Epson 7700 ошибка 0010

 Maintenance Codes

 Error Code:      Description:

 0010    Communication with the AID Board is not established.
 The voltage applied to the Flushing Box does not reach the specified 
 4000    It detects twice in a row that all the nozzles are clogging.
 8000    Detects Noises during AID operation.

 Service Call Errors

 Error Code:      Description:

 1101    CR life error
 1125    CR HP detection error
 1138    Over current error 
 113A    Overload error
 113B    Over speed error
 113C    Reversing error
 113D    Driving time-out error 
 113E    Velocity deviation error 
 113F    Lock error
 122A    Overload error
 122B    Over Speed error
 122C    Reversing error
 122D    Driving time-out error
 122E    Velocity deviation error
 122F    Lock error
 131B    Head driver (transmission gate) overheat error 
 13F0    ICL operation error
 1411    Select error
 1412    Pump life error
 1419    Pump release error
 141A    Overload error
 141B    Over Speed error
 141C    Reversing Error
 141D    Pump phase detection error
 141E    Type-B board installation error
 141F    Lock error
 1427    CSIC destination setting error
 1428    Ink holder Board Assy
 1430    Holder ink pad error
 1431    Ink selector life error
 1434    IC cover unlock error
 1438    Maintenance tank error
 1439    Cap error
 143A    Overload error
 143B    Over speed error
 143C    Reversing error
 143D    Driving time-out error
 143E    Velocity deviation error
 143F    Lock error
 144A    Overload error
 144B    Over speed error
 144C    Reversing error
 144D    Driving time-out error
 144E    Velocity deviation error
 144F    Lock error
 1488    Flushing box position error
 1489    Wiper error
 148A    Overload error
 148B    Over speed error
 148C    Reversing error
 148D    Driving time-out error
 148E    Velocity deviation error
 148F    Lock error
 1494    Ink selector error
 1496    Ink selector sensor error detection
 1497    Switching time-out error
 149D    Driving time-out error
 1501    Release motor phase detection error
 150C    PG phase detection error
 151A    Overload error
 151B    Over speed error
 151C    Reversing error
 151D    Driving time-out error
 151E    Velocity deviation error
 151F    Lock error
 152A    Overload error
 152B    Over speed error
 152C    Reversing error
 152D    Driving time-out error
 152E    Velocity deviation error
 152F    Lock error
 1530    Driven roller HP detection error
 1536    Pressurizing reset error
 1537    Pressurizing error
 153A    Overload error
 153B    Over speed error
 153C    Reversing error
 153D    Driving time-out error
 153E    Velocity deviation error
 153F    Lock error
 1540    Cutter HP detection error
 1541    Cutter return error
 1549    Motor disconnection error
 154A    Overload error
 154B    Over speed error
 154C    Reversing error
 154D    Driving time-out error
 154E    Velocity deviation error
 154F    Lock error
 1551    Paper thickness determining error
 1561    Paper thickness at power-on error
 1800    AID voltage error
 1A23    Incorrect RTC data error
 1A26    RTC Access T/O error
 1A37    Thermistor error
 1A38    Transistor environmental temperature error
 1A39    Head error
 1A40    IC22 error
 1A41    Head rank ID input error
 1A50    I2C communication error (Between elements on ASIC and MAIN)
 1A51    I2C communication error (Between elements on SUB and MAIN)
 1A52    I2C communication error (Between elements on SUB-B and MAIN)
 1A53    I2C communication error (Between elements on SUB-C and MAIN)
 2000    NVRAM error
 2002    SDRAM error
 2003    FLASH BOOT SUM CHECK error
 200A    F/W load error
 200D    System interrupt watchdog time-out error
 200E    Unknown NMI
 2010    UART communication error
 3000    AC shut-off
 D131    AID error
 Fxxx    CPU-related error
 Dxxx    Debug error

Pro 7700 — Ребус с дюзами

Головка хорошо продавливается. Части дюз нету…С плоттером Epson 7700

|    Сообщение #41

Отправлено 05 июля 2014 — 12:19


Та же самая проблема EpsonPro 7700 пытается чистить — довольно долго идёт процесс в итоге выдаёт ошибку 1A39 — по мануалу Epson для 7700/9700 необходима замена головки, др. Epson даже не предлагает (1A39-Hardware-Head error-The active signal of Head error has been detected. Replace the Printhead).
Пробовал отключать датчик который стоит на металлической решётке от платы — та же самая ошибка.

