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F1 2019 ошибка ego dumper
F1 вернулся с новой записью F1 22 для ПК и консолей. Игра была хорошо встречена как игроками, так и критиками. Однако версия F1 22 для ПК сталкивается с ошибками и проблемами, такими как ошибка Ego Dumper, сбой в игре, неработающие DLSS и трассировка лучей, сбой при запуске, код ошибки AKEX-JHXX-KDKM-BAVE и многое другое. Здесь я составил список ошибок, о которых сообщают игроки на ПК, а также их исправления и обходные пути.
F1 22 — последняя запись в франшиза. Хотя в F1 21 была представлена однопользовательская кампания, в этом году разработчики ее пропустили. Тем не менее, они добавили новый режим, чтобы оправдать новую запись, однако на самом деле они, похоже, не добавляют к ней.
Игры F1 всегда оптимизировались для консолей и ПК, и F1 22 не исключение. Несмотря на это, игроки F1 22 на ПК сообщают об ошибках и проблемах, таких как ошибка EEgo Dumper, сбой в игре, неработающие DLSS и трассировка лучей, сбой при запуске, код ошибки AKEX-JHXX-KDKM-BAVE и многое другое. Ниже приведены ошибки, с которыми сталкиваются игроки на ПК, а также их исправления и обходные пути.
Исправление ошибки Ego Dumper
Сбой ошибки Ego Dumpr появляется в предыдущих записях в Франшиза F1. По словам игроков F1 22 на ПК, ошибка EEgo Dumper не позволяет им наслаждаться игрой, и вот как ее исправить.
Игроки сообщают, что использование DLSS является одной из причин ошибки F1 22 Ego Dumper. Отключите DLSS и используйте вместо этого TAA, чтобы исправить ошибку. Однако некоторые игроки сообщают, что использование TAA с AMD FidelityFX вызывает сбой Ego Dumper. Это немного беспорядок, но одна из этих настроек должна исправить ошибку.
Другой причиной сбоя ошибки Ego Dumper является антивирус или сама система безопасности Windows. Попробуйте исключить F122.exe из своего антивируса, затем проверьте файлы игры, и ошибка будет исправлена. Если нет, то защита от программ-вымогателей вызывает ошибку F1 22 Ego Dumper. Откройте Настройки > Обновить & Безопасность > Безопасность Windows > Вирус & Защита от угроз > Управление защитой от программ-вымогателей > Отключите контролируемый доступ к папкам. Это устранит сбой ошибки F1 22 Ego Dumper.
Если вы разогнали ЦП, ГП или ОЗУ, это еще одна причина ошибки F1 22 Ego Dumper. Если вы разогнали какой-либо компонент ПК, верните его на частоты по умолчанию, и ошибка Ego Dumper будет исправлена.
Еще одно исправление сбоя Ego Dumper: откройте Панель управления Nvidia > Управление настройками 3D > Настройки программы > Выберите игру и внесите следующие изменения.
Резкость изображения — Выкл. Режим низкой задержки — Выкл.< br /> Управление питанием — Предпочтение максимальной производительности Фильтрация текстур — Качество — Производительность Многопоточная оптимизация — Вкл.
Примените эти изменения, запустите F1 22, и ошибка Ego Dumper исчезла’ ;не появляется снова.
Исправление сбоя
Игроки на ПК сообщают, что F1 22 дает сбой во время игры, и вот как это исправить. Сначала попробуйте исправления, упомянутые в разделе “Исправление ошибки Ego Dumper” и посмотрите, помогут ли они. Если игра все еще падает, возможно, вы используете сторонний инструмент или программное обеспечение, такое как MSI Afterburner, Discord, RGB Software, или любое другое программное обеспечение, работающее в фоновом режиме. Эти сторонние инструменты могут привести к сбою F1 22. Отключите любое стороннее программное обеспечение, которое вы установили, и проблема будет устранена.
Кроме того, использование внутриигровых наложений, таких как внутриигровое наложение Steam или наложение GeForce Experience, может привести к сбою игры. Отключите любой используемый вами внутриигровой оверлей, и F1 22 перестанет зависать.
