Grbl коды ошибок

Error 0 – STATUS_OK

All Good, This is an error code suggesting that there is NO error


Gcodes should start with a Letter, what ever was just sent to GRBL did not


The number part of the Gcode was invalid


Usualy a bad GRBL Specific $ instruction


Negative value received for an expected positive value.


A call to a disabled function was issued – EG you issued $H for homing but your $20 (homing enable) parameter is set to 0 (off)


Your $0 (step pulse time) is to short, set it back to its default value, $0=10


Corrupt EEPROM values, you will need to reconfigure all your $ values as they have been reset to default – this time once you have worked them all out, make a copy!  This is a rare error.


You have issued a command only allowed when the machine active state is Idle. Example you sent $$ while the Active state was run (job was in progress)


machine is locked in error of some sort, and you tried to issue a movement command. Did you forget to $X the machine? Or is it sitting on a Limit Switch?


You will see this if you try to enable soft limits without also enabling homing cycle. Soft limits cannot work unless you first home the machine so it knows where it is!


GRBL has a max number of charactors it will accept in one command, it received on that was too long – often happens when CAM software puts long comments in file


You tried to set a Step rate that was too high, look at your $110, $111,$112 values!


You have the safety door funtion turned on and it is showing not closed…close it


You should not see this error and if you do you should know what it means!


You have got soft limits turned on and configured, and the job your trying to run is larger than you have told grbl that your machine actualy is. Either fix your soft limit values and if they are correct, look at why your cam setup is trying to use more space than you actually have.


Jogging command issued was not valid, possibly forgot the =… part


Probrably happened when you turned on $32 wthout enableing PWM – We don’t know a lot about this error – email us if you work it out and we can add it to this list


Unsupported or invalid g-code command found in block.




You cannot issue a movement if no feed rate has been set – so issue something like F1000 (feed at 1000mm/min) before sending a movement command. You will likely only see this error when bashing stuff into the command prompt and not when using a gui


Look into the command you sent, did it include a non integer value?


Two G-code commands that both require the use of the XYZ axis words were detected in the block.


A G-code word was repeated in the block.


A G-code command implicitly or explicitly requires XYZ axis words in the block, but none were detected.


N line number value is not within the valid range of 1 – 9,999,999 – why not turn off line numbers in your CAM software


A G-code command was sent, but is missing some required P or L value words in the line.


Grbl supports six work coordinate systems G54-G59. G59.1, G59.2, and G59.3 are not supported.


The G53 G-code command requires either a G0 seek or G1 feed motion mode to be active. A different motion was active.


There are unused axis words in the block and G80 motion mode cancel is active.


A G2 or G3 arc was commanded but there are no XYZ axis words in the selected plane to trace the arc.


The motion command has an invalid target. G2, G3, and G38.2 generates this error, if the arc is impossible to generate or if the probe target is the current position.


A G2 or G3 arc, traced with the radius definition, had a mathematical error when computing the arc geometry. Try either breaking up the arc into semi-circles or quadrants, or redefine them with the arc offset definition.


A G2 or G3 arc, traced with the offset definition, is missing the IJK offset word in the selected plane to trace the arc.


There are unused, leftover G-code words that aren’t used by any command in the block.


The G43.1 dynamic tool length offset command cannot apply an offset to an axis other than its configured axis. The Grbl default axis is the Z-axis.


You sent a number higher than expected, maybe for a tool change you tried to select tool 50000 or something?


Hard Limit Error, A limit switch was triggered, this always results in the end of your job. The only time a limit switch should be hit is during a homing cycle, at any other time it will stop the system. Either your machine went to far in one direction and hit a switch or you have electrical noise getting into your limit switch wiring. Do not restart your jhob without rehoming or resetting / confirming the machines position, it will unliely be correct still!


Soft Limit Error, Either you or a Gcode file tried to send some axis past further than you have suggested it can in your $130, $131 ,$132 parameters


The Estop was hit! Same as a hard limit, just a different button – look at details above for Alarm 1


Grbl was expecting your probe to be in a state other than that it is before starting a probing cycle – ie your tool is already touching the probe or similar


Z axis was sent down as far as it dared (instructed) and did not hit a switch. Instead of digging to china it assumes you forgot to put an aligator clip on or that something else is wrong and so stops.


