Git push u origin main ошибка


It’s quite strange as to why your origin doesn’t have a value. Typically, it should look like this:

[mayur.n@harry_potter]$ git remote -v
origin  /mnt/temp.git (fetch)
origin  /mnt/temp.git (push)

Your origin doesn’t have the url associate with it. It’s actually name value pair. So when you say «git push origin master», Git substitues the value of origin. In my case, it would be «/mnt/temp.git».

Now what can you do ?

Try this:

1) Clone the repository in another directory.

2) run «git remote -v» and get the value of origin

3) In your case it looks like the value is «»

4) So come back to your working directory, and run «git remote add origin2»

5) Run «git remote remove origin»

6) Now run «git remote rename origin2 origin«

7) Check what’s the value of origin now with «git remote -v»

8) It should be correctly set now. If so, run «git push»

I have my project on GitHub at some location,

Now I want to push all my code to a new repository at some other location,

I used the command:

git remote add origin

but I am receiving this:

fatal: remote origin already exists.

vvvvv's user avatar


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asked Aug 3, 2009 at 11:32

uzumaki naruto's user avatar

uzumaki narutouzumaki naruto

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You are getting this error because «origin» is not available. «origin» is a convention not part of the command. «origin» is the local name of the remote repository.

For example you could also write:

git remote add myorigin  
git remote add testtest

See the manual:

To remove a remote repository you enter:

git remote rm origin

Again «origin» is the name of the remote repository if you want to
remove the «upstream» remote:

git remote rm upstream

answered Aug 3, 2009 at 11:41

MrHus's user avatar


The previous solutions seem to ignore origin, and they only suggest to use another name. When you just want to use git push origin, keep reading.

The problem appears because a wrong order of Git configuration is followed. You might have already added a ‘git origin’ to your .git configuration.

You can change the remote origin in your Git configuration with the following line:

git remote set-url origin

This command sets a new URL for the Git repository you want to push to.
Important is to fill in your own username and projectname

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Apr 5, 2012 at 11:49

Hoetmaaiers's user avatar


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If you have mistakenly named the local name as «origin», you may remove it with the following:

git remote rm origin

answered Aug 13, 2010 at 11:45

Özgür's user avatar


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Since origin already exist remove it.

git remote rm origin
git remote add origin


One can also change existing remote repository URL by ->git remote set-url

If you’re updating to use HTTPS

git remote set-url origin

If you’re updating to use SSH

git remote set-url origin

If trying to update a remote that doesn’t exist you will receive a error. So be careful of that.


Use the git remote rename command to rename an existing remote.
An existing remote name, for example, origin.

git remote rename origin startpoint
# Change remote name from 'origin' to 'startpoint'

To verify remote’s new name->

git remote -v

If new to Git try this tutorial->


answered Jun 23, 2017 at 11:10

Shaurya Uppal's user avatar


You can simply edit your configuration file in a text editor.

In the ~/.gitconfig you need to put in something like the following:

        name  = Uzumaki Naruto
        email =

        user = myname
        token = ff44ff8da195fee471eed6543b53f1ff

In the oldrep/.git/config file (in the configuration file of your repository):

[remote "github"]
        url =
        push  = +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
        push  = +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*

If there is a remote section in your repository’s configuration file, and the URL matches, you need only to add push configuration. If you use a public URL for fetching, you can put in the URL for pushing as ‘pushurl’ (warning: this requires the just-released Git version 1.6.4).

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Aug 3, 2009 at 19:05

Jakub Narębski's user avatar

Jakub NarębskiJakub Narębski

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I had the same issue, and here is how I fixed it, after doing some research:

  1. Download GitHub for Windows, or use something similar, which includes a shell.
  2. Open the Git Shell from the task menu. This will open a power shell including Git commands.
  3. In the shell, switch to your old repository, e.g. cd C:\path\to\old\repository.
  4. Show the status of the old repository.
  • Type git remote -v to get the remote path for fetch and push remote. If your local repository is connected to a remote, it will show something like this:

     origin (fetch)
     origin (push)
  • If it’s not connected, it might show origin only.

  1. Now remove the remote repository from the local repository by using

    git remote rm origin
  2. Check again with git remote -v, as in step 4. It should show origin only, instead of the fetch and push path.

  3. Now that your old remote repository is disconnected, you can add the new remote repository. Use the following to connect to your new repository:

Note: In case you are using Bitbucket, you would create a project on Bitbucket first. After creation, Bitbucket will display all required Git commands to push your repository to remote, which look similar to the next code snippet. However, this works for other repositories as well.

cd /path/to/my/repo # If you haven't done that yet.
git remote add mynewrepo
git push -u mynewrepo master # To push changes for the first time.

