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Версия мода: 2.2.300.0

Перевод на русский язык: Да

Размер файла: 3 MB

Автор: Dmitry Malfatto

Mod Conflict Detector для Sims 4 — это программа для поиска и удаления конфликтующих и неработающих модов в игре.

Возможности программы:

  • Находить файлы не для Симс 4;
  • Обнаруживать чужеродные файлы (не .package и .ts4script)
  • Возможность деактивировать мод;
  • Открывать файлы в TS4PI;
  • Просмотр файлов в папке;
  • Удалять файлы прямо в программе;
  • Искать повторяющиеся моды;
  • Анализировать файлы (точно выяснить, каким образом они модифицируют игру);
  • Копировать конфликтные ResourceKey.

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    1. Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь или войдите для просмотра ссылок!

      автор scumbumbo

      Переиздание, обновление от 1 декабря 2017.

      Программа для выявления конфликтующих файлов package.
      Предлагаются две версии программы:
      (MSI Installer) — установщик
      (EXE Only) — портативная версия

      Программа работает в двух основных режимах:

      1. По умолчанию она считывает только индексы всех package, а затем сравнивает хэши только для ресурсов с одинаковым ID (TGI/Type-Group-Instance?).
      2. При желании можно проверить читаемость всех ресурсов в ваших package, помимо указанного в п.1 программа будет читать все в каждом package, чтобы гарантировать, что у них нет внутренних ошибок.​

      Режим п.1 — очень быстрый, буквально секунды.
      Режим п.2 — медленнее, занимает сколько-то минут. Включается проставлением галочки в пункте Verify Readability of All Resources in Packages (SLOW) во вкладке Scan Settings. Этот режим следует использовать, когда игра перестает загружаться, и есть подозрение, что виноват какой-либо мод.

      В строке Mod Folder указать путь к папке Mods (или к любой вложенной в нее папке, если хотите проверить только ее).
      В строке Path to S4PE указать, куда установлена программа s4pe.
      После этого нажать кнопку Scan Folder.


      Общая терминология:
      Duplicate — одинаковые ресурсы (дубликаты) имеются в одном или более package. Они не создают действительных проблем, но занимают больше места и увеличивают время загрузки. Хорошее решение — объединить такие package.
      Conflicting — конфликтующие ресурсы имеются в одном или более package. Это может быть один и тот же ресурс, различаются его редакции, и только одна из них будет использоваться в игре.

      Для изучения результатов сканирования доступны четыре вкладки (плюс одна вкладка для файлов с ошибками).
      Files with Duplicates — здесь показаны все найденные одинаковые ресурсы, сгруппированные по названию package. Позволяет определить, какие package можно объединить, или увидеть, что несколько копий мода установлено в отдельные папки или имеет различные названия.
      Files with Conflicts — здесь показаны все конфликтующие файлы, сгруппированные по названию package. Если вы знаете как, то можете устранить конфликты модов.
      Duplicate Resources — здесь показаны все package, содержащие одинаковые ресурсы, сгруппированные по ID ресурса.
      Conflicting Resources — здесь показаны все package, содержащие конфликтующие ресурсы, сгруппированные по ID ресурса.
      Package Errors — указывает на любые ошибки, которые могли возникнуть при попытке прочитать package во время сканирования. Такие файлы могут привести к сбою во время загрузки игры. Если вы подозреваете негодность какого-либо package, то перед сканированием проставьте галочку в Verify Readability of All Resources in Packages (SLOW), чтобы провести более подробную проверку файлов package.

      Для более подробного изучения файла можно кликнуть правой кнопкой по нему — Open in Windows Explorer (Открыть в проводнике Windows), чтобы перейти к этому файлу, или Open in S4PE — файл откроется в s4pe.

      Рассмотрим результаты сканирования на картинке ниже, где показано несколько конфликтов, сгруппированных по названию package:
      Первая группа файлов — pbox_cabinet-basegame-blandco_no-drop_defaultcolours.
      Вторая группа — pbox_cabinet-basegame-blandco_no-drop_overridecolours. Те же ресурсы, что и в первой группе, т.е. конфликт файлов из обеих групп налицо. Какой из файлов удалить — решать вам. Поможет дата, указанная в графе Modification Date, чтобы определить более свежую версию файла. Или, если хватает скиллов, исправьте конфликт сами.
      Третья и четвертая группы — проблема, которую исправить будет проще. В графе Modification Date (здесь ее плохо видно — прим. автора) у одного указана дата 3/10/2015, у другого — 12/1/2014. Файл с более свежей датой новее, поэтому просто клик правой кнопкой по другому файлу (с более старой датой), чтобы открыть его в проводнике для удаления (или архивирования). Примечание — всегда следует кликать по первому столбцу, где указаны ресурсы. (Но можно удалить этот файл из папки Mods вручную.)


