Джакузи bestway lay z spa ошибка е02

Как перезагрузить ленивый спа «Пожалуйста, выполните следующие шаги для решения этой проблемы: Извлеките насос спа из вкладыша с заглушками, расположенными внутри. Полностью опорожните спа от воды. Снимите заглушки и поместите шланг на внутреннюю часть спа к сетке для мусора. Проделайте это в течение 5 минут на каждой сетке. . «.

Как исправить код ошибки E02 на ленивом спа


  1. Почему мой спа не работает
  2. Что означает E02
  3. Как исправить ошибку E03 ленивого спа
  4. Как сбросить настройки панели управления гидромассажной ванны
  5. Как перезагрузить спа-бассейн
  6. Как устранить неполадки в панели управления спа
  7. Почему мой ленивый спа не включается
  8. Почему моя гидромассажная ванна мигает E02
  9. Как перезагрузить мою гидромассажную ванну
  10. Как сбросить настройки ленивого спа Bestway

Рекомендую! в статье: Могу ли я купить любой термостат для своего дома в 2023.

Почему мой спа не работает

Как перезагрузить мой ленивый спа Bestway «Начните с очистки фильтра, проверяя засорение циркуляции и доливая воду, если необходимо. Проверьте, включается ли ваш насос. Насос должен работать, чтобы спа нагревался. Если насос не работает, возможно, его нужно заменить.

Рекомендую! в посту: Как получить 5000 просмотров ролика в 2023.

Что означает E02

Как исправить код ошибки E02 на ленивом спа «E02 — аппарат не смог наполниться водой в отведенное время. Проверьте давление воды в сети, включив краны в раковине и проверив обычное давление, если оно в норме, проверьте впускной шланг на наличие перегибов, реле давления и впускной клапан.

Рекомендую! Читайте в материале: Почему зарядка Tesla не бесплатна в 2023.

Как исправить ошибку E03 ленивого спа

Как исправить код ошибки E02 на ленивом спа «E03 Извлеките насос из спа, установив заглушки на внутренней стороне спа над сетками для мусора. Перенесите насос спа в помещение или в более теплое место. Оставьте его в теплом помещении на 2-3 часа, чтобы внутренние детали прогрелись. Как только насос спа прогреется, код ошибки должен исчезнуть. . «.

Рекомендую! Смотрите здесь: Как называется односторонний флис в 2023.

Как сбросить настройки панели управления гидромассажной ванны

Как перезагрузить ленивый спа.

Рекомендую! тут: Как привлечь свою вторую половинку с помощью смс в 2023.

Как перезагрузить спа-бассейн

Как сбросить настройки панели управления гидромассажной ванны «Нажмите одновременно кнопки «UP» «DOWN» и «PUMP». Спа может сбросить настройки и вернуться к нормальной работе. Если после нескольких попыток спа по-прежнему выдает ошибку ER8, обратитесь за технической помощью к поставщику спа-бассейна. «.

Как устранить неполадки в панели управления спа

Как сбросить настройки ленивого спа Bestway «No Display on Topside Control Panel Reset Spa Controller power down and restart. Проверьте, нет ли конденсата под стеклом дисплея. Проверьте кабель на наличие обжимов или любых видимых повреждений. Очистите штекерные соединения кабеля на обоих концах. Проверьте питание трансформатора на плате управления. Проверьте питание предохранителя на плате управления спа. . «.

Почему мой ленивый спа не включается

Как перезагрузить ленивый спа Возможные причины этого могут быть следующими: Если спа подключен к удлинителю. Если заземление в используемой розетке неправильное. Проблема с электрооборудованием в доме. …

Почему моя гидромассажная ванна мигает E02

Как сбросить настройки моего ленивого спа Bestway Код ошибки E02 может возникать при загрязнении или блокировке фильтров. ПЕРЕКРУЧЕНЫ ИЛИ СОГНУТЫ ТРУБЫ ПОДВОДКИ.

Как перезагрузить мою гидромассажную ванну

Как перезагрузить панель управления джакузи «How To Restart Your Hot Tub If You Haven’t Used It in Aut Auch Turn Off the Power. Прежде чем что-либо делать, необходимо отключить питание джакузи. Слейте воду из джакузи. Промойте форсунки джакузи. Очистите спа и крышку. Очистите фильтр спа. Дайте спа высохнуть. Проверьте проводку. Наполните вашу гидромассажную ванну. . «.