That’s it.

Dmitri's user avatar


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answered Jan 23, 2014 at 13:28

Michael's user avatar


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  1. git remote rm origin

  2. git remote -v
    It will not display any repository name

  3. git remote add origin

  4. git push origin master
    It will start the process and creating the new branch.
    You can see your work is pushed to github.

Thomas Fritsch's user avatar

answered Aug 10, 2018 at 10:54

dev's user avatar


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git remote rm origin
git remote add origin

answered Apr 8, 2017 at 9:54

Aayushi's user avatar


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The below two commands should help set up.

git remote set-url origin
git push --set-upstream origin main

buddemat's user avatar


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answered Feb 1, 2022 at 20:07

Mansi Shah's user avatar

Mansi ShahMansi Shah

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You don’t have to remove your existing «origin» remote, just use a name other than «origin» for your remote add, e.g.

git remote add github

answered Feb 15, 2012 at 22:39

mpelzsherman's user avatar

I had the same problem when I first set up using Bitbucket.

My problem was that I needed to change the word origin for something self-defined. I used the name of the application. So:

git remote add AppName

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Apr 9, 2014 at 9:44

Michael Murphy's user avatar

Michael MurphyMichael Murphy

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You should change the name of the remote repository to something else.

git remote add origin


git remote add neworigin

I think this should work.

Yes, these are for repository init and adding a new remote. Just with a change of name.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered May 3, 2014 at 14:49

nirvanastack's user avatar


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You could also change the repository name you wish to push to in the REPOHOME/.git/config file

(where REPOHOME is the path to your local clone of the repository).

answered Aug 3, 2009 at 12:57

nolim1t's user avatar


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You need to check the origin and add if not exists.

if ! git config remote.origin.url >/dev/null; then
    git remote add origin

Create file, paste the script update your git repository URL and run ./

answered Jan 6, 2020 at 9:18

Madan Sapkota's user avatar

Madan SapkotaMadan Sapkota

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I had the same issue but I found the solution to it. Basically «origin» is another name from where your project was cloned. Now the error

fatal: remote origin already exists.

LITERALLY means origin already exists. And hence to solve this issue, our goal should be to remove it.
For this purpose:

git remote rm origin

Now add it again

git remote add origin your username here__/__your repositoryname.git__

This did fix my issue.

answered Oct 6, 2020 at 14:03

Asad Zubair Bhatti's user avatar

This can also happen when you forget to make a first commit.

answered Jun 23, 2017 at 3:39

Clay Morton's user avatar

Clay MortonClay Morton

3332 silver badges15 bronze badges

I just faced this issue myself and I just removed it by removing the origin.
the origin is removed by this command

git remote rm origin

if you’ve added the remote repo as origin try implementing this command.

lys's user avatar


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answered Feb 25, 2021 at 7:58

Faizan Tariq's user avatar

Try to remove first existing origin, In order to see the which existing origin has registered with bash you can fire below command.

 git remote -v 

after you know the which version of origin has register with bash then you can remove existing origin by firing below command

git remote rm origin

Once you removed existing origin you can add new origin by firing below command in you case ..

git remote add origin

Once you add your origin in git, then you can push your local commit to remote origin

git push -u origin --all

answered Jul 24, 2021 at 22:20

Pramod Lawate's user avatar

Pramod LawatePramod Lawate

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git remote rm origin


git remote add origin enter_your_repository_url


git remote add origin

answered May 6, 2020 at 5:48

Sarath Chandran's user avatar

if you want to create a new repository with the same project inside the github and the previous Remote is not allowing you to do that in that case First Delete That Repository on github then you simply need to delete the .git folder C:\Users\Shiva\AndroidStudioProjects\yourprojectname\.git delete that folder,(make sure you click on hidden file because this folder is hidden )

Also click on the minus(Remove button) from the android studio Setting->VersionControl
click here for removing the Version control from android And then you will be able to create new Repository.

answered Jun 3, 2020 at 13:24

Shivam Sharma's user avatar

Try this command it works for me.

rm -rf .git/

answered Jun 8, 2022 at 4:39

Nazmul Hoque's user avatar


git remote rm origin 

and then

git push -f 

answered Mar 24, 2022 at 16:03

Rasikh's user avatar


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I’m not sure if it would necessarily be a bug. On one hand, I would say that it is behaving exactly as it is currently set up to. On the other hand, the way it’s currently set up does block a potential workflow that I believe it should probably be supporting. To that end it feels like more of an enhancement.

