Ford escape ошибка p051b

На данный момент беспокоят несколько болячек, надеюсь найти ответ здесь или рекомендации.
-Адаптивный круиз, после пригона не работал (ударен слегка, крепления поломаны), потом вроде поработал, после шевеления проводов. Потом, когда гнал на русификацию опять обрубился, до сих пор проблема не решена.
— Ошибка p051b, какая то проблема с вентиляцие картерных газов. По Гуглу выдает замену шланга и перепрошивка pcm. Проблема иногда пропадает сама. Зимой ошибка выскакивала раз в месяц. Потеплело-раз день.
— Пропадает связь с ключом. Если ключ в кармане, горит предупреждение замените батарейку ( менял 8 раз по7уй). Ключ ложу под торпеду всегда. Иногда выскакивает сообщение ключ не в автомобиле, а он лежит в месте для ключа над антенной.
— и последняя. Кнопка старт срабатывает без нажатой педали тормоза. Вроде и не проблема, но когда надо только включить зажигание приходиться переводить селектор на какую нибудь передачу, чтобы машина не заводилась.

Но… напрягает, что иногда зажигание все таки включается, значит где-то какой-то контакт то пропадает то появляется.

Пробег: 104 000 км

Датчик картерных газов 1.5

Добрый вечер. Помогите пожалуйста разобраться с ошибкой P051B (давление картерных). У меня двигатель 1,5ecoboost для США и в нем есть одно отличие от Европы как минимум- это датчик картерных газов. На Европе этого датчика нет насколько я знаю. Решается ошибка заменой трубки в сборе (6А664А) с датчиком, но это дорого и долго. Поэтому вопрос, как можно отключить этот датчик или его обойти как на евро двигателях? Изображение

Заслуженная репутация: 0
Сообщения: 133
Благодарил (а): 32 раз.
Поблагодарили: 5 раз.
Моя машина: Ford
Прошлое авто: Escape 2017
Город: Беларусь
Моя группа: Беларусь

Re: Датчик картерных газов 1.5

Сообщение #2  20 май 2020, 08:10

Добрый день! Вылезла такая же ошибка. Вам удалось решить проблему?

Заслуженная репутация: 0
Сообщения: 1
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Моя машина: Ford Escape 2.0 (240л.с) EcoBoost AКП 4WD
Город: Минск
Моя группа: Беларусь

Re: Датчик картерных газов 1.5

Сообщение #3  20 май 2020, 23:42

Пока не добрался. Но многим помогает простая промывка этого датчика.

Заслуженная репутация: 0
Сообщения: 133
Благодарил (а): 32 раз.
Поблагодарили: 5 раз.
Моя машина: Ford
Прошлое авто: Escape 2017
Город: Беларусь
Моя группа: Беларусь

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Сейчас этот форум просматривают: fsb6nik

Код P051B FORD — Диапазон/характеристики цепи датчика давления в картере

Степень важности ремонта : 3

Степень сложности ремонта : 3

  • Неисправный датчик давления в картере
  • Обрыв или замыкание жгута проводов датчика давления в картере
  • Некачественное электрическое соединение цепи датчика давления в картере.

Как исправить код p051b ford?

Начните с проверки ‘Возможных причин’, перечисленных выше. Визуально осмотрите жгут проводов и разъемы. Проверьте наличие поврежденных компонентов и поищите сломанные, погнутые, вытолкнутые или корродированные контакты разъема

Сколько стоит диагностика кода p051b ford?

Трудозатраты: 1,0

Стоимость диагностики кода P051B Ford составляет 1,0 час трудозатрат. Время диагностики и трудозатраты автосервиса зависят от местоположения, марки и модели автомобиля и даже типа двигателя. Большинство авторемонтных мастерских берут от 75 до 150 долларов США в час

Каковы возможные симптомы кода p051b ford?

  • Горит лампа двигателя (или предупреждающая лампа Service Engine Soon).

Что означает код p051b ford?

