Forza Horizon 4 PC Error 0xc0000005 preventing many users from starting the game
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Skyfireblaze -
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You should upgrade or use an alternative browser.
First of all let me clarify some thing. This error seems to be somewhat widespread going by the Forza Motorsport Forums and Reddit and you don’t see this error directly, the symptoms are the game simply closing after the initial splash-screen. To view the actual error you have to open the Windows Event Viewer and go to Administrative Events. There you will find DistributedCOM errors along with a Application Error. Click the Application Error and you will see an Exception Code in the bottom panel. If the code is 0xc0000005 then you are also affected.
What I found out so far:
— 0xc0000005 seems to be a synonym for the error ACCESS_VIOLATION
— It’s a general error that appears if something is not the the games liking
— if you don’t have the error yet you’re unlikely to develop it later unless you run a software or setup that is known for conflicts
— The issue seems unrelated to the Windows Store
Software known to cause the issue:
— MSI Afterburner / Riva Tuner Statistics Server
— EVGA Precision
— Xsplit
— MacType (You either have to disable the service and restart or uninstall it. Don’t forget to reboot after uninstallation!)
— Warsaw Banking App
— Various antivirus or firewall software
So basically anything that creates an overlay or hooks into the game.
Hardware setups known to cause the issue:
— Having more than two monitors connected to your graphics-card (regardless if active or not)
— Having a VR or Mixed Reality Headset connected (regardless if active or not)
— USB sound-devices
Windows settings that might or might not cause the issue:
— Having the sound settings set to anything but default in terms of bitrate and quality
— Having disabled Sound Enhancements
— Windows Spatial Sound
— Not being logged in as the same user in the Windows Store and the XBOX App (Thanks to Pellaidh)
Odd things that helped some people:
— Reinstalling GPU drivers after a complete uninstall with Display Driver Uninstaller
— Disabling App Developer Mode for the app in Windows 10
To do this open a Powershell window and enter:
Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register -Path "$((Get-AppxPackage | where {$_.Name -match "SunRiseBaseGame"}).InstallLocation)/appxmanifest.xml"
Thanks to Akronis for the updated code!
If the game crashes after the splash but you get DCOM Error 5 in the Event Viewer:
— This error means something went wrong with the installation folder of the game and a re-download of the game should fix it
— It might also be fixed by moving the game to another HDD via the Windows Settings
If none of the above helped you, like it hasn’t for me, you have come to the right place. Please list as much information as possible about your computer and mention anything that might even only be tangible related so we might find out a common thing between our setups.
Official Forza Horizon 4 Support Forum:
Official Forza Horizon 4 Support Website:
Additionally please also go to Support Website, log-in with your Microsoft Account and raise a ticket.
To keep MSI Afterburner and RTSS running and disabling it only for FH4 do the following:
Anyone else who would rather not have to close or disable RTSS to play Forza, this workaround works for me:
- Open the RTSS profiles folder, usually C:\Program Files (x86)\RivaTuner Statistics Server\Profiles
- Copy one of the profiles for a process which has RTSS disabled (e.g. Acrobat.exe.config) to your desktop
- Rename this file to ForzaHorizon4.exe.cfg
- Copy ForzaHorizon4.exe.cfg into your RTSS profiles folder
- Close AfterBurner/RTSS and re-launch
Normally of course, you’d just browse to the exe you want to disable within RTSS but because of UWP being…..UWP, that doesn’t work without messing around with file/folder permissions/ownership.
Things I personally tried beyond all of the above:
— Setting up a new Windows 10 User Account
— Uninstalling Glass8 and MacType
— Ending every non-Windows process in the Task Manager
— Unplugging everything but one monitor over DVI, my speakers, keyboard and mouse from my PC
— Setting my screen to 1080p 60hz
— Removing any listed bluetooth device
The remaining processes in my Task Manager, yet the game still crashes:
And as a final word, yes I could reinstall Windows and that might «fix» it but that’s a solution, not a fix. If we run into this issue again we can’t just keep reinstalling Windows so let’s find out what causes this and get to the bottom of this.
