A * means, that a reset is valid in this error. A blinking error LED signalises, that the system
will be restarted within a short time.
A ** means, the system tries to restart without a limit.
No fault code available for this fault
No pilot flame appearing
light/dark check failure
Flame fault during ignition
Flame fault during operation
Flame signal does not appear during 1sr safety time
Flame signal goes out during stabilising time
Flame signal goes out during 1st safety time
Flame signal goes out during 2nd safety time
Flame signal does not appear during safety time
Flame signal goes out immediately after ignition
Internal fault: 5 sec. outside light monitoring period not kept
relay module not connected or missing 24V supply for relay
main flame signals appears during ignition
Internal fault: Internal communication fifo has overflowed
Internal fault: Error in misc. data
Internal Fault: D/A-Converter faulty
Curve data faulty! Curve set no.:
parameters not equal for parameter no.:
Invalid configuration
Different input signals on main processor and monitoring processor terminal-
CRC-16 test had found an error
RAM-Test detected error
Etamatic selftest exceeds timeout limit
Different operating modes for mon. and main processor
Correction is outside permissible range. Channel : 1
Correction is outside permissible range. Channel : 2
Correction is outside permissible range. Channel : 3
Correction is outside permissible range. Channel : 4
Correction is outside permissible range. Channel : 5
Integr. Flame Detector: selftest fault
EEProm is faulty.
Potentiometer faulty, feedback changing too quickly: channel 1
Potentiometer faulty, feedback changing too quickly: channel 2
Table of Contents
Quick Links
Quick Reference for Endusers
Sensors and Systems for Combustion Engineering
Related Manuals for Lamtec ETAMATIC OEM
Summary of Contents for Lamtec ETAMATIC OEM
Page 1
Quick Reference for Endusers ETAMATIC OEM ETAMATIC S OEM Sensors and Systems for Combustion Engineering www.lamtec.de… -
Page 3: Table Of Contents
Table of Contents Table of Contents General Information …………3 Validity of these Instructions .
Page 4: General Information
General Information General Information Validity of these Instructions These instructions apply to the following device(s): ETAMATIC OEM in any configuration. These devices conform to the following standards and regulations: • DIN EN 298: 2012-11 • DIN EN 1643: 2014-09 •…
Page 5: Safety
Safety Safety For Your Safety The following symbols are used in this document to draw the user’s attention to important safe- ty information. They are located at points where the information is required. It is essential that the safety information is observed and followed, and that applies particularly to the warnings. DANGER! This draws the user’s attention to imminent danger.
Page 6: Brief Description
ETAMATIC S OEM has 3 three point step continuous output and a 0/4-20 mA output. The ETAMATIC OEM has a 25 pin D-SUB-socket with a serial interface for remote control or remote display via PC (windows Software seperately available). Connections for PROFIBUS- DP, TCP/IP (MODBUS TCP), Interbus-S and Modbus RTUare optionally available.
Page 7: Operating Description
The ETAMATIC OEM then interrogates the boiler safety interlock chain (ETAMATIC) or the common safety interlock chain (ETAMATIC OEM) and the contact of the air pressure monitor. If it does not detect an «OK» condition, the text of a corresponding message appears and the operating control stops.
Page 8: Customer Interface
Customer Interface Customer Interface Description of key functions: → RESET → Firing-rate/fault history up → Firing-rate/fault history down → MANUAL mode EIN/AUS Fig. 5-1 Customer interface → Umschaltung der Anzeige – Fuel/air ratio control – – Flame intensity – Operating hours Display and Operational Controls Fig.
Page 9: Key Functions
In the initial state of the display (not on manual mode) while no fault of ETAMATIC OEM is pending, the upper indicator line switches to: •…
Page 10: Display Level 2
Manual Function of the manual key In the HAND mode, the regular firing rate input of ETAMATIC OEM can be manually adjusted. Press HAND key → LED in HAND key lights up With these arrow keys the firing rate value can be adjusted.
Page 11: Fault
The ETAMATIC OEM records the last 10 faults including the corresponding operating hours counter value. In initial state (not MANUAL mode), provided that no fault message of the ETAMATIC OEM is pending, the upper display line is switching over: You may scroll through the fault history using the arrow keys.
Page 12: Co/O 2 Control
CO/O Control CO/O Control Customer Interface Display Fig. 7-1 O trim display I — O actual value II — O setpoint III — Operating status Threshold position: «-» → Reduce air «+» → Raise air Display of CO is replacing O display values as soon as CO control is active.
Page 13
CO/O Control I — O actual value II — CO value Threshold position: «-» → Reduce air «+» → Raise air 11 → 11 optimisation steps are already car- ried out big letter «C» → optimisation with increasing firing rate small letter «c»… -
Page 14: What Happens If A Fault Occurs In The O Trim
100% check of O trim is carried out. A manual RESET of O fault is possible at any time: Press RESET → ETAMATIC OEM in mode O trim? If not, change to the required mode by pressing SHIFT. Calling Fault History O trim You can browse through the fault history with the ’up’…
Page 15: Internal Burner Firing Rate Controller
Press key MANUAL again to cancel firing rate controller. It is also possible to switch the ETAMATIC OEM to «Manual Control» with the terminals. By short-circuiting the Pt100 signal (e.g. bridge terminal 19 and 20) the burner firing rate control- ler is switched off.
Page 16: Displaying The Running Time Meter
The counter refers to the total sum of operating hours of ETAMATIC OEM. It is started as soon as voltage is applied to the device (this counter also provides basic data to fault history).
Page 17: Calling The Checksums
→ One after the other is shown: CRC 16 of level 0, 1 and 2→ changeable by authorised personnel only CRC 16 der Ebene 4 → changeable by LAMTEC only 1. safety time oil in s 2. safety time oil in s 1.