Ваш графический процессор — еще одна причина, по которой F1 22 дает сбой. Либо графический процессор разогнан, либо он не очень хорошо справляется с игровой нагрузкой. Если графический процессор разогнан, верните его к тактовой частоте графического процессора по умолчанию, даже если он был разогнан на заводе.
Если GPU не разогнан, то попробуйте понизить настройки графики. Если даже это не сработает, попробуйте ограничить или снизить максимальный FPS в игре. Это снизит нагрузку на GPU и CPU, а F1 22 не приведет к сбою. Откройте Панель управления Nvidia> Управление настройками 3D> Настройки программы> Выберите F1 22 из списка. Включите максимальный предел FPS и установите для него значение.
F1 22 Игроки на ПК сообщают, что у них возникают коды ошибок, подобные следующим и вот как их исправить.
Код ошибки cjkx-gkdg-deex-tkee
Некоторые игроки на ПК отмечают, что выбор режима максимальной производительности Prefer в панели управления Nvidia для F1 22 исправляет эти коды ошибок. Откройте Панель управления Nvidia> Управление настройками 3D> Настройки программы> Выберите F1 22 из списка. Найдите «Управление питанием», выберите «Предпочитать максимальную производительность» и нажмите «Применить».
Игра не запускается, исправление сбоя при запуске
Игроки F1 22 на ПК сообщают, что игра вылетает при запуске или вообще не запускается. Вот как исправить сбой F1 22 при запуске. Если вы испытываете сбой Ego Dumper при запуске, см. исправления в разделе “Исправление ошибки Ego Dumper” чтобы исправить это.
Прежде чем мы начнем с исправлениями, убедитесь, что вы используете 64-разрядную версию Windows 10 версии 1909 и графический процессор с поддержкой DirectX 12. Игра не поддерживает 32-разрядную ОС Win 10 или более раннюю версию.
Одной из причин, по которой игра не запускается, может быть ваш антивирус. Либо отключите защиту в реальном времени, либо исключите из нее папку с игрой, я рекомендую последнее. После этого проверьте файлы игры, запустите F1 22, и она не будет падать при запуске.
Контролируемый доступ к папкам — еще одна причина сбоя F1 22 при запуске. Откройте Настройки > Обновить & Безопасность > Безопасность Windows > Вирус & Защита от угроз > Управление защитой от программ-вымогателей > Отключите контролируемый доступ к папкам.
Отсутствие или повреждение распространяемых файлов Visual C++ — еще одна причина сбоя при запуске. Установите/восстановите последние распространяемые файлы Microsoft Visual C++ для версий x64 и x86, чтобы устранить проблему сбоя F1 22 при запуске.
Также ознакомьтесь с шагами, указанными в этой ссылке, если игра по-прежнему дает сбой или не запускается. .
Трассировка лучей не работает, DLSS неактивен
Некоторые игроки F1 22 на ПК сообщают, что, хотя у них есть графические процессоры RTX, они не могут включить трассировку лучей или ДЛСС в игре. Проблема может заключаться в вашей операционной системе, так как для F1 22 требуется 64-разрядная версия Windows 10 (версия 2004) для включения трассировки лучей. Вероятно, ваша операционная система устарела. Обновите свою ОС, и трассировка лучей начнет работать в F1 22.
Это все, что касается наших исправлений F1 22 для ошибок и проблем, таких как сбой Ego Dumper, сбой в игре, код ошибки AKEX-JHXX-KDKM- BAVE, сбой при запуске, DLSS и трассировка лучей не работают и многое другое. Если вы сталкиваетесь с ошибками и проблемами, связанными с другими компьютерными играми или вашим ПК, также посетите наш центр часто встречающихся ошибок ПК и способов их устранения.
F1 has returned with a new entry F1 22 for PC and consoles. The game saw a good reception from players and critics alike. However, the PC version of F1 22 is facing errors and issues like Ego Dumper Error, in-game crash, DLSS and ray tracing not working, crash at launch, error code AKEX-JHXX-KDKM-BAVE, and more. Here I have compiled a list of errors that PC players are reporting along with their fixes and workarounds.