Reset was issued during a homing cycle, or maybe falsely triggered by electrical noise in your system/environment if your estop button is connected to the Abort pin and not to the reset pin that is


Safety door was opened during a homing cycle, or maybe falsely triggered by electrical noise in your system/environment


Grbl tries to pull back of a switch and hit it a second time (slowly) during a homing cycle. Your Homing Pulloff value was not sufficient to enable the axis to move far enough away from the switch. Increase $27 to maybe 3 or 5mm – $27=5.000


When homing, grbl will not travel further than the values in parameters $130, $131 ,$132 while trying to locate a limit switch. So even if your soft limits are off, make sure these values are correct or larger than your machine. Homing fail. Could not find limit switch within search distance. Defined as 1.5 * max_travel on search and 5 * pulloff on locate phases.”

Hold 0 – Hold complete. Ready to resume

Hold 1 – Hold in-progress. Reset will throw an alarm

Door 0 – Door closed. Ready to resume.

Door 1 – Machine stopped. Door still ajar. Can’t resume until closed.

Door 2 – Door opened. Hold (or parking retract) in-progress. Reset will throw an alarm.

Door 3 – Door closed and resuming. Restoring from park, if applicable. Reset will throw an alarm.

Gistroy — полный лазерный контроль

  • В списке ниже перечислены сообщения об ошибках, которые могут возникнуть при работе с системой Grbl на станке с ЧПУ. Эти сообщения могут указывать на различные проблемы, связанные со станком.

GRBL — это программное обеспечение, используемое в станках с ЧПУ для управления их движением. Если вы столкнулись с ошибками GRBL, то это может указывать на проблемы в работе станка или в самом программном обеспечении. Чтобы решить проблему, вам необходимо проанализировать сообщения об ошибках и искать информацию о том, как их исправить. Также вам в помощь инструкция по настройке и команды GRBL.

GRBL Error List коды ошибок

Error 1. Ошибка 1

G-кодовые слова должны состоять из буквы и значения. Пожалуйста, проверьте правильность написания.

Error 2. Ошибка 2

Формат числового значения недопустим или отсутствует ожидаемое значение. Пожалуйста, проверьте правильность введенных данных.

Error 3. Ошибка 3

Системная команда Grbl ‘$’ не была распознана или не поддерживается. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к документации для получения более подробной информации.

Error 4. Ошибка 4

Получено отрицательное значение вместо ожидаемого положительного. Пожалуйста, проверьте правильность введенных данных.

Error 5. Ошибка 5

Цикл самонаведения не включен через настройки. Пожалуйста, включите цикл самонаведения.

Error 6. Ошибка 6

Минимальное время импульса шага должно быть больше 3usec. Пожалуйста, проверьте настройки.

Error 7. Ошибка 7

Ошибка чтения EEPROM. Значения сброшены до значений по умолчанию.

Error 8. Ошибка 8

Команда Grbl ‘$’ не может быть использована, если Grbl не работает. Пожалуйста, обеспечьте бесперебойную работу во время выполнения задания.

Error 9. Ошибка 9

G-код заблокирован во время тревоги или режима пробежки.

Error 10. Ошибка 10

Мягкие ограничения не могут быть включены без включения функции самонаведения.

Error 11. Ошибка 11

Превышено максимальное количество символов в строке. Строка не была обработана и выполнена.

Error 12. Ошибка 12

Значение настройки Grbl ‘$’ превышает максимальную поддерживаемую частоту шагов. Пожалуйста, проверьте настройки.

Error 13. Ошибка 13

Обнаружена открытая дверь безопасности, и состояние двери инициировано.

Error 14. Ошибка 14

Информация о сборке или строка запуска превысила ограничение длины строки EEPROM (только для Grbl-Mega).

Error 15. Ошибка 15

Цель пробежки превышает ход машины. Команда проигнорирована.

Error 16. Ошибка 16

Команда запуска не содержит знака ‘=’ или содержит запрещенный g-код.

Error 20. Ошибка 20

Ошибка указывает на то, что в блоке обнаружена неподдерживаемая или недопустимая команда G-кода.

Error 21. Ошибка 21

Обнаружено более одной команды G-кода из одной модальной группы.

Error 22. Ошибка 22

Скорость подачи не установлена или не определена.

Error 23. Ошибка 23

Команда G-кода в блоке требует целочисленного значения.

Error 24. Ошибка 24

В блоке обнаружены две команды G-кода, обе требуют использования слов оси XYZ.

Error 25. Ошибка 25

В блоке повторяется слово G-кода.

Error 26. Ошибка 26

Команда G-кода требует слов оси XYZ в блоке, но они не обнаружены.

