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Занимаясь восстановленными (refurbished) серверами, мы накопили приличный опыт общения с проблемами разных брендов, которым хотим поделиться на примере машин большой тройки: Dell, HP и IBM. Чтобы никому не было обидно, мы пойдём в алфавитном порядке.
В этом посте мы собрали отзывы наших инженеров, которые имеют большой опыт в диагностировании, восстановлении и обслуживании серверов — каждая описанная ошибка решалась их потом и кровью. Эта информация не пригодится вам в случае, если вы обслуживаетесь по гарантии, но, тем не менее, может быть полезна.
Обновление ПО
Проблема при обновлении ПО актуальна для оборудования DELL старше 3-5 лет. Напомним, что все манипуляции с сервером Dell производятся при помощи Lifecycle, которая встроена в программное обеспечение сервера, а также iDRAC.
Интегрированный контроллер удаленного доступа Dell 7 (iDRAC7) — программное обеспечение для серверов Dell, которое удаленно подключается к серверу, даже если у сервера нет питания, но подключен интернет и блок питания. При подключении к серверу, ПО выводит на экран данные о состоянии системы, а также позволяет протестировать и обновить все компонентами: начиная от биоса и заканчивая драйверами на материнскую плату, блоки питания и т. д., а также прошивку.
Здесь, при стандартном сценарии, есть два варианта. Первый, обновление в ручном режиме, с флеш-карты — в случае, если нет подключенного к серверу интернета. Тогда заходим в Lifecycle и обновляемся с флеш-накопителя. Если что-то не пошло, подключаем сервер к интернету и обновляемся, либо заходим через iDRAC и восстанавливаем первоначальные настройки, устанавливаем необходимые обновления.
Однако, если сервер достаточно старый, проблемы ждут почти сразу: при попытке установить программное обеспечение через Интернет из системы обновления и диагностики Lifecycle. Причина такой проблемы в том, что производитель изначально, ещё на заре этой системы, не использовал протокол защиты на FTP — сервере обновления прошивок компонентов своих серверов. Сейчас, когда такие сертификаты защиты введены, старое оборудование трёх-пятилетней давности выпуска иногда с трудом может обновиться через Интернет.
Решается проблема достаточно просто и многие из вас уже наверняка догадались, как это можно сделать: обновить ПО, а именно Lifecycle, но сначала обновите систему IDRAC. Обновления доступны бесплатно на официальном сайте техподдержки Dell. (Проверка гарантии и скачивание обновлений на ваш сервер Dell).
После этой манипуляции вы сможете удобно загрузить все драйверы и остальные обновления через Интернет, вне зависимости от года выпуска вашего сервера — если, конечно, на сайте производителя есть для него набор обновлений.
Ошибка обновления iDRAC
Напомним, что iDRAC представлен в вариантах «стандартный», «экспресс» и «enterprise». Стандарт идёт в комплекте при покупке сервера. Если заказываем комплектацию «экспресс», то на материнскую плату сервера нам ставят соответствующую лицензионную микросхему. Таким образом, мы получаем новый порт, который позволяет нам получать более информативные данные через Web.
При стандартной лицензии, когда мы на рабочем компьютере подключаемся через браузер к системе iDRAC, мы можем увидеть обзор информации о системе на стандартной вкладке, сервис-тег сервера, модель и не более того.
Через экспресс, т. е. если у нас 7 версия iDRAC, мы уже можем обновлять BIOS, Lifecycle, и т.д. непосредственно через систему удалённого доступа iDRAC. В ранних версиях системы, к сожалению, эта возможность не предусмотрена: там можно обновляться только через флеш-накопитель.
Enterprise – самый полный комплект доступных функций по управлению сервером через порт iDRAC, который позволяет полноценно отслеживать и обновления, и полный список компонентов, и текущее состояние сервера. Это удобный и функциональный комплект, но мы сумели найти в нём один небольшой, но существенный недостаток.
После обновления версии iDRAC Enterprise 1.30.30 либо 1.45.45, система перестаёт инициализироваться и не стартует из-за неправильных настроек. Как результат, если мы входим в iDRAC в настройках через BIOS, мы не можем его ни отключить, ни что бы то ни было предпринять для того, чтобы восстановить его или перезагрузить.
Для большинства пользователей, единственный выход в такой ситуации, это обращение в техподдержку. Если ваш сервер на гарантии, то специалисты приедут и заменят материнскую плату. Мы, в свою очередь, сталкивались с этой проблемой и, как ни странно, помогло вполне стандартное решение, описанное на официальном форуме Dell: сервер пришлось обесточить на 5 минут, вытащить блоки питания и отключить все провода. Правда, если это не помогло, то вам, всё же, придётся заменить материнскую плату.
Ошибка Е1410
Ошибка Е1410 выдаётся после апгрейда: вы добавили ещё один процессор, но с ним сервер почему-то не стартует. Вернее, он включается, индикаторы попеременно загораются, он громко шумит, но при этом на экране ничего нет и пишет ошибку на дисплее диагностической панели.
