Fnv 4gb patcher ошибка


Posted 23 June 2014 — 11:13 am



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Downloaded the 4gb mod this morning but can’t seem to get it to work. I placed both the required files into the game’s directory yet when i run the .exe which is supposed to launch new vegas nothing happens. My cursor spins as if it’s loading something but then stops after a few seconds :/ 

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Posted 23 June 2014 — 11:15 am



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Are you using the steam version? 

Try this one: 


If you’re also running the NVSE, go to their site and download the 4gb enabled NVSE launcher. 

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Posted 23 June 2014 — 11:21 am


    Recovering A-hole

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1) Run it as admin, add an exception to your antivirus for it.

2) Try to read the readme or search the forum thread.

3) It works fine with NVSE and loads it by default, you don’t need the old broken one from NVSE page.

Edited by RoyBatterian, 23 June 2014 — 11:22 am.

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Posted 23 June 2014 — 11:36 am



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i’m running it off steam, i just tried that link and it seems to do the same thing. I haven’t even tried to download NVSE yet though i was planning to.

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Posted 23 June 2014 — 11:41 am



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1) Run it as admin, add an exception to your antivirus for it.

2) Try to read the readme or search the forum thread.

3) It works fine with NVSE and loads it by default, you don’t need the old broken one from NVSE page.

i’ve tried running as admin as well, i’ll try to add an exception once i figure out how :)

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Posted 23 June 2014 — 11:57 am



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okay, added an exception to my anti virus and just restarted my pc. Now i get another error lol when i try and open it up i get two errors.

«the procedure entry point _BinkCopyBufferRect@44 could not be located in the dynamic link library 


and after that i get a pop up that simpley says «access denied»

Edited by sadvillain, 23 June 2014 — 12:05 pm.

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Posted 23 June 2014 — 02:19 pm


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Copy the FNV4GB.exe and fnv4gb_helper.dll to the New Vegas Installation directory. Point the steam shortcut you created to the exe you just copied, not the one on your desktop.

There is a link to an installation video in the Updated version’s description page located here http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55061/?

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Posted 23 June 2014 — 04:26 pm



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Copy the FNV4GB.exe and fnv4gb_helper.dll to the New Vegas Installation directory. Point the steam shortcut you created to the exe you just copied, not the one on your desktop.

There is a link to an installation video in the Updated version’s description page located here http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55061/?

just reinstalled the game completely and tried the link you game me; i put it in the games directory but it still gives me the same error except with an updated  location.

the procedure entry point _BinkCopyBufferRect@44 could not be located in the dynamic link library 

(x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\exes\FalloutNV.exe

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Posted 23 June 2014 — 09:47 pm



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i’m guessing this is a windows 8.1 problem since i’ve seen compatibility issues on the forum as well. i’ve noticed when i launch fnv4gb it creates an «exes» folder which has a FalloutNV.exe in it which also gives me an error when i click it.

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Установил sfw установщиком, автоматом запустился fnv4gb patch, пропатчил игру, в окошке написано, что все ок, после чего на рабочем столе появился ярлык пропатченого exe файла. При попытке его запустить пишет, что файл не найден и просит указать путь. 

Так вот вопрос — игра пропатчилась или нет? 

С этой проблемой сталкивался и до этого, когда пытался установить этот патч. 

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5 часов назад, Ehalipouhabam сказал:


Установил sfw установщиком, автоматом запустился fnv4gb patch, пропатчил игру, в окошке написано, что все ок, после чего на рабочем столе появился ярлык пропатченого exe файла. При попытке его запустить пишет, что файл не найден и просит указать путь. 

Так вот вопрос — игра пропатчилась или нет? 

С этой проблемой сталкивался и до этого, когда пытался установить этот патч. 

Введи в консоли GetIsLAA
Если напишет 2, значит патчер работает, если 0, в таком случае не работает.

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В 02.11.2022 в 13:04, Oleks_Adm сказал:

Введи в консоли GetIsLAA
Если напишет 2, значит патчер работает, если 0, в таком случае не работает.