      На следующей картинке рассмотрены дубликаты.
      В первой группе один ресурс 034AEECB_80000000_E56691BD12AB70DA используется в двух модах — CF_workout oufit и CF_workout top.
      Эти файлы можно объединить:
      Клик правой кнопкой на название package, чтобы открыть его в s4pe. Затем клик на оставшийся и открыть его в проводнике — после этого его можно перетащить в открытый в s4pe первый файл. После объединения не забудьте нажать Save в s4pe, после этого можно удалить второй (оставшийся) файл.


      Теперь рассмотрим картинку ниже, это случай Package Errors.
      Автор намеренно создал три негодных package в шестнадцатеричном редакторе. Видно, что два из этих файлов (_BADPKG_TEST_2 и _3) были обнаружены, а ошибки указывают, какие ресурсы повреждены. Скорее всего, оба файла даже не загрузятся в s4pe, чтобы удалить эти недопустимые ресурсы, но в некоторых случаях такое может быть возможно.
      «Если есть _BADPKG_TEST_2 и _3, должен быть _BADPKG_TEST_1, тогда где он?» — спросите вы. Ну, у этого файла не было никаких общих ресурсов с любым другим package, поэтому ресурсы, содержащиеся в package, никогда не читались. Это то, что делает TS4 Package Conflict Detector настолько быстрым, в конце концов. Он будет отображаться, если перед сканированием было выбрано Verify Readability of All Resources in Packages (SLOW), поскольку эта кнопка заставляет читать каждый ресурс, даже если нечего сравнивать.


      Программа предназначена только для Windows (у автора нет компьютера Mac).
      Любая Mac-версия, написанная якобы автором, будет взломанной и вредоносной программой.
      Исходный код для этой программы написан на Visual Basic .NET, поэтому он вряд ли будет легко преобразован для Mac.

    2. Обновление от 11 декабря.

      Как-то резко изменен интерфейс:


      Подожду — может, автор чего-нибудь еще допишет в теме.

      Последнее редактирование: 12 дек 2017

    3. Здравствуйте. Подскажите пожалуйста, автор что-нибудь дописал на счет того, как теперь удалять файлы и какие конфликты показаны? Я так понимаю, в By Resousre конфликты и нужно один файл удалять, но у меня почему-то туда попали все русификации. Это значит, что они устарели или какой-то глюк? И почему один подсвечен зеленым, он более предпочтителен, или это просто цветовое оформление? И что не так с файлами в папке By File? Выше написано, что можно удалить с помощью s4pe, как именно это сделать?
      Прошу прощения за многочисленные вопросы :)

      Читать дальше…

    4. AN_Gel

      Активный участник

      Активист SimsMix 2021

      К сожалению, автор данной программы больше не с нами, но есть сайт где разные моддеры поддерживают и обновляют его моды в память об авторе. Я не вижу на этой сайте данную программу, так что возможно, что ее никто не взялся поддерживать.

      По поводу русификаций, мне кажется это нормально. У меня также всегда происходит и в других программах моды и руссификации всегда показывались как конфликтные, на игру это никак не влияло.

    5. Подскажите пожалуйста, есть ли какой-нибудь аналог этой проги для выявления конфликтов? В новом интерфейсе ничего непонятно, что удалять, что нет

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    Mod Conflict Detector

    Table of Contents

    The article below gives you full-fledged information about The Sims 4 mod conflict detector. It is an essential tool if you want your game to function smoothly and without any glitches. Furthermore, this mod is perfectly base-game compatible, so you don’t have to worry about any other issues. Also, read about the new updates and features that are added later in the report. So, read this article to know all about this TS4 mod conflicts detector including its features, process of installation, usage and information on finding trouble making ccs. Get the link to download the latest patch of 2022 as well.

    Sims 4 mod checker

    Now, everybody is well aware of how the Sims 4 has developed over the years with its mods and custom contents such as Sims 4 more columns. No doubt, it’s still growing with new mod updates. Some of them might work wonderfully, but a few may not work as expected and are failing miserably.