Проблема в данном случае заключается в том, что на сокете CPU 1, загнуты ножки сокета, которые прилегают к процессору – либо одна, либо сразу несколько. На изображении вы видите исправные ножки сокета (слева) и место, где они загнуты (справа). Ножки можно вручную выправить, на этом проблема будет исчерпана.
Как вы уже догадались, при данной ошибке второй процессор не стартует потому, что часть функциональности первого процессора оказалась отключена. Какая именно? Вариантов может быть множество, одни из них: либо это ножки отвечающие за старт второго процессора, либо блок оперативной памяти не стартует от второго процессора. Это зависит от того, какая ножка загнута.
Некорректная установка оперативной памяти
Проблема часто встречается при апгрейде. В данном случае речь идёт целиком и полностью о человеческом факторе. Однако ошибка эта крайне распространена в силу того, что на каждую модель присутствует своя спецификация по установке. Во-первых, в зависимости от модели, почти в каждом сервере разное количество портов. Соответственно, определённое количество оперативки нужно добавлять в свои порты. Иногда задача усложняется многократно: например, у модели DELL R610 оперативная память трехканальная, поэтому необходимо добавлять по три планки на один канал. Легко можно ошибиться, выбирая из 12 слотов и 4 каналов.
Память типа DDR3 интерфейс состоит из трех каналов до двух модулей Rdimm или UDIMMs на канал
для одиночного или двойного ранга и до двух модулей Rdimm на канал для квадра ранга. Интерфейс использует 2 ГБ, 4 ГБ, 8 ГБ или 16 ГБ модулей Rdimm. Также поддерживается 1 ГБ или 2 ГБ UDIMMs.
Поэтому часто получается при неверном расчете памяти одна из планок или несколько установлены в неверные слоты, либо вовсе не хватает для оптимальной конфигурации.
Второй момент, часто приводящий к несовпадению по оперативной памяти заключается в том, что память для серверов подразделяется по питанию на 1,35 V и 1,5 V. Оперативка 1,35 вольт стартует только на начиная с 56-й версии процессора. На более ранних версиях серверов можно использовать только планки, рассчитанные на 1,5 вольт. Если в сервере будут стоять разные планки, то он не запустится и выдаст соответствующую ошибку.
Выглядит это таким же образом как в случае с загнутыми сокетами и ошибкой запуска второго процессора. Если ошибки на экране дисплея не отображается, сервер пишет “Server is booting…” и на экране ничего не отображается, попробуйте проверить конфигурацию памяти. Замените память в соответствии со спеками и установите в правильные слоты, чтобы получить оптимальную конфигурацию.
Преимущества серверов Dell
Справедливости ради хотелось бы закончить статью, поговорив о плюсах серверов Dell. А они, по нашему мнению, полностью нивелируют те проблемы, которые мы описали выше. Ведь, в первую очередь, эти проблемы встречаются при реконфигурации серверов.
- Сервер «как-он-есть» от Dell, пожалуй, наиболее беспроблемный и удобный для всех действий с серверами. Это первое, что мы можем сказать на основе нашего опыта.
- Так же у Dell есть поддержка мощнейших процессоров на данный момент: как поколения Е3 так и Е5, до 12-ядерных процессоров (R720, R720XD).
- Холодный старт сервера у Dell намного быстрее других вендоров большой тройки.
- В серверах Dell большой выбор корзин для подключения HDD дисков – 2,5 дюйма и 3,5 дюйма, в которые можно подключить до 12 HDD (в случае с R720XD). С переходниками можно подключать SSD диски. На 3,5 дюйма существуют корзины на 4, 6, 8, 12 дисков, а на 2,5 дюйма — до 8.
- Почти во всех моделях Dell присутствует возможность подключения резервных блоков питания.
- Техподдержка на заявки реагирует очень быстро.
- Поэтому, несмотря на то, что серверы Dell чуточку дороже аналогов от других поставщиков, инвестиции вложенные в эти сервера оправдываются.
Надеемся, что наша статья поможет вам при апгрейде, диагностике и приобретении б/у-сервера. Остались вопросы? Пишите в комментариях.
If you’re running Dell PowerEdge servers with the integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC), you may encounter “The webpage cannot be found” and “undefined” errors when using IE11. In this article, I’ll show you how to work around those errors and possibly fix them permanently.
- Upgrade the firmware
- Change browsers
- Use Internet Explorer Enterprise Mode (EMIE)
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- Recent Posts
Kyle Beckman works as a systems administrator in Atlanta, GA supporting Office 365 in higher education. He has 17+ years of systems administration experience.
There’s nothing worse than needing to get console access on a physical server because of a problem that is preventing you from accessing it via PowerShell Remoting, Remote Desktop, SSH, or some other remote access protocol. As it turns out, there is something worse: getting errors on the embedded remote management card.
