Доктор хаус ошибка чейза


Кадр из эпизода Ошибка


29 ноября 2005 (США)
8 февраля 2008 (Россия)


Рак печени (пациентка умирает)

Ошибка (Mistake) — 8 серия 2 сезона телесериала Доктор Хаус. Премьера эпизода состоялась 29 ноября 2005 года.


Кайла смотрит из зала на выступление своих девочек. Внезапно она чувствует боль в желудке и принимает обезболивающие. Но боль усиливается – не в силах терпеть ее женщина начинает кричать.
Все произошедшее с Кайлой потом стало причиной вызова доктора Чейза на дисциплинарную комиссию. Стейси, как адвокат больницы, пытается добиться от Чейза правды. Молодой врач рассказывает историю лечения Кайлы.
Предварительно установив причину ее болей, Чейз сделал тест и отправил Кайлу домой. Через неделю она пришла с гнойниками на руке — тест оказался положительным. Чейз, разговаривавший во время визита Кайлы по телефону, выписал ей антацид и порекомендовал записаться к профильному доктору. Через час Кайлу привезли обратно с внутренним кровотечением. У нее произошел разрыв желудка, содержимое которого попало в организм и вызвало сепсис. Кроме того, в ее печени обнаружился тромб.
Чейз признает свою ошибку – если бы во время визита пациентки он более подробно расспросил о ее самочувствии, она рассказала бы ему о том, что в ее стуле кровь. Тогда диагноз сразу был бы поставлен правильно, и ее печень не отказала бы. Теперь комиссия по трансплантологии не даст ей донорскую печень – ведь женщина находится при смерти. Брат Кайлы говорит, что он подходит на роль ее донора. К тому же он заплатил лаборанту, и тот быстро сделал все необходимые тесты. Так что операцию можно проводить прямо сейчас.
Кайле пересаживают часть печени ее брата, и она поправляется. Через три месяца она приходит в больницу на осмотр. Чейз обнаруживает у нее повышенную температуру. Хаус замечает на руке брата Кайлы плохо сделанную татуировку. Он предполагает, что мужчина мог заразиться гепатитом. И это значит, что Кайле пересадили больную печень. Выясняется, что у брата Кайлы на фоне гепатита начал развиваться рак. Кайле досталась часть печени вместе с опухолью. В ее ослабленном организме болезнь начала быстро развиваться, и через несколько дней она умерла.
Чейз признался брату Кайлы в своей ошибке, и тот подал на него в суд. При этом Чейз сказал, что не уделил должного внимания Кайле потому, что у него болела голова с похмелья. Однако Хаус говорит Чейзу, что причина его невнимательности заключалась не в этом. Когда Кайла пришла к Чейзу, ему позвонила мачеха, чтобы сообщить о смерти отца.
Чейз отделывается дисциплинарным взысканием и временным отстранением от практики. К Хаусу на месяц приставляют супервайзера, который будет следить за его работой. Супервайзером Кадди назначает Формана.

Поставленные диагнозы[]

  • Болезнь Такаясу
  • Болезнь Бехчета
  • Васкулит

Назначенные анализы[]

  • Магнитно-резонансная томография (МРТ)
  • Анализ на токсины
  • Серология
Предыдущий эпизод:
Ошибка (эпизод) Следующий эпизод:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«The Mistake«
House episode
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 8
Directed by David Semel
Written by Peter Blake
Original air date November 29, 2005
Guest appearances
  • Sela Ward as Stacy Warner
  • Allison Smith as Kayla McGinley
  • Ryan Hurst as Sam McGinley
  • John Lafayette as Dr. Schisgal
  • John Rubinstein as Dr. Ayersman
  • Greg Winter as Chuck
  • Stephanie Venditto as Nurse Brenda Previn
Episode chronology
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House (season 2)
List of episodes

«The Mistake» is the eighth episode of the second season of House, which premiered on Fox on November 29, 2005. The episode is told in flashbacks when the hospital and Chase’s career is on the line.


Throughout the episode the story of the patient’s death is presented through flashback as Chase and House share the story with Stacy. Both Chase and House lie about the reason for his mistake, resulting in multiple conflicting narratives.

The episode’s cold opening is set in a school auditorium, where a dedicated mother, Kayla McGinley is watching her daughters, Dory and Niki, perform in a recital. While sitting in the audience, Kayla suddenly screams from severe stomach pain. Her screams cause her daughters and the crowd to focus their attention on her.

Cuddy then consults Stacy, as the hearing for the McGinley case is coming up soon. Stacy refuses to work with House, but Cuddy forces her, stating that as House is the cause of most legal trouble in the hospital, if Stacy is unable to work with him, she will be unable to work at the hospital. As House and Wilson are playing a coin game in House’s office, Stacy walks in and informs him that his presence will be needed at the hearing. Stacy then begins the consult with Chase, who relates the story of Kayla months earlier. Kayla first came into the clinic, presenting with severe pain. Foreman performed the exam and discovered uveitis, prompting House to take over the case. As the team is performing the initial diagnosis meeting, Chase spills House’s bottle of Vicodin, causing House to force him to take over the case.

