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- Ваш ник: Sweet_Qosmos
- Ваш логин: Vovan06
- Описание проблемы: Вовремя загрузки росктар лаунчера вылетает рейдж и выдает данную ошибку, все переустановливал(гта, лаунчер), нету никаких антивирусов, железо адекватное ( 1060 на 6гб и i7 7330), если есть возможность, то свяжитесь со мной, предоставив свой дискорд. (Свой не буду оставлять, чтобы другие игроки не вводили в заблуждения, пытаясь представиться администрацией).
- Доказательства: ниже скрин
- Дата: 03.04.21
- Сумма ущерба(если имеется): —
6.9 KB
Просмотры: 11
Удалите стороннее антивирусное ПО (Касперский, Аваст и т.п.), сторонние файрволы, Adguard, Wallpaper engine, MSI Afterburner, MSI Mystic light и аналогичные, для управления подсветкой и блокировки рекламы. Обязательно удалите ПО от Razer если установлено. Также Process Lasso и Park Control, Memreduct, Advanced system care и подобные. Также отключите Xbox game bar и его оверлей, повтор xbox, оверлей дискорд, удалите betterdiscord, отключите оверлей стим и прочие оверлеи.
В настройках брандмауэра Windows, удалите все правила для входящих и исходящих подключений, далее отключите его.
1. Нажмите по кнопке Пуск и в поисковой панели начните набирать «Командная строка».
2. Запустите классическое приложение с правами администратора (щёлкните по нему правой кнопкой мыши);
3. В открывшемся окне вводим команду netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off и нажимаем Enter;
4. После этого Вы увидите уведомление из Центра безопасности и обслуживания об отключении системы безопасности.
Перезагрузите ПК, выключите роутер на пару минут.
Переустановите лаунчер в созданную Вами папку в корне диска, название папки не должно содержать кириллицу — https://cdn.rage.mp/public/files/RAGEMultiplayer_Setup.exe
Запустите по очереди, не закрывая предыдущие, следующие приложения: Rockstar games launcher, Steam/EGS, Gta 5 Launcher (RAGEMP) от имени администратора
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Вот такая вот ошибка высвечивается, 10 винда, переводчик переводит ошибку как «сообщение обработки исключения 0xc0000005 Неожиданные параметры», обновления винды все удалял ток 1 оставлял, при перезагрузке оно снова качалось
Захожу на любые сервера rage mp, высвечивает эту ошибку
А сама игра в сюжетке запускается нормально?
А сама игра в сюжетке запускается нормально?
Да запускается, даже онлайн работает
А вырубать антивирус, переустанавливать рейдж пробовал? Драйвера на видеокарту свежие?
Само сообщение об ошибке особо ни о чем не говорит. Посмотри эту тему, может что-нибудь поможет: https://rage-script.com/threads/cht…pomogaet-rage-mp-cheklist-troubleshooting.28/
Я нашел проблемы но не понимаю как ее устранить, я играю хвх в кс, захожу через exloader, когда открыта кс с эксом то гта 5 запускается, как только я закрываю кс закрывается и гта, что то с библиотеками
и не могу удалить MCV++ и FrameWork
я играю хвх в кс, захожу через exloader
читеры должны страдать, чтобы было всемирное равновесие
а ты читы удалить то пробовал?
читеры должны страдать, чтобы было всемирное равновесие
а ты читы удалить то пробовал?
Пробовал, я играю на спец серверах а не мм хуярю)
Щас обновилась винда, теперь заходит в рейдж когда все фпс бусты и показатели фпс выключаю через диспетчер задач, доходит до гта
Над картой снизу написано типо заходит на сервер и прям перед окном регистрации у меня тупо крашит
Интересная у тебя система
Из-за оверлеев всяких легко может крашить. Хз какие у тебя там еще приколы стоят Пробуй все отключать, может поможет.
Интересная у тебя система
Из-за оверлеев всяких легко может крашить. Хз какие у тебя там еще приколы стоят Пробуй все отключать, может поможет.
что именно отключить?
Никто тебе конкретно не скажет. Только тебе известно что у тебя стоит и работает в системе. К тому же нет такого полного списка проблемного ПО или их комбинаций, которые вызывают краш. Поэтому только методом тыка
Интересная у тебя система
Из-за оверлеев всяких легко может крашить. Хз какие у тебя там еще приколы стоят Пробуй все отключать, может поможет.