Error 27. Ошибка 27

Значение номера строки N не находится в допустимом диапазоне от 1 до 9 999 999.

Error 28. Ошибка 28

Отправлена команда G-кода, но в строке отсутствуют требуемые значения P или L.

Error 29. Ошибка 29

Поддерживаются только шесть рабочих систем координат G54-G59, G59.1, G59.2 и G59.3 не поддерживаются.

Error 30. Ошибка 30

Для команды G53 G-кода требуется активный режим движения подачи G1 или режим поиска G0. Было активировано другое движение.

Error 31. Ошибка 31

В блоке есть неиспользуемые слова оси, и активирована отмена режима движения G80.

Error 32. Ошибка 32

Задана дуга G2 или G3, но в выбранной плоскости нет слов оси XYZ для трассировки дуги.

Error 33. Ошибка 33

Команда движения имеет недопустимую цель. Ошибка возникает для команд G2, G3 и G38.2, если дуга невозможна для генерации или если целью является текущее положение зонда.

Error 34. Ошибка 34

При вычислении геометрии дуги для дуги G2 или G3 с определенным радиусом была допущена математическая ошибка. Рекомендуется либо разбить дугу на полукруги или квадранты, либо переопределить ее с помощью определения смещения дуги.

Error 35. Ошибка 35

В дуге G2 или G3, начерченной с использованием определения смещения, отсутствует слово смещения IJK для трассировки дуги в выбранной плоскости.

Error 36. Ошибка 36

В блоке команд имеются неиспользуемые G-кодовые слова, которые не используются ни в одной команде.

Error 37. Ошибка 37

При использовании команды G43.1 для динамического смещения длины инструмента невозможно применить смещение к оси, отличной от настроенной оси. В Grbl ось Z является осью по умолчанию.

Error 38. Ошибка 38

Анализатор обнаружил неверный номер инструмента.

GRBL Alarm List коды тревоги

Alarm 1. Тревога 1

Сработало жесткое ограничение. Положение станка, вероятно, потеряно из-за внезапной и немедленной остановки. Настоятельно рекомендуется повторное наведение.

Alarm 2. Тревога 2

Цель движения G-кода превышает ход машины. Положение станка надежно сохранено. Возможно, тревога разблокирована.

Alarm 3. Тревога 3

Сброс во время движения. GRBL не может гарантировать положение. Вероятны потерянные шаги. Настоятельно рекомендуется повторное наведение.

Alarm 4. Тревога 4

Сбой датчика. Датчик не находится в ожидаемом начальном состоянии перед запуском цикла проверки, где G38.2 и G38.3 не срабатывают, а G38.4 и G38.5 срабатывают.

Alarm 5. Тревога 5

Сбой датчика. Датчик не соприкасался с заготовкой в пределах запрограммированного хода для G38.2 и G38.4.

Alarm 6. Тревога 6

Сбой наведения. Сброс во время активного цикла наведения.

Alarm 7. Тревога 7

Сбой наведения. Дверь безопасности была открыта во время активного цикла наведения.»

Alarm 8. Тревога 8

Сбой наведения. В цикле не удалось очистить концевой выключатель при снятии. Попробуйте увеличить настройку отключения или проверьте проводку.

Alarm 9. Тревога 9

Сбой наведения. Не удалось найти концевой выключатель в пределах досягаемости поиска. Определяется как 1,5 * max_travel при поиске и 5 * pulloff на этапах поиска.

GRBL Hold List коды удержания

Hold 0. Удержание 0

Удержание завершено. Готовность к возобновлению.

Hold 1. Удержание 1

Выполняется удержание. Сброс приведет к срабатыванию сигнала тревоги.

GRBL Door List коды «двери»

Door 0. Дверь 0

Дверь закрыта. Готовность к возобновлению.

Door 1. Дверь 1

Станок остановлен. Дверь все еще приоткрыта. Невозможно возобновить работу до закрытия двери.

Door 2. Дверь 2

Дверь открыта. Выполняется удержание (или парковочное втягивание). Сброс приведет к срабатыванию сигнала тревоги.

Door 3. Дверь 3

Дверь закрыта и возобновляется работа. Восстановление из парковки, если это применимо. Сброс приведет к срабатыванию сигнала тревоги.