Chase finds ulcers, leading him to believe it is Behçet’s disease, and prescribes textbook treatment. When Kayla returns for the test, Chase, who was just on the phone, is distracted and fails to ask further questions when she complains of further stomach pains. This is the titular «mistake» of the episode. Kayla is then brought in again later, and the team finds two bleeding ulcers, one of which has already perforated, resulting in sepsis and major damage to her organs.

Kayla’s liver is too damaged, and she needs a new one. However, her blood type is rare (AB−) and although she is high on the transplant list, chances are low she will get one in the next couple of days. Her brother, Sam, offers to donate his own liver, because he is a perfect match. House goes to one of the hospital’s surgeons and tries to bribe him to perform the operation. When he does not comply with House, House then blackmails him with information about the surgeon cheating on his wife, which is successful. However, after the operation, House tells the surgeon’s wife anyway, after which the wife keys her husband’s car.

During a routine checkup two months later, Chase discover Kayla is running a slight temperature, which should not happen with the medication she’s on. She then spikes a fever an hour later. Chase believes it is strep, but Sam then arrives and brings up the possibility of hepatitis. House realizes Sam has hepatitis C, which was transplanted along with the liver given to Kayla. House then deduces that both patients now have liver cancer. Kayla needs a new liver once again, and once again is exempt because of the cancer.

As Chase is being interrogated in Cuddy’s office, he reveals the real reason for the lawsuit. After discovering Kayla will not be able to obtain a legitimate transplant, Sam went to the black market and found a doctor in Mexico willing to perform the operation. Although at first Chase is willing to go along with it, he is convinced by Foreman and Cameron to tell the truth to Kayla: that she will die regardless. Kayla ends up not getting the operation and dies. Months later, Sam comes to the hospital for a checkup, Chase, guilt-ridden, tells Sam that he was hungover during the checkup resulting in him not further questioning Kayla’s stomach pains, misdiagnosing her ulcer and ultimately killing her. Sam is furious and sues the hospital.

As Stacy and Cuddy are reeling from this revelation, House takes Chase outside, when he accuses Chase of lying: Chase was not distracted in the checkup because he was hungover, he was distracted because he had just received a phone call bearing the news that his father had died from lung cancer. House reveals that he knew about his father’s cancer but promised not to tell Chase about it. As Chase decides to tell the truth during the hearing, Stacy admits she still has feelings for House, hinting at the possibility of them getting back together again.

The panel decides to penalize both Chase and House; Chase receiving one week of suspension and a letter in his permanent file for lying to both his superiors and Sam, while House is cited for his «troubling» conduct (including allegations of blackmail along with refusing to meet with patients) that results in him having his practice supervised by another doctor for at least one month (as chosen by Cuddy). Furious about the supervision, House attempts to fire Chase, but is stopped by Foreman who has been appointed to be his supervisor.


The episode received 14.91 million viewers.[1]


  1. ^ «Weekly Program Rankings». ABC Medianet. December 6, 2005. Retrieved July 29, 2008.

External links[edit]

  • «The Mistake» at Fox.com
  • «The Mistake» at IMDb


Кадр из эпизода Ошибка.jpg


29 ноября 2005 (США)
8 февраля 2008 (Россия)


Рак печени (пациентка умирает)

Ошибка (Mistake) — 8 серия 2 сезона телесериала Доктор Хаус. Премьера эпизода состоялась 29 ноября 2005 года.


Кайла смотрит из зала на выступление своих девочек. Внезапно она чувствует боль в желудке и принимает обезболивающие. Но боль усиливается – не в силах терпеть ее женщина начинает кричать.
Все произошедшее с Кайлой потом стало причиной вызова доктора Чейза на дисциплинарную комиссию. Стейси, как адвокат больницы, пытается добиться от Чейза правды. Молодой врач рассказывает историю лечения Кайлы.
Предварительно установив причину ее болей, Чейз сделал тест и отправил Кайлу домой. Через неделю она пришла с гнойниками на руке — тест оказался положительным. Чейз, разговаривавший во время визита Кайлы по телефону, выписал ей антацид и порекомендовал записаться к профильному доктору. Через час Кайлу привезли обратно с внутренним кровотечением. У нее произошел разрыв желудка, содержимое которого попало в организм и вызвало сепсис. Кроме того, в ее печени обнаружился тромб.
Чейз признает свою ошибку – если бы во время визита пациентки он более подробно расспросил о ее самочувствии, она рассказала бы ему о том, что в ее стуле кровь. Тогда диагноз сразу был бы поставлен правильно, и ее печень не отказала бы. Теперь комиссия по трансплантологии не даст ей донорскую печень – ведь женщина находится при смерти. Брат Кайлы говорит, что он подходит на роль ее донора. К тому же он заплатил лаборанту, и тот быстро сделал все необходимые тесты. Так что операцию можно проводить прямо сейчас.
Кайле пересаживают часть печени ее брата, и она поправляется. Через три месяца она приходит в больницу на осмотр. Чейз обнаруживает у нее повышенную температуру. Хаус замечает на руке брата Кайлы плохо сделанную татуировку. Он предполагает, что мужчина мог заразиться гепатитом. И это значит, что Кайле пересадили больную печень. Выясняется, что у брата Кайлы на фоне гепатита начал развиваться рак. Кайле досталась часть печени вместе с опухолью. В ее ослабленном организме болезнь начала быстро развиваться, и через несколько дней она умерла.
Чейз признался брату Кайлы в своей ошибке, и тот подал на него в суд. При этом Чейз сказал, что не уделил должного внимания Кайле потому, что у него болела голова с похмелья. Однако Хаус говорит Чейзу, что причина его невнимательности заключалась не в этом. Когда Кайла пришла к Чейзу, ему позвонила мачеха, чтобы сообщить о смерти отца.
Чейз отделывается дисциплинарным взысканием и временным отстранением от практики. К Хаусу на месяц приставляют супервайзера, который будет следить за его работой. Супервайзером Кадди назначает Формана.