Модуль управления двигателем (ECM) контролирует сигнал датчика давления в картере.ECM устанавливает код OBDII, когда датчик давления в картере не соответствует заводским спецификациям

SSM 47203

2018 Escape – 1.5L EcoBoost – Illuminated Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) With Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P051B

Some 2018 Escape vehicles equipped with a 1.5L EcoBoost engine may exhibit an illuminated MIL on with DTC P051B.

This DTC sets if the crankcase pressure sensor voltage is greater than a calibrated threshold.

If DTC P051B is set with any other codes, diagnose and repair those DTCs first.

If DTC P051B is the only DTC, use the Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS) data logger and monitor CRNKCAS_P_V at KOEO for 10 seconds without tapping/disturbing the sensor or connector.

If the sensor voltage is found to be less than 3.7V or more than 4.1V, replace the crankcase sensor/hose assembly and leave the sensor connected to the hose.

If the hose assembly is replaced, record the sensor voltage in the claim or make a recording of the CRNKCAS_P_V at KOEO with the original sensor and upload the session to the server.

Engineering is currently investigating. Monitor OASIS for updates.


SSM 47203

SSM 47158

Bestseller No. 1

ANCEL AD310 Classic Enhanced Universal OBD II Scanner Car Engine Fault Code Reader CAN Diagnostic Scan Tool-Black

ANCEL AD310 Classic Enhanced Universal OBD II Scanner Car Engine Fault Code Reader CAN Diagnostic Scan Tool-Black

  • CEL Doctor: The ANCEL AD310 is one of the best-selling OBD II scanners on the market and is recommended by Scotty Kilmer, a YouTuber and auto mechanic. It can easily determine the cause of the check engine light coming on, quickly read and clear diagnostic trouble codes, read live data & hard memory data, view freeze frame, I/M monitor readiness and collect vehicle information. Instead of taking car to mechanic shop, you can use it to check the trouble code and show code definition by yourself.
  • Sturdy and Compact: Equipped with a 2.5 foot cable made of very thick, flexible insulation. It is important to have a sturdy scanner as it can easily fall to the ground when working in a car. The AD310 OBD2 scanner is a well-constructed device with a sleek design. It weighs 12 ounces and measures 8.9 x 6.9 x 1.4 inches. Thanks to its compact design and light weight, transporting the device is not a problem. The buttons are clearly labelled and the screen is large and displays results clearly.
  • Accurate Fast and Easy to Use: The AD310 scanner can help you or your mechanic understand if your car is in good condition, provides exceptionally accurate and fast results, reads and clears engine trouble codes in seconds. If you want to find out the cause of the check engine light, this device will let you know immediately and fix the problem right away without any car knowledge. No need for batteries or a charger, get power directly from the OBDII Data Link Connector in your vehicle.
  • OBDII Protocols and Car Compatibility: Many cheap scan tools do not really support all OBD2 protocols. This is not the case with the AD310 scanner as it can support all OBDII protocols such as KWP2000, J1850 VPW, ISO9141, J1850 PWM and CAN. This device also has extensive vehicle compatibility with 1996 US-based, 2000 EU-based and Asian cars, light trucks, SUVs, as well as newer OBD2 and CAN vehicles both domestic and foreign. Check compatibility with your vehicle model before purchasing.
  • Home Necessity and Worthy to Own: This is an excellent code reader to travel or home with as it weighs less and it is compact in design. You can easily slide it in your backpack as you head to the garage, or put it on the dashboard, this will be a great fit for you. The AD310 is not only portable, but also accurate and fast in performance. Moreover, it covers various car brands and is suitable for people who just need a code reader to check their car.