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|    Сообщение #42

Отправлено 05 июля 2014 — 16:16


ds2001, в каком городе находитесь ?

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|    Сообщение #43

Отправлено 09 июля 2014 — 11:29


Кто знает, ошибка 1А39 — это ошибка по электронике, т.е. шлейфы плохо подсоединены на голове, сгорел предохранитель на плате и пр. или из-за того что дюзы забиты и не прочищаются. Мой 7700 при включении долго прочищается — сливает чернила (видно, т.к. разобрали плоттер), затем тестирует дюзы — плюётся на металлическую сетку, тоже долговато, и после выбивает ошибку 1А39

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|    Сообщение #44

Отправлено 17 января 2019 — 12:15


Здравствуйте. У меня проблема с жёлтым цветом на плоттере Epson … 7700. Судя по форуму (и по другим), эта проблема — классическая. Однако отличие заключается лишь в том, что у меня пропали центральные дюзы лишь на одном канале жёлтого, а не на двух, как у остальных. «Дождик», при промывке ПГ, на всех дюзах идеальный — без «косодюзия» (включая синий). Демпферы промывал. Результат «нулевой». «Вишенкой на торте» является особенность печати синего цвета. Как ни странно, именно на нём видны просветы.

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|    Сообщение #45

Отправлено 20 декабря 2019 — 11:24


Приветствую всех.
У меня проблема с принтером Epson Stylus Pro 7700.

Краткая предыстория.
Были 2 проблемных канала МК и Y. Чернила оригинал. Прочистки программные ничего не давали.
Решил промыть голову. Снял, отмочил в дистилляте — нет изменений.
Снял — отмочил и аккуратно промыл очистителем для стекол синим. Везде дождик отличный.
Поставил. Запустил. После начала движения и прочисток головы выпала ошибка 131b. В результате не видит картриджи все. Если один любой вынуть, то только вынутый не видит. Нашел причину такого странного симптома — сгорел предохранитель на материнке 1А с обратной стороны (SMD).
Перепаял. Промыл голову еще раз, продул и высушил все разъемы на голове. Установил, запустил.
Голова начала движение, какие-то действия (видно прочистки) минуты 2-3. Потом опять выскакивает ошибка 131b. И опять картриджи не видит (видать предохранитель опять сгорел).

Кто подскажет, куда копать?

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|    Сообщение #46

Отправлено 20 декабря 2019 — 12:21


Копать надо картоху в огороде, а тут надо устранять)))
Первый раз ни чему не научил и выводы сделать так тяжело? Что связывает головку с главной платой? Шлейфы, следовательно напрашивается ответ, что криво вставил или же головку так хорошо промыл, что в электронику ПГ попала влага! :hi:
По поводу попыток промыть этот тип головок TFP, это влажные фантазии, они ого го как отличаются от других типов и дождик\душик(кому как нравится) не показатель от слова вообще! От попыток продуть канал шприцом-он только умирает, но не как не промоется. Причина того, что выпадают дюзы совсем в другом и попытки это исправить заключаются в других методах реанимации.
Если канал выпал пачкой, как в этой теме показывали на тестах-танцы с бубнами и святая вода уже не спасут ни как, это уже 100% трупик.

Русский человек читает инструкцию только тогда, когда точно понял, что сломал))).

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|    Сообщение #47

Отправлено 20 декабря 2019 — 14:10


Хочу оставить хотябы черный для чертежей. Вот и мучаю.
Есть у кого опыт по ошибке 131b ?

Просмотр сообщенияmasterprint1 сказал:

криво вставил или же головку так хорошо промыл, что в электронику ПГ попала влага!

вроде промыл контакты на голове и тщательно высушил, шлейфы прочистил. или по-другому нужно?
посоветуйте, пожалуйста :hi:

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|    Сообщение #48

Отправлено 22 декабря 2019 — 11:14


Просмотр сообщенияcrooner сказал:

вроде промыл контакты на голове и тщательно высушил, шлейфы прочистил

Ну вот он и ответ на все вопросы :hi:
Спрашивается зачем это делал? Вот ни когда с ними проблем не было в плане грязи и т.д. и более чем уверен, что лудило с контактов счистил-вот и получил гранату в свой огород :acute:
Ждем фото в студию.

