Windows 2000 — XP
Лучше всего подходит для игры, никаких особых проблем с совместимостью не наблюдается.
Windows Vista, 7 и 8.x (все версии)
Проблемы с включением консоли.
На ноутбуках при нажатии на клавишу ~ (тильда) консоль не включается. Причиной проблемы является наличие в системе драйвера Microsoft EHome Infrared device. Поэтому в Gothic 3 Enhanced Edition доступна альтернативная комбинация клавиш для её вызова: левый Shift + правый Shift + Home (Home должна быть не на цифровой клавиатуре, т.к. эта клавиша используется для выпивания целебного напитка).
Проблемы с изменением разрешения и частоты обновления экрана.
Нельзя изменить в игре разрешение и частоту обновления экрана, поэтому надо выйти из игры и вручную задать их в файле
\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\Gothic3\UserOptions.ini (параметры Resolution.Width, Resolution.Height и Resolution.RefreshRate).
Windows XP x86, Vista x86, 7 x86 и 8.x x86
На 32-битных версиях Windows улучшенным изданиям Gothic 3 и аддона «Отвергнутые боги» может не хватить 2 ГБ виртуальной памяти, которые ОС по умолчанию выделяет приложению, что приводит к вылету на рабочий стол. Но можно заставить ОС для приложений с флагом LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE (т.е. улучшенных изданий этих игр) увеличить объём выделяемой виртуальной памяти до 3 ГБ.
• Windows XP:
Отредактировать скрытый файл boot.ini и в секции [Operating Systems] добавить в конец строки выбора загружаемой ОС (обычно это после ключа /fastdetect) пару дополнительных ключей: /3GB /UserVA=n (рекомендую задать n=2900).
• Windows Vista, 7 и 8.x:
Запустить от имени администратора командную строку и выполнить команду:
bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 3072
Для вступления в силу изменений надо перезагрузить ОС.
Детальную информацию по использованию параметра UserVA можно найти в этой статье.
Windows XP x64, Vista x64, 7 x64 и 8.x x64
На 64-битных версиях Windows наблюдается сильное падение производительности вплоть до 1 кадра в секунду, вероятно из-за особенностей данной архитектуры и свойств шрифта. Решение — удалить шрифт Gothic3.ttf из корня Gothic 3 или заменить его облегченной версией. Если у вас установлен аддон, ту же операцию нужно провести и с шрифтом из папки %WINDIR%\Fonts. В Gothic 3 v1.75 этой проблемы нет, т.к. по умолчанию вместо Gothic3.ttf используется стандартный шрифт Comic Sans MS, причём в файле ge3.ini можно задавать и другие шрифты (параметры GUI.DefaultFont и GUI.DefaultFontBold).
Проблемы видеокарт ATI серии HD4xxx
Отсутствуют тени и мерцают текстуры, как на этом видео.
— Установить Catalyst 9.2 или ниже.
— Скопировать файл atiumdag.dll от Catalyst версии 9.2 (или ниже) в папку с игрой (только для Windows Vista/7/8.x).
— Установить Gothic 3 Community Patch 1.74 или 1.75 и активировать метод обхода ошибки с недостающими тенями в работе драйверов ATI/AMD.
Проблемы видеокарт ATI серий HD5xxx-6xxx
В игре все текстуры выглядят в полосочку, как на скриншоте.
— Отключить тени в настройках игры.
— Установить Gothic 3 Community Patch 1.74 или 1.75 и активировать метод обхода ошибки с недостающими тенями в работе драйверов ATI/AMD.
Уважаемые посетители! Если у вас возникают проблемы с входом, регистрацией или сменой пароля, обращайтесь в эту тему (там можно писать без регистрации) с указанием где возникла проблема — на сайте или форуме.
Для публикации сообщений создайте учётную запись или авторизуйтесь
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- В
Когда хочу открыть инвентарь появляется ошибка. Стоит Контент мод с LTM(0.25). Прикладываю скрин и сохранение.
122,5 КБ
Просмотров: 494 -
4,3 MБ
Просмотров: 94
Несколько вариантов:
1. Переустановка игры с поочерёдным добавлением модов, для выявления повторной ошибки;
2. Обновление драйверов;
3. Почитайте с этого сообщения и далее, может поможет.
Несколько вариантов:
1. Переустановка игры с поочерёдным добавлением модов, для выявления повторной ошибки;
2. Обновление драйверов;
3. Почитайте с этого сообщения и далее, может поможет.
Скорее всего это просто случайный крах игры. Просто я шел убивать орков за барьером открыл инвентарь и появилась то что на картинке. Значит нужно переустановить. Спасибо за помощь.
У меня так же само было, помогло другое сохранение
Когда хочу открыть инвентарь появляется ошибка. Стоит Контент мод с LTM(0.25). Прикладываю скрин и сохранение.
