Eu4 ошибка связи со steam

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  • Light Grey


  • alexis


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  • nagatofag


  • Priest


  • Millenarian Emperor


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  • SShredy


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  • Deceased WhiteBear


  • 25

  • Tempest


  • antiximik


  • Feas


  • Shamilboroda


  • Evk


  • JLRomik


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  • 22

  • AlexTheTeacher


  • Keksik


Лучшие авторы в этой теме

  • Light Grey

    Light Grey
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  • alexis

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  • Red Khan
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  • tabularasa

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  • nagatofag

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  • Priest

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  • Millenarian Emperor

    Millenarian Emperor
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  • Slavkin

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  • SShredy

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  • Риндера

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  • Alien

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  • Wilson

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  • Deceased WhiteBear

    Deceased WhiteBear
    207 сообщений

  • Эльфин
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  • Tempest

    42 сообщений

  • antiximik

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  • Feas

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  • Shamilboroda

    24 сообщений

  • Evk

    60 сообщений

  • JLRomik

    117 сообщений

  • Mxatma

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  • bringer
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  • AlexTheTeacher

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  • Keksik

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Популярные дни

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Популярные сообщения

No Good

03.10.2013, 03:19:32

Europa Universalis IV (RU)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. | Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. | Задать технический вопрос | Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. | a193b9f23444b9902deb5c6a8c9df



16.02.2018, 12:35:25

Процессор. В игре много ежемесячных расчетов. Именно поэтому если тормоза наблюдаются, то самые сильные обычно в момент смены месяца и автосейва



19.08.2019, 11:08:50

по сравнению со Стелларисом Европа вообще не требовательная )))



18.06.2019, 22:11:52

Да вы с самого первого сообщения все правильно мне говорили: действительно самый нормальный чики-пушный вариант это 2400G с докупом дискретной если сильно прпрёт. Или 3400G.

Я просто сто лет не с


18.06.2020, 08:24:31

При запуске через экзешник все нормально. У кого была такая же проблема и как вы ее решили?



09.02.2019, 17:00:19

нашёл лекарства от рака 😂

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

в разделе 2b  надо скачать файл bcrypt.dll и положить в папку игры

скачать архив » [Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



08.01.2019, 16:00:07

Да че толку-то?! Дальше ведь ошибка всё равно как на втором скрине

Без Дяди Васи дальше не разберусь. Асму с отладчиком и перехватчиками не осилю.

А кряк хз какой, у меня их куча целая, как



10.10.2021, 12:16:49

У меня бывало помогала переустановка Microsoft visual C++. И не только с Европой. 

Did you maybe install a new firewall when this problem started? A firewall could block the communication between the launcher and steam, because it goes over the loopback network interface.

In general, launcher problems can often be fixed by reinstalling the launcher: On Windows, first use the windows uninstall function to uninstall «Paradox Launcher v2″(if it is there). And then delete the launcher directories:

  • C:/users/<UserName>/AppData/Local/Programs/Paradox Interactive/

  • C:/users/<UserName>/AppData/Local/Paradox Interactive/

  • C:/users/<UserName>/AppData/Roaming/Paradox Interactive/launcher-v2/

  • Documents/paradox interactive/.cpatch/

  • every directory in Documents/paradox interactive/ that starts with launcher-v2

In Linux delete the directories ~/.paradoxlauncher and «~/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/launcher-v2/» and the file «~/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/launcherpath»

In macOS delete the directory «~/Library/Application Support/Paradox Interactive»

If that doesn’t help, you could post in the thread about the current launcher version on the paradox forum, because the changelog mentions a fix for this bug. So maybe the fix didn’t work or there is another reason for this problem.

by Vladimir Popescu

Being an artist his entire life while also playing handball at a professional level, Vladimir has also developed a passion for all things computer-related. With an innate fascination… read more

Published on April 14, 2022

  • Users have reported an error with a message stating, There was an error communicating with the Steam servers.
  • Several issues may cause such communication errors.
  • We have put together a list of tried and tested solutions that helps you get around this issue with minimal effort.

Fix steam communication error


To fix various gaming problems, we recommend Restoro Repair Tool:This software will repair common computer errors known to cause issues during gaming sessions: broken or corrupted DLLs, system files that need to run along with the game components but ceases to respond, and common registry values that may get damaged. Keep all these issues away now in 3 easy steps:

  1. Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here).
  2. Click Start Scan to find broken files that are causing the problems.
  3. Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance
  • Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

The message error communicating with the Steam servers is a relatively common issue that several users have reported.

This is an error that occurs when your computer tries to communicate after a connection but fails.

There are many possible causes for this error, ranging from internet access to interference from your antivirus and firewall. 

However, there is no need to worry. There are several solutions that you can try to solve this problem.

How can I fix the communication error with the Steam server?

1. Relaunch Steam

Troubleshoot the server connection. If your server connection is stable, the problem might be with its client.

Attempt to restart the application client by closing it and then reopening it. 

Restarting is the simplest solution. It can give the user a much-needed boost while also resolving server connectivity problems.

2. Restart the router

If the above method does not work, the ISP or router is the likely cause. If that is the case, reboot your router as a precautionary step.

Allow it to reboot, and try the Steam server again.

3. Run Steam as an administrator

  1. Go to the Windows start menu and search for Steam.
  2. Click on Run as an administrator from the right-side menu.Run Steam as Administrator
  3. Click OK when prompted by the system.

4. Modify the internet options

  1. Go to the Windows start menu and search for Internet Options.
  2. Click and open Internet Options.Open Internet Options from the start-menu
  3.  Go to the Connections tab and click on LAN settings.Open LAN settings
  4. Next, check the Automatically detect settings option.Edit LAN settings
  5. Press OK to apply. 

Go to Steam to see if the communication issue is solved or not.

Read more about this topic

  • Steam Not Responding On PC: 5 Quick Fixes
  • [Fixed] Fatal Error: Failed to Connect With Local Steam Client
  • 4 Easy Ways to Delete Steam Cloud Saves From Your PC
  • Tabletop Simulator Crash on Startup: 5 Game-Changing Fixes

5. Modify the download region

  1. Open Steam and click on the view in the top left corner.
  2. Select Settings from the menu. open Steam settings from View tab
  3. In Settings, go to Downloads from the left-hand menu.
  4. Go to the Download Region option and select a different region from the drop-down menu.Change download region in steam
  5. Click OK.

Select a server that is physically close to ensure swift communication. This solution works when a server is being updated or maintained.

6. Turn off VPN

With a VPN enabled, Steam is unable to function. If you’re using a VPN, turn it off and see if the problem remains.

7. Set up firewall and antivirus exceptions

  1. Open Windows Security from the Windows start menu.Open Windows security from Start menu
  2. Go to Firewall & Network Protection, and select the Allow an app through the firewall option.Allow an app through firewall
  1. Scroll down and find Steam in the list and check the checkbox.Allow Steam through firewall
  2. Next, go to Virus & threat protection and select the Manage Ransomware protection option.Create antivirus exception for steam
  3. Click on Allow an app through the controlled folder access and then Add an allowed app option.Set antivirus exception to allow Steam
  4. Go to the Steam setup files and add them to the list.Antivirus exception of Steam

It is a well-known issue that firewalls and antivirus software see some of the Steam files as threats.

The firewall and antivirus block it due to these files. Hence, you need to set up exceptions to avoid server errors. 

These methods should resolve the There was an error communicating with the Steam servers error.

Which solution works for you? Share your experience in the comments section below.

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by Vladimir Popescu

Being an artist his entire life while also playing handball at a professional level, Vladimir has also developed a passion for all things computer-related. With an innate fascination… read more

Published on April 14, 2022

  • Users have reported an error with a message stating, There was an error communicating with the Steam servers.
  • Several issues may cause such communication errors.
  • We have put together a list of tried and tested solutions that helps you get around this issue with minimal effort.

Fix steam communication error


To fix various gaming problems, we recommend Restoro Repair Tool:This software will repair common computer errors known to cause issues during gaming sessions: broken or corrupted DLLs, system files that need to run along with the game components but ceases to respond, and common registry values that may get damaged. Keep all these issues away now in 3 easy steps:

  1. Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here).
  2. Click Start Scan to find broken files that are causing the problems.
  3. Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance
  • Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

The message error communicating with the Steam servers is a relatively common issue that several users have reported.

This is an error that occurs when your computer tries to communicate after a connection but fails.

There are many possible causes for this error, ranging from internet access to interference from your antivirus and firewall. 

However, there is no need to worry. There are several solutions that you can try to solve this problem.

How can I fix the communication error with the Steam server?

1. Relaunch Steam

Troubleshoot the server connection. If your server connection is stable, the problem might be with its client.

Attempt to restart the application client by closing it and then reopening it. 

Restarting is the simplest solution. It can give the user a much-needed boost while also resolving server connectivity problems.

2. Restart the router

If the above method does not work, the ISP or router is the likely cause. If that is the case, reboot your router as a precautionary step.

Allow it to reboot, and try the Steam server again.

3. Run Steam as an administrator

  1. Go to the Windows start menu and search for Steam.
  2. Click on Run as an administrator from the right-side menu.Run Steam as Administrator
  3. Click OK when prompted by the system.

4. Modify the internet options

  1. Go to the Windows start menu and search for Internet Options.
  2. Click and open Internet Options.Open Internet Options from the start-menu
  3.  Go to the Connections tab and click on LAN settings.Open LAN settings
  4. Next, check the Automatically detect settings option.Edit LAN settings
  5. Press OK to apply. 