 “error:1”  : _(“G-code words consist of a letter and a value. Letter was not found.”),
“error:2”  : _(“Numeric value format is not valid or missing an expected value.”),
“error:3”  : _(“Grbl ‘$’ system command was not recognized or supported.”),
“error:4”  : _(“Negative value received for an expected positive value.”),
“error:5”  : _(“Homing cycle is not enabled via settings.”),
“error:6”  : _(“Minimum step pulse time must be greater than 3usec”),
“error:7”  : _(“EEPROM read failed. Reset and restored to default values.”),
“error:8”  : _(“Grbl ‘$’ command cannot be used unless Grbl is IDLE. Ensures smooth operation during a job.”),
“error:9”  : _(“G-code locked out during alarm or jog state”),
“error:10” : _(“Soft limits cannot be enabled without homing also enabled.”),
“error:11” : _(“Max characters per line exceeded. Line was not processed and executed.”),
“error:12” : _(“(Compile Option) Grbl ‘$’ setting value exceeds the maximum step rate supported.”),
“error:13” : _(“Safety door detected as opened and door state initiated.”),
“error:14” : _(“(Grbl-Mega Only) Build info or startup line exceeded EEPROM line length limit.”),
“error:15” : _(“Jog target exceeds machine travel. Command ignored.”),
“error:16” : _(“Jog command with no ‘=’ or contains prohibited g-code.”),
“error:20” : _(“Unsupported or invalid g-code command found in block.”),
“error:21” : _(“More than one g-code command from same modal group found in block.”),
“error:22” : _(“Feed rate has not yet been set or is undefined.”),
“error:23” : _(“G-code command in block requires an integer value.”),
“error:24” : _(“Two G-code commands that both require the use of the XYZ axis words were detected in the block.”),
“error:25” : _(“A G-code word was repeated in the block.”),
“error:26” : _(“A G-code command implicitly or explicitly requires XYZ axis words in the block, but none were detected.”),
“error:27” : _(“N line number value is not within the valid range of 1 – 9,999,999.”),
“error:28” : _(“A G-code command was sent, but is missing some required P or L value words in the line.”),
“error:29” : _(“Grbl supports six work coordinate systems G54-G59. G59.1, G59.2, and G59.3 are not supported.”),
“error:30” : _(“The G53 G-code command requires either a G0 seek or G1 feed motion mode to be active. A different motion was active.”),
“error:31” : _(“There are unused axis words in the block and G80 motion mode cancel is active.”),
“error:32” : _(“A G2 or G3 arc was commanded but there are no XYZ axis words in the selected plane to trace the arc.”),
“error:33” : _(“The motion command has an invalid target. G2, G3, and G38.2 generates this error, if the arc is impossible to generate or if the probe target is the current position.”),
“error:34” : _(“A G2 or G3 arc, traced with the radius definition, had a mathematical error when computing the arc geometry. Try either breaking up the arc into semi-circles or quadrants, or redefine them with the arc offset definition.”),
“error:35” : _(“A G2 or G3 arc, traced with the offset definition, is missing the IJK offset word in the selected plane to trace the arc.”),
“error:36” : _(“There are unused, leftover G-code words that aren’t used by any command in the block.”),
“error:37” : _(“The G43.1 dynamic tool length offset command cannot apply an offset to an axis other than its configured axis. The Grbl default axis is the Z-axis.”),
“error:38” : _(“An invalid tool number sent to the parser”),

“ALARM:1” : _(“Hard limit triggered. Machine position is likely lost due to sudden and immediate halt. Re-homing is highly recommended.”),
“ALARM:2” : _(“G-code motion target exceeds machine travel. Machine position safely retained. Alarm may be unlocked.”),
“ALARM:3” : _(“Reset while in motion. Grbl cannot guarantee position. Lost steps are likely. Re-homing is highly recommended.”),
“ALARM:4” : _(“Probe fail. The probe is not in the expected initial state before starting probe cycle, where G38.2 and G38.3 is not triggered and G38.4 and G38.5 is triggered.”),
“ALARM:5” : _(“Probe fail. Probe did not contact the workpiece within the programmed travel for G38.2 and G38.4.”),
“ALARM:6” : _(“Homing fail. Reset during active homing cycle.”),
“ALARM:7” : _(“Homing fail. Safety door was opened during active homing cycle.”),
“ALARM:8” : _(“Homing fail. Cycle failed to clear limit switch when pulling off. Try increasing pull-off setting or check wiring.”),
“ALARM:9” : _(“Homing fail. Could not find limit switch within search distance. Defined as 1.5 * max_travel on search and 5 * pulloff on locate phases.”),