Поставленные диагнозы[]

  • Болезнь Такаясу
  • Болезнь Бехчета
  • Васкулит

Назначенные анализы[]

  • Магнитно-резонансная томография (МРТ)
  • Анализ на токсины
  • Серология
Предыдущий эпизод:
Ошибка (эпизод) Следующий эпизод:
House: «Yeah! Why didn’t she go to med school like you did? Diarrhea, blood in the stool, these are routine questions…«
Chase: «…that doctors skip all the time! It was a minor mistake, I couldn’t have known that…«
House: «Mistakes are as serious as the results they cause! This woman could die because you were too lazy to ask one simple question.«
— The Mistake

The Mistake is a 2nd season episode of House which first aired on November 29, 2005. The episode is told in flashbacks as Stacy prepares Chase and House for a disciplinary case where a simple mistake by Chase eventually results in the death of the patient. When the hospital is sued over the incident, Stacy has to dig for the truth both to save the hospital and Chase’s career. However, she’s distracted by her ongoing feud with House over his review of her confidential therapy records.



During a recital at her daughters’ school, a woman screams with severe abdominal pain.

The scene is now six months later, and the diagnostic team is working with Stacy Warner to prepare for a hearing before a peer review disciplinary hearing. Stacy resists working with House, but Cuddy points out that since lawsuits against House generate 40% of the hospital’s legal work, she can’t work at Princeton-Plainsboro unless she deals with him.

Wilson and House are discussing House’s fight with Stacy when she walks in to tell him about the hearing. He signs the paperwork and sends her to see Chase.

Stacy starts preparing Chase for the hearing. They review Chase’s memory of the patient’s treatment.

The patient presented at the clinic with joint and stomach pain. Foreman was called in for a neurology consult, and uveitis interests House in the case. The team starts trying to establish a diagnosis. House assigns Chase to perform a pelvic exam after he spills House’s Vicodin all over the office. It appeared to be Behcet’s disease, and Chase prescribes prednisone.

However, a few days later, the patient comes back to the clinic to see Chase, and the test results are positive for Behcet’s. The patient mentions her stomach still hurts, and Chase writes her a prescription. Kayla goes to ask him something else, but changes her mind at the last minute due to Chase’s irritated state. Chase admits he didn’t ask her more about the stomach pain, believing it was acid reflux or upset stomach from the prednisone.

House tells Wilson he isn’t worried about the disciplinary hearing because he never met the patient. However, Wilson points out that House never meeting patients is bad medical practice and that Stacy may tell Chase to sell House out.

Chase admits to Stacy that about an hour after the patient left, he thought that he should have asked if the patient had blood in her stool and called her. The patient is in the emergency room two hours later with a perforated ulcer. She needs emergency surgery, but stomach contents had leaked into her abdominal cavity, causing peritonitis which led to sepsis and damage to her liver and kidneys.

Stacy talks to Cameron about why Chase forgot to ask about the blood in the stool when Kayla came back. Cameron doesn’t know why he failed to do so and suggests she ask House. Stacy goes to Foreman instead, who suggests Chase doesn’t care that much about patients, and again tells Stacy to ask House.


House tells Stacy that given the patient had bleeding ulcers, there was no way she was «fine» when Chase examined her two hours previously. At the time, House chastised Chase for failing to ask about diarrhea and rectal bleeding. Stacy can’t understand why House wouldn’t fire Chase over such a mistake and House dodges the question. Stacy confronts Chase about his failure to ask the question.

Because of the sepsis, the patient suffers liver damage due to blood clots and requires a liver transplant. Cuddy refuses to put the patient on the transplant list because she also has vasculitis and kidney damage. House convinces Cuddy to agree by pointing out that the patient will sue the hospital over the missed diagnosis. Cuddy relents to put the patient on the transplant list, but there is no suitable liver available. Her brother insists on donating a lobe from his liver, offering rushed screening tests which prove that his liver is compatible.