Русский человек читает инструкцию только тогда, когда точно понял, что сломал))).

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|    Сообщение #49

Отправлено 26 декабря 2019 — 09:48


Просушил все. Запустил. Все вернулось на место. Прочистки ничего не дали. Похоже голова на замену. Какие мнения есть?
скан теста

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Скачать обновленную версию бесплатной программы PrintHelp 2023, купить Код Сброса —

– Compatible Printer model: Epson Stylus Pro 7700
– Epson Stylus Pro 7700 Error Codes with quick guides:

  • Code: 1101
  • Description: CR life error
    The number of Carriage movement cycles reached the specified upper limit. (Ink tube’s life)
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the ink tube (L & R), and clear the counter using the Service Program. In addition, check the statuses of the CR Motor, the driven pulley, the Carriage Unit, and the Head FFC, if any abnormal noise or wear is found, replace the corresponding part(s) along with the ink tube.
  • Code: 1125
  • Description: CR HP detection error
    The home position of the carriage unit is not detected.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection of the CR HP Sensor. Replace the CR HP Sensor. Check if the carriage lock is operating.
  • Code: 1138
  • Description: Over current error
    The electric current flowing when driving the motor is irregularly large. (To protect the motor driver) • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the CR Encoder and the Main Board Assy. Check the connection between the CR Motor and the Main Board Assy. Replace the CR Encoder Sensor. Replace the CR Motor.
  • Code: 113A
  • Description: Overload error
    The electric current flowing when driving the motor is irregularly large. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if the Carriage Unit is correctly installed. Check if there is some foreign material on the driving section of the Carriage Unit. Check the connection between the CR Encoder and the Main Board Assy. Check the connection between the CR Motor and the Main Board Assy. Replace the CR Encoder Sensor. Replace the CR Motor.
  • Code: 113B
  • Description: Over speed error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value just before stopping. • Irregular load • Encoder failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the CR Encoder Sensor.
  • Code: 113C
  • Description: Reversing error
    Detects that it is being driven in the opposite direction to the specified driving direction. • The polarity of encoder cable is opposite. • The polarity of motor cable is opposite. • Encoder failure • Irregular load
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the CR Encoder and the Main Board Assy. Check the connection between the CR Motor and the Main Board Assy. Replace the CR Encoder Sensor.
  • Code: 113D
  • Description: Driving time-out error
    Detects that the driving period is irregularly long. • Irregular load • Firmware becomes out of control.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 113E
  • Description: Velocity deviation error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor driver failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the CR Encoder Sensor. Replace the Main Board Assy. Replace the CR Motor.
  • Code: 113F
  • Description: Lock error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly slower speed than the specified value. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if the Carriage Unit is correctly installed. Check if there is some foreign material on the driving section of the Carriage Unit. Check the connection between the CR Encoder and the Main Board Assy. Check the connection between the CR Motor and the Main Board Assy. Replace the CR Encoder Sensor. Replace the CR Motor.
  • Code: 122A
  • Description: Overload error
    The electric current flowing when driving the motor is irregularly large. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if there is some foreign material causing extra load between the PF Motor and the PF roller. Check the connection between the PF Encoder Sensor and the Main Board Assy. Check the connection between the PF Motor and the Main Board Assy. Replace the PF Encoder Sensor. Replace the PF Motor.
  • Code: 122B
  • Description: Over speed error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value just before stopping. • Irregular load • Encoder failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the PF Encoder Sensor.
  • Code: 122C
  • Description: Reversing error
    Detects that it is being driven in the opposite direction to the specified driving direction. • The polarity of encoder cable is opposite. • The polarity of motor cable is opposite. • Encoder failure • Irregular load
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the PF Encoder Sensor and the Main Board Assy. Check if there is some foreign material causing extra load between the PF Motor and the PF roller. Replace the PF Encoder Sensor.
  • Code: 122D
  • Description: Driving time-out error
    Detects that the driving period is irregularly long. • Irregular load • Firmware becomes out of control.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 122E
  • Description: Velocity deviation error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor driver failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the PF Encoder Sensor. Replace the Main Board Assy. Replace the PF Motor.
  • Code: 122F
  • Description: Lock error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly slower speed than the specified value. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if there is some foreign material causing extra load between the PF Motor and the PF roller. Check the connection between the PF Encoder Sensor and the Main Board Assy. Check the connection between the PF Motor and the Main Board Assy. Replace the PF Encoder Sensor. Replace the PF Motor.
  • Code: 131B
  • Description: Head driver (transmission gate) overheat error
    The temperature of the Head Driver rises, and reaches the specified level.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection of the Head FFC, and if there is abnormality (slant connection or the like), correct it. Replace the Printhead.
  • Code: 13F0
  • Description: ICL operation error
    IC Cover Unlock Solenoid is not operating normally.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Cartridge Cover Sensor and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Cartridge Cover Sensor (L/R) with new ones. Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 1411
  • Description: Select error
    Valve select operating failed.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Ink System Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Ink System Unit. Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 1412
  • Description: Pump life error
    The number of pump counter reached the specified upper limit. (Pump Motor’s life (Ink System Unit’s life))