Last updated on March 22nd, 2023 at 10:50 pm
Table Of Contents
F1 22 Ego Dumper And Other Fixes That’ll Help
Ego Dumper Error Fix
Disable DLSS
Disable Anti-Virus And Controlled Folder Access
Disable Overclock
Tweak Nvidia Control Panel Settings
Crash Fix
Disable Sonic Studio
Disable In-game Overlays
Disable Overclock
Limit Max FPS
Game Not Starting, Crash At Startup Fix
Disable Anti-Virus
Disable Controlled Folder Access
Install/Repair Visual C++ Redistributables
Ray Tracing Not Working, DLSS Greyed Out Fix
F1 22 Ego Dumper And Other Fixes That’ll Help
F1 22 is the latest entry in the franchise. While F1 21 introduced a single-player campaign, this year the developers skipped it. However, they did add a new mode to justify the new entry, however, they don’t really seem to add to it.
F1 games have always been optimized for consoles and PC and F1 22 is no exception. Despite that, F1 22 PC players are reporting errors and issues like EEgo Dumper error, in-game crash, DLSS and ray tracing not working, crash at launch, error code AKEX-JHXX-KDKM-BAVE, and more. The following are the errors that PC players are experiencing along with their fixes and workarounds.
Ego Dumper Error Fix
Ego Dumpr error crash is something that has popped up in the previous entries in the F1 franchise. According to F1 22 PC players, the Ego Dumper error is not letting them enjoy the game, and here is how to fix it.
Disable DLSS
Players have reported that using DLSS is one reason behind the F1 22 Ego Dumper error. Disable DLSS and use TAA instead to fix the error. However, some players have reported that using TAA with AMD FidelityFX is causing the Ego Dumper crash. It’s a bit of a mess but, disabling one of these settings should fix the error.
Disable Anti-Virus And Controlled Folder Access
Another reason behind the Ego Dumper error crash is the anti-virus or Windows Security itself. Try to exclude F122.exe from your anti-virus, then verify game files, and the error will be fixed. If not, then Ransomware protection is causing the F1 22 Ego Dumper error. Open Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security > Virus & Threat Protection > Manage ransomware protection > Turn off controlled folder access. This will fix the F1 22 Ego Dumper error crash.
Disable Overclock
If you have overclocked your CPU, GPU, or RAM, this is another reason behind the F1 22 Ego Dumper error. If you have overclocked any PC component, then revert it to its default clocks and the Ego Dumper error will be fixed. However, some GPUs are factory overclock which can cause the Ego Dumper error crash in F1 22. In this case, enable debug mode in Nvidia Control Panel and the GPU will be forced to use Nvidia reference clocks. Open Nvidia Control Panel > Help > Debug Mode. This will fix the Ego Dumper Error.
Tweak Nvidia Control Panel Settings
Another fix for the Ego Dumper crash is open Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings > Select the game and make the following changes.
Image Sharpening – Off Low Latency Mode – Off Power Management – Prefer Maximum Performance Texture filtering – Quality – Performance Threaded Optimization – On
Apply these changes, launch F1 22, and the Ego Dumper error won’t pop up again.
Crash Fix
PC players are reporting that F1 22 is crashing while playing and here is how to fix it. First, try the fixes mentioned under “Ego Dumper Error Fix” and see if they help.
In case the game is still crashing, then you might be using a third-party tool or software like MSI Afterburner, Discord, RGB Software, or any software running in the background. These third-party tools can cause F1 22 to crash. Disable any third-party software you have installed and the issue will be fixed.
Disable Sonic Studio
F1 22 devs have noted that Sonic Studio, an application bundled with some ASUS products, is causing the game to crash. Uninstall Sonic Studio and F1 22 crash issue will be fixed. Open Windows Settings > Apps > Installed apps > type Sonic Studio in the search bar > delete Sonic Studio III and restart your PC.
Disable In-game Overlays
Using in-game overlays like Steam in-game overlay or GeForce Experience overlay can cause the game to crash. Disable any in-game overlay that you are using and the F1 22 will stop crashing. To disable Steam overlay, open Steam > settings > In-game > uncheck “Enable the Steam overlay while in-game.”
Installing Nvidia Driver, often install GeForce Experience and its overlay is enabled by default. To disable the in-game overlay, open GeForce experience > click on the Gear icon next to your username > General > turn off the “IN-GAME Overlay” options.
