Flawless widescreen ошибка

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Once it comes to Flawless Widescreen not working KOTOR, you should close Flawless Widescreen and relaunch the app. Besides that, you may want to edit the config files, enable display detection and so on. Continue reading if you want to enjoy yourself to the fullest while using Flawless Widescreen for KOTOR. 

What Must Be Done


Flawless Widescreen is an app that gamers use to increase the screen resolution of a number of games. In the case of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, many players have said that the application is useless as it crashes and corrupts saves. However, it’s worth pointing out that Flawless Widescreen could work on KOTOR. If you have a hard time getting the app to work as you play KOTOR, try out these solutions

Close The App And Relaunch It

In the beginning, you should close Flawless Widescreen and relaunch it. The process works wonders at times despite its simplicity and players hold it in high esteem. 

Edit Config File

  • Step 1: Go to KOTOR folder and locate the configuration file.
  • Step 2: After finding the swKOTOR.ini file, you must open it using a text editor eg Notepad.
  • Step 3: Proceed to scroll down to the [graphics choices] section. Now, you need to change height to 1080 (or to your custom resolution Height) and width to 1920 (or to your custom resolution Width).
  • Step 4: Select File, choose Save and exit. Last but not least, launch KOTOR then see how things turn out.

Note: You need to open Flawless Widescreen before launching KOTOR. 

Enable Display Detection

  • Step 1: Go to  Flawless Widescreen’s settings and navigate to configuration. 
  • Step 2: Hit Enable on the display detection menu
  • Step 3: Restart Flawless Widescreen.

The Best Way To Play KOTOR

Select Class Based On Playstyle

In KOTOR, you can decide attributes of your character such as gender, traits and abilities but class is second to none regarding importance.  The class you choose at the beginning of the playthrough affects quite a few things as you advance. 

  • Scoundrel is the slick talker who often prefers long-range and covert strikes. The starting statistics for Scoundrel seem poor, particularly in computer use, repair, and healing. However, such a shortcoming is compensated for by the class’s proficiency in persuasion, stealth, demolitions, and security. Players who like to go about their business more covertly will find Scoundrel a fun class to play.
  • Soldier is the epitome of a warrior who puts physical force above cunning and speech.
  • Scout excels in combat and skill-based specializations which make it the best of both worlds. When choosing the Scout class, players need to be mindful that if they don’t have the appropriate feats in place, the game may become more difficult for them. Hence, you should make use of Heavy Armor feat and put on heavy armour as soon as possible. That will make the character significantly more successful in combat, shifting the odds in their favor for a few turns while keeping them alive for longer.

Save, Save And Save

You should pay attention to how often you save in Knights of the Old Republic. Of course, you rely on the autosave but you will have no control over the return point when things turn south. Thus, for good measure, you should save before and after significant events (battles, quests and so on). 

Pay Attention To Interaction

Star Wars: KOTOR is a role-playing game (RPG) that emphasizes communication. A good portion of the game’s environment can be discovered by conversing with the various NPCs. It is an excellent method for people to familiarize themselves with the KOTOR universe and find out what must be done to advance the story. Therefore, it is wise to take your time, appreciate the game’s ambiance and focus on interaction.

Give The Jedi Sentinel A Go

There are many different classes available to Jedi but the Jedi Sentinel is considered the most well-rounded option. The Sentinel lacks some proficiency in armor and weaponry, but the class comes equipped with the talents of Persuasion and Awareness. There are additional bonus points available in the areas of Resilience and Fortitude. The class is highly skilled in using lightsabers and maintains a healthy equilibrium between its life and Force powers.

What Is The Role Of Wisdom In Star Wars: KOTOR?

A high Wisdom provides new modifiers to the Jedi’s Force power and force points. A Jedi with a high Wisdom score possesses Force powers that are significantly more difficult to counteract. Knowledge and logic are embodied in this symbol. (xanax) A character with a high Intelligence receives additional modifiers that increase the points they must spend on essential abilities.

Which Characters Can I Romance In KOTOR?

There are only three characters that can develop romantic feelings for players: Bastila, Carth, and Juhani.

Should I Save Skill Points In KOTOR?

You can save up as many points as you like and then spend them on subsequent opportunities to level up if you choose. In the same way, you can put off reaching the next level while still gaining experience, which can be done later.

How Long Does It Take To Complete KOTOR?

The entire game, including all optional side missions, can be finished in an average of forty-five hours. A full playthrough of both morality routes should take approximately ninety hours.

Chris started playing PC games in the 1980s, started writing about them in the early 2000s, and (finally) started getting paid to write about them in the late 2000s.

Following a few years as a regular freelancer, PC Gamer hired him in 2014, probably so he’d stop emailing them asking for more work. Since 2019, he started providing game reviews & tips for Grateful Dead Game. Chris has a love-hate relationship with survival games and an unhealthy fascination with the inner lives of NPCs. He’s also a fan of offbeat simulation games, mods, and ignoring storylines in RPGs so he can make up his own.

