See JWilliams’ answer for where to report bugs to GitHub. [Edit: perhaps this should be an answer to your other question.]
For what it’s worth, it’s not a good idea to use anything other than UTF-8 for the author and committer name encoding—the encoding
field of the header is too difficult to apply to the pre-body part of the header, since it comes at the end of the lines:
>>> import subprocess
>>> p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'cat-file', '-p', 'HEAD'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> o =
>>> hdr, body = o.split('\n\n', 1)
>>> hdr = hdr.splitlines()
The header lines are long, even after splitting:
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(hdr)
['tree 79036d838fc5ce13e849949d02e6048c2d33c561',
'author \xc5\x99\x89\x83@\xc8\x96\x97\x97\x85\x99 <\x88\x96\x97\x97\x85\x99|\x96\x94\x95\x89\x86\x81\x99\x89\x96\xa4\xa2K\x96\x99\x87> 1528844508 -0700',
'committer \xc5\x99\x89\x83@\xc8\x96\x97\x97\x85\x99 <\x88\x96\x97\x97\x85\x99|\x96\x94\x95\x89\x86\x81\x99\x89\x96\xa4\xa2K\x96\x99\x87> 1528844508 -0700',
'encoding cp037']
but we can see that the encoding comes last. If the encoding were something that had byte-codes that resembled newlines (cp037
doesn’t, fortunately) we would not be able to parse the header itself.
For the body, however, it’s a good idea to use the header’s encoding information. If we work in something that does have the encoding available, well:
>>> body.decode('cp037')
u'Well, this should be interesting.\x8e'
(Python 2.7 here of course).
Obviously neither GitHub nor my Git on this machine can do this for cp037
, but on this particular host, that’s not surprising:
$ iconv -f cp037
iconv: conversion from cp037 unsupported
On another machine that has the character set installed, iconv does work. I did not try this commit in Git there, but I did feed a header-line byte string through it; the result was:
>>> import subprocess
>>> p = subprocess.Popen(['iconv', '-f', 'cp037'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> so, se = p.communicate(s)
>>> so
'Eric Hopper\xc2\x80\\xc2\x9e'
As you can see, the angle brackets have been damaged in translation (because the parse here was overly simple—we’d have to carefully avoid translating them). Again, though, the hazards are obvious: what if the encoding produces >
Решил поработать над открытыми проектами на гитхабе. Нашел ошибку в проекте. Как теперь сообщить об этом автору?
не нашел там нигде BUG REPORT
Вопрос задан
439 просмотров
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Но они могут быть отключены в проекте. Например, тут этого пункта меню нет.
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Минуточку внимания
See JWilliams’ answer for where to report bugs to GitHub. [Edit: perhaps this should be an answer to your other question.]
For what it’s worth, it’s not a good idea to use anything other than UTF-8 for the author and committer name encoding—the encoding
field of the header is too difficult to apply to the pre-body part of the header, since it comes at the end of the lines:
>>> import subprocess
>>> p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'cat-file', '-p', 'HEAD'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> o =
>>> hdr, body = o.split('\n\n', 1)
>>> hdr = hdr.splitlines()
The header lines are long, even after splitting:
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(hdr)
['tree 79036d838fc5ce13e849949d02e6048c2d33c561',
'author \xc5\x99\x89\x83@\xc8\x96\x97\x97\x85\x99 <\x88\x96\x97\x97\x85\x99|\x96\x94\x95\x89\x86\x81\x99\x89\x96\xa4\xa2K\x96\x99\x87> 1528844508 -0700',
'committer \xc5\x99\x89\x83@\xc8\x96\x97\x97\x85\x99 <\x88\x96\x97\x97\x85\x99|\x96\x94\x95\x89\x86\x81\x99\x89\x96\xa4\xa2K\x96\x99\x87> 1528844508 -0700',
'encoding cp037']
but we can see that the encoding comes last. If the encoding were something that had byte-codes that resembled newlines (cp037
doesn’t, fortunately) we would not be able to parse the header itself.
