Deleted due to error konica minolta ошибка

Best Answer

  • Author Kelso Pickett

    AmyLee wrote:

    right, unfortunately that’s not the end I’m having trouble with. I can use the SMTP server I set up to send mail just fine, but the printer won’t

    Another thought… can you send mail from a computer using the SMTP server to verify it is configured correctly? That way we can rule it out and be certain that the Bizhub should be the focus of troubleshooting efforts.

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    16 Replies

    • Author Kelso Pickett

      I spent a day with a similar problem recently. Konica Minolta Bizhub C203 that wouldn’t scan via email. Unfortunately, I was unable to find any more details beyond the generic error message you’re seeing. If there’s nothing showing on the SMTP server, then the data isn’t making it that far. Try clearing the settings from the Konica and re-entering them— I’ve encountered instances with the Bizhub devices where, even if the credentials etc. have been entered correctly, I had to clear them and re-enter for it to work.

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    • Author Amy Lee Anderson

      that’s some top quality firmware features right there lol.

      Thank you, I’ll give that a shot tomorrow and let you know if it does the trick.

      Was this post helpful?

    • Author Kelso Pickett

      Yeah, it leaves quite a bit to be desired in terms of transparency… but otherwise they’ve been pretty reliable machines. Let us know what you find tomorrow.

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    • Author Amy Lee Anderson

      right, unfortunately that’s not the end I’m having trouble with. I can use the SMTP server I set up to send mail just fine, but the printer won’t

      Was this post helpful?

    • yes, what i was trying to point out is the printer most likely does not do TLS encryption so the server that you pointed the printer at has changed in someway and most likely they turned on SSL / TLS encryption. Lots of scanners and voicemail systems are old enough that TLS 2.0 is not included in the firmware… 

      You get around this by putting an intermediate SMTP server that is set to allow all SMTP traffic without TLS scoped to just the IP addresses of the scanners and such so only those devices have open SMTP relay. Then you get the SMTP server to SmartHost that email up to the real SMTP server with TLS turned on…

      Let me know if that makes sense.

      Was this post helpful?

    • Author Kelso Pickett

      AmyLee wrote:

      right, unfortunately that’s not the end I’m having trouble with. I can use the SMTP server I set up to send mail just fine, but the printer won’t

      Another thought… can you send mail from a computer using the SMTP server to verify it is configured correctly? That way we can rule it out and be certain that the Bizhub should be the focus of troubleshooting efforts.

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    • Author Steve Stricklin


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      Amy — what I find is most common, is the device mail address used or the administrator email are not active email accounts or someone has not entered anything into one of those fields. 

      Was this post helpful?

    • Author Amy Lee Anderson

      Gregory H Hall wrote:

      yes, what i was trying to point out is the printer most likely does not do TLS encryption so the server that you pointed the printer at has changed in someway and most likely they turned on SSL / TLS encryption. Lots of scanners and voicemail systems are old enough that TLS 2.0 is not included in the firmware… 

      You get around this by putting an intermediate SMTP server that is set to allow all SMTP traffic without TLS scoped to just the IP addresses of the scanners and such so only those devices have open SMTP relay. Then you get the SMTP server to SmartHost that email up to the real SMTP server with TLS turned on…

      Let me know if that makes sense.

      it does make sense, but that’s already how it’s set up. if you read my original post thoroughly I state that I put smtp in IIS on a 2008 R2 machine, and I’m not using TLS or any other kind of encryption.

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    • Author Amy Lee Anderson

      Kelso wrote:

      AmyLee wrote:

      right, unfortunately that’s not the end I’m having trouble with. I can use the SMTP server I set up to send mail just fine, but the printer won’t

      Another thought… can you send mail from a computer using the SMTP server to verify it is configured correctly? That way we can rule it out and be certain that the Bizhub should be the focus of troubleshooting efforts.

      right, you’re on to something actually, just before you wrote that I decided to test the smtp server from another system using telnet because previously I had tested it from itself via telnet and it delivered perfectly.

      when I attempted to telnet to it from another system on the network I wasn’t able to connect, so something may be going on there. I still think the printer is sorely under reporting its errors though.

      Was this post helpful?

