Возникла крайне неприятная проблема: стала отключаться электроника — EyeSight и усилитель руля. Далее опишу причины и решение, возможно, кому-то пригодится. Если ехать без EyeSight еще можно, то без усилителя руля это крайне небезопасно и сложно. Руль практически не поворачивается, слишком сильное усилие на руль прилагать нельзя — это вредно и может привести к поломке. Поэтому крутить его получается градусов на 15-30 в каждую сторону, не более. Этого достаточно для передвижения по городу, но парковаться и маневрировать в узких местах невозможно.
Впервые такая проблема появилась через месяц после покупки автомобиля, когда я уже был рядом с домом. Поэтому особых проблем не возникло: припарковался, сразу позвонил дилеру, описал проблему, записался на диагностику следующее утро. Уточнил у дилера можно ли ехать своим ходом или нужно вызывать эвакуатор. Сказали, что можно ехать своим ходом, эвакуатор при желании тоже можно вызвать, своего эвакутора у дилера нет, можно воспользоваться любым другим. Но компенсация услуг эвакуатора возможна только в случае, если поломка будет подтверждена и случай будет признан гарантийным. Заранее заказывать эвакуатор не стал. Решил встать пораньше и тихонько поехать к дилеру. Утром завел машину и обнаружил, что никаких ошибок нет, всё работает. Доехал до дилера. Там машину подключили к сканеру, сказали, что сейчас никаких ошибок нет, и сказали приехать в следующий раз, если ошибка появится. При этом не глушить автомобиль, чтобы ошибки не исчезли и их можно было посмотреть. А вообще сказали:
такая проблема бывает, электроника в машине очень чувствительная, и если вы проехали около высоковольтной ЛЭП или рядом была молния, то вполне может произойти такой сбой. Обычно в таком случае нужно остановиться, заглушить мотор и завести его еще раз. Произойдет сброс и ошибка должна исчезнуть..
Кстати, ни дождя, ни ЛЭП рядом не было, а причина, озвученная дилером, звучит как-то странно.
После этого машина проехала без проблем примерно год. Далее стала возникать проблема, что система «свободные руки» стала срабатывать не с каждого раза на открытие с водительской двери. То есть на закрытие срабатывает всегда, а также без проблем на открытие со стороны пассажирской двери и багажника, а вот со стороны водительской не с каждого раза. И чем дальше, тем хуже. Замена батарейки в ключе автомобиля не помогла.
Далее возникла снова проблема с тем, что стал отключаться EyeSight и усилитель руля. В первый раз произошло на трассе. Припарковался на обочине, по рекомендации дилера выключил двигатель. Потом снова завел. Не помогло. Потом повторил эту операцию еще несколько раз, в итоге ошибка исчезла и я поехал дальше. Но увы это было временное решение, т.к. потом ошибка снова возникла. В начале трюк с перезапуском двигателя давал результат, но потом это уже перестало помогать.
В итоге до города я доехал уже с отключенным усилителем руля. В руководстве пользователя написано что EyeSight и усилитель руля связаны, т.е. если усилитель не работает, то и EyeSight сразу отключается. Причем любопытно, в большинстве случаев обе ошибки появлялись одновременно, но иногда была только ошибка EyeSight.
Решил заменить батарейку в метке Старлайн. На метке должна быть индикация слабого заряда батареи — а ее не было, но замену снова провел. Это помогло решить проблему со функцией «свободные руки», но не решило проблему с усилителем руля и EyeSight. Кстати, свободные руки — это штатная функция машины, которая на мой взгляд не должна быть завязана на метке Старлайн (дилер кстати тоже говорил только о замене батарейки в ключах, а не в метке).
Приехал к дилеру, как просили, двигатель не глушил, чтобы ошибки были на панели. Проверили машину сканером, сказали, что ошибки есть. Мне их сбросили, и сказали, что ошибка возникает по причине сигнализации, т.к. она внедряется в CAN-шину и может вызывать сбои. Рекомендовали обратиться к установщикам сигнализации. Сказали, что если нужно сбросить ошибку в полевых условиях, то нужно снять клеммы с аккумулятора минут на 15. А еще дилер сказал, что они сами при установке сигнализацию полностью не подключают, т.е. не активируют у сигнализации функции блокировки двигателя и т.д. Поэтому и такая ошибка не возникает, если ставить сигнализацию у дилера. Это информация к размышлению для тех, кто ставит сигнализацию у дилера, а потом удивляется, что у сигнализации часть функций не работает (потому что их просто не активируют и не подключают). Зачем тогда платить большие деньги за дорогие сигнализации (а у дилера они еще дороже) типа Старлайн или Пандора, если по факту у них защита не лучше чем у старых плюшевых Шерханов? Причем я уверен, что дилер не уведомляет заранее покупателя о том, что и как он подключает.