Disable Overclock
Your GPU is another reason why F1 22 is crashing. Either the GPU is overclocked or it isn’t handling the game’s load really well. If the GPU is overclocked, then revert it to its default GPU clock. If the GPU is factory overclocked, enable Degug mode to force the GPU to use Nvidia’s reference clocks, this will fix the F1 22 in-game crash. Open Nvidia Control Panel > Help > Debug Mode.
Limit Max FPS
If the GPU isn’t overclocked, then try to lower the graphics settings. In case even that doesn’t work, try capping or lowering the game’s max FPS. Doing this will reduce GPU and CPU load and F1 22 won’t crash. Open Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings > Select F1 22 from the list. Enable the max FPS limit and set a value for it.
F1 22 PC players are reporting that they are experiencing error codes like the following and here is how to fix them.
Error Code cjkx-gkdg-deex-tkee
Some PC players have noted that selecting the Prefer maximum performance mode in Nvidia Control Panel for F1 22 fixes these error codes. Open Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings > Select F1 22 from the list. Look for Power Management, select Prefer Maximum Performance, and hit apply.
Make the changes as highlighted.
Game Not Starting, Crash At Startup Fix
F1 22 PC players are reporting that the game is crashing at launch or not starting at all. Here is how to fix the F1 22 crash at launch issue. If you are experiencing the Ego Dumper crash at launch, see the fixes under “Ego Dumper Error Fix” to fix it.
Before we start with the fixes, make sure you are using 64-Bit Windows 10 Version 1909 and a DirectX 12 supporting GPU. The game doesn’t support 32-Bit Win 10 or older OS.
Disable Anti-Virus
One reason why the game isn’t launching could be your anti-virus. Either disable real-time protection or exclude the game’s folder from it, I recommend the latter. After that, verify game files, launch F1 22, and it won’t crash at startup.
Disable Controlled Folder Access
Controlled Folder Access is another reason behind the F1 22 crash at startup issue. Open Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security > Virus & Threat Protection > Manage ransomware protection > Turn off controlled folder access.
Install/Repair Visual C++ Redistributables
Missing or corrupt Visual C++ Redistributable files are another reason behind the crash at launch issue. Install/repair the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables both x64 and x86 versions to fix the F1 22 crash at launch issue.
Also, check out the steps mentioned in this link if the game is still crashing or not starting.
Ray Tracing Not Working, DLSS Greyed Out Fix
Some F1 22 PC players have reported that while they have RTX GPUs, they can’t seem to enable Ray Tracing or DLSS in the game. The issue might be your operating system as F1 22 requires Windows 10 64-bit (Version 2004) to enable Ray Tracing. Your operating system is probably outdated. Update your OS and Ray Tracing will start working in F1 22.
That is all for our F1 22 fixes for errors and issues like Ego Dumper crash, in-game crash, Error Code AKEX-JHXX-KDKM-BAVE, crash at launch, DLSS and Ray Tracing not working, and more. If you are facing errors and issues with other PC games or your PC then also see our hub for commonly occurring PC errors and their fixes.
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F1 2019Ego Dumper
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Aroop Kumar Behera
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F1 2019 The Game (Codemasters)
Aroop Kumar Behera
Aroop Kumar Behera
Anyone facing this crash while launching F1 2019 from steam (directX12 version)??
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Aroop Kumar Behera said:
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Most of people with DirectX 12.
You can:
-use 11 (launch from Steam library and choose DirectX 11)
-disable Steam Overlay
-update Nvidia drivers.
Aroop Kumar Behera
Aroop Kumar Behera
Well, I can confirm that DirectX11exe is working.
However, the steam overlay thing did not help.
I can also confirm that the Nvidia drivers are also up to date.
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Is F1 22 constantly crashing with the EGO Dumper error message? F1 22 has now been launched globally, and while the game brings many new features, unfortunately, it has also come with some familiar problems. Veteran F1 players know that one of the most annoying issues with previous releases was the good old EGO Dumper crash and error message. Is there something you can do to fix this? Here’s what we know about the issue and potential solutions.
It seems that there are no clear rules on when is this issue happening for many players. Some players report that they are unable to even start the game. The game kicks them out during the loading screen. Others state that the game constantly crashes while they are performing some activities, such as driving multiplayer races or even practice laps. Unfortunately, at the moment, this is simply a bug which needs to be fixed by Codemasters.
