Ec06 2f9c ошибка оборудования canon

Предпринимаемые действия

Отключите питание, подождите несколько секунд, а затем включите принтер.

Если ошибка возникнет снова, запишите подробный код ошибки (ECxx-xxxx), отображающийся на сенсорном экране, а затем отключите питание и обратитесь в центр обслуживания клиентов Canon.

Подробные коды ошибок

EC01-2F90 EC01-2F95 EC04-2F31 EC05-2F92 EC06-2F9A EC06-2F9B EC06-2F9C EC0F-2F96 EC11-2F2A EC12-2F29 EC12-2F2B EC12-2F2C EC13-2F17 EC15-2E23 EC16-2021 EC16-2022 EC16-2027 EC16-202A EC16-2038 EC21-2F51 EC21-2F54 EC21-2F57 EC21-2F59 EC21-2F61 EC21-2F67 EC21-2F70 EC21-2F71 EC21-2F72 EC22-2F30 EC22-2F47 EC23-260E EC23-2F11 EC23-2F18 EC23-2F32 EC25-2F16 EC31-2F1C EC31-2F1D EC31-2F1E EC31-2F1F EC31-2F22 EC33-2601 EC33-2F3A EC33-2F3D EC33-2F3E EC34-2602 EC34-2F3B EC35-2603 EC35-2F3C EC51-2F14 EC51-2F15 EC51-2FDD EC51-2FDE EC51-2FDF EC51-3301 EC51-3302 EC51-3303 EC55-2F20 EC55-2F6C EC58-2F12

Предпринимаемые действия

Отключите питание, подождите несколько секунд, а затем включите принтер.

Если ошибка возникнет снова, запишите подробный код ошибки (ECxx-xxxx), отображающийся на сенсорном экране, а затем отключите питание и обратитесь в центр обслуживания клиентов Canon.

Подробные коды ошибок

EC01-2F90 EC01-2F95 EC04-2F31 EC05-2F92 EC06-2F9A EC06-2F9B EC06-2F9C EC0F-2F96 EC11-2F2A EC12-2F29 EC12-2F2B EC12-2F2C EC13-2F17 EC15-2E23 EC16-2021 EC16-2022 EC16-2027 EC16-202A EC16-2038 EC21-2F51 EC21-2F54 EC21-2F57 EC21-2F59 EC21-2F61 EC21-2F67 EC21-2F70 EC21-2F71 EC21-2F72 EC22-2F30 EC22-2F47 EC23-260E EC23-2F11 EC23-2F18 EC23-2F32 EC25-2F16 EC31-2F1C EC31-2F1D EC31-2F1E EC31-2F1F EC31-2F22 EC33-2601 EC33-2F3A EC33-2F3D EC33-2F3E EC34-2602 EC34-2F3B EC35-2603 EC35-2F3C EC51-2F14 EC51-2F15 EC51-2FDD EC51-2FDE EC51-2FDF EC51-3301 EC51-3302 EC51-3303 EC55-2F20 EC55-2F6C EC58-2F12

Все владельцы принтеров рано или поздно сталкиваются с ошибками в работе устройств. В статье разберём популярные ошибки принтеров Canon и расскажем, как их избежать.

Если у Вас нет уверенности в том, что Вы разберётесь, нет времени или парк оргтехники большой — обращайтесь в сервисный центр RuPrinters.

Если на принтере возникает замятие бумаги, на ЖД-дисплее отображается её код и загорается сигнальная лампочка. Затем, на экране компьютера отображается сообщение об ошибке. Для некоторых ошибок есть код поддержки, по которым можно определить, что случилось и как можно решить проблему.

Давайте рассмотрим самые популярные ошибки из-за которых устройство отказывается работать.

1. В принтере закончилась бумага

Загрузите бумагу или, если она уже загружена, попробуйте удалить всю пачку целиком, а затем проделайте следующие манипуляции:

пролистайте пачку,
выровняйте края перед загрузкой.
Загрузите пачку обратно в лоток и обязательно используйте направляющие, чтобы идеально выровнять бумаге перед подачей.

2. Ошибка E02 (код поддержки 1000, 1003, 3442, 3443, 3444, 3445)

Часто такая ошибка возникает, когда в устройство попадают мятые или скрученные листы бумаги. Чтобы распрямить листы, на них можно положить тяжёлый предмет на 10-15 минут.

Также, эту ошибку может вызывать влажная бумага. Подсушите её на обычной батарее или высушите на солнце.

Если бумага слишком толстая или тонкая — это также может вызвать ошибку E02. Обратите внимание на инструкцию к принтеру, прежде чем покупать бумагу.

Ещё одна причина возникновения этой ошибки — проблема с роликами подачи бумаги, которые не могут поднять лист. Такое часто бывает, если ролик долго используется. Аккуратно протрите его тряпкой, смоченной в спирте. У некоторых аппаратов есть возможность очистки ролика через панель управления принтером. Выберите на панели управления «чистый ролик» и устройство произведёт самоочищение.

Если ошибка не исчезла, попробуйте переустановить картриджи, предварительно отключив принтер от розетки.

Если Вы провели все манипуляции, но ошибка не пропадает — возможно, неисправны датчики бумаги. С их заменой может помочь только сервисный инженер.

Что делать, чтобы избежать возникновения этой ошибки:

не перегружайте лоток бумагой. В нём долго быть не более 50 листов (для обычного принтера).
регулярно устраняйте все загрязнения, возникающие на пути прохождения бумаги (можно использовать фен для устранения пыли из принтера).
установите правильный размер бумаги через ПК или панель управления.

3. Ошибка E03 (код поддержки 1203)

Эта ошибка открытой задней крышки. Закройте крышку и нажмите «ОК» на панели управления. Если бумага осталась внутри принтера — медленно вытяните её. Отключите принтер от розетки и подождите 10-15 минут. А затем попробуйте повторить процесс печати.

Если ошибка не пропадает — проверьте, не сломан ли датчик крышки. Внимательно осмотрите те места, где находятся верхние крепления крышки. На крышке осмотрите элементы соединения крышки и принтера.

4. Ошибка E03 (код поддержки 1300)

Это ошибка, указывающая на замятие бумаги. Отключите принтер от розетки, устраните бумагу. Подождите 10-15 минут.

Включите принтер и попробуйте печатать.

5. Ошибка E04 (код поддержки 168А), ошибка E05 (1401, 1403, 1430, 1485), ошибка E014 (код поддержки 1684), ошибка E15 (код поддержки 1682), ошибка E09 (код поддержки 1890)

После замены картриджей часто возникает ошибка, указывающая на то, что чернильный картридж установлен неправильно или он неисправен.

Самое простое — попробуйте переустановить картриджи: извлеките картридж из устройства и протрите внешнюю электронную часть мягкой тканью. Установите картридж на место, подключите устройство к розетке. А затем удерживайте кнопку «стоп» не менее 10 секунд. Принтер перегрузится.

Если проблема осталась — нужно поменять картриджи на новые, желательно из другой партии.

Обратите внимание, что эти ошибки чаще всего возникают тогда, когда используются восстановленные, неоригинальные картриджи. Аппараты Canon очень чувствительны к неоригинальным расходникам. Старайтесь использовать только фирменные оригинальные картриджи.

Также эти ошибки могут возникать потому, что после установки картриджей, на них осталась упаковка.

6. Ошибка E08 (код поддержки 1700,1701, 1712, 1713,1714,1715)

Это ошибка заполнения бункера сброса тонера. Нажмите «ОК» на панели управления и продолжайте печатать. Сообщение будет появляться до того момента, пока бункер не заполнится на 100%. После этого принтер остановится.

Немного о том, как принтер понимает, что абсорбер заполнен:
Время от времени принтер проводит самостоятельную чистку печатающих элементов (например в струйных устройствах, он пытается прочистить печатающую головку, удалив засохшие чернила). Все чернила и тонер, используемые в процессе чистки, попадают в бункер для сбора тонера или чернил (зависит от типа вашего устройства). Принтер считает, сколько листов было напечатано и сколько чисток проведено. И на основе этой информации подсчитывает заполненность ёмкости.
Сбросить абсорбер несложно. Найдите руководство для вашей модели принтера в сети. Только помните, что иногда после этой процедуры, перенаполненный «памперс» начнёт подтекать, что испортит устройство. И более правильно всё же заменить бункер отработки на том этапе, на котором это просит сделать принтер.

7. Ошибка E11 (код поддержки 4102,4103)

Неправильные настройки бумаги или размер листа. Нажмите кнопку отмены печати, а затем измените настройки размера бумаги на ПК и повторите задание.

8. Ошибка E12 (код поддержки 4100)

Файл не может быть напечатан — при возникновении подобной ошибки, отключите принтер от розетки на несколько минут. Удалите файл из очереди печати и попробуйте снова выполнить задание.

9. Ошибка E13 (код поддержки 1686), ошибка E16 (код поддержки 1688)

Эта ошибка показывает, что закончились чернила. Если вы хотите продолжить печатать, подержите кнопку «стоп» не менее 10 секунд. После этого принтер перегрузится и какое-то время даст попечатать.

Но это ненадолго. Правильнее заменить картридж с красителем на новый.

10. Ошибка E23 (код поддержки 3446)

Проблема с конфигурацией IP. Проверьте соединение wi-fi и нажмите кнопку «ОК».

Если ошибка не пропала — перегрузите роутер и/ или поменяйте настройки wi-fi.

11. Ошибки E31, E37, E45

Проблема с wi-fi: не удалось подключить к сети.

Нажмите кнопку «ОК» и проверьте настройки подключения, обратившись к инструкции Вашего принтера и роутера.

Выполните перенастройку, если это возможно.

12. Ошибка E32

Не удаётся найти беспроводной маршрутизатор во время настройки.

Нажмите кнопку «ОК» и отключите от сети роутер. Подождите 10-15 минут и попробуйте снова подключиться.

13. Ошибка E33

Невозможно подключиться, тк к принтеру подключено несколько маршрутизаторов.

Нажмите «ОК» и отключите принтер. Подождите пару имнут и попробуйте включить его. Ту же операцию проделайте с роутером: отключите его на несколько минут, а затем включите.

14. Ошибка E34 (код поддержки 3440), ошибка E36 (код ошибки 3441)

Простое беспроводное подключение не удалось.

Выключите роутер и попробуйте перенастроить wi-fi.

15. Ошибка E38

Не удаётся подключиться к маршрутизатору, нет возможности изменить настройки локальной сети.

Нажмите «ОК» и проверьте: включен ли режим wi-fi на принтере. Проверьте — тот ли роутер выбрал принтер. Проверьте данные подключения: логин и пароль.

Перегрузите маршрутизатор.

16. Ошибка E39 (код поддержки 495A)

Произошла ошибка в общении по wi-fi или в режиме ожидания.

Выключите принтер на несколько минут. Проверьте — подключился ли он к wi-fi.

17. Ошибка E46

Не могу подключиться к интернету.

Нажмите «ОК» и перегрузите роутер.

18. Ошибка E47, E48 и E51

Невозможно подключиться к серверу.

Нажмите «ОК», перегрузите принтер и роутер.

Если Вы используете Google Cloud, убедитесь, что Вы зарегистрированы в системе.

19. Ошибка E49

Не удалось подключиться к интернету, потому что сетевое подключение готовиться.

Нажмите «ОК», перегрузите принтер и роутер.

20. Ошибка E50

Не удалось получить содержимое.

Нажмите «ОК», перегрузите принтер. Попробуйте распечатать другой файл.

Если получилось, возможно, предыдущий файл слишком большой или повреждён.

Если не получилось распечатать другой файл, переустановите драйвера принтера и проверьте провода wi-fi и/или USB-шнур.

21. Ошибка E57

Сканирование листа печатающей головки завершилось неуспешно.

Нажмите «ОК», убедитесь в том, что стекло экспонирования и лист не загрязнены. Убедитесь, что выбран правильный лоток для бумаги.

Распечатайте тест сопел. Могут быть забиты дюзы печатающей головки.

Попробуйте прочистить сопла и повторить предыдущее задание.

22. Ошибка E59 (код поддержки 2114)

Настройки бумаги не соответствуют заявленным.

Нажмите кнопку «стоп» и убедитесь, что размер бумаги соответствует настройкам.

23. Ошибка 61 (код поддержки 3412), ошибка 64

Принтеру не удалось выполнить сканирование.

Убедитесь, что документ размещен на экспонирующем стекле правильно. Если ошибка не пропала — укажите размер листа в настройках.

24. Ошибка E62

Во время сканирования возникла непредвиденная ошибка.

Проверьте крышку сканера и нажмите «ОК». Измените настройки на те же самые и попробуйте ещё раз сканировать документ.

25. Ошибка E65

Не удалось сохранить отсканированный документ, тк память принтера переполнена.

Нажмите кнопку «ОК» и уменьшите разрешение сканирования. Отсканируйте лист повторно.

Если не помогло — уменьшите количество сканируемых листов.

Перезагрузите драйвер принтера.

26. Ошибка E02 (код поддержки 5100)

Нажмите кнопку «стоп» и откройте крышку принтера. Отсоедините кабель подключения. Убедитесь, что в принтере нет застрявшей бумаги, скрепок и других инородных тел.

Эта ошибка может возникать, если Вы давно не выполняли ТО и подвижные части давно не смазывались маслом.

Также убедитесь, что внутри нет следов внешних повреждений.

Переустановите картриджи.

Устраните замятие, если оно есть.

Иногда, эта ошибка может возникать из-за установленной СНПЧ. Переустановите систему подачи чернил. И попробуйте снова печатать.

27. Ошибка P03 (код поддержки 6000)

Ошибка застревания бумаги.

Если внутри нет застрявшей бумаги — выключите и включите принтер через 5 минут.

Если ошибка не пропала — проверьте:

Если после этого ошибка не пропала — принтер придётся сдать в ремонт.

Если у Вас отображаются другие ошибки — обращайтесь в RuPrinters за консультацией. Можно по телефону, через форму на сайте или через чат, установленный на сайте.

Сообщение на экране
Код ошибки
Способ устранения проблемы

Ink Level: Check
BK ink tank near-empty
Renew the ink tanks.

Ink Level: Check
Y ink tank near-empty

Ink Level: Check
M ink tank near-empty

Ink Level: Check
C ink tank near-empty

Ink Level: Check
MBK ink tank near-empty

Ink Level: Check
MBK2 ink tank near-empty

Problem with Printhead.
Check printing results
Number of non-discharging nozzles in printhead: Warning level
Clean the printheads. Renew the printheads. Identify the head management sensor unit.

Prepare for maint cart replacement.
Maintenance cartridge near-full
Replace the maintenance cartridge.

Prepare for parts replacement.
Call for service.
Parts counter W1 level
Check the parts counter in service mode.

Parts replacement time has passed.
Call for service.
Parts counter W2 level
After checking the parts counter in service mode, replace any part whose counter is nearing the error value.

GARO W1221
GARO (image mode): Unknown command
Verify the transmitted data before reprinting.

GARO W1222
GARO (image mode): Invalid parameter count (no parameters)

GARO W1223
GARO (image mode): Required parameter missing

GARO W1225
GARO (image mode): Other warning

GARO W1226
GARO (image mode): Image processing table error

GARO W1231
GARO (setup): Unknown command

GARO W1232
GARO (setup): Invalid parameter count

GARO W1233
GARO (setup): Required parameter missing

GARO W1234
GARO (setup): Data out of bounds

GARO W1235
GARO (setup): Other warning

End of paper feed. Cannot feed paper more.
Forced feed limit
Check the remaining quantity of roll media.

This type of paper is not compatible with HP-GL/2.
Non-support paper of HP-GL/2
Exchange for the compatible paper to HP-GL/2.

The memory is full.
Memory full (HP-GL/2)
Check if there is the non-image area of the print. Verify the transmitted data before reprinting.

The memory is full.
Overflow of Polygon buffer (HP-GL/2)

The memory is full.
Overflow of replot buffer (HP-GL/2)

The parameter is out of range.
Invalid parameter (HP-GL/2)
Verify the transmitted data before reprinting.

This command is not supported.
Invalid command (HP-GL/2)

Mail box nearly full.
Delete unwanted data
The free hard disk space left for Personal Boxes in the printer’s hard disk does not have more than 1 GB, combined.
Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxes.

Mail box full.
Now printing without saving data.
100 jobs are stored in the Personal Box.
Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxs.

Not much ink is left.
Prepare to replace the ink.
C ink tank near-empty
Renew the C ink tank.

Not much ink is left.
Prepare to replace the ink.
M ink tank near-empty
Renew the M ink tank.

Not much ink is left.
Prepare to replace the ink.
Y ink tank near-empty
Renew the Y ink tank.

Not much ink is left.
Prepare to replace the ink.
MBK ink tank near-empty
Renew the MBK ink tank.

Not much ink is left.
Prepare to replace the ink.
BK ink tank near-empty
Renew the BK ink tank.

Ink tank is empty.
Replace the ink tank.
C ink tank empty
Renew the C ink tank.

Ink tank is empty.
Replace the ink tank.
M ink tank empty
Renew the M ink tank.

Ink tank is empty.
Replace the ink tank.
Y ink tank empty
Renew the Y ink tank.

Ink tank is empty.
Replace the ink tank.
MBK ink tank empty
Renew the MBK ink tank.

Ink tank is empty.
Replace the ink tank.
BK ink tank empty
Renew the BK ink tank.

No ink tank loaded.
Check ink tank.
C ink tank removal
Attach the C ink tank.

No ink tank loaded.
Check ink tank.
M ink tank removal
Attach the M ink tank.

No ink tank loaded.
Check ink tank.
Y ink tank removal
Attach the Y ink tank.

No ink tank loaded.
Check ink tank.
MBK ink tank removal
Attach the MBK ink tank.

No ink tank loaded.
Check ink tank.
BK ink tank removal
Attach the BK ink tank.

The paper is too small.
Size clip error
Check the media size check. Change the media size.

Maximum jobs stored.
Delete unwanted data.
Saved jobs exceed the Personal Box capacity.
Press the stop button to cancel the print job. Delete print jobs from the queue.
Delete unneeded jobs stored on the hard disk.

PHead needs cleaning.
Press Online to clear error.
Printhead found to have many non-discharging nozzles during a non-discharging inspection (printing paused)
Clean the printhead. Identify the nozzles in a nozzle check pattern. Replace the printhead.

Paper size not detected.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper.
Unable to detect the leading end of paper
Check the leading end of paper. Reload the paper.

Leading edge detection error.
Lift the release lever and align leading edge with orange line.
Unable to detect the trailing end of cut sheet
Check the sheet length. Check to see if paper has not jammed.

Paper size not detected.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper.
Paper (right) edge detection error
Check the right edge of paper. Check the paper type.

Paper size not detected.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper.
Paper (left) edge detection error
Check the left edge of paper.
Check the paper type.

Cannot adjust printhead.
Press Online to clear the error and readjust printhead.
Printhead registration unadjustable
Check the paper on which a pattern is printed for smears. Check the environment for interferences from outside light.
Clean the printhead.

Cannot adjust printhead.
Press Online to clear the error and readjust printhead.
LF unadjustable
Check the paper on which a pattern is printed for smears. Check the environment for interferences from outside light.
Clean the printhead.

Cannot print as specified.
Lift the release lever and replace paper with A4/ LTR (vertical) or larger.
Undersized paper loaded for internal printing (A4 or larger)
Replace with A4/Letter or any larger-sized paper.

Cannot print as specified.
Lift the release lever and replace paper with A3/ Ledger (vertical) or larger.
Undersized paper loaded for internal printing (A3 or larger)
Replace with A3/11″x17″ or any larger-sized paper.