After bribery fails to convince an unfaithful surgeon, House blackmails him instead to perform what amounts to a highly risky transplant. It turns out House tells the surgeon’s wife about the infidelity anyway after the operation.

House and Stacy confront each other about his looking into her therapy file.

Although the transplant was successful, the patient returns two months later. House forces Chase to perform the examination as punishment for missing the initial diagnosis. She has a slight fever, so Chase orders tests, just before her fever spikes. The team argues about whether it is organ rejection or an infection. The brother comes in to confront House, and House immediately sees he has hepatitis C. House suspects that this has led to cancer in the sister and he orders an MRI of both the patient and the brother.

House turns out to be right – the donated liver had a cancerous hepatoma, which spread quickly in the sister because of her immune system being suppressed. They luckily are able to operate on the brother and save his life, but the sister is terminal.

Chase is sued for malpractice over the sister’s death. Chase admits that he tried to help the sister get a black market transplant, but backed out when he realized his medical license was on the line. He instead tells the sister that she will probably not survive the surgery or even the trip to get a black market operation. He tells the patient about his father’s death and urges her go home to spend time with her children before she dies. The brother objects, but the patient is satisfied she got three more months and saved her brother’s life. The patient passes away a week later. However, Chase examines the brother post-surgery. The brother tells Chase that he and the orphaned children are going to have to move as they can no longer afford to live there. Chase then tells the brother he made a mistake diagnosing the ulcer and that he was hung over at the time. This infuriates the brother, leading him to sue.

House confronts Chase; he doesn’t believe Chase was hung over. House was aware that Chase got a phone call about his father’s death on the same day the patient came to confirm the Behcet’s test. It was also the day Chase learned his father had had lung cancer for several months and never told him. House then reveals that he knew about Rowan’s cancer and promised not to tell Chase about it. They then discuss what has to be done about the disciplinary action and lawsuit. The lawsuit is settled and the brother has enough money to keep the children in their family home.

As Chase speaks to the panel, Stacy tells House that she never considered selling him out to save Chase or the hospital. She also admits that there were some good things about their relationship.

The discipline committee takes into account Chase’s father’s death, and suspends him for a week, despite his lying and the mistake. The committee is concerned that House has been accused of blackmail and avoids meeting patients and orders him to be supervised by another doctor for one month. Cuddy decides to appoint Foreman to supervise House for that period.

Major Events

  • Chase reveals that his mother had a serious drinking problem and died from alcoholism when he was in his teens.
  • Two months after visiting his son, Rowan Chase passed away from lung cancer.
  • After learning of his father’s death, Chase, consumed by grief, gets distracted and ends up killing a patient by accident.
  • The committee suspends Chase for one week but reveals that members of the transplant team complained to them about House blackmailing and bribing them.
  • As a result of the hearing, Foreman is appointed temporary head of the Diagnostic department and House’s immediate supervisor for one month.

Clinic Patient

At the clinic, House examines a well-off man, having a cough for two months and low oxygen stats, who has no health insurance. House discusses with him the plight of a hypothetical patient with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis which requires a lung transplant, but since he doesn’t have insurance, he won’t be able to afford it, and no insurance company would cover him with such a serious pre-existing condition. If only he had gotten himself insurance before a doctor had diagnosed him…! The patient quickly leaves the room before House can finish an examination. However, it turns out House lied to him so he would go get insurance – the patient merely had a cold. He later plays the same trick on a patient he calls Fusan.

Zebra Factor 4/10

Behcet’s is fairly rare in the United States, occurring in about one out of every ten thousand people. It is somewhat more common in Europe and Asia.

Trivia & Cultural References

  • Bloomingdale’s is an upscale department store based in Manhattan with outlets in many major American cities.
  • Aretha Franklin is an American singer and songwriter usually referred to as “The Queen of Soul“. Rolling Stone magazine ranked her as the greatest singer of all time. Although her career started in Detroit, she was born in Memphis. “Respect” is one of her forty-five top forty hits and one of her two number one hits.
  • Wilson mistakenly says to House «That’s why Nixon was impeached.» Richard M. Nixon was the 37th President of the United States. He was involved in several political scandals collectively known as «Watergate.» Nixon was not impeached, but it was almost a foregone conclusion that he would be impeached, tried and removed from office, as his political support in Congress dwindled rapidly once his involvement in Watergate was revealed. Nixon announced his resignation in a televised address on August 8, 1974, and resigned the next day.
  • House’s response to Wilson that he (House) is not allowed to have oral sex with an intern is a reference to the Clinton/Lewinsky affair.
  • At the beginning of the episode, Kayla ponders «keying» the convertible of the father of the girl who has been making fun of her daughters. Later in the episode, Mrs. Ayersman keys Dr. Ayersman’s convertible after she finds out about his affairs.
  • The episode breaks some cinematic elements by mixing the characters in current events and flashbacks, such as House narrating himself in the middle of a flashback or House and Stacy watching the flashback, while actually inside the said.


