Fjr 1300 как посмотреть ошибки

Видел один пару раз на сервисе:
Включить зажигание, на руле тоже, нажать 2 кнопки на табло и держать …. (войти в сервисный рехим и чота перебирать кноповками, можно ручку газа покрутить — цифры будут бегать) — можно увидеть код ошибки, если она есть, по таблице определить что хандрит.
Подробностей не знаю. Видел только это.
Кто бы просвятил поподробнее!!!

Сегодня что-то вдруг на холостых жостко как-то работал, мне показалось, что один цилиндр, еду — нормуль, стою — хреново. До дома доехал — пробзделось.
Вот и думаю — с чего начинать?
42тыс. пробегу, свечи кажись не меняны — может их для начала сменить? Как добраться до них с минимальными потерями для облицовки и какая марка?
ЗЫ (масло и покрышки менял) biggrin

хттп://ввв.ру — приглашаю на борт!

Для владельцев ямах

инструкция  по диагностике R1, таже диагностика проходит и на других инжекторных ямахах отличия в кодах и тд смотрите в сервис мануалах

Процесс входа в режим диагностики:
1. Выключить зажигание. Выключить кнопку Start/Stop Engine (красная на правом пульте).
2. Нажать обе кнопки на приборке и ДЕРЖАТЬ ИХ.
3. Включить зажигание, держать кнопки после включения зажигания около 8 секунд.
4. Дождаться надписи DIAG.
5. Отпустить и нажать ОБЕ кнопки ВМЕСТЕ на приборке ещё раз на 2 сек., и отпустить.
6. Отобразится [d01]. Это первый диагностический показатель, показывает положение дросселей.
7. Кнопкой Select (верхняя) добраться до строки с номером [d60]. Эта ячейка показывает номер СУЩЕСТВУЮЩЕЙ на данный момент ошибки.
8. Посмотреть номер, стоящий напротив d61. Это номер ошибки В ПАМЯТИ «мозгов». Если ошибок несколько, они показываются попеременно.
Все ячейки диагностики выше 60 — и есть строки диагностики каждого из компонентов в отдельности. Подробнее — смотри НИЖЕ.

Для стирания ошибки из памяти системы заходишь на строку d62 и включаешь кнопку стоп-двигателя на правом пульте.

При входе в режим диагностике на дисплее отображается ячейка [d01].
Нажимая кнопку Select (верхняя) нужно перейти к показателю [d60] (самодиагностика в реальном времени) и [d61] (память ошибок) и посмотреть число рядом. Число рядом и есть номер ошибки, которую запомнил «мозг».
А все остальные числа от [d01] и до [d60] — это показатели различных датчиков (например [d01] -это положение ручки газа в процентах на данный момент, покрути и всё поймёшь).

Показатели (тестирование по датчикам включением стоп-двигателя):
d01 = положение ручки газа (крутить ручку газа)
d02 = атмосферное давление (абсолютное, в процентах)
d03 = разряжение во впуске (датчик в корпусе воздушного фильтра, в процентах)
d05 = температура воздуха во впуске (датчик в корпусе воздушного фильтра, номинал в процентах я так понимаю)
d06 = температура охлаждающей жидкости на данный момент
d07 = датчик скорости (показатель)
d08 = датчик падения (угла наклона)
d09 = напряжение на бензонасосе (тестируется включением стоп-двигателя)
d20 = боковая подножка (on/off) — тестирование работает только при выключенной нейтрали
d21 = датчик нейтрали (on/off)
d30 = катушка на 1 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d31 = катушка на 2 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d32 = катушка на 3 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d33 = катушка на 4 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d36 = форсунка 1 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d37 = форсунка 2 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d38 = форсунка 3 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d39 = форсунка 4 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d48 = AI клапан. (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование клапана, 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d50 = силовое реле инжектора и системы зажигания (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель)
d51 = реле включения вентилятора охлаждения (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель)
d52 = реле головного света (фар) (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель)
d53 = тестирование мотора сервопривода EXUP (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель, показывает значение в углах)
d56 = сервопривод вторичных заслонок (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель, показывает значение в углах)
d60 = ошибка работы коммутатора (коды отображаются поочерёдно, перечень кодов ошибок коммутатора ниже)
d61 = записанный в память код ошибки
d62 = стирание записанных в память кодов ошибок
d70 = отображает код работающей программы (0-255)

Расшифровка показателя строки d60 (найденные самодиагностикой нарушения в работе датчиков):

11 = нет сигнала с датчика определения цилиндра
12 = нет сигнала с датчика положения коленвала
13 = ошибочный сигнал с датчика разряжения (в корпусе воздушного фильтра)
14 = неверный сигнал с датчика абсолютного давления
15 = ошибка датчика полоджеия дроссельных заслонок
16 = зафиксирована ошибка заклинивания датчика положения дроссельных заслонок
17 = зафиксирована ошибка датчика положения сервопривода EXUP
18 = ошибка заклинивания сервопривода EXUP
19 = короткое замыкание на блоке управления двигателем при нажатии кнопки запуска
20 = при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя обнаружена ошибка напряжения (большая разница показателей) на датчиках абсолютного давления и разряжения
21 = неисправность датчика температуры двигателя
22 = неисправность датчика температуры во впуске
23 = неисправность (короткое замыкание) датчика абсолютного давления
30 = зафиксировано срабатывание датчика падения (мотоцикл падал)
33 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 1 цилиндра
34 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 2 цилиндра
35 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 3 цилиндра
36 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 4 цилиндра
41 = неисправность или короткое замыкание на датчике падения
42 = отсутствие или ошибочный сигнал с датчика скорости
43 = ошибка измерения напряжения бортовой сети (короткое замыкание в проводке)
44 = неисправность блока управления двигателем
46 = нет напряжения на блоке инжектора
47 = ошибка сервопривода вторичных заслонок (обнаружено короткое замыкание или неисправность датчика)
48 = заклинивание или короткое замыкание в сервоприводе вторичных заслонок дросселя
50 = ошибка блока управления двигателем, невозможно прочитать ошибку
Er1 = нет сигнала от блока управления двигателем
Er2 = нет ответа от блока управления двигателем
Er3 = ошибка сигнала от блока управления двигателем
Er4 = неизвестный сигнал от блока управления двигателем

ЗЫ не помню где нарыл поэтому ссылки на перво источник не дам

Yamaha FJR 1300 motorcycles have engines, which are made up of many different parts.
These parts must work together in order for the engine to function. A problem with one of the
parts can make the engine not run. There are many different parts that make up an engine.
The following yamaha fjr 1300 faults are the list of some of the parts of a motorcycle engine.

One of the most common issues with Yamaha FJR 1300 motorcycle electrical systems is a clogged battery terminal. This can cause your ride to start having issues with the electrical components. Discolored terminals are often caused by a build-up of corrosion. This will prevent electrons from flowing properly, which reduces your ride’s electrical performance.

Yamaha FJR 1300 Faults :

The warning light comes on when one of the various sensors has detected an abnormal condition in the Yamaha FJR 1300 engine’s performance. For example, if the oil pressure drops below a certain threshold or if the air/fuel ratio rises beyond a certain point, then this would cause an immediate alert from your vehicle’s engine management system.

In the list range from d01 to d59, a self-diagnosis of the system components is carried out.

Inclusion of some components is carried out by the stop engine button.

Yamaha Self-diagnosis Code List (opposite the menu number of the list, decoding of readings + nominal value):

D: 01 = Throttle Position Sensor completely closed, indicators from 12 to 21 fully open, indicators from 96 to 106
D: 02 = atmospheric pressure, in percent;
D: 03 = absolute atmospheric pressure in the intake circuit;
D: 05 = air temperature in the intake circuit;
D: 06 = coolant temperature;
D: 07 = speed sensor readings;
D: 08 = drop sensor position normal position, indicator 0.4 — 1.4 inverted position, indicator 3,7 — 4,4
D: 09 = vehicle voltage
D: 13 = Throttle Position Sensor 2 completely. closed, indicator from 9 to 23 fully open, score from 94 to 108
D: 14 = Throttle Position Sensor 1 completely closed, indicator from 12 to 22 fully open, indicator from 97 to 107
D: 15 = throttle position sensor 2 completely closed, indicator from 10 to 24 fully open, indicator from 95 to 109
D: 20 = position sensor side steps;
D: 21 = gearbox position sensor (neutral)
D: 60 = EEPROM, system error sheet (00 = no errors, 01-04 = error codes for cylinders, if there is more than one error in the memory, they are displayed alternately)
D: 61 = error sheet of the ignition module for sensors (00 = there are no errors in the memory, 11-70 = error codes for the components, if there are more than one error in the memory, they are displayed alternately)
D: 62 = the number of errors in the memory module (00 = no errors, XX — the number of errors, erasing the errors is done by turning on the «stop engine» button);
D: 63 = sub-category of the error code (only for error 24, if there is more than one value in memory, then the value is displayed alternately)


D: 30 = diagnosis of the ignition coil 1 cylinder;
D: 31 = diagnosis of ignition coil 2 cylinder;
D: 32 = diagnosis of ignition coil 3 cylinders;
D: 33 = diagnosis of the ignition coil 4 cylinder;
D: 34 = intake valve diagnosis
D: 36 = diagnosis of the primary injector nozzle 1
D: 37 = diagnosis of the primary injector nozzle 2
D: 38 = diagnosis of the primary injector nozzle 3
D: 39 = diagnosis of the primary injector nozzle 4
D: 40 = diagnosis of the secondary injector nozzle 1
D: 41 = diagnosis of the secondary injector nozzle 2
D: 42 = secondary injector diagnosis, injector 3
D: 43 = diagnosis of the secondary injector nozzle 4
D: 47 = diagnosis of the steering damper sensor;
D: 48 = intake valve valve sensor diagnosis;
D: 50 = diagnosis of the fuel pump relay;
D: 51 = diagnosis of the cooling fan motor relay;
D: 52 = Diagnostics of the headlamp lamp relay;

Yamaha Error Codes

Error Code Explanation of error codes Transcript
11 Error cylinder position sensor;
12 crankshaft position sensor error;
13 Error in the inlet pressure sensor (the sensor is within the desired range) self-diagnosed string D: 03;
14 Error in the inlet pressure sensor (sensor disconnected or faulty) selfdiagnosed string D: 03;
15 error position sensor throttle self diagnosed line D: 01 + D: 13;
19 error on the incoming signal from the ECU (short circuit or disconnected sensor side footboard) — self diagnosed line D: 20;
20 the error of sensor readings of atmospheric and absolute pressure in the inlet, not permissible values self-diagnosed string D: 03, D: 02;
21 Error reading sensor coolant temperature self diagnosed string D: 06;
22 Error in the inlet temperature sensor, self-diagnosed string D: 05;
23 error sensor readings of atmospheric pressure self-diagnosed string D: 02;
24 error of the oxygen sensor (O2 sensor, lambda probe);
30 Error drop sensor (triggered or faulty sensor), self-diagnosed string D: 08;
33 faulty ignition coil cylinder 1 self-diagnosed string D: 30;
34 faulty ignition coil cylinder 2 self-diagnosed string D: 31;
35 faulty ignition coil 3 cylinder self diagnosed string D: 32;
36 faulty ignition coil 4 cylinder self diagnosed string D: 33;
39 Primary circuit fault injector self diagnosed string D: 36,37,38,39;
40 fault circuit secondary injector self diagnosed string D: 40,41,42,43;
41 fault or short circuit in the wiring of the sensor falls self-diagnosed string D: 08;

Yamaha Indicators / Codes&Descriptions

Codes Description
d01 throttle position (twist the throttle)
d02 atmospheric pressure (absolute percentage)
d03 vacuum at the inlet (the sensor in the air cleaner housing, in percent)
d05 air temperature at the inlet (the sensor in the air filter housing, nominal percentage as I understand it)
d06 coolant temperature at the moment
d07 speed sensor (figure)
d08 drop sensor (tilt)
d09 voltage at the gasoline pump (tested by including a stop of the engine)
d20 SEITENSTAENDER (on / off) — testing only works when off neutral
d21 neutral sensor (on / off)
d30 1 coil per cylinder (when the stop button the engine is made by testing the coil 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp blinking Check Engine)
d31 2 cylinder coil (when the stop button the engine is made by testing the coil 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp blinking Check Engine)
d32 3 coil cylinder (when the stop button the engine is made by testing the coil 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp blinking Check Engine)
d33 4 cylinder coil (when the stop button the engine is made by testing the coil 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp blinking Check Engine)
d36 1 cylinder injector (when the stop button the engine is made by testing the nozzle 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp blinking Check Engine)
d37 2 cylinder injector (when the stop button the engine is made by testing the nozzle 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp
d38 3 cylinder injector (when the stop button the engine is made by testing the nozzle 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp blinking Check Engine)
d39 4 cylinder injector (when the stop button the engine is made by testing the nozzle 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp blinking Check Engine)
d48 AI valve. (when the buttons stop valve engine is tested, 5 pulses, accompanied by a distinctive sound, with concurrently. lamp blinking Check Engine)
d50 power relay injector and ignition system (tested in the same stop-button engine)
d51 relay switching the cooling fan (tested in the same stop-button engine)
d52 relay head light (PAR) (tested in the same stop-button engine)
d53 testing of servo motor EXUP (tested just stop engine button, shows the value in the corners)
d56 secondary servo valves (tested just stop engine button, shows the value in the corners)
d60 error of the switch (the codes are displayed alternately, a list of the error codes of the switch below)
d61 recorded in the memory of the error code
d62 erase the stored fault codes
d70 displays the code of a running program (0-255)

Yamaha FJR 1300 Motorcycle Problems :

  • Yamaha fjr 1300 after fire
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 air cleaner clogged, poorly sealed, or missing
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 air cleaner element clogged
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 air duct loose
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 air suction valve trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 air switching valve trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 backfiring when deceleration
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 cracked or obstructed intake air pressure sensor
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 crankshaft sensor trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 eCU ground and power supply trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 eCU trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 engine overheating — Water temperature sensor or crankshaft sensor trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 engine stalls easily
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 engine vacuum not synchronizing
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 exhaust Smokes Excessively
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 firing incorrect
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 fuel filter clogged
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 fuel injector clogged
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 fuel injector O-ring damage
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 fuel injector trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 fuel line clogged
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 fuel poor quality or incorrect
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 fuel pressure regulator trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 fuel pressure too low or too high
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 fuel pump bearings may wear. Replace the fuel pump
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 fuel pump not operating
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 fuel pump operates intermittently and often DFI fuse blows
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 fuel pump relay trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 fuel pump trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 fuel/air mixture incorrect
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 fuel/air mixture incorrect
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 gear position sensor, starter lockout or side stand switch trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 inspect and repair or replace
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 intake air pressure sensor trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 intake air temperature sensor trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 intake air temperature sensor trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 intermittent any DFI fault and its recovery
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 little fuel in tank
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 main throttle sensor trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 no or little fuel in tank
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 poor acceleration
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 spark plug burned or gap maladjusted
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 spark plug dirty, broken or gap maladjusted
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 spark plug incorrect
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 spark weak
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 stick coil shorted or not in good contact
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 stick coil trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 subthrottle sensor trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 subthrottle valve actuator trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 throttle body assy dust seal damage
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 throttle body assy holder loose
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 throttle valves will not fully open
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 unstable (rough) idling
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 unstable fuel pressure
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 vacuum hose
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 vehicle-down sensor trouble
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 water or foreign matter in fuel Change fuel
  • Yamaha fjr 1300 water temperature sensor trouble

Issues with the engine area unit generally caused by problems with the engine elements. whether or not it’s a fuel issue or AN ignition drawback, the engine elements ought to be inspected to work out the cause. Another issue that may occur is once the bike engine isn’t operating could be a failure of the electrical system. this will cause the bike to stall and not work properly. The Yamaha FJR 1300 electrical system is often the foremost complicated system on a motorbike.

Possible Failure Types :

  • Strange Yamaha FJR 1300 engine noise.
  • Yamaha FJR 1300 fog from engine.
  • Strange Yamaha FJR 1300 engine noise.
  • Yamaha FJR 1300 Vibrations and Rattling
  • Yamaha FJR 1300 Loud Acceleration
  • Yamaha FJR 1300 rusty exhaust
  • Yamaha FJR 1300 blockages in exhaust pipe
  • Yamaha FJR 1300 wear and tear exhaust

Yamaha Logo

Yamaha Motor Company was formed in 1955 as an associate company of Yamaha Corporation, which still holds the majority voting stake in the company. Much of the development of their motorcycles is derived from motorsports, which shows with exceptional supersport models such as the YZF-R1.

Check other Yamaha fault codes.

Common abbreviations and their meanings below:

ABS: Anti-Lock Braking System
ACR: Automatic Compression Release
AFR: Air Fuel Ratio
AIS: Active Intake Solenoid
ATS: Air Temperature Sensor
BAS: Bank Angle Sensor
BCM: Body Control Module
CAN: Controller Area Network
CCM: Cruise Control Module
CKP: Crank Position Sensor
DLC: Datalink Connector
DTC: Diagnostic Trouble Codes
ECM: Electronic Control Module
ECT: Engine Coolant Temperature
ECU: Electronic Control Unit
EFI: Electronic Fuel Injection
EFP: Electronic Fuel Pump
ET: Engine Temperature sensor
FI: Fuel Injectors
FPR: Fuel Pressure Regulator
H-DSSS: Harley-Davidson® Smart Security System
HCU: Hydraulic Control Unit, ABS
HFSM: Hands Free Security Module
HO2S: Heated Oxygen Sensor
IAC: Idle Air Control actuator
IAT: Intake Air Temperature sensor
ICM: Ignition Control Module
IMAP: MAP + IAT in one unit
ISS: Ion Sensing System
JSS: Jiffy Stand Sensor
LHCM: Left Hand Control Module
MAP: Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor
MHR: Right Hand Control Module
RCM: Reverse Control Module
TCA: Throttle Control Actuator
TGS: Twist Grip Sensor
TMAP: Intake Air Temperature / Manifold Absolute Pressure equipment
TPS: Throttle Position Sensor
TSM / TSSM: (Turn Signal / Turn Signal Security Module)
VE: Volume Efficiency
VIN: Vehicle Identification Number
VSS: Vehicle Speed Sensor
WSS: Wheel Speed Sensor

These abbreviations, and the accompanying list of trouble codes, can be a
great start when your Yamaha check engine light comes on. As mentioned
above, if you are not comfortable with electrical diagnostic work, a dealership or qualified
technician can offer assistance. Please keep in mind that even though you have the ability to
clear a DTC using the onboard diagnostic feature, you shouldn’t clear the code prior to your
service appointment. Let the technician view and clear the codes as they troubleshoot the issue.