Cannot print as specified.
Lift the release lever and replace roll with 10 in. wide or larger roll.
Undersized paper loaded for internal printing (roll media)
Replace with roll media at least 10 inches in width.

Cannot detect paper
Remove paper and press Load/Eject.
Paper jam while feeding/ejecting/printing
Remove the paper jam and reload the paper.

Cannot feed paper
Lift the release lever and reload paper.
Paper jam during feeding/printing/ejection
Reload the paper.

This paper cannot be used.
Check supported paper sizes.
Undersized paper (cut sheets/roll media)
Replace with larger-sized paper.

This paper cannot be used.
Check supported paper sizes.
Oversized paper (cut sheets/roll media)
Replace with smaller-sized paper.

Use another paper.
Press Online to clear the error.
Unadjustable because of transparent media
Replace with adjustable media.

Paper loaded askew.
Lift the release lever.
Correct the skew in the paper and reload it.

Paper size not detected.
Reload paper.
Unable to detect the paper width (Paper loaded at an improper position)
Reload the paper

Paper jam.
Press Load/Eject and reload the paper.
Paper jam during feeding/printing/ejection
Reload the paper

Paper size not detected.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper.
Roll media loading size detection failure
Reload the roll media.

Cannot adjust eccentric.
Press Online to clear the error.
Eccentricity correction disabled
Check to see if paper has not jammed.

Sheet printing is selected.
Press Load/Eject and load sheets.
Data with a cut sheet specification has been received but no cut sheets are loaded.
Load cut sheets at the paper tray port.

Roll printing is selected, but sheets are loaded.
Press OK, remove the sheets, and load a roll.
Data with a roll media specification has been received when a cut sheet tray is loaded.
Replace with roll media.

Roll printing is selected.
Press Load/Eject and load a roll.
Data with a roll media specification has been received but no roll media are loaded.
Load roll media.

No Roll Feed Unit.
Turn printer off and install roll feed unit.
Roll media unit not installed
Install the roll media unit.

The roll is empty.
Lift the release lever and replace the roll.
Roll media end
Renew the supply of roll media.

Wrong paper feed slot for this paper type.
Press Load/Eject and reload the paper.
Paper type mismatch
Check the type of paper that can be fed and reload the paper.

Manual printing is selected, but a roll is loaded.
Press Load/Eject and remove the roll.
Data with a cut sheet specification has been received when roll media are loaded.
Load cut sheets at the paper tray port.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Cutter unit failure
Check the cutter unit.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Writing to the ASIC register disabled
Replace the main controller PCB

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Mist fan error
Check the mist fan.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Suction fan lock detection error
Check the suction fan.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Purge motor cam position error
Check the purge unit.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Pump travel timeout
Check the purge unit.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Purge motor error Pump inoperable
Check the purge unit.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Unable to detect the carriage motor home position
Check the carriage unit. Check the linear encoder for smears.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Carriage inoperable
Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Carriage travel timeout
Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Pump cam sensor error
Check the purge unit.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Unable to detect the feed roller home position
Check the feed roller encoder and surrounding part. Check to see if paper has not jammed.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Feed motor timeout (Roll media)
Check the roll feed unit. Check roll media. Check to see if paper has not jammed in the printer.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Roll travel timeout
Check the roll feed unit.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Lift travel timeout error
Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
A/D converter external trigger output stop detection hardware error 1
Replace the new printhead.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Multi sensor error
Check the environment for interferences from outside light.
Replace the multi sensor unit.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Valve motor error
Check the ink supply unit.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
CS communication error
Remove the ink tanks and then reload them. Check the main controller PCB.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Gap detection error
Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts. Replace the main controller PCB.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
VH voltage error
Check the power supply unit.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Gap reference surface error
Replace the reference surface sheet.

Roll feed unit error
Turn off printer and check roll feed unit
Roll feed unit failure
Replace the roll feed unit.

Unknown file. Check file format.
Turn off printer, wait a while, then turn it on again.
ROM data for another model has been transferred.
Transmit valid ROM data.

Unknown file. Check file format.
Turn off printer, wait a while, then turn it on again.
MIT data transfer failure
Verify the validity of MID data before transferring it.

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
LF operation failure
Check to see if paper has not jammed. Check the feed motor and feed roller.

Printhead error
Open top cover and replace the printhead.
Invalid printhead installed
Replace printhead

Printhead error
Open top cover and replace the right printhead.
Printhead DI compensation failure
Replace printhead

Printhead error
Open top cover and replace the right printhead.
Printhead EEPROM error
Replace printhead

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Non-discharging error
Identify the head management sensor unit
Replace the head management sensor unit
Replace the printhead

Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Non-discharging position adjustment error
Identify the head management sensor unit
Replace the head management sensor unit
Replace the printhead

Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
Bk ink tank empty
Renew the Bk ink tank

Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
Y ink tank empty
Renew the Y ink tank

Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
M ink tank empty
Renew the M ink tank

Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
C ink tank empty
Renew the C ink tank

Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
MBk ink tank empty
Renew the MBk ink tank

Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
MBk2 ink tank empty
Renew the MBk ink tank

Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
Low on the Bk ink tank (as during cleaning)
Replace with a fully replenished Bk ink tank

Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
Low on the Y ink tank (as during cleaning)
Replace with a fully replenished Y ink tank

Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
Low on the M ink tank (as during cleaning)
Replace with a fully replenished M ink tank

Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
Low on the C ink tank (as during cleaning)
Replace with a fully replenished C ink tank

Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
Low on the MBk ink tank (as during cleaning)
Replace with a fully replenished MBk ink tank

Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
Low on the Bk ink tank (during pre-printing checks)
Replace with a fully replenished Bk ink tank

Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
Low on the Y ink tank (during pre-printing checks)
Replace with a fully replenished Y ink tank

Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
Low on the M ink tank (during pre-printing checks)
Replace with a fully replenished M ink tank

Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
Low on the C ink tank (during pre-printing checks)
Replace with a fully replenished C ink tank

Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
Low on the MBk ink tank (during pre-printing checks)
Replace with a fully replenished MBk ink tank

Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
Bk ink tank ID error
Replace with a valid Bk ink tank

Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
Y ink tank ID error
Replace with a valid Y ink tank

Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
M ink tank ID error
Replace with a valid M ink tank

Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
C ink tank ID error
Replace with a valid C ink tank

Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
MBk ink tank ID error
Replace with a valid MBk ink tank

Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank.
MBk2 ink tank ID error
Replace with a valid MBk ink tank

No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank.
BK ink tank not installed
Install a Bk ink tank

No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank.
Y ink tank not installed
Install a Y ink tank

No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank.
M ink tank not installed
Install a M ink tank

No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank.
C ink tank not installed
Install a C ink tank

No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank.
MBK ink tank not installed
Install a MBk ink tank

No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank.
MBK2 ink tank not installed
Install a MBk ink tank

Top cover is open.
Turn off printer, wait a while, and turn it on again.
Top cover abnormally open
Close the top cover and turn on the printer again.

Ink tank cover is open.
Turn off printer, wait a while, and turn it on again.
Ink tank cover abnormally open
Close the ink tank cover and turn on the printer again.

Maintenance cartridge full.
Replace the maintenance cartridge.
Maintenance cartridge full
Renew the maintenance cartridge.

No Maintenance
Cartridge capacity.
Replace the maintenance cartridge.
Not enough space in the maintenance cartridge prior to cleaning
Replace the maintenance cartridge.

Maintenance cartridge problem.
Replace the maintenance cartridge.
Maintenance cartridge EEPROM error
Renew the maintenance cartridge.

Maintenance cartridge problem.
Replace the maintenance cartridge.
Maintenance cartridge ID error
Renew the maintenance cartridge.

Borderless printng not possible.
Check roll position.
Online: Print Load/Eject:
Change Paper
Paper loaded at a position inaccessible for borderless printing
Check to see if a borderless printing spacer is installed. Reload the paper.

Borderless printng not possible.
Check paper size setting.
Online: Print
Load/Eject: Change Paper
Data unfit for borderless printing
Check the paper size. Change the paper size.

Insufficient paper for job
Online: Print
Stop: Stop Printing
Load/Eject: Change Paper
Not enough roll media on remaining roll media quantity detection
Renew the supply of roll media.

Cannot cut paper.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper.
Cutting failure
Cut paper manually. Check the cutter.

Cannot adjust optic axis.
Press Online to clear the error.
Optical axis error
Check the multi sensor.
Check the head management sensor.

This type of paper is not compatible with HP-GL/ 2.
Online: Print
Stop: Stop Printing
Load/Eject: Change Paper
Non-support media of HP-GL/2
Exchange for the compatible paper to HP-GL/2 before reprinting.

Mail box full.
Delete unwanted data on your computer to resume printing.
Press Stop to cancel printing.
The job store executed when the free hard disk space left for Personal Boxes in the printer’s hard disk is full.
Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxes.

Mail box full.
Cannot save. Delete unwanted data on your computer to resume printing.
Press Stop to cancel printing.
The store executed when 32 jobs are stored in the Personal Box.
Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxes.

Hard disk error.
Press OK to reformat
Hard disk format error
Press the [OK] button to start reformatting the hard disk. When formatting is finished, the printer automatically restarts.

File read error.
Turn off printer, wait a while, and turn it on again.
Invalid files will be deleted.
Hard disk file error
Restart the printer. Only the corrupted files will be deleted, and the printer will restart.

Hardware error. 03800500-2F31
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
Non-discharge detection optical axis error
Check the head management sensor. Replace the head management sensor. Replace the printhead.

Hardware error. 03130031-2F3C
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.
LF pressure error
Check the pinch roller and surrounding part. Replace the pinch roller pressure drive unit.

No printhead
Install printhead.
Printhead not installed
Install the printhead.

Wrong printhead. Open top cover and replace the printhead.
Printhead version error
Replace the printhead.

No maintenance cartridge.
Check the maintenance cartridge.
Mauntenance cartridge not installed
Install the maintenance cartridge.

This type of media is not compatible with HP-GL/ 2.
Paper type mismatch at HP-GL/2 printing
Exchange for the compatible paper to HP-GL/2 before reprinting.

Cannot cut paper.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper.
Cut failure (during jam occure)
Check the cutter unit and surrounding part. Replace the cutter.

Insufficient paper for job
Not enough roll media
Renew the supply of roll media.

Paper jam.
Manually rewind roll all the way and press OK.
Madia load failure
Check the pick-up unit and roll media. Check to see if paper has not jammed.

Sheet printing is selected. Press Load/Eject and load sheets.
Cut sheet in not set
Load cut sheets at the paper tray port.

Borderless printng not possible. Check supported paper.
Borderless printing disabled (unsupported size)
Check the media size. Change the media size.

Borderless printng not possible. Paper stretched or shrank.
Confirm usage cond. of the paper.
Borderless printing disabled (engine detection)
Reload the paper.

Roll printing is selected. Press Load/Eject and load a roll.
Roll media is not loaded for internal printing.
Reload the roll media.

Все владельцы принтеров рано или поздно сталкиваются с ошибками в работе устройств. В статье разберём популярные ошибки принтеров Canon и расскажем, как их избежать.

Если у Вас нет уверенности в том, что Вы разберётесь, нет времени или парк оргтехники большой — обращайтесь в сервисный центр RuPrinters.

Если на принтере возникает замятие бумаги, на ЖД-дисплее отображается её код и загорается сигнальная лампочка. Затем, на экране компьютера отображается сообщение об ошибке. Для некоторых ошибок есть код поддержки, по которым можно определить, что случилось и как можно решить проблему.

Давайте рассмотрим самые популярные ошибки из-за которых устройство отказывается работать.

1. В принтере закончилась бумага

Загрузите бумагу или, если она уже загружена, попробуйте удалить всю пачку целиком, а затем проделайте следующие манипуляции:

пролистайте пачку,
выровняйте края перед загрузкой.
Загрузите пачку обратно в лоток и обязательно используйте направляющие, чтобы идеально выровнять бумаге перед подачей.

2. Ошибка E02 (код поддержки 1000, 1003, 3442, 3443, 3444, 3445)

Часто такая ошибка возникает, когда в устройство попадают мятые или скрученные листы бумаги. Чтобы распрямить листы, на них можно положить тяжёлый предмет на 10-15 минут.

Также, эту ошибку может вызывать влажная бумага. Подсушите её на обычной батарее или высушите на солнце.

Если бумага слишком толстая или тонкая — это также может вызвать ошибку E02. Обратите внимание на инструкцию к принтеру, прежде чем покупать бумагу.

Ещё одна причина возникновения этой ошибки — проблема с роликами подачи бумаги, которые не могут поднять лист. Такое часто бывает, если ролик долго используется. Аккуратно протрите его тряпкой, смоченной в спирте. У некоторых аппаратов есть возможность очистки ролика через панель управления принтером. Выберите на панели управления «чистый ролик» и устройство произведёт самоочищение.

Если ошибка не исчезла, попробуйте переустановить картриджи, предварительно отключив принтер от розетки.

Если Вы провели все манипуляции, но ошибка не пропадает — возможно, неисправны датчики бумаги. С их заменой может помочь только сервисный инженер.

Что делать, чтобы избежать возникновения этой ошибки:

не перегружайте лоток бумагой. В нём долго быть не более 50 листов (для обычного принтера).
регулярно устраняйте все загрязнения, возникающие на пути прохождения бумаги (можно использовать фен для устранения пыли из принтера).
установите правильный размер бумаги через ПК или панель управления.

3. Ошибка E03 (код поддержки 1203)

Эта ошибка открытой задней крышки. Закройте крышку и нажмите «ОК» на панели управления. Если бумага осталась внутри принтера — медленно вытяните её. Отключите принтер от розетки и подождите 10-15 минут. А затем попробуйте повторить процесс печати.

Если ошибка не пропадает — проверьте, не сломан ли датчик крышки. Внимательно осмотрите те места, где находятся верхние крепления крышки. На крышке осмотрите элементы соединения крышки и принтера.

4. Ошибка E03 (код поддержки 1300)

Это ошибка, указывающая на замятие бумаги. Отключите принтер от розетки, устраните бумагу. Подождите 10-15 минут.

Включите принтер и попробуйте печатать.

5. Ошибка E04 (код поддержки 168А), ошибка E05 (1401, 1403, 1430, 1485), ошибка E014 (код поддержки 1684), ошибка E15 (код поддержки 1682), ошибка E09 (код поддержки 1890)

После замены картриджей часто возникает ошибка, указывающая на то, что чернильный картридж установлен неправильно или он неисправен.

Самое простое — попробуйте переустановить картриджи: извлеките картридж из устройства и протрите внешнюю электронную часть мягкой тканью. Установите картридж на место, подключите устройство к розетке. А затем удерживайте кнопку «стоп» не менее 10 секунд. Принтер перегрузится.

Если проблема осталась — нужно поменять картриджи на новые, желательно из другой партии.

Обратите внимание, что эти ошибки чаще всего возникают тогда, когда используются восстановленные, неоригинальные картриджи. Аппараты Canon очень чувствительны к неоригинальным расходникам. Старайтесь использовать только фирменные оригинальные картриджи.

Также эти ошибки могут возникать потому, что после установки картриджей, на них осталась упаковка.

6. Ошибка E08 (код поддержки 1700,1701, 1712, 1713,1714,1715)

Это ошибка заполнения бункера сброса тонера. Нажмите «ОК» на панели управления и продолжайте печатать. Сообщение будет появляться до того момента, пока бункер не заполнится на 100%. После этого принтер остановится.

Немного о том, как принтер понимает, что абсорбер заполнен:
Время от времени принтер проводит самостоятельную чистку печатающих элементов (например в струйных устройствах, он пытается прочистить печатающую головку, удалив засохшие чернила). Все чернила и тонер, используемые в процессе чистки, попадают в бункер для сбора тонера или чернил (зависит от типа вашего устройства). Принтер считает, сколько листов было напечатано и сколько чисток проведено. И на основе этой информации подсчитывает заполненность ёмкости.
Сбросить абсорбер несложно. Найдите руководство для вашей модели принтера в сети. Только помните, что иногда после этой процедуры, перенаполненный «памперс» начнёт подтекать, что испортит устройство. И более правильно всё же заменить бункер отработки на том этапе, на котором это просит сделать принтер.

7. Ошибка E11 (код поддержки 4102,4103)

Неправильные настройки бумаги или размер листа. Нажмите кнопку отмены печати, а затем измените настройки размера бумаги на ПК и повторите задание.

8. Ошибка E12 (код поддержки 4100)

Файл не может быть напечатан — при возникновении подобной ошибки, отключите принтер от розетки на несколько минут. Удалите файл из очереди печати и попробуйте снова выполнить задание.

9. Ошибка E13 (код поддержки 1686), ошибка E16 (код поддержки 1688)

Эта ошибка показывает, что закончились чернила. Если вы хотите продолжить печатать, подержите кнопку «стоп» не менее 10 секунд. После этого принтер перегрузится и какое-то время даст попечатать.

Но это ненадолго. Правильнее заменить картридж с красителем на новый.

10. Ошибка E23 (код поддержки 3446)

Проблема с конфигурацией IP. Проверьте соединение wi-fi и нажмите кнопку «ОК».

Если ошибка не пропала — перегрузите роутер и/ или поменяйте настройки wi-fi.

11. Ошибки E31, E37, E45

Проблема с wi-fi: не удалось подключить к сети.

Нажмите кнопку «ОК» и проверьте настройки подключения, обратившись к инструкции Вашего принтера и роутера.

Выполните перенастройку, если это возможно.

12. Ошибка E32

Не удаётся найти беспроводной маршрутизатор во время настройки.

Нажмите кнопку «ОК» и отключите от сети роутер. Подождите 10-15 минут и попробуйте снова подключиться.

13. Ошибка E33

Невозможно подключиться, тк к принтеру подключено несколько маршрутизаторов.

Нажмите «ОК» и отключите принтер. Подождите пару имнут и попробуйте включить его. Ту же операцию проделайте с роутером: отключите его на несколько минут, а затем включите.

14. Ошибка E34 (код поддержки 3440), ошибка E36 (код ошибки 3441)

Простое беспроводное подключение не удалось.

Выключите роутер и попробуйте перенастроить wi-fi.

15. Ошибка E38

Не удаётся подключиться к маршрутизатору, нет возможности изменить настройки локальной сети.

Нажмите «ОК» и проверьте: включен ли режим wi-fi на принтере. Проверьте — тот ли роутер выбрал принтер. Проверьте данные подключения: логин и пароль.

Перегрузите маршрутизатор.

16. Ошибка E39 (код поддержки 495A)

Произошла ошибка в общении по wi-fi или в режиме ожидания.

Выключите принтер на несколько минут. Проверьте — подключился ли он к wi-fi.

17. Ошибка E46

Не могу подключиться к интернету.

Нажмите «ОК» и перегрузите роутер.

18. Ошибка E47, E48 и E51

Невозможно подключиться к серверу.

Нажмите «ОК», перегрузите принтер и роутер.

Если Вы используете Google Cloud, убедитесь, что Вы зарегистрированы в системе.

19. Ошибка E49

Не удалось подключиться к интернету, потому что сетевое подключение готовиться.

Нажмите «ОК», перегрузите принтер и роутер.

20. Ошибка E50

Не удалось получить содержимое.

Нажмите «ОК», перегрузите принтер. Попробуйте распечатать другой файл.

Если получилось, возможно, предыдущий файл слишком большой или повреждён.

Если не получилось распечатать другой файл, переустановите драйвера принтера и проверьте провода wi-fi и/или USB-шнур.

21. Ошибка E57

Сканирование листа печатающей головки завершилось неуспешно.

Нажмите «ОК», убедитесь в том, что стекло экспонирования и лист не загрязнены. Убедитесь, что выбран правильный лоток для бумаги.