    Have you ever imagined, another Sims 4 mod, which removes the troublesome mod conflicts and that means, one mod removing the other. Well if you do not believe so, here is the Sims 4 mod conflict detector, which eradicates the broken or failing mods. 

    The Sims 4 mod scanner is a reliable and useful tool, which gets based on GUI (Graphical User Interface). This interface gets used to identify some of the failing empty mods. The following pointers would tell you what the ts4 package conflict detector mod does or its main features:

    • All it does is finds two or more mods that have similar meanings and functions.
    • Secondly, it makes a list of all the overwritten important name definitions.
    • Then starts searching for the present DLL in the mods it found. 
    • Then it identifies the mod conflict, corrupted, empty mods, and failing mods if any. 
    • Finally, it displays a list in front of you that shows the data of all the empty and disabled modification.
    Sims 4 mod Conflict Detector | ts4 package Download

    How to install the Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector 2022?

    The following would be the steps for the Sims 4 mod conflict detector download and installation: 

    • Download the mod conflict detector, мод конфликт детектор 2022.
    • Then extract all the files or import them using the tray importer into the previously download zip folder.
    • Then select your mods folder, which you need to extract.
    • Then, install and launch the mod conflicts detector.

    How to use the ts4 Mod Conflict Detector?

    Now, we’ll learn how to use the Sims 4 mod conflict detector, but for that, you must have downloaded and installed the mod. Instructions for how to download and install the modification is discussed right above in the article. 

    Let’s first begin with the use of the Sims 4 mod scanner. The following would be the steps for doing so:

    • After the launching of the modification happens, then you must hit the tab named scan on the tool, where you would see an option called “directory”. 
    • Click on the directory option, which would show you all your mod folders. Then select the mod you want to scan and hit the “scan” option in the bad mod detector.
    • It will identify all the inconsistent files or mod conflicts from it, which you must remove by yourself.

    How to find the outdated mods in Sims 4?

    As we all know that ts4 gets filled with mods and every year comes with a new update. This outdated mod detector sims 4, helps you to find the ancient and outmoded modifications. These old modifications might cause you bugs while playing, which could further destroy your whole gameplays. This out of date mod checker identifies all the glitches, which could avoid crashing during the game time.

    Also, you may read about deadpool-mccc.com. 

    Download Files
    Mod ConflictDetector9063.zip Click Here
    Languages 22.zip Click Here
    MCD_2.2.300.0.zip Click Here

    How to Detect the conflict?

    Till now, we understood the basics of the tool so far; let’s move ahead to the core of it. Next up, it’s time to focus on the complexities of Sims 4 mod conflict detector. The following would help you understand some very complicated concepts, and they are:

    Identify the real conflict: 

    To do so, you must focus on the pointers below, which might help you solving mod conflicts:

    Script mods: You might face severe difficulties in finding problems in script mods as these mods have nearly zero chances of conflicts. You must know everything before you download any modification. You must know these very well and for that follow the steps below:

    • Pure Script mods: The free script mods have natural variations that have the least chances of errors and conflicts. 
    • Object Script mods: These are related to the objects and things in the game. They have nearly zero per cent chances of having glitches. 

    Tuning mods

    It could be easier to find conflicting mods with the Tuning modifications. You need +2 mods to identify it. The variant, which possibly alters one game resource at a minimum by imposing Total Game Improvement, might cause crashes. As the option becomes an override, so it would collide with the significant other.

    • Custom Content (cc) :- It is the non-scripted object, which includes CAS parts and other game objects. CCs, either created by EA or other creators, come in a package with resources filled in it. These resources would be pre-existing in your systems because of the other CCs. Or you could copy the support, and the game is loaded.

    Understanding the conflict: 

    Firstly, as per the above pointers; Tuning Mods might cause crashes. The underlying points are the simplified decoded information about The Sims 3 mod conflict detector. So, here’s what you need to understand, and that is:

    • Tuning the mods conflicts according to you might cause clashes and undesirable results. If you download a mod for faster skill learning and then after some time, you want a mod for slower skill learning, and you might clash the two mods. 
    • The tuning can’t happen like this. Either you must request the creators or stick to one. These might cause the game loading sessions to extend for long as different files compile together on it and can, of course, cause conflicts.
    • If you want to find the broken cc or outdated mods, which might cause harm to the game, then choose the Sims 4 bad cc finder to do the same. The corrupt cc finder may help you clean the broken custom content that you might try to resolve by quitting or switching off the game, and this may cause damage to it. So, you must find a Sims 4 broken cc finder or Sims 4 cc cleaner.