    • Silly question but have you tried restarting the Konica after you make the SMTP change? I know some MFP devices will need a reboot to set the SMTP info into memory…

      Was this post helpful?

    • Author Amy Lee Anderson

      Strick9 wrote:

      Amy — what I find is most common, is the device mail address used or the administrator email are not active email accounts or someone has not entered anything into one of those fields. 

      an excellent point, I had to carefully consider those when checking the configuraton on the printer, but they weren’t changed and had been working just fine with the other SMTP server. both fields are filled and valid.

      Was this post helpful?

    • Author Amy Lee Anderson

      Gregory H Hall wrote:

      Silly question but have you tried restarting the Konica after you make the SMTP change? I know some MFP devices will need a reboot to set the SMTP info into memory…

      no I did not, but I will next time I attempt it.

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    • Author Amy Lee Anderson

      it’s fixed!

      The issue was SMTP server security settings were set backwards so instead of allowing the list of servers below it blocked the list of servers below, which contained the printer. it worked from the server itself because of that.

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    • Nice!

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    • Author Steve Stricklin


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      Thank you for letting us know!

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    1. 05-08-2009


      KM C550 BizHub scan to SMB failed, deleted due to login error?

      KM C550 BizHub scan to SMB failed, deleted due to login error? I have several users setup to scan to email and to SMB (shared folders on filerserver), one of the SMBs stopped working the other day and I have tried everything that I can think of and it still fails and gives the same error. Other users (myself included) can scan to email and to our own SMB folders on the server.

      The particular SMB account with the problem is a folder on the server that several people in the dept have access to. They scan to this shared folder and then reach it via a mapped drive (while logged into thier computer as themself.) The SMB is a user account that is used as an external email contact. I have double-checked the security and permissions on the SMB account and the person’s account who is doing the scannning and everything looks ok. I reset the copier (turned on/off), rebooted the user’s pc, reset the password for the scan to SMB account (via web IP access to Konica copier), checked that neither user account was locked out, SMB scan to user account password is (and always was) set to never expire, even deleted and recreated the scan to SMB account on the copier! Searched and have found nothing on the net (including Konica’s site) that has helped yet.

      A couple weeks ago I had to reset this user’s network password because it had expired, but then it has worked fine for about one month until now.

      Any suggestions?

    2. 05-15-2009


      OK, I even added a second similar named scan to SMB account and set it up with same userid and it got same error when scanning. Changed the userid to myself (with my password) and it worked fine, so I then changed it back to the original user without entering any password (who had the scan problem) and it worked. The next day it was broken again, so I entered the user’s current network password into the SMB setup with her userid and it works fine now. Only thing that I can think of is that somehow the Konica got stuck on the user’s old password and to get it unstuck it needed a different userid (and password) entered in. HTH

    3. 05-16-2009


      user needs to setup as

      workgroup\user with workgroup being the name of the workgroup or domain.

    4. 05-16-2009


      Quote Originally Posted by random
      View Post

      user needs to setup as

      workgroupuser with workgroup being the name of the workgroup or domain.

      In the setup on the KM I have the Host Address, File Path (for scan to store directly to it), Userid, and Password and this works for all users scan to smb. All users are members of the network domain. Please elaborate on your explanation.

    5. 05-17-2009


      KonicaNet is offline


      Rep Power

      Konica controllers do not use the workgroup (or domain)/user method. Only the username. Your NVRAM might be going, or need to be cleared if it keeps happending.

    6. 05-18-2009


      I have had similar issues with these devices, but I have been able to solve all my issues by changing a setting on the machine through the Web Interface.

      Logon as Admin — Network — SMB — Client — NTLM

      Make sure that your NTLM version is set to v1/v2. This makes sure that the machine will authenticate to both local usernames and AD usernames.

      Also, when recreating usernames, make sure that ‘User must change Password at next logon’ isn’t ticked because this will also stop the machine from logging in correctly.

      Also, try using FQ usernames in the machine. IE:

      copier@example.internal or what ever your internal domain is as some can be .internal, some might be .com and so on.

      If you have a separate account for the copier, check the security logs on your server as they will give login and log out audits. Macke sure that the machine is deffinately trying to logon correctly.

      Please don’t ask me for firmware or service manuals as refusal often offends.

