Exchange ошибка 450

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    В последнее время наблюдаю не очень хорошое поведение нашего Exchange 2016, долго висят письма в очереди на сервере, если письмо свыше 1-2 mb. Обычные письма с текстом или маленькими файлами улетают мгновенно.
    А если такое письмо отправили на, так оно туда приходит по 10-30 копий, продолжая висеть в очереди с ошибкой: 450 4.4.318 Connection was closed abruptly (SuspiciousRemoteServerError)

    Пример лога:

    Идентификатор: MS-VM-1-3\109\91006062034955
    Тема: Добавки
    Идентификатор сообщения Интернета: <>
    С адреса:
    Состояние: Повторить
    Размер (КБ): 4677
    Имя источника сообщений: SMTP:Default MS-VM-1-3
    Исходный IP-адрес:
    Вероятность нежелательной почты: -1
    Дата получения: 18.10.2018 8:18:15
    Срок действия: 20.10.2018 8:18:15
    Последняя ошибка: 450 4.4.318 Connection was closed abruptly (SuspiciousRemoteServerError)
    Идентификатор очереди: MS-VM-1-3\109
    Получатели:;3;2;[{LED=450 4.4.318 Connection was closed abruptly (SuspiciousRemoteServerError)};{MSG=};{FQDN=};{IP=};{LRT=}];0;,CN=Connections,CN=Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR),CN=Routing Groups,CN=Exchange Administrative
    Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Semargl,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=SEMARGL,DC=local;0

    Все работало нормально, начались проблемы недели 2-3 назад. Форум покапал, но ничего так толком не помогло. Exchange стоит на виртуалке с 12 ядрами и 32 оперативки, одна сетевуха. Сам сервер Windows Standart 2012R2.
    Антивирь Dr.WEB, исключения на виртуальные диски и базы данных прописаны. Сама виртуалка с Exchange работает отлично.

    Помогите решить проблему, знаний по Exchange не хватает, не могу понять куда копать.


  • Проблему решил. Все оказалось просто и банально. Два провайдера, у основного отвалился на порту Upload (ошибки), а так как Download работал DFL-870 не переключался на резервного провайдера.

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      19 октября 2018 г. 12:28

While using Exchange 2010 or 2007, the user encounters Exchange error 450 4.7.1. This error causes the user to get this error every time they send an email, when the remote Exchange server disapproves the email and is sending the email from a particular domain.

Exchange Error 450 4.7.1

One scenario where users face this issue is that the IP address from which the email originated does not have a PTR record, so Exchange Server rejects the email. PTR records are also known as pointer records. PTR records are typically used to map network interface IPs to reverse DNS hostnames. Other reasons that cause this Exchange error 450 4.7.1 are also described in the following segments.

Also Read: Recover Archived Emails in Exchange Server 2019, 2016, 2013

To address this issue, the user can contact the ISP (Internet Service Provider) to add a PTR record to the server IP, or first check the receive connector that causes the problem with HELO / EHLO while checking the server ID. can do. Also, make sure that the user added the correct FQDN of the server.

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Also Read: How to Recover Deleted Emails from Exchange Server?

Factors Responsible For Getting Exchange Error 450 4.7.1

  • If the administrator sets a limit on the total number of emails a user can send, then the user will receive an error if the user exceeds the limit.
    ‘450 4.7.1 Recipient address rejected: Policy Rejection- Quota Exceeded’
  • Users may also receive this error when sending email from a particular domain. The server rejects emails sent from one of these domains.
    ‘450 4.7.1 Client host rejected: cannot find your reverse hostname’
  • If the Exchange server cannot find the sender of the mail or the host name, then an Exchange error 450 4.7.1 is generated indicating that the server cannot find the reverse host name. This server performs a reverse lookup to find the address from which the email was sent.
    Note: Reverse DNS lookup find Domain Name associated with IP address using DNS of internet.
  • Some email addresses are blocked by Exchange Server. This error code is displayed when a user sends an email to these blocked users.
  • When sending an email to an invalid user, the sender encounters the following error:
    ‘450 4.7.1 Recipient address rejected: Access denied’
  • This error message also occurs if the IP address from which the email was sent does not have a PTR record. PTR records are also known as pointer records. You need a PTR record to map the IP to the host name in reverse DNS.