Как сбросить настройки ленивого спа Bestway

Как сбросить настройки ленивого спа «Отключите насос от сети и нажмите кнопку сброса, затем снова подключите насос. «.

Все права защищены. Несанкционированное копирование, полностью или частично, строго запрещено.



Датчики расхода воды работают

без нажатия кнопки фильтрации

или подогрева.

После запуска или в процессе

фильтрации и (или) подогрева

датчики расхода воды не

обнаруживают потока воды.

Термометр насоса показывает

температуру воды ниже

4 °C (40°F).

Термометр насоса показывает

температуру воды выше

50 °C (122 °F).

Неполадки соединений

термометра насоса.

Неисправность ручного сброса

теплового выключателя

Протечка воды

внутри насоса.

Неисправность соединения



1. Флажки датчиков расхода воды не вернулись в

правильное положение.

2. Датчики расхода воды сломаны.

1. Вы забыли снять два колпачка-заглушки внутри


2. Картриджи фильтров загрязнены.

3. Запустите систему фильтрации или подогрева и

поставьте руку перед выпускной трубой внутри

бассейна, чтобы проверить, вытекает ли вода.

a. Если вода не вытекает, это означает, что

водяной насос сломан.

б. Если вода вытекает, но появляется аварийный


, это означает, что сломаны

датчики подачи воды.

4. Блокирование фильтра.

5. Согнутые трубки или слабый поток воды через

пластиковые трубки чаши

6. Заблокированы сетки для улавливания

засорений: сетки для улавливания засорений

могут блокироваться при высокой жесткости

воды за счет скопления на них известковых


7. Пришедшие в негодность шайбы

Шайбы соединений спа-бассейна могут прийти в

негодность или износиться.

1. Температура воды ниже 4 °C (40 °F).

2. Если температура воды выше 7 °C (44,6 °F), то

термометр насоса поврежден.

1. Температура воды выше 50 °C (122 °F).

2. Если температура воды ниже 45 °C (113 °F), то

термометр насоса поврежден.

1. Соединители термометра насоса не функционируют

надлежащим образом.

2. Термометр насоса сломан.

Сработал ручной сброс теплового


Система обнаружила протечку воды

внутри насоса.

1. Проблемы с заземлением в вашем доме.

2. Какая-то неисправность насоса.

Способы устранения

1. Осторожно извлеките штепсельную вилку из розетки, ударьте по насосу

сбоку, но не сильно, и снова вставьте вилку в розетку.

2. Для получения помощи посетите раздел поддержки на нашем веб-сайте


1. Перед подогревом снимите два колпачка-заглушки; см. раздел «Сборка» в

руководстве пользователя.

2. Извлеките фильтрующий блок из бассейна и нажмите кнопку фильтрации

или подогрева. При отсутствии аварийных сигналов почистите или

замените картриджи фильтра и снова установите на место фильтрующий


3. Для получения помощи посетите раздел поддержки на нашем веб-сайте


4. Очистите фильтр и проверьте его на предмет повреждений. Замените или

установите старый на место, сообразно обстоятельствам. Для получения

помощи посетите раздел поддержки на нашем веб-сайте


5. Проверьте соединения спа-бассейна, чтобы выявить, не согнуты ли

трубки. Для получения помощи посетите раздел поддержки на нашем

веб-сайте www.bestwaycorp.com

6. Опорожните спа-бассейн и вставьте садовый шланг в трубки, чтобы

вымыть засорения. Чтобы убедиться, что все засорения вымыты,

выполните эту операцию как снаружи, так и изнутри спа-бассейна.

Въевшиеся засорения удалите с помощью зубной щетки. Для получения

помощи посетите раздел поддержки на нашем веб-сайте


7. Проверьте шайбы внутри соединений на предмет повреждений.

Раскрутите соединения и снимите шайбы для осмотра. Для получения

помощи посетите раздел поддержки на нашем веб-сайте


1. Бассейн не рассчитан на работу при температуре воды ниже 4 °C (40 °F).

Отсоедините насос от сети питания и перезапустите его, когда температура воды

достигнет 6 °C (43 °F).