Go to Steam to see if the communication issue is solved or not.

Read more about this topic

  • Steam Not Responding On PC: 5 Quick Fixes
  • [Fixed] Fatal Error: Failed to Connect With Local Steam Client
  • 4 Easy Ways to Delete Steam Cloud Saves From Your PC
  • Tabletop Simulator Crash on Startup: 5 Game-Changing Fixes

5. Modify the download region

  1. Open Steam and click on the view in the top left corner.
  2. Select Settings from the menu. open Steam settings from View tab
  3. In Settings, go to Downloads from the left-hand menu.
  4. Go to the Download Region option and select a different region from the drop-down menu.Change download region in steam
  5. Click OK.

Select a server that is physically close to ensure swift communication. This solution works when a server is being updated or maintained.

6. Turn off VPN

With a VPN enabled, Steam is unable to function. If you’re using a VPN, turn it off and see if the problem remains.

7. Set up firewall and antivirus exceptions

  1. Open Windows Security from the Windows start menu.Open Windows security from Start menu
  2. Go to Firewall & Network Protection, and select the Allow an app through the firewall option.Allow an app through firewall
  1. Scroll down and find Steam in the list and check the checkbox.Allow Steam through firewall
  2. Next, go to Virus & threat protection and select the Manage Ransomware protection option.Create antivirus exception for steam
  3. Click on Allow an app through the controlled folder access and then Add an allowed app option.Set antivirus exception to allow Steam
  4. Go to the Steam setup files and add them to the list.Antivirus exception of Steam

It is a well-known issue that firewalls and antivirus software see some of the Steam files as threats.

The firewall and antivirus block it due to these files. Hence, you need to set up exceptions to avoid server errors. 

These methods should resolve the There was an error communicating with the Steam servers error.

Which solution works for you? Share your experience in the comments section below.

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Если вы геймер или хотя бы близко знакомы с игровым миром, велика вероятность, что вы знакомы со Steam. Будучи одним из крупнейших игроков на рынке цифровой дистрибуции, Steam является очень популярным сервисом во всем мире. Однако по причинам, которые могут быть связаны с сервером или сетевым подключением, многие пользователи не могут войти в Steam. Когда пользователи пытаются войти в приложение, они получают ошибку с сообщением «Something went wrong while attempting to sign you in». Код, связанный с этой проблемой, — код ошибки e84 в Steam, поэтому игроки ищут решение и способы ее устранения.

Как исправить е84 ошибку в Steam?

Поскольку эта ошибка Steam связана с входом в систему, наши обходные пути будут вращаться вокруг исправления, которое поможет вам войти в систему без каких-либо перерывов:

  • 1) Добавьте параметр запуска для приложения: Перейдите на Рабочий стол, а оттуда — на ярлык Steam, щелкните по нему правой кнопкой мыши и откройте «Свойства». Теперь перейдите к целевому параметру в разделе «Ярлык» и добавьте «-login -noreactlogin» в конце. После этого сохраните изменения и попробуйте открыть Steam снова.
  • 2) Запустите Steam от имени администратора: Вы также можете попробовать перейти к ярлыку Steam и, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши, выбрать опцию «Запуск от имени администратора».
  • 3) Синхронизируйте часы вашей системы: Убедитесь, что в вашей системе установлены правильные дата и время. Это можно сделать, перейдя в настройки> Время и язык> Дата и время. Отсюда установите опцию «Устанавливать время автоматически». После этого нажмите на опцию «Синхронизировать сейчас». Однако при выполнении этого шага убедитесь, что у вас есть подключение к Интернету.
  • 4) Обновите Steam: Если вы используете Steam через настольный клиент, откройте его. Теперь в верхней левой части приложения выберите опцию «Steam». Здесь вы увидите опцию «Проверить наличие обновлений клиента Steam». Это позволит обновить Steam до последней версии, если таковая имеется.
  • 5) Удалите все временные файлы на компьютере: Чтобы решить эту проблему, можно попробовать удалить временные файлы. Для этого перейдите в диалоговое окно «Выполнить», нажав Win+ R на клавиатуре. После этого введите «temp» и нажмите Enter. Теперь удалите все файлы в этой папке. После этого введите «%temp%» и нажмите клавишу Enter. Теперь удалите все файлы из этой папки.
  • 6) Смените пароль Steam: Вы также можете попробовать сменить пароль Steam, а затем попробовать войти в систему с новым паролем, который вы сделали.

Следуя этим шагам, вы, возможно, сможете справиться с кодом ошибки Steam e84.

Последнее обновление 12.01.2023

Существует несколько различных типов сообщений об ошибках, которые вы можете получить в Steam. Эти сообщения об ошибках могут быть связаны с проблемой вашего ПК, Интернета или собственных серверов Steam. Если вы столкнулись с сообщением «Произошла ошибка связи с серверами Steam», есть несколько вариантов устранения неполадок, которые вы можете попробовать, чтобы увидеть, сможете ли вы решить проблему самостоятельно.

Первое решение для устранения неполадок — попробовать перезапустить Steam. Если это не сработает, вам следует проверить подключение к Интернету. Если с вашим интернетом что-то не так, попробуйте перезапуск вашего роутера и посмотрите, поможет ли это. У большинства современных маршрутизаторов есть кнопка включения или выключения, которая перезапускает его, но вы также можете просто отключить и снова подключить его.

Связанный: Fall Guys все еще в Steam? Как играть в Fall Guys с помощью Epic Games Launcher

Изменить параметры Интернета на ПК

Если это не сработает, возможно, вам придется изменить свой настройки интернета на ПК с Windows. Найди настройки интернета через меню поиска Windows и попробуйте найти Соединения вкладка Под Настройки локальной сети снимите флажок Настройки автоопределениязатем нажмите ХОРОШО. Нажмите кнопку Подать заявление а потом ХОРОШО опять таки.

Переключиться на новый регион загрузки

Если это не ваш интернет вызывает проблемы, попробуйте переход на другой регион загрузки. Для этого сначала откройте Steam и перейдите на Вид вариант. В первом меню выберите Настройкиа затем в следующем меню выберите Загрузки. Перейдите к раскрытию раскрывающегося меню в Регион загрузки раздел и выберите регион, который не принадлежит вам, желательно регион поблизости. После выбора нового региона нажмите ХОРОШО. Смысл выбора нового региона заключается в том, чтобы увидеть, есть ли такие же проблемы в других регионах.

Связанный: Как вернуть игру в Steam

Запустите Steam от имени администратора

Если это не сработает, попробуйте запуск Steam от имени администратора. Ищи Бежать в строке поиска Windows и выберите первое попавшееся приложение. Скопируйте и вставьте каталог Steam, который вы можете найти в свойствах Steam (обычно это что-то вроде «C:Program Files (x86)Steam»), в Бежатьи ударил ХОРОШО. Как только это будет сделано, найдите Steam.exe в каталоге Steam и щелкните его правой кнопкой мыши. В контекстном меню выберите пункт Запустить от имени администратора вариант.

Если ни один из этих вариантов не работает, то лучший вариант — просто подождать. Ошибка, скорее всего, связана со стороны Steam, поэтому вам просто нужно набраться терпения и подождать, пока Valve ее исправит. Вы можете проверить страницу статуса Steam, чтобы узнать, когда он снова начнет работать.

Чтобы узнать больше обо всем, что происходит в Steam, в том числе о том, когда в Steam появится Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, продолжайте читать Руководства по игре для профессионалов.

Steps Taken

1.) rm -rf ~/.paradoxlauncher/

2.) cd into directory and run git submodule update --init --recursive

3.) ./add "eu4" "/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/"

4.) ./choose 1

5.) Make sure steam is open 22359 user 20 0 1153608 298928 161084 S 1.0 1.8 0:30.90 steam
Then run ./install_copy