  • Hugh Laurie as Gregory House
  • Lisa Edelstein as Lisa Cuddy
  • Omar Epps as Eric Foreman
  • Robert Sean Leonard as James Wilson
  • Jennifer Morrison as Allison Cameron
  • Jesse Spencer as Robert Chase
  • Sela Ward as Stacy Warner
  • Ryan Hurst as Sam McGinley
  • Allison Smith as Kayla McGinley
  • John Rubinstein as Dr. Ayersman
  • John Lafayette as Dr. Schisgal
  • Greg Winter as Chuck
  • Stephanie Venditto as Brenda Previn
  • Sammi Hanratty as Dory McGinley
  • Adair Tishler as Nikki McGinley
  • Kevin Moon as EMT
  • Kate Enggren as Mrs. Ayersman
  • Licia L. Shearer as Susan
  • Sterling Beaumon as Boy Magician
  • Shon Blotzer as Medical Student
  • Nancy Criss as Visitor


  • Episode article at Wikipedia
  • Episode page at IMDB
  • Episode review at Blogcritics
  • Episode page at House MD Guide
  • Episode transcript
  • Episode page at TV.com
  • Episode page at Ace Showbiz
  • Mirror page at the Vietnamese House Wiki
  • Episode article at The TV IV
House: «Yeah! Why didn’t she go to med school like you did? Diarrhea, blood in the stool, these are routine questions…«
Chase: «…that doctors skip all the time! It was a minor mistake, I couldn’t have known that…«
House: «Mistakes are as serious as the results they cause! This woman could die because you were too lazy to ask one simple question.«
— The Mistake

The Mistake is a 2nd season episode of House which first aired on November 29, 2005. The episode is told in flashbacks as Stacy prepares Chase and House for a disciplinary case where a simple mistake by Chase eventually results in the death of the patient. When the hospital is sued over the incident, Stacy has to dig for the truth both to save the hospital and Chase’s career. However, she’s distracted by her ongoing feud with House over his review of her confidential therapy records.



During a recital at her daughters’ school, a woman screams with severe abdominal pain.

The scene is now six months later, and the diagnostic team is working with Stacy Warner to prepare for a hearing before a peer review disciplinary hearing. Stacy resists working with House, but Cuddy points out that since lawsuits against House generate 40% of the hospital’s legal work, she can’t work at Princeton-Plainsboro unless she deals with him.

Wilson and House are discussing House’s fight with Stacy when she walks in to tell him about the hearing. He signs the paperwork and sends her to see Chase.

Stacy starts preparing Chase for the hearing. They review Chase’s memory of the patient’s treatment.

The patient presented at the clinic with joint and stomach pain. Foreman was called in for a neurology consult, and uveitis interests House in the case. The team starts trying to establish a diagnosis. House assigns Chase to perform a pelvic exam after he spills House’s Vicodin all over the office. It appeared to be Behcet’s disease, and Chase prescribes prednisone.

However, a few days later, the patient comes back to the clinic to see Chase, and the test results are positive for Behcet’s. The patient mentions her stomach still hurts, and Chase writes her a prescription. Kayla goes to ask him something else, but changes her mind at the last minute due to Chase’s irritated state. Chase admits he didn’t ask her more about the stomach pain, believing it was acid reflux or upset stomach from the prednisone.

House tells Wilson he isn’t worried about the disciplinary hearing because he never met the patient. However, Wilson points out that House never meeting patients is bad medical practice and that Stacy may tell Chase to sell House out.

Chase admits to Stacy that about an hour after the patient left, he thought that he should have asked if the patient had blood in her stool and called her. The patient is in the emergency room two hours later with a perforated ulcer. She needs emergency surgery, but stomach contents had leaked into her abdominal cavity, causing peritonitis which led to sepsis and damage to her liver and kidneys.

Stacy talks to Cameron about why Chase forgot to ask about the blood in the stool when Kayla came back. Cameron doesn’t know why he failed to do so and suggests she ask House. Stacy goes to Foreman instead, who suggests Chase doesn’t care that much about patients, and again tells Stacy to ask House.


House tells Stacy that given the patient had bleeding ulcers, there was no way she was «fine» when Chase examined her two hours previously. At the time, House chastised Chase for failing to ask about diarrhea and rectal bleeding. Stacy can’t understand why House wouldn’t fire Chase over such a mistake and House dodges the question. Stacy confronts Chase about his failure to ask the question.

Because of the sepsis, the patient suffers liver damage due to blood clots and requires a liver transplant. Cuddy refuses to put the patient on the transplant list because she also has vasculitis and kidney damage. House convinces Cuddy to agree by pointing out that the patient will sue the hospital over the missed diagnosis. Cuddy relents to put the patient on the transplant list, but there is no suitable liver available. Her brother insists on donating a lobe from his liver, offering rushed screening tests which prove that his liver is compatible.

After bribery fails to convince an unfaithful surgeon, House blackmails him instead to perform what amounts to a highly risky transplant. It turns out House tells the surgeon’s wife about the infidelity anyway after the operation.

House and Stacy confront each other about his looking into her therapy file.