2. Для получения помощи посетите раздел поддержки на нашем веб-сайте


1. Бассейн не рассчитан на работу при температуре воды выше 40 ºC (104 °F).

Отсоедините насос от сети питания и перезапустите его, когда температура воды будет 38

ºC (100 °F) или ниже.

ВАЖНО! Перед перезапуском насоса нажмите кнопку сброса насоса.

2. Для получения помощи посетите раздел поддержки на нашем веб-сайте


Для получения помощи посетите раздел поддержки на нашем веб-сайте


1. Отсоедините насос от сети питания и нажмите его кнопку сброса; затем снова

подсоедините насос к сети.

2. Если аварийный сигнал не выключится, обратитесь к разделу «КНОПКА

СБРОСА» в руководстве пользователя.

3. Для получения помощи посетите раздел поддержки на нашем веб-сайте


Для получения помощи посетите раздел поддержки на нашем веб-сайте


Для получения помощи посетите раздел поддержки на нашем веб-сайте



LAY-Z-SPA E02 Error Code FIXED - Bestway LAY-Z-SPA Error E02 and Tips to prevent it happening again!

Uploaded by Lurgs How To Guides | 2022-08-20 17:33:39

LAY-Z-SPA E02 Error Code FIXED. Bestway LAY-Z-SPA Error E02 and Bestway LAY-Z-SPA Tips to prevent it happening again!
If you get an E02 Error on your LAY-Z-SPA keypad then your -LAY-Z-SPA will stop working. This is most likely due to a dirty clogged up LAY-Z-SPA filter. In this video I will show you some LAY-Z-SPA tips to help keep your water and filter cleaner for longer.
I will then show you how to remove the filter and install a new LAY-Z-SPA filter so that you can get back in and start enjoying your LAY-Z-SPA again.
This should hopefully fix your LAY-Z-SPA E02 Fault code.
https://www.tubebuddy.com/LurgsHowToGuides I use TubeBuddy to grow my YouTube channel. Click this link to install, even the FREE version is great. This link is an affiliate link which means if you buy a TubeBuddy licence I will receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you.
Other useful How To Guides to help you save TIME and MONEY:
Bestway LAY-Z-SPA Installation Easy Step by Step Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwwC4t3Nw84&list=PLqrXuUebV8N-zRG0YqnE6XvX3AH9s8ydb
LAY-Z-SPA Running Costs and Tips to keep your Water clean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4cQVKC1ODw&list=PLqrXuUebV8N-zRG0YqnE6XvX3AH9s8ydb
How to use Keypad on LAY-Z-SPA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU2jmRzXPTU&list=PLqrXuUebV8N-zRG0YqnE6XvX3AH9s8ydb
How to change filter on LAY-Z-SPA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnAeaUEI6tE&list=PLqrXuUebV8N-zRG0YqnE6XvX3AH9s8ydb
LAY-Z-SPA E02 Error Code FIXED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMw-b35HdPg&list=PLqrXuUebV8N-zRG0YqnE6XvX3AH9s8ydb
How to clean filter on LAY-Z-SPA using a Washing Machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG3gMDliHe8&list=PLqrXuUebV8N-zRG0YqnE6XvX3AH9s8ydb
LAY-Z-SPA How to use ChemConnect with ClearWater Multi Function Chlorine Tablets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGPBCcXGvbw&list=PLqrXuUebV8N-zRG0YqnE6XvX3AH9s8ydb
How to add air into LAY-Z-SPA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JalDeq5Uh-w&list=PLqrXuUebV8N-zRG0YqnE6XvX3AH9s8ydb
LAY-Z-SPA How to empty Water & How to clean LAY-Z-SPA & refill LAY-Z-SPA with Water https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V04LlGyVlxk&list=PLqrXuUebV8N-zRG0YqnE6XvX3AH9s8ydb
How To’s, Life Hacks, Helpful Tips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcmxUTsedlk&list=PLqrXuUebV8N92xXP4Dm_pHfBpEQ3wtP2R
Washing Machines How To’s, Tips, Tricks & Fixes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_gst8RokRo&list=PLqrXuUebV8N_Bv_41hH-IpIfM5qiS0Sin
Dishwasher How To’s, Tips, Tricks & Fixes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z22-Ysn7rE&list=PLqrXuUebV8N89GJMUjDiMqGpAcic3wqfD
Toilets and Plumbing How To’s, Tips, Tricks & Fixes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vT5KwJ2A2eU&list=PLqrXuUebV8N_d4OWPjAk4PJ7LnKb0Jdot
Combi Boiler How To’s, Tips, Tricks & Fixes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gGEP2y_qHM&list=PLqrXuUebV8N8aiBpt_F3n23E3IOLlmgK2
My Reviews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QX0ge0QOXJk&list=PLqrXuUebV8N9_JYlSh2LjbfUsybF840oy
Windows 10 How To’s, Tips, Tricks and Fixes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZW7ka9xgXg&list=PLqrXuUebV8N95_cVCA-40v6eT9piGz26y
iPhone iPad iTunes How To’s, Tips, Tricks and Fixes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcGfZTcJxvo&list=PLqrXuUebV8N_YRivg9p4ZpkUyBDbSb8t7
iMovie iOS How to Guides https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTkXwZJ0gE4&list=PLqrXuUebV8N-D5BiCaF2AV-Qb-8gZwBFC
WhatsApp iPhone How To’s Tips, Tricks and Fixes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hhxjxkNMUA&list=PLqrXuUebV8N-bMvTYJdRXrKakVdChdl9o
Google Chrome How To’s, Tips, Tricks & Fixes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLSbSA5YECc&list=PLqrXuUebV8N8RYpRb0gVVNf9SpC78SB47
Microsoft Word How To’s, Tips, Tricks and Fixes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZi6yS79FLA&list=PLqrXuUebV8N_DyHPlBddZaL8LOwuCzFK3
Vehicles How To’s, Tips, Tricks & Fixes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w44aQ7dc_Lk&list=PLqrXuUebV8N9fyM8qA2D0rkVfv929Ckod
0:00 Introduction & why you get E02 error.
0:22 Tips to keep your Filter cleaner for longer.
1:16 E02 Error, SPA will not function.
1:08 Unplug from mains.
1:18 Remove the Filter housing from the Spa.
1:47 Remove Filter from the housing.
2:34 Install brand new Filter.
2:56 New Filter back into SPA.
3:28 Plug Spa back in to mains & set temperature.
3:49 Check water flow filtration.
3:54 Still not working?
4:05 A lovely cup of tea.