I fixed the issue for me! It was MacType for me, I didn’t reboot after uninstalling it and reinstalled it later. It seems that by not rebooting some part of injection was still in the memory so my uninstall-test wasn’t valid.
I guess the waiting game continues. Gran Turismo Sport will need to keep scratching my racer itch.
I had to uninstall rivatuner and I haven’t had an issue since.
Ending the MSI Afterburner and Rivatuner process wasn’t enough for you?
Tried to start up the game with it still connected yesterday and it crashed to desktop during the intro splash screens.
Had to physically disconnect it from the PC to get the game start. Really hope they fix this as it will get annoying to have to do it every time I start the game up.
I can confirm the mixed reality headset bug still being present in the final game even after I and a few other people reported the issue on the official support forum from the demo.Tried to start up the game with it still connected yesterday and it crashed to desktop during the intro splash screens.
Had to physically disconnect it from the PC to get the game start. Really hope they fix this as it will get annoying to have to do it every time I start the game up.
Good that we have confirmation for that, yeah let’s hope they fix it.
Prophet of Regret — Lizard Daddy
Should only need to do this, but I doubt it’ll even fix anything. It’s related to applications trying to inject or read memory of the game.
Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register -Path "$((Get-AppxPackage | where {$_.Name -match "SunRiseBaseGame"}).InstallLocation)/appxmanifest.xml"
Close out of every single running background app that may interact with other applications.
That PowerShell is completely unnecessary as it’s looping through every single AppX and re-adding it.Should only need to do this, but I doubt it’ll even fix anything. It’s related to applications trying to inject or read memory of the game.
Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register -Path "$((Get-AppxPackage | where {$_.Name -match "SunRiseBaseGame"}).InstallLocation)/appxmanifest.xml"
Close out of every single running background app that may interact with other applications.
Thanks I edited the code in the OP accordingly! Well yeah that’s what I did, I can post a screenshot of my Task Manager tomorrow to double-check. With how many sound-sensitivities the game has I slowly start to wonder if my PCI Creative X-FI Xtreme Gamer might be at fault. This old thing still runs fine but has ancient drivers. The demo ran fine through it though.
Prophet of Regret — Lizard Daddy
Wow, thanks OP, literally the first one of your possible solutions worked. I unplugged my monitor (that didn’t even have anything being outputted to it) and the game finally ran without crashing. Can’t wait to have pointless wear on my HDMI ports because of this game.
The game interacts weirdly with multi monitor setups. I had to manually delete my displays from the registry so it would properly identify my main monitor.
i can’t even download the game in the first place — it appears in my library and i have it on my xbox, but when i click install it returns error 0x803F8001 at the «acquiring license» stage. anyone else see this or know what to do?
This happened to me when I was trying to pre-load. Go to where all your «apps» are listed, there was two versions listed for me. «forza horizon 4 standard edition» which was the one I was trying to download that kept giving me the error, and «forza horizon 4». I clicked download on the one without the «standard edition» label and it started
Access violation — that could be anything. Windows sure is confusing lol. I have Ryzen 7 1700X and GTX 1060 and I never could run Vulkan on Doom due to «access violation» after trying everything.
UI/UX Game Industry Veteran
These apps seem common among core pc gamers , did something change with them that all of a sudden made games see them as some type of interference? It seems like a security check is detecting these running and preventing games from launching.
Has anyone been able to re enable certain software once the game was running and have no issues?
MSI GS65 Laptop (i7, 1070)
1440p external monitor via USB-C -> HDMI
HDMI audio via the above
MSI Dragon Center (similar to Afterburner)
The only bit of weirdness is that the game will only offer FPS limiter matches to whatever if your MAIN display. Originally I had the laptop screen as my main, which is 144Hz, so my FPS options were only 144/72/36. My larger external is just 1440p60, so to lock-in vsync on that I had to quit and change my primary display to the external.
This happened to me when I was trying to pre-load. Go to where all your «apps» are listed, there was two versions listed for me. «forza horizon 4 standard edition» which was the one I was trying to download that kept giving me the error, and «forza horizon 4». I clicked download on the one without the «standard edition» label and it started
hmm yeah that’s not the case for me — i only see «forza horizon 4» and «forza horizon 4 ultimate edition unlock key» in the games list, both of which give the same error. seems like that code can apply to a zillion different scenarios, which isn’t helpful…
I also went back to Nvidia drivers 399.24.