Обидно, что проблема возникла буквально через неделю, как я прошел у дилера ТО-1 на 15 тыс. км. Еще заметил, что в сервисной книжке есть место для двух печатей на каждом сервисном интервале — само ТО, и проверка системы EyeSight. У меня печать стояла только на ТО, а в поле EyeSight — ничего. Спросил у дилера, говорят что ставят только одну печать, а вторую не ставят. Но по моей просьбе поставили.
Вообще это странно, потому что я присутствовал на ТО-1, и вообще ничего с электроникой не делали, даже сканер не подключали. Поэтому как они проверяли работоспособность EyeSight? Дилер не выполняет все работы, которые предусмотрены регламентом? У кого-нибудь на ТО дилер проверяет EyeSight?
Погуглил в Интернете, ни в русскоязычном, ни в зарубежном не нашел упоминаний о том, что у кого-то не работает усилитель руля или EyeSight. Видимо я первый с такой ситуацией столкнулся.
В общем поехал к установщикам сигнализации Старлайн. Сказали, что странно, что проблема не возникала целый год. Посмотрели мою метку Старлайн — оказывается на ней был включен режим анти-ограбление. Это когда метка горит красным цветом, а должна зеленым. А я на это вообще не обращал внимание, мне казалось так было с момента установки сигнализации. Всегда пользуюсь свободными руками, метку вообще не достаю и не смотрю на ее индикацию. Отключить этот режим сразу у установщиков не получилось. Оставил машину.
Ей обновили ПО всех железок Старлайн, отключили этот режим анти-ограбления. После этого проехал уже 3 тысячи км, проблема больше не возникала. Поэтому проблему можно считать решенной и готовой для публикации в БЖ.
Продолжение истории www.drive2.ru/l/581903885690472163/
With the help of its dual cameras mounted at the back of the windshield and facing the front side mirror or rearview mirror, the Subaru EyeSight system helps assist you when you drive.
The cameras help detect anything that can lead to accidents on the road while driving.
The driver is then provided with audible and visual warnings and can even apply brakes automatically when necessary to stop a collision.
By using the same menu, you can disable the system. You can also do this when you press and hold the button of the EyeSight located at the steering wheel or within it.
What is the Subaru Eyesight Systems
This system is known as a technology that provides support for drivers’ safety as they drive. The system is like an extra eye for the driver as he drives on the road so that he can easily avoid any crash and have smooth traffic.
The Subaru EyeSight system helps enhance your driving experience and makes you more comfortable as you drive your vehicle.
The Subaru EyeSight system is made up of two cameras that are strategically placed within the rearview mirror.
To detect the distance and obstruction, it will have to capture the scanning of your vehicle’s front.
The central processor will then start processing the information captured by the cameras and then quickly analyzes the information for the situation to be evaluated in microseconds using a process known as a synopsis. And will also carry out safety measures programmed to happen in such cases.
Due to some reasons, the Subaru EyeSight system can fail to work or properly function.
1. Faulty sensor.
When there is any dirt or blockage in any of the cameras, EyeSight will make it unable to detect or notice any object well. This can cause malfunctioning of the system. Properly clean the lenses if you notice any dirt or blockage in them.
2. Weather conditions.
It will not be easy for the system to see objects properly if the environment is foggy or when it is raining or snowing, and this can cause it to be disabled.
When you see or notice a message that reads “Eyesight temporarily unavailable” on the instrument panel, it is affected by the weather condition.
The Subaru eyesight should automatically start clearing up when the weather becomes better.
3. Dead battery.
If you park your car in a space that is enclosed, for example, a garage, in such a situation the light is not enough for the cameras to see objects, it can cause the system to constantly run the batteries and lead to it eventually dying.
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Does Subaru Eyesight Work at Night?
So far that there’s available lighting, regardless of if it is coming from oncoming vehicles’ headlights. The Subaru EyeSight system will work at night.
The system won’t be able to work or function only when there is a total or full eclipse, and you have to reset it when the light comes back.
What Triggers Driver Focus Distraction Mitigation System?
By using a camera that can track the movement of the driver’s eyes and even the expression on his face, the driver focus & distraction mitigation system will help the drivers avoid any form of distraction on the road so that they can be focused as they drive.