Распечатайте тест сопел. Могут быть забиты дюзы печатающей головки.

Попробуйте прочистить сопла и повторить предыдущее задание.

22. Ошибка E59 (код поддержки 2114)

Настройки бумаги не соответствуют заявленным.

Нажмите кнопку «стоп» и убедитесь, что размер бумаги соответствует настройкам.

23. Ошибка 61 (код поддержки 3412), ошибка 64

Принтеру не удалось выполнить сканирование.

Убедитесь, что документ размещен на экспонирующем стекле правильно. Если ошибка не пропала — укажите размер листа в настройках.

24. Ошибка E62

Во время сканирования возникла непредвиденная ошибка.

Проверьте крышку сканера и нажмите «ОК». Измените настройки на те же самые и попробуйте ещё раз сканировать документ.

25. Ошибка E65

Не удалось сохранить отсканированный документ, тк память принтера переполнена.

Нажмите кнопку «ОК» и уменьшите разрешение сканирования. Отсканируйте лист повторно.

Если не помогло — уменьшите количество сканируемых листов.

Перезагрузите драйвер принтера.

26. Ошибка E02 (код поддержки 5100)

Нажмите кнопку «стоп» и откройте крышку принтера. Отсоедините кабель подключения. Убедитесь, что в принтере нет застрявшей бумаги, скрепок и других инородных тел.

Эта ошибка может возникать, если Вы давно не выполняли ТО и подвижные части давно не смазывались маслом.

Также убедитесь, что внутри нет следов внешних повреждений.

Переустановите картриджи.

Устраните замятие, если оно есть.

Иногда, эта ошибка может возникать из-за установленной СНПЧ. Переустановите систему подачи чернил. И попробуйте снова печатать.

27. Ошибка P03 (код поддержки 6000)

Ошибка застревания бумаги.

Если внутри нет застрявшей бумаги — выключите и включите принтер через 5 минут.

Если ошибка не пропала — проверьте:

Если после этого ошибка не пропала — принтер придётся сдать в ремонт.

Если у Вас отображаются другие ошибки — обращайтесь в RuPrinters за консультацией. Можно по телефону, через форму на сайте или через чат, установленный на сайте.



A printer error has occurred.

What to Do

Turn the power off, wait a moment, and then turn the power back on.

If the error appears again, make a note of the detailed error code (ECxx-xxxx) that appears on the touch
screen, and then turn off the power and contact a Canon customer service center.

Detailed error codes

EC01-2F90 EC01-2F95 EC04-2F31 EC04-2F91 EC05-2F92 EC06-2F9A

EC06-2F9B EC06-2F9C EC07-2F19 EC0F-2F96 EC11-2F2A EC12-2F29

EC12-2F2B EC12-2F2C EC13-2F17 EC15-2E23 EC16-2021 EC16-2022

EC16-2027 EC16-202A EC16-2038 EC17-2023 EC17-2024 EC17-2028

EC17-2029 EC17-2039

EC1B-2030 EC1B-2031 EC1B-2032 EC1B-2033

EC1C-2034 EC1C-2035 EC1C-2036 EC1C-2037 EC21-2F51 EC21-2F54

EC21-2F57 EC21-2F59 EC21-2F5B EC21-2F5D EC21-2F61 EC21-2F64

EC21-2F66 EC21-2F67 EC21-2F68 EC21-2F6E EC21-2F70 EC21-2F71

EC21-2F72 EC21-2F7D EC22-2F30 EC22-2F47 EC23-260E EC23-260F

EC23-2F11 EC23-2F18 EC23-2F32 EC25-2F16 EC31-2F09 EC31-2F10

EC31-2F1B EC31-2F1C EC31-2F1D EC31-2F1E EC31-2F1F EC31-2F22

EC31-2F23 EC31-2F94 EC33-2601 EC33-2604 EC33-2F3A EC34-2602

EC34-2605 EC34-2F3B EC35-2603 EC35-2606 EC35-2F3C EC51-2F14

EC51-2F15 EC51-2FDD EC51-2FDE EC51-2FDF EC51-3301 EC51-3302

EC51-3303 EC54-290A EC55-2F20 EC58-2F12


Сообщение на экране Код ошибки Проблема Способ устранения проблемы Ink Level: Check 0180104-1000 BK ink tank near-empty Renew the ink tanks. Ink Level: Check 0180101-1001 Y ink tank near-empty Ink Level: Check 0180102-1002 M ink tank near-empty Ink Level: Check 0180103-1003 C ink tank near-empty Ink Level: Check 0180106-1006 MBK ink tank near-empty Ink Level: Check 0180106-1007 MBK2 ink tank near-empty Problem with Printhead.
Check printing results 01800500-1010 Number of non-discharging nozzles in printhead: Warning level Clean the printheads. Renew the printheads. Identify the head management sensor unit. Prepare for maint cart replacement. 01841001-281A Maintenance cartridge near-full Replace the maintenance cartridge. Prepare for parts replacement.
Call for service.   Parts counter W1 level Check the parts counter in service mode. Parts replacement time has passed.
Call for service.   Parts counter W2 level After checking the parts counter in service mode, replace any part whose counter is nearing the error value. GARO W1221 01341221-1030 GARO (image mode): Unknown command Verify the transmitted data before reprinting. GARO W1222 01341222-1031 GARO (image mode): Invalid parameter count (no parameters) GARO W1223 01341223-1032 GARO (image mode): Required parameter missing GARO W1225 01341225-1034 GARO (image mode): Other warning GARO W1226 01341226-103A GARO (image mode): Image processing table error GARO W1231 01341231-1035 GARO (setup): Unknown command GARO W1232 01341232-1036 GARO (setup): Invalid parameter count GARO W1233 01341233-1037 GARO (setup): Required parameter missing GARO W1234 01341234-1038 GARO (setup): Data out of bounds GARO W1235 01341235-1039 GARO (setup): Other warning End of paper feed. Cannot feed paper more.   Forced feed limit Check the remaining quantity of roll media. This type of paper is not compatible with HP-GL/2. 01860006-1015 Non-support paper of HP-GL/2 Exchange for the compatible paper to HP-GL/2. GL2:W0501
The memory is full. 01340501-1040 Memory full (HP-GL/2) Check if there is the non-image area of the print. Verify the transmitted data before reprinting. GL2:W0904
The memory is full. 01340904-1048 Overflow of Polygon buffer (HP-GL/2) GL2:W0903
The memory is full. 01340903-1047 Overflow of replot buffer (HP-GL/2) GL2:W0502
The parameter is out of range. 01340502-1041 Invalid parameter (HP-GL/2) Verify the transmitted data before reprinting. GL2:W0504
This command is not supported. 01340504-1043 Invalid command (HP-GL/2) Mail box nearly full.
Delete unwanted data 011A1001-2901 The free hard disk space left for Personal Boxes in the printer’s hard disk does not have more than 1 GB, combined. Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxes. Mail box full.
Now printing without saving data. 01861003-2902 100 jobs are stored in the Personal Box. Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxs. Not much ink is left.
Prepare to replace the ink. 01810103-1003 C ink tank near-empty Renew the C ink tank. Not much ink is left.
Prepare to replace the ink. 01810102-1002 M ink tank near-empty Renew the M ink tank. Not much ink is left.
Prepare to replace the ink. 01810101-1001 Y ink tank near-empty Renew the Y ink tank. Not much ink is left.
Prepare to replace the ink. 01810106-1006 MBK ink tank near-empty Renew the MBK ink tank. Not much ink is left.
Prepare to replace the ink. 01810104-1000 BK ink tank near-empty Renew the BK ink tank. Ink tank is empty.
Replace the ink tank. 01810303-1403 C ink tank empty Renew the C ink tank. Ink tank is empty.
Replace the ink tank. 01810302-1402 M ink tank empty Renew the M ink tank. Ink tank is empty.
Replace the ink tank. 01810301-1401 Y ink tank empty Renew the Y ink tank. Ink tank is empty.
Replace the ink tank. 01810306-1406 MBK ink tank empty Renew the MBK ink tank. Ink tank is empty.
Replace the ink tank. 01810304-1400 BK ink tank empty Renew the BK ink tank. No ink tank loaded.
Check ink tank. 01810103-1413 C ink tank removal Attach the C ink tank. No ink tank loaded.
Check ink tank. 01810102-1412 M ink tank removal Attach the M ink tank. No ink tank loaded.
Check ink tank. 01810101-1411 Y ink tank removal Attach the Y ink tank. No ink tank loaded.
Check ink tank. 01810106-1416 MBK ink tank removal Attach the MBK ink tank. No ink tank loaded.
Check ink tank. 01810104-1410 BK ink tank removal Attach the BK ink tank. The paper is too small. 013200D2-1051 Size clip error Check the media size check. Change the media size. Maximum jobs stored.
Delete unwanted data. 011A1006-2907 Saved jobs exceed the Personal Box capacity. Press the stop button to cancel the print job. Delete print jobs from the queue.
Delete unneeded jobs stored on the hard disk. PHead needs cleaning.
Press Online to clear error. 03800500-280C Printhead found to have many non-discharging nozzles during a non-discharging inspection (printing paused) Clean the printhead. Identify the nozzles in a nozzle check pattern. Replace the printhead. Paper size not detected.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper. 03010000-200C Unable to detect the leading end of paper Check the leading end of paper. Reload the paper. Leading edge detection error.
Lift the release lever and align leading edge with orange line. 03010000-200D Unable to detect the trailing end of cut sheet Check the sheet length. Check to see if paper has not jammed. Paper size not detected.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper. 03010000-2017 Paper (right) edge detection error Check the right edge of paper. Check the paper type. Paper size not detected.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper. 03010000-2018 Paper (left) edge detection error Check the left edge of paper.
Check the paper type. Cannot adjust printhead.
Press Online to clear the error and readjust printhead. 03863000-2820 Printhead registration unadjustable Check the paper on which a pattern is printed for smears. Check the environment for interferences from outside light.
Clean the printhead. Cannot adjust printhead.
Press Online to clear the error and readjust printhead. 03863000-2821 LF unadjustable Check the paper on which a pattern is printed for smears. Check the environment for interferences from outside light.
Clean the printhead. Cannot print as specified.
Lift the release lever and replace paper with A4/ LTR (vertical) or larger. 03010000-2E1F Undersized paper loaded for internal printing (A4 or larger) Replace with A4/Letter or any larger-sized paper. Cannot print as specified.
Lift the release lever and replace paper with A3/ Ledger (vertical) or larger. 03010000-2E1F Undersized paper loaded for internal printing (A3 or larger) Replace with A3/11″x17″ or any larger-sized paper. Cannot print as specified.
Lift the release lever and replace roll with 10 in. wide or larger roll. 03010000-2E1F Undersized paper loaded for internal printing (roll media) Replace with roll media at least 10 inches in width. Cannot detect paper
Remove paper and press Load/Eject. 03010000-2E25 Paper jam while feeding/ejecting/printing Remove the paper jam and reload the paper. Cannot feed paper
Lift the release lever and reload paper. 03010000-2E27 Paper jam during feeding/printing/ejection Reload the paper. This paper cannot be used.
Check supported paper sizes. 03010000-200E Undersized paper (cut sheets/roll media) Replace with larger-sized paper. This paper cannot be used.
Check supported paper sizes. 03010000-200F Oversized paper (cut sheets/roll media) Replace with smaller-sized paper. Use another paper.
Press Online to clear the error. 03010000-2F33 Unadjustable because of transparent media Replace with adjustable media. Paper loaded askew.
Lift the release lever. 03016000-2010 Skew Correct the skew in the paper and reload it. Paper size not detected.
Reload paper. 03010000-200A Unable to detect the paper width (Paper loaded at an improper position) Reload the paper Paper jam.
Press Load/Eject and reload the paper. 03010000-2E27 Paper jam during feeding/printing/ejection Reload the paper Paper size not detected.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper. 03010000-200C Roll media loading size detection failure Reload the roll media. Cannot adjust eccentric.
Press Online to clear the error. 03863000-2822 Eccentricity correction disabled Check to see if paper has not jammed. Sheet printing is selected.
Press Load/Eject and load sheets. 03860002-2E02 Data with a cut sheet specification has been received but no cut sheets are loaded. Load cut sheets at the paper tray port. Roll printing is selected, but sheets are loaded.
Press OK, remove the sheets, and load a roll. 03860002-2E0A Data with a roll media specification has been received when a cut sheet tray is loaded. Replace with roll media. Roll printing is selected.
Press Load/Eject and load a roll. 03060A00-2E00 Data with a roll media specification has been received but no roll media are loaded. Load roll media. No Roll Feed Unit.
Turn printer off and install roll feed unit. 03060A00-2E0E Roll media unit not installed Install the roll media unit. The roll is empty.
Lift the release lever and replace the roll. 03060A00-2E1B Roll media end Renew the supply of roll media. Wrong paper feed slot for this paper type.
Press Load/Eject and reload the paper. 03061000-2E15 Paper type mismatch Check the type of paper that can be fed and reload the paper. Manual printing is selected, but a roll is loaded.
Press Load/Eject and remove the roll. 03860001-2E0C Data with a cut sheet specification has been received when roll media are loaded. Load cut sheets at the paper tray port. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2E23 Cutter unit failure Check the cutter unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F14 Writing to the ASIC register disabled Replace the main controller PCB Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F16 Mist fan error Check the mist fan. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F17 Suction fan lock detection error Check the suction fan. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F20 Purge motor cam position error Check the purge unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F22 Pump travel timeout Check the purge unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F23 Purge motor error Pump inoperable Check the purge unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F25 Unable to detect the carriage motor home position Check the carriage unit. Check the linear encoder for smears. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F26 Carriage inoperable Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F27 Carriage travel timeout Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F1F Pump cam sensor error Check the purge unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F2A Unable to detect the feed roller home position Check the feed roller encoder and surrounding part. Check to see if paper has not jammed. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03010000-2F29 Feed motor timeout (Roll media) Check the roll feed unit. Check roll media. Check to see if paper has not jammed in the printer. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F2E Roll travel timeout Check the roll feed unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-4027 Lift travel timeout error Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F13 A/D converter external trigger output stop detection hardware error 1 Replace the new printhead. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F32 Multi sensor error Check the environment for interferences from outside light.
Replace the multi sensor unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F3A Valve motor error Check the ink supply unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F3B CS communication error Remove the ink tanks and then reload them. Check the main controller PCB. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-260E Gap detection error Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts. Replace the main controller PCB. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2618 VH voltage error Check the power supply unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-260F Gap reference surface error Replace the reference surface sheet. Roll feed unit error
Turn off printer and check roll feed unit 03060B00-2E24 Roll feed unit failure Replace the roll feed unit. Unknown file. Check file format.
Turn off printer, wait a while, then turn it on again. 03900001-4049 ROM data for another model has been transferred. Transmit valid ROM data. Unknown file. Check file format.
Turn off printer, wait a while, then turn it on again. 03900001-4042 MIT data transfer failure Verify the validity of MID data before transferring it. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F2B LF operation failure Check to see if paper has not jammed. Check the feed motor and feed roller. Printhead error
Open top cover and replace the printhead. 03800200-2802 Invalid printhead installed Replace printhead Printhead error
Open top cover and replace the right printhead. 03800300-2801 Printhead DI compensation failure Replace printhead Printhead error
Open top cover and replace the right printhead. 03800400-2803 Printhead EEPROM error Replace printhead Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03800500-2F2F Non-discharging error Identify the head management sensor unit
Replace the head management sensor unit
Replace the printhead Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03800500-2F30 Non-discharging position adjustment error Identify the head management sensor unit
Replace the head management sensor unit
Replace the printhead Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810104-2500 Bk ink tank empty Renew the Bk ink tank Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810101-2501 Y ink tank empty Renew the Y ink tank Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810102-2502 M ink tank empty Renew the M ink tank Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810103-2503 C ink tank empty Renew the C ink tank Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810106-2506 MBk ink tank empty Renew the MBk ink tank Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810106-2507 MBk2 ink tank empty Renew the MBk ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810204-2580 Low on the Bk ink tank (as during cleaning) Replace with a fully replenished Bk ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810201-2581 Low on the Y ink tank (as during cleaning) Replace with a fully replenished Y ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810202-2582 Low on the M ink tank (as during cleaning) Replace with a fully replenished M ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810203-2583 Low on the C ink tank (as during cleaning) Replace with a fully replenished C ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810206-2586 Low on the MBk ink tank (as during cleaning) Replace with a fully replenished MBk ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810204-2590 Low on the Bk ink tank (during pre-printing checks) Replace with a fully replenished Bk ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810201-2591 Low on the Y ink tank (during pre-printing checks) Replace with a fully replenished Y ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810202-2592 Low on the M ink tank (during pre-printing checks) Replace with a fully replenished M ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810203-2593 Low on the C ink tank (during pre-printing checks) Replace with a fully replenished C ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810206-2596 Low on the MBk ink tank (during pre-printing checks) Replace with a fully replenished MBk ink tank Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03830204-2540 Bk ink tank ID error Replace with a valid Bk ink tank Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03830201-2541 Y ink tank ID error Replace with a valid Y ink tank Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03830202-2542 M ink tank ID error Replace with a valid M ink tank Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03830203-2543 C ink tank ID error Replace with a valid C ink tank Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03830206-2546 MBk ink tank ID error Replace with a valid MBk ink tank Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03830206-2547 MBk2 ink tank ID error Replace with a valid MBk ink tank No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank. 03830104-2520 BK ink tank not installed Install a Bk ink tank No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank. 03830101-2521 Y ink tank not installed Install a Y ink tank No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank. 03830102-2522 M ink tank not installed Install a M ink tank No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank. 03830103-2523 C ink tank not installed Install a C ink tank No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank. 03830106-2526 MBK ink tank not installed Install a MBk ink tank No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank. 03830106-2527 MBK2 ink tank not installed Install a MBk ink tank Top cover is open.
Turn off printer, wait a while, and turn it on again. 03031000-2F38 Top cover abnormally open Close the top cover and turn on the printer again. Ink tank cover is open.
Turn off printer, wait a while, and turn it on again. 03031000-2E10 Ink tank cover abnormally open Close the ink tank cover and turn on the printer again. Maintenance cartridge full.
Replace the maintenance cartridge. 03841001-2819 Maintenance cartridge full Renew the maintenance cartridge. No Maintenance
Cartridge capacity.
Replace the maintenance cartridge. 03841001-281B Not enough space in the maintenance cartridge prior to cleaning Replace the maintenance cartridge. Maintenance cartridge problem.
Replace the maintenance cartridge. 03841201-2816 Maintenance cartridge EEPROM error Renew the maintenance cartridge. Maintenance cartridge problem.
Replace the maintenance cartridge. 03841201-2817 Maintenance cartridge ID error Renew the maintenance cartridge. Borderless printng not possible.
Check roll position.
Online: Print Load/Eject:
Change Paper 03861001-2405 Paper loaded at a position inaccessible for borderless printing Check to see if a borderless printing spacer is installed. Reload the paper. Borderless printng not possible.
Check paper size setting.
Online: Print
Load/Eject: Change Paper 03861001-2406 Data unfit for borderless printing Check the paper size. Change the paper size. Insufficient paper for job
Online: Print
Stop: Stop Printing
Load/Eject: Change Paper 03862000-2E09 Not enough roll media on remaining roll media quantity detection Renew the supply of roll media. Cannot cut paper.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper. 03870001-2015 Cutting failure Cut paper manually. Check the cutter. Cannot adjust optic axis.
Press Online to clear the error. 03863000-2824 Optical axis error Check the multi sensor.
Check the head management sensor. This type of paper is not compatible with HP-GL/ 2.
Online: Print
Stop: Stop Printing
Load/Eject: Change Paper 03061000-2E15 Non-support media of HP-GL/2 Exchange for the compatible paper to HP-GL/2 before reprinting. Mail box full.
Delete unwanted data on your computer to resume printing.
Press Stop to cancel printing. 031A1001-2905 The job store executed when the free hard disk space left for Personal Boxes in the printer’s hard disk is full. Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxes. Mail box full.
Cannot save. Delete unwanted data on your computer to resume printing.
Press Stop to cancel printing. 031A1006-2906 The store executed when 32 jobs are stored in the Personal Box. Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxes. Hard disk error.
Press OK to reformat 031A1002-2908 Hard disk format error Press the [OK] button to start reformatting the hard disk. When formatting is finished, the printer automatically restarts. File read error.
Turn off printer, wait a while, and turn it on again.
Invalid files will be deleted. 031A1002-2909 Hard disk file error Restart the printer. Only the corrupted files will be deleted, and the printer will restart. Hardware error. 03800500-2F31
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03800500-2F31 Non-discharge detection optical axis error Check the head management sensor. Replace the head management sensor. Replace the printhead. Hardware error. 03130031-2F3C
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F3C LF pressure error Check the pinch roller and surrounding part. Replace the pinch roller pressure drive unit. No printhead
Install printhead. 03800100-2800 Printhead not installed Install the printhead. Wrong printhead. Open top cover and replace the printhead. 03800200-2811 Printhead version error Replace the printhead. No maintenance cartridge.
Check the maintenance cartridge. 03841101-2818 Mauntenance cartridge not installed Install the maintenance cartridge. This type of media is not compatible with HP-GL/ 2. 03860006-2825 Paper type mismatch at HP-GL/2 printing Exchange for the compatible paper to HP-GL/2 before reprinting. Cannot cut paper.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper. 03870001-2019 Cut failure (during jam occure) Check the cutter unit and surrounding part. Replace the cutter. Insufficient paper for job 03862001-2E31 Not enough roll media Renew the supply of roll media. Paper jam.
Manually rewind roll all the way and press OK. 03010000-2E3A Madia load failure Check the pick-up unit and roll media. Check to see if paper has not jammed. Sheet printing is selected. Press Load/Eject and load sheets. 03060100-2E02 Cut sheet in not set Load cut sheets at the paper tray port. Borderless printng not possible. Check supported paper. 03861001-2408 Borderless printing disabled (unsupported size) Check the media size. Change the media size. Borderless printng not possible. Paper stretched or shrank.
Confirm usage cond. of the paper. 03861001-2407 Borderless printing disabled (engine detection) Reload the paper. Roll printing is selected. Press Load/Eject and load a roll. 03060A00-2E35 Roll media is not loaded for internal printing. Reload the roll media.