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Ink System Unit , and clear the counter using the Service Program.
  • Code: 1419
  • Description: Pump release error
    Pump release operation failed.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Ink System Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Ink System Unit. Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 141A
  • Description: Overload error
    The electric current flowing when driving the motor is irregularly large. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Ink System Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Ink System Unit. Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 141B
  • Description: Over speed error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value just before stopping. • Irregular load • Encoder failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Ink System Unit.
  • Code: 141C
  • Description: Reversing error
    Detects that it is being driven in the opposite direction to the specified driving direction. • The polarity of encoder cable is opposite. • The polarity of motor cable is opposite. • Encoder failure • Irregular load
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Ink System Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Ink System Unit.
  • Code: 141D
  • Description: Driving time-out error
    Detects that the driving period is irregularly long. • Irregular load • Firmware becomes out of control.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 141E
  • Description: Velocity deviation error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor driver failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Ink System Unit. Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 141F
  • Description: Lock error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly slower speed than the specified value. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Ink System Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Ink System Unit.
  • Code: 1427
  • Description: CSIC destination setting error
    An Ink Cartridge for a wrong destination has been installed. The Ink Holder is not adjusted correctly.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Ink Cartridge with a correct one for this printer. Start the printer in the Serviceman Mode without setting the ink cartridge, and then execute “Ink Holder Adjustment” from the Service Program.
  • Code: 1428
  • Description: Ink Holder adjustment error
    The adjustment statuses of the Ink Holder on the left and on the right are not the same. This service call error does not occur for Epson Stylus Pro 7700/7710 /9700/9710.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. While opening the cover of the Ink Holder (to avoid a service call error from occurring), start the printer in the Serviceman Mode. 2. Execute “Ink Holder Adjustment” from the Service Program.
  • Code: 1430
  • Description: Holder ink pad error
    The number of replacement counter of the ink cartridges has reached the specified life. (the life of the waste ink pad attached to the ink cartridge holder)
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if the waste ink pads attached to the ink cartridge holder are contaminated. If it has already absorbed a considerable amount of ink, exchange the ink cartridge holder (L and R), and clear the counter using the Service Program.
  • Code: 1431
  • Description: Ink selector life error
    The number of operation counter of the Ink Selector has reached the specified life.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Ink Selector, and clear the counter using the Service Program.
  • Code: 1434
  • Description: IC cover unlock error
    The IC Cover can not be opened.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if the IC Cover is correctly installed. Check if the sensor which detects the open/closed status of the cover, and the solenoid which locks the cover have any defects. Replace the Cartridge Cover Sensor (L/R) with new ones.
  • Code: 1438
  • Description: Maintenance tank error
    A Maintenance Tank for a wrong destination has been installed.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Maintenance Tank with a correct one for this printer.
  • Code: 1439
  • Description: Cap error
    The home position of the Cap is not detected.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection of the Cap HP Sensor. Replace the Ink System Unit.
  • Code: 143A
  • Description: Overload error
    The electric current flowing when driving the motor is irregularly large. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Ink System Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Ink System Unit.
  • Code: 143B
  • Description: Over speed error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value just before stopping. • Irregular load • Encoder failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Ink System Unit.
  • Code: 143C
  • Description: Reversing error
    Detects that it is being driven in the opposite direction to the specified driving direction. • The polarity of encoder cable is opposite. • The polarity of motor cable is opposite. • Encoder failure • Irregular load
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Ink System Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Ink System Unit.
  • Code: 143D
  • Description: Driving time-out error
    Detects that the driving period is irregularly long. • Irregular load • Firmware becomes out of control.e P.264)
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 143E
  • Description: Velocity deviation error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor driver failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Ink System Unit. Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 143F
  • Description: Lock error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly slower speed than the specified value. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Ink System Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Ink System Unit.
  • Code: 144A
  • Description: Overload error
    The electric current flowing when driving the motor is irregularly large. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Pressurizing Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Pressurizing Unit.
  • Code: 144B
  • Description: Over speed error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value just before stopping. • Irregular load • Encoder failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Pressurizing Unit.
  • Code: 144C
  • Description: Reversing error
    Detects that it is being driven in the opposite direction to the specified driving direction. • The polarity of encoder cable is opposite. • The polarity of motor cable is opposite. • Encoder failure • Irregular load
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Pressurizing Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Pressurizing Unit.