Yamaha and logo are registered trademarks of Yamaha. We are fan of MOTORCYCLES ! We love them.

Motorcycle electrical systems are very complex to fix it, check with your motorcycle diagnosis tool for the fault code and start motorcycle troubleshooting process.Some bike problems require professional troubleshooting and repair. However, there are many issues that you can easily fix on your own.

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FJR1300T(C) FJR1300AT(C)


EAU10041 Page 1 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM


Congratulations on your purchase of the Yamaha FJR1300T(C)/FJR1300AT(C). This model is the result of Yamahas vast experience in the production of fine sporting, touring, and pacesetting racing machines. It represents the high degree of craftsmanship and reliability that have made Yamaha a leader in these fields. This manual will give you an understanding of the operation, inspection, and basic maintenance of this motorcycle. If you have any questions concerning the operation or maintenance of your motorcycle, please consult a Yamaha dealer. The design and manufacture of this Yamaha motorcycle fully comply with the emissions standards for clean air applicable at the date of manufacture. Yamaha has met these standards without reducing the performance or economy of operation of the motorcycle. To maintain these high standards, it is important that you and your Yamaha dealer pay close attention to the recommended maintenance schedules and operating instructions contained within this manual. Page 1 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM


Particularly important information is distinguished in this manual by the following notations:

NOTE: This manual should be considered a permanent part of this motorcycle and should remain with it even if the motorcycle

is subsequently sold. Yamaha continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. Therefore, while this manual contains the most

current product information available at the time of printing, there may be minor discrepancies between your motorcycle and this manual. If you have any questions concerning this manual, please consult your Yamaha dealer.




Failure to follow WARNING instructions could result in severe injury or death to the motorcycle operator, a bystander or a person inspecting or repairing the motor- cycle.

A CAUTION indicates special precautions that must be taken to avoid damage to the motorcycle.

A NOTE provides key information to make procedures easier or clearer.



NOTE: Page 1 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





2004 by Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. 1st edition, April 2004

All rights reserved. Any reprinting or unauthorized use without the written permission of Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A.

is expressly prohibited. Printed in Japan.

P/N LIT-11626-18-22


LABEL HERE Page 3 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM


Location of important labels ………..1-5

DESCRIPTION …………………………….2-1 Left view ……………………………………2-1 Right view………………………………….2-2 Controls and instruments …………….2-3


Main switch/steering lock …………….3-1 Indicator and warning lights …………3-2 Speedometer …………………………….3-3 Tachometer ………………………………3-3 Multi-function display ………………….3-4 Handlebar switches ……………………3-5 Clutch lever ………………………………3-7 Shift pedal ………………………………..3-7 Brake lever ……………………………….3-8 Brake pedal ………………………………3-8 ABS (for ABS models) ………………..3-8 Fuel tank cap …………………………….3-9 Fuel ……………………………………….3-10 Catalytic converter ……………………3-11 Seats ……………………………………..3-11 Storage compartment ……………….3-12 Accessory box …………………………3-12 Adjusting the front fork ……………..3-13 Adjusting the shock absorber

assembly ……………………………..3-15

Locks for the optional side cases and travel trunk ……………………. 3-16

Sidestand ………………………………. 3-16 Ignition circuit cut-off system ……. 3-17

PRE-OPERATION CHECKS …………. 4-1 Pre-operation check list …………….. 4-2


Starting the engine ……………………. 5-1 Shifting ……………………………………. 5-2 Engine break-in ………………………… 5-3 Parking ……………………………………. 5-4


PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ………. 6-1 Owners tool kit ………………………… 6-1 Periodic maintenance chart for the

emission control system …………. 6-3 General maintenance and

lubrication chart …………………….. 6-4 Removing and installing panels ….. 6-8 Checking the spark plugs ………… 6-10 Canister (for California only) …….. 6-11 Engine oil and oil filter cartridge … 6-11 Final gear oil ………………………….. 6-14 Coolant …………………………………. 6-15 Cleaning the air filter element …… 6-17

Adjusting the throttle cable free play ……………………………………. 6-18

Adjusting the valve clearance …… 6-19 Tires ……………………………………… 6-19 Cast wheels ……………………………. 6-22 Accessories and replacement

parts …………………………………… 6-22 Clutch lever free play ……………….6-23 Adjusting the rear brake light

switch ………………………………….6-23 Checking the front and rear brake

pads …………………………………… 6-23 Checking the brake and clutch

fluid levels …………………………… 6-24 Changing the brake and clutch

fluids …………………………………..6-25 Checking and lubricating the

cables ………………………………… 6-26 Checking and lubricating the

throttle grip and cable …………… 6-26 Checking and lubricating the

brake and shift pedals …………… 6-26 Checking and lubricating the

brake and clutch levers ………….6-27 Checking and lubricating the

centerstand and sidestand ……..6-28 Lubricating the rear suspension … 6-28 Checking the front fork …………….. 6-28 Checking the steering ………………6-29 Checking the wheel bearings …….6-30 Battery …………………………………… 6-30 Page 1 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM

TABLE OF CONTENTS Replacing the fuses ………………….6-31 Replacing a headlight bulb ………..6-33 Replacing a rear turn signal light

bulb or a tail/brake light bulb …..6-34 Troubleshooting ……………………….6-35 Troubleshooting charts ……………..6-36


Care …………………………………………7-1 Storage …………………………………….7-3

SPECIFICATIONS ………………………..8-1

CONSUMER INFORMATION………….9-1 Identification numbers ………………..9-1 Reporting safety defects ……………..9-3 Motorcycle noise regulation …………9-4 Maintenance record ……………………9-5 YAMAHA MOTOR CORPORATION,


YAMAHA EXTENDED SERVICE (Y.E.S.) ………………………………….9-9 Page 2 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM










Safe riding Always make pre-operation

checks. Careful checks may help prevent an accident.

This motorcycle is designed to carry the operator and a passen- ger.

The failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcycles in traf- fic is the predominating cause of automobile/motorcycle accidents. Many accidents have been caused by an automobile driver who did not see the motorcycle. Making yourself conspicuous ap- pears to be very effective in reduc- ing the chance of this type of accident. Therefore: Wear a brightly colored jacket. Use extra caution when ap-

proaching and passing through intersections, since intersec-

tions are the most likely places for motorcycle accidents to oc- cur.

Ride where other motorists can see you. Avoid riding in another motorists blind spot.

Many motorcycle accidents in- volve inexperienced operators. In fact, many operators who have been involved in accidents do not even have a current motorcycle li- cense. Make sure that you are qualified

and that you only lend your motorcycle to other qualified op- erators.

Know your skills and limits. Staying within your limits may help you to avoid an accident.

We recommend that you prac- tice riding your motorcycle where there is no traffic until you have become thoroughly famil- iar with the motorcycle and all of its controls.

Many motorcycle accidents have been caused by error of the motor- cycle operator. A typical error made by the operator is veering Page 1 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




wide on a turn due to EXCESSIVE SPEED or undercornering (insuffi- cient lean angle for the speed). Always obey the speed limit and

never travel faster than warrant- ed by road and traffic conditions.

Always signal before turning or changing lanes. Make sure that other motorists can see you.

The posture of the operator and passenger is important for proper control. The operator should keep both

hands on the handlebar and both feet on the operator foot- rests during operation to main- tain control of the motorcycle.

The passenger should always hold onto the operator, seat strap, or grab bar, if equipped, with both hands and keep both feet on the passenger footrests.

Never carry a passenger unless he or she can firmly place both feet on the passenger footrests.

Never ride under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

This motorcycle is designed for on- road use only, therefore, it is not suitable for off-road use.

Protective apparel The majority of fatalities from motor- cycle accidents are the result of head injuries. The use of a safety helmet is the single most critical factor in the pre- vention or reduction of head injuries.

Always wear an approved helmet. Wear a face shield or goggles.

Wind in your unprotected eyes could contribute to an impairment of vision which could delay seeing a hazard.

The use of a jacket, heavy boots, trousers, gloves, etc., is effective in preventing or reducing abrasions or lacerations.

Never wear loose-fitting clothes, otherwise they could catch on the control levers, footrests, or wheels and cause injury or an accident.

Never touch the engine or exhaust system during or after operation. They become very hot and can

cause burns. Always wear protec- tive clothing that covers your legs, ankles, and feet.

Passengers should also observe the precautions mentioned above.

Modifications Modifications made to this motorcycle not approved by Yamaha, or the re- moval of original equipment, may ren- der the motorcycle unsafe for use and may cause severe personal injury. Modifications may also make your motorcycle illegal to use.

Loading and accessories Adding accessories or cargo to your motorcycle can adversely affect stabili- ty and handling if the weight distribution of the motorcycle is changed. To avoid the possibility of an accident, use ex- treme caution when adding cargo or accessories to your motorcycle. Use extra care when riding a motorcycle that has added cargo or accessories. Here are some general guidelines to follow if loading cargo or adding acces- sories to your motorcycle: Page 2 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




Loading The total weight of the operator, pas- senger, accessories and cargo must not exceed the maximum load limit of FJR1300 200 kg (441 lb) (CAL) FJR1300 201 kg (443 lb) (U49) FJR1300A 193 kg (425 lb) (CAL) FJR1300A 194 kg (428 lb) (U49). When loading within this weight limit, keep the following in mind:

Cargo and accessory weight should be kept as low and close to the motorcycle as possible. Make sure to distribute the weight as evenly as possible on both sides of the motorcycle to minimize imbal- ance or instability.

Shifting weights can create a sud- den imbalance. Make sure that ac- cessories and cargo are securely attached to the motorcycle before riding. Check accessory mounts and cargo restraints frequently.

Never attach any large or heavy items to the handlebar, front fork, or front fender. These items, in- cluding such cargo as sleeping

bags, duffel bags, or tents, can create unstable handling or slow steering response.

Accessories Genuine Yamaha accessories have been specifically designed for use on this motorcycle. Since Yamaha cannot test all other accessories that may be available, you must personally be re- sponsible for the proper selection, in- stallation and use of non-Yamaha accessories. Use extreme caution when selecting and installing any ac- cessories. Keep the following guidelines in mind, as well as those provided under Load- ing when mounting accessories.

Never install accessories or carry cargo that would impair the perfor- mance of your motorcycle. Care- fully inspect the accessory before using it to make sure that it does not in any way reduce ground clearance or cornering clearance,

limit suspension travel, steering travel or control operation, or ob- scure lights or reflectors. Accessories fitted to the handle-

bar or the front fork area can create instability due to improper weight distribution or aerody- namic changes. If accessories are added to the handlebar or front fork area, they must be as lightweight as possible and should be kept to a minimum.

Bulky or large accessories may seriously affect the stability of the motorcycle due to aerody- namic effects. Wind may at- tempt to lift the motorcycle, or the motorcycle may become un- stable in cross winds. These ac- cessories may also cause instability when passing or being passed by large vehicles.

Certain accessories can dis- place the operator from his or her normal riding position. This improper position limits the free- dom of movement of the opera- Page 3 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




tor and may limit control ability, therefore, such accessories are not recommended.

Use caution when adding electri- cal accessories. If electrical acces- sories exceed the capacity of the motorcycles electrical system, an electric failure could result, which could cause a dangerous loss of lights or engine power.

Gasoline and exhaust gas GASOLINE IS HIGHLY FLAMMA-

BLE: Always turn the engine off when

refueling. Take care not to spill any gaso-

line on the engine or exhaust system when refueling.

Never refuel while smoking or in the vicinity of an open flame.

Never start the engine or let it run for any length of time in a closed area. The exhaust fumes are poi- sonous and may cause loss of consciousness and death within a short time. Always operate your motorcycle in an area that has ad- equate ventilation.

Always turn the engine off before leaving the motorcycle unattended and remove the key from the main switch. When parking the motor- cycle, note the following: The engine and exhaust system

may be hot, therefore, park the motorcycle in a place where pe- destrians or children are not like- ly to touch these hot areas.

Do not park the motorcycle on a slope or soft ground, otherwise it may fall over.

Do not park the motorcycle near a flammable source (e.g. a kero- sene heater, or near an open flame), otherwise it could catch fire.

When transporting the motorcycle in another vehicle, make sure that it is kept upright and that the fuel cock is turned to ON or RES (for vacuum type) / OFF (for manual type). If it should lean over, gaso- line may leak out of the carburetor or fuel tank.

If you should swallow any gaso- line, inhale a lot of gasoline vapor, or allow gasoline to get into your

eyes, see your doctor immediately. If any gasoline spills on your skin or clothing, immediately wash the affected area with soap and water and change your clothes. Page 4 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Location of important labels Please read the following important labels carefully before operating this vehicle. Page 5 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





2 California only 4


3 Kg (7 lbs) 3TB-24877-A0

LOAD LIMIT Page 6 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM









CAUTION Cleaning with alkaline or acid cleaner, gasoline or solvent will damage windshield. Use neutral detergent.

5JW-00 Page 7 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Left view

1. Fuse box (page 6-31) 2. Accessory box (page 3-12) 3. Front fork spring preload adjusting bolt (page 3-13) 4. Front fork rebound damping force adjusting knob (page 3-13) 5. Engine oil filler cap (page 6-11) 6. Owners tool kit (page 6-1) 7. Rider seat (page 3-11) 8. Passenger seat (page 3-11) 9. Carrier 10.Final gear oil filler bolt (page 6-14) 11.Final gear oil drain bolt (page 6-14)

12.Shock absorber assembly rebound damping force adjusting knob (page 3-15)

13.Shock absorber assembly spring preload adjusting lever (page 3-15) 14.Air filter element (page 6-17) 15.Shift pedal (page 3-7) 16.Engine oil filter cartridge (page 6-11) 17.Engine oil level check window (page 6-11) Page 1 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Right view

1. Passenger footrest 2. Coolant reservoir (page 6-15) 3. Battery (page 6-30) 4. Windshield 5. Main fuse and electronic fuel injection fuse (page 6-31) 6. Front fork compression damping force adjusting screw (page 3-13) 7. Brake pedal (page 3-8) 8. Rider footrest Page 2 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Controls and instruments

1. Clutch lever (page 3-7) 2. Left handlebar switch (page 3-5) 3. Tachometer (page 3-3) 4. Speedometer (page 3-3) 5. Multi-function display (page 3-4) 6. Right handlebar switches (page 3-5) 7. Brake lever (page 3-8) 8. Throttle grip (page 6-18) 9. Main switch/steering lock (page 3-1) 10.Hazard switch (page 3-6) Page 3 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Main switch/steering lock

The main switch/steering lock controls the ignition and lighting systems, and is used to lock the steering. The various positions are described below.


ON All electrical circuits are supplied with power, and the meter lighting, taillight and position lights come on, and the engine can be started. The key cannot be removed.

NOTE: The headlights come on automatically when the engine is started and stay on until the key is turned to OFF, even if the engine stalls.


OFF All electrical systems are off. The key can be removed.


LOCK The steering is locked, and all electrical systems are off. The key can be re- moved.

To lock the steering

1. Turn the handlebars all the way to the left or right.

2. Push the key in from the OFF po- sition, and then turn it to LOCK while still pushing it.

3. Remove the key.

To unlock the steering

Push the key into the main switch, and then turn it to OFF while still pushing it.


Never turn the key to OFF or LOCK while the vehicle is moving, otherwise the electrical systems will be switched off, which may result in loss of control or an accident. Make sure that the vehicle is stopped be- fore turning the key to OFF or LOCK.

1. Push. 2. Turn.

1. Push. 2. Turn. Page 1 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Indicator and warning lights


Turn signal indicator lights and The corresponding indicator light flash- es when the turn signal switch is pushed to the left or right.


Neutral indicator light This indicator light comes on when the transmission is in the neutral position.


High beam indicator light This indicator light comes on when the high beam of the headlight is switched on.


Oil level warning light This warning light comes on when the engine oil level is low. The electrical circuit of the warning light can be checked by turning the key to ON. If the warning light does not come on for a few seconds, then go off, have a Yamaha dealer check the electrical cir- cuit.

NOTE: Even if the oil level is sufficient, the warning light may flicker when riding on a slope or during sudden acceleration or deceleration, but this is not a mal- function.


Engine trouble warning light This warning light comes on or flashes when an electrical circuit monitoring the engine is defective. When this occurs, have a Yamaha dealer check the self- diagnosis system. (See page 3-4 for an explanation of the self-diagnosis de- vice.) The electrical circuit of the warning light can be checked by turning the key to ON. If the warning light does not come on for a few seconds, then go off, have a Yamaha dealer check the electrical circuit.


ABS warning light (for ABS models) If this warning light comes on or flashes while riding, the ABS may be defective. If this occurs, have a Yamaha dealer check the system as soon as possible. (See page 3-8.)


If the ABS warning light comes on or flashes while riding, the brake sys- tem reverts to conventional braking. Therefore, be careful not to cause

1. Left turn signal indicator light 2. Right turn signal indicator light 3. Neutral indicator light 4. High beam indicator light 5. Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) warning light

(for ABS models) 6. Oil level warning light 7. Engine trouble warning light


ABS Page 2 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




the wheels to lock during emergen- cy braking. If the warning light comes on or flashes while riding, have a Yamaha dealer check the brake system as soon as possible.

The electrical circuit of the warning light can be checked by turning the key to ON. If the warning light does not come on or remains on, have a Yamaha dealer check the electrical circuit.



The speedometer shows the riding speed. When the key is turned to ON, the speedometer needle will sweep once across the speed range and then return to zero in order to test the electrical cir- cuit.



The electric tachometer allows the rider to monitor the engine speed and keep it within the ideal power range. When the key is turned to ON, the ta- chometer needle will sweep once across the r/min range and then return to zero r/min in order to test the electri- cal circuit.


Do not operate the engine in the ta- chometer red zone. Red zone: 9000 r/min and above

1. Tachometer 2. Speedometer 3. Multi-function display

1. Tachometer 2. Tachometer red zone Page 3 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Multi-function display

The multi-function display is equipped with the following:

a fuel gauge a coolant temperature gauge an odometer (which shows the to-

tal distance traveled) two tripmeters (which show the

distance traveled since they were last set to zero)

a fuel reserve tripmeter (which shows the distance traveled on the fuel reserve)

a self-diagnosis device a clock

NOTE: Be sure to turn the key to ON be-

fore using the SELECT and RE- SET buttons.

To switch the speedometer display between kilometers and miles, press the SELECT button for at least two seconds.