#LAYZSPA #E02 #Error #Code #FIXED #Bestway #LAYZSPA #Error #E02 #Tips #prevent #happening – AreaViral

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There may be a number of reasons why your heater pump is displaying an error code. The following is a list of error codes, the reason behind them and how they can be solved.

Select Your Error Code:

E01 E02 E03 E04E05 E06 E07 E08 E09 E10 E11 E12 E13 GCF backwash


← swipe →

Description Cause Solution
Sensor Error The water flow sensors’ flags didn’t come back into the correct position. Unplug the pump unit, lightly strike the side of it and then plug it back in.

If the unit does not respond, try rolling the pump unit on its side in order to shift the sensor placement.

Water Flow Error Electrical issue. Can occur when the spa is not plugged into a mains socket. May also be an issue with the RCD socket. Plug the pump unit directly into a mains socket and not into an extension lead.
Debris Build Up Issue with water flora sensors due to debris build up. Please follow the backwash procedure in the video here

E01 Error Code Troubleshooting download


← swipe →

Description Cause Solution
Water Flow Error The stopper caps are still inside the spa. Remove the black stopper caps from the inside of the liner before heating, filtering or running the bubbles on the spa. If you are unsure how to remove them, please refer to the assembly section within the Lay-Z-Spa owners manual.
Filter cartridges are dirty Remove the filter cartridge from the filter housing and check it is clean. Please make sure the new filter is clean and dry before you install it.
Filter housing is restricting flow Remove the filter housing from the liner and check the black membrane inside. These should lie flat inside the housing. If they are ok, continue to run the spa without the filter cartridge attached and see if the error code persists.
Ensure that the debris screens are clear of debris.
Pipes within the liner are kinked or bent. Disconnect the pump and check the pipes inside the liner. You can manipulate these with warm water to return them to the correct shape.
Washers perished inside pump couplings Disconnect the pump from the liner. Check the condition of washers inside the couplings on the pump. We would suggest backwashing the pump to clear any debris. If the washers are perished you can purchase spares from the Lay-Z-Spa website here
Water flow sensors not working If the above troubleshooting has not resolved the problem, the water flow sensors may not be working. Please contact us for more help with this

E02 Error Code Troubleshooting download


← swipe →

Description Cause Solution
Temperature too low The pump will only operate when the ambient temperature is above 4°C. We would suggest disconnecting the pump and moving it to a warmer place. You will need to do the thermal reset procedure before continuing use. The pump will only operate when the ambient temperature is above 4ºC.
The pump thermometer is broken. If your pump is displaying this message and the ambient temperature is above 4ºC. Please contact us for more help.