+/etc/zsh/zshenv:15> [[ -z /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin || /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin == /bin:/usr/bin ]]
+./install_copy:3> source ./common
+./common:13> declare -A var_types=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[file$’\M-«‘[INSTALLfile[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[eval$’\M-«‘[APPeval[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[eval$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOCeval[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:24> declare -A vars=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘»./.installs»‘$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'»./.install»‘[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP'»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:34> declare -A var_deps=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘()’$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'()'[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘(INSTALLS INSTALL)’$’\M-«‘[APP'(INSTALL_STR)'[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘(INSTALL_STR)’$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'(APP)'[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:45> declare -A vars_done=( )
+./common:72> populate
]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+./common:74> [[ eu4 != ]]
+./common:75> [[ ! -d ./apps/eu4 ]]
+./common:80> source ./apps/eu4/common
+./apps/eu4/common:5> vars[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+./apps/eu4/common:6> var_types[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=file
+./apps/eu4/common:7> var_deps[LAUNCHER_VERSION]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:9> vars[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:10> var_types[LAUNCHER_ROOT]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:11> var_deps[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:13> vars[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:14> var_types[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:15> var_deps[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+./apps/eu4/common:17> vars[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+./apps/eu4/common:18> var_types[OVERRIDE_DIRS]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:19> var_deps[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+./apps/eu4/common:21> vars[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='»release»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:22> var_types[GOLDBERG_BUILD]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:23> var_deps[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='()’
+./common:81> populate
+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version’
+(eval):1> local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:12> [[ -f ./apps/eu4/.launcher_version ]]
+populate:13> cat ./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:13> export ‘LAUNCHER_VERSION=launcher-v2.2020.5’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export LAUNCHER_ROOT=»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+(eval):1> export LAUNCHER_ROOT=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export LAUNCHER_API_LOC=»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+(eval):1> export LAUNCHER_API_LOC=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=OVERRIDE_DIRS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=APP_ROOT
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export OVERRIDE_DIRS=(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+(eval):1> export OVERRIDE_DIRS=( /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’ )
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=GOLDBERG_BUILD
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»release»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export GOLDBERG_BUILD=»release»‘
+(eval):1> export GOLDBERG_BUILD=release
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+./install_copy:4> fail_if_not_populated APP APP_ROOT
+fail_if_not_populated:1> var=APP
+fail_if_not_populated:2> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+fail_if_not_populated:1> var=APP_ROOT
+fail_if_not_populated:2> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+./install_copy:6> [[ ! -d apps/eu4/dlc/ ]]
+./install_copy:11> ./install
+/etc/zsh/zshenv:15> [[ -z /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin || /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin == /bin:/usr/bin ]]
+./install:3> source ./common
+./common:13> declare -A var_types=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[file$’\M-«‘[INSTALLfile[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[eval$’\M-«‘[APPeval[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[eval$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOCeval[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:24> declare -A vars=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘»./.installs»‘$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'»./.install»‘[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP'»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:34> declare -A var_deps=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘()’$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'()'[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘(INSTALLS INSTALL)’$’\M-«‘[APP'(INSTALL_STR)'[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘(INSTALL_STR)’$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'(APP)'[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:45> declare -A vars_done=( )
+./common:72> populate
]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+./common:74> [[ eu4 != ]]
+./common:75> [[ ! -d ./apps/eu4 ]]
+./common:80> source ./apps/eu4/common
+./apps/eu4/common:5> vars[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+./apps/eu4/common:6> var_types[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=file
+./apps/eu4/common:7> var_deps[LAUNCHER_VERSION]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:9> vars[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:10> var_types[LAUNCHER_ROOT]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:11> var_deps[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:13> vars[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:14> var_types[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:15> var_deps[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+./apps/eu4/common:17> vars[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+./apps/eu4/common:18> var_types[OVERRIDE_DIRS]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:19> var_deps[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+./apps/eu4/common:21> vars[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='»release»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:22> var_types[GOLDBERG_BUILD]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:23> var_deps[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='()’
+./common:81> populate
+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version’
+(eval):1> local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:12> [[ -f ./apps/eu4/.launcher_version ]]
+populate:13> cat ./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:13> export ‘LAUNCHER_VERSION=launcher-v2.2020.5’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export LAUNCHER_ROOT=»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+(eval):1> export LAUNCHER_ROOT=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export LAUNCHER_API_LOC=»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+(eval):1> export LAUNCHER_API_LOC=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=OVERRIDE_DIRS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=APP_ROOT
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export OVERRIDE_DIRS=(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+(eval):1> export OVERRIDE_DIRS=( /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’ )
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=GOLDBERG_BUILD
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»release»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export GOLDBERG_BUILD=»release»‘
+(eval):1> export GOLDBERG_BUILD=release
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+./install:4> fail_if_not_populated APP APP_ROOT GOLDBERG_BUILD
+fail_if_not_populated:1> var=APP
+fail_if_not_populated:2> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+fail_if_not_populated:1> var=APP_ROOT
+fail_if_not_populated:2> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+fail_if_not_populated:1> var=GOLDBERG_BUILD
+fail_if_not_populated:2> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+./install:6> pushd goldberg_emulator
+./install:7> make clean -j4
rm -f dll/base.o dll/dll.o dll/flat.o dll/item_db_loader.o dll/local_storage.o dll/network.o dll/settings.o dll/settings_parser.o dll/steam_applist.o dll/steam_apps.o dll/steam_client.o dll/steam_gameserver.o dll/steam_gameserverstats.o dll/steam_http.o dll/steam_matchmaking_servers.o dll/steam_music.o dll/steam_musicremote.o dll/steam_parental.o dll/steam_screenshots.o dll/steam_video.o dll/net.pb.o dll/ dll/net.pb.h
+./install:8> make -j4 release
protoc -I./dll/ —cpp_out=./dll/ ./dll/*.proto
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/base.o dll/base.cpp
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/dll.o dll/dll.cpp
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/flat.o dll/flat.cpp
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/item_db_loader.o dll/item_db_loader.cpp
In file included from dll/dll.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/dll.h:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:24:
dll/steam_user_stats.h:268:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_user_stats.h:577:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_user_stats.h:586:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_user_stats.h:595:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_user_stats.h:602:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/flat.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/dll.h:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:24:
dll/steam_user_stats.h:268:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_user_stats.h:577:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_user_stats.h:586:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_user_stats.h:595:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_user_stats.h:602:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/dll.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/dll.h:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:27:
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:400:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:405:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:412:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:455:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:460:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:512:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:517:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:522:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:527:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:532:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:537:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:542:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:547:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:552:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:557:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:562:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:568:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:577:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:583:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:589:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:609:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:629:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:634:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:640:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:646:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:652:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:678:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:684:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:690:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:696:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:703:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:710:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/flat.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/dll.h:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:27:
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:400:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:405:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:412:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:455:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:460:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:512:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:517:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:522:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:527:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:532:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:537:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:542:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:547:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:552:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:557:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:562:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:568:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:577:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:583:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:589:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:609:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:629:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:634:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:640:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:646:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:652:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:678:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:684:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:690:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:696:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:703:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:710:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/dll.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/dll.h:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:40:
dll/steam_inventory.h:403:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:442:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:458:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:469:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:669:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:681:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:693:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:709:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:717:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:732:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:747:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:753:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:759:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:764:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:769:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:774:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:780:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/flat.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/dll.h:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:40:
dll/steam_inventory.h:403:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:442:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:458:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:469:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:669:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:681:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:693:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:709:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:717:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:732:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:747:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:753:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:759:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:764:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:769:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:774:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:780:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/dll.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/dll.h:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:45:
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:243:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:266:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:330:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:336:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:446:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:513:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:543:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:615:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:719:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:741:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:755:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:762:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:770:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:783:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:792:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:833:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:858:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:868:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:896:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:908:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:924:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:936:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:947:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:961:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:972:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:993:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1074:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1084:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1098:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1109:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1114:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1121:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1131:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1137:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1172:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/dll.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/dll.h:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:46:
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:103:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:115:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:128:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:134:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:140:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:146:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:152:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/flat.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/dll.h:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:45:
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:243:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:266:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:330:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:336:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:237:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:251:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:261:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:268:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:281:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:291:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:446:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/dll.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/dll.h:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:48:
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:74:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:83:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:91:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:99:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:104:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:111:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:118:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:128:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:135:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:146:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:155:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:163:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:170:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:178:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/dll.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/dll.h:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:49:
dll/steam_parties.h:74:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:79:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:84:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:93:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:103:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:108:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:119:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:146:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:153:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:160:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:513:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:543:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:615:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:719:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:741:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:755:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:762:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:770:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:783:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:792:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:833:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:858:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:868:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:896:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:908:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:924:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:936:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:947:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:961:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:972:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:993:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1074:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1084:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1098:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1109:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1114:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1121:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1131:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1137:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1172:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/flat.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/dll.h:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:46:
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:103:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:115:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:128:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:134:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:140:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:146:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:152:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:237:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:251:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:261:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:268:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:281:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:291:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/flat.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/dll.h:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:48:
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:74:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:83:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:91:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:99:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:104:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:111:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:118:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:128:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:135:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:146:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:155:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:163:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:170:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:178:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/flat.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/dll.h:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:49:
dll/steam_parties.h:74:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:79:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:84:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:93:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:103:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:108:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:119:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:146:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:153:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:160:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:835:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:840:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:845:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:850:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:855:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:860:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:865:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:870:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:875:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:880:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:885:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:900:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:905:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:910:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:915:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:920:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:925:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:935:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:940:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/dll.cpp:945:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/local_storage.o dll/local_storage.cpp
146 warnings generated.
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/network.o dll/network.cpp
126 warnings generated.
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/settings.o dll/settings.cpp
dll/network.cpp:541:17: warning: enumeration values ‘Low_Level_Types_Low_Level_Types_INT_MIN_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_’, ‘Low_Level_Types_CONNECT’, and ‘Low_Level_Types_Low_Level_Types_INT_MAX_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_’ not handled in switch [-Wswitch]
switch (msg->low_level().type()) {
dll/network.cpp:695:13: warning: enumeration values ‘Low_Level_Types_Low_Level_Types_INT_MIN_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_’, ‘Low_Level_Types_CONNECT’, and ‘Low_Level_Types_Low_Level_Types_INT_MAX_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_’ not handled in switch [-Wswitch]
switch (msg->low_level().type()) {
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/settings_parser.o dll/settings_parser.cpp
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/steam_applist.o dll/steam_applist.cpp
2 warnings generated.
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/steam_apps.o dll/steam_apps.cpp
dll/steam_applist.cpp:23:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_applist.cpp:28:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_applist.cpp:34:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_applist.cpp:40:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_applist.cpp:46:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
5 warnings generated.
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/steam_client.o dll/steam_client.cpp
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/steam_gameserver.o dll/steam_gameserver.cpp
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/steam_gameserverstats.o dll/steam_gameserverstats.cpp
In file included from dll/steam_client.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:24:
dll/steam_user_stats.h:268:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_user_stats.h:577:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_user_stats.h:586:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_user_stats.h:595:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_user_stats.h:602:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/steam_http.o dll/steam_http.cpp
In file included from dll/steam_client.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:27:
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:400:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:405:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:412:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:455:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:460:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:512:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:517:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:522:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:527:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:532:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:537:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:542:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:547:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:552:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:557:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:562:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:568:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:577:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:583:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:589:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:609:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:629:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:634:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:640:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:646:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:652:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:678:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:684:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:690:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:696:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:703:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_remote_storage.h:710:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/steam_client.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:40:
dll/steam_inventory.h:403:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:442:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:458:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:469:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:669:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:681:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:693:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:709:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:717:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:732:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:747:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:753:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:759:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:764:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:769:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:774:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_inventory.h:780:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/steam_client.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:45:
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:243:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:266:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:330:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:336:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:446:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:513:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:543:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:615:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:719:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:741:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:755:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:762:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:770:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:783:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:792:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:833:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:858:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:868:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:896:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:908:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:924:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:936:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:947:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:961:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:972:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:993:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1074:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1084:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1098:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1109:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1114:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1121:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1131:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1137:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_sockets.h:1172:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/steam_client.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:46:
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:103:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:115:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:128:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:134:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:140:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:146:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:152:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:237:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:251:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:261:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:268:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:281:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_networking_utils.h:291:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/steam_client.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:48:
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:74:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:83:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:91:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:99:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:104:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:111:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:118:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:128:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:135:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:146:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:155:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:163:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:170:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_gamesearch.h:178:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
In file included from dll/steam_client.cpp:18:
In file included from dll/steam_client.h:49:
dll/steam_parties.h:74:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:79:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:84:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:93:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:103:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:108:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:119:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:146:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:153:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_parties.h:160:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_client.cpp:166:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/steam_matchmaking_servers.o dll/steam_matchmaking_servers.cpp
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/steam_music.o dll/steam_music.cpp
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/steam_musicremote.o dll/steam_musicremote.cpp
dll/steam_matchmaking_servers.cpp:59:40: warning: cast to ‘void *’ from smaller integer type ‘int’ [-Wint-to-void-pointer-cast]
requests[requests.size() — 1].id = (void *)server_list_request;
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:24:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:29:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:34:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:39:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:45:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:50:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:57:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:62:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:67:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:72:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:77:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:82:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:89:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:94:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:99:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:104:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:111:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:116:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:121:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:126:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:131:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:136:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:143:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:148:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:153:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:158:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:163:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:170:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:175:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:180:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:185:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
dll/steam_musicremote.cpp:190:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
32 warnings generated.
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/steam_parental.o dll/steam_parental.cpp
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/steam_screenshots.o dll/steam_screenshots.cpp
1 warning generated.
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/steam_video.o dll/steam_video.cpp
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -c -o dll/net.pb.o dll/
127 warnings generated.
clang++ -fPIC -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG -DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD -Ofast -o dll/base.o dll/dll.o dll/flat.o dll/item_db_loader.o dll/local_storage.o dll/network.o dll/settings.o dll/settings_parser.o dll/steam_applist.o dll/steam_apps.o dll/steam_client.o dll/steam_gameserver.o dll/steam_gameserverstats.o dll/steam_http.o dll/steam_matchmaking_servers.o dll/steam_music.o dll/steam_musicremote.o dll/steam_parental.o dll/steam_screenshots.o dll/steam_video.o dll/net.pb.o -shared -lprotobuf-lite -Wl,—no-undefined -lpthread
+./install:9> [[ ! -f ]]
+./install:10> popd
+./install:12> ./reset
+/etc/zsh/zshenv:15> [[ -z /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin || /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin == /bin:/usr/bin ]]
+./reset:3> source ./common
+./common:13> declare -A var_types=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[file$’\M-«‘[INSTALLfile[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[eval$’\M-«‘[APPeval[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[eval$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOCeval[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:24> declare -A vars=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘»./.installs»‘$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'»./.install»‘[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP'»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:34> declare -A var_deps=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘()’$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'()'[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘(INSTALLS INSTALL)’$’\M-«‘[APP'(INSTALL_STR)'[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘(INSTALL_STR)’$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'(APP)'[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:45> declare -A vars_done=( )
+./common:72> populate
]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+./common:74> [[ eu4 != ]]
+./common:75> [[ ! -d ./apps/eu4 ]]
+./common:80> source ./apps/eu4/common
+./apps/eu4/common:5> vars[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+./apps/eu4/common:6> var_types[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=file
+./apps/eu4/common:7> var_deps[LAUNCHER_VERSION]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:9> vars[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:10> var_types[LAUNCHER_ROOT]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:11> var_deps[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:13> vars[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:14> var_types[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:15> var_deps[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+./apps/eu4/common:17> vars[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+./apps/eu4/common:18> var_types[OVERRIDE_DIRS]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:19> var_deps[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+./apps/eu4/common:21> vars[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='»release»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:22> var_types[GOLDBERG_BUILD]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:23> var_deps[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='()’
+./common:81> populate
+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version’