For the body, however, it’s a good idea to use the header’s encoding information. If we work in something that does have the encoding available, well:
>>> body.decode('cp037')
u'Well, this should be interesting.\x8e'
(Python 2.7 here of course).
Obviously neither GitHub nor my Git on this machine can do this for cp037
, but on this particular host, that’s not surprising:
$ iconv -f cp037
iconv: conversion from cp037 unsupported
On another machine that has the character set installed, iconv does work. I did not try this commit in Git there, but I did feed a header-line byte string through it; the result was:
>>> import subprocess
>>> p = subprocess.Popen(['iconv', '-f', 'cp037'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> so, se = p.communicate(s)
>>> so
'Eric Hopper\xc2\x80\\xc2\x9e'
As you can see, the angle brackets have been damaged in translation (because the parse here was overly simple—we’d have to carefully avoid translating them). Again, though, the hazards are obvious: what if the encoding produces >
GitHub allowed us to make pre-build issue templates in the form of markdown files which the person reporting the bug could fill out. This was better than presenting the person reporting the bug with a blank textbox but it could get a bit clumsy at times and many wouldn’t follow the format. GitHub now has got an option to build a form that one can fill out as a bug report. Note that Issue forms are in beta currently.
Getting Started
GitHub Issue forms are currently only available for public repositories so we need a public repository to work with.
Next, we need to create a folder called .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE
and then add a yml
file. Let us call this bug_report.yml
Our path will be .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml
Filling out the template yml
We are going to make a simple form to file a bug report so let’s get started
First, let us add a name:
name: 🐛Bug Report
We will also add a description, title, and some labels
description: File a bug report here
title: "[BUG]: "
labels: ["bug"]
We can also add an assignee (this is optional) —
assignees: ["AnishDe12020"]
Now that we are done with metadata, let us start with the body of the issue —
Let us start with adding a small text —
- type: markdown
value: |
Thanks for taking the time to fill out this bug report!!!
We don’t want the user to file a bug report if a report for that bug already exists so let us add a checkbox
- type: checkboxes
id: new-bug
label: Is there an existing issue for this?
description: Please search to see if an issue already exists for the bug you encountered.
- label: I have searched the existing issues
required: true
Here we have specified the type
as a checkbox and added the label
parameter and description
attributes. We have then added a label
parameter to the checkbox and made it a required field as we always want it to be checked by the user.
Now let us ask the user for a description of the bug —
- type: textarea
id: bug-description
label: Description of the bug
description: Tell us what bug you encountered and what should have happened
required: true
Notice how we add an id
to the field (this is optional) and we have also added a description
attribute. We can also add a placeholder
attribute but let us leave that for this one. We have also made the field required by setting the required
parameter to true
in the validations
section. The label
attribute is the only required parameter.
We can also ask them to tell is the steps to reproduce the bug
- type: textarea
id: steps-to-reproduce
label: Steps To Reproduce
description: Steps to reproduce the behavior.
placeholder: Please write the steps in a list form
required: true
This is similar to the bug-report
field but we have added a placeholder
this time.
Now let us see how we can add a dropdown. Say we got 5 versions of our apps and want the users to tell us in which version of the app the issue is occurring. We will also give them the option to choose multiple versions in case the issue is occurring on more than 1 version
- type: dropdown
id: versions
label: Which version of the app are you using?
description: If this issue is occurring on more than 1 version of the app, select the appropriate versions.
multiple: true
- 1.0.0
- 1.1.0
- 1.2.0
- 2.0.0
- 2.1.0
required: true
At last, this is how our bug_report.yml
should look like —
name: 🐛Bug Report
description: File a bug report here
title: "[BUG]: "
labels: ["bug"]
assignees: ["AnishDe12020"]
- type: markdown
value: |
Thanks for taking the time to fill out this bug report!!!
- type: checkboxes
id: new-bug
label: Is there an existing issue for this?
description: Please search to see if an issue already exists for the bug you encountered.