    7. 05-18-2009


      I’ve seen this one also. Double check the event viewer and the pc under Application to confirm there on no issues with locating the domain controllers. The source is AutoEnrollment error.

    8. 05-27-2009


      Quote Originally Posted by KonicaNet
      View Post

      Konica controllers do not use the workgroup (or domain)/user method. Only the username…

      Correct and hope the NVRAM isn’t going….pretty new machine. It is still working, knock on wood.

      The Owl, good suggestions. I’ll check the NTLM setting.

      Last edited by Natedog; 05-28-2009 at 12:54 AM.

    9. 08-01-2013


      Thumbs up Re: KM C550 BizHub scan to SMB failed, deleted due to login error?

      Quote Originally Posted by Natedog
      View Post

      OK, I even added a second similar named scan to SMB account and set it up with same userid and it got same error when scanning. Changed the userid to myself (with my password) and it worked fine, so I then changed it back to the original user without entering any password (who had the scan problem) and it worked. The next day it was broken again, so I entered the user’s current network password into the SMB setup with her userid and it works fine now. Only thing that I can think of is that somehow the Konica got stuck on the user’s old password and to get it unstuck it needed a different userid (and password) entered in. HTH

      Natedog, I was so lucky to find your post 4 years after. I got the same frustration as you after trying everything in the networking field to make two users to get rid of the Login Error message. The rest of the domain users were able to scan without any problem. As you suggested the problem was gone by login in as the problem users during the SMB setup. After getting my two users up and and running I followed TheOwl suggestion to set up NTLM setting to v1/v2 to avoid future issues. THANK YOU !!

    10. 08-01-2013


      Re: KM C550 BizHub scan to SMB failed, deleted due to login error?

      Quote Originally Posted by acepump
      View Post

      Natedog, I was so lucky to find your post 4 years after. I got the same frustration as you after trying everything in the networking field to make two users to get rid of the Login Error message. The rest of the domain users were able to scan without any problem. As you suggested the problem was gone by login in as the problem users during the SMB setup. After getting my two users up and and running I followed TheOwl suggestion to set up NTLM setting to v1/v2 to avoid future issues. THANK YOU !!

      Excellent, glad you found this thread and it helped you out! It bugs me when people post questions, find an answer and then don’t update how they fixed it…lol.

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    Best Answer

  • Author Kelso Pickett

    AmyLee wrote:

    right, unfortunately that’s not the end I’m having trouble with. I can use the SMTP server I set up to send mail just fine, but the printer won’t

    Another thought… can you send mail from a computer using the SMTP server to verify it is configured correctly? That way we can rule it out and be certain that the Bizhub should be the focus of troubleshooting efforts.

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  • View Best Answer in replies below

    16 Replies

    • Author Kelso Pickett

      I spent a day with a similar problem recently. Konica Minolta Bizhub C203 that wouldn’t scan via email. Unfortunately, I was unable to find any more details beyond the generic error message you’re seeing. If there’s nothing showing on the SMTP server, then the data isn’t making it that far. Try clearing the settings from the Konica and re-entering them— I’ve encountered instances with the Bizhub devices where, even if the credentials etc. have been entered correctly, I had to clear them and re-enter for it to work.

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    • Author Amy Lee Anderson

      that’s some top quality firmware features right there lol.

      Thank you, I’ll give that a shot tomorrow and let you know if it does the trick.

      Was this post helpful?

    • Author Kelso Pickett

      Yeah, it leaves quite a bit to be desired in terms of transparency… but otherwise they’ve been pretty reliable machines. Let us know what you find tomorrow.

      Was this post helpful?

    • Author Amy Lee Anderson

      right, unfortunately that’s not the end I’m having trouble with. I can use the SMTP server I set up to send mail just fine, but the printer won’t

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    • yes, what i was trying to point out is the printer most likely does not do TLS encryption so the server that you pointed the printer at has changed in someway and most likely they turned on SSL / TLS encryption. Lots of scanners and voicemail systems are old enough that TLS 2.0 is not included in the firmware… 

      You get around this by putting an intermediate SMTP server that is set to allow all SMTP traffic without TLS scoped to just the IP addresses of the scanners and such so only those devices have open SMTP relay. Then you get the SMTP server to SmartHost that email up to the real SMTP server with TLS turned on…

      Let me know if that makes sense.