– Printer model: Canon iPF TM300
– Error codes on Canon iPF TM300 model and its description:

Canon iPF TM300 error code

– Canon iPF TM300 printer Error Codes and quick guide to troubleshooting:

  • Code: 001112 2E3D
  • Description: Paper feeding failure (support number: 1300)
  • Causes: When the paper passes PAPER ENTRY SENSOR, the multi sensor fails to detect the paper edge*. *This error occurs when the LF roller is catching the paper.
  • Solutions: 1 Release the release lever. Reload the paper. (Check remained paper pieces and check the paper tip condition.) The error is removed Complete. The error is not removed Go to 2. 2 Check if the pinch roller is nipping the media. Nipping Replace PINCH ROLLER UNIT. Not nipping Replace PAPER ENTRY SENSOR. 3 Check other suspected cause. • Media related cause. (size, media type mismatch, turn-up at the tip of the paper) • Curly bottom tip of the roll paper. • Avoid the paper with strong stiffness or heavy roll paper.
  • Code: 001215 200D
  • Description: Paper detection failure (at the tip of the paper) (support number: 1322)
  • Causes: The multi sensor fails to detect the tip of the cut sheet.
  • Solutions: 1 Check each condition. • The paper loading position. • Loading of curled paper. • Pulling out of cut sheets just before printing. 2 Check other suspected cause. • When using clear film, paper size may not be detected if ink is stained on the platen. In this case, open the top cover and clean the whole platen.
  • Code: 001215 2016
  • Description: Paper feeding failure (support number: 1300)
  • Causes: The length of the cut paper in feed direction detected by PAPER ENTRY SENSOR during printing is different from that of which detected during paper feeding.* *The change of the cut paper feed amount due to some reasons such as paper jam may cause this error.
  • Solutions: 1 • Remove the paper when it is jamming inside. • Reload papers when papers are not jammed inside.
  • Code: 001215 2E3C
  • Description: Paper feeding failure (cut sheet) (support number: 1300, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: PAPER ENTRY SENSOR detects no paper loaded on the printer when the printing starts.
  • Solutions: 1 Lift the release lever up, and reload the cut sheet.
  • Code: 002121 2010
  • Description: Skew (support number: 1317)
  • Causes: During the paper feeding, the multi sensor detects that the paper edge at home position side moved +/-1mm or more (for cut paper, +/-2mm or more) off the original edge position per 300mm feeding.
  • Solutions: 1 • Reload the paper. • Remove the roll holder. Put the roll paper into the spool until it hits the frange. Set the roll holder to the printer. • Select “OFF” or “Loose” in [Skew detection accuracy] in the printer menu.* *Skew printing causes paper jam, failure in image, or stain on the platen, which may cause ink smear on the reverse side of the paper in the next printing.
  • Code: 002221 200C
  • Description: Paper detection failure (at the tip of the paper) (support number: 1322)
  • Causes: The multi sensor fails to detect the tip of the roll paper.
  • Solutions: 1 Check each condition. • The paper loading position. • Loading of curled paper. • Pulling out of roll paper just before printing. 2 Check other suspected cause. • When using clear film, paper size may not be detected if ink is stained on the platen. In this case, open the top cover and clean the whole platen.
  • Code: 002221 2017
  • Description: Paper detection failure (at the right edge of the paper) (support number: 1322)
  • Causes: The multi sensor detected that the paper edge at home position side was off 5mm during paper feeding.* *Loading the paper being off the reference position may also cause this error.
  • Solutions: 1 Lift the lever up to release the error. Check the right edge position, and reload or replace the paper.
  • Code: 002221 2018
  • Description: Paper detection failure (at the left edge of the paper) (support number: 1322)
  • Causes: The multi sensor failed to detect the away side paper edge during paper feeding.* *Feeding clear films may cause this error.
  • Solutions: 1 Change [Detect paper width] in printer menu to “Disable”.
  • Code: 003130 201C
  • Description: Sheet edge detection error during printing – cut sheet (support number: 1300)
  • Causes: The paper width was changed +/-10mm or more at the home position side paper edge or away side paper edge during printing with border.* *The assumed situation is the folded paper during paper feeding.
  • Solutions: 1 Lift the lever up to remove the error, then reload or replace the paper
  • Code: 003130 201D
  • Description: Paper edge detection error during printing – roll paper (support number: 1300)
  • Causes: The paper width was changed +/-10mm or more at the home position side paper edge or away side paper edge during printing with border.* *The assumed situation is the folded paper during paper feeding.
  • Solutions: 1 Lift the lever up to remove the error, then reload or replace the paper.
  • Code: 004040 2019
  • Description: Cut failure (support number: 4920) Memo: Job will be canceled when the error is removed.
  • Causes: This error occurs in the following conditions. • Neither the number of cutter motor rotations nor rotation speed satisfy the specified rotation number and rotation speed during cutting. • The edge detection position is off +/-5mm or more from the reference position in edge detection after cutting.
  • Solutions: 1 • The cut paper is remaining on the ejection guide. => Remove the remaining paper. • The foreign substance around the ejection guide hits the cutter blade. => Remove the foreign substance. • The media is not used in the recommended use environment. => Use the media in the recommended environment..* • The paper in use does not support [Automatic cut]. => Select [User cut] for roll paper cut setting and cut the roll paper with scissors. • Replace the cutter blade, in the case other than above. *See the user manual for recommended use environment.
  • Code: 100x
  • Description: Low ink in the ink tank (support number: 1500, alarm code: -) Ink colors are identified with the last number of detail codes.
  • Causes: The ink level detection pin in the ink tank is detected as inactive.
  • Solutions: Prepare for ink tank replacement.
  • Code: 1012
  • Description: Print head non-ejection (support number: 3001, alarm code: 0017)
  • Causes: The number of non-ejection nozzles is zero to 100 after recovery cleaning of non-ejection detection. In addition, the number of non-ejection complementary disabled nozzles is 30 or more.
  • Solutions: Check the print out. Perform head cleaning as required. When non-ejection still occurs, replace the print head.
  • Code: 1021
  • Description: Media type mismatch (support number: 1051, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The media type selected in the printer driver does not match the media loaded into the printer.
  • Solutions: Match the media type set in the printer driver with the media type set to the printer. Or reset the printer driver to match the media type set to the printer.
  • Code: 1051
  • Description: Size clip warning (support number: 1054, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Loading of smaller media into the printer than the media selected in the printer driver.
  • Solutions: Match the media type set in the printer driver with the media type set to the printer. Or reset the printer driver to match the media type set to the printer.
  • Code: 1052
  • Description: Borderless printing disabled (borderless printing unsupported media (warning)) (support number: 1055 / alarm code: -)
  • Causes: When the following conditions are satisfied. • [Detect paper setting mismatch] is set at other than “Pause”. • Loading of borderless printing unsupported media in borderless printing.
  • Solutions: Set the paper with wide enough paper width for borderless printing.
  • Code: 1053
  • Description: Borderless printing disabled (paper edge detection error at home position side (warning)) (support number: 1056 / alarm code: -)
  • Causes: When the following conditions are satisfied. • [Detect paper setting mismatch] is set at other than “Pause”. • The multi sensor detects that the paper edge at the home position side is not positioned within +/-3mm from the reference paper position when borderless printing is started.
  • Solutions: Reset the paper. When borderless printing is still disabled, replace the paper.
  • Code: 1054
  • Description: Roll paper width mismatch (support number: 1052, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Mismatch of the roll paper width selected in [Fit Roll Paper Width] in the printer driver and the roll paper width loaded into the printer.
  • Solutions: Match the roll paper width set in the printer driver with the roll paper width set to the printer. Or reset the printer driver to match the roll paper width set to the printer.
  • Code: 1055
  • Description: Borderless printing disabled (three sides borderless printing disabled (warning)) (support number: 1057, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: When the following conditions are satisfied. • [Detect paper setting mismatch] is set at “Display warning”. • The multi sensor detects that the paper feed position of the borderless printing supported paper is off 3mm or more from the tray for borderless printing at away position side during printing.
  • Solutions: • Load the paper in wider width than the print job paper size. • Specify the shorter paper width in print job than the loaded paper size.
  • Code: 140x
  • Description: No ink in the ink tank (support number: 1570, alarm code: 0020 to 0031)
  • Causes: At the timing when ink level detection pin of sub ink tank is OFF.
  • Solutions: Replace the ink tank.
  • Code: 141x
  • Description: Ink tank removed (support number: 1571, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The tank cover is opened and ink tank is removed during printing.
  • Solutions: Reinstall the ink tank.
  • Code: 1701
  • Description: SGRaster general error: false number of parameters (support number: 3311/alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The number of print data parameters is incorrect.
  • Solutions: Check the print result. When using print program such as RIP (Raster Image Processor), ask the manufacturer of the print program.
  • Code: 1702
  • Description: SGRaster general error: omission of non-optional item (support number: 3312, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The omission prohibited parameter in the print data is omitted.
  • Solutions: Check the print result. When using print program such as RIP (Raster Image Processor), ask the manufacturer of the print program.
  • Code: 1703
  • Description: SGRaster general error: unsupported data (support number: 3313, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The data out of setting range is set in the print data.
  • Solutions: Check the print result. When using print program such as RIP (Raster Image Processor), ask the manufacturer of the print program.
  • Code: 1706
  • Description: SGRaster particular error: unsupported resolution value (support number: 3314, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The resolution setting in the print data is out of setting range.
  • Solutions: Check the print result. When using print program such as RIP (Raster Image Processor), ask the manufacturer of the print program.
  • Code: 1707
  • Description: SGRaster particular error: unsupported pressure value (support number: 3315, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The compression method of the print data is inappropriate.
  • Solutions: Check the print result. When using print program such as RIP (Raster Image Processor), ask the manufacturer of the print program.
  • Code: 1708
  • Description: SGRaster particular error: invalid format of data form (support number: 3316, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The format of print data form (color sequence, the number of bits) is inappropriate.
  • Solutions: Check the print result. When using print program such as RIP (Raster Image Processor), ask the manufacturer of the print program.
  • Code: 1709
  • Description: SGRaster particular error: combination failure of resolution and image data format (support number: 3317, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The combination of print data resolution and image data format is inappropriate.
  • Solutions: Check the print result. When using print program such as RIP (Raster Image Processor), ask the manufacturer of the print program.
  • Code: 1800
  • Description: Overflow during processing HP-GL/2 data – (1) (support number: 3300, alarm code: 0073)
  • Causes: Memory overflows during processing HP-GL/2 data.
  • Solutions: • Decrease drawing data. • Transform the data to HP RTL data which can be operated on-the-fly.* *On-The-Fly : the mechanism of sending data to the printer from the top of the papers in sequence. This an option setting of software that can create HP-GL/2. Selecting this option can reduce memory consumption.
  • Code: 1801
  • Description: HP-GL/2 command out of support (support number: 3301, alarm code: 0076)
  • Causes: The parameter which is not supported by HP-GL/2 is specified.
  • Solutions: Check the data to print.
  • Code: 1802
  • Description: HP-GL/2 command unsupported (support number: 3302, alarm code: 0077)
  • Causes: The printer detects unsupported HP-GL/2 command.
  • Solutions: Check the data to print.
  • Code: 1803
  • Description: Overflow during processing HP-GL/2 data – (2) (support number: 3303, alarm code: 0074)
  • Causes: Memory overflows during processing HP-GL/2 data.
  • Solutions: • Decrease drawing data. • Transform the data to HP RTL data which can be operated on-the-fly.* *On-The-Fly : the mechanism of sending data to the printer from the top of the papers in sequence. The software that can create HP-GL/2 has an optional setting to select On-The- Fly. Selecting this option can reduce memory consumption.
  • Code: 1804
  • Description: Overflow during processing HP-GL/2 data – (3) (support number: 3304, alarm code: 0075)
  • Causes: Memory overflows during processing HP-GL/2 data.
  • Solutions: • Decrease drawing data. • Transform the data to HP RTL data which can be operated on-the-fly.* *On-The-Fly : the mechanism of sending data to the printer from the top of the papers in sequence. The software that can create HP-GL/2 has an optional setting to select On-The- Fly. Selecting this option can reduce memory consumption.
  • Code: 1900
  • Description: PDF/JPEG input output error (support number: 3330, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Read/Write of print job was disabled.
  • Solutions: Check the print data.
  • Code: 1901
  • Description: Converting PDF/JPEG into print data disabled (support number: 3331, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The memory capacity became insufficient in the middle of PDF or JPEG data conversion into print data.
  • Solutions: • Delete the saved data in the shared box in the printer HDD*. • Print with smaller print size or lower print quality when printing PDF/JPEG. • *Deleting the saved job data in the shared box may help avoiding HDD capacity shortage that occurs in conversion into print data.
  • Code: 1902
  • Description: Invalid JPEG format (support number: 3332, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Unsupported JPEG format. The supported format is JPEG that complies with JFIF1.02.
  • Solutions: Print from PC.
  • Code: 1903
  • Description: JPEG decode error (support number: 3333, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Unsupported JPEG format. The supported format is JPEG that complies with JFIF1.02.
  • Solutions: Print from PC.
  • Code: 1906
  • Description: PDF font error (support number: 3336, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Font substitution occurs because neither the font is set in the PDF file nor included in the installed font.
  • Solutions: Set and save embedding of the necessary fonts to PDF file.
  • Code: 1907
  • Description: Image process parameter error (support number: 3340, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Image process parameter to follow the print setting does not exist at the print job processing.
  • Solutions: When using print program such as RIP (Raster Image Processor), ask the manufacturer of the print program.
  • Code: 1908
  • Description: Image process table error (support number: 3341, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Image failure is found in image process table check when processing the print job.
  • Solutions: When using print program such as RIP (Raster Image Processor), ask the manufacturer of the print program.
  • Code: 1910
  • Description: Insufficient memory during processing JPEG printing (support number: 3307, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Insufficient memory is detected during processing JPEG printing.
  • Solutions: • Make the image size of the JPEG data smaller and print it again. • Make the image quality of the JPEG data lower and print it again.
  • Code: 200E, 200F
  • Description: Paper size out of standard (support number: 1323, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The width or length of the paper in set is shorter than the supported smallest size. (200E) The width or length of the paper in set is longer than the supported largest size. (200F) • Detection timing is at paper width detection for roll papers, and paper width detection and paper length detection for cut sheets.
  • Solutions: Lift the lever up to release the error, then feed the supported size paper.
  • Code: 202B
  • Description: Roll end error (due to strong adhesion) (support number: 1024, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: During paper feeding, paper end detection error (the abnormal amount of rotation drive in ACTIVE ROLL BRAKE UNIT control) occurs due to strong adhesive on the roll end. . This error is assuming that the roll paper end cannot be peeled off from the roll core during paper feeding or printing, or paper feeding is disabled due to the weight of the roll paper.
  • Solutions: The roll paper run out. => Replace the roll paper. The roll paper has been loaded but feeding does not work. => Change print mode and print (change the amount of paper feeding.) => Replace the roll paper with less amount of windings. (light weight roll paper) • Loose roll papers also can be the cause of this error. (Check if the roll paper is loose when this error occurs while the roll paper is remaining.)
  • Code: 2060
  • Description: Running out of roll paper alart (support number: 1058, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The remaining roll paper is less than the amount set in [Roll amount warning setting].
  • Solutions: Prepare for roll paper change.
  • Code: 231x
  • Description: Sub-ink tank ink filling failure (support number: 1757, alarm code: 0321 to 0333)
  • Causes: In initial ink filling, or in ink filling to sub ink tank after replacing the ink tank, the ink level detection pin in the sub ink tank is not turned ON even after a certain time has passed from ink tank installation.
  • Solutions: Remove and reinstall the ink tank, or replace the ink tank with other ink tanks. • Ink may not be flowing from the ink tank to the sub ink tank.
  • Code: 2405
  • Description: Borderless printing disabled – off the loading position (support number: 4116, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Borderless printing is disabled due to the following reasons. The paper is loaded out of position. <When the printer driver is set at [Fit Roll Paper Width]> The multi sensor detects that the paper feed position of the borderless printing supported paper is off 3mm or more from paper edge at the home position side or from the tray for borderless printing at away position side. <When the printer driver is set at other than [Fit Roll Paper Width]> The multi sensor detects that the paper edge at the home position side is off 3mm or more from the reference position.
  • Solutions: Print after replacing the paper, select “print with border,” or press “cancel” to stop printing.
  • Code: 2406
  • Description: Borderless printing disabled – receiving borderless printing unsupported data (support number: 4117, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The borderless print data is received when printing starts. In addition, at least a condition among the following conditions is satisfied. • The paper feeding slot specified in the data is the slot other than roll paper feeding. • The print mode set in the data does not support borderless printing. • Banner printing is selected in the data at the same time. • [Fit Roll Paper Width] is specified and the paper size that does not support borderless printing is specified in the job. • The amount of extra printing for borderless printing in the data is out of standard.
  • Solutions: Print after replacing the paper, select “print with border,” or press “cancel” to stop printing.
  • Code: 2407
  • Description: Borderless printing disabled – the paper end is off during printing (support number: 4114, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: • The multi sensor detects that the paper edge at the home position side is not positioned within +3mm from the reference paper position. • The printer driver is set at [Fit Roll Paper Width]. Besides, the multi sensor detects that the paper edge at away position side is off 3mm or more from the tray for borderless printing during borderless printing.
  • Solutions: Reload the paper.
  • Code: 2408
  • Description: Borderless printing disabled – borderless printing unsupported paper (operator error) (support number: 4115, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: When the following condition is satisfied. • The printer driver is set at [Fit Roll Paper Width]. • The printer fed the roll paper in borderless printing unsupported size.
  • Solutions: Print after replacing the paper, select “print with border,” or press “cancel” to stop printing.
  • Code: 2409
  • Description: Borderless printing disabled – after restarting the hold job (off the loading position) (support number: 4913, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: When restarting the hold job after replacing the paper with [Replace paper] button, the following cause may disable borderless printing.* • The loaded paper position is off the reference position. *What is “Hold Job?” When “Hold Job?” is selected at [Device settings > Paper-related settings > Detect paper setting mismatch] from the operation panel, the printer saves the printing jobs in HDD without performing printing. These saved jobs are called “Hold Job”.
  • Solutions: Reload the paper.
  • Code: 240A
  • Description: Borderless printing disabled – after restarting the hold job (borderless printing unsupported paper) (support number: 4913, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: When restarting the hold job after replacing the paper with [Replace paper] button, the following cause may disable borderless printing. • The loaded paper is not in the borderless printing supported size.
  • Solutions: Print after replacing the paper, select “print with border,” or press “cancel” to stop printing.
  • Code: 250x
  • Description: Ink empty (support number: 1752, alarm code: 0301 to 0314)
  • Causes: During printing or cleaning, remaining ink dot count reaches to the value of empty.
  • Solutions: Replace the ink tank.
  • Code: 252x
  • Description: No ink tank (support number: 1660, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Ink tank is not detected when closing the tank cover.
  • Solutions: Install the ink tank.
  • Code: 254x
  • Description: Ink tank ID error (support number: 168B, alarm code: 0111 to 0124)
  • Causes: At the timing when the ink tank that does not support the corresponding product is installed.
  • Solutions: Install the ink tank that supports the corresponding products.
  • Code: 258x
  • Description: Insufficient ink (support number: 1756, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Necessary ink amount is not left before cleaning.
  • Solutions: Replace the ink tank.
  • Code: 25Bx
  • Description: Ink level detection pin OFF when the tank cover is open (support number: 1201, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Ink level detection pin turns off when the tank cover is open.
  • Solutions: Close the tank cover. Check the remaining ink amount. When ink is not left, replace the ink tank.
  • Code: 270x
  • Description: Remaining ink amount unknown (genuine ink)(support number: 1730, alarm code: 0661 to 0793)
  • Causes: The ink consumption amount used for status print, pattern adjustment printing, or print head cleaning exceeded the specified amount. • Refilling ink to the ink cartridge may cause this error.
  • Solutions: Select [Cancel job] to remove the error temporarily or release [ink level detection].
  • Code: 271x
  • Description: Remaining ink amount unknown (non-genuine ink)(support number: 1731, alarm code: 0701 to 0853)
  • Causes: Installation of the non-genuine ink tank.
  • Solutions: Select [Cancel job] to remove the error temporarily or release [ink level detection].
  • Code: 273x
  • Description: Remaining ink amount unknown (no detection by ink level detection pin)(support number: 1753, alarm code: 0601 to 0613)
  • Causes: Excess of the specified ink consumption amount in the ink cartridge during printing user’s data. • Refilling ink to the ink cartridge may cause this error.
  • Solutions: Select [Cancel job] to remove the error temporarily or release [ink level detection].
  • Code: 27Dx
  • Description: Notification of new ink tank installation (support number: 1552, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The new ink tank installation is detected.
  • Solutions: Press [OK] button to remove the error or the printer recovers when certain amount of time passed.
  • Code: 27Ex
  • Description: Notification of used ink tank installation (support number: 1551, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The used ink tank installation is detected.
  • Solutions: Press [OK] button to remove the error or the printer recovers when certain amount of time passed.
  • Code: 2800
  • Description: No print head (support number: 1401, alarm code: 0181)
  • Causes: The access cover is closed though no print head is detected.
  • Solutions: Replace the print head when the printer does not recover by confirming installation or reinstalling the print head.
  • Code: 2802
  • Description: Print head ID error (support number: 1485, alarm code: 0189)
  • Causes: When installing the print head, incorrect ID is detected.
  • Solutions: Replace the print head when the printer does not recover by confirming installation or reinstalling the print head.
  • Code: 280D
  • Description: Non-ejection (support number: 1495, alarm code: 0192)
  • Causes: Print head nozzle check by the head management sensor after cleaning for recovery resulted in either of the following condition. – The number of non-ejection nozzles is 100 to 639, and the number of non-ejection complement disabled nozzles is 30 or more. or – The number of non-ejection nozzles is 640 or more.
  • Solutions: Check the printout and perform print head cleaning as required. Replace the print head when the error is not removed yet.
  • Code: 2812
  • Description: Print head version error (support number: 1485, alarm code: 0194)
  • Causes: Installation of inappropriate print head version.
  • Solutions: Replace the print head when the printer does not recover by confirming installation or reinstalling the print head.
  • Code: 2816
  • Description: Maintenance cartridge EEPROM error (support number: 1722, alarm code: 0197)
  • Causes: At maintenance cartridge EEPROM accessing, communication error occurs.
  • Solutions: Replace the maintenance cartridge when the printer does not recover by confirming installation or reinstalling the print head.
  • Code: 2817
  • Description: Maintenance cartridge ID error (support number: 1722, alarm code: 0198)
  • Causes: At maintenance cartridge EEPROM accessing, the maintenance cartridge that had been installed to the other model is detected.
  • Solutions: Replace the maintenance cartridge.
  • Code: 2818
  • Description: No maintenance cartridge (support number: 1721, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: No maintenance cartridge is detected.
  • Solutions: Check the maintenance cartridge installation or replace the maintenance cartridge.
  • Code: 2819
  • Description: Maintenance cartridge full (support number: 1720, alarm code: 0063)
  • Causes: At maintenance cartridge EEPROM accessing, the maintenance cartridge is detected to be full.
  • Solutions: Check remaining capacity of the maintenance cartridge or replace the maintenance cartridge.
  • Code: 281A
  • Description: Little remaining capacity of maintenance cartridge alert (support number: 3250, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: At maintenance cartridge EEPROM accessing, the value indicates little capacity is left in the maintenance cartridge.
  • Solutions: Check remaining capacity of the maintenance cartridge or replace the maintenance cartridge.
  • Code: 281B
  • Description: Insufficient capacity of maintenance cartridge (support number: 1720, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Insufficient capacity in the maintenance cartridge for cleaning is detected when accessing to the maintenance cartridge EEPROM.
  • Solutions: Check remaining capacity of the maintenance cartridge or replace the maintenance cartridge.
  • Code: 2829
  • Description: Multi sensor optical axis correction error (support number: 4923, alarm code: 0209)
  • Causes: The corrected value exceeds the threshold during optical axis adjustment. • If the optical axis of multi sensor is off the correct position, paper end detection by the multi sensor results in incorrect detection. With measuring the difference between the theoretical printing position of optical correction pattern and the actual printing position, the multi sensor detects and corrects the value gap of the optical axis.
  • Solutions: Check if the printed optical adjustment pattern has blur. If it is blurry, perform print head cleaning. If it is not blurry, check the multi sensor installation and perform “GAP CALIB” in service mode.