Благодарность тебе за этот совет. В таком случае нужно просто запускать саму игру с nvse_loader он в папке FNV у него ещё иконка курьера в противогазе ))

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В 16.03.2023 в 02:07, iMaX сказал:

Благодарность тебе за этот совет. В таком случае нужно просто запускать саму игру с nvse_loader он в папке FNV у него ещё иконка курьера в противогазе ))

Вообще-то, патч пришивает библиотеки НВСЕ сразу к движку, и лаунчер НВСЕ впринципе не нужен.

Можешь запускать игру через обычный ярлык лаунчера Нью Вегаса :)

Этот патч Рой специально сделал для стимовской версии, или других магазинов, которые очень не любят посторонние пускачи.

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After the success of Fallout 3, Bethesda Softwares published yet another game in the award-winning Fallout series. The new game, called Fallout New Vegas, wasn’t a direct sequel to Fallout 3 but served as a spin-off to the series. Fallout New Vegas, similar to its predecessors, won hearts across the gaming community and has been bought more than 12 million times since its release in 2010. While the game was primarily the recipient of excellent reviews, it was also criticized for the vast number of bugs and glitches in its early days. Most of these bugs and errors have been resolved since then but a few continue to irk the gamers. Application load error 5:0000065434 error, runtime error, and out of memory are a few of the most frequently encountered errors. We will be discussing and providing you with a solution for the Fallout New Vegas Out of Memory error in this article. 

Fix Fallout New Vegas Out of Memory error

The Out of Memory error pops right in the middle of the gameplay and is followed by a total game crash. Going by the wording of the error, a lack of memory seems to be the culprit. However, the error is encountered equally in systems with adequate memory.

In reality, the game was developed nearly a decade ago, and for systems that were way less powerful than the one you are reading this article on. Fallout New Vegas fails to utilize more than 2gb of your system RAM due to the way it was developed and therefore, the Out of Memory error may arise even though you have more than enough RAM installed.

Owing to its popularity, gamers have come up with multiple mods that help boost the RAM utilization capabilities of Fallout New Vegas and resolve the error. The two mods that have been reported to solve the issue for most users are 4GB Patch and Stutter Remover. The installation procedures for both of them can be found below.

Before you get started with the mods installation, you will need to figure out where Fallout New Vegas has been installed. You could use the Browse Local Files feature if you installed the game via Steam. If you didn’t install it from Steam, snoop around the File Explorer until you find the installation folder.

To figure out the location of the Fallout New Vegas installation folder (if installed from Steam):

1. Launch the Steam application by double-clicking on its desktop shortcut. If you don’t have a shortcut icon in place, simply search for Steam in the Windows search bar (Windows key + S) and click on Open when search results return.

Launch the Steam application by double-clicking on its desktop shortcut

2. Click on the Library present at the top of the steam application window.

3. Here, you can see all the games and tools associated with your Steam account. Locate Fallout New Vegas and right-click on it. Select Properties from the menu.

Click on the Library and Select Properties from the menu

4. Switch to the Local Files tab of the Properties window and click on the Browse Local Files… button.

Switch to the Local Files and click on the Browse Local Files… button

5. A new file explorer window will open up, and you will be directly brought to the installation folder of Fallout New Vegas. The default location (if you have installed the game via steam) generally is C > ProgramFiles(x86) > Steam > SteamApp > common > Fallout New Vegas.

6. Also, ensure you have VC++ Runtime Redistributable x86 installed on your computer (Control Panel > Programs and Features). 

VC++ Runtime Redistributable x86 installed on your computer

Also Read: Fix Fallout 4 Script Extender Not Working on Windows 10

Method 1: Use 4GB Patch

The first mod you need to install to resolve the Fallout New Vegas error is the 4GB patch. As the name suggests, the tool/mod allows the game to utilize 4GB of Virtual Memory Address Space and hence solves the Out of Memory error. The 4GB patch does this by enabling the Large Address Aware executable flag. To install the 4GB patch mod:

1. As obvious, we will start off by downloading the installation file for the 4GB Patch tool. Head over to FNV 4GB Patcher at Fallout New Vegas in your preferred web browser.