Я решил))
У меня начало запуска крашило из за Razer Cortex
Но ошибка пропала после нового обновления винды которое час устанавливалось
То что перед этапом окна регистрации крашило я рейдж через uninstall удалил и заново скачал, все работает)
Я решил))
У меня начало запуска крашило из за Razer Cortex
Но ошибка пропала после нового обновления винды которое час устанавливалось
То что перед этапом окна регистрации крашило я рейдж через uninstall удалил и заново скачал, все работает)
If the game crashes randomly while playing GTA V and you encounter the error «Exception Code: 0xc0000005», I will explain how you can fix this error in this guide. This error is often encountered in GTA Online mode and there are many different workarounds.
How to Fix GTAV.exe 0xc0000005 Error
Driver and Shader Cache
Firstly, you should update the GPU drivers.
Nvidia: https://www.nvidia.com/download/index.aspx
AMD: https://www.amd.com/en/technologies/radeon-software
After making sure that the driver is up to date, you should change the Shader Cache setting. Enabling or disabling the shader cache works for some players. Disable it if Shader Cache is on, enable it if Shader Cache is off.
- Open the Nvidia Control Panel
- Now click on «Manage 3D settings» under the “3D Settings” column on the left-hand side.
- Find the Shader Cache feature and change it.
- Apply
Rockstar Games Library Service
Make sure that «Rockstar Game Library Service» starts automatically.
- Type services in the Windows search bar.
- Press Enter key
- Find the «Rockstar Games Library Service» in the list
- Double-click on it
- On General tab, set the «Startup type» to Automatic
- Reboot PC
GTAVLauncher.exe Process
- Launch Grand Theft Auto V
- When the main menu opens, press ALT + Tab.
- Type resmon in the Windows search bar.
- Press Enter key
- Go to the Memory tab in the Resource Monitor.
- Find the GTAVLauncher.exe in the list
- Right-click on it
- Select End Process
- Now you can go back to the game.
In-game Settings
You should try enabling the V-sync and lowering the Texture Quality.
Background Applications
If you are using Intelligent standby list cleaner and running while playing the game, ISLC may cause memory issues (Faulting Module).
You should also disable applications such as MSI Afterburner, EVGA Precision X1, RTSS Rivatuner, ASUS GPU Tweak II.
Turn off the OC in Bios/UEFI or GPU software.
That’s all, I hope it helps.
Hello, I’m having this constant issue with the game crashing every time I try to play it, now let me make it clear, I do not mod the game whatsoever, I play GTA Online 99% of the time when playing GTA, but I’ve noticed that this is a recurring issue within the modding community as well and this might be a good place to look for answers, that being said..
GTA 5 has been working flawlessly a few days ago but for whatever reason one day it decided to start crashing with the same exact error which is: Exit code 0xc0000005 indicates a game crash (STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
This is how my launcher.log file looks like:
[2019-09-04 14:52:22.325] [DISPLAY] Using DPI 96
[2019-09-04 14:52:22.425] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:6c90000 (for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe)
[2019-09-04 14:52:22.514] [DISPLAY] File version 10002:40001 (for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\socialclub.dll)
[2019-09-04 14:52:22.601] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:6c90000 (for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\GTAVLauncher.exe)
[2019-09-04 14:52:22.613] [DISPLAY] Version:|1.0.1737.0||1.0.1737.0|FFP
[2019-09-04 14:52:23.073] [DISPLAY] OS version: Major: 6, Minor: 2, Build: 9200, Platform: 2
[2019-09-04 14:52:23.157] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:3 (for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\PlayGTAV.exe)
[2019-09-04 14:52:23.500] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:6c90000 (for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe)
[2019-09-04 14:52:23.744] [DISPLAY] Opened options file.
[2019-09-04 14:52:23.895] [DISPLAY] File version 10002:40001 (for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\socialclub.dll)
[2019-09-04 14:52:23.932] [DISPLAY] Social Club initializing…
[2019-09-04 14:52:24.458] [DISPLAY] Attempting to create device…
[2019-09-04 14:52:24.462] [DISPLAY] Attempting to initialise DX9 COM object…
[2019-09-04 14:52:24.533] [DISPLAY] Window size: 690 x 496
[2019-09-04 14:52:24.609] [DISPLAY] Successfully created DX Device!
[2019-09-04 14:52:26.477] [DISPLAY] Geo: RS
[2019-09-04 14:52:30.516] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:6c90000 (for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe)
[2019-09-04 14:52:50.899] [DISPLAY] In-place download is up-to-date.
[2019-09-04 14:52:51.389] [DISPLAY] Launching game…
[2019-09-04 14:52:51.393] [DISPLAY] (path: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe cmdline: «C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe»)
[2019-09-04 14:57:45.501] [ ERROR ] HRESULT failed when doing m_device->Present(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) : 88760868
[2019-09-04 14:57:45.501] [WARNING] Device lost.