Page 18: Appendix
→ BURNER OFF (no signal present) → SETTING → CLEAR MEMORY → SETTING/PRE-PURGE» (as «PRE-PURGE», but ETAMATIC OEM on SETTING) → SETTING/CONTROL (as AUTOMATIC but ETAMATIC OEM on SET) → FAULT → PRE-PURGE → MANUAL MODE (burner efficiency may be adjusted manually) or Hand no display →…
Page 19: Fuses
LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS Communications interface Fig. 9-3 Rear view ETAMATIC OEM NOTICE PC connection possible only via LAMTEC interface adapter! NOTICE For exchange of the fuses F3, F4, F5 these specifications are to be complied: — 2A slow blow — high breaking capacity according to IEC 60127-2, Sheet 5: 1500A @ 250VAC — melting integral I²t <…
Page 20: Eu Declaration Of Conformity
Appendix EU Declaration of Conformity…
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Appendix… -
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Appendix… -
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Appendix… -
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The information in this publication is subject to technical changes. LAMTEC Meß- und Regeltechnik für Feuerungen GmbH & Co. KG Wiesenstraße 6 D-69190 Walldorf Telefon: +49 (0) 6227 6052-0 info@lamtec.de Telefax: +49 (0) 6227 6052-57 www.lamtec.de Printed in Germany | Copyright 2020…
(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Lamtec ETAMATIC OEM Document (Main Content), UPD: 20 April 2023)
136, Lamtec ETAMATIC OEM 135 10 Appendix Owing to the large number of usable transducers LAMTEC has only one two wire element and one three wire element in it’s product range. It is selected in that way, that it covers a number of measuring tasks. Other transducers only on enquiry or direct from the company Turck. 10.19.2 Selection of a Suitable R. P. M. Sensor The correct sensor should always be selected, taking into account the structural features of the element …
113, 112 10 Appendix 10.11 Connections in Non Grounded Power Line Networks If you use a ETAMATIC OEM in a non-grounded power line network, you have to connect the ETAMATIC OEM upstrem to a mains filter. Firing-rate input (term. 3 to term. 6) 100 m LSB 500 m ETAMATIC OEM Signal Cable Length No. Description 1 mains filter type 663 R 4050 2 ETAMATIC OEM 3 PE bar
… -
85, 84 10 Appendix Fault Code No. Restart according to Description TRD EN676 155 >88 3 the same as P 151, but channel: 5 H/Ü See S151 161 >88 3 Monitoring direction of ratation: channel 1 H/Ü The channel is not running or does not start on time. During operation, the channel briefly changes direction. Check the servo motor. 162 >88 3 Monitoring direction of ratation: channel 2 H/Ü The channel is not running or does not start on time. During operation, the chan…
14, 13 5 Operator Device 5.1 Programming Unit 5.1.1 Use of the Operating Unit With the operating unit you may operate and the program the burner control system. 5.1.2 Connecting to the ETAMATIC OEM Connect the operating unit by using a 9-pin Cannon connector. To do so, use the supplied con- necting cable, item no. 663 R 0430. Data transmission takes place via the LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS. Alternatively, you can …
49, 48 7 O 2 Trim 7.9 Commissioning You must set several of the O 2 parameters before you can program the O 2 curve. For param- eter adjustment see chapter 6.1 Before Commissioning). You will find a list of O 2 parameters in a separate document (DLT1045). 7.9.1 Setting the Correction Range and the Correction Mode The correction value (control signal) transmitted to the electronic fuel/air ratio control is 0 …100% with a resolution of 0.1%. 0% corresponds to maximum excess air, 100% t…
55, 54 7 O 2 Trim Set the P-term in that way, that the setpoint value / actual value deviation of 1…2 vol.% is regulated in 4…6 steps without overshoot. Setting pulses too short — increase the P-term. Overshoot — reduce P-term 900 0 0 O2 TZ — Dead time reduction for O 2 controlled system at full fir- ing rate 053 Target values for 2, as well as 3 draught boiler: 3 sec. With this parameter, you can adjust the dead time depending on the firing rate. Because of the higher gas …
111, 110 10 Appendix 10.9 Connection Examples Regular Firing Rate Input Connection examples firing rate default Where current is used as firing rate default signal instead of a potentiometer: f.ex. active steam pressure controller * Where a three-point step signal from the firing rate controller is used as firing rate input, you must connect the contacts instead of the potentiometer of the firing rate: Where a 4-20mA unit shall be supplied with 24…
115, 114 10 Appendix 10.12.2 Flame Sensor Connection Assembly BK Black RD Red WH White BU Blue GN Green YE Yellow PK Pink Recommended assembly location 4 Sealing washer must latch!
… -
7, 6 1 General Information 1 General Information 1.1 Validity of these Instructions These instructions apply to the ETAMATIC OEM and ETAMATIC S OEM in any configuration. These devices conform to the following standards and regulations: • EN 230 • EN 267 (where applicable) • EN 298 • EN 676 (where applicable) • EN 746-2 (where applicable) • EN 12952-8 and 11 (where applicable) • EN 12953-7 and 9 (where applica…
15, 14 5 Operator Device 5.2 Customer Interface 5.2.1 Using the Customer Interface The customer display offers the simle operation of frequently used functions of the ETAMATIC OEM. The customer display operates independent of the ETAMATIC front key pads or the program- ming unit. It consists of 2 lines with 16 characters in alphanumeric presentation for each line. Use the 5 key pads to navigate throug the display.. 5.2.2 Connecting to…
146, Lamtec ETAMATIC OEM 145 10 Appendix 10.25.2 PE Busbar Two rails are fitted to the left and right side of the terminal strips and parallel to them on the unit’s rear side. Connect all shieldings to these rails. Also connect the PE to this point from the outside. 10.25.3 Control Cabinet Wiring The low-voltage cables from and to the ETAMATIC OEM should not run in parallel to the power electronics’ in and out conductors in one cable duct. Frequency converter cabl…
43, Lamtec ETAMATIC OEM 42 7 O 2 Trim 7.5 Automatic Function Monitoring During Operation 7.5.1 Test During Burner Start The actual O 2 value is checked to ensure that during pre-purge it corresponds to the air value (equal to or greater than 18 vol.% O 2 and less than 24 vol.% O 2 ). After ignition, the actual O 2 value must reach a value equal to or below 14% within 45 seconds. Reaching the threshold value is monitored. If one of the two parameters is not met, O …
132, 131 10 Appendix First of all, the display shows an entry from the fault history including the error code and the firing rate values. The history display changes back to its prior display after 5 s. Fault of the O 2 controller, which lasts longer than 30 s would be saved. After an idle time of 3 seconds, provided that there is no operation of the keys within this time, the display shows a describing text of the selected entry. The describing text is copied behind the error code…
8, 7 2 Safety 2 Safety 2.1 For Your Safety The following symbols are used in this document to draw the user’s attention to important safe- ty information. They are located at points where the information is required. It is essential that the safety information is observed and followed, and that applies particularly to the warnings. DANGER! This draws the user’s attention to imminent danger. If it is not avoided, it will result in death or very serious injury. The plant including its…
5, 4 Table of Contents Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 8 Internal Burner Firing Rate Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 8.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 8.2 Brief Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .…
109, 108 10 Appendix 10.8 Connection Diagrams Fig. 10-7 Connecting diagram ETAMATIC OEM with pilot flame monitoring (footnotes see pages before)
… -
21, 20 6 Commissioning 6.1.5 Start with or without Pilot Burner Select parameter no. 774 and 775 (oil operation, gas operation). NOTICE 2 to 4, 9, 11, 17, 19, 25, 27 The ignition flame input must monitor the ignition flame sep- arately and P 788 must be set to 1. 9, 11 FMS only 17, 19, 25, 27 FMS with mixed fuel firing only Nr. FMS ETA /FA1 Short Text Description Min Max Default 774 …
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Manual ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC S OEM Sensors and Systems for Combustion Technology www.lamtec.de… -
Page 3: Table Of Contents
5.1.2 Connecting to the ETAMATIC OEM……..13 Customer Interface .
Page 4
Table of Contents 6.1.18 Setting …………31 Setting the Limit Switches of the Motors . -
Page 5
Table of Contents Guidelines ……….. . . 52 Internal Burner Firing Rate Controller . -
Page 6
10.14.3 LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS Plug …….. -
Page 7: General Information
General Information General Information Validity of these Instructions These instructions apply to the ETAMATIC OEM and ETAMATIC S OEM in any configuration. These devices conform to the following standards and regulations: • EN 230 • EN 267 (where applicable) •…
Page 8: Safety
Safety Safety For Your Safety The following symbols are used in this document to draw the user’s attention to important safe- ty information. They are located at points where the information is required. It is essential that the safety information is observed and followed, and that applies particularly to the warnings. DANGER! This draws the user’s attention to imminent danger.
Page 9: Associated Automatic Flame Guard
LAMTEC GmbH & Co KG will not be liable for damage or injury arising out of a failure to ob- serve the instructions above. The warranty and liability provisions contained in LAMTEC GmbH &…
Page 10: Brief Description
Up to 20 points (standard 11) can be programmed for every channel. The display occurs be- tween 0 and 999 relatively. The ETAMATIC OEM has a 25 pin D-SUB-socket with a serial interface for remote control or remote display via PC (windows Software seperately available). Connections for PROFIBUS- DP, TCP/IP (MODBUS TCP), Interbus-S and Modbus RTUare optionally available.
Page 11: Operating Description
MATIC OEM remains in base firing rate position until control release is given. After control release the ETAMATIC OEM follows the power control unit’s default setting. A shut off follows the cancelling of the signal of the terminal 58. The main valves close. In gas operation, first main gas 1 and second main gas 2 closes with a delay of approx.