Head over to FNV 4GB Patcher at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community in your preferred web browser

2. Under the Files tab of the webpage, click on Manual Download to start the download process.

3. You actually need to be logged in to download any files from the website. So if you already have a Nexus Mods account, then log into it; otherwise, register for a new one (Don’t worry, creating a new account is completely free).

4. Click on the arrow next to the downloaded file and select Show in a folder or navigate to the Downloads folder on your computer. 

5. The downloaded 4GB patch file will be in .7z format, and we will need to extract its content. So right-click on the file and select Extract to… from the ensuing context menu.

6. We need to extract the contents into the Fallout New Vegas game’s installation folder. So set the extraction destination accordingly. As found earlier, the default installation address for Fallout New Vegas is C > ProgramFiles(x86) > Steam > SteamApp > common > Fallout New Vegas.

7. Once all the .7z file contents have been extracted, open the Fallout New Vegas installation folder and locate the FalloutNVpatch.exe file. Right-click on the file and select Run As Administrator.

8. Next, in the Fallout New Vegas folder, search for .ini files using the search box present at the top-right of the explorer window.

9. You will need to change the Attributes of each .ini file in the Fallout New Vegas folder. Right-click on a .ini file and select Properties from the menu that follows. In the General tab under Attributes, check/tick the box next to Read-only. Click on Apply to save the modifications and close the Properties window.

10. Repeat the above step for all the .ini files in the folder. To make the process a little faster, use the keyboard combination Alt + Enter to access the Properties window of a file after selecting it.

Once you have performed all the above steps, open Steam and launch the Fallout New Vegas game to check if the Out Of Memory persists (although unlikely).

Method 2: Use the Stutter Remover Mod

Along with the 4GB Patch mod, gamers have been using the Stutter Remover mod from Nexus mod to fix performance issues experienced while playing Fallout New Vegas in lower-end systems.

1. Like the previous method, we will need to get a hold of the installation file first. Open New Vegas Stutter Remover in a new browser tab and click on Manual Download under the Files tab.

Click on Manual Download under the Files tab | Fix Fallout New Vegas Out of Memory error

Note: Again, you will need to be logged into your Nexus Mods account to download the file

2. Locate the downloaded file and right-click on it. Choose Extract Here from the context menu.

3. Open the extracted folder (titled Data) and navigate down the following path:

Data > NVSE > Plugins.

4. Select all the files in the Plugins folder by pressing ctrl + A on your keyboard. Once selected, right-click on the files and select Copy from the menu or press Ctrl + C.

5. Open a new Explorer window by pressing Windows key + E and navigate to the Fallout New Vegas folder. Again, the folder is present at C > ProgramFiles(x86) > Steam > SteamApp > common > Fallout New Vegas.

6. You will find a sub-folder titled Data inside the main Fallout New Vegas folder. Double-click the Data folder to open.

7. Right-click on an empty/blank space inside the Data folder and select New and then Folder (or press Ctrl + Shift + N inside the Data folder). Name the new folder as NVSE.

8. Open the newly created NVSE folder and create a sub-folder inside it titled Plugins.

9. Finally, open the Plugins folder, right-click anywhere and select Paste (or press Ctrl + V).

Launch Fallout New Vegas through Steam to continue your journey through the post-apocalyptic world without any errors.


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I hope this guide was helpful and you were able to fix Fallout New Vegas Out of Memory error. Also, let us know which method works for you and if you have any questions regarding the guide then feel free to reach out using the comment section. 




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I followed the guide and ran the 4GB patcher. I am on my first playthrough of FNV and typically only play for about 60-90 minutes per session. Started getting Out of Memory messages when I play for over 90 minutes. Checked task manager and the FNV executable is still running using 2GBs of memory. Pretty clear indication that the 4GB patcher didn’t work.

This far into the game (I’m level 22) can I just download the 4GB executable file and start using that or should I rerun the 4GB patcher and try to fix it? Is there some way for me to verify the 4 GB patcher actually worked?