Also Read: How to Repair Exchange Database Missing Log Files?

Resolution of Exchange Server Error 450 4.7.1

  • When any IP address sends a spam link or data, that IP address is usually blocked by the server. To resolve this issue, you need to remove the IP address from the server blacklist.
  • You can contact your internet service provider to PTR record your IP address.
  • The DNS domain record should be set appropriately by checking the mail server configuration.
  • You must configure the reverse DNS with the fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Users can contact their ISP to create an FQDN that always ends with a valid domain name.

Also Read: Fix Exchange Server is Not Receiving External Email


This Exchange error 450 4.7.1 occurs in the various scenarios above. The sender cannot send the email because an error has occurred and the email from the Exchange server site is rejected. This issue can be easily addressed by following the solutions described above.


Shayadri Sharma |
Published: 2017-10-17T11:13:30+00:00|Tips | 4 Minutes Reading

Emails are considered as one of the most important means of communication in an organization. This communication is only possible with the help of Exchange Server. While using Exchange Server 2010 and 2007, some SMTP problems are encountered by the users:

450.4.7.1 Client Host rejected, Cannot Find your Hostname

This error is faced by the users while sending an email from any specific domain and then it does not allow users to successfully send the email message. Before, resolving this error, it is necessary to understand it thoroughly.

Instant Solution:To resolve 450.4.7.1 Client Host rejected, Cannot Find your Hostname error effectively and efficiently, you can try SysTools Exchange Recovery software.

Reasons Behind 450.4.7.1 Error

There are a large number of reasons which are responsible for the error “450.4.7.1 Client Host Rejected, Cannot Find Your Hostname”. Some of these possible reasons are discussed below:

  • This error message is encountered when a user sends an email is discarded by the Exchange Server. This happens because Exchange Server fails to identify the address from where the email was sent. The identification process is a reverse lookup operation to validate the IP address of the sender.

450.4.7.1 Client Host rejected: Cannot Find your Hostname

Note: If the Pointer Record of the senders IP is not available, then this error will occur. PTR record is required for mapping IP to a hostname in the reverse address of DNS for identifying the source user.

  • The second reason for this error is not any technical issue, but it occurs due to the limitation in sending a number of emails by the user of an Exchange Server. In this condition, a specific number of email messages are transferred by the user. If such situation arises, then you are required to contact your Exchange Server administrator who has fixed this limitation.

  • One of the many scenarios is when the user is trying to send the emails to the email addresses which are blocked by the Exchange Server. This situation will make the user encounter 450.4.7.1 error, cannot find your hostname.

As discussed above, all the reasons for the occurrence of the error are preventing message exchange procedure between users. Therefore it is also called as SMTP error for Exchange Server 2010 or 2007.

Most of the times, this Exchange error 450.4.7.1 is encountered in these versions of Exchange Server.

Fix Error 450.4.7.1 Client Host Rejected, Cannot Find Your Hostname

  1. It necessary to make sure that the mail server is properly configured and all the DNS records are being set up efficiently.
  2. If the IP Address is blocked, then you are required to eliminate these IP addresses from “blocked-list” of the server manually. When an IP address sends some spam emails and links to the user, then the IP is blocked. At the same time, there can be other reasons as well, so it becomes necessary for the user to find the main reason of blocking them is to resolve the error 450.4.7.1.
  3. Reversed DNS with Fully Qualified Domain Name is required to be setup manually. It should also be kept in mind that FQDN must end up with a valid domain name. One can easily configure DNS with the help of Internet Service Provider.


Despite of the fact that Exchange Server provides fast and efficient emailing, the user encounters several errors due to some reasons. One of the most common error encountered is “450.4.7.1 Client Host Rejected, Cannot Find Your Hostname”. This article describes reasons and the solutions for resolving this above discussed error. One rare reason that is not mentioned in the above article, for cause of the error is corruption in Microsoft Exchange server. The appropriate solution for corruption is to use Exchange EDB Recovery utility which helps to recover Exchange EDB files efficiently. It works efficiently on corrupted Exchange Server databases.