  • Code: 2901
  • Description: Hard disk capacity alert (support number: 3350, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The total capacity of the personal box in the printer hard disk became smaller than 1GB.
  • Solutions: Delete the job saved in the personal box.
  • Code: 2902
  • Description: Printing without saving to the hard disk (support number: 3352, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Printing starts without saving due to hard disk factors. (example: no blank capacity in the hard disk, etc.)
  • Solutions: Delete the job saved in the personal box.
  • Code: 2905
  • Description: Hard disk full (support number: 4900, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The value indicates capacity is full in the hard disk.
  • Solutions: Delete the job saved in the personal box.
  • Code: 2906
  • Description: Max. number of files saved to the hard disk (support number: 4903, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The number of files saved in the hard disk reaches the max.
  • Solutions: Delete the job saved in the personal box.
  • Code: 2907
  • Description: Almost the max. number of files saved to the hard disk (support number: 3351, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The number of files saved in the hard disk is almost reaching the max.
  • Solutions: Delete the job saved in the personal box.
  • Code: 2D03
  • Description: Incomplete print head alignment (support number: 3000, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: At the initial installation or at the incomplete print head position adjustment after the print head replacement. (including cancel)
  • Solutions: Perform print head alignment.
  • Code: 2D04
  • Description: Print head alignment failure (support number: 4937, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The printer fails to adjust print head alignment toward the print head nozzle line direction.
  • Solutions: Check the nozzle condition with the nozzle check pattern. Perform head cleaning if necessary. When the nozzle condition is not recovered by the nozzle cleaning, replace the print head.
  • Code: 2E02
  • Description: No cut sheet (support number: 1005, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The cut sheet is not fed when receiving the job selecting cut sheet. Or “No sheets.” is detected after starting printing.
  • Solutions: Load cut sheets on the paper feed slot.
  • Code: 2E08
  • Description: Roll paper width mismatch (support number: 2130, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The paper roll width indicated in the print job and the roll paper width loaded on the printer are not matched.
  • Solutions: Replace the paper. Or continue printing.
  • Code: 2E09
  • Description: Insufficient roll paper left (support number: 1021, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The printer, which is selecting “Enable” at [Manage remaining roll amount], receives a print job that requires the longer paper size than the remaining paper length.
  • Solutions: Select “Print with the loaded paper”, “Replace the paper and print”, or “cancel” to suspend printing.
  • Code: 2E0A
  • Description: Cut sheet has been fed while received data is for roll paper (support number: 1306, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The printer receives roll paper print data while feeding has completed with cut sheet.
  • Solutions: Remove the cut sheet, and load the roll paper.
  • Code: 2E0B
  • Description: Roll paper has been fed while received data is for cut sheet (support number: 1324, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The printer receives cut sheet print data while feeding has completed with roll paper.
  • Solutions: Remove the roll paper, and load the cut sheet.
  • Code: 2E10
  • Description: Cut sheet is fed in roll paper mode (support number: 1041, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: While ‘Roll Paper’ is set in [Media Settings], feeding of cut paper is detected.
  • Solutions: Match the paper setting in [Media Settings] and the actual paper to feed.
  • Code: 2E11
  • Description: Roll paper is fed in Cut sheet mode. (support number: 1041, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: While ‘Cut Paper’ is set in [Media Settings], feeding of roll paper is detected.
  • Solutions: Match the paper setting in [Media Settings] and the actual paper to feed.
  • Code: 2E15
  • Description: Media type mismatch (support number: 1061, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The media type selected in the job is different from the actual fed media.
  • Solutions: Confirm the media type selection of the print job and the printer.
  • Code: 2E1B
  • Description: End of roll paper (support number: 1024, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: PAPER ENTRY SENSOR detects the paper end during feeding the roll paper.
  • Solutions: Replace the roll paper.
  • Code: 2E20
  • Description: Inappropriate paper type or size for printing paper feeding system adjustment pattern (support number: 2132, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: When adjusting feeding system with cut sheets, page2 or after with different media type or size from that of page1 is fed, and appropriate adjustment is considered to be disabled.
  • Solutions: Check the size of the loaded cut sheet. Or reload the sheet.
  • Code: 2E21
  • Description: Inappropriate paper type or size for printing print head position adjustment pattern (support number: 2132, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: When adjusting the print head position with cut sheets, page2 or after with different media type or size from that of page1 is fed, and appropriate adjustment is considered to be disabled.
  • Solutions: Check the size of the loaded cut sheet. Or reload the sheet.
  • Code: 2E30
  • Description: Size clip error (support number: 2131, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The paper width loaded on the printer is shorter than the paper width in print job.
  • Solutions: Confirm the media type of the print job and the printer.
  • Code: 2E33
  • Description: Roll paper not loaded (support number: 100A, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: When receiving the roll paper specified print job, the roll paper has not been fed. The upper roll nor lower roll has not been fed. In addition, the paper feeding slot is “Auto” in job setting.
  • Solutions: Load the roll paper.
  • Code: 2E38
  • Description: Small paper size for status print. (support number: 2132 , alarm code: -)
  • Causes: In printing the printer internal data, the smaller paper than the size specified by each printing data is loaded.
  • Solutions: Load the specified size or larger paper.
  • Code: 2E40
  • Description: Roll paper not loaded (support number: 100A, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: After starting printing, “No roll sheets” is detected.
  • Solutions: Load the roll paper.
  • Code: 2E42
  • Description: Media type mismatch after resuming the held job (support number: 4911, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The size of the paper selected in the held job is different from the actual fed paper.
  • Solutions: Select “Replace the paper and print” or press “cancel” to stop printing.
  • Code: 2E43
  • Description: Media type unknown (support number: 4111, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The job is selecting an unregistered media type in the printer. • This error occurs under the following situation. 1. A print job that required a paper type which had been registered in the printer at some point of time was saved in the HDD. After that, this media type was deleted from the printer by MCT. However, this job was executed. 2. When printing from driver, media type data is not obtained from the printer until pressing gGet Information…h button. After deleting a media type from MCT, executing a print job that specifies this deleted media, without pressing gGet Information…h button, may generate this error.
  • Solutions: Check the media type settings and print again.
  • Code: 2E45
  • Description: Roll paper width mismatch after resuming the held job (support number: 4910, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The width of the roll paper selected in the held job is different from the width of actual fed roll paper.
  • Solutions: Select “Replace the paper and print” or press “cancel” to stop printing.
  • Code: 2E75
  • Description: Borderless printing (or three sides borderless printing) is disabled (operator error) (support number: 4113, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: When the following condition is satisfied. • [Detect paper setting mismatch] in the operation panel is set at “Hold job” or “Pause”. • The printer driver is not set at [Fit Roll Paper Width]. • The multi sensor detects that the paper feed position is off +3mm or more from the tray for borderless printing at away position side when the printing starts.
  • Solutions: • Select [Fit Roll Paper Width] for the printer driver setting. • Suspend the printing. Switch to [Print with border] and print again. • Replace the paper and print again.
  • Code: 2EA3
  • Description: Print head alignment unavailable for the media (support number: 4932, alarm code: 0100)
  • Causes: The media for films which has too high transparency to adjust the print head position is loaded.
  • Solutions: When a highly transparent film media* is loaded, replace the media. *Tracing paper, semi-transparent matte film, Clear Films, etc.
  • Code: 2EA4
  • Description: Blur printing of the print head alignment pattern (support number: 4934, alarm code: 0102)
  • Causes: Print blur occurs when the density at the pattern edge is lower than prescribed value.
  • Solutions: Check the print out by nozzle check. Perform cleaning as required. When the problem is not removed, replace the print head.
  • Code: 2EA5
  • Description: Insufficient contrast in the print head alignment pattern (support number: 4933, alarm code: 0101)
  • Causes: The difference of the density in the pattern is lower than the prescribed value.
  • Solutions: Check the print out by nozzle check. Perform cleaning as required. When the problem is not removed, replace the print head.
  • Code: 2EA6
  • Description: Abnormal print head alignment value (support number: 4935, alarm code: 0103)
  • Causes: The print head alignment value is higher than the prescribed value.
  • Solutions: Check the print out by nozzle check. Perform cleaning as required. When the problem is not removed, replace the print head.
  • Code: 2EA7
  • Description: Hard disk format abnormal (support number: 4901, alarm code: 0524)
  • Causes: The hard disk format type is different.
  • Solutions: Format the hard disk.
  • Code: 2EA8
  • Description: Automatic feeding adjustment error (support number: 4931, alarm code: 0206)
  • Causes: Unreadable patches are six or more.
  • Solutions: Check if smudge is on the pattern print sheet. Check if the environment is where the natural light comes in. Perform cleaning of the print head.
  • Code: 2EA9
  • Description: Eccentricity adjustment error (support number: 4936, alarm code: 0207)
  • Causes: Eccentricity automatic adjustment value is out of the prescribed value.
  • Solutions: Check if smudge is on the pattern print sheet. Check if the environment is where the natural light comes in. Perform cleaning of the print head.
  • Code: 2EAA
  • Description: Automatic feeding adjustment failure (support number: 4929, alarm code: 0211)
  • Causes: In processing of automatic judgement for uneven paper feeding, multi sensor read value is out of the prescribed value.
  • Solutions: Check if smudge is on the pattern print sheet. Check if the environment is where the natural light comes in. Perform cleaning of the print head.
  • Code: 2EAB
  • Description: Failure in automatic judgment of uneven printing in the carriage moving direction (support number: 4928, alarm code: 0278)
  • Causes: In processing of automatic judgement for uneven printing toward carriage scanning direction, multi sensor read value is out of the prescribed value.
  • Solutions: Check the print out by nozzle check. Perform cleaning the print head as required. When the problem is not removed, replace the print head.
  • Code: 2EBC
  • Description: Carriage cogging correction failure (support number: 4930, alarm code: 0215)
  • Causes: In the automatic judgement for carriage cogging adjustment process, the measured value is out of the specified range. • The detecting timing of carriage cogging adjustment is as follows. E After print head replacement. E After print head alignment adjustment. E After carriage related errors.
  • Solutions: • Check if the linear scale is attached properly. Make sure that the linear scale is free from any scratch or dirt. • If the linear scale is in appropriate condition, replace the carriage encoder sensor.
  • Code: 2F6A
  • Description: Installed print head model error (support number: 1480, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The print head which had been installed into a different model before was installed.
  • Solutions: Install a print head that has been installed into the same model or install a new print head.
  • Code: 2F6B
  • Description: Installed print head model error (ink system) (support number: 1481, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The print head which had been installed into the model that used a different ink set before was installed. • This error occurs in service mode only.
  • Solutions: Install a print head that has been installed into the same model or install a new print head.
  • Code: 2F7C
  • Description: Print head contact error at print head replacement (support number: 140B , alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Despite of print head installation, the print head is not recognized.
  • Solutions: Reinstall the print head. When the problem is not removed, replace the print head.
  • Code: 3000
  • Description: WPSPIN timeout (support number: 4950, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: WPS (PIN mode) processing terminates with error due to timeout.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3001
  • Description: WPSPBC timeout (support number: 4950, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: WPS (PBC mode) processing terminates with error due to timeout.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3002
  • Description: WPSPBC session overlap (support number: 4950, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: WPS (PBC mode) processing terminates with error due to session overlapping.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3003
  • Description: WPS credential error (support number: 4950, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: WPS (PBC mode) processing terminates with error due to false credential (encryption mode is WEP).
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3004
  • Description: Other WPS errors (support number: 4950, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The failure of the reasons other than above WPS.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3005
  • Description: AOSS multiple access points error (support number: 4951, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Multiple wireless LAN routers in AOSS mode are detected.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3006
  • Description: AOSS timeout (support number: 4951, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Wireless LAN router in AOSS mode is not detected.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3007
  • Description: AOSS connection error (support number: 4951, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The other device is connecting to the wireless router.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3008
  • Description: AOSS security setting error (support number: 4951, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: When confirming wireless LAN router and security information, the error occurs.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3009
  • Description: Other AOSS errors (support number: 4951, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Wireless LAN set-up by AOSS fails.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3010
  • Description: Access point connection failure (support number: 4952, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Connecting to the access point by setting wireless LAN manually fails.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3011
  • Description: Access point not detected with the specified SSID (support number: 4952, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: In set-up, AP detection of the input SSID fails.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3012
  • Description: Connection alarm due to IP address obtaining failure (support number: 4953, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: In wireless detail setting, despite selecting [WEP], obtaining IP address fails, and AutoIP is set.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3013
  • Description: Cableless setup timeout (support number: 4954, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: In cableless set-up, wireless LAN setting process was finished in error due to timeout.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3014
  • Description: Cableless setup setting failure (support number: 4954, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: In cableless set-up, wireless LAN setting fails.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3015
  • Description: LAN invalid in IPv4/IPv6 setting (support number: 4955, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: LAN is invalid when IPv4/IPv6 is selected.
  • Solutions: “Enable” [Active wired LAN] or [Active wireless LAN].
  • Code: 3016
  • Description: LAN setting unavailable (support number: 4956, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: When changing LAN setting, the setting change was not available due to the following reasons. • The printer is in the middle of operation. • Remote UI is selecting the printer settings.
  • Solutions: Terminate other operations and select settings again.
  • Code: 3017
  • Description: [Raku Raku WLAN Start] timeout error (support number: 4957, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Connecting via [Raku Raku WLAN] fails.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel.
  • Code: 3018
  • Description: [Raku Raku WLAN Start] other errors (support number: 4957, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: The wireless LAN router in Raku Raku wireless mode is not detected.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel.
  • Code: 3022
  • Description: Wi-Fi Direct connection request (support number: 4959, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Connection is requested from Wi-Fi Direct supported device.
  • Solutions: Select “Yes (accept)” or “No (not accept).”
  • Code: 3023
  • Description: SMTP server setting error (support number: 3414, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Connecting to SMTP server fails.
  • Solutions: Check with the remote UI if the address and port number of the mail server for outgoing message (SMTP) in the mail server settings are correct.
  • Code: 3024
  • Description: POP server setting error (support number: 3415, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Connecting to POP server fails.
  • Solutions: Check with the remote UI if the address and port number of the mail server for incoming message (POP3) in the mail server settings are correct.
  • Code: 3025
  • Description: SMTP SSL connection error (support number: 3416, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Connecting SMTP server with SSL fails.
  • Solutions: Check with the remote UI if the secure connection (SSL) settings of the mail server and the printer are matching.
  • Code: 3026
  • Description: POP SSL connection error (support number: 3417, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Connecting POP server with SSL fails.
  • Solutions: Check with the remote UI if the secure connection (SSL) settings of the mail server and the printer are matching.
  • Code: 3027
  • Description: SMTP command error (support number: 3418, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Sending command to SMTP server fails.
  • Solutions: Check with the remote UI if the items related to the mail server for outgoing message (SMTP) in the mail server settings are correct.
  • Code: 3028
  • Description: SMTP authorization error (support number: 3419, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: SMTP authorization user name is not specified, SMTP authorization password is not specified, or SMTP authorization fails.
  • Solutions: Check with the remote UI if the account and the password for outgoing message in the mail server settings are correct.
  • Code: 3029
  • Description: POP command error (support number: 3420, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Sending command to POP server fails.
  • Solutions: Check with the remote UI if the items related to the mail server for incoming message (POP3) in the mail server settings are correct.
  • Code: 3030
  • Description: POP authorization error (support number: 3421, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: POP authorization user name is not specified, POP authorization password is not specified, or POP authorization fails.
  • Solutions: Check with the remote UI if the account and the password for incoming message in the mail server settings are correct.
  • Code: 3031
  • Description: APOP authorization error (support number: 3422, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: APOP authorization fails.
  • Solutions: Check with the remote UI if the APOP settings are appropriate.
  • Code: 3032
  • Description: Socket server connection error (support number: 3423, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Communication timeout occurs in connecting with SMTP server. Or Read/Write socket error occurs.
  • Solutions: Check with the remote UI if the mail server settings are appropriate.
  • Code: 3033
  • Description: Destination mail address error (support number: 3424, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: Destination mail address is incorrect.
  • Solutions: Select a correct e-mail address of destination with the remote UI and send again.
  • Code: 3034
  • Description: Unsupported device connected (support number: 2001, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: USB host unsupported device is connected.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. • The only device that can print directly by connecting to this machine is USB flash memory.
  • Code: 3035
  • Description: Hub not supported (support number: 2002, alarm code: -)
  • Causes: USB hub is connected to USB host. • Connecting USB flash memory via USB hub is not supported.
  • Solutions: Follow the message on the operation panel. (Check the setting and reset.)
  • Code: 3036
  • Description: IPv4 address conflict alert (support number: 3306, alarm code: 3448)
  • Causes: The IPv4 address set in the printer is conflicting with the address set in other devices.
  • Solutions: Change the set IP address in the printer not to overlap with other devices.
  • Code: 3210
  • Description: Parts counter Wia1 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0901)
  • Causes: The parts counter Wia1 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 3220
  • Description: Parts counter Wia2 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0902)
  • Causes: The parts counter Wia2 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 3250
  • Description: Parts counter Wia5 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0905)
  • Causes: The parts counter Wia5 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 3270
  • Description: Parts counter Wia7 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0907)
  • Causes: The parts counter Wia7 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 3280
  • Description: Parts counter WF1 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0941)
  • Causes: The parts counter WF1 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 3290
  • Description: Parts counter CR1 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0911)
  • Causes: The parts counter CR1 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 3291
  • Description: Parts counter CR1 alert2 (support number: 3201, alarm code: 0961)
  • Causes: The parts counter CR1 reached the value that indicates level W2.
  • Solutions: Replace the corresponding part, and clear the corresponding counter data in service mode.
  • Code: 32A0
  • Description: Parts counter CR2 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0912)
  • Causes: The parts counter CR2 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 32A1
  • Description: Parts counter CR2 alert2 (support number: 3201, alarm code: 0962)
  • Causes: The parts counter CR2 reached the value that indicates level W2.
  • Solutions: Replace the corresponding part, and clear the corresponding counter data in service mode.
  • Code: 32B0
  • Description: Parts counter CR3 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0913)
  • Causes: The parts counter CR3 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 32B1
  • Description: Parts counter CR3 alert2 (support number: 3201, alarm code: 0963)
  • Causes: The parts counter CR3 reached the value that indicates level W2.
  • Solutions: Replace the corresponding part, and clear the corresponding counter data in service mode.
  • Code: 32C0
  • Description: Parts counter CR4 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0914)
  • Causes: The parts counter CR4 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 32D0
  • Description: Parts counter CR5 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0915)
  • Causes: The parts counter CR5 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 32D1
  • Description: Parts counter CR5 alert2 (support number: 3201, alarm code: 0965)
  • Causes: The parts counter CR5 reached the value that indicates level W2.
  • Solutions: Replace the corresponding part, and clear the corresponding counter data in service mode.
  • Code: 32F0
  • Description: Parts counter PG1 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0921)
  • Causes: The parts counter PG1 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 3305
  • Description: Media update corruption (support number: 3306, alarm code: 0520)
  • Causes: Recognizing the media data properly fails due to the broken media data of the printer.
  • Solutions: Start up [Media Configuration Tool] and recover the printer media data.
  • Code: 3400
  • Description: Parts counter PG2 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0922)
  • Causes: The parts counter PG2 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 3410
  • Description: Parts counter PG3 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0923)
  • Causes: The parts counter PG3 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 3420
  • Description: Parts counter HMa1 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0926)
  • Causes: The parts counter HMa1 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 3430
  • Description: Parts counter MT1 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0942)
  • Causes: The parts counter MT1 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 3431
  • Description: Parts counter MT1 alert2 (support number: 3201, alarm code: 0992)
  • Causes: The parts counter MT1 reached the value that indicates level W2.
  • Solutions: Replace the corresponding part, and clear the corresponding counter data in service mode.
  • Code: 3440
  • Description: Parts counter LFS1 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0931)
  • Causes: The parts counter LFS1 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 3441
  • Description: Parts counter LFS1 alert2 (support number: 3201, alarm code: 0981)
  • Causes: The parts counter LFS1 reached the value that indicates level W2.
  • Solutions: Replace the corresponding part, and clear the corresponding counter data in service mode.
  • Code: 3450
  • Description: Parts counter PL1 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0943)
  • Causes: The parts counter PL1 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: 3451
  • Description: Parts counter PL1 alert2 (support number: 3201, alarm code: 0993)
  • Causes: The parts counter PL1 reached the value that indicates level W2.
  • Solutions: Replace the corresponding part, and clear the corresponding counter data in service mode.
  • Code: 3460
  • Description: Parts counter Mi1 alert1 (support number: 3200, alarm code: 0934)
  • Causes: The parts counter Mi1 reached the value that indicates level W1.
  • Solutions: The part is available until the operation panel indicates [Part replacement needed].
  • Code: EC01 2F90
  • Description: Carriage overload (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: The motor keeps 100% output. In addition, CARRIAGE UNIT scans more than a constant length.
  • Solutions: 1 Check stain on the carriage shaft. No stain Go to 2. Stain adheres Perform cleaning of the shaft. 2 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > CR SYSTEM CHECK] to diagnose carriage system. No problem Replace CARRIAGE MOTOR. Failure in LONG FFC CHECK Replace CARRIAGE UNIT.
  • Code: EC01 2F95
  • Description: Carriage drive timeout (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: CARRIAGE UNIT does not finish driving within the scheduled time.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Stain on the carriage shaft. b) Cable connection of the carriage motor. c) Looseness and abrasion of BELT, CARRIAGE. Appropriate Go to 2. Inappropriate a) Perform cleaning of the shaft. b) Connect the cable. c) Replace BELT, CARRIAGE. 2 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > CR SYSTEM CHECK] to diagnose carriage system. No problem Replace CARRIAGE MOTOR. Failure in LONG FFC CHECK Replace CARRIAGE UNIT.
  • Code: EC02 2F42
  • Description: Complete non-ejection in one line of nozzles (support number: 1492)
  • Causes: A complete non-ejection nozzle line in one of two print head nozzle lines of a color.