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Yes, set it to 0. Turn it off completely. It’s does NOT work properly. It will cause more problems than it solves.

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The easiest indicator that the 4Gb patch has worked is to call up the console and type:


Since the new patched game executable will now call NVSE automatically, this will show you that NVSE is running even though you start the game now by running the game, not the launcher or NVSE.

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Just to add: NVSE Memory tweaks got ported over from Skyrim.  \Fallout\Data\NVSE\NVSE.ini and add the Memory tweaks.  There is an Alternative to the old 4GB Patch over at the Nexus.  Recently, like you, I had the same problem.  Purple Textures…running out of memory.  Did both of these and im right as Rain :)  Never had a problem w/ the old 4GB patch.  But if I were you I would def. try the NVSE tweak :) Check the Fear & Loathing Guide under NVSE.

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The easiest indicator that the 4Gb patch has worked is to call up the console and type:


Since the new patched game executable will now call NVSE automatically, this will show you that NVSE is running even though you start the game now by running the game, not the launcher or NVSE.

I get a value of 5 when I run that command.

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You have the latest Version. Less than <5 would require an Update. There’s a New 4GB Patch in the F&L that doesn’t use an .exe

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If you run the game from the default exe and you can still see the NVSE version this shows you it has been patched. Ordinarily you would need to run the game from the NVSE loader, this new patcher removes that necessity.

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If you run the game from the default exe and you can still see the NVSE version this shows you it has been patched. Ordinarily you would need to run the game from the NVSE loader, this new patcher removes that necessity.

Something screwy is going on then. I reran the 4GB patcher again making sure I ran it as an administrator. Got a message the game had already been patched. Kept on getting «Out of Memory» errors. I downloaded the 4GB .exe and launched the game with it. Still running out of memory around 2GB.

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What are you using to measure memory? Task Manager doesn’t really show more than 2GB even if you are at the limit. 

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I’m just using Task Manager.

Here is latest example of the problem. I’m on the quest to unearth the Legion spy at Camp McCarron. On fresh computer bootup and launch of the game I exit McCarron airport, go to the control tower, and then go back inside McCarron airport on my way to the monorail. Upon trying to go back inside the airport my game locked up due to being out of memory. I ran out of memory in less than 10 minutes of playing the game.

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Do you have Heap Replacement turned on in the New Vegas Stutter Remover .ini file? If so, this will surely cause crashes and out of memory issues. It’s broken. 

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Do you have Heap Replacement turned on in the New Vegas Stutter Remover .ini file? If so, this will surely cause crashes and out of memory issues. It’s broken. 

This is what the guide says:

bReplaceHeap = 1 <— Needed for heap replacement, only for advanced users, detailed info in the readme. Modern systems will want to make use of this so it is recommended to enable this.

Are you saying I should set this to 0?

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What have you set iHeapSize to? Default is only 250, trying a different number may help.

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What have you set iHeapSize to? Default is only 250, trying a different number may help.

I have it set to 450 like the guide says.

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Yes, set it to 0. Turn it off completely. It’s does NOT work properly. It will cause more problems than it solves.

Changed it to 0 last night and stopped getting «Out of Memory» errors even after playing for over an hour. Hopefully that INI setting was the culprit.

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by Tashreef Shareef

Tashreef Shareef is a software developer turned tech writer. He discovered his interest in technology after reading a tech magazine accidentally. Now he writes about everything tech from… read more

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  • Fallout: New Vegas is an award-winning FPS/RPG hybrid created by Bethesda.
  • Like any software, runtime errors are possible, so check the guide below for steps to do when that happens.
  • This error can occur due to memory limitations or corrupt installation files.

fnv-error fallout new vegas runtime error


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When playing or launching the widespread action role-playing game Fallout New Vegas, you may encounter a runtime error that leads to a game freeze and crash. The full error reads:

Runtime Error!
Program: C:GamesFallout – New VegasFalloutNV.exe
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it unusually. Please contact the application’s support team for more information.