- label: I have searched the existing issues
required: true
- type: textarea
id: bug-description
label: Description of the bug
description: Tell us what bug you encountered and what should have happened
required: true
- type: textarea
id: steps-to-reproduce
label: Steps To Reproduce
description: Steps to reproduce the behavior.
placeholder: Please write the steps in a list form
required: true
- type: dropdown
id: versions
label: Which version of the app are you using?
description: If this issue is occurring on more than 1 version of the app, select the appropriate versions.
multiple: true
- 1.0.0
- 1.1.0
- 1.2.0
- 2.0.0
- 2.1.0
required: true
Now you should commit the file.
Now if we try to create an issue, we will be presented with this page —
We would see multiple options if we made more templates but we have only one right now so let us see if it works
Notice how the label and assignee has been added —
On submitting the issue, it will be created like any other issue —
You can see the repository for this tutorial here
You can also see the schema for GitHub issue forms here
3 ответа
Лучший ответ
Ответ @JWilliams был верным в определенный момент времени, но они изменили свою политику, и теперь они принимают только сообщения об ошибках, введенные в веб-форме:
Я обнаружил ошибку прошлой ночью после того, как нашел это ТАК. Я отправил электронное письмо на их адрес поддержки и получил автоматический ответ, указывающий мне на этот URL, чтобы исправить ошибку. Я ввел ошибку и получил автоматическое сообщение о том, что они получили запрос в службу поддержки.
Greg Veres
19 Май 2020 в 13:29
См. ответ JWilliams, где можно сообщать об ошибках в GitHub. [Изменить: возможно, это должен быть ответ на ваш другой вопрос.]
Для чего бы это ни стоило, не стоит использовать что-либо кроме UTF-8 для кодирования имени автора и коммиттера — поле encoding
заголовка слишком сложно применить к части заголовка перед телом , поскольку он идет в конце строк:
>>> import subprocess
>>> p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'cat-file', '-p', 'HEAD'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> o =
>>> hdr, body = o.split('\n\n', 1)
>>> hdr = hdr.splitlines()
Строки заголовка длинные, даже после разделения:
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(hdr)
['tree 79036d838fc5ce13e849949d02e6048c2d33c561',
'author \xc5\x99\x89\x83@\xc8\x96\x97\x97\x85\x99 <\x88\x96\x97\x97\x85\x99|\x96\x94\x95\x89\x86\x81\x99\x89\x96\xa4\xa2K\x96\x99\x87> 1528844508 -0700',
'committer \xc5\x99\x89\x83@\xc8\x96\x97\x97\x85\x99 <\x88\x96\x97\x97\x85\x99|\x96\x94\x95\x89\x86\x81\x99\x89\x96\xa4\xa2K\x96\x99\x87> 1528844508 -0700',
'encoding cp037']
Но мы можем видеть, что кодировка идет последней. Если бы в кодировке было что-то, имеющее байт-коды, похожие на символы новой строки (к счастью, cp037
нет), мы бы не смогли разобрать сам заголовок.
Однако для тела рекомендуется использовать информацию о кодировке заголовка. Если мы работаем с чем-то, что делает , кодировка доступна:
>>> body.decode('cp037')
u'Well, this should be interesting.\x8e'
(Python 2.7 здесь, конечно).
Очевидно, что ни GitHub, ни мой Git на этой машине не могут сделать это для cp037
, но на этом конкретном хосте это не удивительно:
$ iconv -f cp037
iconv: conversion from cp037 unsupported
На другом компьютере с установленным набором символов iconv работает. Я не пробовал этот коммит в Git, но пропустил через него строку байтов строки заголовка; результат был:
>>> import subprocess
>>> p = subprocess.Popen(['iconv', '-f', 'cp037'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> so, se = p.communicate(s)
>>> so
'Eric Hopper\xc2\x80\\xc2\x9e'
Как вы можете видеть, угловые скобки были повреждены при переводе (потому что синтаксический анализ здесь был слишком простым — нам нужно избегать их перевода). Опять же, однако, опасности очевидны: что если кодировка дает >
12 Июн 2018 в 23:47
Единственный способ, которым я знаю, — это написать или заполнить форму по адресу свяжитесь / насколько я знаю, у них нет трекера публичных вопросов.
12 Июн 2018 в 23:13