E03 Error Code Troubleshooting download


← swipe →

Description Cause Solution
Temperature too high The pump unit has overheated. Place the stoppers caps inside the spa and disconnect the pump unit. Allow time for the pump unit to cool down before connecting again.
The water temperature is over 50ºC (122ºF). The Lay-Z-Spa is not designed to operate with water temperatures exceeding 40ºC (104ºF). Unplug the pump and plug it back in once the water temperature has reached 38ºC (100ºF) or lower. IMPORTANT: Before you restart the pump, press the reset button.
The thermostat needs resetting.
  • Watch the Thermal Reset Video
  • Turn the pump unit on at the mains.
  • Press the test button once and leave it bleeping (leave for 10 seconds).
  • Turn the pump unit off and unplug from the socket (leave for 10 seconds).
  • Plug the pump unit back in and turn it back on.
  • Press the thermal reset button for 10 seconds using a pencil or screwdriver (see Owner’s Manual for location)
  • Once done, press the heater button. Your pump should now be working.

E04 Error Code Troubleshooting download


← swipe →

Description Cause Solution
Temperature too high The thermostat is broken. If the troubleshooting has been completed without success, please contact us for more help with this
Pump needs to be reset.
  • Watch the Thermal Reset Video
  • Turn the pump unit on at the mains.
  • Press the test button once and leave it bleeping (leave for 10 seconds).
  • Turn the pump unit off and unplug from the socket (leave for 10 seconds).
  • Plug the pump unit back in and turn it back on.
  • Press the thermal reset button using a pencil or screwdriver (see Owner’s Manual for location).
  • Once done, press the heater button. Your pump should now be working.
Pump unit needs to be cleaned Try the back wash procedure.
Not enough power to the pump. Ensure the pump unit is plugged into a mains socket and not an extension lead.

E05 Error Code Troubleshooting download


← swipe →

Description Cause Solution
Electrical Fault The power port has experienced a temporary current variation. Unplug the pump and hen plug it back in. Please ensure the pump unit is plugged into a mains socket and not an extension lead.

E06 Error Code Troubleshooting download


← swipe →

Description Cause Solution
Electrical Fault The pump has read an electrical error. Try the reset procedure detailed in the troubleshooting document. If the troubleshooting has been completed without success, please contact us for more help.

E07 Error Code Troubleshooting download


← swipe →

Description Cause Solution
The thermostat needs resetting.
  • Watch the Thermal Reset Video
  • Turn the pump unit on at the mains.
  • Press the test button once and leave it bleeping (leave for 10 seconds).
  • Turn the pump unit off and unplug from the socket (leave for 10 seconds).
  • Plug the pump unit back in and turn it back on.
  • Press the thermal reset button using a pencil or screwdriver (see Owner’s Manual for location).
  • Once done, press the heater button. The pump should now be working.

E08 Error Code Troubleshooting download


← swipe →

Description Cause Solution
Fuse Failure. Internal fuse failure or has become disconnected within the pump.
  • Turn the spa completely off.
  • Turn the power off at the socket.
  • Remove the plug from the socket for the pump.
  • Press the following buttons on the PRCD – Reset –> Test –> Reset.
  • Turn the pump back on, using the On/Off button on the display.
  • Please ensure you hold your finger down for at least 10 seconds.
  • If the troubleshooting has been completed without success, please contact us for more help.

E09 Error Code Troubleshooting download


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Description Cause Solution
High salt alarm. Alarm where too much salt has been added to the spa or a large amount of water has evaporated.
  • Do not use the spa or place any further Pure Spa Salt for 24 to 48 hours to ensure the levels reduce. Unplug the spa pump, remove from the liner and drain 20% of the water from the spa. Refill this with fresh water.
  • Start the Salt Chlorinator System.