“Hold:0” : _(“Hold complete. Ready to resume.”),
“Hold:1” : _(“Hold in-progress. Reset will throw an alarm.”),

“Door:0” : _(“Door closed. Ready to resume.”),
“Door:1” : _(“Machine stopped. Door still ajar. Can’t resume until closed.”),
“Door:2” : _(“Door opened. Hold (or parking retract) in-progress. Reset will throw an alarm.”),
“Door:3” : _(“Door closed and resuming. Restoring from park, if applicable. Reset will throw an alarm.”),


ERROR 0 – STATUS_OK All Good, This is an error code suggesting that there is NO error

ERROR 1 – STATUS_EXPECTED_COMMAND_LETTER Gcodes should start with a Letter, what ever was just sent to GRBL did not

ERROR 2 – STATUS_BAD_NUMBER_FORMAT The number part of the Gcode was invalid

ERROR 3 – STATUS_INVALID_STATEMENT Usualy a bad GRBL Specific $ instruction

ERROR 4 – STATUS_NEGATIVE_VALUE Negative value received for an expected positive value.

ERROR 5 – STATUS_SETTING_DISABLED A call to a disabled function was issued – EG you issued $H for homing but your $20 (homing enable) parameter is set to 0 (off)

ERROR 6 – STATUS_SETTING_STEP_PULSE_MIN Your $0 (step pulse time) is to short, set it back to its default value, $0=10

ERROR 7 – STATUS_SETTING_READ_FAIL Corrupt EEPROM values, you will need to reconfigure all your $ values as they have been reset to default – this time once you have worked them all out, make a copy! This is a rare error.

ERROR 8 – STATUS_IDLE_ERROR You have issued a command only allowed when the machine active state is Idle. Example you sent $$ while the Active state was run (job was in progress)

ERROR 9 – STATUS_SYSTEM_GC_LOCK machine is locked in error of some sort, and you tried to issue a movement command. Did you forget to $X the machine? Or is it sitting on a Limit Switch?

ERROR 10 – STATUS_SOFT_LIMIT_ERROR You will see this if you try to enable soft limits without also enabling homing cycle. Soft limits cannot work unless you first home the machine so it knows where it is!

ERROR 11 – STATUS_OVERFLOW GRBL has a max number of charactors it will accept in one command, it received on that was too long – often happens when CAM software puts long comments in file

ERROR 12 – STATUS_MAX_STEP_RATE_EXCEEDED You tried to set a Step rate that was too high, look at your $110, $111,$112 values! ERROR 13 – STATUS_CHECK_DOOR You have the safety door funtion turned on and it is showing not closed…close it

ERROR 14 – STATUS_LINE_LENGTH_EXCEEDED You should not see this error and if you do you should know what it means!

ERROR 15 – STATUS_TRAVEL_EXCEEDED You have got soft limits turned on and configured, and the job your trying to run is larger than you have told grbl that your machine actualy is. Either fix your soft limit values and if they are correct, look at why your cam setup is trying to use more space than you actually have.

ERROR 16 – STATUS_INVALID_JOG_COMMAND Jogging command issued was not valid, possibly forgot the =… part

ERROR 17 – STATUS_SETTING_DISABLED_LASER Probrably happened when you turned on $32 wthout enableing PWM – We don’t know a lot about this error – email us if you work it out and we can add it to this list

ERROR 20 – STATUS_GCODE_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND Unsupported or invalid g-code command found in block.


ERROR 22 – STATUS_GCODE_UNDEFINED_FEED_RATE You cannot issue a movement if no feed rate has been set – so issue something like F1000 (feed at 1000mm/min) before sending a movement command. You will likely only see this error when bashing stuff into the command prompt and not when using a gui

ERROR 23 – STATUS_GCODE_COMMAND_VALUE_NOT_INTEGER Look into the command you sent, did it include a non integer value?

ERROR 24 – STATUS_GCODE_AXIS_COMMAND_CONFLICT Two G-code commands that both require the use of the XYZ axis words were detected in the block.

ERROR 25 – STATUS_GCODE_WORD_REPEATED A G-code word was repeated in the block.

ERROR 26 – STATUS_GCODE_NO_AXIS_WORDS A G-code command implicitly or explicitly requires XYZ axis words in the block, but none were detected.

