Дискорд ошибка 500 internal server error

Image via Discord

Discord is one of the world’s most popular communication platforms across multiple devices. However, as with all technology, sometimes there are some technical issues that can cause the software to not function the way it is intended. One of those issues may be the 500 internal server error, and here is how to fix it.

Believe it or not, a 500 internal server error, is not an error exclusive to Discord. Essentially what it is, is a status code that means something has gone wrong on the software’s server, but the server could not be more specific on what that exact problem is. It is very rare for this error to be caused by an issue on the user’s end since it is typically a server issue. However, below is what you should do to troubleshoot and try to resolve this issue.

Related: Is Discord down? Here’s how to check server status

The only real step you can take to address this issue is to clear your cache. Here is how to clear the Cache on Discord.

  • How to clear Discord cache on PC
    • Locate Discord in your AppData folder
    • Within the Discord folder, you will find three folders titled: Cache, CodeCache, and GPUCache.
    • You can select these folders and right-click to delete them.
    • Finally, empty your recycle bin by right-clicking on it to fully delete these files from the system.
    • Discord will then remake these folder’s on its next launch.
  • How to clear Discord cache on Mobile
    • For Android users, the process is as simple as locating the Discord app in your settings. After tapping on the app, it will pull up the app information page. At the bottom of this page you will be able to select a button that says Clear Cache. Once you do that you are good to go.
    • For iPhone users, you will need to delete the Discord app from your phones strorage. Once the app has been deleted you can head to the App Store and reinstall it. This will effectivly clear Discord’s cache, and all you will need to do is sign back into the app.

If you have cleared Discord’s cache, and you are still receiving the error, then there is a very high chance, that the issue is on Discord’s end. To check the status of Discord’s servers, you can visit their server status site. Here they will provide information on if the servers are experiencing issues, and give estimates for how long it will take to get them fixed.

For more help with Discord, check out How to live stream in Discord right here on Pro Game Guides.

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Discord is a popular communication platform where user can express their feelings by communicating with others around the globe. However, sometimes a user can face certain errors where they are no longer able to use this platform and one of them could be “Discord 500 Internal Server Error”.

A Discord 500 Internal Server error is linked with the HTTP status code which indicates that the server is not able to process the user’s request. There could be many potential reasons for this error and some of them include server issues, connection problems, and account-related issues which will be discussed in further depth in the next section.

Causes of Discord 500 Internal Server Error

The Discord 500 Internal Server Error can occur due to several reasons and some of the most common are discussed below:

Outdated Discord Application: A user can face such an error if they are using an outdated application which is more vulnerable to bugs and other issues.

Server Overload: Every server has some capacity to handle tasks at any certain time. So, if the Discord server is overloaded with too many requests, it may fail to process some of them, resulting in the 500 Internal Server Error.

Connection Issues: Slow or unstable internet connection can also be a reason due to which the connection with the Discord server cannot be established.

Account Issues: If a user has violated any policy of the Discord application, then the user account can be banned or suspended for some time, and they can face this error. 

Cache and Cookies: The web browser usually stores cookies and cache for the Discord application to store the information. But after some time, that information can become redundant and useless which can conflict with the Discord application and users can face such errors.

VPN or Proxy Server: Discord applications are available around the globe in most countries and using it with VPN or a proxy server can cause the 500 Internal Server Error.

Firewall and Antivirus Software: Sometimes Firewalls or Antivirus consider Discord as a harmful application that can block the server and a user can face an Internal Server Error.

These are some of the main points that can cause this error and the solution to resolve this error will be discussed in the next section.

Fix Discord 500 Internal Server Error

There are several solutions that can be used to fix the Discord 500 Internal Server Error. Here are some of them:

Update Discord Application: A user should frequently update the application whenever it arrives to fix the bugs and improve performance. This can be done by opening the Discord application and looking for the green-colored “Down Arrow” button at the top right:

Use Stable Internet Connection: A user can check the internet speed by visiting fast.com to ensure that the internet is stable:

Check Discord Status: Sometimes the Discord server is down due to some internal or technical reason and its status can be checked by visiting the Discord status page to check the Discord server status:

Restart the System: Restarting a system will remove the temporarily stored files which can help in resolving this error:

Clear Cache and Cookies: A user should also clean their Cache and Cookies frequently which can be done by going into the browser settings as shown below:

Disable VPN or Proxy Server: If a user has installed any VPN or using any proxy server then disabling them can also resolve this issue:

Disable Antivirus or Firewall: If a user is still facing this error then one of the potential solutions to resolve this error could disabling the antivirus or firewall:

That’s all about solving the “Discord 500 Internal Server Error”.


The Discord 500 Internal Server error usually occurs when a user is unable to establish a network connection with the Discord server. There could be many potential reasons for this issue such as an outdated Discord application, connection or account issues, using a VPN, or being blocked by a firewall. To resolve this error a user can update the Discord application, use a stable internet connection, remove cache and cookies, and disable a VPN. This article has covered a comprehensive detail on resolving Discord 500 internal server errors.

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  1. Прочитайте это руководство, чтобы узнать, как исправить внутреннюю ошибку сервера 500 в Discord.
  2. Исправление внутренней ошибки сервера Discord 500 (100% работает)
  3. Проверьте подключение к Интернету
  4. Перезапустите Discord, чтобы устранить внутреннюю ошибку сервера 500
  5. Проверьте наличие обновлений Discord, чтобы исправить 500 Internal Server Error
  6. Войти под другим аккаунтом
  7. Перезагрузите устройство
  8. Переустановите Discord

Прочитайте это руководство, чтобы узнать, как исправить внутреннюю ошибку сервера 500 в Discord.

