E348 no string under cursor ошибка линукс

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E:348 no string under cursor error comes in vi editor in cygwin

when i open a file to edit and type i to insert and the type # for #!/bin/bash
in vi and vim editor the message come that no string under cursor plz somebody help

9 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting

1. Shell Programming and Scripting

vi editor on CYGWIN

vi editor is not working on CYGWIN.Please let me know how to make that work as soon as possible.My work is getting delayed due to this problem. (5 Replies)

Discussion started by: liyakathali

2. UNIX and Linux Applications

Passing the value of a cursor to another cursor

i have 2 cursors. i want to assign the value of first cursor(employee_id) to the where condition of cursor c2(please refer the bold statement).
how do i do if i want to assign the value of c1 to where condition of cursor c2?

cursor c1 IS
select employee_id from employee
cursor c2… (1 Reply)

Discussion started by: vkca

3. Shell Programming and Scripting

vi Editor on Cygwin

I installed Cygwin today and my vi editor was not working i.e. on while using vi command, I was getting «command not found» error.
I realized that many have faced this problem and the previous threads on this have been closed without complete answers.
I tried something and it worked. Wanted to… (1 Reply)

Discussion started by: erora

4. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

tip: Simple script won’t run in cygwin — vim editor involved

I ran into this issue and thanks to various postings in various forums, was
able to figure out the solution but didn’t see one posting that laid the
whole issue out cleanly. So thought the following might help others …

————————————————————————… (2 Replies)

Discussion started by: oxysep

5. Shell Programming and Scripting

editor mode in cygwin


I am using CYGWIN for script testing. I have found that vi command does not work in this. Kindly suggest how can I edit a script that is stored in a file ??? (5 Replies)

Discussion started by: himvat

6. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

cygwin vi editor

now i am new to unix… i installed cygwin on windows because i want to make c++ program… and i need vi editor… whenever i write (vi anything) in the cygwin terminal it says vi: command not found …since i installed all the packages (1 Reply)

Discussion started by: mostafamagdy

7. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

Vi editor : Knowing the current cursor position

Hi All,

In VI editor, to know the line number at any instant we use ctrl+g

Similarly, to know the current coulmn number what shall we use??

If not direct key controls like ctrl+g, Is there any comands that could be executed in colon or ex mode of VI to know the current column position???… (1 Reply)

Discussion started by: ramkrix

8. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

vi editor in cygwin

I have downloaded latest cygwin editor for windows xp.
vi editor is not working on it.
the error i get is «vi : command not found»
I have already seen a post in this forum regarding the issue but the links in the post are broken.
So please help on this issue.
thanks in advance (1 Reply)

Discussion started by: arparwan

9. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

Cursor positioning thru VI Editor

Is there a way that I can position cursor at say line 23, column 2?

Thank you in advance. (8 Replies)

Discussion started by: Latha Nair



EVIM(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   EVIM(1)

evim - easy Vim, edit a file with Vim and setup for modeless editing SYNOPSIS
evim [options] [file ..] eview DESCRIPTION
eVim starts Vim and sets options to make it behave like a modeless editor. This is still Vim but used as a point-and-click editor. This feels a lot like using Notepad on MS-Windows. eVim will always run in the GUI, to enable the use of menus and toolbar. Only to be used for people who really can't work with Vim in the normal way. Editing will be much less efficient. eview is the same, but starts in read-only mode. It works just like evim -R. See vim(1) for details about Vim, options, etc. The 'insertmode' option is set to be able to type text directly. Mappings are setup to make Copy and Paste work with the MS-Windows keys. CTRL-X cuts text, CTRL-C copies text and CTRL-V pastes text. Use CTRL-Q to obtain the original meaning of CTRL-V. OPTIONS
See vim(1). FILES
/usr/share/vim/vim72/evim.vim The script loaded to initialize eVim. AKA
Also Known As "Vim for gumbies". When using evim you are expected to take a handkerchief, make a knot in each corner and wear it on your head. SEE ALSO
vim(1) AUTHOR
Most of Vim was made by Bram Moolenaar, with a lot of help from others. See the Help/Credits menu. 2002 February 16 EVIM(1)