Epson Stylus Pro 7700 error and solving error codes

Solve Epson Stylus Pro 7700 Error codes

  • Code: 144D
  • Description: Driving time-out error.
    Detects that the driving period is irregularly long. • Irregular load • Firmware becomes out of control.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 144E
  • Description: Velocity deviation error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor driver failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Pressurizing Unit. Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 144F
  • Description: Lock error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly slower speed than the specified value. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Pressurizing Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Pressurizing Unit.
  • Code: 1489
  • Description: Wiper error
    The home position of the Wiper is not detected.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection of the Wiper HP Sensor. Replace the Ink System Unit.
  • Code: 148A
  • Description: Overload error
    The electric current flowing when driving the motor is irregularly large. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if there is some foreign material causing extra load on the Wiper system. Check the connection between the Ink System Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Ink System Unit.
  • Code: 148B
  • Description: Over speed error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value just before stopping. • Irregular load • Encoder failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Ink System Unit.
  • Code: 148C
  • Description: Reversing error
    Detects that it is being driven in the opposite direction to the specified driving direction. • The polarity of encoder cable is opposite. • The polarity of motor cable is opposite. • Encoder failure • Irregular load
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Ink System Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Ink System Unit.
  • Code: 148D
  • Description: Driving time-out error
    Detects that the driving period is irregularly long. • Irregular load • Firmware becomes out of control.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 148E
  • Description: Velocity deviation error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor driver failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Ink System Unit. Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 148F
  • Description: Lock error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly slower speed than the specified value. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Ink System Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Ink System Unit.
  • Code: 1494
  • Description: Ink selector error
    Ink select operation failed. • Ink Selector Motor is broken. • Ink Selector Sensor is broken. • Ink Selector is overloaded.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Ink Selector and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Ink Selector. Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 1496
  • Description: Ink selector sensor error detection
    Ink select operation failed. • Ink Selector Sensor is broken.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Ink Selector and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Ink Selector. Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 1497
  • Description: Switching time-out error
    The ink selecting operation does not end even after the specified period of time has passed because the Ink Selector (the sensor or motor) is broken.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Ink Selector.
  • Code: 149D
  • Description: Driving time-out error
    Detects that the driving period is irregularly long. • Irregular load • Firmware becomes out of control.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 1501
  • Description: Release motor phase detection error
    When releasing the driven roller, the Roller Release HP Sensor cannot detect the change of status.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the installation status of the Roller Release HP Sensor. Check the connection between the Roller Release HP Sensor and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Roller Release HP Sensor.
  • Code: 150C
  • Description: PG phase detection error
    During PG operation, the PG HP Sensor cannot detect the change of status.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the installation status of the PG HP Sensor. Check the connection between the PG HP Sensor and the Main Board Assy. Replace the PG HP Sensor.
  • Code: 151A
  • Description: Overload error
    The electric current flowing when driving the motor is irregularly large. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if there is some foreign material causing extra load between the APG Motor and the carriage unit. Check the connection between the APG Motor Sensor and the Main Board Assy. Replace the APG Motor.
  • Code: 151B
  • Description: Over speed error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value just before stopping. • Irregular load • Encoder failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the APG Motor.
  • Code: 151C
  • Description: Reversing error
    Detects that it is being driven in the opposite direction to the specified driving direction. • The polarity of encoder cable is opposite. • The polarity of motor cable is opposite. • Encoder failure • Irregular load
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the APG Motor Sensor and the Main Board Assy. Replace the APG Motor.
  • Code: 151D
  • Description: Driving time-out error
    Detects that the driving period is irregularly long. • Irregular load • Firmware becomes out of control.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 151E
  • Description: Velocity deviation error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor driver failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the APG Motor. Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 151F
  • Description: Lock error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly slower speed than the specified value. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if there is some foreign material causing extra load between the APG Motor and the carriage unit. Check the connection between the APG Motor Sensor and the Main Board Assy. Replace the APG Motor.
  • Code: 152A
  • Description: Overload error
    The electric current flowing when driving the motor is irregularly large. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if there is some foreign material causing extra load on the Rewind Unit. Check the connection between the Rewind Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Rewind Motor.
  • Code: 152B
  • Description: Over speed error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value just before stopping. • Irregular load • Encoder failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Rewind Motor.
  • Code: 152C
  • Description: Reversing error
    Detects that it is being driven in the opposite direction to the specified driving direction. • The polarity of encoder cable is opposite. • The polarity of motor cable is opposite. • Encoder failure • Irregular load
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Rewind Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Rewind Motor.
  • Code: 152D
  • Description: Driving time-out error
    Detects that the driving period is irregularly long. • Irregular load • Firmware becomes out of control.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 152E
  • Description: Velocity deviation error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor driver failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Rewind Motor. Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 152F
  • Description: Lock error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly slower speed than the specified value. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if there is some foreign material causing extra load on the Rewind Unit. Check the connection between the Rewind Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Rewind Motor.
  • Code: 1530
  • Description: Driven roller HP detection error
    The home position of the Driven Pulley is not detected.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection of the Roller Release HP Sensor. Check if the Driven Pulley rotates smoothly without any overload. Replace the Roller Release HP Sensor. Replace the Driven Roller Release Motor.
  • Code: 1536
  • Description: Pressurizing reset error
    The pressurizing cannot be reset. The Pressure Sensor remains on, even after the pressurizing has been reset.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Pressurizing Unit.