SaleBestseller No. 2

MOTOPOWER MP69033 Car OBD2 Scanner Code Reader Engine Fault Code Reader Scanner CAN Diagnostic Scan Tool for All OBD II Protocol Cars Since 1996, Yellow

MOTOPOWER MP69033 Car OBD2 Scanner Code Reader Engine Fault Code Reader Scanner CAN Diagnostic Scan Tool for All OBD II Protocol Cars Since 1996, Yellow

  • Multi-Functions — Practical Multi-Functions OBD2 code reader features built-in OBD2 DTC lookup library, which help you to determine the cause of the engine light, read code, erase code, view freeze frame, I/M ready, vehicle information, data flow, real-time curve, get vehicle speed information, calculate load value, engine coolant temperature, get engine speed.
  • Wide Capability — Supports 9 protocols compatible with most 1996 US-Based, 2000 EU-Based and Asian cars, and newer OBD II & CAN domestic or import vehicles. Supports 6 languages — English,German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Italian.
  • LCD Display — Designed with a clear display LCD screen (128 x 64 pixels) — white backlight and contrast adjustment. No need any battery or charger, OBD reader gets the power directly from your vehicle through the OBDII Data Link Connector.
  • Compact Design — Car diagnostic scanner is equipped with a 2.5 feet long cable and made of a very thick flexible insulator.There are 6 buttons on OBD2 Scanner:scroll up/down,enter/exit and buttons that quick query VIN vehicle number& the DTC fault code.
  • ABS / Airbag codes NOT Supported — It is able to read and clear check engine information which is part of OBDII system, but it cannot work with non-OBDII systems, including ABS / Airbag / Oil Service Light, etc.

SaleBestseller No. 3

BlueDriver Bluetooth Pro OBDII Scan Tool for iPhone & Android

BlueDriver Bluetooth Pro OBDII Scan Tool for iPhone & Android

  • [Pro OBD2 Scanner] — BlueDriver is the easiest way to scan and understand your vehicle like a professional mechanic. Read and clear your car’s trouble codes and check engine light.
  • [Read & Clear All The Codes] — BlueDriver’s enhanced vehicle diagnostics gives you access to information normally available only to mechanics on their OBD2 scan tools. Now you can read and clear ABS, Airbag, SRS, TPMS codes, and many more.
  • [Get The Right Fix] — Much more than a car code reader, BlueDriver is a diagnostic tool. Get unlimited specific repair reports containing possible causes, reported fixes, and more for virtually every vehicle make and model.
  • [Wireless & Bluetooth Enabled] — Say goodbye to wires. BlueDriver connects with Bluetooth via your phone/tablet to a sensor that plugs into your car’s OBDII port. Get all of the capabilities of an expensive code reader & scan tool without any annoying wires.
  • [User-Friendly App and Repair Videos] — BlueDriver gives you more ways to scan and fix your vehicle. Our iOS & Android app connects you to a large database of repair videos with step-by-step directions of repairs.

SaleBestseller No. 4

FOXWELL NT301 OBD2 Scanner Live Data Professional Mechanic OBDII Diagnostic Code Reader Tool for Check Engine Light

FOXWELL NT301 OBD2 Scanner Live Data Professional Mechanic OBDII Diagnostic Code Reader Tool for Check Engine Light

  • [Vehicle CEL Doctor] The NT301 obd2 scanner enables you to read DTCs, access to e-missions readiness status, turn off CEL(check engine light) or MIL, reset monitor, read live data and retrieve VIN of your vehicle.
  • [Accuracy & Streams] Live data graphing and logging. Accurately read error codes for most Worldwide cars, SUVs, light trucks and 12V diesels equipped with Obd2. Graphing live vehicle sensors data allows you to focus on any suspicious data and trend.
  • [Worthy to Own] Recommended by Mechanic Scotty Kilmer on Youtube. Codes analysis and Printer compatible. Unique PATENTED design, 2.8″ color screen, F-ree Lifetime Update and 1-year seller assurance with EXCLUSIVE tech and service team.
  • [S-mog Check Helper] Read/Erase and I/M readiness hotkeys make it easy to use the car computer reader right out of the package. Red-Yellow-Green Leds and build-in speaker indicate the readiness status for confident e-missions test.
  • [Home Necessity] Open to global customers. No battery required, NT301 obd scanner is charged directly from the 16pin DLC in your vehicle. It is recommended as a necessity in your toolbox and great gifts for Home and Autoshop Mechanics.