If you’re using the integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) as part of your server management, you may encounter an iDRAC screen with the word “undefined” repeated over and over, along with the “The webpage cannot be found” error, in Internet Explorer 11. I’ve seen the error on both iDRAC 6 and iDRAC 7:
iDRAC 6: “The webpage cannot be found” and “undefined” listed repeatedly in IE11
iDRAC 7: “The webpage cannot be found” and “undefined” listed repeatedly in IE11
Depending on the iDRAC version you have, there are a few different workarounds, as well as one fix if you’re running version 7.
Upgrade the firmware
If you’re running iDRAC 7, you can install a firmware update that will fix the problem permanently. Dell has a page for iDRAC 7 that lists the current firmware builds along with download links. The build that was released in April 2015 (the latest build as of the writing of this article) fixes the problem. The biggest gotcha with upgrading the firmware in this solution is checking to see if the latest iDRAC firmware breaks anything for you or requires you to update other infrastructure. Additionally, if you have to go through change control to make an update to the iDRAC firmware, this may not be the quickest solution to your problem.
Change browsers
For the Dell iDRAC 6, earlier versions of Internet Explorer and some older versions of Firefox are supported. If you have a machine with an older build of IE, you can switch to that system. I was also able to access an iDRAC 6 with more modern versions of Firefox.
Use Internet Explorer Enterprise Mode (EMIE)
Like many other web applications, the Dell iDRAC web interface can be put into Enterprise Mode and fooled into thinking it is running in IE8. Just be aware that if you manually enable Enterprise Mode by going to Tools > Enterprise Mode, you’ll be kicked out of the iDRAC interface and have to log back in.
If the Tools > Enterprise Mode option is missing in IE11, you most likely don’t have Enterprise Mode enabled. You can enable EMIE in Group Policy or enable it by making a Registry edit. Open the Registry editor and browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\. You’ll need to add additional keys by right-clicking the Internet Explorer key and choosing New > Key. The finished structure should be HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\EnterpriseMode. Last, right-click in the right pane and choose New > String Value and type Enable. Your finished product should look something like this:
Enable Enterprise Mode for Inter Explorer in the Registry
Restart Internet Explorer. You should now be able to enable Enterprise Mode on your iDRAC to remotely manage your server.
After installing VMWare OpenManage_Integration 5.1.0, on VMWare 7.0, I tried to update iDRAC firmware. After the console stuck for more than an hour, I restarted my R720.
Since this time, the iDRAC do not seems to respond. I have many error message at boot.
On POST, I can see on top right «Lifecycle Controller Disabled» also having this error message :»Alert! idrac not responding rebooting»
… And reboot
At this reboot, After memory check, the server reboot and continue tells me iDRAC have a problem, but, at least boot.
After BIOS and RAID check, I have an error «Warning! iDRAC initialisation error»
But I can strike F1 to continue or F2 to run system setup program
— If I hit F2, in BIOS option, under iDRAC Setting, I have: «SWC0700: iDRAC is not ready. The configuration values cannot be accessed.»
— If I hit F1, the boot sequence continue and complain again about iDRAC «SWC0700: iDRAC is not ready. The configuration values cannot be accessed.»
but if I press F1, the real boot continue.
VMWare is able to boot.
But iDRAC is unacessible, (even no MAC address from switch) and fans never stop, running at … medium level.
Seems to be iDRAC issue. How can I reinitialise/repair this iDRAC problem ?
Many Thanks,
So I recently got a Dell r520 for a steal, but with the caveat that idrac was fritzed out, and may require a new motherboard.
Once I got it home, I was able to start diagnostics.
Sorry in advance for the shitty documentation. I was busy trying to figure things out on the fly, and my hand written notes were are quite a bit too illegible/scatterbrained for even me to transcribe.
idrac error, immediate reboot. After reboot, fans 100%, iDRAC error SWC0700, but allowed me to continue booting.
front lcd blank, no change of status pushing the ID button.
lifecycle controller disabled (No F10)
installed an OS, but was unable to detect idrac, couldn’t update firmware
no response via serial communications
After poking around on the ol’ interwebz, I came across this post from u/s1erraII7
Apparently, the r520 doesn’t have an j_idrac_uart, but does have a j_bmc_uart.
Fuck it, let’s try that one. Soldered in the pins, hooked up a raspberry pi, and started a serial session.
The fuck? this is a 12th gen, with idrac 7…
racadm racreset
Some sort of error along the lines of command not found.
Oh… well, shit, now what?
Returned a ton of commands. That’s actually helpful, thank you.
Tried «reboot», but after a ton of text output, basically, it said there was some issues with the image, and couldn’t continue. back to the penis prompt.
Poking around with the available commands, I eventualy came across the «util» command. «util» lets you run a variety of utilities (durh), and running the «util» utility with no flags basically gives up the available flags.
Eventually, I put this together.