Page 12: Operator Device
Operator Device Operator Device Intent of the keys: Reset Firing rate/ Fault history up Firing rate / Fault history down Firing rate / Fault history down Fig. 5-1 Customer interface Manual operation on / off –…
Page 13
Operator Device Display change: – Fuel/air ratio control – – Flame intensity – Operating hours Fig. 5-2 Console de commande… -
Page 14: Programming Unit
Connecting to the ETAMATIC OEM Connect the operating unit by using a 9-pin Cannon connector. To do so, use the supplied con- necting cable, item no. 663 R 0430. Data transmission takes place via the LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS. Alternatively, you can connect the operating unit with the cable of the customer interface. An adapter cable, item no.
Page 15: Customer Interface
9-pole Sub-D-plug of the ETAMATIC OEM. The data from the ETAMATIC OEM are transferred via LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS. If the cus- tomer interface is the last device connected to the LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS , You have to switch the dip switch SW1.8 at the back panel of the customer interface to «ON».
Page 16: Settings
Use the DIP-switches SW 1.3 … SW 1.7 you can adjust the contrast in steps of 2 from 0…62 (default value after RESET). With DIP-switch SW 1.8 you can define the terminator’s function for LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS (LSB), the CAN Bus-terminator.
Page 17: Commissioning
Before Commissioning 6.1.1 Basic Settings First you must configure the device (ETAMATIC OEM) for the requirements of the system. Therefore, you have to set the following parameters. We recommend to use the LAMTEC PC software for Windows (available separately). The factory standard settings are indicated by *.
Page 18: Select Language
Commissioning 6.1.3 Select Language Select parameter 833 Value Language Value Language Value Language German* Danish Coal-Gas-English English Portuguese Slovene French Polish Czech Italian Turk Coal-Oil-French Swedish Croatian Coal-Gas-French Spanish Coal-Oil-German Hungarian Dutch Coal-Oil-English Romanian Slovak Coal-Gas-German Norse…
Page 19: Character Of The Output Channels
Commissioning 6.1.4 Character of the Output Channels Select parameter 356 — 359 (channel 1 to channel 4). Enter the type of control element which is connected. Short Text Description Default /FA1 Fkt. K Function definition channel1 Category = channel configuration and broken wire detection In this parameter you define the type of actuator which controls the respective output channel.
Page 20
Commissioning This parameter defines, which channel is active with which curve set. All channels are active by default (con- tent 31, in ETAMATIC 15). The following function may be realised. Example: changing channel activities with fuel oil/gas emergency operation with or without frequency con- verter Selection per binary pattern: with 15, all 4 channels are released for operation… -
Page 21: Start With Or Without Pilot Burner
Commissioning 6.1.5 Start with or without Pilot Burner Select parameter no. 774 and 775 (oil operation, gas operation). Short Text Description Default /FA1 ZüBr. ÖL Start with (1) or without (0) pilot burner for oil, (2)=oil with continuous ignition flame 0 = start without pilot burner — oil operation 1 = start with pilot burner — oil operation 2 = pilot burner also active in burner operation with…
Page 22
Commissioning Short Text Description Default /FA1 ZüBr.Gas Start with (1) or without (0) pilot burner for gas, (2)=gas with continuous ignition flame 0 = start without pilot burner — gas operation 1 = start with pilot burner — gas operation 2 = pilot burner also active in burner operation with continuous monitoring of the ignition flame. -
Page 23: Pre-Purge Period
Commissioning 6.1.6 Pre-purge Period Select parameter no. 785 If an output channel is set to flue gas re-circulation, attention must still be given to P 427. Short Text Description Default /FA1 ZEIT VO Pre-purge time in seconds Set the duration of pre-purge in this parameter. The commissioning engineer sets this value.
Page 24: Deactivate Firing Rate Control Unit
Commissioning 6.1.8 Deactivate Firing Rate Control Unit Select parameter no.790 (type of burner firing rate controller). Short Text Description Default /FA1 Lasttyp Type of output regulator. 0-OFF / 1-constant regulator / 2-weather-controlled regulator Switch on or set the type of internal firing rate controller 0 = OFF 1 = constant control 2 = control by atmospheric condition 1…
Page 25: Minimum Running Time Of The Fuel/Air Ratio Control
Commissioning 6.1.10 Minimum Running Time of the Fuel/Air Ratio Control Select parameter no. 729 Short Text Description Default /FA1 stopVERB Minimum running time of fuel/air ratio control Minimum running time of the fuel/air ratio control (in seconds) Set the minimum running time of the fuel/air ratio control in seconds.
Page 26: Delaytime Of The Air Dampers During Pre-Purge
Commissioning 6.1.12 Delaytime of the Air Dampers During Pre-purge Select parameter no. 768. Short Text Description Default /FA1 KverznLE Damper delay after fan ON in seconds Delay time for flaps after switching ON the fan in sec- onds (only for FAT) Enter a delay time for opening of the flaps with respect to the ventilator release.
Page 27: Deactivate Leakage Test
Commissioning 6.1.14 Deactivate Leakage Test Select parameter no. 772 Short Text Description Default /FA1 Dicht.Zü Leak check before ignition (0-OFF / 1-ON) Setting of the leakage test before ignition: 0 = leakage test is off before ignition 1 = leakage test is on before ignition This parameter is only of significance if the leakage test is activated with an FMS.
Page 28: Automatic Restart After Failure
Commissioning 6.1.16 Automatic Restart after Failure Respect the directives for combustion plants, if you set this parameter. Short Text Description Default /FA1 AutStart Automatic restart after fault Automatic restart of the burner on fault condition. In the case of a fault for which the standards permit an auto- matic restart for FMS/ETAMATIC, this parameter initi- ates the restart.
Page 29: Burner Firing Rate Controller
Commissioning 6.1.17 Burner Firing Rate Controller Enter Set Point Values Select parameter 796 and 798 (setpoint value 1 and setpoint value 2). With control by atmospheric condition select additionally parameter 797 and 799. Short Text Description Default /FA1 Soll1min Controller setpoint 1 minimum Firing rate controller setpoint 1 minimum (setpoint 1) in °…
Page 30: Control Range
Commissioning Control Range Select parameter no. 802 and 803 Short Text Description Default /FA1 EinschPt Burner start point Enter the switching point of the firing rate controller as the difference to the set point. [Switching point] = [setpoint] — [parameter content] e.
Page 31: Controller Parameters
1 = display in °C (0… 320 °C) 2 = display in bar (P 810 and P 811) Select also for ETAMATIC OEM, from which input the actual value signal should be taken. If the parameter is set to 1, the integrated PT100 input is…
Page 32: Display Range In Bar Setting the Limit Switches of the Motors As soon as the ETAMATIC OEM is supplied with voltage, it attempts to drive the actuator mo- tors to the lower limit of the factory set curve. If the end-bearing’s limit switches are not prop-…
Page 33: Adjusting Control Elements
NOTICE If the ETAMATIC OEM has 2 oil curves or 2 gas curves (parameter 776 at #1 (oil) or #2 (gas), curve set 1 (0V) or curve set 3 (+24V) can be chosen for oil and curve set 2 or curve set 4 can…
Page 34: Release Settings By Customer Interface
With keys 2, 3 and «Change-over», the password for level 1 can be entered. Confirm with „Hand“ key. ETAMATIC OEM can be switched on via the ’Setting’ mode using the remote control panel. This function is independant of the settings in parameter 869 (An additional password is required for terminal 59).