E10-E11 Error Code Troubleshooting download


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Description Cause Solution
Low salt alarm. Alarm for low salt levels within the spa. This means the spa requires further salt to be added.
  • Unplug the spa pump from the electricity, wait 10 seconds then plug the spa back in.
  • Reset the spa as first use using the reset button.
  • Once reset, turn on the Hydro Jet system.
  • Gradually add and dissolve 0.5kg (500g) of Pure Spa Salt at a time.
  • Start the Salt Chlorinator System.
  • Allow the spa pump to run on either the 5 hour or 8 hour setting.
  • If the E11 error code is visible again, place a further 0.5kg (500g) of Pure Spa Salt in the spa.

E10-E11 Error Code Troubleshooting download


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Description Cause Solution
Water Leakage. Error code for an issue with water leaking within the body of the pump.
  • Check the couplings on the pump connections to ensure there is no water leaking from these.
  • Also ensure the washers within these are flat.
  • These can be checked using a screwdriver and simply unscrewing the coupling.
  • If these are dry and tight, please contact Bestway Aftersales as there may be a leak within the pump.
  • Please do not attempt to reset or use the pump whilst the E12 error code is visible.

E12-E13 Error Code Troubleshooting download


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Description Cause Solution
Signal within the pump. Error code for issue where the electrical signal within the pump body between the control panel and power board has become disconnected.
  • This error code can become visible on 2017 model pumps and newer.
  • The date of the spa pump can be located on the silver sticker on the pump body itself (S/N Number) or engraved within the handles.
  • If this error code does become visible, please contact your Bestway Warranty Department as the pump will need to be either replaced or repaired.
  • As this is an issue with the signal between two components within the body, please do not attempt to repair or open the pump.

E12-E13 Error Code Troubleshooting download


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Description Cause Solution
Not grounded/earthed correctly An issue with your power supply Remove any extension leads, we do not recommend the pump is run on one of these. Also try the pump in an alternative socket. If the issue persists, please contact us for further advice.

Backwash Procedure

Attach the stopper caps to the inside of the liner and then remove the Lay-Z-Spa pump unit from the liner (you can do this by unscrewing the 3 couplings ‘A, B and C’).

Using a hosepipe, flush water backwards through the pump. Water should go through pipe ‘B’ and come out of pipe ‘C’.

After a few minutes, flush the water in the opposite direction for about 2 minutes (through pipe ‘C’ and out of pipe ‘B’).

If you have a Hydro Jet Lay-Z-Spa, unfortunately, the backwash procedure will be a little tricky. These are not constructed like the other models of the Lay-Z-Spa. please contact us


If you have reached this page, you have undoubtedly been looking for a solution for the E02 error that is showing up on your pump/heater unit, AKA the egg, that is preventing you from relaxing in your hot tub right now. In this guide we’ll go over the many things that cause this error to appear. We’ll then show you what you need to do to fix it. Keep reading and we’ll have your tub back up and running in no time.

Getting Prepared

For the procedures you will be doing in this article you will need some basic tools to perform the tasks. A phillips #2 and flat head screwdriver. For some things it may be easiest to have a cordless drill with a screwdiver attachment. A set of small pliers, both standard and needle nose may help for some things. A volt meter that can check continuity may also be needed. You should also have your black caps for your water ports handy as it may be necessary to disconnect the egg when the tub is filled. These prevent water from flowing out when the hoses are disconnected.

In the steps outlined here, there are many causes that can be fixed without the need to replace parts. Some of the solutions listed however will require replacing parts. The order in which we will cover the listed solutions is to cover the basics that don’t require part replacements first to rule them out first. This will save you from purchasing parts you don’t need and getting your tub back in order the cheapest way possible.

Whenever working on your egg, be sure to unplug the power cord from the mains line when doing any service. Only plug it in when told to do so. This is for your safety and to prevent further damage to your egg.

Part of being prepared is knowing what you are dealing with. So what does the E02 error actually mean. The E02 error simply means that the egg is not sensing proper water flow through the water’s path. A number of things can cause this. Let’s go through them now. We’ll start with the easy ones first. After each one of these procedures, plug in the egg and give it a test run.