Odometer and tripmeter modes Pushing the SELECT button switches the display between the odometer mode ODO and the tripmeter modes TRIP in the following order: ODO TRIP (top) TRIP (bottom) ODO When approximately 5.0 L (1.32 US gal) (1.10 of fuel remains in the fuel tank, the display will automatically change to the fuel reserve tripmeter mode TRIP F and start counting the distance traveled from that point. In that case, pushing the SELECT button switches the display between the vari- ous tripmeter and odometer modes in the following order: TRIP F TRIP (top) TRIP (bottom) ODO TRIP F

To reset a tripmeter, select it by push- ing the SELECT button, and then push the RESET button for at least one second. If you do not reset the fuel reserve tripmeter manually, it will reset itself automatically and the display will return to the prior mode after refueling and traveling 5 km (3 mi).

Self-diagnosis device This model is equipped with a self-diag- nosis device for various electrical cir- cuits. If any of those circuits are defective, the clock will indicate a two-digit error code (e.g., 11, 12, 13). If the clock indicates such an error code, note the code number, and then have a Yamaha dealer check the vehi- cle.


If the clock indicates an error code, the vehicle should be checked as soon as possible in order to avoid engine damage.

1. Multi-function display 2. SELECT button 3. RESET button Page 4 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




Clock mode To set the clock:

1. Push the SELECT button and RESET button together for at least two seconds.

2. When the hour digits start flashing, push the RESET button to set the hours.

3. Push the SELECT button, and the minute digits will start flashing.

4. Push the RESET button to set the minutes.

5. Push the SELECT button and then release it to start the clock.


Handlebar switches




Dimmer switch / Set this switch to for the high beam and to for the low beam.


Turn signal switch / To signal a right-hand turn, push this switch to . To signal a left-hand turn, push this switch to . When re- leased, the switch returns to the center position. To cancel the turn signal lights, push the switch in after it has re- turned to the center position.


Windshield position adjusting switch To move the windshield up, push this switch in direction (a). To move the windshield down, push the switch in di- rection (b).

1. Windshield position adjusting switch 2. Dimmer switch / 3. Turn signal switch / 4. Horn switch

1. Engine stop switch / 2. Start switch Page 5 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




NOTE: When the engine is turned off, the wind- shield will automatically return to the lowest position.


Horn switch Press this switch to sound the horn.


Engine stop switch / Set this switch to before starting the engine. Set this switch to to stop the engine in case of an emergen- cy, such as when the vehicle overturns or when the throttle cable is stuck.


Start switch Push this switch to crank the engine with the starter.


See page 5-1 for starting instruc- tions prior to starting the engine.


Hazard switch

With the key in the ON position, turn this switch to to turn on the hazard lights (simultaneous flashing of all turn signal lights).

The hazard lights are used in case of an emergency or to warn other drivers when your vehicle is stopped where it might be a traffic hazard.


Do not use the hazard light for an ex- tended length of time, otherwise the battery may discharge.

1. Windshield position adjusting switch

1. Hazard switch Page 6 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Clutch lever

The clutch lever is located at the left handlebar grip. To disengage the clutch, pull the lever toward the handle- bar grip. To engage the clutch, release the lever. The lever should be pulled rapidly and released slowly for smooth clutch operation. The clutch lever is equipped with a clutch lever position adjusting dial. To adjust the distance between the clutch lever and the handlebar grip, turn the adjusting dial while holding the lever pushed away from the handlebar grip.

Make sure that the appropriate setting on the adjusting dial is aligned with the arrow mark on the clutch lever. The clutch lever is equipped with a clutch switch, which is part of the igni- tion circuit cut-off system. (See page 3-17.)


Shift pedal

The shift pedal is located on the left side of the engine and is used in com- bination with the clutch lever when shifting the gears of the 5-speed con- stant-mesh transmission equipped on this motorcycle.

1. Clutch lever 2. Arrow mark 3. Clutch lever position adjusting dial 4. Distance between clutch lever and handlebar


1. Shift pedal Page 7 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Brake lever The brake lever is located at the right handlebar grip. To apply the front brake, pull the lever toward the handle- bar grip.

The brake lever is equipped with a po- sition adjusting dial. To adjust the dis- tance between the brake lever and the handlebar grip, turn the adjusting dial while holding the lever pushed away from the handlebar grip. Make sure that the appropriate setting on the adjusting dial is aligned with the arrow mark on the brake lever.


Brake pedal

The brake pedal is on the right side of the motorcycle. To apply the rear brake, press down on the brake pedal.


ABS (for ABS models) The Yamaha ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) features a dual electronic con- trol system, which acts on the front and rear brakes independently. The ABS is monitored by an ECU (Electronic Con- trol Unit), which will have recourse to manual braking if a malfunction occurs.


The ABS performs best on long braking distances.

On certain (rough or gravel) roads, the braking distance may be longer with than without the ABS. Therefore, always keep a sufficient distance to the vehicle ahead to match the riding speed.

NOTE: When the ABS is activated, the

brakes are operated in the usual way. A pulsating action may be felt at the brake lever or brake pedal, but this does not indicate a mal- function.

1. Brake lever 2. Arrow mark 3. Brake lever position adjusting dial 4. Distance between brake lever and handlebar


1. Brake pedal Page 8 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




This ABS has a test mode which allows the owner to experience the pulsating at the brake lever or brake pedal when the ABS is oper- ating. However, special tools are required, so please consult your Yamaha dealer when performing this test.


Fuel tank cap

To open the fuel tank cap Open the fuel tank cap lock cover, in- sert the key into the lock, and then turn it 1/4 turn clockwise. The lock will be re- leased and the fuel tank cap can be opened.

To close the fuel tank cap 1. Push the fuel tank cap into position

with the key inserted in the lock. 2. Turn the key counterclockwise to

the original position, remove it, and then close the lock cover.

NOTE: The fuel tank cap cannot be closed un- less the key is in the lock. In addition, the key cannot be removed if the cap is not properly closed and locked.


Make sure that the fuel tank cap is properly closed before riding.

1. Fuel tank cap lock cover 2. Unlock. Page 9 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM






Make sure that there is sufficient fuel in the tank. Fill the fuel tank to the bottom of the filler tube as shown.


Do not overfill the fuel tank, oth- erwise it may overflow when the fuel warms up and expands.

Avoid spilling fuel on the hot en- gine.


Immediately wipe off spilled fuel with a clean, dry, soft cloth, since fuel may deteriorate painted surfac- es or plastic parts.



Use only unleaded gasoline. The use of leaded gasoline will cause severe damage to internal engine parts, such as the valves and piston rings, as well as to the exhaust system.

Your Yamaha engine has been de- signed to use regular unleaded gaso- line with a pump octane number [(R+M)/2] of 86 or higher, or a research octane number of 91 or higher. If

knocking (or pinging) occurs, use a gasoline of a different brand or premi- um unleaded fuel. Use of unleaded fuel will extend spark plug life and reduce maintenance costs. Gasohol There are two types of gasohol: gaso- hol containing ethanol and that contain- ing methanol. Gasohol containing ethanol can be used if the ethanol con- tent does not exceed 10%. Gasohol containing methanol is not recom- mended by Yamaha because it can cause damage to the fuel system or ve- hicle performance problems.

1. Fuel tank filler tube 2. Fuel level


Fuel tank capacity: 25.0 L (6.61 US gal) (5.50

Fuel reserve amount (when the fuel level warning light comes on):

5.0 L (1.32 US gal) (1.10 Page 10 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Catalytic converter This model is equipped with a catalytic converter in the exhaust chamber.


The exhaust system is hot after op- eration. Make sure that the exhaust system has cooled down before do- ing any maintenance work.


The following precautions must be observed to prevent a fire hazard or other damages.

Use only unleaded gasoline. The use of leaded gasoline will cause unrepairable damage to the catalytic converter.

Never park the vehicle near pos- sible fire hazards such as grass or other materials that easily burn.

Do not allow the engine to idle too long.



Rider seat

To remove the rider seat 1. Insert the key into the seat lock,

and then turn it as shown.

2. Pull the rider seat off.

To install the rider seat 1. Insert the projection on the front of

the rider seat into the seat holder as shown, and then push the rear of the seat down to lock it in place.

2. Remove the key.

Passenger seat

To remove the passenger seat 1. Remove the rider seat. 2. Pull the passenger seat up.

To install the passenger seat 1. Slide the receptacle on the rear of

the passenger seat over the seat holder as shown, and then push the front of the seat down.

1. Rider seat lock 2. Unlock.

1. Projection 2. Seat holder Page 11 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




2. Install the rider seat.

NOTE: Make sure that the seats are properly secured before riding.


Storage compartment

The storage compartment is located under the passenger seat. (See page 3-11.)


Do not exceed the load limit of 3 kg (7 lb) for the storage com- partment.

Do not exceed the maximum load of FJR1300 200 kg (441 lb) (CAL) FJR1300 201 kg (443 lb) (U49) FJR1300A 193 kg (425 lb) (CAL) FJR1300A 194 kg (428 lb) (U49) for the vehicle.


Accessory box

The accessory box is located beside the meter panel.

NOTE: The accessory box can only be opened when the key is turned to ON and the transmission is in neutral.


Do not place heat-sensitive items in the accessory box. The accessory box gets extremely hot especially when the engine is running or is hot.

1. Receptacle 2. Seat holder

1. Storage compartment 1. Accessory box Page 12 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Do not exceed the load limit of 0.3 kg (0.66 lb) for the accessory box.

Do not exceed the maximum load of FJR1300 200 kg (441 lb) (CAL) FJR1300 201 kg (443 lb) (U49) FJR1300A 193 kg (425 lb) (CAL) FJR1300A 194 kg (428 lb) (U49) for the vehicle.


Adjusting the front fork This front fork is equipped with spring preload adjusting bolts, rebound damp- ing force adjusting knobs and compres- sion damping force adjusting screws.


Always adjust both fork legs equal- ly, otherwise poor handling and loss of stability may result.

Spring preload

To increase the spring preload and thereby harden the suspension, turn the adjusting bolt on each fork leg in di- rection (a). To decrease the spring pre-

load and thereby soften the suspension, turn the adjusting bolt on each fork leg in direction (b).

NOTE: Align the appropriate groove on the ad- justing mechanism with the top of the front fork cap bolt.

1. Spring preload adjusting bolt

1. Current setting 2. Front fork cap bolt

Spring preload setting: Minimum (soft):

6 Standard:

4 Maximum (hard):

1 Page 13 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




Rebound damping force

To increase the rebound damping force and thereby harden the rebound damp- ing, turn the adjusting knob on each fork leg in direction (a). To decrease the rebound damping force and thereby soften the rebound damping, turn the adjusting knob on each fork leg in direc- tion (b).

Compression damping force

To increase the compression damping force and thereby harden the compres- sion damping, turn the adjusting screw on each fork leg in direction (a). To de- crease the compression damping force and thereby soften the compression damping, turn the adjusting screw on each fork leg in direction (b).


Never attempt to turn an adjusting mechanism beyond the maximum or minimum settings.

NOTE: Although the total number of clicks of a damping force adjusting mechanism may not exactly match the above spec- ifications due to small differences in production, the actual number of clicks always represents the entire adjusting range. To obtain a precise adjustment, it would be advisable to check the num- ber of clicks of each damping force ad- justing mechanism and to modify the specifications as necessary.

1. Rebound damping force adjusting knob

Rebound damping setting: Minimum (soft):

17 click(s) in direction (b)* Standard:

12 click(s) in direction (b)* Maximum (hard):

1 click(s) in direction (b)* * With the adjusting knob fully turned

in direction (a)

1. Compression damping force adjusting screw

Compression damping setting: Minimum (soft):

21 click(s) in direction (b)* Standard:

12 click(s) in direction (b)* Maximum (hard):

1 click(s) in direction (b)* * With the adjusting screw fully turned

in direction (a) Page 14 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Adjusting the shock absorber assembly This shock absorber assembly is equipped with a spring preload adjust- ing lever and a rebound damping force adjusting knob.


Never attempt to turn an adjusting mechanism beyond the maximum or minimum settings.

Spring preload

For riding solo, move the spring preload adjusting lever in direction (b). For riding with a passenger, move the spring preload adjusting lever in direc- tion (a).

Rebound damping force

To increase the rebound damping force and thereby harden the rebound damp- ing, turn the adjusting knob in direction (a). To decrease the rebound damping force and thereby soften the rebound damping, turn the adjusting knob in di- rection (b).


This shock absorber contains highly pressurized nitrogen gas. For prop- er handling, read and understand the following information before handling the shock absorber. The manufacturer cannot be held re- sponsible for property damage or personal injury that may result from improper handling.

Do not tamper with or attempt to open the gas cylinder.

Do not subject the shock ab- sorber to an open flame or other high heat sources, otherwise it may explode due to excessive gas pressure.

1. Spring preload adjusting lever

1. Rebound damping force adjusting knob

Rebound damping setting: Minimum (soft):

20 click(s) in direction (b)* Standard:

10 click(s) in direction (b)* Maximum (hard):

3 click(s) in direction (b)* * With the adjusting knob fully turned

in direction (a) Page 15 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




Do not deform or damage the gas cylinder in any way, as this will result in poor damping per- formance.

Always have a Yamaha dealer service the shock absorber.


Locks for the optional side cases and travel trunk

There are three locks in a plastic bag located beside the owners tool kit. When used to replace the locks of the optional side cases and travel trunk, which can be obtained at a Yamaha dealer, these locks can be operated with the ignition key. Keep these locks in a safe place to prevent losing them.


Sidestand The sidestand is located on the left side of the frame. Raise the sidestand or lower it with your foot while holding the vehicle upright.

NOTE: The built-in sidestand switch is part of the ignition circuit cut-off system, which cuts the ignition in certain situations. (See further down for an explanation of the ignition circuit cut-off system.)


The vehicle must not be ridden with the sidestand down, or if the side- stand cannot be properly moved up (or does not stay up), otherwise the sidestand could contact the ground and distract the operator, resulting in a possible loss of control. Yamahas ignition circuit cut-off system has been designed to assist the operator in fulfilling the respon- sibility of raising the sidestand be- fore starting off. Therefore, check this system regularly as described

1. Plastic bag containing locks Page 16 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




below and have a Yamaha dealer re- pair it if it does not function proper- ly.


Ignition circuit cut-off system The ignition circuit cut-off system (com- prising the sidestand switch, clutch switch and neutral switch) has the fol- lowing functions.

It prevents starting when the trans- mission is in gear and the side- stand is up, but the clutch lever is not pulled.

It prevents starting when the trans- mission is in gear and the clutch le- ver is pulled, but the sidestand is still down.

It cuts the running engine when the transmission is in gear and the sid- estand is moved down.

Periodically check the operation of the ignition circuit cut-off system according to the following procedure.


The vehicle must be placed on the centerstand during this in- spection.

If a malfunction is noted, have a Yamaha dealer check the sys- tem before riding. Page 17 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




With the engine turned off: 1. Move the sidestand down. 2. Make sure that the engine stop switch is turned on. 3. Turn the key on. 4. Shift the transmission into the neutral position. 5. Push the start switch. Does the engine start?

With the engine still running: 6. Move the sidestand up. 7. Keep the clutch lever pulled. 8. Shift the transmission into gear. 9. Move the sidestand down. Does the engine stall?

After the engine has stalled: 10. Move the sidestand up. 11. Keep the clutch lever pulled. 12. Push the start switch. Does the engine start?

The system is OK. The motorcycle can be ridden.

This check is most reliable if performed with a warmed-up engine.

The neutral switch may be defective. The motorcycle should not be ridden until checked by a Yamaha dealer.

The sidestand switch may be defective. The motorcycle should not be ridden until checked by a Yamaha dealer.

The clutch switch may be defective. The motorcycle should not be ridden until checked by a Yamaha dealer.




NOTE: Page 18 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





The condition of a vehicle is the owners responsibility. Vital components can start to deteriorate quickly and unexpectedly, even if the vehicle remains unused (for example, as a result of exposure to the elements). Any damage, fluid leakage or loss of tire air pressure could have serious consequences. Therefore, it is very important, in addition to a thorough visual inspec- tion, to check the following points before each ride.

NOTE: Pre-operation checks should be made each time the vehicle is used. Such an inspection can be accomplished in a very short time; and the added safety it assures is more than worth the time involved.


If any item in the Pre-operation check list is not working properly, have it inspected and repaired before operating the vehicle. Page 1 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Pre-operation check list ITEM CHECKS PAGE

Fuel Check fuel level in fuel tank. Refuel if necessary. Check fuel line for leakage.


Engine oil Check oil level in engine. If necessary, add recommended oil to specified level. Check vehicle for oil leakage.


Final gear oil Check vehicle for oil leakage. 6-14

Coolant Check coolant level in reservoir. If necessary, add recommended coolant to specified level. Check cooling system for leakage.


Front brake

Check operation. If soft or spongy, have Yamaha dealer bleed hydraulic system. Check brake pads for wear. Replace if necessary. Check fluid level in reservoir. If necessary, add recommended brake fluid to specified level. Check hydraulic system for leakage.

6-23, 6-24

Rear brake

Check operation. If soft or spongy, have Yamaha dealer bleed hydraulic system. Check brake pads for wear. Replace if necessary. Check fluid level in reservoir. If necessary, add recommended brake fluid to specified level. Check hydraulic system for leakage.

6-23, 6-24


Check operation. If soft or spongy, have Yamaha dealer bleed hydraulic system. Check fluid level in reservoir. If necessary, add recommended fluid to specified level. Check hydraulic system for leakage.

6-23, 6-24 Page 2 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




Throttle grip

Make sure that operation is smooth. Check cable free play. If necessary, have Yamaha dealer adjust cable free play and lubricate cable and

grip housing.

6-18, 6-26

Control cables Make sure that operation is smooth. Lubricate if necessary. 6-26

Wheels and tires

Check for damage. Check tire condition and tread depth. Check air pressure. Correct if necessary.

6-19, 6-22

Brake and shift pedals Make sure that operation is smooth. Lubricate pedal pivoting points if necessary. 6-26

Brake and clutch levers Make sure that operation is smooth. Lubricate lever pivoting points if necessary. 6-27

Centerstand, sidestand Make sure that operation is smooth. Lubricate pivots if necessary. 6-28

Chassis fasteners Make sure that all nuts, bolts and screws are properly tightened. Tighten if necessary.

Instruments, lights, signals and switches

Check operation. Correct if necessary.

Sidestand switch Check operation of ignition circuit cut-off system. If system is defective, have Yamaha dealer check vehicle. 3-16

ITEM CHECKS PAGE Page 3 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM






Become thoroughly familiar with all operating controls and their functions before riding. Consult a Yamaha dealer re- garding any control or function that you do not thoroughly un- derstand.

Never start the engine or oper- ate it in a closed area for any length of time. Exhaust fumes are poisonous, and inhaling them can cause loss of con- sciousness and death within a short time. Always make sure that there is adequate ventila- tion.

Before starting out, make sure that the sidestand is up. If the sidestand is not raised com- pletely, it could contact the ground and distract the opera- tor, resulting in a possible loss of control.