If you are also troubled by this error, here are a couple of troubleshooting tips to help you fix the Fallout New Vegas runtime error in Windows.

Why is Fallout New Vegas not loading?

This problem arises when the most recent save file becomes corrupted for whatever reason. Memory limitations, incorrect installation files, or an incompatible version of Microsoft Visual C++ might contribute to the game not loading correctly.

If rebooting your PC and restarting the game won’t do the trick, you may follow the solutions below to fix this error.

Why do I keep getting a runtime error?

When a program is being executed, or the application is being started for the first time, you may see a runtime error. However, simply reopening the application will often be enough to get rid of the issue on its own.

There are several potential causes of runtime errors, which might vary according to the circumstances. For example, the program has a bug that has to be fixed, or the memory or another resource on the machine is running low.

The problem will typically manifest itself as a little window and will frequently provide an indicator of the impacted application.

How do I fix the Fallout New Vegas runtime error?

1. Use FNV 4GB Patcher

Fallout New Vegas runtime error
  1. Go to the Fallout New Vegas Patcher page.
  2. Create a new account by clicking the Register button. This is required to download any files from the website.register fallout new vegas runtime error
  3. Scroll down, open the File tab, and then click Manual to download the file.manual fallout new vegas runtime error
  4. Once downloaded, extract the file downloaded to the following location: C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\SteamApp\common\falloutnewvegas
  5. After extracting the folder, right-click the FalloutNVpatch.exe file in the folder—Select Run as administrator to execute the file with administrator privilege.
  6. Launch Steam and try launching Fallout New Vegas.

If the issue persists, you may need to change the *ini file attribute to read-only.

  1. Open File Explorer by pressing Windows + E and navigate to the following location: C:\ProgramsFiles(x86)\Steam\SteamApp\common\falloutnewvegas
  2. Search for *ini files in the folder.ini fallout new vegas runtime error
  3. Right-click on the first ini file and select Properties.prop-file fallout new vegas runtime error
  4. In the General tab, check the Read-only option.general-read-only fallout new vegas runtime error
  5. Click Apply and OK to save the changes. Do this for all the ini files in the folder.

The Fallout New Vegas is a free mod that allows you to overcome any memory limitations preventing the game from functioning correctly.

2. Use New Vegas Anti Crash

Fallout New Vegas runtime error
  1. Download the New Vegas Script Extender to your computer.download-stable fallout new vegas runtime error
  2. Extract the zip folder to the following location: C:\Games\Fallout-New VegasFalloutNV.exe 
  3. The above location may change depending on where you have installed Fallout New Vegas on your computer.
  4. Next, download the New Vegas Anti Crash mode by clicking the Manual button.manual-download fallout new vegas runtime error
  5. Extract the files and put NVSE in the Data folder: C:\Games\Fallout-New VegasData
  6. Once the files are moved, try launching Fallout Las Vegas and check if the Dead money runtime error is resolved.

3. Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable

Fallout New Vegas runtime error
  1. Press Windows, then type control and select the Control Panel result.control-panel-search fallout new vegas runtime error
  2. Click Uninstall a program under Programs.uninstall-program-w11 fallout new vegas runtime error
  3. Check if you have the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable x86 package installed.
  4. If not installed, go to the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable download page.
  5. Download the installer and run it.download-microsoft-cpp fallout new vegas runtime error
  6. Once installed, reboot the computer and check if you can run Fallout New Vegas without any issues or the fallout new vegas runtime error r6025.
Read more about this topic

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How do I fix runtime errors when installing a game?

When installing a game, the easiest and quickest way to repair a runtime issue is to uninstall the game entirely, then redownload and reinstall it.

This is the recommended course of action, as any files that were damaged or contained errors found in the last installation folder will be removed.

Alternatively, you will need to check your Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable and install the latest versions, as we have shown above in the third solution.

The Fallout New Vegas runtime error can occur due to several reasons. However, most of the time, it can be fixed using the New Vegas Anti Crash mod or the New Vegas 4GB patcher.

Follow all the steps in this article and let us know which method helped you resolve the issue in the comments.

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