  • Solutions: 1 When the printer does not recover with restarting, check if the ink is filling into tubes. Ink is filled Go to 2. (Insufficient ink in the print head or print head defect is suspected.) Ink is not filled Replace INK TUBE UNIT. 2 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > HEAD CNT CHECK] and check the condition of print head contacting part. Proper condition Go to 3. Abnormal condition Clean the surface of the print head contacting part. (The waste cloth without a nap must be used.) 3 Perform deep cleaning and print nozzle check pattern. Proper nozzle pattern Complete. Improper nozzle pattern Replace the print head.
  • Code: EC03 403A
  • Description: Printer VH recognition failure (support number: B20A) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: The printer cannot confirm VH output.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the connection of flexible cables on MAIN PCB UNIT. If the connection is proper, replace CARRIAGE UNIT.
  • Code: EC03 4061
  • Description: Carriage unit for wrong model installed (support number: 5106) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: The CARRIAGE UNIT for a different printer model is connected.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the connection of FLEXIBLE CABLE. Proper connection Go to 2. Improper connection Connect FLEXIBLE CABLE again. 2 Replace the CARRIAGE UNIT. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC04 2F31
  • Description: Accuracy error of carriage parking position in non-ejection detection (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: The parked position of the carriage is slightly off when performing non-ejection detection or adjusting the head management sensor position.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Installation, scratch, and stain on SCALE, LINEAR. b) Stain on the carriage shaft. Fine condition Go to 2. Installation failure, scratch, or stain is found a) Perform cleaning or replace SCALE, LINEAR. b) Perform cleaning of shaft. 2 Replace INK TUBE UNIT. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace CARRIAGE UNIT.
  • Code: EC05 2F92
  • Description: Carriage movement disabled (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: The motor keeps 100% output. In addition, CARRIAGE UNIT stops less than a constant scanning length.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Cable connection of the carriage motor. b) Looseness and abrasion of BELT, CARRIAGE. c) Obstacle. d) The position of SCALE, LINEAR. Appropriate without any obstacle Go to 2. Inappropriate or obstacles are blocking a) Connect the cable. b) Replace BELT, CARRIAGE. c) Remove the obstacle. d) Attach it at the correct position. 2 Replace CARRIAGE MOTOR. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace CARRIAGE UNIT.
  • Code: EC06 2F9A
  • Description: Carriage lift motor error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Overload on the lift motor.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Cable connection of LIFT MOTOR. b) Couple CARRIAGE UNIT with the coupling part, turn the gear of LIFT UNIT manually and check if excessive load is applied. Appropriate Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. Inappropriate Go to 2. Not coupled with the coupling part Coupled with the coupling part 2 Check any damages of the gears for driving LIFT UNIT. No damage found Replace LIFT MOTOR. The damage found Replace the damaged gear.
  • Code: EC06 2F9B
  • Description: Carriage lift sensor error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Although the lift motor is rotating and generating larger torque than the certain amount, CARRIAGE LIFT SENSOR cannot detect ON/OFF.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Cable connection of CARRIAGE LIFT SENSOR. b) Execute [DIAGNOSIS > I/O DISPLAY] and check the CARRIAGE LIFT SENSOR operation. Appropriate Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. Inappropriate Go to 2. 2 Check any damages of the gears around LIFT MOTOR. No damage found Replace LIFT MOTOR. The damage found Replace the damaged gear.
  • Code: EC06 2F9C
  • Description: Carriage docking error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: – Although the lift motor is rotating, generated torque is smaller than a constant value. In addition, CARRIAGE LIFT SENSOR cannot detect ON/OFF. – CARRIAGE UNIT does not move to the home position during detecting home position.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Check if CARRIAGE UNIT is coupled with the coupling part when the error occurs. b) If CARRIAGE UNIT is coupled with the coupling part , check if the coupling part is damaged. Appropriate Go to EC05-2F92 error. Inappropriate a) Go to EC05-2F92 error. b) When the coupling at the lift unit side is damaged Replace COUPLING, CR LIFT DRIVE. When the coupling at CARRIAGE UNIT side is damaged Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. Not coupled with the coupling part Coupled with the coupling part
  • Code: EC07 4060
  • Description: Carriage EEPROM error (support number: 6820) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: EEPROM defect in the carriage PCB is detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > CR SYSTEM CHECK] to diagnose carriage system. No problem Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. Abnormal Replace MAIN PCB UNIT.
  • Code: EC0F 2F96
  • Description: Carriage motor error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: While carriage system is in error status, operation is indicated from firmware.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Cable connection of the carriage motor. b) Looseness and abrasion of BELT, CARRIAGE. Appropriate Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. Inappropriate a) Connect the cable. b) Replace BELT, CARRIAGE.
  • Code: EC11 2F2A
  • Description: Paper feed home position error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Paper feed home position adjustment is failed.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Driving condition of PAPER FEED MOTOR. b) Installation of FILM, TIMING SLIT DISK, scratches, circumference shaving, and smear. c) Looseness and abrasion of BELT, PAPER TRANSPORT. d) Cable connection. e) Perform [DIAGNOSIS > I/O DISPLAY] and check the operation of PAPER FEED HOME POSITION SENSOR. Inappropriate condition or improper operation a) Replace MAIN PCB UNIT or PAPER FEED MOTOR. b) Perform cleaning or replace FILM, TIMING SLIT DISK. c) Reattach or replace BELT, PAPER TRANSPORT, or replace the gear. d) Connect the cable. e) Replace PAPER FEED ENCODER UNIT.
  • Code: EC12 2F29
  • Description: Paper feed drive timeout (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Paper feed drive does not finish driving within the scheduled time.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Jam inside of the printer. b) Looseness and abrasion of BELT, PAPER TRANSPORT, and gear tooth skipping. Appropriate Go to 2. Inappropriate a) Remove jam. b) Replace BELT, PAPER TRANSPORT, or the gear. 2 Replace PAPER FEED MOTOR UNIT. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace PAPER FEED ENCODER UNIT.
  • Code: EC12 2F2B
  • Description: Paper feed overload (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Paper feed motor keeps 100% output for a certain period.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Jam inside of the printer. b) Check if the paper in use has strong stiffness, is a heavy roll paper, or is easy to get curled. c) Smear or paper jam in the PAPER FEED ROLLER UNIT. Appropriate Go to 2. Inappropriate a) Remove jam. b) Change the paper to use. c) Perform cleaning or replace PAPER FEED ROLLER UNIT and HOLDER, LF BACK UP. 2 Replace FILM, TIMING SLIT DISK and PAPER FEED MOTOR UNIT. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace PAPER FEED ROLLER UNIT.
  • Code: EC12 2F2C
  • Description: PAPER FEED motor error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: The paper does not reach to the specified position while driving the paper feed motor.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Jam inside of the printer. b) Check if the paper in use has strong stiffness, is a heavy roll paper, or is easy to get curled. c) Smear or paper jam in the PAPER FEED ROLLER UNIT. Appropriate Go to 2. Inappropriate a) Remove jam. b) Change the paper to use. c) Perform cleaning or replace PAPER FEED ROLLER UNIT and HOLDER, LF BACK UP. 2 Replace FILM, TIMING SLIT DISK and PAPER FEED MOTOR UNIT. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace PAPER FEED ROLLER UNIT.
  • Code: EC13 2F17
  • Description: Platen suction fan error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: SUCTION FAN UNIT lock signal is detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace SUCTION FAN UNIT. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC15 2E23
  • Description: Cutter blade unit error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: – CUTTER HOME POSITION SENSOR cannot be detected. – Abnormal encoder value is detected when returning the cutter to the home position.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Foreign substances on CUTTER BLADE UNIT. b) Perform [DIAGNOSIS > I/O DISPLAY] and check CUTTER HOME POSITION SENSOR operation. c) Check the harness connection. No foreign substance and proper condition Go to 2. Foreign substance is adhering or improper condition a) Remove the foreign substance. b) Replace CUTTER HOME POSITION SENSOR. c) Connect the harness. 2 Replace CUTTER MOTOR UNIT, W/ENCODER. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace the cutter.
  • Code: EC16 2021
  • Description: Roll drive timeout (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: The target value of operation command is not achieved when controlling ACTIVE ROLL BRAKE MOTOR.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Foreign substances or jam at paper feed part. b) Engagement of the spool with the gear of the printer side. c) Check if the paper in use has strong stiffness, is a heavy roll paper, or is easy to get curled. Appropriate Go to 2. Inappropriate a) Remove the foreign substance and jam. b) Reset the spool. c) Change the paper to use. 2 Replace ACTIVE ROLL BRAKE MOTOR. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC16 2022
  • Description: Roll drive overload (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Current value reaches to the maximum value when controlling ACTIVE ROLL BRAKE MOTOR.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Foreign substances or jam at paper feed part. b) Engagement of the spool with the gear of the printer side. c) Check if the paper in use has strong stiffness, is a heavy roll paper, or is easy to get curled. Appropriate Go to 2. Inappropriate a) Remove the foreign substance and jam. b) Reset the spool. c) Change the paper to use. 2 Replace ACTIVE ROLL BRAKE MOTOR. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC16 2027
  • Description: Role motor error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: The timing when roll drive timeout or upper roll drive overload occurs, operation instruction is indicated by firmware.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Foreign substances or jam at paper feed part. b) Engagement of the spool with the gear of the printer side. c) Check if the paper in use has strong stiffness, is a heavy roll paper, or is easy to get curled. Appropriate Go to 2. Inappropriate a) Remove the foreign substance and jam. b) Reset the spool. c) Change the paper to use. 2 Replace ACTIVE ROLL BRAKE MOTOR. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC16 202A
  • Description: Roll motor drive control abnormal (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Abnormity is detected at control IC on the main PCB during ACTIVE ROLL BRAKE MOTOR controlling.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Foreign substances or jam at paper feed part. b) Engagement of the spool with the gear of the printer side. c) Check if the paper in use has strong stiffness, is a heavy roll paper, or is easy to get curled. Appropriate Go to 2. Inappropriate a) Remove the foreign substance and jam. b) Reset the spool. c) Change the paper to use. 2 Replace ACTIVE ROLL BRAKE MOTOR. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC16 2038
  • Description: Roll motor calibration error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Calibration of ACTIVE ROLL BRAKE MOTOR fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Check if a spool is installed in the roll unit. With the spool Remove the spool from the roll unit and reboot the main unit.* Without the spool Replace ACTIVE ROLL BRAKE MOTOR. *The spool must be removed before calibrating the roll unit.
  • Code: EC19 2F21
  • Description: Release lever open error during printing (support number : 1214)
  • Causes: Release lever is released during printing.
  • Solutions: 1 Start up the printer in service mode. Move the release lever back and forth in print waiting status. Perform [DIAGNOSIS > I/O DISPLAY] to check RELEASE LEVER SWITCH operation. Appropriate Replace RELEASE LEVER UNIT. Inappropriate Replace RELEASE LEVER SWITCH.
  • Code: EC21 282D
  • Description: Print head Si melting (reboot request) (support number: 140C)
  • Causes: Si solution amount is more than the standard solution amount.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot the printer.
  • Code: EC21 282E
  • Description: Print head Si melting (print head replacement request) (support number: 1403)
  • Causes: The printer does not recover by rebooting after print head Si solution error.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the print head.
  • Code: EC21 2F43
  • Description: Print head 640 nozzles complete non-ejection (support number: 1494)
  • Causes: Non-ejection in 640 nozzles is detected through non-ejection detection.
  • Solutions: 1 When the printer does not recover by rebooting, check if the ink is filled into tubes. Ink is filled Go to 2. Ink is not filled Replace the INK TUBE UNIT. 2 Perform deep cleaning, and print nozzle check pattern. Proper nozzle pattern Complete. Improper nozzle pattern Replace the print head.
  • Code: EC21 2F44
  • Description: Abnormal increase of non-ejection nozzles from last non-ejection detection (support number: 1492)
  • Causes: At the rate of fifty or more non-ejection nozzles per one nozzle have increased since last non-ejection detection.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform deep cleaning and print nozzle check pattern. Proper nozzle pattern Complete. Improper nozzle pattern Replace the print head.
  • Code: EC21 2F50
  • Description: VH leak at print head replacement (support number: 1477)
  • Causes: VH leak is detected at print head replacement.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > CR SYSTEM CHECK] to diagnose carriage system. No problem Go to 2. Problem in LONG FFC CHECK Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. 2 Remove the print head and check the condition of print head contacting part. Proper condition Replace the print head. Improper condition Go to 3. 3 Clean the surface of the print head contacting part. (The waste cloth without a nap must be used.) The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC21 2F51
  • Description: VH leak at starting up, cleaning, or print starting (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: VH leak is detected at starting up, cleaning, and print starting.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot the printer.
  • Code: EC21 2F53
  • Description: VH leak at rebooting (support number: 1478)
  • Causes: The printer does not recover by rebooting after the VH leak error at starting up, cleaning, or print starting.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > CR SYSTEM CHECK] to diagnose carriage system. No problem Go to 2. Problem in LONG FFC CHECK Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. 2 Remove the print head and check the condition of print head contacting part. Proper condition Replace the print head. Improper condition Go to 3. 3 Clean the surface of the print head contacting part. (The waste cloth without a nap must be used.) The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC21 2F54
  • Description: Print head VH voltage abnormal (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Abnormal VH voltage of the print head is detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > CR SYSTEM CHECK] to diagnose carriage system. No problem Go to 2. Problem in LONG FFC CHECK Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. 2 Remove the print head and check the condition of print head contacting part. Proper condition Replace the print head. Improper condition Go to 3. 3 Clean the surface of the print head contacting part. (The waste cloth without a nap must be used.) The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC21 2F56
  • Description: VHTR leak at print head replacement (support number: 1477)
  • Causes: VHTR leak is detected at print head replacement.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > CR SYSTEM CHECK] to diagnose carriage system. No problem Go to 2. Problem in LONG FFC CHECK Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. 2 Remove the print head and check the condition of print head contacting part. Proper condition Replace the print head. Improper condition Go to 3. 3 Clean the surface of the print head contacting part. (The waste cloth without a nap must be used.) The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC21 2F57
  • Description: VHTR leak error at starting up, cleaning, or print starting (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: VHTR leakage is detected in starting up, cleaning, or print starting.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot the printer.
  • Code: EC21 2F58
  • Description: VHTR leak at rebooting (support number: 1478)
  • Causes: The printer does not recover by rebooting after the VHTR leak error occurred in starting up, cleaning, or print starting.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > CR SYSTEM CHECK] to diagnose carriage system. No problem Go to 2. Problem in LONG FFC CHECK Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. 2 Remove the print head and check the condition of print head contacting part. Proper condition Replace the print head. Improper condition Go to 3. 3 Clean the surface of the print head contacting part. (The waste cloth without a nap must be used.) The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC21 2F59
  • Description: Print head VHTR voltage abnormal (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Abnormal VHTR voltage of the print head is detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > CR SYSTEM CHECK] to diagnose carriage system. No problem Go to 2. Problem in LONG FFC CHECK Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. 2 Remove the print head and check the condition of print head contacting part. Proper condition Replace the print head. Improper condition Go to 3. 3 Clean the surface of the print head contacting part. (The waste cloth without a nap must be used.) The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC21 2F60
  • Description: H3V voltage abnormal at print head replacement (support number: 1477)
  • Causes: Abnormal H3V voltage is detected at print head replacement.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > CR SYSTEM CHECK] to diagnose carriage system. No problem Go to 2. Problem in LONG FFC CHECK Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. 2 Remove the print head and check the condition of print head contacting part. Proper condition Replace the print head. Improper condition Go to 3. 3 Clean the surface of the print head contacting part. (The waste cloth without a nap must be used.) The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC21 2F61
  • Description: H3V voltage abnormal at starting up, cleaning, or print starting (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Abnormal H3V voltage is detected at starting up, cleaning, or print starting.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot the printer.
  • Code: EC21 2F62
  • Description: H3V leak at rebooting (support number: 1478)
  • Causes: The printer does not recover by rebooting after the H3V leak error at starting up, cleaning, or print starting.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > CR SYSTEM CHECK] to diagnose carriage system. No problem Go to 2. Problem in LONG FFC CHECK Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. 2 Remove the print head and check the condition of print head contacting part. Proper condition Replace the print head. Improper condition Go to 3. 3 Clean the surface of the print head contacting part. (The waste cloth without a nap must be used.) The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC21 2F67
  • Description: Print head H3V voltage abnormal during printing (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Abnormal H3V voltage of the print head is detected during printing.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > CR SYSTEM CHECK] to diagnose carriage system. No problem Go to 2. Problem in LONG FFC CHECK Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. 2 Remove the print head and check the condition of print head contacting part. Proper condition Replace the print head. Improper condition Go to 3. 3 Clean the surface of the print head contacting part. (The waste cloth without a nap must be used.) The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC21 2F6D
  • Description: Print head EEPROM checksum error 2 (support number: 140F)
  • Causes: Abnormity is detected in checksum judgement of EEPROM at print head installation and starting up.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the print head.
  • Code: EC21 2F70
  • Description: Print head diode temperature abnormal (reboot request) (support number: 1408)
  • Causes: Abnormal temperature of the diode is detected at diode correction.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot the printer.
  • Code: EC21 2F71
  • Description: Print head diode temperature unstable (support number: 1409)
  • Causes: Diode temperature is detected to be unstable at diode correction.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot the printer.
  • Code: EC21 2F72
  • Description: Print head diode correction error (reboot request) (support number: 140A)
  • Causes: Abnormal value is detected at diode correction.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot the printer.
  • Code: EC21 2F73
  • Description: Print head diode temperature abnormal (print head replacement request) (support number: 1408)
  • Causes: The printer does not recover by rebooting after this error.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the print head.
  • Code: EC21 2F74
  • Description: Print head diode temperature unstable (print head replacement request) (support number: 1409)
  • Causes: The printer does not recover by rebooting after this error.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the print head.
  • Code: EC21 2F75
  • Description: Print head diode correction error (print head replacement request) (support number: 140A)
  • Causes: The printer does not recover by rebooting after this error.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the print head.
  • Code: EC21 2F7E
  • Description: Print head temperature abnormal (reboot request) (support number: 5200)
  • Causes: Abnormal temperature of heater board is detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot the printer.
  • Code: EC21 2F7F
  • Description: Print head temperature abnormal (print head replacement request) (support number: 1478)
  • Causes: The printer detects print head abnormal temperature rising and does not recover by rebooting.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the print head.
  • Code: EC22 2F30
  • Description: Head management sensor position adjustment error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Adjusting head management sensor position is failed.
  • Solutions: 1 Check if the ink is filled into ink tubes. Ink is filled Go to 2. Ink is not filled Perform [DIAGNOSIS > PURGE CHECK] to diagnose ink vacuum of PURGE UNIT. PURGE UNIT ink vacuum diagnosis Proper operation Perform deep cleaning and fill the ink. When the ink vacuum does not recover, replace the print head. Abnormal operation Replace PURGE UNIT. 2 Print user nozzle check pattern or service nozzle check pattern to check the nozzle condition. (Check if blur or non-ejection appears at the top and bottom edge line of the nozzle check pattern.) Appropriate condition Replace HEAD MANAGEMENT SENSOR UNIT. Abnormal condition Perform deep cleaning and fill the ink. When the ink vacuum does not recover, replace the print head.
  • Code: EC22 2F47
  • Description: Head management sensor unit failure (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: The head management sensor unit is detected to be faulty at starting up or nonejection detection.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Adherence of paper dust and hairs on the HEAD MANAGEMENT SENSOR UNIT. b) Adherence or laying-up of large amount of ink mist on the HEAD MANAGEMENT SENSOR UNIT. c) Connector condition. Appropriate condition and proper connection Go to 2. Inappropriate condition or improper connection a) Remove it. b) Perform cleaning or replace HEAD MANAGEMENT SENSOR UNIT. c) Connect the connector. 2 Check if the fuse (FU5202) on MAIN PCB UNIT is disconnected. Connected Replace HEAD MANAGEMENT SENSOR UNIT. Disconnected Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC22 4001
  • Description: End-of-life of head management sensor unit (support number: 5B16) Memo : Remove the error in service mode after handling.
  • Causes: Ink amount in the head management sensor exceeds the threshold.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace HEAD MANAGEMENT SENSOR UNIT.
  • Code: EC23 260E
  • Description: Gap adjustment error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Abnormity is detected at GAP adjustment.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the cable connection of MULTI SENSOR UNIT. Proper connection Replace MULTI SENSOR UNIT. Improper connection Connect the cable.
  • Code: EC23 2F11
  • Description: Multi sensor bus communication error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Communicating with multi sensor related hard ware, such as LED driver and multi sensor EEPROM, is failed.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the cable connection of MULTI SENSOR UNIT. Proper connection Replace MULTI SENSOR UNIT*. Improper connection Connect the cable. *This error is caused by multi sensor malfunction. Communication error of other ICs is indicated when communication failure occurs, since confirmation of communication with other ICs in the carriage is performed prior to confirmation of communication of the multi sensor.
  • Code: EC23 2F18
  • Description: Carriage board I2C bus communication error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: I2C writing and reading to ICs on the carriage board is failed.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > CR SYSTEM CHECK], and check LONG FFC CHECK result and the CRC value change before and after turning off and on the power. (The value change is indicating broken wire.) Normal result Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. Abnormal result Replace MAIN PCB UNIT.
  • Code: EC23 2F32
  • Description: Multi sensor error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Abnormity is detected in multi sensor EEPROM reading at each automatic adjustment, paper edge detection, GAP adjustment, and starting up.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the cable connection of MULTI SENSOR UNIT. Proper connection Replace MULTI SENSOR UNIT. Improper connection Connect the cable.
  • Code: EC24 4049
  • Description: Abnormal temperature by temperature and humidity sensor (support number: 8200) Memo: Remove the error in service mode after handling.
  • Causes: Abnormity is detected at reading temperature
  • Solutions: 1 Check the cable connection of SENSOR, HUMIDITY. Proper connection Replace SENSOR, HUMIDITY. Improper connection Connect the cable.
  • Code: EC24 404A
  • Description: Abnormal humidity by temperature and humidity sensor (support number: 8200) Memo: Remove the error in service mode after handling.
  • Causes: Abnormity is detected at reading humidity.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the cable connection of SENSOR, HUMIDITY. Proper connection Replace SENSOR, HUMIDITY. Improper connection Connect the cable.
  • Code: EC24 404B
  • Description: Temperature and humidity sensor non-connection (support number: 8200) Memo: Remove the error in service mode after handling.
  • Causes: Abnormity is detected at reading temperature and humidity.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the cable connection of SENSOR, HUMIDITY. Proper connection Replace SENSOR, HUMIDITY. Improper connection Connect the cable.
  • Code: EC25 2F16
  • Description: Mist fan error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Abnormity is detected at reading humidity.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the cable connection of MIST FAN. Proper connection Go to 2. Improper connection Connect the cable. 2 Replace EXHAUST MIST DUCT UNIT. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC25 4001
  • Description: End-of-life of mist collecting duct (support number: 5B20) Memo: Remove the error in service mode after handling.
  • Causes: Ink amount in the mist collecting duct exceeds the threshold.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace EXHAUST MIST DUCT UNIT.
  • Code: EC31 2F1C
  • Description: Purge main cam sensor error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: The following failure is detected. – Initialization of purge main cam position is failed. – Moving CARRIAGE UNIT to the specified position is disabled when capping.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) The foreign substances such as paper debris are adhering around PURGE UNIT. b) Scratch or stain on SCALE, LINER. Without paper debris, scratch, or stain Go to 2. With paper debris, scratch, or stain a) Remove the foreign substance. b) Perform cleaning or replace SCALE, LINEAR. 2 After unlocking CARRIAGE UNIT with [FUNCTION > CR UNLOCK], perform [FUNCTION > CR LOCK] to check CARRIAGE UNIT lock operation. Proper operation Reboot and recheck the operation. Abnormal operation Replace PURGE UNIT.
