.0.1365.1,
1.0.1493.0/1, 1.0.1604.0″

I’m using the latest Scripthook (1.0.1604.0) and the latest GTA V, considering I reinstalled it twice. It seems like I’m the only person with this problem.

EDIT: I’m not the only one.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

ROFL. Right, obviously didn’t look at any posts in the last 3 days.

Current gtav is 1604.1. SHV currently supports 1604.0.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

you are the only person with a problem that’s for sure.

It seems like I’m the only person with this problem.


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

recently installed a car pack through OIV and now I get scripthook error, game will not start. here is what it says on my scripthook log:

// GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Sep 3 2017, v1.0.1180.2)
// (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2017
[11:46:11] INIT: Started
[11:46:11] FATAL: Unknown game version

I didn’t create a backup of anything, so I’m really hoping I don’t have to reinstall the game

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

I updated my scripthook files and it fixed the error but now the game just doesn’t open. I click play and nothing happens, it seems like it’s loading forever. Steam says its running so it didn’t exactly crash but I’ve been waiting 10 minutes for the game to open now but nothing is happening. This is as far as the scripthook log gets now


Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

recently installed a car pack through OIV and now I get scripthook error, game will not start. here is what it says on my scripthook log:

// GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Sep 3 2017, v1.0.1180.2)
// (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2017
[11:46:11] INIT: Started
[11:46:11] FATAL: Unknown game version

I didn’t create a backup of anything, so I’m really hoping I don’t have to reinstall the game

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

Fatal unknown game version check dev c com for updates gta 5

Current installed version: |1.0.1493.0||1.0.1493.0|FSP

my docs / rockstar games / gtav / launcher.log contains the info.

I updated my scripthook files and it fixed the error but now the game just doesn’t open. I click play and nothing happens, it seems like it’s loading forever. Steam says its running so it didn’t exactly crash but I’ve been waiting 10 minutes for the game to open now but nothing is happening. This is as far as the scripthook log gets now


script hook v critical error fatal unknown game version gta 5

If you enjoy the modded life in GTA 5, you would be using the Script Hook V. It is a tool that allows running scripts and their native functions in custom plugins. But recently, the majority of players are having trouble as they are unable to run GTA V. As players launch the game, they are getting the Script Hook V Critical Error followed by an error message that reads “FATAL: Unknown Game version. Not to worry, as we have a workaround to resolve this issue. So, check out our guide on how to fix the Script Hook V Critical error in GTA 5.

How to Fix Script Hook V Critical Error in GTA 5

script hook v critical error fatal unknown game version gta 5

You can get this error if you are using an outdated or the most recent version of GTA V. This error usually occurs when the Script Hook V and the game’s current version do not support each other.

So, here’s follow the below steps to resolve the Script Hook V Critical Error:

  • Firstly, head to the GTA 5 game folder and right-click on the GTA5.exe file.
  • Click on its properties and toggle the Details tab from the menu. Check and note its File version.
  • Now, launch the browser and head over to the official website of Script Hook V (link).
  • From there, check if the supported patches are compatible with your game version.
  • Alternatively, you can also skip the above two steps and check the supported versions directly from the error message.
  • If your game version supports the file, press the download link to download the Script Hook V.
  • Once you have downloaded the files, you have to extract those files.
  • Then, open the Bin folder from the extracted folder. You will find two .dll files in that folder.
  • Copy those .dll files and paste them into the GTA 5 folder.
  • Finally, launch the game to check if it resolved and bypassed the error.

If your game version is not listed in the Supported patches, you might be running the outdated version. To resolve that, you can update your game to the latest versions. Or you can also downgrade the GTA 5 version using some plugins to support the Script Hook V version.

If you have just started modding, check out our guide on how to install Script Hook V for more insight.

That’s everything covered about how to fix the Script Hook V Critical error in GTA 5. If you liked this guide, check out our more GTA V Guides right here on Gamer Tweak.

This guide will show you how to solve the “FATAL: Unknown Game Version” error in GTA 5 while using Script Hook V. You have to download the downgrade version and then replace the update file to fix it.

Download Downgrade version

In this section, we will take you through the steps to download the downgrade version of GTA 5.

  • The first thing you will need to do is open up your browser and download the downgrade version of GTA.
  • After downloading the file, go to the downloads folder and extract the file.

Replace file

This section describes how to replace the update file to resolve the problem. By following the steps below, you will be able to navigate to the GTA 5 directory and replace the update file.

  • Open up the extracted folder and then open the folder inside it.
    You will find four files there.
  • You have to copy all these files.

  • Next, open the Steam application, right-click on the GTA 5 game and go to properties.
  • Go to the Local Files tab and click on the Browse button.
    The GTA 5 directory will open on your screen.

  • You need to paste the copied files into GTA 5 directory.
  • Scroll down to the update.rpf file and press Control + X on your keyboard to cut that file.
  • Navigate to the mods folder and open up the update folder inside it. After that, paste that file there.

  • Finally, go back to the Steam application and launch GTA 5.

By following these steps, you should be able to fix the “FATAL: Unknown Game Version” error and use Script Hook V successfully with your GTA 5 game. Now you can enjoy your enhanced gaming experience with mods!

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