Page 35: Clear Memory
Commissioning 6.2.2 Clear Memory press key twice the display shows «SL» in it’s centre. press key the display shows «cleared». The old curve is cleared Start burner (signal at terminal 58) Wait until pre-purge has finished. 6.2.3 Programming the Ignition Point press key …
Page 36: Changing Points
Commissioning 6.2.7 Changing Points Points can be changed at any time by selecting the firing rate rating for the required point and re-entering the associated control element position. Enter password (see 6.1.2 Password Entry press key the display shows «EL» in the centre use keys 16 and 17 to set to «firing rate value»…
Page 37: Calling The Checksums
NOTICE The total counter refers to the ETAMATIC OEM’s running time. It starts timing as soon as the unit is connected to a voltage source (this also provides the basis for the fault history). The individual running time counters refer to the burner’s running time. They start timing as soon as the burner is in operation with the relevant curve set (flame signal is present).
Page 38: With User Interface Resetting Faults By programming unit: press key Via customer interface: Press the RESET key to reset a fault of ETAMATIC OEM. NOTICE This may result in a RESET of the O trim when a fault of O trim is pending (see chapter 7.3 Resetting O Errors).
Page 39: Recalling Fault History
3 and 2 to browse the fault history NOTICE If it is certain that the ETAMATIC OEM is fed with voltage at all the time since the last fault, it is possible to determine at what time the fault occurred from the present running time counter reading and the current clock time.
Page 40: How To Switch The Display
Commissioning How to switch the Display By programming unit: press F4 to change the display from status of the fuel/air ratio control to O value (if acti- vated) and to flame intensity (if activated). If neither O trim, nor integrated Flame scanner is active, F4 has no function. Via customer interface: With this key you may switch between display of fuel/air ratio, O value (if activated)
Page 41: Trim
O setpoint value (below the second monitoring band) and corrective actions by the ETAMATIC OEM cannot clear this error, then the trim is deactivated and the base value for air deficiency errors will be put out.
Page 42: Calling Fault History O Trim
5 sec. O controller faults lasting more than 30 sec are stored. They are only stored in the EEPROM once the fault is cleared up or the ETAMATIC OEM leaves the operating mode «Control» or «Base Firing Rate». 7.4.2 With User Interface You can browse through the fault history with the ’up’…
Page 43: Automatic Function Monitoring During Operation
Trim Automatic Function Monitoring During Operation 7.5.1 Test During Burner Start The actual O value is checked to ensure that during pre-purge it corresponds to the air value (equal to or greater than 18 vol.% O and less than 24 vol.% O After ignition, the actual O value must reach a value equal to or below 14% within 45 seconds.
Page 44: O 2 Limit Curve
Full firing rate (parameters 932 / 934) 70% 7.5.4 Dynamic Probe Test The ETAMATIC OEM monitors the measured O value for changes during operation. If a fluc- tuation no higher than 0.2 O vol.% is detected over a period of 10 minutes, a state of excess air is enforced by changing the fuel/air mixture.
Page 45: Control Strategy
-50% to +50%, the correction value (neutral value) output is 500; in the case of -30% to +70%, the output value is 300. NOTICE The neutral value corresponds to the base settings of the ETAMATIC OEM without control.
Page 46: Connecting The O 2 Measurement Device
Trim Connecting the O Measurement Device Fig. 7-1 Connection ETAMATIC OEM — O -measurement device via LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS Connecting diagram see appendix LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS transfers to ETAMATIC OEM : • probe current • probe current during calibration •…
Page 47: Co/O 2 Control Operating And Display
Trim CO/O Control Operating and Display 7.8.1 Display and Interpretation of the Operating Modes op O trim in standby (during burner start-up), or O trim temporarily switched off as a func- tion firing rate via parameters 914 and 915. — trim active. trim temporarily deactivated (air deficiency, probe dynamics etc).
Page 48
Trim Display of CO is replacing O display values as soon as CO control is active. Fig. 7-3 CO control display Startup-Manager Display Fig. 7-4 O trim display Fig. 7-5 CO control display Example: I — O actual value II — CO value Threshold position: «-«… -
Page 49: Commissioning
Trim Commissioning You must set several of the O parameters before you can program the O curve. For param- eter adjustment see chapter 6.1 Before Commissioning). You will find a list of O parameters in a separate document (DLT1045). 7.9.1 Setting the Correction Range and the Correction Mode The correction value (control signal) transmitted to the electronic fuel/air ratio control is 0 …100% with a resolution of 0.1%.
Page 50: Correction Type 2
Trim Fig. 7-6 Correction Type1 NOTICE When switching on any O correction you must ensure, that the combustion boundary values are maintained even with the maximum possible correction (100%). For details see chapter 7.9.6 Checking the Combustion Limit Values. 7.9.3 Correction Type 2 Correction type 2 is used where the correction is applied to a non-linear control element, e.g.
Page 51: Calling Up The Set Correction Mode
Take the correction into account during later programming. The correction actuator must be able to operate without the ETAMATIC OEM reaching the end-stop (0 or 999 or limit stop values). If the correction actuator cannot be driven all the way as required because a channel has reached the range limit determined during pre-purge, the burner’s output is increased or de- creased until the actuator can be driven all the way.
Page 52: O 2 Curve Input
Trim NOTICE The burner must be firing and the control release be set. 7.9.7 Curve Input Enter the password (see chapter 6.1.2 Password Entry) press keys F2 and F3 to select «Set O ” press key 9 to delete the entire O curve press key 8 if you only want to modify points press keys 16 and 17 to set to firing rate value…
Page 53: Guidelines
Trim press keys F2 and F3 to select «Set O » press key 8 to confirm the query press key 16 until the display shows «setpoint» trim unit during adjustment. the display shows «T» press key 5 up, to activate O use the keys 6 and 7 to change the O setpoint from the preset value with the range +3 to -1 vol.% O…
Page 54
Trim → correction input base value for deactivated O trim P 901/P 902 → correction input base value for air deficiency P 917/P 918 Recommended settings: for P 901 / P 902 and P 917 / P 918 Base value for deactivated O trim = neutral value Base value for air deficiency <… -
Page 55
Trim Set the P-term in that way, that the setpoint value / actual value deviation of 1…2 vol.% is regulated in 4…6 steps without overshoot. Setting pulses too short — increase the P-term. Overshoot — reduce P-term O2 TZ — Dead time reduction for O controlled system at full fir- ing rate… -
Page 56: Internal Burner Firing Rate Controller
Moving Screen «Actual Temperature is too high» press key F3 MANUAL to start the ETAMATIC OEM, even if the display shows the running text, subject to the condition, that the maximum temperature is not exceeded.
Page 57: Change The Setpoint Of Power Control Unit Via Programming Unit
Internal Burner Firing Rate Controller Active constant controller: Press the key for 5 s long. Display = actual setpoint 1 or 2. This depends on the choice of setpoint values of terminal 50: Terminal 50 = 0 V = setpoint value 1 Terminal 50 = 24 V = setpoint value 2 The required setpoint values can be set through the arrow keys.
Page 58: Input Signals
0…5 k resistance signal, terminal 4, 5 and 6 • directly as PT 100 terminal 21, 20, 19 as three-wire connection (0 – 320 °C) Outside temperature (setpoint-shifting) — only available if ETAMATIC OEM has the option «con- trol by atmospheric condition» •…
Page 59: Setpoint Changeover
Internal Burner Firing Rate Controller Fig. 8-1 Control by atmospheric conditions 8.11 Setpoint Changeover You can switch the setpoint with the input «setpoint switchover». If you use a version with fixed setpoint value it is possible to select one of the two values, which are entered in the parame- ters 796 and 798 with this contact.
Page 60: Start-Up Sequence
Internal Burner Firing Rate Controller Short Text Description Default /FA1 Soll1min Controller setpoint 1 minimum Firing rate controller setpoint 1 minimum (setpoint 1) in ° C or bar (xx.x) Set the minimum value for the first controller setpoint (active if input «set point switching» = 0) (weather guided controller) in this parameter.