  • Code: EC31 2F1D
  • Description: Purge motor error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: The motor does not operate.
  • Solutions: 1 Check if the foreign substances such as paper debris are adhering around PURGE UNIT. Without foreign substance Go to 2. With foreign substances Remove the foreign substance. 2 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > PURGE CHECK > INITIALIZE CHECK] to check purge unit operation. Proper operation Reboot and recheck the operation. Abnormal operation Replace PURGE UNIT.
  • Code: EC31 2F1E
  • Description: Purge motor overload (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: The motor keeps 100% output, or PURGE MOTOR ENCODER cannot be read.
  • Solutions: 1 Check if the foreign substances such as paper debris are adhering around PURGE UNIT, and also check the connector connection. Proper connection without foreign substance Go to 2. With foreign substances or improper connection Remove the foreign substance or connect the connector properly. 2 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > PURGE CHECK > INITIALIZE CHECK] to check purge unit operation. Proper operation Reboot and recheck the operation. Abnormal operation Replace PURGE UNIT.
  • Code: EC31 2F22
  • Description: Purge motor drive timeout (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: The purge motor drive does not complete the specified operation within the specified time.
  • Solutions: 1 Check if the foreign substances such as paper debris are adhering around PURGE UNIT. Without foreign substance Go to 2. With foreign substances Remove the foreign substance. 2 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > PURGE CHECK > INITIALIZE CHECK] to check purge unit operation. Proper operation Reboot and recheck the operation. Abnormal operation Replace the PURGE UNIT.
  • Code: EC31 4001
  • Description: End-of-life of purge unit (support number: 5C00) Memo : Remove the error in service mode after handling.
  • Causes: The purge unit lifespan runs out.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the PURGE UNIT.
  • Code: EC32 4001
  • Description: End-of-life of tube unit (support number: B510) Memo : Remove the error in service mode after handling.
  • Causes: The amount of carriage scan time exceeds the threshold, and the tube unit lifespan runs out.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the INK TUBE UNIT.
  • Code: EC33 2601
  • Description: Timeout of left or right ink supply choke valve driving (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: The choke valve does not complete driving within the scheduled time.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > I/O DISPLAY] to check the RIGHT CHOKE VALVE POSITION SENSOR and the LEFT CHOKE VALVE POSITION SENSOR operation. Proper operation Reboot and recheck the operation. When the printer does not recover, drive system overload is suspected. In this case, replace the INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT L and INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT R. Abnormal operation Replace the INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT L and INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT R.
  • Code: EC33 2F3A
  • Description: Left or right ink valve motor error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Encoder value of the left and right ink valve motor is not detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT L and INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT R.
  • Code: EC33 2F3D
  • Description: Operation error 1 in [Prepare to move] (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Ink tank removal at inappropriate timing is detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [Prepare to move] again.
  • Code: EC33 2F3E
  • Description: Operation error 2 in [Prepare to move]
  • Causes: Ink tank installation at inappropriate timing is detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [Prepare to move] again.
  • Code: EC34 2602
  • Description: Right choke valve drive timeout (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: The choke valve does not complete driving within the scheduled time.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > I/O DISPLAY] to check the RIGHT CHOKE VALVE POSITION SENSOR operation. Proper operation Reboot and recheck the operation. When the printer does not recover, drive system overload is suspected. In this case, replace the INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT R. Abnormal operation Replace the INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT R.
  • Code: EC34 2F3B
  • Description: Right ink valve motor error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Encoder value of the right ink valve motor is not detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT R.
  • Code: EC35 2603
  • Description: Left choke valve drive timeout (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: The choke valve does not complete driving within the scheduled time.
  • Solutions: 1 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > I/O DISPLAY] to check the LEFT CHOKE VALVE POSITION SENSOR operation. Proper operation Reboot and recheck the operation. When the printer does not recover, drive system overload is suspected. In this case, replace the INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT L. Abnormal operation Replace the INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT L.
  • Code: EC35 2F3C
  • Description: Left ink valve motor error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Encoder value of the left ink valve motor is not detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT L.
  • Code: EC3F 2F40
  • Description: Complete non-ejection in all colors through non-ejection detection (support number: 1492)
  • Causes: Complete non-ejection in all colors through non-ejection detection.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the items below. a) Foreign substances such as paper debris around HEAD MANAGEMENT SENSOR UNIT. b) Tubes are filled by ink. No foreign substances and ink is filled Go to 2*. Foreign substances are adhering or tubes are not filled by ink. a) Remove the foreign substance. b) Go to 3. *There is little possibility of print head contact failure factor (because print head contact failure is checked by the automatic diagnosis at print head installation or before performing non-ejection detection). 2 Check the items below. a) Whether the service nozzle check pattern can be printed. b) Perform [DIAGNOSIS > CR SYSTEM CHECK] , and check LONG FFC CHECK result. Printable without broken wires Replace HEAD MANAGEMENT SENSOR UNIT. Not printable or broken wires a) Replace the print head. b) Replace the CARRIAGE UNIT. 3 Perform [DIAGNOSIS > PURGE CHECK > PRESSURE CHECK] to check vacuum operation of PURGE UNIT. Proper operation Replace the INK TUBE UNIT. Abnormal operation Replace the PURGE UNIT.
  • Code: EC3F 2F41
  • Description: Complete non-ejection in one color (support number: 1492)
  • Causes: Non-ejection in all nozzles of the one color is detected through non-ejection detection after cleaning.
  • Solutions: 1 Check if the ink is filling into tubes. Ink is filled Go to 2. (Insufficient ink in the print head or print head defect is suspected.) Ink is not filled Go to 3. 2 Perform deep cleaning and print nozzle check pattern. Appropriate condition Replace the ink supply tank unit that does not have ink filled in the tube. Abnormal condition Replace the print head.
  • Code: EC41 4001
  • Description: End-of-life of SUCTION FAN UNIT (support number: 5B20) Memo : Remove the error in service mode after handling.
  • Causes: Ink filled up in SUCTION FAN UNIT is detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the SUCTION FAN UNIT.
  • Code: EC43 4001
  • Description: End-of-life of WASTE INK BOX UNIT, HP (support number: 5B20) Memo : Remove the error in service mode after handling.
  • Causes: Ink filled up in WASTE INK BOX UNIT, HP is detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the WASTE INK BOX UNIT, HP.
  • Code: EC44 4001
  • Description: End-of-life of WASTE INK BOX UNIT, CENTER (support number: 5B20) Memo : Remove the error in service mode after handling.
  • Causes: Ink filled up in WASTE INK BOX UNIT, CENTER is detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the WASTE INK BOX UNIT, CENTER.
  • Code: EC47 4001
  • Description: End-of-life of WASTE INK BOX UNIT, BP (support number: 5B20) Memo : Remove the error in service mode after handling.
  • Causes: Ink filled up in WASTE INK BOX UNIT, BP is detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the WASTE INK BOX UNIT, BP.
  • Code: EC48 4001
  • Description: End-of-life of MCG GUIDE UNIT (support number: 5B21) Memo : Remove the error in service mode after handling.
  • Causes: Ink full in the MCG GUIDE UNIT of the maintenance cartridge is detected.* *Without having the maintenance cartridge installed, when the waste ink flows into the maintenance cartridge, the counter counts. (This case is not usually happens.)
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the MCG GUIDE UNIT.
  • Code: EC51 203C
  • Description: Motor driver boot sequence failure (support number: 4803)
  • Causes: Motor driver boot sequence was not completed properly in starting up.
  • Solutions: 1 When the printer does not recover by rebooting, replace MAIN PCB UNIT* . *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 2F07
  • Description: USB Vbus overcurrent (support number: 9000)
  • Causes: Vbus overcurrent is detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot.
  • Code: EC51 2F14
  • Description: Main PCB I2C bus error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Abnormal checksum value of the ink agitation timer or ink cleaning timer is detected, or accessing DA converter is disabled.
  • Solutions: 1 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 2F15
  • Description: Unable to allocate memory (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Acquisition of OS memory pool packet is disabled.
  • Solutions: 1 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments..
  • Code: EC51 2FDD
  • Description: Left ink level detection error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Inactivation of the ink level detection pin of the sub ink tank in INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT L is detected, while activation of the ink level detection pin of the ink tank is detected. (It occurs with cable connection failure. This state does not normally occur.)
  • Solutions: 1 Check the connection of the MAIN PCB UNIT. Proper connection Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. Improper connection Connect the connector. The location to check the connection of the left MAIN PCB UNIT. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 2FDE
  • Description: Right ink level detection error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Inactivation of the ink level detection pin of the sub ink tank in INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT R is detected, while activation of the ink level detection pin of the ink tank is detected. (It occurs with cable connection failure. This state does not normally occur.)
  • Solutions: 1 Check the connection of the MAIN PCB UNIT. Proper connection Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. Improper connection Connect the connector. The location to check the connection of the left MAIN PCB UNIT. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 2FDF
  • Description: Left and right ink level detection error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Inactivation of the ink level detection pin of the sub ink tank in the INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT L is detected, while activation of the ink level detection pin of the ink tank is detected. (It occurs with cable connection failure. This state does not normally occur.)
  • Solutions: 1 Check the connection of the MAIN PCB UNIT. Proper connection Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. Improper connection Connect the connector. The location to check the connection of the left MAIN PCB UNIT. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3000
  • Description: Network sub-system start-up error (support number: 6900)
  • Causes: Starting up sequence of Network sub-system is failed.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Reinstall the firmware.
  • Code: EC51 3001
  • Description: Network sub-system timeout (support number: 6901)
  • Causes: Network sub system does not respond.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Reinstall the firmware.
  • Code: EC51 3002
  • Description: Wireless LAN device non-connection (support number: 6910)
  • Causes: Wireless LAN device is not recognized.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the WIRELESS LAN PCB UNIT flexible cable connection. Proper connection Replace the WIRELESS LAN PCB UNIT. Improper connection Connect the flexible cable.
  • Code: EC51 3003
  • Description: Wireless LAN hardware error (support number: 6911)
  • Causes: The wireless LAN device is physically broken.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the WIRELESS LAN PCB UNIT flexible cable connection Proper connection Replace the WIRELESS LAN PCB UNIT. Improper connection Connect the flexible cable.
  • Code: EC51 3004
  • Description: Wired LAN driver error (support number: 6920)
  • Causes: The fatal error occurs in the ethernet driver.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3005
  • Description: Wired LAN hardware error (support number: 6921)
  • Causes: Ethernet driver is physically broken.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Check the connection of the I/F PCB UNIT and the MAIN PCB UNIT. The problem is resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments. The problem is not resolved Connect the I/F PCB UNIT to the MAIN PCB UNIT.
  • Code: EC51 3006
  • Description: Other network sub-system errors (support number: 6902)
  • Causes: Starting up sequence of network sub-system fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3100
  • Description: USB control-out bus error (support number: 6930)
  • Causes: Bus error occurs at USB control-out end point.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Check the cable connection and if the cable in use supports USB2.0. When proper connection and USB2.0 is supported, reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3101
  • Description: USB control-in bus error (support number: 6931)
  • Causes: USB control-in end point bus error occurs.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Check the cable connection and if the cable in use supports USB2.0. When proper connection and USB2.0 is supported, reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3102
  • Description: USB print bulk-out bus error (support number: 6932)
  • Causes: Bus error occurs at print bulk-out end point.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Check the cable connection and if the cable in use supports USB2.0. When proper connection and USB2.0 is supported, reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3103
  • Description: USB print bulk-in bus error (support number: 6933)
  • Causes: Bus error occurs at print bulk-in end point.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Check the cable connection and if the cable in use supports USB2.0. When connection is proper and USB2.0 is supported, reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3104
  • Description: USB sub-system firmware error (support number: 6940)
  • Causes: USB firm error occurs.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3105
  • Description: USB sub-system command error (support number: 6941)
  • Causes: USB command error occurs.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Check the cable connection and if the cable in use supports USB2.0. When connection is proper and USB2.0 is supported, reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3106
  • Description: USB sub-system timeout (support number: 6942)
  • Causes: USB watchdog error occurs.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3107
  • Description: USB sub-system data copy error (support number: 6943)
  • Causes: USB-Relax firmware data copy error occurs.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3108
  • Description: USB sub-system instruction error (support number: 6944)
  • Causes: USB-Relax firmware instruction copy error is occurs.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3109
  • Description: USB sub-system not started properly (support number: 6945)
  • Causes: Boot error of USB-Relax firmware occurs.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3110
  • Description: USB sub-system improper timeout setting (support number: 6946)
  • Causes: Initial value set error of USB-Relax firmware watchdog occurs.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3301
  • Description: Sub-chip connection error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: When starting up the printer or returning from power saving mode, connecting to sub-chip fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3302
  • Description: Sub-chip initialization error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: When starting up the printer or returning from power saving mode, initialization of the sub-chip fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments. Memo: If the error occurred after reseating the flexible cables, check the condition of flexible cable connection.
  • Code: EC51 3303
  • Description: Sub-chip firmware loading error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: When starting up the printer or returning from power saving mode, downloading sub-chip firmware fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3304
  • Description: Media updating failure (support number: 4905)
  • Causes: Updating the printer media information fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Update the printer media information with Media Configuration Tool. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3306
  • Description: NAND file system initialization error (support number: 4905)
  • Causes: When starting up the printer or returning from power saving mode, initialization of NAND file system fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3307
  • Description: NAND file system unformatted (support number: 4905)
  • Causes: When starting up the printer or returning from power saving mode, formatting of NAND file system fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3308
  • Description: Checksum error at firmware update (support number: 4905)
  • Causes: Checksum of the firmware sent at firmware updating does not match.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 3309
  • Description: Memory allocation failure at firmware update (support number: 4905)
  • Causes: Securing the operation area in RAM during firmware updating fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 330A
  • Description: Firmware size error (support number: 4905)
  • Causes: The size information described in the received firmware data and the actual received size does not match at firmware updating.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 4041
  • Description: Deletion failure in main PCB SROM (support number: 6820) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: Deletion of the corresponding area in SROM during firmware updating fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 4042
  • Description: Writing failure in main PCB SROM (support number: 6820) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: Writing to SROM during firmware updating fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 4045
  • Description: Main PCB EEPROM error (support number: 6820) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: Abnormity is detected when information is written to the main PCB EEPROM.
  • Solutions: 1 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 4047
  • Description: Writing failure in main PCB NAND flash (support number: 6820) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: Writing to NAND flash during firmware updating fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 404C
  • Description: Serial number data mismatch (support number: 6820) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: Mismatch of Serial number data in the BACKUP PCB UNIT and the MAIN PCB UNIT is detected in start-up of the printer.
  • Solutions: 1 This error occurs after MAIN PCB UNIT replacement Go to 2. This error occurs without performing MAIN PCB UNIT replacement Go to 3. 2 Start up the printer in service mode. Perform PCB replacement mode. (Automatic transformation from service mode to PCB replacement mode in start-up.) 3 Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Put back the MAIN PCB UNIT, the one that has been installed before the replacement, and replace the BACKUP PCB UNIT.
  • Code: EC51 404D
  • Description: Model ID mismatch (support number: 6820) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: When starting up the printer, model ID mismatch between MAIN PCB UNIT and BACKUP PCB UNIT is detected.
  • Solutions: 1 This error occurs after MAIN PCB UNIT replacement Go to 2. This error occurs without performing MAIN PCB UNIT replacement Go to 3. This error occurs after replacing to the BACKUP PCB UNIT that has been installed to the other model Replace with the new BACKUP PCB UNIT. 2 Start up the printer in service mode. Perform PCB replacement mode. (Automatic transformation from service mode to PCB replacement mode at starting up.) 3 Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Put back the MAIN PCB UNIT, the one that has been installed before the replacement, and replace the BACKUP PCB UNIT.
  • Code: EC51 4070
  • Description: Main PCB NAND flash ECC error (support number: 6820) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: ECC error in NAND flash occurs during firmware updating.
  • Solutions: 1 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 4071
  • Description: Initialization failure in main PCB NAND flash (support number: 6820) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: When starting up the printer or returning from power saving mode, initialization of NAND flash fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 4072
  • Description: Format failure in Main PCB NAND flash (support number: 6820) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: When starting up the printer or returning from power saving mode, formatting of NAND flash fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Reinstall the firmware. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC51 5001
  • Description: Start-up disabled (support number: 7050) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: Starting up the printer fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Check cable connection to the MAIN PCB UNIT. Proper connection Go to 2. Improper connection Connect the cable. 2 Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace the ID PCB UNIT. (For how to order, ask sales companies in each region.)
  • Code: EC51 5002
  • Description: Start-up disabled (support number: 7051) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: Starting up the printer fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Check cable connection to the MAIN PCB UNIT. Proper connection Go to 2. Improper connection Connect the cable. 2 Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace the ID PCB UNIT. (For how to order, ask sales companies in each region.)
  • Code: EC51 5003
  • Description: Start-up disabled (support number: 7052) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: Starting up the printer fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Check cable connection to the MAIN PCB UNIT. Proper connection Go to 2. Improper connection Connect the cable. 2 Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace the ID PCB UNIT. (For how to order, ask sales companies in each region.)
  • Code: EC52 4038
  • Description: Abnormal power supply voltage in standby or printing (support number: 9110) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: Power supply from the power supply unit stops in standby or printing.
  • Solutions: 1 Reconnect after unplugging the power cable from the AC outlet for ten seconds or longer. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Replace the POWER SUPPLY UNIT. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC52 4039
  • Description: Abnormal power supply voltage in VH leak detection (support number: 9110) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: Power supply from the power supply unit stops in leak detection.
  • Solutions: 1 Reconnect after unplugging the power cable from the AC outlet for ten seconds or longer. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Replace the POWER SUPPLY UNIT. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC54 290A
  • Description: Hard disk unconnected (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Hard disk detection at start-up fails.
  • Solutions: 1 Check if the hard disk cable is connected to the MAIN PCB UNIT. Connected Go to 2. Disconnected Connect the cable. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Replace the hard disk cable. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 3. 3 Replace the POWER SUPPLY UNIT. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC54 401A
  • Description: Hard disk reading/writing error (support number: 7001) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: Reading/writing to the hard disk is disabled.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the hard disk cable. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Replace the hard disk. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC54 405A
  • Description: Hard disk capacity mismatch (support number: 7003) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: Hard disk capacity difference is detected at start-up.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the hard disk.
  • Code: EC54 405B
  • Description: Hard disk model mismatch (support number: 7004) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: Hard disk model ID mismatch is detected at start-up.
  • Solutions: 1 Replace the hard disk.
  • Code: EC55 2F20
  • Description: Flexible cable connection error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Abnormity, left connection, or inappropriate connection in flexible cable connection between MAIN PCB UNIT and CARRIAGE UNIT was detected.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the flexible cable connection. Proper connection Replace the CARRIAGE UNIT. Improper connection Connect the flexible cable properly. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Reconnect the power cable after unplugging from the AC outlet for ten seconds or longer. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace the POWER SUPPLY UNIT.
  • Code: EC55 2F24
  • Description: Flexible cable connected at an angle (support number: 1468)
  • Causes: Flexible cable connection at an angle or non-connection is detected between MAIN PCB UNIT and CARRIAGE RELAY PCB UNIT.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the flexible cable connection. Proper connection Go to 2. Improper connection Connect the flexible cable properly. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Reconnect the power cable after unplugging from the AC outlet for ten seconds or longer. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace CARRIAGE UNIT. The problem is not resolved Replace POWER SUPPLY UNIT.
  • Code: EC55 2F6C
  • Description: Print head temperature reading error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Temperature reading by the direct diode sensor failed.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the flexible cable connection. Proper connection Go to 2. Improper connection Connect the flexible cable properly. The problem is not resolved Go to 2. 2 Replace with CARRIAGE UNIT. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC56 2FE0
  • Description: Sub-ink tank unit power supply error (support number: 6502)
  • Causes: The power is not supplied to ink tank ROMs.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the MAIN PCB UNIT cable connection. Proper connection Go to 2. Improper connection Connect the cable. 2 Check if the ink tank is empty. Not empty Replace the ink tank unit (replacement procedure for INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT L, for INK SUPPLY TANK UNIT R). Empty Replace the ink tank.
  • Code: EC57 4040
  • Description: RTC time unknown (support number: 6702) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: Unset of GMT in RTC is detected at printer start-up in user mode.
  • Solutions: 1 Check if the battery is mounted in the MAIN PCB UNIT. Battery is mounted Replace the battery and set GMT time by [OTHERS>RTC SETTING] GMT. Battery is not mounted Remount the battery and set GMT time by [OTHERS>RTC SETTING]. GMT time = Greenwitch Mean Time
  • Code: EC57 404F
  • Description: RTC non-connection (support number: 6700) Memo: Remove the error in service mode when handling is completed.
  • Causes: Reading / writing to RTC data is disabled.
  • Solutions: 1 Reboot. The problem is resolved Complete. The problem is not resolved Replace MAIN PCB UNIT*. *After replacement, perform PCB replacement mode and necessary adjustments.
  • Code: EC58 2F12
  • Description: Backup PCB EEPROM error (support number: 4801)
  • Causes: Reading / writing to BACKUP PCB UNIT EEPROM is disabled.
  • Solutions: 1 Check the cable connection. Proper connection Replace the BACKUP PCB UNIT. Improper connection Connect the cable.
  • Code: FF0000 2E3F
  • Description: Paper feeding failure (other) (support number: 1300)
  • Causes: Paper jam error other than above cases occurs.
  • Solutions: 1 Release the release lever. Reload the paper. (Check remained paper pieces and check the paper tip condition.) 2 Check other suspected cause. • Media related cause. (size, media type mismatch, turn-up at the tip of the paper) • Curly bottom tip of the roll paper. • Avoid the paper with strong stiffness or heavy roll paper.