    The loading priority is an important part of resolving clashing issues. You could use the ts4 mod conflict detector for fast results. Priority should get arranged in descending order, which goes like 

    Mods Folder- > Documents/EA/The Sims 4/Mods

    • Then next up follows the, Overrides folder, packages folder, DCC cache folder, and then the remaining files in the directory of the game.  

    How to find the Sims 4 broken cc finder?

    It could happen that your game stopped in between and it happened because of the corrupt or trouble making mods, the broken cc detector will come to rescue. You could find the defected cc by Sims 4 cc checker. Also, the following pointers would tell the categories that prove that custom content is broken:

    • Available for all age groups and the two genders, i.e., male and female.
    • For naked sims and wrong ages too
    • For the cc that got crashed in the game
    • That caused several problems, which are in significance to the blue lot
    • Clothes that might start to change colours at the different parts of the body
    • That hides out other custom contents
    • When the arms are tight.
    • CC hair that looks awful on sims
    • Custom content doors or windows, which starts to destroy the game.
    • Custom content that was not entirely made.
    • CC that has no update.

    The TS 4 mod conflict detector will help you get through all these situations above and ensure improved performance.

    Updates on Mod Conflict Detector

    The modconflictdetector has improvised its functionalities and got you some fantastic new features and further improved performance, and they are: 

    1. They improved their performing skills. 
    2. They added two new forms, and they are as follows:
    • “Files” analysis mode 
    • “Files” mode
    • Two new localizations are added, and they are: 
    • (zh-CN, zh-TW) for Spanish 
    • (es-ES) for French
    • They added.CFG file detector.
    • They included two new features called “Send Error Report” and “Check for Updates” for keeping you up to date with the latest versions. 
    • Now, you can customize your file’s colours with this brand new update. Follow the pathway: Options > Settings > Colors. 
    • Also, you can now disable any file, which once allowed access.
    • Moreover, new filters are added for “Mod types” and “Conflicts”.
    • You got exceptional Chinese translations for all your texts now and with much more convenient access to the panels. 

    In the above section, you witnessed some of the major updates of the ts4 mod, which improvised its stability and performance to a large extent, making detector de mods conflictivos sims 4 2022 popular worldwide with 2 million downloads. 

    But the creator didn’t stop and made some new changes and improved performance in the mod conflict detecto, which are mentioned below:

    • You can now activate and deactivate the mod, whenever you want.
    • The notification centre has been updated for better understanding.
    • File analysis has got faster than before. 
    • The user-mode got advanced and better for the players.
    • Now, the mods cleaner can automatically detect the game dir.
    • Along with detecting game dir. the duplicate searching is also enhanced.
    • Moreover, they made some considerable changes in the pop-up menu, making it more revised.
    • They have fixed some noticeable errors and improved the functionalities of the Sims 4 cc cleaner.
    Download Files
    Mod ConflictDetector9063.zip Click Here
    Languages 22.zip Click Here
    MCD_2.2.300.0.zip Click Here

    Some alternatives to the mod conflict detector

    While none of the options below will fully replicate the mod conflict detector’s operations, these are still some great alternatives to help you out:

    1. Sims 4 Tray Importer:

    This mod by Luniversims is primarily made to deal with your game library but can be used to seek out all information about your mods or content already present in the game. So, if you want to access all mods or custom content you have in your game for sharing or informative purposes, you can easily do so with the help of this mod. On top of it, you can also edit the descriptions or add new thumbnails. 

    Furthermore, the interface is particularly easy with tabs like: General (random info regarding the content like packs, lot size, funds, etc.), Files (look at all the tray files), and CC tab (all the ccs used in the item or might be overriding it.)

    Download Link: https://luniversims.fr/files/file/73-sims-4-tray-importer/

    2. Mod Manager:

    This useful cc by GameTimeDev is designed to help organise all your installed mods. It shows your mods in the same way they are put in the mods folder. Hence, you can easily move them through this program as well. 

    Furthermore, there’s an amazing option of categorising all your mods into different folders to access them in an easy manner. For instance, a holiday folder could have all your holiday related custom content. Lastly, this is also a fantastic mod if you want to deactivate or disable certain mods to test which one is causing problems in your system. 