Get the latest idrac firmware from dell for your server. Extract the contents with 7zip, or extract with the exe. You need to copy the file firmimg.d7 to an sd card, formatted FAT (not fat32).
After the error, auto-reboot, and start of the second boot, run the command over the serial connection (from your pi)
util recover -emmc -from sd -f firmimg.d7 -noreset -clean
util recover (recovery for idrac) -emmc (to the embedded storage) -from sd (from the idrac sd card, formatted to FAT, not FAT32, that does NOT work) -f firmimg.d7 (name of the file) -noreset -clean (yeah, it worked, idk). If you’re getting this weird fucking dick prompt or similar, but don’t have an sd card, I think there’s other options available, including tftp, and maybe a usb disk option.
I know this doesn’t help most people, but I wanted to get this documented (or «documented») in hopes that it may some day help someone else.
Windows Movie Maker 6.0 error during recording: check if the original sources are still available, the saving location is available and if there is enough disk space
Original title: Windows Movie Maker 6.0 Save Bug?
Something’s weird with Windows Movie Maker…
It cannot record movies, I create somehow.
Immediamente when it starts to save, it gives an error signal: check if the original sources are always available (and yet, they all), there is no such thing as the save location (of course it is!) and if there is enough disk space (a lot of). Still, it will not save. How can this be possible?
I use an mp3 file (pendulum — watercolor) and have a lot of footage, often used with effects. They are 1280 x 1024 and a .avi file. Everything should work fine, but still does not work. Help me!
Something’s weird with Windows Movie Maker…
It cannot record movies, I create somehow.
Immediamente when it starts to save, it gives an error signal: check if the original sources are always available (and yet, they all), there is no such thing as the save location (of course it is!) and if there is enough disk space (a lot of). Still, it will not save. How can this be possible?
I use an mp3 file (pendulum — watercolor) and have a lot of footage, often used with effects. They are 1280 x 1024 and a .avi file. Everything should work fine, but still does not work. Help me!
It is sometimes possible to publish / save in the
Even if the DV — AVI format. WMV fails. If you are
running Vista Movie Maker 6.see the following:
Windows Vista — publish a movie in Windows Movie Maker
WIndows Vista Movie Maker 6
The following chart shows where the DV — AVI option.
And sometimes unchecking that will enable all filters
registration in progress…
Reach… Tools / Options / compatibility… tab and
Uncheck all filters / OK.
The error that you received can be caused by the following:
(1) source incompatible or damaged files (photos,
video clips, audio clips).
Several formats are apparently compatible with
Movie Maker, but the most reliable choices are:
Photos — bmp
Video — wmv
Audio — wav, wma, wmv
(2) the project is too big or too complex for your system
resources. Made video is time CPU and
can sometimes cause blackouts.
The following items may be worth a visit:
Movie Maker — problem resolution — «cannot record a movie.
Windows Movie Maker error
Cannot complete the Save Movie Wizard
< error > < security > < BEA-000000 > < validation events is not available because no JMS Transport is available. The remote L2 caches will be out of sync. >
I’m trying to set up a cluster, I installed my SQL server DB and Weblogic Portal 10.3.2 on two different machines and each thing is correctly configured according to my knowledge.
but when I am trying to start my node managed on a remote machine, out of sync error continually as shown below
< 6 sep, 2014 16:42:02 IST > < error > < security > < BEA-000000 > < validation events is not available because no JMS Transport is available. The remote L2 caches will be out of sync >
< 6 sep, 2014 16:42:07 IST > < error > < security > < BEA-000000 > < validation events is not available because no JMS Transport is available. The remote L2 caches will be out of sync >
< 6 sep, 2014 16:42:13 IST > < error > < security > < BEA-000000 > < validation events is not available because no JMS Transport is available. The remote L2 caches will be out of sync >
< 6 sep, 2014 16:42:18 IST > < error > < security > < BEA-000000 > < validation events is not available because no JMS Transport is available. The remote L2 caches will be out of sync >
< 6 sep, 2014 16:42:24 IST > < error > < security > < BEA-000000 > < validation events is not available because no JMS Transport is available. The remote L2 caches will be out of sync >
NOTE: I can connect to my DB using java utils.dbping [MSSQLSERVER4 |] MSSQLSERVERB] < db username > < db and user password > DB_Host:Port / Db_name on two physical machines.
is there no work around for this problem, as I am not able to get around this error and is unable to start my managed computer node.
Thank you
Notes on MOS:
It is an issue that occurs because the RDBMS security store configuration problem. In order to synchronize the RDBMS security store data, WLS uses the JMS topic for transport, which is not met in this case and therefore this error. The solution is to configure the JMS topic according to the above reference documentation. However this post ideally is not an error but a simple warning message. Thus, in the context of the code fix, we delivered a patch for WLS, to change the gravity of this message of ‘ERROR’ to ‘WARNING ‘. This patch can be downloaded using My Oracle Support Portal using:
Bug number: 13459424
Patch ID: NF9G
When I try to batch photos to resize in Scripts > Image Processor function, an error message that says: «comand»Pen»is not available. What can I do to fix this?