Пользователи Discord недавно столкнулись с внутренней ошибкой сервера 500 на своих устройствах. устройства. Упомянутая ошибка, очевидно, привела к множеству неудобств, поскольку не позволяет никому правильно использовать приложение. В результате пользователи выбрасываются с серверов или становятся неспособными использовать службы и функции Discord. Поскольку довольно много пользователей пытаются понять решения этой проблемы, мы предоставили вам только руководство. Здесь мы покажем вам все различные решения для исправления внутренней ошибки сервера 500 в Discord.

Исправление внутренней ошибки сервера Discord 500 (100% работает)

Проверьте подключение к Интернету

Проверка подключения к Интернету – это один из первых шагов, которые необходимо предпринять. Существует вероятность того, что неисправность интернет-соединения может быть причиной ошибки 500 Internal Server Error. Если вы заметили какие-либо проблемы с Интернетом, мы рекомендуем переключиться на другую сеть. Кроме того, попробуйте альтернативные сетевые источники, такие как точки доступа Wi-Fi.

Перезапустите Discord, чтобы устранить внутреннюю ошибку сервера 500

После интернет-проверки мы рекомендуем вам просто перезапустить Discord. После перезапуска приложения вам нужно обратить внимание на ошибку. Если вы обнаружите ошибку 500 Internal Server, вам нужно будет продолжить чтение, чтобы найти другие возможные решения.

Проверьте наличие обновлений Discord, чтобы исправить 500 Internal Server Error

Следующий шаг, который вы должны сделать, — это проверить наличие обновлений для приложения Discord. Если вы найдете какие-либо обновления, мы рекомендуем вам немедленно загрузить их. Наличие последней версии приложения Discord может помочь решить множество ошибок и ошибок. Существует вероятность того, что загрузка обновлений может исправить внутреннюю ошибку сервера 500.

Кроме того, мы рекомендуем вам заглянуть на официальную страницу Discord в Твиттере, чтобы узнать о новых обновлениях и разработках. .

Войти под другим аккаунтом

Еще один шаг, который вы можете предпринять для устранения внутренней ошибки сервера 500, — просто войти в приложение с другой учетной записью. Это поможет вам понять, связана ли ошибка только с вашей учетной записью или носит универсальный характер.

Перезагрузите устройство

Если обновления Discord не помогли, мы рекомендуем вы просто перезагрузите устройство. Как только вы это сделаете, вернитесь в приложение Discord и проверьте наличие внутренней ошибки сервера 500. Если это произойдет снова, вам нужно будет проверить наличие других потенциальных исправлений.

Переустановите Discord

Если ничего не помогает, у вас не будет другого выбора, кроме как удалить приложение Discord. а затем переустановите его. После повторной установки приложения проверьте, сохраняется ли ошибка.

И это все. Это все разные способы, которыми вы можете попытаться исправить ошибку внутреннего сервера 500 в Discord. Как видите, здесь есть множество решений, и вы, скорее всего, очень быстро решите проблему. Кроме того, поскольку причина проблемы, скорее всего, кроется в самом приложении Discord, вам, возможно, придется просто дождаться обновления.

Теперь, когда вы знаете, как исправить эту ошибку, ознакомьтесь с нашим руководством по Как устранить сбой API в Discord.

Discord users have recently come across the 500 Internal Server Error on their devices. The said error has obviously resulted in a lot of inconveniences, as it does not allow anyone to use the app properly. What ensues is instances of users getting thrown out of servers or being rendered unable to use Discord’s services and features. Since there are quite a lot of users struggling to understand the solutions for this issue, we’ve brought just the guide for you. Here, we will show you all the different solutions to fix the 500 Internal Server Error in Discord.

Discord 500 Internal Server Error Fix


Check your Internet Connection

Checking your internet connection is one of the first steps you should take. There is a possibility that a malfunctioning internet connection could be behind the 500 Internal Server Error. If you do notice any issues with the internet, we recommend you switch networks. Also, try alternate network sources, like Wi-Fi hotspots.

Restart Discord to Solve 500 Internal Server Error

Following the internet check, we recommend you simply restart Discord. Once you restart the application, you need to look out for the error. If you do spot the 500 Internal Server error, you will need to continue reading for other potential solutions.

Check for Discord Updates to fix 500 Internal Server Error

The next step you should take is to check for updates to the Discord app. If you do find any updates, we recommend you download them immediately. Having the latest version of the Discord app can help solve a lot of bugs and errors. There is a possibility that downloading updates can fix the 500 Internal Server Error.

Additionally, we recommend you take a look at the Official Discord Twitter page to learn about new updates and developments.

Log in with another Account

Another step you can take to tackle the 500 Internal Server Error is to simply log into the app with another account. Doing so will help you understand if the error is only specific to your account, or is universal in nature.

Restart your Device

If Discord updates fail to do the trick, we recommend you simply restart your device. Once you do so, head back into the Discord application and check for the 500 Internal Server Error. If it does occur again, you will need to check for other potential fixes.

Re-install Discord

If all else fails, you will have no option but to uninstall the Discord application and then re-install it. Once you re-install the app, check if the error still persists.

Check if it’s a Cloudflare Issue

Whenever there’s an outage related to Cloudflare, various sites such as Discord, Omegle, Feedly, DoorDash etc will also go down. As soon as the issue is fixed, Discord will be back up online. Be sure to check social media for updates.

And that’s about it. These are all of the different ways you can try and fix the 500 Internal Server error in Discord. As you can see, there are plenty of solutions here, and you will most likely fix the issue really quickly. Also, since the cause of the issue likely lies in the Discord application itself, you might just have to wait for an update.

Now that you know how to fix this bug, take a look at our guide on How to Fix an API Outage in Discord.

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Internal Server Error 500

Hi.I wanted to join a very important discord server but it says 500 internal server error.What does it mean and how can i fix it?

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