Although the transplant was successful, the patient returns two months later. House forces Chase to perform the examination as punishment for missing the initial diagnosis. She has a slight fever, so Chase orders tests, just before her fever spikes. The team argues about whether it is organ rejection or an infection. The brother comes in to confront House, and House immediately sees he has hepatitis C. House suspects that this has led to cancer in the sister and he orders an MRI of both the patient and the brother.

House turns out to be right – the donated liver had a cancerous hepatoma, which spread quickly in the sister because of her immune system being suppressed. They luckily are able to operate on the brother and save his life, but the sister is terminal.

Chase is sued for malpractice over the sister’s death. Chase admits that he tried to help the sister get a black market transplant, but backed out when he realized his medical license was on the line. He instead tells the sister that she will probably not survive the surgery or even the trip to get a black market operation. He tells the patient about his father’s death and urges her go home to spend time with her children before she dies. The brother objects, but the patient is satisfied she got three more months and saved her brother’s life. The patient passes away a week later. However, Chase examines the brother post-surgery. The brother tells Chase that he and the orphaned children are going to have to move as they can no longer afford to live there. Chase then tells the brother he made a mistake diagnosing the ulcer and that he was hung over at the time. This infuriates the brother, leading him to sue.

House confronts Chase; he doesn’t believe Chase was hung over. House was aware that Chase got a phone call about his father’s death on the same day the patient came to confirm the Behcet’s test. It was also the day Chase learned his father had had lung cancer for several months and never told him. House then reveals that he knew about Rowan’s cancer and promised not to tell Chase about it. They then discuss what has to be done about the disciplinary action and lawsuit. The lawsuit is settled and the brother has enough money to keep the children in their family home.

As Chase speaks to the panel, Stacy tells House that she never considered selling him out to save Chase or the hospital. She also admits that there were some good things about their relationship.

The discipline committee takes into account Chase’s father’s death, and suspends him for a week, despite his lying and the mistake. The committee is concerned that House has been accused of blackmail and avoids meeting patients and orders him to be supervised by another doctor for one month. Cuddy decides to appoint Foreman to supervise House for that period.

Major Events

  • Chase reveals that his mother had a serious drinking problem and died from alcoholism when he was in his teens.
  • Two months after visiting his son, Rowan Chase passed away from lung cancer.
  • After learning of his father’s death, Chase, consumed by grief, gets distracted and ends up killing a patient by accident.
  • The committee suspends Chase for one week but reveals that members of the transplant team complained to them about House blackmailing and bribing them.
  • As a result of the hearing, Foreman is appointed temporary head of the Diagnostic department and House’s immediate supervisor for one month.

Clinic Patient

At the clinic, House examines a well-off man, having a cough for two months and low oxygen stats, who has no health insurance. House discusses with him the plight of a hypothetical patient with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis which requires a lung transplant, but since he doesn’t have insurance, he won’t be able to afford it, and no insurance company would cover him with such a serious pre-existing condition. If only he had gotten himself insurance before a doctor had diagnosed him…! The patient quickly leaves the room before House can finish an examination. However, it turns out House lied to him so he would go get insurance – the patient merely had a cold. He later plays the same trick on a patient he calls Fusan.

Zebra Factor 4/10

Behcet’s is fairly rare in the United States, occurring in about one out of every ten thousand people. It is somewhat more common in Europe and Asia.

Trivia & Cultural References

  • Bloomingdale’s is an upscale department store based in Manhattan with outlets in many major American cities.
  • Aretha Franklin is an American singer and songwriter usually referred to as “The Queen of Soul“. Rolling Stone magazine ranked her as the greatest singer of all time. Although her career started in Detroit, she was born in Memphis. “Respect” is one of her forty-five top forty hits and one of her two number one hits.
  • Wilson mistakenly says to House «That’s why Nixon was impeached.» Richard M. Nixon was the 37th President of the United States. He was involved in several political scandals collectively known as «Watergate.» Nixon was not impeached, but it was almost a foregone conclusion that he would be impeached, tried and removed from office, as his political support in Congress dwindled rapidly once his involvement in Watergate was revealed. Nixon announced his resignation in a televised address on August 8, 1974, and resigned the next day.
  • House’s response to Wilson that he (House) is not allowed to have oral sex with an intern is a reference to the Clinton/Lewinsky affair.
  • At the beginning of the episode, Kayla ponders «keying» the convertible of the father of the girl who has been making fun of her daughters. Later in the episode, Mrs. Ayersman keys Dr. Ayersman’s convertible after she finds out about his affairs.
  • The episode breaks some cinematic elements by mixing the characters in current events and flashbacks, such as House narrating himself in the middle of a flashback or House and Stacy watching the flashback, while actually inside the said.


