Fluke 5522a ошибка 1503

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Вопрос по калибратору Fluke 5522A может кто в курсе

на пределе по постоянному напряжению

предел 1 В и 1 мВ калибратор выдаёт ошибку 1503

перевел как превышение предела по току

но клеммы точно не замыкаю

а на других пределах работает

может у кого мысли есть ?

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Дедюхин А.А.

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может у кого мысли есть ?

если на вход ничего не подкючено и пределы установки тока в настройках не менялись, то


но есть и хорошая новость — он уже в госреестре :)

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Так меня удивляет то что 1000 В, 100 В, 10 В, 100 мВ

точки работают

а 1 В и 1 мВ срабатывает защита

вот и думаю

что видимо брак прибор только пришел

меня интересовало там же по сравнению с

другими калибраторами Fluke не каких хитростей нет на этих пределах ?

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Дедюхин А.А.

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Так меня удивляет то что 1000 В, 100 В, 10 В, 100 мВ точки работают а 1 В и 1 мВ срабатывает защита

за каждый отдельный диапазон у 5522А (он кратен 329.9999) отвечает отдельный узел, поэтому у вас проблема со всем диапазоном , а не только с 1 В, но еще и с 1,5 В; с 2В и с пр.

но если он у вас гарантийный, то чего переживать? починят

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  • 10 месяцев спустя…


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но есть и хорошая новость — он уже в госреестре :)/>/>

А можно узнать № по госреестру, не могу найти.

Прошу прощения, нашла, поисковик выдаёт только на 5520А.


Можно заодно поинтересоваться какая примерно стоимость калибратора, без дополнительных опций? И как он показал себя в работе? :)

Изменено пользователем Ksenia2013

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  • 3 месяца спустя…


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На флюках бывает такая фишка до тех пор, пока не проведешь автокалибровку нулей.

В частности у меня такая проблема с Fluke 5080A была. Но там еще хлеще, — он же пишет на дисплее мол, «отсоедини все кабели от меня» на первой строке и дописывает на второй «замкни токовый выход 20А», но, поскольку он писал все это на английском и вдобавок вторая строка на его дисплее делилась между хвостом информационной записи и обозначением ролей функциональных клавиш, то разобрался не с первого раза.

После успешного проведения автокалибровки нуля, 5080 все-таки заработал на микровольтах.

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  • 3 месяца спустя…


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но есть и хорошая новость — он уже в госреестре

Александр Анатольевич, вот уже второй год Fluke 5522A в госреестре, но не могу найти нигде описание типа. Есть старое на рег. № 23346-02, а на новый рег. № 51160-12 — нет.

И еще — очень хочется где-то найти методику поверки на него МП-322/447-2012.

Кстати, Свидетельство об УТ пока нашел только без подписи Ф.В. Булыгина — в виде заготовленного бланка. А где же подпись и печать? До сих пор не утвердили тип? А как же запись об утверждении 11.09.2012 г.? Или, просто, не выкладывают эту информацию никуда? Кстати, бланк без подписи нашел в нескольких местах. Такое ощущение, что его все друг у друга копируют, хотя он неполноценный какой-то.

Я что-то никак не пойму, где ошибка в моих рассуждениях и поиске… :thinking:

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Дедюхин А.А.

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Свидетельство об УТ пока нашел только без подписи Ф.В. Булыгина — в виде заготовленного бланка. А где же подпись и печать? До сих пор не утвердили тип? А как же запись об утверждении 11.09.2012 г.? Или, просто, не выкладывают эту информацию никуда? Кстати, бланк без подписи нашел в нескольких местах. Такое ощущение, что его все друг у друга копируют, хотя он неполноценный какой-то.

Я что-то никак не пойму, где ошибка в моих рассуждениях и поиске… :thinking:

это вполне нормально и законно — ВНИИМС в своих сборниках публикует материалы без печатей и подписей, наличие или отсутствие этих аксессуаров не имеет отношения к официальному утверждению, это ж только формы материалов

если необходимы материалы с подписью — то пишите запрос в российский Флюке

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Спасибо… Видимо, за методикой поверки — тоже туда…

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Есть старое на рег. № 23346-02, а на новый рег. № 51160-12 — нет.

есть без печатей

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Вот это да! Огромное спасибо! Даже не ожидал… :super:

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  • 4 недели спустя…


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Коллеги, подскажите, пожалуйста, существует ли отечественный аналог калибратору Fluke-5520A? Или хотя бы аналог, производимый в азиатских странах? На нашем производстве начинают сказываться последствия конфликта США и России, уже пришли официальные письма по импоротозамещению.

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Коллеги, подскажите, пожалуйста, существует ли отечественный аналог калибратору Fluke-5520A? Или хотя бы аналог, производимый в азиатских странах? На нашем производстве начинают сказываться последствия конфликта США и России, уже пришли официальные письма по импоротозамещению.


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если по электрике

то можно взять Н4-12 со всему блоками плюс Н4-12МС

магазин сопротивления Р3026 и Р40108

магазин емкости Р5025 до 100 мкФ но для мультиметров надо больше

это вопрос сейчас эти магазины отечественные сложно найти

еще надо генератор н4-12 по частоте не особо точен

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  • 1 год спустя…


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На флюках бывает такая фишка до тех пор, пока не проведешь автокалибровку нулей.

В частности у меня такая проблема с Fluke 5080A была. Но там еще хлеще, — он же пишет на дисплее мол, «отсоедини все кабели от меня» на первой строке и дописывает на второй «замкни токовый выход 20А», но, поскольку он писал все это на английском и вдобавок вторая строка на его дисплее делилась между хвостом информационной записи и обозначением ролей функциональных клавиш, то разобрался не с первого раза.

После успешного проведения автокалибровки нуля, 5080 все-таки заработал на микровольтах.

А не могли бы вы поподробнее объяснить пожалуйста . Мы столкнулись с той же проблемой .

Как откалибровать 5080 А ? Через настройки options?

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Дедюхин А.А.

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Как откалибровать 5080 А ? Через настройки options?

странное руководство на 5080 А…похоже в нем описаны только различия между калибраторами другой серии 55хх…

во вложении часть РЭ, как провести установку нуля

Сброс настроек Калибратора.pdf

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Error Messages

The following is a list of the Calibrator error messages. The error message format is

shown in Table D-1.

Error Number

0 to 65535

QYE Query Error, caused by a full

input buffer, unterminated action or

interrupted action

DDE Device-Specific Error,

caused by the 5522A due to some

condition, for example, overrange

EXE Execution Error, caused by

an element outside of, or

inconsistent with, the 5522A


CME Command Error, caused by

incorrect command syntax,

unrecognized header, or parameter

of the wrong type


(QYE: )















Table D-1. Error Messages Format

(Message Class :


F Error is displayed on the

front panel as it occurs

R Error is queued to the

remote interface as it occurs

S Error causes instrument to

go to Standby

D Error causes instrument

returns to the power up state

(none) Error is returned to the

initiator only (i.e., local initiator

or remote initiator)

No Error

Error queue overflow

Inguard not responding (send)

Inguard not responding (recv)

Lost sync with inguard

Invalid guard xing command

Hardware relay trip occurred

Inguard got impatient

Appendix D

Error Messages

Text Characters

Up to 36 text



Fluke 5522A Operator's Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Fluke 5522A

Summary of Contents for Fluke 5522A

  • Page 1
    5522A Multi-Product Calibrator Operators Manual January 2011 © 2011 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. Specifications are subject to change without notice. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
  • Page 2
    Fluke authorized resellers shall extend this warranty on new and unused products to end-user customers only but have no authority to extend a greater or different warranty on behalf of Fluke. Warranty support is available only if product is purchased through a Fluke authorized sales outlet or Buyer has paid the applicable international price.
  • Page 3
    OPERATOR SAFETY SUMMARY WARNING HIGH VOLTAGE is used in the operation of this equipment LETHAL VOLTAGE may be present on the terminals, observe all safety precautions! To avoid electrical shock hazard, the operator should not electrically contact the output HI or sense HI terminals or circuits connected to these terminals. During operation, lethal voltages of up to 1020 V ac or dc may be present on these terminals.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Remote Operation (IEEE-488) …………..1-6 Where to Go from Here ………………1-7 Instruction Manuals ………………. 1-7 5522A Getting Started Manual…………..1-7 5522A Operators Manual …………….1-7 General Specifications ………………1-8 Detailed Specifications ………………1-9 DC Voltage………………..1-9 DC Current ………………..1-9 Resistance ………………….

  • Page 6
    How to Replace the Mains Power Fuse …………. 2-3 How to Select Line Voltage…………….2-4 How to Connect to Line Power…………….2-4 How to Select Line Frequency…………….2-4 How to Contact Fluke ………………2-6 Placement………………….2-7 Cooling Considerations………………2-7 Features ………………..3-1 Introduction………………….
  • Page 7
    How to Test Watts, VA, VAR Performance ……….4-60 How to Test Harmonics Volts Performance ……….4-62 How to Test Harmonics Amps Performance……….4-63 How to Calibrate a Fluke 51 Thermometer ……….. 4-64 How to Test the Thermometer …………..4-64 How to Calibrate the Thermometer…………4-65 Remote Operations …………….
  • Page 8
    5522A Operators Manual How to Test the RS-232 UUT Port via IEEE-488 Port ……… 5-18 How to Change between Remote and Local Operation ……..5-20 Local State ………………… 5-20 Local with Lockout State…………….5-20 Remote State………………..5-20 Remote with Lockout State …………….5-21 RS-232 Interface Overview …………….
  • Page 9
    Contents (continued) Introduction………………….6-3 Command Summary by Function …………..6-3 Commands ………………….6-10 Maintenance………………7-1 Introduction………………….7-3 How to Replace the Line Fuse …………….7-3 How to Replace the Current Fuses…………..7-4 How to Clean the Air Filter …………….7-5 General Cleaning ………………..
  • Page 10
    5522A Operators Manual The Leveled Sine Wave Function …………..9-15 Shortcuts for Setting the Frequency and Voltage ………. 9-16 The MORE OPTIONS Menu ……………. 9-16 How to Sweep Through a Frequency Range ……….9-17 Frequency Response Calibration Procedure for an Oscilloscope….9-18 How to Calibrate the Time Base of an Oscilloscope ………
  • Page 11
    Contents (continued) Trigger Signal Specifications (Edge Function) ……….10-7 Trigger Signal Specifications (Square Wave Voltage Function)….10-7 TV Trigger Signal Specifications …………..10-7 Oscilloscope Input Resistance Measurement Specifications……10-7 Oscilloscope Input Capacitance Measurement Specifications …… 10-8 Overload Measurement Specifications …………10-8 Oscilloscope Connections………………
  • Page 12
    5522A Operators Manual Leveled Sinewave Verification: Amplitude ……….10-43 Leveled Sinewave Verification: Frequency ……….10-44 Leveled Sinewave Verification: Harmonics……….10-44 Leveled Sinewave Verification: Flatness …………10-46 Marker Generator Verification …………..10-53 Pulse Generator Verification: Period…………. 10-54 Pulse Generator Verification: Pulse Width ……….. 10-54 Input Impedance Verification: Resistance………….
  • Page 13
    Contents (continued) How to Set the Repeat Frequency …………..11-17 How to Set the Modulation Pattern …………… 11-17 How to Set the Flicker Amplitude…………..11-17 Values…………………. 11-18 How to Set Phase and Reference in the AMPL Function ……11-18 Delta ( ) Amplitude, Flicker Function (Current) ……….11-18 Delta ( ) Amplitude Mode (Amps)……………
  • Page 14
    5522A Operators Manual…
  • Page 15
    Title Page 1-1. Symbols……………………1-4 2-1. Standard Equipment ………………..2-3 2-2. Line Power Cord Types Available from Fluke …………2-5 3-1. Front-Panel Features ………………..3-4 3-2. Rear-Panel Features ………………..3-10 3-3. Factory Defaults for SETUP Menus Power-Up Defaults ……..3-22 4-1.
  • Page 16
    5522A Operators Manual 7-2. Replacement Current Fuses………………7-6 7-3. Verification Tests for DC Voltage (Normal) …………7-8 7-4. Verification Tests for DC Voltage (AUX) …………. 7-9 7-5. Verification Tests for DC Current (AUX) …………. 7-9 7-6. Verification Tests for Resistance …………….7-10 7-7.
  • Page 17
    Contents (continued) 10-17. SC1100 Option Leveled Sinewave Verification: Flatness ……..10-46 10-18. SC1100 Option Marker Generator Verification…………. 10-53 10-19. SC1100 Option Pulse Generator Verification: Period ……….. 10-54 10-21. SC1100 Option Pulse Generator Verification: Pulse Width ……..10-54 10-21. SC1100 Option Input Impedance Verification: Resistance ……..10-55 10-22.
  • Page 18
    5522A Operators Manual…
  • Page 19
    1-3. Allowable Duration of Current >11 A …………..1-10 2-1. How to Access the Fuse and Select Line Voltage……….2-5 2-2. Line Power Cord Types Available from Fluke …………2-6 3-1. Front-Panel Features ………………..3-4 3-2. Rear-Panel Features ………………..3-10 3-3.
  • Page 20
    5522A Operators Manual 5-5. Testing the RS-232 UUT Port via RS-232 Host Port……….5-17 5-6. Testing the RS-232 UUT Port via IEEE-488 Port ……….5-19 5-7. IEEE-488 Remote Message Coding…………… 5-24 5-8. Status Register Overview ………………5-36 5-9. Serial Poll Status Byte (STB) and Service Request Enable (SRE) ……5-37 5-10.
  • Page 21: Introduction And Specifications

    Remote Operation (IEEE-488) ……………. 1-6 Where to Go from Here ………………1-7 Instruction Manuals ………………… 1-7 5522A Getting Started Manual……………. 1-7 5522A Operators Manual …………….1-7 General Specifications ………………1-8 Detailed Specifications ………………1-9 DC Voltage…………………. 1-9 DC Current …………………. 1-9 Resistance ………………….

  • Page 22
    5522A Operators Manual…
  • Page 23: Introduction

    Programmable entry limits that prevent the operator from entering values that exceed preset output limits. Simultaneous output of voltage and current, up to an equivalent of 20.9 kW. Pressure measurement when used with Fluke 700 Series pressure modules.

  • Page 24: Safety Information

    Overvoltage is as specified by terminal markings. Conforms to European Union Do not dispose of this product as unsorted   directives municipal waste. Go to Fluke’s website for recycling information. Risk of Danger. Important information. Hazardous voltage   See manual.

  • Page 25: Overload Protection

    Introduction and Specifications Overload Protection Read all safety Information before you use the Product. Do not use the Product if it operates incorrectly. Replace the mains power cord if the insulation is damaged or if the insulation shows signs of wear. Do not touch voltages >…

  • Page 26: Remote Operation (Rs-232)

    COM ports at the PC or terminal. A set of four commands control the operation of the SERIAL 2 TO UUT serial port. See Chapter 6 for a discussion of the UUT_* commands. The SERIAL 2 TO UUT port is also used to connect to the Fluke 700 Series Pressure Modules.

  • Page 27: A Glossary

    One of each manual listed above is shipped with the instrument. Order additional copies of the manuals separately using the part number provided. For ordering instructions, refer to the Fluke Catalog, or ask a Fluke sales representative (see “Service Information” in Chapter 2).

  • Page 28: General Specifications

    5522A Operators Manual General Specifications The following tables list the 5522A specifications. All specifications are valid after allowing a warm-up period of 30 minutes, or twice the time the 5522A has been turned off. (For example, if the 5522A has been turned off for 5 minutes, the warm-up period is 10 minutes.) All specifications apply for the temperature and time period indicated.

  • Page 29: Detailed Specifications

    Introduction and Specifications Detailed Specifications Detailed Specifications DC Voltage Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C Stability (ppm of output + V) Range Resolution V Max Burden 90 days 1 year 24 hours, 1 C (ppm, output + V) 0 to 329.9999 mV 15 + 1 20 + 1 3 + 1…

  • Page 30
    5522A Operators Manual Noise Range Bandwidth 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz p-p Bandwidth 10 Hz to 10 kHz rms 2 nA 20 nV 0 to 329.999 A 0 to 3.29999 mA 20 nA 200 nV 0 to 32.9999 mA 200 nA 2.0 A 0 to 329.999 mA 2000 nA…
  • Page 31: Resistance

    Introduction and Specifications Detailed Specifications Resistance Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C (ppm of output +floor) Resolution Floor ( ) Range Allowable Current ppm of output Temp and temp since ohms zero cal 90 days 1 year 12 hrs 1 C 7 days 5 C 0 to 0.001…

  • Page 32: Ac Voltage (Sine Wave)

    5522A Operators Manual AC Voltage (Sine Wave) Absolute Uncertainty, Max Distortion and Noise tcal 5 C Range Frequency Resolution 10 Hz to 5 MHz (ppm of output + V) Burden Bandwidth 90 days 1 year (% output + floor) Normal Output 1.0 mV to 10 Hz to 45 Hz 600 + 6…

  • Page 33
    Introduction and Specifications Detailed Specifications AC Voltage (Sine Wave) (cont.) Absolute Uncertainty, Max Distortion and Noise tcal 5 C Resolution 10 Hz to 5 MHz Range Frequency (% of output + V) Burden Bandwidth 90 days 1 year (% output + floor) AUX Output 10 mV to 10 Hz to 20 Hz…
  • Page 34: Ac Current (Sine Wave)

    5522A Operators Manual AC Current (Sine Wave) Max Distortion & Absolute Uncertainty, Noise 10 Hz to tcal 5 C Compliance 100 kHz BW Inductive Range Frequency (% of output + A) adder ( A/V) (% of output + Load H floor) 90 days 1 year…

  • Page 35
    Introduction and Specifications Detailed Specifications AC Current (Sine Wave) (cont.) Absolute Uncertainty, Max Distortion & tcal 5 C Noise 10 Hz to Inductive Range Frequency (% of output + A) 100 kHz BW Load H (% of output + floor) 90 days 1 year LCOMP On…
  • Page 36: Capacitance

    5522A Operators Manual Capacitance Absolute Uncertainty, Allowed Frequency or tcal 5 C Charge-Discharge Rate [1] [2] [3] (% of output + floor) Range Resolution Min and Max to Typical Max for Typical Max for 90 days 1 year Meet <0.5 % Error <1 % Error Specification 220 to…

  • Page 37: Temperature Calibration (Thermocouple)

    Introduction and Specifications Detailed Specifications Temperature Calibration (Thermocouple) Absolute Uncertainty Absolute Uncertainty Source/Measure Source/Measure Range Range tcal 5 C tcal 5 C Type Type 90 days 1 year 90 days 1 year 600 to 800 0.42 0.44 -200 to -100 0.37 0.37 800 to 1000…

  • Page 38: Temperature Calibration (Rtd)

    5522A Operators Manual Temperature Calibration (RTD) Absolute Uncertainty Absolute Uncertainty Range Range tcal 5 C tcal 5 C RTD Type RTD Type 90 days 1 year 90 days 1 year -200 to -80 0.04 0.05 -200 to -80 0.03 0.04 -80 to 0 0.05 0.05…

  • Page 39: Ac Power (45 Hz To 65 Hz) Specification Summary, Pf=1

    Introduction and Specifications Detailed Specifications AC Power (45 Hz to 65 Hz) Specification Summary, PF=1 Current Range 3.3 to 9 to 33 to Voltage Range 90 to 329.99 mA 8.999 mA 32.999 mA 89.99 mA Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C, (% of watts output) 33 to 329.999 mV 0.13 0.09…

  • Page 40: Phase

    5522A Operators Manual Phase 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C, ( 10 to 65 to 500 Hz to 1 to 5 to 10 to 65 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 5 kHz 10 kHz 30 kHz 0.10 0.25 Note See Power and Dual Output Limit Specifications for applicable outputs. Power Uncertainty Adder due to Phase Error Phase ( ) Phase ( )

  • Page 41: Additional Specifications

    Introduction and Specifications Additional Specifications VARs When the Power Factor approaches 0.0, the Watts output uncertainty becomes unrealistic because the dominant characteristic is the VARs (volts-amps-reactive) output. In these cases, calculate the Total VARs Output Uncertainty, as shown in example 3: Example 3 Output: 100 V, 1 A, 60 Hz, Power Factor = 0.174 ( =80) Voltage Uncertainty Uncertainty for 100 V at 400 Hz is, 150 ppm + 2 mV, totaling: 100 V x 190 x 10…

  • Page 42: Ac Voltage (Sine Wave) Extended Bandwidth

    5522A Operators Manual in this example, the specification is 0.015 % +4 mV as the 0.015 % is the same, and the floor is twice the value (2 x 2 mV). AUX (50th Harmonic) Output: 100 mV, 5 kHz ……….From “AC Voltage (Sine Wave) Specifications” the auxiliary output specification for 100 mV, 5 kHz, is 0.15 % + 450 mV.

  • Page 43
    Introduction and Specifications Additional Specifications AC Voltage (Non-Sine Wave) (cont.) Frequency Max Voltage Triangle Wave & 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, Resolution Truncated Sine tcal 5 C, Range, p-p (% of output + % of range) Auxiliary Output (Dual Output Mode) 0.01 to 10 Hz 5.0 + 0.5 Two digits on each range 10 to 45 Hz…
  • Page 44: Ac Voltage, Dc Offset

    5522A Operators Manual AC Voltage, DC Offset 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, Max Peak Range (Normal Channel) Offset Range tcal 5 C Signal (% dc output + floor) Sine Waves (rms) 3.3 to 32.999 mV 0 to 50 mV 80 mV 0.1 + 33 V 33 to 329.999 mV 0 to 500 mV 800 mV…

  • Page 45: Ac Current, Square Wave Characteristics

    Introduction and Specifications Additional Specifications AC Current (Non-Sine Wave) (cont.) Triangle Wave & Truncated Sine Wave 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty tcal 5 C Max Current Frequency Range Resolution (% of output + % of range) 10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5 93 to Six digits 45 Hz to 1 kHz…

  • Page 46
    5522A Operators Manual 1-26…
  • Page 47: Preparing For Operations

    Unpack and Inspect………………..2-3 How to Replace the Mains Power Fuse …………… 2-3 How to Select Line Voltage…………….. 2-4 How to Connect to Line Power…………….2-4 How to Select Line Frequency…………….2-4 How to Contact Fluke ………………2-6 Placement………………….2-7 Cooling Considerations………………2-7…

  • Page 48
    5522A Operators Manual…
  • Page 49: Introduction

    Chapter 7, “Maintenance.” If reshipping the calibrator, use the original container. If it is not available, you can order a new container from Fluke by indicating the Calibrator’s model and serial number. Table 2-1. Standard Equipment…

  • Page 50: How To Select Line Voltage

    If you need a different type, refer to Table 2-2 and Figure 2-2 for a list and illustration of the line power plug types available from Fluke. After you verify that the line voltage selection is set correctly and that the correct fuse for that line voltage is installed, connect the calibrator to a properly grounded three-prong outlet.

  • Page 51
    Line Voltage Indicator Changing Line Fuse Changing Line Voltage gjh004.eps Figure 2-1. How to Access the Fuse and Select Line Voltage Table 2-2. Line Power Cord Types Available from Fluke Type Voltage/Current Fluke Option Number North America 120 V/15 A LC-1…
  • Page 52: How To Contact Fluke

    LC-6 LC-7 nn008f.eps Figure 2-2. Line Power Cord Types Available from Fluke How to Contact Fluke To order accessories, receive operating assistance, or get the location of the nearest Fluke distributor or Service Center, call: USA: 1-888-99-FLUKE (1-888-993-5853) Canada: 1-800-36-FLUKE (1-800-363-5853)

  • Page 53: Placement

    Preparing for Operations Placement Placement  Warning To prevent possible electrical shock, fire, or personal injury, make sure that the Product is grounded before use. You may place the calibrator on a bench top or mount it in a standard-width, 24-inch (61-cm) deep equipment rack.

  • Page 54
    5522A Operators Manual…
  • Page 55: Features

    Chapter 3 Features Title Page Introduction………………….3-3 Front-Panel Features ……………….. 3-3 Rear-Panel Features ………………… 3-3 Softkey Menu Trees………………… 3-3…

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    5522A Operators Manual…
  • Page 57: Introduction

    Introduction This chapter is a reference for the functions and locations of the 5522A Calibrator’s front and rear-panel features. Please read this information before operating the calibrator. Front panel operating instructions for the calibrator are provided in Chapter 4, “Front Panel Operation”;…

  • Page 58
    5522A Operators Manual 5522A CALIBRATOR PREV STBY EARTH EXGRD SCOPE MENU EDIT SETUP RESET FIELD MEAS MORE MODES MULT • ENTER SHIFT POWER gjh005.eps Figure 3-1. Front-Panel Features Table 3-1. Front-Panel Features  Output Display The Output Display is a two-line backlit LCD that shows output amplitudes, frequency and calibrator status.
  • Page 59
    Features Softkey Menu Trees in the lower left corner of the Output Display. In standby mode, the NORMAL, AUX and 20A output terminals are internally disconnected from the 5522A. The 5522A starts up in standby mode. The 5522A automatically switches to standby if one of the following occurs: The RESET key is pressed.
  • Page 60
    5522A Operators Manual 11 12 5522A CALIBRATOR PREV STBY EARTH EXGRD SCOPE MENU EDIT SETUP RESET FIELD MEAS MORE MODES MULT ENTER • SHIFT POWER gjh009.eps Figure 3-1. Front-Panel Features (cont.) Table 3-1. Front-Panel Features (cont.)  The NEW REF (New Reference) key is active during error mode operation, and establishes the present output value as a new reference for meter error computation.
  • Page 61
    The power switch turns the power on and off. The switch is a latching push-push type. When the switch is latched in, power is on.  The MORE MODES key provides access to the measure pressure function. You need a Fluke 700 Series pressure module to measure pressure …
  • Page 62
    5522A Operators Manual 5522A CALIBRATOR PREV STBY EARTH EXGRD SCOPE MENU EDIT SETUP RESET FIELD MEAS MORE MODES MULT • ENTER SHIFT POWER gjh010.eps Figure 3-1. Front-Panel Features (cont.) Table 3-1. Front-Panel Features (cont.)  The ENTER key loads a newly entered output value shown on the Control Display into the 5522A, which appears on the Output Display.
  • Page 63
    Features Softkey Menu Trees Table 3-1. Front-Panel Features (cont.)  The TC (Thermocouple) minijack is used for thermocouple simulation during thermometer calibration, and thermocouple measurements. You must use the correct thermocouple wire and plug when using this connector. For example, if simulating a type K thermocouple, use type K thermocouple wire and type K plug for making connections …
  • Page 64
    The SERIAL 2 TO UUT connector is used for transmitting and receiving RS-232 serial data between the 5522A and a Unit Under Test (UUT) or a Fluke 700 Series pressure module. Chapter 6, “Remote Commands” describes how to use the RS-232 serial interface for UUT communications. Chapter 4 described how to measure pressure.
  • Page 65
    Features Softkey Menu Trees Table 3-2. Rear-Panel Features (cont.)   Warning To avoid shock hazard, connect the factory supplied three- conductor line power cord to a properly grounded power outlet. Do not use a two-conductor adapter or extension cord; this will break the protective ground connection. Use the rear-panel CHASSIS GROUND terminal for a protective grounding wire if there is any question about the effectiveness of instrument earth grounding through…
  • Page 66
    5522A Operators Manual SETUP Front Panel Key AK AL Next Section gjh006.eps Figure 3-3. Setup Softkey Menu Tree 3-12…
  • Page 67
    Features Softkey Menu Trees to X to G to B SHOW SPECS is an online summary of the programmed output specifications. to AG to F to C If self test does not pass, error codes are displayed. (See chapter 7, «Maintenance») to E to D SERIAL # displays the serial number of the instrument.
  • Page 68
    5522A Operators Manual Actual revision numbers replace the numbers in each of the above. Format NV (non-volatile) Memory should be used with caution. Changes are non-reversible. The softkeys function only when the rear-panel CALIBRATION switch is set to ENABLE, except for the softkey SETUP, which is not dependent on the CALIBRATION switch position.
  • Page 69
    Features Softkey Menu Trees to O to K to I HOST selects the IEEE-488 (gpib) (factory default) parallel port or RS-232 (serial) port. You cannot operate both IEEE-488 and RS-232 simultaneously. STALL refers to the method of controlling data flow: software control (xon/off), hardware control (rts/cts) or none.
  • Page 70
    5522A Operators Manual to M REMOTE I/F (Interface) has selections term (terminal) (factory default) and comp (computer). EOL (End of Line character) is either Carriage Return/Line Feed (CRLF), CR (Carriage Return) or LF (Line Feed). to N to K EOF (End of File) indicates the action taken at the end of a file by entering one or two ASCII characters.
  • Page 71
    Features Softkey Menu Trees GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus) selects the port address when using the IEEE-488 bus. The factory default is 4. to R to Q DISPLAY BRIGHTNESS and DISPLAY CONTRAST apply to both the Output Display and Control Display.
  • Page 72
    5522A Operators Manual to S1 to S2 to T to S3 gjh032.eps Figure 3-4. SETUP Softkey Menu Displays (cont.) 3-18…
  • Page 73
    Features Softkey Menu Trees to V to U The values set here become the new limits and can be changed only with new entries or returned to factory defaults using Format NV Memory SETUP (see menu F). SHOW SPECS is an online summary of the programmed output specifications. to Y to AC to AA…
  • Page 74
    5522A Operators Manual Select the desired CAL (Calibration) feature: CAL to calibrate the 5522A (see the Service Manual); CAL DATES to review when the 5522A Calibrator was last calibrated; CAL REPORTS to printout the calibration data. to Z to X to AB (Only if scope to AE…
  • Page 75
    Features Softkey Menu Trees to AF GO ON and ABORT softkeys are used in the 5522A Calibrator calibration procedure. See the Service Manual for more information. (Only if scope option installed) to AF to AG to AH to AJ gjh033.eps Figure 3-4.
  • Page 76
    5522A Operators Manual Table 3-3. Factory Defaults for SETUP Menus Power-Up Defaults SETUP Menu Parameter Setting (Figure 3-4.) User report string (*PUD Cleared. string) Error units 0.1% SC-600 option overload test 10 s safety timeout Temperature standard its-90 Host interface gpib (IEEE-488) UUT serial interface 8 bits, 1 stop bit, xon/xoff, parity none,…
  • Page 77: Front Panel Operation

    Chapter 4 Front Panel Operation Title Page Introduction………………….4-3 How to Turn on the Calibrator…………….4-3 Warming up the Calibrator ……………… 4-4 How to Use the Softkeys ………………4-4 How to Use the Setup Menu …………….4-4 How to Use the Instrument Setup Menu …………4-5 Utility Functions Menu………………

  • Page 78
    How to Test Watts, VA, VAR Performance ……….4-60 How to Test Harmonics Volts Performance ……….4-62 How to Test Harmonics Amps Performance……….4-63 How to Calibrate a Fluke 51 Thermometer …………. 4-64 How to Test the Thermometer …………..4-64 How to Calibrate the Thermometer…………. 4-65…
  • Page 79: Introduction

    Introduction  Warning The Calibrator is capable of supplying lethal voltages. To avoid shock hazard, do not make connections to the output terminals when any voltage is present. Placing the instrument in standby may not be enough to avoid shock hazard, since the could be pressed accidentally.

  • Page 80: Warming Up The Calibrator

    5522A Operators Manual nn062f.eps After self-test, the control display shows the reset condition (below). nn063f.eps For a discussion of the softkey selection shown above (auto/locked), see “Auto Range Versus Locked Range” later in this chapter. Warming up the Calibrator When you turn on the Calibrator, allow a warm-up period of at least 30 minutes for the internal components to stabilize.

  • Page 81: How To Use The Instrument Setup Menu

    Front Panel Operation How to Use the Setup Menu nn064f.eps This is the primary instrument setup menu. The list below describes submenus available through each softkey and tells you where you can find further information in the manuals. CAL (Calibration) Opens the calibration menu. You use softkeys in this menu to view the calibration dates, print a calibration report, and perform calibration, and to run the Zero calibration routine.

  • Page 82: Utility Functions Menu

    5522A Operators Manual Utility Functions Menu The Setup Menu softkey labeled UTILITY FUNCTNS (Utility Functions) provides access to Self Test, Format Nonvolatile Memory, and Instrument Configuration. nn066f.eps SELF TEST This softkey opens a menu with calibrator self-test choices. FORMAT NV MEM (Format Nonvolatile Memory) Opens a menu to restore all or part of the data in the nonvolatile memory (EEPROM) to factory defaults.

  • Page 83: How To Reset The Calibrator

    Front Panel Operation How to Reset the Calibrator How to Reset the Calibrator At any time during front panel operation (not remote operation), you can return the Calibrator to the power-up state by pressing , except after an error message, which is cleared by pressing a blue softkey.

  • Page 84: Operate And Standby Modes

    5522A Operators Manual Operate and Standby Modes When the OPERATE annunciator is lit and OPR is displayed, the output value and function shown on the Output Display is active at the selected terminals. When STBY is displayed in the Output Display, all calibrator outputs are open-circuited except for the front panel thermocouple (TC) terminals.

  • Page 85: Recommended Cable And Connector Types

    (thermal emfs), use connectors and conductors made of copper or materials that generate small thermal emfs when joined to copper. Avoid using nickel-plated connectors. Optimum results can be obtained by using Fluke Model 5440A-7002 Low Thermal EMF Test Leads, which are constructed of well-insulated copper wire and tellurium copper connectors.

  • Page 86: External Guard

    5522A Operators Manual sourced output, a softkey LOs appears, which allows you to tie or open an internal connection between the NORMAL LO terminal and AUX LO terminal. When tied and is on, then both LO terminals are tied to chassis ground. External Guard The guard is an electrical shield, isolated from the chassis, that protects the analog circuitry.

  • Page 87
    Front Panel Operation How to Connect the Calibrator to a UUT When calibrating thermocouples, it is especially important to use the correct hookup wire and miniconnector between the Calibrator front panel TC terminal and the UUT. You must use thermocouple wire and miniconnectors that match the type of thermocouple. For example, if simulating a temperature output for a type K thermocouple, use type K thermocouple wire and type K miniplugs for the hookup.
  • Page 88
    5522A Operators Manual 5522A CALIBRATOR SENSE INPUT 4-WIRE SENSE SOURCE 5522A SOURCE SENSE gjh014.eps Figure 4-2. UUT Connection: Resistance (Four-Wire Compensation) TRUE RMS MULTIMETER 5522A CALIBRATOR MIN MAX RANGE HOLD PEAK MIN MAX mA A 5522A gjh015.eps Figure 4-3. UUT Connection: Resistance (Two-Wire Compensation) 4-12…
  • Page 89
    Front Panel Operation How to Connect the Calibrator to a UUT TRUE RMS MULTIMETER 5522A CALIBRATOR MIN MAX RANGE HOLD PEAK MIN MAX mA A 5522A gjh016.eps Figure 4-4. UUT Connection: Resistance (Compensation Off) 5522A CALIBRATOR TRUE RMS MULTIMETER MIN MAX RANGE HOLD PEAK MIN MAX…
  • Page 90
    5522A Operators Manual TRUE RMS MULTIMETER 5522A CALIBRATOR MIN MAX RANGE HOLD PEAK MIN MAX mA A gjh018.eps Figure 4-6. UUT Connection: Capacitance (Compensation Off) TRUE RMS MULTIMETER 5522A CALIBRATOR MIN MAX RANGE HOLD PEAK MIN MAX mA A gjh019.eps Figure 4-7.
  • Page 91
    Front Panel Operation How to Connect the Calibrator to a UUT TRUE RMS MULTIMETER 5522A CALIBRATOR MIN MAX RANGE HOLD PEAK MIN MAX mA A gjh020.eps Figure 4-8. UUT Connection: DC Current/AC Current CHART RECORDER INPUT 5522A CALIBRATOR gjh021.eps Figure 4-9. UUT Connection: Temperature (RTD) 4-15…
  • Page 92: Rms Versus P-P Amplitude

    5522A Operators Manual 5522A CALIBRATOR K/J THERMOMETER ON/OFF HOLD OFFSET Connection wiring must match thermocouple type, e.g., K, J, etc. gjh022.eps Figure 4-10. UUT Connection: Temperature (Thermocouple) RMS Versus p-p Amplitude The Calibrator ranges for sinusoidal ac functions are specified in rms (root-mean-square; the effective value of the wave form).

  • Page 93: Auto Range Versus Locked Range

    Front Panel Operation Auto Range Versus Locked Range Auto Range Versus Locked Range A softkey is provided to toggle between the ranging method auto or locked. This feature is available only for single-output dc volts and dc current outputs. nn063f.eps When auto is selected (the default setting), the calibrator automatically selects the range that provides the best output resolution.

  • Page 94: How To Set Dc Voltage Output

    5522A Operators Manual How to Set DC Voltage Output Complete the following procedure to set a dc voltage output at the front panel NORMAL terminals. If you make an entry error, press to clear the display, then reenter the value. …

  • Page 95: How To Set Ac Voltage Output

    Front Panel Operation How to Set Output nn063f.eps Range (Operating Range) selects autorange (auto) or lock (locked) for the present range. When auto (the default setting) is selected, the calibrator automatically selects the range that provides the best output resolution. When locked is selected, the calibrator will not change ranges when you are editing the output.

  • Page 96
    5522A Operators Manual nn227f.eps Note At voltage outputs of 100 V and above (nominal), you may notice a slight high-pitched sound. This is normal. 1. Press a multiplier key, if necessary. For example, press 2. Output in volts. Press Output in dBm. Press .
  • Page 97
    Front Panel Operation How to Set Output nn075f.eps 6. Press to activate the calibrator output. Several softkey labels appear on the Control Display in the ac voltage function, depending on which waveform is selected: DUTY, OFFSET and WAVE. nn076f.eps DUTY (Duty Cycle) When the square wave is selected, DUTY appears, allowing you to modify the duty cycle of the square wave.
  • Page 98: How To Set Dc Current Output

    5522A Operators Manual How to Set DC Current Output Complete the following procedure to set a dc current output between AUX HI and LO or AUX 20A and LO, depending on the current level selected. Current greater than 3 A is sourced between the AUX 20A and LO terminals.

  • Page 99: How To Set Ac Current Output

    Front Panel Operation How to Set Output How to Set AC Current Output Complete the following procedure to set an ac current output at the AUX or 20A terminals. If you make an entry error, press to clear the display, then reenter the value.

  • Page 100: How To Set Dc Power Output

    5522A Operators Manual nn321f.eps & REF MENUS (Phase Difference and 10 MHz reference source.) Selects the phase difference between the NORMAL and AUX outputs, selects internal or external 10 MHz reference, and sets the phase difference between an external master 5522A (using 10 MHz IN/OUT) and the NORMAL output.

  • Page 101
    Front Panel Operation How to Set Output Calibrator to a UUT” by adapting the voltage and current connections. 3. Set the UUT to measure dc power on the desired range. 4. Press the numeric keys and decimal point key to enter the desired voltage output (maximum seven numeric keys).
  • Page 102: How To Set Ac Power Output

    5522A Operators Manual nn322f.eps I OUT selects AUX or 20A terminals. Current outputs 3 A or above are always on the 20A terminals. “LO”s ties or opens a connection between front panel NORMAL LO and AUX LO terminals. The front panel NORMAL LO and AUX LO terminals must be tied together either at the UUT or at the Calibrator.

  • Page 103
    Front Panel Operation How to Set Output nn084f.eps 8. Press the numeric keys and decimal point key to enter the desired current output (maximum six numeric keys). For example, 234.567. 9. Press a multiplier key, if necessary. For example, press 10.
  • Page 104
    5522A Operators Manual nn088f.eps WAVE MENUS (Waveform Menus) Opens submenus for selecting the type of harmonic, waveform, front panel LO terminal condition, and phase. HARMONIC MENUS (Harmonic Frequency Menus) Opens submenus for selecting harmonic outputs. See “Setting Harmonics” later in this chapter. V WAVE (Voltage Waveform) Selects the waveform for the voltage output at the NORMAL terminals.
  • Page 105: How To Set A Dual Dc Voltage Output

    Front Panel Operation How to Set Output How to Set a Dual DC Voltage Output Note Tie the terminals NORMAL LO and AUX LO together at the UUT or at the Calibrator, via the “LO”s softkey selection “tied.” The calibrator produces a dual dc voltage output by sourcing one dc voltage on the NORMAL outputs and a second on the AUX terminals.

  • Page 106: How To Set A Dual Ac Voltage Output

    5522A Operators Manual 14. Press . The calibrator clears your entry from the Control Display and copies it into the Output Display (below is typical). nn090f.eps 15. Press to activate the calibrator output. A softkey labeled “LO”s appears on the Control Display. nn091f.eps “LO”s (Low Potential Output Terminals) The front panel NORMAL LO and AUX LO terminals must be tied together either at the UUT or at the Calibrator.

  • Page 107
    Front Panel Operation How to Set Output 123.456 mV (below). nn084f.eps Note The AUX output is limited to 3.3 V rms for sine waves, 6.6 V p-p for square waves, 9.3 V p-p for triangle and truncated sine waves. 8. Press the numeric keys and decimal point key to enter the desired voltage output at the AUX terminals (maximum six numeric keys).
  • Page 108
    5522A Operators Manual nn095f.eps V @ NOR (Voltage at NORMAL Terminals) V @ AUX (Voltage at AUX Terminals) This is an information-only softkey position and does not have an associated function. It shows the output function is dual ac voltage. WAVE MENUS (Waveform Menus) Opens submenus for selecting the type of harmonic, waveform, front panel LO terminal condition, and phase.
  • Page 109: How To Set Resistance Output

    Front Panel Operation How to Set Output “Adjusting the Phase” and “Synchronizing the Calibrator using 10 MHz IN/OUT” later in this chapter. How to Set Resistance Output Complete the following procedure to set a synthesized resistance output at the Calibrator front panel NORMAL terminals.

  • Page 110: How To Set Capacitance Output

    5522A Operators Manual OHMS ZERO Press to recalibrate internal circuitry for the ohms function (allow several minutes). COMP (Compensation) Applies 4-wire compensation, 2-wire compensation or turns compensation off. Compensation is available for resistances up to (but not including) 110 k . See “Four-Wire versus Two-Wire Connections” earlier in this chapter for more information.

  • Page 111: How To Set Temperature Simulation (Thermocouple)

    Front Panel Operation How to Set Output nn101f.eps COMP (Compensation) Applies 2-wire compensation or turns compensation off. Compensation refers to methods of connecting the Calibrator to the UUT to cancel out test lead resistance (NOT capacitance). Compensation is available for capacitances of 110 nF and above.

  • Page 112
    5522A Operators Manual nn102f.eps 7. Press . The calibrator clears your entry from the Control Display and copies it into the Output Display (below is typical). nn103f.eps 8. Press to activate the calibrator output. Four softkey labels appear on the Control Display.
  • Page 113
    Front Panel Operation How to Set Output nn104f.eps Out@TC terminal (Output at the front panel TC terminals) Displays the actual dc voltage at the front panel TC terminals. This is a display only, not a softkey function. TC MENUS (Thermocouple Menu) Shows submenus for thermocouple outputs. UNITS (Temperature Units) Selects C or F as the temperature unit.
  • Page 114: How To Set Temperature Simulation (Rtd)

    5522A Operators Manual or NONE if the Calibrator is in Standby. When the Reference Source is External, the display shows the value you entered for external reference. OUTPUT (Temperature Output Device) Selects the temperature device: thermocouple (tc) or resistance temperature detector (rtd). Select tc. TYPE (Thermocouple Type) Selects the thermocouple type simulated by the Calibrator.

  • Page 115: How To Measure Thermocouple Temperatures

    Front Panel Operation How to Set Output nn103f.eps 8. Press to activate the calibrator output. Four softkey labels appear on the Control Display. Press the OUTPUT softkey to toggle the rtd selection, displaying the rtd setup menu and four softkey positions. Note The temperature you entered above will be cleared to 0 C (32 F) if you change between tc (thermocouple) and rtd (resistance temperature…

  • Page 116
    5522A Operators Manual 3. Press to display the TC menus (below). nn106f.eps 4. The measured temperature appears in the Output Display (below is typical). (The lower-case m blinks on when a measurement is being taken.) nn107f.eps Meas@TC terminal (Measurement at the front panel TC terminals) Displays the actual dc voltage at the front panel TC terminals.
  • Page 117: Waveform Types

    Front Panel Operation Waveform Types outputs. Open TCD (Open Thermocouple Detect) Selects on or off for the Open TCD feature. When Open TCD is on, a small electrical pulse checks for thermocouple continuity that, in most cases, will have no effect on the measurement. If you are measuring the thermocouple with the Calibrator in parallel with another temperature measuring device, select off for Open TCD.

  • Page 118: Triangle Waves

    5522A Operators Manual Peak RMS (70% Peak) Period nn026f.eps Figure 4-11. Sine Wave Triangle Waves When the wave selection is tri, the triangle wave is present on the calibrator outputs (Figure 4-12). The variables for the triangle wave are amplitude, frequency, and dc offset voltage.

  • Page 119: Truncated Sine Wave

    Front Panel Operation How to Set Harmonics Period Peak to Peak Decrease Duty Cycle Increase Duty Cycle nn028f.eps Figure 4-13. Square Wave and Duty Cycle Truncated Sine Wave When the wave selection is truncs, a truncated sine wave current or voltage signal is present on the calibrator outputs (Figure 4-14).

  • Page 120: How To Adjust The Phase

    5522A Operators Manual nn108f.eps 3. Press the softkey FUNDMTL to select the Calibrator front panel terminals for the fundamental output, either NORMAL or AUX. The harmonic appears on the AUX terminals. 4. Press the softkey HARMNIC to enter the desired harmonic (1 to 50), with a maximum frequency output of 10 kHz.

  • Page 121
    Front Panel Operation How to Adjust the Phase gjh070.eps When one output is a harmonic of the other, the phase shift is based on the phase angle or power factor (cosine) of the harmonic signal. For example, when the AUX output is 4-45…
  • Page 122: How To Enter A Phase Angle

    5522A Operators Manual generating a 60-Hz signal, and the NORMAL output is generating a 120 Hz (2nd Harmonic) signal, a phase shift of 60 (PF of .5) would move the AUX signal 60 of 120 Hz (30 of 60 Hz). How to Enter a Phase Angle Complete the following procedure to enter a phase shift in degrees.

  • Page 123: How To Enter A Dc Offset

    Front Panel Operation How to Enter a DC Offset nn112f.eps 7. Press . The calibrator clears your entry from the “New pf ” line and copies it to the “Power Factor ” line of the Control Display. 8. Press one or more times to return to previous menus. How to Enter a DC Offset When the calibrator single output is an ac voltage of sine waves, triangle waves, square waves or truncated sine waves, you can apply a dc offset.

  • Page 124: Editing And Error Output Settings

    5522A Operators Manual nn114f.eps 3. Press the key to enter the offset and then Editing and Error Output Settings All Calibrator outputs can be edited using the front panel Edit Field knob and associated , and keys. In addition, multiply and divide keys edit the output by decades.

  • Page 125: How To Display The Uut Error

    The Calibrator has two methods of displaying the UUT error. The first method, called the “nominal” method is used in the Fluke 5700A, 5720A, 5500A, and 5520A calibrators. The second method is called “true value”. Both methods are used in this Calibrator.

  • Page 126: How To Use Multiply And Divide

    5522A Operators Manual 4. Press the softkey ERROR SETUP 5. Press the softkey ERR REF to toggle between “nominal” and “tru val”. How to Use Multiply and Divide The Calibrator output value (or reference value if you have edited the output) can be multiplied by a factor of 10 by pressing the key.

  • Page 127: How To Measure Pressure

    How to Measure Pressure The Calibrator can be used as a pressure calibrator when you use it with the following accessories: To measure pressure: Fluke 700-Series Pressure Module Model 700PCK Pressure Calibration Kit (necessary because it provides the interface module) To source pressure:…

  • Page 128: How To Synchronize The Calibrator Using 10 Mhz In/Out


  • Page 129: How To Source Ac Current And Parallel-Connected 5522As

    Front Panel Operation How to Synchronize the Calibrator using 10 MHz IN/OUT & REF SETUP. 4. Press the REF CLK softkey to select “ext.” 5. Press the key. To use an external 10 MHz reference on a temporary (volatile) basis, proceed as follows: 1.

  • Page 130: Three-Phase Power Calibration

    5522A Operators Manual 5522A #1 10 MHz Load/Meter 5522A #2 10 MHz gjh023.eps Figure 4-16. Two Calibrators Sourcing Current in Parallel Three-Phase Power Calibration You can configure three Calibrators to calibrate a three-phase power meter. This example uses the assumption that you want to apply a perfectly balanced calibration output with a unity power factor.

  • Page 131: Sample Applications

    Calibrating a Fluke Model 51 Digital Thermometer How Calibrate an 80 Series Digital Multimeter This example goes through the steps necessary to calibrate a Fluke 80 Series DMM. Note These procedures are included here as an example. The 80 Series Service Manual contains the authoritative testing and calibration procedures for 80 Series DMMs.

  • Page 132: Cables

    This decision-making process is covered next. Cables Fluke 5440A-7002 Low-Thermal Cables are recommended for many calibrations connections, but they are not specifically required for 80 Series calibration. Thermal emf errors that the Low-Thermal cables are designed to reduce are not significant when calibrating a 3-1/2 digit meter.

  • Page 133
    Front Panel Operation Sample Applications 3. Test the dc voltage function as follows: a. Turn on the DMM and set its function switch to . b. Set the warmed up calibrator to 3.5 V dc. Press c. Use the output adjustment controls to adjust the calibrator output for a reading of +3.5000 on the DMM display.
  • Page 134
    5522A Operators Manual 7. Test the Ohms function as follows: a. Press on the calibrator and set the DMM function switch to   . b. Set the calibrator to 190.0 with 2-wire compensation (see Figure 4-3). Press . Verify the error is within specifications. c.
  • Page 135
    Front Panel Operation Sample Applications AC Current Frequency 35.0 mA 1.0 kHz 350.0 mA 60 Hz 350.0 mA 1.0 kHz Press on the calibrator and switch the DMM function switch to Set the calibrator output to 350 A at 0 Hz. and press .
  • Page 136: How To Calibrate The Meter

    5522A Operators Manual Set the calibrator output to 3.5 A at 60 Hz and press . Verify the error is within specification. g. Repeat the previous step with the following calibrator settings: AC Current Frequency 3.5 A 1.0 kHz 10.0 mA 60 Hz 10.0 mA 1.0 kHz…

  • Page 137
    Front Panel Operation Sample Applications  Warning Ensure that the calibrator is in standby mode before making any connection between the calibrator and Tester. Dangerous voltages may be present on the leads and connectors. Table 4-3. Watts Performance, Text Screen Calibrator Outputs Performance Limits Normal…
  • Page 138: How To Test Harmonics Volts Performance

    5522A Operators Manual 2. Verify that the EARTH indicator is lit; if not, press 3. Set the calibrator output to 5.0 V at 60 Hz on the NORMAL output and 30 mV at 60 Hz on the AUX output. 4. Press the WAVE MENUS ,then the & REF MENUS softkey on the calibrator. Ensure the AUX NRM angle is 0.00 degrees.

  • Page 139: How To Test Harmonics Amps Performance

    Front Panel Operation Sample Applications Table 4-4. Harmonics Performance for Volts, Harmonics Screen 5522A Fluke Performance Limits Normal Output Tester Harmonic Amplitude Harmonic Phase Amplitude Phase cursor (deg.) 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 11. Press to remove the voltage from the Tester.

  • Page 140: How To Calibrate A Fluke 51 Thermometer

    Operators Manual How to Calibrate a Fluke 51 Thermometer The Fluke 51 Thermometer measures temperature using a type J or K thermocouple. The calibrator simulates both thermocouples, simplifying testing and calibration. The following demonstrates how the calibrator is used to calibrate this thermometer.

  • Page 141: How To Calibrate The Thermometer

    When changing thermocouple types, be use to change the corresponding hiookup wire. For example, K-type thermocouple wire changes to J-type thermocouple wire. How to Calibrate the Thermometer The following procedure refers to the Fluke 51 as the Unit Under Test (UUT). Use copper hookup wire for all connections, except for steps 17 to 20.  Caution…

  • Page 142
    5522A Operators Manual 13. Allow the UUT reading to settle and then adjust the T1 offset adjustment (R7) for a display reading of 25.2 C 0.1 C. 14. Change the calibrator output to 5380.7 C. This places 53.807 mV on the tc terminals.
  • Page 143: Remote Operations

    Chapter 5 Remote Operations Title Page Introduction………………….5-3 How to Set up the IEEE-488 Port for Remote Control……..5-5 IEEE-488 Port Setup Procedure …………..5-7 How to Test the IEEE-488 Port…………… 5-7 How to Set up the RS-232 Host Port for Remote Control ……..5-9 RS-232 Host Port Setup Procedure …………..

  • Page 144
    5522A Operators Manual Terminators ………………..5-32 Incoming Character Processing…………..5-33 Response Message Syntax …………….5-33 Checking 5522A Status ………………5-34 Serial Poll Status Byte (STB) …………….5-35 Service Request (SRQ) Line …………… 5-37 Service Request Enable Register (SRE)…………5-37 Programming the STB and SRE…………..5-37 Event Status Register (ESR)…………….
  • Page 145: Introduction

    (PC) equipped with one or more IEEE-488 ports. You can write your own computer programs for system operation using the command set, or you can purchase optional Fluke calibration software MET/CAL or 5500/CAL, and property management software MET/TRACK. Typical IEEE-488 configurations are shown in Figure 5-1.

  • Page 146
    5522A Operators Manual IEEE-488 Port IEEE-488 Port 5522A Calibrator Controller System for a UUT without a remote port. 5522A Calibrator Controller System for a UUT with an IEEE-488 remote port. or to 5522A SERIAL 2 RS-232 COM Port TO UUT Port Port 5522A Calibrator…
  • Page 147: How To Set Up The Ieee-488 Port For Remote Control

    Calibrator operates as a talker/listener. A PC equipped with an IEEE-488 interface, controls the the Calibrator. Compatible software for IEEE-488 operation may be purchased from Fluke, including METCAL and METRACK. Another software package, 5500/CAL, is also available but operates only on the RS-232 serial interface.

  • Page 148
    5522A Operators Manual SERIAL 1 FROM HOST COM Port Port 5522A Calibrator Controller System for a UUT without a remote port. SERIAL 1 RS-232 FROM HOST COM Port COM Port Port Port 5522A Calibrator Controller System for a UUT with an RS-232 port (via PC). SERIAL 2 RS-232 COM Port…
  • Page 149: Ieee-488 Port Setup Procedure

    Remote Operations How to Set up the IEEE-488 Port for Remote Control IEEE-488 Port Setup Procedure Complete the following procedure to set up the Calibrator for remote operations using the IEEE-488 remote control port. The purpose is to select GPIB as the interface and to select the GPIB address for the interface.

  • Page 150
    Calibrator for GPIB operation. Note the GPIB Address Port (default is 4). 2. Connect the PC and Calibrator IEEE-488 ports using a standard IEEE-488 cable. (See Chapter 9, “Accessories,” for IEEE-488 cables available from Fluke.) 3. From the programs menu, select «NI-488.2M software for…(your operating system)».
  • Page 151: How To Set Up The Rs-232 Host Port For Remote Control

    SERIAL 1 FROM HOST port (Figure 5-2). You can enter individual commands from a terminal, write your own programs using, for example, a Windows-based language such as Visual Basic, or run optional Windows-based Fluke software such as 5500/CAL or MET/CAL.

  • Page 152
    5522A Operators Manual Select To Step 4 nn121f.eps 4. Negotiate the softkey selections shown below to select the HOST serial port parameters to match the PC COM parameters. (Individual softkey functions are discussed in Chapter 3, “Features.”) If operating the port with a computer program instead of individual commands from a terminal, select Remote I/F comp.
  • Page 153: How To Test The Rs-232 Host Port

    Remote Operations How to Set up the RS-232 Host Port for Remote Control nn122f.eps 5. Press (not ) several times until the message STORE CHANGES/DISCARD CHANGES appears or, if there were no changes, the reset display. If you select STORE CHANGES, the serial and host port setting are saved in the instrument non-volatile memory.

  • Page 154: How To Test Rs-232 Host Port Operation With A Terminal

    5522A Operators Manual Null Modem Cable SERIAL 1 FROM HOST COM Port Port 5522A Calibrator Controller gjh044.eps Figure 5-4. Testing the RS-232 Host Port Terminal This procedure uses the Terminal accessory supplied with Windows (or equal) to test RS-232 Host port operation. To use this method, you must select term as the Remote I/F in Step 4 in the procedure “RS-232 Host Port Setup Procedure.”…

  • Page 155
    Remote Operations How to Set up the RS-232 Host Port for Remote Control shown below. Select COM as required. Click OK. nn309f.bmp 6. Verify the Calibrator is powered and in the reset condition. (If in doubt, press on the Calibrator front panel.) 7.
  • Page 156: How To Test Rs-232 Host Port Operation With Visual Basic

    5522A Operators Manual nn323f.eps If you want to experiment with other commands in the command set, see Chapter 6, “Remote Commands.” When finished, select the Exit command from the File menu to close the Terminal accessory. Hint: To save the communication parameters in Terminal for future operations, first select Save from the File menu and then assign a name, for example, host.trm.

  • Page 157: How To Set Up The Rs-232 Uut Port For Remote Control

    Remote Operations How to Set up the RS-232 UUT Port for Remote Control nn325f.eps 6. Click the Command2 button. Observe the Calibrator Control Display changes back to the reset condition (below). (The Command3 button is used for RS-232 UUT port testing later in this chapter.) nn323f.eps 7.

  • Page 158: How To Test The Rs-232 Uut Port Via Rs-232 Host Port

    5522A Operators Manual nn125f.eps How to Test the RS-232 UUT Port via RS-232 Host Port Choose or adapt one of the following test procedures to test the Calibrator RS-232 UUT port via the RS-232 Host port. Connect the UUT and PC as shown in Figure 5-5. Note the use of a modem cable (NOT null modem) for UUT connection.

  • Page 159: How To Test Rs-232 Uut Port Operation Via A Terminal

    Remote Operations How to Set up the RS-232 UUT Port for Remote Control Modem Cable Null Modem Cable SERIAL 2 RS-232 COM Port TO UUT Port Port 5522A Calibrator Controller gjh045.eps Figure 5-5. Testing the RS-232 UUT Port via RS-232 Host Port Terminal This procedure uses the Terminal accessory supplied with Windows (or equal) to test RS-232 UUT port operation.

  • Page 160: How To Test Rs-232 Uut Port Operation With Visual Basic

    5522A Operators Manual 5. When finished testing UUT commands, select the Exit command from the File menu to close the Terminal accessory. How to Test RS-232 UUT Port Operation with Visual Basic Complete the following procedure to test RS-232 UUT port operation via the RS-232 Host port using a Visual Basic test program.

  • Page 161
    Remote Operations How to Set up the RS-232 UUT Port for Remote Control Modem Cable IEEE-488 Cable SERIAL 2 RS-232 TO UUT Port Port 5522A Calibrator Controller gjh046.eps Figure 5-6. Testing the RS-232 UUT Port via IEEE-488 Port Complete the following procedure to test RS-232 UUT port operation via the IEEE-488 port using the Win32 Interactive Control utility.
  • Page 162: How To Change Between Remote And Local Operation

    5522A Operators Manual 9. The prompt reads <ud0:>. From this prompt, type <ibwrt «uut_sendb 82,69,77,83,11,13»> 10. Press the ENTER (or RETURN) key. This command will send REMS<CR><LF> to the UUT serial port. After the command is entered, the Win32 Interactive Control shows the status of the command.

  • Page 163: Remote With Lockout State

    Remote Operations RS-232 Interface Overview The left side of the Control Display shows information regarding the present output function. However, front panel operation is restricted to use of the power switch and the «Go To Local» softkeys. Pressing either of these softkeys, using RS-232 to send the command LOCAL, or IEEE-488 to send the GTL (Go To Local) message returns the Calibrator to the local state.

  • Page 164: Ieee-488 Interface Overview

    5522A Operators Manual Table 5-2. RS-232 Interface Wiring Mnemonic Description Clear to Send DB-9 Type DB connector, 9 pins DB-25 Type DB connector, 25 pins Data Carrier Detect Data Communications Equipment Data Set Ready Data Terminal Equipment Data Terminal Ready Ground Ring Indicator RLSD…

  • Page 165
    Remote Operations IEEE-488 Interface Overview IEEE-488.1 IEEE-488.1 is the hardware portion of the interface. The parallel signal lines are divided into eight lines for the data bus, three lines for the handshake, and five lines for bus management. The handshake lines take care of the timing for data exchange. The bus management lines control the operation of data exchange.
  • Page 166
    5522A Operators Manual MESSAGE DATA HAND- DESCRIPTION SHAKE MANAGEMENT MESSAGE NAME Addressed Command Group M AC Attention U UC Data Byte M DD B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 Data Accepted U HS Data Valid U HS Device Clear M UC U ST End Of String…
  • Page 167: How To Use Commands

    Remote Operations How to Use Commands How to Use Commands Communications between the controller and the Calibrator consists of commands, queries, and interface messages. Although the commands are based on the 488.2 standard, they can be used on either the IEEE-488 or RS-232 interface, except for a few specialized RS-232 commands described in “Commands for RS-232 Only.”…

  • Page 168: Interface Messages (Ieee-488)

    5522A Operators Manual Interface Messages (IEEE-488) Interface messages manage traffic on the IEEE-488 interface bus. Device addressing and clearing, data handshaking, and commands to place status bytes on the bus are all directed by interface messages. Some of the interface messages occur as state transitions of dedicated control lines.

  • Page 169: Compound Commands

    Remote Operations How to Use Commands Table 5-4. IEEE-488 Interface Messages (Received) (cont.) Mnemonic Name Function My Talk Address Addresses a specific device on the bus as a talker. The controller sends MTA automatically whenever it directs a device-dependent or common query to a specific instrument.

  • Page 170: Coupled Commands

    5522A Operators Manual where the Calibrator sources 1 V ac at 60 Hz, and then goes into operate, or they could be combined into a compound command, OUT 1 V, 60 HZ ; OPER using a semi-colon as a separator. Care must be taken when a compound command includes any of the coupled commands.

  • Page 171: Sequential Commands

    Remote Operations How to Use Commands You can also use the status commands *OPC and *OPC? to detect completion of overlapped commands. (See “Checking 5522A Status.”) Sequential Commands Commands that execute immediately are called sequential commands. In Chapter 6, the command shows a checkbox for sequential commands. The majority of the commands are sequential.

  • Page 172: Commands For Ieee-488 Only

    5522A Operators Manual Commands for IEEE-488 Only The IEEE-488 checkbox indicates commands that are used for the IEEE-488 interface. This is all the commands, except for those used for RS-232 operations. (See “Commands for RS-232 Only.”) All commands are transferred over the IEEE-488 as data, except for the commands LOCAL, REMOTE, and LOCKOUT, which are implemented per IEEE Standards as messages (see Table 5-7).

  • Page 173
    Remote Operations How to Use Commands Table 5-8. Units Accepted in Parameters and Used in Responses (cont.) Units Meaning Resistance in units of ohms KOHM Resistance in units of kilohms MOHM Resistance in units of megohms Capacitance in units of nanofarads Capacitance in units of picofarads Capacitance in units of microfarads Capacitance in units of millifarads…
  • Page 174: Extra Space Or Tab Characters

    5522A Operators Manual Indefinite Length The Indefinite Length format accepts data bytes after the #0 until the ASCII Line Feed character is received with an EOI signal (for RS-232 just a line feed or carriage return will terminate the block). Definite Length The Definite Length format specifies the number of data bytes.

  • Page 175: Incoming Character Processing

    Remote Operations How to Use Commands Incoming Character Processing The Calibrator processes all incoming data as follows (except Binary Block Data as described under Parameter Syntax Rules): 1. The most significant data bit (DIO8) is ignored. 2. All data is taken as 7-bit ASCII. 3.

  • Page 176: Checking 5522A Status

    5522A Operators Manual Table 5-10. Response Data Types (cont.) Data Type Description A special data type defined by the IEEE-488.2 standard. This type is Binary Block Data used in *PUD? query. It is defined as follows: #(non-zero digit) (digits) (user data) The non-zero digit specifies the number of characters that will follow in the <digits>…

  • Page 177: Serial Poll Status Byte (Stb)

    Remote Operations Checking 5522A Status Serial Poll Status Byte (STB) The Calibrator sends the serial poll status byte (STB) when it responds to a serial poll. This byte is cleared (set to 0) when the power is turned on. The STB byte is defined as shown in Figure 5-9.

  • Page 178
    5522A Operators Manual Instrument Status 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Change Enable Registers & & Write using & ISCE0 (1 to 0 transition) & ISCE1 (0 to 1 transition) & ISCE (1 to 0 AND 0 to 1) &…
  • Page 179: Service Request (Srq) Line

    Remote Operations Checking 5522A Status ISCB Requesting service. The RQS bit is set to 1 whenever bits ESB, MAV, EAV, or ISCB change from 0 to 1 and are enabled (1) in the SRE. When RQS is 1, the 5522A asserts the SRQ control line on the IEEE-488 interface.

  • Page 180: Event Status Register (Esr)

    5522A Operators Manual INPUT @6, A% ! RETRIEVE THE REGISTER CONTENTS PRINT “SRE = “;A% RETURN The following BASIC program generates an error and checks the Serial Poll Status Byte. Enable the EAV bit with the example above. ! THIS PROGRAM GENERATES AN ERROR AND CHECKS IT PRINT @6, “OUT 1300V”…

  • Page 181: Programming The Esr And Ese

    Remote Operations Checking 5522A Status Power on. This bit is set to 1 if line power has been turned off and on since the last time the ESR was read. Command error. The 5522A’s IEEE-488 interface encountered an incorrectly formed command.

  • Page 182: Instrument Status Register (Isr)

    5522A Operators Manual By setting the bits in the ESE, you can mask (disable) the associated bits in the ESR. For example, to prevent the occurrence of a command error from causing bit 5 (ESB) in the serial poll status byte to go to 1, you can reset (to 0) bit 5 in the ESE register. The following sample program accomplishes this by checking the status of the CME bit, then toggling it if it is 1.

  • Page 183: Programming The Isr, Iscr, And Isce

    Remote Operations Checking 5522A Status RPTBUSY SETTLED REMOTE UUTBFUL UUTDATA HIVOLT MAGCHG TMPCAL OPER RPTBUSY Set to 1 when a calibration report is being printed to the serial port. SETTLED Set to 1 when the output has stabilized to within speclfication or the TC measurement has settled and is available.

  • Page 184: Output Queue

    5522A Operators Manual 100 PRINT “ISCR0 = “;B% ! DISPLAY ISCR0 110 PRINT “ISCE0 = “;C% ! DISPLAY ISCE0 100 PRINT “ISCR1 = “;D% ! DISPLAY ISCR1 110 PRINT “ISCE1 = “;E% ! DISPLAY ISCE1 120 END Convert the returned variables into binary, and you can read the status of the instrument. For example if a register contains 128, its binary equivalent is: 00000000 10000000.

  • Page 185: Writing An Srq And Error Handler

    Remote Operations Remote Program Examples be placed in standby and the output may be changed to accommodate the new external connection. The setting may be set even if the present output does not use the setting (for example, setting the current post while sourcing voltage). The output and output mode should be programmed next with the OUT command.

  • Page 186: Verifying A Meter In The Ieee-488 Bus

    Fluke 45 to take a reading. It displays Calibrator output, the Fluke 45 reading, and the meter error in ppm. The program assumes that the Calibrator uses the IEEE-488 interface with bus address is 4 and the Fluke 45 is on the Calibrator SERIAL 2 TO UUT port.

  • Page 187: Taking A Thermocouple Measurement

    Remote Operations Remote Program Examples in the output buffer. You should always follow an command with a read command. *OPC? The read command causes program execution to pause until the addressed instrument responds. The following sample program shows how you can use *OPC?. 10 PRINT @4, “OUT 100V,1KHZ;OPER;…

  • Page 188: Using The Rs-232 Uut Port To Control An Instrument

    5522A Operators Manual 250 INPUT @6, M,U$ 260 GOTO 200 Using the RS-232 UUT Port to Control an Instrument The SERIAL 2 TO UUT RS-232 port is used to pass commands on to another instrument. For example, a meter that is being calibrated can have its RS-232 port connected the Calibrator SERIAL 2 TO UUT serial port.

  • Page 189: Remote Commands

    Chapter 6 Remote Commands Title Page Introduction………………….6-3 Command Summary by Function ……………. 6-3 Commands ………………….6-10…

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    5522A Operators Manual…
  • Page 191: Introduction

    Introduction This chapter documents the IEEE-488/RS-232 remote commands for the Calibrator (hereafter referred to as “the Calibrator”). Remote commands duplicate activities that can be initiated from the front panel in local operation. Following the summary table is a complete alphabetical listing of all commands complete with protocol details. Separate headings in the alphabetical listing provide the parameters and responses, plus an example for each command.

  • Page 192
    5522A Operators Manual Table 6-2. Error Mode Commands Command Description Sets the edit field. PRI is specified for the output value in single output functions and the EDIT primary output value in dual output functions. EDIT? Returns the edit field setting. ERR_REF Selects the error reference source.
  • Page 193
    Remote Commands Command Summary by Function Table 6-3. External Connection Command (cont.) Command Description RTD_TYPE? Returns the Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) type. Sets whether the internal temperature sensor or an external reference value is used for TC_REF Thermocouple (TC) outputs and measurements. Returns the source and value of the temperature being used as a reference for TC_REF? thermocouple simulation and measurement.
  • Page 194
    5522A Operators Manual Table 6-4. Oscilloscope Commands (cont.) Commands Description VIDEOMARK? Returns the VIDEO mode line marker location. Zeros the pressure module or sets the zero offset for capacitance measurement using ZERO_MEAS the -SC600. Returns the zero offset for the pressure module or capacitance measurement using the — ZERO_MEAS? SC600.
  • Page 195
    Remote Commands Command Summary by Function Table 6-5. Output Commands (cont.) Command Description REFCLOCK Sets the reference clock source (internal or through the 10 MHz IN BNC connector). REFCLOCK? Returns the reference clock source (internal or through the 10 MHz IN BNC connector). If two Calibrators are synchronized using 10 MHz IN/OUT, sets the phase difference REFPHASE between the NORMAL terminals on the slave Calibrator and the NORMAL terminals of…
  • Page 196
    5522A Operators Manual Table 6-7. RS-232 Host Port Commands (cont.) Command Description SPLSTR? Returns the string programmed for serial remote mode Serial Poll responses. SRQSTR Sets the serial remote mode SRQ (Service Request) response (up to 40 characters). SRQSTR? Returns the string programmed for Serial Mode SRQ response. UUT_RECVB? Returns binary data from the UUT serial port as integers.
  • Page 197
    Remote Commands Command Summary by Function Table 6-9. Setup and Utility Commands (cont.) Command Description Returns the power-up and reset default for the reference clock source (internal or REFCLOCK_D? through the 10 MHz IN BNC connector). If two Calibrators are synchronized using 10 MHz IN/OUT, sets the power-up and reset REFPHASE_D default phase difference between the NORMAL terminals on the slave Calibrator and the NORMAL terminals of the master Calibrator.
  • Page 198: Commands

    5522A Operators Manual Table 6-10. Status Commands (cont.) Command Description ISCE0? Returns the contents of the Instrument Status 1 to 0 Change Enable register. ISCE1 Loads two bytes into the Instrument Status 0 to 1 Change Enable register. ISCE1? Returns the contents of the Instrument Status 0 to 1 Change Enable register. Returns the OR of the contents of the Instrument Status 1 to 0 Change Register and the ISCR? Instrument Status 0 to 1 Change Register and clears both registers.