[2019-09-04 14:57:45.501] [WARNING] Resetting device…
[2019-09-04 14:57:45.502] [WARNING] Reset failed with D3DERR_DEVICELOST.
[2019-09-04 14:57:45.616] [DISPLAY] Reset succeeded.
[2019-09-04 14:57:49.077] [DISPLAY] Reset succeeded.
[2019-09-04 14:59:01.834] [ ERROR ] HRESULT failed when doing m_device->Present(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) : 88760868
[2019-09-04 14:59:01.834] [WARNING] Device lost.
[2019-09-04 14:59:01.835] [WARNING] Resetting device…
[2019-09-04 14:59:01.837] [WARNING] Reset failed with D3DERR_DEVICELOST.
[2019-09-04 14:59:01.955] [DISPLAY] Reset succeeded.
[2019-09-04 14:59:39.068] [WARNING] Device lost.
[2019-09-04 14:59:39.194] [DISPLAY] Reset succeeded.
[2019-09-04 15:08:02.653] [ ERROR ] HRESULT failed when doing m_device->Present(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) : 88760868
[2019-09-04 15:08:02.653] [WARNING] Device lost.
[2019-09-04 15:08:02.653] [WARNING] Resetting device…
[2019-09-04 15:08:02.655] [WARNING] Reset failed with D3DERR_DEVICELOST.
[2019-09-04 15:08:02.854] [DISPLAY] Reset succeeded.
[2019-09-04 15:14:50.456] [ ERROR ] HRESULT failed when doing m_device->Present(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) : 88760868
[2019-09-04 15:14:50.456] [WARNING] Device lost.
[2019-09-04 15:14:50.456] [WARNING] Resetting device…
[2019-09-04 15:14:50.459] [WARNING] Reset failed with D3DERR_DEVICELOST.
[2019-09-04 15:14:50.668] [DISPLAY] Reset succeeded.
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.360] [ ERROR ] GameComm: ReadFile failed.
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.827] [DISPLAY] Game exited with code 0xc0000005
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.827] [ ERROR ] Unable to stat out-file!
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.830] [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.830] [ ERROR ] * Setting error condition
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.830] [ ERROR ] * Category: 1 (ERROR_CATEGORY_LAUNCHER)
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.830] [ ERROR ] * Code: 107 (LAUNCHER_ERR_GAME_CRASHED)
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.830] [ ERROR ] * Extra:
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.830] [ ERROR ] * Localised: Launcher error. Code: 107
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.831] [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.834] [ ERROR ] Unable to read out-file!
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.837] [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.837] [ ERROR ] * Setting error condition
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.837] [ ERROR ] * Category: 5 (ERROR_CATEGORY_EXIT_CODE)
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.838] [ ERROR ] * Code: -1073741819 (c0000005)
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.838] [ ERROR ] * Extra:
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.838] [ ERROR ] * Localised: Grand Theft Auto V exited unexpectedly.
Please click Retry below to enter the game again, or click Safe Mode to launch the game with reduced graphics settings.
If you continue to have problems playing the game, please contact Rockstar Games Customer Service at http://support.rockstargames.com
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.838] [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.842] [ ERROR ] Exit code 0xc0000005 indicates a game crash (STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
[2019-09-04 15:15:27.854] [ ERROR ] Unable to clear in-file and out-file!
[2019-09-04 15:15:33.014] [DISPLAY] Uninitializing.
What I have done in the attempt of fixing the issue is the following:
**- Use DDU to cleanly reinstall my GPU drivers which is an Nvidia, twice
- Reinstall DirectX
- Reinstall GTA 5 twice
- Delete all found FiveM files on my PC
- Contact Rockstar Support twice
- Move the page file from my SSD (where my game is located) to my «F:» drive
- Disable disk defragmentation for my SSD
- Lowering the graphics settings
- Playing with High Texture Quality instead of Very High
- Resetting my BIOS back to Default, although never changing it in the first place
- Disabling non Microsoft services in msconfig
- Deleting my Antivirus Software
- Scanning my PC for malware
- Deleting cfg.dat and pc_settings.bin a few times
- Playing with Steam completely closed out (I own the Rockstar Warehouse copy)
- Overclocking my GPU
- Setting GTA 5’s priority to high or even real time while setting every other processes priority to low
- Updating Social Club a few times
- Disabling Startup services
- Verifying Cache multiple times
The game just doesn’t want to budge whatsoever and I’m running out of solutions, if somebody could help, that would be great.