Starting the engine In order for the ignition circuit cut-off system to enable starting, one of the following conditions must be met:

The transmission is in the neutral position.

The transmission is in gear with the clutch lever pulled and the sid- estand up.


Before starting the engine, check the function of the igni- tion circuit cut-off system ac- cording to the procedure described on page 3-17.

Never ride with the sidestand down.

1. Turn the key to ON and make sure that the engine stop switch is set to .


The oil level warning light, engine trouble warning light and ABS warn- ing light (for ABS models) should come on for a few seconds, then go

off. If a warning light does not go off, see page 3-2 for the corresponding warning light circuit check.

2. Shift the transmission into the neu- tral position.

NOTE: When the transmission is in the neutral position, the neutral indicator light should be on, otherwise have a Yamaha dealer check the electrical cir- cuit.

3. Start the engine by pushing the start switch.

NOTE: If the engine fails to start, release the start switch, wait a few seconds, and then try again. Each starting attempt should be as short as possible to pre- serve the battery. Do not crank the en- gine more than 10 seconds on any one attempt. Page 1 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





For maximum engine life, always warm the engine up before starting off. Never accelerate hard when the engine is cold!

NOTE: The engine is warm when it quickly re- sponds to the throttle.



Shifting gears lets you control the amount of engine power available for starting off, accelerating, climbing hills, etc. The gear positions are shown in the il- lustration.

NOTE: To shift the transmission into the neu- tral position, press the shift pedal down repeatedly until it reaches the end of its travel, and then slightly raise it.


Even with the transmission in the neutral position, do not coast for long periods of time with the engine off, and do not tow the motorcycle for long dis- tances. The transmission is properly lubricated only when the engine is running. Inade- quate lubrication may damage the transmission.

Always use the clutch while changing gears to avoid damag- ing the engine, transmission, and drive train, which are not designed to withstand the shock of forced shifting.


To start out and accelerate 1. Pull the clutch lever to disengage

the clutch. 2. Shift the transmission into first

gear. The neutral indicator light should go out.

3. Open the throttle gradually, and at the same time, release the clutch lever slowly.

1. Shift pedal 2. Neutral position Page 2 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




4. At the recommended shift points shown in the following table, close the throttle, and at the same time, quickly pull the clutch lever in.

5. Shift the transmission into second gear. (Make sure not to shift the transmission into the neutral posi- tion.)

6. Open the throttle part way and gradually release the clutch lever.

7. Follow the same procedure when shifting to the next higher gear.

NOTE: Always shift gears at the recommended shift points.


To decelerate 1. Apply both the front and the rear

brakes to slow the motorcycle. 2. Shift the transmission into first

gear when the motorcycle reaches 25 km/h (15.5 mi/h). If the engine is about to stall or runs very roughly, pull the clutch lever in and use the brakes to stop the motorcycle.

3. Shift the transmission into the neu- tral position when the motorcycle is almost completely stopped. The neutral indicator light should come on.


Recommended shift points The recommended shift points during acceleration and deceleration are shown in the table below.


Engine break-in There is never a more important period in the life of your engine than the period between 0 and 1600 km (1000 mi). For this reason, you should read the follow- ing material carefully. Since the engine is brand new, do not put an excessive load on it for the first 1600 km (1000 mi). The various parts in the engine wear and polish themselves to the correct operating clearances. During this period, prolonged full-throt- tle operation or any condition that might result in engine overheating must be avoided.


01000 km (0600 mi) Avoid prolonged operation above 5000 r/min. 10001600 km (6001000 mi) Avoid prolonged operation above 6000 r/min.

Shift up points: 1st 2nd: 20 km/h (12.5 mi/h) 2nd 3rd: 30 km/h (19 mi/h) 3rd 4th: 40 km/h (25 mi/h) 4th 5th: 50 km/h (31 mi/h)

Shift down points: 5th 4th: 25 km/h (15.5 mi/h) 4th 3rd: 25 km/h (15.5 mi/h) 3rd 2nd: 25 km/h (15.5 mi/h) 2nd 1st: 25 km/h (15.5 mi/h) Page 3 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





After 1000 km (600 mi) of operation, the engine oil and final gear oil must be changed, and the oil filter car- tridge or element replaced.

1600 km (1000 mi) and beyond The vehicle can now be operated nor- mally.


Keep the engine speed out of the tachometer red zone.

If any engine trouble should oc- cur during the engine break-in period, immediately have a Yamaha dealer check the vehi- cle.


Parking When parking, stop the engine, and then remove the key from the main switch.


Since the engine and exhaust system can become very hot, park in a place where pedestri- ans or children are not likely to touch them.

Do not park on a slope or on soft ground, otherwise the vehicle may overturn.


Never park in an area where there are fire hazards such as grass or other flammable materials. Page 4 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Safety is an obligation of the owner. Pe- riodic inspection, adjustment and lubri- cation will keep your vehicle in the safest and most efficient condition pos- sible. The most important points of motorcycle inspection, adjustment, and lubrication are explained on the follow- ing pages. Maintenance, replacement, or repair of the emission control devices and systems may be performed by any repair establishment or individual that is certified (if applicable).


If you are not familiar with mainte- nance work, have a Yamaha dealer do it for you.




Owners tool kit

The owners tool kit is located under the rider seat. (See page 3-11.) The service information included in this manual and the tools provided in the owners tool kit are intended to assist you in the performance of preventive maintenance and minor repairs. How- ever, additional tools such as a torque wrench may be necessary to perform certain maintenance work correctly.

NOTE: If you do not have the tools or experi- ence required for a particular job, have a Yamaha dealer perform it for you.

1. Owners tool kit Page 1 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Modifications not approved by Yamaha may cause loss of perfor- mance, excessive emissions, and render the vehicle unsafe for use. Consult a Yamaha dealer before at- tempting any changes. Page 2 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Periodic maintenance chart for the emission control system

* Since these items require special tools, data and technical skills, have a Yamaha dealer perform the service.



600 mi (1000 km)

or 1 month

4000 mi (7000 km)

or 6 months

8000 mi (13000 km)

or 12 months

12000 mi (19000 km)

or 18 months

16000 mi (25000 km)

or 24 months

20000 mi (31000 km)

or 30 months

1 * Fuel line Check fuel hoses for cracks or

damage. Replace if necessary.

2 * Spark plugs

Check condition. Adjust gap and clean. Replace every 8000 mi (13000

km) or 12 months.

Replace. Replace.

3 * Valve clearance Check and adjust valve clearance when engine is cold. Every 26600 mi (42000 km)

4 * Crankcase breather system

Check breather hose for cracks or damage.

Replace if necessary.

5 * Electronic fuel in- jection

Check and adjust engine idle speed and synchronization.

6 * Exhaust system Check for leakage. Tighten if necessary. Replace gasket(s) if necessary.

7 * Evaporative emis- sion control system (For California only)

Check control system for dam- age.

Replace if necessary.

8 * Air induction sys- tem

Check the air cut-off valve, reed valve, and hose for damage.

Replace any damaged parts. Page 3 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





General maintenance and lubrication chart



600 mi (1000 km)

or 1 month

4000 mi (7000 km)

or 6 months

8000 mi (13000 km)

or 12 months

12000 mi (19000 km)

or 18 months

16000 mi (25000 km)

or 24 months

20000 mi (31000 km)

or 30 months

1 * Air filter element Clean with compressed air. Replace if necessary.

2 * Clutch Check operation and fluid leak-

age. Correct if necessary.

3 * Front brake Check operation, fluid level, and

for fluid leakage. Replace brake pads if necessary.

4 * Rear brake Check operation, fluid level, and

for fluid leakage. Replace brake pads if necessary.

5 * Brake hoses Check for cracks or damage.

Replace. Every 4 years

6 * Wheels Check runout and for damage. Replace if necessary.

7 * Tires

Check tread depth and for dam- age.

Replace if necessary. Check air pressure. Correct if necessary.

8 * Wheel bearings Check bearings for smooth oper-

ation. Replace if necessary. Page 4 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




9 * Swingarm pivot bearings

Check bearing assemblies for looseness.

Moderately repack with lithium- soap-based grease.


10 * Steering bearings

Check bearing assemblies for looseness.

Moderately repack with lithium- soap-based grease every 16000 mi (25000 km) or 24 months.


11 * Chassis fasteners Check all chassis fitting and fas-

teners. Correct if necessary.

12 Brake and clutch le- ver pivot shafts

Apply lithium-soap-based grease (all-purpose grease) lightly.

13 Brake and shift ped- al pivot shafts

Apply lithium-soap-based grease (all-purpose grease) lightly.

14 * Centerstand and sidestand pivots

Check operation. Apply lithium-soap-based grease

(all-purpose grease) lightly.

15 * Sidestand switch Check operation and replace if necessary.

16 * Front fork Check operation and for oil leak-

age. Replace if necessary.

17 * Shock absorber as- sembly

Check operation and for oil leak- age.

Replace if necessary.



600 mi (1000 km)

or 1 month

4000 mi (7000 km)

or 6 months

8000 mi (13000 km)

or 12 months

12000 mi (19000 km)

or 18 months

16000 mi (25000 km)

or 24 months

20000 mi (31000 km)

or 30 months Page 5 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




* Since these items require special tools, data and technical skills, have a Yamaha dealer perform the service.

18 * Rear suspension link pivots

Apply lithium-soap-based grease lightly.

19 Engine oil Change (warm engine before draining).

20 * Engine oil filter car- tridge Replace.

21 * Cooling system

Check hoses for cracks or dam- age.

Replace if necessary.

Change with ethylene glycol anti- freeze coolant every 24 months. Change.

22 * Final gear oil

Check oil level and for leakage. Change at initial 600 mi (1000

km) or 1 month, and thereafter every 16000 mi (25000 km) or 24 months.

Change. Change.

23 * Control cables Apply Yamaha chain and cable

lube or engine oil SAE 10W-30 thoroughly.

24 * Throttle grip hous- ing and cable

Check operation and free play. Adjust the throttle cable free play

if necessary. Lubricate the throttle grip housing

and cable.



600 mi (1000 km)

or 1 month

4000 mi (7000 km)

or 6 months

8000 mi (13000 km)

or 12 months

12000 mi (19000 km)

or 18 months

16000 mi (25000 km)

or 24 months

20000 mi (31000 km)

or 30 months Page 6 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




NOTE: From 24000 mi (37000 km) or 36 months, repeat the maintenance intervals starting from 8000 mi (13000 km) or 12 months.


NOTE: The air filter needs more frequent service if you are riding in unusually wet or dusty areas. Hydraulic brake and clutch systems

After disassembling the brake or clutch master cylinders, caliper cylinders or clutch release cylinder, always change the fluid. Regularly check the brake and clutch fluid levels and fill the reservoirs as required.

Replace the oil seals on the inner parts of the brake or clutch master cylinders, caliper cylinders and clutch release cylinder every two years.

Replace the brake and clutch hoses every four years or if cracked or damaged. Page 7 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Removing and installing panels The panels shown need to be removed to perform some of the maintenance jobs described in this chapter. Refer to this section each time a panel needs to be removed and installed.


Panel A

To remove the panel Remove the bolts and the quick fasten- er screws, and then take the panel off.

To install the panel Place the panel in the original position, and then install the bolts and the quick fastener screws.


Panels B and C

To remove one of the panels 1. Remove panel A (if removing pan-

el B) or panel D (if removing panel C).

2. Remove the quick fastener by pushing the center pin.

3. Remove the bolts, and then take the panel off.

1. Panel A 2. Panel B 3. Panel C 4. Panel D

1. Panel E

1. Panel F

1. Bolt 2. Quick fastener screw Page 8 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




To install the panel 1. Place the panel in the original posi-

tion, and then tighten the quick fas- tener and install the bolts.

2. Install panel A (to complete the in- stallation of panel B) or panel D (to complete the installation of panel C).


Panel D

To remove the panel Remove the bolts, and then take the panel off.

To install the panel Place the panel in the original position, and then install the bolts.


Panels E and F

To remove one of the panels 1. Remove the seats. (See page

3-11.) 2. Remove the bolts, the quick fas-

tener screw and the quick fasten- ers, and then take the panel off.

To install the panel 1. Place the panel in the original posi-

tion, and then install the quick fas- teners and quick fastener screw, and tighten the bolts.

2. Install the seats.

1. Bolt 2. Quick fastener

1. Bolt 2. Quick fastener

1. Bolt

1. Bolt 2. Quick fastener screw 3. Quick fastener Page 9 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Checking the spark plugs The spark plugs are important engine components, which should be checked periodically, preferably by a Yamaha dealer. Since heat and deposits will cause any spark plug to slowly erode, they should be removed and checked in accordance with the periodic mainte- nance and lubrication chart. In addition, the condition of the spark plugs can re- veal the condition of the engine. The porcelain insulator around the cen- ter electrode of each spark plug should be a medium-to-light tan (the ideal color when the vehicle is ridden normally), and all spark plugs installed in the en- gine should have the same color. If any spark plug shows a distinctly different color, the engine could be defective. Do not attempt to diagnose such problems yourself. Instead, have a Yamaha deal- er check the vehicle. If a spark plug shows signs of electrode erosion and excessive carbon or other deposits, it should be replaced.

Before installing a spark plug, the spark plug gap should be measured with a wire thickness gauge and, if necessary, adjusted to specification.

Clean the surface of the spark plug gasket and its mating surface, and then wipe off any grime from the spark plug threads.

NOTE: If a torque wrench is not available when installing a spark plug, a good estimate of the correct torque is 1/41/2 turn past finger tight. However, the spark plug should be tightened to the speci- fied torque as soon as possible.

Specified spark plug: NGK/CR8E DENSO/U24ESR-N

1. Spark plug gap

Spark plug gap: 0.70.8 mm (0.0280.031 in)

Tightening torque: Spark plug:

12.5 Nm (1.25 mkgf, 9.0 ftlbf) Page 10 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Canister (for California only)

This model is equipped with a canister to prevent the discharging of fuel vapor into the atmosphere. Before operating this vehicle, make sure to check the fol- lowing:

Check each hose connection. Check each hose and canister for

cracks or damage. Replace if dam- aged.

Make sure that the canister breath- er is not blocked, and if necessary, clean it.


Engine oil and oil filter cartridge The engine oil level should be checked before each ride. In addition, the oil must be changed and the oil filter car- tridge replaced at the intervals speci- fied in the periodic maintenance and lubrication chart.

To check the engine oil level 1. Place the vehicle on the center-


NOTE: Make sure that the vehicle is positioned straight up when checking the oil level. A slight tilt to the side can result in a false reading.

2. Start the engine, warm it up for several minutes, and then turn it off.

3. Wait a few minutes until the oil set- tles, and then check the oil level through the check window located at the bottom-left side of the crank- case. Page 11 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




NOTE: The engine oil should be between the minimum and maximum level marks.

4. If the engine oil is below the mini- mum level mark, add sufficient oil of the recommended type to raise it to the correct level.

To change the engine oil (with or without oil filter cartridge replace- ment)

1. Start the engine, warm it up for several minutes, and then turn it off.

2. Place an oil pan under the engine to collect the used oil.

3. Remove the engine oil filler cap and drain bolt to drain the oil from the crankcase.

NOTE: Skip steps 46 if the oil filter cartridge is not being replaced.

4. Remove the oil filter cartridge with an oil filter wrench.

NOTE: An oil filter wrench is available at a Yamaha dealer.

5. Apply a thin coat of engine oil to the O-ring of the new oil filter car- tridge.

1. Engine oil level check window 2. Maximum level mark 3. Minimum level mark

1. Engine oil filler cap 2. Oil filter cartridge 3. Engine oil drain bolt

1. Oil filter cartridge 2. Oil filter wrench Page 12 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




NOTE: Make sure that the O-ring is properly seated.

6. Install the new oil filter cartridge, and then tighten it to the specified torque with a torque wrench.

7. Install the engine oil drain bolt, and then tighten it to the specified torque.

NOTE: Check the washer for damage and re- place it if necessary.

8. Add the specified amount of the recommended engine oil, and then install and tighten the oil filler cap.


In order to prevent clutch slip- page (since the engine oil also lubricates the clutch), do not mix any chemical additives. Do not use oils with a diesel speci- fication of CD or oils of a high- er quality than specified. In addition, do not use oils labeled ENERGY CONSERVING II or higher.

Make sure that no foreign mate- rial enters the crankcase.

9. Start the engine, and then let it idle for several minutes while checking it for oil leakage. If oil is leaking, im- mediately turn the engine off and check for the cause.

NOTE: After the engine is started, the engine oil level warning light should go off if the oil level is sufficient.

1. O-ring

1. Oil filter cartridge 2. Torque wrench

Tightening torque: Oil filter cartridge:

17 Nm (1.7 mkgf, 12 ftlbf)

Tightening torque: Engine oil drain bolt:

43 Nm (4.3 mkgf, 31 ftlbf)

Recommended engine oil: See page 8-1.

Oil quantity: Without oil filter cartridge replace- ment:

3.80 L (4.02 US qt) (3.34 Imp.qt) With oil filter cartridge replacement:

4.00 L (4.23 US qt) (3.52 Imp.qt) Page 13 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





If the oil level warning light flickers or remains on, immediately turn the engine off and have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.

10. Turn the engine off, and then check the oil level and correct it if necessary.


Final gear oil The final gear case must be checked for oil leakage before each ride. If any leakage is found, have a Yamaha deal- er check and repair the vehicle. In addi- tion, the final gear oil must be changed as follows at the intervals specified in the periodic maintenance and lubrica- tion chart.


Make sure that no foreign mate- rial enters the final gear case.

Make sure that no oil gets on the tire or wheel.

To check the final gear oil level 1. Place the vehicle on the center-


NOTE: The final gear oil level must be

checked on a cold engine. Make sure that the vehicle is posi-

tioned straight up when checking the oil level. A slight tilt to the side can result in a false reading.

2. Remove the oil filler bolt, and then check the oil level in the final gear case.

NOTE: The oil level should be at the brim of the filler hole.

3. If the oil is below the brim of the fill- er hole, add sufficient oil of the rec- ommended type to raise it to the correct level.

4. Install the oil filler bolt, and then tighten it to the specified torque.

1. Final gear oil filler bolt 2. Final gear oil drain bolt 3. Correct oil level Page 14 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




To change the final gear oil 1. Place an oil pan under the final

gear case to collect the used oil. 2. Remove the oil filler bolt and drain

bolt to drain the oil from the final gear case.

3. Install the final gear oil drain bolt, and then tighten it to the specified torque.

4. Add the recommended final gear oil to the brim of the filler hole.

5. Install the oil filler bolt, and then tighten it to the specified torque.

6. Check the final gear case for oil leakage. If oil is leaking, check for the cause.


Coolant The coolant level should be checked before each ride. In addition, the cool- ant must be changed at the intervals specified in the periodic maintenance and lubrication chart.