Page 61: Thermostat And Control Range
Internal Burner Firing Rate Controller *(1) = P 792 *(2) = P 793 Fig. 8-2 Startup sequence Short Text Description Default /FA1 Anf.Temp Max. start-up temperature Maximum start-up temperature or pressure in relation to the actual value Start — up circuit parameter: Enter the actual temperature, up to which the start — up circuit is active.
Page 62
Internal Burner Firing Rate Controller This is done by internal processing. If the actual value drops below the lower control range, a re-start can occur. NOTICE This function can replace the control thermostat, which is required on the plant. It does not replace a safety thermostat. Short Text Description Default… -
Page 63: Manual Control
«Manual» again You also may switch the ETAMATIC OEM to «Manual Control» with the terminals. By short- circuiting the PT 100 signal (e.g. bridge terminal 19 and 20) the burner firing rate controller is switched off.
Page 64: Checking Of The Safety Limiter
Internal Burner Firing Rate Controller range is upwardly limited by the «Burner off» parameter (P 804). The parameter is added to the setpoint value. If this value is exceeded, the burner is shut off. The range between «Upper control range» and «Burner off» forms the shut-off range. If the ac- tual value reaches this range, the to cancel firing rate controller, press key «Manual»…
Page 65: Control Mode
Control Mode Control Mode The firing rate controller tries to bring the actual value into line with the setpoint value. In doing so, a direct correlation is assumed between internal firing- ate and boiler temperature, e.g. the greater the internal firing rate, the faster the boiler temperature rises. Should the curves be programmed differently, the firing rate controller will not function.
Page 66: Aides For Setting
Control Mode Aides for Setting Characteristic Control Process Control Mode Start-up Procedure P term higher decrease of stronger reaction with faster start-up with attenuation overshoot overshoot P term smaller increase of less reaction, less ten- slower startup attenuation dency to oscillate Fig.
Page 67
Control Mode Fig. 9-3 Controller operation with D-term too high… -
Page 68: Valve Leakage Test
(gas pressure > min. = 0). The ETAMATIC OEM checks this. Main gas 1 is then opened shortly and gas flows into the test line (gas pressure > min. changes from 0 to 1). This pressure must then subsist for 30 seconds.
Page 69: Valve Leakage Test Flow Chart
Control Mode 9.2.1 Valve Leakage Test Flow Chart Fig. 9-4 Valve leakage test flow chart…
Page 70: Calculation Example
Control Mode 9.2.2 Calculation Example An (approximate) formula for calculating the valve leakage test monitoring facility is summa- rised below: Definitions: GDW: gas pressure monitor gas-side safety shut-off device burner-side safety shut-off device barometric air pressure < 1000 mbar lower GDW switching point (falling) upper GDW switching point (rising) p = P GDW switching difference…
Page 71: Appendix
Page 72: Flame Monitoring
NOTICE We recommend the LAMTEC flame monitoring systems (like F300K, F200K2), if you have other requirements for the flame monitoring (e.g. combustion of coal dust). You will find infor- mation on this devices in the corresponding manuals (DLT7650, DLT7600 and DLT7502/ DLT7503).
Page 73: Characteristics Flame Sensor
Appendix Approvals for flame scanner/sensor in conjunction with ETAMATIC OEM with validity from that date are not valid for F250, FFS05 or FFS06. Replacement for FFS05 = FFS07 Replacement for FFS06 = FFS08 Replacement for F250 = F152 or F200K (depending on application) Characteristics flame sensor…
Page 74: General Information Of The Optical Flame Monitoring
Appendix FFS05 (up to January 2014, replaced by FFS07) Fig. 10-1 FFS07, FFS 05 Adjusting the flame sensitivity — factory settings IR 50% UV 100% FFS08 IR FFS06 (up to January 2014, replaced by FFS08) Fig. 10-2 FFS08 IR, FFS06: Adjusting the flame sensitivity — factory settings IR 50%) 10.2.2 General Information of the Optical Flame Monitoring Notes on assembly and installation…
Page 75: Optical Flame Sensors
WARNING! If the ETAMATIC OEM is used with an integral flame monitor, terminal 53 may not be connect- ed to any other components The optical flame sensors are supplied together with a connecting cable of ca. 2 m length. The line between the sensor and the flame monitoring unit may be extended up to a distance of 500 m.
Page 76: Avoiding Emc Effects
– a disconnection of the flame sensor shielding from the protective earth terminal at the ETAMATIC OEM and the connection with the GND of the flame sensor (terminals 22 or 44) – In rarely cases the shielding may be disconnected like described in section a) and the sensor housing may be grounded at the burner plate.
Page 77: Fault Codes
Appendix 10.4 Fault Codes Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 No fault code available for this fault Ignition flame does not appear. H/Ü Check flame stability. Check wiring. Check ignition transformer and pilot burner. Check flame sensor. Check Parameter 788. parasitic light failure H/Ü…
Page 78
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 Flame signal does not appear during safety time H/Ü Check flame stability. Check wiring. Check flame sensor. Check Parameter 774, 775 and 788. Flame signal goes out immediately after ignition H/Ü If the flame extinguishes within three seconds after ignition, fault H010 is shown; after that, fault H004 appears. -
Page 79
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 Internal fault: Error in misc. data H/Ü The fault can occur during an internal self-test. A fault was discovered during the reading of the redundant data in the EEPROM. Reset the fault. In the process, switch the mains voltage off and on again if neces- sary. -
Page 80
For more details, see the «Protected data record» description in the remote control software. If this is not possible, you must order a preprogrammed EEPROM from LAMTEC. When ordering, you must enter the device number and software checksums. Only in this way are mix-ups excluded. For the address, see the overleaf of this publica- tion. -
Page 81
If fault messages are constantly appearing one after the other the EPROM pro- gramme is possibly defective. Request a new programme EPROM from LAMTEC with the precise specification of the respective purchase order number, sales order number, and commission of the device. -
Page 82
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 RAM-Test detected error H/Ü Fault during an internal self-test. Reset the fault; switch the mains voltage off and on again if necessary. Check all fuses in the device. Check the curve points of the main and monitoring processors for irregularities. … -
Page 83
For more details, see the «Protected data record» description in the remote control software. If this is not possible, you must order a preprogrammed EEPROM from LAMTEC. When ordering, you must enter the device number and software checksums. Only in this way are mix-ups excluded. For the address, see the overleaf of this publica-… -
Page 84
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 Potentiometer faulty, feedback changing too quickly: channel 1 H/Ü The return values of a three-point-step servo output change faster than specified as maximum in parameters 12-16. Check the wiring; check the potentiometers for short circuit. It is possible that the range limit switch is set higher than the end of the range of the potentiometer. -
Page 85
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 >88 the same as P 151, but channel: 5 H/Ü See S151 >88 Monitoring direction of ratation: channel 1 H/Ü The channel is not running or does not start on time. During operation, the channel briefly changes direction. -
Page 86
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 1st monitoring band over range too long. Channel: 2 H/Ü 1st monitoring band over range too long. Channel: 3 H/Ü 1st monitoring band over range too long. Channel: 4 H/Ü 1st monitoring band over range too long. Channel: 5 H/Ü… -
Page 87
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 >88 Fuel/air ratio control blocked: channel 3 >88 Fuel/air ratio control blocked: channel 4 >88 Fuel/air ratio control blocked: channel 5 Broken wire at firing rate input -1 H/Ü Check the wiring. Broken wire at firing rate input-2 H/Ü… -
Page 88
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 permissible O value was fallen below Initially, the time from parameter P904 «O trim active after ignition in seconds» runs out before the fault is permitted. After that, the monitoring time from P966 starts. Also works without an active O controller (from 5.4):… -
Page 89
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 Ignition position was left in ignition mode. Channel: 1 H/Ü In case of a constant output: Possible EMC influences due to ignition transformer; check the frequency converter settings Ignition position was left in ignition mode. Channel: 2 H/Ü… -
Page 90
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 Internal comparison: relay output terminal 67 not dropping out. See S500 Internal comparison: relay output terminal 43 or 68 (ETAMATIC) not dropping out. See S500 Internal comparison: relay output terminal 16 or 65 (ETAMATIC) not dropping out. -