Получилось решить проблему? столкнулся с такой же ошибкой после обновления мода ребаланса с 1.8 до 2.0
Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : gothic 3 won’t run! Module: eCApplication::CreateEngine
14.10.2006, 18:41
I have all the system requirements but I get a window appear on startup… «WHERE IS GURU?» What the hell does this mean??? its a window that wont close and that the mouse is hidden over. Any help?�burn
Irish Dragon
14.10.2006, 18:58
Could you explain better what kind of error appears and when?
I get the exact same message. At times it also says it can’t load game.dll or something. I’m rather annoyed to be honest.
14.10.2006, 20:51
i got it too
and yes, it’s SUCKING the joy out of me
14.10.2006, 20:54
You’re not going to get much help without a lot more details. What hardware, what OS are you running, does the message come up when you install, or when you try to start the game from desktop icon, or start the game from autorun of the CD?
Have you installed the patch (assuming you managed to install the game). What graphics drivers. What chipset drivers. What other cr&p have you got running (I’m thinking Norton, etc.)??
Are you running as an admin (Win2k/XP) or just a vanilla user?
That’s about 10% of the information someone might need to know in order to ask the right questions to fix the problem. �gnah
14.10.2006, 22:27
I get a similar error/debugging window that appears when trying to load the game (from the cd, desktop, or straight from the folder), after the initial splash screen is displayed.
A log file is generated, with this being the main problem:
Gothic3 engine FATAL ERROR:
Module: eCApplication::CreateEngine — can�t find correct context in gfx-system
Filename:<E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\Engine\admin\ge_application.cpp>, Line:#2958
Have attempted reinstalls of the game about 6 times now, reinstalling the latest nvidia graphics drivers…same error pops up each time!
(running XP SP2, AMD 64 3700+, 1GB ram, nvidia geforce 6800 GS 512mb)
Tempted to take the game back and forget I ever wanted to play it!!
Baal Isidro
14.10.2006, 23:19
Same for me. I got a pic for you who didn’t see it.
14.10.2006, 23:25
Well I have the same Guru error box, just with a different error!! �gnah
15.10.2006, 01:19
Same for me. I got a pic for you who didn’t see it.
From that screenshot it looks like ‘Guru’ is some CPP debugging application, which probably didn’t ship with the game (one hopes). The real problem is clearly the memory access error(s) that caused the debugger to get called in the first place.
Did you try running a memory test? I wonder if 1GB is just not enough (I assume you do have VM (i.e. page file, whatever you want to call it) turned on?
So did anyone resolve the problem yet?
16.10.2006, 19:40
So did anyone resolve the problem yet?
Have you tried this:
17.10.2006, 12:44
I haven’t managed to resolve my «where is the guru» error yet
Gothic3 engine FATAL ERROR:
Module: eCApplication::CreateEngine — can�t find correct context in gfx-system
Filename:<E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\Engine\admin\ge_application.cpp>, Line:#2958
I have pretty much given up having tried using solutions to everyone else’s problems…I now have 3gb of my hard drive being used for no purpose as it doesnt load!
Perhaps if I replace my graphics card with a box of cereal that might solve the problem…
17.10.2006, 21:21
I haven’t managed to resolve my «where is the guru» error yet
Gothic3 engine FATAL ERROR:
Module: eCApplication::CreateEngine — can�t find correct context in gfx-system
Filename:<E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\Engine\admin\ge_application.cpp>, Line:#2958
I have pretty much given up having tried using solutions to everyone else’s problems…I now have 3gb of my hard drive being used for no purpose as it doesnt load!
Perhaps if I replace my graphics card with a box of cereal that might solve the problem…
Install the DirectX-Version right from the Game-DVD, and let us know if it helps.
20.10.2006, 17:26
i am having the same exact problem and i could not get the game to run. I have the directX — from the cd, and i have tried everything I could find on this forum.
Any other ideas, i can’t even get the game to start, maybe there is something wrong with the engine.dll any ideas at all.
After I double-click the launcher icon, the «Gothic III» logo lights up. Then nothing happens for about 10 sec, and then the «Where is the guru» screen comes up telling me that CreateEngine cant find correct context in gfx-system.
System specs:
AMD athlon 64×2 dual core processor 3800+
NVIDIA geforce 7800 GTX
Monitor: Myrica V27-1 LCDTV
Windows XP/2002 professional media center 5.01.2600 (service pack 2)
I have updated the motherboard and video drivers. I’ve got the windows installer 3.1 and .NET framework and microsoft visual c++ and the AMD dual core optimizer. I’ve shut down Norman. I’ve tried umpteen times to uninstall patch, uninstall game, reboot, reinstall — same Where is guru every time.
So, what to do next? How do I do this memory check?
And of course I have installed directX from the DVD, I do this every time I reinstall the game. And the patch.