First Things First

Let’s start with the simple and most obvious things to get them out of the way. If you try to start your water pump with no water in the tub or with the water level below the filter inlets, you will get this error. This only makes sense since the E02 error indicates a problem with water flow. If there is no water there, it cannot flow. As long as the water is above the two filter inlet pipes and at least half way to the outlet pipe, you should be able to get water to flow. It is best though to have the water above the outlet pipe. WIth that out of the way, lets get into the other causes of this error.

Dirty Filters

Believe it or not, your filters being dirty can actually cause this error. A buildup of dirt and other things on the filters can slow the flow of water through the system. If the water slows enough, the water flow sensor paddle will not move enough to trigger the sensor to tell the system that water is in fact moving. One EASY way to tell if this is your issue is to remove the filter housings and start your pump. If it runs and doesn’t give you the E02 error, this is your problem. Simply hosing off the dirt and junk from the filters can restore the water flow to a normal level. If the filters are too dirty, they may require replacing.

Clogged Debris FIlter

Another thing that can restrict water flow is a dirt and junk buildup in the debris filter that is on the output side of the pump directly above one of the filter housings. On some models it is the piece that your ChemConnect attaches to. Remove this piece and look inside. If you see a bunch of junk in there, it is probably restricting the water flow enough to cause the error. The easiest way to clen this is to back flush this with your garden hose. In some cases you may need a brush to get it clean. Then re-attach it to the liner.

Dirt Buildup on the Flow Sensor Paddle

Sometimes, depending on conditions, the water flow sensor paddle can get a buildup of dirt and debris on it that will prevent it from moving to the correct position when water is flowing. This paddle is supposed to lift up and trigger a sensor to tell the system that water is moving when the pump is turned on. Start by putting your black stoppers on all of your debris screens inside the tub and disconnect the egg. This requires you to remove both filter housings to put these stoppers on. Look inside the top hose connector and you should see the flow sensor paddle hanging down. If you can see dirt and debris around that you need to clean it. First, flush water through the egg in both directions to help loosen and remove any other debris that may be hanging around inside. To do this , run your hose into the top port on your egg for one to two minutes as seen in the picture. Then switch the hose to the port just below that one and do the same thing from that end. Now look inside the top port again and see if the debris has cleared. Once flushed, re-attach the egg to the tub and re-test. Remember to remove the black stoppers from the ports inside the tub. Forgetting this will DEFINITELY cause an E02 error.

Crushed or Kinked Inlet/Outlet Pipe

A crushed or kinked inlet or outlet pipe can be caused from different things. One reason could be that your liner is low on air. The main reason for this is usually due to a kink in one of the hoses that goes through the liner from the egg because of a sag in the liner. The loss of air will allow the hose to bend which will restrict the water flow. Simply fill your liner with air can straighten the pipes out and if that was the issue you should be good. Other things such as pipes going soft over time can cause this. Another option to solve this would be to get a short piece of rigid pipe to fit inside this pipe to keep it from collapsing. This may be helpful to do to both the top and bottom water pipes.the pipe should fit inside the gray end and be long enough to go through the liner but not come out the other side. This length can be different depending on your tub model.

Limescale Buildup

If you live in an area with hard water you are no stranger to limescale. A limescale buildup on things can cause a number of different issues. If you cleaned out your debris filter in the previous steps and found white flaky bits in it, you most likely have a limescale problem. These bits can get on and into various things and cause problems. The image to the right, thanks to Dean Masters from the UK, is a heater unit that is caked with limescale. You can see how this could easily restrict water flow. One this bad in addition to restricting water flow can also trip the electrical line or the GFCI plug to your tub, which was the problem Dean was having. You may have heard of people talking about descaling their egg. A simple descaler can be seen to the left. The square tube with connectors is attached to the pump inlet and outlet and filled with cold water just a bit above the top tube. You will then need some sort of descaling solution. These can come in powder or liquid form. A common brand is made by a company called Oust and is designed to clean coffee kettles, irons and dishwashers. Some other brands are lime-away and CLR. Putting a good bit of this solution in the descaler and turning the pump and heater on for 15 to 30 minutes will break up and disolve the limescale buildup and get you back running quickly. If you are getting the E02 error immediately after turning on the pump, you may want to let this descaling solution sit for about an hour to see if it breaks up a little bit of the lime to get things flowing. Once it is flowing and you can turn the pump on, let it run for the 15 to 30 minutes and you should be set. If you live in an area of hard water you should do this a couple times per year to prevent these problems.