  • Hugh Laurie as Gregory House
  • Lisa Edelstein as Lisa Cuddy
  • Omar Epps as Eric Foreman
  • Robert Sean Leonard as James Wilson
  • Jennifer Morrison as Allison Cameron
  • Jesse Spencer as Robert Chase
  • Sela Ward as Stacy Warner
  • Ryan Hurst as Sam McGinley
  • Allison Smith as Kayla McGinley
  • John Rubinstein as Dr. Ayersman
  • John Lafayette as Dr. Schisgal
  • Greg Winter as Chuck
  • Stephanie Venditto as Brenda Previn
  • Sammi Hanratty as Dory McGinley
  • Adair Tishler as Nikki McGinley
  • Kevin Moon as EMT
  • Kate Enggren as Mrs. Ayersman
  • Licia L. Shearer as Susan
  • Sterling Beaumon as Boy Magician
  • Shon Blotzer as Medical Student
  • Nancy Criss as Visitor


  • Episode article at Wikipedia
  • Episode page at IMDB
  • Episode review at Blogcritics
  • Episode page at House MD Guide
  • Episode transcript
  • Episode page at TV.com
  • Episode page at Ace Showbiz
  • Mirror page at the Vietnamese House Wiki
  • Episode article at The TV IV

Доктор Хаус

Доктор Хаус

FHD (1080p)

House M.D.
43 мин.

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636 голосов

Жанр: Детектив, Комедия, Зарубежный, Драма
Подборка: Про жизнь, Про докторов, Fox
В ролях: Хью Лори, Роберт Шон Леонард, Лиза Эдельштейн, Омар Эппс, Джесси Спенсер, Дженнифер Моррисон, Питер Джекобсон, Оливия Уайлд, Кэл Пенн, Эмбер Тэмблин

Информация о сериале

Сюжет сериала Доктор Хаус

Сериал рассказывает о команде врачей, которые должны правильно поставить диагноз пациенту и спасти его. Группу возглавляет доктор Грегори Хаус, который ходит с тростью после того, как слишком поздно был правильно диагностирован инфаркт мышцы правой ноги. Как врач Хаус просто гений, но сам он не выделяется глубоким общением с пациентами и охотно их избегает, если только есть возможность. Сам он все время борется со своей болью, и палка в его руке лишь подчеркивает его резкий и ядовитый способ общения. Иногда его поведение можно назвать почти бесчеловечным, и в то же время он очень хороший врач с нетипичным умом и безупречным чутьем, заслужившим глубокое уважение. Как специалист по инфекционным заболеваниям, он также является прекрасным диагностом, который любит решать медицинские головоломки, чтобы спасти чью-то жизнь. Если бы все было по его воле, то Хаус лечил бы больных, не выходя из кабинета.

Смотреть онлайн сериал Доктор Хаус (2004) все серии подряд. Продолжительность каждой серии — 43 мин. Доступно качество для просмотра HD720 и FullHD 1080p. Страна съёмок сериала — США. Сериал производства студии — Без студии.
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Врачи тоже смотрят сериал «Доктор Хаус». Но для них это не только занимательная драма, а еще и бесконечный тест знаний, логические задачки и викторина. Естественно, настоящие доктора замечают то, о чем не догадываются простые зрители. А именно — что гений Хаус далеко не всегда прав…

Ошибка №1. Ох и нахимичили!
Самой распространенной ошибкой экранных эскулапов является легкость, с которой они назначают пациентам химиотерапию при малейшем подозрении на рак. Онкологи в такие моменты хватаются за сердце и отправляются на кухню пить валидол. Потому что на самом деле это один из самых радикальных способов лечения, который очень негативно влияет на общее состояние здоровья пациента.

При неподтвержденном диагнозе, да еще и в таких случаях, с которыми сталкивается команда Хауса, это чудовищный риск. А уж тем более не бывает химиотерапии для «всех видов рака» (как это утверждал Хаус, например, во второй серии пятого сезона). Если бы подобный казус всплыл в сюжете всего раз, его героям можно было бы простить — ведь в этой серии с ними не было доктора Уилсона, который обычно консультирует Хауса в сфере онкологических заболеваний. Но абстрактная химиотерапия прописывается самым разным больным с прямо-таки маниакальной настойчивостью!

Ошибка №2. И вместо сердца — пламенный разряд!
Электростимуляция сердца с помощью дефибриллятора — одна из самых зрелищных сцен в кинематографе. Пациент внезапно теряет сознание, на мониторе появляется ровная зеленая линия, а обаятельный доктор (в нашем случае реаниматологом выступает Чейз) требовательно кричит: «Дефибриллятор!».

Разряд, еще разряд (для добавления драматизма заряд повышается, иногда превышая все допустимые нормы), и вот сердце пациента снова стучит…

В этот момент за сердце хватаются кардиологи. Потому что в жизни при остановке сердца эту процедуру не выполняют. Дефибриллятор нужен для того, чтобы вернуть пульс в норму, а не для того, чтобы запустить сердце по новой (потому что в этом случае он скорее навредит, чем поможет). Ну а в кино чего не сделаешь ради эффектных кадров! Правда?

Ошибка №3. Волшебные лекарства.
Медицинские препараты, которые используются в сериале, наверняка позаимствованы из какого-то другого, идеального мира. Они действуют в разы быстрее, чем их мирские аналоги, подходят не только взрослым, но и детям и практически не имеют противопоказаний!