    Download link: https://gametimedev.de/S4MM/

    3. Sims Mod assistant:

    This mod by EgorBaglov is the most similar to the mod conflict detector in terms of its functionality. However, it has a bit of a tricky interface that you would need some time to master (You can access this youtube tutorial for the same.)

    Now, this tool comes in handy if you want to find which mod files or ccs are clashing with each other, something that was specifically missing in the above two mods. So, download this mod for a detailed view of file conflicts. 

    Download link: https://github.com/EgorBlagov/sims-mod-assistant

    4. Better Exceptions:

    A great cc by TwistedMexi that will be a blessing for you if you need an easier way to locate and remove conflict mods with some rational explanations to avoid any further catastrophes too. 

    So, while this will still require you to manually select and remove conflicting files, you get real-time and in-game reports of what might be causing glitches or conflicts in the game. This can range from animations (can be ignored) to broken cc files. 

    Download link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/77461329


    How do I know if I have bad cc mods?

    You can check if you have bad cc mods by using the broken cc detector.

    What does mod conflict mean?

    mod conflict refers to the issue which arises when two or more modules override the same resource.

    Where is mods conflict Sims 4?

    You can find the mods conflict Sims 4 in Documents/EA/The Sims 4/Mods.

    How do you check mod conflicts in Sims 4?

    To find broken mods and conflicts in the game, go for the broken mod detector to help you out.

    What mods does MCCC conflict with?

    The only mod that conflicts with MCCC is Pregnancy Mega Mod.

    How to use mod conflict detector on MAC?
    Unfortunately, you cannot use mod conflict detector on MAC since there isn’t one available for it.

    These were some of the features and updates that were enhanced and revised for better performance of the Sims 4 mod conflict detector. Do get these cc to enhance your overall gaming experience.

    Happy Simming! 

    The Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector is a sophisticated GUI application for finding  and resolving mod conflicts. The software allows to delete problematic mods, empty mods, mods for other games and technically-not-even-mods that accidentally ended up in the Mods folder.

    Mod Conflict Detector Sims 4

    Check the status of The Sims 4 customizations and look for any problems with the regular game code or issues caused by resource changes. The programme automatically resolves these difficulties by eliminating garbage files and empty or conflicting mods. You can also check MirrorOp Receiver.

    Table of Contents

    • 1 Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector Free Download
    • 2 Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector
    • 3 Mod Conflict Detector
    • 4 Key of Features
    • 5 How to Install Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector 2023 on Windows OS?
    • 6 How to use Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector on Windows OS?
      • 6.1 Is The Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector a safe?
      • 6.2 Who is developed Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detection?
      • 6.3 Is Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detection available for free?
      • 6.4 Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector used for
      • 6.5 Is Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector supports on Windows OS?
      • 6.6 What is the latest version of Sims 4 Mod Conflict?
      • 6.7 Technical Setup Details
      • 6.8 Minimum System Requirements
    • 7 Conclusion on Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector

    Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector

    Life simulation gams are plenty. However, no other game compares to The Sims series. The Sims 4 allows you to let your imagination run wild and design your own unique environment. However, living in a simulation can only take you so far, which is why Sims mods are so popular.

    The Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector is a useful GUI tool for finding and resolving disputes. MCD will identify any Sims mods that cause problems or take up space on your hard disc.

    Mod Conflict Detector Sims 4

    A Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector is a well-designed GUI (Graphical User Interface) application that helps find and resolve mod conflict in the game. It was first built in February 2015 by Dmitry Malfatto at Mod The Sims and was constantly updated till 2018.

    Consider a disorganized Mods folder. Sure, game tweaks and improvements enhance the overall gaming experience. Isn’t it annoying, though, when your mods are incompatible and as a result, your game suffers as a result?

    Such difficulties are addressed with the Sims 4 Conflict Detector. It allows users to remove not only conflicting modules but also empty and unusable modules that may have accidentally ended up in the Mods folder.

    Mod Conflict Detector

    Mod Conflict Detector promises a dynamic screen layout for Sims players. The ability to detect garbage TS4 files and stray files was the start of the mod. “.zip” files are not included in this list. Instead, it can detect files that aren’t supposed to be in your Mods folder.

    These files will there after be deactivated or removed from the programme entirely. Its detection abilities can also be used to find duplicated files and Resource keys that clash. S4pi will open any files that need to be deleted.