ERROR 27 – STATUS_GCODE_INVALID_LINE_NUMBER N line number value is not within the valid range of 1 – 9,999,999 – why not turn off line numbers in your CAM software

ERROR 28 – STATUS_GCODE_VALUE_WORD_MISSING A G-code command was sent, but is missing some required P or L value words in the line.

ERROR 29 – STATUS_GCODE_UNSUPPORTED_COORD_SYS Grbl supports six work coordinate systems G54-G59. G59.1, G59.2, and G59.3 are not supported.

ERROR 30 – STATUS_GCODE_G53_INVALID_MOTION_MODE The G53 G-code command requires either a G0 seek or G1 feed motion mode to be active. A different motion was active.

ERROR 31 – STATUS_GCODE_AXIS_WORDS_EXIST There are unused axis words in the block and G80 motion mode cancel is active.

ERROR 32 – STATUS_GCODE_NO_AXIS_WORDS_IN_PLANE A G2 or G3 arc was commanded but there are no XYZ axis words in the selected plane to trace the arc.

ERROR 33 – STATUS_GCODE_INVALID_TARGET The motion command has an invalid target. G2, G3, and G38.2 generates this error, if the arc is impossible to generate or if the probe target is the current position.

ERROR 34 – STATUS_GCODE_ARC_RADIUS_ERROR A G2 or G3 arc, traced with the radius definition, had a mathematical error when computing the arc geometry. Try either breaking up the arc into semi-circles or quadrants, or redefine them with the arc offset definition.

ERROR 35 – STATUS_GCODE_NO_OFFSETS_IN_PLANE A G2 or G3 arc, traced with the offset definition, is missing the IJK offset word in the selected plane to trace the arc.

ERROR 36 – STATUS_GCODE_UNUSED_WORDS There are unused, leftover G-code words that aren’t used by any command in the block.

ERROR 37 – STATUS_GCODE_G43_DYNAMIC_AXIS_ERROR The G43.1 dynamic tool length offset command cannot apply an offset to an axis other than its configured axis. The Grbl default axis is the Z-axis.

ERROR 38 – STATUS_GCODE_MAX_VALUE_EXCEEDED You sent a number higher than expected, maybe for a tool change you tried to select tool 50000 or something?


ALARM 1 – EXEC_ALARM_HARD_LIMIT Hard Limit Error, A limit switch was triggered, this always results in the end of your job. The only time a limit switch should be hit is during a homing cycle, at any other time it will stop the system. Either your machine went to far in one direction and hit a switch or you have electrical noise getting into your limit switch wiring. Do not restart your jhob without rehoming or resetting / confirming the machines position, it will unliely be correct still!

ALARM 2 – EXEC_ALARM_SOFT_LIMIT Soft Limit Error, Either you or a Gcode file tried to send some axis past further than you have suggested it can in your $130, $131 ,$132 parameters

ALARM 3 – EXEC_ALARM_ABORT_CYCLE The Estop was hit! Same as a hard limit, just a different button – look at details above for Alarm 1

ALARM 4 – EXEC_ALARM_PROBE_FAIL_INITIAL Grbl was expecting your probe to be in a state other than that it is before starting a probing cycle – ie your tool is already touching the probe or similar

ALARM 5 – EXEC_ALARM_PROBE_FAIL_CONTACT Z axis was sent down as far as it dared (instructed) and did not hit a switch. Instead of digging to china it assumes you forgot to put an aligator clip on or that something else is wrong and so stops.

ALARM 6 – EXEC_ALARM_HOMING_FAIL_RESET Reset was issued during a homing cycle, or maybe falsely triggered by electrical noise in your system/environment if your estop button is connected to the Abort pin and not to the reset pin that is

ALARM 7 – EXEC_ALARM_HOMING_FAIL_DOOR Safety door was opened during a homing cycle, or maybe falsely triggered by electrical noise in your system/environment

ALARM 8 – EXEC_ALARM_HOMING_FAIL_PULLOFF Grbl tries to pull back of a switch and hit it a second time (slowly) during a homing cycle. Your Homing Pulloff value was not sufficient to enable the axis to move far enough away from the switch. Increase $27 to maybe 3 or 5mm – $27=5.000

ALARM 9 – EXEC_ALARM_HOMING_FAIL_APPROACH When homing, grbl will not travel further than the values in parameters $130, $131 ,$132 while trying to locate a limit switch. So even if your soft limits are off, make sure these values are correct or larger than your machine. Homing fail. Could not find limit switch within search distance. Defined as 1.5 * max_travel on search and 5 * pulloff on locate phases.







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