Hey there,

I am trying to use Flawless Widescreen on some old games like COD: Black Ops.

On my machine, Flawless Widescreen only shows «Searching for Call of Duty: Black Ops process, please configure desired settings and launch the game.» even I have launched the game.

I have tried:

  1. Run Flawless Widescreen in admin mode;

  2. Change the «Steam Path Matching» in settings;

  3. Run the game in compatibility mode.

Nothing works. However the tool could recognize the process correctly and provide the fix when I tried to run Mass Effect, which is on Origin.

I was thinking if it’s a Steam issue that all the games on Steam cannot be fixed by Flawless Widescreen? (Which does not make sense to me since many people are still using Flawless Widescreen for Steam games)

Any ideas or same issues here?

Эксклюзивная игра для PlayStation, Бог Войны (2018), наконец-то вышла на ПК. Она сразу же стала фаворитом фанатов, о чем свидетельствуют «исключительно положительные» отзывы на ее странице в Steam. К сожалению, как бы хорошо это ни было, все еще есть некоторые незначительные проблемы. 

God of War поддерживает широкий полноэкранный режим, но не поддерживает сверхширокий экран, а ограничивает соотношение сторон 16:9 или 21:9. Итак, если вы используете любой другой экран с соотношением сторон более широким, чем 21:9, вам придется иметь дело с боковыми черными полосами, которые полностью испортили мне погружение. 

Если вы также столкнулись с такой же проблемой, вот как вы можете ее исправить.

Загрузите и установите программное обеспечение Flawless Widescreen, чтобы решить проблему сверхширокого экрана God of War на ПК. Запустите его и установите плагин God of War, затем запустите игру, оставляя программное обеспечение работать в фоновом режиме, чтобы устранить проблему с широкоэкранным режимом God of War.

Как скачать и установить Flawless Widescreen на ПК?

Шаг 1: Перейти на официальный сайт Безупречный широкоформатный.

Шаг 2: Прокрутите вниз и нажмите рекомендуемый установочный файл, чтобы загрузить его или нажмите здесь..

Шаг 3: Запустите установочный файл и завершите установку, нажав «Далее» и «Установить».

Шаг 4: Нажмите Завершить и запустите Flawless Widescreen.

Как скачать и установить Flawless Widescreen на ПК?
Безупречный широкоформатный

Загрузка изображения…

Как исправить проблему с широкоэкранным режимом God of War с помощью Flawless Widescreen?

Шаг 1: Запустите программное обеспечение Flawless Widescreen.

Шаг 2: Прокрутите вниз до конца Лицензионного соглашения и нажмите «Я согласен».

Шаг 3: Закройте всплывающее окно и выберите «Нет» на экране «Настройка параметров».

Шаг 4:  Прокрутите вниз, чтобы найти ‘Бог войны’ плагин с панели в левой части экрана в категории «Доступные плагины».

Шаг 5: Нажмите на его название, чтобы загрузить плагин God of War.

Шаг 6: God of War теперь будет отображаться в разделе «Плагины FWS».

Шаг 7: Теперь запустите игру в фоновом режиме Flawless Widescreen, чтобы исправить любые проблемы с черной полосой и соотношением сторон.

Как исправить проблему с широкоэкранным режимом God of War с помощью Flawless Widescreen?
Безупречный широкоформатный

Загрузка изображения…

Как исправить проблему с широкоэкранным режимом God of War с помощью Flawless Widescreen?
Исправьте проблему с широкоэкранным режимом God of War с помощью Flawless Widescreen.

Загрузка изображения…

Вы можете увеличить поле обзора или FOV по своему вкусу и еще больше улучшить визуальные эффекты игры. Я предлагаю вам держать его между 20% и 30%. Увеличение поля зрения увеличит нагрузку на графический процессор. Если вы увеличиваете поле зрения, вам также может потребоваться выбрать опцию Уменьшить количество всплывающих окон, что также увеличит использование графического процессора, поэтому поиграйте с этими настройками и посмотрите, что лучше всего подходит вашему ПК.

Наконец, наслаждайтесь безупречным захватывающим игровым процессом на своем сверхшироком дисплее! Мальчик!

Загрузите God of War (2018) на:

О Боге войны (2018)

God of War — это однопользовательская приключенческая игра, разработанная Santa Monica Studios. В отличие от предыдущих частей франшизы, посвященных греческой мифологии, действие этой части происходит на основе скандинавских преданий.

Перед смертью последнее желание второй жены Кратоса — чтобы ее кремировали на самой высокой вершине девяти миров. Поэтому Кратос вместе со своим сыном Атреем отправляется в трудное путешествие, кишащее монстрами и богами, чтобы выполнить последнюю просьбу жены.