  • Page 199
    Remote Commands Commands Coupled Commands These are called coupled commands Coupled (examples: CUR_POST and OUT) because they “couple” in a compound command sequence. Care must be taken to be sure the action of one command does not disable the action of a second command and thereby cause a fault. For more information, see “Coupled Commands”…
  • Page 200
    5522A Operators Manual IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled CUR_POST (Current Post command) Selects the binding posts for current output. This also applies to power outputs. The current post setting is retained until the power is turned off or the button is pressed. Parameters: AUX (selects the AUX terminals) (selects the 20A terminals)
  • Page 201
    Remote Commands Commands (900 ohms) Z900 (1000 ohms = dBv) Z1000 (1200 ohms) Z1200 Example: DBMZ Z600 IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled DBMZ? (dBm Impedance query) Returns the impedance used for dBm outputs (ac volts). Response: (character) Impedance keyword Example: DBMZ? returns Z600 IEEE-488 RS-232…
  • Page 202
    5522A Operators Manual Response: <value> signed offset amplitude Example: returns +1.44E-03 DC_OFFSET? Returns 1.44 mV as the value of the applied dc offset. If +0.00000E+00 is returned, the dc offset is zero. IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled (Displacement Power Factor command) Sets the displacement power factor (phase angle) between the Calibrator front panel terminals NORMAL and AUX (for sine waves output only).
  • Page 203
    Remote Commands Commands IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled EARTH (Earth Ground command) Selects whether or not the Calibrator front panel NORMAL LO terminal is tied to chassis (earth) ground. Once set, the Calibrator retains the earth setting until power off or reset. Parameters: OPEN (disconnect front panel LO terminal from chassis ground) TIED (connect front panel LO terminal to chassis ground) Example:…
  • Page 204
    5522A Operators Manual IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled ERR? (Error query) Returns the first error code contained in the Calibrator error queue, then removes that error code from the queue. Following the error code is an explanation of the error code, similar to but sometimes containing more specific information than the EXPLAIN? command.
  • Page 205
    Remote Commands Commands Parameter: <value> (decimal equivalent of the ESE byte, 0 to 255) Example: *ESE 140 Load decimal 140 (binary 10001100) to enable bits 7 (PON), 3 (DDE) and 2 (QYE). IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled *ESE? (Event Status Enable query) Returns the contents of the Event Status Enable (ESE) register.
  • Page 206
    5522A Operators Manual IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled EXTGUARD? (External guard query) Returns whether the internal guard shields are connected or disconnected from earth (chasis) ground. Response: (character) ON (external guard is on, i.e., external) (character) OFF (external guard is off, i.e., internal) Example: EXTGUARD? returns ON IEEE-488…
  • Page 207
    Remote Commands Commands Features Temperature its-90 Display Contrast* level 7,7 Standard Host Connection gpib (IEEE-488) Display Brightness* level 1,0 GPIB Port Address RTD Power Up pt385 Default Type Serial Ports 8 bits, 1 stop bit, xon/xoff, Thermocouple parity none, 9600 baud Power Up Default Type EOL (end of line)
  • Page 208
    3. Serial number 4. Firmware revision levels for the Main CPU Front Panel CPU Inguard Example: *IDN? returns FLUKE,5522A,5248000,1.0+1.3+1.8 Returns Fluke manufacturer, model 5522A, serial number 5248000, main firmware version 1.0, encoder firmware 1.3, and inguard PGA 1.8. IEEE-488 RS-232…
  • Page 209
    Remote Commands Commands Load the error mode and increment the selected edit field by .00001 mV. IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled ISCE (Instrument Status Change Enable command) Loads two bytes into the two 16-bit ISCE mask registers (ISCE1 and ISCE0). (See “Instrument Status Change Enable Registers” in Chapter 5 for more information.) Parameter: <value>…
  • Page 210
    5522A Operators Manual Example: ISCE1 6272 Load decimal 6272 (binary 0001010001000000) to enable bits 12 (SETTLED), 10 (REMOTE) and 6 (HIVOLT). IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled ISCE1? (Instrument Status 0 to 1 Change Enable query) Returns the two bytes from the 16-bit ISCE1 register.
  • Page 211
    Remote Commands Commands Returns decimal 6272 (binary 0001010001000000) if bits 12 (SETTLED), 10 (REMOTE), and 6 (HIVOLT) are set to 1. IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled LCOMP (Inductive compensation command) Activates or deactivates inductive load compensation for ac current output. For current output, compensation is allowed when the frequency is less than 440 Hz and the amplitude is less than 0.33 A.
  • Page 212
    5522A Operators Manual Returns the present value of the voltage and current limits (reset values shown). IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled LOCAL (Local command) Puts the Calibrator into the local state, clearing the remote state (see the REMOTE command) and front panel lockout (see the LOCKOUT command). This command duplicates the IEEE-488 GTL (Go To Local) message.
  • Page 213
    Remote Commands Commands IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled MULT (Multiply command) Multiplies the reference magnitude (as selected with the EDIT command or default to the primary output). The reference magnitude is the present reference in either direct mode or in error mode. Parameter: <value>…
  • Page 214
    5522A Operators Manual IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled *OPC? (Operations Complete query) Returns a 1 after all pending operations are complete. This command causes program execution to pause until operations are complete. (See *WAI.) Response: (all operations are complete) Example: *OPC? returns 1 Returns 1 when all pending operations are complete.
  • Page 215
    Remote Commands Commands If you change the frequency of an ac function and the harmonic output is not explicitly set at the same time with the HARMONIC command, the harmonic will be set to 1. Use multipliers e.g., k, M, with the OUT command, as desired.
  • Page 216
    5522A Operators Manual <fundamental frequency value> Examples: OUT? returns -1.520000E+01,V,0E+00,0,0.00E+00 OUT? returns 1.88300E-01,A,0E+00,0,4.420E+02 OUT? returns 1.23000E+00,V,2.34000E+00,V,6.000E+01 OUT? returns 1.92400E+06,OHM,0E+00,0,0.00E+00 OUT? returns 1.52000E+01,V,1.88300E-01,A,4.420E+02 OUT? DBM returns 2.586E+01,DBM,0E+00,A,4.420E+02 OUT? returns 1.0430E+02,CEL,0E+00,0,0.00E+00 OUT? FAR returns 2.19740000E+02,FAR,0E+00,0,0.00E+00 OUT? V returns 4.2740E-03,V,0E+00,0,0.00E+00 OUT? OHM returns 1.40135E+02,OHM,0E+00,0,0.00E+00 The respective values for the above examples are: –15.2 V 188.3 mA, 442 Hz…
  • Page 217
    (Pressure Module query) Queries the attached pressure module for its model and serial number. Responses: (Indefinite ASCII) A message containing four fields separated by commas as follows: 1. Manufacturer 2. Model number 3. Serial number 4. Firmware revision (0) Example: FLUKE,700P05,9467502,0 6-29…
  • Page 218
    5522A Operators Manual IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled PRES_MEAS (Pressure Measurement mode command) Changes the operating mode to pressure measurement. Parameter: (Optional) Pressure units Example: PRES_MEAS PSI Displays the previously selected units if no parameter is supplied. IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled PRES_UNIT…
  • Page 219
    Remote Commands Commands (meters of water) MH2O (bar) (Pascal) (grams per centimeter squared) G/CM2 (Inches of water @ 60 degrees Farhenheit) INH2O60F Example: PRES_UNIT_D PSI The pressure unit is set to the default at power on and reset. PRES_UNIT_D? IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped…
  • Page 220
    5522A Operators Manual IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled *PUD? (Protected User Data query) Returns the contents of the *PUD (Protected User Data) memory in definite length format. Response: #2nn<nn characters> Example: *PUD? returns #216CAL LAB NUMBER 1 Returns #2 then 16 then 16 characters of text (including spaces) stored in the nonvolatile memory.
  • Page 221
    Remote Commands Commands Example: RANGELCK? returns OFF Returns OFF when the range for dc volts or dc current is not locked (autoranging enabled). IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled REFCLOCK (Reference Clock command) Sets the reference clock source (internal or through the 10 MHz IN BNC connector).
  • Page 222
    5522A Operators Manual Returns 0 when the output is not being edited. Example: REFOUT? returns 2.500000E-01 Returns .250 when the output is being edited and the reference is, for example, 250 mV. IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled REFPHASE (Reference Phase command) If two Calibrators are synchronized using 10 MHz IN/OUT, sets the phase difference between the primary channel on the Calibrator relative to the sync pulse on the 10 MHz IN or OUT terminal.
  • Page 223
    Remote Commands Commands IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled REMOTE (Remote command) Places the Calibrator into the remote state. This command duplicates the IEEE-488 REN (Remote Enable) message. When in the remote state, the Control Display shows the softkey “REMOTE CONTROL Go to Local.” Pressing this softkey returns the Calibrator to local operation If the front panel is locked out, the Control Display shows the softkey “REMOTE CONTROL LOCAL LOCK OUT.”…
  • Page 224
    5522A Operators Manual Command Value Command Value OUT_IMP TSENS_TYPE PHASE 0DEG WAVE NONE,NONE PRES_UNIT <PRES_UNIT_D value> ZCOMP RANGELCK ZERO_MEAS Changes made to the setup menus that are not saved in memory are discarded on reset. Response: (None) Example: *RST Place the Calibrator in a reset condition, evoking the commands and values shown above. IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential…
  • Page 225
    Remote Commands Commands Returns PT3926 when a 100-ohm RTD with curve =0.003926 ohms/ohm/ C is set as the RTD type. IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled RTD_TYPE_D (Resistance Temperature Detector Type Default command) Sets the default Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) at power on and reset, which is saved in the Calibrator non- volatile memory.
  • Page 226
    5522A Operators Manual <interface>, TERM (terminal), COMP (computer) <flow control>, XON (xon/xoff), NOSTALL (none), RTS (rts/cts) <number data bits>, DBIT7 (7 bits) or DBIT8 (8 bits) <number stop bits>, SBIT1 (1 bit) or SBIT2 (2 bits) <parity>, PNONE (none), PODD (odd),PEVEN (even) <end of line char.>…
  • Page 227
    Remote Commands Commands Example: SPLSTR “SPL: %02x %02x %04x %04x\n” Set the SPLSTR to the default values SPL: %02x %02x %04x %04x\n. IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled SPLSTR? (Serial Poll Response String query) Returns the string programmed for Serial Poll response.
  • Page 228
    5522A Operators Manual IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled SRQSTR? (Service Request String query) Returns the string programmed for Serial Mode SRQ response. This is the format of the Service Request String; actual values come from the registers. Also see the SPLSTR command. Response: <string>…
  • Page 229
    Remote Commands Commands Add a temperature offset of +10 C to the thermocouple measurements. IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled TC_OFFSET? (Thermocouple Temperature Measurement Offset query) Returns the temperature offset used for thermocouple measurements (±500 C). Responses: <value> CEL (offset in Celsius) (optional) <value>…
  • Page 230
    5522A Operators Manual If INT is returned, the reference temperature return is 0 unless you are in a thermocouple mode of operation and the Calibrator is in Operate. Responses: INT, <value of reference temperature>,CEL (or FAR) EXT, <value of reference temperature>,CEL (or FAR) Example: TC_REF? returns INT,2.988E+01,CEL Returns Internal, 29.88, Celsius, when the thermocouple reference is internal and at…
  • Page 231
    Remote Commands Commands Returns K when the thermocouple type for simulating a temperature output is a K-type thermocouple. IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled TC_TYPE_D (Thermocouple Type Default command) Sets the default thermocouple (TC) sensor type, which is saved in the Calibrator non-volatile memory. (While saving configuration data in the non-volatile memory, a period of about 2 seconds, the Calibrator does not respond to remote commands.) The TC type is set to the default at power on and reset.
  • Page 232
    5522A Operators Manual Example: TEMP_STD ITS_90 See the temperature standard to ITS-90. IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled TEMP_STD? (Temperature Degree Standard command) Returns the temperature standard ipts-68 (1968 International Provisional Temperature Standard) or its-90 (1990 International Temperature Standard). Parameters: IPTS_68 ITS_90 Example: TEMP_STD? returns ITS_90…
  • Page 233
    Remote Commands Commands (Resistance Temperature Detector) Example: TSENS_TYPE? returns TC Returns TC when the temperature sensor type is a thermocouple. IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled *TST? (Self Test command) Initiates self-test and returns a 0 for pass or a 1 for fail. If any faults are detected, they are displayed on screen (terminal mode) or are logged into the fault queue where they can be read by the ERR? query (computer mode).
  • Page 234
    5522A Operators Manual Example: UUT_RECV? returns #211+1.99975E+0 Returns (for example) a measurement from the UUT. The format is #2 (two numbers follow) 11 (characters follow) +1.99975E+0 (11 characters). IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled UUT_RECVB? (UUT Receive Binary Data query) Returns binary data as integers from the UUT serial port.
  • Page 235
    Remote Commands Commands Character String Follow the instructions above and after the character string, add a \n for CR or \r for LF or both, where the alpha character is entered in lower case. For example, in the terminal mode to send the string REMS in this format with both CR and LF, the command would be UUT_SEND “REMS\n\r”.
  • Page 236
    5522A Operators Manual shown below in bold type. (To return to the factory defaults, see the FORMAT SETUP command.) Responses: <baud rate value>, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 <flow control>, XON (xon/xoff), NOSTALL (none), RTS (rts/cts) <number data bits>, DBIT7 (7 bits) or DBIT8 (8 bits) <number stop bits>, SBIT1 (1 bit) or SBIT2 (2 bits) <parity>…
  • Page 237
    Remote Commands Commands IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled WAVE (Waveform command) Sets the waveforms for ac outputs. If the Calibrator is sourcing one output, one parameter is required. If the Calibrator is sourcing two outputs, two parameters are required or one parameter to set the waveform to both outputs. Waveform choices are SINE (sine wave), TRI (triangle wave), SQUARE (square wave), TRUNCS (truncated sine wave), or NONE (waveform does not apply).
  • Page 238
    5522A Operators Manual Example: ZCOMP? returns NONE Returns NONE when no impedance compensation is applied to the resistance, capacitance or RTD output. IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled ZERO_MEAS (Zero Offset for Pressure Measurement command) Zeros the pressure module or sets the zero offset for capacitance measurement using the -SC600.
  • Page 239: Maintenance

    Chapter 7 Maintenance Title Page Introduction………………….7-3 How to Replace the Line Fuse …………….7-3 How to Replace the Current Fuses…………… 7-4 How to Clean the Air Filter …………….. 7-5 General Cleaning ………………..7-6 Performance Tests………………..7-7…

  • Page 240
    5522A Operators Manual…
  • Page 241: Introduction

    Introduction This chapter explains how to perform the routine maintenance and calibration task required to keep a normally operating 5522A Calibrator in service. These tasks include: Replacing the fuse Cleaning the air filter Cleaning the external surfaces Calibration verification Refer to the Service manual for intensive maintenance tasks such as troubleshooting, calibration or repair, and all procedures that require opening the cover of the instrument.

  • Page 242: How To Replace The Current Fuses

    5522A Operators Manual Table 7-1. Replacement Line Fuses Part Number Fuse Description Line Voltage Setting  109215 5A/250 V Time Delay 100 V or 120 V  851931 2.5A/250 V Time Delay 200 V or 240 V Line Voltage Indicator Changing Line Fuse Changing Line Voltage…

  • Page 243: How To Clean The Air Filter

    Maintenance How to Clean the Air Filter 4 A/500 V Ultra Fast (3 A Output) 25 A/250 V Fast (20 A Output) gjh068.eps Figure 7-2. Current Fuse Replacement 3. Lift off the fuse door. 4. Remove the fuse and replace it with a new fuse of the same rating. Table 7-2.

  • Page 244: General Cleaning

    5522A Operators Manual c. Shake out the excess water, then allow the filter element to dry thoroughly before reinstalling it. 4. Reinstall the filter element by performing the filter removal steps in reverse order. oq062f.eps Figure 7-3. Accessing the Air Filter General Cleaning For general cleaning, wipe the case, front panel keys, and lens using a soft cloth slightly dampened with water or a non-abrasive mild cleaning solution that does not harm…

  • Page 245: Performance Tests

    Maintenance Performance Tests Performance Tests To verify that the 5522A meets its specifications, you can use Tables 7-3 through 7-15. The tables are for qualified metrology personnel who have access to a standards laboratory that is properly equipped to test calibration equipment of this level of accuracy.

  • Page 246
    5522A Operators Manual Table 7-4. Verification Tests for DC Voltage (AUX) Range Output Lower Limit Upper Limit 329.999 mV 0.000 mV -0.350 mV 0.350 mV 329.999 mV 329.000 mV 328.551 mV 329.449 mV 329.999 mV -329.000 mV -329.449 mV -328.551 mV 3.29999 V 0.33000 V 0.32955 V…
  • Page 247
    Maintenance Performance Tests Table 7-5. Verification Tests for DC Current (AUX) (cont.) Range Output Lower Limit Upper Limit 2.99999 A 1.09000 A 1.08979 A 1.09021 A 2.99999 A -1.09000 A -1.09021 A -1.08979 A 2.99999 A 2.99000 A 2.98906 A 2.99094 A 2.99999 A -2.99000 A…
  • Page 248
    5522A Operators Manual Table 7-6. Verification Tests for Resistance (cont.) Range Output Lower Limit Upper Limit 109.9999 k 33.0000 k 32.9991 k 33.0009 k 109.9999 k 109.0000 k 108.9974 k 109.0026 k 329.9999 k 119.0000 k 118.9950 k 119.0050 k 329.9999 k 190.0000 k 189.9933 k…
  • Page 249
    Maintenance Performance Tests Table 7-7. Verification Tests for AC Voltage (Normal) (cont.) Range Output Frequency Lower Limit Upper Limit 32.999 mV 30.000 mV 50 kHz 29.970 mV 30.030 mV 32.999 mV 30.000 mV 100 kHz 29.898 mV 30.102 mV 32.999 mV 30.000 mV 450 kHz 29.770 mV…
  • Page 250
    5522A Operators Manual Table 7-7. Verification Tests for AC Voltage (Normal) (cont.) Range Output Frequency Lower Limit Upper Limit 32.9999 V 30.0000 V 20 kHz 29.9928 V 30.0072 V 32.9999 V 30.0000 V 50 kHz 29.9904 V 30.0096 V 32.9999 V 30.0000 V 90 kHz 29.9759 V…
  • Page 251
    Maintenance Performance Tests Table 7-8. Verification Tests for AC Voltage (AUX) (cont.) Range Output, AUX Frequency Lower Limit Upper Limit 329.999 mV 300.000 mV 30 kHz 287.100 mV 312.900 mV 3.29999 V 3.00000 V 9.5 Hz 2.825 V 3.175 V 3.29999 V 3.00000 V 10 Hz…
  • Page 252
    5522A Operators Manual Table 7-9. Verification Tests for AC Current (cont.) Range Output Frequency Lower Limit Upper Limit 3.2999 mA 1.9000 mA 1 kHz 1.8983 mA 1.9017 mA 3.2999 mA 1.9000 mA 10 kHz 1.8921 mA 1.9079 mA 3.2999 mA 1.9000 mA 30 kHz 1.8842 mA…
  • Page 253
    Maintenance Performance Tests Table 7-9. Verification Tests for AC Current (cont.) Range Output Frequency Lower Limit Upper Limit 2.99999 A 0.33000 A 5 kHz 0.32735 A 0.33265 A 2.99999 A 0.33000 A 10 kHz 0.31840 A 0.34160 A 2.99999 A 1.09000 A 10 Hz 1.08827 A…
  • Page 254
    5522A Operators Manual Table 7-10. Verification Tests for Capacitance (cont.) Test Frequency Range Output Lower Limit Upper Limit or Current 3.2999 nF 2.0000 nF 1 kHz 1.9824 nF 2.0176 nF 10.9999 nF 7.0000 nF 1 kHz 6.9767 nF 7.0233 nF 10.9999 nF 10.9000 nF 1 kHz…
  • Page 255
    Maintenance Performance Tests Table 7-11. Verification Tests for Thermocouple Simulation TC Type Output, C Lower Limit, mV Upper Limit, mV 0.00 C (0.0000 mV) -0.0030 0.0030 100.00 C (1.0000 mV) 0.99696 1.00304 -100.00 C (-1.0000 mV) -1.00304 -0.99696 10 V/ C 1000.00 C (10.0000 mV) 9.99660 10.00340…
  • Page 256
    5522A Operators Manual Table 7-13. Verification Tests for Phase Accuracy, V and V Range, Range, Output, Output, Lower Upper Normal Frequency Phase Normal V Limit Limit Output, V Output 65 Hz -0.10 0.10 400 Hz -0.25 0.25 1 kHz -0.50 0.50 5 kHz -2.50…
  • Page 257
    Maintenance Performance Tests Table 7-14. Verification Tests for Phase Accuracy, V and I Range, Range, Output, Output, Phase Lower Upper Normal Frequency Normal V Limit Limit Output, V Output 65 Hz 329.99 mA 300.00 mA -0.10 0.10 30.000 mV 1 kHz 329.99 mA 300.00 mA -0.50…
  • Page 258
    5522A Operators Manual Table 7-15. Verification Tests for Frequency Range, Normal Output, Normal, Frequency Lower Limit Upper Limit Output, V 3.29999 3.00000 119.00 Hz 118.99970 Hz 119.00030 Hz 120.0 Hz 119.99970 Hz 120.00031 Hz 1000.0 Hz 999.9975 Hz 1000.0025 Hz 100.00 kHz 99,999.75 Hz 100,000.25 Hz…
  • Page 259: Accessories

    Chapter 8 Accessories Title Page Introduction………………….8-3 Rack Mount Kit ………………..8-4 IEEE-488 Interface Cable ………………8-4 RS-232 Null-Modem Cables…………….8-4 5520A-525A/LEADS ………………8-4…

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    5522A Operators Manual…
  • Page 261: Introduction

    Carry Case with removable front/back panels 5500A/HNDL Side Handle 5520A-525A/LEADS Comprehensive Lead Set Fluke 700 series of pressure modules. Requires Fluke 700-PCK for operation 700-Pxx with the 5522A Calibrator 700-PCK Pressure module calibration kit Replacement fuse; 5 A/250 V Time Delay (100 V or 120 V line voltage) 109215…

  • Page 262: Rack Mount Kit

    5522A Operators Manual Table 8-1. Options and Accessories Model Description Y5537 24 in. (61 cm) Rack Mount Kit for 5522A Y8021 Shielded IEEE-488 Cable 0.5 m (1.64 ft) Y8022 Shielded IEEE-488 Cable 2 m (6.56 ft) Y8023 Shielded IEEE-488 Cable 4 m (13 ft) Rack Mount Kit The Y5537 rack mount kit provides all the hardware necessary to mount the 5522A on slides in a 24-inch (61 cm) equipment rack.

  • Page 263: Sc600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option

    Chapter 9 SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Title Page Introduction………………….9-3 SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Specifications ……..9-3 Oscilloscope Connections………………9-4 How to Start the SC600 Option …………….9-7 The Output Signal……………….. 9-8 How to Adjust the Output Signal …………..9-8 How to Key in a Value…………….

  • Page 264
    5522A Operators Manual Video Function Commands …………….9-31 Overload Function Commands……………. 9-31 Impedance/Capacitance Function Commands……….9-32 Verification Tables ………………..9-33 DC Voltage Verification……………… 9-33 AC Voltage Amplitude Verification…………..9-34 AC Voltage Frequency Verification…………..9-35 Wave Generator Amplitude Verification: 1 M Output Impedance ….9-35 Wave Generator Amplitude Verification: 50 Output Impedance….
  • Page 265: Sc600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Specifications

    Introduction The 5500A-SC600 Option (the SC600 Option) provides functions that help you maintain your oscilloscope’s accuracy by verifying and calibrating the following oscilloscope characteristics: Vertical deflection characteristics are calibrated and verified. The VOLT function lets you compare the voltage gain to the graticule lines on the oscilloscope. Pulse transient response is checked and calibrated, verifying the accuracy of the oscilloscope’s measurement of pulse transitions using the EDGE function.

  • Page 266: General Specifications

    5522A Operators Manual General Specifications Voltage Function Specifications DC Signal Square Wave Signal Voltage Function Load Load Load Load Amplitude Characteristics 1 mV to 1 mV to Range 0 to 6.599 V 0 to 130 V 6.599 V p-p 130 V p-p Range Resolution 1 to 24.999 mV…

  • Page 267: Leveled Sine Wave Specifications

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option General Specifications Leveled Sine Wave Specifications Leveled Sine Wave Frequency Range Characteristics into 50 50 kHz (reference) 50 kHz to 100 MHz 100 to 300 MHz 300 to 600 MHz Amplitude Characteristics (for measuring oscilloscope bandwidth) Range (p-p) 5 mV to 5.5 V <100 mV: 3 digits…

  • Page 268: Pulse Generator Specifications

    5522A Operators Manual Pulse Generator Specifications Pulse Generator Characteristics Positive pulse into 50 Typical rise/fall times <2 ns Available Amplitudes 2.5 V, 1 V, 250 mV, 100 mV, 25 mV, 10 mV Pulse Width Range 4 ns to 500 ns Uncertainty 5 % of pulse width 2 ns…

  • Page 269: Overload Measurement Specifications

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Oscilloscope Connections Overload Measurement Specifications Typical ‘On’ Current Maximum Time Limit DC or AC Source Voltage Typical ‘Off’ Current Indication Indication (1 kHz) 5 to 9 V 100 to 180 mA 10 mA Setable 1 s to 60 s Oscilloscope Connections Using the cable supplied with the SC600 Option, connect the SCOPE output on the Calibrator to one of the channel connectors on your oscilloscope (see Figure 9-1).

  • Page 270: The Output Signal

    5522A Operators Manual gjh050.eps The Output Signal The following description assumes that you have selected VOLT mode from the SCOPE menu. The Control Displays appears as follows with VOLT mode selected: gjh051.eps The location of the output signal is indicated on the Control Display (the display on the right side).

  • Page 271: And

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Start the SC600 Option Note Units and prefixes printed in red in the upper-left corner of the keys are accessed through the key. For example, to enter 200 s, press If you make an error, press to clear the Control Display and return to the menu.

  • Page 272: How To Reset The Oscilloscope Option

    5522A Operators Manual How to Use keys cause the current value of the signal to jump to a pre-determined cardinal value, whose amount is determined by the current function. These keys are described in more detail under the descriptions for each function. How to Reset the Oscilloscope Option You can reset all parameters in the 5522A to their default settings at any time during front panel operations by pressing the…

  • Page 273: The V/Div Menu

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Calibrat the Voltage Amplitude on an Oscilloscope amplitude signals. You can also toggle the trigger off and on by pressing ??. V/DIV MENU Opens the voltage scaling menu, which lets you select the scale of the signal in volts per division.

  • Page 274: How To Calibrate The Pulse And Frequency Response On An Oscilloscope

    5522A Operators Manual gjh054.eps Perform the following sample procedure to calibrate the vertical gain. 1. Connect the calibrator to Channel 1 on the oscilloscope, making sure the oscilloscope is terminated at the proper impedance (1 M for this example). Verify that the key on the 5522A is lit, indicating that the signal is connected.

  • Page 275: The Edge Function

    Pulser drive off. This signal sources up to 100 V p-p to drive a Tunnel Diode Pulser (Fluke Part Number 606522, Tektronix 067-0681-01, or equivalent. TRIG If you are using the external trigger, use this key to toggle the trigger off and on.

  • Page 276: Pulse Response Calibration With A Tunnel Diode Pulser

    The default setting is 25 mV @ 1 MHz. For example, on a Fluke PM3392A oscilloscope, start with a signal of 1 V @ 1 MHz. 3. Adjust the scale on your oscilloscope to achieve a good picture of the edge. For example, on a Fluke PM3392A oscilloscope with a 1 V @ 1 MHz signal, use 200 mV/div.

  • Page 277: The Leveled Sine Wave Function

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Calibrate the Pulse and Frequency Response on an Oscilloscope 5522A CALIBRATOR gjh037.eps Figure 9-2. Tunnel Diode Pulser Connections The Leveled Sine Wave Function The Leveled Sine Wave (Levsine) function uses a leveled sine wave, whose amplitude remains relatively constant over a range of frequencies, to check the oscilloscope’s bandwidth.

  • Page 278: Shortcuts For Setting The Frequency And Voltage

    5522A Operators Manual disconnect the signal, press . You cannot change the impedance while you are in Levsine mode. MORE OPTIONS Opens additional menu items, which are described in detail under “The MORE OPTIONS Menu.” SET TO LAST F Toggles between the current frequency setting and the reference value of 50 kHz.

  • Page 279: How To Sweep Through A Frequency Range

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Calibrate the Pulse and Frequency Response on an Oscilloscope RATE Used when FREQ CHANGE is set to “sweep” to select a sweep speed of 100 kHz, 1 MHz, or 10 MHz. A slower sweep rate lets you watch the frequency change very slowly. After a faster sweep, you may want to pinpoint a certain frequency with a slower sweep over a subset of your previous frequency range.

  • Page 280: Frequency Response Calibration Procedure For An Oscilloscope

    5522A Operators Manual want to pinpoint a certain frequency with a slow sweep over a subset of your previous frequency range. Frequency Response Calibration Procedure for an Oscilloscope This sample procedure, which verifies the frequency response on your oscilloscope, is usually performed after the pulse response is verified.

  • Page 281: How To Calibrate The Time Base Of An Oscilloscope

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Calibrate the Time Base of an Oscilloscope 4.2 divisions, as shown below. To increase the frequency slowly, fine-tune it using the rotary knob. To do this, press to place a cursor in the Output Display, press again to place it in the frequency field, and use the keys to move it to the digit you want to…

  • Page 282: Time Base Marker Calibration Procedure For An Oscilloscope

    5522A Operators Manual duty cycle square wave.) Note that selections available under SHAPE depend on the selected marker period (frequency) as follows: Selection Period (Frequency) Sine 10 ns – 2 ns (100 MHz – 500 MHz) Spike 5 s – 20 ns (0.2 Hz – 50 MHz) Square 5 s –…

  • Page 283: How To Test The Trigger Sc600 Option

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Test the Trigger SC600 Option Peaks are aligned with center axis gl011i.eps 4. Repeat this procedure for all time marker values recommended for your oscilloscope. Repeat for digital and analog mode as required. Some oscilloscopes may need the magnification changed while calibrating in analog mode.

  • Page 284: How To Test Video Triggers

    5522A Operators Manual OUTPUT @ SCOPE Indicates the location of the signal output. If the signal does not appear on the oscilloscope, press . To disconnect the signal, press WAVE Scrolls through the three types of waveforms that are available. You can select a square, sine, or triangle wave as the output.

  • Page 285: How To Verify Pulse Capture

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Verify Pulse Capture MODE Indicates you are in VIDEO mode. Use the softkey to change modes and open the corresponding menus for the other four oscilloscope calibration modes. Default video settings are +100 %, format = NTSC, and videomark = 10. How to Verify Pulse Capture gjh063.eps You can press the MODE softkey to cycle through the functions in the order shown, or…

  • Page 286: How To Measure Input Resistance And Capacitance

    5522A Operators Manual How to Measure Input Resistance and Capacitance gjh064.eps You can press the MODE softkey to cycle through the functions in the order shown, or you can press to return directly to the OTHER modes menu. Each option in the Impedance/Capacitance (MEAS Z) menu is described below. Measured @ SCOPE terminal Indicates the location of the measured input.

  • Page 287: How To Test Overload Protection

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Test Overload Protection 1. Set the oscilloscope for 1 M input impedance. Note that input capacitance testing cannot be done with 50 input impedance. 2. Use the MEASURE softkey to select “cap”. 3. With the output cable connected to the Calibrator but not connected to the oscilloscope, press the SET OFFSET softkey to cancel stray capacitances.

  • Page 288: Remote Commands And Queries

    5522A Operators Manual Perform the following procedure to test the overload protection of an oscilloscope: 1. Connect the calibrator to Channel 1 on the oscilloscope. 2. Select the voltage type (DC or AC) using the OUT VAL softkey. 3. Key in the voltage level. (The default value is 5 V.) 4.

  • Page 289
    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Remote Commands and Queries Table 9-1. SCOPE Command Parameters (cont.) Parameter Description/Example EDGE Oscilloscope EDGE mode. Programs 25 mV peak-to-peak, 1 MHz, output at the SCOPE BNC, standby if from OFF or previously in standby. FUNC? returns EDGE. Example: SCOPE EDGE;…
  • Page 290
    5522A Operators Manual OPER, STBY, *OPC, *OPC?, and *WAI all operate as described in Chapter 6. The state of the oscilloscope’s output while in SCOPE mode is reflected by the bit in the ISR that is assigned to SETTLED. The FUNC? query returns SDCV, SACV, LEVSINE, MARKER, EDGE, and WAVEGEN for the corresponding oscilloscope modes.
  • Page 291
    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Remote Commands and Queries SCOPE? (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Returns the oscilloscope’s current mode of operation. Returns OFF if the oscilloscope is off. Parameters: None Response: <character> (Returns OFF, VOLT, EDGE, LEVSINE, MARKER, or WAVEGEN.) TRIG (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Programs the oscilloscope’s trigger output BNC.
  • Page 292: Edge Function Commands

    5522A Operators Manual Sets the impedance to 1 M in Meas Z mode. TZ1MOHM Sets the impedance to cap in Meas Z mode. TZCAP Sets the instrument to DC in Overload mode. TOLDC Sets the impedance to AC in Overload mode. TOLAC Example: RANGE TP20DB…

  • Page 293: Video Function Commands

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Remote Commands and Queries Video Function Commands VIDEOFMT (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Selects the format for VIDEO mode. Parameters: NTSC, PAL, PALM (for PAL-M), or SECAM Example: VIDEOFMT SECAM VIDEOFMT? (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Returns the VIDEO mode format. Parameters: None Response: NTSC, PAL, PALM (for PAL-M), or SECAM…

  • Page 294: Impedance/Capacitance Function Commands

    5522A Operators Manual TLIMIT? (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Returns the programmed OPERATE time limit for the OVERLD mode signal. Response: <Integer> Time limit in seconds. TLIMIT_D (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Sets the default OPERATE time limit for the OVERLD mode signal. Parameters: 1 to 60 (seconds) Example: TLIMIT_D 15 TLIMIT_D?

  • Page 295: Verification Tables

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Verification Tables The verification test points are provided here as a guide when verification to one-year specifications is desired. DC Voltage Verification Table 9-2. SC600 Option DC Voltage Verification (1 M output impedance unless noted) Nominal Value (V dc) Measured Value (V dc) Deviation (V dc)

  • Page 296: Ac Voltage Amplitude Verification

    5522A Operators Manual Table 9-2. SC600 Option DC Voltage Verification (cont.) (1 M output impedance unless noted) Nominal Value (V dc) Measured Value (V dc) Deviation (V dc) 1-Year Spec. (V dc) -0.499 0.0002895 0.00029 -0.5 0.00029 1.35 0.000715 -1.35 0.000715 2.19 0.001135…

  • Page 297: Ac Voltage Frequency Verification

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Table 9-3. SC600 Option AC Voltage Amplitude Verification (cont.) (1 M output impedance unless noted) Nominal Value Measured Value 1-year Spec. Frequency (Hz) Deviation (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) -0.11 1000 0.00015 1000 0.00054…

  • Page 298
    5522A Operators Manual Table 9-5. SC600 Option Wave Generator Amplitude Verification (1 M output impedance) (cont.) Nominal Value Frequency Measured Deviation 1-Year Spec. Wave Shape (V p-p) (Hz) Value (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) square 0.219 1000 0.00667 square 0.22 1000 0.0067…
  • Page 299: Wave Generator Amplitude Verification: 50 Output Impedance

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Wave Generator Amplitude Verification: 50 Output Impedance Table 9-6. SC600 Option Wave Generator Amplitude Verification (50  output impedance) Nominal Value Frequency Measured Deviation 1-Year Spec. Wave Shape (V p-p) (Hz) Value (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) square…

  • Page 300: Leveled Sine Wave Verification: Amplitude

    5522A Operators Manual Table 9-6. SC600 Option Wave Generator Amplitude Verification (50  output impedance) (cont.) Nominal Value Frequency Measured Deviation 1-Year Spec. Wave Shape (V p-p) (Hz) Value (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) triangle 0.109 1000 0.00337 triangle 0.449 1000 0.01357…

  • Page 301: Leveled Sine Wave Verification: Frequency

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Leveled Sine Wave Verification: Frequency Table 9-8. SC600 Option Leveled Sine Wave Verification: Frequency Nominal Value Frequency Measured Value Deviation (Hz) 1-Year Spec. (Hz) (V p-p) (Hz) 50 kHz 0.125 500 kHz 1.25 5 MHz 12.5 50 MHz 500 MHz…

  • Page 302: Leveled Sine Wave Verification: Flatness

    5522A Operators Manual Table 9-9. SC600 Option Leveled Sine Wave Verification: Harmonics (cont.) Nominal Value Measured Deviation 1-Year Spec. Harmonic Frequency (V p-p) Value (dB) (dB) (dB) 2nd harmonic 4 MHz 3rd+ harmonic 4 MHz 2nd harmonic 8 MHz 3rd+ harmonic 8 MHz 2nd harmonic 10 MHz…

  • Page 303
    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Table 9-10. SC600 Option Leveled Sine Wave Verification: Flatness (cont.) Nominal Value Measured Value 1-Year Spec. Frequency Deviation (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 0.005 480 MHz 0.0003 0.005 570 MHz 0.0003 0.005 580 MHz 0.0003…
  • Page 304
    5522A Operators Manual Table 9-10. SC600 Option Leveled Sine Wave Verification: Flatness (cont.) Nominal Value Measured Value 1-Year Spec. Frequency Deviation (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 0.01 50 kHz 0.01 30 MHz 0.00025 0.01 70 MHz 0.00025 0.01 120 MHz 0.0003…
  • Page 305
    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Table 9-10. SC600 Option Leveled Sine Wave Verification: Flatness (cont.) Nominal Value Measured Value 1-Year Spec. Frequency Deviation (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 0.039 390 MHz 0.00166 0.039 400 MHz 0.00166 0.039 480 MHz 0.00166…
  • Page 306
    5522A Operators Manual Table 9-10. SC600 Option Leveled Sine Wave Verification: Flatness (cont.) Nominal Value Measured Value 1-Year Spec. Frequency Deviation (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 0.07 600 MHz 0.0029 0.099 50 kHz 0.099 30 MHz 0.001585 0.099 70 MHz 0.001585…
  • Page 307
    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Table 9-10. SC600 Option Leveled Sine Wave Verification: Flatness (cont.) Nominal Value Measured Value 1-Year Spec. Frequency Deviation (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 0.25 360 MHz 0.0101 0.25 390 MHz 0.0101 0.25 400 MHz 0.0101…
  • Page 308
    5522A Operators Manual Table 9-10. SC600 Option Leveled Sine Wave Verification: Flatness (cont.) Nominal Value Measured Value 1-Year Spec. Frequency Deviation (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 590 MHz 0.0161 600 MHz 0.0161 50 kHz 30 MHz 0.0121 70 MHz 0.0121 120 MHz…
  • Page 309
    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Table 9-10. SC600 Option Leveled Sine Wave Verification: Flatness (cont.) Nominal Value Measured Value 1-Year Spec. Frequency Deviation (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 290 MHz 0.0261 360 MHz 0.0521 390 MHz 0.0521 400 MHz 0.0521…
  • Page 310: Edge Verification: Amplitude

    5522A Operators Manual Table 9-10. SC600 Option Leveled Sine Wave Verification: Flatness (cont.) Nominal Value Measured Value 1-Year Spec. Frequency Deviation (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 580 MHz 0.2201 590 MHz 0.2201 600 MHz 0.2201 Edge Verification: Amplitude Table 9-11.

  • Page 311: Edge Verification: Duty Cycle

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Edge Verification: Duty Cycle Table 9-13. SC600 Option Edge Verification: Duty Cycle Nominal Value Measured Value Deviation Frequency 1-Year Spec. (%) (from 50%) (V p-p) 1 MHz Edge Verification: Rise Time Table 9-14. SC600 Option Edge Verification: Rise Time Nominal Value Measured Value 1-Year Spec.

  • Page 312: Marker Generator Verification

    5522A Operators Manual Marker Generator Verification Table 9-16. SC600 Option Marker Generator Verification Period (s) Measured Value (s) Deviation (s) 1-Year Spec. (s) 0.0251 s 0.00405 s 0.05 3.75E-06 s 0.02 5E-8 0.01 2.5E-8 1e-7 2.5E-13 5e-8 1.25E-13 2e-8 5E-14 1e-8 2.5E-14 5e-9…

  • Page 313: Input Impedance Verification: Resistance

    SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Input Impedance Verification: Resistance Table 9-19. SC600 Option Input Impedance Verification: Resistance Nominal Value ( ) Measured Value ( ) Deviation ( ) 1-Year Spec. ( ) 0.04 0.05 0.06 600000 1000000 1000 1500000 1500 Input Impedance Verification: Capacitance Table 9-20.

  • Page 314
    5522A Operators Manual 9-52…
  • Page 315: How To Reset The Sc1100 Option

    Chapter 10 SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Title Page Introduction………………….10-3 SC1100 Option Specifications…………….10-3 Oscilloscope Connections………………10-8 How to Start the SC1100 Option …………….. 10-8 The Output Signal……………….. 10-9 How to Adjust the Output Signal …………..10-9 How to Key in a Value…………….10-9 How to Adjust Values with the Rotary Knob ……….

  • Page 316
    5522A Operators Manual Overload Function Commands……………. 10-33 Impedance/Capacitance Function Commands……….10-34 Verification Tables ………………..10-35 DC Voltage Verification……………… 10-35 AC Voltage Verification……………… 10-37 AC Voltage Frequency Verification…………..10-38 Wave Generator Amplitude Verification: 1 M Output Impedance ….10-39 Wave Generator Amplitude Verification: 50 Output Impedance….
  • Page 317: Introduction

    Introduction The 5520A-SC1100 Option (hereafter referred to as the SC1100) provides functions that help you maintain your oscilloscope’s accuracy by verifying and calibrating the following oscilloscope characteristics: Vertical deflection characteristics are calibrated and verified. The VOLT function lets you compare the voltage gain to the graticule lines on the oscilloscope. Pulse transient response is checked and calibrated, verifying the accuracy of the oscilloscope’s measurement of pulse transitions using the EDGE function.

  • Page 318: Volt Specifications

    5522A Operators Manual Calibration (tcal)……….15 C to 35 C Storage …………… -20 C to +70 C Electromagnetic Compatibility ……Designed to operate in Standard Laboratory environments where the Electromagnetic environment is highly controlled. If used in areas with Electromagnetic fields >1 V/m, there could be errors in output values. All testing for this specification used new cables and connectors.

  • Page 319: Edge Specifications

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option General Specifications Edge Specifications 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, Edge Characteristics into 50 Load tcal Rise Time (+0 ps / -100 ps) 300 ps Amplitude Range (p-p) 5.0 mV to 2.5 V (2 % of output + 200 V) Resolution 4 digits 10 % around each sequence value…

  • Page 320: Time Marker Specifications

    5522A Operators Manual Time Marker Specifications Time Marker into 50 5s to 50 ms 20 ms to 100 ns 50 to 20 ns 10 ns 5 to 1 ns 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty at (25 + t x 2.5 ppm 2.5 ppm 2.5 ppm 2.5 ppm Cardinal Points, tcal…

  • Page 321: Pulse Generator Specifications

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option General Specifications Pulse Generator Specifications Pulse Generator Characteristics Positive pulse into 50 Typical rise/fall times <1.5 ns Available Amplitudes 2.5 V, 1 V, 250 mV, 100 mV, 25 mV, 10 mV Pulse Width Range 4 to 500 ns Uncertainty (typical) 5 % 2 ns Pulse Period…

  • Page 322: Oscilloscope Connections

    5522A Operators Manual Oscilloscope Input Capacitance Measurement Specifications Scope input selected Measurement Range 5 to 50 pF Uncertainty (5 % of input + 0.5 pF) Measurement made within 30 minutes of capacitance zero reference. Scope option must be selected for at least five minutes prior to any capacitance measurement, including the zero process.

  • Page 323: The Output Signal

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Start the SC1100 Option gjh050.eps The Output Signal The following description assumes that you have selected VOLT mode from the SCOPE menu. The Control Displays appears as follows with VOLT mode selected: gjh051.eps The location of the output signal is indicated on the Control Display (the display on the right side).

  • Page 324: How To Adjust Values With The Rotary Knob

    5522A Operators Manual Note Units and prefixes printed in red in the upper left corner of the keys are accessed through the key. For example, to enter 200 s, press If you make an error, press to clear the Control Display and return to the menu. 2.

  • Page 325: How To Calibrate The Voltage Amplitude On An Oscilloscope

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Calibrate the Voltage Amplitude on an Oscilloscope How to Use keys cause the current value of the signal to jump to a pre-determined cardinal value, whose amount is determined by the current function. These keys are described in more detail under the descriptions for each function.

  • Page 326: The V/Div Menu

    5522A Operators Manual trigger can be useful for many oscilloscopes that have difficulty triggering on low amplitude signals. V/DIV MENU Opens the voltage scaling menu, which lets you select the scale of the signal in volts per division. This menu is described below in detail, under “The V/DIV Menu.”…

  • Page 327: How To Calibrate The Pulse And Frequency Response On An Oscilloscope

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Calibrate the Pulse and Frequency Response on an Oscilloscope Before you start this procedure, verify that you are running the SC1100 Option in VOLT mode. If you are, the Control Display shows the following menu. gjh054.eps Perform the following sample procedure to calibrate the vertical gain: 1.

  • Page 328: The Edge Function

    Pulser drive off. This signal sources up to 100 V p-p to drive a Tunnel Diode Pulser (Fluke Part Number 606522, Tektronix 067-0681-01, or equivalent.) TRIG If you are using the external trigger, use this key to toggle the trigger off and on.

  • Page 329: Pulse Response Calibration Using A Tunnel Diode Pulser

    6. Remove the input signal by pressing Pulse Response Calibration Using a Tunnel Diode Pulser You can use the calibrator to drive a tunnel diode pulser (Fluke Part Number 606522, or Tektronix 067-0681-01, or equivalent), allowing you to check for pulse edge rise times as fast as 125 ps.

  • Page 330: The Leveled Sine Wave Function

    5522A Operators Manual 5522A CALIBRATOR gjh037.eps Figure 10-2. Tunnel Diode Pulser Connections The Leveled Sine Wave Function The Leveled Sine Wave (LEVSINE) function uses a leveled sine wave, whose amplitude remains relatively constant over a range of frequencies, to check the oscilloscope’s bandwidth.

  • Page 331: Shortcuts For Setting The Frequency And Voltage

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Calibrate the Pulse and Frequency Response on an Oscilloscope OUTPUT @ SCOPE terminal (50 ) Indicates the location and impedance of the signal output. If the signal does not appear on the oscilloscope, press .

  • Page 332: How To Sweep Through A Frequency Range

    5522A Operators Manual the sweep function are provided under “Sweeping Through a Frequency Range.” RATE Used when FREQ CHANGE is set to “sweep” to select a sweep speed of 100 kHz, 1 MHz, or 10 MHz. A slower sweep rate lets you watch the frequency change very slowly. After a faster sweep, you may want to pinpoint a certain frequency with a slower sweep over a subset of your previous frequency range.

  • Page 333: Oscilloscope Frequency Response Calibration Procedure

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Calibrate the Pulse and Frequency Response on an Oscilloscope Note When you interrupt the frequency sweep by pressing HALT SWEEP, the FREQ CHANGE method switches back to “jump.” 5. Repeat the procedure if necessary. For example, if you did a fast sweep, you may want to pinpoint a certain frequency with a slow sweep over a subset of your previous frequency range.

  • Page 334: How To Calibrate The Time Base Of An Oscilloscope

    5522A Operators Manual gl009i.bmp 4. Increase the frequency to 400 MHz (for 400-MHz instruments), or 500 MHz (for 500-MHz instruments). To enter 400 MHz, press ; then press 5. Continue to increase the frequency slowly until the waveform decreases to 4.2 divisions, as shown below.

  • Page 335: The Time Marker Function

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Calibrate the Time Base of an Oscilloscope The Time Marker Function The Time MARKER function, which is available through the MARKER menu, lets you calibrate the timing response of your oscilloscope. To access the MARKER menu, press the softkey under MODE until “marker”…

  • Page 336: Time Base Marker Calibration Procedure For An Oscilloscope

    5522A Operators Manual Time Base Marker Calibration Procedure for an Oscilloscope This sample procedure uses the Time MARKER function to check the horizontal deflection (time base) of your oscilloscope. See your oscilloscope’s manual for the exact time base values recommended for calibration. Before you begin this procedure, verify that you are in MARKER mode.

  • Page 337: How To Test The Trigger Functions Of An Oscilloscope

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Test the Trigger functions of an oscilloscope How to Test the Trigger functions of an oscilloscope The oscilloscope’s ability to trigger on different waveforms can be tested using the wave generator. When the wave generator is used, a square, sine, or triangle wave is transmitted and the wave’s output impedance, offset, and voltage can be varied in order to test the triggering capability at different levels.

  • Page 338: How To Test Video Triggers

    5522A Operators Manual How to Test Video Triggers gjh062.eps The video mode generates video signals in various formats. The mode is used to test the video trigger capability of an oscilloscope. You can press the MODE softkey to cycle through the functions in the order shown, or you can press to return directly to the OTHER modes menu.

  • Page 339: How To Verify Pulse Capture

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Verify Pulse Capture How to Verify Pulse Capture gjh063.eps The pulse mode is a general-purpose pulse generator with pulse widths from 4 ns to 500 ns. It can be used to check many of the advanced trigger functions of an oscilloscope, such as pulse capture.

  • Page 340: How To Measure Input Resistance And Capacitance

    5522A Operators Manual How to Measure Input Resistance and Capacitance gjh064.eps You can press the MODE softkey to cycle through the functions in the order shown, or you can press to return directly to the OTHER modes menu. Each option in the Impedance/Capacitance (MEAS Z) menu is described below: Measured @ SCOPE terminal Indicates the location of the measured input.

  • Page 341: Input Capacitance Measurement

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option How to Test Overload Protection Input Capacitance Measurement With MEAS Z mode selected, perform the following procedure to measure the input capacitance of an oscilloscope: 1. Set the oscilloscope for 1 M input impedance. Note that input capacitance testing cannot be done with 50 input impedance.

  • Page 342: Remote Commands And Queries

    5522A Operators Manual At any time, you can also set the overload time limit with , INSTMT SETUP softkey, OTHER SETUP softkey, TLIMDEF softkey, and then choose 1s to 60 s. Perform the following procedure to test the overload protection of an oscilloscope: 1.

  • Page 343: Remote Commands And Queries

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Remote Commands and Queries Table 10-1. SCOPE Command Parameters (cont.) Parameter Description/Example Oscilloscope EDGE mode. Programs 25 mV peak-to-peak, 1 MHz, output at the EDGE SCOPE BNC, standby if from OFF or previously in standby. FUNC? returns EDGE. Example: SCOPE EDGE;…

  • Page 344
    5522A Operators Manual OPER, STBY, *OPC, *OPC?, and *WAI all operate as described in Chapter 6. The state of the oscilloscope’s output while in SCOPE mode is reflected by the bit in the ISR that is assigned to SETTLED. The FUNC? query returns SDCV, SACV, LEVSINE, MARKER, EDGE, and WAVEGEN for the corresponding oscilloscope modes.
  • Page 345
    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Remote Commands and Queries TRIG (IEEE-488, RS-232, Overlapped) Programs the oscilloscope’s trigger output BNC. Parameters: OFF (Turns the trigger output off.) (Turns the trigger output on. Frequency is the same as the DIV1 signal at SCOPE output.) (Turns the trigger output on.
  • Page 346: Edge Function Commands

    5522A Operators Manual RANGE (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Programs the instrument range in PULSE, MEAS Z, OVERLD modes. Parameters: TP0DB TP8DB TP20DB TP28DB TP40DB TP48DB Pulse Range 2.5 V 1.0 V 250 mV 100 mV 25 mV 10 mV TZ50OHM TZ1MOHM TZCAP Impedance Measure…

  • Page 347: Video Function Commands

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Remote Commands and Queries TMWAVE? (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Returns the MARKER mode waveform setting. Parameters: None Response: <character> (Returns SINE, SPIKE, SQUARE, or SQ20PCT.) Video Function Commands VIDEOFMT (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Selects the format for VIDEO mode. Parameters: NTSC, PAL, PALM (for PAL-M), or SECAM Example: VIDEOFMT SECAM…

  • Page 348: Impedance/Capacitance Function Commands

    5522A Operators Manual Parameters: 1 to 60 (seconds) Example: TLIMIT 30 TLIMIT? (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Returns the programmed OPERATE time limit for the OVERLD mode signal. Response: <Integer> Time limit in seconds. TLIMIT_D (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Sets the default OPERATE time limit for the OVERLD mode signal. Parameters: 1 to 60 (seconds) Example: TLIMIT_D 15…

  • Page 349: Verification Tables

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Verification Tables The verification test points are provided here as a guide when verification to one-year specifications is desired. DC Voltage Verification Table 10-2. SC1100 Option DC Voltage Verification (1 M output impedance unless noted) Measured Value Deviation Nominal…

  • Page 350
    5522A Operators Manual Table 10-2. SC1100 Option DC Voltage Verification (cont.) Measured Value Deviation Nominal 1-Year Spec. (V dc) Value (V dc) (V dc) (V dc) 0.499 0.0002895 -0.499 0.0002895 0.00029 -0.5 0.00029 1.35 0.000715 -1.35 0.000715 2.19 0.001135 -2.19 0.001135 0.00114 -2.2…
  • Page 351: Ac Voltage Verification

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Table 10-3. SC1100 Option DC Voltage Verification at 50 (cont.) Calibrator Measured Value Mainframe Reading x correction Tolerance (V DC) (V DC) Output -109.9 mV 0.0003148 V 499 mV 0.0012875 V -499 mV 0.0012875 V 2.19 V 0.005515 V -2.19 V…

  • Page 352: Ac Voltage Frequency Verification

    5522A Operators Manual Table 10-4. SC1100 Option AC Voltage Verification (cont.) (1 M output impedance unless noted) Nominal Value Measured Value 1-year Spec. Frequency (Hz) Deviation (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 200 mV 10000 0.00054 2.2 V 0.00224 2.2 V 5000…

  • Page 353: Wave Generator Amplitude Verification: 1 M Output Impedance

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Wave Generator Amplitude Verification: 1 M Output Impedance Table 10-7. SC1100 Option Wave Generator Amplitude Verification (1 M output impedance) Nominal Frequency Measured Deviation 1-Year Spec. Wave Shape Value (V p-p) (Hz) Value (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) square…

  • Page 354: Wave Generator Amplitude Verification: 50

    5522A Operators Manual Table 10-7. SC1100 Option Wave Generator Amplitude Verification (1 M output impedance) (cont.) Nominal Frequency Measured Deviation 1-Year Spec. Wave Shape Value (V p-p) (Hz) Value (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) triangle 0.219 1000 0.00667 triangle 0.899 1000 0.02707…

  • Page 355: Edge Verification: Amplitude

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Table 10-8. SC1100 Option Wave Generator Amplitude Verification (50  output impedance) (cont.) Nominal Frequency Measured Deviation 1-Year Spec. Wave Shape Value (V p-p) (Hz) Value (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) sine 0.0449 1000 0.001447 sine…

  • Page 356: Edge Verification: Frequency

    5522A Operators Manual Edge Verification: Frequency Table 10-10. SC1100 Option Edge Verification: Frequency Nominal Value Frequency Measured Value Deviation (Hz) 1-Year Spec. (V p-p) (Hz) (Hz) 1 kHz 0.0025 10 kHz 0.025 100 kHz 0.25 1 MHz 10 MHz Edge Verification: Duty Cycle Table 10-11.

  • Page 357: Tunnel Diode Pulser Verification

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Tunnel Diode Pulser Verification Table 10-13. SC1100 Option Tunnel Diode Pulser Verification Nominal Value Frequency (Hz) Measured Value Deviation (V p-p) 1-Year Spec. (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 0.2202 10000 0.2202 1.1002 10000 1.1002 2.0002 10000…

  • Page 358: Leveled Sinewave Verification: Frequency

    5522A Operators Manual Leveled Sinewave Verification: Frequency Table 10-15. SC1100 Option Leveled Sinewave Verification: Frequency Nominal Value Frequency Measured Value Deviation (Hz) 1-Year Spec. (V p-p) (Hz) (Hz) 50 kHz 0.125 500 kHz 1.25 5 MHz 12.5 50 MHz 500 MHz 1250 1000 MHz 2500…

  • Page 359
    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Table 10-16. SC1100 Option Leveled Sinewave Verification: Harmonics (cont.) Nominal Measured Deviation 1-Year Spec. Harmonic Frequency Value (V p-p) Value (dB) (dB) (dB) + harmonic 2 MHz harmonic 4 MHz + harmonic 4 MHz harmonic 8 MHz + harmonic…
  • Page 360: Leveled Sinewave Verification: Flatness

    5522A Operators Manual Leveled Sinewave Verification: Flatness Table 10-17. SC1100 Option Leveled Sinewave Verification: Flatness Nominal Value Measured Value Deviation 1-Year Spec. Frequency (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 0.005 10 MHz 0.005 30 MHz 0.000175 0.005 70 MHz 0.000175 0.005 120 MHz…

  • Page 361
    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Table 10-17. SC1100 Option Leveled Sinewave Verification: Flatness (cont.) Nominal Value Measured Value Deviation 1-Year Spec. Frequency (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 0.0099 360 MHz 0.000496 0.0099 390 MHz 0.000496 0.0099 400 MHz 0.000496 0.0099…
  • Page 362
    5522A Operators Manual Table 10-17. SC1100 Option Leveled Sinewave Verification: Flatness (cont.) Nominal Value Measured Value Deviation 1-Year Spec. Frequency (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 0.025 580 MHz 0.0011 0.025 590 MHz 0.0011 0.025 600 MHz 0.0011 0.025 1000 MHz 0.0011…
  • Page 363
    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Table 10-17. SC1100 Option Leveled Sinewave Verification: Flatness (cont.) Nominal Value Measured Value Deviation 1-Year Spec. Frequency (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 0.07 10 MHz 0.07 30 MHz 0.00115 0.07 70 MHz 0.00115 0.07 120 MHz…
  • Page 364
    5522A Operators Manual Table 10-17. SC1100 Option Leveled Sinewave Verification: Flatness (cont.) Nominal Value Measured Value Deviation 1-Year Spec. Frequency (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 290 MHz 0.0021 360 MHz 0.0041 390 MHz 0.0041 400 MHz 0.0041 480 MHz 0.0041 570 MHz…
  • Page 365
    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Table 10-17. SC1100 Option Leveled Sinewave Verification: Flatness (cont.) Nominal Value Measured Value Deviation 1-Year Spec. Frequency (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 0.399 480 MHz 0.01606 0.399 570 MHz 0.01606 0.399 580 MHz 0.01606 0.399…
  • Page 366
    5522A Operators Manual Table 10-17. SC1100 Option Leveled Sinewave Verification: Flatness (cont.) Nominal Value Measured Value Deviation 1-Year Spec. Frequency (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 600 MHz 0.0321 1000 MHz 0.0321 10 MHz 30 MHz 0.0181 70 MHz 0.0181 120 MHz 0.0241…
  • Page 367: Marker Generator Verification

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Table 10-17. SC1100 Option Leveled Sinewave Verification: Flatness (cont.) Nominal Value Frequency Measured Value Deviation (V p-p) 1-Year Spec. (V p-p) (V p-p) (V p-p) 70 MHz 0.0511 120 MHz 0.0681 290 MHz 0.0681 360 MHz 0.1361 390 MHz…

  • Page 368: Pulse Generator Verification: Period

    5522A Operators Manual Table 10-18. SC1100 Option Marker Generator Verification (cont.) Period (s) Measured Value (s) Deviation (s) 1-Year Spec. (s) 0.01 25.0E-9 100.0E-9 250.0E-15 50.0E-9 125.0E-15 20.0E-9 50.0E-15 10.0E-9 25.0E-15 5.0E-9 12.5E-15 2.0E-9 5.0E-15 1.0E-9 2.5E-15 Pulse Generator Verification: Period Table 10-19.

  • Page 369: Input Impedance Verification: Resistance

    SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option Verification Tables Input Impedance Verification: Resistance Table 10-21. SC1100 Option Input Impedance Verification: Resistance Nominal Value Certified Value Measured Value Deviation ( ) 1-Year Spec. (Certified – Measured Value) 0.04 0.05 0.06 600000 1000000 1000 1,500,000 1500 Input Impedance Verification: Capacitance Table 10-22.

  • Page 370
    5522A Operators Manual 10-56…
  • Page 371: Pq Option

    Chapter 11 PQ Option Title Page Introduction………………….11-3 5522A PQ Specifications………………11-3 5522A PQ Option Specifications…………….. 11-3 Composite Harmonic Function Specifications ……….11-3 AC Voltage Specifications …………….11-4 AC Voltage Auxiliary Specifications (Dual Output Mode Only) ….11-5 AC Current Specifications, LCOMP OFF…………11-5 AC Current Specifications, LCOMP OFF (continued) ……..

  • Page 372
    5522A Operators Manual & REF Menus………………… 11-16 Composite Harmonics Function (Volts and Volts)……….11-16 & REF Menus………………..11-17 Delta ( )Amplitude, Flicker Function (Volts)…………. 11-17 Delta ( ) Amplitude Mode (Volts)…………..11-17 How to Select the Flicker Function …………..11-17 How to Set the Repeat Frequency …………..
  • Page 373: Introduction

    Introduction The 5522A-PQ Option (hereafter the PQ Option) provides calibration functions to maintain power quality monitoring equipment. The following functions are provided: Harmonic Distortion simulation (Composite Harmonics Function) Allows the user to specify up to 15 tones (harmonics) including all even and odd values to the 63rd.

  • Page 374: Ac Voltage Specifications

    5522A Operators Manual Note All harmonic specifications below include the fundamental. For waveforms with no harmonics other than the fundamental, the RMS uncertainty is the same as the non-PQ mode of the 5520A. AC Voltage Specifications Harmonic Harmonic Absolute RMS Composite Harmonic Amplitude Phase…

  • Page 375: Ac Voltage Auxiliary Specifications (Dual Output Mode Only)

    PQ Option 5522A PQ Option Specifications AC Voltage Auxiliary Specifications (Dual Output Mode Only) Harmonic Harmonic Phase Absolute RMS Range, Harmonic Amplitude Harmonic Amplitude Uncertainty Uncertainty of Composite Uncertainty Frequency Range ( % of (Relative to Composite Waveform Waveform (% of Fundamental + V) Fundamental) Fundamental) (% RMS + V)

  • Page 376: Ac Current Specifications, Lcomp Off (Continued)

    5522A Operators Manual AC Current Specifications, LCOMP OFF (continued) Harmonic Absolute RMS Harmonic Amplitude Harmonic Phase Range, Amplitude Uncertainty of Harmonic Uncertainty Uncertainty Composite Range Composite Frequency (% of (Relative to Waveform (% of Waveform Fundamental + A) Fundamental) Fundamental) (% RMS + A) 15 to 45 Hz 0.1 to 100 %…

  • Page 377: Flicker Simulation Mode

    PQ Option Flicker Simulation Mode Voltage Range 1 mV to 1020 V Current Range 29 A to 20.5 A Frequency of Fundamental 50 and 60 Hz Amplitude Modulation Range 100 % Frequency of Modulation 0.1 to 40 Hz Type of Modulation Square or Sine Short Term (10 minute) uncertainty of amplitude modulation 0.1 % of nominal output + 0.05% of range…

  • Page 378: Composite Harmonics Function (Volts)

    5522A Operators Manual Composite Harmonics Function (Volts) This section describes the Composite Harmonics Function in the Volts Mode. Amps, Volt-Volt, and Volt-Amp Modes, have similar menus and operation. How to Enter the PQ Modes To gain access to the power quality (PQ) functions, press …

  • Page 379: Recall Wave

    PQ Option Composite Harmonics Function (Volts) RECALL WAVE Pressing the RECALL WAVE blue softkey displays the menu shown below. From this menu, the user can: recall the 2 preinstalled IEC waves recall the 5 preinstalled NRC waves recall up to five custom user-created waves nn354f.eps SAVE WAVE Pressing the SAVE WAVE blue softkey displays the menu shown below.

  • Page 380: Harmonic Number

    5522A Operators Manual In the EDIT WAVE Menu, a wave that has either been in use, or a wave that has been recalled can be edited. Although it is possible to define a new waveform using the EDIT WAVE menu option, it is not recommended as the user will have to check harmonics A through O to ensure they are all off.

  • Page 381: How To Edit Waves

    PQ Option Composite Harmonics Function (Volts) Note The resultant waveform has the RMS value as shown on the left-hand display of the calibrator. Depending upon how many harmonics were entered, this value is most likely different than the fundamental value. Note The build time that the calibrator requires is dependent upon the complexity of the waveform.

  • Page 382: How To Recall Saved Waves

    The IEC waves (IEC A and IEC D) are waveforms referred to by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in IEC 61000-3-2, Limits for Harmonic Current Emissions. The Fluke Corporation implementation is based on formulas provided by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in the United Kingdom. These formulas specify limits for harmonic current emissions.

  • Page 383: Nrc Waves

    PQ Option Composite Harmonics Function (Amps) equipment. The IEC D waveform is the limit for Class D equipment. These waveforms, when used in the PQ current output mode, are particularly useful for checking the performance of instruments that are designed to check these limits. NRC Waves NRC 2 and NRC 4 are voltage waveforms captured in actual fieldwork by the NRC.

  • Page 384: How To Set Lcomp

    5522A Operators Manual desired current into the calibrator. For example, press “1 A” . The following menu appears: nn336f.eps Because the calibrator is now set up to output current, any previously created wave is removed. A new wave can be created by pressing the SET WAVE blue softkey. The menu shown below appears.

  • Page 385: Composite Harmonics Function (Volts And Amps)

    PQ Option Composite Harmonics Function (Volts and Amps) test to the proper terminals. Composite Harmonics Function (Volts and Amps) The operation of this mode is similar to the Composite Harmonics Mode described for voltage outputs. After entering the PQ Mode and accessing the Composite Harmonic Function, explained previously in this section, enter the desired voltage and current into the calibrator.

  • Page 386: Ref Menus

    5522A Operators Manual I OUT AUX when current is present at the AUX output and I OUT 20A if the current is present at the 20A output. In the PQ mode, the operation of the Output Information behaves slightly different than in the normal operating mode described in Chapter 4.

  • Page 387: Ref Menus

    PQ Option Delta (()Amplitude, Flicker Function (Volts) From this menu, the user may edit the wave harmonics. Refer to «Editing Wave Harmonics» earlier in this section. Note Building a wave can be time consuming, especially if using one of the preinstalled waves.

  • Page 388: How To Set The Flicker Amplitude

    5522A Operators Manual How to Set the Flicker Amplitude The V/V blue softkey brings up a screen in the Control Display allowing the user to specify the amplitude of the deviation as a percentage of the nominal output value. The percentage value may be positive or negative.

  • Page 389: More Information

    PQ Option Delta (() Amplitude, Single (Sags & Swells) Function (Volts) nn363f.eps More Information For more information regarding the Delta ( ) Amplitude and Flicker Function in Current mode, refer to «Delta ( ) Amplitude, Flicker Function (Volts)». Delta ( ) Amplitude, Single (Sags & Swells) Function (Volts) This mode allows the user to output a single or one-time amplitude deviation.

  • Page 390: How To Set Triggers

    5522A Operators Manual How to Set Triggers Press the SET TRIGS blue softkey. The SET TRIGS menu, shown below, appears in the Control Display. The Post Trigger Delay is used to provide a variable-length delay after the calibrator receives a *TRG command over the remote interface or manually from the front panel.

  • Page 391: How To Set Triggers

    PQ Option Delta (() Amplitude, Single (Sags & Swells) Function (Current) The AMPL Menu, shown below, appears in the Control Display, assuming a current (amps) value has been entered. nn351f.eps How to Set Triggers Refer to «Setting Triggers» earlier in this chapter. How to Set the Ramp-up Period Press the RAMP-UP blue softkey.

  • Page 392: Remote Commands

    5522A Operators Manual nn366f.eps This menu allows editing of the delta () amplitude of both the volts and the current in the single (sag or swells) mode. 5. To edit the delta () volts part of this waveform, press the V/V blue softkey. At the prompt, enter -25 percent, then press , and finally 6.

  • Page 393
    PQ Option Delta (() Amplitude, Single (Sags & Swells) Function (Current) CHM? <PRESET NUMBER> (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Return the contents of one of the 5 composite harmonic preset waveforms. <PRESET NUMBER> is 1 to 5. The return format is the same as CHTONES? Example: CHM? 2 ______________________________________________________________________ CHMRECALL <OUTPUT CH.>, <USER DEFINED WAVEFROM NUMBER>…
  • Page 394
    5522A Operators Manual fundamental in degrees. Numbers outside +/- 180 are automatically forced into that range by adding or subtracting a multiple of 360. Example: CHTONES PRI,3,33pct,0,5,20pct,0,7,16pct,0,9,11pct,0,11,9pct,0 Example: CHTONES SEC,3,0.11,-180,5,0.04,0,7,0.02,-180,0,0,0,0,0,0 _______________________________________________________________________ CHTONES? <OUTPUT CH.> (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Return present settings for harmonics in the format of harmonic number, amplitude, and phase.
  • Page 395
    PQ Option Delta (() Amplitude, Single (Sags & Swells) Function (Current) _______________________________________________________________________ EVTMODE <E_MODE> (IEEE-488, RS-232, Coupled) Set the event mode for Delta Amplitude operation <E_MODE> is REPEAT — Flicker operation SINGLE — Sag/Swell operation Example: EVTMODE SINGLE _______________________________________________________________________ EVTMODE? (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Returns the event mode in Delta Amplitude operation.
  • Page 396
    5522A Operators Manual PQ <MODE> (IEEE-488, RS-232, Coupled) Enter/Exit the Power Quality mode. <MODE> is OFF — for normal 5522 mode CH — for Composite Harmonic mode DAMPL — for Sag/Swell or Flicker mode Example: PQ CH — Enter the Composite Harmonics mode _______________________________________________________________________ (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Returns the Power Quality calibration mode.
  • Page 397: Example Strings

    PQ Option Delta (() Amplitude, Single (Sags & Swells) Function (Current) RAMPTIME? (IEEE-488, RS-232, Sequential) Read the current Ramptime setting. Example: RAMPTIME? _______________________________________________________________________ RPTFREQ <MOD_FREQ> (IEEE-488, RS-232, Coupled) Set the modulation frequency in Flicker mode. <MOD_FREQ> 0.001Hz to 30.0Hz Example: RPTFREQ 10Hz Example: RPTFREQ 5 _______________________________________________________________________ RPTFREQ?

  • Page 398: Performance Tests

    5522A Operators Manual Performance Tests To verify the PQ option meets its specifications, refer to the performance tests in this section. The tables are for use by qualified metrology personnel only. These tables refer to waveforms that are described elsewhere in this manual, as well as other special waveforms that need to be created in the Composite Harmonics mode.

  • Page 399
    PQ Option Verification Table Table 11-1. PQ Option Verification Table (cont.) Verification Tests for AC Amplitude Specification Specification Harmonic Fundamental Phase Voltage (deg) 100.00% 3.0000 0.0070 100.00% 3.0000 0.0070 100.00% 3.0000 0.0070 100.00% 3.0000 0.0070 100.00% 3.0000 0.0070 100.00% 3.0000 0.0070 100.00% 3.0000…
  • Page 400
    5522A Operators Manual Table 11-1. PQ Option Verification Table (cont.) Verification Tests for AC Amplitude Specification Specification Harmonic Fundamental Phase Voltage (deg) Range 329.99 V rms 150.0000 0.3100 Wave 100.00% 54.627 0.1299 RMS Output 150 V 100.00% 54.627 0.1299 0.75 Frequency 50 Hz 100.00%…
  • Page 401
    PQ Option Verification Table Table 11-1. PQ Option Verification Table (cont.) Verification Tests for AC Amplitude Specification Specification Harmonic Fundamental Phase Voltage (deg) Range 329.99 V 230.0000 0.4700 Wave NRC 7030 1 100.00% 206.5460 0.8512 RMS Output 230 V 10.00% -115.5 20.6550 0.8512 0.75…
  • Page 402
    5522A Operators Manual Table 11-1. PQ Option Verification Table (cont.) Verification Tests for Amplitude Specification Specification Harmonic Fundamental Phase AC Current (deg) Verification Tests for AC Current, LCOMP OFF Range 329.9 mA rms 0.11000 1.22E-03 Wave 100.00% 0.03821 1.38E-04 RMS Output 0.11 A 100.00% 0.03821…
  • Page 403
    PQ Option Verification Table Table 11-1. PQ Option Verification Table (cont.) Verification Tests for Amplitude Specification Specification Harmonic Fundamental Phase (deg) AC Current 20.00% 0.3317 0.0133 20.00% 0.3317 0.0133 20.00% 0.3317 0.0133 Range 20.5 A 4.80000 0.0196 Wave IECA 100.00% 2.89500 0.0129 RMS Output 4.8 A…
  • Page 404
    5522A Operators Manual Table 11-1. PQ Option Verification Table (cont.) Verification Tests for Amplitude Specification Specification Harmonic Fundamental Phase (deg) AC Current Range 20.5 A 5.80000 0.0216 Wave IECD 100.00% 5.04200 0.0150 RMS Output 5.8 A 46.90% 2.36600 0.0150 Frequency 50Hz 26.20% 1.32200 0.0150…
  • Page 405
    The frequency range of human hearing; normally 15 — 20,000 Hz. artifact standard An object that produces or embodies a physical quantity to be standardized, for example a Fluke 732A dc Voltage Reference Standard. base units Units in the SI system that are dimensionally independent. All other units are derived…
  • Page 406
    5522A Operators Manual buffer 1. An area of digital memory for temporary storage of data. 2. An amplifier stage before the final amplifier. burden voltage The maximum sustainable voltage across the terminals of a load. compliance voltage The maximum voltage a constant-current source can supply. control chart A chart devised to monitor one or more processes to detect the excessive deviation from a desired value of a component or process.
  • Page 407
    Glossary floor The part of the uncertainty specification of an instrument that is typically a fixed offset plus noise. Floor can be expressed as units, such as microvolts or counts of the least significant digit. For the 5522A, the floor specification is combined with fixed range errors in one term to determine total uncertainty.
  • Page 408
    5522A Operators Manual life-cycle cost The consideration of all elements contributing to the cost of an instrument throughout its useful life. This includes initial purchase cost, service and maintenance cost, and the cost of support equipment. linearity The relationship between two quantities when a change is the first quantity is directly proportional to a change in the second quantity.
  • Page 409: Offset Error

    Glossary offset error Same as zero error. The reading shown on a meter when an input value of zero is applied is its offset or zero error. parameters Independent variables in a measurement process such as temperature, humidity, test lead resistance, etc.

  • Page 410: Scale Error

    5522A Operators Manual repeatability The degree of agreement among independent measurements of a quantity under the same conditions. resistance A property of a conductor that determines the amount of current that will flow when a given amount of voltage exists across the conductor. Resistance is measured in ohms. One ohm is the resistance through which one volt of potential will cause one ampere of current to flow.

  • Page 411: Specifications

    Glossary specifications A precise statement of the set of requirements satisfied by a measurement system or device. stability A measure of the freedom from drift in value over time and over changes in other variables such as temperature. Note that stability is not the same as uncertainty. standard A device that is used as an exact value for reference and comparison.

  • Page 412
    5522A Operators Manual true power The actual power (real power) used to produce heat or work. Compare to ‘apparent power.” true value Also called legal value, the accepted, consensus, i.e., the correct value of the quantity being measured. uncertainty The maximum difference between the accepted, consensus, or true value and the measured value of a quantity.
  • Page 413: B Ascii And Ieee-488 Bus Codes

    Appendix B ASCII and IEEE-488 Bus Codes…

  • Page 414
    5522A Operators Manual…
  • Page 415
  • Page 416
    5522A Operators Manual…
  • Page 417
    The IEEE-488 connector on the rear panel mates with an IEEE-488 standard cable. The pin assignments of the rear-panel IEEE-488 connector are shown in Figure C-1. IEEE-488 connection cables are available from Fluke as shown in Table C-1. See Chapter 9, “Accessories,” for ordering information.
  • Page 418
    5522A Operators Manual Serial connection cables are available from Fluke are shown in Table C-2. See Chapter 8, “Accessories,” for ordering information. Table C-2. Serial Port Connection Cables Connection Cable Fluke Part Number 5522A SERIAL 1 FROM HOST PC COM port (DB-9)
  • Page 419
    RS-232/IEEE-488 Cables and Connectors Serial Connectors 5522A NULL MODEM CABLE SERIAL 1 FROM HOST SERIAL 2 MODEM CABLE RS-232 TO UUT RLSD gjh069.eps Figure C-4. Serial Port Connections (DB-9/DB-9)
  • Page 420
    5522A Operators Manual 5522A NULL MODEM CABLE SERIAL 1 FROM HOST MODEM CABLE RS-232 SERIAL 2 TO UUT RLSD gjh071.eps Figure C-5. Serial Port Connections (DB-9/DB-25)
  • Page 421: D Error Messages

    Appendix D Error Messages Error Messages The following is a list of the Calibrator error messages. The error message format is shown in Table D-1. Table D-1. Error Messages Format Error Number (Message Class : Description) Text Characters 0 to 65535 QYE Query Error, caused by a full F Error is displayed on the Up to 36 text…

  • Page 422
    5522A Operators Manual (DDE:FR D) A/D fell asleep (DDE:FR D) Inguard watchdog timeout (DDE:FR) Inguard is obsolete (DDE:FR D) Inguard parity error (DDE:FR D) Inguard overrun error (DDE:FR D) Inguard framing error (DDE:FR D) Inguard fault error (DDE:FR D) Inguard fault input error (DDE:FR D) Inguard fault detect error (DDE:FR D)
  • Page 423
    Error Messages Error Messages (DDE: ) Cannot enter watts by itself (DDE: ) Output exceeds user limits (DDE: ) Duty cycle must be 1.0-99.0 (DDE: ) Power factor must be 0.0-1.0 (DDE: ) Can’t select that field now (DDE: ) Edit digit out of range (DDE: ) Can’t switch edit field now…
  • Page 424
    5522A Operators Manual (DDE:FR ) That requires a -SC600 option (DDE: ) Time limit must be 1s-60s (DDE: ) Can’t set ref. phase now (DDE: ) ZERO_MEAS reading not valid (DDE: ) Can’t set dampen now (DDE: ) Can’t turn EXGRD on now (DDE: ) Slave cannot send SYNCOUT (DDE: FR)
  • Page 425
    Error Messages Error Messages 1318 (EXE: R ) Bad number 1319 (EXE: R ) Service command failed 1320 (CME: R ) Bad binary number 1321 (CME: R ) Bad binary block 1322 (CME: R ) Bad character 1323 (CME: R ) Bad decimal number 1324 (CME: R )
  • Page 426
    5522A Operators Manual…

May 2012 2012 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.

5522A Multi-Product Calibrator

Service Manual


Each Fluke product is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service. The warranty period is one year and begins on the date of shipment. Parts, product repairs, and services are warranted for 90 days. This warranty extends only to the original buyer or end-user customer of a Fluke authorized reseller, and does not apply to fuses, disposable batteries, or to any product which, in Fluke’s opinion, has been misused, altered, neglected, contaminated, or damaged by accident or abnormal conditions of operation or handling. Fluke warrants that software will operate substantially in accordance with its functional specifications for 90 days and that it has been properly recorded on non-defective media. Fluke does not warrant that software will be error free or operate without interruption.

Fluke authorized resellers shall extend this warranty on new and unused products to end-user customers only but have no authority to extend a greater or different warranty on behalf of Fluke. Warranty support is available only if product is purchased through a Fluke authorized sales outlet or Buyer has paid the applicable international price. Fluke reserves the right to invoice Buyer for importation costs of repair/replacement parts when product purchased in one country is submitted for repair in another country.

Fluke’s warranty obligation is limited, at Fluke’s option, to refund of the purchase price, free of charge repair, or replacement of a defective product which is returned to a Fluke authorized service center within the warranty period.