The audible system will provide audible and visual alerts or warnings if he notices that a driver has lost focus on the road in order to draw his focus back.
Sometimes the system will have to turn on the steering assist feature or braking so that the vehicle does not lose the direction it is moving.
Types of Subaru Eyesight Problems
With each upgrade, there is an improvement in the technology of the Subaru EyeSight system.
With each new upgrade, we see that the problems or limitations the previous or older version used to have has been improved or are no longer there.
Those who use Subaru vehicles can testify to its driver’s safety assistance benefits and limitations.
Although we see great improvement with each new model, some problems still have not been solved.
Below are a few of them:
1. Brake light Defective Sign When Eyesight System is Off
The first Subaru Vehicles with the EyeSight system kept the brake light switched on if the eyesight system was off while driving.
According to some Subaru owners, the driver’s assist system does not work when switched on as it does in advertisements.
2. The Dysfunction of the Eyesight Detection & Traffic Control
If the eyesight isn’t able to detect a vehicle that is stopping, the traffic slow & traffic move function and the pre-collision control will not be able to work.
It is not working to prevent the possibility of any crash, but this can cause or contribute to a crash if an intrusion you didn’t anticipate occurs and you are relying on the system.
Car users won’t appreciate any technology that malfunctions in traffic or don’t function.
3. Disability by Weather Conditions
Your EyeSight tech depends on the camera’s visibility. As a result, the enhancement of eyesight has enjoyed both the development’s imperfections as well as the driver safety & assistance advantages.
The difficulties you will face in bad weather conditions are the same for the system.
Rain, dust, fog, or bright sun can affect the visibility of the cameras.
4. The Black and White signals
Older Subaru models with eyesight were programmed to accept only black and white pictures and react only to pre-collision braking & pre-collision brake assist below 20mph to 31mph.
This won’t give you the additional eyes you need like the one that was promised.
5. The Reverse Direction Movement
The pre-collision will not work when the direction of the vehicle is in the reverse direction. This, however, provides the needed assistance for the driver as he drives in reverse because driving in the reverse direction is not as easy as moving in the front directly.
6. Front View Obstruction with Bulky Dual Camera
The driver’s view can be blocked as he drives by the dual cameras because they are bulky.
7. Unclear Lane & Warning Problems
If the lines of the lane are not well-drawn or if they are not clear, it can cause problems for the system that monitors the lane because they are very sensitive.
This will cause the system to keep warning signals as you drive, even if the vehicle is maintaining its lane.
And it also causes the yellow lights, which show when the lane assist is switched off. Again, it makes drivers very uncomfortable as they drive and lose focus.
8. Limited Camera Coverage
The camera won’t capture further distances because its range has limits.
The eyesight may not work well at high speeds in detecting far-distance obstruction.
You might meet an obstacle easily at a far distance at high speed.
9. Expensive Technology
The type of cars that have expensive technology eyesight systems are very expensive and can only be afforded by those who are very rich or wealthy.
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How to Troubleshoot the Subaru Eyesight System
There are a couple of things you have to do to fix your system.
- The whole fuse should be checked, ensuring it is well-tightened. Look for any corrosion, & if you find any, clean it off.
- The control unit of EyeSight should be located. You will find it usually at the back of the center console, which is close to the stereo system. Check your owner’s manual if you don’t see it there.
- The system’s fuse should be removed. Doing this will make the system to be disabled, making you able to fix it when the system is not active.
- All linkages to the control unit of EyeSight should be checked well. Ensure that they are free from any corrosion and are tight.
- The EyeSight system’s fuse should be replaced. It will make the system re-enabled and help you know whether the issue has been settled.
How to Disable the Subaru Eyesight System
In order for the system to be disassembled, the button for the EyeSight on the steering wheel will be pressed and held for like 5 secs. The EyeSight system will then enter a standby mode with all the audible and visual warnings disabled.
After this, the Subaru EyeSight system will be disassembled completely. It is important to note that some of your car’s features may not properly function without the system.
How to Turn Eyesight Back on Subaru
Turning off the system of your vehicle can be due to some reasons. For example, if the difference in speed between your car and an obstruction or another car is excessive, it can cause it to turn off.
If you follow the procedure below, you’ll be able to put your car’s EyeSight on again.
- Put your car in park with your shifter.
When you look at the left side of your car’s steering wheel, you will find a control button that is multi-functional. Use it to open the LCD, which you will find between the gauges of the Subaru. The LCD should be toggled till you see, on the menu, the i/set switch.
- After you open the menu for the setting, the i/SET from the control button, which is multi-functional, should be pulled and held.