    The .Net Framework and one gigabyte of RAM are required for the mod. This shouldn’t deter newcomers from using this useful tool because it is simple to set up. You can use the advanced user mode if you’re an experienced users. Despite the fact that the mod can identified dir automatically, mod-savvy users can manually detect problems.

    The Mod Conflict Detector will ask you to fine-tune the application parameters after installation. Choose a game directory, a default scan directory and so on. After the first startup, the mod will run on its own. This includes erasing old versions of the mod’s temporary files.

    Overall, Mod Conflict Detector is effective at removing unwanted modules from your computer. The Mod Conflict Detector, on the other hand has fallen behind on updates and its stability is in doubt.

    Key of Features

    • Search for duplicate TS4 mods.
    • Detect files that are not for The Sims 4.
    • Detect stray files or files that should not be in your Mods folder (not*.package, *.zip etc.).
    • Disable mods.
    • Open files in s4pi.
    • Show file in a folder.
    • Delete file straight from the program.
    • Analyze files.
    • Copy conflicting resource keys.

    How to Install Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector 2023 on Windows OS?

    The steps to install Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector on Windows OS are likely to be similar to those outlined below:

    1. First, download the latest version of The Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector from a reputable source. Be sure to choose the version that is compatible with your version of Windows.
    2. Once the download is complete, open the downloaded file. You may need to unzip or extract the files from the downloaded archive.
    3. Double-click the setup file to begin the installation process. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
    4. After the installation is complete, launch The Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector. The program will scan your game files and identify any conflicts between mods and custom content.
    5. Review the report generated by The Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector and take steps to resolve any conflicts that are identified. This may involve removing or modifying conflicting files, or updating or removing mods or custom content.

    How to use Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector on Windows OS?

    Here are the general steps to use Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector on Windows OS:

    1. Launch Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector.
    2. Click on the “Scan” button to start the scanning process.
    3. Wait for the scanning process to complete. This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your game files and the number of mods and custom content that you have installed.
    4. Once the scan is complete, you will see a report that lists any conflicts that were detected. The report will include information about which mods or custom content are conflicting and which files are affected.
    5. Review the report and take steps to resolve any conflicts that are identified. This may involve removing or modifying conflicting files, or updating or removing mods or custom content.
    6. After resolving any conflicts, click on the “Scan” button again to verify that the conflicts have been resolved.

    Is The Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector a safe?

    I don’t have access to specific information about every single mod or program available on the internet. However, as a general rule, it’s always important to exercise caution when downloading and using mods or software from third-party sources, as they may contain viruses, malware, or other security risks.

    Who is developed Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detection?

    The Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector is a third-party program that was developed by a modder named DmitryMalfatto. It is not an official tool created by Electronic Arts or Maxis, the developers of The Sims 4.

    Is Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detection available for free?

    Yes, The Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector is available for free download from various modding websites and forums. It was developed by a modder named DmitryMalfatto and is not an official tool created by Electronic Arts or Maxis, the developers of The Sims 4.

    Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector used for

    The Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector is a third-party program that is used to help players identify and resolve conflicts between mods and custom content in The Sims 4 game.

    The Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector scans the game files and identifies any conflicts between different mods and custom content. It then provides a report that lists the conflicting files, along with information about which mods or custom content are causing the conflict.

    Is Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector supports on Windows OS?

    Yes, The Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector is a program that is designed to run on Windows operating systems. It is compatible with Windows 7, 8, and 10.

    What is the latest version of Sims 4 Mod Conflict?

    September 2021, the latest version of The Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector was version 2.2.224. This version was released on June 23, 2020, and included various bug fixes and improvements to the program’s functionality.

    Technical Setup Details

    • Software Full Name: mts_dmitrymalfatto_1575387_modconflictdetector8337
    • Setup File Name: mts_dmitrymalfatto_1575387_modconflictdetector8337
    • Full Setup Size: 0.9 MB
    • Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup
    • Compatibility Architecture: 32-Bit (x86) / 64-Bit (x64)
    • Latest Version Release Added on Jun-10-2014
    • License: Freeware
    • Developers: Dmitry Malfatto

    Minimum System Requirements

    • Operating System: Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10
    • Memory (RAM): 2 GB
    • Hard Disk Space: 500 GB
    • Processor: Intel Pentium or above

    Conclusion on Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector

    I suppose you have followed each step carefully for Download Mod Conflict Detector on PC. After downloading this software, open this software.

    I suppose your PC does not installed this software. Then, you can download this extension from ItTechGyan website. Now import that software file to your PC.