Hi All,

We have a strange «intermittent» issue with routing in one direction in our exchange environment.

It does not effect all emails but only thoes that are larger than about 100kb (so pretty small) 
For example if you send a test message with just simply the word «Test» in the subject and body it will get through… however if you attach a 1mb image it get stuck.

A little bit of background.
The setup is 2 servers, Server1 is at Site1 and Server 2 is at Site2.
(These are 2 separate AD sites with diffrent subnets)
The two sites are connected by Meraki VPN (MX250 at site1 and MX84 at Site2)
Both servers are server 2019 with Exchange 2019 fully patched

We have split Horizon DNS so all the virtual directories are set up internal and external URL of 

Test-Mailflow return success from and to both servers.

The issue occurs when Server2 routes email to server1 
and its not just internal email either.. if an external email hits Server2 but the email is destination is in Server1 again it will likely get stuck in the queue.

The email get stuck in in a Exchange queue «SMTP Relay Mailbox Delivery Group» all with the same error:
450 4.4.318 Connection was closed abruptly (SuspiciousRemoteServerError)

And restarting the «MSExchangeTransport» service clears the queue and delivers the email. (mostly, sometimes not completely, in this case a 2nd restart of the service will clear any remaining messages)

So unfortunately and I feel bad stating this. but we are restarting the service every 10 mins to keep the mail flowing. (defiantly not ideal)

There is currently no DAG between the servers (this is final goal) so at the moment users are spread between the 2 servers in separate mailbox databases.

I have seen posts regarding Cisco and other firewalls blocking SMTP traffic. but we are using Meraki and cannot see anyway to check this.

Can anyone point me to the correct logs in Exchange where I can see the connection being terminated?

How To Deal With Exchange Server Error 450

Exchange server is a mail server that runs on Windows Server was introduced by Microsoft. The application is enhanced with a bundle of features that facilitate the users to work easily with it. But as they say nothing is perfect. Same is the case with Exchange server. Although working with Exchange server results in a flawless database, sometimes few errors can also be encountered. In this blog we will discuss one of the errors of Exchange server i.e. Exchange Server Error 450.

Different Scenarios Resulting In Error 450

I. The major and the foremost reason when the Exchange users can experience this error is when the email sent by the user is rejected by the mail server. This issue is only observed with some domains whereas no such error is observed with other domains.

The error basically implies that the server is doing reverse look ups so as to determine the address from which you are sending the mail. Suppose when you send mails from user@domainname the system gets marked with the IP Address. When the email reaches the server from user@domainname, the server checks the whether it is coming from the same domain by checking if the IP address is pointing to user@domainname.If the server fails to detect that the mail is being sent from the same sender or does not identify the hostname, the error is generated.

II. This error is encountered by the user when the user is currently receiving a large number of mails and the error is generated by the incoming mail server.

III. The Exchange Server Error 450 is also encountered at an instance when the recipient address is not valid and the access to the server is denied. Also one of the reasons can be that the server has blocked the recipient address.

Workaround To Exchange Server Error 450

If you are encountering the above error due to the first scenario, then the issue can be solved by getting a check done on the Mail Server Configuration and also check whether the domain records of the DNS are setup properly.

Reverse DNS Check

Check your domain and find if your Reverse DNS is setup with a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) and not to an Internet Service Provider generic.In case you do not possess one setup then contact the Internet Service Provider and ask them to create or setup one connection to the FQDN. The FQDN should not end up with anything that is invalid domain name. If this is the case, then change the name otherwise the problem of sending mails to some server will persist.

Blacklist Check

In case your IP address is marked in the blacklisted IP Addresses, then this is the reason that you are encountering problems while sending your mails to some domains. Check out the reason why your IP is blacklisted. It may happen that your system is sending spam and you are unaware of it. Fix this issue and request for removing your IP from blacklist.

To avoid the occurrence of Exchange error 450, keep in mind to keep a check on your domain settings. Also a timely check of your IP address can ensure that you will not encounter this error.

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