About Canon Servie Tool V5610

Canon Service Tool V5610 is a tool used to perform maintenance on Canon printers and reset Canon printers after replacement of parts such as replacing ink absorbents, print heads, printer mainboard, and others. Based on the many cases we have encountered, the Service Tool is most often used to reset ink absorber counter value when the waste ink absorber is full.
– The ink absorber is going to be full of box, it has to be replaced or cleaned the waste ink absorber. Also, replaceing or cleaning the waste ink absorber, you need to repair or reset the waste ink counter value, cause those parts are concerned to each others.
– So using Canon Service Tool V5610 to reset the waste ink counter value becomes effective when the ink absorber is replaced or cleaned.

Canon Service Tool V5610

– Canon Service Tool V5610 can use to fix error code 5B00, 5B02, 5B04, 5B14, 1701, 1702, 1700 on your printer. You must enter Service Mode on your printer to use this Canon Service Tool.
– If the printer can not enter Service Mode, you can not reset it by Canon ST V5610. In this case, change EEPROM on the logic board.

Canon Service Tool V5610 Functions

– Fix Canon printer 7 times/ 8 times red light blinking:

Fix 7 times/ 8 times red light blinking

– Fix Canon printer error code: 5B00, 5B01, 1700, 1701

Fix error code: 5B00, 5B01, 1700, 1701

Enter Service Mode on Canon Printer

1. Turn off a printer.
2. Press and hold the Resume/Cancel/Stop button.
3. Press and hold the ON button (do not release both buttons).
4. Release the Resume/Cancel/Stop button (do not release the ON button).
5. While holding the ON button, press the Resume/Cancel/Stop button 5 times, then release both the ON and Resume/Cancel/Stop buttons together.
– Canon printer in service mode: computer detects new hardware, led on printer goes green light.

– Download Canon driver and firmware in specific model:
– Download Epson driver and firmware in specific model:


Contact us to get support with Canon iPF TM300 Error case


As mentioned in the section above, it is entirely possible to have a false error caused by air in the ink lines (or outdated firmware).

Filled Ink LinesPictured here are a set of ink lines that are full of ink.  If your printer does not look like the image, a false error may be your gremlin.  If no error is present in the ink tanks, sub-tank system, or valves, the next system check occurs at the point of ink delivery, the print head.  Assuming the situation is normal at one end (tank side), the carriage assumes a suitable ink supply is present through the lines all the way to the head.

The print head can detect any nozzles that are not spraying ink.  As a result of the air in the lines, not all nozzles have an ink supply, meaning the head will notice and report to the main controller that something is not right.  A false error is displayed on the screen.

Ruling out air as the cause is easy.  Open the top cover (lid) and observe the ink lines.  Air bubbles will be obvious, even to the untrained eye.  Gaps will be present in the ink supply, as opposed to the solid flow as seen in the image here on this page.  Don’t worry, you’ll know it if you see it!

If you do have air in the ink lines, you’ll need to perform a an ink system fill. There are 2 ways: initialization or manually with a syringe.  The syringe has been used by many and has proven to be a low-cost fix.  Removing the air from the lines works, and your printer goes back to normal.

If air is not the problem, and the firmware is current, replace BOTH print heads.  Direct links to print heads are available below.

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