- The up & down toggle should be used until you see the eyesight on the menu for the setting.
- Hold the switch of the i/SET to select the volume warning.
- In order for the warning setting to modify the EyeSight to either minimum, medium, or maximum (the three(3) pre-set options), you will have to use the Up and Down buttons.
- Pull and hold the i/set so the alert volume can be switched to the one you chose.
You can enjoy the system’s benefits and personalize the driving with the help of the i/SET setting menu.
How Do You Clean Subaru Eye Lenses?
Your Subaru eye lenses should be cleaned on a monthly basis, if possible more than once a month. The steps are as follows:
- Your vehicle should be parked in an area that is well-lit, and then your engine should be turned off.
- The parking brake should be applied.
- At the back of the rearview mirror, locate the camera of the eyesight.
- Using a dry, soft cloth, the lenses should be carefully wiped, so they don’t get scratched. A solution for cleaning lens cloth that is lint-free should be used to remove fingerprints and dirt. The cleaner should not be sprayed on the lens directly.
- The lenses should be rinsed with clean and dried water with a dry and soft cloth.
- Ensure any foreign object does not block the camera’s view before you drive your vehicle.
When Should I Calibrate My Subaru Eyesight?
Whatever modifications you make to your car can affect the performance of the system and call for recalibration.
You will have to calibrate the system when:
- When you have installed a new windshield
- Your Vehicle’s battery has been replaced
- Your vehicle has been jumping started
- Your Vehicle’s battery had to be disconnected and reconnected
To calibrate the Subaru Eyesight system:
- Your car should be parked in a well-lit area with no objects around.
- The accessories and light should all be turned off.
- The transmission should be put in the park, and the parking brake should be set.
- the car engine should be started for at least 1min. It should be left idle.
- Until the required calibration shows on the screen, the EyeSight button should be pressed and held.
- For another 3 secs. The button EyeSight should be pressed and held. The EyeSight system will start to calibrate, and Calibrating System will appear on the screen. This process might take up to 10 mins.
‘Eyesight System Ready’ will be displayed once the calibration is done.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do you reset your EyeSight?
Dr. Veteto said that if we reset our eyes from close up to far off, it will help them rest and also help in resetting our focus.
The 20/20/20 recommended by the Mayo Clinic says that for every 20 mins. You spend looking at your device or computer; you should shift your gaze to something else that is away from you by 20 feet for 20 sec.
How Much Does It Cost to Calibrate Subaru Eyesight?
The cost to calibrate eyesight will vary depending on the dealership; calibrating your eyesight system will cost around $200 to $300. If your Eyesight system develops a problem, you can fix it yourself before you take it to be calibrated, you can fix the problem yourself.
Does Subaru EyeSight stop amd go?
Automatically, the Subaru eyesight will keep up a set or fixed following distance, with slowing down of traffic will braking smoothly, and when moving well again, will accelerate back to the speed you set.
You just have to let EyeSight carry out its duty; you do not need to make use of the gas and brake. Even in stop-and-go traffic on the highway, the adaptive cruise control will carry out its duty well.
At what speed does Subaru EyeSight work?
The system can detect pedestrians in your vehicle’s path if you are traveling under 19mph so as to avoid any collision.
How does Subaru recalibrate vision?
Using the LCD screen and multi-control button, you will be able to reset the Subaru Eyesight system, which can also be used to refresh it & make it function properly. You can also use the same menu if you want to disable the system; the EyeSight system will be disabled if you press and hold the button on the EyeSight located at the steering wheel or around it.
Where is the Subaru EyeSight camera?
Behind your car’s windscreen are dual color cameras that face straight on the sides of the rearview mirror. The cameras are what Subaru EyeSight uses. They help monitor traffic situations, identify lane marks, and activate or adjust functions of EyeSight.
Does Subaru EyeSight keep you in the lane?
You can select what you want your desired car distance from the vehicle in your front to be and remain safely in your lane through the help of the Advanced Adaptive Cruise Control available on select models.
EyeSight observes your car position on the road & will tell you immediately if you are straying out of the lane you are supposed to be in.
Final Thoughts
It is very beneficial to have an eyesight system in your car as this can enhance the driving experience.
If we are to compare Subaru vehicles with radar or sonar driver-assistant systems, the Subaru eyesight system comes first. It is a safety function that is designed for Subaru vehicles.
Although there are a lot of problems your car’s Subaru eyesight system can develop, its advantages can help enhance your safety as you drive.