When I try to batch photos to resize in Scripts > Image Processor function, an error message that says: «comand»Pen»is not available. What can I do to fix this?
Yes Adobe tile action fails with the error when he didn’t is not the active selection. Note that the Cut Out, built-in frame and thumbnail (selection) after their name. These actions require an active selection to the selected mobile dotted lines before using the action. Action seeks to soften the selection that were provided to you. There was no selection, so there is nothing to be flag.
In addition, the step of the pen in the action of the tile is an interactive step on its dialog box is. An interactive action defeat as the design of the Image Processor script commands. Isn’t interactivity in a batch.
Portege M400 — error message: Sorry, but this product is not available in your area.
I get the above message when I click on the sign up page «Portege M400» link under my profile. It is odd bcause I’m actually writing this post on the PortegeM400!
What I want is, of course, to go directly from my registration and drivers who are ready for my PC, but it seems that the registration procedure has no training? How does this — what I have to put up another country to be allowed to move. (Current country is Denmark)
Considered by
I put t know what is exactly happening on the registration page you but if you want to download the drivers for your Portege M400 why you n t use the Toshiba support page?
This is a page of Toshiba Europe:
and under Support Dowloads & -> Support page host, you will find many useful links.
There is also a link to the page of the Toshiba driver
Problem access to Windows update, error: site has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view.
Original title: problem accessing Windows update.
I just reinstalled a pre — SP3 of XP version. When I tried to download the SP3 I got the message: the site has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view. I don’t know what to do. Help, anyone?
Download the following:
http://www.Microsoft.com/en-US/Download/details.aspx?ID=28 (Service Pack 2)
http://www.Microsoft.com/en-US/Download/details.aspx?ID=24 (Service Pack 3)
Ignore warnings about these packages for computer scientists, or only of the
too much network installs and others. These are full Service Packs which can
be installed without an internet connection or when no other SPs are
installed. Install SP2 first, followed by SP3.
NOTE: If SP2 is already installed on your computer, or if the SP1a is installed, go straight to the Service Pack 3 package.
I am running Windows 7. Why Adobe won’t download my converted pdf to Word .doc or .docx file? Error message saying file failed to download because of the configuration error, but I don’t know how to fix this. Any help is appreciated!
What can I do to get Adobe to download a pdf file that he transformed into a doc or docx? Any help is appreciated!
Hi ebbelby,
Try to use the web interface to pdf export: https://cloud.acrobat.com/exportpdf
Kind regards
swc0700 iDRAC is not ready [CF]
HO a R520 s.t. b1f43y che d mi tell this error server:
swc0700: idrac is not ready. the configuration values are not available.
CI sono delle Presidents che posso tentare da solo? Potete mi fare UN preventivo per UN intervento on-site?
buongionro, sto contattando by mail.
PowerEdge R720 virtual disk question
Hi, our company has bought a Dell PowerEdge R720. I tried to use the lifecycle controller in RAID configuration. At the start, it has 3 500 GB SAS HARD drive, but I ordered 2 x 320 GB additional SAS being what I intend to do it, use the 2 x 320 GB like OS install as RAID 1 and RAID 5 on the default 3 x 500 GB, but for some reason any, whenever I have configure RAID , either on the two 320 or 3 x 500 GB, it shows just a virtual disk, 2 x 320 GB or 500 GB x 3, I see not two for RAID 1 and RAID 5 virtual disks. Am I missing something here? or I have to perform an extra step?
Kind regards
Hello Jeff,.
If you try to install the operating system through the lifecycle controller method. You must have the latest lifecycle controller OS driver pack installed in your system. For the latest driver pack OS, please download from our support http://support.dell.com/ site by entering you service number and download OS Driver pack drivers.
You can update the OS driver pack thorugh iDRAC GUI or through the lifecycle controller GUI and once after the OS driver pack update. When you try to deploy the operating system through the life cycle of the controller, you will appear on the list of supported operating systems and you can select the operating system you want to install by mounting the image operating system or DVD media connected to the system.
Please let me know if you have any question.
Thanks, Neeraj
Is it possible to Flash a BIOS SC8000 Compellent to make a Dell Poweredge R720 BIOS?
Is it possible to Flash a BIOS SC8000 Compellent to make a Dell Poweredge R720 BIOS?
Similar to the way you can Flash a BIOS NX3000 to make a R710.
I tried to Flash the BIOS in several different ways, including the BACK update and addition of /forcetype, /brandname and /forceit.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hello, tjkc80.
So, the quick answer is no. You will not be able to do. In the case of NX, it is simply a R710 we have renamed, attached an MD for sold and additional storage in the form of an appliance. You are able to ‘rebrand’ that the return to a R710 because he was once a R710.