Wow, thanks OP, literally the first one of your possible solutions worked. I unplugged my monitor (that didn’t even have anything being outputted to it) and the game finally ran without crashing. Can’t wait to have pointless wear on my HDMI ports because of this game.
I’m happy to hear that, then making this thread was already worth it Have fun playing! As for the wear, could you maybe just pull the plug of the monitor? Electrical plugs usually are sturdier.
I just rebooted the demo and it was fine the next time.Access violation — that could be anything. Windows sure is confusing lol. I have Ryzen 7 1700X and GTX 1060 and I never could run Vulkan on Doom due to «access violation» after trying everything.
Huh interesting, I really wish Windows would offer more more info.
Skyfireblaze or anyone else who may know. The list of software especially the first two apps , I noticed Ubisoft is also telling people to disable these as people are having similar crash issues at launch with the new Assassins Creed.These apps seem common among core pc gamers , did something change with them that all of a sudden made games see them as some type of interference? It seems like a security check is detecting these running and preventing games from launching.
Has anyone been able to re enable certain software once the game was running and have no issues?
As far as I know in the case of FH4 the game will crash immediately if you re-enable the overlay once the game is running. And no, that’s the funny thing, I haven’t updated my MSI Afterburner in recent months and it was still working fine with the FH4 Demo. MSI Afterburner is literally the go-to software for many people who benchmark and tune their GPU and there is nothing harmful about them from a game-application perspective. The cynical half of me wants to say it might be a new form for copy-protection or anti-cheat that is way overtuned. Should that be the case it reminds me of old nProtect GameGuard days which literally prevented Skype and Firefox from running while a protected game was being played.
Man, this sucks. There’s a lot of “might be” in the OP. FWIW, I haven’t had any problems running on the following setup:MSI GS65 Laptop (i7, 1070)
1440p external monitor via USB-C -> HDMI
HDMI audio via the above
MSI Dragon Center (similar to Afterburner)The only bit of weirdness is that the game will only offer FPS limiter matches to whatever if your MAIN display. Originally I had the laptop screen as my main, which is 144Hz, so my FPS options were only 144/72/36. My larger external is just 1440p60, so to lock-in vsync on that I had to quit and change my primary display to the external.
Thanks for your post, so we can rule USB-C —> HDMI adapters out for affected people. And that’s odd but if I remember correctly FH3 behaved the same way, it seems to only poll whatever monitor is set as primary which isn’t the best way to do things.
hmm yeah that’s not the case for me — i only see «forza horizon 4» and «forza horizon 4 ultimate edition unlock key» in the games list, both of which give the same error. seems like that code can apply to a zillion different scenarios, which isn’t helpful…
I’m sorry for your trouble and unfortunately can’t help you with it either but if I stumble across a solution online I’ll let you know, likewise please post if you found one so I can add it to the OP!
I go the game to run with the USB audio device after disabling it and getting some races in. It was crashing on the initial loading screen right after the Seasons Intro. Now theres no audio ingame, but cutscenes sound normal.I also went back to Nvidia drivers 399.24.
Are your sound quality and bitrate settings set to default in Windows?
Akronis this is all that runs in my Task Manager last time I tried and the game still crashes:
Do you see anything I might have missed?
And since today is a holiday I’ll do a little project, I still have an old 1tb external HDD which I’ll use to put a fresh copy of Windows on. If the game then runs I’ll slowly do everything I did on my main install so hopefully I can find the cause by reverse-elemination.
Still sucks, I don’t wanna risk it……definitely playing it on my PC (no damn way I’m playing on Xbox One X, when I have a good GPU).I guess the waiting game continues. Gran Turismo Sport will need to keep scratching my racer itch.
Use your Gamepass trial. You won’t lose any money, but you’ll be able to try if it runs.
Shame there are problems again.