+(eval):1> local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:12> [[ -f ./apps/eu4/.launcher_version ]]
+populate:13> cat ./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:13> export ‘LAUNCHER_VERSION=launcher-v2.2020.5’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export LAUNCHER_ROOT=»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+(eval):1> export LAUNCHER_ROOT=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export LAUNCHER_API_LOC=»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+(eval):1> export LAUNCHER_API_LOC=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=OVERRIDE_DIRS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=APP_ROOT
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export OVERRIDE_DIRS=(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+(eval):1> export OVERRIDE_DIRS=( /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’ )
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=GOLDBERG_BUILD
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»release»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export GOLDBERG_BUILD=»release»‘
+(eval):1> export GOLDBERG_BUILD=release
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+./reset:13> OVERRIDE_DIR=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main
+./reset:14> [[ -d /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main ]]
+./reset:13> OVERRIDE_DIR=/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/
+./reset:14> [[ -d ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’ ]]
+./reset:15> uninstall_at ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+uninstall_at:1> [[ -f ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//’ ]]
+uninstall_at:2> mv ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//’ ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//’
+uninstall_at:4> [[ -d ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//steam_settings’ ]]
+uninstall_at:5> rm ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//steam_settings’ -rf
+./reset:18> [[ -d ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’ && -d ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//dlc.old’ ]]
+./reset:19> [[ -d ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//dlc’ ]]
+./reset:20> rm ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//dlc’ -rf
+./reset:21> mv ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//dlc.old’ ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//dlc’
+./reset:24> ./apps/eu4/override_undo
+/etc/zsh/zshenv:15> [[ -z /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin || /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin == /bin:/usr/bin ]]
+./apps/eu4/override_undo:3> [[ -f apps/eu4/.launcher_version ]]
+./apps/eu4/override_undo:4> rm apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+./reset:26> exit 0
+./install:13> ./chmod_files
+/etc/zsh/zshenv:15> [[ -z /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin || /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin == /bin:/usr/bin ]]
+./chmod_files:3> source ./common
+./common:13> declare -A var_types=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[file$’\M-«‘[INSTALLfile[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[eval$’\M-«‘[APPeval[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[eval$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOCeval[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:24> declare -A vars=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘»./.installs»‘$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'»./.install»‘[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP'»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:34> declare -A var_deps=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘()’$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'()'[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘(INSTALLS INSTALL)’$’\M-«‘[APP'(INSTALL_STR)'[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘(INSTALL_STR)’$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'(APP)'[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:45> declare -A vars_done=( )
+./common:72> populate
]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+./common:74> [[ eu4 != ]]
+./common:75> [[ ! -d ./apps/eu4 ]]
+./common:80> source ./apps/eu4/common
+./apps/eu4/common:5> vars[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+./apps/eu4/common:6> var_types[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=file
+./apps/eu4/common:7> var_deps[LAUNCHER_VERSION]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:9> vars[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:10> var_types[LAUNCHER_ROOT]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:11> var_deps[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:13> vars[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:14> var_types[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:15> var_deps[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+./apps/eu4/common:17> vars[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+./apps/eu4/common:18> var_types[OVERRIDE_DIRS]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:19> var_deps[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+./apps/eu4/common:21> vars[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='»release»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:22> var_types[GOLDBERG_BUILD]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:23> var_deps[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='()’
+./common:81> populate
+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version’
+(eval):1> local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:12> [[ -f ./apps/eu4/.launcher_version ]]
+populate:16> export ‘LAUNCHER_VERSION=’
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export LAUNCHER_ROOT=»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+(eval):1> export LAUNCHER_ROOT=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:4> [[ » != 1 ]]
+populate:5> continue 2
+populate:1> key=OVERRIDE_DIRS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:4> [[ » != 1 ]]
+populate:5> continue 2
+populate:1> key=GOLDBERG_BUILD
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»release»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export GOLDBERG_BUILD=»release»‘
+(eval):1> export GOLDBERG_BUILD=release
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+./chmod_files:4> fail_if_not_populated APP_ROOT APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+fail_if_not_populated:1> var=APP_ROOT
+fail_if_not_populated:2> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+fail_if_not_populated:1> var=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+fail_if_not_populated:2> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+./chmod_files:6> [[ ! -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+./chmod_files:15> source ./common
+./common:13> declare -A var_types=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[file$’\M-«‘[INSTALLfile[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[eval$’\M-«‘[APPeval[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[eval$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOCeval[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:24> declare -A vars=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘»./.installs»‘$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'»./.install»‘[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP'»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:34> declare -A var_deps=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘()’$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'()'[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘(INSTALLS INSTALL)’$’\M-«‘[APP'(INSTALL_STR)'[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘(INSTALL_STR)’$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'(APP)'[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:45> declare -A vars_done=( )
+./common:72> populate
]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+./common:74> [[ eu4 != ]]
+./common:75> [[ ! -d ./apps/eu4 ]]
+./common:80> source ./apps/eu4/common
+./apps/eu4/common:5> vars[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+./apps/eu4/common:6> var_types[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=file
+./apps/eu4/common:7> var_deps[LAUNCHER_VERSION]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:9> vars[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:10> var_types[LAUNCHER_ROOT]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:11> var_deps[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:13> vars[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:14> var_types[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:15> var_deps[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+./apps/eu4/common:17> vars[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+./apps/eu4/common:18> var_types[OVERRIDE_DIRS]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:19> var_deps[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+./apps/eu4/common:21> vars[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='»release»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:22> var_types[GOLDBERG_BUILD]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:23> var_deps[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='()’
+./common:81> populate
+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version’
+(eval):1> local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:12> [[ -f ./apps/eu4/.launcher_version ]]
+populate:16> export ‘LAUNCHER_VERSION=’
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export LAUNCHER_ROOT=»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+(eval):1> export LAUNCHER_ROOT=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:4> [[ » != 1 ]]
+populate:5> continue 2
+populate:1> key=OVERRIDE_DIRS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:4> [[ » != 1 ]]
+populate:5> continue 2
+populate:1> key=GOLDBERG_BUILD
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»release»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export GOLDBERG_BUILD=»release»‘
+(eval):1> export GOLDBERG_BUILD=release
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+./chmod_files:16> fail_if_not_populated APP_MARK_EXEC
+fail_if_not_populated:1> var=APP_MARK_EXEC
+fail_if_not_populated:2> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+./chmod_files:18> cd ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+./chmod_files:19> echo $’./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+./chmod_files:19&gt; xargs chmod +x
chmod: cannot access ‘./steam_api64.dll’: No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access ‘./dbghelp.dll’: No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access ‘./tbb.dll’: No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access ‘./pops_api.dll’: No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access ‘./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe’: No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access ‘./eu4.exe’: No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access ‘./lua51.dll’: No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access ‘./lua5.1.dll’: No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access ‘./’: No such file or directory
+./chmod_files:21&gt; exit 0
+./install:14&gt; ./apps/eu4/override_prep
+/etc/zsh/zshenv:15&gt; [[ -z /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin || /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin == /bin:/usr/bin ]]
+./apps/eu4/override_prep:3&gt; source ./common
+./common:13&gt; declare -A var_types=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[file$’\M-«‘[INSTALLfile[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[eval$’\M-«‘[APPeval[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[eval$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOCeval[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:24> declare -A vars=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘»./.installs»‘$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'»./.install»‘[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP'»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:34> declare -A var_deps=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘()’$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'()'[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘(INSTALLS INSTALL)’$’\M-«‘[APP'(INSTALL_STR)'[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘(INSTALL_STR)’$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'(APP)'[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:45> declare -A vars_done=( )
+./common:72> populate
]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+./common:74> [[ eu4 != ]]
+./common:75> [[ ! -d ./apps/eu4 ]]
+./common:80> source ./apps/eu4/common
+./apps/eu4/common:5> vars[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+./apps/eu4/common:6> var_types[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=file
+./apps/eu4/common:7> var_deps[LAUNCHER_VERSION]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:9> vars[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:10> var_types[LAUNCHER_ROOT]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:11> var_deps[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:13> vars[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:14> var_types[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:15> var_deps[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+./apps/eu4/common:17> vars[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+./apps/eu4/common:18> var_types[OVERRIDE_DIRS]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:19> var_deps[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+./apps/eu4/common:21> vars[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='»release»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:22> var_types[GOLDBERG_BUILD]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:23> var_deps[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='()’
+./common:81> populate
+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version’
+(eval):1> local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:12> [[ -f ./apps/eu4/.launcher_version ]]
+populate:16> export ‘LAUNCHER_VERSION=’
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export LAUNCHER_ROOT=»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+(eval):1> export LAUNCHER_ROOT=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:4> [[ » != 1 ]]
+populate:5> continue 2
+populate:1> key=OVERRIDE_DIRS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:4> [[ » != 1 ]]
+populate:5> continue 2
+populate:1> key=GOLDBERG_BUILD
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»release»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export GOLDBERG_BUILD=»release»‘
+(eval):1> export GOLDBERG_BUILD=release
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+./apps/eu4/override_prep:5> [[ -d /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main ]]
+./apps/eu4/override_prep:8> [[ -f .launcher_version ]]
+./apps/eu4/override_prep:11> ./run
+/etc/zsh/zshenv:15> [[ -z /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin || /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin == /bin:/usr/bin ]]
+./run:3> source ./common
+./common:13> declare -A var_types=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[file$’\M-«‘[INSTALLfile[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[eval$’\M-«‘[APPeval[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[eval$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOCeval[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:24> declare -A vars=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘»./.installs»‘$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'»./.install»‘[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP'»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:34> declare -A var_deps=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘()’$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'()'[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘(INSTALLS INSTALL)’$’\M-«‘[APP'(INSTALL_STR)'[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘(INSTALL_STR)’$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'(APP)'[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:45> declare -A vars_done=( )
+./common:72> populate
]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+./common:74> [[ eu4 != ]]
+./common:75> [[ ! -d ./apps/eu4 ]]
+./common:80> source ./apps/eu4/common
+./apps/eu4/common:5> vars[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+./apps/eu4/common:6> var_types[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=file
+./apps/eu4/common:7> var_deps[LAUNCHER_VERSION]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:9> vars[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:10> var_types[LAUNCHER_ROOT]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:11> var_deps[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:13> vars[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:14> var_types[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:15> var_deps[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+./apps/eu4/common:17> vars[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+./apps/eu4/common:18> var_types[OVERRIDE_DIRS]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:19> var_deps[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+./apps/eu4/common:21> vars[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='»release»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:22> var_types[GOLDBERG_BUILD]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:23> var_deps[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='()’
+./common:81> populate
+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version’
+(eval):1> local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:12> [[ -f ./apps/eu4/.launcher_version ]]
+populate:16> export ‘LAUNCHER_VERSION=’
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export LAUNCHER_ROOT=»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+(eval):1> export LAUNCHER_ROOT=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:4> [[ » != 1 ]]
+populate:5> continue 2
+populate:1> key=OVERRIDE_DIRS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:4> [[ » != 1 ]]
+populate:5> continue 2
+populate:1> key=GOLDBERG_BUILD
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»release»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export GOLDBERG_BUILD=»release»‘
+(eval):1> export GOLDBERG_BUILD=release
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+./run:4> fail_if_not_populated APP
+fail_if_not_populated:1> var=APP
+fail_if_not_populated:2> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+./run:6> ./apps/eu4/run
+/etc/zsh/zshenv:15> [[ -z /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin || /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin == /bin:/usr/bin ]]
+./apps/eu4/run:3> source ./common
+./common:13> declare -A var_types=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[file$’\M-«‘[INSTALLfile[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[eval$’\M-«‘[APPeval[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[eval$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOCeval[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:24> declare -A vars=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘»./.installs»‘$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'»./.install»‘[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP'»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:34> declare -A var_deps=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘()’$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'()'[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘(INSTALLS INSTALL)’$’\M-«‘[APP'(INSTALL_STR)'[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘(INSTALL_STR)’$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'(APP)'[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:45> declare -A vars_done=( )
+./common:72> populate
]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+./common:74> [[ eu4 != ]]
+./common:75> [[ ! -d ./apps/eu4 ]]
+./common:80> source ./apps/eu4/common
+./apps/eu4/common:5> vars[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+./apps/eu4/common:6> var_types[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=file
+./apps/eu4/common:7> var_deps[LAUNCHER_VERSION]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:9> vars[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:10> var_types[LAUNCHER_ROOT]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:11> var_deps[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:13> vars[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:14> var_types[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:15> var_deps[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+./apps/eu4/common:17> vars[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+./apps/eu4/common:18> var_types[OVERRIDE_DIRS]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:19> var_deps[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+./apps/eu4/common:21> vars[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='»release»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:22> var_types[GOLDBERG_BUILD]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:23> var_deps[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='()’
+./common:81> populate
+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version’
+(eval):1> local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:12> [[ -f ./apps/eu4/.launcher_version ]]
+populate:16> export ‘LAUNCHER_VERSION=’
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export LAUNCHER_ROOT=»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+(eval):1> export LAUNCHER_ROOT=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:4> [[ » != 1 ]]