To check the coolant level The coolant level should be checked as follows before each ride. In addition, the coolant must be changed at the in- tervals specified in the periodic mainte- nance and lubrication chart.

1. Place the vehicle on the center- stand.

NOTE: The coolant level must be checked

on a cold engine since the level varies with engine temperature.

Make sure that the vehicle is posi- tioned straight up when checking the coolant level. A slight tilt to the side can result in a false reading.

2. Check the coolant level in the cool- ant reservoir.

Tightening torque: Final gear oil filler bolt:

23 Nm (2.3 mkgf, 17 ftlbf)

Tightening torque: Final gear oil drain bolt:

23 Nm (2.3 mkgf, 17 ftlbf)

Recommended final gear oil: Shaft drive gear oil (Part No.: 9079E- SH001-00)

Oil quantity: 0.20 L (0.21 US qt) (0.18 Imp.qt)

Tightening torque: Final gear oil filler bolt:

23 Nm (2.3 mkgf, 17 ftlbf) Page 15 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




NOTE: The coolant should be between the minimum and maximum level marks.

3. If the coolant is at or below the minimum level mark, remove the bolt, the coolant reservoir cap cov- er and the reservoir cap.

4. Add coolant or distilled water to raise the coolant to the maximum level mark, install the coolant res- ervoir cap, the coolant reservoir cap cover and the bolt.


If coolant is not available, use distilled water or soft tap water instead. Do not use hard water or salt water since it is harmful to the engine.

If water has been used instead of coolant, replace it with cool- ant as soon as possible, other- wise the engine may not be sufficiently cooled and the cool- ing system will not be protected against frost and corrosion.

If water has been added to the coolant, have a Yamaha dealer check the antifreeze content of the coolant as soon as possible, otherwise the effectiveness of the coolant will be reduced.


Never attempt to remove the radiator cap when the engine is hot.

NOTE: The radiator fan is automatically

switched on or off according to the coolant temperature in the radia- tor.

If the engine overheats, see page 6-36 for further instructions.

1. Maximum level mark 2. Minimum level mark

1. Bolt 2. Coolant reservoir cap cover 3. Coolant reservoir cap

Coolant reservoir capacity (up to the maximum level mark):

0.25 L (0.26 US qt) (0.22 Imp.qt) Page 16 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Changing the coolant


Never attempt to remove the radiator cap when the engine is hot.

The coolant must be changed at the in- tervals specified in the periodic mainte- nance and lubrication chart. Have a Yamaha dealer change the coolant.


Cleaning the air filter element The air filter element should be cleaned at the intervals specified in the periodic maintenance and lubrication chart. Clean the air filter element more fre- quently if you are riding in unusually wet or dusty areas.

1. Remove panel E. (See page 6-8.) 2. Remove the intake air shroud by

removing the quick fastener screws.

3. Remove the air filter case cover by removing the screws.

4. Pull the air filter element out.

5. Lightly tap the air filter element to remove most of the dust and dirt, and then blow the remaining dirt

1. Intake air shroud 2. Quick fastener screw

1. Air filter case cover 2. Screw

1. Air filter element Page 17 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




out with compressed air as shown. If the air filter element is damaged, replace it.

6. Insert the air filter element into the air filter case.


Make sure that the air filter ele- ment is properly seated in the air filter case.

The engine should never be op- erated without the air filter ele- ment installed, otherwise the piston(s) and/or cylinder(s) may become excessively worn.

7. Install the air filter case cover by in- stalling the screws.

8. Install the intake air shroud by in- stalling the quick fastener screws.

9. Install the panel. EAU21380

Adjusting the throttle cable free play

The throttle cable free play should mea- sure 3.05.0 mm (0.120.20 in) at the throttle grip. Periodically check the throttle cable free play and, if neces- sary, have a Yamaha dealer adjust it.

1. Throttle cable free play Page 18 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Adjusting the valve clearance The valve clearance changes with use, resulting in improper air-fuel mixture and/or engine noise. To prevent this from occurring, the valve clearance must be adjusted by a Yamaha dealer at the intervals specified in the periodic maintenance and lubrication chart.


Tires To maximize the performance, durabil- ity, and safe operation of your motor- cycle, note the following points regarding the specified tires.

Tire air pressure The tire air pressure should be checked and, if necessary, adjusted before each ride.


The tire air pressure must be checked and adjusted on cold tires (i.e., when the temperature of the tires equals the ambient temperature).

The tire air pressure must be ad- justed in accordance with the riding speed and with the total weight of rider, passenger, car- go, and accessories approved for this model.

Tire air pressure (measured on cold tires):

090 kg (0198 lb): Front:

250 kPa (36 psi) (2.50 kgf/cm) Rear:

250 kPa (36 psi) (2.50 kgf/cm) FJR1300 90200 kg (198441 lb) (CAL) FJR1300 90201 kg (198443 lb) (U49) FJR1300A 90193 kg (198425 lb) (CAL) FJR1300A 90194 kg (198428 lb) (U49):

Front: 250 kPa (36 psi) (2.50 kgf/cm)

Rear: 290 kPa (42 psi) (2.90 kgf/cm)

High-speed riding: Front:

250 kPa (36 psi) (2.50 kgf/cm) Rear:

250 kPa (36 psi) (2.50 kgf/cm) Maximum load*:

FJR1300 200 kg (441 lb) (CAL) FJR1300 201 kg (443 lb) (U49) FJR1300A 193 kg (425 lb) (CAL) FJR1300A 194 kg (428 lb) (U49)

* Total weight of rider, passenger, car- go and accessories Page 19 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Proper loading of your vehicle is im- portant for several characteristics of your vehicle, such as handling, braking, performance and safety. Do not carry loosely packed items that can shift. Securely pack your heavi- est items close to the center of the vehicle, and distribute the weight evenly from side to side. Properly adjust the suspension for your load, and check the condition and pres- sure of your tires. NEVER OVER- LOAD YOUR VEHICLE. Make sure that the total weight of the cargo, rid- er, passenger, and accessories (cowling, saddlebags, etc. if ap- proved for this model) does not ex- ceed the maximum load of the vehicle. Operation of an overloaded vehicle could cause tire damage, an accident, or even injury.

Tire inspection

Always check the tires before operating the motorcycle. If a tire tread shows crosswise lines (minimum tread depth), if the tire has a nail or glass fragments in it, or if the sidewall is cracked, con- tact a Yamaha dealer immediately and have the tire replaced.


It is dangerous to ride with a worn-out tire. When a tire tread begins to show crosswise lines, have a Yamaha dealer replace the tire immediately.

The replacement of all wheel- and brake-related parts, includ- ing the tires, should be left to a Yamaha dealer, who has the necessary professional knowl- edge and experience.

Tire information

1. Tire sidewall 2. Tire wear indicator 3. Tire tread depth

Minimum tire tread depth (front and rear):

1.0 mm (0.04 in)

1. Tire air valve 2. Tire air valve core 3. Tire air valve cap with seal Page 20 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




This motorcycle is equipped with cast wheels and tubeless tires with valves.


The front and rear tires should be of the same make and de- sign, otherwise the handling characteristics of the motor- cycle cannot be guaranteed.

After extensive tests, only the tires listed below have been ap- proved for this model by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.

Always make sure that the valve caps are securely installed to prevent air pressure leakage.

Use only the tire valves and valve cores listed below to avoid tire deflation during a high-speed ride.


This motorcycle is fitted with super- high-speed tires. Note the following points in order to make the most ef- ficient use of these tires.

Use only the specified replace- ment tires. Other tires may run the danger of bursting at super high speeds.

Brand-new tires can have a rela- tively poor grip on certain road surfaces until they have been

broken in. Therefore, it is ad- visable before doing any high- speed riding to ride conserva- tively for approximately 100 km (60 mi) after installing a new tire.

The tires must be warmed up before a high-speed run.

Always adjust the tire air pres- sure according to the operating conditions.

Front tire: Size:

120/70 ZR17M/C (58W) Manufacturer/model:


Rear tire: Size:

180/55 ZR17M/C (73W) Manufacturer/model:


FRONT and REAR: Tire air valve:

TR412 Valve core:

#9000A (original) Page 21 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Cast wheels To maximize the performance, durabil- ity, and safe operation of your vehicle, note the following points regarding the specified wheels.

The wheel rims should be checked for cracks, bends or warpage be- fore each ride. If any damage is found, have a Yamaha dealer re- place the wheel. Do not attempt even the smallest repair to the wheel. A deformed or cracked wheel must be replaced.

The wheel should be balanced whenever either the tire or wheel has been changed or replaced. An unbalanced wheel can result in poor performance, adverse han- dling characteristics, and a short- ened tire life.

Ride at moderate speeds after changing a tire since the tire sur- face must first be broken in for it to develop its optimal characteris- tics.


Accessories and replacement parts


This vehicle is not designed to pull a trailer or to be attached to a sidecar. The accessories or replacement parts you choose for your vehicle should be designed specifically for this model, and they must be se- curely mounted to maintain the in- herent stability of the original design. Genuine Yamaha Parts and Accessories are designed and test- ed to be compatible with your vehi- cle. Please consider Genuine Yamaha Parts and Accessories be- fore making a purchase. Use of non- Yamaha-approved accessories or replacement parts may cause loss of handling stability and riding safety. Since Yamaha cannot control the quality of accessories or parts man- ufactured by other companies, Yamaha cannot be held liable for

any consequences caused by the use of items which have not been approved by Yamaha. Page 22 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Clutch lever free play Since this model is equipped with a hy- draulic clutch, adjusting the clutch lever free play is not needed. However, it is necessary to check the clutch fluid level and check the hydraulic system for leakage before each ride. If the clutch lever free play does become excessive, and shifting becomes rough or clutch slippage occurs, causing poor acceler- ation, there may be air in the clutch sys- tem. If there is air in the hydraulic system, have a Yamaha dealer bleed the system before operating the motor- cycle.


Adjusting the rear brake light switch

The rear brake light switch, which is ac- tivated by the brake pedal, is properly adjusted when the brake light comes on just before braking takes effect. If necessary, adjust the brake light switch as follows. Turn the adjusting nut while holding the rear brake light switch in place. To make the brake light come on earlier, turn the adjusting nut in direction (a). To make the brake light come on later, turn the adjusting nut in direction (b).


Checking the front and rear brake pads The front and rear brake pads must be checked for wear at the intervals spec- ified in the periodic maintenance and lubrication chart.


Front brake pads

Each front brake pad is provided with a wear indicator groove, which allows you to check the brake pad wear with- out having to disassemble the brake. To check the brake pad wear, check the wear indicator groove. If a brake pad has worn to the point that the wear

1. Rear brake light switch 2. Rear brake light switch adjusting nut

1. Brake pad wear indicator groove Page 23 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




indicator groove has almost disap- peared, have a Yamaha dealer replace the brake pads as a set.


Rear brake pads

Check each rear brake pad for damage and measure the lining thickness. If a brake pad is damaged or if the lining thickness is less than 0.8 mm (0.03 in), have a Yamaha dealer replace the brake pads as a set.


Checking the brake and clutch fluid levels

Front brake

Rear brake


Insufficient brake fluid may allow air to enter the brake or clutch systems, pos- sibly causing them to become ineffec- tive. Before riding, check that the brake fluid is above the minimum level mark and replenish if necessary. A low brake fluid level may indicate worn brake pads and/or brake system leakage. If the brake level is low, be sure to check the brake pads for wear and the brake sys- tem for leakage.

NOTE: The rear brake fluid reservoir is located behind panel F. (See page 6-8.)

Observe these precautions:

1. Lining thickness

1. Minimum level mark

1. Minimum level mark

1. Minimum level mark Page 24 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




When checking the fluid level, make sure that the top of the brake or clutch fluid reservoir is level.

Use only the recommended quality brake fluid, otherwise the rubber seals may deteriorate, causing leakage and poor braking or clutch performance.

Refill with the same type of brake fluid. Mixing fluids may result in a harmful chemical reaction and lead to poor braking or clutch per- formance.

The brake or clutch fluid reservoir diaphragm will lose its shape from the negative pressure if the fluid level goes down too far. Be sure to return the diaphragm to its original shape before installing it into the brake or clutch fluid reservoir.

Be careful that water does not en- ter the brake or clutch fluid reser- voir when refilling. Water will

significantly lower the boiling point of the fluid and may result in vapor lock.

Brake fluid may deteriorate paint- ed surfaces or plastic parts. Al- ways clean up spilled fluid immediately.

As the brake pads wear, it is nor- mal for the brake fluid level to grad- ually go down. However, if the brake fluid level goes down sud- denly, have a Yamaha dealer check the cause.


Changing the brake and clutch fluids Have a Yamaha dealer change the brake and clutch fluids at the intervals specified in the NOTE after the periodic maintenance and lubrication chart. In addition, have the oil seals of the brake and clutch master cylinders and cali- pers as well as the brake and clutch hoses replaced at the intervals listed below or whenever they are damaged or leaking.

Oil seals: Replace every two years.

Brake and clutch hoses: Replace every four years.

Recommended brake and clutch flu- id:

DOT 4 brake fluid Page 25 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Checking and lubricating the cables The operation of all control cables and the condition of the cables should be checked before each ride, and the ca- bles and cable ends should be lubricat- ed if necessary. If a cable is damaged or does not move smoothly, have a Yamaha dealer check or replace it.


Damage to the outer housing of ca- bles may result in internal rusting and cause interference with cable movement. Replace damaged ca- bles as soon as possible to prevent unsafe conditions.


Checking and lubricating the throttle grip and cable The operation of the throttle grip should be checked before each ride. In addi- tion, the cable should be lubricated or replaced at the intervals specified in the periodic maintenance chart.


Checking and lubricating the brake and shift pedals

The operation of the brake and shift pedals should be checked before each ride, and the pedal pivots should be lu- bricated if necessary.

Recommended lubricant: Yamaha Chain and Cable Lube or engine oil SAE 10W-30 (API SE) Page 26 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Checking and lubricating the brake and clutch levers

Brake lever

Clutch lever

The operation of the brake and clutch levers should be checked before each ride, and the lever pivots should be lu- bricated if necessary.

Recommended lubricant: Lithium-soap-based grease (all-pur- pose grease)

Recommended lubricant: Lithium-soap-based grease (all-pur- pose grease) Page 27 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Checking and lubricating the centerstand and sidestand

The operation of the centerstand and sidestand should be checked before each ride, and the pivots and metal-to- metal contact surfaces should be lubri- cated if necessary.


If the centerstand or sidestand does not move up and down smoothly, have a Yamaha dealer check or re- pair it.


Lubricating the rear suspension

The pivoting points of the rear suspen- sion must be lubricated at the intervals specified in the periodic maintenance and lubrication chart.


Checking the front fork The condition and operation of the front fork must be checked as follows at the intervals specified in the periodic main- tenance and lubrication chart.

To check the condition


Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over.

Check the inner tubes for scratches, damage and excessive oil leakage.

To check the operation 1. Place the vehicle on a level sur-

face and hold it in an upright posi- tion.

2. While applying the front brake, push down hard on the handlebars several times to check if the front fork compresses and rebounds smoothly.

Recommended lubricant: Lithium-soap-based grease (all-pur- pose grease)

Recommended lubricant: Lithium-soap-based grease Page 28 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





If any damage is found or the front fork does not operate smoothly, have a Yamaha dealer check or re- pair it.


Checking the steering Worn or loose steering bearings may cause danger. Therefore, the operation of the steering must be checked as fol- lows at the intervals specified in the pe- riodic maintenance and lubrication chart.

1. Place a stand under the engine to raise the front wheel off the ground.


Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over.

2. Hold the lower ends of the front fork legs and try to move them for- ward and backward. If any free play can be felt, have a Yamaha dealer check or repair the steering. Page 29 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Checking the wheel bearings The front and rear wheel bearings must be checked at the intervals specified in the periodic maintenance and lubrica- tion chart. If there is play in the wheel hub or if the wheel does not turn smoothly, have a Yamaha dealer check the wheel bearings.



The battery is located under panels C and D. (See page 6-8.) This vehicle is equipped with a sealed- type (MF) battery, which does not re- quire any maintenance. There is no need to check the electrolyte or to add distilled water.

To charge the battery Have a Yamaha dealer charge the bat- tery as soon as possible if it seems to have discharged. Keep in mind that the

battery tends to discharge more quickly if the vehicle is equipped with optional electrical accessories.


Electrolyte is poisonous and dangerous since it contains sul- furic acid, which causes severe burns. Avoid any contact with skin, eyes or clothing and al- ways shield your eyes when working near batteries. In case of contact, administer the fol- lowing FIRST AID. EXTERNAL: Flush with plenty

of water. INTERNAL: Drink large quan-

tities of water or milk and im- mediately call a physician.

EYES: Flush with water for 15 minutes and seek prompt medical attention.

Batteries produce explosive hy- drogen gas. Therefore, keep sparks, flames, cigarettes, etc., away from the battery and pro- vide sufficient ventilation when charging it in an enclosed space.

1. Battery 2. Positive battery terminal 3. Negative battery terminal Page 30 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





To store the battery 1. If the vehicle will not be used for

more than one month, remove the battery, fully charge it, and then place it in a cool, dry place.

2. If the battery will be stored for more than two months, check it at least once a month and fully charge it if necessary.

3. Fully charge the battery before in- stallation.

4. After installation, make sure that the battery leads are properly con- nected to the battery terminals.


Always keep the battery charged. Storing a discharged battery can cause permanent battery damage.

To charge a sealed-type (MF) battery, a special (constant-volt- age) battery charger is required. Using a conventional battery

charger will damage the battery. If you do not have access to a sealed-type (MF) battery charg- er, have a Yamaha dealer charge your battery.


Replacing the fuses

The fuse box, which contains the fuses for the individual circuits, is located un- der panel A. Both the electronic fuel in- jection fuse and the main fuse are located under panel D. The main fuse is located beside the battery. (See page 6-8.)

1. Electronic fuel injection fuse 2. Electronic fuel injection spare fuse Page 31 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




If a fuse is blown, replace it as follows. 1. Turn the key to OFF and turn off

the electrical circuit in question. 2. Remove the blown fuse, and then

install a new fuse of the specified amperage.