Bestseller No. 5

Autel Professional OBD2 Scanner AL319 Code Reader, Enhanced Check and Reset Engine Fault Code, Live Data, Freeze Frame, CAN Car Diagnostic Scan Tools for All OBDII Vehicles After 1996, 2023 Upgraded

Autel Professional OBD2 Scanner AL319 Code Reader, Enhanced Check and Reset Engine Fault Code, Live Data, Freeze Frame, CAN Car Diagnostic Scan Tools for All OBDII Vehicles After 1996, 2023 Upgraded

  • 【TURN OFF CEL】 This AL319 car diagnostic tool supports Reading DTCs, displaying Live Data, Freeze Frame & I/M Readiness etc to figure out the root cause of the Check Engine Light (CEL) and turning it off, to help you detect any potential problems, and to avoid excessive costs for unnecessary repairs.
  • 【EXTENSIVE APPLICATION】 Autel AL319 Compatible with 7 languages (English, French, Spanish, etc.) and various post-1996 OBD II protocol vehicles (Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Ford, etc.), this OBD II scanner provides accurate and fast diagnosis for worldwide car owners.
  • 【FOR END USER & DIYERS】 This error code reader AL319 is “plug and play” and comes with an easy interface. Even if you’re not familiar with vehicle repair, you can quickly take control of this obd2 scanner, and get the information you want.
  • 【USER-FRIENDLY DESIGN】 This check engine code reader features a patented One-Click I/M Readiness Key, TFT color display, built-in speaker, LED Indicator etc. The cable is long enough without being too long and getting in the way. No batteries are needed.
  • 【HIGH-QUALITY SERVICES】 12 months warranty from the date of purchase and lifetime free update are offered by this Automobile OBDII scan tool. Welcome to contact us via Q&A, email, or hotline, and our after-sale-service team for technical support.

SaleBestseller No. 6

Zmoon OBD2 Scanner Diagnostic Tool, Vehicle Check Engine Code Readers with Reset & I/M Readiness & More, Car OBDII/EOBD Diagnostic Scan Tool for All Vehicles After 1996

Zmoon OBD2 Scanner Diagnostic Tool, Vehicle Check Engine Code Readers with Reset & I/M Readiness & More, Car OBDII/EOBD Diagnostic Scan Tool for All Vehicles After 1996

  • 🔍Car Diagnostic Scanner with Full OBD/EOBD Function — ✅Read codes and clear codes, ✅10000+ error codes available for query, ✅viewe freeze frame, ✅I/M readiness and historical I/M Data, ✅live data stream and live curve (car speed, battery voltage etc. ), ✅car information reading, ✅oxygen sensor test, ✅EVAP test, ✅calculate load value, ✅engine coolant temperature, ✅get engine speed. It has all the OBD functions you need.
  • 📱2.8» HD Color Screen — Compared with traditional OBD scanners, Zmoon 2.8» HD color check engine code reader displays more and richer content, which will not cause eye fatigue after long-term use. And the body design is very suitable for one-handed holding.
  • 🚗Compatible with Most Vehicles & 7 Languages Available — OBDII/EOBD car scanner diagnostic for all American cars after 1996, European cars after 2002, Asian cars after 2008. Supports English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian and Dutch.
  • 🔌Plug and play: Directly powered by the car, even beginners can quickly master and use the car code scanner proficiently. No need to download APP, it is more accurate and stable than the wireless bluetooth code reader! And there are 3 statu lights on the device to remind you if your car is faulty, which is very friendly to beginners.
  • 📧Worry-Free After-Sales Service: Zmoon OBD car scanner diagnostic tool has 30 days return policy and extended 3 years warranty! 7*24 hours customer service, if you have any dissatisfaction or questions, you can send us a message in the background, we will reply quickly within 24 hours.