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  • Code: 1537
  • Description: Pressurizing error
    The motor driving does not end even after the specified period of time has passed.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection of the Pressurizing Unit. Check the connection of the Pressure tubes. Replace the Pressurizing Unit.
  • Code: 153A
  • Description: Overload error
    The electric current flowing when driving the motor is irregularly large. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if there is some foreign material causing extra load on the driven roller release system. Check the connection between the Driven Roller Release Motor and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Driven Roller Release Motor.
  • Code: 153B
  • Description: Over speed error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value just before stopping. • Irregular load • Encoder failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Driven Roller Release Motor.
  • Code: 153C
  • Description: Reversing error
    Detects that it is being driven in the opposite direction to the specified driving direction. • The polarity of encoder cable is opposite. • The polarity of motor cable is opposite. • Encoder failure • Irregular load
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Driven Roller Release Motor and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Driven Roller Release Motor.
  • Code: 153D
  • Description: Driving time-out error
    Detects that the driving period is irregularly long. • Irregular load • Firmware becomes out of control.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 153E
  • Description: Velocity deviation error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor driver failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Driven Roller Release Motor. Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 153F
  • Description: Lock error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly slower speed than the specified value. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if there is some foreign material causing extra load on the driven roller release system. Check the connection between the Driven Roller Release Motor and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Driven Roller Release Motor.
  • Code: 1540
  • Description: Cutter HP detection error
    The home position of the Cutter is not detected.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection of the Cutter Sensor. Replace the Cutter Unit.
  • Code: 1541
  • Description: Cutter return error
    Abnormal Cutter operation is detected. • Slipping of the teeth of the timing belt. • Slack of the timing belt. • Abnormality of the cutter sensor.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Cutter Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Cutter Unit.
  • Code: 1549
  • Description: Motor disconnection error
    The Cutter Unit operation is not detected even the electric current flows when the printer is turned on. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Encoder failure • Motor failure • Irregular load
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Cutter Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Cutter Unit.
  • Code: 154A
  • Description: Overload error
    The electric current flowing when driving the motor is irregularly large. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if there is some foreign material causing extra load on the Cutter Unit. Check the connection between the Cutter Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Cutter Unit.
  • Code: 154B
  • Description: Over speed error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value just before stopping. • Irregular load • Encoder failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Cutter Unit.
  • Code: 154C
  • Description: Reversing error
    Detects that it is being driven in the opposite direction to the specified driving direction. • The polarity of encoder cable is opposite. • The polarity of motor cable is opposite. • Encoder failure • Irregular load
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the connection between the Cutter Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Cutter Unit.
  • Code: 154D
  • Description: Driving time-out error
    Detects that the driving period is irregularly long. • Irregular load • Firmware becomes out of control.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 154E
  • Description: Velocity deviation error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly faster speed than the specified value. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor driver failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Cutter Unit. Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 154F
  • Description: Lock error
    Detects that it is being driven at an irregularly slower speed than the specified value. • Encoder cable is damaged. • Motor cable is damaged. • Irregular load • Encoder failure • Motor failure
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if there is some foreign material causing extra load on the Cutter Unit. Check the connection between the Cutter Unit and the Main Board Assy. Replace the Cutter Unit.
  • Code: 1551
  • Description: Paper thickness determining error
    During detection of paper thickness, the thickness cannot be determined because chattering occurs.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 1561
  • Description: Paper thickness at power-on error
    At power-on, the paper thickness sensor detects more than 2.2 mm paper thickness.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Execute the Paper Thickness Sensor Position Adjustment. Replace the Paper Thickness Sensor.
  • Code: 1800
  • Description: AID voltage error
    Due to the leak of AID current, the specified voltage cannot be achieved.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check the flushing box and around it, and remove ink and dust if attached on it. (Electric current may leak through the accumulated ink or dust.) Replace the AID Board. Replace the Ink System Unit.
  • Code: 1A23
  • Description: Incorrect RTC data error
    The value information on various absolute time stored on NVRAM is abnormal.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Check if the RTC backup battery is installed properly. Replace the Main Board Assy.
  • Code: 1A26
  • Description: RTC Access T/O error
    The RTC circuit on the Main Board Assy malfunctions.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Turn the power off and remove the RTC backup battery. 2. After several seconds, re-attach the battery and turn the power back on. 3. If the printer recovers from the error, set the date and time using the Service Program.
  • Code: 1A37
  • Description: Thermistor error
    The Head FFC is not connected correctly. The thermistor detects a temperature out of the specification. The thermistor is broken.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Printhead.
  • Code: 1A38
  • Description: Transistor environmental temperature error
    The transistor has a defect. The thermistor detects a temperature out of the specification.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the Printhead.
  • Code: 1A39
  • Description: Head error
    The drive circuit in the Printhead is damaged due to a slant connection of the Head FFC, etc., or the fuse of the Main Board Assy may has blown because of such a wrong connection.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check the connection of the Head FFC to the Sub Board Assy, and correct it if there is a slant connection or the cable is disconnected. If any connection terminal of the Head FFC is damaged, replace it with a new one. 2. Replace the Printhead. 3. If the printer does not recover from the error after trying 1 and 2., replace the Main Board Assy. (The fuse of the Main Board Assy may have blown due to a slant connection of the Head FFC.)