1. Headlight fuse 2. Signaling system fuse 3. Ignition fuse 4. Windshield motor fuse 5. Radiator fan fuse 6. Backup fuse (for odometer and clock) 7. Spare fuse 8. Hazard fuse 9. ABS control unit fuse (for ABS models) 10.Tail/position light fuse

1. Main fuse

Specified fuses: Main fuse:

50.0 A Headlight fuse:

25.0 A Signaling system fuse:

15.0 A Ignition fuse:

10.0 A Windshield motor fuse:

2.0 A Radiator fan fuse:

15.0 A Backup fuse:

10.0 A Hazard fuse:

7.5 A Electronic fuel injection fuse:

15.0 A ABS contorol unit fuse:

FJR1300A 7.5 A ABS motor fuse:

FJR1300A 30.0 A Tail/position light fuse:

10.0 A Page 32 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Do not use a fuse of a higher amper- age rating than recommended to avoid causing extensive damage to the electrical system and possibly a fire.

3. Turn the key to ON and turn on the electrical circuit in question to check if the device operates.

4. If the fuse immediately blows again, have a Yamaha dealer check the electrical system.


Replacing a headlight bulb This model is equipped with quartz bulb headlights. If a headlight bulb burns out, replace it as follows.

1. Remove panel B (if replacing the left headlight bulb) or panel C (if re- placing the right headlight bulb). (See page 6-8.)

2. Disconnect the headlight coupler, and then remove the headlight bulb cover.

3. Unhook the headlight bulb holder, and then remove the defective bulb.


Headlight bulbs get very hot. There- fore, keep flammable products away from a lit headlight bulb, and do not touch the bulb until it has cooled down.

4. Place a new headlight bulb into po- sition, and then secure it with the bulb holder.


Take care not to damage the follow- ing parts:

1. Headlight coupler 2. Headlight bulb cover

1. Headlight bulb holder Page 33 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




Headlight bulb Do not touch the glass part of the headlight bulb to keep it free from oil, otherwise the transpar- ency of the glass, the luminosity of the bulb, and the bulb life will be adversely affected. Thor- oughly clean off any dirt and fin- gerprints on the headlight bulb using a cloth moistened with al- cohol or thinner.

Headlight lens Do not affix any type of tinted film or stickers to the headlight lens. Do not use a headlight bulb of a wattage higher than specified.

5. Install the headlight bulb cover, and then connect the coupler.

6. Install the panel. 7. Have a Yamaha dealer adjust the

headlight beam if necessary.


Replacing a rear turn signal light bulb or a tail/brake light bulb

1. Remove the passenger seat. (See page 3-11.)

2. Remove the socket (together with the bulb) by turning it counter- clockwise.

3. Remove the defective bulb by turn- ing it counterclockwise.

4. Insert a new bulb into the socket, push it in, and then turn it clock- wise until it stops.

5. Install the socket (together with the bulb) by turning it clockwise.

6. Install the passenger seat. 1. Do not touch the glass part of the bulb.

1. Turn signal light bulb socket 2. Tail/brake light bulb socket Page 34 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Troubleshooting Although Yamaha motorcycles receive a thorough inspection before shipment from the factory, trouble may occur dur- ing operation. Any problem in the fuel, compression, or ignition systems, for example, can cause poor starting and loss of power. The following troubleshooting charts represent quick and easy procedures for checking these vital systems your- self. However, should your motorcycle require any repair, take it to a Yamaha dealer, whose skilled technicians have the necessary tools, experience, and know-how to service the motorcycle properly. Use only genuine Yamaha replace- ment parts. Imitation parts may look like Yamaha parts, but they are often inferi- or, have a shorter service life and can lead to expensive repair bills. Page 35 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Troubleshooting charts

Starting problems or poor engine performance


Keep away open flames and do not smoke while checking or working on the fuel system.

Check the fuel level in the fuel tank.

1. Fuel There is enough fuel.

There is no fuel.

Check the compression.

Supply fuel. The engine does not start. Check the compression.

Operate the electric starter.

2. Compression There is compression.

There is no compression.

Check the ignition.

Have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.

Remove the spark plugs and check the electrodes.

3. Ignition Wipe off with a dry cloth and correct the spark plug gaps, or replace the spark plugs.

Have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.

The engine does not start. Have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.

The engine does not start. Check the battery.

Operate the electric starter.

4. Battery The engine turns over quickly.

The engine turns over slowly.

The battery is good.

Check the battery lead connections, and charge the battery if necessary.


Wet Open the throttle halfway and operate the electric starter. Page 36 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




Engine overheating


Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine and radiator are hot. Scalding hot fluid and steam may be blown out under pressure, which could cause serious injury. Be sure to wait until the engine has cooled.

After removing the radiator cap retaining bolt, place a thick rag, like a towel, over the radiator cap, and then slowly rotate the cap counterclockwise to the detent to allow any residual pressure to escape. When the hissing sound has stopped, press down on the cap while turning it counterclockwise, and then remove the cap.

NOTE: If coolant is not available, tap water can be temporarily used instead, provided that it is changed to the recommended coolant as soon as possible.

Wait until the engine has cooled.

Check the coolant level in the reservoir and radiator.

The coolant level is OK.

The coolant level is low. Check the cooling system for leakage.

Have a Yamaha dealer check and repair the cooling system.

Add coolant. (See NOTE.)

Start the engine. If the engine overheats again, have a Yamaha dealer check and repair the cooling system.

There is leakage.

There is no leakage. Page 37 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Care While the open design of a motorcycle reveals the attractiveness of the tech- nology, it also makes it more vulnera- ble. Rust and corrosion can develop even if high-quality components are used. A rusty exhaust pipe may go un- noticed on a car, however, it detracts from the overall appearance of a motor- cycle. Frequent and proper care does not only comply with the terms of the warranty, but it will also keep your motorcycle looking good, extend its life and optimize its performance.

Before cleaning 1. Cover the muffler outlets with plas-

tic bags after the engine has cooled down.

2. Make sure that all caps and covers as well as all electrical couplers and connectors, including the spark plug caps, are tightly in- stalled.

3. Remove extremely stubborn dirt, like oil burnt onto the crankcase, with a degreasing agent and a brush, but never apply such prod-

ucts onto seals, gaskets and wheel axles. Always rinse the dirt and de- greaser off with water.



Avoid using strong acidic wheel cleaners, especially on spoked wheels. If such products are used on hard-to-remove dirt, do not leave the cleaner on the af- fected area any longer than in- structed. Also, thoroughly rinse the area off with water, immedi- ately dry it, and then apply a cor- rosion protection spray.

Improper cleaning can damage windshields, cowlings, panels and other plastic parts. Use only a soft, clean cloth or sponge with mild detergent and water to clean plastic.

Do not use any harsh chemical products on plastic parts. Be sure to avoid using cloths or sponges which have been in contact with strong or abrasive cleaning products, solvent or

thinner, fuel (gasoline), rust re- movers or inhibitors, brake flu- id, antifreeze or electrolyte.

Do not use high-pressure wash- ers or steam-jet cleaners since they cause water seepage and deterioration in the following ar- eas: seals (of wheel and swing- arm bearings, fork and brakes), electric components (couplers, connectors, instruments, switches and lights), breather hoses and vents.

For motorcycles equipped with a windshield: Do not use strong cleaners or hard sponges as they will cause dulling or scratching. Some cleaning com- pounds for plastic may leave scratches on the windshield. Test the product on a small hid- den part of the windshield to make sure that it does not leave any marks. If the windshield is scratched, use a quality plastic polishing compound after washing. Page 1 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




After normal use Remove dirt with warm water, a mild detergent, and a soft, clean sponge, and then rinse thoroughly with clean water. Use a toothbrush or bottlebrush for hard-to-reach areas. Stubborn dirt and insects will come off more easily if the area is covered with a wet cloth for a few minutes before cleaning.

After riding in the rain, near the sea or on salt-sprayed roads Since sea salt or salt sprayed on roads during winter are extremely corrosive in combination with water, carry out the following steps after each ride in the rain, near the sea or on salt-sprayed roads.

NOTE: Salt sprayed on roads in the winter may remain well into spring.

1. Clean the motorcycle with cold wa- ter and a mild detergent, after the engine has cooled down.


Do not use warm water since it in- creases the corrosive action of the salt.

2. After drying the motorcycle, apply a corrosion protection spray on all metal, including chrome- and nick- el-plated, surfaces to prevent cor- rosion.

After cleaning 1. Dry the motorcycle with a chamois

or an absorbing cloth. 2. Use a chrome polish to shine

chrome, aluminum and stainless- steel parts, including the exhaust system. (Even the thermally in- duced discoloring of stainless- steel exhaust systems can be re- moved through polishing.)

3. To prevent corrosion, it is recom- mended to apply a corrosion pro- tection spray on all metal, including chrome- and nickel-plat- ed, surfaces.

4. Use spray oil as a universal clean- er to remove any remaining dirt.

5. Touch up minor paint damage caused by stones, etc.

6. Wax all painted surfaces. 7. Let the motorcycle dry completely

before storing or covering it.


Make sure that there is no oil or wax on the brakes or tires.

If necessary, clean the brake discs and brake linings with a regular brake disc cleaner or ac- etone, and wash the tires with warm water and a mild deter- gent. Before riding at higher speeds, test the motorcycles braking performance and cor- nering behavior.


Apply spray oil and wax spar- ingly and make sure to wipe off any excess.

Never apply oil or wax to any rubber and plastic parts, but treat them with a suitable care product. Page 2 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




Avoid using abrasive polishing compounds as they will wear away the paint.

NOTE: Consult a Yamaha dealer for advice on what products to use.



Short-term Always store your motorcycle in a cool, dry place and, if necessary, protect it against dust with a porous cover.


Storing the motorcycle in a poorly ventilated room or cover- ing it with a tarp, while it is still wet, will allow water and humid- ity to seep in and cause rust.

To prevent corrosion, avoid damp cellars, stables (because of the presence of ammonia) and areas where strong chemi- cals are stored.

Long-term Before storing your motorcycle for sev- eral months:

1. Follow all the instructions in the Care section of this chapter.

2. Fill up the fuel tank and add fuel stabilizer (if available) to prevent the fuel tank from rusting and the fuel from deteriorating.

3. Perform the following steps to pro- tect the cylinders, piston rings, etc. from corrosion. a. Remove the spark plug caps

and spark plugs. b. Pour a teaspoonful of engine oil

into each spark plug bore. c. Install the spark plug caps onto

the spark plugs, and then place the spark plugs on the cylinder head so that the electrodes are grounded. (This will limit spark- ing during the next step.)

d. Turn the engine over several times with the starter. (This will coat the cylinder walls with oil.)

e. Remove the spark plug caps from the spark plugs, and then install the spark plugs and the spark plug caps.


To prevent damage or injury from sparking, make sure to ground the spark plug electrodes while turning the engine over. Page 3 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




4. Lubricate all control cables and the pivoting points of all levers and pedals as well as of the side- stand/centerstand.

5. Check and, if necessary, correct the tire air pressure, and then lift the motorcycle so that both of its wheels are off the ground. Alterna- tively, turn the wheels a little every month in order to prevent the tires from becoming degraded in one spot.

6. Cover the muffler outlets with plas- tic bags to prevent moisture from entering them.

7. Remove the battery and fully charge it. Store it in a cool, dry place and charge it once a month. Do not store the battery in an ex- cessively cold or warm place (less than 0 C [30 F] or more than 30 C [90 F]). For more information on storing the battery, see page 6-30.

NOTE: Make any necessary repairs before storing the motorcycle. Page 4 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




Dimensions: Overall length:

2195 mm (86.4 in) Overall width:

760 mm (29.9 in) Overall height:

1435 mm (56.5 in) Seat height:

805 mm (31.7 in) Wheelbase:

1515 mm (59.6 in) Ground clearance:

135 mm (5.31 in) Minimum turning radius:

3100 mm (122.0 in) Weight:

With oil and fuel: FJR1300 275.0 kg (606 lb) (U49) FJR1300 276.0 kg (608 lb) (CAL) FJR1300A 282.0 kg (622 lb) (U49) FJR1300A 283.0 kg (624 lb) (CAL)

Engine: Engine type:

Liquid cooled 4-stroke, DOHC Cylinder arrangement:

Forward-inclined parallel 4-cylinder Displacement:

1298.0 cm (79.20 Bore stroke:

79.0 66.2 mm (3.11 2.61 in) Compression ratio:

10.80 :1 Starting system:

Electric starter

Lubrication system: Wet sump

Engine oil: Type:

YAMALUBE 4 (20W40) or SAE20W40 Recommended engine oil grade:

API service SE, SF, SG type or higher Engine oil quantity:

Without oil filter cartridge replacement: 3.80 L (4.02 US qt) (3.34 Imp.qt)

With oil filter cartridge replacement: 4.00 L (4.23 US qt) (3.52 Imp.qt)

Final gear oil: Type:

Shaft drive gear oil Quantity:

0.20 L (0.21 US qt) (0.18 Imp.qt) Cooling system:

Coolant reservoir capacity (up to the maximum level mark):

0.25 L (0.26 US qt) (0.22 Imp.qt) Radiator capacity (including all routes):

3.20 L (3.38 US qt) (2.82 Imp.qt) Air filter:

Air filter element: Dry element

Fuel: Recommended fuel:

Unleaded gasoline only Fuel tank capacity:

25.0 L (6.61 US gal) (5.50 Fuel reserve amount:

5.0 L (1.32 US gal) (1.10

Electronic fuel injection: Manufacturer:


INP-732/4 Spark plug(s):

Manufacturer/model: NGK/CR8E

Manufacturer/model: DENSO/U24ESR-N

Spark plug gap: 0.70.8 mm (0.0280.031 in)

Clutch: Clutch type:

Wet, multiple-disc Transmission:

Primary reduction system: Helical gear

Primary reduction ratio: 75/48 (1.563)

Secondary reduction system: Shaft drive

Secondary reduction ratio: 35/36 21/27 33/9 (2.773)

Transmission type: Constant mesh 5-speed

Operation: Left foot operation

Gear ratio: 1st:

43/17 (2.529) 2nd:

39/22 (1.773) Page 1 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




3rd: 31/23 (1.348)

4th: 28/26 (1.077)

5th: 26/28 (0.929)

Chassis: Frame type:

Diamond Caster angle:

26.00 Trail:

109.0 mm (4.29 in) Front tire:

Type: Tubeless

Size: 120/70 ZR17M/C (58W)

Manufacturer/model: METZELER/MEZ4J FRONT

Manufacturer/model: BRIDGESTONE/BT020F N

Rear tire: Type:

Tubeless Size:

180/55 ZR17M/C (73W) Manufacturer/model:

METZELER/MEZ4J Manufacturer/model:


Loading: Maximum load:

FJR1300 200 kg (441 lb) (CAL) FJR1300 201 kg (443 lb) (U49) FJR1300A 193 kg (425 lb) (CAL) FJR1300A 194 kg (428 lb) (U49) (Total weight of rider, passenger, cargo and accessories)

Tire air pressure (measured on cold tires):

Loading condition: 090 kg (0198 lb) Front:

250 kPa (36 psi) (2.50 kgf/cm) Rear:

250 kPa (36 psi) (2.50 kgf/cm) Loading condition:

FJR1300 90200 kg (198441 lb) (CAL) FJR1300 90201 kg (198443 lb) (U49) FJR1300A 90193 kg (198425 lb) (CAL) FJR1300A 90194 kg (198428 lb) (U49) Front:

250 kPa (36 psi) (2.50 kgf/cm) Rear:

290 kPa (42 psi) (2.90 kgf/cm) High-speed riding:

Front: 250 kPa (36 psi) (2.50 kgf/cm)

Rear: 250 kPa (36 psi) (2.50 kgf/cm)

Front wheel: Wheel type:

Cast wheel

Rim size: 17M/C x MT3.50

Rear wheel: Wheel type:

Cast wheel Rim size:

17M/C x MT5.50 Front brake:

Type: Dual disc brake

Operation: Right hand operation

Recommended fluid: DOT 4

Rear brake: Type:

Single disc brake Operation:

Right foot operation Recommended fluid:

DOT 4 Front suspension:

Type: Telescopic fork

Spring/shock absorber type: Coil spring/oil damper

Wheel travel: 135.0 mm (5.31 in)

Rear suspension: Type:

Swingarm (link suspension) Spring/shock absorber type:

Coil spring/gas-oil damper Page 2 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




Wheel travel: 125.0 mm (4.92 in)

Electrical system: Ignition system:

Transistorized coil ignition (digital) Charging system:

A.C. magneto Battery:

Model: GT14B-4

Voltage, capacity: 12 V, 12.0 Ah

Headlight: Bulb type:

Halogen bulb Bulb voltage, wattage x quantity:

Headlight: 12 V, 60 W/55.0 W 2

Tail/brake light: 12 V, 5.0/21.0 W 2

Front turn signal/position light: 12 V, 21 W/5.0 W 2

Rear turn signal light: 12 V, 21.0 W 2

Meter lighting: 14 V, 1.1 W 4

Neutral indicator light: 14 V, 1.1 W 1

High beam indicator light: 14 V, 1.1 W 1

Oil level warning light: 14 V, 1.1 W 1

Turn signal indicator light: 14 V, 2.0 W 2

Engine trouble warning light: 14 V, 1.1 W 1

ABS warning light: FJR1300A 14 V, 1.1 W 1

Fuses: Main fuse:

50.0 A Headlight fuse:

25.0 A Signaling system fuse:

15.0 A Ignition fuse:

10.0 A Radiator fan fuse:

15.0 A Hazard fuse:

7.5 A Electronic fuel injection fuse:

15.0 A ABS contorol unit fuse:

FJR1300A 7.5 A ABS motor fuse:

FJR1300A 30.0 A Tail/position light fuse:

10.0 A Backup fuse:

10.0 A Windshield motor fuse:

2.0 A Page 3 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Identification numbers Record the key identification number, vehicle identification number and mod- el label information in the spaces pro- vided below for assistance when ordering spare parts from a Yamaha dealer or for reference in case the vehi- cle is stolen. KEY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER:




Key identification number

The key identification number is stamped into the key tag. Record this number in the space provided and use it for reference when ordering a new key.


Vehicle identification number

The vehicle identification number is stamped into the steering head pipe. Record this number in the space pro- vided.

NOTE: The vehicle identification number is used to identify your motorcycle and may be used to register your motor- cycle with the licensing authority in your area.

1. Key identification number 1. Vehicle identification number Page 1 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Model label

The model label is affixed to the frame under the rider seat. (See page 3-11.) Record the information on this label in the space provided. This information will be needed when ordering spare parts from a Yamaha dealer.