+populate:5> continue 2
+populate:1> key=OVERRIDE_DIRS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:4> [[ » != 1 ]]
+populate:5> continue 2
+populate:1> key=GOLDBERG_BUILD
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»release»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export GOLDBERG_BUILD=»release»‘
+(eval):1> export GOLDBERG_BUILD=release
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+./apps/eu4/run:4> fail_if_not_populated APP_ROOT
+fail_if_not_populated:1> var=APP_ROOT
+fail_if_not_populated:2> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+./apps/eu4/run:6> cd ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+./apps/eu4/run:7> LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ ./dowser
ERROR: object ‘/usr/lib/’ from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
+./apps/eu4/override_prep:13> true
+./apps/eu4/override_prep:14> echo ‘Sleeping for 10 seconds…’
Sleeping for 10 seconds…
+./apps/eu4/override_prep:15> sleep 10
+./apps/eu4/override_prep:16> echo /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.11 /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5
+./apps/eu4/override_prep:16> basename ‘/home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.11 /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5’
+./apps/eu4/override_prep:17> source ./common
+./common:13> declare -A var_types=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[file$’\M-«‘[INSTALLfile[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[eval$’\M-«‘[APPeval[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[eval$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOCeval[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:24> declare -A vars=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘»./.installs»‘$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'»./.install»‘[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP'»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:34> declare -A var_deps=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘()’$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'()'[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘(INSTALLS INSTALL)’$’\M-«‘[APP'(INSTALL_STR)'[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘(INSTALL_STR)’$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'(APP)'[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:45> declare -A vars_done=( )
+./common:72> populate
]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+./common:74> [[ eu4 != ]]
+./common:75> [[ ! -d ./apps/eu4 ]]
+./common:80> source ./apps/eu4/common
+./apps/eu4/common:5> vars[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+./apps/eu4/common:6> var_types[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=file
+./apps/eu4/common:7> var_deps[LAUNCHER_VERSION]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:9> vars[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:10> var_types[LAUNCHER_ROOT]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:11> var_deps[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:13> vars[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:14> var_types[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:15> var_deps[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+./apps/eu4/common:17> vars[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+./apps/eu4/common:18> var_types[OVERRIDE_DIRS]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:19> var_deps[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+./apps/eu4/common:21> vars[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='»release»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:22> var_types[GOLDBERG_BUILD]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:23> var_deps[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='()’
+./common:81> populate
+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version’
+(eval):1> local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:12> [[ -f ./apps/eu4/.launcher_version ]]
+populate:13> cat ./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:13> export ‘LAUNCHER_VERSION=launcher-v2.2020.5’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export LAUNCHER_ROOT=»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+(eval):1> export LAUNCHER_ROOT=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export LAUNCHER_API_LOC=»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+(eval):1> export LAUNCHER_API_LOC=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=OVERRIDE_DIRS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=APP_ROOT
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export OVERRIDE_DIRS=(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+(eval):1> export OVERRIDE_DIRS=( /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’ )
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=GOLDBERG_BUILD
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»release»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export GOLDBERG_BUILD=»release»‘
+(eval):1> export GOLDBERG_BUILD=release
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+./apps/eu4/override_prep:18> [[ -d /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main ]]
+./apps/eu4/override_prep:18> break
+./apps/eu4/override_prep:22> exit 0
+./install:16> source ./common
+./common:13> declare -A var_types=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[file$’\M-«‘[INSTALLfile[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[eval$’\M-«‘[APPeval[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[eval$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOCeval[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:24> declare -A vars=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘»./.installs»‘$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'»./.install»‘[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP'»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:34> declare -A var_deps=([$’\M-«‘INSTALLS[‘()’$’\M-«‘[INSTALL'()'[$’\M-«‘INSTALL_STR[‘(INSTALLS INSTALL)’$’\M-«‘[APP'(INSTALL_STR)'[$’\M-«‘APP_ROOT[‘(INSTALL_STR)’$’\M-«‘[APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC'(APP)'[$’\M-«‘APP_MARK_EXEC )
+./common:45> declare -A vars_done=( )
+./common:72> populate
]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+./common:74> [[ eu4 != ]]
+./common:75> [[ ! -d ./apps/eu4 ]]
+./common:80> source ./apps/eu4/common
+./apps/eu4/common:5> vars[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+./apps/eu4/common:6> var_types[LAUNCHER_VERSION]=file
+./apps/eu4/common:7> var_deps[LAUNCHER_VERSION]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:9> vars[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:10> var_types[LAUNCHER_ROOT]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:11> var_deps[LAUNCHER_ROOT]='()’
+./apps/eu4/common:13> vars[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:14> var_types[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:15> var_deps[LAUNCHER_API_LOC]='(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+./apps/eu4/common:17> vars[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+./apps/eu4/common:18> var_types[OVERRIDE_DIRS]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:19> var_deps[OVERRIDE_DIRS]='(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+./apps/eu4/common:21> vars[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='»release»‘
+./apps/eu4/common:22> var_types[GOLDBERG_BUILD]=eval
+./apps/eu4/common:23> var_deps[GOLDBERG_BUILD]='()’
+./common:81> populate
+populate:1> key=INSTALLS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.installs»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.installs»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.installs
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.installs ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.installs
+populate:13> export $’INSTALLS=eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»./.install»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»./.install»‘
+(eval):1> local file=./.install
+populate:12> [[ -f ./.install ]]
+populate:13> cat ./.install
+populate:13> export ‘INSTALL=1’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=INSTALL_STR
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALLS INSTALL)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALLS INSTALL )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALLS
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+populate:10&gt; [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18&gt; [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19&gt; eval ‘export INSTALL_STR=»$(echo «$INSTALLS» | head -n»$(( $INSTALL + 0 ))» | tail -n1)»‘
+(eval):1&gt; echo $’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/\neu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> head -n1
+(eval):1> tail -n1
+(eval):1> export INSTALL_STR=’eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f1)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
+(eval):1> export APP=eu4
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(INSTALL_STR)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( INSTALL_STR )
+populate:3> dep=INSTALL_STR
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_ROOT=»$(echo «$INSTALL_STR» | cut -d» » -f2-)»‘
+(eval):1> echo ‘eu4 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+(eval):1> cut ‘-d ‘ -f2-
+(eval):1> export APP_ROOT=’/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP )
+populate:3> dep=APP
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=»$(pwd)/apps/${APP}/executables»‘
+(eval):1> pwd
+(eval):1> export APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=APP_MARK_EXEC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC )
+populate:3> dep=APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var='»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=»$APP_MARK_EXEC_LOC»‘
+(eval):1> local file=/home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:12> [[ -f /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables ]]
+populate:13> cat /home/user/Documents/Eu4Hookey/hookey/apps/eu4/executables
+populate:13> export $’APP_MARK_EXEC=./steam_api64.dll\n./launcher-installer-linux\n./dbghelp.dll\n./tbb.dll\n./dowser.exe\n./pdx_core_test\n./\n./dowser\n./eu4\n./pops_api.dll\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter\n./crash_reporter/binaries/CrashReporter.exe\n./eu4.exe\n./\n./lua51.dll\n./\n./lua5.1.dll\n./’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=file
+populate:9> local var=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:10> [[ file == file ]]
+populate:11> eval ‘local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version’
+(eval):1> local file=./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:12> [[ -f ./apps/eu4/.launcher_version ]]
+populate:13> cat ./apps/eu4/.launcher_version
+populate:13> export ‘LAUNCHER_VERSION=launcher-v2.2020.5’
+populate:14> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export LAUNCHER_ROOT=»$HOME/.paradoxlauncher»‘
+(eval):1> export LAUNCHER_ROOT=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_ROOT LAUNCHER_VERSION )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_ROOT
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_VERSION
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export LAUNCHER_API_LOC=»${LAUNCHER_ROOT}/${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main»‘
+(eval):1> export LAUNCHER_API_LOC=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=OVERRIDE_DIRS
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=(LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT)’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( LAUNCHER_API_LOC APP_ROOT )
+populate:3> dep=LAUNCHER_API_LOC
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:3> dep=APP_ROOT
+populate:4> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export OVERRIDE_DIRS=(«${LAUNCHER_API_LOC}» «${APP_ROOT}»)’
+(eval):1> export OVERRIDE_DIRS=( /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’ )
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+populate:1> key=GOLDBERG_BUILD
+populate:2> eval ‘local this_deps=()’
+(eval):1> local this_deps=( )
+populate:8> local var_type=eval
+populate:9> local var='»release»‘
+populate:10> [[ eval == file ]]
+populate:18> [[ eval == eval ]]
+populate:19> eval ‘export GOLDBERG_BUILD=»release»‘
+(eval):1> export GOLDBERG_BUILD=release
+populate:20> vars_done[$key]=1
+./install:17> fail_if_not_populated OVERRIDE_DIRS
+fail_if_not_populated:1> var=OVERRIDE_DIRS
+fail_if_not_populated:2> [[ 1 != 1 ]]
+./install:30> OVERRIDE_DIR=/home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main
+./install:31> [[ -d /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main ]]
+./install:32> install_at /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main
+install_at:1> ./md5output /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main
+/etc/zsh/zshenv:15> [[ -z /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin || /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin == /bin:/usr/bin ]]
+./md5output:3> md5sum goldberg_emulator/ /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main/
a22b8910dfa1656656228dc99e1cfc5a goldberg_emulator/
8296af5ec480b04ddf55014fa9594507 /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main/
+install_at:3> mv /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main/ /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main/
+install_at:5> cp goldberg_emulator/ /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main/
+install_at:6> cp ./apps/eu4/steam_settings /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main/ -r
+install_at:8> ./md5output /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main
+/etc/zsh/zshenv:15> [[ -z /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin || /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin == /bin:/usr/bin ]]
+./md5output:3> md5sum goldberg_emulator/ /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main/ /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main/
a22b8910dfa1656656228dc99e1cfc5a goldberg_emulator/
a22b8910dfa1656656228dc99e1cfc5a /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main/
8296af5ec480b04ddf55014fa9594507 /home/user/.paradoxlauncher/launcher-v2.2020.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/dist/main/
+./install:30> OVERRIDE_DIR=/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/
+./install:31> [[ -d ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’ ]]
+./install:32> install_at ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+install_at:1> ./md5output ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+/etc/zsh/zshenv:15> [[ -z /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin || /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin == /bin:/usr/bin ]]
+./md5output:3> md5sum goldberg_emulator/ ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//’
a22b8910dfa1656656228dc99e1cfc5a goldberg_emulator/
a2fc655874419dd9dbf65cbf2f306771 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//
+install_at:3> mv ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//’ ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//’
+install_at:5> cp goldberg_emulator/ ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//’
+install_at:6> cp ./apps/eu4/steam_settings ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//’ -r
+install_at:8> ./md5output ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/’
+/etc/zsh/zshenv:15> [[ -z /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin || /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin == /bin:/usr/bin ]]
+./md5output:3> md5sum goldberg_emulator/ ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//’ ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//’
a22b8910dfa1656656228dc99e1cfc5a goldberg_emulator/
a22b8910dfa1656656228dc99e1cfc5a /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//
a2fc655874419dd9dbf65cbf2f306771 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//
+./install_copy:13> [[ -d ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//dlc’ ]]
+./install_copy:14> mv ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//dlc’ ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//dlc.old’
+./install_copy:16> mkdir ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//dlc/’
+./install_copy:17> cp -r apps/eu4/dlc/dlc001_100_years_war_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc002_horsemen_of_the_crescent_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc003_winged_hussars_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc004_star_and_crescent apps/eu4/dlc/dlc005_american_dream apps/eu4/dlc/dlc006_purple_phoenix apps/eu4/dlc/dlc007_national_monuments apps/eu4/dlc/dlc008_conquest_of_constantinople_music_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc009_national_monuments_ii apps/eu4/dlc/dlc010_conquest_of_paradise apps/eu4/dlc/dlc011_conquistadors_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc012_native_americans_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc013_songs_of_the_new_world apps/eu4/dlc/dlc014_songs_of_yuletide apps/eu4/dlc/dlc015_native_americans_ii_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc016_colonial_british_and_french_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc017_muslim_advisor_portraits apps/eu4/dlc/dlc018_wealth_of_nations apps/eu4/dlc/dlc019_muslim_ships_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc020_trade_nations_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc021_res_publica apps/eu4/dlc/dlc024_indian_subcontinent_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc025_indian_ships_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc026_republican_music apps/eu4/dlc/dlc027_art_of_war apps/eu4/dlc/dlc028_evangelical_union_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc029_catholic_league_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc030_songs_of_war apps/eu4/dlc/dlc031_guns_drums_and_steel apps/eu4/dlc/dlc033_el_dorado apps/eu4/dlc/dlc034_south_american_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc035_mesoamerican_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc036_songs_of_exploration apps/eu4/dlc/dlc037_guns_drums_and_steel_volume_2 apps/eu4/dlc/dlc038_women_in_history apps/eu4/dlc/dlc039_common_sense apps/eu4/dlc/dlc040_theocracies_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc041_buddhists_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc042_great_nations_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc043_free_cities_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc044_kairis_soundtrack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc046_the_cossacks apps/eu4/dlc/dlc047_black_sea_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc048_great_hordes_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc049_european_cavalry_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc050_forts_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc052_sabaton_soundtrack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc053_catholic_majors_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc054_evangelical_majors_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc055_mare_nostrum apps/eu4/dlc/dlc056_italian_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc057_east_african_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc058_north_african_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc059_kairis_soundtrack_part_2 apps/eu4/dlc/dlc060_rights_of_man apps/eu4/dlc/dlc061_german_princes_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc062_west_african_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc063_songs_of_regency apps/eu4/dlc/dlc064_fredmans_epistles apps/eu4/dlc/dlc065_fredmans_midsummer_epistles apps/eu4/dlc/dlc066_mandate_of_heaven apps/eu4/dlc/dlc067_daimyo_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc068_asian_majors_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc069_the_north_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc070_artillery_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc071_asian_navies apps/eu4/dlc/dlc072_third_rome apps/eu4/dlc/dlc073_russian_principalities_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc074_russian_borders_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc075_russian_what_if_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc076_the_rus_awaken apps/eu4/dlc/dlc077_cradle_of_civilization apps/eu4/dlc/dlc078_peninsula_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc079_persian_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc080_the_rivers_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc081_kairis_soundtrack_3_ottoman_tunes apps/eu4/dlc/dlc082_iranian_advisor_portraits apps/eu4/dlc/dlc083_muslim_female_advisor_portraits apps/eu4/dlc/dlc084_rule_britannia apps/eu4/dlc/dlc085_western_ireland_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc086_eastern_ireland_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc087_british_nations_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc088_british_revolters_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc089_rule_britannia_music_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc090_dharma apps/eu4/dlc/dlc091_dharma_hindu_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc092_dharma_muslim_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc093_dharma_advisors apps/eu4/dlc/dlc094_dharma_music apps/eu4/dlc/dlc095_golden_century apps/eu4/dlc/dlc096_golden_century_iberian_ship_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc097_golden_century_berber_ship_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc098_golden_century_iberian_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc099_golden_century_music apps/eu4/dlc/dlc100_imperator_unit_pack apps/eu4/dlc/dlc101_emperor apps/eu4/dlc/INSERT_DLCS_HERE apps/eu4/dlc/special ‘/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV//dlc/’