However, there are some solutions reported by various players that have fixed their problems. We can not guarantee that they will work, but what we can do is list them below as options to try. If they fix your F1 22 EGO Dumper Crash problems, that’s great. If not, unfortunately, we will have to wait for developers to fix it. With that said, here are some solutions that might help you mitigate this issue:
Deleting the F1 22 folder inside C:\Users\[your_username_here]\Documents\My Games > delete folder called “F1 22”.
Try using TAA or AMD FX instead of DLSS.
Disable Steam overlay (or any other overlay you use).
Make sure that your antivirus and firewall software is not interfering with your F1 22 or blocking the game’s files from being accessible.
Make sure that you have the latest GPU drivers installed.
Exclude F122.exe from the ransomware protection in Windows.
Make sure that Windows is up-to-date.
Turn off any third-party apps while playing F1 22. Many of them are known to cause issues.
And that’s about all you can do when it comes to fixing the F1 22 EGO Dumper Crash error. If nothing of this works for you, unfortunately, you’ll have to wait for a hotfix. If you know any solution that works, share it with us in the comment section!
A little optimization would be appropriate. 8.1 also give error of dotnet 3.5, please check is it prompt for that also. This error can be solved by three ways, sometime it resolve it two but most of the time you have to use all three. I’m also attaching the Windows Universal C Runtime to this post.
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One of the most recent video games in the series is “Mario Kart 8 Deluxe”, a souped-up version of Mario Kart for the Nintendo Switch platform. In this game, players challenge themselves to race on different courses with cars of all types and, as you would expect, whoever finishes first wins. Typically, files that cannot be verified change during the use of the product, such as configuration files or JIT compiled files.
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You may have to manually set the app to Windows 7 compatibility for it to work. It seems that nuget packages can also be installed via PowerShell 6. However, the “Version” parameter of Visual Studio’s Install-Package changes to “RequiredVersion” in PowerShell 6. This is the first time i’ve ever had this issue.
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In PowerShell, the location of the root directory can be determined with the function get-msOfficeInstallationRoot which is found in the https://driversol.com/dll/api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0_dll PowerShell module MS-Office. @mrjj I read about using this program before. But attempting to us it myself, i get an error “Erros were detecting….” P.S. A huge thanks goes to Alessandro Gario for providing me with all the different versions of ntoskrnl.exe. Thus, programs have now to rely on the filtering/notification technologies provided by Microsoft. And that’s why I wrote this little utility which monitors some key filters.
I’ve had a few plays around with it and honestly, it just works. For Windows XP, download and install Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013. It’s not exactly because MSVC 2013 compiled this plugin; it’s more because of the version of Microsoft linker used to link to the DLL.
When you play the F1 23 Games, you may encounter some errors such as the Game Not Launching, Crashing, Ego Dumper Crash, Freezing & Black Screen Issue on PC. There are many reasons for why this is happening to you, and you are probably trying to find some help.
In this article, we will provide you with steps you can take to try to fix your issues. Keep it in mind, however, that these steps will only help you with the problems that may be on your end. If these still don’t work for you, you can always contact the game provider’s customer support services.
The first thing you want to do when you face this issue is to restart your PC Device. If the problem persists, try our steps and see if it works for you. Keep trying every single possible fix in this list until it works!
To end these EA-Related services from running in the background, you will want to go to your Task Manager. In Task Manager, check for any EA apps that may be running in the background. Then, right click that app and choose ‘End Task’. After that, relaunch your game and see if the error still happens.
Repair AE Apps
The next thing you can try to do is to Repair the AE App. You can do this by going to your Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features > Uninstall or change a program. Then, look for the AE app and right click to uninstall it.
After that, a pop-up will ask you whether you want to uninstall or to repair the AE app. You will want to select Repair. After that, try launching the app again and see if it works for you without the errors.
Use Origin To Repair AE App
Another way you can repair the AE App is to use the Origin application. You can download this Origin Application at the website of AE itself. Simply go to this websiteand click download for Windows, or Mac if you are using it.
Next, once you have logged in, you will see an option to update the AE app. Then, select it.
After that, you will see another pop-up that says the AE app is already installed on your device. Next, you will want to select ‘Repair’ to repair the AE app. Then, launch the game again and see whether the issue still persists for you.