I had some problems with steam being open. OBS can be used but not if it hooks to Forza. Multidisplay might work if you use separate gpus for each display. (I use cpu gpu for my secondary display)
How many displays do you have in total?
I noticed one thing though. Im playing this via Game Pass on PC and when I was clicking install button on the windows store yesterday I was getting Error message instead. Just an error written in red there. So I checked my downloads and saw that the listing Forza Horizon 4 Standard edition was actually downloading Drift car dlc pack of the game and hence there was an error.
So I went back and searched the game again and this time I installed it from the listing on the store that just said Forza Horizon 4. No standard edition was written and it worked. Started downloading 64gb.
Just putting this here in case anybody faced the same issue.
Edit : It works perfectly fine after uninstalling RTSS. MSI Afterburner is still active and the game launches without any problems.
Game ran fine on pc for me, didn’t incur any issues or crashes. Very happy with the port.I noticed one thing though. Im playing this via Game Pass on PC and when I was clicking install button on the windows store yesterday I was getting Error message instead. Just an error written in red there. So I checked my downloads and saw that the listing Forza Horizon 4 Standard edition was actually downloading Drift car dlc pack of the game and hence there was an error.
So I went back and searched the game again and this time I installed it from the listing on the store that just said Forza Horizon 4. No standard edition was written and it worked. Started downloading 64gb.
Just putting this here in case anybody faced the same issue.
Hmm that sounds like GamePass only grants you a license to FH4 and FH4 alone while the Standard Edition also includes the Drift Car DLC so it makes sense. Seems like somebody forgot to flag the DLC for GamePass.
I close the MSI Afterburner before launching the game and after I got the menu, I Alt+Tab and start it again. I don’t know whether if it is an Afterburner issue or RTSS issue. I’ll edit the post when I try it without RTSS.Edit : It works perfectly fine after uninstalling RTSS. MSI Afterburner is still active and the game launches without any problems.
This makes sense as RTSS does the hooking-into-games part, not Afterburner itself.
Hmm that sounds like GamePass only grants you a license to FH4 and FH4 alone while the Standard Edition also includes the Drift Car DLC so it makes sense. Seems like somebody forgot to flag the DLC for GamePass.This makes sense as RTSS does the hooking-into-games part, not Afterburner itself.
Nope game pass gives access to that dlc as well. I was able to install it after I finished installing fh4. On that fh4 listing there was basically all dlc and expansion pass options stated with respective prices. The drift car showed up with install button for me and I had no problems whatsoever.
Nope game pass gives access to that dlc as well. I was able to install it after I finished installing fh4. On that fh4 listing there was basically all dlc and expansion pass options stated with respective prices. The drift car showed up with install button for me and I had no problems whatsoever.
Alright that’s very odd then but I’m glad you got it resolved regardless!
What a weird translation by the way..![]()
Oh yeah that happens when you don’t like the German localization of a game
- Open the RTSS profiles folder, usually C:\Program Files (x86)\RivaTuner Statistics Server\Profiles
- Copy one of the profiles for a process which has RTSS disabled (e.g. Acrobat.exe.config) to your desktop
- Rename this file to ForzaHorizon4.exe.cfg
- Copy ForzaHorizon4.exe.cfg into your RTSS profiles folder
- Close AfterBurner/RTSS and re-launch
Normally of course, you’d just browse to the exe you want to disable within RTSS but because of UWP being…..UWP, that doesn’t work without messing around with file/folder permissions/ownership.
Patches seem to have high likelihood of breaking things, as does Windows updates.
smh Turn10
Sometimes the game won’t recognize my TV having HDR, sometimes it kicks out of HDR if I start the game with a keyboard instead of a controller, sometimes the screen goes green or pink, it constantly switches HDR on and off between cutscenes and gameplay or when you get an achievement or use the game bar…
Why the fuck is it so difficult to get such a simple thing working like it should?