В общем, по поводу…. ммм… извращенной «любви» ES к Ситроенам ОД на ТО1 ничего сказать не мог толком. Проверили, все работает штатно.
Спросили, а что в этот момент вы видели собственными глазами на месте Ситроена?)) Я говорю, мол, ну кусок неба видел в отражении его заднего стекла. Ну, отвечают, значит, возможно, и ES видел все то же самое)))
Единственная рекомендация — сместить регистратор на 2 см. вправо. Но то такое — сами признают, что если бы регистратор мешал, то ES генерила бы ошибки…
P.S. Немного напоминает тот случай с Теслой, когда та на полной скорости въехала в перевернувшуюся на дороге фуру — мол, слишком «неожиданная» ситуация с т.зр. обработки сигналов… Имейте в виду.
Изменено пользователем ghosty
Subaru’s EyeSight is a support program that helps drivers know what’s going on around them. While its purpose is to add extra awareness, EyeSight isn’t foolproof, and from time to time, the associated hardware may not seem to work or not work at all.
Here are some of the most common problems with Subaru’s EyeSight:
- Defective brake lights
- Failure to detect traffic
- Malfunction due to weather conditions
- Inability to decipher colored signals
- Pre-collision brake failure when reversing
- Front camera obstruction
- Unclear lane detection
- Limited viewing scope
In today’s guide, I’ll explain what the EyeSight support program is, how to turn it on, and how to resolve the problems listed above.
What Is Subaru EyeSight
Subaru EyeSight is an advanced driver assistance system that uses cameras and sensors to monitor the road and surrounding environment. It is designed to help prevent accidents and make driving safer by providing driver alerts, automated braking, and other features.
The features and functions of EyeSight are as follows:
- Dual front-facing cameras—These cameras, cleverly and unobtrusively installed near the rearview mirror, constantly monitor the road ahead for potential threats.
- Adaptive Cruise Control—With this function enabled, the car will automatically slow down or speed up to keep a safe distance from the car in front.
- Lane Keep Assist—By making small steering adjustments whenever necessary, this function helps keep the vehicle centered in its lane.
- Pre-Collision Braking—EyeSight can automatically reduce engine power to help mitigate the impact of a collision if it detects that one is imminent.
- Pre-Collision Throttle Management—EyeSight can identify potential collision hazards up ahead. The engine’s output will be lowered to reduce the potential for an impact as well as the severity of any frontal impact damage.
While EyeSight can help mitigate or avoid collisions, it’s not a foolproof system. Motorists will still have to drive their Subarus with caution, especially when you consider the numerous problems that have been associated with the driver assist technology.
How to Activate and Deactivate EyeSight
EyeSight is not a mandatory driver-assist program. So, you can turn it on and off whenever you want.
To turn EyeSight on, simply depress any of the EyeSight function buttons you wish to activate. Each of the buttons has an emblem that correlates with a specific function. For instance, if you want to activate Lane Keep Assist, look for the button with the emblem of a car in the middle of a lane. Conversely, if you want to deactivate any of the EyeSight functions, simply press the button until it pops out.
It may take a few seconds for your Subaru to register an activated or deactivated EyeSight function. So, I recommend doing this while pulling over to the side of the road while the vehicle is in park.
While EyeSight has undergone extensive upgrades since its introduction in 2008, it is far from being 100% perfect. Despite overhauls made to this system, users have still experienced the same issues that arose in earlier model years. Here are some of the most common EyeSight problems.
1. Defective brake lights
Sometimes, EyeSight would continuously activate the brake lights, regardless of whether the driver hit the brake pedal or not. This would most likely occur when the EyeSight system was deactivated.
2. Failure to detect traffic
This was a common occurrence in older EyeSight versions. The front-facing cameras would fail to detect cars that slowed to a crawl in slow traffic situations. As a result, EyeSight would not always activate the brakes to avoid collisions.
3. Malfunction due to weather conditions
EyeSight is heavily reliant on visibility. The cameras need to detect obstacles in front and to the side of the vehicle. During terrible weather conditions (e.g., heavy rain, heavy snow, fog, extreme sunniness), the cameras would fail to detect and mitigate potential collisions with nearby objects.
4. Inability to decipher colored signals
EyeSight was advertised to be the driver’s “second pair of eyes.” With older versions of EyeSight, the problem was that it would fail to pick up signs and signals that were in color. Basically, if something was not black, white, or a shade of gray, the cameras would fail to identify it as a potential obstacle. Best-case scenario, the Pre-Collision Braking system would only work when driving between 20 and 31 mph.