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Maintenance Request Errors

0002 ­

CR scan pass counter
has come near the specified life.

0008 ­

The RTC backup
battery becomes exhausted

0010 ­

Communication with
the AID Board is not established.

0040 ­

The pump counter has
come near the specified life.

0080 ­

The date has not been

0800 ­

Cartridge waste ink
pad near end of life

1000 *1 ­

Ink Selector near end
of life

4000 ­

It detects twice in a
row that all the nozzles are clogging.

0088 ­

RTC backup battery
exhausted and date not set.

Service Request Errors

SERVICE REQ ­ 1101 ­

CR life error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1125 ­

CR HP detection error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1138 ­

Over current error


Overload error


Over speed error


Reversing error


Driving time­out


Velocity deviation


Lock error


Overload error


Over speed error


Reversing error


Driving time­out


Velocity deviation


Lock error S


Head driver
(transmission gate) overheat error


ICL operation error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1411 ­

Select error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1412 ­

Pump life error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1419 ­

Pump release error


Overload error


Over speed error


Reversing error


Driving time­out


Velocity deviation


Lock error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1427 ­

CSIC destination
setting error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1428 ­

Ink holder Board Assy

SERVICE REQ ­ 1430 ­

Holder ink pad error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1431 ­

Ink selector life

SERVICE REQ ­ 1434 ­

IC cover unlock error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1438 ­

Maintenance tank

SERVICE REQ ­ 1439 ­

Cap error


Overload error


Over speed error


Reversing error


Driving time­out


Velocity deviation


Lock error


Overload error


Over speed error


Reversing error


Driving time­out


Velocity deviation


Lock error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1489 ­

Wiper error


Overload error


Over speed error


Reversing error


Driving time­out


Velocity deviation


Lock error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1494 ­

Ink selector error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1496 ­

Ink selector sensor
error detection

SERVICE REQ ­ 1497 ­

Switching time­out


Driving time­out

SERVICE REQ ­ 1501 ­

Release motor phase
detection error


PG phase detection


Overload error


Over speed error


Reversing error


Driving time­out


Velocity deviation


Lock error


Overload error


Over speed error


Reversing error


Driving time­out


Velocity deviation


Lock error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1530 ­

Driven roller HP
detection error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1536 ­

Pressurizing reset

SERVICE REQ ­ 1537 ­

Pressurizing error


 Overload error


Over speed error


Reversing error


Driving time­out


Velocity deviation


Lock error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1540 ­

Cutter HP detection

SERVICE REQ ­ 1541 ­