1. Model label Page 2 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Reporting safety defects If you believe that your vehicle has a defect which could cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in addition to notifying Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an investigation, and if it finds that a safety defect exists in a group of vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy campaign. However, NHTSA cannot become involved in individual problems between you, your dealer, or Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. To contact NHTSA, you may either call the Auto Safety Hotline toll-free at 1-800-424-9393 (or 366-0123 in Washington, D.C. area) or write to: NHTSA, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. 20590. You can also obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from the Hotline. Page 3 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Motorcycle noise regulation TAMPERING WITH NOISE CONTROL SYSTEM PROHIBITED: Federal law prohibits the following acts or the causing thereof: (1) The removal or rendering inoperative by any person other than for purposes of maintenance, repair, or replacement of any device or element of design incorporated into any new ve- hicle for the purpose of noise control prior to its sale or delivery to the ultimate purchaser or while it is in use or (2) the use of the vehicle after such device or element of design has been removed or rendered inoperative by any person. AMONG THOSE ACTS PRESUMED TO CONSTITUTE TAMPERING ARE THE ACTS LISTED BELOW. These acts include tampering with the following systems; i.e., modification, removal, etc.

Exhaust system Muffler Exhaust pipe Silencer

Intake system Air cleaner case Air cleaner element Intake duct Page 4 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





Maintenance record Copies of work orders and/or receipts for parts purchased and installed on your motorcycle will be required to document that maintenance has been completed in accordance with the emissions warranty. The chart below is printed only as a reminder that maintenance work is required. It is not acceptable proof of maintenance work.

Maintenance interval

Date of service Mileage Servicing dealer

name and address Remarks

600 mi (1000 km) or

1 month 4000 mi

(7000 km) or 6 months 8000 mi

(13000 km) or 12 months 12000 mi

(19000 km) or 18 months 16000 mi

(25000 km) or 24 months 20000 mi

(31000 km) or 30 months 24000 mi

(37000 km) or 36 months 28000 mi

(43000 km) or 42 months 32000 mi

(49000 km) or 48 months Page 5 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




36000 mi (55000 km) or

54 months 40000 mi

(61000 km) or 60 months

Maintenance interval

Date of service Mileage Servicing dealer

name and address Remarks Page 6 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM








9 Page 8 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM





YAMAHA EXTENDED SERVICE (Y.E.S.) Keep your Yamaha protected even after your warranty expires with genuine Yamaha Extended Service (Y.E.S.).

Y.E.S. is designed and administered by Yamaha Motor Corporation to provide maximum owner satisfaction. You get uninterrupted factory-backed coverage for extra peace of mind.

Y.E.S. is flexible. You choose the plan thats right for you: 12 months, 24 months, 36 months or, on certain models, even 48 months beyond your warranty period.

Y.E.S. is designed and administered by the same Yamaha people who handle your warranty and it shows in the comprehensive coverage benefits. There are no mileage limitations. Coverage isnt limited to moving parts or the drive train like many other plans. And Y.E.S. covers manufacturing defects just like the warranty. See the sample contract at your Yamaha dealer to see how comforting uninterrupted factory- backed protection can be.

You dont have to pay anything for covered repairs. Theres no deductible to pay, and repairs arent pro-rated. You dont have any out-of-pocket expenses for covered repairs.

In addition, Travel and Recreation Interruption Protection (TRIP) is included at no extra cost. TRIP gives you up to $150 reimbursement per occurrence for any reasonable expenses you incur because your Yamaha needs covered service: replacement vehicle rental, emergency towing, phone calls, even food and lodging when you are away from home. This superb coverage goes into effect when you purchase Y.E.S., so it applies to any warranty repairs as well as covered repairs during your entire Y.E.S. plan period.

Y.E.S. coverage is honored at any authorized Yamaha dealer nationwide.

Y.E.S. coverage is transferable to a new owner if you sell or trade-in. That can make your Yamaha much more valuable!

This excellent Y.E.S. plan coverage is only available to Yamaha owners like you, and only while your Yamaha is still within the Yamaha Limited Warranty period. So visit your authorized Yamaha dealer to get all the facts. He can show you how easy it is to protect your investment with Yamaha Extended Service. Page 9 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM




We urge you to act now. Youll get the excellent benefits of TRIP coverage right away, and youll rest easy knowing youll have strong factory-backed protection even after your Yamaha Limited Warranty expires.

A special note: If visiting your dealer isnt convenient, contact Yamaha with your Primary ID number (your frame number). Well be happy to help you get the Y.E.S. coverage you need.

Yamaha Service Marketing P.O. Box 6555 Cypress, CA 90630 1-(866)-YES-EXTD (1-866-937-3983) Page 10 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM


ABS (for ABS models) ………………………. 3-8 ABS warning light (for ABS models) ……. 3-2 Accessories and replacement parts…… 6-22 Accessory box………………………………… 3-12 Air filter element, cleaning………………… 6-17

B Battery…………………………………………… 6-30 Brake and clutch fluid levels,

checking ……………………………………… 6-24 Brake and clutch fluids, changing ……… 6-25 Brake and clutch levers,

checking and lubricating ………………… 6-27 Brake and shift pedals,

checking and lubricating ………………… 6-26 Brake lever………………………………………. 3-8 Brake pedal……………………………………… 3-8

C Cables, checking and lubricating ………. 6-26 Canister (for California only) …………….. 6-11 Care ……………………………………………….. 7-1 Catalytic converter ………………………….. 3-11 Centerstand and sidestand,

checking and lubricating ………………… 6-28 Clutch lever ……………………………………… 3-7 Clutch lever free play ………………………. 6-23 Coolant………………………………………….. 6-15

D Dimmer switch …………………………………. 3-5 Display, multi-function……………………….. 3-4

E Engine break-in………………………………… 5-3 Engine oil and oil filter cartridge………… 6-11 Engine stop switch ……………………………. 3-6

Engine trouble warning light ………………. 3-2 F

Final gear oil ………………………………….. 6-14 Front and rear brake pads, checking…. 6-23 Front fork, adjusting………………………… 3-13 Front fork, checking ………………………… 6-28 Fuel………………………………………………. 3-10 Fuel tank cap …………………………………… 3-9 Fuses, replacing …………………………….. 6-31

H Handlebar switches ………………………….. 3-5 Hazard switch ………………………………….. 3-6 Headlight bulb, replacing …………………. 6-33 High beam indicator light …………………… 3-2 Horn switch……………………………………… 3-6

I Identification numbers ………………………. 9-1 Ignition circuit cut-off system ……………. 3-17 Indicator and warning lights……………….. 3-2

K Key identification number ………………….. 9-1

L Labels, location of…………………………….. 1-5 Locks for optional side cases and

travel trunk ………………………………….. 3-16 M

Main switch/steering lock…………………… 3-1 Maintenance and lubrication, periodic …. 6-4 Maintenance, emission control system… 6-3 Maintenance, periodic ………………………. 6-1 Maintenance record………………………….. 9-5 Model label ……………………………………… 9-2

N Neutral indicator light………………………… 3-2

Noise regulation ………………………………..9-4 O

Oil level warning light …………………………3-2 P

Panels, removing and installing …………..6-8 Parking …………………………………………….5-4 Part locations ……………………………………2-1 Pre-operation check list………………………4-2

R Rear brake light switch, adjusting ………6-23 Rear suspension, lubricating……………..6-28

S Safety defects, reporting …………………….9-3 Safety information ……………………………..1-1 Seats ……………………………………………..3-11 Shifting …………………………………………….5-2 Shift pedal ………………………………………..3-7 Shock absorber assembly, adjusting ….3-15 Sidestand ……………………………………….3-16 Spark plugs, checking ………………………6-10 Specifications ……………………………………8-1 Speedometer…………………………………….3-3 Starting the engine …………………………….5-1 Start switch……………………………………….3-6 Steering, checking……………………………6-29 Storage…………………………………………….7-3 Storage compartment……………………….3-12

T Tachometer ………………………………………3-3 Throttle cable free play, adjusting ………6-18 Throttle grip and cable,

checking and lubricating …………………6-26 Tires ………………………………………………6-19 Tool kit……………………………………………..6-1 Page 1 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM

INDEX Troubleshooting……………………………… 6-35 Troubleshooting charts ……………………. 6-36 Turn signal indicator lights…………………. 3-2 Turn signal light or tail/brake light bulb,

replacing……………………………………… 6-34 Turn signal switch…………………………….. 3-5

V Valve clearance, adjusting……………….. 6-19 Vehicle identification number……………… 9-1

W Warranty, extended ………………………….. 9-9 Warranty, limited………………………………. 9-7 Wheel bearings, checking ……………….. 6-30 Wheels………………………………………….. 6-22 Windshield position adjusting switch …… 3-5 Page 2 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM Page 1 Tuesday, April 8, 2003 11:43 AM Page 1 Tuesday, April 8, 2003 11:43 AM

PRINTED IN JAPAN 2004.05-2.11 CR




Yamaha FJR1300AS Owner's Manual

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Related Manuals for Yamaha FJR1300AS

Summary of Contents for Yamaha FJR1300AS

  • Page 1
    OWNER’S MANUAL FJR1300AS 2D2-28199-E1…
  • Page 2
    EAU26943 DECLARATION of CONFORMITY Company: MORIC CO., LTD. Address: 1450-6 Mori Mori-Machi Shuchi-gun Shizuoka 437-0292 Japan Hereby declare that the product: Kind of equipment: IMMOBILIZER Type-designation: 5SL-00 is in compliance with following norm(s) or documents: R&TTE Directive(1999/5/EC) EN300 330-2 v1.1.1(2001-6), EN60950-1(2001) Two or Three-Wheel Motor Vehicles Directive(97/24/EC: Chapter 8, EMC) Place of issue: Shizuoka, Japan Date of issue: 1 Aug.
  • Page 3
    Yamaha a reputation for dependability. Please take the time to read this manual thoroughly, so as to enjoy all advantages of your FJR1300AS. The owner’s manual does not only instruct you in how to operate, inspect and maintain your motorcycle, but also in how to safeguard yourself and others from trouble and injury.
  • Page 4: Important Manual Information

    This manual should be considered a permanent part of this motorcycle and should remain with it even if the motorcycle is subsequently sold. Yamaha continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. Therefore, while this manual contains the most current product information available at the time of printing, there may be minor discrepancies between your motorcycle and this manual.

  • Page 5
    IMPORTANT MANUAL INFORMATION EAU10200 FJR1300AS OWNER’S MANUAL ©2006 by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. 1st edition, November 2006 All rights reserved. Any reprinting or unauthorized use without the written permission of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. is expressly prohibited. Printed in Japan.
  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY INFORMATION ….1-1 Accessory box ……3-26 Removing and installing panels ..6-6 Adjusting the headlight beams ..3-26 Checking the spark plugs ….6-8 DESCRIPTION ……..2-1 Handlebar position ……. 3-27 Engine oil and oil filter cartridge ..6-9 Left view ……….2-1 Opening and closing the Final gear oil ……..

  • Page 7
    TABLE OF CONTENTS Lubricating the swingarm pivots …6-24 Lubricating the rear suspension …6-24 Checking the front fork ….6-24 Checking the steering ….6-25 Checking the wheel bearings ..6-26 Battery ……….6-26 Replacing the fuses ……6-27 Headlight bulb ……6-29 Front turn signal light ….6-29 Replacing a rear turn signal light bulb or a tail/brake light bulb ..6-29 Replacing the license plate…
  • Page 8: Safety Information

    SAFETY INFORMATION EAU10281 AND/OR WHEN MADE NECES- • Ride where other motorists can SARY BY MECHANICAL CONDI- see you. Avoid riding in another MOTORCYCLES SINGLE TIONS. motorist’s blind spot. TRACK VEHICLES. THEIR SAFE USE Many accidents involve inexperi- AND OPERATION ARE DEPENDENT Safe riding enced operators.

  • Page 9
    Modifications made to this motorcycle other motorists can see you. the single most critical factor in the pre- not approved by Yamaha, or the re- The posture of the operator and vention or reduction of head injuries. moval of original equipment, may ren- passenger is important for proper Always wear an approved helmet.
  • Page 10
    Maximum load: been specifically designed for use on create instability due to improper 208 kg (459 lb) this motorcycle. Since Yamaha cannot weight distribution or aerody- test all other accessories that may be namic changes. If accessories When loading within this weight limit,…
  • Page 11
    SAFETY INFORMATION tor and may limit control ability, Always turn the engine off before or clothing, immediately wash the therefore, such accessories are leaving the motorcycle unattended affected area with soap and water not recommended. and remove the key from the main and change your clothes.
  • Page 12: Description

    DESCRIPTION EAU10410 Left view 1. Accessory box (page 3-26) 9. YCC-S clutch fluid reservoir (page 6-20) 2. Front fork spring preload adjusting bolt (page 3-28) 10.Shock absorber assembly spring preload adjusting lever (page 3-30) 3. Front fork rebound damping force adjusting knob (page 3-28) 11.Air filter element (page 6-14) 4.

  • Page 13: Right View

    DESCRIPTION EAU10420 Right view 1. Storage compartment (page 3-25) 9. Shock absorber assembly rebound damping force adjusting knob (page 3-30) 2. Fuel tank cap (page 3-19) 10.Rear brake fluid reservoir (page 6-20) 3. Fuse box (page 6-27) 4. Windshield (page 3-15) 5.

  • Page 14: Controls And Instruments

    DESCRIPTION EAU10430 Controls and instruments 1. Rear view mirror (page 3-28) 9. Throttle grip (page 6-15) 2. Left handlebar switches (page 3-15) 10.Main switch/steering lock (page 3-3) 3. Tachometer (page 3-7) 11.Headlight beam adjusting knob (page 3-26) 4. Speedometer (page 3-7) 12.Grip warmer adjusting knob (page 3-31) 5.

  • Page 15: Instrument And Control Functions

    Immobilizer system This is not an automatic transmission, This vehicle features the YCC-S only the clutch system is automatic. (Yamaha Chip Controlled-Shift) sys- The gears must be shifted by the rider. tem. The basic function of this system allows the rider to shift gears without the use of a clutch lever.

  • Page 16
    Do not expose any key to exces- a Yamaha dealer to have them re-reg- sively high temperatures. istered. Do not use the key with the red Do not place any key close to bow for driving.
  • Page 17: Main Switch/Steering Lock

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU10471 EAU26811 To lock the steering Main switch/steering lock All electrical circuits are supplied with power; the meter lighting, taillights, li- cense plate light and auxiliary lights come on, and the engine can be start- ed. The key cannot be removed. NOTE: The headlights come on automatically when the engine is started and stay on…

  • Page 18: Indicator And Warning Lights

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS To unlock the steering EAU39460 EAU11003 (Parking) Indicator and warning lights The steering is locked, and the tail- lights, license plate light and auxiliary lights are on. The hazard lights and turn signal lights can be turned on, but all other electrical systems are off.

  • Page 19
    Stop the vehicle when it is safe to do so, Even if the oil level is sufficient, the have a Yamaha dealer check the self- and park it away from traffic. Have a warning light may flicker when riding on diagnosis system.
  • Page 20
    ABS may be defective. Yamaha dealer check the electrical cir- then while rotating the rear wheel, push If this occurs, have a Yamaha dealer cuit. the shift pedal rod and pivot forward un- til the transmission is in the neutral po- check the system as soon as possible.
  • Page 21: Speedometer

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU11601 EAU11872 EAU40532 Speedometer Tachometer Multi-function display 1. Tachometer 1. Tachometer 1. Multi-function display 2. Speedometer 2. Tachometer red zone 2. “SELECT” button 3. Multi-function display 3. “RESET” button The electric tachometer allows the rider The speedometer shows the riding EWA14430 to monitor the engine speed and keep it WARNING…

  • Page 22
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS a fuel reserve tripmeter (which Odometer and tripmeter modes distance traveled from that point. In that shows the distance traveled on the case, pushing the “SELECT” button fuel reserve) switches the display between the vari- a clock ous tripmeter and odometer modes in a fuel meter the following order:…
  • Page 23
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS Clock Fuel meter will start flashing. If this occurs, have a Yamaha dealer check the electrical cir- cuit. Coolant temperature meter 1. Clock 1. Fuel meter 2. “SELECT” button The fuel meter indicates the amount of 3.
  • Page 24
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS ECA10020 Ambient temperature, instanta- Ambient temperature mode CAUTION: neous fuel consumption and aver- fuel consumption modes Do not operate the engine if it is (except for the UK) overheated. Transmission gear display 1. Ambient temperature This display shows the ambient tem- perature from –9 °C to 50 °C in 1 °C in- 1.
  • Page 25
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS The accuracy of the temperature When the display is set to “L/100 The average fuel consumption display reading may be affected when km”, the amount of fuel necessary can be set to either “AV_ _._ km/L” or riding slowly (approximately under to travel 100 km under the current “AV_ _._ L/100 km”.
  • Page 26
    50 °C will not be displayed. If there is a malfunction, “– –.–” will Air → MPG → AV_ _._ MPG → Air The accuracy of the temperature be displayed. Have a Yamaha dealer reading may be affected when check the vehicle. Ambient temperature mode riding slowly [approximately under 20 km/h (12.5 mi/h)] or when…
  • Page 27
    When the average fuel consumption such an error code, note the code num- mode is selected, the display flashes ber, and then have a Yamaha dealer for five seconds, and then “AV_ _._ check the vehicle. MPG” (average distance that can be traveled using 1.0 of fuel) is dis-…
  • Page 28: Anti-Theft Alarm (Optional)

    If the multi-function display indicates two-digit error code when the key is any error codes, note the code number, turned to “ON”. and then have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle. NOTE: If the multi-function display indicates er- ror code 52, this could be caused by transponder interference.

  • Page 29: Handlebar Switches

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU12347 Right position. To cancel the turn signal Handlebar switches lights, push the switch in after it has re- turned to the center position. Left EAU12493 Windshield position adjusting switch “ ” To move the windshield up, push this switch in direction (a).

  • Page 30
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU12500 EAU12733 EAU40381 Horn switch “ ” Hazard switch “ ” Hand shift control switch Press this switch to sound the horn. With the key in the “ON” or “ ” posi- tion, use this switch to turn on the haz- EAU12660 ard lights (simultaneous flashing of all Engine stop switch “…
  • Page 31: Shift Pedal

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS and release this switch after start- EAU40492 Shift pedal ing the engine to enable hand shifting. 1. Shift pedal 2. Bolt 1. Shift pedal 3. Standard position This vehicle is equipped with a con- 2. Move the shift pedal to the desired stant-mesh 5-speed transmission.

  • Page 32: Hand Shift Lever

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU40481 EAU26822 EAU39540 Hand shift lever “ ”/“ ” Brake lever Brake pedal The brake lever is located at the right handlebar grip. To apply the front brake, pull the lever toward the handle- bar grip. 1.

  • Page 33: Abs

    This ABS has a test mode which EAU13072 Fuel tank cap allows the owner to experience the The Yamaha ABS (Anti-lock Brake pulsating at the brake lever or System) features a dual electronic con- brake pedal when the ABS is oper- trol system, which acts on the front and ating.

  • Page 34: Fuel

    Avoid spilling fuel on the hot en- Your Yamaha engine has been de- gine. signed to use regular unleaded gaso- line with a research octane number of 91 or higher.