To obtain warranty service, contact your nearest Fluke authorized service center to obtain return authorization information, then send the product to that service center, with a description of the difficulty, postage and insurance prepaid (FOB Destination). Fluke assumes no risk for damage in transit. Following warranty repair, the product will be returned to Buyer, transportation prepaid (FOB Destination). If Fluke determines that failure was caused by neglect, misuse, contamination, alteration, accident, or abnormal condition of operation or handling, including overvoltage failures caused by use outside the products specified rating, or normal wear and tear of mechanical components, Fluke will provide an estimate of repair costs and obtain authorization before commencing the work. Following repair, the product will be returned to the Buyer transportation prepaid and the Buyer will be billed for the repair and return transportation charges (FOB Shipping Point).


Since some countries or states do not allow limitation of the term of an implied warranty, or exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, the limitations and exclusions of this warranty may not apply to every buyer. If any provision of this Warranty is held invalid or unenforceable by a court or other decision-maker of competent jurisdiction, such holding will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.

Fluke Corporation P.O. Box 9090 Everett, WA 98206-9090 U.S.A.

Fluke Europe B.V. P.O. Box 1186 5602 BD Eindhoven The Netherlands


Contents (continued)




is used in the operation of this equipment

LETHAL VOLTAGE will be present on the inside of this Product and on the terminals.

Observe all safety precautions!

To avoid electrical shock hazard, the operator should not electrically contact the output HI or sense HI terminals or circuits connected to these terminals. During operation, lethal voltages of up to 1020 V ac or dc may be present on these terminals.

Whenever the nature of the operation permits, keep one hand away from equipment to reduce the hazard of current flowing through vital organs of the body.


Table of Contents

Chapter Title Page

1 Introduction and Specifications ………………………………………………… 1-1

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1-3 Safety Information ………………………………………………………………………………… 1-4 Overload Protection ………………………………………………………………………………. 1-5 Operation Overview ………………………………………………………………………………. 1-5

Local Operation ………………………………………………………………………………… 1-5 Remote Operation (RS-232) ……………………………………………………………….. 1-5 Remote Operation (IEEE-488) ……………………………………………………………. 1-6

Service Information ………………………………………………………………………………. 1-6 How to Contact Fluke Calibration …………………………………………………………… 1-6 General Specifications …………………………………………………………………………… 1-7 Detailed Specifications ………………………………………………………………………….. 1-8

DC Voltage ………………………………………………………………………………………. 1-8 DC Current ………………………………………………………………………………………. 1-9 Resistance ………………………………………………………………………………………… 1-11 AC Voltage (Sine Wave) ……………………………………………………………………. 1-12 AC Voltage (Sine Wave) (cont.) …………………………………………………………. 1-13 AC Current (Sine Wave) ……………………………………………………………………. 1-14 AC Current (Sine Wave) (cont.) ………………………………………………………….. 1-15 Capacitance………………………………………………………………………………………. 1-16 Temperature Calibration (Thermocouple) …………………………………………….. 1-17 Temperature Calibration (RTD) ………………………………………………………….. 1-18 DC Power Specification Summary ………………………………………………………. 1-19 AC Power (45 Hz to 65 Hz) Specification Summary, PF=1 ……………………. 1-19 Power and Dual Output Limit Specifications ………………………………………… 1-19 Phase ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1-20

Additional Specifications ……………………………………………………………………….. 1-21 Frequency ………………………………………………………………………………………… 1-21 Harmonics (2nd to 50th) ………………………………………………………………………. 1-21 AC Voltage (Sine Wave) Extended Bandwidth …………………………………….. 1-22 AC Voltage (Non-Sine Wave) …………………………………………………………….. 1-23 AC Voltage (Non-Sine Wave) (cont.) ………………………………………………….. 1-24 AC Voltage, DC Offset ……………………………………………………………………… 1-25 AC Voltage, Square Wave Characteristics ……………………………………………. 1-25

5522A Service Manual


AC Voltage, Triangle Wave Characteristics (typical) …………………………….. 1-25 AC Current (Non-Sine Wave) …………………………………………………………….. 1-26 AC Current (Non-Sine Wave) (cont.) …………………………………………………… 1-27 AC Current, Square Wave Characteristics (typical) ……………………………….. 1-27 AC Current, Triangle Wave Characteristics (typical) …………………………….. 1-27

2 Theory of Operations ……………………………………………………………….. 2-1

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2-3 Encoder Assembly (A2) …………………………………………………………………………. 2-3 Synthesized Impedance Assembly (A5) …………………………………………………… 2-4 DDS Assembly (A6) ……………………………………………………………………………… 2-5 Current Assembly (A7) ………………………………………………………………………….. 2-6 Voltage Assembly (A8) …………………………………………………………………………. 2-7 Main CPU Assembly (A9) ……………………………………………………………………… 2-7 Power Supplies …………………………………………………………………………………….. 2-8

Outguard Supplies …………………………………………………………………………….. 2-8 Inguard Supplies ……………………………………………………………………………….. 2-8

3 Calibration and Verification ………………………………………………………. 3-1

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3-3 Equipment Necessary for Calibration and Verification ………………………………. 3-3 Calibration …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3-4

Start Calibration ………………………………………………………………………………… 3-5 DC Volts Calibration (NORMAL Output) ……………………………………………. 3-5 DC Volts Calibration (30 V dc and Above) ………………………………………….. 3-6 AC Volts Calibration (NORMAL Output) ……………………………………………. 3-7 Thermocouple Function Calibration …………………………………………………….. 3-8 DC Current Calibration ……………………………………………………………………… 3-10 AC Current Calibration ……………………………………………………………………… 3-11 DC Volts Calibration (AUX Output) ……………………………………………………. 3-17 AC Volts Calibration (AUX Output) ……………………………………………………. 3-17 Resistance Calibration ……………………………………………………………………….. 3-18 Capacitance Calibration ……………………………………………………………………… 3-21

Calibration Remote Commands ………………………………………………………………. 3-24 How to Make a Calibration Report ………………………………………………………….. 3-30 Performance Verification Tests ………………………………………………………………. 3-31

How to Zero the Calibrator …………………………………………………………………. 3-31 DC Volts Verification (NORMAL Output) …………………………………………… 3-31 DC Volts Verification (AUX Output) ………………………………………………….. 3-32 DC Current Verification …………………………………………………………………….. 3-33 Resistance Verification ………………………………………………………………………. 3-34 AC Voltage Verification (NORMAL Output) ……………………………………….. 3-35 AC Voltage Verification (AUX Output) ………………………………………………. 3-37 AC Current Verification …………………………………………………………………….. 3-38 Capacitance Verification ……………………………………………………………………. 3-41 200 F to 110 mF Capacitance Verification …………………………………………. 3-43 Capacitance Measurement ………………………………………………………………….. 3-43 Measurement Uncertainty ………………………………………………………………….. 3-47 Thermocouple Simulation Verification (Sourcing) ………………………………… 3-47 Thermocouple Measurement Verification …………………………………………….. 3-48 Phase Accuracy Verification, Volts and AUX Volts ………………………………. 3-48 Phase Accuracy Verification, Volts and Current ……………………………………. 3-49 Frequency Accuracy Verification ………………………………………………………… 3-50

Contents (continued)


4 Maintenance …………………………………………………………………………….. 4-1

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4-3 Access Procedure ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4-3

How to Remove Analog Modules ……………………………………………………….. 4-3 How to Remove the Main CPU (A9) …………………………………………………… 4-3 How to Remove the Rear-Panel Assemblies …………………………………………. 4-4 How to Remove the Filter PCA (A12) …………………………………………………. 4-4 How to Remove the Encoder (A2) and Display PCAs ……………………………. 4-4 How to Remove the Keyboard and Access the Output Block ………………….. 4-4

Diagnostic Tests ……………………………………………………………………………………. 4-7 How to Do Diagnostic Tests ……………………………………………………………….. 4-7 How to Test the Front Panel ……………………………………………………………….. 4-7

Complete List of Error Messages ……………………………………………………………. 4-8

5 List of Replaceable Parts ………………………………………………………….. 5-1

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5-3 How to Obtain Parts ………………………………………………………………………………. 5-3

6 SC600 Calibration Option …………………………………………………………. 6-1

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6-3 Maintenance …………………………………………………………………………………………. 6-3 SC600 Specifications …………………………………………………………………………….. 6-3

Voltage Function Specifications ………………………………………………………….. 6-4 Edge Specifications …………………………………………………………………………… 6-4 Leveled Sine Wave Specifications ………………………………………………………. 6-5 Time Marker Specifications ……………………………………………………………….. 6-5 Wave Generator Specifications …………………………………………………………… 6-5 Pulse Generator Specifications ……………………………………………………………. 6-6 Trigger Signal Specifications (Pulse Function) ……………………………………… 6-6 Trigger Signal Specifications (Time Marker Function) ………………………….. 6-6 Trigger Signal Specifications (Edge Function) ……………………………………… 6-6 Trigger Signal Specifications (Square Wave Voltage Function)………………. 6-6 Trigger Signal Specifications ……………………………………………………………… 6-6 Oscilloscope Input Resistance Measurement Specifications ……………………. 6-6 Oscilloscope Input Capacitance Measurement Specifications …………………. 6-6 Overload Measurement Specifications …………………………………………………. 6-7

Theory of Operation ………………………………………………………………………………. 6-7 Voltage Mode …………………………………………………………………………………… 6-7 Edge Mode……………………………………………………………………………………….. 6-7 Leveled Sine Wave Mode ………………………………………………………………….. 6-7 Time Marker Mode ……………………………………………………………………………. 6-7 Wave Generator Mode ………………………………………………………………………. 6-8 Input Impedance Mode (Resistance) ……………………………………………………. 6-8 Input Impedance Mode (Capacitance) ………………………………………………….. 6-8 Overload Mode …………………………………………………………………………………. 6-8

Equipment Necessary for SC600 Calibration and Verification ……………………. 6-10 Calibration Setup ………………………………………………………………………………….. 6-13 Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions ………………… 6-14

Overview of HP3458A Operation ……………………………………………………….. 6-14 Voltage Square Wave Measurement Setup …………………………………………… 6-14 Edge and Wave Gen Square Wave Measurements Setup ……………………….. 6-15 DC Voltage Calibration ……………………………………………………………………… 6-16 AC Voltage Calibration ……………………………………………………………………… 6-17 Wave Generator Calibration ……………………………………………………………….. 6-17

5522A Service Manual


Edge Amplitude Calibration ……………………………………………………………….. 6-18 Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Calibration …………………………………………… 6-18 Leveled Sine Wave Flatness Calibration ………………………………………………. 6-19

Low Frequency Calibration …………………………………………………………….. 6-20 High Frequency Calibration ……………………………………………………………. 6-20

Pulse Width Calibration …………………………………………………………………….. 6-21 MeasZ Calibration …………………………………………………………………………….. 6-22

Verification ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6-24 DC Voltage Verification …………………………………………………………………….. 6-24

Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………………… 6-25 Verification at 50 ………………………………………………………………………. 6-25

AC Voltage Amplitude Verification …………………………………………………….. 6-27 Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………………… 6-28 Verification at 50 ………………………………………………………………………. 6-29

AC Voltage Frequency Verification …………………………………………………….. 6-30 Edge Amplitude Verification………………………………………………………………. 6-31 Edge Frequency Verification ………………………………………………………………. 6-32 Edge Duty Cycle Verification …………………………………………………………….. 6-33 Edge Rise Time Verification ………………………………………………………………. 6-33 Edged Aberration Verification ……………………………………………………………. 6-35 Tunnel Diode Pulser Drive Amplitude Verification ……………………………….. 6-36 Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Verification …………………………………………. 6-36 Leveled Sine Wave Frequency Verification ………………………………………….. 6-38 Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification …………………………………………. 6-38 Leveled Sine Wave Flatness Verification …………………………………………….. 6-40

Equipment Setup for Low Frequency Flatness ………………………………….. 6-41 Equipment Setup for High Frequency Flatness ………………………………….. 6-41 Low Frequency Verification …………………………………………………………… 6-42 High Frequency Verification …………………………………………………………… 6-43

Time Marker Verification …………………………………………………………………… 6-44 Wave Generator Verification ………………………………………………………………. 6-45

Wave Generator Verification Setup …………………………………………………. 6-46 Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………………… 6-46 Verification at 50 ……………………………………………………………………….. 6-47

Pulse Width Verification ……………………………………………………………………. 6-49 Pulse Period Verification ……………………………………………………………………. 6-50 MeasZ Resistance Verification ……………………………………………………………. 6-51 MeasZ Capacitance Verification …………………………………………………………. 6-52 Overload Function Verification …………………………………………………………… 6-53

SC600 Hardware Adjustments ………………………………………………………………… 6-54 Necessary Equipment ………………………………………………………………………… 6-54 How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave Function …………………………………… 6-54

Equipment Setup …………………………………………………………………………… 6-54 How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave VCO Balance ………………………… 6-55 How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics …………………………….. 6-55

How to Adjust the Aberrations for the Edge Function ……………………………. 6-56 Equipment Setup …………………………………………………………………………… 6-56 How to Adjust the Edge Aberrations ……………………………………………….. 6-57

7 SC1100 Calibration Option ……………………………………………………….. 7-1

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7-3 Maintenance …………………………………………………………………………………………. 7-3 SC1100 Specifications …………………………………………………………………………… 7-3

Volt Specifications ……………………………………………………………………………. 7-4 Edge Specifications …………………………………………………………………………… 7-5

Contents (continued)


Leveled Sine Wave Specifications ………………………………………………………. 7-6 Time Marker Specifications ……………………………………………………………….. 7-7 Wave Generator Specifications …………………………………………………………… 7-7 Pulse Generator Specifications ……………………………………………………………. 7-8 Trigger Signal Specifications (Pulse Function) ……………………………………… 7-8 Trigger Signal Specifications (Time Marker Function) ………………………….. 7-8 Trigger Signal Specifications (Edge Function) ……………………………………… 7-8 Trigger Signal Specifications (Square Wave Voltage Function)………………. 7-8 TV Trigger Signal Specifications ………………………………………………………… 7-8 Oscilloscope Input Resistance Measurement Specifications ……………………. 7-9 Oscilloscope Input Capacitance Measurement Specifications …………………. 7-9 Overload Measurement Specifications …………………………………………………. 7-9

Theory of Operation ………………………………………………………………………………. 7-9 Voltage Mode …………………………………………………………………………………… 7-9 Edge Mode……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7-9 Leveled Sine Wave Mode ………………………………………………………………….. 7-9 Time Marker Mode ……………………………………………………………………………. 7-9 Wave Generator Mode ………………………………………………………………………. 7-10 Pulse Generator Modes ………………………………………………………………………. 7-10 Input Impedance Mode (Resistance) ……………………………………………………. 7-10 Input Impedance Mode (Capacitance) ………………………………………………….. 7-10 Overload Mode …………………………………………………………………………………. 7-10

Equipment Necessary for SC1100 Calibration and Verification ………………….. 7-12 SC1100 Calibration Setup ……………………………………………………………………… 7-15 Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions ………………… 7-16

Overview of HP3458A Operation ……………………………………………………….. 7-16 Voltage Square Wave Measurement Setup …………………………………………… 7-16 Edge and Wave Gen Square Wave Measurements Setup ……………………….. 7-17 DC Voltage Calibration ……………………………………………………………………… 7-18 AC Voltage Calibration ……………………………………………………………………… 7-19 Wave Generator Calibration ……………………………………………………………….. 7-19 Edge Amplitude Calibration ……………………………………………………………….. 7-20 Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Calibration …………………………………………… 7-20 Leveled Sine Wave Flatness Calibration ………………………………………………. 7-21

Low Frequency Calibration …………………………………………………………….. 7-22 High Frequency Calibration ……………………………………………………………. 7-22

Pulse Width Calibration …………………………………………………………………….. 7-23 MeasZ Calibration …………………………………………………………………………….. 7-24

Verification ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7-26 DC Voltage Verification …………………………………………………………………….. 7-26

Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………………… 7-27 Verification at 50 ………………………………………………………………………. 7-27

AC Voltage Amplitude Verification …………………………………………………….. 7-29 Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………………… 7-30 Verification at 50 ………………………………………………………………………. 7-31

AC Voltage Frequency Verification …………………………………………………….. 7-32 Edge Amplitude Verification………………………………………………………………. 7-33 Edge Frequency Verification ………………………………………………………………. 7-34 Edge Duty Cycle Verification …………………………………………………………….. 7-35 Edge Rise Time Verification ………………………………………………………………. 7-35 Edged Aberration Verification ……………………………………………………………. 7-37 Tunnel Diode Pulser Drive Amplitude Verification ……………………………….. 7-38 Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Verification …………………………………………. 7-39 Leveled Sine Wave Frequency Verification ………………………………………….. 7-40 Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification …………………………………………. 7-41

5522A Service Manual


Leveled Sine Wave Flatness Verification …………………………………………….. 7-43 Equipment Setup for Low Frequency Flatness ………………………………….. 7-43 Equipment Setup for High Frequency Flatness ………………………………….. 7-44 Low Frequency Verification …………………………………………………………… 7-45 High Frequency Verification …………………………………………………………… 7-46

Time Marker Verification …………………………………………………………………… 7-57 Wave Generator Verification ………………………………………………………………. 7-58

Wave Generator Verification Setup …………………………………………………. 7-58 Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………………… 7-58 Verification at 50 ……………………………………………………………………….. 7-59

Pulse Width Verification ……………………………………………………………………. 7-62 Pulse Period Verification ……………………………………………………………………. 7-63 MeasZ Resistance Verification ……………………………………………………………. 7-63 MeasZ Capacitance Verification …………………………………………………………. 7-64 Overload Function Verification …………………………………………………………… 7-65

SC1100 Hardware Adjustments ………………………………………………………………. 7-66 Necessary Equipment ………………………………………………………………………… 7-66 How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave Function …………………………………… 7-67

Equipment Setup …………………………………………………………………………… 7-67 How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave VCO Balance ………………………… 7-67 How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics …………………………….. 7-68

How to Adjust the Aberrations for the Edge Function ……………………………. 7-69 Equipment Setup …………………………………………………………………………… 7-69 How to Adjust the Edge Aberrations ……………………………………………….. 7-70

8 PQ Calibration Option ………………………………………………………………. 8-1

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8-3 PQ Options Specifications ……………………………………………………………………… 8-3

Composite Harmonic Function Specifications ………………………………………. 8-3 AC Voltage Specifications …………………………………………………………………. 8-4 AC Voltage Auxiliary Specifications (Dual Output Mode Only) …………….. 8-5 AC Current Specifications, LCOMP OFF …………………………………………….. 8-5 AC Current Specifications, LCOMP OFF (continued) …………………………… 8-6 AC Current Specifications, LCOMP ON* ……………………………………………. 8-6 Flicker Simulation Mode ……………………………………………………………………. 8-7 Sags & Swells Simulation Mode …………………………………………………………. 8-7 Phase Specifications, Sinewave Outputs ………………………………………………. 8-7

Theory of Operation ………………………………………………………………………………. 8-7 DDS Assembly (A6) ………………………………………………………………………….. 8-8 Main CPU Assembly (A9) …………………………………………………………………. 8-8

Maintenance …………………………………………………………………………………………. 8-8 Equipment Necessary for PQ Option Calibration and Verification ………………. 8-8 Performance Verification Tests ………………………………………………………………. 8-9

Delta Amplitude Verification ……………………………………………………………… 8-9 Composite Harmonics Verification ……………………………………………………… 8-10

Calibration …………………………………………………………………………………………… 8-20 Normal AC Voltage …………………………………………………………………………… 8-21 AUX AC Current ………………………………………………………………………………. 8-21 AUX AC Voltage ……………………………………………………………………………… 8-22


List of Tables

Table Title Page

1-1. Symbols …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1-4 3-1. Consolidated List of Required Equipment for Calibration and Verification ……… 3-3 3-2. Test Equipment Required for DC Volts Calibration ………………………………………. 3-5 3-3. Calibration Steps for DC Volts …………………………………………………………………… 3-6 3-4. Test Equipment Necessary for AC Volts Calibration …………………………………….. 3-7 3-5. AC Volts Calibration Steps ………………………………………………………………………… 3-7 3-6. Test Equipment Necessary for Thermocouple Function Calibration ………………… 3-8 3-7. Thermocouple Measurement Calibration Steps …………………………………………….. 3-9 3-8. Test Equipment Necessary for DC Current Calibration ………………………………….. 3-10 3-9. DC Current Calibration Steps …………………………………………………………………….. 3-11 3-10. Test Equipment Necessary for AC Current Calibration ………………………………….. 3-13 3-11. AC Current Calibration Steps …………………………………………………………………….. 3-13 3-12. AUX DC Volts Calibration Steps ……………………………………………………………….. 3-17 3-13. AUX Output AC Volts Calibration Steps …………………………………………………….. 3-17 3-14. Test Equipment Necessary for Resistance Calibration …………………………………… 3-18 3-15. Resistance Calibration Steps ………………………………………………………………………. 3-19 3-16. Test Equipment Necessary for Capacitance Calibration …………………………………. 3-21 3-17. Capacitance Calibration Steps …………………………………………………………………….. 3-22 3-18. Calibration Entry Points in Remote …………………………………………………………….. 3-24 3-19. Verification Tests for DC Voltage (NORMAL Output) …………………………………. 3-31 3-20. Verification Tests for DC Voltage (AUX Output) …………………………………………. 3-32 3-21. Shunt Values for DC Current Calibration and Verification …………………………….. 3-33 3-22. Verification Tests for DC Current (AUX Output) …………………………………………. 3-33 3-23. Verification Tests for Resistance ………………………………………………………………… 3-34 3-24. Verification Tests for AC Voltage (NORMAL Output) …………………………………. 3-35 3-25. Verification Tests for AC Voltage (AUX Output) …………………………………………. 3-37 3-26. Shunt Values for AC Current Verification ……………………………………………………. 3-38 3-27. Verification Tests for AC Current ……………………………………………………………….. 3-39 3-28. Verification Tests for Capacitance ………………………………………………………………. 3-42 3-29. Necessary Test Equipment for High-Value Capacitance Measurements …………… 3-43 3-30. Verification Tests for Thermocouple Simulation …………………………………………… 3-47 3-31. Verification Tests for Thermocouple Measurement ………………………………………. 3-48 3-32. Verification Tests for Phase Accuracy, V and V …………………………………………… 3-48 3-33. Verification Tests for Phase Accuracy, V and I …………………………………………….. 3-49 3-34. Verification Tests for Frequency …………………………………………………………………. 3-50

5522A Service Manual


4-1. Error Message Format ……………………………………………………………………………….. 4-8 5-1. Front-Panel Assembly ……………………………………………………………………………….. 5-4 5-2. Front-Panel Assembly (Rear View) …………………………………………………………….. 5-7 5-3. Rear-Panel Assembly ………………………………………………………………………………… 5-9 5-4. Chassis Assembly ……………………………………………………………………………………… 5-12 5-5. Wiring …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5-14 5-6. Final Assembly …………………………………………………………………………………………. 5-16 6-1. SC600 Calibration and Verification Equipment ……………………………………………. 6-10 6-2. Voltage HP3458A Settings ………………………………………………………………………… 6-14 6-3. Edge and Wave Generator HP3458A Settings ………………………………………………. 6-15 6-4. Verification Methods for SC600 Functions ………………………………………………….. 6-24 6-5. DC Voltage Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………….. 6-25 6-6. DC Voltage Verification at 50 ………………………………………………………………… 6-27 6-7. AC Voltage Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………….. 6-28 6-8. AC Voltage Verification at 50 ………………………………………………………………… 6-30 6-9. AC Voltage Frequency Verification ……………………………………………………………. 6-31 6-10. Edge Amplification Verification …………………………………………………………………. 6-32 6-11. Edge Frequency Verification ……………………………………………………………………… 6-32 6-12. Edge Rise Time Verification ………………………………………………………………………. 6-35 6-13. Edge Aberrations ………………………………………………………………………………………. 6-36 6-14. Tunnel Diode Pulser Amplitude Verification ……………………………………………….. 6-36 6-15. Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Verification …………………………………………………. 6-37 6-16. Leveled Sine Wave Frequency Verification …………………………………………………. 6-38 6-17. Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification …………………………………………………. 6-39 6-18. Low Frequency Flatness Verification at 5.5 V ………………………………………………. 6-43 6-19. High Frequency Flatness Verification at 5.5 V ……………………………………………… 6-44 6-20. Time Marker Verification ………………………………………………………………………….. 6-45 6-21. Wave Generator Verification at 1 M …………………………………………………………. 6-47 6-22. Wave Generator Verification at 50 ………………………………………………………….. 6-48 6-23. Pulse Width Verification ……………………………………………………………………………. 6-50 6-24. Pulse Period Verification …………………………………………………………………………… 6-51 6-25. MeasZ Resistance Verification …………………………………………………………………… 6-52 6-26. MeasZ Capacitance Verification …………………………………………………………………. 6-53 7-1. SC600 Calibration and Verification Equipment ……………………………………………. 7-12 7-2. Voltage HP3458A Settings ………………………………………………………………………… 7-16 7-3. Edge and Wave Generator HP3458A Settings ………………………………………………. 7-17 7-4. Verification Methods for SC1100 Functions ………………………………………………… 7-26 7-5. DC Voltage Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………….. 7-27 7-6. DC Voltage Verification at 50 ………………………………………………………………… 7-29 7-7. AC Voltage Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………….. 7-30 7-8. AC Voltage Verification at 50 ………………………………………………………………… 7-32 7-9. AC Voltage Frequency Verification ……………………………………………………………. 7-33 7-10. Edge Amplification Verification …………………………………………………………………. 7-34 7-11. Edge Frequency Verification ……………………………………………………………………… 7-34 7-12. Edge Rise Time Verification ………………………………………………………………………. 7-37 7-13. Edge Aberrations ………………………………………………………………………………………. 7-38 7-14. Tunnel Diode Pulser Amplitude Verification ……………………………………………….. 7-39 7-15. Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Verification …………………………………………………. 7-40 7-16. Leveled Sine Wave Frequency Verification …………………………………………………. 7-41 7-17. Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification …………………………………………………. 7-42 7-18. Low Frequency Flatness Verification at 5.5 V ………………………………………………. 7-46 7-19. High Frequency Flatness Verification ………………………………………………………….. 7-48 7-20. Time Marker Verification ………………………………………………………………………….. 7-57 7-21. Wave Generator Verification at 1 M …………………………………………………………. 7-59 7-22. Wave Generator Verification at 50 ………………………………………………………….. 7-61

Contents (continued)


7-23. Pulse Width Verification ……………………………………………………………………………. 7-63 7-24. Pulse Period Verification …………………………………………………………………………… 7-63 7-25. MeasZ Resistance Verification …………………………………………………………………… 7-64 7-26. MeasZ Capacitance Verification …………………………………………………………………. 7-65 8-1. SC600 Calibration and Verification Equipment ……………………………………………. 8-8 8-2. Delta Amplitude Verification, Static Condition …………………………………………….. 8-9 8-3. Delta Amplitude Verification, Flicker Condition …………………………………………… 8-10 8-4. Composite Harmonics Verification ……………………………………………………………… 8-10 8-5. Normal AC Volts ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8-21 8-6. AUX AC Current ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8-21 8-7. AUX AC Voltage ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8-22


List of Figures

Figure Title Page

1-1. 5522A Multi-Product Calibrator …………………………………………………………………. 1-3 1-2. RS-232 Remote Connection ……………………………………………………………………….. 1-6 2-1. 5522A Internal Layout ………………………………………………………………………………. 2-3 2-2. Synthesized Resistance Function ………………………………………………………………… 2-4 2-3. Synthesized Capacitance Function ………………………………………………………………. 2-5 2-4. Current Function (AUX Out Ranges) ………………………………………………………….. 2-6 2-5. Voltage Function ………………………………………………………………………………………. 2-7 3-1. DC Volts Calibration Connections up to 30 V ………………………………………………. 3-6 3-2. DC Volts 30 V and Above Calibration Connections ……………………………………… 3-7 3-3. AC Volts Calibration Connections ………………………………………………………………. 3-8 3-4. Thermocouple Source Calibration Connections …………………………………………….. 3-9 3-5. Thermocouple Measure Calibration Connections ………………………………………….. 3-10 3-6. DC Current Calibration Connections …………………………………………………………… 3-11 3-7. AC Current Calibration with Fluke A40 Shunt Connections …………………………… 3-12 3-8. AC Current Calibration with Fluke A40A Shunt Connection …………………………. 3-14 3-9. Sample MET/CAL Program……………………………………………………………………….. 3-15 3-10. 4-Wire Resistance Connection ……………………………………………………………………. 3-20 3-11. Scaling the DMM to a Fluke 742A ……………………………………………………………… 3-20 3-12. 2-Wire Resistance Connection ……………………………………………………………………. 3-21 3-13. Scaling the DMM to a Guideline 9334 ………………………………………………………… 3-21 3-14. Capacitance Calibration Connection ……………………………………………………………. 3-23 3-15. Normal Volts and AUX Volts Phase Verification Connection ………………………… 3-23 3-16. Volts and Current Phase Verification Connection …………………………………………. 3-24 3-17. AC Current Verification Connections with a Metal Film Resistor (3.299 mA and Lower) ………………………………………………………………….. 3-39 3-18. High-Value Capacitance Measurement Setup ……………………………………………….. 3-45 3-19. Example Visual Basic Program …………………………………………………………………… 3-46 4-1. Exploded View of Rear-Panel Assemblies …………………………………………………… 4-5 4-2. Exploded View of Front-Panel Assemblies ………………………………………………….. 4-6 5-1. Front Panel Assembly ……………………………………………………………………………….. 5-6 5-2. Front-Panel Assembly (rear view) ………………………………………………………………. 5-8 5-3. Rear-Panel Assembly ………………………………………………………………………………… 5-11 5-4. Chassis Assembly ……………………………………………………………………………………… 5-13 5-5. Wiring Diagram ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 5-15 5-6. Final Assembly …………………………………………………………………………………………. 5-17

5522A Service Manual


6-1. Error Message for Scope Option …………………………………………………………………. 6-3 6-2. SC600 Block Diagram ………………………………………………………………………………. 6-9 6-3. Equipment Setup for SC600 Voltage Square Wave Measurements …………………. 6-15 6-4. Equipment Setup for SC600 Edge and Wave Gen Square Wave Measurements .. 6-16 6-5. Calibrator to 5790A AC Measurement Standard Connections ………………………… 6-19 6-6. MeasZ Calibration Connections ………………………………………………………………….. 6-23 6-7. AC Voltage Frequency Verification Setup …………………………………………………… 6-30 6-8. Edge Rise Time Verification Setup ……………………………………………………………… 6-34 6-9. Edge Rise Time ………………………………………………………………………………………… 6-35 6-10. Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification Setup ………………………………………… 6-39 6-11. Calibrator to 5790A Measurement Standard Connections ………………………………. 6-41 6-12. HP 437B Power Meter to the HP 8482A or 8481D Power Sensor Connections … 6-42 6-13. Calibrator to the HP Power Meter and Power Sensor Connections ………………….. 6-42 6-14. Wave Generator Verification Connections …………………………………………………… 6-46 6-15. Overload Function Verification Connections………………………………………………… 6-53 6-16. Leveled Sine Wave Balance Adjustment ……………………………………………………… 6-55 6-17. Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Adjustment …………………………………………………. 6-56 6-18. Edge Aberrations Adjustment …………………………………………………………………….. 6-58 7-1. Error Message for Scope Option …………………………………………………………………. 7-3 7-2. SC1100 Block Diagram …………………………………………………………………………….. 7-11 7-3. Equipment Setup for SC1100 Voltage Square Wave Measurements ……………….. 7-17 7-4. Equipment Setup for SC1100 Edge and Wave Gen Square Wave Measurement .. 7-18 7-5. Calibrator to 5790A AC Measurement Standard Connections ………………………… 7-21 7-6. MeasZ Calibration Connections ………………………………………………………………….. 7-25 7-7. AC Voltage Frequency Verification Setup …………………………………………………… 7-32 7-8. Edge Rise Time Verification Setup ……………………………………………………………… 7-36 7-9. Edge Rise Time ………………………………………………………………………………………… 7-37 7-10. Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification Setup ………………………………………… 7-41 7-11. Calibrator to 5790A Measurement Standard Connections ………………………………. 7-44 7-12. HP 437B Power Meter to the HP 8482A or 8481D Power Sensor Connections … 7-45 7-13. Calibrator to the HP Power Meter and Power Sensor Connections ………………….. 7-45 7-14. Wave Generator Verification Connections …………………………………………………… 7-58 7-15. Overload Function Verification Connections………………………………………………… 7-66 7-16. Leveled Sine Wave Balance Adjustment ……………………………………………………… 7-68 7-17. Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Adjustment …………………………………………………. 7-69 7-18. Edge Aberrations Adjustment …………………………………………………………………….. 7-71


Chapter 1 Introduction and Specifications

Title Page

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 1-3 Safety Information ………………………………………………………………………………….. 1-4 Overload Protection ………………………………………………………………………………… 1-5 Operation Overview ………………………………………………………………………………… 1-5

Local Operation ………………………………………………………………………………….. 1-6 Remote Operation (RS-232) …………………………………………………………………. 1-6 Remote Operation (IEEE-488) ……………………………………………………………… 1-7

Service Information ………………………………………………………………………………… 1-7 How to Contact Fluke Calibration …………………………………………………………….. 1-7 General Specifications …………………………………………………………………………….. 1-8 Detailed Specifications ……………………………………………………………………………. 1-9

DC Voltage ………………………………………………………………………………………… 1-9 DC Current ………………………………………………………………………………………… 1-10 Resistance ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1-12 AC Voltage (Sine Wave) ……………………………………………………………………… 1-13 AC Current (Sine Wave) ……………………………………………………………………… 1-15 Capacitance………………………………………………………………………………………… 1-17 Temperature Calibration (Thermocouple) ………………………………………………. 1-18 Temperature Calibration (RTD) ……………………………………………………………. 1-19 DC Power Specification Summary ………………………………………………………… 1-20 AC Power (45 Hz to 65 Hz) Specification Summary, PF=1 ……………………… 1-20 Power and Dual Output Limit Specifications ………………………………………….. 1-20 Phase …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1-21

Additional Specifications …………………………………………………………………………. 1-22 Frequency ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1-22 Harmonics (2nd to 50th) ………………………………………………………………………… 1-22 AC Voltage (Sine Wave) Extended Bandwidth ………………………………………. 1-23 AC Voltage (Non-Sine Wave) ………………………………………………………………. 1-24 AC Voltage, DC Offset ……………………………………………………………………….. 1-26 AC Voltage, Square Wave Characteristics ……………………………………………… 1-26 AC Voltage, Triangle Wave Characteristics (typical) ………………………………. 1-26 AC Current (Non-Sine Wave) ………………………………………………………………. 1-27 AC Current, Square Wave Characteristics (typical) …………………………………. 1-28 AC Current, Triangle Wave Characteristics (typical) ………………………………. 1-28

Introduction and Specifications Introduction 1


Introduction XWWarning

To prevent possible electrical shock, fire, or personal injury, read all safety information before you use the Product.

The 5522A Calibrator (the Product or the Calibrator), shown in Figure 1-1 is a fully programmable precision source for:

DC voltage from 0 V to 1020 V.

AC voltage from 1 mV to 1020 V, with output from 10 Hz to 500 kHz.

AC current from 29 A to 20.5 A, with variable frequency limits.

DC current from 0 to 20.5 A.

Resistance values from a short circuit to 1100 M.

Capacitance values from 220 pF to 110 mF.

Simulated output for eight types of Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs).

Simulated output for eleven types of thermocouples.


1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9




m V Hz










F n



dBm sec




















Figure 1-1. 5522A Multi-Product Calibrator

Features of the Calibrator include:

Calculates meter errors automatically, with user selectable reference values.

and keys that change the output value to pre-determined cardinal values for various functions.

Programmable entry limits that prevent operator entries that are more than preset output limits.

Output of voltage and current at the same time, to a maximum equivalent of 20.9 kW.

Pressure measurement when used with Fluke 700 Series pressure modules.

10 MHz reference input and output. Use this to input a high-accuracy 10 MHz

5522A Service Manual


reference to transfer the frequency accuracy to the 5522A, or have one or more Calibrators that are synchronized to a master 5522A.

Output of two voltages at the same time.

Extended bandwidth mode outputs multiple waveforms down to 0.01 Hz, and sine waves to 2 MHz.

Variable phase signal output.

Standard IEEE-488 (GPIB) interface, that complies with ANSI/IEEE Standards 488.1-1987 and 488.2-1987.

EIA Standard RS-232 serial data interface to print or transfer internally stored calibration constants, and for remote control of the 5522A.

Pass-through RS-232 serial data interface to communicate with the Unit Under Test (UUT).

Safety Information This Calibrator complies with:

ANSI/ISA-61010-1 (82.02.01) CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1-04 ANSI/UL 61010-1:2004 EN 61010-1:2001

A Warning identifies conditions and procedures that are dangerous to the user. A Caution identifies conditions and procedures that can cause damage to the Product or the equipment under test.

Symbols used in this manual and on the Product are explained in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1. Symbols

Symbol Description Symbol Description


IEC Measurement Category I CAT I is for measurements not directly connected to mains. Maximum transient Overvoltage is as specified by terminal markings.

) Conforms to relevant North American Safety Standards.

P Conforms to European Union directives

~ Do not dispose of this product as unsorted municipal waste. Go to Flukes website for recycling information.

W Rick of Danger. Important information. See manual.

X Hazardous voltage

XWWarning To prevent possible electrical shock, fire, or personal injury:

Read all safety Information before you use the Product.

Do not use the Product if it operates incorrectly.

Replace the mains power cord if the insulation is damaged or if the insulation shows signs of wear.

Introduction and Specifications Overload Protection 1


Do not touch voltages > 30 V ac rms, 42 V ac peak, or 60 V dc.

Do not use the Product around explosive gas, vapor, or in damp or wet environments.

Make sure the ground conductor in the mains power cord is connected to a protective earth ground. Disruption of the protective earth could put voltage on the chassis that could cause death.

Use only the mains power cord and connector approved for the voltage and plug configuration in your country and rated for the Product.

Use only cables with correct voltage ratings.

Do not do internal servicing or adjustment on this Product unless someone who can give first aid and do resuscitation is with you.

Do not touch exposed connections and components while power is on.

Do not wear a grounded wrist strap while you do work on this Product. A grounded wrist strap increases the risk of current flow through the body.

Do not wear metal accessories while you do work in this Product.

Disconnect mains power before you remove protective panels or replace components.

Overload Protection The Calibrator supplies reverse-power protection, fast output disconnection, and/or fuse protection on the output terminals for all functions.

Reverse-power protection prevents damage to the calibrator from occasional, accidental, normal-mode, and common-mode overloads to a maximum of 300 V peak. It is not intended as protection against frequent (systematic and repeated) abuse. Such abuse will cause the Calibrator to fail.

For volts, ohms, capacitance, and thermocouple functions, there is fast output disconnection protection. This protection senses applied voltages higher than 20 volts on the output terminals. It quickly disconnects the internal circuits from the output terminals and resets the calibrator when such overloads occur.

For current and aux voltage functions, user replaceable fuses supply protection from overloads applied to the Current/Aux Voltage output terminals. The fuses are accessed by an access door on the bottom of the calibrator. You must use replacement fuses of the same capacity and type specified in this manual, or the protection supplied by the Calibrator will be compromised.

Operation Overview The Calibrator can be operated at the front panel in the local mode, or remotely through the RS-232 or IEEE-488 ports. For remote operations, there are a number of software options available to integrate 5522A operation into a wide variety of calibration requirements.

5522A Service Manual


Local Operation Typical local operations include front panel connections to the Unit Under Test (UUT), and then manual keystroke entries at the front panel to set the output mode of the Calibrator. You can review Calibrator specifications at the push of two buttons. The backlit liquid crystal display is easy to see from many different angles and light conditions. The large, easy-to-read keys are color-coded and supply tactile feedback.

Remote Operation (RS-232) There are two rear-panel serial data RS-232 ports: SERIAL 1 FROM HOST, and SERIAL 2 TO UUT (see Figure 1-2). Each port is dedicated to serial data communications to operate and control the 5522A when you do calibration procedures. For complete information on remote operations, see Chapter 5 of the 5522A Operators Manual. The SERIAL 1 FROM HOST serial data port connects a host terminal or personal computer to the Calibrator. You can send remote commands to the Calibrator from a terminal (or a PC running a terminal program), a BASIC program you write, or an optional Windows-based software such as 5500/CAL or MET/CAL. The 5500/CAL Software includes more than 200 example procedures that include a wide range of test tools the 5522A can calibrate. (See Chapter 6 of the 5522A Operators Manual for a discussion of the RS-232 commands.)

The SERIAL 2 TO UUT serial data port connects a UUT to a PC or terminal through the 5522A (see Figure 1-2). This pass-through configuration removes the requirement for two COM ports at the PC or terminal. A set of four commands control the operation of the SERIAL 2 TO UUT serial port. See Chapter 6 of the 5522A Operators Manual for a discussion of the UUT_* commands. The SERIAL 2 TO UUT port is also used to connect to the Fluke 700 Series Pressure Modules.

Introduction and Specifications Service Information 1



1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9




m V Hz










F n



dBm sec



















5 I


1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9




m V Hz










F n



dBm sec



















Unit Under Test




COM port

RS-232 Remote Operation using the SERIAL 1 FROM HOST port


RS-232 Remote Operation using the SERIAL 1 FROM HOST and


PC or Terminal

COM port

PC or Terminal


Figure 1-2. RS-232 Remote Connection

Remote Operation (IEEE-488) The rear panel IEEE-488 port is a fully programmable parallel interface bus that operates to IEEE-488.1 and IEEE-488.2 (supplement) standards. When controlled remotely by an instrument controller, the Calibrator operates exclusively as a talker/listener. You can write your own programs with commands from the IEEE-488 command set or run the optional Windows-based MET/CAL software. (See Chapter 6 of the 5522A Operators Manual for a discussion of the commands available for IEEE-488 operation.)

Service Information If you have a problem with the Calibrator in the 1-year warranty period, send it to a Fluke Service Center for warranty repair. For out of warranty repair, get in touch with a Fluke Service Center for a cost estimate.

This service manual gives instructions for verification of performance, calibration, and maintenance. If you choose to repair a malfunction, information in this manual can help you find which module (printed circuit assembly) has a fault.

How to Contact Fluke Calibration To contact Fluke Calibration, call one of the following telephone numbers:

Technical Support USA: 1-877-355-3225

Calibration/Repair USA: 1-877-355-3225

Canada: 1-800-36-FLUKE (1-800-363-5853)

5522A Service Manual


Europe: +31-40-2675-200

Japan: +81-3-6714-3114

Singapore: +65-6799-5566

China: +86-400-810-3435

Brazil: +55-11-3759-7600

Anywhere in the world: +1-425-446-6110

To see product information and download the latest manual supplements, visit Fluke Calibrations website at www.flukecal.com.

To register your product, visit http://flukecal.com/register-product.

General Specifications The following tables list the 5522A specifications. All specifications are valid after allowing a warm-up period of 30 minutes, or twice the time the 5522A has been turned off. (For example, if the 5522A has been turned off for 5 minutes, the warm-up period is 10 minutes.)

All specifications apply for the temperature and time period indicated. For temperatures outside of tcal 5 C (tcal is the ambient temperature when the 5522A was calibrated), the temperature coefficient as stated in the General Specifications must be applied. The specifications also assume the Calibrator is zeroed every seven days or whenever the ambient temperature changes more than 5 C. The tightest ohms specifications are maintained with a zero cal every 12 hours within 1 C of use. Also see additional specifications later in this chapter for information on extended specifications for ac voltage and current. Warmup Time ……………………………………………….. Twice the time since last warmed up, to a maximum of 30 minutes. Settling Time ………………………………………………… Less than 5 seconds for all functions and ranges except as noted. Standard Interfaces ………………………………………. IEEE-488 (GPIB), RS-232 Temperature

Operating …………………………………………………… 0 C to 50 C Calibration (tcal) ………………………………………….. 15 C to 35 C Storage ……………………………………………………… -20 to +70 C; The DC current ranges 0 to 1.09999 A and 1.1 A to

2.99999 A are sensitive to storage temperatures above 50 C. If the 5522A is stored above 50 C for greater than 30 minutes, these ranges must be re-calibrated. Otherwise, the 90 day and 1 year uncertainties of these ranges double.

Temperature Coefficient ………………………………… Temperature coefficient for temperatures outside tcal +5 C is 0.1/X/C of the 90-day specification (or 1-year, as applicable) per C

Relative Humidity

Operating …………………………………………………… <80 % to 30 C, <70 % to 40 C, <40 % to 50 C Storage ……………………………………………………… <95 %, non-condensing. After long periods of storage at high humidity,

a drying-out period (with power on) of at least one week may be required.


Operating …………………………………………………… 3,050 m (10,000 ft) maximum Non-operating …………………………………………….. 12,200 m (40,000 ft) maximum

Safety …………………………………………………………… Complies with EN/IEC 61010-1:2001, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1-04, ANSI/UL 61010-1:2004;

Output Terminal Electrical Overload Protection Provides reverse-power protection, immediate output disconnection, and/or fuse protection on the output terminals for all functions. This protection is for applied external voltages up to 300 V peak.

Analog Low Isolation …………………………………….. 20 V normal operation, 400 V peak transient EMC ……………………………………………………………… Complies with EN/IEC 61326-1:2006, EN/IEC 61326-2-1:2006 for

controlled EM environments under the following conditions. If used in areas with Electromagnetic fields of 1 to 3 V/m from 0.08-1GHz, resistance outputs have a floor adder of 0.508 Performance not specified above 3 V/m. This instrument may be susceptible to electro- static discharge (ESD) to the binding posts. Good static awareness

Introduction and Specifications Detailed Specifications 1


practices should be followed when handling this and other pieces of electronic equipment. Additionally this instrument may be susceptible to electrical fast transients on the mains terminals. If any disturbances in operation are observed, it is recommended that the rear panel chassis ground terminal be connected to a known good earth ground with a low inductance ground strap. Note that a mains power outlet while providing a suitable ground for protection against electric shock hazard may not provide an adequate ground to properly drain away conducted rf disturbances and may in fact be the source of the disturbance. This instrument was certified for EMC performance with data I/O cables not in excess of 3m.

Line Power ……………………………………………………. Line Voltage (selectable): 100 V, 120 V, 220 V, 240 V Line Frequency: 47 Hz to 63 Hz Line Voltage Variation: 10 % about line voltage setting For optimal performance at full dual outputs (e.g. 1000 V, 20 A) choose a ling voltage setting that is 7.5 % from nominal.

Power Consumption ……………………………………… 600 VA Dimensions (HxWxL) ………………………………………. 17.8 cm x 43.2 cm x 47.3 cm (7 in x 17 in x 18.6 in) Standard rack

width and rack increment, plus 1.5 cm (0.6 in) for feet on bottom of unit.

Weight (without options) ………………………………….. 22 kg (49 lb) Absolute Uncertainty Definition …………………….. The 5522A specifications include stability, temperature coefficient,

linearity, line and load regulation, and the traceability of the external standards used for calibration. You do not need to add anything to determine the total specification of the 5522A for the temperature range indicated.

Specification Confidence Level ……………………… 99 %

Detailed Specifications DC Voltage


Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C (ppm of output +V)


Resolution V Max Burden [1]

90 days 1 year 24 hours, 1 C

(ppm of output +V)

0 to 329.9999 mV 15 + 1 20 + 1 3 + 1 0.1 65 0 to 3.299999 V 9 + 2 11 + 2 2 + 1.5 1 10 mA 0 to 32.99999 V 10 + 20 12 + 20 2 + 15 10 10 mA 30 to 329.9999 V 15 + 150 18 + 150 2.5 + 100 100 5 mA 100 to 1020.000 V 15 + 1500 18 + 1500 3 + 300 1000 5 mA

Auxiliary Output (dual output mode only) [2]

0 to 329.9999 mV 300 + 350 400 + 350 30 + 100 1 5 mA 0.33 to 3.299999 V 300 + 350 400 + 350 30 + 100 10 5 mA 3.3 to 7 V 300 + 350 400 + 350 30 + 100 100 5 mA

TC Simulate and Measure in Linear 10 V/C and 1 mV/C modes [3]

0 to 329.9999 mV 40 + 3 50 + 3 5 + 2 0.1 10 [1] Remote sensing is not provided. Output resistance is <5 m for outputs 0.33 V. The AUX output has an output resistance of

<1 . TC simulation has an output impedance of 10 1 . [2] Two channels of dc voltage output are provided. [3] TC simulating and measuring are not specified for operation in electromagnetic fields above 0.4 v/m.

Range Noise

Bandwidth 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz p-p (ppm of output + floor)

Bandwidth 10 Hz to 10 kHz rms

0 to 329.9999 mV 0 + 1 V 6 V 0 to 3.299999 V 0 + 10 V 60 V 0 to 32.99999 V 0 + 100 V 600 V 30 to 329.9999 V 10 + 1 mV 20 mV 100 to 1020.000 V 10 + 5 mV 20 mV

5522A Service Manual


Auxiliary Output (dual output mode only) [1]

0 to 329.9999 mV 0 + 5 V 20 V 0.33 to 3.299999 V 0 + 20 V 200 V 3.3 to 7 V 0 + 100 V 1000 V

[1] Two channels of dc voltage output are provided.

DC Current

Range Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C

(ppm of output +A) Resolution Max Compliance

Voltage V Max Inductive

Load mH 90 days 1 year

0 to 329.999 A 120 + 0.02 150 + 0.02 1 nA 10


0 to 3.29999 mA 80 + 0.05 100 + 0.05 0.01 A 10 0 to 32.9999 mA 80 + 0.25 100 + 0.25 0.1 A 7 0 to 329.999 mA 80 + 2.5 100 + 2.5 1 A 7 0 to 1.09999 A 160 + 40 200 + 40 10 A 6 1.1 to 2.99999 A 300 + 40 380 + 40 10 A 6 0 to 10.9999 A (20 A Range) 380 + 500 500 + 500 100 A 4

11 to 20.5 A [1] 800 + 750 [2] 1000 + 750 [2] 100 A 4

[1] Duty Cycle: Currents <11 A may be provided continuously. For currents >11 A, see Figure 1. The current may be provided Formula 60-T-I minutes any 60 minute period where T is the temperature in C (room temperature is about 23 C) and I is the output current in amperes. For example, 17 A, at 23 C could be provided for 60-23-17 = 20 minutes each hour. When the 5522A is outputting currents between 5 and 11 amps for long periods, the internal self-heating reduces the duty cycle. Under those conditions, the allowable «on» time indicated by the formula and Figure 1 is achieved only after the 5522A is outputting currents <5 A for the «off» period first.

[2] Floor specification is 1500 A within 30 seconds of selecting operate. For operating times >30 seconds, the floor specification is 750 A.

Range Noise

Bandwidth 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz p-p Bandwidth 10 Hz to 10 kHz rms

0 to 329.999 A 2 nA 20 nA 0 to 3.29999 mA 20 nA 200 nA 0 to 32.9999 mA 200 nA 2.0 A 0 to 329.999 mA 2000 nA 20 A 0 to 2.99999 A 20 A 1 mA 0 to 20.5 A 200 A 10 mA

Introduction and Specifications Detailed Specifications 1


Ambient 0 C

20 C

10 C

30 C

40 C

Current (Amps)

M in

ut es

p er

H ou


D ut

y C

yc le

( %





















0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Figure 1. Allowable Duration of Current >11 A

5522A Service Manual



Range [1]

Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C (ppm of output +floor) [2]


Allowable Current

[3] ppm of output Floor ()

Time and temp since ohms zero cal

90 days 1 year 12 hrs 1 C 7 days 5 C

0 to 10.9999 35 40 0.001 0. 01 0.0001 1 mA to 125 mA 11 to 32.9999 25 30 0.0015 0.015 0.0001 1 mA to 125 mA

33 to 109.9999 22 28 0.0014 0.015 0.0001 1 mA to 70 mA

110 to 329.9999 22 28 0.002 0.02 0.0001 1 mA to 40 mA

330 to 1.099999 k 22 28 0.002 0.02 0.001 1 mA to 18 mA

1.1 to 3.299999 k 22 28 0.02 0.2 0.001 100 A to 5 mA

3.3 to 10.99999 k 22 28 0.02 0.1 0.01 100 A to 1.8 mA

11 to 32.99999 k 22 28 0.2 1 0.01 10 A to 0.5 mA

33 to 109.9999 k 22 28 0.2 1 0. 1 10 A to 0.18 mA

110 to 329.99999 k 25 32 2 10 0.1 1 A to 0.05 mA

330 k to 1.099999 M 25 32 2 10 1 1 A to 0.018 mA

1.1 to 3.299999 M 40 60 30 150 1 250 nA to 5 A

3.3 to 10.99999 M 110 130 50 250 10 250 nA to 1.8 A

11 to 32.99999 M 200 250 2500 2500 10 25 nA to 500 nA

33 to 109.9999 M 400 500 3000 3000 100 25 nA to 180 nA

110 to 329.9999 M 2500 3000 100000 100000 1000 2.5 nA to 50 nA

330 to 1100 M 12000 15000 500000 500000 10000 1 nA to 13 nA

[1] Continuously variable from 0 to 1.1 G. [2] Applies for 4-WIRE compensation only. For 2-WIRE and 2-WIRE COMP, add an additional amount to the floor specification as

calculated by: (5 V divided by the stimulus current in amps). For example, in 2-WIRE mode, at 1 k the floor specification within 12 hours of an ohms zero cal for a measurement current of 1 mA is: 0.002 + (5 V / 1 mA) = (0.002 + 0.005) = 0.007 .

[3] For currents lower than shown, the floor adder increases by Floor(new) = Floor(old) x Imin/Iactual. For example, a 50 A stimulus measuring 100 has a floor specification of: 0.0014 x 1 mA/50 A = 0.028 assuming an ohms zero calibration within 12 hours.

Introduction and Specifications Detailed Specifications 1


AC Voltage (Sine Wave)

Range Frequency

Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C

(ppm of output + V) Resolution Max


Max Distortion and Noise

10 Hz to 5 MHz Bandwidth

(% of output + floor)

90 days 1 year

Normal Output

1.0 mV to 32.999 mV

10 Hz to 45 Hz 600 + 6 800 + 6

1 V 65

0.15 + 90 V 45 Hz to 10 kHz 120 + 6 150 + 6 0.035 + 90 V 10 kHz to 20 kHz 160 + 6 200 + 6 0.06 + 90 V 20 kHz to 50 kHz 800 + 6 1000 + 6 0.15 + 90 V 50 kHz to 100 kHz 3000 + 12 3500 + 12 0.25 + 90 V 100 kHz to 500 kHz 6000 + 50 8000 + 50 0.3 + 90 V [1]

33 mV to 329.999 mV

10 Hz to 45 Hz 250 + 8 300 + 8

1 V 65

0.15 + 90 V 45 Hz to 10 kHz 140 + 8 145 + 8 0.035 + 90 V 10 kHz to 20 kHz 150 + 8 160 + 8 0.06 + 90 V 20 kHz to 50 kHz 300 + 8 350 + 8 0.15 + 90 V 50 kHz to 100 kHz 600 + 32 800 + 32 0.20 + 90 V 100 kHz to 500 kHz 1600 + 70 2000 + 70 0.20 + 90 V [1]

0.33 V to 3.29999 V

10 Hz to 45 Hz 250 + 50 300 + 50

10 V 10 mA

0.15 + 200 V 45 Hz to 10 kHz 140 + 60 150 + 60 0.035 + 200 V 10 kHz to 20 kHz 160 + 60 190 + 60 0.06 + 200 V 20 kHz to 50 kHz 250 + 50 300 + 50 0.15 + 200 V 50 kHz to 100 kHz 550 + 125 700 + 125 0.20 + 200 V 100 kHz to 500 kHz 2000 + 600 2400 + 600 0.20 + 200 V [1]

3.3 V to 32.9999 V

10 Hz to 45 Hz 250 + 650 300 + 650

100 V 10 mA

0.15 + 2 mV 45 Hz to 10 kHz 125 + 600 150 + 600 0.035 + 2 mV 10 kHz to 20 kHz 220 + 600 240 + 600 0.08 + 2 mV 20 kHz to 50 kHz 300 + 600 350 + 600 0.2 + 2 mV 50 kHz to 100 kHz 750 + 1600 900 + 1600 0.5 + 2 mV

33 V to 329.999 V

45 Hz to 1 kHz 150 + 2000 190 + 2000

1 mV

5 mA, except

20 mA for 45 Hz to

65 Hz

0.15 + 10 mV 1 kHz to 10 kHz 160 + 6000 200 + 6000 0.05 +10 mV 10 kHz to 20 kHz 220 + 6000 250 + 6000 0.6 + 10 mV 20 kHz to 50 kHz 240 + 6000 300 + 6000 0.8 + 10 mV 50 kHz to 100 kHz 1600 + 50000 2000 + 50000 1.0 + 10 mV

330 V to 1020 V

45 Hz to 1 kHz 250 + 10000 300 + 10000

10 mV

2 mA, except 6 mA for 45 Hz to

65 Hz

0.15 + 30 mV 1 kHz to 5 kHz 200 + 10000 250 + 10000 0.07 + 30 mV 5 kHz to 10 kHz 250 + 10000 300 + 10000 0.07 + 30 mV

[1] Max Distortion for 100 kHz to 200 kHz. For 200 kHz to 500 kHz, the maximum distortion is 0.9 % of output + floor as shown. Note Remote sensing is not provided. Output resistance is <5 m for outputs 0.33 V. The AUX output resistance is <1 . The maximum load capacitance is 500 pF, subject to the maximum burden current limits

5522A Service Manual


AC Voltage (Sine Wave) (cont.)

Range Frequency [1]

Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C

(% of output + V) Resolution Max


Max Distortion and Noise

10 Hz to 5 MHz Bandwidth

(% of output + floor)

90 days 1 year

AUX Output

10 mV to 329.999 mV

10 Hz to 20 Hz 0.15 + 370 0.2 + 370

1 V 5 mA

0.2 + 200 V 20 Hz to 45 Hz 0.08 + 370 0.1 + 370 0.06 + 200 V 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.08 + 370 0.1 + 370 0.08 + 200 V 1 kHz to 5 kHz 0.15 + 450 0.2 + 450 0.3 + 200 V 5 kHz to 10 kHz 0.3 + 450 0.4 + 450 0.6 + 200 V 10 kHz to 30 kHz 4.0 + 900 5.0 + 900 1 + 200 V

0.33 V to 3.29999 V

10 Hz to 20 Hz 0.15 + 450 0.2 + 450

10 V 5 mA

0.2 + 200 V 20 Hz to 45 Hz 0.08 + 450 0.1 + 450 0.06 + 200 V 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.07 + 450 0.09 + 450 0.08 + 200 V 1 kHz to 5 kHz 0.15 + 1400 0.2 + 1400 0.3 + 200 V 5 kHz to 10 kHz 0.3 + 1400 0.4 + 1400 0.6 + 200 V 10 kHz to 30 kHz 4.0 + 2800 5.0 + 2800 1 + 200 V

3.3 V to 5 V

10 Hz to 20 Hz 0.15 + 450 0.2 + 450

100 V 5 mA

0.2 + 200 V 20 Hz to 45 Hz 0.08 + 450 0.1 + 450 0.06 + 200 V 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.07 + 450 0.09 + 450 0.08 + 200 V 1 kHz to 5 kHz 0.15 + 1400 0.2 + 1400 0.3 + +200 V 5 kHz to 10 kHz 0.3 + 1400 0.4 + 1400 0.6 + 200 V

[1] There are two channels of voltage output. The maximum frequency of the dual output is 30 kHz. Note Remote sensing is not provided. Output resistance is <5 m for outputs 0.33 V. The AUX output resistance is <1 . The maximum load capacitance is 500 pF, subject to the maximum burden current limits

Introduction and Specifications Detailed Specifications 1


AC Current (Sine Wave)

Range Frequency

Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C

(% of output + A) Compliance

adder (A/V)

Max Distortion & Noise 10 Hz to

100 kHz BW (% of output +


Max Inductive Load H

90 days 1 year


29.00 to 329.99 A

10 to 20 Hz 0.16 + 0.1 0.2 + 0.1 0.05 0.15 + 0.5 A


20 to 45 Hz 0.12 + 0.1 0.15 + 0.1 0.05 0.1 + 0.5 A 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.1 + 0.1 0.125 + 0.1 0.05 0.05 + 0.5 A

1 to 5 kHz 0.25 + 0.15 0.3 + 0.15 1.5 0.5 + 0.5 A 5 to 10 kHz 0.6 + 0.2 0.8 + 0.2 1.5 1.0 + 0.5 A

10 to 30 kHz 1.2 + 0.4 1.6 + 0.4 10 1.2 + 0.5 A

0.33 to 3.29999 mA

10 to 20 Hz 0.16 + 0.15 0.2 + 0.15 0.05 0.15 + 1.5 A


20 to 45 Hz 0.1 + 0.15 0.125 + 0.15 0.05 0.06 + 1.5 A 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.08 + 0.15 0.1 + 0.15 0.05 0.02 + 1.5 A

1 to 5 kHz 0.16 + 0.2 0.2 + 0.2 1.5 0.5 + 1.5 A 5 to 10 kHz 0.4 + 0.3 0.5 + 0.3 1.5 1.0 + 1.5 A

10 to 30 kHz 0.8 + 0.6 1.0 + 0.6 10 1.2 + 0.5 A

3.3 to 32.9999 mA

10 to 20 Hz 0.15 + 2 0.18 + 2 0.05 0.15 + 5 A


20 to 45 Hz 0.075 + 2 0.09 + 2 0.05 0.05 + 5 A 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.035 + 2 0.04 + 2 0.05 0.07 + 5 A

1 to 5 kHz 0.065 + 2 0.08 + 2 1.5 0.3 + 5 A 5 to 10 kHz 0.16 + 3 0.2 + 3 1.5 0.7 + 5 A

10 to 30 kHz 0.32 + 4 0.4 + 4 10 1.0 + 0.5 A

33 to 329.999 mA

10 to 20 Hz 0.15 + 20 0.18 + 20 0.05 0.15 + 50 A


20 to 45 Hz 0.075 + 20 0.09 + 20 0.05 0.05 + 50 A 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.035 + 20 0.04 + 20 0.05 0.02 + 50 A

1 to 5 kHz 0.08 + 50 0.10 + 50 1.5 0.03 + 50 A 5 to 10 kHz 0.16 + 100 0.2 + 100 1.5 0.1 + 50 A

10 to 30 kHz 0.32 + 200 0.4 + 200 10 0.6 + 50 A

0.33 to 1.09999 A

10 to 45 Hz 0.15 + 100 0.18 + 100 0.2 + 500 A

2.5 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.036 + 100 0.05 + 100 0.07 + 500 A

1 to 5 kHz 0.5 + 1000 0.6 + 1000 [2] 1 + 500 A

5 to 10 kHz 2.0 + 5000 2.5 + 5000 [3] 2 + 500 A

1.1 to 2.99999 A

10 to 45 Hz 0.15 + 100 0.18 + 100 0.2 + 500 A

2.5 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.05 + 100 0.06 + 100 0.07 + 500 A

1 to 5 kHz 0.5 + 1000 0.6 + 1000 [2] 1 + 500 A

5 to 10 kHz 2.0 + 5000 2.5 + 5000 [3] 2 + 500 A

3 to 10.9999 A

45 to 100 Hz 0.05 + 2000 0.06 + 2000 0.2 + 3 mA 1 100 Hz to 1 kHz 0.08 + 2000 0.10 + 2000 0.1 + 3 mA

1 to 5 kHz 2.5 + 2000 3.0 + 2000 0.8 + 3 mA

11 to 20.5 A [1]

45 to 100 Hz 0.1 + 5000 0.12 + 5000 0.2 + 3 mA 1 100 Hz to 1 kHz 0.13 + 5000 0.15 + 5000 0.1 + 3 mA

1 to 5 kHz 2.5 + 5000 3.0 + 5000 0.8 + 3 mA [1] Duty Cycle: Currents <11 A may be provided continuously. For currents >11 A, see Figure 1. The current may be provided 60-

T-I minutes any 60 minute period where T is the temperature in C (room temperature is about 23 C) and I is the output current in Amps. For example, 17 A, at 23 C could be provided for 60-23-17 = 20 minutes each hour. When the 5522A is outputting currents between 5 and 11 amps for long periods, the internal self-heating reduces the duty cycle. Under those conditions, the allowable «on» time indicated by the formula and Figure 1 is achieved only after the 5522A is outputting currents <5 A for the «off» period first.

[2] For compliance voltages greater than 1 V, add 1 mA/V to the floor specification from 1 to 5 kHz. [3] For compliance voltages greater than 1 V, add 5 mA/V to the floor specification from 5 to 10 kHz.

5522A Service Manual


AC Current (Sine Wave) (cont.)

Range Frequency

Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C

(% of output + A)

Max Distortion & Noise 10 Hz to

100 kHz BW (% of output + floor)

Max Inductive Load H

90 days 1 year


29.00 to 329.99 A

10 to 100 Hz 0.2 + 0.2 0.25 + 0.2 0.1 + 1.0 A


100 Hz to 1 kHz 0.5 + 0.5 0.6 + 0.5 0.05 + 1.0 A

0.33 to 3.29999 mA

10 to 100 Hz 0.2 + 0.3 0.25 + 0.3 0.15 + 1.5 A 100 Hz to 1 kHz 0.5 + 0.8 0.6 + 0.8 0.06 + 1.5 A

3.3 to 32.9999 mA

10 to 100 Hz 0.07 + 4 0.08 + 4 0.15 + 5 A 100 Hz to 1 kHz 0.18 + 10 0.2 + 10 0.05 + 5 A

33 to 329.999 mA

10 to 100 Hz 0.07 + 40 0.08 + 40 0.15 + 50 A 100 Hz to 1 kHz 0.18 + 100 0.2 + 100 0.05 + 50 A

0.33 to 2.99999 A

10 to 100 Hz 0.1 + 200 0.12 + 200 0.2 + 500 A 100 to 440 Hz 0.25 + 1000 0.3 + 1000 0.25 + 500 A

3 to 20.5 A [1] 45 to 100 Hz 0.1 + 2000 [2] 0.12 + 2000 [2] 0.1 + 0 A

400 [4] 100 to 440 Hz 0.8 + 5000 [3] 1.0 + 5000 [3] 0.5 + 0 A

[1] Duty Cycle: Currents <11 A may be provided continuously. For currents >11 A, see Figure 1. The current may be provided Formula 60-T-I minutes any 60 minute period where T is the temperature in C (room temperature is about 23 C) and I is the output current in Amps. For example, 17 A, at 23 C could be provided for 60-23-17 = 20 minutes each hour. When the 5522A is outputting currents between 5 and 11 amps for long periods, the internal self-heating reduces the duty cycle. Under those conditions, the allowable «on» time indicated by the formula and Figure 1 is achieved only after the 5522A is outputting currents <5 A for the «off» period first.

[2] For currents >11 A, Floor specification is 4000 A within 30 seconds of selecting operate. For operating times >30 seconds, the floor specification is 2000 A.

[3] For currents >11 A, Floor specification is 10000 A within 30 seconds of selecting operate. For operating times >30 seconds, the floor specification is 5000 A.

[4] Subject to compliance voltages limits.

Range Resolution A Max Compliance Voltage V rms [1]

0.029 to 0.32999 mA 0.01 7

0.33 to 3.29999 mA 0.01 7

3.3 to 32.9999 mA 0.1 5

33 to 329.999 mA 1 5

0.33 to 2.99999 A 10 4

3 to 20.5 A 100 3 [1] Subject to specification adder for compliance voltages greater than 1 V rms.

Introduction and Specifications Detailed Specifications 1




Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C

(% of output + floor) [1] [2] [3]


Allowed Frequency or Charge-Discharge Rate

90 days 1 year Min and Max to

Meet Specification

Typical Max for <0.5 % Error

Typical Max for <1 % Error

220.0 to 399.9 pF 0.38 + 10 pF 0.5 + 10 pF 0.1 pF 10 Hz to 10 kHz 20 kHz 40 kHz

0.4 to 1.0999 nF 0.38 + 0.01 nF 0.5 + 0.01 nF 0.1 pF 10 Hz to 10 kHz 30 kHz 50 kHz

1.1 to 3.2999 nF 0.38 + 0.01 nF 0.5 + 0.01 nF 0.1 pF 10 Hz to 3 kHz 30 kHz 50 kHz

3.3 to 10.9999 nF 0.19 + 0.01 nF 0.25 + 0.01 nF 0.1 pF 10 Hz to 1 kHz 20 kHz 25 kHz

11 to 32.9999 nF 0.19 + 0.1 nF 0.25 + 0.1 nF 0.1 pF 10 Hz to 1 kHz 8 kHz 10 kHz

33 to 109.999 nF 0.19 + 0.1 nF 0.25 + 0.1 nF 1 pF 10 Hz to 1 kHz 4 kHz 6 kHz

110 to 329.999 nF 0.19 + 0.3 nF 0.25 + 0.3 nF 1 pF 10 Hz to 1 kHz 2.5 kHz 3.5 kHz

0.33 to 1.09999 F 0.19 + 1 nF 0.25 + 1 nF 10 pF 10 to 600 Hz 1.5 kHz 2 kHz

1.1 to 3.29999 F 0.19 + 3 nF 0.25 + 3 nF 10 pF 10 to 300 Hz 800 Hz 1 kHz

3.3 to 10.9999 F 0.19 + 10 nF 0.25 + 10 nF 100 pF 10 to 150 Hz 450 Hz 650 Hz

11 to 32.9999 F 0.30 + 30 nF 0.40 + 30 nF 100 pF 10 to 120 Hz 250 Hz 350 Hz

33 to 109.999 F 0.34 + 100 nF 0.45 + 100 nF 1 nF 10 to 80 Hz 150 Hz 200 Hz

110 to 329.999 F 0.34 + 300 nF 0.45 + 300 nF 1 nF 0 to 50 Hz 80 Hz 120 Hz

0.33 to 1.09999 mF 0.34 + 1 F 0.45 + 1 F 10 nF 0 to 20 Hz 45 Hz 65 Hz

1.1 to 3.29999 mF 0.34 + 3 F 0.45 + 3 F 10 nF 0 to 6 Hz 30 Hz 40 Hz

3.3 to 10.9999 mF 0.34 + 10 F 0.45 + 10 F 100 nF 0 to 2 Hz 15 Hz 20 Hz

11 to 32.9999 mF 0.7 + 30 F 0.75 + 30 F 100 nF 0 to 0.6 Hz 7.5 Hz 10 Hz

33 to 110 mF 1.0 + 100 F 1.1 + 100 F 10 F 0 to 0.2 Hz 3 Hz 5 Hz

[1] The output is continuously variable from 220 pF to 110 mF. [2] Specifications apply to both dc charge/discharge capacitance meters and ac RCL meters. The maximum allowable peak voltage is

3 V. The maximum allowable peak current is 150 mA, with an rms limitation of 30 mA below 1.1 F and 100 mA for 1.1 F and above.

[3] The maximum lead resistance for no additional error in 2-wire COMP mode is 10 .

5522A Service Manual


Temperature Calibration (Thermocouple)

TC Type



C [2]

Absolute Uncertainty Source/Measure

tcal 5 C C [3]

TC Type



C [2]

Absolute Uncertainty Source/Measure

tcal 5 C C [3]

90 days 1 year 90 days 1 year


600 to 800 0.42 0.44 L

-200 to -100 0.37 0.37 800 to 1000 0.34 0.34 -100 to 800 0.26 0.26

1000 to 1550 0.30 0.30 800 to 900 0.17 0.17 1550 to 1820 0.26 0.33


-200 to -100 0.30 0.40


0 to 150 0.23 0.30 -100 to -25 0.17 0.22 150 to 650 0.19 0.26 -25 to 120 0.15 0.19

650 to 1000 0.23 0.31 120 to 410 0.14 0.18 1000 to 1800 0.38 0.50 410 to 1300 0.21 0.27 1800 to 2316 0.63 0.84


0 to 250 0.48 0.57


-250 to -100 0.38 0.50 250 to 400 0.28 0.35 -100 to -25 0.12 0.16 400 to 1000 0.26 0.33 -25 to 350 0.10 0.14 1000 to 1767 0.30 0.40 350 to 650 0.12 0.16


0 to 250 0.47 0.47 650 to 1000 0.16 0.21 250 to 1000 0.30 0.36


-210 to -100 0.20 0.27 1000 to 1400 0.28 0.37 -100 to -30 0.12 0.16 1400 to 1767 0.34 0.46 -30 to 150 0.10 0.14


-250 to -150 0.48 0.63 150 to 760 0.13 0.17 -150 to 0 0.18 0.24

760 to 1200 0.18 0.23 0 to 120 0.12 0.16


-200 to -100 0.25 0.33 120 to 400 0.10 0.14 -100 to -25 0.14 0.18

U -200 to 0 0.56 0.56

-25 to 120 0.12 0.16 0 to 600 0.27 0.27 120 to 1000 0.19 0.26

1000 to 1372 0.30 0.40 [1] Temperature standard ITS-90 or IPTS-68 is selectable.

TC simulating and measuring are not specified for operation in electromagnetic fields above 0.4 V/m. [2] Resolution is 0.01 C [3] Does not include thermocouple error

Introduction and Specifications Detailed Specifications 1


Temperature Calibration (RTD)

RTD Type Range

C [1]

Absolute Uncertainty tcal 5 C

C [2] RTD Type


C [1]

Absolute Uncertainty tcal 5 C

C [2]

90 days 1 year 90 days 1 year

Pt 385, 100

-200 to -80 0.04 0.05

Pt 385, 500

-200 to -80 0.03 0.04 -80 to 0 0.05 0.05 -80 to 0 0.04 0.05 0 to 100 0.07 0.07 0 to 100 0.05 0.05

100 to 300 0.08 0.09 100 to 260 0.06 0.06 300 to 400 0.09 0.10 260 to 300 0.07 0.08 400 to 630 0.10 0.12 300 to 400 0.07 0.08 630 to 800 0.21 0.23 400 to 600 0.08 0.09

Pt 3926, 100

-200 to -80 0.04 0.05 600 to 630 0.09 0.11 -80 to 0 0.05 0.05

Pt 385, 1000

-200 to -80 0.03 0.03 0 to 100 0.07 0.07 -80 to 0 0.03 0.03

100 to 300 0.08 0.09 0 to 100 0.03 0.04 300 to 400 0.09 0.10 100 to 260 0.04 0.05 400 to 630 0.10 0.12 260 to 300 0.05 0.06

Pt 3916, 100

-200 to -190 0.25 0.25 300 to 400 0.05 0.07 -190 to -80 0.04 0.04 400 to 600 0.06 0.07

-80 to 0 0.05 0.05 600 to 630 0.22 0.23 0 to 100 0.06 0.06 PtNi 385,

120 (Ni120)

-80 to 0 0.06 0.08 100 to 260 0.06 0.07 0 to 100 0.07 0.08 260 to 300 0.07 0.08 100 to 260 0.13 0.14 300 to 400 0.08 0.09 Cu 427

10 [3] -100 to 260 0.3 0.3

400 to 600 0.08 0.10 600 to 630 0.21 0.23

Pt 385, 200

-200 to -80 0.03 0.04 -80 to 0 0.03 0.04 0 to 100 0.04 0.04

100 to 260 0.04 0.05 260 to 300 0.11 0.12 300 to 400 0.12 0.13 400 to 600 0.12 0.14 600 to 630 0.14 0.16

[1] Resolution is 0.003 C [2] Applies for COMP OFF (to the 5522A Calibrator front panel NORMAL terminals) and 2-wire and 4-wire compensation. [3] Based on MINCO Application Aid No. 18

5522A Service Manual


DC Power Specification Summary

Voltage Range

Current Range

0.33 to 329.99 mA

0.33 to 2.9999 A

3 to 20.5 A

Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C, (% of watts output) [1]

90 days 33 mV to 1020 V 0.021 0.019 [2] 0.06 [2] 1 year 33 mV to 1020 V 0.023 0.022 [2] 0.07 [2] [1] To determine dc power uncertainty with more precision, see the individual DC Voltage Specifications, DC Current

Specifications, and Calculating Power Uncertainty. [2] Add 0.02 % unless a settling time of 30 seconds is allowed for output currents >10 A or for currents on the highest two current

ranges within 30 seconds of an output current >10 A.