Bestseller No. 8

TOPDON TopScan OBD2 Scanner Bluetooth, Wireless OBDII All System Diagnostic Tool for iOS & Android, Bidirectional Scan, Check Engine Car Code Reader, Vehicle Performance Test, Repair Guides, AutoVin

TOPDON TopScan OBD2 Scanner Bluetooth, Wireless OBDII All System Diagnostic Tool for iOS & Android, Bidirectional Scan, Check Engine Car Code Reader, Vehicle Performance Test, Repair Guides, AutoVin

  • 8+ Popular Functions, Full System Diagnosis: TopScan Lite supports OBD2 full system diagnosis functions, including read/clear codes, ECU information,AUTO VIN, viewing real-time data, and active tests. It offers 8+ reset functions: Oil Reset, Throttle Adaptation, EPB Reset, Steering Angle Reset, DPF Regeneration, ABS Bleeding, BMS Reset, and Airbag Reset. By these functions, you can save on unnecessary repair costs and reduce repair times significantly.
  • Bi-directional Control, Quickly Locate Problems: The bi-directional scan tool enables you to send commands from your smartphone directly to the vehicle’s ECU for active testing. This feature helps to quickly narrow down problem areas, such as A/C clutch, windows, doors, sunroof, etc., reducing the mechanic’s diagnostic time and can help DIY users locate faults more easily. Additionally, TopScan Lite provides fault analysis and repair guidance, helping you solve problems efficiently.
  • Bluetooth Quick Pairing in Seconds: With the upgraded 5.0 Bluetooth system, TopScan Lite ensures a faster connection, eliminating the hassle of wires.The bluetooth pairing process needs to be completed in the application (IOS: TOPGURU&Android: TopScan). you can download our app from APP Store and Google play. TopScan Lite provides one year of free software updates.
  • Performance Testing: Always Know Your Vehicle’s Condition, TopScan Lite supports speed performance testing, allowing you to analyze speed changes and calculate engine displacement efficiency,the higher the VE volumetric efficiency, the better the power output performance of the engine.
  • 4- Repair Guides, Your Online Assistant: TopScan Lite has launched 4 functions that are most touching for all car owners, DIY enthusiasts, and mechanics: TSB factory technical bulletins, easier and more convenient search. The OBD common fault code repair guidance, leading you to solve problems quickly. DLC diagnostic seat location, quickly positioning. Fault code database, telling you the reasons and solutions for all fault lights, saying goodbye to complicated methods.

SaleBestseller No. 9

Anyongora OBD2 Scanner, Universal Code Reader for Check Engine Fault Light, CAN Diagnostic Scan Tool for All OBDII Protocol Cars

Anyongora OBD2 Scanner, Universal Code Reader for Check Engine Fault Light, CAN Diagnostic Scan Tool for All OBDII Protocol Cars

  • THE FIRST DIAGNOSTIC SCAN TOOL YOU WILL EVER NEED: The scanner is plug and play, no need to prepare a separate battery, you can connect it directly to your car. And it has all the basic functions of a code reader to meet your needs. Supports 5 national languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch).
  • USE IT TO FIND THE CAUSE OF THE CAR’S PROBLEM: It can help you quickly check the reason for the engine trouble light turning on, built-in OBD2 DTC lookup database and have more than 3,000 universal code definitions. It can also help you fix some basic faults yourself.
  • CLEAR CODES AND VIEW VEHICLE INFORMATION: When the fault is fixed, use it to clear the car’s fault codes. It can also read the vehicle’s I/M status information, view the vehicle’s VIN information, display the sensor data and other information that can help you better check and maintain your vehicle.
  • COMPATIBLE WITH ALL OBD II AND CAN COMPLIANT VEHICLES: V309 has broad compatibility, supporting 9 protocols, compatible with all OBD II and CAN compliant vehicles, including most US post-1996 vehicles and most EU and Asian post-2000 vehicles. Not compatible with new energy and hybrid vehicles.
  • GREAT QUALITY ON THE MARKET: Manufactured from high strength resin material with a non-slip side design that is both attractive and durable. The screen has a clear LCD display (128 x 64 pixels), allowing you to see the information displayed clearly.