  • Page 35: Fuel Tank Breather/Overflow Hose

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS or premium unleaded fuel. Use of un- EAU39450 EAU13441 Fuel tank breather/overflow Catalytic converter leaded fuel will extend spark plug life hose This vehicle is equipped with catalytic and reduce maintenance costs. converters in the exhaust system. EWA10860 WARNING The exhaust system is hot after op-…

  • Page 36: Seats

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU39491 Seats Passenger seat To remove the passenger seat 1. Insert the key into the seat lock, and then turn it counterclockwise. 1. Projection 1. Rider seat lock lever 2. Seat holder 2. Rider seat 2. Remove the key. To install the rider seat 1.

  • Page 37: Adjusting The Rider Seat Height

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 2. Install the passenger seat. EAU39632 Adjusting the rider seat height NOTE: The rider seat height can be adjusted to Make sure that the seats are prop- one of two positions to suit the rider’s erly secured before riding. preference.

  • Page 38
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 6. Align the projection on the bottom of the rider seat with the “H” posi- tion slot, and then push the rear of the seat down to lock it in place as shown. 1. Rider seat height position adjuster 1.
  • Page 39: Storage Compartment

    208 kg (459 lb) for the ve- tion slot, and then push the rear of hicle. the seat down to lock it in place as shown. 1. Storage compartment 2. Yamaha CYCLELOK (optional) This storage compartment is designed 1. “L” position slot hold genuine Yamaha CYCLELOK.

  • Page 40: Accessory Box

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU39480 ECA11800 EAU39610 Accessory box Adjusting the headlight CAUTION: The accessory box is located beside beams Do not place heat-sensitive items in the meter panel. The headlight adjusting knobs are used the accessory box. The accessory to raise or lower the height of the head- box gets extremely hot especially To open the accessory box…

  • Page 41: Handlebar Position

    The handlebars can be adjusted to one ings of three positions to suit the rider’s pref- The cowlings can be tilted back 30 mm erence. Have a Yamaha dealer adjust (1.18 in) for added ventilation to suit the the position of the handlebars. riding conditions.

  • Page 42: Rear View Mirrors

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU39671 EAU14731 Rear view mirrors Adjusting the front fork The rear view mirrors of this vehicle can This front fork is equipped with spring be folded forward or backward for park- preload adjusting bolts, rebound damp- ing in narrow spaces.

  • Page 43
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS load thereby soften Rebound damping force Compression damping force suspension, turn the adjusting bolt on each fork leg in direction (b). NOTE: Align the appropriate groove on the ad- justing mechanism with the top of the front fork cap bolt.
  • Page 44: Adjusting The Shock Absorber Assembly

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS ECA10100 EAU14911 For riding solo, move the spring preload Adjusting the shock absorber CAUTION: adjusting lever in direction (b). For assembly riding with a passenger, move the Never attempt to turn an adjusting This shock absorber assembly is spring preload adjusting lever in direc- mechanism beyond the maximum or equipped with a spring preload adjust-…

  • Page 45: Grip Warmer Adjusting Knob

    Standard: formance. the engine is running. 12 click(s) in direction (b)* Always have a Yamaha dealer Maximum (hard): Use the grip warmer adjusting knob, lo- service the shock absorber. 3 click(s) in direction (b)*…

  • Page 46: Sidestand

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU15301 below and have a Yamaha dealer re- NOTE: Sidestand pair it if it does not function proper- When the vehicle is stopped or travel- The sidestand is located on the left side ing at extremely low speeds (e.g., in of the frame.

  • Page 47: Ignition Circuit Cut-Off System

    Periodically check the operation of the ignition circuit cut-off system according to the following procedure. EWA10260 WARNING The vehicle must be placed on the centerstand during this in- spection. If a malfunction is noted, have a Yamaha dealer check the sys- tem before riding. 3-33…

  • Page 48
    The vehicle should not be ridden until With the engine still running: checked by a Yamaha dealer. 7. Move the sidestand up. 8. Keep the front or rear brake applied. 9. Shift the transmission into gear.
  • Page 49: Auxiliary Dc Jack

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU39651 EWA14360 Auxiliary DC jack WARNING This vehicle is equipped with an auxilia- To prevent electrical shock or short- ry DC jack in the accessory box. circuiting, make sure that the cap is A 12-V accessory connected to the installed when the auxiliary DC jack auxiliary jack can be used when the key is not being used.

  • Page 50: Pre-Operation Checks

    PRE-OPERATION CHECKS EAU15592 The condition of a vehicle is the owner’s responsibility. Vital components can start to deteriorate quickly and unexpectedly, even if the vehicle remains unused (for example, as a result of exposure to the elements). Any damage, fluid leakage or loss of tire air pressure could have serious consequences.

  • Page 51: Pre-Operation Check List

    • If necessary, add recommended coolant to specified level. 6-13 • Check cooling system for leakage. • Check operation. • If soft or spongy, have Yamaha dealer bleed hydraulic system. • Check brake pads for wear. Front brake • Replace if necessary.

  • Page 52
    • Make sure that operation is smooth. • Check cable free play. Throttle grip 6-15, 6-22 • If necessary, have Yamaha dealer adjust cable free play and lubricate cable and grip housing. • Make sure that operation is smooth. Control cables 6-22 •…
  • Page 53: Operation And Important Riding Points

    Yamaha dealer check the electrical cir- ground and distract the opera- Never ride with the sidestand cuit. tor, resulting in a possible loss down.

  • Page 54: Shifting

    OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS EAU40572 The gears can be shifted using either NOTE: Shifting the shift pedal or the hand shift lever. If the engine fails to start, release the The hand shift lever has to be enabled start switch, wait a few seconds, and by pressing the hand shift control then try again.

  • Page 55: Tips For Reducing Fuel Consumption

    OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS Always return the throttle to the EAU16810 EAU16841 Tips for reducing fuel con- Engine break-in closed position while changing sumption There is never a more important period gears to avoid damaging the en- in the life of your engine than the period Fuel consumption depends largely on gine, transmission, and drive between 0 and 1600 km (1000 mi).

  • Page 56: Parking

    Yamaha dealer check the vehi- the main switch is still on, as the cle. clutch automatically disengag-…

  • Page 57: Periodic Maintenance And Minor Repair

    If you are not familiar with mainte- certain maintenance work correctly. nance work, have a Yamaha dealer do it for you. NOTE: If you do not have the tools or experi- ence required for a particular job, have a Yamaha dealer perform it for you.

  • Page 58: Periodic Maintenance And Lubrication Chart

    The annual checks must be performed every year, except if a kilometer-based maintenance is performed in- stead. From 50000 km, repeat the maintenance intervals starting from 10000 km. Items marked with an asterisk should be performed by a Yamaha dealer as they require special tools, data and technical skills. ODOMETER READING (× 1000 km)

  • Page 59
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR ODOMETER READING (× 1000 km) ANNUAL ITEM CHECK OR MAINTENANCE JOB CHECK √ √ √ √ 9 * Wheels • Check runout and for damage. • Check tread depth and for damage. • Replace if necessary. √…
  • Page 60
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR ODOMETER READING (× 1000 km) ANNUAL ITEM CHECK OR MAINTENANCE JOB CHECK • Change. √ √ √ √ √ √ Engine oil • Check oil level and vehicle for oil leakage. Engine oil filter car- √…
  • Page 61
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR Hydraulic brake and YCC-S clutch service • Regularly check and, if necessary, correct the brake and YCC-S clutch fluid levels. • Every two years replace the internal components of the brake master cylinders and calipers as well as YCC-S clutch master and release cylinders, and change the brake and YCC-S clutch fluids.
  • Page 62: Removing And Installing Panels

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU18771 Removing and installing pan- The panels shown need to be removed to perform some of the maintenance jobs described in this chapter. Refer to this section each time a panel needs to be removed and installed. 1.

  • Page 63
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU39601 Panel C To remove the panel 1. Remove the seats. (See page 3-22.) 2. Remove the bolt and the quick fas- tener screws, and then take the panel off. 1. Panel B 2. Install the seats. 2.
  • Page 64: Checking The Spark Plugs

    Do not attempt to diagnose 0.7–0.8 mm (0.028–0.031 in) such problems yourself. Instead, have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle. Clean the surface of the spark plug If a spark plug shows signs of electrode gasket and its mating surface, and then…

  • Page 65: Engine Oil And Oil Filter Cartridge

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU19881 2. Place an oil pan under the engine Engine oil and oil filter car- NOTE: to collect the used oil. The engine oil should be between the tridge 3. Remove the engine oil filler cap minimum and maximum level marks.

  • Page 66
    An oil filter wrench is available at a seated. 43 Nm (4.3 m·kgf, 31 ft·lbf) Yamaha dealer. 6. Install the new oil filter cartridge, 8. Add the specified amount of the 5. Apply a thin coat of engine oil to…
  • Page 67: Final Gear Oil

    If any page (since the engine oil also or remains on, immediately turn the leakage is found, have a Yamaha deal- lubricates the clutch), do not engine off and have a Yamaha dealer er check and repair the vehicle. In addi- mix any chemical additives.

  • Page 68
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR 2. Remove the oil filler bolt, and then Tightening torque: Tightening torque: check the oil level in the final gear Final gear oil filler bolt: Final gear oil filler bolt: case. 23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf, 17 ft·lbf) 23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf, 17 ft·lbf) NOTE: 6.
  • Page 69: Coolant

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU20070 Coolant NOTE: The coolant should be between the The coolant level should be checked minimum and maximum level marks. before each ride. In addition, the cool- ant must be changed at the intervals specified in the periodic maintenance and lubrication chart.

  • Page 70: Air Filter Element

    Yamaha dealer change the coolant. in the periodic maintenance and lubri- coolant, have a Yamaha dealer cation chart. Have a Yamaha dealer check the antifreeze content of clean and replace the air filter element. the coolant as soon as possible, otherwise the effectiveness of the coolant will be reduced.

  • Page 71: Checking The Engine Idling Speed

    To prevent this checked as follows and, if necessary, from occurring, the valve clearance adjusted by a Yamaha dealer at the in- must be adjusted by a Yamaha dealer tervals specified in the periodic mainte- at the intervals specified in the periodic nance and lubrication chart.

  • Page 72: Tires

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU21771 NEVER OVERLOAD Tire air pressure (measured on cold Tires MOTORCYCLE! Operation of an tires): To maximize the performance, durabil- overloaded motorcycle may re- 0–90 kg (0–198 lb): ity, and safe operation of your motor- Front: sult in tire damage, loss of con- cycle,…

  • Page 73
    Tire information glass fragments in it, or if the sidewall is Use only the tire valves and cracked, have a Yamaha dealer re- valve cores listed below to place the tire immediately. avoid tire deflation during a high-speed ride.
  • Page 74: Cast Wheels

    Always adjust the tire air pres- 180/55 ZR17M/C (73W) fore each ride. If any damage is Manufacturer/model: sure according to the operating found, have a Yamaha dealer re- METZELER/Roadtec Z6C conditions. BRIDGESTONE/BT020R place the wheel. Do not attempt FRONT and REAR:…

  • Page 75: Ycc-S Clutch

    If ified in the periodic maintenance and before each ride. If the YCC-S clutch necessary, have a Yamaha dealer ad- lubrication chart. plates wear out, shifting becomes just the brake light switch.

  • Page 76: Checking The Brake And Ycc-S Clutch Fluid Levels

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR cator groove has almost disappeared, EAU40591 YCC-S clutch Checking the brake and have a Yamaha dealer replace the YCC-S clutch fluid levels brake pads as a set. Front brake EAU22500 Rear brake pads 1. Minimum level mark…

  • Page 77: Changing The Brake And Ycc-S Clutch Fluids

    YCC-S clutch fluids 6-6.) stalling them. Have a Yamaha dealer change the Be careful that water or dust does Observe these precautions: brake and YCC-S clutch fluids at the in- not enter the brake and YCC-S…

  • Page 78: Checking And Lubricating The Cables

    If a cable is damaged maintenance chart. or does not move smoothly, have a Yamaha dealer check or replace it. Recommended lubricant: Engine oil EWA10720 WARNING…

  • Page 79: Checking And Lubricating The Brake Lever

    Recommended lubricant: EWA10740 Lithium-soap-based grease (all-pur- WARNING pose grease) If the centerstand or sidestand does not move up and down smoothly, have a Yamaha dealer check or re- pair it. Recommended lubricant: Lithium-soap-based grease (all-pur- pose grease) 6-23…

  • Page 80: Lubricating The Swingarm Pivots

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAUM1650 EAU23250 EAU23271 Lubricating the swingarm piv- Lubricating the rear suspen- Checking the front fork sion The condition and operation of the front fork must be checked as follows at the intervals specified in the periodic main- tenance and lubrication chart.

  • Page 81: Checking The Steering

    Securely support the vehicle so that fork does not operate smoothly, there is no danger of it falling over. have a Yamaha dealer check or re- pair it. 2. Hold the lower ends of the front fork legs and try to move them for- ward and backward.

  • Page 82: Checking The Wheel Bearings

    Batteries produce explosive hy- To charge the battery drogen gas. Therefore, keep Have a Yamaha dealer charge the bat- sparks, flames, cigarettes, etc., tery as soon as possible if it seems to away from the battery and pro- have discharged.

  • Page 83: Replacing The Fuses

    The main fuse, the fuse boxes and the CHILDREN. sealed-type (MF) battery charg- ABS motor fuse are located under pan- er, have a Yamaha dealer el A. (See page 6-6.) charge your battery. To store the battery 1. If the vehicle will not be used for…

  • Page 84
    2. Right radiator fan fuse 10.0 A 4. If the fuse immediately blows Hazard fuse: 3. Left radiator fan fuse again, have a Yamaha dealer 10.0 A 4. Hazard fuse check the electrical system. Fuel injection system fuse: 5. Backup fuse (for odometer, clock and immo- 15.0 A…
  • Page 85: Headlight Bulb

    If a front turn signal light does not come light bulb or a tail/brake light Yamaha dealer check its electrical cir- on, have a Yamaha dealer check its bulb cuit or replace the bulb. electrical circuit or replace the bulb.

  • Page 86: Replacing The License Plate Light Bulb

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR 6. Install the passenger seat. EAU24310 3. Remove the defective bulb by pull- Replacing the license plate ing it out. light bulb 4. Insert a new bulb into the socket. 1. Remove the license plate light unit 5.

  • Page 87: Auxiliary Light Bulb

    The following troubleshooting charts represent quick and easy procedures for checking these vital systems your- self. However, should your motorcycle require any repair, take it to a Yamaha dealer, whose skilled technicians have the necessary tools, experience, and know-how to service the motorcycle properly.

  • Page 88: Troubleshooting Charts

    Remove the spark plugs and check the electrodes. The engine does not start. Have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle. Check the battery. 4. Battery The engine turns over The battery is good.

  • Page 89
    Start the engine. If the engine overheats again, have a The coolant level Yamaha dealer check and repair the cooling system. is OK. NOTE: If coolant is not available, tap water can be temporarily used instead, provided that it is changed to the recommended coolant as soon as possible.
  • Page 90: Motorcycle Care And Storage

    Rust and corrosion can develop matte colored finished parts. Be ECA10770 even if high-quality components are sure to consult a Yamaha dealer for CAUTION: advice on what products to use be- used. A rusty exhaust pipe may go un- Avoid using strong acidic wheel fore cleaning the vehicle.

  • Page 91
    MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE thinner, fuel (gasoline), rust re- After normal use ECA10790 CAUTION: movers or inhibitors, brake flu- Remove dirt with warm water, a mild id, antifreeze or electrolyte. detergent, and a soft, clean sponge, Do not use warm water since it in- Do not use high-pressure wash- and then rinse thoroughly with clean creases the corrosive action of the…
  • Page 92: Storage

    7. Let the motorcycle dry completely Always store your motorcycle in a cool, NOTE: before storing or covering it. dry place and, if necessary, protect it Consult a Yamaha dealer for advice on EWA11130 against dust with a porous cover. WARNING what products to use.

  • Page 93
    MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE 3. Perform the following steps to pro- 4. Lubricate all control cables and the tect the cylinders, piston rings, etc. pivoting points of all levers and from corrosion. pedals as well as of the side- a. Remove the spark plug caps stand/centerstand.
  • Page 94: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: Engine oil: Fuel injector: Overall length: Type: Manufacturer: 2230 mm (87.8 in) SAE20W40 NIPPON INJECTOR Overall width: Recommended engine oil grade: Model/quantity: 750 mm (29.5 in) API service SG type or higher, JASO INP-151/4 Overall height: standard MA Spark plug (s): 1450 mm (57.1 in) Engine oil quantity:…

  • Page 95
    SPECIFICATIONS 3rd: (Total weight of rider, passenger, cargo and Operation: 31/23 (1.348) accessories) Right hand operation 4th: Tire air pressure (measured on cold Recommended fluid: 28/26 (1.077) DOT 4 tires): 5th: Rear brake: Loading condition: 26/28 (0.929) Type: 0–90 kg (0–198 lb) Chassis: Single disc brake Front:…
  • Page 96
    SPECIFICATIONS Voltage, capacity: Fuses: 12 V, 12.0 Ah Main fuse: Headlight: 50.0 A Bulb type: Headlight fuse: Halogen bulb 25.0 A Bulb voltage, wattage × quantity: Signaling system fuse: 15.0 A Headlight: 12 V, 60 W/55.0 W × 2 Ignition fuse: 10.0 A Tail/brake light: 12 V, 5.0 W/21.0 W ×…
  • Page 97: Consumer Information

    Record the key identification number, vehicle identification number and mod- el label information in the spaces pro- vided below for assistance when ordering spare parts from a Yamaha dealer or for reference in case the vehi- cle is stolen. KEY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 1.

  • Page 98
    The model label is affixed to the frame under the passenger seat. (See page 3-22.) Record the information on this la- bel in the space provided. This informa- tion will be needed when ordering spare parts from a Yamaha dealer.
  • Page 99
    INDEX Engine trouble/YCC-S indicators and warning light……….3-5 ABS …………3-19 License plate light bulb, replacing..6-30 ABS warning light ……..3-6 Accessory box ……..3-26 Final gear oil……….6-11 Main switch/steering lock……3-3 Air filter element……..6-14 Front and rear brake pads, checking ..6-19 Matte color, caution ……..
  • Page 100
    INDEX Starting the engine……..5-1 Start switch ……….. 3-16 Steering, checking …….. 6-25 Storage ……….. 7-3 Storage compartment ……3-25 Swingarm pivots, lubricating ….6-24 Tachometer……….3-7 Throttle cable free play, checking ..6-15 Throttle grip and cable, checking and lubricating ……..6-22 Tires …………
  • Page 102

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