Broken, Stuck or Damaged Impeller or Impeller Shaft

The impeller is the part of the pump that actually makes the water move. The motor spins this and the paddles push the water. There are a number of things that can fail with regards to the impeller, one being the impeller shaft. The impeller shaft in the image to the right is the pin that goes through the center of the impeller with the two small black caps on it. Many of the impellers used in the egg have an impeller shaft that is made of ceramic. These shafts have been known to break on occasion. When this breaks, the impeller will not spin freely and can lead to a decrease or complete stop of the water flow. If the impeller is moving with a broken shaft the egg can be very noisy and making a rattling sound.

Another thing with the impeller can be a rusty or damaged magnet. To the left is an example of a rusty impeller magnet. When a magnet gets rusty, it gets weaker. When the magnet gets weaker it cannot spin as efficiently, or at all. In this case you will need to replace the impeller. Some of these have the magnet encased in plastic like the one to the left, and some have the magnet exposed like the one shown above. Replacemtns can be found on ebay, amazon and other online stores such as headseal.com. Some of these kits will also include the rubber o-ring seals. If you are taking your pump apart, why not replace them. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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Damaged Water Flow Sensor

These pumps are equiped with a water flow sensor to tell the pump that water is actually moving through the system. The water flow sensor is a tube that has a small paddle that contains a small magnet that hangs in the water’s path, and when water flows through the tube, the paddle is pushed upwards causing the magnet to trigger a magnetic switch. When the switch is triggered, it indicates that water is flowing. The way the system works with this sensor can trigger not only the E02 error, but it can also trigger an E01 error.

We’ll start with the E01 error. When the pump is turned on, it immediately checks this sensor for a split second looking to see that it is not triggered before turning on the pump. If the system sees that the flow sensor is triggered immediately upon startup, it assumes that the paddle is stuck in the up position. With the paddle stuck in the up position, the system assumes that it cannot accurately detect water flow and will display an E01 error. If this is the case, sometimes a quick smack, not too hard, to the side of the pump will get the paddle to drop into the normal position. Another thing that can cause this is debris being stuck in the sensor, but if you did the flush in the earlier steps, this should not be an issue.

Now back to the original E02 issue. There are a few things that can cause the sensor to not trigger the magnetic switch. One of the main causes of this is broken plastic around the magnet that causes the magnet to get wet and rust. As a magnet gets rusty, it gets weaker and if it gets weak enough, it can’t trigger the sensor mounted at the top. If this is the case, the paddle will need to be replaced. You will need to remove the cover to access the sensor. Start by putting your black stoppers on the inlet and outlet ports on the inside of the tub and disconnect the pump from the tub. Once disconnected, remove the screws on the lip about half way up the pump. Slowly lift the cover off, but watch for the ribbon cable that is attached. You may be able to just set the lid aside with the ribbon cable attached. If you need to disconnect it for any reason, grab the black connector on the sides and squeeze it, then pull the connector apart. Once the lid is off, look just behind the top outlet pipe and you will see the water flow sensor. Remove the four screws on the top of the sensor and lift the top off being careful of the sensor wire that is connected to it and the rubber o-ring seal under the lid. There will be a pin through the side that holds the paddle in place. Push that pin from the side being careful not to break it, and pull it out. Install the new paddle and replace the pin. Move the paddle back and forth to ensure that it moves freely. Now inspect the o-ring seal to see if it is damaged or looks worn. If so, it is best to replace it. I sell kits that come with the paddle and seal in one package. I also sell just the paddle separately. Click here to see my store for both. Once you have the paddle replaced and the o-ring inspected/replaced, re-assemble the flow sensor being careful not to knock the o-ring out of place and screw it back together. DO NOT overtighten the screws as you may damage the housing which will cause the seal to be weak and leak over time. Replace the cover being sure to connect the ribbon cable if you had it disconnected. Then re-connect the pump to your tub and give it a test. You should be back running.


By following these steps you should have been able to resolve any issue that would cause an E02 error. I hope thisarticle helped you and got you back to tubbing again. If you find any errors or just have questions, you can contact me here. Happy tubbing to all.

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