Иногда мы включаем ссылки на розничные интернет-магазины и / или интернет-кампании. Если вы нажмете на один из них и сделаете покупку, мы можем получить небольшую комиссию. Для дополнительной информации, иди сюда.

Делайте маленькие дела с большой любовью — Happy Sharing :)

There is no way you can adjust the FOV in Atomic Heart. Considering how important FOV is in first-person games, players have often felt the absence of this setting. Some gamers love to crank the FOV slider to the max to enjoy the wide viewing angles and having maximum objects on their screen at once. On the other hand, some players like to reduce FOV to enjoy a more centered and focused experience. If you also want to find a fix to adjust your FOV in Atomic Heart, the Flawless Widescreen mod is the way to go. Let’s find out how you can download and configure it. 

Key Takeaways

  • PC players love Increased Field of vision in FPS games as it gives them wide viewing angles letting them get more immersed in the game. 
  • Atomic Heart does not include an adjustable FOV setting in-game which has PC players searching for ways to increase in-game FOV. 
  •  You can use the Flawless Widescreen Application to adjust Atomic Heart’s FOV. 
  • You can boost up to 40% FOV in Atomic Heart through Flawless Widescreen Application. 

As we’ve complained before, Atomic Heart is missing a FOV slider that lets you adjust the field of view in the game. Mundfish, the Russian developers behind Atomic Heart have even provided the official word that the game already has a much higher FOV than the average first-person game. However, PC players love to customize their experience to their liking so this explanation isn’t the solution. 

Thankfully, there’s a workaround to fixing the FOV in Atomic heart through a third-party application called Flawless Widescreen. It makes it easier for PC players to run their game in Ultrawide resolutions, even if they don’t support it officially. Here’s how you can make it happen: 

Flawless Widescreen Official Website

Flawless Widescreen Website
  1. Download the Flawless Widescreen application from its official site.
  2. Once you’ve downloaded the Setup file, proceed to install it on your PC. 
  3. At the final screen of the install wizard, check the option that says “Launch Flawless Widescreen.” and click on OK. 

Flawless Widescreen for Atomic Heart

Flawless Widescreen Application
  1. Once you fire up the Flawless Widescreen application, locate Atomic Heart under the “FWS Plugins” section. 
  2. After you find it, simply click on it and your PC will download the related files and plugins for the FOV slider to work. 
  3. After the download, you’ll see several controls in the Atomic Heart window. Here, all you have to do is adjust the In-Game FOV – Fine Adjustment slider to your desired value. Each increment from 0% will add a +1 degree FOV to your in-game camera. 
  4. Once you’re done with the FOV adjustment, click minimize the application and launch Atomic Heart. 

If you’ve upgraded your in-game FOV, it’s time to check out the best skills and upgrades you can have in Atomic Heart.

Once you boot in the game, you’ll notice that your FOV has changed and is even wider compared to before. Here are a few screenshots comparing the changes so you can get an idea:

Comparison 1

Comparison Between Atomic Heart FOV 1

FOV Comparison 1

Comparison 2

Comparison Between Atomic Heart FOV 1

FOV Comparison 2

When you compare the two images, you can clearly see that image 2 has a much wider FOV compared to the game’s default FOV. This makes Flawless Widescreen the best way to fix FOV in Atomic Heart. 

Did We Help You Fix FOV in Atomic Heart with Flawless Widescreen?

We hope that you were able to increase your FOV in Atomic Heart with the Flawless Widescreen application. This app isn’t just helpful in Atomic Heart but also in several other supported games. We hope that PC players were able to scratch that high FOV itch with this fix. With the amount of feedback from players, the developers might even add a FOV slider into the game in a future patch. 

Atomic Heart FOV Fix With Flawless Widescreen — FAQs

Will Flawless Widescreen increase FOV in Atomic Heart?

Flawless Widescreen is a great application that works in several games and lets you adjust a wide range of tweaks.

How much FOV can I increase in Atomic Heart through Flawless Widescreen?

It’s an effective application that gives you an adjustable FOV bar to boost your in-game FOV by 40% in Atomic Heart.

Will increased FOV lower Atomic Heart performance/FPS?

Increasing FOV means more objects will render in your viewable area. Hence, you might see a slight to worse performance trade-off as you increase your FOV depending on your system configuration.

Check out our complete coverage of Atomic Heart on eXputer right here. 

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Photo of Ayyoun Ali

Ayyoun is a Senior Writer & Editor for Error Fixes and Game Settings guides on eXputer. He’s been passionate about games and technology since he got his hands on his first console, the PS1. He’s got a Software Engineering background and loves to play games for entertainment and understand them from a technical perspective. He has a knack for uncovering solutions for the latest games and older ones and presenting them in easy-to-follow guides for his audience.  Experience: 7+ years || Education: Bachelor’s in Software Engineering || Worked For VeryAli Gaming and IGN || Written 200+ Articles || Senior Editor For Game Errors & Settings

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