Anyone else who would rather not have to close or disable RTSS to play Forza, this workaround works for me:
- Open the RTSS profiles folder, usually C:\Program Files (x86)\RivaTuner Statistics Server\Profiles
- Copy one of the profiles for a process which has RTSS disabled (e.g. Acrobat.exe.config) to your desktop
- Rename this file to ForzaHorizon4.exe.cfg
- Copy ForzaHorizon4.exe.cfg into your RTSS profiles folder
- Close AfterBurner/RTSS and re-launch
Normally of course, you’d just browse to the exe you want to disable within RTSS but because of UWP being…..UWP, that doesn’t work without messing around with file/folder permissions/ownership.
Thanks that’s a good tip, I’ll add it to the OP if you don’t mind!
Thanks that’s a good tip, I’ll add it to the OP if you don’t mind!
Of course, I should have added, this means you still get AfterBurner applying your overlock, you only lose the overlay and FPS lock from RTSS. Luckily, Forza’s frame pacing seems very good so the only real loss is the overlay.
Of course, I should have added, this means you still get AfterBurner applying your overlock, you only lose the overlay and FPS lock from RTSS. Luckily, Forza’s frame pacing seems very good so the only real loss is the overlay.
Yeah of course that’s the good part about it.
I solved it by making sure I was logged into the Xbox app with the same account as the Microsoft store app.
If they aren’t the same, the game attempts to login with the Xbox app user, sees that this user doesn’t own the game, and instantly closes.
Of course, this sort of problem will show up on any paid app, not just Forza, but it could be the problem for users new to the store. Free apps and demos would work fine regardless, since you don’t need a licence to run them.
Just posting this in the smallest chance it actually helps somebody.
I have no idea if this is related, but I had problems running Forza Horizon 3 when I first bought it (it just crashed on startup), and none of the online fixes worked for me.I solved it by making sure I was logged into the Xbox app with the same account as the Microsoft store app.
If they aren’t the same, the game attempts to login with the Xbox app user, sees that this user doesn’t own the game, and instantly closes.
Of course, this sort of problem will show up on any paid app, not just Forza, but it could be the problem for users new to the store. Free apps and demos would work fine regardless, since you don’t need a licence to run them.
Just posting this in the smallest chance it actually helps somebody.
This is true if you don’t have your Windows Store account set as the Main-Account for your PC which enables playing as another user but good catch!
In a last attempt I literally unticked every 3rd-party service and auto-start items, rebooted and the game ran! Then I re-enabled everything one by one and found the issue to be MacType which I had uninstalled once already as a test. The crux was, I did not reboot after uninstalling it so apparently the injection was still in memory. Man what a mess but I’m happy now, I suggest everyone running into similar issues doing the same as I did with disabling all 3rd-party services and startup items.
Anyone else who would rather not have to close or disable RTSS to play Forza, this workaround works for me:
- Open the RTSS profiles folder, usually C:\Program Files (x86)\RivaTuner Statistics Server\Profiles
- Copy one of the profiles for a process which has RTSS disabled (e.g. Acrobat.exe.config) to your desktop
- Rename this file to ForzaHorizon4.exe.cfg
- Copy ForzaHorizon4.exe.cfg into your RTSS profiles folder
- Close AfterBurner/RTSS and re-launch
Normally of course, you’d just browse to the exe you want to disable within RTSS but because of UWP being…..UWP, that doesn’t work without messing around with file/folder permissions/ownership.
Thanks! I was trying to figure this out, but without the .exe I couldn’t find a way to do it.
Prophet of Regret — Lizard Daddy
Akronis this is all that runs in my Task Manager last time I tried and the game still crashes:![]()
Do you see anything I might have missed?
And since today is a holiday I’ll do a little project, I still have an old 1tb external HDD which I’ll use to put a fresh copy of Windows on. If the game then runs I’ll slowly do everything I did on my main install so hopefully I can find the cause by reverse-elemination.
Do you have the Geforce Experience installed and possibly have ShadowPlay turned on? The crashes are still saying ACCESS_VIOLATION correct? The only reason I say it’s because it’s something injecting is because that exception is specifically related to applications either trying to break application isolation or it’s a counter-measure for other apps trying to access another application’s memory space.
And no, that’s the funny thing, I haven’t updated my MSI Afterburner in recent months and it was still working fine with the FH4 Demo.
Also, according to the Ars article, the game worked fine in the pre-release, journalist-only build. Then the day one patch introduced issues. Which makes me think this was some kind of dumb intentional security measure.