Run AE App Recovery
You can also run the AE App Recovery application. To access it, press your Windows Key. Then, use your search bar and type in ‘AE’ to find the AE app. Once you have found it, right click the App and select ‘Open file location’.
This will lead to the folder the file is in. In that folder, you will also find an app called ‘App Recovery’. You will want to right click it and choose ‘Run as administrator’.
After that, you will see that another window has popped up. You will want to select ‘Restart App’ and tick the ‘Send crash report’ box if you want to. This will allow you to restart the AE App. After that, you can try to launch the game and see if the bug still happens.
Delete Hardware Settings Folder
The next thing you can try to do is to delete the hardware settings Folder in your F1 23 Folder. The Location for where you download the app is different for each and everyone of us so keep searching for it. After that, relaunch the game and see if it works.
If you haven’t tried playing the game and have made no progress, you can also delete the whole game folder and try to launch the game. Keep it in mind that this will delete all your progress, so it’s not recommended if you have spent lots of time on this game.
Run In VR Mode
You can also try to run the game in VR Mode. You can do this by launching the game and selecting VR Mode when the menu pops up for you.
Device Time Settings
The next thing you want to check for is your device’s time settings. You will want to turn on Set time automatically, if it doesn’t show the right time you can always set it manually. It’s also important for you to check your country, region and time zone as well. You can also select ‘Synchronize your clock’ to sync your device’s time with the time server.
Allow The App Through Your Antivirus
Next, you will want to allow the AE app through any of the anti virus programs that you have installed, then try relaunching the game and see if it works. If you use Windows Defender/Windows Security, you can go to Ransomware Protection Settings and choose ‘Allow an app through Controlled folder access’.
Allow The App Through Windows Firewall
You can also allow the app through Windows Firewall, which may be the reason why the error is happening. To do this, press your windows key and search for ‘Allow an app through Windows Firewall”. Once you have seen it, click to select it.
Then, you will want to select ‘Change settings’ to start making changes to the allowed app lists. After that, in the bottom you will be able to see the option to add another program through firewalls. Next, go to your F1 23 Game Folder and select F1_23_Trial and add it to the allowed programs list. You can then choose to relaunch the game and see if it works.
Change In-game Settings
This is if you can launch the game, this is maybe for you if your settings are too high compared to your device. In your in-game settings, select Windowed Fullscreen, turn off DLSS, ray tracing, motion blur and NVidia reflex. You will also want to change Anti-Aliasing to AMD FX/TAA and also lower your graphics settings to lowest.
Repair F1 23 Game Files
In the AE App, you can also choose to Repair the F1 23 Game Files by right clicking the game and choosing the option ‘Repair’.
If you play the game through Steam, you can also go to your ‘Library’. Then, select your game and right click it. After that, in the ‘Local Files’ tab, select ‘Verify integrity of demo files’.
Run The Game As Administrator In Installation Folder
The next thing you can do is to go to your Installation Folder. Then, select F1_23 and right click it to select ‘Properties’. After that, select the ‘Compatibility’ tab and tick the ‘Run this program as an administrator’ option. Do the same for the F1_23_Trial Application and relaunch the game by clicking on the F1_23 app.
Reinstall Steam VR
If you are a VR Player, you can choose to Reinstall Steam VR and turn off Stencil Mesh in the VR Options.
Install Visual C++ Files
You can go to the Windows’ website to install the Visual C++ Files. After installing the latest files, you can try relaunching the game and see if it works.
Disable All Overlays
It’s also important for you to pay attention to any apps you have Overlays enabled. This can be your Steam, Discord, or any messaging, gaming or other apps overlays. For example, you can turn off Discord Overlays in settings.
Update Your Windows
You can also make sure that your windows are updated. You can check it by searching for ‘Check for updates’ in your Windows Search Bar. You can also select ‘Advanced Windows Update Options’ or you can check the optional updates to see if you have any driver updates. Driver updates are important and they can be the cause of your issues, so just have everything up-to-date.
Install The Game In A Different Disk
The last thing that you can do is to install the game in a different folder. This will mean that you have to uninstall your game, and install it in a different disk.
Those are all the things you can try to do to fix the errors. If these steps still won’t work for you, you can always contact EA Customer Support to receive some help.