5. Pre-collision brake failure when reversing
The front-facing cameras were unable to detect objects that were immediately behind the vehicle. As a result, EyeSight would not assist drivers when backing their vehicles out of parking lots or driveways.
6. Front camera obstruction
This was a common issue in older Subaru year models. The front-facing cameras would be placed seemingly carelessly within the driver’s field of view. While the cameras weren’t bulky per se, they were noticeable and would distract drivers.
7. Unclear lane detection
In order to detect whether the car is deviating from its lane, the cameras would have to identify the location of the lane lines. This would be a problem in certain areas where the lane stripes were old and faded. The effect was that EyeSight wouldn’t bother keeping the car in its lane.
8. Limited viewing scope
Even in modern Subaru models, the dual front-facing color cameras may not have complete visibility of the front and sides of the vehicle. This was especially a problem when EyeSight wouldn’t pick up on other vehicles unless they came within 10 to 20 feet of the cameras. Only when another vehicle came into viewing range would the auto-braking system kick in, which would be highly dangerous on highways.
Possible EyeSight Fixes
As I mentioned earlier in this guide, Subaru’s EyeSight is not an excuse for reckless driving. Motorists must still rely on their senses, including common sense, when operating a vehicle, despite adding a “second pair of eyes.”
However, if your Subaru’s EyeSight is experiencing any of the problems listed above, here are a few potential fixes you can try implementing.
1. Turn Off EyeSight Until Needed
EyeSight is especially helpful on city roads where traffic is slower and obstacles, including other vehicles, are easier to identify. As such, you should deactivate EyeSight when driving on highways and freeways and only turn it on in slow traffic conditions.
2. Install a rear-view camera
A rear-view camera will pick up any objects that the EyeSight’s dual cameras will miss from behind your car. You may need to hire a professional mechanic to install the camera and hook up its wiring to your built-in display.
3. Upgrade the EyeSight cameras
If you have an older EyeSight version, you should consider upgrading the cameras to the dual front-facing ones used in the most recent EyeSight version. These cameras are more sensitive and can identify more objects in less time.
4. Consult with a Subaru mechanic
Regardless of what year you purchased your Subaru, if the EyeSIght is experiencing any problems, you should get it checked out by a trained professional. This is especially true if the EyeSight system is acting up after you’ve gotten into a collision or if something fell on your car. The impact of any of these situations may have caused EyeSight to malfunction.
5. Purchase a new Subaru
Subaru is not paying me to write this, but you should consider upgrading your car, especially if it has driven over 100,000 miles and is older than 10 years. Of course, a brand-new Subaru can be costly, so you may want to consider scouring the secondary market for Subarus from 2020 or more recently to take advantage of the best versions of EyeSight.
6. File a complaint with Subaru
In 2015, Subaru was forced to recall thousands of cars due to EyeSight problems. You should try filing a complaint with the dealership where you purchased your vehicle to have it recalled and inspected.
Which Subaru Models Come with EyeSight?
Starting in 2022, the Forester, Legacy, Outback, Ascent, and the A/T version of the BRZ come standard with EyeSight. It’s also available in certain trim levels of the Impreza, Crosstrek, and WRX with CVT transmission.
Does EyeSight Actually Work?
Assuming the driver assist system is functioning as it should and that you are driving in ideal conditions (clear visibility, not too sunny, slow traffic, etc.), EyeSight should keep you from frontal collisions.
The Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) studied the safety of EyeSight on pedestrian crashes and found that it had reduced injuries by up to 35%. EyeSight could also reduce injuries in rear-end collisions by up to 85%.
Can You Install EyeSight in Older Subaru Models?
Sadly, you cannot.
The only way to enjoy the EyeSight system is by purchasing a car with EyeSight built into it. EyeSight is a lot more than just front-facing cameras—it involves special windshields, tons of electrical wiring, a compatible steering wheel, and so on. Even if you purchased a new Subaru, such as a 2022 Impreza, with the wrong trim level, you cannot add EyeSight in the future.
Have you ever encountered the “RAB Disabled” error message in your Subaru car? If this is the case, you might wonder what it signifies and how to repair it. Many Subaru owners are baffled by the “RAB Disabled” error message, which could have several causes. This article will explain what the Subaru Check Engine Light Eyesight, RAB and how to resolve it so that you can resume driving.
A safety function called Reverse Automatic Braking (RAB) applies the brakes automatically while your car is in reverse, such as when backing out of a parking place. This safety feature, present on many more recent Subaru vehicles, is intended to prevent collisions in confined areas.