Note: Window pops up noting it cant find a valid paradox launcher, because I deleted it in step 1. So I choose «No» to start installation from scratch in standard location

After closing the prompt by clicking no, the Paradox Launcher opens with the error message «Steam runtime communication error»

6.) ./run (pastebin for character limit)


md5sum of dlc: (pastebin for character limit)

Tried verifying integrity of Eu4 and reinstalling, tried letting eu4 set up the paradox folder, nothing is working. As far as I know, it was working last week and Eu4 has not had an update since then :(

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No Good

No Good

Europa Universalis IV (RU)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. | Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. | Задать технический вопрос | Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. | 1b123bfff4f62c63470681b8f6dde



Процессор. В игре много ежемесячных расчетов. Именно поэтому если тормоза наблюдаются, то самые сильные обычно в момент смены месяца и автосейва



Да че толку-то?! Дальше ведь ошибка всё равно как на втором скрине

Без Дяди Васи дальше не разберусь. Асму с отладчиком и перехватчиками не осилю.

А кряк хз какой, у меня их куча целая, како



нашёл лекарства от рака 😂

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


в разделе 2b  надо скачать файл bcrypt.dll и положить в папку игры

скачать архив » [Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Да вы с самого первого сообщения все правильно мне говорили: действительно самый нормальный чики-пушный вариант это 2400G с докупом дискретной если сильно прпрёт. Или 3400G.

Я просто сто лет не с



по сравнению со Стелларисом Европа вообще не требовательная )))



Откатить на ту версию, на которой можно было играть на 32.


ЗЫ. Ну и расстрелять Йохана само собой.



При запуске через экзешник все нормально. У кого была такая же проблема и как вы ее решили?


Go to eu4



A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio.





«Steam runtime communication error» — Need help!


r/eu4 - "Steam runtime communication error" - Need help!

Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.

Обновлено: 11.02.2023

Hi I have this issue with the launcher. I’ve tried reinstalling and deleting the launcher files but to no avail. I’ve uninstalled it through the programs menu in windows and reinstalling with no luck either.

The ‘more details’ message is:


Field Marshal

Do you start the launcher through steam or in another way?
Do you have a firewall that might block the communication between the launcher and steam which happens over the loopback/localhost network interface?

Disclaimer: I’m not working for Paradox. I’m just trying to help people.

If you have problems running eu4, the launcher or none of your mods work, have a look at my guide on how to fix common startup problems in version 1.29 (on reddit)


The Full Monty Python

If those don’t help, Please try this:

— exit the Steam app completely
— uninstall Paradox Launcher v2 from the Windows «Apps and features» utility, if still present.

Delete the following folders if still present:
— C:/users/<UserName>/AppData/Local/Programs/Paradox Interactive/
— C:/users/<UserName>/AppData/Local/Paradox Interactive/
— C:/users/<UserName>/AppData/Roaming/Paradox Interactive/launcher-v2/

— run steam.exe as the Windows Admin user
— run EU4 from the Steam PLAY button

I hope that works for you!

If not though, try running EU4.exe directly. Does that at least get you into the game itself?

Forum Rules | AARland Rules | Sync Your Account with Steam | File a Support Ticket
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(Never quote or otherwise publicly respond to moderation posts. If you have a problem PM a moderator.)