AC Power (45 Hz to 65 Hz) Specification Summary, PF=1

Voltage Range

Current Range

3.3 to 8.999 mA

9 to 32.999 mA

33 to 89.99 mA

90 to 329.99 mA

Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C, (% of watts output) [1]

90 days 33 to 329.999 mV 0.13 0.09 0.13 0.09 330 mV to 1020 V 0.11 0.07 0.11 0.07

1 year 33 to 329.999 mV 0.14 0.10 0.14 0.10 330 mV to 1020 V 0.12 0.08 0.12 0.08

Voltage Range

Current Range [2]

0.33 to 0.8999 A

0.9 to 2.1999 A

2.2 to 4.4999 A

4.5 to 20.5 A

Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C, (% of watts output) [1]

90 days 33 to 329.999 mV 0.12 0.10 0.12 0.10 330 mV to 1020 V 0.10 0.08 0.11 0.09

1 year 33 to 329.999 mV 0.13 0.11 0.13 0.11 330 mV to 1020 V 0.11 0.09 0.12 0.10

[1] To determine ac power uncertainty with more precision, see the individual AC Voltage Specifications and AC Current Specifications and Calculating Power Uncertainty.

[2] Add 0.02 % unless a settling time of 30 seconds is allowed for output currents >10 A or for currents on the highest two current ranges within 30 seconds of an output current >10 A.

Power and Dual Output Limit Specifications

Frequency Voltages

(NORMAL) Currents

Voltages (AUX)

Power Factor (PF)

dc 0 to 1020 V 0 to 20.5 A 0 to 7 V 10 to 45 Hz 33 mV to 32.9999 V 3.3 mA to 2.99999 A 10 mV to 5 V 0 to 1 45 to 65 Hz 33 mV to 1020 V 3.3 mA to 20.5 A 10 mV to 5 V 0 to 1

65 to 500 Hz 330 mV to 1020 V 33 mA to 2.99999 A 100 mV to 5 V 0 to 1 65 to 500 Hz 3.3 to 1020 V 33 mA to 20.5 A 100 mV to 5 V 0 to 1

500 Hz to 1 kHz 330 mV to 1020 V 33 mA to 20.5 A 100 mV to 5 V 0 to 1 1 to 5 kHz 3.3 to 500 V 33 mA to 2.99999 A 100 mV to 5 V 0 to 1

5 to 10 kHz 3.3 to 250 V 33 to 329.99 mA 1 to 5 V 0 to 1 10 to 30 kHz 3.3 V to 250 V 33 mA to 329.99 mA 1 V to 3.29999 V 0 to 1

Notes The range of voltages and currents shown in DC Voltage Specifications, DC Current Specifications, AC Voltage (Sine Wave) Specifications, and AC Current (Sine Wave) Specifications are available in the power and dual output modes (except minimum current for ac power is 0.33 mA). However, only those limits shown in this table are specified. See Calculating Power Uncertainty to determine the uncertainty at these points. The phase adjustment range for dual ac outputs is 0 to 179.99 . The phase resolution for dual ac outputs is 0.01 degree.

Introduction and Specifications Detailed Specifications 1


Phase 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C, ()

10 to 65 Hz

65 to 500 Hz

500 Hz to 1 kHz

1 to 5 kHz

5 to 10 kHz

10 to 30 kHz

0.10 0.25 0.5 2.5 5 10 Note See Power and Dual Output Limit Specifications for applicable outputs.

Phase () Watts

Phase () VARs

PF Power Uncertainty Adder due to Phase Error

10 to 65 Hz

65 to 500 Hz

500 Hz to 1 kHz

1 to 5 kHz

5 to 10 kHz

10 to 30 kHz

0 90 1.000 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.10 % 0.38 % 1.52 % 10 80 0.985 0.03 % 0.08 % 0.16 % 0.86 % 1.92 % 4.58 % 20 70 0.940 0.06 % 0.16 % 0.32 % 1.68 % 3.55 % 7.84 % 30 60 0.866 0.10 % 0.25 % 0.51 % 2.61 % 5.41 % 11.54 % 40 50 0.766 0.15 % 0.37 % 0.74 % 3.76 % 7.69 % 16.09 % 50 40 0.643 0.21 % 0.52 % 1.04 % 5.29 % 10.77 % 22.21 % 60 30 0.500 0.30 % 0.76 % 1.52 % 7.65 % 15.48 % 31.60 % 70 20 0.342 0.48 % 1.20 % 2.40 % 12.08 % 24.33 % 49.23 % 80 10 0.174 0.99 % 2.48 % 4.95 % 24.83 % 49.81 % 100.00 % 90 0 0.000

To calculate exact ac Watts power adders due to phase uncertainty for values not shown, use the following formula:

( ) ( ) ) )(


+= Cos


For example: At 60 Hz, for a PF of .9205 ( = 23) and a phase uncertainty of = 0.10, the ac Watts power adder is:

( ) ( ) %074.0) 23

)10.(23 1(100% =+=

Cos CosAdder

Calculating Power Uncertainty

Overall uncertainty for power output in Watts (or VARs) is based on the root sum square (rss) of the individual uncertainties in percent for the selected voltage, current, and power factor parameters:

Watts uncertainty PFadder2current2voltage2power UUUU ++=

VARs uncertainty VARsadder2current2voltage2VARs UUUU ++=

Because there are an infinite number of combinations, you should calculate the actual ac power uncertainty for your selected parameters. The method of calculation is best shown in the following examples (using 1 year specifications):

Example 1 Output: 100 V, 1 A, 60 Hz, Power Factor = 1.0 (=0). Voltage Uncertainty Uncertainty for 100 V at 60 Hz is 190 ppm + 2 mV, totaling: 100 V x 190 x 10-6 = 19 mV added to 2 mV = 21 mV. Expressed in percent: 21 mV/100 V x 100 = 0.021 % (see AC Voltage (Sine Wave) Specifications).

Current Uncertainty Uncertainty for 1 A is 0.05 % 100 A, totaling: 1 A x 0.0005 = 500 A added to 100 A = 0.6 mA. Expressed in percent: 0. 6 mA/1 A x 100 = 0.06 % (see AC Current (Sine Waves) Specifications).

PF Adder Watts Adder for PF = 1 (=0) at 60 Hz is 0 % (see Phase Specifications).

Total Watts Output Uncertainty = %064.0006.0021.0 22 power =++= 2U

Example 2 Output: 100 V, 1 A, 400 Hz, Power Factor = 0.5 (=60) Voltage Uncertainty Uncertainty for 100 V at 400 Hz is, 190 ppm + 2 mV, totaling: 100 V x 190 x 10-6 = 19 mV added to 2 mV = 21 mV. Expressed in percent: 21 mV/100 V x 100 = 0.021 % (see AC Voltage (Sine Wave) Specifications).

Current Uncertainty Uncertainty for 1 A is 0.05 % 100 A, totaling: 1 A x 0.0005 = 500 A added to 100 A = 0.6 mA. Expressed in percent: 0.6 mA/1 A x 100 = 0.06 % (see AC Current (Sine Waves) Specifications).

PF Adder Watts Adder for PF = 0.5 (=60) at 400 Hz is 0.76 % (see Phase Specifications).

5522A Service Manual


Total Watts Output Uncertainty = % 22 power =++= 2

VARs When the Power Factor approaches 0.0, the Watts output uncertainty becomes unrealistic because the dominant characteristic is the VARs (volts-amps-reactive) output. In these cases, calculate the Total VARs Output Uncertainty, as shown in example 3:

Example 3 Output: 100 V, 1 A, 60 Hz, Power Factor = 0.174 (=80) Voltage Uncertainty Uncertainty for 100 V at 60 Hz is, 190 ppm + 2 mV, totaling: 100 V x 190 x 10-6 = 19 mV added to 2 mV = 21 mV. Expressed in percent: 21 mV/100 V x 100 = 0.021 % (see AC Voltage (Sine Wave) Specifications).

Current Uncertainty Uncertainty for 1 A is 0.05 % 100 A, totaling: 1 A x 0.0005 = 500 A added to 100 A = 0.6 mA. Expressed in percent: 0.6 mA/1 A x 100 = 0.06 % (see AC Current (Sine Waves) Specifications).

VARs Adder VARs Adder for =80 at 60 Hz is 0.03 % (see Phase Specifications).

Total VARS Output Uncertainty = % 22 VARs =++2

Additional Specifications The following paragraphs provide additional specifications for the 5522A Calibrator ac voltage and ac current functions. These specifications are valid after allowing a warm-up period of 30 minutes, or twice the time the 5522A has been turned off. All extended range specifications are based on performing the internal zero-cal function at weekly intervals, or when the ambient temperature changes by more than 5 C.


Frequency Range Resolution 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty,

tcal 5 C Jitter

0.01 to 119.99 Hz 0.01 Hz

2.5 ppm +5 Hz [1] 100 ns

120.0 to 1199.9 Hz 0.1 Hz 1.200 to 11.999 kHz 1.0 Hz 12.00 to 119.99 kHz 10 Hz 120.0 to 1199.9 kHz 100 Hz 1.200 to 2.000 MHz 1 kHz

[1] With REF CLK set to ext, the frequency uncertainty of the 5522A is the uncertainty of the external 10 MHz clock 5 Hz. The amplitude of the 10 MHz external reference clock signal should be between 1 V and 5 V p-p.

Harmonics (2nd to 50th) Fundamental Frequency


Voltages NORMAL Terminals

Currents Voltages

AUX Terminals Amplitude


10 to 45 Hz 33 mV to 32.9999 V 3.3 mA to 2.99999 A 10 mV to 5 V

Same % of output as the equivalent single output, but twice the floor adder.

45 to 65 Hz 33 mV to 1020 V 3.3 mA to 20.5 A 10 mV to 5 V 65 to 500 Hz 33 mV to 1020 V 33 mA to 20.5 A 100 mV to 5 V

500 Hz to 5 kHz 330 mV to 1020 V 33 mA to 20.5 A 100 mV to 5 V

5 to 10 kHz 3.3 to 1020 V 33 to 329.9999 mA 100 mV to 5 V

10 to 30 kHz 3.3 to 1020 V 33 to 329.9999 mA

100 mV to 3.29999 V

[1] The maximum frequency of the harmonic output is 30 kHz (10 kHz for 3.3 to 5 V on the Aux terminals). For example, if the fundamental output is 5 kHz, the maximum selection is the 6th harmonic (30 kHz). All harmonic frequencies (2nd to 50th) are available for fundamental outputs between 10 Hz and 600 Hz (200 Hz for 3.3 to 5 V on the Aux terminals).

Phase Uncertainty …………………………………………. Phase uncertainty for harmonic outputs is 1 degree or the phase

uncertainty shown in Phase Specifications for the particular output, whichever is greater. For example, the phase uncertainty of a 400 Hz fundamental output and 10 kHz harmonic output is 5 (from Phase Specifications). Another example, the phase uncertainty of a 50 Hz fundamental output and a 400 Hz harmonic output is 1 degree.

Introduction and Specifications Additional Specifications 1


Example of determining Amplitude Uncertainty in a Dual Output Harmonic Mode

What are the amplitude uncertainties for the following dual outputs?

NORMAL (Fundamental) Output: 100 V, 100 Hz …………………………………………. From AC Voltage (Sine Wave) 90 Day Specifications the single

output specification for 100 V, 100 Hz, is 0.015 % + 2 mV. For the dual output in this example, the specification is 0.015 % +4 mV as the 0.015 % is the same, and the floor is twice the value (2 x 2 mV).

AUX (50th Harmonic) Output: 100 mV, 5 kHz ………………………………………… From AC Voltage (Sine Wave) 90 Day Specifications the auxiliary

output specification for 100 mV, 5 kHz, is 0.15 % + 450 mV. For the dual output in this example, the specification is 0.15 % 900 mV as the 0.15 % is the same, and the floor is twice the value (2 x 450 mV).

AC Voltage (Sine Wave) Extended Bandwidth

Range Frequency 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty

tcal 5 C Max Voltage Resolution

Normal Channel (Single Output Mode)

1.0 to 33 mV 0.01 to 9.99 Hz (5.0 % of output

+0.5 % of range)

Two digits, e.g., 25 mV 34 to 330 mV Three digits

0.4 to 33 V Two digits

0.3 to 3.3 V 500.1 kHz to 1 MHz -10 dB at 1 MHz, typical

Two digits 1.001 to 2 MHz -31 dB at 2 MHz, typical

Auxiliary Output (Dual Output Mode)

10 to 330 mV 0.01 to 9.99 Hz (5.0 % of output

+0.5 % of range) Three digits

0.4 to 5 V Two digits

5522A Service Manual


AC Voltage (Non-Sine Wave)

Triangle Wave & Truncated Sine Range, p-p


Frequency 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C,

(% of output + % of range) [2]

Max Voltage Resolution

Normal Channel (Single Output Mode)

2.9 to 92.999 mV

0.01 to 10 Hz 5.0 + 0.5 Two digits on each range 10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits on each range 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 20 kHz 0.5 + 0.25

20 to 100 kHz [3] 5.0 + 0.5

93 to 929.999 mV

0.01 to 10 Hz 5.0 + 0.5 Two digits on each range 10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits on each range 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 20 kHz 0.5 + 0.25

20 to 100 kHz [3] 5.0 + 0.5

0.93 to 9.29999 V

0.01 to 10 Hz 5.0 + 0.5 Two digits on each range 10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits on each range 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 20 kHz 0.5 + 0.25

20 to 100 kHz [3] 5.0 + 0.5

9.3 to 93 V

0.01 to 10 Hz 5.0 + 0.5 Two digits on each range 10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits on each range 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 20 kHz 0.5 + 0.25

20 to 100 kHz [3] 5.0 + 0.5

Auxiliary Output (Dual Output Mode)

29 to 929.999 mV

0.01 to 10 Hz 5.0 + 0.5 Two digits on each range 10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits on each range 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25 1 to 10 kHz 5.0 + 0.5

0.93 to 9.29999 V

0.01 to 10 Hz 5.0 + 0.5 Two digits on each range 10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits on each range 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25 1 to 10 kHz 5.0 + 0.5

9.3 to 14.0000 V

0.01 to 10 Hz 5.0 + 0.5 Two digits on each range 10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits on each range 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25 1 to 10 kHz 5.0 + 0.5

[1] To convert p-p to rms for triangle wave, multiply the p-p value by 0.2886751. To convert p-p to rms for truncated sine wave, multiply the p-p value by 0.2165063.

[2] Uncertainty is stated in p-p. Amplitude is verified using an rms-responding DMM. [3] Uncertainty for Truncated Sine outputs is typical over this frequency band.

Introduction and Specifications Additional Specifications 1


AC Voltage (Non-Sine Wave) (cont.)

Square Wave Range (p-p)


Frequency 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty,

tcal 5 C, (% of output + % of range)


Max Voltage Resolution

Normal Channel (Single Output Mode)

2.9 to 65.999 mV

0.01 to 10 Hz 5.0 + 0.5 Two digits on each range 10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits on each range 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 20 kHz 0.5 + 0.25 20 to 100 kHz 5.0 + 0.5

66 to 659.999 mV

0.01 to 10 Hz 5.0 + 0.5 Two digits on each range 10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits on each range 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 20 kHz 0.5 + 0.25 20 to 100 kHz 5.0 + 0.5

0.66 to 6.59999 V

0.01 to 10 Hz 5.0 + 0.5 Two digits on each range 10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits on each range 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 20 kHz 0.5 + 0.25 20 to 100 kHz 5.0 + 0.5

6.6 to 66.0000 V

0.01 to 10 Hz 5.0 + 0.5 Two digits on each range 10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits on each range 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 20 kHz 0.5 + 0.25 20 to 100 kHz 5.0 + 0.5

Auxiliary Output (Dual Output Mode)

29 to 659.999 mV

0.01 to 10 Hz 5.0 + 0.5 Two digits on each range 10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits on each range 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 10 kHz [3] 5.0 + 0.5

0.66 to 6.59999 V

0.01 to 10 Hz 5.0 + 0.5 Two digits on each range 10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits on each range 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 10 kHz [3] 5.0 + 0.5

6.6 to 14.0000 V

0.01 to 10 Hz 5.0 + 0.5 Two digits on each range 10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits on each range 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 10 kHz [3] 5.0 + 0.5

[1] To convert p-p to rms for square wave, multiply the p-p value by 0.5. [2] Uncertainty is stated in p-p. Amplitude is verified using an rms-responding DMM. [3] Limited to 1 kHz for Auxiliary outputs 6.6 V p-p.

5522A Service Manual


AC Voltage, DC Offset

Range [1]

(Normal Channel) Offset Range [2]

Max Peak


1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C


(% of dc output + floor)

Sine Waves (rms)

3.3 to 32.999 mV 0 to 50 mV 80 mV 0.1 + 33 V 33 to 329.999 mV 0 to 500 mV 800 mV 0.1 + 330 V 0.33 to 3.29999 V 0 to 5 V 8 V 0.1 + 3300 V 3.3 to 32.9999 V 0 to 50 V 55 V 0.1 + 33 mV

Triangle Waves and Truncated Sine Waves (p-p)

9.3 to 92.999 mV 0 to 50 mV 80 mV 0.1 + 93 V 93 to 929.999 mV 0 to 500 mV 800 mV 0.1 + 930 V 0.93 to 9.29999 V 0 to 5 V 8 V 0.1 + 9300 V 9.3 to 93.0000 V 0 to 50 V 55 V 0.1 + 93 mV

Square Waves (p-p)

6.6 to 65.999 mV 0 to 50 mV 80 mV 0.1 + 66 V 66 to 659.999 mV 0 to 500 mV 800 mV 0.1 + 660 V 0.66 to 6.59999 V 0 to 5 V 8 V 0.1 + 6600 V 6.6 to 66.0000 V 0 to 50 V 55 V 0.1 + 66 mV

[1] Offsets are not allowed on ranges above the highest range shown above. [2] The maximum offset value is determined by the difference between the peak value of the selected voltage output and the

allowable maximum peak signal. For example, a 10 V p-p square wave output has a peak value of 5 V, allowing a maximum offset up to 50 V to not exceed the 55 V maximum peak signal. The maximum offset values shown above are for the minimum outputs in each range.

[3] For frequencies 0.01 to 10 Hz, and 500 kHz to 2 MHz, the offset uncertainty is 5 % of output, 1 % of the offset range.

AC Voltage, Square Wave Characteristics Risetime @

1 kHz Typical

Settling Time @ 1 kHz Typical

Overshoot @ 1 kHz Typical

Duty Cycle Range Duty Cycle Uncertainty

<1 s <10 s to 1 % of final value <2 % 1 % to 99 % <3.3 V p-p.

0,01 Hz to 100 kHz

(0.02 % of period + 100 ns), 50 % duty cycle (0.05 % of period + 100 ns), other duty cycles

from 10 % to 90 %

AC Voltage, Triangle Wave Characteristics (typical) Linearity to 1 kHz Aberrations

0.3 % of p-p value, from 10 % to 90 % point <1 % of p-p value, with amplitude >50 % of range

Introduction and Specifications Additional Specifications 1


AC Current (Non-Sine Wave) Triangle Wave &

Truncated Sine Wave Range


Frequency 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty tcal 5 C

(% of output + % of range) Max Current Resolution

0.047 to 0.92999 mA [1]

10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 10 kHz 10 + 2

0.93 to 9.29999 mA [1]

10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 10 kHz 10 + 2

9.3 to 92.9999 mA [1]

10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 10 kHz 10 + 2

93 to 929.999 mA [1]

10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.5

1 to 10 kHz 10 + 2

0.93 to 8.49999 A [2]

10 to 45 Hz 0.5 + 1.0

Six digits

45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.5 + 0.5

1 to 10 kHz 10 + 2

8.5 to 57 A [2] 45 to 500 Hz 0.5 + 0.5

500 Hz to 1 kHz 1.0 + 1.0

[1] Frequency limited to 1 kHz with LCOMP on. [2] Frequency limited to 440 Hz with LCOMP on.

5522A Service Manual


AC Current (Non-Sine Wave) (cont.) Square Wave

Range p-p Frequency

1-Year Absolute Uncertainty tcal 5 C (% of output + % of range)

Max Current Resolution

0.047 to 0.65999 mA [1]

10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 10 kHz 10 + 2

0.66 to 6.59999 mA [1]

10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 10 kHz 10 + 2

6.6 to 65.9999 mA [1]

10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.25

1 to 10 kHz 10 + 2

66 to 659.999 mA [1]

10 to 45 Hz 0.25 + 0.5

Six digits

45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.25 + 0.5

1 to 10 kHz 10 + 2

0.66 to 5.99999 A [2]

10 to 45 Hz 0.5 + 1.0

45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.5 + 0.5

1 to 10 kHz 10 + 2

6 to 41 A [2] 45 to 500 Hz 0.5 + 0.5

500 Hz to 1 kHz 1.0 + 1.0

[1] Frequency limited to 1 kHz with LCOMP on. [2] Frequency limited to 440 Hz with LCOMP on.

AC Current, Square Wave Characteristics (typical) Range LCOMP Risetime Settling Time Overshoot

I <6 A @ 400 Hz off 25 s 40 s to 1 % of final value <10 % for <1 V Compliance 3 A & 20 A Ranges on 100 s 200 s to 1 % of final value <10 % for <1 V Compliance

AC Current, Triangle Wave Characteristics (typical) Linearity to 400 Hz Aberrations

0.3 % of p-p value, from 10 % to 90 % point <1 % of p-p value, with amplitude >50 % of range


Chapter 2 Theory of Operation

Title Page

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 2-3 Encoder Assembly (A2) …………………………………………………………………………… 2-3 Synthesized Impedance Assembly (A5) …………………………………………………….. 2-4 DDS Assembly (A6) ……………………………………………………………………………….. 2-5 Current Assembly (A7) ……………………………………………………………………………. 2-6 Voltage Assembly (A8) …………………………………………………………………………… 2-7 Main CPU Assembly (A9) ……………………………………………………………………….. 2-7 Power Supplies ………………………………………………………………………………………. 2-8

Outguard Supplies ………………………………………………………………………………. 2-8 Inguard Supplies …………………………………………………………………………………. 2-8

Theory of Operation Introduction 2


Introduction This chapter gives a description of the analog and digital sections of the Calibrator at a block diagram level. Figure 2-1 shows the configuration of assemblies in the Calibrator. See Chapter 6 for a description of the Oscilloscope Calibration Option.

The Calibrator outputs:

DC voltage from 0 V to 1020 V.

AC voltage from 1 mV to 1020 V, with output from 10 Hz to 500 kHz.

AC current from 29 A to 20.5 A, with variable frequency limits.

DC current from 0 to 20.5 A.

Resistance values from a short circuit to 1100 M.

Capacitance values from 220 pF to 110 mF.

Simulated output for eight types of Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs).

Simulated output for eleven types of thermocouples.

Main CPU (A9)Filter (A12)Voltage (A8) Current (A7)

DDS (A6)Synthesized Impedance (A5)

Oscilloscope Calibration Option (A4) Encoder (A2)

Keyboard (A1)

Motherboard (A3)



Figure 2-1. 5522A Internal Layout

Encoder PCA (A2) The Encoder PCA (A2) has its own microprocessor and is in communication with the Main CPU PCA (A9) on the Rear Panel through a serial link. Memory for the Encoder PCA is contained in EPROM. The Encoder PCA is the interface to the Keyboard PCA (A1)

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Synthesized Impedance PCA (A5) The Synthesized Impedance PCA (A5) supplies variable resistance and capacitance outputs. It uses discrete resistors and capacitors as references, with an amplifier in series. Figure 2-2 is a block diagram of the synthesized resistance function. Figure 2-3 is a block diagram of the synthesized capacitance function.

For resistance synthesis, there is a two-wire compensation circuit, an input amplifier, two DACs (coarse and fine) with offset adjust, and an output LO buffer.

For capacitance synthesis, there is a two-wire compensation circuit, selectable references, an input amplifier, two DACs (coarse and fine), and an output LO buffer.

+ _


Rx =





Figure 2-2. Synthesized Resistance Function

Theory of Operation DDS PCA (A6) 2


+_ DAC




Cx = (1 + K) Cref



Cx =



Figure 2-3. Synthesized Capacitance Function

DDS PCA (A6) The DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) PCA (A6) has these functional blocks:

References for all voltage and current functions

Gain elements for voltage functions and thermocouple measurement and sources

7 V references

Thermocouple source and measurement amplifier

An A/D (Analog-to-Digital) measurement system to monitor all functions

Self-calibration circuitry

Zero calibration circuitry

Precision voltage channel DAC (VDAC)

Precision current channel DAC (IDAC)

Dual-channel DDS (Direct Digital Synthesizer)

These functional blocks, when used with the Voltage (A8) and/or Current (A7) assemblies, supply:

Single or dual channel ac and dc volts, amps, and watts

Offsettable and nonsinusoidal waveforms

Duty cycle

Thermocouple measurement and sourcing

Internal calibration and diagnostics

Digital control of all the analog assemblies

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DACS are used to control the level of dc signals and to control the amplitude of ac signals.

The dual-channel DDS (Direct Digital Synthesizer) supplies finely stepped digital sine, triangular, and other waveforms.

Current PCA (A7) The Current PCA outputs six current ranges (330 A, 3.3 mA, 33 mA, 330 mA, 3 A, and 20 A) and three voltage ranges (330 mV, 3.3 V, and 5 V) to the AUX outputs. The 20 A outputs are sourced through the 20 A AUX binding posts.

The Current PCA connects to the DDS PCA (A6). The Filter PCA (A12) supplies the high current power supplies.

The Current PCA (A7) has these functional blocks:

A supply that floats.

Several stages of transconductance amplifier.

Shunts that sense current and shunt amplifier. (These are the elements that set accuracy.)

AUX voltage function.

Power for the Current PCA is filtered by the Filter PCA (A12). Its common is isolated from SCOM by a shunt resistor.

Figure 2-4 is a block diagram of the current function. Note that the DDS PCA works together with the Current PCA to supply current outputs.




DDS PCA (A6) Current PCA (A7)

AC Converter

IDAC Error Amp

DDS Ch 1

Current Amp

Shunt Amp












Figure 2-4. Current Function (AUX Out Ranges)

Theory of Operation Voltage PCA (A8) 2


Voltage PCA (A8) The Voltage PCA (A8) supplies dc and ac voltage outputs in the range 3.3 V and above. It also supplies all the inguard supplies referenced to SCOM. See the Power Supplies section.

Figure 2-5 is a block diagram of the voltage function and shows the signal paths for dc and ac voltage outputs. The DAC shown in the figure is VDAC, which resides on the DDS PCA. Note that the voltage amplifier for outputs 3.3 V resides on the Voltage PCA, but the amplifier for voltage outputs <3.3 V is on the DDS PCA.

+ _

+ _


Error Amp DDS

AC Converter



Voltage Amp ( > 3.3V on A8,

< 3.3V on A6 )




Sense Amp


ac G 1




Figure 2-5. Voltage Function

Main CPU PCA (A9) The Main CPU PCA (A9) attached to the rear-panel assembly communicates with:

Inguard CPU on the DDS PCA (A6)

Display assembly CPU

Serial and IEEE interfaces

External amplifier (5725A)

The main CPU memory is Flash ROM. There is a real-time clock with a battery backup.

Each analog assembly has the same bus structure:

One or more Chip Select lines

Common data bus that connects to the motherboard, latched in by latches

A fault line that sets all modules to a safe condition if a malfunction is found

The routing of signals to the front panel jacks are controlled by output relays on the motherboard.

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Power Supplies AC line voltage is applied through a line filter to a power module in the rear panel. The module switches to accomodate four line voltages. The outputs of the power module are attached directly to the primaries of the mains transformer. The safety ground wire is attached from the power module to the rear panel.

Major internal grounds are SCOM, which is attached to OUTPUT LO and the guard shell, ICOM, which is the internal ground for the current function, and GCOM, which is the outguard common and is attached to earth ground.

Outguard Supplies The motherboard supplies the outguard power supplies: +12VG, -12VG, and +5VG. All the transformer connections for the outguard supplies come through one bundle of wires connected to the motherboard with P1. A row of test points in front of the fan lets you to connect to the raw and regulated supplies. The outguard supplies are used only by the CPU PCA (A9) and Encoder PCA (A2).

Inguard Supplies The inguard supplies are put on the Voltage PCA (A8). The mains transformer connections (inguard SCOM referenced) are connected to the Motherboard (A3). Current protection devices for each of the supplies are put on the Motherboard. It is unlikely these devices will blow unless there is a second fault since the regulators will limit current below the device ratings.

Filter capacitors for the high-current supply for the Current PCA (A7) are put on the Filter PCA (A12).

The inguard SCOM referenced supplies are +15 V, -15 V, +5 V, -5 V, and +5RLH. The +5 V and +5RLH supplies share the same raw supply. The +5RLH supply is used exclusively as a relay driver and is nominally approximately 6.3 V. Test points for these supplies are put in a row across the top of the Voltage PCA. The 65 V supplies are rectified and filtered on the motherboard but regulated on the Voltage PCA (A8).


Chapter 3 Calibration and Verification

Title Page

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 3-3 Equipment Necessary for Calibration and Verification ………………………………… 3-3 Calibration …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3-4

Start Calibration ………………………………………………………………………………….. 3-5 DC Volts Calibration (NORMAL Output) ……………………………………………… 3-5 DC Volts Calibration (30 V dc and Above) ……………………………………………. 3-6 AC Volts Calibration (NORMAL Output) ……………………………………………… 3-7 Thermocouple Function Calibration ………………………………………………………. 3-9 DC Current Calibration ……………………………………………………………………….. 3-10 AC Current Calibration ……………………………………………………………………….. 3-13 DC Volts Calibration (AUX Output) ……………………………………………………… 3-19 AC Volts Calibration (AUX Output) ……………………………………………………… 3-19 Resistance Calibration …………………………………………………………………………. 3-20 Capacitance Calibration ……………………………………………………………………….. 3-22

Calibration Remote Commands ………………………………………………………………… 3-24 How to Make a Calibration Report ……………………………………………………………. 3-30 Performance Verification Tests ………………………………………………………………… 3-31

How to Zero the Calibrator …………………………………………………………………… 3-31 DC Volts Verification (NORMAL Output) …………………………………………….. 3-31 DC Volts Verification (AUX Output) ……………………………………………………. 3-32 DC Current Verification ………………………………………………………………………. 3-33 Resistance Verification ………………………………………………………………………… 3-34 AC Voltage Verification (NORMAL Output) …………………………………………. 3-35 AC Voltage Verification (AUX Output) ………………………………………………… 3-37 AC Current Verification ………………………………………………………………………. 3-38 Capacitance Verification ……………………………………………………………………… 3-41 200 F to 110 mF Capacitance Verification …………………………………………… 3-43 Capacitance Measurement ……………………………………………………………………. 3-43 Measurement Uncertainty ……………………………………………………………………. 3-47 Thermocouple Simulation Verification (Sourcing) ………………………………….. 3-47 Thermocouple Measurement Verification ………………………………………………. 3-48 Phase Accuracy Verification, Volts and AUX Volts ………………………………… 3-48 Phase Accuracy Verification, Volts and Current ……………………………………… 3-49 Frequency Accuracy Verification ………………………………………………………….. 3-50

Calibration and Verification Introduction 3


Introduction Calibrate the Calibrator at the end of a 90 day or 1 year calibration interval. If you recalibrate on a 90 day interval, use the 90 day specifications, which gives higher performance. Use the verification procedure or a section of the procedure when it becomes necessary to make sure that the Calibrator does operate to its specifications.

Fluke recommends that you send the Calibrator to Fluke for calibration and verification. The Fluke Service Center uses a software-controlled verification procedure and supplies a test report that includes traceability to national standards. If you plan to calibrate or do a verification of the Calibrator at your site, use this chapter as a guide. The procedures in this chapter are manual versions of the software-controlled procedure used at the Fluke Service Center.

Equipment Necessary for Calibration and Verification Table 3-1 is a list of necessary equipment to calibrate and do a verification of the performance of the Calibrator. If a specified instrument is not available, you can use an equivalent instrument that has the same or better performance.

Table 3-1. Consolidated List of Required Equipment for Calibration and Verification

Qty Manufacturer Model Equipment Purpose

1 Fluke 5500A/LEADS Test lead set All functions

1 Fluke 8508A Reference Multimeter DC voltage, dc current, resistance, thermocouple measurement and sourcing

1 Fluke 752A Reference Divider 100:1, 10:1 DC voltage

1 Keithley 155 Null Detector DC voltage (calibrate Fluke 752A for dc voltage)

1 Fluke 742A-1k Resistance Standard, 1 k DC current

1 Fluke 742A-100 Resistance Standard, 100 DC current

1 Fluke 742A-10 Resistance Standard, 10 DC current

1 Fluke 742A-1 Resistance Standard, 1 DC current

1 Guildline 9230 0.1 shunt DC current, verification procedure only

1 Guildline 9230 0.01 shunt DC current

1 Fluke 742A-1M Resistance Standard, 1 M Resistance

1 Fluke 742A-10 M Resistance Standard, 10 M Resistance

1 Guildline 9334/100 M Resistance Standard, 100 M Resistance

1 Guildline 9334/1G Resistance Standard, 1G Resistance

1 Fluke PN 900394 Type N to dual banana adapter AC voltage

1 Fluke 5790A AC Measurement Standard AC voltage, ac current

1 Fluke A40 10 mA, 20 mA, 200 mA, 2 A current shunts

AC current

5522A Service Manual


Table 3-1. Consolidated List of Required Equipment for Calibration and Verification (cont.)

Qty Manufacturer Model Equipment Purpose

1 Fluke A40A 20 A current shunt AC current

1 Fluke 792A-7004 A40 Current Shunt Adapter AC current

1 various metal film resistors

1 k, 200 AC current

1 Fluke PM 9540/BAN Cable Set Capacitance

1 Fluke PM 6304C LCR Meter Capacitance

1 Fluke 5700A Calibrator Precision current source for ac/dc current transfers, and to use in conjunction with an Fluke 8508A DMM for thermocouple measurement function

1 ASTM 56 C Mercury thermometer Thermocouple measurement

1 various various Dewar flask and cap, mineral oil lag bath

Thermocouple measurement

1 North Atlantic





Precision Phase Meter [1] Phase

1 Fluke PN 690567 Fluke resistor network used as a shunt, 0.01 , 0.09 , 0.9 values needed


1 Hewlett-Packard 3458A Digital Multimeter Capacitance

1 Fluke 6680B Frequency Counter Frequency [1] If desired, the test uncertainty ratio (TUR) can be improved by characterizing the phase meter with a primary phase standard like

the Clarke-Hess 5500 before use.

Calibration The standard Calibrator has no internal hardware adjustments. Oscilloscope options have hardware adjustments. See Chapter 6. The Control Display steps you through the calibration procedure. Calibration occurs in these steps:

1. The Calibrator sources output values and you measure the outputs with a traceable measurement instrument of higher accuracy. The Calibrator automatically sets the outputs and instructs you to make external connections to applicable measurement instruments.

2. At each measure and enter step, you can push the OPTIONS, and BACK UP STEP softkeys to redo a step, or SKIP STEP to skip over a step.

3. You can type in the measured results through the front panel keyboard or remotely with an external terminal or computer.

Calibration and Verification Calibration 3


Note Intermixed with the output and measure procedures are internal 5520A calibration procedures where operator input is not necessary.

4. The Calibrator calculates a software correction factor and puts it in volatile memory.

5. When the calibration procedure is complete, you are instructed to put all the correction factors in nonvolatile memory or discard them and start again.

For most calibration procedures, the frequency and phase steps are not necessary. All the calibration steps are available from the front panel interface and the remote interface (IEEE-488 or serial). Frequency and phase calibration are recommended after instrument repair, and are available only through the remote interface (IEEE-488 or serial). See the Calibration Remote Commands section to learn more about calibration through the remote interface.

Start Calibration From the front panel, push the key, followed by the CAL softkey twice, and then the 5522A CAL softkey. The CALIBRATION SWITCH on the rear panel can be in the ENABLE or NORMAL position when you begin calibration. It must be set to ENABLE to store the correction factors into nonvolatile memory.

You start a calibration procedure when you push the 5522A CAL softkey. From this point:

1. The Calibrator automatically sets the outputs and prompts you to make external connections to applicable measurement instruments.

2. The Calibrator then goes into Operate mode, or instructs you to put it into Operate mode.

3. You are then instructed to type in the value read on the measurement instrument.

Note At each measure and enter step, to do a step again, push the OPTIONS, and BACK UP STEP softkey, or skip a step with the SKIP STEP softkey.

DC Volts Calibration (NORMAL Output) Table 3-2 is a list of equipment necessary to calibrate the dc volts function. (The equipment is also shown in the consolidated table, Table 3-1).

Table 3-2. Test Equipment Required for DC Volts Calibration

Qty Manufacturer Model Equipment

1 Fluke 5500A/LEADS Test lead set

1 Fluke 8508A Reference Multimeter

1 Fluke 752A Reference Divider

1 Keithley 155 Null Detector

To calibrate the dc voltage function:

1. On the Fluke 8508A put a 4-wire short (Fluke PN 2540973) across the HI and LO input and sense terminals.

2. Push DCV, then INPUT, and then ZERO FUNC. Allow the zero function to finish.

3. Make sure that the UUT (Unit Under Test) is in Standby.

4. Start the Calibrator calibration as instructed in the Start Calibration section.

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5. Do an internal DC Zeros Calibration as instructed.

6. Connect the test equipment as shown in Figure 3-1.

7. Measure and type in the values into the UUT for steps 1 through 6 in Table 3-3 as instructed. You will disconnect and reconnect the reference multimeter as instructed in these steps.

8. Make sure that the UUT is in Standby.

9. Connect the reference multimeter and Reference Divider to the UUT as shown in Figure 3-1.

10. For voltages 30 V dc and above, see the subsequent section.

Table 3-3. Calibration Steps for DC Volts

Step Calibrator Output (NORMAL)

1 1.000000 V

2 3.000000 V

3 -1.000000 V

4 -3.000000 V

5 0.0000 mV

6 300.0000 mV

7 30.00000 V

8 300.0000 V

9 1000.000 V


Set the 8508A to external guard

752A UUT


Figure 3-1. DC Volts Calibration Connections up to 30 V

DC Volts Calibration (30 V dc and Above) To calibrate the dc voltage function (30 Vdc and above):

Calibration and Verification Calibration 3


1. Before you use the 752A, do the self-calibration on the 752A with the null detector and a 20 V source. See the 752A documentation.

2. Connect the Calibrator (unit under test), 752A, and 8508A as in Figure 3-2. Make sure that the ground to guard strap on the 752A is not connected.

3. The 8508A must be used on the 10 Vdc range for all measurements. The 752A mode switch must be set to 10:1 for the 30 V measurement, and to 100:1 for all voltages more than 30 V.

4. Measure and type in the values into the UUT for steps 7 through 9 in Table 3-3 (30 V and above) as prompted.

5. Make sure that the UUT is in Standby and disconnect the test equipment.


Set the 8508A to external guard

752A UUT


Figure 3-2. DC Volts 30 V and Above Calibration Connections

AC Volts Calibration (NORMAL Output) Table 3-4 is a list of equipment necessary to calibrate the ac volts function. (The equipment is also shown in the consolidated table, Table 3-1.)

Table 3-4. Test Equipment Necessary for AC Volts Calibration

Qty Manufacturer Model Eqipment

1 Fluke 5500A/LEADS Test lead set

1 Fluke PN 900394 Type N to dual banana adapter

1 Fluke 5790A AC Measurement Standard

To calibrate the ac voltage function:

1. Measure the Calibrator output with Input 1 of a Fluke 5790A AC Measurement Standard. Use a Type N to dual banana adapter as Figure 3-3 shows.

2. Set the 5522A and 5790A to use an external guard connection.

3. Connect the guard to the output low connection at the normal output low terminal of the 5522A.

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4. Type in the measured values into the Calibrator for each step in Table 3-5 as instructed.

Table 3-5. AC Volts Calibration Steps

Steps 5522A Output (NORMAL)

Amplitude Frequency

1 3.29990 V 100.00 Hz

2 0.33000 V 100.00 Hz

3 3.00000 V 500.0 kHz

4 3.0 V 9.99 Hz

5 30.000 mV 100.00 Hz

6 300.000 mV 100.00 Hz

7 300.000 mV 500.0 kHz

8 30.0000 V 100.00 Hz

9 300.000 V 70.00 kHz

10 1000.00 V 100.00 Hz

11 1000.00 V 7.000 kHz


Set the 5790A to external guard

Make sure NORMAL LO is tied to GUARD terminal.


Figure 3-3. AC Volts Calibration Connections

Calibration and Verification Calibration 3


Thermocouple Function Calibration Table 3-6 is a list of equipment necessary to calibrate the thermocouple measure and source functions. (The equipment is also shown in the consolidated table, Table 3-1.)

Table 3-6. Test Equipment Necessary for Thermocouple Function Calibration

Qty Manufacturer Model Equipment

1 Fluke 5520A/LEADS Test lead set (includes Type-J thermocouple, wire, and mini plug)

4 feet various various 24-gauge solid copper telephone wire

1 ASTM 56C Mercury thermometer

1 various various Dewar flask and cap, mineral oil lag bath

1 Fluke 8508A Reference Multimeter

To calibrate the thermocouple function:

1. Make sure that the UUT is in standby.

2. With no connections to the UUT terminals, push the GO ON softkey as instructed to start TC calibration. Let the internal calibration steps complete.

3. Connect the 8508A to the TC terminals with solid copper telephone wire and a copper (uncompensated) TC miniplug as shown in Figure 3-4. Attach the wires directly to the Reference Multimeter binding posts. Set the Reference Multimeter to read dc millivolts.

4. Type the measured value into the UUT for step 1 in Table 3-7 as instructed.

5. Disconnect the test equipment.

6. Connect a Type-J thermocouple to the TC terminals on the UUT. Put the thermocouple and a precision mercury thermometer fully in to a mineral oil lag bath that is 2 C of ambient temperature. The test setup is shown in Figure 3-5.

7. Let the temperature measurement become stable for a minimum of 3 minute, then read the temperature on the mercury thermometer and type it into the UUT.

Table 3-7. Thermocouple Measurement Calibration Steps

Step 5522A Output (AUX HI, LO)

1 300 mV dc (NORMAL)

2 Enter temperature read from mercury thermometer as prompted

5522A Service Manual




Attach wires directly to binding posts


Figure 3-4. Thermocouple Source Calibration Connections






Dewar Flask and Cap

Mineral Oil Lag Bath

J type Thermocouple

Mercury Thermometer


Figure 3-5. Thermocouple Measure Calibration Connections

DC Current Calibration Table 3-8 is a list of equipment necessary to calibrate the dc current function. (The equipment is also listed in Table 3-1.)

You must use the calibrated dc current function of the Calibrator later to prepare for ac calibration. Because of this, you must save the dc current constants after dc current calibration and exit calibration, then resume calibration. This dc current calibration procedure shows how to save, exit, and resume calibration.

Calibration and Verification Calibration 3


Table 3-8. Test Equipment Necessary for DC Current Calibration

Qty Manufacturer Model Equipment

1 Fluke 5500A/LEADS Test lead set

1 Fluke 8508A Reference Multimeter

1 Fluke 742A-1k Resistance Standard, 1 k

1 Fluke 742A-100 Resistance Standard, 100

1 Fluke 742A-10 Resistance Standard, 10

1 Fluke 742A-1 Resistance Standard, 1

1 Guildline 9230 0.01 shunt

To calibrate the dc current function:

1. On the Fluke 8508A put a 4-wire short (Fluke PN 2540973) across the HI and LO input and sense terminals.

2. Push DCV, then INPUT, and then ZERO FUNC. Allow the zero function to finish.

3. Make sure that the UUT is in standby.

4. Set the 8508A to measure dc voltage.

5. Connect the 8508A and 742A-1k Resistance Standard to the UUT as shown in Figure 3-6.

6. On the first dc current calibration point in Table 3-9, let the output become stable, record the 8508A voltage measurement, and compute the UUT current output with the certified resistance value of the 742A.

7. Type in the calculated value into the UUT.

8. Continue to the subsequent calibration point, make sure that the UUT is in standby, and disconnect the 742A.

9. Do steps 3 through 6 again with the resistance standard or current shunt specified for each calibration point in Table 3-9.

10. Exit calibration and save the calibration constants that were changed so far with the front panel menus or the CAL_STORE remote command.

Table 3-9. DC Current Calibration Steps

Step 5522A Output (AUX HI, LO) Shunt to Use

1 300.000 A Fluke 742A-1k 1 k Resistance Standard

2 3.00000 mA Fluke 742A-100 100 Resistance Standard

3 30.000 mA Fluke 742A-10 10 Resistance Standard

4 300.000 mA Fluke 742A-1 1 Resistance Standard

5 2.00000 A Guildline 9230 0.01 shunt

20A, LO

6 10.0000 A Guildline 9230 0.01 shunt

5522A Service Manual


AUX output terminals are used for steps 1-5. 20A terminal is used for step 6.



Current shunt

Set the 8508A to external guard


Figure 3-6. DC Current Calibration Connections

Calibration and Verification Calibration 3


AC Current Calibration

Note DC current must be calibrated before you do the ac current calibration.

The ac current calibration uses a number of current shunts that must be dc characterized before they can be used. You can do the dc characterization with the Calibrator, but you must do the complete Calibrator dc current calibration first. In the dc characterization procedure, data is collected for each of the ac current levels that is necessary for the ac current calibration procedure. For example, if a shunt is used for 0.33 mA ac and 3.3 mA ac calibrations, you must get data at .33 mA dc and 3.3 mA dc.

Follow these steps to characterize the shunt:

Connect the test equipment as shown in Figure 3-7.

UUT 5790A

Metal film resistor in enclosure


Set 5790A to external guard



Figure 3-7. AC Current Calibration with Fluke A40 Shunt Connections

For each amplitude shown in Table 3-11, apply the equivalent +(positive) and (negative) dc current from the Calibrator.

Calculate the actual dc characterization value with this formula:

((+ value) (- value)) 2

The time between the dc characterization of a current shunt and its use in the calibration procedure must be kept to a minimum. To decrease this time, each shunt is characterized immediately before you use it. As the ac current calibration procedure is done, it must be temporarily aborted each time a new shunt value is necessary. After the shunt is characterized, the calibration procedure is continued at the point immediately before.

An example of this procedure:

1. Do the dc current calibration procedure.

2. In Table 3-11, select the first current shunt (A40-10 mA)

3. Do a dc characterization of the shunt at the amplitude specified in the table (as demonstrated above).

4. Do the ac current calibration procedure again and push the SKIP STEP softkey to go

5522A Service Manual


to the step(s) where shunt characterization is necessary.

5. Set the Calibrator to OPERATE and measure the ac voltage across the shunt.

6. Use the data collected in the dc characterization with the ac correction factors supplied for the shunt by the manufacturer to calculate the ac current. Type this value into the calibrator.

7. Continue this procedure until you do all the steps in Table 3-11.

Some of the important remote commands used in this procedure are:

CAL_START MAIN, AI Start the ac current calibration procedure.

CAL_SKIP Skip to the appropriate calibration step.

CAL_ABORT Used to exit calibration between steps.

CAL_NEXT Perform the next calibration step.

CAL_STORE Store the new calibration constants

Because of the complexity of this procedure, it is recommended that the procedure be automated. See Figure 3-9 for a MET/CAL code fragment that demonstrates an automated calibration procedure.

Table 3-10 is a list of equipment necessary to calibrate the ac current function. (The equipment is also shown in the Table 3-1.) Refer to Figure 3-8 for the equipment connections.

Table 3-10. Test Equipment Necessary for AC Current Calibration

Qty Manufacturer Model Equipment

1 Fluke 5500A/LEADS Test lead set

1 Fluke PN 900394 Type N to dual banana adapter

1 Fluke 5790A AC Measurement Standard

1 Fluke A40-10 mA Current Shunt, 10 mA

1 Fluke A40-200 mA Current Shunt, 200 mA

1 Fluke A40-2A Current Shunt, 2 A

1 Fluke A40A-20A Current Shunt, 20 A

1 Fluke 792A-7004 A40 Current Shunt Adapter

Table 3-11. AC Current Calibration Steps

Steps 5522A Output (AUX HI, LO)

Amplitude Frequency Shunt to Use

1 3.29990 mA 100.00 Hz Fluke A40 10 mA

2 0.33000 mA 100.00 Hz Fluke A40 10 mA

3 3.00000 mA 10.00 kHz Fluke A40 10 mA

4 3.00000 mA 30.000 kHz Fluke A40 10 mA

5 0.30000 mA 100.00 Hz Fluke A40 10 mA

6 0.30000 mA 10.00 kHz Fluke A40 10 mA

Calibration and Verification Calibration 3


Table 3-11. AC Current Calibration Steps (cont.)

Steps 5522A Output (AUX HI, LO)

Amplitude Frequency Shunt to Use

7 0.30000 mA 30.00 kHz Fluke A40 10 mA

8 30.0000 mA 100.00 Hz Fluke A40 200 mA

9 30.0000 mA 10.00 kHz Fluke A40 200 mA

10 30.0000 mA 30.00 kHz Fluke A40 200 mA

11 300.000 mA 100.00 Hz Fluke A40 2 A

12 300.000 mA 10.00 kHz Fluke A40 2 A

13 300.000 mA 30.00 kHz Fluke A40 2 A

14 2.00000 A 100.00 Hz Fluke A40 2 A

15 2.00000 A 1000.0 Hz Fluke A40 2 A

16 2.00000 A 5000.0 Hz Fluke A40 2 A

17 2.00000 A 60.00 Hz Fluke A40 2 A

18 2.00000 A 100.00 Hz Fluke A40 2 A

19 2.00000 A 440.00 Hz Fluke A40 2 A


20 10.0000 A 100.00 Hz Fluke A40A 20 A

21 10.0000 A 500.00 Hz Fluke A40A 20 A

22 10.0000 A 1000.00 Hz Fluke A40A 20 A

23 10.0000 A 60.00 Hz Fluke A40A 20 A

24 10.0000 A 100.00 Hz Fluke A40A 20 A

25 10.0000 A 440.00 Hz Fluke A40A 20 A

5522A Service Manual


UUT 5790A 5790A

Set the 5790A to external guard


A40A Shunt


Ensure the UUT is connected to the shunt «INPUT»


Figure 3-8. AC Current Calibration with Fluke A40A Shunt Connection

Calibration and Verification Calibration 3


Fluke Corporation — Worldwide Support Center MET/CAL Procedure



DATE: 22-Sep-98

AUTHOR: Gary Bennett, Metrology Specialist








# 10 Sep 98 changed Cal_Info? commands to Out? and checked for 10A —

# needs cal_next to get past display; check for 0 out when ACI is done.


1.001 ASK- R Q N U C F W


# Set M[10] to 3mA initially

1.003 MATH M[10] = 0.003

# Reset UUT — get it out of calibration mode.

1.004 IEEE *CLS;*RST; *OPC?[I]

1.005 IEEE ERR?[I$][GTL]

1.006 MATH MEM1 = FLD(MEM2,1,»,»)

1.007 JMPT

1.008 IEEE CAL_SW?[I][GTL]

1.009 MEME

1.010 JMPZ 1.012

1.011 JMP 1.015


1.013 DISP The UUT CALIBRATION switch is in NORMAL.

1.013 DISP

1.013 DISP The switch MUST be in ENABLE to store the

1.013 DISP new calibration constants.

1.013 DISP

1.013 DISP Select ENABLE, then press «Advance» to

1.013 DISP continue with the calibration process.

1.014 JMP 1.008

# Reset 5790A standard.

1.015 ACMS *

1.016 5790 * S

1.017 HEAD DCI References

1.018 PIC 552A410m

1.019 IEEE OUT 3.2999mA, 0HZ; OPER; *OPC?[I][GTL]

1.020 IEEE [D30000][GTL]

1.021 ACMS G

1.022 5790 A SH N 2W

Figure 3-9. Sample MET/CAL Program

5522A Service Manual


1.023 MATH M[17] = MEM

# Apply nominal -DC Current to A40

1.024 IEEE OUT -3.2999mA, 0HZ; OPER; *OPC?[I][GTL]

1.025 IEEE [D5000][GTL]

1.026 ACMS G

1.027 5790 A SH N 2W

1.028 MATH M[17] = (ABS(MEM) + M[17]) / 2

1.029 IEEE OUT .33mA, 0HZ; OPER; *OPC?[I][GTL]

1.030 IEEE [D15000][GTL]

1.031 ACMS G

1.032 5790 A SH N 2W

1.033 MATH M[18] = MEM

# Apply nominal -DC Current to A40

1.034 IEEE OUT -.33mA, 0HZ; OPER; *OPC?[I][GTL]

1.035 IEEE [D5000][GTL]

1.036 ACMS G

1.037 5790 A SH N 2W

1.038 MATH M[18] = (ABS(MEM) + M[18]) / 2

1.039 IEEE OUT 3mA, 0HZ; OPER; *OPC?[I][GTL]

1.040 IEEE [D15000][GTL]

1.041 ACMS G

1.042 5790 A SH N 2W

1.043 MATH M[19] = MEM

# Apply nominal -DC Current to A40

1.044 IEEE OUT -3mA, 0HZ; OPER; *OPC?[I][GTL]

1.045 IEEE [D5000][GTL]

1.046 ACMS G

1.047 5790 A SH N 2W

1.048 MATH M[19] = (ABS(MEM) + M[19]) / 2



1.051 HEAD Calibrating 3.2999mA @ 100Hz

# cal_next is required for initial start.

# after sending AIG330U if you send cal_next 5520A tries to

# start the cal at that time.

# 3.2999mA @ 100Hz


1.053 IEEE [D5000][GTL]

1.054 ACMS G

1.055 5790 A SH N 2W

# Calculate difference between the average value of both polarities of DC

# Current and the applied AC Current.

1.056 MATH M[21] = 0.0032999 — (.0032999 * (1 — (MEM / M[17])))

Figure 3-9. Sample MET/CAL Program (cont.)

Calibration and Verification Calibration 3


# Determine measurement frequency to retrieve correct AC-DC difference value.

1.057 IEEE OUT?[I$][GTL]

1.058 MATH M[2] = FLD(MEM2,5,»,») # Retrieve AC-DC difference from data file named «A40-10mA» 1.059 DOS get_acdc A40-10mA 1.060 JMPT 1.064 1.061 OPBR An error occurred during get_acdc 1.061 OPBR Press YES to try again or NO to terminate. 1.062 JMPT 1.059 1.063 JMP 1.231 # Correct the calculated value of AC Current by adding the AC-DC difference # of the A40-series shunt used at the frequency under test 1.064 MATH MEM = (M[21] * MEM) + M[21] # Store corrected value into the UUT 1.065 IEEE CAL_NEXT [MEM]; *OPC?[I][GTL] 1.066 IEEE ERR?[I$][GTL] 1.067 MATH MEM1 = FLD(MEM2,1,»,») 1.068 JMPT 1.231 # ‘Ask’ UUT for next value to calibrate 1.069 IEEE CAL_REF?[I][GTL]

Figure 3-9. Sample MET/CAL Program (cont.)

DC Volts Calibration (AUX Output) To calibrate the auxiliary dc voltage function, use the same procedure used for the normal dc voltage output, but connect to the AUX HI and LO terminals on the UUT. Table 3-12 is a list of the calibration steps for AUX dc volts.

Table 3-12. AUX DC Volts Calibration Steps

Step 5522A Output (AUX)

1 300.000 mV

2 3.00000 V

3 7.00000 V

AC Volts Calibration (AUX Output) To calibrate the auxiliary ac voltage function, use the same procedure used for the normal ac voltage output, but connect to the AUX HI and LO terminals on the UUT. Table 3-13 is a list of the calibration steps for AUX dc volts.

Table 3-13. AUX Output AC Volts Calibration Steps

Step 5522A Output (AUX)

Amplitude Frequency

1 300.000 mV 100 Hz

2 300.000 mV 5 kHz

3 3.00000 V 100 Hz

4 3.00000 V 5 kHz

5 5.0000 V 100 Hz

6 5.0000 V 5 kHz

7 3.0 V 9.99 Hz

5522A Service Manual


Resistance Calibration Table 3-14 is a list of equipment necessary to calibrate the resistance function. (The equipment is also shown in the consolidated table, Table 3-1.)

Table 3-14. Test Equipment Necessary for Resistance Calibration

Qty Manufacturer Model Equipment

1 Fluke 5500A/LEADS Test lead set

1 Fluke 8508A Reference Multimeter

To calibrate the resistance function:

1. On the Fluke 8508A put a 4-wire short (Fluke PN 2540973) across the HI and LO input and sense terminals.

2. Push Ohms, then INPUT, and then ZERO FUNC. Allow the zero function to finish.

3. Make sure that the UUT (Unit Under Test) is in Standby.

4. Follow the instructions on the Control Display to connect the 8508A to the UUT for 4 wire ohms measurement as shown in Figure 3-10.

5. Push the GO ON softkey and let the internal calibration steps complete.

6. Measure and type the values into the UUT for calibration steps 1 through 8 in Table 3-15 as instructed.

7. Connect the UUT to the 8508A in a 2-wire ohms configuration as shown in Figure 3-11.

8. On the 8508A, set the function to OHMS. In the Ohms Config menu, turn on LoI and turn off Fast and 4w. Set the applicable resistance range for each step in Table 3-15.

9. Measure and type the values into the UUT for calibration steps 9 through 16 in Table 3-15 as instructed.

10. Make sure that the UUT is in standby and disconnect the equipment.

Table 3-15. Resistance Calibration Steps

Step 5522A Output (4-Wire Ohms, NORMAL and AUX)

1 1.0000

2 11.0000

3 110.0000

4 0.350000 k

5 1.100000 k

6 3.50000 k

7 11.00000 k

8 35.0000 k

2-Wire Ohms, NORMAL

9 110.0000 k

10 0.350000 M

Calibration and Verification Calibration 3


Table 3-15. Resistance Calibration Steps (cont.)

Step 5522A Output (2-Wire Ohms, NORMAL)

11 1.100000 M

12 3.50000 M

13 11.00000 M

14 35.0000 M

15 110.000 M

16 400.00 M




Figure 3-10. 4-Wire Resistance Connection




Figure 3-11. 2-Wire Resistance Connection

5522A Service Manual


Capacitance Calibration Table 3-16 is a list of equipment necessary to calibrate the capacitance function. (The equipment is also shown Table 3-1.)

Table 3-16. Test Equipment Necessary for Capacitance Calibration

Qty Manufacturer Model Equipment

1 Fluke PM 9540/BAN Cable Set

1 Fluke PM 6304C LCR Meter

To calibrate the capacitance function:

1. Connect the UUT to the LCR meter with the Fluke PM 9540/BAN cables as shown in Figure 3-12. These special cables remove the necessity for a four-wire connection.

Note Make sure there are no other connections to the Calibrator, especially the SCOPE BNC. More ground connections to the Calibrator can cause erroneous capacitance outputs.

2. Set the frequency on the LCR meter as shown in Table 3-17.

3. Measure and type the values into the UUT for the calibration steps in Table 3-17 as instructed. The right column in the table shows the best stimulus frequency for each calibration point.

4. Make sure that the UUT is in Standby and disconnect the LCR meter.

Table 3-17. Capacitance Calibration Steps

Step 5522A Output (NORMAL)

Calibrator Output Best Stimulus Frequency

1 200 pF 1 kHz

2 0.5000 nF 1 kHz

3 1.1000 nF 1 kHz

4 3.5000 nF 1 kHz

5 11.0000 nF 1 kHz

6 35.000 nF 1 kHz

7 110.000 nF 1 kHz

8 0.35000 F 100 Hz

9 1.10000 F 100 Hz

10 3.3000 F 100 Hz

11 11.0000 F 100 Hz

12 33.000 F 100 Hz

Calibration and Verification Calibration 3



PM9540/BAN Cable



Figure 3-12. Capacitance Calibration Connection

Precision Phase Meter



AUX Output





Figure 3-13. Normal Volts and AUX Volts Phase Verification Connection

5522A Service Manual




CH2 Precision Phase Meter

0.1 Ohm shunt placed as closely as possible to the AUX terminals of the 5522A

If the Phase Meter LO terminals are not common use a short between NORMAL LO and AUX LO on the 5522A


Figure 3-14. Volts and Current Phase Verification Connection

Calibration Remote Commands Calibration of the calibrator with remote commands is simple. To access the standard calibration steps, send the command:


To jump to specified calibration steps, you can append a modifier to this command. Table 3-18 is a list of calibration entry points.

Table 3-18. Calibration Entry Points in Remote

Entry Points for CAL_START MAIN Modifier

AC Volts AV

Thermocouple Measuring TEMPX

DC Current ICAL

AC Current AI

AUX DC Volts V2


Resistance R

Capacitance C

AC Volts AV

Calibration and Verification Calibration Remote Commands 3


To go directly to ac volts calibration, send:


To go directly to resistance calibration, send:


These calibration commands can be used through the IEEE-488 or serial interface. To use the serial interface without a calibration program:

1. Connect the applicable COM port from a PC to the Serial 1 connector of the Calibrator, with a Fluke PM8914 cable.

2. In Microsoft Windows, open the Terminal program. Set the communications parameters to the values of the Calibrator.

3. Push . Type the calibration command, for example, CAL_START MAIN.

What follows is a list of remote calibration commands for the Calibrator. The common commands in this list do not show the * character that must be the first character of the command. These remote commands duplicate what can be initiated through the front panel of the Calibrator when it is set to local mode.

IEEE-488 (GPIB) and RS-232 Applicability Each command title shown in this section shares the same remote interface applicability, IEEE-488 (general purpose interface bus, or GPIB) and RS-232 remote operations, and command group: Sequential, Overlapped, and Coupled.

IEEE-488 RS-232 Sequential Overlapped Coupled

Sequential Commands Commands executed immediately as they are found in the data stream are called sequential commands. A command that is not overlapped or coupled is sequential.

Overlapped Commands Commands that require additional time to execute are called overlapped commands because they can overlap the next command before execution is done.

Coupled Commands Some commands are coupled commands because they couple in a compound command sequence. You must be careful to make sure that one command does not disable the second command and thereby cause a fault.


Description: Instructs the Calibrator to abort the calibration procedure after the present step

Example: CAL_ABORT

5522A Service Manual



Description: Skip to the subsequent entry point in calibration procedure.


Description: Sends a calibration date related to the stored calibration constants.

The date is sent with the same format as the CLOCK command.

Parameter: Which date: MAIN, ZERO, OHMSZERO, SCOPE

Response: The date


Description: Sends the number of days and hours since the last calibration constants were stored.

Parameter: Which date: MAIN, ZERO, OHMSZERO, SCOPE

Response: 1. (Integer) Days

2. (Integer) Hours


Description: Set the procedure «fault action» flag. Procedures refer to calibration and diagnostic procedures. This command is more useful for diagnostics than calibration.

Parameter: (Character) CONT to continue on faults or ABORT to abort on faults

Example: CAL_FACT ABORT (this is the default)


Description: Get the procedure «fault action» flag.

Response: (Character) CONT or ABORT

Example: ABORT


Description: Get information about calibration error (if one occurred).

Response: 1. error number (use EXPLAIN? command to interpret)

2. Name of step where error occurred


Description: Sends message or instructions related to the present step.

Response: (String) the message string

Calibration and Verification Calibration Remote Commands 3



Description: Continue a calibration procedure if it is stopped for a CAL_NEXT command.

Parameter: (Optional) reference value (used if it’s waiting for a reference) If the reference value has no unit, the unit is assumed to be that returned by the CAL_REF? command

Example: CAL_NEXT

CAL_NEXT 2.999987


Description: Sends nominal value possible for reference entry.

Response: 1. The nominal value

2. The accepted or implied unit

3. Example: 3.000000e+00,V


Description: Skip to the subsequent entry point in calibration procedure.


Description: Skip to the subsequent section of calibration procedure.


Description: Start a calibration procedure.

Parameter: 1. Procedure name:

MAIN is the procedure for the 5520A minus a scope cal option

ZERO is the internal procedure to correct zero offsets

OHMSZERO is the internal procedure to touch up resistance offsets

SCOPE is the procedure for the 5520A-SC300 scope cal option

SC600 is the procedure for the 5520A-SC600 scope cal option

SC1100 is the procedure for the 5522A-SC1100 cal option

DIAG is the diagnostic pseudo-cal procedure

NOT aborts a procedure after the step underway

2. (Optional) name of the step at which to start.

If this parameter is not supplied, calibration starts at the start.



5522A Service Manual



Description: Sends state of calibration.

Response: RUN — In a calibration step

REF — Stopped for a CAL_NEXT with reference (measurement) value

INS — Instruction available, stopped for a CAL_NEXT

NOT — Not in a calibration procedure (or at end of one)


Description: Sends name of step currently running.

Response: (Char) the step name

Example: IDAC_RATIO (running IDAC ratio calibration)

NOT (not running a calibration procedure now)


Description: Store new calibration constants (CAL switch must be ENABLED).


Description: Sends if a cal store is necessary or not.

Response: 1 is yes, 0 if no


Description: Sends how the calibration switch is set.

Response: (Integer) 1 for enable, 0 for normal

Example: 1


Description: Sets the End-Of-File character string used for calibration reports.

The maximum length is two characters. The EOF character is kept in nonvolatile memory.

Parameter: The EOF string (two characters maximum)


Description: Sends the End-Of-File character string used for calibration reports.

Parameter: None

Response: (String) The End-Of-File character string

Calibration and Verification Calibration Remote Commands 3



Description: Prints a self-calibration report out of one of the serial ports

Parameter: 1. Type of report to print: STORED, ACTIVE, or CONSTS

2. Format of report: PRINT (designed to be read)

SPREAD (designed to be loaded into a spreadsheet)

3. Calibration interval to be used for instrument specifications in the report: I90D (90 day specifications) or I1Y (1 year specifications)

4. Serial port out which to print report: HOST or UUT



Description: Sends a self-calibration report.

Parameter: 1. Type of report to send: STORED, ACTIVE, or CONSTS

2. Format of report: PRINT (designed to be read)

SPREAD (designed to be loaded into a spreadsheet)

3. Calibration interval to be used for instrument specifications in the report: I90D (90 day specifications) or I1Y (1 year specifications)



Description: Sets the page length used for calibration reports. This parameter is stored in nonvolatile memory.

Parameter: Page length


Description: Sends the page length used for calibration reports.

Parameter: None

Response: (Integer) Page length


Description: Sets the user report string used for calibration reports. The string is stored in nonvolatile memory. The CALIBRATION switch must be set to ENABLE.

Parameter: String of a maximum of 40 characters

5522A Service Manual



Description: Sends the user report string used for calibration reports.

Parameter: None

Response: (String) A maximum of 40 characters


Description: Stops a calibration report print job if one was queued to print.

Parameter: None


Description: Sends specified uncertainties for the present output. If there is no specification for an output, the uncertainty sent is zero.

Parameter: 1. (Optional) The preferred unit in which to express the primary output uncertainty (default is PCT).

2. (Optional) The preferred unit in which to express the secondary output uncertainty (default is same as primary unit).

Response: 1. (Float) 90 day specified uncertainty of primary output.

2. (Float) 1 year specified uncertainty of primary output.

3. (Character) unit of primary output uncertainty.

4. (Float) 90 day specified uncertainty of secondary output.

5. (Float) 1 year specified uncertainty of secondary output.

6. (Character) unit of secondary output uncertainty.

Example: With a power output of 1V, 1A, 1kHz: UNCERT? Sends 2.00E-02,2.10E-02,PCT,4.60E-02,6.00E-02,PCT

How to Make a Calibration Report Three different calibration reports are available from the Calibrator, each one formatted to print, or in comma-separated variable format for importation into a spreadsheet. Use the REPORT SETUP softkey below UTILITY FUNCTS / CAL to select lines per page, calibration interval, type of report, format, and which serial port to use. The specification shown in these reports is contingent on the interval set in the REPORT SETUP menu.

The three report types are:

stored, lists output shifts as a result of the most recent stored calibration constants.

active, lists output shifts as a result of a calibration just performed but whose calibration constants are not yet stored.

consts, which is a listing of the active set of raw calibration constant values.

Calibration and Verification Performance Verification Tests 3


Performance Verification Tests The tests that follow are used to verify the performance of the Calibrator. If an out-of- tolerance condition is found, the instrument can be re-calibrated with the front panel or the remote interface.

Use the same test equipment and connection methods as used in the manual calibration procedures in this Chapter.

Zero the Calibrator before you do a test. See the Zeroing the Calibrator section.

How to Zero the Calibrator When you zero the Calibrator, it recalibrates internal circuitry. This includes the dc offsets in all ranges of operation. Zero the Calibrator on a 7 day interval, or when the Calibrator ambient temperature changes by more than 5 C so the Calibrator operates to the specifications in Chapter 1. There are two Calibrator zero functions: total instrument zero (ZERO) and ohms-only zero (OHMS ZERO). Before you do the verification tests, do the total instrument zero.

To zero the calibrator:

Note The Calibrator rear-panel CALIBRATION switch does not have to be set to ENABLE for this procedure.

Turn on the Calibrator and let it warm-up for a minimum of 30 minutes.

1. Push .

2. Install a low-ohm copper short circuit across the 20 A and AUX LO terminals.

3. Push . This opens the setup menu.

4. Push the CAL softkey. This opens the calibration information menu.

5. Push the CAL softkey.

6. Push the ZERO softkey to totally zero the Calibrator. When the zero procedure is done (20 minutes), push to reset the calibrator.

DC Volts Verification (NORMAL Output) Make sure the Calibrator outputs the voltage between the high and low limits shown in Table 3-19. Use the same procedures and equipment that are in the manual calibration section.

Table 3-19. Verification Tests for DC Voltage (NORMAL Output)

Range Output Low Limit High Limit

329.9999 mV 0.0000 mV -0.0010 mV 0.0010 mV

329.9999 mV 329.0000 mV 328.9941 mV 329.0059 mV

329.9999 mV -329.0000 mV -329.0059 mV -328.9941 mV

3.299999 V 0.000000 V -0.000002 V 0.000002 V

3.299999 V 1.000000 V 0.999989 V 1.000011 V

3.299999 V -1.000000 V -1.000011 V -0.999989 V

3.299999 V 3.290000 V 3.289968 V 3.290032 V

3.299999 V -3.290000 V -3.290032 V -3.289968 V

5522A Service Manual


Table 3-19. Verification Tests for DC Voltage (NORMAL Output) (cont.)

Range Output Low Limit High Limit

32.99999 V 0.00000 V -0.00002 V 0.00002 V

32.99999 V 10.00000 V 9.99988 V 10.00012 V

32.99999 V -10.00000 V -10.00012 V -9.99988 V

32.99999 V 32.90000 V 32.89965 V 32.90035 V

32.99999 V -32.90000 V -32.90035V -32.89965 V

329.9999 V 50.0000 V 49.9991 V 50.0009 V

329.9999 V 329.0000 V 328.9949 V 329.0051 V

329.9999 V -50.0000 V -50.0009 V -49.9991 V

329.9999 V -329.0000 V -329.0051 V -328.9949 V

1000.000 V 334.000 V 333.993 V 334.007 V

1000.000 V 900.000 V 899.985 V 900.015 V

1000.000 V 1020.000 V 1019.983 V 1020.017 V

1000.000 V -334.000 V -334.007 V -333.993 V

1000.000 V -900.000 V -900.015 V -899.985 V

1000.000 V -1020.000 V -1020.017 V -1019.983 V

DC Volts Verification (AUX Output) Make sure the Calibrator outputs the voltage between the high and low limits shown in Table 3-20. Use the same procedures and equipment that are in the manual calibration section.

Table 3-20. Verification Tests for DC Voltage (AUX Output)

Range Output Low Limit High Limit

329.999 mV 0.000 mV -0.350 mV 0.350 mV

329.999 mV 329.000 mV 328.551 mV 329.449 mV

329.999 mV -329.000 mV -329.449 mV -328.551 mV

3.29999 V 0.33000 V 0.32955 V 0.33045 V

3.29999 V 3.29000 V 3.28866 V 3.29134 V

3.29999 V -3.29000 V -3.29134 V -3.28866 V

7.0000 V 7.0000 V 6.9975 V 7.0025 V

7.0000 V -7.0000 V -7.0025 V -6.9975 V

Calibration and Verification Performance Verification Tests 3


DC Current Verification Make sure the Calibrator outputs the current between the high and low limits shown in Table 3-22. Use the same procedures and equipment that are in the manual calibration section. Use the shunt values in Table 3-21.

Table 3-21. Shunt Values for DC Current Calibration and Verification

Range of Verfication Points Shunt

(0 to 329.000 A) Fluke 742A-1k 1k Resistance Standard

(1.9 mA to 3.29000 mA) Fluke 742A-100 100 Resistance Standard

(19.0000 mA to 32.9000 mA) Fluke 742A-10 10 Resistance Standard

(190.000 mA to 329.000 mA) Fluke 742A-1 1 Resistance Standard

(1.09000 A) Guildline 9230 0.1 Shunt

(2.00000 A to 20.0000 A) Guildline 9230 0.01 Shunt

Table 3-22. Verification Tests for DC Current (AUX Output)

Range Output Low Limit High Limit

329.999 A 0.000 A -0.020 A 0.020 A

329.999 A 190.000 A 189.957 A 190.043 A

329.999 A -190.000 A -190.043 A -189.957 A

329.999 A 329.000 A 328.941 A 329.059 A

329.999 A -329.000 A -329.059 A -328.941 A

3.29999 mA 0.00000 mA -0.00005 mA 0.00005 mA

3.29999 mA 1.90000 mA 1.89980 mA 1.90020 mA

3.29999 mA -1.90000 mA -1.90020 mA -1.89980 mA

3.29999 mA 3.29000 mA 3.28969 mA 3.29031 mA

3.29999 mA -3.29000 mA -3.29031 mA -3.28969 mA

32.9999 mA 0.0000 mA -0.00025 mA 0.00025 mA

32.9999 mA 19.0000 mA 18.9982 mA 19.0018 mA

32.9999 mA -19.0000 mA -19.0018 mA -18.9982 mA

32.9999 mA 32.9000 mA 32.8971 mA 32.9029 mA

32.9999 mA -32.9000 mA -32.9029 mA -32.8971 mA

329.999 mA 0.000 mA -0.0025 mA 0.0025 mA

329.999 mA 190.000 mA 189.982 mA 190.018 mA

329.999 mA -190.000 mA -190.018 mA -189.982 mA

329.999 mA 329.000 mA 328.971 mA 329.029 mA

329.999 mA -329.000 mA -329.029 mA -328.971 mA

2.99999 A 0.00000 A -0.00004 A 0.00004 A

5522A Service Manual


Table 3-22. Verification Tests for DC Current (AUX Output) (cont.)

Range Output Low Limit High Limit

2.99999 A 1.09000 A 1.08979 A 1.09021 A

2.99999 A -1.09000 A -1.09021 A -1.08979 A

2.99999 A 2.99000 A 2.98906 A 2.99094 A

2.99999 A -2.99000 A -2.99094 A -2.98906 A

20.5000 A 0.0000 A -0.0005 A 0.0005 A

20.5000 A 10.9000 A 10.8954 A 10.9046 A

20.5000 A -10.9000 A -10.9046 A -10.8954 A

20.5000 A 20.0000 A 19.9833 A 20.0167 A

20.5000 A -20.0000 A -20.0167 A -19.9833 A

Resistance Verification Make sure the Calibrator outputs the resistance between the high and low limits shown in Table 3-23. Use the same procedures and equipment that are in the manual calibration section. Use 4-wire measurements for resistances less than 110 k and 2-wire measurements for higher values.