Now I’ve also installed the AMD CPU driver from the DVD — no difference.
This is the log from Where is the guru:
Gothic3 Engine LogFile…
Username:Hugo / Computername:MEGASUPERBURK
Date: Saturday, October 21, 2006
Error main message:
Gothic3 engine FATAL ERROR:
Module: eCApplication::CreateEngine — can�t find correct context in gfx-system
Filename:<E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\Engine\admin\ge_application.cpp>, Line:#2958
Registers and callstack:
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program : C:\Program Files\Gothic III\gothic3.exe
File : E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\Engine\admin\ge_application.cpp
Line : 2958
Expression : eCApplication::CreateEngine — can�t find correct context in gfx-system
Last Error (0x00000000) : �tg�rden har slutf�rts.
History log:
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir — Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Infos.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Infos, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Infos’ -> ‘Data/Infos’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir — Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Quests.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Quests, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Quests’ -> ‘Data/Quests’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Lightmaps’ -> ‘Data/Lightmaps’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Meshes’ -> ‘Data/Meshes’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir — Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Projects_compiled.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Projects, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Projects’ -> ‘Data/Projects_compiled’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Speedtrees’ -> ‘Data/Speedtrees’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir — Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Templates.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Templates, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Templates’ -> ‘Data/Templates’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Strings’ -> ‘Data/Strings’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/BrushPresets’ -> ‘Data/BrushPresets’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir — Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/_compiledAnimation.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledAnimation, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.c
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/_compiledAnimation’ -> ‘Data/_compiledAnimation’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir — Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/_compiledImage.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledImage, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/_compiledImage’ -> ‘Data/_compiledImage’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/_compiledMaterial’ -> ‘Data/_compiledMaterial’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/_compiledMesh’ -> ‘Data/_compiledMesh’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/_compiledPhysic’ -> ‘Data/_compiledPhysic’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Scripts’ -> ‘Scripts’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Backup’ -> ‘Backup’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Snapshots’ -> ‘Snapshots’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/LogicalEditor’ -> ‘Data/LogicalEditor’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Speech_English’ -> ‘Data/Speech_English’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Video’ -> ‘Data/Video’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir — Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Music.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Music, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Music’ -> ‘Data/Music’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘SaveGame’ -> ‘SaveGame’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hardware information <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
Number of processors: 2, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
Physical memory available: 2146934784, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
Virtual memory available: 2147352576, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
SSE available: 1, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
SSE2 available: 1, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
NX Flag available: 1, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
RDTSC Flag available: 1, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCConfigFilePhysFile::ReadFile — can�t open file: C:\Documents and Settings\Hugo\My Documents\gothic3\UserOptions.ini for read !
gCGameApp::AutoDetection Build user options with level HIGH, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCApplication::OnSize Received WM_SIZE message., Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
resizing…, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCGfxContextAdmin::ToggleNewMode — ms_pAPIDevice==NULL !
Gothic3 engine FATAL ERROR:
Module: eCApplication::CreateEngine — can�t find correct context in gfx-system
Filename:<E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\Engine\admin\ge_application.cpp>, Line:#2958
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program : C:\Program Files\Gothic III\gothic3.exe
File : E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\Engine\admin\ge_application.cpp
Line : 2958
Expression : eCApplication::CreateEngine — can�t find correct context in
Memory dump and statistics:
Memory statistics
—> memory allocation summary <—
Log created at: 06:22:17 PM
Seems the first error message is this: eCConfigFilePhysFile::ReadFile — can�t open file: C:\Documents and Settings\Hugo\My Documents\gothic3\UserOptions.ini for read !
Sorry for such a huge post but hey, many people seem to have this problem…
21.10.2006, 18:15
Seems the first error message is this: eCConfigFilePhysFile::ReadFile — can�t open file: C:\Documents and Settings\Hugo\My Documents\gothic3\UserOptions.ini for read !
Can you open the file (UserOptions.ini)? Anyway i’ll attach mine, so you can copy it there, but then you’ll have my settings, so if you run the english version of the game, you must change this in the file:
Both to «English».
21.10.2006, 20:35
i just tried doing as you suggested with the UserOptions.ini and it didn’t work for me.
any other suggestions?
actually i just noticed that then you place UserOptions.ini in the \My Documents\gothic3 it gets deleted when the game starts and the only file left in there is __UserOptions.ini
21.10.2006, 21:10
I have the same problem, I’ve tried absolutely everything! Even exchanged the disc incase i just had a bad copy and added another dvd drive…
I did as you suggested — thx for the file — the end result is the same but the «can’t access useroptions file» error message disappeared. Now this comes up:
Gothic3 Engine LogFile…
Username:Hugo / Computername:MEGASUPERBURK
Date: Sunday, October 22, 2006
Error main message:
Gothic3 engine FATAL ERROR:
Module: eCApplication::CreateEngine — can�t find correct context in gfx-system
Filename:<E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\Engine\admin\ge_application.cpp>, Line:#2958
Registers and callstack:
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program : C:\Program Files\Gothic III\Gothic3.exe
File : E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\Engine\admin\ge_application.cpp
Line : 2958
Expression : eCApplication::CreateEngine — can�t find correct context in gfx-system
Last Error (0x00000000) : �tg�rden har slutf�rts.