I’ll note that the game crashes randomly and it doesn’t matter what I’m doing in the game, it can be in the menu, or while driving, or just plainly existing, it also doesn’t matter how many minutes or hours pass, sometimes the game crashes after 5 minutes, sometimes after an hour, sometimes it never even crashes, but when it does which now 99% of the time, my launcher.log file is exactly the same.
Mind you, checking the Event Viewer shows me that the faulty module is the GTA5.exe itself, so I’m completely confused.
For obligatory reasons my PC Specs are:
- Intel-Core i7-6700 3.40GHz
- GTX 980 4GB
- 12 GB RAM
- around 500 mb/s SSD and a normal HDD
- Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
There’s no denying that GTA 5 is one of the most beloved games. Even after several years of success, it is still ranked fourth as the most played game on PC. But somehow, players are unable to play it because of GTA 5 0xc0000005 Error On Steam. So here, I have written a bunch of troubleshooting tips to resolve this issue.
While playing GTA 5 on Steam, users can encounter the game crashing error due to several reasons. For instance, it can be due to problematic system files or missing game files. That’s why players can try out several solutions to bypass the GTA 5 0xc0000005 Error On Steam. Here are the most famous fixes for this critical issue.
Restart GTA 5
One easy solution to critical problems like 0xc0000005 Steam error can be fixed by relaunching the game & Client. At some point, client’s or game’s files aren’t working, so users are unable to benefit from them. In that case, players should restart their game, for better results.
Try closing GTA 5 on Steam and force exit the game engine. After exiting all the game-related applications, relaunch GTA 5 on PC to check if the appropriate files start working or not.
Turn Off Antivirus
Third-party security apps like Antivirus can interrupt your GTA 5 gameplay. So it would be better to turn them off for a while until you ensure that they are not the cause of GTA 5 0xc0000005 Error On Steam. Because most security applications consider your game engine as a source of malware. But if you are playing GTA 5 on Steam, then you don’t need to worry much, just disable your third-party antivirus.
Turn Off DEP
The DEP (Data Execution Prevention) facility is available for Windows 10 users, so the malware or virus doesn’t affect their system files. But certainly, when you are trying to run third-party apps or games like GTA 5 on PC, DEP can intercept a little. So for your peace of mind, disable this facility only to check & resolve the GTA 5 0xc0000005 Error On Steam.
- Press Windows + R keys to open the Run box
- Type sysdm.cpl inside the box and press enter
- Navigate to the Advanced tab
- Under Performance, click on Settings
- Go to the Data Execution Prevention tab
- Now select the Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select bullet.
- Click on the Add button and select your game’s file
- Hit Ok to save changes and close all tabs.
- Thereafter, restart your computer and launch GTA 5 on PC.
Verify Integrity of GTA 5
In case your game files are corrupted, resulting in, you are forced to bear GTA 5 0xc0000005 Error On Steam. So it would be best to let the game engine resolve the corrupted game files for good. For that, you need to verify the Integrity of the problematic game.
- Launch Steam on PC and navigate to Library
- Right-click on GTA 5 and select Properties
- Click on Local Files >> Verify Integrity of Game Files
- Once the corrupted files are fixed, relaunch GTA 5 on Steam.
Scan System Files
One possibility of GTA 5 0xc0000005 Error On Steam is the corrupted system files. And if you are unaware of missing or faulty files, you can simply run a system scan. And, after getting the results, allow Windows OS to perform required operations to fix the issue.
- Press Windows + S keys to launch the search bar.
- Type cmd inside the search bar and select Run as administrator
- Execute the following command:
- sfc /scannow
- After the successful execution of the command, allow Windows OS to restart.
Play GTA 5 with Admin Privileges
Some third-party games can run perfectly, only with administrative privileges. This happens when the system isn’t granting access to certain game files. In such a case, players need to launch GTA 5 with admin privileges.
- Right-click on the shortcut of GTA 5 and select Properties
- Navigate to the Compatibility tab
- Check the Run this program as administrator checkbox
- Click on the Ok button to save the previously made changes
- Reboot your computer and launch GTA 5 on it.
Update Graphics Drivers
Outdated drivers can be a huge cause of GTA 5 0xc0000005 Error On Steam. So, you should keep your Windows graphics drivers up to date. There are third programs to keep your drivers up to date, and you can also perform the upgrading process manually. Click here to learn about the proper ways to Update Graphics Drivers on Windows OS.
Lower In-Game Graphics
Playing GTA 5 with full graphics is quite fun. But it can also be problematics, because of the resources it takes to run the gameplay. So if you are still facing the same 0xc0000005 error on Steam, you should try enjoying your gameplay in lower visual graphics.
That’s all, thanks for your time spent reading ways to Fix GTA 5 0xc0000005 Error On Steam at it’sDailyTech.