Table 3-23. Verification Tests for Resistance

Range Output Low Limit High Limit

10.9999 0.0000 -0.0010 0.0010

10.9999 2.0000 1.9989 2.0011

10.9999 10.9000 10.8986 10.9014

32.9999 11.9000 11.8982 11.9018

32.9999 19.0000 18.9980 19.0020

32.9999 30.0000 29.9978 30.0022

109.9999 33.0000 32.9979 33.0021

109.9999 109.0000 108.9962 109.0038

329.9999 119.0000 118.9954 119.0046

329.9999 190.0000 189.9938 190.0062

329.9999 300.0000 299.9914 300.0086

1.099999 k 0.330000 k 0.329991 k 0.330009 k

1.099999 k 1.090000 k 1.089974 k 1.090026 k

3.299999 k 1.190000 k 1.189954 k 1.190046 k

3.299999 k 1.900000 k 1.899938 k 1.900062 k

3.299999 k 3.000000 k 2.999914 k 3.000086 k

10.99999 k 3.30000 k 3.29991 k 3.30009 k

10.99999 k 10.90000 k 10.89974 k 10.90026 k

Calibration and Verification Performance Verification Tests 3


Table 3-23. Verification Tests for Resistance (cont.)

Range Output Low Limit High Limit

32.99999 k 11.90000 k 11.89954 k 11.90046 k

32.99999 k 19.00000 k 18.99938 k 19.00062 k

32.99999 k 30.00000 k 29.99914 k 30.00086 k

109.9999 k 33.0000 k 32.9991 k 33.0009 k

109.9999 k 109.0000 k 108.9974 k 109.0026 k

329.9999 k 119.0000 k 118.9950 k 119.0050 k

329.9999 k 190.0000 k 189.9933 k 190.0067 k

329.9999 k 300.0000 k 299.9905 k 300.0095 k

1.099999 M 0.330000 M 0.329990 M 0.330010 M

1.099999 M 1.090000 M 1.089971 M 1.090029 M

3.299999 M 1.190000 M 1.189922 M 1.190078 M

3.299999 M 1.900000 M 1.899894 M 1.900106 M

3.299999 M 3.000000 M 2.999850 M 3.000150 M

10.99999 M 3.30000 M 3.29959 M 3.30041 M

10.99999 M 10.90000 M 10.89875 M 10.90125 M

32.99999 M 11.90000 M 11.89512 M 11.90488 M

32.99999 M 19.00000 M 18.99370 M 19.00630 M

32.99999 M 30.00000 M 29.99150 M 30.00850 M

109.9999 M 33.0000 M 32.9838 M 33.0162 M

109.9999 M 109.0000 M 108.9534 M 109.0466 M

329.9999 M 119.0000 M 118.6025 M 119.3975 M

329.9999 M 290.0000 M 289.1750 M 290.8250 M

1100.000 M 400.000 M 394.700 M 405.300 M

1100.000 M 640.000 M 631.820 M 648.180 M

1100.000 M 1090.000 M 1076.420 M 1103.580 M

AC Voltage Verification (NORMAL Output) Make sure the Calibrator outputs the voltage between the high and low limits shown in Table 3-24. Use the same procedures and equipment that are in the manual calibration section.

Table 3-24. Verification Tests for AC Voltage (NORMAL Output)

Range Output Frequency Low Limit High Limit

32.999 mV 3.000 mV 45 Hz 2.994 mV 3.006 mV

32.999 mV 3.000 mV 10 kHz 2.994 mV 3.006 mV

5522A Service Manual


Table 3-24. Verification Tests for AC Voltage (NORMAL Output) (cont.)

Range Output Frequency Low Limit High Limit

32.999 mV 30.000 mV 9.5 Hz 28.335 mV 31.665 mV

32.999 mV 30.000 mV 10 Hz 29.976 mV 30.024 mV

32.999 mV 30.000 mV 45 Hz 29.990 mV 30.010 mV

32.999 mV 30.000 mV 1 kHz 29.990 mV 30.010 mV

32.999 mV 30.000 mV 10 kHz 29.990 mV 30.010 mV

32.999 mV 30.000 mV 20 kHz 29.989 mV 30.011 mV

32.999 mV 30.000 mV 50 kHz 29.970 mV 30.030 mV

32.999 mV 30.000 mV 100 kHz 29.898 mV 30.102 mV

32.999 mV 30.000 mV 450 kHz 29.770 mV 30.230 mV

329.999 mV 33.000 mV 45 Hz 32.987 mV 33.013 mV

329.999 mV 33.000 mV 10 kHz 32.987 mV 33.013 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 9.5 Hz 283.350 mV 316.650 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 10 Hz 299.917 mV 300.083 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 45 Hz 299.950 mV 300.050 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 1 kHz 299.950 mV 300.050 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 10 kHz 299.950 mV 300.050 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 20 kHz 299.947 mV 300.053 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 50 kHz 299.902 mV 300.098 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 100 kHz 299.788 mV 300.212 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 500 kHz 299.450 mV 300.550 mV

3.29999 V 0.33000 V 45 Hz 0.32989 V 0.33011 V

3.29999 V 0.33000 V 10 kHz 0.32989 V 0.33011 V

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 9.5 Hz 2.83350 V 3.16650 V

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 10 Hz 2.99920 V 3.00080 V

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 45 Hz 2.99952 V 3.00048 V

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 1 kHz 2.99952 V 3.00048 V

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 10 kHz 2.99952 V 3.00048 V

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 20 kHz 2.99946 V 3.00054 V

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 50 kHz 2.99920 V 3.00080 V

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 100 kHz 2.99822 V 3.00178 V

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 450 kHz 2.99340 V 3.00660 V

3.29999 V 3.29000 V 2 MHz 0.07500 V [1]

32.9999 V 3.3000 V 45 Hz 3.2990 V 3.3010 V

Calibration and Verification Performance Verification Tests 3


Table 3-24. Verification Tests for AC Voltage (NORMAL Output) (cont.)

Range Output Frequency Low Limit High Limit

32.9999 V 3.3000 V 10 kHz 3.2990 V 3.3010 V

32.9999 V 30.0000 V 9.5 Hz 28.3350 V 31.6650 V

32.9999 V 30.0000 V 10 Hz 29.9919 V 30.0081 V

32.9999 V 30.0000 V 45 Hz 29.9957 V 30.0043 V

32.9999 V 30.0000 V 1 kHz 29.9957 V 30.0043 V

32.9999 V 30.0000 V 10 kHz 29.9957 V 30.0043 V

32.9999 V 30.0000 V 20 kHz 29.9928 V 30.0072 V

32.9999 V 30.0000 V 50 kHz 29.9904 V 30.0096 V

32.9999 V 30.0000 V 90 kHz 29.9759 V 30.0241 V

329.999 V 33.000 V 45 Hz 32.993 V 33.007 V

329.999 V 33.000 V 10 kHz 32.989 V 33.011 V

329.999 V 300.000 V 45 Hz 299.953 V 300.047 V

329.999 V 300.000 V 1 kHz 299.953 V 300.047 V

329.999 V 300.000 V 10 kHz 299.946 V 300.054 V

329.999 V 300.000 V 18 kHz 299.928 V 300.072 V

329.999 V 300.000 V 50 kHz 299.922 V 300.078 V

329.999 V 200.000 V 100 kHz 199.630 V 200.370 V

1020.00 V 330.00 V 45 Hz 329.91 V 330.09 V

1020.00 V 330.00 V 10 kHz 329.91 V 330.09 V

1020.00 V 1000.00 V 45 Hz 999.74 V 1000.26 V

1020.00 V 1000.00 V 1 kHz 999.79 V 1000.21 V

1020.00 V 1000.00 V 5 kHz 999.79 V 1000.21 V

1020.00 V 1000.00 V 8 kHz 999.74 V 1000.26 V

1020.00 V 1020.00 V 1 kHz 1019.79 V 1020.21 V

1020.00 V 1020.00 V 8 kHz 1019.74 V 1020.26 V [1] Typical specification is -24 dB at 2 MHz

AC Voltage Verification (AUX Output) Make sure the Calibrator outputs the voltage between the high and low limits shown in Table 3-25. Use the same procedures and equipment that are in the manual calibration section.

Table 3-25. Verification Tests for AC Voltage (AUX Output)

Range Output, AUX [1] Frequency Low Limit High Limit

329.999 mV 10.000 mV 45 Hz 9.622 mV 10.378 mV

329.999 mV 10.000 mV 1 kHz 9.622 mV 10.378 mV

5522A Service Manual


Table 3-25. Verification Tests for AC Voltage (AUX Output) (cont.)

Range Output, AUX [1] Frequency Low Limit High Limit

329.999 mV 10.000 mV 5 kHz 9.535 mV 10.465 mV

329.999 mV 10.000 mV 10 kHz 9.520 mV 10.480 mV

329.999 mV 10.000 mV 30 kHz 8.700 mV 11.300 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 9.5 Hz 283.350 mV 316.650 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 10 Hz 299.180 mV 300.820 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 45 Hz 299.390 mV 300.610 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 1 kHz 299.390 mV 300.610 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 5 kHz 299.100 mV 300.900 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 10 kHz 298.650 mV 301.350 mV

329.999 mV 300.000 mV 30 kHz 287.100 mV 312.900 mV

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 9.5 Hz 2.825 V 3.175 V

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 10 Hz 2.99505 V 3.00495 V

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 45 Hz 2.99745 V 3.00255 V

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 1 kHz 2.99745 V 3.00255 V

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 5 kHz 2.99410 V 3.00590 V

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 10 kHz 2.98960 V 3.01040 V

3.29999 V 3.00000 V 30 kHz 2.87720 V 3.12280 V

5.00000 V 5.00000 V 9.5 Hz 4.72500 V 5.27500 V

5.00000 V 5.00000 V 10 Hz 4.99205 V 5.00795 V

5.00000 V 5.00000 V 45 Hz 4.99605 V 5.00395 V

5.00000 V 5.00000 V 1 kHz 4.99605 V 5.00395 V

5.00000 V 5.00000 V 5 kHz 4.99110 V 5.00890 V

5.00000 V 5.00000 V 10 kHz 4.98360 V 5.01640 V [1] Set the Normal output to 300 mV.

AC Current Verification Make sure the Calibrator outputs the current between the high and low limits shown in Table 3-27. Use the UUT dc current function that was verified before as the dc current source to make ac/dc current transfers with the 5790A. Use the shunt values in Table 3-26. See Figure 3-15 for the correct equipment connections. For ranges 19 mA to 2 A, refer to Figure 3-7. For more than 2 A, refer to Figure 3-8 for the setup connections.

Table 3-26. Shunt Values for AC Current Verification

Range of Verification Points (rms values) Shunt

0 to 329.000 A 1 k metal film resistor in a shielded box

1.9 mA to 3.29990 mA 200 metal film resistor in a shielded box

Calibration and Verification Performance Verification Tests 3


Table 3-26. Shunt Values for AC Current Verification (cont.)

Range of Verification Points (rms values) Shunt

19 mA to 3.3 mA Fluke A40 20 mA Shunt

30.0000 mA to 190 mA Fluke A40 200 mA Shunt

300.000 mA to 2 A Fluke A40 2A Shunt

2.99000 A to 20.0000 A Fluke A40A 20A Shunt

UUT 5790A

Metal film resistor in enclosure


Set 5790A to external guard



Figure 3-15. AC Current Verification Connections with a Metal Film Resistor (3.299 mA and Lower)

Table 3-27. Verification Tests for AC Current

Range Output Frequency Low Limit High Limit

329.99 A 33.00 A 1 kHz 32.87 A 33.13 A

329.99 A 33.00 A 10 kHz 32.60 A 33.40 A

329.99 A 33.00 A 30 kHz 32.20 A 33.80 A

329.99 A 190.00 A 45 Hz 189.71 A 190.29 A

329.99 A 190.00 A 1 kHz 189.71 A 190.29 A

329.99 A 190.00 A 10 kHz 188.66 A 191.34 A

329.99 A 190.00 A 30 kHz 187.32 A 192.68 A

329.99 A 329.00 A 10 Hz 328.37 A 329.63 A

329.99 A 329.00 A 45 Hz 328.57 A 329.43 A

329.99 A 329.00 A 1 kHz 328.57 A 329.43 A

329.99 A 329.00 A 5 kHz 328.03 A 329.97 A

329.99 A 329.00 A 10 kHz 326.83 A 331.17 A

5522A Service Manual


Table 3-27. Verification Tests for AC Current (cont.)

Range Output Frequency Low Limit High Limit

329.99 A 329.00 A 30 kHz 324.65 A 333.35 A

3.2999 mA 0.3300 mA 1 kHz 0.3296 mA 0.3304 mA

3.2999 mA 0.3300 mA 5 kHz 0.3293 mA 0.3307 mA

3.2999 mA 0.3300 mA 30 kHz 0.3268 mA 0.3332 mA

3.2999 mA 1.9000 mA 1 kHz 1.8983 mA 1.9017 mA

3.2999 mA 1.9000 mA 10 kHz 1.8921 mA 1.9079 mA

3.2999 mA 1.9000 mA 30 kHz 1.8842 mA 1.9158 mA

3.2999 mA 3.2900 mA 10 Hz 3.2846 mA 3.2954 mA

3.2999 mA 3.2900 mA 45 Hz 3.2872 mA 3.2928 mA

3.2999 mA 3.2900 mA 1 kHz 3.2872 mA 3.2928 mA

3.2999 mA 3.2900 mA 5 kHz 3.2845 mA 3.2955 mA

3.2999 mA 3.2900 mA 10 kHz 3.2765 mA 3.3035 mA

3.2999 mA 3.2900 mA 30 kHz 3.2631 mA 3.3169 mA

32.999 mA 3.3000 mA 1 kHz 3.297 mA 3.303 mA

32.999 mA 3.3000 mA 5 kHz 3.296 mA 3.304 mA

32.999 mA 3.3000 mA 30 kHz 3.285 mA 3.315 mA

32.999 mA 19.0000 mA 1 kHz 18.991 mA 19.009 mA

32.999 mA 19.0000 mA 10 kHz 18.967 mA 19.033 mA

32.999 mA 19.0000 mA 30 kHz 18.935 mA 19.065 mA

32.999 mA 32.9000 mA 10 Hz 32.849 mA 32.951 mA

32.999 mA 32.9000 mA 1 kHz 32.886 mA 32.914 mA

32.999 mA 32.9000 mA 5 kHz 32.877 mA 32.923 mA

32.999 mA 32.9000 mA 10 kHz 32.844 mA 32.956 mA

32.999 mA 32.9000 mA 30 kHz 32.791 mA 33.009 mA

329.99 mA 33.0000 mA 1 kHz 32.97 mA 33.03 mA

329.99 mA 33.0000 mA 5 kHz 32.92 mA 33.08 mA

329.99 mA 33.0000 mA 30 kHz 32.69 mA 33.31 mA

329.99 mA 190.0000 mA 1 kHz 189.91 mA 190.09 mA

329.99 mA 190.0000 mA 10 kHz 189.60 mA 190.40 mA

329.99 mA 190.0000 mA 30 kHz 189.19 mA 190.81 mA

329.99 mA 329.0000 mA 10 Hz 328.49 mA 329.51 mA

329.99 mA 329.0000 mA 45 Hz 328.86 mA 329.14 mA

329.99 mA 329.0000 mA 1 kHz 328.86 mA 329.14 mA

Calibration and Verification Performance Verification Tests 3


Table 3-27. Verification Tests for AC Current (cont.)

Range Output Frequency Low Limit High Limit

329.99 mA 329.0000 mA 5 kHz 328.69 mA 329.31 mA

329.99 mA 329.0000 mA 10 kHz 328.37 mA 329.63 mA

329.99 mA 329.0000 mA 30 kHz 327.75 mA 330.25 mA

2.99999 A 0.33000 A 1 kHz 0.32978 A 0.33022 A

2.99999 A 0.33000 A 5 kHz 0.32735 A 0.33265 A

2.99999 A 0.33000 A 10 kHz 0.31840 A 0.34160 A

2.99999 A 1.09000 A 10 Hz 1.08827 A 1.09174 A

2.99999 A 1.09000 A 45 Hz 1.08951 A 1.09049 A

2.99999 A 1.09000 A 1 kHz 1.08951 A 1.09049 A

2.99999 A 1.09000 A 5 kHz 1.08355 A 1.09645 A

2.99999 A 1.09000 A 10 kHz 1.06320 A 1.11680 A

2.99999 A 2.99000 A 10 Hz 2.98542 A 2.99458 A

2.99999 A 2.99000 A 45 Hz 2.98840 A 2.99160 A

2.99999 A 2.99000 A 1 kHz 2.98840 A 2.99160 A

2.99999 A 2.99000 A 5 kHz 2.97405 A 3.00595 A

2.99999 A 2.99000 A 10 kHz 2.92520 A 3.05480 A

20.5000 A 3.3000 A 500 Hz 3.2954 A 3.3046 A

20.5000 A 3.3000 A 1 kHz 3.2954 A 3.3046 A

20.5000 A 3.3000 A 5 kHz 3.2155 A 3.3845 A

20.5000 A 10.9000 A 45 Hz 10.8926 A 10.9074 A

20.5000 A 10.9000 A 65 Hz 10.8926 A 10.9074 A

20.5000 A 10.9000 A 500 Hz 10.8893 A 10.9107 A

20.5000 A 10.9000 A 1 kHz 10.8893 A 10.9107 A

20.5000 A 10.9000 A 5 kHz 10.6255 A 11.1745 A

20.5000 A 20.0000 A 45 Hz 19.9750 A 20.0250 A

20.5000 A 20.0000 A 65 Hz 19.9750 A 20.0250 A

20.5000 A 20.0000 A 500 Hz 19.9690 A 20.0310 A

20.5000 A 20.0000 A 1 kHz 19.9690 A 20.0310 A

20.5000 A 20.0000 A 5 kHz 19.4950 A 20.5050 A

Capacitance Verification Make sure the Calibrator outputs the current between the high and low limits shown in Table 3-28 Use the PM 6304C RCL Meter directly for capacitance values that are less than or equal to 109.000 F. For more than 109.000 F, you must use a timed charge up routine with a constant current source in order to achieve the necessary test uncertainty ratio.

5522A Service Manual


To do a verification on capacitance more than 109.000 F, see the 200 F to 110 mF Capacitance Verification section.

Table 3-28. Verification Tests for Capacitance

Range Output Test Frequency

or Current Low Limit High Limit

0.3999 nF 0.2200 nF 1 kHz 0.2092 nF 0.2308 nF

0.3999 nF 0.3900 nF 1 kHz 0.3785 nF 0.4015 nF

1.0999 nF 0.4800 nF 1 kHz 0.4682 nF 0.4918 nF

1.0999 nF 0.6000 nF 1 kHz 0.5877 nF 0.6123 nF

1.0999 nF 1.0000 nF 1 kHz 0.9862 nF 1.0138 nF

3.2999 nF 2.0000 nF 1 kHz 1.9824 nF 2.0176 nF

10.9999 nF 7.0000 nF 1 kHz 6.9767 nF 7.0233 nF

10.9999 nF 10.9000 nF 1 kHz 10.8693 nF 10.9307 nF

32.9999 nF 20.0000 nF 1 kHz 19.8620 nF 20.1380 nF

109.999 nF 70.000 nF 1 kHz 69.767 nF 70.233 nF

109.999 nF 109.000 nF 1 kHz 108.693 nF 109.307 nF

329.999 nF 200.000 nF 1 kHz 199.320 nF 200.680 nF

329.999 nF 300.000 nF 1 kHz 299.130 nF 300.870 nF

1.09999 F 0.70000 F 100 Hz 0.69767 F 0.70233 F

1.09999 F 1.09000 F 100 Hz 1.08693 F 1.09307 F

3.29999 F 2.00000 F 100 Hz 1.99320 F 2.00680 F

3.29999 F 3.00000 F 100 Hz 2.99130 F 3.00870 F

10.9999 F 7.0000 F 100 Hz 6.9767 F 7.0233 F

10.9999 F 10.9000 F 100 Hz 10.8693 F 10.9307 F

32.9999 F 20.0000 F 100 Hz 19.9100 F 20.0900 F

32.9999 F 30.0000 F 100 Hz 29.8800 F 30.1200 F

109.999 F 70.000 F 50 Hz 69.662 F 70.338 F

109.999 F 109.000 F 50 Hz 108.529 F 109.471 F

329.999 F 200.000 F 54 A dc 199.020 F 200.980 vF

329.999 F 300.000 F 80 A dc 298.680 F 301.320 F

1.09999 mF 0.33000 mF 90 A dc 0.32788 mF 0.33212 mF

1.09999 mF 0.70000 mF 180 A dc 0.69662 mF 0.70338 mF

1.09999 mF 1.09000 mF 270 A dc 1.08529 mF 1.09471 mF

3.2999 mF 1.1000 mF 270 A dc 1.0933 mF 1.1067 mF

3.2999 mF 2.0000 mF 540 A dc 1.9902 mF 2.0098 mF

Calibration and Verification Performance Verification Tests 3


Table 3-28. Verification Tests for Capacitance (cont.)

Range Output Test Frequency

or Current Low Limit High Limit

3.2999 mF 3.0000 mF 800 A dc 2.9868 mF 3.0132 mF

10.9999 mF 3.3000 mF 900 A dc 3.2788 mF 3.3212 mF

10.9999 mF 10.9000 mF 2.7 mA dc 10.8529 mF 10.9471 mF

32.9999 mF 20.0000 mF 5.4 mA dc 19.8300 mF 20.1700 mF

32.9999 mF 30.0000 mF 8.0 mA dc 29.7600 mF 30.2400 mF

110.000 mF 33.000 mF 9.0 mA dc 32.570 mF 33.430 mF

110.000 mF 110.000 mF 27.0 mA dc 108.800 mF 111.200 mF

200 F to 110 mF Capacitance Verification The calibrator can source capacitance values much larger than what most RCL meters can measure. To do capacitance verification on outputs from 200 F to 110 mF, a dc current from a precision current source and a high speed sampling digital multimeter is necessary.

Capacitance Measurement By definition, capacitance is the product of an applied current and the ratio of the charge time to the charge voltage.

C = I * t

v A measurement procedure for capacitance is to apply a known current across the capacitor and measure the voltage change for a known time interval.

Table 3-29. Necessary Test Equipment for High-Value Capacitance Measurements

Qty Manufacturer Model Equipment

1 Fluke 5500A/LEADS Test lead set

1 Hewlett-Packard 3458A DMM

1 Fluke 5700A Calibrator

Computer control of the instruments can remove the uncertainties found with manual control.

Note For this procedure, the amplitude of the current is chosen to limit compliance voltage across the capacitor under test to <3 V for the charge interval of 10 seconds. Refer to Table 3-28 for the dc current that is necessary for each capacitance value to be verified

For less uncertainty, it is recommended that this procedure be done with computer control. See Figure 3-17 for an example Visual Basic program. If you wish to do this verification manually, the HP 3458A DMM can be programmed from its front panel to give the necessary timing and measurement storage. Please refer to the documentation for the HP 3458A for more information.

To measure high-end capacitance:

1. Connect the Fluke 5700A, 5522A, HP 3458A DMM and computer as shown in

5522A Service Manual


Figure 3-16. See Table 3-29 for the necessary equipment.

2. Lock the HP 3458A in the 10 V dc range.

3. Set up the meter to make 100 samples at 1 ms-aperture width and a 100 ms sweep for a total of 10 seconds on a trigger command.

4. Type in the capacitance on the Calibrator.

5. Push .

6. Type in the predetermined DCI level on the 5700A.Set the 5700A to Operate.

7. When the remote status indicator on the Calibrator shows a stable condition, your computer program will start the HP 3458A measurement sequence. Sense the voltage at the Calibrator output.

8. At the end of the measurement, set the 5700A to Standby and then retrieve the data from the HP 3458A.

Note If you operate manually, and you do not push the 5700A Standby key in a timely manner, the 5522A or 5700A will go to Standby. This is because of an overload condition. This will have no effect on the measurements made for the 10 second measurement period.

9. The capacitance is calculated as the product of the dc current and the ratio of the time interval (10 seconds) divided by )( initialfinal VV .

Calibration and Verification Performance Verification Tests 3


HP 3458A (Front)

Synthesized Capacitance Standard 5522A

Current Source 5700A

PC-GPIB Controller


Figure 3-16. High-Value Capacitance Measurement Setup

5522A Service Manual


‘Initial 3458 Set-up:

errmsg = gpibPut(a_3458, «TARM HOLD; DCV 10; APER 1.0e-3; MEM FIFO; SWEEP 0.1, 100; END



‘5700 setup

If (range(stp) > .002) Then ‘ 1mF range with LCR Meter, 3mF range with I charge

‘ 3458 has already been set-up for measurement; now

‘ set up system 5700 for DCI output, set to OPERate

errmsg = gpibPut(a_5700, «CUR_POST AUX; OUT » + Str$(dci(stp)) + » A, 0 Hz»)


errmsg = gpibPut(a_5700, «OPER»)


Call trig_3458(stp)

errmsg = gpibPut(a_5700, «STBY»)

End If


Sub trig_3458 (stp As Integer)

Dim x As Integer, errmsg As String, response As String, no_samples As Integer, deltav

As Single

result = 0

‘ all of the voltage data is stuck into this array for optional regression analysis

Dim CapChan As Integer

CapChan = FreeFile

Open «C:\DATA\HICAP.» & Format$(Str$(stp), «#») For Output As CapChan

‘ this triggers the readings and stores them internally in the 3458

errmsg = gpibPut(a_3458, «TARM SGL»)

‘ retrieve the number of samples stored — loop until meter is finished taking samples

errmsg = gpibPut(a_3458, «MCOUNT?»)


response = Space$(80)

errmsg = gpibGet(a_3458, response)

Loop Until (Len(response) <> 0)

no_samples = Val(response)

‘ now retrieve the data and put into array

Print #CapChan, Val(response)

For x = 1 To no_samples


response = Space$(80)

errmsg = gpibGet(a_3458, response)

Figure 3-17. Example Visual Basic Program

Calibration and Verification Performance Verification Tests 3


Loop Until (Len(response) <> 0)

capdata(x) = Val(response)

Print #CapChan, Val(response)

Next x

Close #CapChan

‘ throw out first and last reading, compute delta v

deltav = capdata(no_samples — 1) — capdata(2)

‘ dci() is the current; multiply by the charge time and divide product by change in


‘ charge time is (10 seconds — 2*100mS samples — 100mS for 0th sample)

result = (dci(stp) * 9.7) / deltav

End Sub

Figure 3-17. Example Visual Basic Program (cont.)

Measurement Uncertainty An example of how to calculate measurement uncertainty for a 3 mF verification is shown below.

Error Analysis Example: Capacitance test on 3 mF at 800 A

5700A DCI, 2.0 mA range: 50 ppm + 10 nA; at 800 A: 62.5 ppm.

HP 3458A DCV, 10 V range: 4.1 ppm of measurement + 0.05 ppm of range.

HP 3458A time base uncertainty: 100 ppm.

UUT (Fluke 5522A) 3.0 mF: 0.44 %

While the HP 3458A dc volts accuracy is not specified for sample rates other than NPLC of 100, Fluke tests show the DMM is less than 25 ppm for the fast sample rate. 187.5 ppm (0.0187 %) when you add the error terms (62.5 ppm + 25 ppm + 100 ppm) for a test uncertainty ratio (TUR) > 20:1. The DMM has a number of other error sources. These are linearity, uncertainty on the 10 V range at 2 % of full scale, uncertainty in fast sample mode, and internal trigger timing uncertainty. Furthermore, the current source accuracy is contingent on the compliance voltage that changes continuously. Fluke tests were done to quantify each of these error sources, and none were found to contribute more than 0.02 %. This amount of error is not important, relative to the 5522A capacitance verification. See Table 3-28 for capacitance verification tests.

Thermocouple Simulation Verification (Sourcing) Make sure that the Calibrator outputs the temperatures between the high and low limits shown in Table 3-30. Use the 8508A DMM as the measurement device. Use copper connectors and copper wires.

Table 3-30. Verification Tests for Thermocouple Simulation

TC Type Output, C Low Limit, mV High Limit, mV

10 V/C 0.00 C (0.0000 mV) -0.0030 0.0030

100.00 C (1.0000 mV) 0.99696 1.00304

-100.00 C (-1.0000 mV) -1.00304 -.99696

1000.00 C (10.0000 mV) 9.99660 10.00340

5522A Service Manual


Table 3-30. Verification Tests for Thermocouple Simulation (cont.)

TC Type Output, C Low Limit, mV High Limit, mV

10 V/C -1000.00 C (-10.0000 mV) -10.0034 -9.9966

10000.00 C (100.0000 mV) 99.9930 100.0070

-10000.00 C (-100.0000 mV) -100.0070 -99.9930

Thermocouple Measurement Verification Make sure that the Calibrator outputs the temperatures between the high and low limits shown in Table 3-31. Use a Fluke 5500A Calibrator or equivalent instrument as the millivolt source, connected in parallel with an 8508A Reference Multimeter. At each verification point, use the 5500A error mode controls to adjust the calibrator output for a nominal measurement on the 8508A. Use copper connectors and copper wires.

Table 3-31. Verification Tests for Thermocouple Measurement

TC Type Input, mV Low Limit, C High Limit, C

10 V/C 0.00 C (0.0000 mV) -0.30 0.30

10000.00 C (100.0000 mV) 9999.30 10000.70

-10000.00 C (-100.0000 mV) -10000.70 -9999.30

30000.00 C (300.0000 mV) 29998.50 30001.50

-30000.00 C (-300.0000 mV) -30001.50 -29998.50

Phase Accuracy Verification, Volts and AUX Volts Make sure that the Calibrator outputs voltage at a phase between the high and low limits shown in Table 3-32. Use a precision phase meter as shown in Figure 3-13.

Table 3-32. Verification Tests for Phase Accuracy, V and V

Range, Normal

Output, V

Output, Normal V

Frequency Range,

AUX Output

Output, AUX

Phase Low Limit

High Limit

3.29999 3.00000 65 Hz 3.29999 V 3.00000 V 0 -0.10 0.10 400 Hz -0.25 0.25 1 kHz -0.50 0.50 5 kHz -2.50 2.50 10 kHz -5.00 5.00 30 kHz -10.00 10.00 65 Hz 60 59.90 60.10 400 Hz 59.75 60.25 1 kHz 59.50 60.50 5 kHz 57.50 62.50 10 kHz 55.00 65.00 30 kHz 50.00 70.00 65 Hz 90 89.90 90.10 400 Hz 89.75 90.25 1 kHz 89.50 90.50 5 kHz 87.50 92.50 10 kHz 85.00 95.00 30 kHz 80.00 100.00

32.9999 30.0000 65 Hz 89.90 90.10 329.999 50.000 65 Hz 89.90 90.10

Calibration and Verification Performance Verification Tests 3


Phase Accuracy Verification, Volts and Current Make sure that the Calibrator outputs voltage and current at a phase between the high and low limits shown in Table 3-33. Use a precision phase meter with a shunt as shown in Figure 3-14.

Table 3-33. Verification Tests for Phase Accuracy, V and I

Range, Normal




Frequency Range, AUX





Low Limit

High Limit

329.999 mV 30.000 mV 65 Hz 329.99 mA 300.00 mA 0 -0.10 0.10

329.999 mV 30.000 mV 1 kHz 329.99 mA 300.00 mA 0 -0.50 0.50

329.999 mV 30.000 mV 30 kHz 329.99 mA 300.00 mA 0 -10.00 10.00

329.999 mV 200.000 mV 65 Hz 2.99999 A 2.00000 A 0 -0.10 0.10

329.999 mV 50.000 mV 65 Hz 20.5000 A 5.0000 A 0 -0.10 0.10

329.999 mV 50.000 mV 400 Hz 20.5000 A 5.0000 A 0 -0.25 0.25

329.999 mV 30.000 mV 65 Hz 329.99 mA 300.00 mA 60 59.90 60.10

329.999 mV 200.000 mV 65 Hz 2.99999 A 2.00000 A 60 59.90 60.10

329.999 mV 200.000 mV 65 Hz 20.5000 A 20.0000 A 60 59.90 60.10

329.999 mV 200.000 mV 400 Hz 20.5000 A 20.0000 A 60 59.75 60.25

32.9999 V 3.3000 V 65 Hz 329.99 mA 300.00 mA 0 -0.10 0.10

32.9999 V 3.3000 V 65 Hz 2.99999 A 2.00000 A 0 -0.10 0.10

32.9999 V 3.3000 V 65 Hz 20.5000 A 5.0000 A 0 -0.10 0.10

32.9999 V 3.3000 V 400 Hz 20.5000 A 5.0000 A 0 -0.25 0.25

32.9999 V 3.3000 V 65 Hz 329.99 mA 300.00 mA 90 89.90 90.10

32.9999 V 3.3000 V 65 Hz 2.99999 A 2.00000 A 90 89.90 90.10

32.9999 V 3.3000 V 65 Hz 20.5000 A 20.0000 A 90 89.90 90.10

32.9999 V 3.3000 V 400 Hz 20.5000 A 20.0000 A 90 89.75 90.25

329.999 V 33.000 V 65 Hz 329.99 mA 300.00 mA 0 -0.10 0.10

329.999 V 33.000 V 65 Hz 2.99999 A 2.00000 A 0 -0.10 0.100

329.999 V 33.000 V 65 Hz 20.5000 A 5.0000 A 0 -0.10 0.10

329.999 V 33.000 V 400 Hz 20.5000 A 5.0000 A 0 -0.25 0.25

329.999 V 33.000 V 65 Hz 329.99 mA 300.00 mA 90 89.90 90.10

329.999 V 33.000 V 65 Hz 2.99999 A 2.00000 A 90 89.90 90.10

329.999 V 33.000 V 65 Hz 20.5000 A 20.0000 A 90 89.90 90.10

329.999 V 33.000 V 400 Hz 20.5000 A 20.0000 A 90 89.75 90.25

5522A Service Manual


Frequency Accuracy Verification Make sure that the Calibrator outputs voltage at the frequency between the high and low limits shown in Table 3-34. Use a Fluke PM6680B Frequency Counter.

Table 3-34. Verification Tests for Frequency

Range, Normal Output, V

Output, Normal, V

Frequency Low Limit [1] High Limit [1]

3.29999 3.00000

119.00 Hz 118.99970 Hz 119.00030 Hz

120.0 Hz 119.99970 Hz 120.00030 Hz

1000.0 Hz 999.9975 Hz 1000.0025 Hz

100.00 kHz 99,999.75 Hz 100,000.25 Hz [1] Frequency accuracy is specified for 1 year.

Some semiconductors and custom IC’s can be damaged by electrostatic discharge during handling. This notice explains how you can minimize the chances of destroying such devices by:

1. Knowing that there is a problem. 2. Learning the guidelines for handling them. 3. Using the procedures, packaging, and bench techniques that are recommended.

The following practices should be followed to minimize damage to S.S. (static sensitive) devices.





static awareness A Message From

Fluke Corporation









Dow Chemical


Chapter 4 Maintenance

Title Page

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 4-3 Access Procedure ……………………………………………………………………………………. 4-3

How to Remove Analog Modules …………………………………………………………. 4-3 How to Remove the Main CPU (A9) …………………………………………………….. 4-3 How to Remove the Rear-Panel Assemblies …………………………………………… 4-4 How to Remove the Filter PCA (A12) …………………………………………………… 4-4 How to Remove the Encoder (A2) and Display PCAs ……………………………… 4-4 How to Remove the Keyboard and Access the Output Block ……………………. 4-4

Diagnostic Tests ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4-7 How to Do Diagnostic Tests …………………………………………………………………. 4-7 How to Test the Front Panel …………………………………………………………………. 4-7

Complete List of Error Messages ……………………………………………………………… 4-8

Maintenance Introduction 4


Introduction The Calibrator is a high performance instrument and it is not recommended that the user repair the boards to the component level. It is easy to introduce a subtle long-term stability problem when you touch the boards. Access procedures are supplied for those who must replace a defective module.

Access Procedure Use the procedures in this section to remove:

Analog modules

Main Central Processing Unit (CPU) (A9)

Rear Panel Module (transformer and ac line input components)

Filter PCA (A12)

Encoder (A2) and display assemblies

Keyboard PCA, and thermocouple I/O pca

Remove Analog Modules To remove the Voltage (A8), Current (A7), DDS (A6), or Synthesized Impedance (A5) modules:

1. Remove eight Phillips screws from the top cover.

2. Remove the top cover.

3. Remove eight Phillips screws form the guard box cover. The locations of the analog modules are printed on the guard box cover.

4. Lift off the guard box cover with the finger pull on the rear edge of the cover.

5. Release the board edge locks on the analog module to be removed.

6. Lift the board out of its socket in the Motherboard. Put the board shield side down.

7. To remove the shield, remove Phillips screw at the center of the shield, then pull the sides of the shield away from the board.

8. To install the shield, first align one set of tabs then push the other side into position.

Main CPU (A9) You can remove the Main CPU (A9) with the rear panel and Filter PCA (A12) installed. To remove the Main CPU PCA:

1. Remove the 3/16 inch jack screws from the SERIAL 1, SERIAL 2, and BOOST AMPLIFIER connectors.

2. Remove the inch jack screws from the IEEE-488 connector.

3. Remove three Phillips screws from the right side of the rear panel.

4. Remove the ribbon cable from the Main CPU PCA (A9). There is not much room, but the cable is reachable.

5. Lift out the Main CPU PCA (A90).

5522A Service Manual


Rear-Panel Assemblies To remove the transformer and the ac line input filter:

Note Figure 4-1 shows an exploded view of the rear-panel assemblies.

1. Remove six Allen screws from the rear handles and then remove the handles.

2. Remove eight Phillips screws from the bottom cover.

3. Remove the bottom cover.

4. Remove the three Phillips screws that you access through holes in the bottom flange.

5. Remove the power switch pushrod.

6. Remove the rear panel. If the Main CPU (A9) is removed, then there are three large cables, plus one for fan power. If the Main CPU is installed, there is one more cable.

Filter PCA (A12) To remove the Filter PCA (A12):

1. Remove the top cover and guard-box cover. See the instructions in the Remove Analog Modules section.

2. Remove all the analog modules.

3. Remove the five Phillips screws from the front side of the rear guard box wall.

4. Lift out the Filter PCA.

Encoder (A2) PCA and Display Assembly To remove the Encoder PCA (A2) PCA and Display assembly:

Note Figure 4-2 shows an exploded view of the front-panel assemblies.

1. Remove top and bottom covers.

2. With the bottom side up, disconnect all the cables that go to the front panel. One of these cables is attached by a cable tie that must be cut, then replaced with a new one when you assemble the Calibrator.

3. Remove six Allen screws from the two front handles. Then remove the handles.

4. Remove the front panel. The Encoder PCA (A2) and display pcas are now accessible.

Keyboard (A1) and Access the Output Block To remove the keyboard and access the output block:

1. Do all four steps in the Encoder and Display section.

2. Unlatch the plastic catches that fasten the front panel together.

3. Remove four Phillips screws that are around the output block.

4. Remove the output cables.

5. Pull apart the two main parts of the front panel.

Maintenance Access Procedure 4



Figure 4-1. Exploded View of Rear-Panel Assemblies

5522A Service Manual



Figure 4-2. Exploded View of Front-Panel Assemblies

Maintenance Diagnostic Tests 4


Diagnostic Tests The Calibrator software has extensive self-test procedures. If self-test finds a malfunction, then use diagnostic tests to start fault isolation.

Note Only do self-tests after the Calibrator has completed its warm-up.

To access the diagnostic menus:

1. Push .

2. Push the UTILITY FUNCTNS softkey.

3. Push the SELF TEST softkey.

The menu shows:

DIAG Starts internal diagnostics

FRONT PANEL Lets you start the test for front panel knob, keys, bell, and displays.

SERIAL IF TEST Does a loopback test between the two serial ports. For this test, you must attach a straight-through serial cable between the two serial ports. Pins 2, 3, and 5 must be connected for this test.

DIGITAL TEST Does a test on the RAM and the bus on the Main CPU (A9).

How to Do Diagnostic Tests To do diagnostic tests:

1. Push .

2. Push the UTILITY FUNCTNS softkey.

3. Push the SELF TEST softkey. The menu shows OPTIONS and GO ON.

4. Push the GO ON softkey to start diagnostics.

The Calibrator instructs you to remove all cables from the front-panel outputs. Install a low-ohm copper short circuit across the 20A and AUX LO terminals.

After you push the GO ON softkey, an automatic sequence of tests start. Diagnostics has a set of steps that are almost the same as the zero calibration and reports errors.

How to Test the Front Panel To test the front panel:

1. Push .

2. Push the UTILITY FUNCTNS softkey.

3. Push the SELF TEST softkey.

4. Push the DIAG softkey.

The menu shows:

KNOB TEST Does a test on the knob encoder that shows a cursor that moves when you turn the knob.

KEY TEST A test that shows the name of the key in the display when you push a key. Push to exit the test.

BELL TEST Lets you operate the beeper for different periods of time.

DISPLAY Turns on segments of the two displays. Push to exit the test. With

5522A Service Manual


Main software version 3.6, you can also push , , or to exit the test.

Note When you do a test on the output display (DISPLAY MEAS), you can select one of three test patterns: ALLON, ALLOFF, and CURSOR TEST.

Complete List of Error Messages Table 4-1 is a list of Calibrator error messages.

Table 4-1. Error Message Format

Error Number (Message Class : Description) Text Characters

0 to 65536 QYE Query Error, caused by a full input buffer, unterminated action or interrupted action

F Error is shown on the front panel as it occurs.

Up to 36 text characters

DDE Device-Specific Error, caused by some condition in the 5520A, for example, overrange

R Error is queued to the remote interface as it occurs

EXE Execution Error, caused by an element external to, or inconsistent with, the 5522A

S Error causes instrument to go to Standby

CME Command Error, caused by incorrect command syntax, unrecognized header, or parameter of the incorrect type

D Error causes instrument to go to the power up state

(none) Error is sent to to the initiator only (i.e., local initiator or remote initiator)

0 (QYE: ) No Error 1 (DDE:FR ) Error queue overflow 100 (DDE:FR D) Inguard not responding (send) 101 (DDE:FR D) Inguard not responding (recv) 102 (DDE:FR D) Lost sync with inguard 103 (DDE:FR ) Invalid guard xing command 104 (DDE:FR D) Hardware relay trip occurred 105 (DDE:FR D) Inguard got impatient 106 (DDE:FR D) A/D fell asleep 107 (DDE:FR D) Inguard watchdog timeout 108 (DDE:FR ) Inguard is obsolete 109 (DDE:FR D) Inguard parity error 110 (DDE:FR D) Inguard overrun error 111 (DDE:FR D) Inguard framing error 112 (DDE:FR D) Inguard fault error

Maintenance Complete List of Error Messages 4


113 (DDE:FR D) Inguard fault input error 114 (DDE:FR D) Inguard fault detect error 115 (DDE:FR D) Inguard read/write error 300 (DDE: ) Invalid procedure number 301 (DDE: ) No such step in procedure 302 (DDE: ) Can’t change that while busy 303 (DDE: ) Can’t begin/resume cal there 304 (DDE: ) Wrong unit for reference 305 (DDE: ) Entered value out of bounds 306 (DDE: ) Not waiting for a reference 307 (DDE: ) Continue command ignored 308 (DDE:FR ) Cal constant outside limits 309 (DDE:FR ) Cal try to null failed 310 (DDE:FR D) Sequence failed during cal 311 (DDE:FR D) A/D measurement failed 312 (DDE:FR ) Invalid cal step parameter 313 (DDE: ) Cal switch must be ENABLED 314 (DDE:FR ) Divide by zero encountered 315 (DDE:FR ) Must be in OPER at this step 316 (DDE:FR ) Open thermocouple for RJ cal 317 (DDE:FR ) Bad reference Z or entry 318 (DDE:FR ) Cal takes DAC over top limit 319 (DDE: R ) Zero cal needed every 7 days 320 (DDE: R ) Ohms zero needed every 12 hours 398 (QYE:F ) Unusual cal fault %d 399 (QYE:F ) Fault during %s 400 (DDE:FR D) Encoder not responding VERS 401 (DDE:FR D) Encoder not responding COMM 402 (DDE:FR D) Encoder not responding STAT 403 (DDE:FR ) Encoder self-test failed 405 (DDE:FR ) Message over display R side 406 (DDE:FR ) Unmappable character #%d 407 (DDE:FR ) Encoder did not reset 408 (DDE:FR ) Encoder got invalid command 409 (DDE:FR D) Encoder unexpectedly reset 500 (DDE: ) Internal state error 501 (DDE: ) Invalid keyword or choice 502 (DDE: ) Harmonic must be 1 — 50 503 (DDE: ) Frequency must be >= 0 504 (DDE: ) AC magnitude must be > 0 505 (DDE: ) Impedance must be >= 0 506 (DDE: ) Function not available 507 (DDE: ) Value not available 508 (DDE: ) Cannot enter watts by itself 509 (DDE: ) Output exceeds user limits 510 (DDE: ) Duty cycle must be 1.0-99.0 511 (DDE: ) Power factor must be 0.0-1.0 512 (DDE: ) Can’t select that field now 513 (DDE: ) Edit digit out of range 514 (DDE: ) Can’t switch edit field now 515 (DDE: ) Not editing output now 516 (DDE: ) dBm only for single sine ACV

5522A Service Manual


517 (DDE: ) Freq too high for non-sine 518 (DDE: ) Value outside locked range 519 (DDE: ) Must specify an output unit 520 (DDE: ) Can’t do two freqs at once 521 (DDE: ) Can’t source 3 values at once 522 (DDE: ) Temp must be degrees C or F 523 (DDE: ) Can’t do that now 526 (DDE: ) Limit too small or large 527 (DDE: ) No changes except RESET now 528 (DDE: ) Offset out of range 529 (DDE: ) Cannot edit to or from 0 Hz 530 (DDE: ) Bad state image — not loaded 531 (DDE: ) TC offset limited to +/-500 C 532 (DDE: ) Can’t go to STBY in Meas TC 533 (DDE: ) Can’t set an offset now 534 (DDE: ) Can’t lock this range 535 (DDE: ) Can’t set phase or PF now 536 (DDE: ) Can’t set wave now 537 (DDE: ) Can’t set harmonic now 538 (DDE: ) Can’t change duty cycle now 539 (DDE: ) Can’t change compensation now 540 (DDE:FR ) Current OUTPUT moved to 5725A 541 (DDE: ) TC ref must be valid TC temp 542 (DDE: ) Can’t turn EARTH on now 543 (DDE: D) STA couldn’t update OTD 544 (DDE: ) Can’t enter W with non-sine 545 (DDE: ) Can’t edit now 546 (DDE: ) Can’t set trigger to that now 547 (DDE: ) Can’t set output imp. now 548 (DDE:FR ) Compensation is now OFF 549 (DDE: ) Period must be >= 0 550 (DDE: ) A report is already printing 551 (DDE: ) ScopeCal option not installed 552 (DDE: ) Not a ScopeCal function 553 (DDE: ) Can’t set marker shape now 554 (DDE: ) Can’t set video parameter now 555 (DDE: ) Marker location out of range 556 (DDE: ) Pulse width must be 1 — 255 557 (DDE: ) Can’t set range directly now 558 (DDE: ) Not a range for this function 559 (DDE: ) Can’t set TD pulse now 560 (DDE: ) ZERO_MEAS only for C or PRES meas 561 (DDE:FR ) That requires a -SC option 562 (DDE:FR ) That requires a -SC600 option 563 (DDE: ) Time limit must be 1s-60s 564 (DDE: ) Can’t set ref. phase now 565 (DDE: ) ZERO_MEAS reading not valid 566 (DDE: ) Can’t set dampen now 567 (DDE: ) Can’t turn EXGRD on now 600 (DDE:FR D) Outguard watchdog timeout 601 (DDE:FR ) Power-up RAM test failed 602 (DDE:FR ) Power-up GPIB test failed

Maintenance Complete List of Error Messages 4


700 (DDE: R ) Saving to NV memory failed 701 (DDE: R ) NV memory invalid 702 (DDE: R ) NV invalid so default loaded 703 (DDE: R ) NV obsolete so default loaded 800 (DDE:FR ) Serial parity error %s 801 (DDE:FR ) Serial framing error %s 802 (DDE:FR ) Serial overrun error %s 803 (DDE:FR ) Serial characters dropped %s 900 (DDE:FR ) Report timeout — aborted 1000 (DDE:FR ) Sequence failed during diag

1200 (DDE:FR ) Sequence name too long 1201 (DDE:FR ) Sequence RAM table full 1202 (DDE:FR ) Sequence name table full 1300 (CME: R ) Bad syntax 1301 (CME: R ) Unknown command 1302 (CME: R ) Bad parameter count 1303 (CME: R ) Bad keyword 1304 (CME: R ) Bad parameter type 1305 (CME: R ) Bad parameter unit 1306 (EXE: R ) Bad parameter value 1307 (QYE: R ) 488.2 I/O deadlock 1308 (QYE: R ) 488.2 interrupted query 1309 (QYE: R ) 488.2 unterminated command 1310 (QYE: R ) 488.2 query after indefinite response 1311 (DDE: R ) Invalid from GPIB interface 1312 (DDE: R ) Invalid from serial interface 1313 (DDE: R ) Service only 1314 (EXE: R ) Parameter too long 1315 (CME: R ) Invalid device trigger 1316 (EXE: R ) Device trigger recursion 1317 (CME: R ) Serial buffer full 1318 (EXE: R ) Bad number 1319 (EXE: R ) Service command failed 1320 (CME: R ) Bad binary number 1321 (CME: R ) Bad binary block 1322 (CME: R ) Bad character 1323 (CME: R ) Bad decimal number 1324 (CME: R ) Exponent magnitude too large 1325 (CME: R ) Bad hexadecimal block 1326 (CME: R ) Bad hexadecimal number 1328 (CME: R ) Bad octal number 1329 (CME: R ) Too many characters 1330 (CME: R ) Bad string 1331 (DDE: R ) OPER not allowed while error pending 1332 (CME:FR ) Can’t change UUT settings now 1500 (DDE:FRS ) Compliance voltage exceeded 1501 (DDE:FRS ) Shunt amp over or underload 1502 (DDE:FRS ) Current Amp Thermal Limit Exceeded 1503 (DDE:FRS ) Output current lim exceeded 1504 (DDE:FRS ) Input V or A limit exceeded 1505 (DDE:FRS ) VDAC counts out of range 1506 (DDE:FRS ) IDAC counts out of range

5522A Service Manual


1507 (DDE:FRS ) AC scale dac counts out of range 1508 (DDE:FRS ) DC scale dac counts out of range 1509 (DDE:FRS ) Frequency dac counts out of range 1510 (DDE:FRS ) IDAC counts (DC OFFSET) out of range 1511 (DDE:FRS ) ZDAC counts out of range 1512 (DDE:FRS ) Can’t read External Clock register 1513 (DDE:FRS ) External Clock too Fast 1514 (DDE:FRS ) External Clock too Slow 1515 (DDE:FR D) Can’t load waveform for scope mode 1600 (DDE:FR D) OPM transition error 1601 (DDE:FR D) TC measurement fault 1602 (DDE:FR D) Z measurement fault

65535 (DDE:FR ) Unknown error %d


Chapter 5 List of Replaceable Parts

Title Page

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 5-3 How to Obtain Parts ………………………………………………………………………………… 5-3

List of Replaceable Parts Introduction 5


Introduction This chapter contains an illustrated list of replaceable parts for the Calibrator. Parts are shown by assembly, alphabetized by reference designator. Each assembly is accompanied by an illustration that shows the location of each part and its reference designator.

The parts lists contain:

Reference designator (for example, R52)

An indication if the part is subject to damage by static discharge (* near the part description)


Fluke part number

Total quantity

Special notes (factory-selected part for example)


A * symbol shows a device that may be damaged by static discharge.

How to Obtain Parts Electronic components may be ordered directly from the Fluke Corporation and its authorized representatives with the Fluke part number. Parts price information is available from the Fluke Corporation or its representatives. Refer to Tables 5-1 through 5-5.

To contact Fluke Calibration, call one of the following telephone numbers:

Technical Support USA: 1-877-355-3225

Calibration/Repair USA: 1-877-355-3225

Canada: 1-800-36-FLUKE (1-800-363-5853)

Europe: +31-40-2675-200

Japan: +81-3-6714-3114

Singapore: +65-6799-5566

China: +86-400-810-3435

Brazil: +55-11-3759-7600

Anywhere in the world: +1-425-446-6110

In the event the part ordered has been replaced by a new or improved part, the replacement will be accompanied by an explanatory note and installation instructions, if necessary.

To make sure you get prompt delivery of the correct part, include in your order:

Instrument model and serial number

Part number and revision level of the pca (printed circuit assembly) that contains the part.

Reference designator

Fluke part number

Description (as given under the Description heading)


5522A Service Manual


Table 5-1. Front-Panel Assembly

Reference Designator

Description Fluke Part

Number Quantity



A10 PCA, TC BUTTON, A10 4104614 1

A11 PCA, TC CONNECTION, A11 625951 1





H65-H82 SCREW, PH, P, LOCK, SS, 6-32, .500 320051 18

H90-H101 WASHER, LOW THERMAL #8 859939 12

H101-H112 NUT, LOW THERMAL, 8-32 850334 12

H122-H151 SCREW, 6-32, .250, PAN, PHILLIPS, STEEL, ZINC-CLEAR, LOCK 152140 30

H158-H160 BINDING POST-RED 886382 3

H161-H164 SCREW, 6-32, .625, PAN, PHILLIPS, STEEL, ZINC-CLEAR, LOCK 152181 4





MP4 HANDLE, 4U 3468705 4


MP6 SHEET METAL KIT — 5522A 3834644 1

MP9 OUTPUT BLOCK 1278803 1





MP16 GASKET TAPE, FOAM, VINYL, .500, .062 282152 1





MP26 LENS, BEZEL 945246 1


MP28 DECAL, KEYPAD 886304 1

List of Replaceable Parts How to Obtain Parts 5


Table 5-1. Front-Panel Assembly (cont.)

Reference Designator

Description Fluke Part

Number Quantity



MP32 CORE, FERRITE, FLAT CABLE, 2.0W, 235 OHMS 643814 2






MP43 NAMEPLATE — 5522A 3834667 1

MP45 GROMMET, SLOT, RUBBER, .406, .062 501593 1


MP55, MP56 FOAM PAD, URETHANE, .312 W, .625 L, .375 THK, ADHESIVE 107687 2



501734 1

5522A Service Manual


H 34

-H 42

(2 X


H 16

1- H

16 4

(4 X


W 2

H 65

-H 82

(2 X




H 12

2- H

15 1

(4 X




A 10

A 11

H 65

-H 82

(4 X



16 , M

P 13


39 H

12 2-

H 15



35 ,M

P 36

(2 X






H 10

1- H

11 2

(1 2X


H 90

-H 10

1 (1

2X )


9 M

P 25


4 (2

X )

H 14

-H 33

(4 X



42 M

P 26








28M P



3M P




H 12

2- H

15 1

H 34

-H 42

(7 X


A 1

H 12

2- H

15 1

(6 X


A 2


55 ,M

P 56

(2 X






H 15

8- H

16 0

(3 X




21 (2

X )





Figure 5-1. Front-Panel Assembly

List of Replaceable Parts How to Obtain Parts 5




W 4 M P

33 (2

X )


32 (2

X )


Figure 5-1. Front-Panel Assembly (cont.)

5522A Service Manual


Table 5-2. Rear-Panel Assembly

Reference Designator

Description Fluke Part

Number Quantity

A9 PCA, OUT-GUARD, CPU A9 3931491 1

B1 FAN ASSEMBLY 843029 1

F1 FUSE, .25X1.25, 2.5A, 250V, SLOW 851931 1

H5 WASHER, LOCK, INTRNL, STL, .267ID 110817 1



H10-H13 WASHER, FLAT, STL, .170, .375, .031 110288 4


295105 20


1777348 2


854737 2

H87, H88, H89

WASHER, FLAT, STL, .160, .281, .010 111005 3

H102, H103 WASHER, FLAT, SS, .174, .375, .030 176743 2

H104 NUT, HEX, BR, 1/4-28 110619 1

H104-H107 SCREW, CAP, SCKT, STL, LOCK, 6-32, .750 944772 4

H108-H111 SCREW, MODIFIED 660933 4

H112-H115 NUT, HEX, ELASTIC STOP, STL, 10-32, .375 944350 4

H116-H119 SCREW, FHU, P, SS, 6-32, .312 867234 4

H120, H121 WASHER, FLAT, STL, .191, .289, .010 111047 2

H122-H151 SCREW, 6-32, .250, PAN, PHILLIPS, STEEL, ZINC-CLEAR, LOCK 152140 30

H152, H153 NUT, EXT LOCK, STL, 8-32 195263 2

H154-H157 WASHER, FLAT, .219 ID, .506 OD, .061 THK, STEEL, ZINC- CHROMATE

2565513 4

MP4 HANDLE, 4U 3468705 4


MP6 SHEET METAL KIT — 5522A 3834644 1

MP18 FUSE, .25X1.25, 5A, 250V, SLOW 109215 1





List of Replaceable Parts How to Obtain Parts 5


Table 5-2. Rear-Panel Assembly (cont.)

Reference Designator

Description Fluke Part

Number Quantity


MP44 AIR FILTER 945287 1



T1 TRANSFORMER, POWER, 100-240V, 50/60HZ, 7:1:2:1:8:2:1:2, 5520A-6501, 284W, EI175

625720 1

5522A Service Manual


H 10

2, H

10 3

(2 X


H 15

2, H

15 3

(2 X




H 38

, H 84

(2 X


H 85

, H 86

, H

12 0,

H 12

1 (2

X )

B 1

H 10

4- H

10 7

(4 X

)H 10

-H 13


X )

H 11

2- H

11 5

(4 X


A 9M

P 4

(2 X

) H

14 -H

33 (4

X )

H 87

, H 88

, H 89

(3 X


H 12

2- H

15 1

(3 X


H 6,

H 7

(2 XH

8, H

9 (2

X )


44 M

P 6

H 15

4- H

15 7

(4 X


H 10

8- H

11 1

(4 X




T1 M

P 19

H 10

4 H





37 M

P 38

H 11

6- H

11 9

(2 X

) TO




5 -7




18 F1 M

P 34


49 M

P 50












T/ B



M 5

80 0A

-4 40

9 G





Figure 5-2. Rear-Panel Assembly

List of Replaceable Parts How to Obtain Parts 5


Table 5-3. Chassis Assembly

Reference Designator

Description Fluke Part

Number Quantity

A3 PCA, MOTHER BOARD, A3 4104587 1

A5 PCA, OHMS, A5 4104593 1

A6 PCA, DDS, A6 4104606 1

A7 PCA, CURRENT. A7 626918 1

A8 PCB, VOLTAGE, A8 626926 1

A12 PCA, POWER SUPPLY, A12 4018083 1


2803610 4


295105 20

H43-H64 SCREW, FHU, P, LOCK, MAG SS, 6-32, .250 320093 22

H65-H82 SCREW, PH, P, LOCK, SS, 6-32, .500 320051 18

H116-H119 SCREW, FHU, P, SS, 6-32, .312 867234 4

H122-H151 SCREW, 6-32, .250, PAN, PHILLIPS, STEEL, ZINC-CLEAR, LOCK 152140 30



MP6 SHEET METAL KIT — 5522A 3834644 1

MP7 PUSH ROD 1275879 1




MP22 GROUND STRIP, BECU FINGERS, ADHES, .32 W, 12.5 L 601762 4


494724 4


MP51 GROUND STRIP, GRND STRIP, CU FINGERS, .32, 12.50 601770 4

MP54 AIDE, PCB PULL 541730 1

MP57 TAPE, FOAM, POLYUR, W/LINER, .3125, .250 603134 1

5522A Service Manual


H 14

-H 33

(1 2X


A 6

(D D



Y )

A 5

(S Y




Y )


31 (C






) A

7 (2

X )

H 43

-H 64

(4 X



31 (V





Y )

A 8

(2 X


H 12

2- H

15 1

(8 X


H 11

6- H

11 9

(2 X



11 (2

X )


54 M P


A 12


22 (4

X )


3 H

1- H

4 (5

X )

A 3

H 65

-H 82

(1 2X


H 12

2- H

15 1

(4 X





12 (2

X )


15 (2

X )






7 M

P 51

(4 X









A 63









A 65









.0 30



1, M

P 2

(2 X



Figure 5-3. Chassis Assembly

List of Replaceable Parts How to Obtain Parts 5


Table 5-4. Wiring

Reference Designator

Description Fluke Part

Number Quantity



W2 CABLE, 20AMP OUTPUT 3473928 1

W3 WIRE, 6 GROUND» 626116 1

W5 CABLE, 14 PIN SIP, OPTREX 1572102 1

5522A Service Manual


W 1

(2 X




W 3

W 2

W 5

A 1

A 2








E /V







A 2W








J4 J3


J2 J1 J6




A1 C1












C32 C1







C32 C1

C32 C1


C32 C1







J2 09






A32 C32






15 15

J2 03

4 1






A 3

A 9










P 1

P 1

P 2

1 2

J1 J1

1 19

10 1

A 65

W 20

A 65

T1 S






T/ B







-A S

H 3


T/ B



T/ B




T/ B


































, C LE























Figure 5-4. Wiring Diagram

List of Replaceable Parts How to Obtain Parts 5


Table 5-5. Final Assembly

Reference Designator

Description Fluke Part

Number Quantity

H43-H64 SCREW, FHU, P, LOCK, MAG SS, 6-32, .250 320093 22

MP6 SHEET METAL KIT — 5522A 3834644 1


MP10 TILT STAND 2650711 2

5522A Service Manual


H 43

-H 64

(8 X







8 (4

X )

H 43

-H 64

(8 X

) M

P 10

(2 X




H 43

-H 64

(2 X



Figure 5-5. Final Assembly


Chapter 6 SC600 Calibration Option

Title Page

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 6-3 Maintenance …………………………………………………………………………………………… 6-3 SC600 Specifications ………………………………………………………………………………. 6-3

Voltage Function Specifications ……………………………………………………………. 6-4 Edge Specifications …………………………………………………………………………….. 6-4 Leveled Sine Wave Specifications ………………………………………………………… 6-5 Time Marker Specifications …………………………………………………………………. 6-5 Wave Generator Specifications …………………………………………………………….. 6-5 Pulse Generator Specifications ……………………………………………………………… 6-6 Trigger Signal Specifications (Pulse Function) ……………………………………….. 6-6 Trigger Signal Specifications (Time Marker Function) ……………………………. 6-6 Trigger Signal Specifications (Edge Function) ……………………………………….. 6-6 Trigger Signal Specifications (Square Wave Voltage Function)………………… 6-6 Trigger Signal Specifications ……………………………………………………………….. 6-6 Oscilloscope Input Resistance Measurement Specifications ……………………… 6-6 Oscilloscope Input Capacitance Measurement Specifications …………………… 6-6 Overload Measurement Specifications …………………………………………………… 6-7

Theory of Operation ………………………………………………………………………………… 6-7 Voltage Mode …………………………………………………………………………………….. 6-7 Edge Mode…………………………………………………………………………………………. 6-7 Leveled Sine Wave Mode ……………………………………………………………………. 6-7 Time Marker Mode ……………………………………………………………………………… 6-7 Wave Generator Mode ………………………………………………………………………… 6-8 Input Impedance Mode (Resistance) ……………………………………………………… 6-8 Input Impedance Mode (Capacitance) ……………………………………………………. 6-8 Overload Mode …………………………………………………………………………………… 6-8

Equipment Necessary for SC600 Calibration and Verification ……………………… 6-10 Calibration Setup ……………………………………………………………………………………. 6-13 Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions ………………….. 6-14

Overview of HP3458A Operation …………………………………………………………. 6-14 Voltage Square Wave Measurement Setup …………………………………………….. 6-14 Edge and Wave Gen Square Wave Measurements Setup …………………………. 6-15 DC Voltage Calibration ……………………………………………………………………….. 6-16 AC Voltage Calibration ……………………………………………………………………….. 6-17 Wave Generator Calibration …………………………………………………………………. 6-17 Edge Amplitude Calibration …………………………………………………………………. 6-18 Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Calibration …………………………………………….. 6-18 Leveled Sine Wave Flatness Calibration ………………………………………………… 6-19

5522A Service Manual


Low Frequency Calibration ………………………………………………………………. 6-20 High Frequency Calibration ……………………………………………………………… 6-20

Pulse Width Calibration ………………………………………………………………………. 6-21 MeasZ Calibration ………………………………………………………………………………. 6-22

Verification ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 6-24 DC Voltage Verification ………………………………………………………………………. 6-24

Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………………….. 6-25 Verification at 50 ………………………………………………………………………… 6-25

AC Voltage Amplitude Verification ………………………………………………………. 6-27 Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………………….. 6-28 Verification at 50 ………………………………………………………………………… 6-29

AC Voltage Frequency Verification ………………………………………………………. 6-30 Edge Amplitude Verification………………………………………………………………… 6-31 Edge Frequency Verification ………………………………………………………………… 6-32 Edge Duty Cycle Verification ………………………………………………………………. 6-33 Edge Rise Time Verification ………………………………………………………………… 6-33 Edged Aberration Verification ……………………………………………………………… 6-35 Tunnel Diode Pulser Drive Amplitude Verification …………………………………. 6-36 Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Verification …………………………………………… 6-36 Leveled Sine Wave Frequency Verification ……………………………………………. 6-38 Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification …………………………………………… 6-38 Leveled Sine Wave Flatness Verification ………………………………………………. 6-40

Equipment Setup for Low Frequency Flatness ……………………………………. 6-41 Equipment Setup for High Frequency Flatness ……………………………………. 6-41 Low Frequency Verification …………………………………………………………….. 6-42 High Frequency Verification …………………………………………………………….. 6-43

Time Marker Verification …………………………………………………………………….. 6-44 Wave Generator Verification ………………………………………………………………… 6-45

Wave Generator Verification Setup …………………………………………………… 6-46 Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………………….. 6-46 Verification at 50 …………………………………………………………………………. 6-47

Pulse Width Verification ……………………………………………………………………… 6-49 Pulse Period Verification ……………………………………………………………………… 6-50 MeasZ Resistance Verification ……………………………………………………………… 6-51 MeasZ Capacitance Verification …………………………………………………………… 6-52 Overload Function Verification …………………………………………………………….. 6-53

SC600 Hardware Adjustments ………………………………………………………………….. 6-54 Necessary Equipment ………………………………………………………………………….. 6-54 How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave Function …………………………………….. 6-54

Equipment Setup …………………………………………………………………………….. 6-54 How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave VCO Balance ………………………….. 6-55 How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics ………………………………. 6-55

How to Adjust the Aberrations for the Edge Function ……………………………… 6-56 Equipment Setup …………………………………………………………………………….. 6-56 How to Adjust the Edge Aberrations …………………………………………………. 6-57

SC600 Calibration Option Introduction 6


Introduction This chapter contains information and procedures to do the servicing of the SC600 Oscilloscope Calibration Option.

The calibration and verification procedures supply traceable results for all of the SC600 functions while they are done with the recommended equipment. All of the necessary equipment, along with the minimum specifications, are shown in Table 6-1 in the Equipment Necessary for SC600 Calibration and Verification section.

The calibration and verification procedures in this chapter are not the ones Fluke uses at the factory. These procedures were made so you can calibrate and verify the SC600 at your own site if necessary. Look at all the procedures before you do them to make sure you have the resources to complete them. It is strongly recommended that, if possible, you send your Calibrator to Fluke for calibration and verification.

Hardware adjustments that are made after repair, at the factory, or designated Fluke service centers, are supplied in this manual.

Maintenance There are no maintenance procedures or diagnostic remote commands for the SC600 that are available to users. If your SC600 is not installed or is not connected to power, the error message in Figure 6-1 shows in the Calibrator display when you push .


Figure 6-1. Error Message for Scope Option

If this message shows in the display, and you have the SC600 installed in the Calibrator, you must send the Calibrator to Fluke for repair. To purchase an SC600, see your Fluke sales representative.

SC600 Specifications These specifications apply only to the SC600 Option. General specifications for the Calibrator mainframe can be found in Chapter 1. The specifications are correct for these conditions:

The Calibrator is operated in the conditions specified in Chapter 1.

The Calibrator has completed a warm-up period that is two times the period the Calibrator was turned off to a maximum of 30 minutes.

The SC600 has been active more than 5 minutes.

5522A Service Manual


Voltage Function Specifications

Voltage Function DC Signal Square Wave Signal [1]

50 Load 1 M Load 50 Load 1 M Load

Amplitude Characteristics

Range 0 to 6.599 V 0 to 130 V 1 mV to 6.599 V p-p

1 mV to 130 V p-p


Range 1 to 24.999 mV 25 to 109.99 mV 110 mV to 2.1999 V 2.2 to 10.999 V 11 to 130 V

Resolution 1 V 10 V 100 V 1 mV 10 mV

Adjustment Range Continuously adjustable 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C

(0.25 % of output + 40 V)

0.05 % of output + 40 V)

(0.25 % of output + 40 V)

(0.1 % of output + 40 V) [2]

Sequence 1-2-5 (e.g., 10 mV, 20 mV, 50 mV) Square Wave Frequency Characteristics

Range 10 Hz to 10 kHz 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C (2.5 ppm of setting)

Typical aberration within 4 s from 50 % of leading/trailing edge <(0.5 % of output + 100 V)

[1] Selectable positive or negative, zero referenced square wave. [2] For square wave frequencies above 1 kHz, (0.25 % of output + 40 V).

Edge Specifications

Edge Characteristics into 50 Load 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty,

tcal 5 C

Rise Time 300 ps [1] (+0 ps / -100 ps) Amplitude Range (p-p) 4.5 mV to 2.75 V (2 % of output + 200 V) Resolution 4 digits

Adjustment Range 10 % around each sequence value (indicated below)

Sequence Values 5 mV, 10 mV, 25 mV, 50 mV, 60 mV, 80 mV, 100 mV, 200 mV, 250 mV, 300 mV, 500 mV, 600 mV, 1 V, 2.5 V

Frequency Range 900 Hz to 11 MHz (2.5 ppm of setting) Typical Jitter, edge to trigger <5 ps (p-p)

Leading Edge Aberrations [2]

within 2 ns from 50 % of rising edge <(3 % of output + 2 mV) 2 to 5 ns <(2 % of output + 2 mV) 5 to 15 ns <(1 % of output + 2 mV) after 15 ns <(0.5 % of output + 2 mV)

Typical Duty Cycle 45 % to 55 % Tunnel Diode Pulse Drive Square wave at 100 Hz to 100 kHz, with variable amplitude of 60 to 100 V p-p.

[1] Above 2 MHz rise time specification <350 ps [2] All edge aberration measurements made with Tektronix 11801 mainframe with SD26 input module.

SC600 Calibration Option SC600 Specifications 6


Leveled Sine Wave Specifications Leveled Sine Wave

Characteristics into 50 Frequency Range

50 kHz (reference) 50 kHz to 100 MHz 100 to 300 MHz 300 to 600 MHz

Amplitude Characteristics (for measuring oscilloscope bandwidth)

Range (p-p) 5 mV to 5.5 V

Resolution <100 mV: 3 digits 100 mV: 4 digits

Adjustment Range continuously adjustable 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C

(2 % of output + 300 V)

(3.5 % of output + 300 V)

(4 % of output + 300 V)

(6 % of output + 300 V)

Flatness (relative to 50 kHz)

not applicable (1.5 % of output + 100 V)

(2 % of output + 100 V)

(4 % of output + 100 V)

Short-Term Amplitude Stability 1 % [1]

Frequency Characteristics

Resolution 1 kHz 10 kHz 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C 2.5 ppm [2]

Distortion Characteristics 2nd Harmonic -33 dBc 3rd and Higher Harmonics -38 dBc

[1] Within 1 hour after reference amplitude setting, provided temperature varies no more than 5 C. [2] With REF CLK set to ext, the frequency uncertainty of the Leveled Sine Wave is the uncertainty of the external 10 MHz clock

0.3 Hz/gate time.

Time Marker Specifications

Time Maker into 50 5 s to 50 ms 20 ms to 100 ns

50 to 20 ns 10 ns 5 to 2 ns

1-Year Absolute Uncertainty at Cardinal Points, tcal 5 C [3]

(25 + t *1000) ppm [1] 2.5 ppm 2.5 ppm 2.5 ppm 2.5 ppm

Wave Shape spike or square spike, square, or 20 %-pulse spike or square square or sine sine

Typical Output Level >1 V p-p [2] >1 V p-p [2] >1 V p-p [2] >1 V p-p [2] >1 V p-p Typical Jitter (rms) <10 ppm <1 ppm <1 ppm <1 ppm <1 ppm Sequence 5-2-1 from 5 s to 2 ns (e.g., 500 ms, 200 ms, 100 ms) Adjustment Range At least 10 % around each sequence value indicated above. Amplitude Resolution 4 digits

[1] t is the time in seconds. [2] Typical rise time of square wave and 20 %-pulse (20 % duty cycle pulse) is < 1.5 ns. [3] Away from the cardinal points, add 50 ppm.

Wave Generator Specifications

Wave Generator Characteristics Square Wave, Sine Wave, and Triangle Wave

into 50 or 1 M


Range into 1 M: 1.8 mV to 55 V p-p into 50 : 1.8 mV to 2.5 V p-p

1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C, 10 Hz to 10 kHz (3 % of p-p output + 100 V)

Sequence 1-2-5 (e.g., 10 mV, 20 mV, 50 mV) Typical DC Offset Range 0 to (40 % of p-p amplitude) [1] Frequency

Range 10 Hz to 100 kHz Resolution 4 or 5 digits depending upon frequency 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C (25 ppm + 15 mHz)

[1] The DC offset plus the wave signal must not exceed 30 V rms.

5522A Service Manual


Pulse Generator Specifications Pulse Generator Characteristics Positive pulse into 50

Typical rise/fall times <2 ns Available Amplitudes 2.5 V, 1 V, 250 mV, 100 mV, 25 mV, 10 mV Pulse Width

Range 4 ns to 500 ns [1] Uncertainty [2] 5 % of pulse width 2 ns Pulse Period

Range 22 ms to 200 ns (45.5 Hz to 5 MHz) Resolution 4 or 5 digits depending upon frequency and width

1-Year Absolute Uncertainty at Cardinal Points, tcal 5 C 2.5 ppm

[1] Pulse width not to exceed 40 % of period. [2] Pulse width uncertainties for periods below 2 s are not specified.

Trigger Signal Specifications (Pulse Function) Pulse Period Division Ratio Amplitude into 50 (p-p) Typical Rise Time

22 ms to 200 ns off/1/10/100 1 V 2 ns

Trigger Signal Specifications (Time Marker Function) Time Marker Period Division Ratio Amplitude into 50 (p-p) Typical Rise Time

2 to 9 ns off/100 1 V 2 ns 10 to 749 ns off/10/100 1 V 2 ns 750 ns to 34.9 ms off/1/10/100 1 V 2 ns 35 ms to 5 s off/1 1 V 2 ns

Trigger Signal Specifications (Edge Function) Edge Signal Frequency Division Ratio

Typical Amplitude into 50 (p-p)

Typical Rise Time Typical Lead Time

900 Hz to 11 MHz off/1 1 V 2 ns 40 ns

Trigger Signal Specifications (Square Wave Voltage Function) Voltage Function

Frequency Division Ratio Typical Amplitude into

50 (p-p) Typical Rise Time Typical Lead Time

10 Hz to 10 kHz off/1 1 V 2 ns 1 s

Trigger Signal Specifications Trigger Signal Type Parameters

Field Formats Selectable NTSC, SECAM, PAL, PAL-M Polarity Selectable inverted or uninverted video Amplitude into 50 load Adjustable 0 to 1.5 V p-p , (7 % accuracy) Line Marker Selectable Line Video Marker

Oscilloscope Input Resistance Measurement Specifications Scope Input Selected 50 1 M

Measurement Range 40 to 60 500 k to 1.5 M Uncertainty 0.1 % 0.1 %

Oscilloscope Input Capacitance Measurement Specifications Scope Input selected 1 M

Measurement Range 5 to 50 pF Uncertainty (5 % of input + 0.5 pF) [1]

[1] Measurement made within 30 minutes of capacitance zero reference. SC600 option must be selected for at least five minutes prior to any capacitance measurement, including the zero process.