I looked into further earlier today. There’s a couple things to consider.

  • We could go back and make it so that although it will remove the DestinationExistsError as it currently does (when the destination path is still it’s initial value and no clone url is entered/selected) but not re-validate the path on focus.

If this is done, then if a user enters a destination path that is not an existing folder, but then creates the folder at the path (empty or not), there will be no red banner notification to let them know that it already exists. If it’s empty, it would let them clone. However, if it has files, an pop-up error will show up. fatal: destination path '[USER PATH]' already exists and is not an empty directory.

Though, the issue as it has been reported would still occur in situations like clicking the destination path input (or typing in it) after creating a folder outside of Desktop. This would cause it to re-validate, and since the validation function has not changed it would generate the error like what has been reported.

  • We could update the validation function to check if a folder is empty, and if it is, accept it as okay for cloning.

This would allow to warn the user via the red banner error display when a folder containing files exists at the path while eliminating both situations where an error could display for an empty folder being selected.

The first option is simpler but still leaves a scenario with this issue (effectively behaving as it did before my change). The second option should cover each scenario, however I did have one concern. I have already tried and tested a solution for this and it seems to work as intended. However, to do so, I make use of fs.readDir, which retrieves a list of file names in the folder. This allows checking if the folder is empty or not, but may be less efficient for folders with a lot of files, as a repository folder very well may.

Perhaps someone knows a more efficient way to check this though. I could make a pull request for this solution and figure out if there are improvements that can be made during the review of it.

The most common way to clone git repository is to enter in the terminal command that
looks like something like this:

git clone

This command will create the directory «my_project» in the current directory and it will clone
repo to that directory. Here is an example:

$ pwd
$ git clone
Cloning into 'my_project'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
$ ls -1a my_project/

Command «pwd» prints the directory where you are now. The command «git clone …» does the clone.
And with «ls» command we check that there is a hidden «.git» directory that stores all the history
and other meta information and there is a «» file.

Specify directory to clone to

Sometimes you need to place git repository in some other directory. Here is an example:

$ pwd
$ git clone project
Cloning into 'project'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
$ ls -1a project

As you can see here I used «git clone» command with two parameters:

  • the first paramter is the url to the repo
  • the second paramter is the directory where to clone repo

Clone to the current directory

And sometimes you need to clone the git repo to the current directory. To specify
the current directory the symbol dot is used. So to clone repo to the current
directory you need to specify two parameters to git clone:

  • the url of the repo
  • just one symbol — dot — «.» — it means current directory

Here is an example:

$ mkdir the_project
$ cd the_project/
$ pwd
git clone .
Cloning into '.'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
$ ls -1a

Here I have created a new directory with the name «the_project», then I’ve entered it
with «cd» command and did the clone with the command «git clone url .». The dot in
this command is what makes git clone to the directory where I’m now.

Error «fatal: destination path ‘.’ already exists and is not an empty directory»

Sometimes you can see error message:

$ git clone .
fatal: destination path '.' already exists and is not an empty directory.

It means exactly what it it written in this message. You are trying to checkout
repo to the directory that has some files in it. With the command «ls» you can check
what files are in the current directory. It is also possible that there are some
hidden files, so it is better to use «-a» option to make «ls» show all files
including hidden:

$ ls -1a

The «ls» command shows that git is right. The directory is not empty. There is a
directory .git and a file You can permanent delete that files with
the command «rm» (but do it only if you don’t need those files, you will not
be able to «undelete» them):

$ rm -rf .git

After that the «git clone» will succeed:

$ git clone .
Cloning into '.'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.


  • When you use «git clone url» the directory will be automatically created
  • You can specify what directory to create with the command «git clone url dir»
  • If you need to clone to the current directory you need to run command «git clone url .»

Путь назначения уже существует и не является пустым каталогом

Я клонировал репозиторий git, но случайно напортачил. Итак, я повторно клонировал, и появилось сообщение:

destination path already exists and is not an empty directory

Я попытался удалить папки на моем Mac с именем пути назначения, но это не сработало.

Я новичок в программировании, поэтому вся помощь будет признательна.