In the case of the SC8000, there has never been a powerful storage controller. It cannot be «flashed» on a server, because it has never been a server. It is built and designed as a storage controller.
PowerEdge T410 error: POWER: not available in standby mode
Good afternoon!
Has anyone caught the error described below with a PowerEdge T410?
POWER: not available in standby mode
Power: Off
During this operation you tried these steps on both power supplies separately? If yes then it seems that the motherboard may have a problem.
path to error 1413% APPDATA % is not available
I went to look on ventrilo and I got this error code {path of 1413% APPDATA % is not available} I tried unistalling and reistall, but I get the same error code as my windows update will not work file KB933399 fails whenever I got x 64 Vista Home premium
Hello Natas69,
Thank you for visiting the website of Microsoft Windows Vista Community.
Sorry to hear about the problem you are experiencing.
Using third-party software, including hardware drivers can cause serious problems that may prevent your computer from starting properly. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the use of third-party software can be solved. Software using third party is at your own risk.
I however look on their website and saw that it was compatible with Vista. In addition, Member of the mine said it was trying to work on his system. I suggest that you only contact ventral to any resolution of Vista.
Let us know if these steps solve your problem. I hope the information is useful.
Kind regards
Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.
The feature you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM… error message for WordPerfect Office 12
I get the error message following WordPefect (R) Office 12 after starting, «the component you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM or another removable disc that is available.» IIt on a Windows XP and a Dell laptop. have tried several things. What should I try? Help, please?
Thank you
I get the error message following WordPefect (R) Office 12 after starting, «the component you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM or another removable disc that is available.» IIt on a Windows XP and a Dell laptop. have tried several things. What should I try? Help, please?
You let a ‘no’ to this error message? («The feature you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM or another removable disk that is NOT available.»)
Apparently, you try to use a feature in WordPerfect that has not been installed. You need the installation of WordPerfect CD in your computer’s CD drive. For more information, use one or more of the following resources:
news://cnews.corel.com:119 / corel.WordPerfect12 (this link may not work in your web browser; if you have a news reader, configure it to use the news to cnews.corel.com server and subscribe to the newsgroup WordPerfect12)
Download cannot do error «microsoft accout service is not available on the moment.try later» when connecting to the Windows store.
Original title: cannot download
I connect to the windows store but I can’t download the error msg is «microsoft accout service is not available on the moment.try later» pls help to connect where you’ll store thank you.
Hi Haran,
Generally, this problem is due to Server related questions or changes due to the new computer. Before you start with the troubleshooting steps, I would like to know some information about the same thing.
1. have you made changes on the computer before this problem?
2. you are connected to the Microsoft Account or Local account?
3. are you able to connect to the Windows site using the same Microsoft Account?
4. are you this question while trying to download or trying to install applications?
Initially, I you suggest to try to restart the computer and then try to download or install the application on Windows Store and check.
I would suggest trying the following methods and check if it works for you.
Method 1:
Try the steps in the following Microsoft Help article and check if it helps.
Why can’t I connect to the Windows store?
Method 2:
Try the steps in the Microsoft Help article and check below if the problem persists.
Why can’t find or install the application on the Windows Store?
Please reply with the status of the issue, so that we can better help you.
Error SMTP sending reports by e-mail — not you usual ACL question
Data services Oracle REST 2.0.9
Recently, we changed our architecture around a bit of the APEX. Previously we used the Oracle HTTP server on the same host as the database. Now we pass the ‘web’ part of the APEX to another server using ADR with Apache TomCat. Under the old configuration, we have been able to send emails without any problem. However, when we try to do under the new configuration, we get the following SMTP error stack:
ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 503 #5.3.3 AUTH is not available
I would have thought that email would still go database server in the new configuration but, perhaps, it’s fake.
1 ACL have been created
() mailserver_acl
«ACL for mail server used to connect,»
WHERE ACL LIKE ‘% mailserver_acl.xml ‘;
mailhost | / sys/ACLs/mailserver_acl. XML |
2. I am able to send an email with success by Telnet to port 25 on * is * host and send emails directly from the command line interface.
3. I am able to send successfully from the database using the PL/SQL interface.
Any ideas?
Thank you
When configure you the new application server, you MUST have reconfigured APEX, correct? So you can have the apex_mail settings not the same as the old installation.
Thank you
Tony Miller
Software LuvMuffin
Ruckersville, WILL
Article Number
Applies To
RSA Product Set: NetWitness Logs & Network
RSA Version/Condition: 10.6.x, 11.x
Platform: iDRAC
Platform (Other): Dell appliance
During the RSA NetWitness Dell appliance boot, it halts with the message:
WARNING! iDRAC initialization error.
Image description
SWC0700: iDRAC is not ready
Image description
The iDRAC card in the Dell appliance has its own operating system that can hang, so a hard reset of the card is required.
The following methods can be used to force a reset of the iDRAC card in a Dell appliance.
Shutdown the appliance and drain any trickle charge.