Зачастую их принимают не в той форме, в которой они существуют в обычных больницах. Таблетки колют, мази пьют, а суспензии втирают. Зато опять же на экране все выглядит зрелищно и часто — не для слабонервных!

Ошибка №4. На все руки мастера.
Это только кажется, что сотрудники отделения диагностики госпиталя Принстон-Плейнсборо знают все. У каждого доктора, работающего с Хаусом, есть своя, достаточно узкая специализация. Форман — невролог, Чейз — хирург и реаниматолог, Камерон — иммунолог, Тауб — пластический хирург, Каттнер — специалист по спортивной медицине, Тринадцатая занимается внутренними заболеваниями… Даже директриса Кадди и та на самом деле эндокринолог.

Но специализация докторов часто вылетает из головы сценаристов, когда они отправляют того или иного героя проводить медицинские процедуры, которые совершенно не соответствуют его профессиональному профилю.

Скажем, в третьей серии пятого сезона спец по пластической хирургии Тауб отправляется делать тест, проведение которого на самом деле доверяют лишь опытным кардиохирургам!

Ошибка №5. Как хирурги втирают нам очки.
Из серии в серию врачи делают хирургические операции без защитных очков, что в американских больницах попросту не допускается. При этом иногда очки в кадре все же появляются, но затем таинственным образом снова исчезают.

Впрочем, этим таинственным исчезновениям есть вполне обычное объяснение: кинооператорам часто не нравятся очки на героях. Актеры работают при ярком искусственном свете, стекла часто бликуют, камере сложнее сфокусироваться на глазах персонажей, что бывает жизненно важно в напряженных сценах.

Ну и, наконец, в стеклах очков могут отражаться нежелательные элементы съемочной площадки — микрофоны, краны с камерой, провода и т. д.

Ошибка №6. Доктор сказал: «В мозг!»
Аппарат для магнитно-резонансной томографии регулярно используется командой Хауса прямо как самый настоящий детектор лжи. МРТ действительно можно применять в подобном качестве — этому однажды даже был посвящен целый эпизод программы «Разрушители мифов». Но опять же на деле все выглядит совершенно не так, как мы видим это на экране.

Когда в восьмой серии пятого сезона 16-летняя девочка говорит о смерти своих родителей (достоверность именно этого факта хотел проверить Хаус), на экране подсвечивается участок мозга, отвечающий за воображение, подтверждая теорию докторов.

Но этот участок отвечает также и за длительную память. А ведь именно длительная память отвечает за воспоминания (что тут же опровергает теорию Хауса). Ну и еще стоит упомянуть о том, что малейшее движение пациента сбивает показания МРТ, так что лежать в этой металлической трубе и разговаривать строго-настрого запрещено.

Ошибка №7. И из рентгена выжать писк…
Очень часто медицинское оборудование издает звуки, которые оно не может издавать в принципе. Сканнеры пищат при обнаружении аномалии, рентгены высвечивают (а иногда даже увеличивают!) те участки, в которых доктора секундой позже обнаружат причину проблемы.

А вот аппараты у докторов, лечивших пациентов до их поступления в Принстон-Плейнсборо, наоборот, упорно игнорируют подсказки вроде металлических осколков (хотя у команды Хауса эти самые осколки горят на рентгене ярче солнца, что тоже очень далеко от правды)..

Все сезоны

Полное описание 2 сезона 8 серии

У женщины двое детей и плохо больной стало прямо на детском утреннике – он думал, обычная язва. Оказалось — гепатит, который не успели вылечить. Долгое время Доктор Хаус придумывает, как защитить ошибившегося человека. Медику теперь нужно пройти дисциплинарный комитет. От решения дисциплинарных судей будет зависеть дальнейшая карьера героя – достоин пощады врач, который сделал ошибочное суждение.

Смотрите онлайн 2 сезон 8 серию «Доктор Хаус» бесплатно, в хорошем HD качестве, на телефоне, планшете, пк или телевизоре на сайте — housemd.ru.

Кадры из серии

Код серии: 2×08
Дата выхода: 29.11.2005
Оригинал: The Mistake
Озвучка: Lostfilm
Субтитры: Нет

Скриншот эпизода

Доктор Хаус 2 сезон 8 серия Ошибка

Во 2 сезоне 8 серии сериала «Доктор Хаус» происходит дисциплинарное слушание по делу доктора Чейза и его пациентки Кайлы. Она обратилась к нему с проблемами, и он назначил ей правильное лечение. Однако женщина не указала все точные симптомы и поэтому диагноз был установлен неверно. Вскоре её привозят в больницу с разрывом желудка. Содержимое попало в организм и вызвало сепсис. К тому же ей требуется пересадка печени. Её брат соглашается на скорейшую трансплантацию и становится донором. Дав при этом взятку лаборанту, чтобы он как можно быстрее произвёл все тесты и анализы. Операция проходит, однако позже оказывается, что у брата был гепатит С и вместе с печенью пересадили и больной участок в ослабленный организм девушки. Она умирает, а Чейза на месяц отстраняют от работы.

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