    At last, I hope you liked this post on Mod Conflict Detector on Notebook!

    The Sims 4 is the fourth instalment in the “Sims” series. “The Sims” is a Maxis social simulation computer game that has sold over 200 million copies worldwide, making it one of the most famous video games ever. In fact, one of the things that makes the Sims 4 different from other games are the custom contents and the game modifications that allow you to make your own cc mods. More and more mods are being created everyday with the growing popularity of Sims 4

    Mod conflict is caused when many mods are created as it leads to mod conflict, which can be a problem. Due to crashing with other mods some of the cc mods get outdated or stop working. The quality gets lowered when this happens and the game starts to get glitchy. In such situations, the best solution is to use a sims 4 mod conflict detector. 

    Table of Contents

    What is a sims 4 conflict detector?

    Also known as a mod cleaner, Sims 4 cc conflict detector is a (graphical user interface) application that is very precisely built and helps to find and resolve mod conflicts in the game. This software allows gamers to delete problematic Sims 4 modifications and technically failed and empty mods.

    Here are a few features of ts4 package conflict detector

    • Finding any existing DLL in two or more modifications.
    • Finding two or more modifications with comparable meanings and functions.
    • Identifies any modifications that may be failing or corrupt.
    • Detects files that aren’t for The Sims 4.
    • Lists all of the modifications and the disabled mods in chronological order.
    • Creates a list of all the core name definitions that the modifications have altered.
    • Looks for TS4 modifications that are the same.
    • Detects files that should not be in your Mods folder.
    • Disables (certain) modifications.
    • Deletes files directly from the application Analyzes files to see how they affect the game.
    • Copies conflicting ResourceKeys.
    Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector | Ts4 Broken CC Finder
    Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector

    How to use The Sims 4 mod conflict detector?

    Installing The Sims 4 mod conflict detector

    If you want to install the Sims 4 conflict detector, here are a few steps that you need to follow:

    • Download the mod conflict detector from “Mod the Sims”. You can access it through this link:
    • Open the downloaded zip folder and extract the contents.
    • Select your modifications folder as the extraction location.
    • Run the program once the installation is complete.

    Using The Sims 4 mod conflict detector

    • Click on the tab named “scan on the tool” and the subsequently click on an option named “directory” after the tool is downloaded.
    • Click on the “directory” option which will show you all your mod folders.
    • Select the mod that you wish to scan and click on the “scan” option in the “bad mod detector”.
    • This helps you act like a mod cleaner and will examine your folder for any conflicting, inconsistent or incorrect mod files, which may then be manually deleted.
    Download Files
    Mod Detector Click Here
    Languages 22 Click Here
    MCD_2.2.300 Click Here

    Updates of Mod Conflict Detector

    The mod conflict detector also updated itself and brought some changes that resulted in a more new and improved version of it. These are few of the updates of the mod conflict detector:

    • Improved performing skills.
    • Made the access to panels more convenient.
    • Features that allow you to customize files and color code them.
    • Added chinese translations.
    • Allowing users to disable any added file.
    • Added new filters for “mod type” and “conflicts” .
    • Added two new “file” and “file analysis” modes
    • Added a CFG file detector
    • ” Send error report” and “send update report” options were added to stay updated with the programs versions.
    • To new localizations added for spanish and french.

    An update after the release of the first mod conflict detector was done after a while. However, even after that update, Dmitri Malfatto did not stop. To improve it even more he went on further to create another version of the mod cc conflict detector: Here are few new things that were added in the mod conflict detector 2.0:

    • Choice was given to activate or deactivate mods.
    • Files analyse faster.
    • Improvements were made in the duplicate searching feature.
    • Updates were made in the notification center.
    • Advancements were made in the user mode.
    • Game dir had automatic detection.
    • Changes were made in the pop-up menu.
    • Improvements were made in the performance and the errors and bugs were fixed.

    Sims 4 mod conflict detector 2022

    Now that we’ve covered the fundamentals of the Sims 4 mod detector, let’s dive into the details of analyzing the conflicts in the game’s many modifications. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the mod conflict detection method.

    Identify the conflict

    Conflicts that arise between Sims script modifications are more difficult to spot than other difficulties. The core modifications are an exception to this rule. The main modifications have a higher likelihood of having conflicts with one another. So make sure you don’t use two different core modifications at the same time unless the mod’s developer has told you it’s okay to do so. Before you learn how to utilise the mod conflict detector, make sure you know everything there is to know about script modifications. Script modifications are of three types:

    Pure script mods

    These pure script mods usually have a lower chance to conflict. You cannot predict the possibilities of conflict through tools, so before downloading any mod it is important to read about it properly in order to avoid any potential conflicts.