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Join Date: Dec 2007

Last Activity: 26 December 2007, 4:39 AM EST

Posts: 4

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Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts


E:348 no string under cursor error comes in vi editor in cygwin

when i open a file to edit and type i to insert and the type # for #!/bin/bash
in vi and vim editor the message come that no string under cursor plz somebody help

9 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting

1. Shell Programming and Scripting

vi editor on CYGWIN

vi editor is not working on CYGWIN.Please let me know how to make that work as soon as possible.My work is getting delayed due to this problem. (5 Replies)

Discussion started by: liyakathali

2. UNIX and Linux Applications

Passing the value of a cursor to another cursor

i have 2 cursors. i want to assign the value of first cursor(employee_id) to the where condition of cursor c2(please refer the bold statement).
how do i do if i want to assign the value of c1 to where condition of cursor c2?

cursor c1 IS
select employee_id from employee
cursor c2… (1 Reply)

Discussion started by: vkca

3. Shell Programming and Scripting

vi Editor on Cygwin

I installed Cygwin today and my vi editor was not working i.e. on while using vi command, I was getting «command not found» error.
I realized that many have faced this problem and the previous threads on this have been closed without complete answers.
I tried something and it worked. Wanted to… (1 Reply)

Discussion started by: erora

4. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

tip: Simple script won’t run in cygwin — vim editor involved

I ran into this issue and thanks to various postings in various forums, was
able to figure out the solution but didn’t see one posting that laid the
whole issue out cleanly. So thought the following might help others …

————————————————————————… (2 Replies)

Discussion started by: oxysep

5. Shell Programming and Scripting

editor mode in cygwin


I am using CYGWIN for script testing. I have found that vi command does not work in this. Kindly suggest how can I edit a script that is stored in a file ??? (5 Replies)

Discussion started by: himvat

6. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

cygwin vi editor

now i am new to unix… i installed cygwin on windows because i want to make c++ program… and i need vi editor… whenever i write (vi anything) in the cygwin terminal it says vi: command not found …since i installed all the packages (1 Reply)

Discussion started by: mostafamagdy

7. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

Vi editor : Knowing the current cursor position

Hi All,

In VI editor, to know the line number at any instant we use ctrl+g

Similarly, to know the current coulmn number what shall we use??

If not direct key controls like ctrl+g, Is there any comands that could be executed in colon or ex mode of VI to know the current column position???… (1 Reply)

Discussion started by: ramkrix

8. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

vi editor in cygwin

I have downloaded latest cygwin editor for windows xp.
vi editor is not working on it.
the error i get is «vi : command not found»
I have already seen a post in this forum regarding the issue but the links in the post are broken.
So please help on this issue.
thanks in advance (1 Reply)

Discussion started by: arparwan

9. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

Cursor positioning thru VI Editor

Is there a way that I can position cursor at say line 23, column 2?

Thank you in advance. (8 Replies)

Discussion started by: Latha Nair



VIM(1)							      General Commands Manual							    VIM(1)

vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor SYNOPSIS
vim [options] [file ..] vim [options] -t tag vim [options] -e [errorfile] DESCRIPTION
Vim is a text editor that is upwards compatible to vi. It can be used to edit any ASCII text. It is especially useful for editing programs. There are a lot of enhancements above vi: multi level undo, multi windows and buffers, command line editing, filename completion, on-line help, visual selection, etc.. Read difference.doc for a summary of the differences between vi and Vim. Most often Vim is started to edit a single file with the command vim file More generally VIM is started with: vim [options] [filelist] If the filelist is missing, the editor will start with an empty buffer. Otherwise exactly one out of the following three may be used to choose one or more files to be edited. file .. A list of file names. The first one (alphabetically) will be the current file and read into the buffer. The cursor will be positioned on the first line of the buffer. You can get to the other files with the ":next" command. -t {tag} The file to edit and the initial cursor position depends on a "tag", a sort of goto label. {tag} is looked up in the tags file, the associated file becomes the current file and the associated command is executed. Mostly this is used for C programs. {tag} then should be a function name. The effect is that the file containing that function becomes the current file and the cursor is positioned on the start of the function (see reference.doc, section "tag searches"). -e [errorfile] Start in quickFix mode. The file [errorfile] is read and the first error is displayed. If [errorfile] is omitted the file name is obtained from the 'errorfile' option (defaults to "AztecC.Err" for the Amiga, "errors" on other systems). Further errors can be jumped to with the ":cn" command. See reference.doc section 5.5. OPTIONS
The options, if present, must precede the filelist. The options may be given in any order. -r Recovery mode. The swap file is used to recover a crashed editing session. The swap file is a file with the same file name as the text file with ".swp" appended. See reference.doc, chapter "Recovery after a crash". -v View mode. The 'readonly' option will be set. You can still edit the buffer, but will be prevented from accidently overwriting a file. If you do want to overwrite a file, add an exclamation mark to the Ex command, as in ":w!". The -v option also implies the -n option (see below). The 'readonly' option can be reset with ":set noro" (see reference.doc, options chapter). -b Binary. A few options will be set that makes it possible to edit a binary or executable file. +[num] For the first file the cursor will be positioned on line "num". If "num" is missing, the cursor will be positioned on the last line. +/pat For the first file the cursor will be positioned on the first occurrence of "pat" (see reference.doc, section "pattern searches" for the available search patterns). +{command} -c {command} {command} will be executed after the first file has been read. {command} is interpreted as an Ex command. If the {command} con- tains spaces it must be enclosed in double quotes (this depends on the shell that is used). Example: Vim "+set si" main.c -x (Amiga only) Vim is not restarted to open a new window. This option should be used when Vim is executed by a program that will wait for the edit session to finish (e.g. mail). The ":sh" and ":!" commands will not work. -o[N] Open N windows. When N is omitted, open one window for each file. -n No swap file will be used. Recovery after a crash will be impossible. Handy if you want to edit a file on a very slow medium (e.g. floppy). Can also be done with ":set uc=0". Can be undone with ":set uc=200". -s {scriptin} The script file {scriptin} is read. The characters in the file are interpreted as if you had typed them. The same can be done with the command ":source! {scriptin}". If the end of the file is reached before the editor exits, further characters are read from the keyboard. -w {scriptout} All the characters that you type are recorded in the file {scriptout}, until you exit VIM. This is useful if you want to create a script file to be used with "vim -s" or ":source!". -T terminal Tells Vim the name of the terminal you are using. Should be a terminal known to Vim (builtin) or defined in the termcap file. -d device Open "device" for use as a terminal. Only on the Amiga. Example: "-d con:20/30/600/150". SEE ALSO
Vim documentation: reference.doc: A complete reference of Vim (long) windows.doc: Explanation of the multi windows and buffers commands and options index: Overview of all command characters (useful when adding new mappings) difference.doc: Overview of the differences between vi and Vim unix.doc: Unix-specific comments vim.hlp: File used by the on-line help (short) AUTHOR
Most of VIM was made by Bram Moolenaar. VIM is based on Stevie, worked on by: Tim Thompson, Tony Andrews and G.R. (Fred) Walter BUGS
Probably. 1994 August 12 VIM(1)

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I’m using Pathogen with a few plugins, I tried disabling them all, except for Pathogen, and a couple related to the colorscheme. The error happens with every file I tried. I tried both open files in the same directory I launched vim (my home dir), and also in subdirectories.
Steps to reproduce:

  1. start vim
  2. press ctrl-p
  3. enter a few letters
  4. press enter

This is the output of :mess after the error, I don’t know how to tell you more. When I start vim in my home, with about 10000 files, I also noticed there is one more error in init. I didn’t notice before because I started vim in a directory with not so many files.