SC600 Calibration Option Theory of Operation 6


Overload Measurement Specifications

Source Voltage Typical On Current

Indication Typical Off Current Indication

Maximum Time Limit DC or AC (1 kHz)

5 to 9 V 100 to 180 mA 10 mA Setable 1 s to 60 s

Theory of Operation This section contains a brief overview of the SC600 operation modes. This information will let you identify which of the main plug-in PCAs of the Calibrator mainframe are defective. Figure 6-2 shows a block diagram of the SC600 Option (also referred to as the A50 PCA). Functions that are not shown in the figure are sourced from the DDS Assembly (A6 PCA). See Chapter 2 for a diagram of all Calibrator mainframe PCA assemblies.

Voltage Mode All signals for the voltage function come from the A51 Voltage/Video PCA, a daughter card to the A50 PCA. A dc reference voltage is supplied to the A51 PCA from the A6 DDS PCA. All dc and ac oscilloscope output voltages are derived from this signal and sourced on the A51 PCA. The output of the A51 PCA goes to the A50 Signal PCA (also attached to the A50 PCA) and attenuator module and is then cabled to the output connectors on the front panel. The reference dc signal is used to supply + and — dc and ac signals that are amplified or attenuated to supply the range of output signals.

Edge Mode The DDC A6 PCA is the source of the edge clock and goes to the A50 PCA. The signal is then shaped and divided to supply the fast edge and external trigger signals. The edge signal comes from the A50 PCA first to the attenuator assembly (where range attenuation occurs) and then to the SCOPE connector BNC on the front panel. If turned on, the trigger is connected to the Trig Out BNC on the front panel.

Leveled Sine Wave Mode All of the leveled sine wave signals (from 50 kHz to 600 MHz) are supplied from the A50 PCA. The leveled sine wave signal comes from the A50 PCA to the on-board attenuator assembly. The attenuator assembly supplies range attenuation and also contains a power detector which keeps amplitude flatness across the frequency range. The signal is then applied to the SCOPE connector on the front panel.

Time Marker Mode There are three primary ranges of time marker operation: 5 s to 20 ms, 10 ms to 2 s, and 1 s to 2 ns.

The A6 DDS PCA is the source of the 5 s to 20 ms markers and are sent to the A50 PCA. The signal path is also divided to supply the external trigger circuitry on the A50 PCA. If turned on, the trigger is connected to the Trig Out BNC on the front panel. The marker signal that goes through the A50 PCA is connected to the attenuator assembly. The signal is then applied to the SCOPE connector on the front panel.

The 10 ms to 2 s markers are derived from a square wave signal that comes from the A6 PCA and is applied to the A50 PCA for wave shaping and external trigger generation. If the trigger is turned on, the signal is connected to the Trig Out BNC on the front panel. The marker signal on the A50 PCA goes to the attenuator assembly and then to the SCOPE connector on the front panel.

The leveled sine wave generator on the A50 PCA is the source of the 1 s to 2 ns markers. This signal is also divided to drive the external trigger circuits. If the trigger is turned on, the signal is then connected to the Trig Out BNC on the front panel. The other path sends the signal to the marker circuits on the A50 PCA, where the signal is shaped into the other marker waveforms. The marker signals on the A50 PCA go to the attenuator assembly and then to the SCOPE connector on the front panel.

5522A Service Manual


Wave Generator Mode All signals for the wavegen function come from the A6 PCA and go to the A50 PCA. They then go to the attenuator assembly, where range attenuation occurs. Wavegen signals are then sent to the SCOPE connector on the front panel. Video and pulse generator mode signals are derived from dedicated circuitry on the A50 SC600 option PCA. If there are faults related only to these functions, then the A50 PCA is most likely defective.

Input Impedance Mode (Resistance) The reference resistors for this mode are on the A50 PCA, while the DCV reference signal and measurement signals are on the A6 DDS PCA.

Input Impedance Mode (Capacitance) The A50 SC600 Scope Option PCA contains the capacitance measurement circuits, that uses signals from the leveled sine wave source. If there are faults related only to capacitance measurement, then the A50 PCA is most likely defective.

Overload Mode The A51 Voltage/Video PCA of the A50 SC600 Option PCA supplies the voltage for the overload mode. The voltage is applied to the external 50 load, and the circuit current is monitored by the A6 DDS PCA.

SC600 Calibration Option Theory of Operation 6



Analog Shaped 2 ms — 10 ms

Pulse Shaped 20 ms — 1 ms

Unleveled Leveled


10 MHz Clock

A4 SC600 Option

Trigger %1,10,100,1000




External Clock In

Time Mark II

Time Mark III

LF Mux.

HF Mux.

HF Mux.

Oscilloscope Calibrator Trigger BNC


pp detect

Step Attenuator Module Leveled Sine Wave and Time Mark IV

PLLs Pwr Amp.

Leveling Loop



Figure 6-2. SC600 Block Diagram

5522A Service Manual


Equipment Necessary for SC600 Calibration and Verification Table 6-1 is a list of equipment necessary for calibration and verification of the SC600 Oscilloscope Option.

Table 6-1. SC600 Calibration and Verification Equipment

Wave Generator and Edge Amplitude Calibration, AC Voltage and TD Pulser Equipment

Instrument Model Minimum Use Specifications

Digital Multimeter HP 3458A Voltage 1.8 mV to 130 V p-p Uncertainty:0.06 %

Edge 4.5 mV to 2.75 V p-p Uncertainty:0.06 %

Adapter Pomona #1269

Termination Feedthrough 50 1 % (used with edge amplitude Calibration and ac voltage verification)

Output Cable (supplied with SC600) Type N to BNC

Edge Rise Time and Aberrations Verification

High-Frequency Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Tektronix 11801 with Tektronix SD-22/26 sampling head, or Tektronix TDS 820 with 8 GHz bandwidth

Frequency 12.5 GHz

Resolution 4.5 mV to 2.75 V

Attenuator Weinschel 9-10 (SMA) or Weinschel 18W-10 or equivalent

10 dB, 3.5 mm (m/f)

Adapter BNC(f) to 3.5 mm(m)

Output Cable (supplied with SC600) Type N to BNC

Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Calibration and Verification

AC Measurement Standard

Fluke 5790A Range 5 mV p-p to 5.5 V p-p

Frequency 50 kHz

Adapter Pomona #1269 BNC(f) to Double Banana Plug

Termination Feedthrough 50 1 %

Output Cable (supplied with SC600) Type N to BNC

DC and AC Voltage Calibration and Verification, DC Voltage Verification

Digital Multimeter HP 3458A

Adapter Pomona #1269 BNC(f) to Double Banana Plug

Termination Feedthrough 50 1 %

Output Cable (supplied with SC600) Type N to BNC

SC600 Calibration Option Equipment Necessary for SC600 Calibration and Verification 6


Table 6-1. SC600 Calibration and Verification Equipment (cont.)

Wave Generator and Edge Amplitude Calibration, AC Voltage and TD Pulser Equipment

Instrument Model Minimum Use Specifications

Pulse Width Calibration and Verification

High-Frequency Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Tektronix 11801 with Tektronix SD-22/26 sampling head

Attenuator 3 dB, 3.5 mm (m/f)

Adapter (2) BNC(f) to 3.5 mm(m)

Output Cable (supplied with SC600) Type N to BNC

Leveled Sine Wave Frequency Verification

Frequency Counter PM 6680 with option (PM 9621, PM 9624, or PM 9625) and (PM 9690 or PM 9691)

50 kHz to 600 MHz, <0.15 ppm uncertainty

Adapter Pomona #3288 BNC(f) to Type N(m)

Output Cable (supplied with SC600) Type N to BNC

Leveled Sine Wave Flatness (Low Frequency) Calibration and Verification

AC Measurement Standard

Fluke 5790A with -03 option

Range 5 mV p-p to 5.5 V p-p

Frequency 50 kHz to 10 MHz

Adapter Pomona #3288 BNC(f) to Type N(m)

Output Cable (supplied with SC600) Type N to BNC

Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification

Spectrum Analyzer HO 8509A

Adapter Pomona #3288 BNC(f) to Type N(m)

Output Cable (supplied with SC600) Type N to BNC

Pulse Period, Edge Frequency, AC Voltage Frequency Verification

Frequency Counter PM 6680 with option (PM 9690 or PM 9691)

20 ms to 150 ns, 10 Hz to 10 MHz: <0.15 ppm uncertainty

Output Cable (supplied with SC600) Type N to BNC

Edge Duty Cycle

Frequency Counter PM 6680

Output Cable (supplied with SC600) Type N to BNC

5522A Service Manual


Table 6-1. SC600 Calibration and Verification Equipment (cont.)

Wave Generator and Edge Amplitude Calibration, AC Voltage and TD Pulser Equipment

Instrument Model Minimum Use Specifications

Overload Functional Verification

Termination Feedthrough 50 1 %

Output Cable (supplied with SC600) Type N to BNC

MeasZ Resistance, Capacitance Verification

Resistors 1 M and 50 nominal values

Capacitors 50 pF nominal value at the end of BNC(f) connector

Adapters To connect resistors and capacitors to BNC(f) connector

Output Cable (supplied with SC600) Type N to BNC

Leveled Sine Wave Flatness (High Frequency) Calibration and Verification

Instrument Model Minimum Use Specifications

Power Meter Hewlett-Packard 437B Range -42 dBm to +5.6 dBm

Frequency 10 MHz to 600 MHz

Power Sensor Hewlett-Packard 8482A Range -20 dBm to +19 dBm

Frequency 10 MHz to 600 MHz

Power Sensor Hewlett-Packard 8481D Range -42 dBm to -20 dBm

Frequency 10 MHz to 600 MHz

30 dB Reference Attenuatior

Hewlett-Packard 11708A (supplied with HP 8481D)

Range 30 dB

Frequency 50 MHz

Adapter Hewlett-Packard PN 1250-1474

BNC(f) to Type N(f)

Output Cable (supplied with SC600) Type N to BNC

Leveled Sine Wave Frequency, Time Marker Verification

Frequency Counter PM 6680 with option (PM 9621, PM 9624, or PM 9625) and (PM 9690 or PM 9691)

2 ns to 5 s, 50 kHz to 600 MHz: <0.15 ppm uncertainty

Adapter Pomona #3288 BNC(f) to Type N(m)

Output Cable (supplied with SC600) Type N to BNC

SC600 Calibration Option Calibration Setup 6


Table 6-1. SC600 Calibration and Verification Equipment (cont.)

Wave Generator and Edge Amplitude Calibration, AC Voltage and TD Pulser Equipment

Instrument Model Minimum Use Specifications

Wave Generator Verification

AC Measurement Standard

Fluke 5790A with -03 option

Range 1.8 mV p-p to 55 V p-p

Frequency 10 Hz to 100 kHz

Adapter Pomona #1269 BNC(f) to Double Banana Plug

Termination Feedthrough 50 1 %

Output Cable (supplied with SC600) Type N to BNC

Calibration Setup The procedures in this manual were made to let users calibrate the SC600 at their own site if it becomes necessary to do so. It is strongly recommended that, if possible, you send your Calibrator to Fluke for calibration and verification. The Calibrator Mainframe must be fully calibrated before you do calibration of the SC600.

The hardware adjustments are intended to be one-time adjustments done in the factory. Adjustment can be necessary after repair. Hardware adjustments must be done before calibration. Calibration must be done after if hardware adjustments are made. See the Hardware Adjustments section in this chapter.

The AC Voltage function is dependent on the DC Voltage function. Calibration of the AC Voltage function is necessary after the DC Voltage is calibrated.

The Calibrator Mainframe must complete a warm-up period and the SC600 must be turned on for a minimum of 5 minutes before you start calibration. This lets internal components become thermally stable. The Calibrator Mainframe warm-up period is a minimum of two times the period the calibrator was turned off, or a maximum of 30 minutes. Push to turn on the SC600. The green LED on the SCOPE key is illuminated when the SC600 is turned on.

Most of the SC600 Option can be calibrated from the front panel. Push to turn on the SC600 and wait a minimum of 5 minutes. To start the Scope Cal mode:

1. Push .

2. Push the CAL softkey.

3. Push the CAL softkey again.

4. Push the SCOPE CAL softkey.

Note If you push the Scope Cal softkey sooner than 5 minutes after you pushed ,, a warning message shows in the display.

All equipment used to calibrate the SC600 must be calibrated, certified traceable if traceability is to be kept, and operated in their specified operation environment.

It is also important to make sure that the equipment has had sufficient time to warm up before you start calibration. Refer to the operation manual for each piece of equipment for more information.

Before you start calibration, look at all of the procedures to make sure you have the resources to do them.

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The Calibrator starts calibration with the DC Voltage function. If it is necessary to start with a different function, push the OPTIONS softkey. Then push the NEXT SECTION softkey until you see the function name in the display.

Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions

The Voltage, Edge, and Wave Generator functions have square wave voltages that must be calibrated or verified. The HP3458A digital multimeter can be programmed from the front panel or through the remote interface to make these measurements.

Overview of HP3458A Operation The Hewlett-Packard 3458A digital multimeter is configured as a digitizer to measure the peak-to-peak value of the signal. It is set to DCV, with different analog-to-digital integration times and trigger commands to measure the topline and baseline of the square wave signal.

Voltage Square Wave Measurement Setup To make accurate and repeatable measurements of the topline and baseline of a voltage square wave with a maximum frequency of 10 kHz, set the integration and sample time of the HP3458A. For this measurement, connect the external trigger of the HP3458A to the external trigger output of the SC600. Set the HP3458A to make an analog-to-digital conversion after it senses the falling edge of an external trigger.

The conversion does not occur until after the delay set by the 3458A DELAY command. The frequency measured by the DMM influences the actual integration time. Table 6-2 summarizes the DMM settings necessary to make topline and baseline measurements. Figure 6-3 illustrates the correct connections for this setup.

Table 6-2. Voltage HP3458A Settings

Voltage Input Frequency

HP3458A Settings

NPLC DELAY (topline) DELAY (baseline)

100 Hz 0.1 0.007 s 0.012 s

1 kHz 0.01 0.0007 s 0.0012 s

5 kHz 0.002 0.00014 0.00024

10 kHz 0.001 0.00007 0.00012

For all measurements, the HP 3458A is in DCV, manual range, with external trigger turned on. A convenient method to make these measurements from the front panel of the HP3458A is to put these parameters into some of the user-defined keys. For example, to make topline measurements at 1 kHz, you set the DMM to NPLC .01; DELAY .0007; TRIG EXT. To find the average of multiple measurements, you can set one of the keys to MATH OFF; MATH STAT and then use the RMATH MEAN function to recall the average or mean value.

Note For this application, if you make measurements of a signal >1 kHz, the HP 3458A can show 0.05 % to 0.1 % peaking in the 100 mV range. For these signals, lock the HP 3458A to the 1 V range.

SC600 Calibration Option Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions 6


HP 3458A (Front) 5522A-SC600SC600 Cable

HP 3458A (Rear)

50 Feedthrough Termination

BNC(F) to Double Banana







Figure 6-3. Equipment Setup for SC600 Voltage Square Wave Measurements

Edge and Wave Gen Square Wave Measurements Setup The setup to measure the topline and baseline of Edge and Wave Generator signals is a little different from the Voltage Square Wave method given above. The HP 3458A is triggered by a change in input level rather than an external trigger. The trigger level is set to 1 % of the DCV range, with ac coupling of the trigger signal. The delay after the trigger event is also changed for the Edge and Wave Generator functions. See Table 6-3 and Figure 6-4.

Table 6-3. Edge and Wave Generator HP 3458A Settings

Voltage Input Frequency

HP3458A Settings

NPLC DELAY (topline) DELAY (baseline)

1 kHz .01 .0002 s .0007 s

10 kHz .001 .00002 s .00007 s

5522A Service Manual


HP 3458A 5522A-SC600SC600 Cable

50 Feedthrough Termination

BNC(F) to Double Banana



Figure 6-4. Equipment Setup for SC600 Edge and Wave Gen Square Wave Measurements

For all measurements, the HP 3458A is in DCV, manual range, with level triggering enabled. A convenient method to make these measurements from the front panel of the HP 3458A is to put these parameters into some of the user-defined keys. For example, to make topline measurements at 1 kHz, you set the DMM to NPLC .01; LEVEL 1; DELAY .0002; TRIG LEVEL. To find the average of multiple measurements, you can set one of the keys to MATH OFF; MATH STAT and then use the RMATH MEAN function to recall the average or mean value. Refer to Figure 6-4 for the correct connections

DC Voltage Calibration This procedure uses:

Hewlett-Packard 3458A Digital Multimeter

BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC600

Note AC voltage calibration is necessary for dc voltage calibration.

See Figure 6-4 for the correct equipment connections.

Set the Calibrator Mainframe in Scope Cal mode, DC Voltage section. To calibrate DC Voltage:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input, with the output cable and the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

2. Set the HP 3458A to DCV, Auto Range, NPLC = 10, FIXEDZ = on.

3. Push the GO ON softkey.

4. Make sure the HP 3458A measurement is 0.0 V DC 10 V. If not, adjust R121 on A41. R121 is a square one turn pot and has a mark on the PCA near Q29.

5. Push the GO ON softkey.

6. Calibration voltages 33 V and higher automatically put the Calibrator output in standby. When this occurs, push on the Calibrator to output the signal. Let the

SC600 Calibration Option Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions 6


HP 3458A DC voltage measurement become stable. Type in the measurement through the Calibrator keypad and then push .

Note The Calibrator will show a message if the typed in value is higher or lower than the limits of the value. If this occurs, examine the setup and carefully re-type in the measurement with the correct multiplier (i.e., m, , n, p). If the warning continues, repair may be necessary.

7. Do step 6 again until the Calibrator shows that the subsequent steps calibrate ac voltage. Push the OPTIONS, then STORE CONSTS softkeys to store the new calibration constants.

AC voltage must be calibrated: continue with the subsequent section.

AC Voltage Calibration This procedure uses the same equipment and setup as DC Voltage calibration. Refer to Figure 6-4. DC voltages are measured and typed in to the Calibrator to calibrate the AC Voltage function.

To calibrate the Calibrator for ac voltage:

1. Push the OPTIONS softkey.

2. Push the NEXT SECTION softkey until The next steps calibrate -SC600 ACV shows in the display.

3. Push the GO ON softkey.

4. Let the HP 3485A voltage measurement become stable.

5. Type in the measurement through the keypad of the Calibrator.

6. Push .

Note The Calibrator will show a message if the typed in value is higher or lower than the limits of the value. If this occurs, examine the setup and carefully re-type in the measurement with the correct multiplier (i.e., m, , n, p). If the warning continues, repair may be necessary.

7. Do step 4 again until the Calibrator shows that the subsequent steps calibrate WAVGEN. Push the OPTIONS, then STORE CONSTS softkeys to store the new calibration constants.

Wave Generator Calibration This procedure uses:

Hewlett-Packard 3458A Digital Multimeter

BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC600

To calibrate the wave generator:

1. Push the OPTIONS softkey.

2. Push the NEXT SECTION softkey until WAVEGEN Cal: shows in the display.

3. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP3458A input with the output cable and the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

4. Set the HP 3458A to DCV, NPLC = .01, LEVEL 1, TRIG LEVEL.

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5. Set the HP 3458A DELAY to .0002 for the top part of the waveform (i.e. topline) measurement, and .0007 for the lower part of the waveform (i.e. baseline). Manually range lock the HP 3458A to the range that gives the most resolution for the topline measurements. Use this same range for the related baseline measurements at each step.

6. For each calibration step, get samples for 2 seconds minimum, with the HP 3458A MATH functions to retrieve the average or mean value. See the Setup for SC600 Edge and Wave Generator Measurements section for more information.

Edge Amplitude Calibration This procedure uses:

Hewlett-Packard 3458A Digital Multimeter

BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC600

50 feedthrough termination

To do Edge Amplitude Calibration:

1. Setup the equipment as shown in Figure 6-4.

2. Push the OPTIONS softkey.

3. Push the NEXT SECTION softkey until Set up to measure fast edge amplitude shows in the display.

4. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input with the output cable and the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

5. Set the HP 3458A to DCV, NPLC = .01, LEVEL 1, TRIG LEVEL.

6. Set the HP 3458A DELAY to .0002 for the top part of the waveform (or topline) measurement, and .0007 for the lower part of the waveform (or baseline). Manually range lock the HP 3458A to the range that gives the most resolution for the baseline measurements. Use this same range for the related baseline measurements at each step.

Note For the edge function, the topline is near 0 V and the baseline is a negative voltage.

7. For each calibration step, get samples for 2 seconds minimum, with the HP 3458A MATH functions to retrieve the average or mean value. See the Setup for SC600 Edge and Wave Generator Measurements section for more information.

The true amplitude of the waveform is the difference between the topline and baseline measurements, after a load resistance error correction. To make this correction, multiply the measurement by (0.5 * (50 + Rload)/Rload), where Rload = actual feedthrough termination resistance.

Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Calibration This procedure uses:

5790A AC Measurement Standard

BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC600

50 feedthrough termination

SC600 Calibration Option Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions 6


To do a leveled sine wave amplitude calibration:

1. Push the OPTIONS softkey.

2. Push the NEXT SECTION softkey until Set up to measure fast edge amplitude shows in the display.

3. Connect the output cable to the 50 feedthrough termination.

4. Connect the other end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

5. Connect the 50 feedthrough termination at the other end of the cable to input 2 of the 5790A with the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

6. Set the 5790A to AUTORANGE, digital filter mode to FAST, restart fine, and Hi Res on.

7. Push the GO ON softkey on the Calibrator.

8. Push to turn on the Calibrator output.

9. Let the 5790A rms measurement become stable.

10. Multiply the 5790A measurement by (0.5 * (50 + Rload)/Rload), where Rload = the actual feedthrough termination resistance, to correct for the resistance error. Type in the corrected rms measurement through the keypad of the Calibrator.

11. Push .

Note The Calibrator will show a message if the typed in value is higher or lower than the limits of the value. If this occurs, examine the setup and carefully re-type in the measurement with the correct multiplier (i.e., m, , n, p). If the warning continues, repair may be necessary.

12. Do step 10 and 11 again until the Calibrator shows that the subsequent steps calibrate Leveled Sine flatness. Push the OPTIONS, then STORE CONSTS softkeys to store the new calibration constants.


Figure 6-5. Calibrator to 5790A AC Measurement Standard Connections

Leveled Sine Wave Flatness Calibration Leveled Sine Wave flatness calibration is divided into two frequency bands: 50 kHz to 10 MHz (low frequency) and >10 MHz to 600 MHz (high frequency). The equipment setups are different for each band. Flatness calibration of the low frequency band is made

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relative to 50 kHz. Flatness calibration of the high frequency band is made relative to 10 MHz.

Leveled Sine Wave flatness is calibrated at multiple amplitudes. The low and high frequency bands are calibrated at each amplitude. Calibration starts with the low frequency band, then the high frequency band for the first amplitude, followed by the low frequency band, then the high frequency band for the second amplitude, and so on, until the flatness calibration is complete.

Push the OPTIONS and NEXT SECTION softkeys until Set up to measure leveled sine flatness shows in the display.

Low Frequency Calibration To do the low frequency calibration:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the wideband input of the 5790A. See the Equipment Setup for Low Frequency Flatness section for more information.

2. Push the GO ON softkey.

3. Find the 50 kHZ reference.

Let the 5790A measurement become stable.

Push the 5790A Set Ref softkey.

4. Push the 5790A Clear Ref softkey to clear the reference if necessary.

5. Push the GO ON softkey.

6. Adjust the amplitude with the front panel knob of the Calibrator until the 5790A reference deviation equals the 50 kHz reference 1000 ppm.

7. Do steps 2 through 6 again until Calibrator shows that the reference frequency is 10 MHz.

Continue with the high frequency calibration.

High Frequency Calibration To do the high frequency calibration:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the power meter and power sensor. See the Equipment Setup for High Frequency Flatness section for more information.

2. Push the GO ON softkey.

3. Find the 10 MHZ reference.

Push the power meter SHIFT Key, then FREQ key and use the arrow keys to type in the cal factor of the power sensor. Make sure the factor is correct, then push the ENTER key on the power meter.

Let the power meter measurement become stable.

Push the power meter REL key.

4. Push the GO ON softkey.

5. Push the power meter SHIFT key, then FREQ key, and use the arrow keys to set the Cal Factor of the power sensor for the frequency shown in the Calibrator display. Make sure that the factor is correct, then push the power meter ENTER key.

6. Adjust the amplitude with the front panel knob of the Calibrator until the power sensor is equal to the 10 MHz reference 0.1 %.

SC600 Calibration Option Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions 6


7. Do steps 1 through 5 again until the Calibrator display shows that the reference frequency is now 50 kHz or that the subsequent step is calibrate pulse width.

Do the low frequency calibration procedure for the subsequent amplitude unless the Calibrator Mainframe display shows that the subsequent steps calibrate pulse width. Push the OPTIONS, then STORE CONSTS softkeys to store the new calibration constants.

Pulse Width Calibration This procedure uses:

High Frequency Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO): Tektronix 11801 with Tektronix SD-22/26 sampling head

3 dB attenuator, 3.5 mm (m/f)

BNC(f) to 3.5 mm(m) adapter (2)

Output cable supplied with the SC600

Second BNC cable

To do a pulse width calibration:

1. Push the OPTIONS softkey.

2. Push the NEXT SECTION softkey until Set up to measure pulse width shows in the display.

3. Connect the output cable to the SCOPE connector on the Calibrator. Connect the other end of the output cable to one of the BNC(f) to 3.5 mm (m) adapter and then to the sampling head of the DSO through the 3 dB attenuator.

4. Use the second BNC cable with the BNC(f) to 3.5 mm(m) adapter attached to connect the TRIG OUT of the Calibrator to the trigger input of the DSO.

5. Set the DSO to:

Main Time Base: 40 ns

Vertical scale: 200 mV/div, +900 mV offset

Trigger: source = ext, level = 0.5 V, ext. atten. = x10, slope = +, mode = auto

Measurement function: positive width

6. Push the GO ON softkey.

7. Adjust the DSO horizontal scale and main time base position until the pulse signal spans between half and full display. If no pulse is output, increase the pulse width with the front-panel knob of the Calibrator until a pulse is output.

8. If instructed to adjust the pulse width by the Calibrator display, adjust the pulse width to as near 4 ns as possible with the front-panel knob of the Calibrator.

9. Push the GO ON softkey.

10. Let the DSO width measurement become stable.

11. Type in the measurement through the keypad of the Calibrator.

12. Push .

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Note The Calibrator shows a message if the typed in value is higher or lower than the limits of the value. If this occurs, examine the setup and carefully re-type in the measurement with the correct multiplier (m, , n, p). If the warning continues, type in a value between the pulse width shown in the display and the last typed in value. Continue to do this with a value that is nearer to the pulse width in the display until the value is accepted. After you complete the pulse width calibration you must re do the calibration until all typed in values are accepted the first time without the message.

13. Do steps 7 through 12 again until the Calibrator instructs you to connect a resistor.

14. Push the OPTIONS, then STORE CONSTS softkeys to store the new calibration constants.

MeasZ Calibration The MeasZ function is calibrated with resistors and a capacitor of known values. The actual resistance and capacitance values are typed in while they are measured by the Calibrator.

The resistors and capacitor must make a solid connection to a BNC(f) to make a connection to the end of the output cable supplied with the SC600. The resistance and capacitance values must be known at this BNC(f) connector. An HP 3458A DMM is used to make a 4-wire ohms measurement at the BNC(f) connector to find the actual resistance values. An HP 4192A Impedance Analyzer at 10 MHz is used to find the actual capacitance value.

This procedure uses:

Resistors of known values: 1 M and 50 nominal

Adapters to connect resistors to the BNC(f) connector

Adapters and capacitor to get 50 pF nominal value at the end of the BNC(f) connector

Output cable supplied with the SC600

To do a MeasZ calibration:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-6.

SC600 Calibration Option Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions 6




SC600 Cable


Figure 6-6. MeasZ Calibration Connections

2. Push the OPTIONS softkey.

3. Push the NEXT SECTION softkey until connect a 50 resistor shows in the display.

4. Connect the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

5. Connect the other end of the output cable to BNC(f) connector attached to the 50 resistor.

6. Push the GO ON softkey.

7. Type in the 50 resistance.

Note The Calibrator will show a message if the typed in value is higher or lower than the limits of the value. If this occurs, examine the setup and carefully re-type in the measurement with the correct multiplier (m, , n, p). If the warning continues, repair may be necessary.

8. When instructed by the Calibrator, disconnect the 50 resistance and connect the 1 M resistance to the end of the output cable.

9. Push the GO ON softkey.

10. Type in the actual 1 M resistance.

11. When instructed for the first reference capacitor by the Calibrator, disconnect the 1 M resistance and leave nothing attached to the end of the output cable.

12. Push the GO ON softkey.

13. Enter 0.

14. When prompted for the second reference capacitor by the Calibrator, connect the 50 pF capacitance to the end of the output cable.

15. Push the GO ON blue softkey.

16. Type in the actual 50 pF capacitance.

17. When the Calibrator shows calibration is complete in the display, push the OPTIONS, then STORE CONSTS softkeys to store the new calibration constants.

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Verification Do a verification of all Oscilloscope Calibration functions a minimum of one time each year, or when the SC600 is calibrated. The verification procedures in this section supply traceable results. The factory uses different procedures and instruments of higher precision than those shown in this manual. The procedures in this manual let you verify the SC600 at your site if necessary. Fluke recommends you send the Calibrator to Fluke for calibration and verification.

All equipment used to do a verification on the SC600 must be calibrated, certified traceable if traceability is to be kept, and operated in their specified operation environment.

It is also important to make sure that the equipment has had sufficient time to warm up before you start verification. Refer to the operation manual for each piece of equipment for more information.

Before you start verification, look at all of the procedures to make sure you have the resources to do them.

Table 6-4 is a list of the SC600 functions and verification methods.

Table 6-4. Verification Methods for SC600 Functions

Function Verification Method

DC Voltage Procedure supplied in this manual.

AC Voltage amplitude Procedure supplied in this manual.

AC Voltage frequency Procedure supplied in this manual.

Edge amplitude Procedure supplied in this manual.

Edge frequency, duty cycle, rise time Procedure supplied in this manual.

Tunnel Diode Pulser amplitude Procedure supplied in this manual. See the Voltage and Edge Calibration and Verification section for more information.

Leveled sine wave amplitude, frequency, harmonics, and flatness

Procedure supplied in this manual.

Time marker period Procedure supplied in this manual.

Wave generator amplitude Procedure supplied in this manual.

Pulse width, period Procedure supplied in this manual.

MeasZ resistance, capacitance Procedure supplied in this manual.

Overload functionality Procedure supplied in this manual.

DC Voltage Verification This procedure uses:

Hewlett-Packard 3458A Digital Multimeter

BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC600

50 feedthrough termination

For dc voltage verification, see Figure 6-4 for equipment connections.

Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Volt menu shown in the display.

SC600 Calibration Option Verification 6


Verification at 1 M To do a 1 M verification:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input, with the cable and the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

2. Make sure the Calibrator is set to 1 M (The Output @ softkey toggles the impedance between 50 and 1 M).

3. Set the HP 3458A to DCV, Auto Range, NPLC = 10, FIXEDZ = on.

4. Set the Calibrator output to the voltage in Table 6-5.

5. Push on the Calibrator.

6. Let the HP 3458A measurement become stable.

7. Record the HP 3458A measurement for each voltage in Table 6-5.

8. Compare the result to the tolerance column.

Verification at 50 To do a 50 verification:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input, with the cable and the 50 termination connected to the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

2. Make sure the Calibrator impedance is set to 50 (The Output @ softkey toggles the impedance between 50 and 1 M).

3. Set the HP 3458A to DCV, Auto Range, NPLC = 10, FIXEDZ = on.

4. Set the Calibrator output to the voltage in Table 6-6.

5. Push on the Calibrator.

6. Let the HP 3458A measurement become stable.

7. Record the HP 3458A measurement for each voltage in Table 6-6.

8. Compare the result to the tolerance column.

Table 6-5. DC Voltage Verification at 1 M

Calibrator Output HP3458A Measurement (V dc) Tolerance (V dc)

0 mV 0.00004 V

1.25 mV 4.063E-05 V

-1.25 mV 4.063E-05 V

2.49 mV 4.125E-05 V

-2.49 mV 4.125E-05 V

2.5 mV 4.125E-05 V

-2.5 mV 4.125E-05 V

6.25 mV 4.313E-05 V

-6.25 mV 4.313E-05 V

9.90 mV 4.495E-05 V

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Table 6-5. DC Voltage Verification at 1 M (cont.)

Calibrator Output HP3458A Measurement (V dc) Tolerance (V dc)

-9.90 mV 4.495E-05 V

10.0 mV 0.000045 V

-10.0 mV 0.000045 V

17.5 mV 4.875E-05 V

-17.5 mV 4.875E-05 V

24.9 mV 5.245E-05 V

-24.9 mV 5.245E-05 V

25.0 mV 0.0000525 V

-25.0 mV 0.0000525 V

67.5 mV 7.375E-05 V

-67.5 mV 7.375E-05 V

109.9 mV 9.495E-05 V

-109.9 mV 9.495E-05 V

110 mV 0.000095 V

-110 mV 0.000095 V

305 mV 0.0001925 V

-305 mV 0.0001925 V

499 mV 0.0002895 V

-499 mV 0.0002895 V

0.50 V 0.00029 V

-0.50 V 0.00029 V

1.35 V 0.000715 V

-1.35 V 0.000715 V

2.19 V 0.001135 V

-2.19 V 0.001135 V

2.20 V 0.00114 V

-2.20 V 0.00114 V

6.60 V 0.00334 V

-6.60 V 0.00334 V

10.99 V 0.005535 V

-10.99 V 0.005535 V

11.0 V 0.00554 V

-11.0 V 0.00554 V

SC600 Calibration Option Verification 6


Table 6-5. DC Voltage Verification at 1 M (cont.)

Calibrator Output HP3458A Measurement (V dc) Tolerance (V dc)

70.5 V 0.03529 V

-70.5 V 0.03529 V

130.0 V 0.06504 V

-130.0 V 0.06504 V

Table 6-6. DC Voltage Verification at 50

Calibrator Output HP3458A Measurement

(V dc) Tolerance (V dc

min.) Tolerance (V dc max.)

0 mV -0.040 mV 0.040 mV

2.49 mV 2.4438 mV 2.5362 mV

-2.49 mV -2.5362 mV -2.4438 mV

9.90 mV 9.835 mV 9.965 mV

-9.90 mV -9.965 mV -9.835 mV

24.9 mV 24.798 mV 25.002 mV

-24.9 mV -25.002 mV -24.798 mV

109.9 mV 109.585 mV 110.215 mV

-109.9 mV -110.215 mV -109.585 mV

499 mV 497.71 mV 500.29 mV

-499 mV -500.29 mV -497.71 mV

2.19 V 2.1845 V 2.1955 V

-2.19 V -2.1955 V -2.1845 V

6.599 V 6.5825 V 6.6155 V

-6.599 V -6.6155 V -6.5825 V

AC Voltage Amplitude Verification This procedure uses:

Hewlett-Packard 3458A Digital Multimeter

BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC600

50 feedthrough termination

Second BNC cable

For ac voltage verification, see Figure 6-3 for equipment connections.

Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Volt menu shown in the display.

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Verification at 1 M To do a 1 M verification:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input, with the cable and the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

2. Connect the TRIG OUT connector of the Calibrator to the EXT Trig connector on the rear panel of the HP3458A.

3. Make sure the Calibrator is set to 1 M (The Output @ softkey toggles the impedance between 50 and 1 M).

4. For ac voltage output at 1 kHz, set the HP 3458A to DCV, NPLC = .01, TRIG EXT.

5. Set the HP 3458A DELAY to .0007 for the top part of the waveform (or topline) measurement, and .0012 for the lower part of the waveform (or baseline). Manually range lock the HP 3458A to the range that gives the most resolution for the topline measurements. Use this same range for the related baseline measurements at each step.

6. Push the TRIG softkey on the Calibrator until /1 shows in the display.

7. Measure the topline first as shown in Table 6-7. For each measurement, get samples for 2 seconds minimum, with the HP 3458A MATH functions to retrieve the average or mean value. See the Setup for SC600 Edge and Wave Generator Measurements section for more information.

8. Measure the baseline of each output after the topline measurement, as shown in Table 6-7. The peak-to-peak value is the difference between the topline and baseline measurements. Compare the result to the tolerance column.

9. When you make measurements at the other frequencies, set up the HP 3458A (NPLC and topline and baseline DELAY) as shown in Table 6-2. (See the Setup for SC600 Voltage Square Wave Measurements section.)

Table 6-7. AC Voltage Verification at 1 M

Calibrator Output (1 kHz, or

as noted)

HP3458A Range

Topline Measurement

Baseline Measurement

Peak-to-Peak Tolerance


1 mV 100 mV dc 0.000041

-1 mV 100 mV dc 0.000041

10 mV 100 mV dc 0.00005

-10 mV 100 mV dc 0.00005

25 mV 100 mV dc 0.000065

-25 mV 100 mV dc 0.000065

110 mV 100 mV dc 0.00015

-110 mV 100 mV dc 0.00015

500 mV 1 V dc 0.00054

-500 mV 1 V dc 0.00054

2.2 V 10 V dc 0.00224

-2.2 V 10 V dc 0.00224

SC600 Calibration Option Verification 6


Table 6-7. AC Voltage Verification at 1 M (cont.)

Calibrator Output (1 kHz, or

as noted)

HP3458A Range

Topline Measurement

Baseline Measurement

Peak-to- Peak

Tolerance (V)

11 V 10 V dc 0.01104

-11 V 10 V dc 0.01104

130 V 1000 V dc 0.13004

-130 V 1000 V dc 0.13004

200 mV, 100 Hz 1 V dc 0.00024

200 mV, 1 kHz 1 V dc 0.00024

200 mV, 5 kHz 1 V dc 0.00054

200 mV, 10 kHz 1 V dc 0.00054

2.2 V, 100 Hz 10 V dc 0.00224

2.2 V, 5 kHz 10 V dc 0.00554

2.2 V, 10 kHz 10 V dc 0.00554

Verification at 50 To do a 50 verification:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input, with the cable and the 50 termination connected to the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

2. Connect the TRIG OUT connector of the Calibrator to the EXT Trig connector on the rear panel of the HP3458A.

3. Make sure the Calibrator impedance is set to 50 (The Output @ softkey toggles the impedance between 50 and 1 M).

4. Set the HP 3458A to DCV, NPLC = .01, TRIG EXT.

5. Set the HP 3458A DELAY to .0007 for the top part of the waveform (topline) measurement, and .0012 for the lower part of the waveform (baseline). Manually range lock the HP 3458A to the range that gives the most resolution for the topline measurements. Use this same range for the related baseline measurements at each step. See Table 6-8.

6. Push the TRIG softkey on the Calibrator until /1 shows in the display.

7. Measure the topline first as shown in Table 6-8. For each measurement, get samples for 2 seconds minimum, with the HP 3458A MATH functions to retrieve the average or mean value. See the Setup for SC600 Edge and Wave Generator Measurements section for more information.

8. Measure the baseline of each output after the topline measurement, as shown in Table 6-8. The peak-to-peak value is the difference between the topline and baseline measurements. Compare the result to the tolerance column.

5522A Service Manual


Table 6-8. AC Voltage Verification at 50

Calibrator Output (1 kHz)

HP3458A Range

Topline Measurement

Baseline Measurement

Peak-to- Peak

Peak-to- Peak x


Tolerance (V)

1 mV 100 mV dc 0.000043

-1 mV 100 mV dc 0.000043

10 mV 100 mV dc 0.000065

-10 mV 100 mV dc 0.000065

25 mV 100 mV dc 0.000103

-25 mV 100 mV dc 0.000103

110 mV 100 mV dc 0.000315

-110 mV 100 mV dc 0.000315

500 mV 1 V dc 0.00129

-500 mV 1 V dc 0.00129

2.2 V 10 V dc 0.00554

-2.2 V 10 V dc 0.00554

6.6 V 10 V dc 0.01654

-6.6 V 10 V dc 0.01654

AC Voltage Frequency Verification This procedure uses:

PM 6680 Frequency Counter with an ovenized timebase (Option PM 9690 or PM 9691)

Output cable supplied with the SC600

At 50 MHZ

SC600 Cable

PM 6680A



Figure 6-7. AC Voltage Frequency Verification Setup

SC600 Calibration Option Verification 6


To do an ac voltage frequency verification:

1. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Volt menu shown in the display.

2. Push on the Calibrator.

3. Set the FUNCTION of the PM 6680 to measure frequency on channel A with auto trigger, measurement time set to 1 second or longer, 1 M impedance, and filter off.

4. Connect the SCOPE connector on the Calibrator to channel A of the PM 6680 with the output cable. See Figure 6-7.

5. Set the Calibrator to output 2.1 V at each frequency shown in Table 6-9.

6. Let the PM 6680 measurement become stable.

7. Record the PM 6680 measurement for each frequency shown in Table 6-9.

8. Compare to the tolerance column of Table 6-9.

Table 6-9. AC Voltage Frequency Verification

Calibrator Frequency PM 6680 Measurement

(Frequency) Tolerance

10 Hz 0.000025 Hz

100 Hz 0.00025 Hz

1 kHz 0.0025 Hz

10 kHz 0.025 Hz

Edge Amplitude Verification To do an edge amplitude verification:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input, with the cable and the 50 termination connected to the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

2. For ac voltage output at 1 kHz, set the HP 3458A to DCV, NPLC = .01, LEVEL 1, TRIG LEVEL. For ac voltage output of 10 kHz, change the NPLC to .001.

3. Set the HP3458A DELAY to .0002 for the top part of the waveform (topline) measurement, and .0007 for the lower part of the waveform (baseline).

4. Manually range lock the HP 3458A to the range that gives the most resolution for the baseline measurements. Use this same range for the related baseline measurements at each step. See Table 6-10.

Note For the edge function, the topline is near 0 V and the baseline is a negative voltage.

5. For each measurement, get samples for 2 seconds minimum, with the HP 3458A MATH functions to retrieve the average or mean value. See the Setup for SC600 Edge Wave Generator Measurements section to learn more.

6. The peak-to-peak value of the waveform is the difference between the topline and baseline measurements. Multiply the measurements by (0.5 * (50 + Rload) / Rload), where Rload = the actual feedthrough termination resistance, to correct for the resistance error.

7. Record each measurement in Table 6-10.

5522A Service Manual


Table 6-10. Edge Amplification Verification

Calibrator Edge Output

HP3458A Range

Topline Measurement

Baseline Measurement

Peak-to- Peak

Peak-to- Peak x


Tolerance (V)

100 mV, 1 kHz 100 mV dc 0.0022

1.00V, 1 kHz 1 V dc 0.0202

5 mV, 10 kHz 100 mV dc 0.0003

10 mV, 10 kHz 100 mV dc 0.0004

25 mV, 10 kHz 100 mV dc 0.0007

50 mV, 10 kHz 100 mV dc 0.0012

100 mV, 10 kHz 1 V dc 0.0022

500 mV, 10 kHz 1 V dc 0.0102

1.00 V, 10 kHz 1 V dc 0.0202

2.5 V, 10 kHz 10 V dc 0.0502

Edge Frequency Verification This procedure uses:

PM 6680 Frequency Counter with an ovenized timebase (Option PM 9690 or PM 9691)

Output cable supplied with the SC600

To do an Edge Frequency Verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-7.

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the edge menu shown in the display.

3. Push on the Calibrator.

4. Set the FUNCTION of the PM 6680 to measure frequency on channel A with auto trigger, measurement time set to 1 second or longer, 50 impedance, and filter off.

5. Connect the SCOPE connector on the Calibrator to channel A of the PM 6680 with the output cable.

6. Set the Calibrator to output 2.5 V at each frequency shown in Table 6-11.

7. Let the PM 6680 measurement become stable.

8. Record the PM 6680 measurement for each frequency shown in Table 6-11.

9. Compare to the tolerance column of Table 6-11.

Table 6-11. Edge Frequency Verification

Calibrator Frequency (output @ 2,5 V p-p)

PM 6680 Measurement (Frequency)


1 kHz 0.0025 Hz

10 kHz 0.025 Hz

100 kHz 0.25 Hz

SC600 Calibration Option Verification 6


Table 6-11. Edge Frequency Verification (cont.)

Calibrator Frequency (output @ 2,5 V p-p)

PM 6680 Measurement (Frequency)


1 MHz 2.5 Hz

10 MHz 25 Hz

Edge Duty Cycle Verification This procedure uses:

PM 6680 Frequency Counter with an ovenized timebase (Option PM 9690 or PM 9691)

Output cable supplied with the SC600

To do an Edge Duty Cycle Verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-7.

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the edge menu shown in the display.

3. Push on the Calibrator.

4. Set the FUNCTION of the PM 6680 to measure duty cycle on channel A with auto trigger, measurement time set to 1 second or longer, 50 impedance, and filter off.

5. Connect the SCOPE connector on the Calibrator to channel A of the PM 6680 with the output cable.

6. Set the Calibrator to output 2.5 V at 1 MHz.

7. Let the PM 6680 measurement become stable.

8. Compare to the duty cycle measurement to 50 % 5 %.

Edge Rise Time Verification This verification is a test of the rise time of the edge function. Aberrations are also examined.

This procedure uses:

High Frequency Digital Storage Oscilloscope: Tektronix 11801 with Tektronix SD- 22/26 sampling head

3 dB attenuator, 3.5 mm (m/f)

BNC(f) to 3.5 mm(m) adapter (2)

Output cable supplied with the SC600

Second BNC cable

To do an edge rise time verification:

1. Connect the output cable to the SCOPE connector on the Calibrator. Connect the other end of the output cable to one of the BNC(f) to 3.5 mm (m) adapter and then to the sampling head of the DSO through the 3 dB attenuator.

2. Use the second BNC cable with the BNC(f) to 3.5 mm(m) adapter attached to connect the TRIG OUT of the Calibrator to the trigger input of the DSO. See Figure 6-8.

5522A Service Manual


BNC(F) to 3.5 mm (m)


3 dB Attenuator 3.5 mm (m/f)

Tek 11801 With SD26 Sampling Head


SC600 Cable


Figure 6-8. Edge Rise Time Verification Setup

3. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Edge menu shown in the display.

4. Push on the Calibrator.

5. Push the TRIG softkey on the Calibrator until /1 shows in the display.

6. Set the Calibrator output to 250 mV @ 1 kHz.

7. Set the DSO to:

Main Time Base: 40 ns

Horizontal scale: 500 ps/div

Measurement function: Rise Time

8. Set the Calibrator to output the voltage and frequency shown in Table 6-12.

9. Push on the Calibrator.

10. Change the vertical scale of the DSO to the value shown in Table 6-12.

11. Adjust the main time base position and vertical offset until the edge signal is in the center of the DSO display.

12. Reacord the rise time measurement in column A of Table 6-12.

13. Correct the rise time measurement for the rise time of the SD-22/26 sampling head. The SD-22/26 rise time is specified as <28 ps.

Column B = (Column A)2 (SD-22/26 rise time)2

14. The measured edge rise time must be less than the time shown in Table 6-12.

SC600 Calibration Option Verification 6




Rise time measures

between these two



Figure 6-9. Edge Rise Time

Table 6-12. Edge Rise Time Verification

Calibrator Output DSO Vertical Axis (mV/div)

A 11801 Measurement

B Corrected Measurement

Tolerance Voltage Frequency

250 mV 1 MHz 20.0 < 300 ps

250 mV 10 MHz 20.0 < 350 ps

500 mV 1 MHz 50.0 < 300 ps

500 mV 10 MHz 50.0 < 350 ps

1 V 1 MHz 100.0 < 300 ps

1 V 10 MHz 100.0 < 350 ps

2.5 V 1 MHz 200.0 < 300 ps

2.5 V 10 MHz 200.0 < 350 ps

Edged Aberration Verification This procedure uses:

Tektronix 11801 oscilloscope with SC22/26 sampling head

Output cable supplied with the SC600

To do edge aberration verification:

1. Make sure that the SC600 is in the edge mode (the edge menu is shown in the display), and set it to output 1 V p-p @ 1 MHz.

2. Push .

3. Connect the Calibrator to the oscilloscope as shown in Figure 6-8.

4. Set the oscilloscope vertical gain to 10 mV/div and horizontal time base to 1 ns/div.

5. Set the oscilloscope to show the 90 % point of the edge signal. Use this point as the reference level.

6. Set the oscilloscope to show the first 10 ns of the edge signal with the rising edge at the left edge of the oscilloscope display.

5522A Service Manual


Note With this setup, each vertical line of the oscilloscope display shows a 1 % aberration.

7. Make sure the SC600 meets the specifications shown in Table 6-13.

Table 6-13. Edge Aberrations

Time from 50 % of Rising Edge Typical Edge Aberrations

0 — 2 ns < 32 mV (3.2%)

2 — 5 ns < 22 mV (2.2%)

5 — 15 ns < 12 mV (1.2%)

> 15 ns < 7 mV (0.7%)

Tunnel Diode Pulser Drive Amplitude Verification This procedure uses:

Hewlett-Packard 3458A Digital Multimeter

BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC600

To do a Diode Pulser Drive Amplitude verification:

1. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the edge menu shown in the display.

2. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input, with the cable and the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter. See Figure 6-4.

3. Push the TDPULSE softkey on the Calibrator.

4. Set the output to 80 V peak-to-peak, 100 kHz, STANDBY.

5. Set the HP 3458A to DCV, NPLC = .01, LEVEL 1, TRIG LEVEL.

6. Set the HP3458A DELAY to .0012 for the top part of the waveform (i.e. topline) measurement, and .0007 for the lower part of the waveform (i.e. baseline).

7. Manually range lock the HP 3458A to the 100 V range.

8. Change the Calibrator Mainframe output frequency to 10 kHz.

9. Push , and use the HP 3458A to measure the topline and baseline.

10. The peak-to-peak value is the difference between the topline and baseline. Record these values in Table 6-14, and compare against the tolerance.

Table 6-14. Tunnel Diode Pulser Amplitude Verification

Calibrator Edge


HP3458A Range

Topline Measurement

Baseline Measurement

Peak-to-Peak Tolerance


80 V, 10 kHz 100 V dc 1.6

Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Verification This procedure uses:

5790A AC Measurement Standard

BNC(f) to Double Banana Plug adapter

SC600 Calibration Option Verification 6


50 feedthrough termination

Output cable supplied with the SC600

To do a Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-4.

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Levsine menu shown in the display.

3. Push .

4. Connect the output cable to the 50 feedthrough termination.

5. Connect the one end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator

6. Connect the 50 feedthrough termination at the other end of the cable to input 2 of the 5790A with the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

7. Set the 5790A to AUTORANGE, digital filter mode to FAST, restart fine, and Hi Res on.

8. Set the Calibrator to a value shown in column 1 of the Table 6-15.

9. Let the 5790A measurement become stable and then record the 5790A measurement in the table.

10. Multiply the rms measurement by the conversion factor of 2.8284 to get the peak-to- peak value.

11. Multiply the measurements by (0.5 * (50 + Rload) / Rload), where Rload = the actual feedthrough termination resistance, to correct for the resistance error.

12. Compare the result to the value in the tolerance column.

Table 6-15. Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Verification

Calibrator Output

(@ 50 kHz)

5790A Measurement

(V rms)

5790A Measurement x 2.8284 (V p-p)

V p-p Value x correction

Tolerance (V p-p)

5.0 mV 400 V 7.5 mV 450 V 9.9 mV 498 V 10.0 mV 500 V 25.0 mV 800 V 39.0 mV 1.08 mV 40.0 mV 1.10 mV 70.0 mV 1.70 mV 99.0 mV 2.28 mV 100.0 mV 2.30 mV 250.0 mV 5.30 mV 399.0 mV 8.28 mV 0.4 V 8.3 mV 0.8 V 16.3 mV 1.2 V 24.3 mV 1.3 V 26.3 V 3.4 V 68.3 mV 5.5 V 110.3 mV

5522A Service Manual


Leveled Sine Wave Frequency Verification This procedure uses:

PM 6680 Frequency Counter with a prescaler for the Channel C input (Option PM 9621, PM 9624, or PM 9625) and ovenized timebase (Option PM 9690 or PM 9691)

BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC600

To do a leveled sine wave frequency verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-7.

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Levsine menu shown in the display.

3. Set the PM 6680 to the measure frequency function with auto trigger, measurement time set to 1 second or longer, and 50 impedance.

4. Connect one end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

5. Connect the BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter to the other end of the output cable.

6. Connect the Type N connector to the PM 6680 channel shown in Table 6-16.

7. Set the filter on the PM 6680 as shown in Table 6-16.

8. Set the Calibrator output to the parameters shown in Table 6-16.

9. Push .

10. Let the PM 6680 measurement become stable and then record the frequency measurement in Table 6-16.

Table 6-16. Leveled Sine Wave Frequency Verification

Calibrator Frequency

(@ 5.5 V p-p)

PM 6680 Settings PM 6680 Measurement (Frequency)

Tolerance Channel Filter

50 kHz A On 0.125 Hz

500 kHz A Off 1.25 Hz

5 MHz A Off 12.5 Hz

50 MHz A Off 125 Hz

500 MHz C Off 1250 Hz

Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification This procedure uses:

Hewlett-Packard 8590A Spectrum Analyzer

BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC600

To do a Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-10.

SC600 Calibration Option Verification 6


HP 8590A

SC600 CableBNC(F)

to Type N (M) Adapter



Figure 6-10. Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification Setup

2. Set the Calibrator to Scope mode with the Levsine menu shown in the display.

3. Connect one end of the Output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

4. Connect the BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter to the other end of the output cable.

5. Connect the Type N connector to the HP 8590A.

6. Set the Calibrator to output 5.5 V p-p at each frequency on Table 6-17.

7. Push .

8. Set the HP 8590A start frequency to the Calibrator output frequency.

9. Set the HP 8590A stop frequency to 10 times the Calibrator output frequency.

10. Set the HP 8590A reference level at +19 dBm.

11. Record the harmonic level measurement for each frequency and harmonic shown in Table 6-17. For harmonics 3, 4, and 5, record the highest harmonic level of the three measured. Harmonics must be below the levels listed in the tolerance column of Table 6-17.

Table 6-17. Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification

Calibrator Output Frequency

(@ 5.5 V p-p)

Harmonic HP 8590A

Measurement (dB) Tolerance

50 kHz 2 -33 dB

50 kHz 3, 4, 5 -46 dB

100 kHz 2 -33 dB

100 kHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

200 kHz 2 -33 dB

200 kHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

5522A Service Manual


Table 6-17. Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification (cont.)

Calibrator Output Frequency

(@ 5.5 V p-p)

Harmonic HP 8590A

Measurement (dB) Tolerance

400 kHz 2 -33 dB

400 kHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

800 kHz 2 -33 dB

800 kHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

1 MHz 2 -33 dB

1 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

2 MHz 2 -33 dB

2 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

4 MHz 2 -33 dB

4 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

8 MHz 2 -33 dB

8 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

10 MHz 2 -33 dB

10 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

20 MHz 2 -33 dB

20 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

40 MHz 2 -33 dB

40 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

80 MHz 2 -33 dB

80 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

100 MHz 2 -33 dB

100 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

200 MHz 2 -33 dB

200 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

400 MHz 2 -33 dB

400 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

600 MHz 2 -33 dB

600 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

Leveled Sine Wave Flatness Verification Leveled Sine Wave flatness verification is divided into two frequency bands: 50 kHz to 10 MHz (low frequency) and >10 MHz to 600 MHz (high frequency). The equipment setups are different for each band. Leveled Sine Wave flatness is measured relative to 50 kHz. This is a direct measurement in the low frequency band. You must do a

SC600 Calibration Option Verification 6


transfer measurement at 10 MHz in the high frequency band to calculate a flatness relative to 50 kHz.

Equipment Setup for Low Frequency Flatness All low frequency flatness procedures use:

5790A/03 AC Measurement Standard with Wideband option

BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC600

1. Connect one end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

2. Connect the BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter to the other end of the output cable.

3. Connect the Type N connector to the HP 5790A WIDEBANC input. See Figure 6-11.

4. Set the HP 5790A to AUTORANGE, digital filter mode to FAST, restart fine, and Hi Res on.


Figure 6-11. Calibrator to 5790A Measurement Standard Connections

Equipment Setup for High Frequency Flatness All high frequency flatness procedures use:

Hewlett-Packard 437B Power Meter

Hewlett-Packard 8482A and 8481D Power Sensors

BNC(f) to Type N(f) adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC600

Note When high frequencies at voltages less than 63 mV p-p are verified, use the 8481D Power Sensor. For voltages 63 mV p-p and higher, use the 8482A Power Sensor.

Connect the HP 437B Power Meter to the 8482A or the 8481D Power Sensor as shown in Figure 6-12. To learn more about how to connect these two instruments, refer to the operator manuals of the instruments.

Connect the power meter/power sensor combination to the SCOPE connector on the Calibrator. See Figure 6-13.

5522A Service Manual


The HP 437B Power Meter must be configured with:





SENSOR TABLE 0 (default)

Zero and self-calibrate the power meter with the power sensor. Refer to the HP 437B operators manual to learn more.


Figure 6-12. HP 437B Power Meter to the HP 8482A or 8481D Power Sensor Connections


Figure 6-13. Calibrator to the HP Power Meter and Power Sensor Connections

Low Frequency Verification This procedure gives an example of a low frequency flatness test with a 5.5 V Calibrator output. Use the same procedure for other amplitudes. Compare the results with the flatness specification shown in Table 6-18.

1. Set the Calibrator to output of 5.5 V @ 500 kHz.

2. Push .

3. Let the 5790A measurement become stable. The 5790A should display approximately 1.94 V rms.

4. Record the 5790A measurement in column A of Table 6-18.

SC600 Calibration Option Verification 6


5. Set the Calibrator frequency to 50 kHZ.

6. Let the 5790A measurement become stable and then record the 5790A measurement in column B of Table 6-18.

7. Set the Calibrator to the next frequency shown in Table 6-18.

8. Let the 5790A measurement become stabile and then record the measurement in column A of Table 6-18.

9. Set the Calibrator frequency to 50 kHZ.

10. Let the 5790A measurement become stabile and then record the 5790A measurement in column B of Table 6-18.

11. Do steps 7 through 10 again for all the frequencies shown in Table 6-18. Continue until you have completed Columns A and B.

After you fill in columns A and B for all rows of the table, push . Use the recorded values in columns A and B to calculate and record the value in column C for all rows.

Column C = 100( Column A Column B ) Column B

Compare column C to the specifications shown in the last column.

Table 6-18. Low Frequency Flatness Verification at 5.5 V

Calibrator Frequency


50 kHz C

Calibrator Flatness Specification (%)

500 kHz 1.50

1 MHz 1.50

2 MHz 1.50

5 MHz 1.50

10 MHz 1.50 Fill in Columns A through C as follows: A Record 5790A measurement (mV) for the present frequency. B Record 5790A measurement (mV) for 50 kHz. C Compute and record the Calibrator Flatness deviation (%): 100 * ((Column A) (Column B))/ Column B

High Frequency Verification This procedure gives an example of a high frequency flatness test with a 5.5 V Calibrator output. Use the same procedure for other amplitudes. Compare the results with the flatness specification shown in Table 6-19.

1. Set the Calibrator to output of 5.5 V @ 30 MHz.

2. Push .

3. Let the power meter measurement become stable. The power meter measurement should be approximately 75 mW.

4. Record the power meter measurement in column A of Table 6-19.

5. Set the Calibrator frequency to 10 MHz.

6. Let the power meter measurement become stable and then record the measurement in column B of Table 6-19.

7. Set the Calibrator to the next frequency shown in Table 6-19.

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8. Let the power meter measurement become stable and then record the measurement in column A of Table 6-19.

9. Set the Calibrator frequency to 10 MHz.

10. Let the power meter measurement become stable and then record the measurement in column B of Table 6-19.

11. Do steps 7 through 10 again for all the frequencies shown in Table 6-19. Continue until you have completed Columns A and B.

When you have filled in columns A and B for all rows of the table, push . Use the recorded values in columns A and B to calculate and record the value in column C for all rows.

Table 6-19. High Frequency Flatness Verification at 5.5 V

Calibrator Frequency

(MHz) A

B (10 MHz)

C D E F G Calibrator Flatness

Specification (%)

30 1.50

70 1.50

120 2.00

290 2.00

360 4.00

390 4.00

400 4.00

480 4.00

570 4.00

580 4.00

590 4.00

600 4.00 Fill in Columns A through G as follows: A Record the 437B present frequency measurement (W). B Record the 437B 10 MHz measurement (W). C Apply power sensor correction factor for present frequency (W): CF * (Column A entry). D Apply power sensor correction factor for 10 MHz (W). CF * (Column B entry) E Calculate and record error relative to 10 MHz (%): F Record the 10 MHz rms error (%) for 5.5 V from Table 6-18, column C. G Calculate and record that Calibrator Flatness deviation (%): (Colum E entry) + (Colum F entry)

Time Marker Verification This procedure uses:

PM 6680 Frequency Counter with a prescaler for the Channel C input (Option PM 9621, PM 9624, or PM 9625) and ovenized timebase (Option PM 9690 or PM 9691)

BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC600

SC600 Calibration Option Verification 6


To do a Time Marker Verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-7.

2. Set the PM 6680 to the measure frequency function with auto trigger, measurement time set to 1 second or longer, and 50 impedance.

3. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Marker menu shown in the display.

4. Push .

5. Set the Calibrator output to the parameters shown in Table 6-16.

6. Connect one end of the Output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

7. Connect the BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter to the other end of the output cable.

8. Connect the Type N connector to the PM 6680 channel shown in Table 6-16.

9. Set the filter on the PM 6680 as shown in Table 6-16.

10. Let the PM 6680 measurement become stable and then record the frequency measurement in Table 6-16.

11. Calculate the period of the frequency with Period = 1/frequency and record it on the table.

12. Compare the period value to the value in the tolerance column.

Table 6-20. Time Marker Verification

Calibrator Period

PM 6680 Settings PM 6680 Measurement Tolerance

Channel Filter Frequency Period

5 s A On 0.3489454 s

2 s A On 0.0582996 s

50.0 ms A Off 3.872E-05 s

20.0 ms A Off 5E-08 s

10.0 ms A Off 2.5E-08 s

100 ns A Off 2.5E-13 s

50.0 ns A Off 1.25E-13 s

20.0 ns A Off 5E-14 s

10.0 ns A Off 2.5E-14 s

5.00 ns A Off 1.25E-14 s

2.00 ns C Off 5E-15 s

Wave Generator Verification This procedure uses:

5790A AC Measurement Standard

BNC(f) to Double Banana Plug adapter

50 feedthrough termination

Output cable supplied with the SC600

5522A Service Manual


SC600 Cable


50 Feedthrough Termination

BNC (F) to Double Banana



Figure 6-14. Wave Generator Verification Connections

Wave Generator Verification is done at two different impedances: 1 M and 50 .

Wave Generator Verification Setup To setup the equipment for wave generator verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-14.

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Wavegen menu shown in the display.

3. Push .

4. Set offset to 0 mV.

5. Set the Calibrator frequency to 1 kHz.

Verification at 1 M 1. Set the Calibrator to 1 M.

Note The SCOPEZ softkey toggles the impedance between 50 and 1 M.

2. Connect the one end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator

3. Connect the other end of the cable to input 2 of the 5790A with the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

4. Set the 5790A to AUTORANGE, digital filter mode to FAST, restart fine, and Hi Res on.

5. Set the Calibrator to output the wave type and voltage shown in Table 6-21.

6. Let the 5790A measurement become stable and then record the 5790A measurement for each wave type and voltage in Table 6-21.

7. Multiply the rms measurement by the conversion factor in Table 6-21 to convert the measurement to a peak-to-peak value.

8. Compare the result to the value in the tolerance column.

SC600 Calibration Option Verification 6


Verification at 50 1. Set the Calibrator to 50 .

Note The SCOPEZ softkey toggles the impedance between 50 and 1 M.

2. Connect one end of the output cable to the 50 feedthrough termination.

3. Connect the other end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator

4. Connect the 50 feedthrough termination at the other end of the cable to input 2 of the 5790A with the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

5. Set the 5790A to AUTORANGE, digital filter mode to FAST, restart fine, and Hi Res on.

6. Set the Calibrator to output the wave type and voltage shown in Table 6-22.

7. Let the 5790A measurement become stable and then record the 5790A measurement for each wave type and voltage in Table 6-22.

8. Multiply the rms measurement by the conversion factor in Table 6-22 to convert the measurement to a peak-to-peak value.

9. Multiply the peak-to-peak value by (0.5 * (50 + Rload) / Rload), where Rload = the actual feedthrough termination resistance, to correct for the resistance error.

10. Compare the result to the value in the tolerance column.

Table 6-21. Wave Generator Verification at 1 M

Calibrator Wave Type

Calibrator Output

(@ 10 kHZ)

5790A Measurement

(V rms)

Conversion Factor

5790A Measurement x Conversion

Factor (V p-p)

Tolerance (V p-p)

square 1.8 mV 2.0000 0.000154 V

square 11.9 mV 2.0000 0.000457 V

square 21.9 mV 2.0000 0.00075 V

square 22.0 mV 2.0000 0.00076 V

square 56.0 mV 2.0000 0.00178 V

square 89.9 mV 2.0000 0.002797 V

square 90 mV 2.0000 0.0028 V

square 155 mV 2.0000 0.00475 V

square 219 mV 2.0000 0.00667 V

square 220 mV 2.0000 0.0067 V

square 560 mV 2.0000 0.0169 V

square 899 mV 2.0000 0.02707 V

square 0.90 V 2.0000 0.0271 V

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Table 6-21. Wave Generator Verification at 1 M (cont.)

Calibrator Wave Type

Calibrator Output

(@ 10 kHZ)

5790A Measurement

(V rms)

Conversion Factor

5790A Measurement x Conversion

Factor (V p-p)

Tolerance (V p-p)

square 3.75 V 2.0000 0.1126 V

square 6.59 V 2.0000 0.1978 V

square 6.6 V 2.0000 0.1981 V

square 30.8 V 2.0000 0.9241 V

square 55.0 V 2.0000 1.6501 V

sine 1.8 mV 2.8284 0.000154 V

sine 21.9 mV 2.8284 0.000757 V

sine 89.9 mV 2.8284 0.002797 V

sine 219 mV 2.8284 0.00667 V

sine 899 mV 2.8284 0.02707 V

sine 6.59 V 2.8284 0.1978 V

sine 55 V 2.8284 1.6501 V

triangle 1.8 mV 3.4641 0.000154 V

triangle 21.9 mV 3.4641 0.000757 V

triangle 89.9 mV 3.4641 0.002797 V

triangle 219 mV 3.4641 0.00667 V

triangle 899 mV 3.4641 0.02707 V

triangle 6.59 V 3.4641 0.1978 V

triangle 55 V 3.4641 1.6501 V

Table 6-22. Wave Generator Verification at 50

Calibrator Wave Type

Calibrator Output

(@ 10 kHZ)

5790A Measurement

(V rms)

Conversion Factor

5790A Measurement x Conversion

Factor (V p-p)

V p-p value x


Tolerance (V p-p)

square 1.8 mV 2.0000 0.000154 V

square 6.4 mV 2.0000 0.000292 V

square 10.9 mV 2.0000 0.000427 V

square 11.0 mV 2.0000 0.00043 V

square 28.0 mV 2.0000 0.00094 V

square 44.9 mV 2.0000 0.001447 V

SC600 Calibration Option Verification 6


Table 6-22. Wave Generation Verification at 50 (cont.)

Calibrator Wave Type

Calibrator Output

(@ 10 kHZ)

5790A Measurement

(V rms)

Conversion Factor

5790A Measurement x Conversion

Factor (V p-p)

V p-p value x


Tolerance (V p-p)

square 45 mV 2.0000 0.00145 V

square 78 mV 2.0000 0.00244 V

square 109 mV 2.0000 0.00337 V

square 110 mV 2.0000 0.0034 V

square 280 mV 2.0000 0.0085 V

square 449 mV 2.0000 0.01357 V

square 450 mV 2.0000 0.0136 V

square 780 mV 2.0000 0.0235 V

square 1.09 V 2.0000 0.0328 V

square 1.10 V 2.0000 0.0331 V

square 1.80 V 2.0000 0.0541 V

square 2.50 V 2.0000 0.0751 V

sine 1.8 mV 2.8284 0.000154 V

sine 10.9 mV 2.8284 0.000427 V

sine 44.9 mV 2.8284 0.001447 V

sine 109 mV 2.8284 0.00337 V

sine 449 mV 2.8284 0.01357 V

sine 1.09 V 2.8284 0.0328 V

sine 2.50 V 2.8284 0.0751 V

triangle 1.8 mV 3.4641 0.000154 V

triangle 10.9 mV 3.4641 0.000427 V

triangle 44.9 mV 3.4641 0.001447 V

triangle 109 mV 3.4641 0.00337 V

triangle 449 mV 3.4641 0.01357 V

triangle 1.09 V 3.4641 0.0328 V

triangle 2.50 V 3.4641 0.0751 V

Pulse Width Verification This procedure uses:

High Frequency Digital Storage Oscilloscope: Tektronix 11801 with Tektronix SD- 22/26 sampling head

3 dB attenuator, 3.5 mm (m/f)

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BNC(f) to 3.5 mm(m) adapter (2)

Output cable supplied with the SC600

Second BNC cable

To do a pulse width verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-8.

2. Connect the output cable to the SCOPE connector on the Calibrator. Connect the other end of the output cable to one of the BNC(f) to 3.5 mm (m) adapter and then to the sampling head of the DSO through the 3 dB attenuator.

3. Use the second BNC cable with the BNC(f) to 3.5 mm(m) adapter attached to connect the TRIG OUT of the Calibrator to the trigger input of the DSO.

4. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Edge menu shown in the display.

5. Push on the Calibrator.

6. Push the TRIG softkey on the Calibrator until /1 shows in the display.

7. Set the DSO to:

Main Time Base: 40 ns

Vertical scale: 200 mV/div

Trigger: source = ext, level = 0.5 V, ext. atten. = x10, slope = +, mode = auto

Measurement function: positive width

8. Set the Calibrator to the pulse width and period shown in Table 6-23. Set the voltage to 1 V.

9. Change the horizontal scale on the DSO to the value shown in Table 6-23.

10. Adjust the main time base position and vertical offset until the pulse signal is in the center of the DSO display.

11. Record the width measurement.

12. Compare the width measurement to the value in the tolerance column of the table.

Table 6-23. Pulse Width Verification

Function/Range Nominal Value Measured Value Low Limit High Limit

2 s Period/4.00 ns 4.000 1.80 6.20

20 s Period/4.00 ns 4.000 1.80 6.20

200 s Period/4.00 ns 4.000 1.80 6.20

2 ms Period/40.00 ns 40.000 36.00 44.00

Pulse Period Verification This procedure uses:

PM 6680 Frequency Counter with an ovenized timebase (Option PM 9690 or PM 9691)

Output cable supplied with the SC600

SC600 Calibration Option Verification 6


To do a pulse period verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-7.

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Pulse menu shown in the display.

3. Push on the Calibrator.

4. Set the PM 6680 to the measure period on channel A with auto trigger, measurement time set to 1 second or longer, 50 impedance, and filter off.

5. Connect one end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

6. Connect the other end of the output cable to the channel A input of the PM 6680.

7. Set the Calibrator to the pulse width and period shown in Table 6-24. Set the voltage to 2.5V.

8. Let the PM 6680 measurement become stable and then record the period measurement in Table 6-24.

9. Compare the result to the tolerance column.

Table 6-24. Pulse Period Verification

Calibrator Output PM 6680 Measurement

Width Period Period Tolerance

80 ns 200 ns 5E-13 s

500 ns 10 ms 2.5E-08 s

500 ns 20 ms 5.0E-08 s

MeasZ Resistance Verification The verification procedure for the MeasZ Resistance function is a resistance measurement of a known value resistance and then compare the measured resistance to the value of the resistor.

This procedure uses:

Resistors of known values: 1.5 M, 1 M, 60 , 50 , and 40 nominal.

Adapters to connect resistors to a BNC(f) connector.

Output cable supplied with the SC600

To do a measz resistance verification:

1. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the MeasZ menu shown in the display.

2. Set the Calibrator MeasZ resistance range to the value shown in Table 6-25.

Note The MeasZ softkey toggles the MeasZ ranges.

3. Connect one end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

4. Connect the resistor shown in Table 6-25 to the other end of the output cable. See Figure 6-6.

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Note The resistor must make a solid connection to a BNC(f) connector. The resistance value must be known at this BNC(f) connector. Fluke uses an HP 3458A DMM to make a 4-wire measurement at the BNC(f) connector to get the actual resistance.

5. Let the Calibrator measurement become stable.

6. Record the measurement in Table 6-25.

7. Compare the measured resistance value to the actual resistance of the resistor and the value in the tolerance column of the table.

Table 6-25. MeasZ Resistance Verification

Calibrator MeasZ Range

Nominal Resistance


Calibrator Resistance


Actual Resistance

Value Tolerance

res 50 40 0.04

res 50 50 0.05

res 50 60 0.06

res 1M 600 k [1] 600

res 1M 1 M 1 k

res 1M 1.5 M 1.5 k

[1] 600 k is made with the 1.5 M and 1 M resistors connected in parallel.

MeasZ Capacitance Verification The verification procedure for the MeasZ Capacitance function is a capacitance measurement of a known value capacitance and then compare the measured capacitance to the value of the capacitance.

This procedure uses:

Adapter and capacitors to make 5 pF, 29 pF, and 49 pF nominal values at the end of a BNC(f) connector.

Output cable supplied with the SC600

To do a MeasZ capacitance verification:

1. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the MeasZ menu shown in the display.

2. Set the Calibrator MeasZ capacitance range to cap.

Note The MeasZ softkey toggles the MeasZ ranges.

3. Connect one end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator. Do not connect anything to the other end of this cable.

4. Let the Calibrator measurement become stable and then push the SET OFFSET softkey to zero the capacitance measurement.

5. Connect the other end of the cable to the capacitance shown in Table 6-26. See Figure 6-6.

6. Let the Calibrator measurement become stable.

SC600 Calibration Option Verification 6


7. Record the measurement in Table 6-26.

8. Compare the measured capacitance value to the actual capacitance and the value in the tolerance column of the table.

Table 6-26. MeasZ Capacitance Verification

Nominal Capacitance Value

Calibrator Capacitance


Actual Capacitance Value


5 pF 0.75 pF

29 pF 1.95 pF

49 pF 2.95 pF

Overload Function Verification This procedure uses:

50 feedthrough termination

Output cable supplied with the SC600

To do an overload function verification:

1. Connect the output cable and 50 feedthrough termination to the Calibrator as shown in Figure 6-15.


SC600 Cable

50 Feedthrough Termination


Figure 6-15. Overload Function Verification Connections

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Overload menu shown in the display.

3. Connect one end of the output cable to the 50 feedthrough termination.

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4. Connect the other end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

5. Set the Calibrator to output 5.000 V, dc (OUT VAL softkey), and time limit = 60 s (T LIMIT softkey).

6. Push on the Calibrator and make sure the OPR timer display increments.

7. Remove the 50 feedthrough termination before 60 seconds and make sure the Calibrator goes to standby (STBY).

8. Replace the 50 feedthrough termination on the end of the output cable.

9. Set the Calibrator output to 5.000 V, ac (OUT VAL softkey).

10. Push on the Calibrator and make sure the OPR timer display increments.

11. Remove the 50 feedthrough termination before 60 seconds and make sure the Calibrator goes to standby (STBY).

SC600 Hardware Adjustments Hardware adjustments must be made to the leveled sine and edge functions each time the SC600 is repaired. This section contains the adjustment procedures and a test equipment list with recommended models that are necessary to do these adjustments. Equivalent models can be used if necessary.