Page 91
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 TRIAC selftest : Ignition transformer is currentless See S500 TRIAC selftest : ignition valve is currentless See S500 Oil fuel blocked because a required solenoid valve is not connected The test current for the TRIAC self-test cannot flow. Gas fuel blocked because a required solenoid valve is not connected The test current for the TRIAC self-test cannot flow. -
Page 92
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 Oil circulation: Temperature does not rise up within 45 sec. Oil lance blow out: Delay for opening not kept Oil lance blow out: Oil valve actuator not in ignition position Oil lance blow out: blow out period too long Atomizer switch-ON-pre-period not kept >88 Oil pressure too low… -
Page 93
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 Gas valves open when burning oil Ü Oil valves open when burning gas Ü Main gas 2 open without main gas 1 Ü Main gas 1 illegally open Ü Main gas valves and ignition valve open too long Ü… -
Page 94
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 Programme check time exceeded. Ü Solenoid value switch-off faulty Ü Leak check: ventilating into boiler not allowed Ü Shut-down on faults via bus. Ü >88 No data transfer via the bus (time-out). Ü… -
Page 95
Remote-fault-reset happens within a too short distance EN 14459 permits a remote unlocking only 4 x within 15 minutes. The fault release is monitored by the remote control software, LAMTEC system bus, and field bus (parameter 19). When exceeded, fault deactivation H889 is gen- erated and additional remote fault releases are ignored. -
Page 96
Check all fuses in the device. If fault messages are constantly appearing one after the other exchange the device or respective card. Curve set adjustment via LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS, selftest recognizes fault Error in reference, channel: 1 Ü Fault during an internal self-test. -
Page 97
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 Relay driver self-test : output terminal 11 or 66 (ETAMATIC) faulty. H/Ü Fault during an internal self-test. Reset the fault; switch the mains voltage off and on again if necessary. Check all fuses in the device. If fault messages are constantly appearing one after the other … -
Page 98
Appendix Fault Restart according to Description Code EN676 >88 Default language missing or LANGUAGE-FLASH defect Fault during an internal self-test. Reset the fault; switch the mains voltage off and on again if necessary. Check all fuses in the device. If fault messages are constantly appearing one after the other exchange the device or respective card. -
Page 99: Calling Up The Condition Of The Digital Inputs
Appendix 10.5 Calling Up the Condition of the Digital Inputs Press keys 16 and 17 to switch to DIGITAL INPUTS. Meaning of the digital inputs ETAMATIC OEM signal present signal absent SIC = safety interlock chain…
Page 100: Tips And Tricks
If it is required to measure the installation’s safety times at a later time (e.g. as part of an in- stallation’s acceptance tests), it is not sufficient to disconnect the magnetic valves before start- up. This is recognised by the ETAMATIC OEM’s self-testing circuit, and results in emergency shut-down.
Page 101: Process Sequence Charts
Appendix 10.7 Process Sequence Charts Fig. 10-3 Process sequence chart: gas with pilot burner…
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Appendix Fig. 10-4 Process sequence chart: gas without pilot burner… -
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Appendix Fig. 10-5 Process sequence chart: oil with pilot burner… -
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Appendix Fig. 10-6 Process sequence chart: oil without pilot burner… -
Page 105
Appendix Key to process sequence charts Any condition Wait for gas safety interlock circuit air pressure monitor min. scan Time for pressure build-up in the gas test line (only with valve leakage test activated) 2 sec. Servo drive running time 30-60 sec. -
Page 106
Appendix Footnote to the Process Sequence Chart ETAMATIC OEM Flame intensity to adjust the flame sensor (not connected during operation) Here you can measure the flame intensity to adjust the flame sensor. You can also determine the flame frequency with a multimeter which can determine the frequency with an AC meas-… -
Page 107
(P 18 = 1) WARNING! P 762 = 0 terminal 46 has no function (ETAMATIC OEM and Burner Control FA1)! P 17 = 3 (FA1 special) terminal 46 is set to «ignition position acknowledgement! «Oil pressure > min» / «atomiser air pressure» is not monitored via terminal 46! -
Page 108
(2 safety time) and ends after the duration, set in this parameter has passed. ETAMATIC OEM This parameter effects the safety interlock chain oil as well as the oil pressure min. Fkt <max Function mode of gas pressure < max. switch ETAMATIC input terminal 54 0 = recirculation «ON»… -
Page 109: Connection Diagrams
Appendix 10.8 Connection Diagrams Fig. 10-7 Connecting diagram ETAMATIC OEM with pilot flame monitoring (footnotes see pages before)
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Appendix Fig. 10-8 Connecting diagram ETAMATIC S OEM with pilot burner (footnotes see pages before) -
Page 111: Connection Examples Regular Firing Rate Input
Appendix 10.9 Connection Examples Regular Firing Rate Input Connection examples firing rate default Where current is used as firing rate default signal instead of a potentiometer: f.ex. active steam pressure controller Where a three-point step signal from the firing rate controller is used as firing rate input, you must connect the contacts instead of the potentiometer of the firing rate: Where a 4-20mA unit shall be supplied with 24V (e.g.
Page 112: Permitted Cable Lengths
Appendix 10.10 Permitted Cable Lengths ETAMATIC OEM Signal Cable Length Channel 1 (term. 34, term. 33) 100 m Channel 2 (term. 32, term. 31) 100 m Channel 3 (term. 30, term. 29) 100 m Channel 4 (term. 28, term. 27) 100 m Power supply (term.
Page 113: Connections In Non Grounded Power Line Networks
500 m 10.11 Connections in Non Grounded Power Line Networks If you use a ETAMATIC OEM in a non-grounded power line network, you have to connect the ETAMATIC OEM upstrem to a mains filter. Description mains filter type 663 R 4050…
Page 114: Flame Scanner And Sensor Connection
Appendix 10.12 Flame Scanner and Sensor Connection 10.12.1 Flame Scanner Connection Fig. 10-9 Connection flame scanner Flame intensity to align the flame sensor (not connected during operation) with delivery of 01.01.2003 on. Abbreviation Description Abbreviation Description ETAMATIC Black White Pink Green Blue Yellow…
Page 115: Flame Sensor Connection
Appendix 10.12.2 Flame Sensor Connection Assembly BK Black RD Red WH White BU Blue GN Green YE Yellow PK Pink Recommended assembly location Sealing washer must latch!
Page 116: Ffs08 Assembly
Appendix Assembly BK Black RD Red WH White BU Blue GN Green YE Yellow PK Pink…
Page 117: Connecting Diagram Of Customer Interface
Appendix 10.13 Connecting Diagram of Customer Interface Fig. 10-10 Connection diagram customer interface — ETAMATIC OEM Description CANopen plug Termination resistor LSB Connecting cable 663P0421, length 2m Customer interface Termination resistor LSB DIP switch 8 ON…
Page 118
Appendix Fig. 10-11 Connection diagram customer interface — PROFIBUS — LSB-Module… -
Page 119
LSB Module NOTICE LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS is to be wired as a chain! Stub lines are not permitted! For the cable length and cable cross-section of the LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS, please take note of the following recommendations: 120 0-40 m… -
Page 120
Appendix Fig. 10-12 Connecting diagram customer interface -LT1 — LT2… -
Page 121: Lamtec System Bus (Lsb)
10.14.1 Configuration of the Processor Board NOTICE The LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS may not be connected with a branch cable and has to be termi- nated at both sides with 120 Ω. Fig. 10-13 Configuration of the processor board LT1/LT2 to LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS (LSB)
Page 122: Lsb Connection
Appendix 10.14.2 LSB Connection Fig. 10-14 LSB connection ETAMATIC OEM to LT2 Fig. 10-15 LSB connection ETAMATIC OEM — LT2 — other LAMTEC devices Description To other LAMTEC-devices Housing Pre-canned line 2 m PE-bar in housing LT2 Terminal resistance passive…
Page 123
Appendix Fig. 10-16 LSB connection ETAMATIC OEM o LT1 from SN 600 on Description PE-bar in housing LT1 Housing Pre-canned line 2m, 663R0421N LT1 from serial number 0600 Terminal resistance active To other LAMTEC- devices Fig. 10-17 LSB-Connection ETAMATIC OEM — LT 1 to SN 0599… -
Page 124: Lamtec System Bus Plug
With a slide-switch you can set the termination of the LSB. If You place the device at the beginning or the end of the LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS, you must set the slide of the plug to ON (terminator active).If you place the device at another position of the LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS, set the slide to OFF (terminator inactive).