      Was this post helpful?

    • Author Kelso Pickett

      AmyLee wrote:

      right, unfortunately that’s not the end I’m having trouble with. I can use the SMTP server I set up to send mail just fine, but the printer won’t

      Another thought… can you send mail from a computer using the SMTP server to verify it is configured correctly? That way we can rule it out and be certain that the Bizhub should be the focus of troubleshooting efforts.

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    • Author Steve Stricklin


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      Amy — what I find is most common, is the device mail address used or the administrator email are not active email accounts or someone has not entered anything into one of those fields. 

      Was this post helpful?

    • Author Amy Lee Anderson

      Gregory H Hall wrote:

      yes, what i was trying to point out is the printer most likely does not do TLS encryption so the server that you pointed the printer at has changed in someway and most likely they turned on SSL / TLS encryption. Lots of scanners and voicemail systems are old enough that TLS 2.0 is not included in the firmware… 

      You get around this by putting an intermediate SMTP server that is set to allow all SMTP traffic without TLS scoped to just the IP addresses of the scanners and such so only those devices have open SMTP relay. Then you get the SMTP server to SmartHost that email up to the real SMTP server with TLS turned on…

      Let me know if that makes sense.

      it does make sense, but that’s already how it’s set up. if you read my original post thoroughly I state that I put smtp in IIS on a 2008 R2 machine, and I’m not using TLS or any other kind of encryption.

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    • Author Amy Lee Anderson

      Kelso wrote:

      AmyLee wrote:

      right, unfortunately that’s not the end I’m having trouble with. I can use the SMTP server I set up to send mail just fine, but the printer won’t

      Another thought… can you send mail from a computer using the SMTP server to verify it is configured correctly? That way we can rule it out and be certain that the Bizhub should be the focus of troubleshooting efforts.

      right, you’re on to something actually, just before you wrote that I decided to test the smtp server from another system using telnet because previously I had tested it from itself via telnet and it delivered perfectly.

      when I attempted to telnet to it from another system on the network I wasn’t able to connect, so something may be going on there. I still think the printer is sorely under reporting its errors though.

      Was this post helpful?

    • Silly question but have you tried restarting the Konica after you make the SMTP change? I know some MFP devices will need a reboot to set the SMTP info into memory…

      Was this post helpful?

    • Author Amy Lee Anderson

      Strick9 wrote:

      Amy — what I find is most common, is the device mail address used or the administrator email are not active email accounts or someone has not entered anything into one of those fields. 

      an excellent point, I had to carefully consider those when checking the configuraton on the printer, but they weren’t changed and had been working just fine with the other SMTP server. both fields are filled and valid.

      Was this post helpful?

    • Author Amy Lee Anderson

      Gregory H Hall wrote:

      Silly question but have you tried restarting the Konica after you make the SMTP change? I know some MFP devices will need a reboot to set the SMTP info into memory…

      no I did not, but I will next time I attempt it.

      Was this post helpful?

    • Author Amy Lee Anderson

      it’s fixed!

      The issue was SMTP server security settings were set backwards so instead of allowing the list of servers below it blocked the list of servers below, which contained the printer. it worked from the server itself because of that.

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    • Nice!

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    • Author Steve Stricklin


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      Thank you for letting us know!

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    1. 05-08-2009


      KM C550 BizHub scan to SMB failed, deleted due to login error?

      KM C550 BizHub scan to SMB failed, deleted due to login error? I have several users setup to scan to email and to SMB (shared folders on filerserver), one of the SMBs stopped working the other day and I have tried everything that I can think of and it still fails and gives the same error. Other users (myself included) can scan to email and to our own SMB folders on the server.

      The particular SMB account with the problem is a folder on the server that several people in the dept have access to. They scan to this shared folder and then reach it via a mapped drive (while logged into thier computer as themself.) The SMB is a user account that is used as an external email contact. I have double-checked the security and permissions on the SMB account and the person’s account who is doing the scannning and everything looks ok. I reset the copier (turned on/off), rebooted the user’s pc, reset the password for the scan to SMB account (via web IP access to Konica copier), checked that neither user account was locked out, SMB scan to user account password is (and always was) set to never expire, even deleted and recreated the scan to SMB account on the copier! Searched and have found nothing on the net (including Konica’s site) that has helped yet.