Это просто означает, что клон git скопировал файлы с github и поместил их в папку. Если вы попытаетесь сделать это снова, это не позволит вам, потому что он не может клонировать в папку, в которой есть файлы. Поэтому, если вы считаете, что клон git завершился некорректно, просто удалите папку и снова выполните клон git. Клон создает папку с тем же именем, что и репозиторий git.

Если у вас есть Destination path XXX already exists, это означает, что имя репозитория проекта, который вы пытаетесь клонировать, уже существует в этом текущем каталоге. Поэтому, пожалуйста, проверьте и удалите любой существующий и попробуйте клонировать его снова.


Это довольно расплывчато, но я сделаю все возможное, чтобы помочь.

Во-первых, хотя поначалу это может показаться пугающим, я предлагаю вам научиться делать что-то из командной строки (называемой терминалом в OSX). Это отличный способ убедиться, что вы размещаете вещи там, где действительно хотите.

Вам обязательно нужно погуглить «команды unix», чтобы узнать больше, но вот несколько важных команд, которые помогут в этой ситуации:

Ls — список всех файлов и каталогов (папок) в текущем каталоге

Cd <input directory here without these brackets> — смените каталог или смените папку, в которой вы смотрите

Mkdir <input directory name without brackets> — создает новый каталог (будьте осторожны, вам нужно будет войти в каталог после того, как вы его создадите)

Rm -r <input directory name without brackets> — Удаляет каталог и все, что в нем

Git clone <link to repo without brackets> — клонирует репозиторий в каталог, который вы просматриваете в данный момент.


Итак, на своем компьютере я бы запустил следующие команды, чтобы создать каталог (папку) с именем проекты в моей папке документов и клонировать там репо.

  1. Открытый терминал
  2. cd documents (без учета регистра на Mac)
  3. mkdir projects
  4. cd projects
  5. git clone
  6. cd wherecanifindit (если я хочу зайти в каталог)

P.s. wherecanifindit — это просто имя моего репозитория git, а не команда!

Спроектированный способ решить эту проблему, если у вас уже есть файлы, которые нужно отправить на Github / Server:

  1. В Github / Server, где будет жить ваше репо:

    • Создать пустой репозиторий Git (сохранить <YourPathAndRepoName>)
    • $git init --bare
  2. Локальный компьютер (Просто положи в любую папку):

    • $touch .gitignore
    • (Добавьте файлы, которые вы хотите игнорировать в текстовом редакторе, в .gitignore)
    • $git clone <YourPathAndRepoName>

    • (Это создаст пустую папку с вашим именем репо из Github / Server)

    • (Законно скопируйте и вставьте все свои файлы откуда угодно и вставьте их в это пустое репо)

    • $git push origin master

У меня такая же проблема при использовании Cygwin для установки NVM

Фактически, целевой каталог был пустым, но использовался двоичный файл git из Windows (а не git из cygwin git package).

После установки cygwin git package, установка git clone из nvm прошла нормально!

Что мне нравится, так это то, что я создал новую папку, в которой нет других файлов,
и выбрал эту новую папку, которую я создал, и поместил туда клон.

Надеюсь, это поможет

Шаги, чтобы получить эту ошибку;

  1. Клонировать репо (например, взять имя как xyz) в папку
  2. Не пытайтесь повторить клонирование в той же папке. Эта ошибка возникнет даже после удаления папки вручную, поскольку удаление папки не приводит к удалению git info.

Решение :
rm -rf «имя папки репо, в нашем случае xyz». Так

rm -rf xyz

Эта ошибка возникает, когда вы пытаетесь клонировать репозиторий в папку, которая все еще содержит папку .git (Скрытая папка).

Если предыдущие ответы не помогли, вы можете перейти к моему ответу. Надеюсь, это решит вашу проблему.

Откройте терминал и измените каталог на папку назначения (куда вы хотите клонировать).

Теперь введите: ls -a

Вы можете увидеть папку с именем .git.

Вы должны удалить эту папку с помощью следующей команды: rm -rf .git

Теперь вы готовы клонировать свой проект.

Создайте новый каталог, а затем используйте URL-адрес git clone

Используйте команду: ls -a
Вы увидите список файлов или папок, которые его блокируют.
Используйте команду: rm -r Имя папки / имя файла

После удаления всех файлов и папок. Вы можете клонировать свой проект в каталог

Другие вопросы по теме


It’s quite strange as to why your origin doesn’t have a value. Typically, it should look like this:

[mayur.n@harry_potter]$ git remote -v
origin  /mnt/temp.git (fetch)
origin  /mnt/temp.git (push)

Your origin doesn’t have the url associate with it. It’s actually name value pair. So when you say «git push origin master», Git substitues the value of origin. In my case, it would be «/mnt/temp.git».