Power off the appliance, disconnect all power cables and press in the power button for 30 seconds on the front of the appliance.
Then plug in all power, wait 5 minutes for the iDRAC card to start, and then power on the appliance.Dell Reference: iDRAC — Multiple Reboots Can Cause IPMI Command Errors, Lifecycle Recovery Mode, and «SWC0700: iDRAC is not ready»
Soft-reset the iDRAC card by pressing the ‘i’ button.
On the front of the Dell appliance press the ‘i’ button for 30 seconds.
Wait 5 minutes for the iDRAC reset to complete.
Reboot the appliance.Dell Reference: How to reset the internal Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) on a PowerEdge server?
Once the iDRAC is working again, consider upgrading the iDRAC firmware to the latest approved version so the iDRAC software is on the most stable version available.
Reference: RSA NetWitness Availability of BIOS & iDRAC Firmware Updates
Your System Details
- Python Version: python3
- Operating System: fedora 32
- Target System Type: Dell FC640s
- IPMI / Out-of-band Firmware Version:
Describe the bug
Badfish command fails to communicate to the server intermittently, it happens often during a large scale deployment — 100 node JetSki.
Badfish Command — badfish -u quads -p password -H mgmt-e22-h18-b02-fc640.rdu2.scalelab.redhat.com --clear-jobs --force --debug
- ERROR - Failed to communicate with mgmt-e22-h18-b02-fc640.rdu2.scalelab.redhat.com
- ERROR - There was something wrong executing Badfish.
When Badfish tries to validate(here) the supplied hosts credential, it hits the below redfish API and gets 400 response.
RedFish API — https://mgmt-e22-h18-b02-fc640.rdu2.scalelab.redhat.com/redfish/v1/Systems
- Code: 400
- Body:
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"Message": "iDRAC is not ready. The configuration values cannot be accessed. Please retry after a few minutes.",
"MessageArgs": [],
"MessageArgs@odata.count": 0,
"MessageId": "IDRAC.1.6.SWC0700",
"RelatedProperties": [],
"RelatedProperties@odata.count": 0,
"Resolution": "Turn off the system, Remove AC. Wait for 5 seconds. Connect AC. Turn it on.",
"Severity": "Critical"
"code": "Base.1.2.GeneralError",
"message": "A general error has occurred. See ExtendedInfo for more information"
Expected Behavior
- Code: 200
- Body:
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection",
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems",
"@odata.type": "#ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection",
"Description": "Collection of Computer Systems",
"Members": [
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1"
"Members@odata.count": 1,
"Name": "Computer System Collection"
Additional Details
As an interim solution, iDRAC reset
or racadm racreset soft
After installing VMWare OpenManage_Integration 5.1.0, on VMWare 7.0, I tried to update iDRAC firmware. After the console stuck for more than an hour, I restarted my R720.
Since this time, the iDRAC do not seems to respond. I have many error message at boot.
On POST, I can see on top right «Lifecycle Controller Disabled» also having this error message :»Alert! idrac not responding rebooting»
… And reboot
At this reboot, After memory check, the server reboot and continue tells me iDRAC have a problem, but, at least boot.
After BIOS and RAID check, I have an error «Warning! iDRAC initialisation error»
But I can strike F1 to continue or F2 to run system setup program
— If I hit F2, in BIOS option, under iDRAC Setting, I have: «SWC0700: iDRAC is not ready. The configuration values cannot be accessed.»
— If I hit F1, the boot sequence continue and complain again about iDRAC «SWC0700: iDRAC is not ready. The configuration values cannot be accessed.»
but if I press F1, the real boot continue.
VMWare is able to boot.
But iDRAC is unacessible, (even no MAC address from switch) and fans never stop, running at … medium level.
Seems to be iDRAC issue. How can I reinitialise/repair this iDRAC problem ?
Many Thanks,
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Hey all,
Just got my first pfsense router up and running. It is on a dell r320. The way I have it set up is WAN is on bge0, and lan is on bge1. The idrac for this machine is on bge1 as well, so LAN side, not WAN side.
I also have a unifi switch, and in the unifi controller I can see the mac address of the idrac, but there is no IP associated. If I set a static IP for the idrac, it will appear briefly in the unifi controller, and then disappear. My other two servers (r720, r720xd) both have DHCP assigned idrac and they work fine.
I’m not sure if there is something that needs to be tweaked so I can get a DHCP lease for the idrac on the same adapter as LAN. I read that sometimes there are loopback problems. However, my friend just set up an identical server (r320) and has not encountered the same problem.
Any idea where I can start with this?
@krieger said in DHCP will not assign IP to iDrac:
I’m not sure if there is something that needs to be tweaked so I can get a DHCP lease for the idrac on the same adapter as LAN.
if you have configured the iDrac network (POST + F2), you should get an IP from the LAN DHCP server without any problems
what does the DHCP log show?+++edit:
try this too:
MAC — IP bind (MAC iDrac + pfSense LAN DHCP static mappings)
- and could be a packet capture on the LAN — UDP 67
@daddygo iDrac is set for DHCP, it does not get an IP. Shows as I’m going to try the MAC-IP bind, that might help.