      A couple weeks ago I had to reset this user’s network password because it had expired, but then it has worked fine for about one month until now.

      Any suggestions?

    2. 05-15-2009


      OK, I even added a second similar named scan to SMB account and set it up with same userid and it got same error when scanning. Changed the userid to myself (with my password) and it worked fine, so I then changed it back to the original user without entering any password (who had the scan problem) and it worked. The next day it was broken again, so I entered the user’s current network password into the SMB setup with her userid and it works fine now. Only thing that I can think of is that somehow the Konica got stuck on the user’s old password and to get it unstuck it needed a different userid (and password) entered in. HTH

    3. 05-16-2009


      user needs to setup as

      workgroupuser with workgroup being the name of the workgroup or domain.

    4. 05-16-2009


      Quote Originally Posted by random
      View Post

      user needs to setup as

      workgroupuser with workgroup being the name of the workgroup or domain.

      In the setup on the KM I have the Host Address, File Path (for scan to store directly to it), Userid, and Password and this works for all users scan to smb. All users are members of the network domain. Please elaborate on your explanation.

    5. 05-17-2009


      KonicaNet is offline


      Rep Power

      Konica controllers do not use the workgroup (or domain)/user method. Only the username. Your NVRAM might be going, or need to be cleared if it keeps happending.

    6. 05-18-2009


      I have had similar issues with these devices, but I have been able to solve all my issues by changing a setting on the machine through the Web Interface.

      Logon as Admin — Network — SMB — Client — NTLM

      Make sure that your NTLM version is set to v1/v2. This makes sure that the machine will authenticate to both local usernames and AD usernames.

      Also, when recreating usernames, make sure that ‘User must change Password at next logon’ isn’t ticked because this will also stop the machine from logging in correctly.

      Also, try using FQ usernames in the machine. IE:

      copier@example.internal or what ever your internal domain is as some can be .internal, some might be .com and so on.

      If you have a separate account for the copier, check the security logs on your server as they will give login and log out audits. Macke sure that the machine is deffinately trying to logon correctly.

      Please don’t ask me for firmware or service manuals as refusal often offends.

    7. 05-18-2009


      I’ve seen this one also. Double check the event viewer and the pc under Application to confirm there on no issues with locating the domain controllers. The source is AutoEnrollment error.

    8. 05-27-2009


      Quote Originally Posted by KonicaNet
      View Post

      Konica controllers do not use the workgroup (or domain)/user method. Only the username…

      Correct and hope the NVRAM isn’t going….pretty new machine. It is still working, knock on wood.

      The Owl, good suggestions. I’ll check the NTLM setting.

      Last edited by Natedog; 05-28-2009 at 12:54 AM.

    9. 08-01-2013


      Thumbs up Re: KM C550 BizHub scan to SMB failed, deleted due to login error?

      Quote Originally Posted by Natedog
      View Post

      OK, I even added a second similar named scan to SMB account and set it up with same userid and it got same error when scanning. Changed the userid to myself (with my password) and it worked fine, so I then changed it back to the original user without entering any password (who had the scan problem) and it worked. The next day it was broken again, so I entered the user’s current network password into the SMB setup with her userid and it works fine now. Only thing that I can think of is that somehow the Konica got stuck on the user’s old password and to get it unstuck it needed a different userid (and password) entered in. HTH

      Natedog, I was so lucky to find your post 4 years after. I got the same frustration as you after trying everything in the networking field to make two users to get rid of the Login Error message. The rest of the domain users were able to scan without any problem. As you suggested the problem was gone by login in as the problem users during the SMB setup. After getting my two users up and and running I followed TheOwl suggestion to set up NTLM setting to v1/v2 to avoid future issues. THANK YOU !!

    10. 08-01-2013


      Re: KM C550 BizHub scan to SMB failed, deleted due to login error?

      Quote Originally Posted by acepump
      View Post

      Natedog, I was so lucky to find your post 4 years after. I got the same frustration as you after trying everything in the networking field to make two users to get rid of the Login Error message. The rest of the domain users were able to scan without any problem. As you suggested the problem was gone by login in as the problem users during the SMB setup. After getting my two users up and and running I followed TheOwl suggestion to set up NTLM setting to v1/v2 to avoid future issues. THANK YOU !!