Page 125
Fig. 10-19 Pin assignment LSB plug Description 9 pole Sub-D jack service- and programming interface for the operating unit Switch for activating/deactivating the LSB-termination ON.-.OFF 9 pole Sub-D pikes LSB for connection with the ETAMATIC OEM Clamp-connection Solder pins Shielding… -
Page 126: Lsb Cable Connection
Appendix 10.14.4 LSB Cable Connection Devices on LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS (LSB) muss be connected in serial/row (see Fig. 10-20 Serial BUS connection). The first and the last participant on LSB must be terminated with a termination resistor of 120 . All the other BUS participants are not allowed to be connected to any termination resistor at all.
Page 127: Internal Connecting Diagram Of The Control Output Device
Appendix Fig. 10-23 connection diagram modem for remote control Description with termination resistors, setting via DIP switch adjustment of the modem’s DIP switch: dial-up connection 0000 all without function 0000 0000 tel. connection, 2-wire cable 1000 0000 19200 baud, 8N 1110 1100 automatic speed adaptation 1111 0000 shield 2/4 wire…
Page 128: Valve Leakage Test Venting Over The Roof
Appendix Always connect the attached firing rates (valves etc.) to the ETAMATIC OEM (even when the burner is off). If You could not ensure this, use an RC combination (ca. 0,15μF, ca. 220 ) be- tween the output terminal and neutral to let the testing current flow.
Page 129
Appendix Fig. 10-26 Suggested wiring for venting the gas line over the roof in conjunction with the ETAMATIC OEM… -
Page 130: Schalter Und Tastenkombination Der Bedieneinheit
Appendix 10.18 Schalter und Tastenkombination der Bedieneinheit 10.18.1 Programming Unit Action Display Mode Other recall correction range status monitoring display automatic press key 11 (Enter) setting reset press key F1 (Reset) code entry for parameter set- status automatic tings press keys 5, 7 and 8 simultaneously scan fault history status monitoring display…
Page 131: Customer Interface
In the initial state of the display (not on manual mode) while no fault of ETAMATIC OEM is pending, the upper indicator line switches to: •…
Page 132: Display Level 1 Function of the manual key In the HAND mode, the regular firing rate input of ETAMATIC OEM can be manually adjusted. Press HAND key LED in HAND key lights up With these arrow keys the firing rate value can be adjusted.
Page 133: Special Functions
Appendix Press HAND key to finish. Functions With HAND key, you can change the setpoints of the internal power control unit (see chapter 8.5 How to Change the Burner-Firing-Rate Controller with the Customer Interface Faults can be reset through the RESET key. If the O trim is in fault condition and the lower display line shows the O value, the RESET-…
Page 134
Appendix Fig. 10-27 R.p.m. sensor 663P8001 delivered up to September 2003 Speed nominal range (164… 819 Digit) • 300 … 3000 pulses/min (Standard) • 800 … 4000 pulses/min (Standard) • III 1000 … 8000 pulses/min Range which is theoretically, technically possible (140-941 Digit) •… -
Page 135
Appendix 140 to 942 Points S1.4 355 — 8430 pulses/min (5,9…140,5 Hz) Additionally, there are 2 DIP switch for changing between NAMUR and three wire connection. S2.1 and S2.2 at OFF three wire system – S2.1 and S2.2 at ON NAMUR –… -
Page 136: Selection Of A Suitable R. P. M. Sensor
Owing to the large number of usable transducers LAMTEC has only one two wire element and one three wire element in it’s product range. It is selected in that way, that it covers a number of measuring tasks. Other transducers only on enquiry or direct from the company Turck.
Page 137
Appendix 1 = r.p.m. sensor Fig. 10-32 Position r.p.m. sensor to the attenuating element Fig. 10-33 Dimensional drawing attenuating element for our exam- The illustration (left) shows a typical arrangement of attenuating element, sensor and shaft. How the system works: Every inductive sensor forms an electric field at its active surface, from which the contact gap (nominal contact gap «Sn”) can be derived as a function of sensor size. -
Page 138: Circuit Proposal 3-Wired Speed Sensor With Higher Power Supplay Voltage
ETAMATIC S OEM is provided with a 3-wired pick up sensor with approx. 13 V voltage. This is sufficient for Turck Bi4-M12-AP6X as it is tested and approved by LAMTEC. For pick up sen- sor which requires a higher power supply voltage (e.g. Turck Bi8U-M18-AP6X UPROX+) the circuit should be as described in Fig.
Page 139: External Switching Of The Fuel Motors/ Valves
Appendix 10.20 External Switching of the Fuel Motors/ Valves If there are not enough output channels, it is possible to switch externally between actuators, which are not needed in every curve set (oil motors and gas motors). WARNING! If you use an external switching you must recognise this for safety reasons: You must ensure that the feedback of the selected motor is also selected, e.g.
Page 140: Feedback At Three-Point-Step Channels
10.21 Feedback at Three-Point-Step Channels 10.21.1 Connect with Positive Locking Since the ETAMATIC OEM, in the case of three-point step channels, adjusts the damper until the actual value is equal to the setpoint value, the feedback potentiometer must always relia- bly correspond to the damper position.
Page 141: Examples Of Potentiometers And Motors
Appendix 10.21.3 Examples of Potentiometers and Motors Example of potentiometers: The following potentiometers are authorised for use as solo feedback in the case of ETAMATIC OEM, on condition that they are positively connected to the damper: Manufacturer Type Rating Novotechnik SP-Serie Rating: 5 kΩ*…
Page 142: Changing Control Drives / Potentiometers
This may lead to an other position of the damper. WARNING! Therefore you must prove the burner adjustment again in all firing rate positions and all oper- ation modes. If necessary adapt the curves in the ETAMATIC OEM. 10.22.2 How to Replace a Potentiometer WARNING! Keep switches in the same position.
Page 143: Changing Eproms
After you have uploaded the protected dataset activate the new settings with the interrup- tion of the power supply and the restarting the new ETAMATIC OEM. All device parameters are set in the uploaded dataset. It is important to check all safety relevant parameters before you put the device into operation on-site.
Page 144
Appendix NOTICE Always pay attention to the direction of the notches before exchanging. The notches show to- wards the PE connection. Fig. 10-37 Pliers Fig. 10-38 Removing EPROM Remove old EPROMS carefully out of their sockets and insert new EPROMS in the correct position. -
Page 145: Wiring Notes
CV 10.25 Wiring Notes 10.25.1 Shields Connection All cables from and to the ETAMATIC OEM must be shielded (with the exception of the 230 V cable). Connect the shielding to PE by the shortest possible route. Right:…
Page 146: Pe Busbar
10.25.3 Control Cabinet Wiring The low-voltage cables from and to the ETAMATIC OEM should not run in parallel to the power electronics’ in and out conductors in one cable duct. Frequency converter cables and switches/contacts carrying high inductive or capacitive firing rates are particularly critical.