I never got the violation error strange enough, it just showed the splash screen, then a black window and back to desktop, no error message.
Prophet of Regret — Lizard Daddy
It’s not reasonable to expect users to turn off everything like GeForce experience and RTSS and OBS other overlays to get a modern game to run reliably. Hope this is fixed.
I agree, but here we are lol
Or do the workaround mentioned above.
Anyone else who would rather not have to close or disable RTSS to play Forza, this workaround works for me:
- Open the RTSS profiles folder, usually C:\Program Files (x86)\RivaTuner Statistics Server\Profiles
- Copy one of the profiles for a process which has RTSS disabled (e.g. Acrobat.exe.config) to your desktop
- Rename this file to ForzaHorizon4.exe.cfg
- Copy ForzaHorizon4.exe.cfg into your RTSS profiles folder
- Close AfterBurner/RTSS and re-launch
Normally of course, you’d just browse to the exe you want to disable within RTSS but because of UWP being…..UWP, that doesn’t work without messing around with file/folder permissions/ownership.
Seconding this post. It’s saved me from having to close RTSS and reopen it everytime I start the game.
- Since my Kraken took a dump, I deleted that device, restarted, and had CAM detect it. I did not touch or otherwise «activate» the overlay option in CAM.
- I opened to RTSS and set the detection level to none, effectively turning it off.
Since I did the above 2 things, CAM/Kraken has not crashed and FH4 has opened every time.
GeForce Experience has been working for me—and has not otherwise obstructed booting the game up.
You don’t need to uninstall or even close RTSS, just set «application detection level» to none when playing FH4.
Or do the workaround mentioned above.
This ^.
Go to forza
Forza Horizon 4 is again crashing with error error 0xc0000005.
Forza PC
here is the complete log:-
Faulting application name: ForzaHorizon4.exe, version: 1.477.714.0, time stamp: 0x00000000
Faulting module name: ForzaHorizon4.exe, version: 1.477.714.0, time stamp: 0x00000000
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000000003f49aa4
Faulting process id: 0x0x234C
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1D9B7C7CB187354
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ForzaHorizon4\ForzaHorizon4.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ForzaHorizon4\ForzaHorizon4.exe
Report Id: 3ccde41f-e7c9-4607-9fbe-833280b37279
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
This same issue was happening a few months ago so i stopped playing. Now when i tried a few days back it worked perfectly and again after approximately 8hrs of playtime its again crashing
The game loads the intro screen but after i hit continue it loads and and the finally black screen with loading icon it crashes.
I have tried restarting and verifying cache.
I have all graphic drivers updated
specs of my laptop:-
Ryzen 5 5625 CPU
igpu(vega 7)
16gb ram
512 gb nvme ssd
when running i could easily get 30+fps close to 1080p and 60+ at 720p so definitely my laptop can handle the game very well
Any Sollutions
10 мая 2020
Всем экспертам, способным мне(и тем у кого в будущем появится такая же проблема) помочь ку, остальным соболезную.
Так вот, ситуация следующая:
Туеву хучу времени наиграно в FH4 и на XONE и на компе последние полгода, никогда не было никаких проблем с игрой, и тут, вчера, без обьявления войны эта падла вдруг вылетела после того как я выехал с гаража и нажал на газ, после последующих нескольких попыток игра начала вылетать на моменте прогрузки гаража, после перезагрузки системы все повторяется с начала, первый запуск до нажатия на газ, все последующие — на загрузке гаража, я решил сразу применить план капкан и снёс игру ко всем чертям, сутки потратил на ее переустановку(спасибо Microsoft Store и их 5мбит/с скорости), но и это не помогло от слова совсем, руки опустились окончательно после попыток поиска решения на просторах интернета, если и появляется что-то похожее, то разве что на пиратках(не мой случай) или же проблема совсем другого рода.
Сразу обозначу:
Брандмауэр выключен напрочь, из антивируса только родной от win10 да и тот включен в полсилы(насколько смог отключить)
Повторюсь, что до этого более 500 часов не было никаких проблем, поэтому от этого причина становится еще более туманной.