Mankind fears thought as they fear nothing else on earth — more than ruin — more even than death . Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of mankind. Bertrand Russell

Europa Universalis 4 / Европа Универсалис 4

Александр Стоян

Александр Стоян запись закреплена

Что делать с ошибкой связи со Steam?
Вот никогда такого не было, и вот опять

Роман Толстов

Роман Толстов
. Выйти из Steam
2. Открыть «Приложения и возможности» («Программы и компоненты» на старых версиях винды) и удалить Paradox Launcher v2
3. Удалить следующие папки:
— C:/users/<Пользователь>/AppData/Local/Programs/Paradox Interactive/
— C:/users/<Пользователь>/AppData/Local/Paradox Interactive/
— C:/users/<Пользователь>/AppData/Roaming/Paradox Interactive/launcher-v2/
4. Запустить steam.exe от имени администратора
5. Запустить игру

Александр Стоян

Александр Стоян

Роман Толстов

Роман Толстов ответил Александру
Александр, в смысле повторяться? Если сейчас ты её решил, то она исчезает почти навсегда, у меня по крайней мере вылетала один раз — я быстренько по этой инструкции им. Е. Бородина игру починил и вот не беспокоит

Александр Стоян

Александр Стоян ответил Роману

Владислав Куминов

Владислав Куминов

Скачиваешь репак, играешь, тебе больше ничего не нужно.

Ошибка стим, ошибка лаунчера, обновления и краши игры, обновления и краши лаунчера, боль, слёзы, раздражения))

Но справедливости ради, в лицензии ачивки и сетевая. На пиратке тоже можно в сетевую, но там танцы с бубном.

Александр Стоян

Александр Стоян

При обработке вашего запроса произошла ошибка. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку через несколько минут.

Войдите в свой аккаунт Steam, чтобы просмотреть покупки и статус аккаунта, а также получить персональную помощь.

Войдите, чтобы получить персональную помощь для Europa Universalis IV.

Мы сожалеем, что у вас возникли проблемы с данной игрой.
Надеемся, следующая информация из магазина и от сообщества поможет решить их.

Обсуждения сообщества позволяют поговорить с другими пользователями, у которых есть эта игра, а также найти решения различных проблем или поделиться ими. Разработчики игр часто следят за обсуждениями и ошибками, с которыми сталкиваются их посетители.

Руководства, созданные сообществом, могут содержать полезные рекомендации по устранению проблем с геймплеем и технических неполадок.


As there are many people who have problems to run eu4 after the Manchu update, I compiled a list of all known problems and how to solve them. Please tell me which problems I missed or if I made any mistakes.

Please leave a comment to tell me which specific problem you had and what helped you, so that I can improve this guide. And also tell me how the instructions can be improved or clarified.

The easiest thing that you can do is to verify the integrity of game files.

Can somebody tell me what the default folders in windows and macOS are and how to access them in a username agnostic way

find out where steam installed eu4 (go into the steam library, right click on eu4->properties->local files->browse local files). Remember that folder for 5.

unsubscribe from all mods in steam

uninstall eu4 from steam

delete the folder «steamappsworkshopcontent236850» with all its contents. Per default it is in «C:Program FilesSteam» or «C:Program Files (x86)Steam» under windows(can somebody please verify that). Under Linux it is in

/.local/share/Steam. In macOS it is in «

/Library/Application Support/Steam/» (can somebody please verify that)

move/rename the folder «Paradox InteractiveEuropa Universalis IV». This folder is in your Documents folder in Windows and macOS and in

/.local/share/ in Linux. You can also delete that folder, but it contains your save games, screenshot and locally created mods, which you may want to keep.

uninstall the launcher(you can skip this step if your game at least opens the Europa Universalis startup screen after you click play in the launcher). In windows use the windows uninstall function to uninstall «Paradox Launcher v2». Then delete the launcher directories:

Documents/paradox interactive/launcher-v2.2019.10.4/ (this one changes with each update of the launcher)

In Linux the directories are

/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/launcher-v2/» and the file «

In macOS it may be «

/Library/Application Support/Paradox Interactive»

start steam and download eu4 again

start eu4 from steam without subscribing to any mods

If nothing else helps, you can go back to version 1.28.3

change from borderless fullscreen to fullscreen and reduce the resolution. Or increase the gui_scale in settings.txt

change the resolution in pdx_settings.txt instead of settings.txt

try borderless fullscreen or windowed mode. That should use the refresh rate from your OS.

If this is not caused by one of the windows specific issues below, it can happen if you have broken save games in the save games directory. Try to move all save games somewhere else.

Mods do not work, do not appear, do not update or are duplicated in the launcher

unsubscribe from all mods in steam

exit eu4, the launcher and steam

delete the contents of the folder «steamappsworkshopcontent236850». Per default it is in «C:Program FilesSteam» or «C:Program Files (x86)Steam» under windows. Under Linux it is in

backup any locally created mods(or mods that you downloaded from outside of steam)

delete the folder «Paradox InteractiveEuropa Universalis IVmod». This folder is in your Documents folder in Windows and macOS and in

/.local/share/ in Linux.

delete the file DocumentsParadox InteractiveEuropa Universalis IVmods_registry.json (

/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis IV/mods_registry.json in Linux)

delete the folder DocumentsParadox InteractiveEuropa Universalis IVlauncher-cache . It might be called .launcher-cache in some operating systems. (

/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis IV/.launcher-cache in Linux)

start eu4 again and make sure that it works without mods and that you have the same checksum in the launcher and in the main menu(with 1.29.3 it is 1a2e) and then exit eu4

start steam again and resubscribe to your mods

wait for the mods to download completely

if you have local mods that you want to use, copy them back to «Paradox InteractiveEuropa Universalis IVmod» now

start the launcher again

If you use userdir.txt to place your game files in a different folder you may need to follow the instructions from this forum post to get mods to work.

There has been one report that clearing the download cache and then verify the integrity of game files helps. And several reports that doing a clean reinstall helps(see above)

Try to run dowser.exe from the game installation folder as an administrator. That allows the game to install missing dependencies. Once you started it successfully you can start it normally from steam. You can also try to run steam as an administrator.

Other launcher problems can be fixed by a clean reinstall(see above). Especially steps 8 and 7 are important for the launcher.

And if you have an antivirus or a ransomware protection software, add the launcher to their exception list. If you have Windows Defender(also called Microsoft Defender), add it to the Ransomware «Apps Allowed Through» list(here are instructions for that). If you have bitdefender, add the launcher to the list of ransomware exceptions and «give it access» to «protected files».

If you have no such software, make sure that the folder or the file game_data.json is not read-only.

if you have an antivirus or a ransomware protection software, add eu4 to their exception list

if you have Windows Defender(also called Microsoft Defender), add it to the Ransomware «Apps Allowed Through» list.

if you have bitdefender, add eu4 to the list of ransomware exceptions and «give it access» to «protected files»

RivaTuner Statistics Server

a gaming VPN app called Evolve

MSI Gaming App / MSI Afterburner

update your graphics driver

if you are on windows 7 or 8, try to manually install MS patch KB4019990

if you are on windows 10, try to uninstall KB4515384 (this might not be a good idea)

if you configured eu4.exe to run as administrator, also set dowser.exe to run as administrator. Or deactivate the run as administrator for eu4.exe. (you can change that setting in properties>compatibility>change settings for all users>check «run this program as administrator)

disable «Fullscreen optimization»: right click the game exe >> compatibility >> disable fullscreen optimizations

make sure that your harddisk is not full

Microsoft OneDrive(if you have it) synchronizes the Documents folder per default which contains the save games and settings files. That may use up your quota and prevent changes to your settings files afterwards which would prevent the launcher from starting your game

If you have a AMD Radeon graphics card, disable the anti-lag feature for eu4:

Right Click on desktop, select AMD Radeon Software

Select the Gaming tab and then Europa Universalis IV

Disable Radeon Anti-Lag

change the scaling option for eu4 by right clicking on eu4.exe, select Properties, select the Compatibility tab and then check «Override high DPI scaling behavior» and try the different values in the select box below

There is at least one bug in Wayland which prevents the game from starting. As a workaround you can select a different session when you log in(on Fedora this would be called gnome-xorg). Your distribution should offer a way to change that permanently(Instructions for Fedora, can be found here).

Another workaround is to disable multisampling by editing «

/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis IV/settings.txt» and changing the line which starts with «multi_sampling» to «multi_sampling=0»

This should be fixed with hotfix 1.29.2.

Set your launch options in steam to

Or is noexec for /tmp the default on any Linux distributions?

Make sure your game is already installed

Press shift-command-G and enter «

/Library/Application Support/Paradox Interactive» («

Erase everything you see in the Paradox Interactive folder

Alternatively you can use this command in the Terminal: rm -r

/Library/Application Support/Paradox Interactive

This should be fixed by the 1.29.2 hotfix

this seems to happen if you continue a save game from 1.28.3. Possibly this is caused by the Koxinga event. If you still have a backup of the save game from version 1.28.3, you can go back to that version. You can also try to prevent the Koxinga event by colonizing Taiwan or by somehow keeping Ming above 600 dev.

2019-10-05: add section «the game starts directly and skips the launcher» and added a note that the crash on the same date was fixed in 1.29.2

2019-11-01: solution for EULA not clickable

2019-11-09: fix for mods not working if userdir.txt is in use. Update clean reinstall to explain when a launcher reinstall is not needed

2019-12-08/09/12/18: improved the mods do not work section

2019-12-20: add a section for Linux users who use Wayland

2019-12-25: «We had trouble communicating with Steam» can maybe be fixed by restarting steam

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