SaleBestseller No. 10

ZMOON ZM201 Professional OBD2 Scanner Diagnostic Tool, Enhanced Check Engine Code Reader with Reset OBDII/EOBD Car Diagnostic Scan Tools for All Vehicles After 1996, 2023 Upgraded

ZMOON ZM201 Professional OBD2 Scanner Diagnostic Tool, Enhanced Check Engine Code Reader with Reset OBDII/EOBD Car Diagnostic Scan Tools for All Vehicles After 1996, 2023 Upgraded

  • ✔Full OBDII Modes Scanner for Car: As professional car scanner, ZM201 has all the OBD2 functions you need.🔎Read & clear codes, 💡turn off engine light or MIL, ❄view freeze frame, 📋read I/M readiness, 🚕retrieve vehicle VIN, 🔋battery voltage test, 📈live data stream (with graphing display), ✅built-in 35901 DTCs, O2 sensor test, onboard monitoring mode, and perform component testing etc.
  • ✔Enhanced OBD2 Scanner Diagnostic Tool: Live data and DTC replay combined with printing function, you can connect it to a computer for fault data printing, prevent auto repair shops from charging randomly, save money and time. ZM201 obd scanner also comes with free-lifetime software updates, ensuring you always have the latest features and improvements.
  • ✔35,901 DTC Lookup: ZM201 car code reader built-in 35,901 DTCs, the old model obd2 usually only have 3,000-10,000. So the ZM201 car scanner has a huge advantage, which means that this obd2 scanner can better help diagnose and solve your vehicle faults. This is a great option if you want to replace or upgrade an existing car scanner.
  • ✔Compatible with 98% Vehicles: ZM201 OBD2 scanner for car is compatible with most cars after 1996(USA)/2002(EU)/2008(Asia). If your car has an OBD2 port (16Pin), and the production time meets the above timeline, then your vehicle is compatible. But it is not compatible with new energy vehicles, hybrid vehicles, and models that do not comply with the OBD2 protocol.
  • ✔Convenient Shortcut Functions: The addition of shortcut keys enhances the user experience. Pressing F1 enables you to quickly retrieve trouble codes, while F2 provides instant access to I/M readiness information. We’ve also introduced left and right navigation buttons (the previous model had only up and down buttons), making operation even more convenient.

Last update on 2023-09-04 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

This product presentation was made with AAWP plugin.

Code Fault Location Probable Cause
P051B Crankcase Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
(Buy Part On Amazon)
PCM malfunction, faulty Pcv valves, electrical issues

We recommend Torque Pro

Table of Contents

  1. What Does Code P051B Mean?
  2. Where is the P051B sensor located?
  3. What are the common causes of code P051B?
  4. What are the symptoms of code P051B?
  5. Codes Related to P051B
  6. Get Help with P051B

What Does Code P051B Mean?

NOTE: P051B is common on 2015 and newer Ford vehicles with EcoBoost engines (1.5L, 2.7L, 3.5L).  Vehicles affected include Ford Escape, EcoSport, F-150, Fusion, Ranger, etc.  This code may be due to the crankcase pressure sensor/tube assembly. To correct the condition, check TSBs and follow the Service Procedure steps to replace the crankcase pressure sensor/tube assembly.

The Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P051B is a trouble code that means Crankcase Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance. It has to do with monitoring the pressure level that is gathering up in the engine. The crankcase pressure sensor does not just monitor pressure but also the engine oil present in the crankcase. The DTC works using a pressure sensor that correctly measures and determines the pressure building level in the crankcase. This is to prevent the gaskets and other seals from getting damaged.

To understand how important the Crankcase Pressure Sensor is, we will briefly explain the crankcase. The Crankcase is the largest part of the engine. It houses the important parts of the engine like the connecting rods, pistons, and cylinders. Any damage to any part of this part of the engine could be fatal to the totality of the engine; this is why this part of the engine must be monitored properly.