Заранее спасибо всем неравнодушным, дистанционно целую в лобик <3
Поддержи Стопгейм!
Forza Horizon 4 — 0xc0000005 error code after Update 1.476.000.0
Discus and support Forza Horizon 4 — 0xc0000005 error code after Update 1.476.000.0 in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; After Update 1.476.400.0 (June 6th, 2022), my game no longer gets past the loading screen. It worked perfectly before the update. Antivirus is…
Discussion in ‘XBoX Games and Apps’ started by KyleC5, Jul 1, 2022.
Forza Horizon 4 — 0xc0000005 error code after Update 1.476.000.0
After Update 1.476.400.0 (June 6th, 2022), my game no longer gets past the loading screen. It worked perfectly before the update. Antivirus is disabled, firewall is disabled. My backup from ten days ago crashes as well, though it worked on June 2nd.
Forza Support immediately closed my ticket and told me to submit my error code here.
What does it mean, and how do I fix it?
Windows 11 Version 21H2 (OS Build 22000.708)
NVIDIA GeForce MX450
11th Gen Intel Core i7-1165G7
Driver Version
Forza Horizon 4 — 0xc0000005 error code after Update 1.476.000.0
That seems to have fixed it, I don’t think I’ve ever run the chkdsk commands before.
Thank you!
Forza Horizon 4 — 0xc0000005 error code after Update 1.476.000.0
Hello, KyleC5. Thanks for reaching out! My name is Lucas, and I’m an Independent Advisor and a Microsoft user just like you. I’ll be happy to assist you today.
The error 0xc0000005 (Access Violation) is usually caused by your computer not being able to correctly process the files and settings required to run a particular program or installation.
I will rule out any hardware issue since all other games on Steam are running fine, right?
So the first step I would suggest you is to try to repair broken, corrupted or missing system files:
Go to Start > Search for Command Prompt > Right Click > Run as Administrator. Run one command at a time:
sfc /scannow
chkdsk /r
chkdsk /f
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
After running these commands, please let me know if the issue persists.
Games are crashing after a power failure. (Solved)
I was playing Forza Horizon 4, and it seems to crash a lot sooner for some reason, with the same error code 0xc0000005. It seems what I did, didn’t fix the problem.
Forza Horizon 4 (Steam) crashes when go online
Yes, i tried pretty much all of it. Also found this question (i am not sure if i played the game normally before update or not last time). Steps from here also not helping.
Forza Horizon 4 (Steam) crashes when go online
Forza Horizon 4 — 0xc0000005 error code after Update 1.476.000.0
Forza Horizon 4 — 0xc0000005 error code after Update 1.476.000.0 — Similar Threads — Forza Horizon 0xc0000005
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Uploaded by AarohanTechSol | 2022-06-12 10:47:29
How to fix Forza Horizon 4/5 Error Code 0xc0000005 On Windows 10/11 PC
Run these commands
sfc /scannow
chkdsk /r
chkdsk /f
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
Verify & repair the game
Step 1) Restart PC
Step 2) Create desktop shortcut and launch the game
Step 3) Run the game as an administrator using desktop shortcut
Step 4) Repair/Reset the game
Step 5) Delete Microsoft Store Local Cache Files
Step 6) Login with same account in Xbox app and Microsoft Store app
Step 7) Install all the Updates in Microsoft Store
Step Update Windows
Step 9) Run wsreset command
Step 10) Repair/reset Xbox app/Store
Step 11) Run this command
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers| Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml”}
Step 12) Start all these services
IP Helper
Xbox Live Auth Manager
Xbox Live Game Save
Xbox Live Networking Service
Gaming services
Windows Update
Microsoft install service
Step 13) Uninstall and reinstall gaming services
Get-AppxPackage *gamingservices* -allusers | remove-appxpackage -allusers
start ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9MWPM2CQNLHN
Install Xbox Identity provider
Xbox Identity Provider:
Step 14) Uninstall and Reinstall the game
Step 15) Update Windows using media creation tool
#Fix #Forza #Horizon #Error #Code #0xc0000005 #Windows – AreaViral