    Object script mods

    These mods almost have zero conflicts. But, there could be times where conflicts do occur. Anything like this within the software can result in the game crashing.

    Tuning mods

    It is very easy to identify conflicts with tuning mods. If any two mods are overriding the tuning mods will be able to detect them.

    Understand the conflict

    This is what a conflict actually means:

    • Tuning the mod conflicts according to your preferences may result in clashes and unwanted outcomes. If you download a mod for quicker skill learning and then decide you prefer a slower skill learning mod after some time, the two modifications may conflict.
    • This isn’t going to work for tuning. You must either request the creators or stick to a single option. As multiple files compile together on it, this may cause the game loading sessions to take a long time and, of course, cause conflicts.
    • If you want to uncover malfunctioning cc or old mods that might ruin the game, utilise the Sims 4 bad cc finder. Do not use a corrupt cc finder.

    During a mod conflict, the two main modifications are incompatible, and the previous mod takes up space. In order to keep both main modifications in sync, you may need to contact the mod’s developers and request that they merge the two versions. Otherwise, you’ll have to deal with one mod at a time. Keep in mind that utilising faulty modifications or obsolete tuning mods may cause the game to behave in an unusual manner.

    It can also lead to problems like game corruption. So, you may use the Sims 4 bad cc finder to see whether your game has any broken or expired mods. You should run the Sims 4 mod compatibility checker before starting the game to guarantee that the mods you have loaded are compatible with each other.


    The loading priority of the game goes from the highest priority to the lowest.  The mod’s loading priority in the game has a big impact on how the game handles resource conflicts. As a consequence, you may use the mod conflict detector to locate the CC that has been causing a conflict in the game.

    Why do you need the sims 4 broken cc checker?

    Mods can get outdated when you use them for a while. This will affect your entire game and will cause various obstacles and glitches in the game ruining your entire gaming experience. The basic task of the ts4 broken cc checker is to look for such outdated mods and to fix the problems in the game to avoid any potential crashing and to make your gaming experience smoother and more enjoyable.

    How to find broken CC in sims 4?

    Many custom content mods can be harmful to your game and can corrupt your game, in order to avoid that you need to find the bad cc with the help of a bad cc finder or any tool available online. To see in the mod is cooperation with your game you need to use a mod compatibility checker. Something is wrong with the custom content that you have used or maybe your cc is outdated if while playing the game you notice any glitches or freezes. In order to fix this you can use the sims 4 cc checker or the sims 4 broken cc finder to eradicate the outdated mod.

    Few ways to identify a bad cc

    • Division of the cc into two genders and all age ranges.
    • Consideration of the cc as being inappropriate.
    • If the cc causes the game to freeze or crash
    • If the causes a slew of problems with the blue lot
    • If the clothing begins to change colour as it passes over different areas of the body
    • If the custom content has a tendency to obscure other ccs
    • If the arms are too tight
    • If the cc doors/windows cause the game to crash
    • If the sims-related stuff isn’t available anywhere else
    • Poor construction of the cc.
    • Generation of the custom content prior to the current patch’s release.

    Sims 4 Broken CC Finder

    If you want to figure out how to use the Sims 4 broken modifications finder, you must first grasp how they influence the game. Instead of exiting and reopening the game, you should fix or clean any broken custom content. If you do the former, the game will become corrupted and you will have to restart it frequently. Using the Sims 4 discover broken cc or corrupt cc finder is the best method to accomplish this. Download the Sims 4 cc finder and mod cleaner for damaged mods to obtain the best repair and changing services for your modifications.

    Download Files
    Mod Detector Click Here
    Languages 22 Click Here
    MCD_2.2.300 Click Here


    How do I know if I have bad cc mods?

    Using the broken cc detector, you can see whether you have any faulty cc modifications.

    What does a mod conflict mean?

    When two or more mods clash with each other in the same resource, it is known as a mod conflict.

    Where is mod conflicts Sims 4?

    To find mod conflicts Sims 4, just follow the pathway: Documents/EA/The Sims 4/Mods.

    With this we have come to the end of this article. We hope that this was useful and helped you to increase your knowledge about the Sims 4 mod conflict detector.

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