Error detected while processing function ctrlp#init..30_Open..30_getenv:                  
line    2:                                                                            
E348: No string under cursor                                          
E348: No string under cursor                                                         
line    3:                                                                                          
E446: No file name under cursor                                                                     
Error detected while processing function 30_AcceptSelection..ctrlp#acceptfile:                 
line   17:                                                                                          
E94: No matching buffer for ^/home/carlo/95proxies$

This is the output of :scriptnames

 1: /usr/share/vim/vimrc                                                                           
  2: /usr/share/vim/vim73/debian.vim                                                                
  3: /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/syntax.vim                                                         
  4: /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/synload.vim                                                        
  5: /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/syncolor.vim                                                       
  6: /usr/share/vim/vim73/filetype.vim                                                              
  7: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/ftdetect/jar.vim                                                        
  8: ~/.vimrc                                                                                       
  9: /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/nosyntax.vim                                                       
 10: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/autoload/pathogen.vim                                                   
 11: /usr/share/vim/vim73/ftoff.vim                                                                 
 12: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/vimrc-python                                                            
 13: /usr/share/vim/vim73/ftplugin.vim                                                              
 14: /usr/share/vim/vim73/indent.vim                                                                
 15: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/colors/my_desert.vim                                                    
 16: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/plugin/generate_record.vim                                              
 17: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/plugin/guicolorscheme.vim                                               
 18: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ctrlp/plugin/ctrlp.vim                                           
 19: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ctrlp/autoload/ctrlp/mrufiles.vim                                
 20: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim                                                
 21: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/gzip.vim                                                           
 22: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/matchparen.vim                                                     
 23: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim                                                    
 24: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/rrhelper.vim                                                       
 25: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/spellfile.vim                                                      
 26: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/tarPlugin.vim                                                      
 27: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/tohtml.vim                                                         
 28: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim                                                  
 29: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/zipPlugin.vim                                                      
 30: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ctrlp/autoload/ctrlp.vim                                         
 31: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ctrlp/autoload/ctrlp/utils.vim                                   
 32: /usr/share/vim/vim73/scripts.vim                                                               
 33: /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/conf.vim                                                           
 34: /usr/share/vim/vim73/ftplugin/conf.vim      

I hope I gave you enough details this time :)

This question is inspired by Getting ‘git grep’ to work effectively in VIM.

My .vim/vimrc entries are similar to those in the question:

command -nargs=1 Ggr execute 'silent Git! grep -Win --heading' <q-args>
nnoremap <C-F> :Ggr <cword><CR>

The Ggr command works. Unfortunately Ctrl-F produces a nasty error:

Error detected while processing function <SNR>33_Git[2].. <SNR>33_Edit[53]..<SNR>33_Edit[36]..<SNR>33_ExecuteInTree:
line    5:
E348: No string under cursor
Error detected while processing function <SNR>33_Git[2]..<SNR>33_Edit[53]..<SNR>33_Edit:
line   36:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing function <SNR>33_Git[2]..<SNR>33_Edit:
line   53:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing function <SNR>33_Git:
line    2:
E171: Missing :endif

How can I properly define this nnoremap in my .vim/vimrc file?

asked Jul 16, 2018 at 0:45

davidvandebunte's user avatar

<cword>works with expand, try

command -nargs=1 Ggr execute 'silent Git! grep -Win --heading' <q-args>
nnoremap <C-F> :execute 'Ggr '.expand('<cword>')<cr>

answered Jul 16, 2018 at 1:38

leaf's user avatar


1,61410 silver badges16 bronze badges

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15 Years Ago

i have installed cygwin with vim and vi editor but when i type into those editor nothing gets written and message comes that no string under cursor plz help somebody

Recommended Answers

umm… have you used vi before? if not, there are other editors like emacs and nano etc. that might be simpler to learn

anyway, vi has two modes, the command mode and insert mode. it starts in the command mode, where you can move around and do commands. the …

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Posting Whiz in Training

15 Years Ago

umm… have you used vi before? if not, there are other editors like emacs and nano etc. that might be simpler to learn

anyway, vi has two modes, the command mode and insert mode. it starts in the command mode, where you can move around and do commands. the command «i» goes into the insert mode. when in insert mode, pressing Esc will go back into command mode

Member Avatar


15 Years Ago

Hey there,

If that’s the default behaviour of your vi, you can put this in a .exrc file in your home directory, but, while you’re in the editor, just type

[esc]:set prompt

If it is that you’re starting in command mode and never getting out — hitting
i — will put you in insert mode
a — will put you in insert mode also, but one space ahead
o — will do the same but start a new line below the one you’re one
O — will do the same but start a new line above the one you’re on

As mentioned above, when you want to stop typing and use the command functions, hit [esc]

Best wishes,

, Mike

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I’m using Pathogen with a few plugins, I tried disabling them all, except for Pathogen, and a couple related to the colorscheme. The error happens with every file I tried. I tried both open files in the same directory I launched vim (my home dir), and also in subdirectories.
Steps to reproduce:

  1. start vim
  2. press ctrl-p
  3. enter a few letters
  4. press enter

This is the output of :mess after the error, I don’t know how to tell you more. When I start vim in my home, with about 10000 files, I also noticed there is one more error in init. I didn’t notice before because I started vim in a directory with not so many files.