To prevent collisions or lessen their severity, the system employs sensors to identify objects behind the car and immediately applies the brakes if it feels an item approaching too closely.
This technology can be especially useful while backing up in congested or confined spaces or dimly illuminated environments. RAB is now a common feature on many automobiles, and older models can also have it installed as an aftermarket option.
RAB is a great choice to consider whether you’re a rookie driver just getting the hang of things or an experienced driver looking to up the level of safety on your journeys.
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The x-mode light is blinking, eyesight and RAB are disabled, and the check engine light is on. 2 weeks old, 800 kilometers. Verify the gas cap. Drive for a while and check to see if it shuts off after taking it off and tightening it back on.
RAB is a crucial component of the entire driver-assist technology landscape. It has been more well-known in recent years thanks to its capacity to lessen collisions and increase general vehicle safety.
In the future, RAB may become even more typical as automakers continue to develop new technologies. RAB is unquestionably something to consider if you’re searching for extra security and peace of mind when driving.
What “RAB Disabled” Means In Subaru And What To Do About It?
The reverse automatic braking system has been deactivated or turned off if you notice the error message “RAB Disabled” in your Subaru. Several things, such as a loose gas cap, filthy sensors, or out-of-date software, might cause this.
Ensure all of the system’s components are in good operating order if you suspect your RAB system isn’t performing properly. It’s time to check for any potential software upgrades if everything is in order.
Upgrades to your vehicle’s software are an excellent method to maintain your driver-assist system functioning at peak efficiency. Many automakers often provide software upgrades that can enhance the performance and accuracy of their driver-assist systems.
The Most Frequent Reasons For The Notice “RAB Disabled” On Your Subaru
Dirty RAB Sensors
When their sensors become filthy or clogged, many Subaru owners complain that the error message “RAB Disabled” displays. When these sensors are covered in dirt or debris, the RAB system, which relies on them to identify objects in your vehicle’s path, is disabled. Thus, this error message is extremely common when the sensors get covered with mud or slush during rainy or unclean weather.
Damaged RAB Sensors
It’s also possible that malfunctioning or damaged sensors have rendered your RAB system inoperable. If this is the case, you should take your car to a mechanic so they can examine it and, if required, replace the sensors. The sensors should be checked and fixed immediately because even small blemishes or scratches might impair their effectiveness.
Cold Weather
When it’s chilly outside, the warning “RAB Disabled” may appear. This is because your sensors are covered in ice or by salt and other road debris that may have accumulated over time. It could be because the system operates improperly since it is too chilly. You can either wait for your car to warm up or try to remove the ice from the sensors to see if that solves the problem.
Leaving Your Gas Cap Off
Interestingly, some Subaru owners have claimed that failing to secure the petrol cap after filling up causes the “RAB Disabled” warning to appear. Restarting the system and putting on or tightening the petrol cap in this situation should fix the issue. Unsurprisingly, leaving the gas cap off would result in this error notice because Subaru is very concerned with safety.
Outdated Software
The “RAB Disabled” warning could show up if your car’s software is outdated. If your Subaru is using an outdated version of its software, it may be time for an upgrade. Many automakers regularly release updates that can enhance the accuracy and functionality of driver-assist systems like RAB.
Steep Road
Some motorists claim that the error notice appears when they park their vehicle on a steep incline or descent. If this is the case, the incline may be preventing the RAB system from detecting items close to your car because it is only intended to detect objects within a specific range.
Since no specific remedy exists for this problem, your best option is to avoid parking on steep dips or inclines. After parking on a steep incline, restart your RAB system to make it active.
Cascade Failure
Subaru owners have complained that, in extremely rare circumstances, the error message “RAB Disabled” shows when another car component, such as the brakes or steering, isn’t working properly.
When one system malfunctions and prompts another system to shut down for safety, this is referred to as a cascade failure. In this instance, other error messages should also be seen, signaling a major issue.
The Bike Rack May Cause Your RAB System To Turn Off
Your RAB system’s potential to shut down when you install a bike rack or other similar attachments to your car is another potential problem you can run across.
This is due to the possibility that the bike rack obstructs the sensors, making it impossible for them to identify items in your car’s path. Ensure the bike rack is firmly fastened to your vehicle and does not block any sensors to avoid this problem.
Whatever the reason, ensuring your Subaru RAB system is in good operating order is crucial. If the error notice continues, don’t hesitate to take your car to a nearby garage or dealership for repairs.
How To Reset RAB If You Are Having Problems With It?