History log:
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/_Intern’ -> ‘Data/_Intern’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Animation’ -> ‘Data/Animation’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir — Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Infos.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Infos, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Infos’ -> ‘Data/Infos’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir — Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Quests.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Quests, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Quests’ -> ‘Data/Quests’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Lightmaps’ -> ‘Data/Lightmaps’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Meshes’ -> ‘Data/Meshes’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir — Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Projects_compiled.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Projects, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Projects’ -> ‘Data/Projects_compiled’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Speedtrees’ -> ‘Data/Speedtrees’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir — Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Templates.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Templates, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Templates’ -> ‘Data/Templates’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Strings’ -> ‘Data/Strings’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/BrushPresets’ -> ‘Data/BrushPresets’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir — Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/_compiledAnimation.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledAnimation, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.c
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/_compiledAnimation’ -> ‘Data/_compiledAnimation’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir — Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/_compiledImage.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledImage, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/_compiledImage’ -> ‘Data/_compiledImage’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/_compiledMaterial’ -> ‘Data/_compiledMaterial’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/_compiledMesh’ -> ‘Data/_compiledMesh’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/_compiledPhysic’ -> ‘Data/_compiledPhysic’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Scripts’ -> ‘Scripts’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Backup’ -> ‘Backup’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Snapshots’ -> ‘Snapshots’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/LogicalEditor’ -> ‘Data/LogicalEditor’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Speech_English’ -> ‘Data/Speech_English’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Video’ -> ‘Data/Video’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir — Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Music.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Music, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘Data/Music’ -> ‘Data/Music’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted ‘SaveGame’ -> ‘SaveGame’, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hardware information <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
Number of processors: 2, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
Physical memory available: 2146934784, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
Virtual memory available: 2147352576, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
SSE available: 1, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
SSE2 available: 1, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
NX Flag available: 1, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
RDTSC Flag available: 1, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCApplication::OnSize Received WM_SIZE message., Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
resizing…, Z:#472 -> ‘E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\sharedbase\kernel\ge_message.cpp’
eCGfxContextAdmin::ToggleNewMode — ms_pAPIDevice==NULL !
Gothic3 engine FATAL ERROR:
Module: eCApplication::CreateEngine — can�t find correct context in gfx-system
Filename:<E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\Engine\admin\ge_application.cpp>, Line:#2958
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program : C:\Program Files\Gothic III\Gothic3.exe
File : E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\Engine\admin\ge_application.cpp
Line : 2958
Expression : eCApplication::CreateEngine — can�t find correct context in
Memory dump and statistics:
Memory statistics
—> memory allocation summary <—
Log created at: 01:19:22 AM
Now this is the first error message: eCGfxContextAdmin::ToggleNewMode — ms_pAPIDevice==NULL !
Suggestions anyone?
23.10.2006, 17:29
Filename:<E:\Workspace\Piranha Bytes\Gothic III\work\source\Engine\admin\ge_application.cpp>, Line:#2958
Is «E:» your dvd-drive?
Anyway, try also to open the UserOptions.ini (In your savegame-folder) and search this line:
(I think it should be «2» as default)
Change that to:
and try again.
Problem SOLVED!
It was the Widescreen LCDTV. I plugged in my old flatscreen and — lavoila — GAME LAUNCH!!!
Thx a lot for your support, your suggestions encouraged me to keep tweaking.
But why doesn’t Gothic 3 support widescreen format?
23.10.2006, 18:30
nope that didn’t help me at least the game still didn’t work and every time you try to lunch it again all the settings in the UserOptions.ini file go to hell. UserOptions.ini file is the file is now a lot shorter some of the settings disapeared.
23.10.2006, 20:32
Major break through guys!
I can actually get it to load to the main menu with no unhelpful Guru messages!!
I altered the ge3 ini file
set right to 800 and bottom to 600
and it loads in 800×600 (as have a widescreen monitor it had defaulted to 1280×720)
And in the main menu i can alter to a widescreen resolution which alters my ini in my documents but doesnt touch the ge3 ini file in the install directory!!
After over a week i may get to play! Fingers crossed!
23.10.2006, 21:12
that didn’t work either i have a wide screen monitor too, but that didn’t solve it for me changing the resolution didn’t give me anything, other than a smaller black window right before the «where is the guru?» box popped up
any other ideas?
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