Now what can you do ?

Try this:

1) Clone the repository in another directory.

2) run «git remote -v» and get the value of origin

3) In your case it looks like the value is «»

4) So come back to your working directory, and run «git remote add origin2»

5) Run «git remote remove origin»

6) Now run «git remote rename origin2 origin«

7) Check what’s the value of origin now with «git remote -v»

8) It should be correctly set now. If so, run «git push»

I have my project on GitHub at some location,

Now I want to push all my code to a new repository at some other location,

I used the command:

git remote add origin

but I am receiving this:

fatal: remote origin already exists.

vvvvv's user avatar


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asked Aug 3, 2009 at 11:32

uzumaki naruto's user avatar

uzumaki narutouzumaki naruto

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You are getting this error because «origin» is not available. «origin» is a convention not part of the command. «origin» is the local name of the remote repository.

For example you could also write:

git remote add myorigin  
git remote add testtest

See the manual:

To remove a remote repository you enter:

git remote rm origin

Again «origin» is the name of the remote repository if you want to
remove the «upstream» remote:

git remote rm upstream

answered Aug 3, 2009 at 11:41

MrHus's user avatar


The previous solutions seem to ignore origin, and they only suggest to use another name. When you just want to use git push origin, keep reading.

The problem appears because a wrong order of Git configuration is followed. You might have already added a ‘git origin’ to your .git configuration.

You can change the remote origin in your Git configuration with the following line:

git remote set-url origin

This command sets a new URL for the Git repository you want to push to.
Important is to fill in your own username and projectname

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Apr 5, 2012 at 11:49

Hoetmaaiers's user avatar


3,4132 gold badges19 silver badges29 bronze badges


If you have mistakenly named the local name as «origin», you may remove it with the following:

git remote rm origin

answered Aug 13, 2010 at 11:45

Özgür's user avatar


8,0772 gold badges69 silver badges66 bronze badges



Since origin already exist remove it.

git remote rm origin
git remote add origin


One can also change existing remote repository URL by ->git remote set-url

If you’re updating to use HTTPS

git remote set-url origin

If you’re updating to use SSH

git remote set-url origin

If trying to update a remote that doesn’t exist you will receive a error. So be careful of that.


Use the git remote rename command to rename an existing remote.
An existing remote name, for example, origin.

git remote rename origin startpoint
# Change remote name from 'origin' to 'startpoint'

To verify remote’s new name->

git remote -v

If new to Git try this tutorial->


answered Jun 23, 2017 at 11:10

Shaurya Uppal's user avatar


You can simply edit your configuration file in a text editor.

In the ~/.gitconfig you need to put in something like the following:

        name  = Uzumaki Naruto
        email =

        user = myname
        token = ff44ff8da195fee471eed6543b53f1ff

In the oldrep/.git/config file (in the configuration file of your repository):

[remote "github"]
        url =
        push  = +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
        push  = +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*

If there is a remote section in your repository’s configuration file, and the URL matches, you need only to add push configuration. If you use a public URL for fetching, you can put in the URL for pushing as ‘pushurl’ (warning: this requires the just-released Git version 1.6.4).

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Aug 3, 2009 at 19:05

Jakub Narębski's user avatar

Jakub NarębskiJakub Narębski

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I had the same issue, and here is how I fixed it, after doing some research:

  1. Download GitHub for Windows, or use something similar, which includes a shell.
  2. Open the Git Shell from the task menu. This will open a power shell including Git commands.
  3. In the shell, switch to your old repository, e.g. cd C:\path\to\old\repository.
  4. Show the status of the old repository.
  • Type git remote -v to get the remote path for fetch and push remote. If your local repository is connected to a remote, it will show something like this:

     origin (fetch)
     origin (push)
  • If it’s not connected, it might show origin only.

  1. Now remove the remote repository from the local repository by using

    git remote rm origin
  2. Check again with git remote -v, as in step 4. It should show origin only, instead of the fetch and push path.

  3. Now that your old remote repository is disconnected, you can add the new remote repository. Use the following to connect to your new repository:

Note: In case you are using Bitbucket, you would create a project on Bitbucket first. After creation, Bitbucket will display all required Git commands to push your repository to remote, which look similar to the next code snippet. However, this works for other repositories as well.

cd /path/to/my/repo # If you haven't done that yet.
git remote add mynewrepo
git push -u mynewrepo master # To push changes for the first time.