Necessary Equipment To do the hardware adjustments in this section, you must have:

Standard adjustment tool to adjust the pots and trimmer caps

Extender Card

Oscilloscope Mainframe and Sampling Head (Tektronix 11801 with SD-22/26 or Tektronix TDS 820 with 8 GHz bandwidth)

10 dB Attenuator (Weinschel 9-10 (SMA), or Weinschel 18W-10, or equivalent)

Output cable supplied with the SC600

Spectrum Analyzer (Hewlett-Packard 8590A)

Note The models shown in this list are recommended to get accurate results.

How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave Function There are two adjustment procedures that you must do for the leveled sine wave function. The first procedure adjusts the balance out of the LO VCO so that the signal is balanced between the two VCOs. The second procedure adjusts the harmonics.

Equipment Setup This procedure uses the spectrum analyzer. Before you start this procedure, make sure that the Calibrator is in leveled sine wave mode (the Levsine menu shows in the display), and set it to output 5.5 V p-p @ 600 MHz.

1. Push .

2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-10.

3. Adjust the Spectrum Analyzer so that it shows one peak across its horizontal center line in the display. The far right of the peak is fixed at the far right of the center line, as shown in Figure 6-16.

SC600 Calibration Option SC600 Hardware Adjustments 6


How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave VCO Balance To adjust leveled sine wave VCO balance:

Note The equipment must be setup as described in the Equipment Setup section.

1. Set the Calibrator to 5.5 V @ 600 MHz.

2. Set the Spectrum Analyzer to:

Start frequency 10 MHz

Stop frequency: 800 MHz

Resolution bandwidth: 30 kHz

Video Bandwidth: 3 kHz

Reference level: 20 dBm

The spectrum analyzer will show a spur at 153 MHz. See Figure 6-16 to identify the spur.

3. Turn R1 counterclockwise until the spur is at minimum amplitude.

Note As you turn R1, the spur will move down the waveform in the display. Stop the adjustment with the spur is at minimum amplitude. If you adjust too far, the spur will disappear.

The signal is balanced between the VCOs and the adjustment is complete when the spur is at minimum amplitude.



Figure 6-16. Leveled Sine Wave Balance Adjustment

How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics To adjust the leveled sine wave harmonics:

Note The equipment must be setup as described in the Equipment Setup section.

1. Set the Calibrator to 5.5 V @ 600 MHz.

2. Set the Spectrum Analyzer to:

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Start frequency 50 MHz

Stop frequency: 500 MHz

Resolution bandwidth: 3 MHz

Video Bandwidth: 3 kHz

Reference level: 20 dBm

3. Use the Peak Search function of the spectrum analyzer to find the reference signal. The spectrum analyzer will show the fundamental and second and third harmonics. The harmonics must be adjusted so that the second harmonic is at 40 dBc and the third harmonic is typically at 50 dBc as shown in Figure 6-17.

4. Adjust R8 until the peaks of the second and third harmonics are at the correct dB level.

Note As you adjust, it is possible the second harmonic will be at 40 dBc but the third harmonic is not at 50 dBc. Continue to adjust R8. The second harmonic will change, but there is a point at which the harmonics will be at the correct decibel level.


40 dBc 50 dBc

2nd harmonic 3rd harmonic


Figure 6-17. Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Adjustment

How to Adjust the Aberrations for the Edge Function You must do the adjustment procedure after you repair the edge function.

Note To make sure the edge aberrations are set to national standards, you must send the Calibrator to Fluke, or other company that has traceability for aberrations. Fluke has a reference pulse that is sent to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for characterization. This data is then sent to high speed sampling heads, which are used to adjust and verify the SC600.

Equipment Setup This procedure uses:

Oscilloscope: Tektronix 11801 with SD22/26 input module or Tektronix TDS 820 with 8 GHz bandwidth.

SC600 Calibration Option SC600 Hardware Adjustments 6


10 dB Attenuator: Weinschel 9-10 (SMA) or Weinschel 18W-10 or an equivalent

Output cable supplied with the SC600

Before you start the aberration adjustment procedure:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-8.

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Edge menu shown in the display.

3. Set the Calibrator to 1 V p-p @ 1 MHz.

4. Push .

5. Set the DSO to:

Vertical scale: 10 mV/div

Horizontal scale: 1 ns/div

6. Set the DSO to show the 90 % point of the edge signal. Use this point as the reference level.

7. Set the DSO to show the first 10 ns of the edge signal with the rising edge at the left edge of the oscilloscope display.

How to Adjust the Edge Aberrations See Figure 6-18 while you do the adjustment procedure.

1. Adjust A90R13 to set the edge signal at the right edge of oscilloscope display, at 10 ns, to the reference level set above.

2. Adjust A90R36 so the first overshoot is the same amplitude as the subsequent highest aberration.

3. Adjust A90R35 so that the second and third overshoot aberrations are the same amplitude as the first aberration.

4. Adjust A90R12 to set the edge signal to occur between 2 ns and 10 ns to the reference level set above.

5. Adjust A90R36 and A90R35 again to get equal amplitudes for the first, second, and third aberrations.

6. Adjust A90R13 to set the edge signal to occur between 0 ns and 2 ns to the reference point set above. Put the aberrations in the center so the peaks are equal above and below the reference level.

7. Adjust A90R12 again if necessary to keep the edge signal to occur between 2 ns and 10 ns at the reference level.

8. Adjust A90R13 again if necessary to keep the edge signal to occur between 0 ns and 2 ns at the reference level.

9. Set the UUT output to 250 mV and the oscilloscope vertical to 2 mV/div. Examine the aberrations.

10. Connect the 10 dB attenuator to the oscilloscope input. Connect the UUT to the attenuator and set the UUT output to 2.5 V.

11. Set the oscilloscope vertical to 5 mV/div. Examine the aberrations.

12. Make sure the rise time is <300 ps at 250 mV, 1 V, and 2.5 V outputs.

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R12 R13


1st Aberration 2nd Aberration

3rd Aberration


Figure 6-18. Edge Aberrations Adjustment


Chapter 7 SC1100 Calibration Option

Title Page

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 7-3 Maintenance …………………………………………………………………………………………… 7-3 SC1100 Specifications …………………………………………………………………………….. 7-3

Volt Specifications ……………………………………………………………………………… 7-4 Edge Specifications …………………………………………………………………………….. 7-5 Leveled Sine Wave Specifications ………………………………………………………… 7-6 Time Marker Specifications …………………………………………………………………. 7-7 Wave Generator Specifications …………………………………………………………….. 7-7 Pulse Generator Specifications ……………………………………………………………… 7-8 Trigger Signal Specifications (Pulse Function) ……………………………………….. 7-8 Trigger Signal Specifications (Time Marker Function) ……………………………. 7-8 Trigger Signal Specifications (Edge Function) ……………………………………….. 7-8 Trigger Signal Specifications (Square Wave Voltage Function)………………… 7-8 TV Trigger Signal Specifications ………………………………………………………….. 7-8 Oscilloscope Input Resistance Measurement Specifications ……………………… 7-9 Oscilloscope Input Capacitance Measurement Specifications …………………… 7-9 Overload Measurement Specifications …………………………………………………… 7-9

Theory of Operation ………………………………………………………………………………… 7-9 Voltage Mode …………………………………………………………………………………….. 7-9 Edge Mode…………………………………………………………………………………………. 7-9 Leveled Sine Wave Mode ……………………………………………………………………. 7-9 Time Marker Mode ……………………………………………………………………………… 7-9 Wave Generator Mode ………………………………………………………………………… 7-10 Pulse Generator Modes ………………………………………………………………………… 7-10 Input Impedance Mode (Resistance) ……………………………………………………… 7-10 Input Impedance Mode (Capacitance) ……………………………………………………. 7-10 Overload Mode …………………………………………………………………………………… 7-10

Equipment Necessary for SC1100 Calibration and Verification ……………………. 7-12 SC1100 Calibration Setup ……………………………………………………………………….. 7-15 Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions ………………….. 7-16

Overview of HP 3458A Operation ………………………………………………………… 7-16 Voltage Square Wave Measurement Setup …………………………………………….. 7-16 Edge and Wave Gen Square Wave Measurements Setup …………………………. 7-17 DC Voltage Calibration ……………………………………………………………………….. 7-18 AC Voltage Calibration ……………………………………………………………………….. 7-19 Wave Generator Calibration …………………………………………………………………. 7-19 Edge Amplitude Calibration …………………………………………………………………. 7-20 Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Calibration …………………………………………….. 7-20

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Leveled Sine Wave Flatness Calibration ………………………………………………… 7-21 Low Frequency Calibration ………………………………………………………………. 7-22 High Frequency Calibration ……………………………………………………………… 7-22

Pulse Width Calibration ………………………………………………………………………. 7-23 MeasZ Calibration ………………………………………………………………………………. 7-24

Verification ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 7-26 DC Voltage Verification ………………………………………………………………………. 7-26

Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………………….. 7-27 Verification at 50 ………………………………………………………………………… 7-27

AC Voltage Amplitude Verification ………………………………………………………. 7-29 Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………………….. 7-30 Verification at 50 ………………………………………………………………………… 7-31

AC Voltage Frequency Verification ………………………………………………………. 7-32 Edge Amplitude Verification………………………………………………………………… 7-33 Edge Frequency Verification ………………………………………………………………… 7-34 Edge Duty Cycle Verification ………………………………………………………………. 7-35 Edge Rise Time Verification ………………………………………………………………… 7-35 Edged Aberration Verification ……………………………………………………………… 7-37 Tunnel Diode Pulser Drive Amplitude Verification …………………………………. 7-38 Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Verification …………………………………………… 7-39 Leveled Sine Wave Frequency Verification ……………………………………………. 7-40 Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification …………………………………………… 7-41 Leveled Sine Wave Flatness Verification ………………………………………………. 7-43

Equipment Setup for Low Frequency Flatness ……………………………………. 7-43 Equipment Setup for High Frequency Flatness ……………………………………. 7-44 Low Frequency Verification …………………………………………………………….. 7-45 High Frequency Verification …………………………………………………………….. 7-46

Time Marker Verification …………………………………………………………………….. 7-57 Wave Generator Verification ………………………………………………………………… 7-58

Wave Generator Verification Setup …………………………………………………… 7-58 Verification at 1 M ……………………………………………………………………….. 7-58 Verification at 50 …………………………………………………………………………. 7-59

Pulse Width Verification ……………………………………………………………………… 7-62 Pulse Period Verification ……………………………………………………………………… 7-63 MeasZ Resistance Verification ……………………………………………………………… 7-63 MeasZ Capacitance Verification …………………………………………………………… 7-64 Overload Function Verification …………………………………………………………….. 7-65

SC1100 Hardware Adjustments ………………………………………………………………… 7-66 Necessary Equipment ………………………………………………………………………….. 7-66 How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave Function …………………………………….. 7-67

Equipment Setup …………………………………………………………………………….. 7-67 How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave VCO Balance ………………………….. 7-67 How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics ………………………………. 7-68

How to Adjust the Aberrations for the Edge Function ……………………………… 7-69 Equipment Setup …………………………………………………………………………….. 7-69 How to Adjust the Edge Aberrations …………………………………………………. 7-70

SC1100 Calibration Option Introduction 7


Introduction This chapter contains information and procedures to do the servicing of the SC1100 Oscilloscope Calibration Option.

The calibration and verification procedures supply traceable results for all of the SC1100 functions while they are done with the recommended equipment. All of the necessary equipment, along with the minimum specifications, are shown in Table 7-1 in the Equipment Necessary for SC1100 Calibration and Verification section.

The calibration and verification procedures in this chapter are not the ones Fluke uses at the factory. These procedures were made so you can calibrate and verify the SC1100 at your own site if necessary. Look at all the procedures before you do them to make sure you have the resources to complete them. It is strongly recommended that, if possible, you send your Calibrator to Fluke for calibration and verification.

Hardware adjustments that are made after repair, at the factory, or designated Fluke service centers, are supplied in this manual.

Maintenance There are no maintenance procedures or diagnostic remote commands for the SC1100 that are available to users. If your SC1100 is not installed or is not connected to power, the error message in Figure 7-1 shows in the Calibrator display when you push .


Figure 7-1. Error Message for Scope Option

If this message shows in the display, and you have the SC1100 installed in the Calibrator, you must send the Calibrator to Fluke for repair. To purchase an SC1100, see your Fluke sales representative.

SC1100 Specifications These specifications apply only to the SC1100 Option. General specifications for the Calibrator mainframe can be found in Chapter 1. The specifications are correct for these conditions:

The Calibrator is operated in the conditions specified in Chapter 1.

The Calibrator has completed a warm-up period that is two times the period the Calibrator was turned off to a maximum of 30 minutes.

The SC1100 has been active more than 5 minutes.

Warmup Time ……………………………………………….. Twice the time since last warmed up, to a maximum of 30 minutes Settling Time ………………………………………………… 5 seconds or faster for all functions and ranges Temperature Performance

Operating …………………………………………………… 0 C to 50 C Calibration (tcal) ………………………………………….. 15 C to 35 C Storage ……………………………………………………… -20 C to +70 C

Electromagnetic Compatibility ………………………. Designed to operate in Standard Laboratory environments where the Electromagnetic environment is highly controlled. If used in areas with

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Electromagnetic fields >1 V/m, there could be errors in output values. All testing for this specification used new cables and connectors.

Temperature Coefficient ………………………………… Temperature Coefficient for temperatures outside tcal +5 C is 10 % per C of 1-year specification.

Relative Humidity

Operating …………………………………………………… <80 % to 30 C, <70 % to 40 C,<40 % to 50 C Storage ……………………………………………………… <95 %, noncondensing


Operating …………………………………………………… 3,050 m (10,000 ft) maximum Nonoperating ……………………………………………… 12,200 m (40,000 ft) maximum

Safety …………………………………………………………… Designed to comply with IEC 1010-1 (1992-1); ANSI/ISA-S82.01-1994; CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 1010.1-92

Analog Low Isolation …………………………………….. 20 V EMC ……………………………………………………………… Complies with EN 61326-1/1997, Class A

Volt Specifications

Volt Function DC Signal Square Wave Signal [1]

50 Load 1 M Load 50 Load 1 M Load

Amplitude Characteristics

Range 0 to 6.6 V 0 to 130 V 1 mV to 6.6 V p-p

1 mV to 130 V p-p


Range 1 to 24.999 mV 25 to 109.99 mV 110 mV to 2.1999 V 2.2 to 10.999 V 11 to 130 V


1 V

10 V

100 V 1 mV 10 mV

Adjustment Range Continuously adjustable

1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C

(0.25 % of output + 40 V)

(0.05 % of output + 40 V)

(0.25 % of output + 40 V)

(0.1% of output + 40 V)[2]

Sequence 1-2-5 (e.g., 10 mV, 20 mV, 50 mV)

Square Wave Frequency Characteristics Range 10 Hz to 10 kHz

1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C (2.5 ppm of setting)

Typical Aberration within 4 s from 50 % of leading/trailing edge

<(0.5 % of output + 100 V)

[1] Selectable positive or negative, zero referenced square wave. [2] For square wave frequencies above 1 kHz, (0.25 % of output + 40 V).

SC1100 Calibration Option SC1100 Specifications 7


Edge Specifications

Edge Characteristics into 50 Load 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty,

tcal 5 C

Rise Time 300 ps [1] (+0 ps / -100 ps)

Amplitude Range (p-p) 5.0 mV to 2.5 V (2 % of output + 200 V)

Resolution 4 digits n/a

Adjustment Range 10 % around each sequence value (indicated below) n/a

Sequence Values 5 mV, 10 mV, 25 mV, 50 mV, 60 mV, 80 mV, 100 mV, 200 mV, 250 mV, 300 mV, 500 mV, 600 mV, 1 V, 2.5 V


Frequency Range 900 Hz to 11 MHz (2.5 ppm of setting)

Typical Jitter, edge to trigger <5 ps (p-p) n/a

Leading Edge Aberrations [2]

within 2 ns from 50 % of rising edge <(3 % of output + 2 mV)

2 to 5 ns <(2 % of output + 2 mV)

5 to 15 ns <(1 % of output + 2 mV)

after 15 ns <(0.5 % of output + 2 mV)

Typical Duty Cycle 45 % to 55 % n/a

Tunnel Diode Pulse Drive Square wave at 100 Hz to 100 kHz, with variable amplitude of 60 V to 100 V p-p.

[1] Above 2 MHz, the rise time specification is <350 ps. [2] All edge aberration measurements are made with a Tektronix 11801 mainframe with an SD26 input module.

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Leveled Sine Wave Specifications Leveled Sine Wave Frequency Range

Characteristics into 50

50 kHz (reference) 50 kHz to 100 MHz 100 to 300 MHz 300 to 600 MHz 600 to 1100 MHz

Amplitude Characteristics (for measuring oscilloscope bandwidth)

Range (p-p) 5 mV to 5.5 V 5 mV to 3.5 V

Resolution <100 mV: 3 digits 100 mV: 4 digits

Adjustment Range continuously adjustable

1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C

(2 % of output + 300 V)

(3.5 % of output + 300 V)

(4 % of output + 300 V)

(6 % of output + 300 V)

(7 % of output + 300 V)

Flatness (relative to 50 kHz) not applicable (1.5 % of output

+ 100 V) (2 % of output + 100 V)

(4 % of output + 100 V)

(5 % of output 100 V)

Short-Term Amplitude Stability

1 %[1]

Frequency Characteristics

Resolution 10 kHz 100 kHz

1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C

2.5 ppm [2]

Distortion Characteristics 2nd Harmonic -33 dBc

3rd and Higher Harmonics -38 dBc

[1] Within one hour after reference amplitude setting, provided temperature varies no more than 5 C. [2] With REF CLK set to ext, the frequency uncertainty of the Leveled Sine Wave is the uncertainty of the external 10 MHz clock

0.3 Hz/gate time.

SC1100 Calibration Option SC1100 Specifications 7


Time Marker Specifications Time Marker into 50 5s to 50 ms 20 ms to 100 ns 50 to 20 ns 10 ns 5 to 1 ns

1-Year Absolute Uncertainty at Cardinal Points, tcal 5 C [3]

(25 + t x 1000 ppm [1] 2.5 ppm 2.5 ppm 2.5 ppm 2.5 ppm

Wave Shape spike or square

spike, square, or 20 %-pulse spike or square square or

sine sine

Typical Output Level >1 V p-p [2] >1 V p-p [2] >1 V p-p [2] >1 V p-p [2] >1 V p-p

Typical Jitter (rms) <10 ppm <1 ppm <1 ppm <1 ppm <1 ppm

Sequence 5-2-1 from 5 s to 1 ns (e.g., 500 ms, 200 ms, 100 ms )

Adjustment Range At least 10 % around each sequence value indicated above.

Amplitude Resolution 4 digits [1] t is the time in seconds. [2] Typical rise time of square wave and 20 %-pulse (20 % duty cycle pulse) is <1.5 ns. [3] Away from the cardinal points, add 50 ppm.

Wave Generator Specifications Wave Generator Characteristics Square Wave, Sine Wave, and Triangle Wave into 50 or 1 M


Range into 1 M: 1.8 mV to 55 V p-p into 50 : 1.8 mV to 2.5 V p-p

1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C, 10 Hz to 10 kHz (3 % of p-p output + 100 V)

Sequence 1-2-5 (e.g., 10 mV, 20 mV, 50 mV)

Typical DC Offset Range 0 to (40 % of p-p amplitude) [1]


Range 10 Hz to 100 kHz

Resolution 4 or 5 digits depending upon frequency

1-Year Absolute Uncertainty, tcal 5 C (25 ppm + 15 mHz)

[1] The dc offset plus the wave signal must not exceed 30 V rms.

5522A Service Manual


Pulse Generator Specifications Pulse Generator Characteristics Positive pulse into 50

Typical rise/fall times <1.5 ns

Available Amplitudes 2.5 V, 1 V, 250 mV, 100 mV, 25 mV, 10 mV

Pulse Width

Range 4 to 500 ns [1]

Uncertainty (typical) 5 % 2 ns

Pulse Period

Range 20 ms to 200 ns (50 Hz to 5 MHz)

Resolution 4 or 5 digits depending upon frequency and width

1-Year Absolute Uncertainty at Cardinal Points, tcal 5 C 2.5 ppm

[1] Pulse width not to exceed 40 % of period. [2] Pulse width uncertainties for periods below 2 s are not specified.

Trigger Signal Specifications (Pulse Function) Pulse Period Division Ratio Amplitude into 50 (p-p) Typical Rise Time

20 ms to 150 ns off/1/10/100 1 V 2 ns

Trigger Signal Specifications (Time Marker Function) Time Marker Period Division Ratio Amplitude into 50 (p-p) Typical Rise Time

5 s to 35 ms off/1 1 V 2 ns

34.9 ms to 750 ns off/1/10/100 1 V 2 ns

749 to 7.5 ns off/10/100 1 V 2 ns

7.4 to 2 ns off/100 1 V 2 ns

Trigger Signal Specifications (Edge Function) Edge Signal Frequency

Division Ratio Typical Amplitude into 50 (p-p)

Typical Rise Time Typical Lead Time

1 kHz to 10 MHz off/1 1 V 2 ns 40 ns

Trigger Signal Specifications (Square Wave Voltage Function) Voltage Function

Frequency Division Ratio

Typical Amplitude into 50 (p-p)

Typical Rise Time Typical Lead


10 Hz to 10 kHz off/1 1 V 2 ns 2 s

TV Trigger Signal Specifications Trigger Signal Type Parameters

Field Formats Selectable NTSC, SECAM, PAL, PAL-M

Polarity Selectable inverted or uninverted video

Amplitude into 50 (p-p) Adjustable 0 to 1.5 V p-p into 50 ohm load, (7 % accuracy)

Line Marker Selectable Line Video Marker

SC1100 Calibration Option Theory of Operation 7


Oscilloscope Input Resistance Measurement Specifications Scope input selected 50 1 M

Measurement Range 40 to 60 500 k to 1.5 M

Uncertainty 0.1 % 0.1 %

Oscilloscope Input Capacitance Measurement Specifications Scope input selected 1 M

Measurement Range 5 to 50 pF

Uncertainty (5 % of input + 0.5 pF) [1]

[1] Measurement made within 30 minutes of capacitance zero reference. Scope option must be selected for at least five minutes prior to any capacitance measurement, including the zero process.

Overload Measurement Specifications

Source Voltage Typical On current

indication Typical Off current indication

Maximum Time Limit DC or AC (1 kHz)

5 to 9 V 100 to 180 mA 10 mA setable 1 to 60 s

Theory of Operation This section contains a brief overview of the SC1100 operation modes. This information will let you identify which of the main plug-in PCAs of the Calibrator Mainframe are defective. Figure 7-2 shows a block diagram of the SC1100 Option (also referred to as the A45 PCA). Functions that are not shown in the figure are sourced from the DDS Assembly (A6 PCA). See Chapter 2 for a diagram of all Calibrator Mainframe PCA assemblies.

Voltage Mode All signals for the voltage function come from the A41 Voltage/Video PCA, a daughter card to the A45 PCA. A dc reference voltage is supplied to the A41 PCA from the A6 DDS PCA. All dc and ac oscilloscope output voltages are derived from this signal and sourced on the A41 PCA. The output of the A41 PCA goes to the A45 Signal PCA (also attached to the A45 PCA) and attenuator module and is then cabled to the output connectors on the front panel. The reference dc signal is used to supply + and — dc and ac signals that are amplified or attenuated to supply the range of output signals.

Edge Mode The DDC A6 PCA is the source of the edge clock and goes to the A45 PCA. The signal is then shaped and divided to supply the fast edge and external trigger signals. The edge signal comes from the A45 PCA first to the attenuator assembly (where range attenuation occurs) and then to the SCOPE connector BNC on the front panel. If turned on, the trigger is connected to the Trig Out BNC on the front panel.

Leveled Sine Wave Mode All of the leveled sine wave signals (from 50 kHz to 1100 MHz) are supplied from the A45 PCA. For frequencies 50 kHz to 600 MHz, the A45 PLL and output amplifier is used. For 600 MHz and above, the A92 PLL and output amplifier is used. The leveled sine wave signal comes from the A45 PCA to the on-board PCA attenuator assembly. The attenuator assembly supplies range attenuation and also contains a power detector which keeps amplitude flatness across the frequency range. The signal is then applied to the SCOPE connector on the front panel.

Time Marker Mode There are three primary ranges of time marker operation: 5 s to 50 ms, 10 ms to 2 s, and 1 s to 1 ns.

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The A6 DDS PCA is the source of the 5 s to 20 ms markers and are sent to the A45 PCA. The signal path is also divided to supply the external trigger circuitry on the A45 PCA. If turned on, the trigger is connected to the Trig Out BNC on the front panel. The marker signal that goes through the A45 PCA is connected to the attenuator assembly. The signal is then applied to the SCOPE connector on the front panel.

The 10 ms to 2 s markers are derived from a square wave signal that comes from the A6 PCA and is applied to the A45 PCA for wave shaping and external trigger generation. If the trigger is turned on, the signal is connected to the Trig Out BNC on the front panel. The marker signal on the A45 PCA goes to the attenuator assembly and then to the SCOPE connector on the front panel.

The leveled sine wave generator on the A45 PCA is the source of the 1 s to 2 ns markers. This signal is also divided to drive the external trigger circuits. If the trigger is turned on, the signal is then connected to the Trig Out BNC on the front panel. The other path sends the signal to the marker circuits on the A45 PCA, where the signal is shaped into the other marker waveforms. The marker signals on the A45 PCA go to the attenuator assembly and then to the SCOPE connector on the front panel.

Wave Generator Mode All signals for the wavegen function come from the A6 PCA and go to the A45 PCA. They then go to the attenuator assembly, where range attenuation occurs. Wavegen signals are then sent to the SCOPE connector on the front panel.

Pulse Generator Modes Video and pulse generator mode signals are derived from dedicated circuitry on the A45 PCA. If there are faults related only to these functions, then the A45 PCA is most likely defective.

Input Impedance Mode (Resistance) The reference resistors for this mode are on the A45 PCA, while the DCV reference signal and measurement signals are on the A6 DDS PCA.

Input Impedance Mode (Capacitance) The A45 PCA contains the capacitance measurement circuits, that uses signals from the leveled sine wave source. If there are faults related only to capacitance measurement, then the A45 PCA is most likely defective.

Overload Mode The A41 Voltage/Video PCA of the A45 PCA supplies the voltage for the overload mode. The voltage is applied to the external 50 load, and the circuit current is monitored by the A6 DDS PCA.

SC1100 Calibration Option Theory of Operation 7



Analog Shaped 10 ms to 2 s

Pulse Shaped 1 s — 10 ns

5 ns — 1 ns Unleveled



10 MHz Clock

A45 SC1100 Option

Trigger %1,10,100,1000




External Clock

Time Marker

Time Marker 5 s to 50 ms

Time Marker

LF Mux.

HF Mux.

600 — 1100 MHz PLL and PWR Amp

HF Mux.

Oscilloscope Calibrator Trigger BNC

SCOPE Output Type N

pp detect

Step Attenuator Module

Leveled Sine Wave and Time Marker

PLLs Pwr Amp.

Leveling Loop


Level Control



Figure 7-2. SC1100 Block Diagram

5522A Service Manual


Equipment Necessary for SC1100 Calibration and Verification

Table 7-1 is a list of equipment necessary for calibration and verification of the SC1100 Oscilloscope Option.

Table 7-1. SC1100 Calibration and Verification Equipment

Wave Generator and Edge Amplitude Calibration, AC Voltage and TD Pulser Equipment

Instrument Model Minimum Use Specifications

Digital Multimeter HP 3458A Voltage 1.8 mV to 130 V p-p Uncertainty:0.06 %

Edge 4.5 mV to 2.75 V p-p Uncertainty:0.06 %

Adapter Pomona #1269 BNC(f) to Double Banana Plug

Termination Feedthrough 50 1 % (used with edge amplitude Calibration and ac voltage verification)

SC1100 Cable (N-BNC) (supplied with SC1100) Type N to BNC

Edge Rise Time and Aberrations Verification

High-Frequency Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Tektronix 11801 with Tektronix SD-22/26 sampling head, or Tektronix TDS 820 with 8 GHz bandwidth

Frequency 12.5 GHz

Resolution 4.5 mV to 2.75 V

Attenuator Weinschel 9-10 (SMA) or Weinschel 18W-10 or equivalent

10 dB, 3.5 mm (m/f)

Adapter BNC(f) to 3.5 mm(m)

SC1100 Cable (N-BNC) (supplied with SC1100) Type N to BNC

BNC-BNC Cable For Trigger Out Connection

Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Calibration and Verification

AC Measurement Standard

Fluke 5790A Range 5 mV p-p to 5.5 V p-p

Frequency 50 kHz

Adapter Pomona #1269 BNC(f) to Double Banana Plug

Termination Feedthrough 50 1 %

SC1100 Cable (N-BNC) (supplied with SC1100) Type N to BNC

SC1100 Calibration Option Equipment Necessary for SC1100 Calibration and Verification 7


Table 7-1. SC1100 Calibration and Verification Equipment (cont.)

DC and AC Voltage Calibration and Verification, DC Voltage Verification

Instrument Model Minimum Use Specifications

Digital Multimeter HP 3458A

Adapter Pomona #1269 BNC(f) to Double Banana Plug

Termination Feedthrough 50 1 %

SC1100 Cable (N-BNC) (supplied with SC1100) Type N to BNC

BNC-BNC Cable For Trigger Out Connection

Pulse Width Calibration and Verification

High-Frequency Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Tektronix 11801 with Tektronix SD-22/26 sampling head

Attenuator 3 dB, 3.5 mm (m/f)

Adapter (2) BNC(f) to 3.5 mm(m)

SC1100 Cable (N-BNC) (supplied with SC1100) Type N to BNC

BNC-BNC Cable For Trigger Out Connection

Leveled Sine Wave Frequency Verification

Frequency Counter PM 6680 with option (PM 9621, PM 9624, or PM 9625) and (PM 9690 or PM 9691)

50 kHz to 600 MHz, <0.15 ppm uncertainty

Adapter Pomona #3288 BNC(f) to Type N(m)

SC1100 Cable (N-BNC) (supplied with SC1100) Type N to BNC

Leveled Sine Wave Flatness (Low Frequency) Calibration and Verification

AC Measurement Standard

Fluke 5790A with -03 option

Range 5 mV p-p to 5.5 V p-p

Frequency 50 kHz to 10 MHz

Adapter Pomona #3288 BNC(f) to Type N(m)

SC1100 Cable (N-BNC) (supplied with SC1100) Type N to BNC

Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification

Spectrum Analyzer HO 8509A

Adapter Pomona #3288 BNC(f) to Type N(m)

SC1100 Cable (N-BNC) (supplied with SC1100) Type N to BNC

5522A Service Manual


Table 7-1. SC1100 Calibration and Verification Equipment (cont.)

Pulse Period, Edge Frequency, AC Voltage Frequency Verification

Instrument Model Minimum Use Specifications

Frequency Counter PM 6680 with option (PM 9690 or PM 9691)

20 ms to 150 ns, 10 Hz to 10 MHz: <0.15 ppm uncertainty

SC1100 Cable (N-BNC) (supplied with SC1100) Type N to BNC

Edge Duty Cycle

Frequency Counter PM 6680

SC1100 Cable (N-BNC) (supplied with SC1100) Type N to BNC

Overload Functional Verification

Termination Feedthrough 50 1 %

SC1100 Cable (N-BNC) (supplied with SC1100) Type N to BNC

MeasZ Resistance, Capacitance Verification

Resistors 1 M and 50 nominal values

Capacitors 50 pF nominal value at the end of BNC(f) connector

Adapters To connect resistors and capacitors to BNC(f) connector

SC1100 Cable (N-BNC) (supplied with SC1100) Type N to BNC

Leveled Sine Wave Flatness (High Frequency) Calibration and Verification

Power Meter Hewlett-Packard 437B Range -42 dBm to +5.6 dBm

Frequency 10 MHz to 1100 MHz

Power Sensor Hewlett-Packard 8482A Range -20 dBm to +19 dBm

Frequency 10 MHz to 1100 MHz

Power Sensor Hewlett-Packard 8481D Range -42 dBm to -20 dBm

Frequency 10 MHz to 1100 MHz

30 dB Reference Attenuatior

Hewlett-Packard 11708A (supplied with HP 8481D)

Range 30 dB

Frequency 50 MHz

Adapter Hewlett-Packard PN 1250-1474

BNC(f) to Type N(f)

SC1100 Cable (N-BNC) (supplied with SC1100) Type N to BNC

SC1100 Calibration Option SC1100 Calibration Setup 7


Table 7-1. SC1100 Calibration and Verification Equipment (cont.)

Leveled Sine Wave Frequency, Time Marker Verification

Instrument Model Minimum Use Specifications

Frequency Counter PM 6680 with option (PM 9621, PM 9624, or PM 9625) and (PM 9690 or PM 9691)

2 ns to 5 s, 50 kHz to 600 MHz: <0.15 ppm uncertainty

Adapter Pomona #3288 BNC(f) to Type N(m)

SC1100 Cable (N-BNC) (supplied with SC1100) Type N to BNC

Wave Generator Verification

AC Measurement Standard

Fluke 5790A with -03 option

Range 1.8 mV p-p to 55 V p-p

Frequency 10 Hz to 100 kHz

Adapter Pomona #1269 BNC(f) to Double Banana Plug

Termination Feedthrough 50 1 %

SC1100 Cable (N-BNC) (supplied with SC1100) Type N to BNC

SC1100 Calibration Setup The procedures in this manual were made to let users calibrate the SC1100 at their own site if it becomes necessary to do so. It is strongly recommended that, if possible, you send your Calibrator to Fluke for calibration and verification. The Calibrator Mainframe must be fully calibrated before you do calibration of the SC1100.

The hardware adjustments are intended to be one-time adjustments done in the factory. Some times adjustment can be necessary after repair. Hardware adjustments must be done before calibration. Calibration must be done after if hardware adjustments are made. See the Hardware Adjustments section in this chapter.

The AC Voltage function is dependent on the DC Voltage function. Calibration of the AC Voltage function is necessary after the DC Voltage is calibrated.

The Calibrator Mainframe must complete a warm-up period and the SC1100 must be turned on for a minimum of 5 minutes before you start calibration. This lets internal components become thermally stable. The Calibrator Mainframe warm-up period is a minimum of two times the period the calibrator was turned off, or a maximum of 30 minutes. Push c to turn on the SC1100. The green LED on the SCOPE key is illuminated when the SC1100 is turned on.

Most of the SC1100 Option can be calibrated from the front panel. Push to turn on the SC1100 and wait a minimum of 5 minutes. To start the Scope Cal mode:

1. Push .

2. Push the CAL softkey.

3. Push the CAL softkey again.

4. Push the SCOPE CAL softkey.

Note If you push the Scope Cal softkey sooner than 5 minutes after you pushed , a warning message shows in the display.

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All equipment used to calibrate the SC1100 must be calibrated, certified traceable if traceability is to be kept, and operated in their specified operation environment.

It is also important to make sure that the equipment has had sufficient time to warm up before you start calibration. Refer to the operation manual for each piece of equipment for more information.

Before you start calibration, look at all of the procedures to make sure you have the resources to do them.

The Calibrator starts calibration with the DC Voltage function. If it is necessary to start with a different function, push the OPTIONS softkey. Then push the NEXT SECTION softkey until you see the function name in the display.

Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions

The Voltage, Edge, and Wave Generator functions have square wave voltages that must be calibrated or verified. The HP 3458A digital multimeter can be programmed from the front panel or through the remote interface to make these measurements.

Overview of HP 3458A Operation The Hewlett-Packard 3458A digital multimeter is configured as a digitizer to measure the peak-to-peak value of the signal. It is set to DCV, with different analog-to-digital integration times and trigger commands to measure the topline and baseline of the square wave signal.

Voltage Square Wave Measurement Setup To make accurate and repeatable measurements of the topline and baseline of a voltage square wave with a maximum frequency of 10 kHz, set the integration and sample time of the HP 3458A. For this measurement, connect the external trigger of the HP 3458A to the external trigger output of the SC1100. Set the HP 3458A to make an analog-to-digital conversion after it senses the falling edge of an external trigger.

The conversion does not occur until after the delay set by the HP 3458A DELAY command. The frequency measured by the DMM influences the actual integration time. Table 7-2 summarizes the DMM settings necessary to make topline and baseline measurements. Figure 7-3 illustrates the correct connections for this setup.

Table 7-2. Voltage HP 3458A Settings

Voltage Input Frequency

HP 3458A Settings

NPLC DELAY (topline) DELAY (baseline)

100 Hz 0.1 0.007 s 0.012 s

1 kHz 0.01 0.0007 s 0.0012 s

5 kHz 0.002 0.00014 0.00024

10 kHz 0.001 0.00007 0.00012

For all measurements, the HP 3458A is in DCV, manual range, with external trigger turned on. A convenient method to make these measurements from the front panel of the HP 3458A is to put these parameters into some of the user-defined keys. For example, to make topline measurements at 1 kHz, you set the DMM to NPLC .01; DELAY .0007; TRIG EXT. To find the average of multiple measurements, you can set one of the keys to MATH OFF; MATH STAT and then use the RMATH MEAN function to recall the average or mean value.

SC1100 Calibration Option Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions 7


Note For this application, if you make measurements of a signal >1 kHz, the HP 3458A can show .05 % to .1 % peaking in the 100 mV range. For these signals, lock the HP 3458A to the 1 V range.

HP 3458A (Front) 5522A-SC1100SC1100 Cable

HP 3458A (Rear)

50 Feedthrough Termination

BNC(F) to Double Banana







Figure 7-3. Equipment Setup for SC1100 Voltage Square Wave Measurements

Edge and Wave Gen Square Wave Measurements Setup The setup to measure the topline and baseline of Edge and Wave Generator signals is a little different from the Voltage Square Wave method given above. The HP 3458A is triggered by a change in input level rather than an external trigger. The trigger level is set to 1 % of the DCV range, with ac coupling of the trigger signal. The delay after the trigger event is also changed for the Edge and Wave Generator functions. See Table 7-3 and Figure 7-4.

Table 7-3. Edge and Wave Generator HP 3458A Settings

Voltage Input Frequency

HP 3458A Settings

NPLC DELAY (topline) DELAY (baseline)

1 kHz 0.01 0.0002 s 0.0007 s

10 kHz 0.001 0.00002 s 0.00007 s

5522A Service Manual


HP 3458A 5522A-SC1100SC1100 Cable

50 Feedthrough Termination

BNC(F) to Double Banana



Figure 7-4. Equipment Setup for SC1100 Edge and Wave Gen Square Wave Measurement

For all measurements, the HP 3458A is in DCV, manual range, with level triggering enabled. A convenient method to make these measurements from the front panel of the HP 3458A is to put these parameters into some of the user-defined keys. For example, to make topline measurements at 1 kHz, you set the DMM to NPLC .01; LEVEL 1; DELAY .0002; TRIG LEVEL. To find the average of multiple measurements, you can set one of the keys to MATH OFF; MATH STAT and then use the RMATH MEAN function to recall the average or mean value. Refer to Figure 7-4 for the correct connections.

DC Voltage Calibration This procedure uses:

Hewlett-Packard 3458A Digital Multimeter

BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

BNC-BNC cable

Note AC voltage calibration is necessary for dc voltage calibration.

See Figure 7-4 for the correct equipment connections.

Set the Calibrator Mainframe in Scope Cal mode, DC Voltage section. To calibrate DC Voltage:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input, with the output cable and the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

2. Set the HP 3458A to DCV, Auto Range, NPLC = 10, FIXEDZ = on.

3. Push the GO ON softkey.

4. Make sure the HP 3458A measurement is 0.0 V DC 10 V. If not, adjust R121 on A41. R121 is a square one turn pot and has a mark on the PCA near Q29.

5. Push the GO ON softkey.

6. Calibration voltages 33 V and higher automatically put the Calibrator output in

SC1100 Calibration Option Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions 7


standby. When this occurs, push on the Calibrator to output the signal. Let the HP 3458A DC voltage measurement become stable. Type in the measurement through the Calibrator keypad and then push .

Note The Calibrator will show a message if the typed in value is higher or lower than the limits of the value. If this occurs, examine the setup and carefully re-type in the measurement with the correct multiplier (m, , n, p). If the warning continues, repair may be necessary.

7. Do step 6 again until the Calibrator shows that the subsequent steps calibrate ac voltage. Push the OPTIONS, then STORE CONSTS softkeys to store the new calibration constants.

AC voltage must be calibrated: continue with the subsequent section.

AC Voltage Calibration This procedure uses the same equipment and setup as DC Voltage calibration. Refer to Figure 7-4. DC voltages are measured and typed in to the Calibrator to calibrate the AC Voltage function.

To calibrate the Calibrator for ac voltage:

1. Push the OPTIONS softkey.

2. Push the NEXT SECTION softkey until The next steps calibrate SC1100 ACV shows in the display.

3. Push the GO ON softkey.

4. Let the HP3485A voltage measurement become stable.

5. Type in the measurement through the keypad of the Calibrator.

6. Push .

Note The Calibrator will show a message if the typed in value is higher or lower than the limits of the value. If this occurs, examine the setup and carefully re-type in the measurement with the correct multiplier (m, , n, p). If the warning continues, repair may be necessary.

7. Do step 4 again until the Calibrator shows that the subsequent steps calibrate WAVGEN. Push the OPTIONS, then STORE CONSTS softkeys to store the new calibration constants.

Wave Generator Calibration This procedure uses:

Hewlett-Packard 3458A Digital Multimeter

BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

To calibrate the wave generator:

1. Push the OPTIONS softkey.

2. Push the NEXT SECTION softkey until WAVEGEN Cal: shows in the display.

3. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input with the output cable and the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

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4. Set the HP 3458A to DCV, NPLC = .01, LEVEL 1, TRIG LEVEL.

5. Set the HP 3458A DELAY to .0002 for the top part of the waveform (topline) measurement, and .0007 for the lower part of the waveform (baseline). Manually range lock the HP 3458A to the range that gives the most resolution for the topline measurements. Use this same range for the related baseline measurements at each step.

6. For each calibration step, get samples for 2 seconds minimum, with the HP 3458A MATH functions to retrieve the average or mean value. See the Setup for SC1100 Edge and Wave Generator Measurements section to learn more.

Edge Amplitude Calibration This procedure uses:

Hewlett-Packard 3458A Digital Multimeter

BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

50 feedthrough termination

To do Edge Amplitude Calibration:

1. Setup the equipment as shown in Figure 7-4.

2. Push the OPTIONS softkey.

3. Push the NEXT SECTION softkey until Set up to measure fast edge amplitude shows in the display.

4. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input with the output cable and the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

5. Set the HP 3458A to DCV, NPLC = .01, LEVEL 1, TRIG LEVEL.

6. Set the HP 3458A DELAY to .0002 for the top part of the waveform (topline) measurement, and .0007 for the lower part of the waveform (baseline). Manually range lock the HP 3458A to the range that gives the most resolution for the baseline measurements. Use this same range for the related baseline measurements at each step.

Note For the edge function, the topline is near 0 V and the baseline is a negative voltage.

7. For each calibration step, get samples for 2 seconds minimum, with the HP 3458A MATH functions to retrieve the average or mean value. See the Setup for SC1100 Edge and Wave Generator Measurements section to learn more.

The true amplitude of the waveform is the difference between the topline and baseline measurements, after a load resistance error correction. To make this correction, multiply the measurement by (0.5 * (50 + Rload)/Rload), where Rload = actual feedthrough termination resistance.

Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Calibration This procedure uses:

5790A AC Measurement Standard

BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

50 feedthrough termination

SC1100 Calibration Option Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions 7


To do a leveled sine wave amplitude calibration:

1. Push the OPTIONS softkey.

2. Push the NEXT SECTION softkey until Set up to measure fast edge amplitude shows in the display.

3. Connect the output cable to the 50 feedthrough termination.

4. Connect the other end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

5. Connect the 50 feedthrough termination at the other end of the cable to input 2 of the 5790A with the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

6. Set the 5790A to AUTORANGE, digital filter mode to FAST, restart fine, and Hi Res on.

7. Push the GO ON softkey on the Calibrator.

8. Push to turn on the Calibrator output.

9. Let the 5790A rms measurement become stable.

10. Multiply the 5790A measurement by (0.5 * (50 + Rload)/Rload), where Rload = the actual feedthrough termination resistance, to correct for the resistance error. Type in the corrected rms measurement through the keypad of the Calibrator.

11. Push .

Note The Calibrator will show a message if the typed in value is higher or lower than the limits of the value. If this occurs, examine the setup and carefully re-type in the measurement with the correct multiplier (m, , n, p). If the warning continues, repair may be necessary.

12. Do step 10 and 11 again until the Calibrator shows that the subsequent steps calibrate Leveled Sine flatness. Push the OPTIONS, then STORE CONSTS softkeys to store the new calibration constants.


Figure 7-5. Calibrator to 5790A AC Measurement Standard Connections

Leveled Sine Wave Flatness Calibration Leveled Sine Wave flatness calibration is divided into two frequency bands: 50 kHz to 10 MHz (low frequency) and >10 MHz to 600 MHz (high frequency). The equipment setups are different for each band. Flatness calibration of the low frequency band is made

5522A Service Manual


relative to 50 kHz. Flatness calibration of the high frequency band is made relative to 10 MHz.

Leveled Sine Wave flatness is calibrated at multiple amplitudes. The low and high frequency bands are calibrated at each amplitude. Calibration starts with the low frequency band, then the high frequency band for the first amplitude, followed by the low frequency band, then the high frequency band for the second amplitude, and so on, until the flatness calibration is complete.

Push the OPTIONS and NEXT SECTION softkeys until Set up to measure leveled sine flatness shows in the display.

Low Frequency Calibration To do the low frequency calibration:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the wideband input of the 5790A. See the Equipment Setup for Low Frequency Flatness section to learn more.

2. Push the GO ON softkey.

3. Find the 50 kHZ reference.

Let the 5790A measurement become stable.

Push the 5790A Set Ref softkey.

4. Push the 5790A Clear Ref softkey to clear the reference if necessary.

5. Push the GO ON softkey.

6. Adjust the amplitude with the front panel knob of the Calibrator until the 5790A reference deviation equals the 50 kHz reference 1000 ppm.

7. Do steps 2 through 6 again until Calibrator shows that the reference frequency is 10 MHz.

Continue with the high frequency calibration.

High Frequency Calibration To do the high frequency calibration:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the power meter and power sensor. See the Equipment Setup for High Frequency Flatness section to learn more.

2. Push the GO ON softkey.

3. Find the 10 MHZ reference.

Push the power meter SHIFT Key, then FREQ key and use the arrow keys to type in the cal factor of the power sensor. Make sure the factor is correct, then push the ENTER key on the power meter.

Let the power meter measurement become stable.

Push the power meter REL key.

4. Push the GO ON softkey.

5. Push the power meter SHIFT key, then FREQ key, and use the arrow keys to set the Cal Factor of the power sensor for the frequency shown in the Calibrator display. Make sure that the factor is correct, then push the power meter ENTER key.

6. Adjust the amplitude with the front panel knob of the Calibrator until the power sensor is equal to the 10 MHz reference 0.1 %.

SC1100 Calibration Option Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions 7


7. Do steps 1 through 5 again until the Calibrator display shows that the reference frequency is now 50 kHz or that the subsequent step is calibrate pulse width.

Do the low frequency calibration procedure for the subsequent amplitude unless the Calibrator Mainframe display shows that the subsequent steps calibrate pulse width. Push the OPTIONS, then STORE CONSTS softkeys to store the new calibration constants.

Pulse Width Calibration This procedure uses:

High Frequency Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO): Tektronix 11801 with Tektronix SD-22/26 sampling head

3 dB attenuator, 3.5 mm (m/f)

BNC(f) to 3.5 mm(m) adapter (2)

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

Second BNC cable

To do a pulse width calibration:

1. Push the OPTIONS softkey.

2. Push the NEXT SECTION softkey until Set up to measure pulse width shows in the display.

3. Connect the output cable to the SCOPE connector on the Calibrator. Connect the other end of the output cable to one of the BNC(f) to 3.5 mm (m) adapter and then to the sampling head of the DSO through the 3 dB attenuator.

4. Use the second BNC cable with the BNC(f) to 3.5 mm(m) adapter attached to connect the TRIG OUT of the Calibrator to the trigger input of the DSO.

5. Set the DSO to:

Main Time Base: 40 ns

Vertical scale: 200 mV/div, +900 mV offset

Trigger: source = ext, level = 0.5 V, ext. atten. = x10, slope = +, mode = auto

Measurement function: positive width

6. Push the GO ON softkey.

7. Adjust the DSO horizontal scale and main time base position until the pulse signal spans between half and full display. If no pulse is output, increase the pulse width with the front-panel knob of the Calibrator until a pulse is output.

8. If instructed to adjust the pulse width by the Calibrator display, adjust the pulse width to as near 4 ns as possible with the front-panel knob of the Calibrator.

9. Push the GO ON softkey.

10. Let the DSO width measurement become stable.

11. Type in the measurement through the keypad of the Calibrator

12. Push .

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Note The Calibrator shows a message if the typed in value is higher or lower than the limits of the value. If this occurs, examine the setup and carefully re-type in the measurement with the correct multiplier (m,, n, p). If the warning continues, type in a value between the pulse width shown in the display and the last typed in value. Continue to do this with a value that is nearer to the pulse width in the display until the value is accepted. After you complete the pulse width calibration you must re do the calibration until all typed in values are accepted the first time without the message.

13. Do steps 7 through 12 again until the Calibrator instructs you to connect a resistor.

14. Push the OPTIONS, then STORE CONSTS softkeys to store the new calibration constants.

MeasZ Calibration The MeasZ function is calibrated with resistors and a capacitor of known values. The actual resistance and capacitance values are typed in while they are measured by the Calibrator.

The resistors and capacitor must make a solid connection to a BNC(f) to make a connection to the end of the BNC cable supplied with the SC1100. The resistance and capacitance values must be known at this BNC(f) connector. An HP 3458A DMM is used to make a 4-wire ohms measurement at the BNC(f) connector to find the actual resistance values. An HP 4192A Impedance Analyzer at 10 MHz is used to find the actual capacitance value.

This procedure uses:

Resistors of known values: 1 M and 50 nominal

Adapters to connect resistors to the BNC(f) connector

Adapters and capacitor to get 50 pF nominal value at the end of the BNC(f) connector

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

To do a MeasZ calibration:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 7-6.

SC1100 Calibration Option Calibration and Verification of Square Wave Voltage Functions 7




SC1100 Cable


Figure 7-6. MeasZ Calibration Connections

2. Push the OPTIONS softkey.

3. Push the NEXT SECTION softkey until connect a 50 resistor shows in the display.

4. Connect the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

5. Connect the other end of the output cable to BNC(f) connector attached to the 50 resistor.

6. Push the GO ON softkey.

7. Type in the 50 resistance.

Note The Calibrator will show a message if the typed in value is higher or lower than the limits of the value. If this occurs, examine the setup and carefully re-type in the measurement with the correct multiplier (m,, n, p). If the warning continues, repair may be necessary.

8. When instructed by the Calibrator, disconnect the 50 resistance and connect the 1 M resistance to the end of the output cable.

9. Push the GO ON softkey.

10. Type in the actual 1 M resistance.

11. When instructed for the first reference capacitor by the Calibrator, disconnect the 1 M resistance and leave nothing attached to the end of the output cable.

12. Push the GO ON softkey.

13. Enter 0.

14. When prompted for the second reference capacitor by the Calibrator, connect the 50 pF capacitance to the end of the output cable.

15. Push the GO ON blue softkey.

16. Type in the actual 50 pF capacitance.

17. When the Calibrator shows calibration is complete in the display, push the OPTIONS, then STORE CONSTS softkeys to store the new calibration constants.

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Verification Do a verification of all Oscilloscope Calibration functions a minimum of one time each year, or when the SC1100 is calibrated. The verification procedures in this section supply traceable results. The factory uses different procedures and instruments of higher precision than those shown in this manual. The procedures in this manual let you verify the SC1100 at your site if necessary. Fluke recommends you send the Calibrator to Fluke for calibration and verification.

All equipment used to do a verification on the SC1100 must be calibrated, certified traceable if traceability is to be kept, and operated in their specified operation environment.

It is also important to make sure that the equipment has had sufficient time to warm up before you start verification. Refer to the operation manual for each piece of equipment for more information.

Before you start verification, look at all of the procedures to make sure you have the resources to do them.

Table 7-4 is a list of the SC1100 functions and verification methods.

Table 7-4. Verification Methods for SC1100 Functions

Function Verification Method

DC Voltage Procedure supplied in this manual.

AC Voltage amplitude Procedure supplied in this manual.

AC Voltage frequency Procedure supplied in this manual.

Edge amplitude Procedure supplied in this manual.

Edge frequency, duty cycle, rise time

Procedure supplied in this manual.

Tunnel Diode Pulser amplitude Procedure supplied in this manual. See the Voltage and Edge Calibration and Verification section to learn more.

Leveled sine wave amplitude, frequency, harmonics, and flatness

Procedure supplied in this manual.

Time marker period Procedure supplied in this manual.

Wave generator amplitude Procedure supplied in this manual.

Pulse width, period Procedure supplied in this manual.

MeasZ resistance, capacitance Procedure supplied in this manual.

Overload functionality Procedure supplied in this manual.

DC Voltage Verification This procedure uses:

Hewlett-Packard 3458A Digital Multimeter

BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

50 feedthrough termination

For dc voltage verification, see Figure 7-4 for equipment connections.

Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Volt menu shown in the display.

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


Verification at 1 M To do a 1 M verification:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input, with the cable and the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

2. Make sure the Calibrator is set to 1 M (The Output @ softkey toggles the impedance between 50 and 1 M).

3. Set the HP 3458A to DCV, Auto Range, NPLC = 10, FIXEDZ = on.

4. Set the Calibrator output to the voltage in Table 7-5.

5. Push on the Calibrator.

6. Let the HP 3458A measurement become stable.

7. Record the HP 3458A measurement for each voltage in Table 7-5.

8. Compare the result to the tolerance column.

Verification at 50 To do a 50 verification:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input, with the cable and the 50 termination connected to the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

2. Make sure the Calibrator impedance is set to 50 (The Output @ softkey toggles the impedance between 50 and 1 M).

3. Set the HP 3458A to DCV, Auto Range, NPLC = 10, FIXEDZ = on.

4. Set the Calibrator output to the voltage in Table 7-6.

5. Push on the Calibrator.

6. Let the HP 3458A measurement become stable.

7. Record the HP 3458A measurement for each voltage in Table 7-6.

8. Compare the result to the tolerance column.

Table 7-5. DC Voltage Verification at 1 M

Calibrator Output HP 3458A Measurement (V dc) Tolerance (V dc)

0 mV 0.00004 V

1.25 mV 4.063E-05 V

-1.25 mV 4.063E-05 V

2.49 mV 4.125E-05 V

-2.49 mV 4.125E-05 V

2.5 mV 4.125E-05 V

-2.5 mV 4.125E-05 V

6.25 mV 4.313E-05 V

-6.25 mV 4.313E-05 V

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Table 7-5. DC Voltage Verification at 1 M (cont.)

Calibrator Output HP 3458A Measurement (V dc) Tolerance (V dc)

9.90 mV 4.495E-05 V

-9.90 mV 4.495E-05 V

10.0 mV 0.000045 V

-10.0 mV 0.000045 V

17.5 mV 4.875E-05 V

-17.5 mV 4.875E-05 V

24.9 mV 5.245E-05 V

-24.9 mV 5.245E-05 V

25.0 mV 0.0000525 V

-25.0 mV 0.0000525 V

67.5 mV 7.375E-05 V

-67.5 mV 7.375E-05 V

109.9 mV 9.495E-05 V

-109.9 mV 9.495E-05 V

110 mV 0.000095 V

-110 mV 0.000095 V

305 mV 0.0001925 V

-305 mV 0.0001925 V

499 mV 0.0002895 V

-499 mV 0.0002895 V

0.50 V 0.00029 V

-0.50 V 0.00029 V

1.35 V 0.000715 V

-1.35 V 0.000715 V

2.19 V 0.001135 V

-2.19 V 0.001135 V

2.20 V 0.00114 V

-2.20 V 0.00114 V

6.60 V 0.00334 V

-6.60 V 0.00334 V

10.99 V 0.005535 V

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


Table 7-5. DC Voltage Verification at 1 M (cont.)

Calibrator Output HP 3458A Measurement (V dc) Tolerance (V dc)

-10.99 V 0.005535 V

11.0 V 0.00554 V

-11.0 V 0.00554 V

70.5 V 0.03529 V

-70.5 V 0.03529 V

130.0 V 0.06504 V

-130.0 V 0.06504 V

Table 7-6. DC Voltage Verification at 50

Calibrator Output HP 3458A

Measurement (V dc) Tolerance (V dc

min.) Tolerance (V dc max.)

0 mV -0.040 mV 0.040 mV

2.49 mV 2.4438 mV 2.5362 mV

-2.49 mV -2.5362 mV -2.4438 mV

9.90 mV 9.835 mV 9.965 mV

-9.90 mV -9.965 mV -9.835 mV

24.9 mV 24.798 mV 25.002 mV

-24.9 mV -25.002 mV -24.798 mV

109.9 mV 109.585 mV 110.215 mV

-109.9 mV -110.215 mV -109.585 mV

499 mV 497.71 mV 500.29 mV

-499 mV -500.29 mV -497.71 mV

2.19 V 2.1845 V 2.1955 V

-2.19 V -2.1955 V -2.1845 V

6.599 V 6.5825 V 6.6155 V

-6.599 V -6.6155 V -6.5825 V

AC Voltage Amplitude Verification This procedure uses:

Hewlett-Packard 3458A Digital Multimeter

BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

50 feedthrough termination

Second BNC cable

For ac voltage verification, see Figure 7-3 for equipment connections.

Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Volt menu shown in the display.

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Verification at 1 M To do a 1 M verification:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input, with the cable and the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

2. Connect the TRIG OUT connector of the Calibrator to the EXT Trig connector on the rear panel of the HP 3458A.

3. Make sure the Calibrator is set to 1 M (The Output @ softkey toggles the impedance between 50 and 1 M).

4. For ac voltage output at 1 kHz, set the HP 3458A to DCV, NPLC = .01, TRIG EXT.

5. Set the HP 3458A DELAY to .0007 for the top part of the waveform (topline) measurement, and .0012 for the lower part of the waveform (baseline). Manually range lock the HP 3458A to the range that gives the most resolution for the topline measurements. Use this same range for the related baseline measurements at each step.

6. Push the TRIG softkey on the Calibrator until /1 shows in the display.

7. Measure the topline first as shown in Table 7-7. For each measurement, get samples for 2 seconds minimum, with the HP 3458A MATH functions to retrieve the average or mean value. See the Setup for SC1100 Edge and Wave Generator Measurements section to learn more.

8. Measure the baseline of each output after the topline measurement, as shown in Table 7-7. The peak-to-peak value is the difference between the topline and baseline measurements. Compare the result to the tolerance column.

9. When you make measurements at the other frequencies, set up the HP 3458A (NPLC and topline and baseline DELAY) as shown in Table 7-2. (See the Setup for SC1100 Voltage Square Wave Measurements section.)

Table 7-7. AC Voltage Verification at 1 M

Calibrator Output (1 kHz, or as noted)

HP 3458A Range

Topline Measurement

Baseline Measurement

Peak-to-Peak Tolerance


1 mV 100 mV dc 0.000041

-1 mV 100 mV dc 0.000041

10 mV 100 mV dc 0.00005

-10 mV 100 mV dc 0.00005

25 mV 100 mV dc 0.000065

-25 mV 100 mV dc 0.000065

110 mV 100 mV dc 0.00015

-110 mV 100 mV dc 0.00015

500 mV 1 V dc 0.00054

-500 mV 1 V dc 0.00054

2.2 V 10 V dc 0.00224

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


Table 7-7. AC Voltage Verification at 1 M (cont.)

Calibrator Output (1 kHz, or as noted)

HP 3458A Range

Topline Measurement

Baseline Measurement

Peak-to-Peak Tolerance


-2.2 V 10 V dc 0.00224

11 V 10 V dc 0.01104

-11 V 10 V dc 0.01104

130 V 1000 V dc 0.13004

-130 V 1000 V dc 0.13004

200 mV, 100 Hz 1 V dc 0.00024

200 mV, 1 kHz 1 V dc 0.00024

200 mV, 5 kHz 1 V dc 0.00054

200 mV, 10 kHz 1 V dc 0.00054

2.2 V, 100 Hz 10 V dc 0.00224

2.2 V, 5 kHz 10 V dc 0.00554

2.2 V, 10 kHz 10 V dc 0.00554

Verification at 50 To do a 50 verification:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input, with the output cable and the 50 termination connected to the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

2. Connect the TRIG OUT connector of the Calibrator to the EXT Trig connector on the rear panel of the HP 3458A.

3. Make sure the Calibrator impedance is set to 50 (The Output @ softkey toggles the impedance between 50 and 1 M).

4. Set the HP 3458A to DCV, NPLC = .01, TRIG EXT.

5. Set the HP 3458A DELAY to .0007 for the top part of the waveform (topline) measurement, and .0012 for the lower part of the waveform (baseline). Manually range lock the HP 3458A to the range that gives the most resolution for the topline measurements. Use this same range for the related baseline measurements at each step. See Table 7-8.

6. Push the TRIG softkey on the Calibrator until /1 shows in the display.

7. Measure the topline first as shown in Table 7-8. For each measurement, get samples for 2 seconds minimum, with the HP 3458A MATH functions to retrieve the average or mean value. See the Setup for SC1100 Edge and Wave Generator Measurements section to learn more.

8. Measure the baseline of each output after the topline measurement, as shown in Table 7-8. The peak-to-peak value is the difference between the topline and baseline measurements. Compare the result to the tolerance column.

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Table 7-8. AC Voltage Verification at 50

Calibrator Output (1 kHz)

HP 3458A Range

Topline Measurement

Baseline Measurement

Peak-to- Peak

Peak-to- Peak x


Tolerance (V)

1 mV 100 mV dc 0.000043

-1 mV 100 mV dc 0.000043

10 mV 100 mV dc 0.000065

-10 mV 100 mV dc 0.000065

25 mV 100 mV dc 0.000103

-25 mV 100 mV dc 0.000103

110 mV 100 mV dc 0.000315

-110 mV 100 mV dc 0.000315

500 mV 1 V dc 0.00129

-500 mV 1 V dc 0.00129

2.2 V 10 V dc 0.00554

-2.2 V 10 V dc 0.00554

6.6 V 10 V dc 0.01654

-6.6 V 10 V dc 0.01654

AC Voltage Frequency Verification This procedure uses:

PM 6680 Frequency Counter with an ovenized timebase (Option PM 9690 or PM 9691)

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

At 50 MHZ

SC1100 Cable

PM 6680A



Figure 7-7. AC Voltage Frequency Verification Setup

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


To do an ac voltage frequency verification:

1. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Volt menu shown in the display.

2. Push on the Calibrator.

3. Set the FUNCTION of the PM 6680 to measure frequency on channel A with auto trigger, measurement time set to 1 second or longer, 1 M impedance, and filter off.

4. Connect the SCOPE connector on the Calibrator to channel A of the PM 6680 with the output cable. See Figure 7-7.

5. Set the Calibrator to output 2.1 V at each frequency shown in Table 7-9.

6. Let the PM 6680 measurement become stable.

7. Record the PM 6680 measurement for each frequency shown in Table 7-9.

8. Compare to the tolerance column of Table 7-9.

Table 7-9. AC Voltage Frequency Verification

Calibrator Frequency PM 6680 Measurement

(Frequency) Tolerance

10 Hz 0.000025 Hz

100 Hz 0.00025 Hz

1 kHz 0.0025 Hz

10 kHz 0.025 Hz

Edge Amplitude Verification To do an edge amplitude verification:

1. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input, with the output cable and the 50 termination connected to the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

2. For ac voltage output at 1 kHz, set the HP 3458A to DCV, NPLC = .01, LEVEL 1, TRIG LEVEL. For ac voltage output of 10 kHz, change the NPLC to .001.

3. Set the HP 3458A DELAY to .0002 for the top part of the waveform (topline) measurement, and .0007 for the lower part of the waveform (baseline).

4. Manually range lock the HP 3458A to the range that gives the most resolution for the baseline measurements. Use this same range for the related baseline measurements at each step. See Table 7-10.

Note For the edge function, the topline is near 0 V and the baseline is a negative voltage.

5. For each measurement, get samples for 2 seconds minimum, with the HP 3458A MATH functions to retrieve the average or mean value. See the Setup for SC1100 Edge Wave Generator Measurements section to learn more.

6. The peak-to-peak value of the waveform is the difference between the topline and baseline measurements. Multiply the measurements by (0.5 * (50 + Rload) / Rload), where Rload = the actual feedthrough termination resistance, to correct for the resistance error.

7. Record each measurement in Table 7-10.

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Table 7-10. Edge Amplification Verification

Calibrator Edge Output

HP 3458A Range

Topline Measurement

Baseline Measurement

Peak-to- Peak

Peak-to- Peak x


Tolerance (V)

100 mV, 1 kHz 100 mV dc 0.0022

1.00V, 1 kHz 1 V dc 0.0202

5 mV, 10 kHz 100 mV dc 0.0003

10 mV, 10 kHz 100 mV dc 0.0004

25 mV, 10 kHz 100 mV dc 0.0007

50 mV, 10 kHz 100 mV dc 0.0012

100 mV, 10 kHz 1 V dc 0.0022

500 mV, 10 kHz 1 V dc 0.0102

1.00 V, 10 kHz 1 V dc 0.0202

2.5 V, 10 kHz 10 V dc 0.0502

Edge Frequency Verification This procedure uses:

PM 6680 Frequency Counter with an ovenized timebase (Option PM 9690 or PM 9691)

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

To do an Edge Frequency Verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 7-7.

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the edge menu shown in the display.

3. Push on the Calibrator.

4. Set the FUNCTION of the PM 6680 to measure frequency on channel A with auto trigger, measurement time set to 1 second or longer, 50 impedance, and filter off.

5. Connect the SCOPE connector on the Calibrator to channel A of the PM 6680 with the output cable.

6. Set the Calibrator to output 2.5 V at each frequency shown in Table 7-11.

7. Let the PM 6680 measurement become stable.

8. Record the PM 6680 measurement for each frequency shown in Table 7-11.

9. Compare to the tolerance column of Table 7-11.

Table 7-11. Edge Frequency Verification

Calibrator Frequency (output @ 2,5 V p-p)

PM 6680 Measurement (Frequency)


1 kHz 0.0025 Hz

10 kHz 0.025 Hz

100 kHz 0.25 Hz

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


Table 7-11. Edge Frequency Verification (cont.)

Calibrator Frequency (output @ 2,5 V p-p)

PM 6680 Measurement (Frequency)


1 MHz 2.5 Hz

10 MHz 25 Hz

Edge Duty Cycle Verification This procedure uses:

PM 6680 Frequency Counter with an ovenized timebase (Option PM 9690 or PM 9691)

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

To do an Edge Duty Cycle Verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 7-7.

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the edge menu shown in the display.

3. Push on the Calibrator.

4. Set the FUNCTION of the PM 6680 to measure duty cycle on channel A with auto trigger, measurement time set to 1 second or longer, 50 impedance, and filter off.

5. Connect the SCOPE connector on the Calibrator to channel A of the PM 6680 with the output cable.

6. Set the Calibrator to output 2.5 V at 1 MHz.

7. Let the PM 6680 measurement become stable.

8. Compare to the duty cycle measurement to 50 % 5 %.

Edge Rise Time Verification This verification is a test of the rise time of the edge function. Aberrations are also examined.

This procedure uses:

High Frequency Digital Storage Oscilloscope: Tektronix 11801 with Tektronix SD-22/26 sampling head

3 dB attenuator, 3.5 mm (m/f)

BNC(f) to 3.5 mm(m) adapter (2)

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

BNC-BNC cable

To do an edge rise time verification:

1. Connect the output cable to the SCOPE connector on the Calibrator. Connect the other end of the output cable to one of the BNC(f) to 3.5 mm (m) adapter and then to the sampling head of the DSO through the 3 dB attenuator.

2. Use the second BNC cable with the BNC(f) to 3.5 mm (m) adapter attached to connect the TRIG OUT of the Calibrator to the trigger input of the DSO. See Figure 7-8.

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BNC(F) to 3.5 mm (m)


3 dB Attenuator 3.5 mm (m/f)

Tek 11801 With SD26 Sampling Head


SC1100 Cable


Figure 7-8. Edge Rise Time Verification Setup

3. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Edge menu shown in the display.

4. Push on the Calibrator.

5. Push the TRIG softkey on the Calibrator until /1 shows in the display.

6. Set the Calibrator output to 250 mV @ 1 kHz.

7. Set the DSO to:

Main Time Base: 40 ns

Horizontal scale: 500 ps/div

Measurement function: Rise Time

8. Set the Calibrator to output the voltage and frequency shown in Table 7-12.

9. Push on the Calibrator.

10. Change the vertical scale of the DSO to the value shown in Table 7-12.

11. Adjust the main time base position and vertical offset until the edge signal is in the center of the DSO display.

12. Record the rise time measurement in column A of Table 7-12.

13. Correct the rise time measurement for the rise time of the SD-22/26 sampling head. The SD-22/26 rise time is specified as <28 ps.

Column B = (Column A)2 (SD-22/26 rise time)2

14. The measured edge rise time must be less than the time shown in Table 7-12.

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7




Rise time measures

between these two



Figure 7-9. Edge Rise Time

Table 7-12. Edge Rise Time Verification

Calibrator Output DSO Vertical Axis (mV/div)

A 11801 Measurement

B Corrected Measurement

Tolerance Voltage Frequency

250 mV 1 kHz 20.0 < 300 ps

250 mV 1 MHz 20.0 < 300 ps

250 mV 10 MHz 20.0 < 350 ps

500 mV 1 kHz 50.0 < 300 ps

500 mV 1 MHz 50.0 < 300 ps

500 mV 10 MHz 50.0 < 350 ps

1 V 1 kHz 100.0 < 300 ps

1 V 1 MHz 100.0 < 300 ps

1 V 10 MHz 100.0 < 350 ps

2.5 V 1 kHz 200.0 < 300 ps

2.5 V 1 MHz 200.0 < 300 ps

2.5 V 10 MHz 200.0 < 350 ps

Edged Aberration Verification This procedure uses: Tektronix 11801 oscilloscope with SC22/26 sampling head Output cable supplied with the SC1100

To do edge aberration verification:

1. Make sure that the SC1100 is in the edge mode (the edge menu is shown in the display), and set it to output 1 V p-p @ 1 MHz.

2. Push .

3. Connect the Calibrator to the oscilloscope as shown in Figure 7-8.

4. Set the oscilloscope vertical gain to 10 mV/div and horizontal time base to 1 ns/div.

5. Set the oscilloscope to show the 90 % point of the edge signal. Use this point as the reference level.

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6. Set the oscilloscope to show the first 10 ns of the edge signal with the rising edge at the left edge of the oscilloscope display.

Note With this setup, each vertical line of the oscilloscope display shows a 1 % aberration.

7. Make sure the SC1100 meets the specifications shown in Table 7-13.

Table 7-13. Edge Aberrations

Time from 50 % of Rising Edge Typical Edge Aberrations

0 — 2 ns < 32 mV (3.2%)

2 — 5 ns < 22 mV (2.2%)

5 — 15 ns < 12 mV (1.2%)

> 15 ns < 7 mV (0.7%)

Tunnel Diode Pulser Drive Amplitude Verification This procedure uses:

Hewlett-Packard 3458A Digital Multimeter

BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

To do a Diode Pulser Drive Amplitude verification:

1. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the edge menu shown in the display.

2. Connect the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator to the HP 3458A input, with the cable and the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter. See Figure 7-4.

3. Push the TDPULSE softkey on the Calibrator.

4. Set the output to 80 V peak-to-peak, 100 kHz, STANDBY.

5. Set the HP 3458A to DCV, NPLC = .01, LEVEL 1, TRIG LEVEL.

6. Set the HP 3458A DELAY to .0012 for the top part of the waveform (topline) measurement, and .0007 for the lower part of the waveform (baseline).

7. Manually range lock the HP 3458A to the 100 V range.

8. Change the Calibrator Mainframe output frequency to 10 kHz.

9. Push , and use the HP 3458A to measure the topline and baseline.

10. The peak-to-peak value is the difference between the topline and baseline. Record these values in Table 7-14, and compare against the tolerance.

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


Table 7-14. Tunnel Diode Pulser Amplitude Verification

Calibrator Output

HP 3458A Range

Topline Measurement

Baseline Measurement

Peak-to-Peak Tolerance


11 100 V dc 0.2202

11 100 V dc 0.2202

55 100 V dc 1.1002

55 100 V dc 1.1002

100 100 V dc 2.002

100 100 V dc 2.002

Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Verification This procedure uses:

5790A AC Measurement Standard

BNC(f) to Double Banana Plug adapter

50 feedthrough termination

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

To do a Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 7-4.

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Levsine menu shown in the display.

3. Push .

4. Connect the output cable to the 50 feedthrough termination.

5. Connect the one end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

6. Connect the 50 feedthrough termination at the other end of the cable to input 2 of the 5790A with the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

7. Set the 5790A to AUTORANGE, digital filter mode to FAST, restart fine, and Hi Res on.

8. Set the Calibrator to a value shown in column 1 of the Table 7-15.

9. Let the 5790A measurement become stable and then record the 5790A measurement in the table.

10. Multiply the rms measurement by the conversion factor of 2.8284 to get the peak-to- peak value.

11. Multiply the measurements by (0.5 * (50 + Rload) / Rload), where Rload = the actual feedthrough termination resistance, to correct for the resistance error.

12. Compare the result to the value in the tolerance column.

5522A Service Manual


Table 7-15. Leveled Sine Wave Amplitude Verification

Calibrator Output

(@ 50 kHz)

5790A Measurement

(V rms)

5790A Measurement x 2.8284 (V p-p)

V p-p Value x correction

Tolerance (V p-p)

5.0 mV 400 V 7.5 mV 450 V 9.9 mV 498 V 10.0 mV 500 V 25.0 mV 800 V 39.0 mV 1.08 mV 40.0 mV 1.10 mV 70.0 mV 1.70 mV 99.0 mV 2.28 mV 100.0 mV 2.30 mV 250.0 mV 5.30 mV 399.0 mV 8.28 mV 0.4 V 8.3 mV 0.8 V 16.3 mV 1.2 V 24.3 mV 1.3 V 26.3 V 3.4 V 68.3 mV 5.5 V 110.3 mV

Leveled Sine Wave Frequency Verification This procedure uses:

PM 6680 Frequency Counter with a prescaler for the Channel C input (Option PM 9621, PM 9624, or PM 9625) and ovenized timebase (Option PM 9690 or PM 9691)

BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

To do a leveled sine wave frequency verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 7-7.

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Levsine menu shown in the display.

3. Set the PM 6680 to the measure frequency function with auto trigger, measurement time set to 1 second or longer, and 50 impedance.

4. Connect one end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

5. Connect the BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter to the other end of the output cable.

6. Connect the Type N connector to the PM 6680 channel shown in Table 7-16.

7. Set the filter on the PM 6680 as shown in Table 7-16.

8. Set the Calibrator output to the parameters shown in Table 7-16.

9. Push .

10. Let the PM 6680 measurement become stable and then record the frequency measurement in Table 7-16.

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


Table 7-16. Leveled Sine Wave Frequency Verification

Calibrator Frequency

(@ 5.5 V p-p)

PM 6680 Settings PM 6680 Measurement (Frequency)

Tolerance Channel Filter

50 kHz A On 0.125 Hz

500 kHz A Off 1.25 Hz

5 MHz A Off 12.5 Hz

50 MHz A Off 125 Hz

500 MHz C Off 1250 Hz

Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification This procedure uses:

Hewlett-Packard 8590A Spectrum Analyzer

BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

To do a Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 7-10.

HP 8590A

SC1100 CableBNC(F)

to Type N (M) Adapter



Figure 7-10. Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification Setup

2. Set the Calibrator to Scope mode with the Levsine menu shown in the display.

3. Connect one end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

4. Connect the BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter to the other end of the output cable.

5. Connect the Type N connector to the HP 8590A.

6. Set the Calibrator to output 5.5 V p-p at each frequency on Table 7-17.

7. Push .

8. Set the HP 8590A start frequency to the Calibrator output frequency.

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9. Set the HP 8590A stop frequency to 10 times the Calibrator output frequency.