Do you see pfsense seeing a discover for it.. Can not assign an IP if does not see a discover.. This would be in the dhcpd log on pfsense.
Setting a reservation isn’t going to do anything — if pfsense never sees the discover.
@johnpoz It does not see the discover. I think the issue is coming from pfsense lan and iDrac being on the same interface seeing as I don’t have a dedicated card. Not sure why this is happening though seeing as my buddy has an identical setup (same server, cpu, ram, install, etc.) and he doesn’t have an issue.
@krieger said in DHCP will not assign IP to iDrac:
pfsense lan and iDrac being on the same interface
How about you post a picture of what you think is your idrac interface.
@johnpoz I currently do not have a dedicated idrac card. You need an iDrac enterprise license and the dedicated card in order to use item 3 in the picture. With iDrac express, it communicates on one of the ports in item 7. This is why you see (optional).
You can read the difference between iDrac express and enterprise here: https://kb.netapp.com/Advice_and_Troubleshooting/Flash_Storage/SF_Series/What_is_the_difference_between_iDRAC_Express_and_iDRAC_Enterprise_and_how_to_configure%3F
You can see there is no dedicated idrac card in this picture.
@krieger said in DHCP will not assign IP to iDrac:
I’m going to try the MAC-IP bind, that might help.
you said (above) you see the MAC address of iDrac
plenty of servers work so that the IPMI is either redirected to a dedicated interface or LOM…
ergo shouldn’t be a problem if you have IPMI on LAN as well++edit2:
by the way, I remember from my Dell era that both the express and enterprise versions require an iDrac card
the difference is that the enterprise ver. requires a license and has a dedicated port… (MGMT) like Cisco UCS series
the express version does not have a dedicated port so it communicates through LOMsorry
@daddygo Here is the mac address as can be seen on my unifi controller dashboad. Switch 24 port 11 is the same port on the switch as my pfsense lan.
As you can see it does not have an IP.
Here are the iDrac settings. The MAC as shown in iDrac is the same as the MAC shown in unifi. As you can see, DHCP is enabled.
Here is what I could find in logs. The MAC address in the logs is slightly different. Instead of 90:B1:1C:46:99:EB, it is 90:B1:1C:46:99:EA
So you have pfsense running on this nic as VM? What I would do is make sure drac is using the other port of the nic. Which is odd that you show nic lom2 selected but it says lom1 ins active?
But if you put your drac on the other physical port.. Than what your pfsense is using then dhcp should work.
And yes the mac of the drac would have to be different than just the nic mac..
@johnpoz Pfsense is on bare metal. There are only 2 nics on this machine right now. bge0(LOM1) is WAN. bge1(LOM2) is LAN. If I assign iDrac to LOM1(bge0) then I will be exposing it on my WAN, no bueno.
@krieger said in DHCP will not assign IP to iDrac:
Here is the mac address as can be seen on my unifi controller dashboad. Switch 24 port 11 is the same port on the switch as my pfsense lan.
MAC addresses are thus normal on the same port —:EA for LAN and :EB for BMC (small difference)
because the DHCP server is running on this physical port (LAN), pfSense cannot assign itself an IP address to a BMC (IPMI) on the same physical port, -since there are two MACs on one physical portset a dedicated IP to the BMC, with setup iDrac F2
(the LAN port on pfSense is upstream when viewed from the switch — that is why UNIFI sees the MAC address of the BMC — the opposite cannot be true)or but this is not a good solution (!) with the UNIFI DHCP server (if any… and L2+ or L3 capable the switch) assign only one IP to the BMC (in same range), but then you will have two servers on a subnet….
-I say not a good solution+++edit:
The BMC, IPMI, etc usually assume out-of-band solutions for security reasons!!!
@daddygo said in DHCP will not assign IP to iDrac:
The BMC, IPMI, etc usually assume out-of-band solutions for security reasons!!!
Exactly… Which is why if you do not have a dedicated port for this.. And your going to leverage one of the 2 ports you have.. Then 1 should be used for ipmi, and the other for whatever your normal traffic is on.
You would never put your ipmi stuff on the same network as normal devices.. This should be on your management vlan..
@johnpoz said in DHCP will not assign IP to iDrac:
You would never put your ipmi stuff on the same network as normal devices..
Or on a separate internal network configured for MGMT (on different subnet), otherwise if someone penetrate into the LAN, from there is only one «spit» way to access network management
@johnpoz said in DHCP will not assign IP to iDrac:
Then 1 should be used for ipmi, and the other for whatever your normal traffic is on.
otherwise, this solution exists, called shared LOM
we use the Cisco UCS series this way, but the CIMC is on a VLAN — ALWAYS!!!