That’s it.

Dmitri's user avatar


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answered Jan 23, 2014 at 13:28

Michael's user avatar


3,9824 gold badges31 silver badges46 bronze badges

  1. git remote rm origin

  2. git remote -v
    It will not display any repository name

  3. git remote add origin

  4. git push origin master
    It will start the process and creating the new branch.
    You can see your work is pushed to github.

Thomas Fritsch's user avatar

answered Aug 10, 2018 at 10:54

dev's user avatar


1911 silver badge11 bronze badges

git remote rm origin
git remote add origin

answered Apr 8, 2017 at 9:54

Aayushi's user avatar


78710 silver badges14 bronze badges

The below two commands should help set up.

git remote set-url origin
git push --set-upstream origin main

buddemat's user avatar


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answered Feb 1, 2022 at 20:07

Mansi Shah's user avatar

Mansi ShahMansi Shah

2372 silver badges6 bronze badges

You don’t have to remove your existing «origin» remote, just use a name other than «origin» for your remote add, e.g.

git remote add github

answered Feb 15, 2012 at 22:39

mpelzsherman's user avatar

I had the same problem when I first set up using Bitbucket.

My problem was that I needed to change the word origin for something self-defined. I used the name of the application. So:

git remote add AppName

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Apr 9, 2014 at 9:44

Michael Murphy's user avatar

Michael MurphyMichael Murphy

1,9312 gold badges18 silver badges21 bronze badges

You should change the name of the remote repository to something else.

git remote add origin


git remote add neworigin

I think this should work.

Yes, these are for repository init and adding a new remote. Just with a change of name.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered May 3, 2014 at 14:49

nirvanastack's user avatar


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You could also change the repository name you wish to push to in the REPOHOME/.git/config file

(where REPOHOME is the path to your local clone of the repository).

answered Aug 3, 2009 at 12:57

nolim1t's user avatar


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You need to check the origin and add if not exists.

if ! git config remote.origin.url >/dev/null; then
    git remote add origin

Create file, paste the script update your git repository URL and run ./

answered Jan 6, 2020 at 9:18

Madan Sapkota's user avatar

Madan SapkotaMadan Sapkota

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I had the same issue but I found the solution to it. Basically «origin» is another name from where your project was cloned. Now the error

fatal: remote origin already exists.

LITERALLY means origin already exists. And hence to solve this issue, our goal should be to remove it.
For this purpose:

git remote rm origin

Now add it again

git remote add origin your username here__/__your repositoryname.git__

This did fix my issue.

answered Oct 6, 2020 at 14:03

Asad Zubair Bhatti's user avatar

This can also happen when you forget to make a first commit.

answered Jun 23, 2017 at 3:39

Clay Morton's user avatar

Clay MortonClay Morton

3332 silver badges15 bronze badges

I just faced this issue myself and I just removed it by removing the origin.
the origin is removed by this command

git remote rm origin

if you’ve added the remote repo as origin try implementing this command.

lys's user avatar


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answered Feb 25, 2021 at 7:58

Faizan Tariq's user avatar

Try to remove first existing origin, In order to see the which existing origin has registered with bash you can fire below command.

 git remote -v 

after you know the which version of origin has register with bash then you can remove existing origin by firing below command

git remote rm origin

Once you removed existing origin you can add new origin by firing below command in you case ..

git remote add origin

Once you add your origin in git, then you can push your local commit to remote origin

git push -u origin --all

answered Jul 24, 2021 at 22:20

Pramod Lawate's user avatar

Pramod LawatePramod Lawate

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git remote rm origin


git remote add origin enter_your_repository_url


git remote add origin

answered May 6, 2020 at 5:48

Sarath Chandran's user avatar

if you want to create a new repository with the same project inside the github and the previous Remote is not allowing you to do that in that case First Delete That Repository on github then you simply need to delete the .git folder C:\Users\Shiva\AndroidStudioProjects\yourprojectname\.git delete that folder,(make sure you click on hidden file because this folder is hidden )

Also click on the minus(Remove button) from the android studio Setting->VersionControl
click here for removing the Version control from android And then you will be able to create new Repository.

answered Jun 3, 2020 at 13:24

Shivam Sharma's user avatar

Try this command it works for me.

rm -rf .git/

answered Jun 8, 2022 at 4:39

Nazmul Hoque's user avatar


git remote rm origin 

and then

git push -f 

answered Mar 24, 2022 at 16:03

Rasikh's user avatar


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