You can reset the RAB system independently, depending on your Subaru model. Hold the RAB button on your touchscreen for five seconds to accomplish this. The system should then be reactivated after the error warning has vanished.
If it doesn’t, you might have to try another approach or take your car to the dealer for repairs. In some circumstances, reconnecting the battery may be necessary to reset the entire system.
To accomplish this, locate the negative terminal on your Subaru’s battery and briefly disconnect it. Reconnect the cable after that, then start the car.
Common Reasons Why The Check Engine Light Comes On In Modern Cars
EVAP System Fault
To safely transport petrol fumes back into the engine, many current cars have an evaporation system incorporating activated charcoal canister. The check engine light should come on if there is a problem with this system, typically associated with the evaporation canister.
Changing the canister will fix the issue most of the time, but you should be certain before investing time and money in it. We strongly advise having the professionals in an authorized service center like ours read your Subaru CEL codes.
Loose Gas Cap
It may seem strange, but a gas cap that doesn’t make a tight seal can give the impression that there is a problem with the EVAP system we stated earlier on this list.
Therefore, you should ensure your gas cap is on and tight if you recently dropped it or even just received gas when the CEL illuminates. You might need to replace it if it’s cracked. If this is the cause of your check engine light, it’s one of the easiest and least expensive problems to address.
Coolant Temperature Sensor
The computer will also require the engine temperature to operate the vehicle properly. The data from this sensor affects how the computer functions as well as help to warn you when the engine is getting too hot.
Therefore, if this sensor generates a code that activates the CEL, you cannot receive a warning that the engine is getting too hot, and the computer might struggle to keep it operating smoothly.
Mass Air Sensor
As you may know, modern cars are sophisticated machines that depend on computers to maintain smooth operation. This computer uses data from a variety of sensors to do its duties.
The engine’s air intake sensor is a popular one that needs repair on higher-mileage vehicles, and it is a code from these sensors that is most frequently to blame for a check engine light turning on.
This sensor—often called the Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor—tells the computer how much air is circulating through the engine. This sensor’s code can occasionally be set off by anything as simple as an out-of-date engine air filter, while other times, it’s the sensor itself. Whatever the case, you shouldn’t have it on your mind while driving for long.
Ignition System Fault
Modern Subaru BOXER® engines are technical marvels with incredibly sophisticated ignition systems. The amount of work that goes into ensuring that each spark plug fires precisely may surprise you.
Several factors might cause an ignition system to illuminate the CEL, from the ignition coils to the wires and spark plugs. Since the engine could shut off, ignition issues can manifest as a red check engine light.
O2 Sensors
This is the most frequent cause of the CEL turning on that our authorized Subaru dealership service center encounters. O2 sensors are a standard feature in the exhaust system of all current vehicles.
These crucial sensors measure the oxygen content of the exhaust gases, and the computer uses this data to calculate the ideal proportion of air and fuel. Most contemporary cars will feature two or more O2 sensors.
The one that notifies the computer of its requirements will be placed before the catalytic converter. Usually, the second O2 sensor is located behind the catalytic converter. It offers equally crucial details regarding the car’s emission control systems.
Let’s conclude, How does Subaru Check Engine Light Eyesight, RAB? The reverse automatic braking system has been deactivated or turned off if you notice the error message “RAB Disabled” in your Subaru. Numerous things, such as a loose gas cap, filthy sensors, or out-of-date software, could cause this.
Most of the time, this error is caused by a simple issue that can be fixed by cleaning the sensors or updating the device’s firmware. It is essential to have your car repaired by a certified mechanic if you still experience issues after doing this.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does Rab mean in my Subaru?
The Subaru Reverse Automatic Braking (RAB) technology is a great method to keep your car safe from accidents and rear-end collisions. When you are backing up, something unexpected happens, and you cannot react in time to avoid an accident, the RAB will automatically engage the brakes.
Can I drive my Subaru with the check engine light on?
Avoid using your Subaru while the check engine light is on, and schedule Subaru service as soon as possible. The following is a summary of the typical reasons why your check engine light could come on.
What does it mean when your Subaru says Eyesight?
EyeSight locates potential collision targets in front of the vehicle. To help lessen potential impact force and frontal collision damage, the engine’s power will be reduced.
Why does EyeSight turn off Subaru?
EyeSight’s performance will be hampered by the sun’s glare, bad weather like heavy rain, blinding snow or fog, and a dirty windscreen. EyeSight functionality may need to be improved by a cracked windscreen, an oil coating on the glass, or reflections. Under some circumstances, EyeSight might not function properly or might momentarily cease working.
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