      Excellent, glad you found this thread and it helped you out! It bugs me when people post questions, find an answer and then don’t update how they fixed it…lol.

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    Forum Rules

    There are a lot of Konica Minolta printer
    errors out there. Way too many, right?

    You as a Sysadmin know that for sure – Printer is offline, Deletion Errors, Login Errors, and Paper Jam issues.

    Here you’ll find a list of the most common Konica printer errors and proven quick fix solutions:

    1. Konica Minolta Error “Printer is offline” or “Printer is not responding”
    2. Konica Minolta Scan to E-Mail Error “Error Deletion” or “Deleted Due To Error”
    3. Konica Minolta “Login Error” or “Password Error”
    4. Konica Minolta Error “Paper Jam”

    And you’ll find the solution to get rid of ALL Konica printer errors – forever:
    Test PRTG as your new monitoring tool and get stared within minutes!

    «Printer is offline»

    time blueQuick fix

    A not responding printer is one of the most common printer issues. If your Konica printer keeps going offline while you are trying to print, you are facing a connection error between your device or computer and the printer. If you check the printer menu, the error message “Printer is offline” appears.

    If you are experiencing problems with your Konica printer going offline, try the following steps to fix the issue.

    1. Check the connection between your printer and your computer. If you are using a USB connection, make sure that the cable is properly connected. If your printer is connected via wireless network, verify that the wireless connection is working. If all seems fine, restart the printer and try again.
    2. If the Konica printer is offline, the error can be caused by faulty printer drivers. Make sure to update your drivers regularly to avoid connection issues.
    3. Some automatic updates change the printer settings without notice, causing the printer to go offline. Check the printer settings on your computer and set your Konica printer as your default printer.
    4. If your printer is offline, try restarting the print spooler service. If the spooler service is not working properly, the printer will refuse to print.

    Best solution:

     2. Konica Minolta Printer Error: 

    «Error Deletion»or «Deleted Due To Error»

    time blueQuick fix

    The Konica Minolta deletion error usually occurs when the user is trying to print or scan a document. The most common causes of the error message “Deleted Due To Error” are either an incorrect configuration of the system settings, or faulty entries in the Windows registry.

    To solve the problem, try the following troubleshoot solutions:

    1. Reboot your computer and restart the printer.
    2. Use a repair tool, or manually repair the Windows registry.
    3. Make sure all system settings are configured properly. If not, change the settings, then restart the printer.

    Best solution:

     3. Konica Minolta Printer Error: 

    «Login Error» or «Password Error»

    time blueQuick fix

    The error message “Login Error” occurs when there is a problem while using the scan to email function. The error typically occurs while sending the scanned data to the computer. If the username and passwords are not setup properly, the print job fails due to a login error or password error.

    If you are facing a login error, there are several possible solutions to get rid of the problem:

    1. Check if the [File Path] of the destination is set up correctly. If not, change the settings accordingly.
    2. Make sure the user name and password are setup properly in the settings.
    3. When operating as a domain user, create a user name different from the local user name, or use the same password for both to avoid a login error while using your Konica printer.

    Best solution:

     4. Konica Minolta Printer Error: 

    «Paper Jam»

    time blueQuick fix

    A paper jam is a well-known problem for everyone dealing with printers. Paper jams happen for many different reasons, such as the paper getting stuck in the machine, multiple pieces of paper being fed to the printer at once, and many more.

    If you are facing a paper jam problem with your Konica Minolta problem, follow these easy steps to get rid of the annoying error message.

    First, you need to determine where the paper jam is located. Luckily, the Konica Minolta printers usually displays the exact location of the paper jam, making it easier for the user to solve the issue. Check the display of your printer, then press the button “start guidance”. The printer will now lead you through the removal of the jammed paper.

    In all cases, you will need to open one of the printer’s compartments, for example  the document feeder, the side compartment, or the paper drawers. Once you have opened it, carefully remove any paper stuck in the printer. After removing the paper jam from your Konica Minolta printer, the error message should be gone. If not, repeat the steps above, or restart the printer.