Cutter return error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1549 ­

Motor disconnection error


Overload error


Over speed error


Reversing error


Driving time­out


Velocity deviation


Lock error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1551 ­

Paper thickness
determining error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1561 ­

Paper thickness at
power­on error

SERVICE REQ ­ 1800 ­

AID voltage error


Incorrect RTC data


RTC Access T/O error


Thermistor error


environmental temperature error


Head error


IC22 error


Head rank ID input


I2C Comm error
(Between elements on ASIC and MAIN)


I2C Comm error
(Between elements on SUB and MAIN)


I­2C Comm error
(Between elements on SUB­B and MAIN)


I2C Comm error
(Between elements on SUB­C and MAIN)

SERVICE REQ ­ 2000 ­

NVRAM error

SERVICE REQ ­ 2002 ­

SDRAM error

SERVICE REQ ­ 2003 ­



F/W load error


System interrupt
watchdog time­out error


Unknown NMI

SERVICE REQ ­ 2010 ­

UART communication

SERVICE REQ ­ 3000 ­

AC shut­off


AID error


CPU­related error


Debug error

Spectroproofer and Auto Take­Up Error

D3 ­

Driving auto take­up

D6 ­

Driving paper
pressing system

65 ­

Cooling Fan lock
detection error

12 ­

Paper Pressing Plate
Sensor no detection error

13 ­

Foreign material
detection error in paper pressing

14 ­

Paper pressing origin
position detection failure error

15 ­

CR HP Sensor no
detection error

16 ­

Paper pressing system
abnormal measurement value error

17 ­

Take­up system
abnormal measurement value error

20 ­

Slack Sensor no
detection error

01 ­

Mechanism is not
installed ­(Mount Sensor is OFF)

30 ­

Driving time­out

31 ­

Overload error

32 ­

Over speed error 33 ­
Reversing error

34 ­

Velocity deviation

35 ­

Lock error


Driving time­out

41 ­

Overload error

42 ­

Over speed error

43 ­

Reversing error

44 ­

Velocity deviation

45 ­

Adapt, не обижайтесь, вы написали:»А делиться секретами с вами ни кто не будет!». Я же описал ситуацию, в которой находятся наши печатники: и экономисты и бухгалтера, и печатники, и наладчики, и ремонтники, и еще черт знает кто. Так не должно быть, но мы пошли фактически в неизведанную область,отдать в ремонт практически некому,это не Москва, в глубинках нет нормального сервиса,не ту запчастей, а те, кто там работает напыщенные индюки, которые сами даже сделать не могут, их консультирую с центральных офисов, но деньги дерут, вот мы и учимся один у другого. Если вы помогаете людям,делитесь секретами которые узнали от кого то или дошли сами -хорошо,большое вам спасибо от всех нас.

Добавлено спустя 15 минут 15 секунд:

Nic, там плату помять не возможно, можна залить ее чернилами, но тогда у вас появится ошибка 1А39. Пъезоэлементы имеют свой срок срабатывань, после чего они ломаются.И восстановить это невозможно,если кто умеет,пусть скажет как. Я разобрал,расковырял голову, посмотрел и выбросил. Говорят еще, что с двух голов с забитыми дюзами и с неисправной электроникой, можна собрать одну,но я не пробовал. Одна голова- выскакивала ошибка, я разобрал, то нашел на плате кусочек бегающего припоя,выбросил его,склеил, как будто нормально,ошибка исчезла,но нужно еще сделать обкатку машины.

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