The Crankcase Pressure Sensor is created to ensure that the engine works under a suitable internal condition. During normal working conditions, the engine produces a lot of gas that continuously builds up within the engine. These gases are normal during the engine’s operation but could also be dangerous if not monitored properly. Excessive gas or pressure in the engine’s crankshaft can cause the engine to have oil leaks and can cause leaks in other engine seals, including the gasket.

The Crank Pressure Sensor monitors these gases in the engine’s crankshaft. It works with the Engine Control Module (ECM), popularly considered the “brain.” The ECM performs the function of monitoring the engine’s performance and making sure that it functions perfectly. All modern vehicles come with an ECM system. All the car’s engine sensors are connected to the ECM system, ensuring that all the vehicle parts are working at optimal capacity. ECM helps regulate major engine parts, including a mixture of air and fuel and an emission system.

The Crank Pressure Sensor works with the ECM system by sending valuable data about the condition of pressure in the crankshaft to the ECM. The ECM then ensures that the gases do not reach a harmful extent. It does this by redistributing the gases into the engine for use. The ECM can achieve this with the help of a Positive Crankshaft Ventilation (PVC) system.

The P051B Code can get activated when the data from the Crank Pressure Sensor shows that the pressure built up in the crankshaft is above the normally required pressure. The sensors in the crankshaft pick up the problem. The sensors then send the data to the ECM, which triggers the Positive Ventilation (PVC) system to correct the problem. If the problem can not be regulated due to issues within the engine system or external factors, then the P051B is triggered. The code is shown on the OBD system, telling you that there is a problem with the engine pressure level.

Where is the P051B sensor located?

The P051B is also known as the Crankcase Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance. The crankcase pressure sensor can be found in the crankcase within the engine. It is placed in a strategic position where it can easily monitor the pressure in the engine system. It is also placed in a position where it will not be damaged by the heat generated by the engine system.

What are the common causes of code P051B?

The code P051B can be caused by several issues that may be going on in the engine system or crankcase. The code must be taken seriously when noticed to prevent further damage to the engine system. They include:

  • Faulty crankcase pressure sensor
  • Defective Electrical connection
  • PCM malfunction
  • Faulty PCV valve
  • Obstructed PCV system

There are also other problems in the engine system that can cause code P051B to come up. Also, another popular cause that can trigger the code may be a malfunction or glitch in the system.

You should note that diagnosing non-professionals should be very careful in attempting to repair this problem. This is because the P015B is an engine-related issue, and as we know, the engine is a very complicated part of the vehicle. Unlike other parts of the car, mistakes made in the engine could cause serious damage that could cause a fortune to fix.  Also, many wrong diagnostics due to the complication of the vehicle’s electronic components could cause serious problems to the vehicle’s electrical system.

What are the symptoms of code P051B?

Like other diagnostic codes, the P015B comes with some symptoms that, when your vehicle begins to show them, could be due to the P051B code. Here are some of the symptoms of the P051B code:

  • Leaks in the gasket
  • Smokes from the engine
  • Reduced engine performance
  • Triggered engine light
  • Bad fuel mileage

Other codes may come up due to the P015B. These codes include issues that have to do with problems related to the crankcase. Some of the code that may come up with the P015B includes

  • P04DB Code – This code has to do with a disconnected crankcase ventilation system. The crankcase ventilation system is an important part of the engine system that helps remove excess gas from the crankcase and also reduces pressure in the engine system.

  • P052E Code – As we know, the Positive Crankshaft Ventilation (PVC) system is an important instrument in controlling the pressure in the crankcase. Once this PVC is damaged or lets off the wrong signal due to failed operating signals, the P052E code will come up.

Help Us Help You

Please comment below describing your issue as well as the specifics of your vehicle (make, model, year, miles, and engine),
and one of our mechanics will respond as soon as possible. We appreciate a $9.99 donation via the payment button below.

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