Error detected while processing function ctrlp#init..30_Open..30_getenv:                  
line    2:                                                                            
E348: No string under cursor                                          
E348: No string under cursor                                                         
line    3:                                                                                          
E446: No file name under cursor                                                                     
Error detected while processing function 30_AcceptSelection..ctrlp#acceptfile:                 
line   17:                                                                                          
E94: No matching buffer for ^/home/carlo/95proxies$

This is the output of :scriptnames

 1: /usr/share/vim/vimrc                                                                           
  2: /usr/share/vim/vim73/debian.vim                                                                
  3: /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/syntax.vim                                                         
  4: /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/synload.vim                                                        
  5: /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/syncolor.vim                                                       
  6: /usr/share/vim/vim73/filetype.vim                                                              
  7: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/ftdetect/jar.vim                                                        
  8: ~/.vimrc                                                                                       
  9: /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/nosyntax.vim                                                       
 10: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/autoload/pathogen.vim                                                   
 11: /usr/share/vim/vim73/ftoff.vim                                                                 
 12: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/vimrc-python                                                            
 13: /usr/share/vim/vim73/ftplugin.vim                                                              
 14: /usr/share/vim/vim73/indent.vim                                                                
 15: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/colors/my_desert.vim                                                    
 16: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/plugin/generate_record.vim                                              
 17: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/plugin/guicolorscheme.vim                                               
 18: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ctrlp/plugin/ctrlp.vim                                           
 19: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ctrlp/autoload/ctrlp/mrufiles.vim                                
 20: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim                                                
 21: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/gzip.vim                                                           
 22: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/matchparen.vim                                                     
 23: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim                                                    
 24: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/rrhelper.vim                                                       
 25: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/spellfile.vim                                                      
 26: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/tarPlugin.vim                                                      
 27: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/tohtml.vim                                                         
 28: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim                                                  
 29: /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/zipPlugin.vim                                                      
 30: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ctrlp/autoload/ctrlp.vim                                         
 31: ~/dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ctrlp/autoload/ctrlp/utils.vim                                   
 32: /usr/share/vim/vim73/scripts.vim                                                               
 33: /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/conf.vim                                                           
 34: /usr/share/vim/vim73/ftplugin/conf.vim      

I hope I gave you enough details this time :)

This question is inspired by Getting ‘git grep’ to work effectively in VIM.

My .vim/vimrc entries are similar to those in the question:

command -nargs=1 Ggr execute 'silent Git! grep -Win --heading' <q-args>
nnoremap <C-F> :Ggr <cword><CR>

The Ggr command works. Unfortunately Ctrl-F produces a nasty error:

Error detected while processing function <SNR>33_Git[2].. <SNR>33_Edit[53]..<SNR>33_Edit[36]..<SNR>33_ExecuteInTree:
line    5:
E348: No string under cursor
Error detected while processing function <SNR>33_Git[2]..<SNR>33_Edit[53]..<SNR>33_Edit:
line   36:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing function <SNR>33_Git[2]..<SNR>33_Edit:
line   53:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing function <SNR>33_Git:
line    2:
E171: Missing :endif

How can I properly define this nnoremap in my .vim/vimrc file?

asked Jul 16, 2018 at 0:45

davidvandebunte's user avatar

<cword>works with expand, try

command -nargs=1 Ggr execute 'silent Git! grep -Win --heading' <q-args>
nnoremap <C-F> :execute 'Ggr '.expand('<cword>')<cr>

answered Jul 16, 2018 at 1:38

leaf's user avatar


1,63411 silver badges16 bronze badges

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