10. Set the HP 8590A reference level at +19 dBm.

11. Record the harmonic level measurement for each frequency and harmonic shown in Table 7-17. For harmonics 3, 4, and 5, record the highest harmonic level of the three measured. Harmonics must be below the levels listed in the tolerance column of Table 7-17.

Table 7-17. Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification

Calibrator Output Frequency (@ 5.5 V p-p)

Harmonic HP 8590A

Measurement (dB) Tolerance

50 kHz 2 -33 dB

50 kHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

100 kHz 2 -33 dB

100 kHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

200 kHz 2 -33 dB

200 kHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

400 kHz 2 -33 dB

400 kHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

800 kHz 2 -33 dB

800 kHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

1 MHz 2 -33 dB

1 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

2 MHz 2 -33 dB

2 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

4 MHz 2 -33 dB

4 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

8 MHz 2 -33 dB

8 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

10 MHz 2 -33 dB

10 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

20 MHz 2 -33 dB

20 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

40 MHz 2 -33 dB

40 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

80 MHz 2 -33 dB

80 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


Table 7-17. Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Verification (cont.)

Calibrator Output Frequency (@ 5.5 V p-p)

Harmonic HP 8590A

Measurement (dB) Tolerance

100 MHz 2 -33 dB

100 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

200 MHz 2 -33 dB

200 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

400 MHz 2 -33 dB

400 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

600 MHz 2 -33 dB

600 MHz 3, 4, 5 -38 dB

1000 MHz @ 3,5 V 2 -33 dB

1000 MHz @ 3,5 V 3, 4, 5 -39 dB

Leveled Sine Wave Flatness Verification Leveled Sine Wave flatness verification is divided into two frequency bands: 50 kHz to 10 MHz (low frequency) and >10 MHz to 1.1 GHz (high frequency). The equipment setups are different for each band. Leveled Sine Wave flatness is measured relative to 50 kHz. This is a direct measurement in the low frequency band. You must do a transfer measurement at 10 MHz in the high frequency band to calculate a flatness relative to 50 kHz.

Equipment Setup for Low Frequency Flatness All low frequency flatness procedures use:

5790A/03 AC Measurement Standard with Wideband option

BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

1. Connect one end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

2. Connect the BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter to the other end of the output cable.

3. Connect the Type N connector to the HP 5790A WIDEBANC input. See Figure 7-11.

4. Set the HP 5790A to AUTORANGE, digital filter mode to FAST, restart fine, and Hi Res on.

5522A Service Manual



Figure 7-11. Calibrator to 5790A Measurement Standard Connections

Equipment Setup for High Frequency Flatness All high frequency flatness procedures use:

Hewlett-Packard 437B Power Meter

Hewlett-Packard 8482A and 8481D Power Sensors

BNC(f) to Type N(f) adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

Note When high frequencies at voltages less than 63 mV p-p are verified, use the 8481D Power Sensor. For voltages 63 mV p-p and higher, use the 8482A Power Sensor.

Connect the HP 437B Power Meter to the 8482A or the 8481D Power Sensor as shown in Figure 7-12. To learn more about how to connect these two instruments, refer to the operator manuals of the instruments.

Connect the power meter/power sensor combination to the SCOPE connector on the Calibrator. See Figure 7-13.

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


The HP 437B Power Meter must be configured with:





SENSOR TABLE 0 (default)

Zero and self-calibrate the power meter with the power sensor. Refer to the HP 437B operators manual to learn more.


Figure 7-12. HP 437B Power Meter to the HP 8482A or 8481D Power Sensor Connections


Figure 7-13. Calibrator to the HP Power Meter and Power Sensor Connections

Low Frequency Verification This procedure gives an example of a low frequency flatness test with a 5.5 V Calibrator output. Use the same procedure for other amplitudes. Compare the results with the flatness specification shown in Table 7-18.

1. Set the Calibrator to output of 5.5 V @ 500 kHz.

2. Push .

3. Let the 5790A measurement become stable. The 5790A should display approximately 1.94 V rms.

4. Record the 5790A measurement in column A of Table 7-18.

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5. Set the Calibrator frequency to 50 kHZ.

6. Let the 5790A measurement become stable and then record the 5790A measurement in column B of Table 7-18.

7. Set the Calibrator to the next frequency shown in Table 7-18.

8. Let the 5790A measurement become stabile and then record the measurement in column A of Table 7-18.

9. Set the Calibrator frequency to 50 kHz.

10. Let the 5790A measurement become stabile and then record the 5790A measurement in column B of Table 7-18.

11. Do steps 7 through 10 again for all the frequencies shown in Table 7-18. Continue until you have completed Columns A and B.

After you fill in columns A and B for all rows of the table, push . Use the recorded values in columns A and B to calculate and record the value in column C for all rows.

Column C = 100( Column A Column B ) Column B

Compare column C to the specifications shown in the last column.

Table 7-18. Low Frequency Flatness Verification at 5.5 V

Calibrator Frequency


50 kHz C

Calibrator Flatness Specification (%)

500 kHz 1.50

1 MHz 1.50

2 MHz 1.50

5 MHz 1.50

10 MHz 1.50 Fill in Columns A through C as follows: A Record 5790A measurement (mV) for the present frequency. B Record 5790A measurement (mV) for 50 kHz. C Compute and record the Calibrator Flatness deviation (%): 100 * ((Column A) (Column B))/ Column B.

High Frequency Verification This procedure gives an example of a high frequency flatness test with a 5.5 V Calibrator output. Use the same procedure for other amplitudes. Compare the results with the flatness specification shown in Table 7-19. For this voltage range, use the HP 8482A Power Sensor.

1. Set the Calibrator to output of 5.5 V @ 30 MHz.

2. Push .

3. Let the power meter measurement become stable. The power meter measurement should be approximately 75 mW.

4. Record the power meter measurement in column A of Table 7-19.

5. Set the Calibrator frequency to 10 MHz.

6. Let the power meter measurement become stable and then record the measurement in column B of Table 7-19.

7. Set the Calibrator to the next frequency shown in Table 7-19.

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


8. Let the power meter measurement become stable and then record the measurement in column A of Table 7-19.

9. Set the Calibrator frequency to 10 MHz.

10. Let the power meter measurement become stable and then record the measurement in column B of Table 7-19.

11. Do steps 7 through 10 again for all the frequencies shown in Table 7-19. Continue until you have completed Columns A and B.

When you have filled in columns A and B for all rows of the table, push . Use the recorded values in columns A and B to calculate and record the value in column C for all rows.

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Table 7-19. High Frequency Flatness Verification

Amplitude (v)

Calibrator Frequency

(MHz) A

B (10 MHz)

C D E Calibrator Flatness

Specification (%)

0.005 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00

0.0075 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00 Fill in Columns A through G as follows: A Record the 437B present frequency measurement (W). B Record the 437B 10 MHz measurement (W). C Apply power sensor correction factor for present frequency (W): CF * (Column A entry). D Apply power sensor correction factor for 10 MHz (W). CF * (Column B entry) E Calculate and record error relative to 10 MHz (%):

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


Table 7-19. High Frequency Flatness Verification (cont.)

Amplitude (v)

Calibrator Frequency

(MHz) A

B (10 MHz)

C D E Calibrator Flatness

Specification (%)

0.099 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00

0.01 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00 Fill in Columns A through E as follows: A Record the 437B present frequency measurement (W). B Record the 437B 10 MHz measurement (W). C Apply power sensor correction factor for present frequency (W): CF * (Column A entry). D Apply power sensor correction factor for 10 MHz (W). CF * (Column B entry) E Calculate and record error relative to 10 MHz (%):

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Table 7-19. High Frequency Flatness Verification (cont.)

Amplitude (v)

Calibrator Frequency

(MHz) A

B (10 MHz)

C D E Calibrator Flatness

Specification (%)

0.025 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00

0.039 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00 Fill in Columns A through E as follows: A Record the 437B present frequency measurement (W). B Record the 437B 10 MHz measurement (W). C Apply power sensor correction factor for present frequency (W): CF * (Column A entry). D Apply power sensor correction factor for 10 MHz (W). CF * (Column B entry) E Calculate and record error relative to 10 MHz (%):

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


Table 7-19. High Frequency Flatness Verification (cont.)

Amplitude (v)

Calibrator Frequency

(MHz) A

B (10 MHz)

C D E Calibrator Flatness

Specification (%)

0.04 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00

0.07 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00 Fill in Columns A through E as follows: A Record the 437B present frequency measurement (W). B Record the 437B 10 MHz measurement (W). C Apply power sensor correction factor for present frequency (W): CF * (Column A entry). D Apply power sensor correction factor for 10 MHz (W). CF * (Column B entry) E Calculate and record error relative to 10 MHz (%):

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Table 7-19. High Frequency Flatness Verification (cont.)

Amplitude (v)

Calibrator Frequency

(MHz) A

B (10 MHz)

C D E Calibrator Flatness

Specification (%)

0.099 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00

0.01 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00 Fill in Columns A through E as follows: A Record the 437B present frequency measurement (W). B Record the 437B 10 MHz measurement (W). C Apply power sensor correction factor for present frequency (W): CF * (Column A entry). D Apply power sensor correction factor for 10 MHz (W). CF * (Column B entry) E Calculate and record error relative to 10 MHz (%):

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


Table 7-19. High Frequency Flatness Verification (cont.)

Amplitude (v)

Calibrator Frequency

(MHz) A

B (10 MHz)

C D E Calibrator Flatness

Specification (%)

0.25 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00

0.399 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00 Fill in Columns A through E as follows: A Record the 437B present frequency measurement (W). B Record the 437B 10 MHz measurement (W). C Apply power sensor correction factor for present frequency (W): CF * (Column A entry). D Apply power sensor correction factor for 10 MHz (W). CF * (Column B entry) E Calculate and record error relative to 10 MHz (%):

5522A Service Manual


Table 7-19. High Frequency Flatness Verification (cont.)

Amplitude (v)

Calibrator Frequency

(MHz) A

B (10 MHz)

C D E Calibrator Flatness

Specification (%)

0.4 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00

0.8 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00 Fill in Columns A through E as follows: A Record the 437B present frequency measurement (W). B Record the 437B 10 MHz measurement (W). C Apply power sensor correction factor for present frequency (W): CF * (Column A entry). D Apply power sensor correction factor for 10 MHz (W). CF * (Column B entry) E Calculate and record error relative to 10 MHz (%):

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


Table 7-19. High Frequency Flatness Verification (cont.)

Amplitude (v)

Calibrator Frequency

(MHz) A

B (10 MHz)

C D E Calibrator Flatness

Specification (%)

1.2 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00

1.3 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00 Fill in Columns A through E as follows: A Record the 437B present frequency measurement (W). B Record the 437B 10 MHz measurement (W). C Apply power sensor correction factor for present frequency (W): CF * (Column A entry). D Apply power sensor correction factor for 10 MHz (W). CF * (Column B entry) E Calculate and record error relative to 10 MHz (%):

5522A Service Manual


Table 7-19. High Frequency Flatness Verification (cont.)

Amplitude (v)

Calibrator Frequency

(MHz) A

B (10 MHz)

C D E Calibrator Flatness

Specification (%)

3.4 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00

1000 MHz 5.00

5.5 50 MHz 1.50

100 MHz 1.50

150 MHz 2.00

200 MHz 2.00

250 MHz 2.00

300 MHz 2.00

350 MHz 3.50

400 MHz 3.50

450 MHz 3.50

500 MHz 3.50

550 MHz 4.00

600 MHz 4.00 Fill in Columns A through E as follows: A Record the 437B present frequency measurement (W). B Record the 437B 10 MHz measurement (W). C Apply power sensor correction factor for present frequency (W): CF * (Column A entry). D Apply power sensor correction factor for 10 MHz (W). CF * (Column B entry) E Calculate and record error relative to 10 MHz (%):

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


Time Marker Verification This procedure uses:

PM 6680 Frequency Counter with a prescaler for the Channel C input (Option PM 9621, PM 9624, or PM 9625) and ovenized timebase (Option PM 9690 or PM 9691)

BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

To do a Time Marker Verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 7-7.

2. Set the PM 6680 to the measure frequency function with auto trigger, measurement time set to 1 second or longer, and 50 impedance.

3. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Marker menu shown in the display.

4. Push .

5. Set the Calibrator output to the parameters shown in Table 7-16.

6. Connect one end of the Output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

7. Connect the BNC(f) to Type N(m) adapter to the other end of the output cable.

8. Connect the Type N connector to the PM 6680 channel shown in Table 7-16.

9. Set the filter on the PM 6680 as shown in Table 7-16.

10. Let the PM 6680 measurement become stable and then record the frequency measurement in Table 7-16.

11. Calculate the period of the frequency with Period = 1/frequency and record it on the table.

12. Compare the period value to the value in the tolerance column.

Table 7-20. Time Marker Verification

Calibrator Period

PM 6680 Settings PM 6680 Measurement Tolerance

Channel Filter Frequency Period

5 s A On 0.3489454 s

2 s A On 0.0582996 s

50.0 ms A Off 3.872E-05 s

20.0 ms A Off 5E-08 s

10.0 ms A Off 2.5E-08 s

100 ns A Off 2.5E-13 s

50.0 ns A Off 1.25E-13 s

20.0 ns A Off 5E-14 s

10.0 ns A Off 2.5E-14 s

5.00 ns A Off 1.25E-14 s

2.00 ns C Off 5E-15 s

1.00 ns C Off 2.5E-15 s

5522A Service Manual


Wave Generator Verification This procedure uses:

5790A AC Measurement Standard

BNC(f) to Double Banana Plug adapter

50 feedthrough termination

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

SC1100 Cable


50 Feedthrough Termination

BNC (F) to Double Banana



Figure 7-14. Wave Generator Verification Connections

Wave Generator Verification is done at two different impedances: 1 M and 50 .

Wave Generator Verification Setup To setup the equipment for wave generator verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 7-14.

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Wavegen menu shown in the display.

3. Push .

4. Set offset to 0 mV.

5. Set the Calibrator frequency to 1 kHz.

Verification at 1 M 1. Set the Calibrator to 1 M.

Note The SCOPEZ softkey toggles the impedance between 50 and 1 M.

2. Connect the one end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

3. Connect the other end of the cable to input 2 of the 5790A with the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

4. Set the 5790A to AUTORANGE, digital filter mode to FAST, restart fine, and Hi Res on.

5. Set the Calibrator to output the wave type and voltage shown in Table 7-21.

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


6. Let the 5790A measurement become stable and then record the 5790A measurement for each wave type and voltage in Table 7-21.

7. Multiply the rms measurement by the conversion factor in Table 7-21 to convert the measurement to a peak-to-peak value.

8. Compare the result to the value in the tolerance column.

Verification at 50 1. Set the Calibrator to 50 .

Note The SCOPEZ softkey toggles the impedance between 50 and 1 M.

2. Connect one end of the output cable to the 50 feedthrough termination.

3. Connect the other end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

4. Connect the 50 feedthrough termination at the other end of the cable to input 2 of the 5790A with the BNC(f) to Double Banana adapter.

5. Set the 5790A to AUTORANGE, digital filter mode to FAST, restart fine, and Hi Res on.

6. Set the Calibrator to output the wave type and voltage shown in Table 7-22.

7. Let the 5790A measurement become stable and then record the 5790A measurement for each wave type and voltage in Table 7-22.

8. Multiply the rms measurement by the conversion factor in Table 7-22 to convert the measurement to a peak-to-peak value.

9. Multiply the peak-to-peak value by (0.5 * (50 + Rload) / Rload), where Rload = the actual feedthrough termination resistance, to correct for the resistance error.

10. Compare the result to the value in the tolerance column.

Table 7-21. Wave Generator Verification at 1 M

Calibrator Wave Type

Calibrator Output

(@ 10 kHz)

5790A Measurement

(V rms)

Conversion Factor

5790A Measurement x Conversion

Factor (V p-p)

Tolerance (V p-p)

square 1.8 mV 2.0000 0.000154 V

square 11.9 mV 2.0000 0.000457 V

square 21.9 mV 2.0000 0.00075 V

square 22.0 mV 2.0000 0.00076 V

square 56.0 mV 2.0000 0.00178 V

square 89.9 mV 2.0000 0.002797 V

square 90 mV 2.0000 0.0028 V

square 155 mV 2.0000 0.00475 V

square 219 mV 2.0000 0.00667 V

square 220 mV 2.0000 0.0067 V

5522A Service Manual


Table 7-21. Wave Generator Verification at 1 M (cont.)

Calibrator Wave Type

Calibrator Output

(@ 10 kHz)

5790A Measurement

(V rms)

Conversion Factor

5790A Measurement x Conversion

Factor (V p-p)

Tolerance (V p-p)

square 560 mV 2.0000 0.0169 V

square 899 mV 2.0000 0.02707 V

square 0.90 V 2.0000 0.0271 V

square 3.75 V 2.0000 0.1126 V

square 6.59 V 2.0000 0.1978 V

square 6.6 V 2.0000 0.1981 V

square 30.8 V 2.0000 0.9241 V

square 55.0 V 2.0000 1.6501 V

square 55.0 V @ 10 Hz 2.0 1.6501 V

square 55.0 V @ 100 Hz 2.0 1.6501 V

square 55.0 V @ 10 kHz 2.0 1.6501 V

sine 1.8 mV 2.8284 0.000154 V

sine 21.9 mV 2.8284 0.000757 V

sine 89.9 mV 2.8284 0.002797 V

sine 219 mV 2.8284 0.00667 V

sine 899 mV 2.8284 0.02707 V

sine 6.59 V 2.8284 0.1978 V

sine 55 V 2.8284 1.6501 V

triangle 1.8 mV 3.4641 0.000154 V

triangle 21.9 mV 3.4641 0.000757 V

triangle 89.9 mV 3.4641 0.002797 V

triangle 219 mV 3.4641 0.00667 V

triangle 899 mV 3.4641 0.02707 V

triangle 6.59 V 3.4641 0.1978 V

triangle 55 V 3.4641 1.6501 V

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


Table 7-22. Wave Generator Verification at 50

Calibrator Wave Type

Calibrator Output

(@ 10 kHz)

5790A Measurement

(V rms)

Conversion Factor

5790A Measurement x Conversion

Factor (V p-p)

V p-p value x


Tolerance (V p-p)

square 1.8 mV 2.0000 0.000154 V

square 6.4 mV 2.0000 0.000292 V

square 10.9 mV 2.0000 0.000427 V

square 11.0 mV 2.0000 0.00043 V

square 28.0 mV 2.0000 0.00094 V

square 44.9 mV 2.0000 0.001447 V

square 45 mV 2.0000 0.00145 V

square 78 mV 2.0000 0.00244 V

square 109 mV 2.0000 0.00337 V

square 110 mV 2.0000 0.0034 V

square 280 mV 2.0000 0.0085 V

square 449 mV 2.0000 0.01357 V

square 450 mV 2.0000 0.0136 V

square 780 mV 2.0000 0.0235 V

square 1.09 V 2.0000 0.0328 V

square 1.10 V 2.0000 0.0331 V

square 1.80 V 2.0000 0.0541 V

square 2.50 V 2.0000 0.0751 V

sine 1.8 mV 2.8284 0.000154 V

sine 10.9 mV 2.8284 0.000427 V

sine 44.9 mV 2.8284 0.001447 V

sine 109 mV 2.8284 0.00337 V

sine 449 mV 2.8284 0.01357 V

sine 1.09 V 2.8284 0.0328 V

sine 2.50 V 2.8284 0.0751 V

triangle 1.8 mV 3.4641 0.000154 V

triangle 10.9 mV 3.4641 0.000427 V

triangle 44.9 mV 3.4641 0.001447 V

triangle 109 mV 3.4641 0.00337 V

triangle 449 mV 3.4641 0.01357 V

5522A Service Manual


Table 7-22. Wave Generation Verification at 50 (cont.)

Calibrator Wave Type

Calibrator Output

(@ 10 kHz)

5790A Measurement

(V rms)

Conversion Factor

5790A Measurement x Conversion

Factor (V p-p)

V p-p value x


Tolerance (V p-p)

triangle 1.09 V 3.4641 0.0328 V

triangle 2.50 V 3.4641 0.0751 V

Pulse Width Verification This procedure uses:

High Frequency Digital Storage Oscilloscope: Tektronix 11801 with Tektronix SD- 22/26 sampling head

3 dB attenuator, 3.5 mm (m/f)

BNC(f) to 3.5 mm(m) adapter (2)

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

Second BNC cable

To do a pulse width verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 7-8.

2. Connect the output cable to the SCOPE connector on the Calibrator. Connect the other end of the output cable to one of the BNC(f) to 3.5 mm (m) adapter and then to the sampling head of the DSO through the 3 dB attenuator.

3. Use the second BNC cable with the BNC(f) to 3.5 mm(m) adapter attached to connect the TRIG OUT of the Calibrator to the trigger input of the DSO.

4. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Edge menu shown in the display.

5. Push on the Calibrator.

6. Push the TRIG softkey on the Calibrator until /1 shows in the display.

7. Set the DSO to:

Main Time Base: 40 ns

Vertical scale: 200 mV/div

Trigger: source = ext, level = 0.5 V, ext. atten. = x10, slope = +, mode = auto

Measurement function: positive width

8. Set the Calibrator to the pulse width and period shown in Table 7-23. Set the voltage to 2.5 V.

9. Change the horizontal scale on the DSO to the value shown in Table 7-23.

10. Adjust the main time base position and vertical offset until the pulse signal is in the center of the DSO display.

11. Record the width measurement.

12. Compare the width measurement to the value in the tolerance column of the table.

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


Table 7-23. Pulse Width Verification

Function/Range Nominal Value Measured Value Low Limit High Limit

2 s Period/4.00 ns 4.000 1.80 6.20

20 s Period/4.00 ns 4.000 1.80 6.20

200 s Period/4.00 ns 4.000 1.80 6.20

2 ms Period/40.00 ns 40.000 36.00 44.00

Pulse Period Verification This procedure uses:

PM 6680 Frequency Counter with an ovenized timebase (Option PM 9690 or PM 9691)

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

To do a pulse period verification:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 7-7.

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Pulse menu shown in the display.

3. Push on the Calibrator.

4. Set the PM 6680 to the measure period on channel A with auto trigger, measurement time set to 1 second or longer, 50 impedance, and filter off.

5. Connect one end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

6. Connect the other end of the output cable to the channel A input of the PM 6680.

7. Set the Calibrator to the pulse width and period shown in Table 7-24. Set the voltage to 2.5V.

8. Let the PM 6680 measurement become stable and then record the period measurement in Table 7-24.

9. Compare the result to the tolerance column.

Table 7-24. Pulse Period Verification

Function/Range Nominal Value Measured Value Low Limit High Limit

2 s Period/4.00 ns 4.000 1.80 6.20

20 s Period/4.00 ns 4.000 1.80 6.20

200 s Period/4.00 ns 4.000 1.80 6.20

2 ms Period/40.00 ns 40.000 36.00 44.00

MeasZ Resistance Verification The verification procedure for the MeasZ Resistance function is a resistance measurement of a known value resistance and then compare the measured resistance to the value of the resistor.

This procedure uses:

Resistors of known values: 1.5 M, 1 M, 60 , 50 , and 40 nominal.

5522A Service Manual


Adapters to connect resistors to a BNC(f) connector.

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

To do a measz resistance verification:

1. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the MeasZ menu shown in the display.

2. Set the Calibrator MeasZ resistance range to the value shown in Table 7-25.

Note The MeasZ softkey toggles the MeasZ ranges.

3. Connect one end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

4. Connect the resistor shown in Table 7-25 to the other end of the output cable. See Figure 7-6.

Note The resistor must make a solid connection to a BNC(f) connector. The resistance value must be known at this BNC(f) connector. Fluke uses an HP 3458A DMM to make a 4-wire measurement at the BNC(f) connector to get the actual resistance.

5. Let the Calibrator measurement become stable.

6. Record the measurement in Table 7-25.

7. Compare the measured resistance value to the actual resistance of the resistor and the value in the tolerance column of the table.

Table 7-25. MeasZ Resistance Verification

Calibrator MeasZ Range

Nominal Resistance


Calibrator Resistance


Actual Resistance Value


res 50 40 0.04

res 50 50 0.05

res 50 60 0.06

res 1M 600 k [1] 600

res 1M 1 M 1 k

res 1M 1.5 M 1.5 k

[1] 600 k is made with the 1.5 M and 1 M resistors connected in parallel.

MeasZ Capacitance Verification The verification procedure for the MeasZ Capacitance function is a capacitance measurement of a known value capacitance and then compare the measured capacitance to the value of the capacitance.

This procedure uses:

Adapter and capacitors to make 5 pF, 29 pF, and 49 pF nominal values at the end of a BNC(f) connector.

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

To do a MeasZ capacitance verification:

1. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the MeasZ menu shown in the display.

SC1100 Calibration Option Verification 7


2. Set the Calibrator MeasZ capacitance range to cap.

Note The MeasZ softkey toggles the MeasZ ranges.

3. Connect one end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator. Do not connect anything to the other end of this cable.

4. Let the Calibrator measurement become stable and then push the SET OFFSET softkey to zero the capacitance measurement.

5. Connect the other end of the cable to the capacitance shown in Table 7-26. See Figure 7-6.

6. Let the Calibrator measurement become stable.

7. Record the measurement in Table 7-26.

8. Compare the measured capacitance value to the actual capacitance and the value in the tolerance column of the table.

Table 7-26. MeasZ Capacitance Verification

Nominal Capacitance Value

Calibrator Capacitance


Actual Capacitance Value


5 pF 0.75 pF

29 pF 1.95 pF

49 pF 2.95 pF

Overload Function Verification This procedure uses:

50 feedthrough termination

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

To do an overload function verification:

1. Connect the output cable and 50 feedthrough termination to the Calibrator as shown in Figure 7-15.

5522A Service Manual



SC1100 Cable

50 Feedthrough Termination


Figure 7-15. Overload Function Verification Connections

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Overload menu shown in the display.

3. Connect one end of the output cable to the 50 feedthrough termination.

4. Connect the other end of the output cable to the SCOPE connector of the Calibrator.

5. Set the Calibrator to output 5.000 V, dc (OUT VAL softkey), and time limit = 60 s (T LIMIT softkey).

6. Push on the Calibrator and make sure the OPR timer display increments.

7. Remove the 50 feedthrough termination before 60 seconds and make sure the Calibrator goes to standby (STBY).

8. Replace the 50 feedthrough termination on the end of the output cable.

9. Set the Calibrator output to 5.000 V, ac (OUT VAL softkey).

10. Push on the Calibrator and make sure the OPR timer display increments.

11. Remove the 50 feedthrough termination before 60 seconds and make sure the Calibrator goes to standby (STBY).

SC1100 Hardware Adjustments Hardware adjustments must be made to the leveled sine and edge functions each time the SC1100 is repaired. This section contains the adjustment procedures and a test equipment list with recommended models that are necessary to do these adjustments. Equivalent models can be used if necessary.

Necessary Equipment To do the hardware adjustments in this section, you must have:

Standard adjustment tool to adjust the pots and trimmer caps

SC1100 Calibration Option SC1100 Hardware Adjustments 7


Extender Card

Oscilloscope Mainframe and Sampling Head (Tektronix 11801 with SD-22/26 or Tektronix TDS 820 with 8 GHz bandwidth)

10 dB Attenuator (Weinschel 9-10 (SMA), or Weinschel 18W-10, or equivalent)

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

Spectrum Analyzer (Hewlett-Packard 8590A)

Note The models shown in this list are recommended to get accurate results.

How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave Function There are two adjustment procedures that you must do for the leveled sine wave function. The first procedure adjusts the balance out of the LO VCO so that the signal is balanced between the two VCOs. The second procedure adjusts the harmonics.

Equipment Setup This procedure uses the spectrum analyzer. Before you start this procedure, make sure that the Calibrator is in leveled sine wave mode (the Levsine menu shows in the display), and set it to output 5.5 V p-p @ 600 MHz.

1. Push .

2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 7-10.

3. Adjust the Spectrum Analyzer so that it shows one peak across its horizontal center line in the display. The far right of the peak is fixed at the far right of the center line, as shown in Figure 7-16.

How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave VCO Balance To adjust leveled sine wave VCO balance:

Note The equipment must be setup as described in the Equipment Setup section.

1. Set the Calibrator to 5.5 V @ 600 MHz.

2. Set the Spectrum Analyzer to:

Start frequency 10 MHz

Stop frequency: 800 MHz

Resolution bandwidth: 30 kHz

Video Bandwidth: 3 kHz

Reference level: 20 dBm

The spectrum analyzer will show a spur at 153 MHz. See Figure 7-16 to identify the spur.

3. Turn R1 counterclockwise until the spur is at minimum amplitude.

Note As you turn R1, the spur will move down the waveform in the display. Stop the adjustment with the spur is at minimum amplitude. If you adjust too far, the spur will disappear.

The signal is balanced between the VCOs and the adjustment is complete when the spur is at minimum amplitude.

5522A Service Manual




Figure 7-16. Leveled Sine Wave Balance Adjustment

How to Adjust the Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics To adjust the leveled sine wave harmonics:

Note The equipment must be setup as described in the Equipment Setup section.

1. Set the Calibrator to 5.5 V @ 600 MHz.

2. Set the Spectrum Analyzer to:

Start frequency 50 MHz

Stop frequency: 500 MHz

Resolution bandwidth: 3 MHz

Video Bandwidth: 3 kHz

Reference level: 20 dBm

3. Use the Peak Search function of the spectrum analyzer to find the reference signal. The spectrum analyzer will show the fundamental and second and third harmonics. The harmonics must be adjusted so that the second harmonic is at 40 dBc and the third harmonic is typically at 50 dBc as shown in Figure 7-17.

4. Adjust R8 until the peaks of the second and third harmonics are at the correct dB level.

Note As you adjust, it is possible the second harmonic will be at 40 dBc but the third harmonic is not at 50 dBc. Continue to adjust R8. The second harmonic will change, but there is a point at which the harmonics will be at the correct decibel level.

SC1100 Calibration Option SC1100 Hardware Adjustments 7



40 dBc 50 dBc

2nd harmonic 3rd harmonic


Figure 7-17. Leveled Sine Wave Harmonics Adjustment

How to Adjust the Aberrations for the Edge Function You must do the adjustment procedure after you repair the edge function.

Note To make sure the edge aberrations are set to national standards, you must send the Calibrator to Fluke, or other company that has traceability for aberrations. Fluke has a reference pulse that is sent to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for characterization. This data is then sent to high speed sampling heads, which are used to adjust and verify the SC1100.

Equipment Setup This procedure uses:

Oscilloscope: Tektronix 11801 with SD22/26 input module or Tektronix TDS 820 with 8 GHz bandwidth.

10 dB Attenuator: Weinschel 9-10 (SMA) or Weinschel 18W-10 or an equivalent

Output cable supplied with the SC1100

Before you start the aberration adjustment procedure:

1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 7-8.

2. Set the Calibrator to SCOPE mode, with the Edge menu shown in the display.

3. Set the Calibrator to 1 V p-p @ 1 MHz.

4. Push .

5. Set the DSO to:

Vertical scale: 10 mV/div

Horizontal scale: 1 ns/div

6. Set the DSO to show the 90 % point of the edge signal. Use this point as the reference level.

7. Set the DSO to show the first 10 ns of the edge signal with the rising edge at the left edge of the oscilloscope display.

5522A Service Manual


How to Adjust the Edge Aberrations See Figure 7-18 while you do the adjustment procedure.

1. Adjust A90R13 to set the edge signal at the right edge of oscilloscope display, at 10 ns, to the reference level set above.

2. Adjust A90R36 so the first overshoot is the same amplitude as the subsequent highest aberration.

3. Adjust A90R35 so that the second and third overshoot aberrations are the same amplitude as the first aberration.

4. Adjust A90R12 to set the edge signal to occur between 2 ns and 10 ns to the reference level set above.

5. Adjust A90R36 and A90R35 again to get equal amplitudes for the first, second, and third aberrations.

6. Adjust A90R13 to set the edge signal to occur between 0 ns and 2 ns to the reference point set above. Put the aberrations in the center so the peaks are equal above and below the reference level.

7. Adjust A90R12 again if necessary to keep the edge signal to occur between 2 ns and 10 ns at the reference level.

8. Adjust A90R13 again if necessary to keep the edge signal to occur between 0 ns and 2 ns at the reference level.

9. Set the UUT output to 250 mV and the oscilloscope vertical to 2 mV/div. Examine the aberrations.

10. Connect the 10 dB attenuator to the oscilloscope input. Connect the UUT to the attenuator and set the UUT output to 2.5 V.

11. Set the oscilloscope vertical to 5 mV/div. Examine the aberrations.

12. Make sure the rise time is <300 ps at 250 mV, 1 V, and 2.5 V outputs.

SC1100 Calibration Option SC1100 Hardware Adjustments 7



R12 R13


1st Aberration 2nd Aberration

3rd Aberration


Figure 7-18. Edge Aberrations Adjustment

5522A Service Manual



Chapter 8 PQ Calibration Option

Title Page

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 8-3 PQ Options Specifications ……………………………………………………………………….. 8-3

Composite Harmonic Function Specifications ………………………………………… 8-3 AC Voltage Specifications …………………………………………………………………… 8-4 AC Voltage Auxiliary Specifications (Dual Output Mode Only) ………………. 8-5 AC Current Specifications, LCOMP OFF ………………………………………………. 8-5 AC Current Specifications, LCOMP ON* ……………………………………………… 8-6 Flicker Simulation Mode ……………………………………………………………………… 8-7 Sags & Swells Simulation Mode …………………………………………………………… 8-7 Phase Specifications, Sinewave Outputs ………………………………………………… 8-7

Theory of Operation ………………………………………………………………………………… 8-7 DDS PCA (A6) …………………………………………………………………………………… 8-8 Main CPU PCA (A9) …………………………………………………………………………… 8-8

Maintenance …………………………………………………………………………………………… 8-8 Equipment Necessary for PQ Option Calibration and Verification ………………… 8-8 Performance Verification Tests ………………………………………………………………… 8-9

Delta Amplitude Verification ……………………………………………………………….. 8-9 Composite Harmonics Verification ……………………………………………………….. 8-10

Calibration …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8-20 Normal AC Voltage …………………………………………………………………………….. 8-21 AUX AC Current ………………………………………………………………………………… 8-21 AUX AC Voltage ……………………………………………………………………………….. 8-22

PQ Calibration Option Introduction 8


Introduction This chapter contains information and procedures to do the servicing of the PQ Option.

PQ Options Specifications These specifications apply only to the PQ Option. General specifications for the Calibrator mainframe can be found in Chapter 1. The specifications are correct for these conditions:

The Calibrator is operated in the conditions specified in Chapter 1.

The Calibrator has completed a warm-up period that is two times the period the Calibrator was turned off to a maximum of 30 minutes.

Composite Harmonic Function Specifications

Maximum Number of Harmonics in a User Defined Waveform 15

Specified Fundamental Frequencies 15-65 Hz, 400 Hz [1]

Highest Harmonic Frequency 5 kHz [2]

Harmonic Amplitude Resolution 0.1 % of fundamental

Harmonic Phase Range (relative to fundamental) 0 to 360

Harmonic Phase Resolution 0.1 relative to fundamental

Pre-loaded Industry Waveforms IEC A, IEC D, NRC7030, NRC 2 to 5

[1] AC Voltage outputs 33 V, and Current outputs 3 A have low frequency limits of 45 Hz. Other fundamental frequencies within the output limits of the 5522A can be used, but are not specified.

[2] Current outputs with LCOMP ON have lower limits, as shown in the AC Current table below. Voltage outputs > 33V have a 2 kHz limit.

5522A Service Manual


Note All harmonic specifications below include the fundamental. For waveforms with no harmonics other than the fundamental, the RMS uncertainty is the same as the non-PQ mode of the 5522A.

AC Voltage Specifications

Composite Waveform


Harmonic Frequency

Harmonic Amplitude

Range (% of Fundamental) [1]

Harmonic Amplitude Uncertainty

(% of Fundamental + V)

Harmonic Phase

Uncertainty (Relative to

Fundamental) [2]

Absolute RMS Uncertainty of

Composite Waveform (% RMS + V)

1 to 32.999 mV

15 to 45 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 10 V 0.5

0.20 % + 6 V 45 to 900 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 10 V 0.5 900 Hz to 2 kHz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 10 V 1 2 to 5 kHz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 30 V 3

33 to 329.99 mV

15 to 45 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 60 V 0.5

0.20 % + 10 V 45 to 900 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 60 V 0.5 900 Hz to 2 kHz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 60 V 0.8 2 to 5 kHz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 60 V 2

0.33 to 3.2999 V

15 to 45 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 400 V 0.5

0.20 % + 100 V 45 to 900 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 400 V 0.3 900 Hz to 2 kHz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 400 V 0.5 2 to 5 kHz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 400 V 2

3.3 to 32.999 V

15 to 45 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 4 mV 0.5

0.20 % + 1 mV 45 to 900 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 4 mV 0.3 900 Hz to 2 kHz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 4 mV 0.5 2 to 5 kHz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 4 mV 2

33 to 329.99 V

45 to 440 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.2 % + 20 mV 0.75

0.20 % + 10 mV 440 to 660 Hz 0.1 to 30 % 0.25 % + 20 mV 1.2 660 to 1.2 kHz 0.1 to 10 % 0.35 % + 25 mV [3] 3 1.2 to 2 kHz 0.1 to 5 % 0.5 % + 40 mV [4] 5

330 to 1020 V

45 to 440 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.25 % + 100 mV 0.75

0.20 % + 100 mV 440 to 660 Hz 0.1 to 30 % 0.25 % + 100 mV 1.2 660 to 1.2 kHz 0.1 to 10 % 0.4 % + 100 mV [5] 3 1.2 to 2 kHz 0.1 to 5 % 0.6 % + 160 mV [6] 5

[1] All frequencies can have harmonics that are up to 100 % of the fundamental, but uncertainties are not specified unless otherwise indicated.

[2] For harmonics that are < 1 % of the Fundamental, phase uncertainty is typical. [3] When harmonics of this frequency band are combined with harmonics 45 to 660 Hz, all 45 to 660 Hz harmonics have an uncertainty

of 0.35 % + 25 mV. [4] When harmonics of this frequency band are combined with harmonics 45 Hz to 1.2 kHz, all 45 Hz to 1.2 kHz harmonics have an

uncertainty of 0.4 % + 25 mV. [5] When harmonics of this frequency band are combined with harmonics 45 to 660 Hz, all 45 to 660 Hz harmonics have an uncertainty

of 0.4 % + 100 mV. [6] When harmonics of this frequency band are combined with harmonics 45 Hz to 1.2 kHz, all 45 Hz to 1.2 kHz harmonics have an

uncertainty of 0.5 % + 100 mV.

PQ Calibration Option PQ Options Specifications 8


AC Voltage Auxiliary Specifications (Dual Output Mode Only)

Range, Composite Waveform

Harmonic Frequency

Harmonic Amplitude

Range ( % of Fundamental)

Harmonic Amplitude Uncertainty

(% of Fundamental + V)

Harmonic Phase Uncertainty (Relative to

Fundamental) [1]

Absolute RMS Uncertainty of

Composite Waveform (% RMS + V)

10 to 329.99 mV

15 to 45 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 100 V 0.5

0.2 % + 100 V 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 100 V 1

1 to 2 kHz 0.1 to 50 % 0.1 % + 100 V 3

2 to 5 kHz 0.1 to 30 % 0.1 % + 500 V 6

.33 to 3.2999 V

15 to 45 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 1 mV 0.5

0.2 % + 1 mV 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 1 mV 0.75

1 to 2 kHz 0.1 to 50 % 0.1 % + 1 mV 2

2 to 5 kHz 0.1 to 30 % 0.1 % + 2 mV 3

3.3 to 5 V

15 to 45 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.2 % + 3 mV 0.5

0.2 % + 2 mV 45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.1 to 100 % 0.2 % + 3 mV 0.75

1 to 2 kHz 0.1 to 50 % 0.2 % + 3 mV 2

2 to 5 kHz 0.1 to 30 % 0.3 % + 3 mV 3

[1] For harmonics that are < 1 % of the Fundamental, phase uncertainty is typical.

AC Current Specifications, LCOMP OFF

Range, Composite Waveform

Harmonic Frequency

Harmonic Amplitude

Range (% of

Fundamental) [1]

Harmonic Amplitude Uncertainty

(% of Fundamental + A)

Harmonic Phase Uncertainty (Relative to

Fundamental) [2]

Absolute RMS Uncertainty of

Composite Waveform

(% RMS + A)

29 to 329.9 A

15 to 45 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 0.1 A 0.5

0.2 % + 0.1 A 45 to 900 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 0.1 A 2

900 Hz to 2 kHz 0.1 to 50 % 0.1 % + 0.1 A 3

2 to 5 kHz 0.1 to 30 % 0.1 % + 0.13 A 6

0.33 to 3.299 mA

15 to 45 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 1 A 0.5

0.2 % + 1 A 45 to 900 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 1 A 0.6

900 Hz to 2 kHz 0.1 to 50 % 0.1 % + 1 A 0.75

2 to 5 kHz 0.1 to 30 % 0.1 % + 1.3 A 2

3.3 to 32.99 mA

15 to 45 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 10 A 0.5

0.2 % + 10 A 45 to 900 Hz 0.1 to 50 % 0.1 % + 10 A 0.6

900 Hz to 2 kHz 0.1 to 30 % 0.1 % + 10 A 0.75

2 to 5 kHz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 13 A 2

33 to 329.9 mA

15 to 45 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 100 A 0.5

0.2 % + 100 A 45 to 900 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 100 A 0.75

900 Hz to 2 kHz 0.1 to 50 % 0.1 % + 100 A 1.5

2 to 5 kHz 0.1 to 30 % 0.1 % + 130 A 3

[1] All frequencies can have harmonics up to 100 % of the fundamental; uncertainties are not specified unless otherwise indicated. [2] For harmonics that are < 1 % of the Fundamental, phase uncertainty is typical.

5522A Service Manual


AC Current Specifications, LCOMP OFF (continued)

Range, Composite Waveform

Harmonic Frequency

Harmonic Amplitude

Range (% of

Fundamental) [1]

Harmonic Amplitude Uncertainty

(% of Fundamental + A)

Harmonic Phase Uncertainty (Relative to

Fundamental) [2]

Absolute RMS Uncertainty of

Composite Waveform

(% RMS + A)

0.33 to 2.999 A

15 to 45 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 1 mA 0.5

0.2 % + 1 mA 45 to 900 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 1 mA 0.6

900 Hz to 2 kHz 0.1 to 20 % 0.1 % + 1 mA 1

2 to 5 kHz 0.1 to 20 % 0.2 % + 1.3 mA 2

3 to 20.5 A

15 to 45 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 10 mA 0.5

0.2 % + 10 mA 45 to 900 Hz 0.1 to 100 % 0.1 % + 10 mA 0.6

900 Hz to 2 kHz 0.1 to 20 % 0.1 % + 10 mA 1

2 to 5 kHz 0.1 to 20 % 0.2 % + 10 mA 3

[1] All frequencies can have harmonics up to 100 % of the fundamental; uncertainties are not specified unless otherwise indicated. [2] For harmonics that are <1 % of the Fundamental, phase uncertainty is typical.

AC Current Specifications, LCOMP ON*

Range, Composite Waveform

Harmonic Frequency

Harmonic Amplitude

Range (% of Fundamental) [1]

Harmonic Amplitude Uncertainty

(% of Fundamental + A)

Harmonic Phase Uncertainty (Relative to

Fundamental) [2]

Absolute RMS Uncertainty of

Composite Waveform

(% RMS + A)

29 to 329.99 A

15 to 65 Hz 0.1 to 30 % 0.5 % + 0.1 A 0.5 0.5 % + 1 A

65 to 900 Hz 0.1 to 30 % 1.0 % + 0.1 A 2

0.33 to 3.2999 mA

15 to 65 Hz 0.1 to 30 % 0.5 % + 1 A 0.5 0.5 % + 1 A

65 to 900 Hz 0.1 to 30 % 1.0 % + 1 A 1

3.3 to 32.999 mA

15 to 65 Hz 0.1 to 30 % 0.4 % + 10 A 0.5 0.5 % + 10 A

65 to 900 Hz 0.1 to 30 % 0.6 % + 10 A 1

33 to 329.9 mA

15 to 65 Hz 0.1 to 30 % 0.4 % + 100 A 0.5 0.5 % + 100 A

65 to 900 Hz 0.1 to 30 % 0.6 % + 100 A 1

0.33 to 2.999 A

15 to 65 Hz 0.1 to 30 % 0.5 % + 1 mA 0.75 0.5 % + 1 mA

65 to 440 Hz 0.1 to 30 % 1.0 % + 1 mA 1

3 to 20.5 A 15 to 65 Hz 0.1 to 30 % 0.5 % + 10 mA 0.75

0.75 % + 10 mA 65 to 440 Hz 0.1 to 30 % 1.0 % + 10 mA 1

* LCOMP ON is used to drive inductive loads like the 5500A/COIL and current clamps. [1] All frequencies can have harmonics up to 100 % of the fundamental; uncertainties are not

specified unless otherwise indicated. [2] For harmonics that are <1 % of the Fundamental, phase uncertainty is typical.

PQ Calibration Option Theory of Operation 8


Flicker Simulation Mode

Voltage Range 1 mV to 1020 V

Current Range 29 A to 20.5 A

Frequency of Fundamental 50 and 60 Hz

Amplitude Modulation Range 100 %

Frequency of Modulation 0.1 to 40 Hz

Type of Modulation Square or Sine

Short Term (10 minute) uncertainty of amplitude modulation 0.1 % of nominal output + 0.05% of range

Flicker Modulation Timing Uncertainty 0.1 ms

Settings for Pst = 1 Voltage Changes V/V % [1]

Changes per minute: 120V, 60 Hz 230V, 50 Hz

1 chg/min 3.166 % 2.724 %

2 chg/min 2.568 % 2.211 %

7 chg/min 1.695 % 1.459 %

39 chg/min 1.044 % 0.906 %

110 chg/min 0.841 % 0.725 %

1620 chg/min 0.547 % 0.402 %

4000 chg/min N/A 2.40 %

4800 chg/min 3.920 % N/A

Trigger Event 2nd Push of OPER key, or Remote Command

[1] Values shown are nominal values per IEC 61000-4-15. The 5522A-PQ has a limited resolution of 0.02 % in the Flicker Simulation Mode.

Sags & Swells Simulation Mode

Voltage Range 1 mV to 1020 V

Current Range 29 A to 20.5 A

Frequency of Fundamental 45 to 65 Hz

Amplitude Modulation Range 100 %

Ramp-Up Time 0.01 to 1 second

Duration of Sag or Swell 0.032 to 60 seconds

Trigger Event 2nd Push of OPER key, or Remote Command

Phase Specifications, Sinewave Outputs The 5522A-PQ option has improved phase uncertainty in the normal, non-PQ, dual outputs as shown below. (See the 5522A specifications for all other output combinations.)

Output Combinations, 45 Hz to 65 Hz 1-Year Absolute Uncertainty

AC Voltage AC Voltage (Auxiliary) AC Current (LCOMP OFF)

0.07 0.65 to 3.29999 V

0.65 to 3.29999 V

6.5 to 32.999 mA

6.5 to 32.9999 V 65 to 329.99 mA

65 to 329.9999 V 0.65 to 10.9999 A

Theory of Operation The PQ option is different from a standard 5522A as it uses an updated DDS PCA (A6), Main CPU PCA (A9), and outguard firmware version 3.0 or later. This section contains a brief overview of the changes made to the DDS PCA and the Main CPU.

5522A Service Manual


DDS PCA (A6) The PQ option uses the 5520A-PQ-7606 A6 PCA, P/N 1577331, as the DDS PCA. It uses 12-bit DACs (Digital to Analog converter) for the voltage and current channels. A dual-channel DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) integrated circuit is used to supply the Composite Harmonics and Delta Amplitude functions. Feedback through a precision ac converter gives the output accuracy of the Composite Harmonics. In the Composite Harmonics mode, the phase monitors usually used for sinusoidal outputs at the same time are turned off.

The Delta Amplitude mode amplitude accuracy is contingent on the performance of the voltage and current digital to analog converters (DACs). As a result, a special calibration adjustment is necessary for the PQ option, as contained in the Maintenance section.

This DDS PCA can also be used in a standard 5520A with outguard firmware version 3.0 or later.

Main CPU PCA (A9) The Main CPU PCA must have more RAM installed (U32 and U33) for the PQ option to operate.

Maintenance There are no maintenance procedures or diagnostic remote commands for the PQ option that are available to users. If the PQ Option is installed, the two PQ sofkeys will show when you push . If the option is not installed, only the pressure softkey will be shown.

Equipment Necessary for PQ Option Calibration and Verification

Table 8-1 is a list of equipment necessary for calibration and verification of the PQ Option.

Table 8-1. SC1100 Calibration and Verification Equipment

Instrument Model Minimum Use Specifications

Digital Multimeter HP 3458A RMS measurements of 300 A to 300 mA, 60 Hz. 0.1 % uncertainty or better.

2 A and 20 A Shunt Fluke Y5020 (or Measure Tech EL 7520) or Fluke A40 2A and 20A

RMS measurements of 2 A and 10 A, 60 Hz. 0.1 % uncertainty or better.

Harmonic Analyzer LEM Norma D6000 with option 61E1 Harmonic Analyzer and plug-ins 61I1, 61U1, & 61U2, & 30mA-10A triaxial shunt.

RMS measurement of 600 V, 10 A. Capability to measure harmonic amplitude and phase up to the 63rd. [1]

AC Measurement Standard Fluke 5790A RMS measurement from 30 mV to 1000 V, 60 Hz. 0.05 % uncertainty or better.

[1] Option 61E1 is used to make optional PST measurements.

PQ Calibration Option Performance Verification Tests 8


Performance Verification Tests The verification tests in this section are used to verify the performance of the PQ option. Always do a verification test after major instrument repair. A verification test after routine calibration is not always necessary.

If an out-of-tolerance condition is found in the Composite Harmonics section, the instrument mainframe can be re-calibrated with the procedure in the 5520A Service Manual. If an out-of-tolerance condition is found in the Delta Amplitude section, the PQ option can be re-calibrated with the procedures in this section of the manual.

The test equipment necessary to do these verification tests is a complex waveform analyzer. The LEM Norma D6000 with option 61E1 Harmonic Analyzer and plug-ins 61I1, 61U1, & 61U2, is such an analyzer. You must first characterize the Norma D6000 to get the necessary test uncertainty ratios (TURs) for all tests. These tests are functional, unless your calibration lab can do the necessary measurement uncertainties. An alternative, is to send the Calibrator to a Fluke Service Center.

Delta Amplitude Verification The delta amplitude verification is done in two steps: static condition and flicker condition. To do the verification for the static condition:

1. Connect Fluke 5790A or HP 3458A to the Normal output terminals of the PQ option.

2. Set the Calibrator in the Delta Amplitude mode to the values shown in Table 8-2. Make sure the Delta Amplitude is set to 0 %.

3. Compare the measurement to the value in the specification column of Table 8-2.

Table 8-2. Delta Amplitude Verification, Static Condition

Calibrator Output Specification

Amplitude Frequency

30 V 60 Hz 0.06

300 V 50 Hz 0.6

To do the verification for the flicker condition:

1. Connect the Harmonic Analyzer or DMM to the normal output of the PQ option.

2. Set the Calibrator to the values shown in Table 8-3.

3. Measure the delta V with the ACV mode of the Analyzer.

4. Set the time average to 0.3 seconds on the Analyzer.

Note If you use the HP 3458A as the measurement instrument, set NPLC to 1. Make sure the rangelock the HP 3458A to the 1000 V range.

5. Record the high and low measurements and calculate the delta V.

6. Compare the calculated delta V with the value in the Specification column of Table 8-3.

5522A Service Manual


Table 8-3. Delta Amplitude Verification, Flicker Condition

Calibrator Output Specification

(V) Amplitude Frequency PST Setting Nominal Delta V

Repeat Frequency

230 V 50 Hz 1 1.459 % 58.30 mHz 0.172 %

230 V 50 Hz 1 0.906 % 325.00 mHz 0.172 %

230 V 50 Hz 3 2.718 % 325.00 mHz 0.172 %

230 V 50 Hz 5 7.295 % 58.30 mHz 0.172 %

Composite Harmonics Verification Tables 8-4 refers to waveform descriptions in this manual and those waveforms that are made in the composite harmonics mode.

Note All tests must be done with the 5522A EARTH key turned on.

Table 8-4. Composite Harmonics Verification

Verification Tests for AC

Voltage Harmonic Fundamental Phase







Range 329.99 mV rms 0.12000 2.500E-04

Wave I 1 100.0 % 0.03000 9.00E-5

RMS Output 0.12 V 3 100.0 % 0 0.03000 9.00E-5 0.5

Frequency 50.0 Hz 6 100.0 % 0 0.03000 9.00E-5 0.5

9 100.0 % 0 0.03000 9.00E-5 0.5

12 100.0 % 0 0.03000 9.00E-5 0.5

15 100.0 % 0 0.03000 9.00E-5 0.5

16 100.0 % 0 0.03000 9.00E-5 0.5

23 100.0 % 0 0.03000 9.00E-5 0.5

28 100.0 % 0 0.03000 9.00E-5 0.8

33 100.0 % 0 0.03000 9.00E-5 0.8

38 100.0 % 0 0.03000 9.00E-5 0.8

43 100.0 % 0 0.03000 9.00E-5 0.8

48 100.0 % 0 0.03000 9.00E-5 2.0

53 100.0 % 0 0.03000 9.00E-5 2.0

58 100.0 % 0 0.03000 9.00E-5 2.0

63 100.0 % 0 0.03000 9.00E-5 2.0

PQ Calibration Option Performance Verification Tests 8


Table 8-4. Composite Harmonics Verification (cont.)

Verification Tests for AC

Voltage Harmonic Fundamental Phase







Range 3.2999 mV rms 0.45000 0.001000

Wave I 1 100.0 % 0.11250 0.000513

RMS Output 0.45 V 3 100.0 % 0 0.11250 0.5

Frequency 60.0 Hz 6 100.0 % 0 0.11250 0.5

9 100.0 % 0 0.11250 0.000513 0.5

12 100.0 % 0 0.11250 0.000513 0.5

15 100.0 % 0 0.11250 0.000513 0.5

16 100.0 % 0 0.11250 0.000513 0.5

23 100.0 % 0 0.11250 0.000513 0.5

28 100.0 % 0 0.11250 0.000513 0.8

33 100.0 % 0 0.11250 0.000513 0.8

38 100.0 % 0 0.11250 0.000513 0.8

43 100.0 % 0 0.11250 0.000513 0.8

48 100.0 % 0 0.11250 0.000513 2.0

53 100.0 % 0 0.11250 0.000513 2.0

58 100.0 % 0 0.11250 0.000513 2.0

63 100.0 % 0 0.11250 0.000513 2.0

Range 32.999 V rms 12.0000 0.0250

Wave I 1 100.0 % 3.0000 0.0070

RMS Output 12 V 3 100.0 % 0 3.0000 0.0070 0.3

Frequency 60.0 Hz 6 100.0 % 0 3.0000 0.0070 0.3

9 100.0 % 0 3.0000 0.0070 0.3

12 100.0 % 0 3.0000 0.0070 0.3

15 100.0 % 0 3.0000 0.0070 0.3

16 100.0 % 0 3.0000 0.0070 0.5

23 100.0 % 0 3.0000 0.0070 0.5

28 100.0 % 0 3.0000 0.0070 0.5

33 100.0 % 0 3.0000 0.0070 0.5

38 100.0 % 0 3.0000 0.0070 2.0

43 100.0 % 0 3.0000 0.0070 2.0

48 100.0 % 0 3.0000 0.0070 2.0

53 100.0 % 0 3.0000 0.0070 2.0

58 100.0 % 0 3.0000 0.0070 2.0

63 100.0 % 0 3.0000 0.0070 2.0

5522A Service Manual


Table 8-4. Composite Harmonics Verification (cont.)

Verification Tests for AC

Voltage Harmonic Fundamental Phase







Range 329.99 V rms 210.0000 0.4300

Wave II 1 100.0 % 91.6730 0.3917

RMS Output 210 V 2 100.0 % 0 91.6730 0.3917 0.75

Frequency 60.0 Hz 3 100.0 % 0 91.6730 0.3917 0.75

5 100.0 % 0 91.6730 0.3917 0.75

7 100.0 % 0 91.6730 0.3917 0.75

8 30.0 % 0 27.5020 0.3917 1.2

12 30.0 % 0 27.5020 0.3917 3.0

13 10.0 % 0 9.1670 0.3917 3.0

16 10.0 % 0 9.1670 0.3917 3.0

18 10.0 % 0 9.1670 0.4984 3.0

21 10.0 % 0 9.1670 0.4984 5.0

23 10.0 % 0 9.1670 0.4984 5.0

25 10.0 % 0 9.1670 0.4984 5.0

26 5.00 % 0 4.5840 0.4984 5.0

30 5.00 % 0 4.5840 0.4984 5.0

33 5.00 % 0 4.5840 0.4984 5.0

Range 1020 V 1 100.0 % 600.0000 1.300

Wave III 2 100.0 % 0 241.796 1.310 0.75

RMS Output 600 V 3 100.0 % 0 241.796 1.310 0.75

Frequency 50 Hz 5 100.0 % 0 241.796 1.310 0.75

7 100.0 % 0 241.796 1.310 0.75

8 100.0 % 0 241.796 1.310 1.2

12 30.0 % 0 72.539 1.310 1.2

13 10.0 % 0 24.180 1.310 1.2

16 10.0 % 0 24.180 1.310 3.0

18 10.0 % 0 24.180 1.310 3.0

21 10.0 % 0 24.180 1.310 3.0

23 10.0 % 0 24.180 1.310 3.0

25 10.0 % 0 24.180 1.610 5.0

26 5.00 % 0 12.090 1.610 5.0

30 5.00 % 0 14.1880 1.610 5.0

33 5.00 % 0 14.1880 1.610 5.0

PQ Calibration Option Performance Verification Tests 8


Table 8-4. Composite Harmonics Verification (cont.)

Verification Tests for AC

Voltage Harmonic Fundamental Phase







Range 329.99 V Normal Voltage Output

rms 140.0000 290.00 mV 0.75

Wave IV 1 100.0 % 50.985 122.58 mV 0.75

RMS Output 140 V 2 100.0 % 0 50.985 122.58 mV 0.75

Frequency 50 Hz 3 100.0 % 0 50.985 122.58 mV 0.75

4 100.0 % 0 50.985 122.58 mV 0.75

5 100.0 % 0 50.985 122.58 mV 0.75

6 100.0 % 0 50.985 122.58 mV 0.75

7 100.0 % 0 50.985 122.58 mV 0.75

8 30.00 % 0 15.296 122.58 mV 0.75

9 30.00 % 0 15.296 153.23 mV 1.2

10 30.00 % 0 15.296 153.23 mV 1.2

11 30.00 % 0 15.296 153.23 mV 1.2

12 30.00 % 0 15.296 153.23 mV 1.2

13 30.00 % 0 15.296 153.23 mV 1.2

Range 1020 V rms 450.0000 1.0000

Wave IV 1 100.0 % 163.880 0.5122 0.75

RMS Output 450 V 2 100.0 % 0 163.880 0.5122 0.75

Frequency 50 Hz 3 100.0 % 0 163.880 0.5122 0.75

4 100.0 % 0 163.880 0.5122 0.75

5 100.0 % 0 163.880 0.5122 0.75

6 100.0 % 0 163.880 0.5122 0.75

7 100.0 % 0 163.880 0.5122 0.75

8 30.00 % 0 49.164 0.5122 0.75

9 30.00 % 0 49.164 0.5122 1.2

10 30.00 % 0 49.164 0.5122 1.2

11 30.00 % 0 49.164 0.5122 1.2

12 30.00 % 0 49.164 0.5122 1.2

13 30.00 % 0 49.164 0.5122 1.2

5522A Service Manual


Table 8-4. Composite Harmonics Verification (cont.)

Verification Tests for AC

Voltage Harmonic Fundamental Phase







Range 32.999 V rms 12.00000 0.02500

Wave SQUARE 1 100.00 % 10.87300 0.01487

RMS Output 12 V 3 33.30 % 0 3.62100 0.01487 0.3

Frequency 60 Hz 5 20.00 % 0 2.17500 0.01487 0.3

7 14.30 % 0 1.55500 0.01487 0.3

9 11.10 % 0 1.20700 0.01487 0.3

11 9.10 % 0 0.98948 0.01487 0.3

13 7.70 % 0 0.83725 0.01487 0.3

15 6.70 % 0 0.72852 0.01487 0.3

17 5.90 % 0 0.64153 0.01487 0.5

19 5.30 % 0 0.57629 0.01487 0.5

21 4.80 % 0 0.52193 0.01487 0.5

23 4.30 % 0 0.46756 0.01487 0.5

25 4.00 % 0 0.43494 0.01487 0.5

27 3.70 % 0 0.40232 0.01487 0.5

29 3.40 % 0 0.36970 0.01487 0.5

31 3.20 % 0 0.34795 0.01487 0.5

Range 329.99 V rms 230.0000 0.8512

Wave NRC 7030 1 100.00 % 20.6550 0.8512 0.75

RMS Output 230 V 2 10.00 % -115.5 20.6550 0.8512 0.75

Frequency 60 Hz 3 10.00 % 1.1 20.6550 0.8512 0.75

4 10.00 % -179.6 20.6550 0.8512 0.75

5 10.00 % 13.3 20.6550 0.8512 0.75

6 10.00 % 9.3 20.6550 0.8512 0.75

7 10.00 % 73.5 20.6550 0.8512 0.75

8 10.00 % 152.1 20.6550 0.8512 0.75

9 10.00 % -19.9 20.6550 0.8512 1.2

10 10.00 % -167.8 20.6550 0.8512 1.2

11 10.00 % 85.9 20.6550 0.8512 1.2

12 10.00 % -37.3 20.6550 0.8512 1.2

13 10.00 % 16.1 20.6550 0.8512 3.0

14 10.00 % -28.1 20.6550 0.8512 3.0

PQ Calibration Option Performance Verification Tests 8


Table 8-4. Composite Harmonics Verification (cont.)

Verification Tests for AC

Voltage Harmonic Fundamental Phase







15 10.00 % 94 20.6550 0.8512 3.0

16 10.00 % -173.4 20.6550 0.8512 3.0

17 10.00 % 129.5 20.6550 0.8512 3.0

18 10.00 % -113.9 20.6550 0.8512 3.0

19 10.00 % 37.6 20.6550 0.8512 3.0

20 10.00 % -52.3 20.6550 0.8512 3.0

21 10.00 % 1.5 20.6550 0.8512 3.0

22 10.00 % 14.3 20.6550 0.8512 3.0

23 10.00 % 150.2 20.6550 0.8512 3.0

24 10.00 % 7.1 20.6550 0.8512 3.0

25 10.00 % 161.3 20.6550 1.0700 5.0

Verification Tests for AC Voltage (AUX)

Range 5 V rms 1.90000 .0..580

Wave V 1 100.00 % 0.58524 0.00417

RMS Output 1.9 V 3 100.00 % 0 0.58524 0.00417 0.75

Frequency 60 Hz 6 100.00 % 0 0.58524 0.00417 0.75

9 100.00 % 0 0.58524 0.00417 0.75

12 100.00 % 0 0.58524 0.00417 0.75

16 100.00 % 0 0.58524 0.00417 0.75

17 100.00 % 0 0.58524 0.00417 2.0

23 100.00 % 0 0.58524 0.00417 2.0

28 100.00 % 0 0.58524 0.00417 2.0

33 100.00 % 0 0.58524 0.00417 2.0

38 30.00 % 0 0.17577 0.00476 3.0

43 30.00 % 0 0.17577 0.00476 3.0

48 30.00 % 0 0.17577 0.00476 3.0

53 30.00 % 0 0.17577 0.00476 3.0

58 30.00 % 0 0.17577 0.00476 3.0

63 30.00 % 0 0.17577 0.00476 3.0

5522A Service Manual


Table 8-4. Composite Harmonics Verification (cont.)

Verification Tests for AC

Voltage Harmonic Fundamental Phase







Verification Tests for AC Current, LCOMP OFF

Range 329.99 mA rms 0.11000 1.22E-03

Wave VI 1 100.00 % 0.03821 1.38E-04

RMS Output 0.11 A 3 100.00 % 0 0.03821 1.38E-04 0.75

Frequency 50 Hz 6 100.00 % 0 0.03821 1.38E-04 0.75

9 100.00 % 0 0.03821 1.38E-04 0.75

12 100.00 % 0 0.03821 1.38E-04 0.75

15 100.00 % 0 0.03821 1.38E-04 0.75

18 100.00 % 0 0.03821 1.38E-04 1.5

23 50.00 % 0 0.01910 1.38E-04 1.5

28 50.00 % 0 0.01910 1.38E-04 1.5

33 50.00 % 0 0.01910 1.38E-04 1.5

38 30.00 % 0 0.01146 1.38E-04 1.5

43 30.00 % 0 0.01146 1.68E-04 3.0

48 30.00 % 0 0.01146 1.68E-04 3.0

53 30.00 % 0 0.01146 1.68E-04 3.0

58 30.00 % 0 0.01146 1.68E-04 3.0

63 30.00 % 0 0.01146 1.68E-04 3.0

Range 2.999 A rms 1.10000 0.00320

Wave VI 1 100.00 % 0.40547 0.00141 0.6

RMS Output 1.1 A 3 100.00 % 0 0.40547 0.00141 0.6

Frequency 50 Hz 6 100.00 % 0 0.40547 0.00141 0.6

9 100.00 % 0 0.40547 0.00141 0.6

12 100.00 % 0 0.40547 0.00141 0.6

15 100.00 % 0 0.40547 0.00141 0.6

18 20.00 % 0 0.40547 0.00141 0.6

23 20.00 % 0 0.08109 0.00141 1.0

28 20.00 % 0 0.08109 0.00141 1.0

33 20.00 % 0 0.08109 0.00141 1.0

38 20.00 % 0 0.08109 0.00141 1.0

43 20.00 % 0 0.08109 0.00211 2.0

48 20.00 % 0 0.08109 0.00211 2.0

53 20.00 % 0 0.08109 0.00211 2.0

58 20.00 % 0 0.08109 0.00211 2.0

63 20.00 % 0 0.08109 0.00211 2.0

PQ Calibration Option Performance Verification Tests 8


Table 8-4. Composite Harmonics Verification (cont.)

Verification Tests for AC

Voltage Harmonic Fundamental Phase







Range 20.5 A rms 4.50000 0.0190

Wave VII 1 100.00 % 1.6590 0.0117

RMS Output 4.5 A 3 100.00 % 0 1.6590 0.0117 0.6

Frequency 50 Hz 6 100.00 % 0 1.6590 0.0117 0.6

9 100.00 % 0 1.6590 0.0117 0.6

12 100.00 % 0 1.6590 0.0117 0.6

15 100.00 % 0 1.6590 0.0117 0.6

18 100.00 % 0 1.6590 0.0117 0.6

23 20.00 % 0 0.3317 0.0117 1.0

28 20.00 % 0 0.3317 0.0117 1.0

33 20.00 % 0 0.3317 0.0117 1.0

38 20.00 % 0 0.3317 0.0117 1.0

43 20.00 % 0 0.3317 0.0133 3.0

48 20.00 % 0 0.3317 0.0133 3.0

53 20.00 % 0 0.3317 0.0133 3.0

58 20.00 % 0 0.3317 0.0133 3.0

63 20.00 % 0 0.3317 0.0133 3.0

Range 20.5 A rms 4.80000 0.0196

Wave IECA 1 100.00 % 2.89500 0.0129

RMS Output 4.8 A 2 47.00 % 0 1.35900 0.0129 0.6

Frequency 50 Hz 3 100.00 % 180 2.89500 0.0129 0.6

4 18.70 % 180 0.54123 0.0129 0.6

5 49.60 % 0 1.43500 0.0129 0.6

6 13.00 % 0 0.37760 0.0129 0.6

7 33.50 % 180 0.96918 0.0129 0.6

8 10.00 % 180 0.28950 0.0129 0.6

9 17.40 % 0 0.50347 0.0129 0.6

10 8.00 % 0 0.23160 0.0129 0.6

11 14.30 % 180 0.41536 0.0129 0.6

12 6.70 % 180 0.19300 0.0129 0.6

13 9.10 % 0 0.26432 0.0129 0.6

14 5.70 % 0 0.16543 0.0129 0.6

5522A Service Manual


Table 8-4. Composite Harmonics Verification (cont.)

Verification Tests for AC

Voltage Harmonic Fundamental Phase







15 6.50 % 180 0.18880 0.0129 0.6

16 5.00 % 180 0.14475 0.0129 0.6

17 5.80 % 0 0.16659 0.0129 0.6

18 4.40 % 0 0.12867 0.0129 0.6

19 5.10 % 180 0.14905 0.0129 1.0

20 4.00 % 180 0.11580 0.0129 1.0

21 4.70 % 0 0.13486 0.0129 1.0

22 3.60 % 0 0.10527 0.0129 1.0

23 4.30 % 180 0.12313 0.0129 1.0

24 3.30 % 180 0.09650 0.0129 1.0

25 3.90 % 0 0.11328 0.0129 1.0

26 3.10 % 0 0.08908 0.0129 1.0

27 3.60 % 180 0.10489 0.0129 1.0

28 2.90 % 180 0.08271 0.0129 1.0

29 3.40 % 0 0.09766 0.0129 1.0

30 2.70 % 0 0.07720 0.0129 1.0

31 3.20 % 180 0.09136 0.0129 1.0

32 2.50 % 180 0.07237 0.0129 1.0

33 3.00 % 0 0.08582 0.0129 1.0

34 2.40 % 0 0.06812 0.0129 1.0

35 2.80 % 180 0.08092 0.0129 1.0

36 2.20 % 180 0.06433 0.0129 1.0

37 2.60 % 0 0.07654 0.0129 1.0

38 2.10 % 0 0.06095 0.0129 1.0

39 2.50 % 180 0.07262 0.0129 1.0

40 2.00 % 180 0.05790 0.0129 1.0

PQ Calibration Option Performance Verification Tests 8


Table 8-4. Composite Harmonics Verification (cont.)

Verification Tests for AC

Voltage Harmonic Fundamental Phase







Range 20.5 A rms 5.80000 0.0216

Wave IECD 1 100.00 % 5.04200 0.0150

RMS Output 5.8 A 3 46.90 % 180 2.36600 0.0150 0.6

Frequency 50 Hz 5 26.20 % 0 1.32200 0.0150 0.6

7 13.80 % 180 0.69600 0.0150 0.6

9 6.90 % 0 0.34800 0.0150 0.6

11 4.80 % 180 0.24360 0.0150 0.6

13 4.10 % 0 0.20612 0.0150 0.6

15 3.50 % 180 0.17864 0.0150 0.6

17 3.10 % 0 0.15763 0.0150 0.6

19 2.80 % 180 0.14103 0.0150 1.0

21 2.50 % 0 0.12760 0.0150 1.0

23 2.30 % 180 0.11651 0.0150 1.0

25 2.10 % 0 0.10719 0.0150 1.0

27 2.00 % 180 0.09924 0.0150 1.0

29 1.80 % 0 0.09250 0.0150 1.0

31 1.70 % 180 0.08644 0.0150 1.0

33 1.60 % 0 0.08120 0.0150 1.0

35 1.50 % 180 0.07656 0.0150 1.0

37 1.40 % 0 0.07242 0.0150 1.0

39 1.40 % 180 0.06871 0.0150 1.0

Range 20.5 A rms 9.50000 0.0290

Wave NRC 7030 1 100.00 % 8.51300 0.0185

RMS Output 9.5 A 2 10.00 % -115.5 0.85313 0.0185 0.6

Frequency 60 Hz 3 10.00 % 1.1 0.85313 0.0185 0.6

4 10.00 % -179.6 0.85313 0.0185 0.6

5 10.00 % 13.3 0.85313 0.0185 0.6

6 10.00 % 9.3 0.85313 0.0185 0.6

7 10.00 % 73.5 0.85313 0.0185 0.6

8 10.00 % 152.1 0.85313 0.0185 0.6

9 10.00 % -19.9 0.85313 0.0185 0.6

10 10.00 % -167.8 0.85313 0.0185 0.6

5522A Service Manual


Table 8-4. Composite Harmonics Verification (cont.)

Verification Tests for AC

Voltage Harmonic Fundamental Phase







11 10.00 % 85.9 0.85313 0.0185 0.6

12 10.00 % -37.3 0.85313 0.0185 0.6

13 10.00 % 16.1 0.85313 0.0185 0.6

14 10.00 % -28.1 0.85313 0.0185 0.6

15 10.00 % 94 0.85313 0.0185 0.6

16 10.00 % -173.4 0.85313 0.0185 1.0

17 10.00 % 129.5 0.85313 0.0185 1.0

18 10.00 % -113.9 0.85313 0.0185 1.0

19 10.00 % 37.6 0.85313 0.0185 1.0

20 10.00 % -52.3 0.85313 0.0185 1.0

21 10.00 % 1.5 0.85313 0.0185 1.0

22 10.00 % 14.3 0.85313 0.0185 1.0

23 10.00 % 150.2 0.85313 0.0185 1.0

24 10.00 % 7.1 0.85313 0.0185 1.0

25 10.00 % 161.3 0.85313 0.0185 1.0

Calibration You must calibrate of the voltage and current outputs to get them to their nominal values for the Delta Amplitude output of the PQ option. This calibration must be done after the mainframe calibration with the procedure in the this manual. PQ calibration is done independently of the oscilloscope option calibration, and done before or after oscilloscope calibration.

PQ calibration has three sections:

Normal ac voltage

AUX ac current

AUX ac voltage

The equipment necessary for each section is a subset of the equipment necessary for the 5522A mainframce. See the Equipment Necessary for Verification and Calibration section in Chapter 3 of this manual. Review the necessary equipment for each PQ function before you start the PQ calibration procedure.

To start the calibration procedure:

1. Push .

2. Push the CAL softkey.

3. Push the CAL softkey.

4. Push the OPTION CAL softkey.

5. Push the PQ CAL softkey.

PQ Calibration Option Calibration 8


If a different section is to be calibrated, push the OPTIONS then NEXT SECTION softkeys. In a section, each step shows the correct instrument connection and prompts you for measurement shown on the measurement device. To start the calibration remotely, send the command CAL_START PQ through the host. (CAL_START PQ is the only remote calibration command that is unique to the PQ.) Each time a calibration step is completed, CAL_NEXT must be sent to continue.

Normal AC Voltage Measure ac voltage with the Fluke 5790A AC Measurement Standard. Type in the measured value into the Calibrator for each of the nominal values shown in Table 8-5.

Table 8-5. Normal AC Volts

Step Calibrator Normal Output

1 30 mV

2 300 mV

3 3 V

4 30 V

5 300 V

6 1000 V

AUX AC Current For nominal values of 300 A to 300 mA, measure the AC current with the Hewlett-Packard 3458A. For nominal values of 2 A and 10 A, use the A40 2 A and 20 A current shunts, respectively. You must do a dc characterization on these shunts before they can be used. DC characterization can be doner with the 5522A, as long as the entire 5522A dc current calibration is done first. See AC Current Calibration in this manual.

The 5790A or 3458A can be used as the detector. A 20 A dc/ac shunt such as the Fluke Y5020 or MeasureTech EL-7520 can also be used for 2 A and 10 A outputs. DC characterization is not necessary for these two shunts. Type in the measured value into the Calibrator for each of the nominal values shown in Table 8-6.

Table 8-6. AUX AC Current

Step Calibrator AUX Output

1 300 A

2 3 mA

3 30 mA

4 300 mA

5 2 A


7 10 A


5522A Service Manual


AUX AC Voltage To calibrate the auxiliary AC voltage function, use the the normal AC voltage output

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