Page 147
Appendix press keys 2 and 3 to run to the firing rate point for checking it wait until the system has run to that point enter password press key 14 one time (setting) – Adjust setpoint value of the three-point step channel in the air deficiency direction (for dead band setting, see parameters) –… -
Page 148: Tolerance Limit In Direction Air Deficiency
Appendix 10.27 Tolerance Limit in Direction Air Deficiency To be able to perform the test, the parameter values in the air deficiency direction should be known. WARNING! If the default setting for dead bands and monitoring bands have changed during commission- ing, this must be documented clearly.
Page 149: Example Of A Protocol Of The Parameter Settings Of The Monitoring Bands
Appendix 10.27.1 Example of a Protocol of the Parameter Settings of the Monitoring Bands Date: Serial No.: Installation: Operating mode: Tolerance on air shortage side: Channel Functions Dead band Monitoring Band Band shift 32 /34 62 / 67 Channel 1 33 / 43 63 / 73 Channel 2…
Page 150: Technical Data
Servomotor 19 Nm 60 s runtime on 90° Ident.no.: 662R2111/N Servomotor 30 Nm 60 s runtime on 90° Ident.no.: 662R2112 Servomotor 40 Nm 60 s runtime on 90° Ident.no.: 662R2121 Other servomotors only after approvals by LAMTEC. Power consumption max. 50 mA continuous current/starting current.
Page 151
Appendix Continuous control Apparent ohmic resistance: 4…20mA < 600 output Apparent ohmic resistance: 100 Analogue inputs ETAMATIC OEM Connectable flame sensors: with internal flame Type: FFS07 IR (successor type for FFS05) monitor FFS08 IR (successor type for FFS06) FFS07 UV (successor type for FFS05 UV) -
Page 152
State Input Number of program unlimited cycles Interfaces – 1 serial interface on 25-pole Sub-D-connector, addressable via LAMTEC adapter only (Dongle 663P0600)(RS 232) – 1 interface on 9-pole Sub-D-connector WARNING! Using the interface without the adapter may damage the device. -
Page 153: Etamatic Oem Without Internal Flame Monitor
Appendix 10.29 ETAMATIC OEM without Internal Flame Monitor Connectable flame detectors: Any tested flame sensor with error-proof floating contact for flame signalling WARNING! If a flame monitor, which is not approved for continuous operation is connected, the entire sys- tem’s approval for continuous operation will loose it’s validation.
Page 154: Dimensions And Weight
ETAMATIC OEM cabinet mounting Position of use Customer interface panel mounting Fig. 10-40 Panel mounting Fig. 10-39 Customer interface length 180 mm width 94 mm depth 40 mm Fig. 10-41 Measurements of oper- ating unit Fig. 10-42 Dimensional drawing ETAMATIC OEM…
Page 155
LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS Communications interface Fig. 10-43 Rear view ETAMATIC OEM NOTICE PC connection possible only via LAMTEC interface adapter! NOTICE For exchange of the fuses F3, F4, F5 these specifications are to be complied: — 2A slow blow — high breaking capacity according to IEC 60127-2, Sheet 5: 1500A @ 250VAC — melting integral I²t <… -
Page 156
Appendix Fig. 10-45 Mounting clip for FS 60 see the docu- Fig. 10-46 Mounting clip for FS60 (DLT7660) mentation for the desired device Marking Colour black blue green white yellow Fig. 10-47 Flame sensor FFS 07 Description Type plate Grounding M4 (Pozidrive 2) Incidence of light Bend radius of the of the FM wire min. -
Page 157: Declaration Of Conformity
Appendix 10.31 Declaration of Conformity…
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Appendix… -
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Appendix… -
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The information in this publication is subject to technical changes. LAMTEC Meß- und Regeltechnik für Feuerungen GmbH & Co. KG Wiesenstraße 6 D-69190 Walldorf Telefon: +49 (0) 6227 6052-0 info@lamtec.de Telefax: +49 (0) 6227 6052-57 www.lamtec.de Printed in Germany | Copyright 2016…
Table of Contents for Lamtec ETAMATIC OEM:
126 10 Appendix Fig. 10-23 connection diagram modem for remote control 10.16 Internal Connecting Diagram of the Control Output Device Fig. 10-24 Internal connecting diagram of the control outputs No. Description 1 with termination resistors, setting via DIP switch 2 adjustment of the modem’s DIP switch: SW1 dial-up connection 0000 SW2 all without function 0000 0000 SW3 tel. connection, 2-wire cable 1000 0000 SW4 19200 baud, 8N 1110 1100 SW5 automatic speed adaptation 1111 0000 a shield b 2/4 wire c te
113 10 Appendix 10.12 Flame Scanner and Sensor Connection 10.12.1 Flame Scanner Connection Fig. 10-9 Connection flame scanner Flame intensity to align the flame sensor (not connected during operation) with delivery of 01.01.2003 on. Abbreviation Description Abbreviation Description ETAMATIC Net BK Black WH White PK Pink GN Green RD Red BU Blue YE Yellow PE PE-bar
149 10 Appendix 10.28 Technical Data Power supply from 115 V — 15% to 230 V +10% 50/60 Hz To be used only in a grounded power line network! Power Consumption approx. 50 VA Ambient Temperature normal operation: + 0 °C … + 60 °C transport and storage: -25 °C … + 60 °C Permissible Ambient Humidity class F, DIN 40 040 Protection class: IP 40 In- and Outputs 14 digital inputs 24V 16 analogue outputs 230V 1 analogue output (ETAMATIC S OEM)
103 10 Appendix Fig. 10-6 Process sequence chart: oil without pilot burner
61 8 Internal Burner Firing Rate Controller This is done by internal processing. If the actual value drops below the lower control range, a re-start can occur. NOTICE This function can replace the control thermostat, which is required on the plant. It does not replace a safety thermostat. Nr. FMS ETA /FA1 Short Text Description Min Max Default 802 0 0 EinschPt Burner start point 999 999 1 Enter the switching point of the firing rate controller as the difference to the set point. [Switching point] = [setpoint] — [parameter cont
115 10 Appendix Assembly BK Black RD Red WH White BU Blue GN Green YE Yellow PK Pink
54 7 O 2 Trim Set the P-term in that way, that the setpoint value / actual value deviation of 1…2 vol.% is regulated in 4…6 steps without overshoot. Setting pulses too short — increase the P-term. Overshoot — reduce P-term 900 0 0 O2 TZ — Dead time reduction for O 2 controlled system at full fir- ing rate 053 Target values for 2, as well as 3 draught boiler: 3 sec. With this parameter, you can adjust
47 7 O 2 Trim Display of CO is replacing O 2 display values as soon as CO control is active. Fig. 7-3 CO control display Startup-Manager Display Example: Example for deactivated control if O 2 trim may not assume. Example for active dynamic tests D2 … Dynamic test with 20 % change in correction, CO e 120 ppm Fig. 7-4 O 2 trim display Fig. 7-5 CO control display I — O 2 actual value II — CO e value a Threshold position: «-» Reduce air «+» Raise air b11 11 optim
4 Table of Contents Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 8 Internal Burner Firing Rate Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 8.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 8.2 Brief Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
117 10 Appendix Fig. 10-11 Connection diagram customer interface — PROFIBUS — LSB-Module
18 6 Commissioning 6.1.4 Character of the Output Channels Select parameter 356 — 359 (channel 1 to channel 4). Enter the type of control element which is connected. Select active channel Select parameter 366 and 367 (curve set 1 and 2). Controller release with bit pattern. Nr. FMS ETA /FA1 Short Text Description Min Max Default 356 2 2 Fkt. K Function defi
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