    Best solution:

    Choose your solution: Bugfix or replacement

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    With PRTG you’ll never have to deal with Konica
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    again. Ever.

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    “The tool excels at its primary focus of being a unified infrastructure management and network monitoring service.”

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       It seems as if Windows 8.1 has some issues with sharing folders since konica minolta Bizhub Multifunction printer SMB Scan failed.when scan folder shared in the root drive(usually C:) and configured in MFP ,during the  process ,scanned
    image could be seen in shared folder but after a while it vanished ,and on MFP panel the error appear «deleted due to server error» and in the log file server error indicated.

      Searched the issue in konica minolta website, found out there is an update regarding this and some other issues all in one  update  under the name (KB2887595) for windows 8.1 — x64-based system .

       This update doesn’t apply to 32 bit operating system ,so the problem still remains! I don’t know of any updates for 32 bit operating systems ,so if someone knows anything in this regard or represent any solution ,that would be appreciated.


     2896636  You cannot use certain third-party devices to send a document to a shared folder in Windows RT 8.1, Windows 8.1, or Windows Server 2012 R2

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    There are a lot of Konica Minolta printer
    errors out there. Way too many, right?

    You as a Sysadmin know that for sure – Printer is offline, Deletion Errors, Login Errors, and Paper Jam issues.

    Here you’ll find a list of the most common Konica printer errors and proven quick fix solutions:

    1. Konica Minolta Error “Printer is offline” or “Printer is not responding”
    2. Konica Minolta Scan to E-Mail Error “Error Deletion” or “Deleted Due To Error”
    3. Konica Minolta “Login Error” or “Password Error”
    4. Konica Minolta Error “Paper Jam”

    And you’ll find the solution to get rid of ALL Konica printer errors – forever:
    Test PRTG as your new monitoring tool and get stared within minutes!

    «Printer is offline»

    time blueQuick fix

    A not responding printer is one of the most common printer issues. If your Konica printer keeps going offline while you are trying to print, you are facing a connection error between your device or computer and the printer. If you check the printer menu, the error message “Printer is offline” appears.

    If you are experiencing problems with your Konica printer going offline, try the following steps to fix the issue.

    1. Check the connection between your printer and your computer. If you are using a USB connection, make sure that the cable is properly connected. If your printer is connected via wireless network, verify that the wireless connection is working. If all seems fine, restart the printer and try again.
    2. If the Konica printer is offline, the error can be caused by faulty printer drivers. Make sure to update your drivers regularly to avoid connection issues.
    3. Some automatic updates change the printer settings without notice, causing the printer to go offline. Check the printer settings on your computer and set your Konica printer as your default printer.
    4. If your printer is offline, try restarting the print spooler service. If the spooler service is not working properly, the printer will refuse to print.

    Best solution:

     2. Konica Minolta Printer Error: 

    «Error Deletion»or «Deleted Due To Error»

    time blueQuick fix

    The Konica Minolta deletion error usually occurs when the user is trying to print or scan a document. The most common causes of the error message “Deleted Due To Error” are either an incorrect configuration of the system settings, or faulty entries in the Windows registry.

    To solve the problem, try the following troubleshoot solutions:

    1. Reboot your computer and restart the printer.
    2. Use a repair tool, or manually repair the Windows registry.
    3. Make sure all system settings are configured properly. If not, change the settings, then restart the printer.

    Best solution:

     3. Konica Minolta Printer Error: 

    «Login Error» or «Password Error»

    time blueQuick fix

    The error message “Login Error” occurs when there is a problem while using the scan to email function. The error typically occurs while sending the scanned data to the computer. If the username and passwords are not setup properly, the print job fails due to a login error or password error.

    If you are facing a login error, there are several possible solutions to get rid of the problem:

    1. Check if the [File Path] of the destination is set up correctly. If not, change the settings accordingly.
    2. Make sure the user name and password are setup properly in the settings.
    3. When operating as a domain user, create a user name different from the local user name, or use the same password for both to avoid a login error while using your Konica printer.

    Best solution:

     4. Konica Minolta Printer Error: 

    «Paper Jam»

    time blueQuick fix

    A paper jam is a well-known problem for everyone dealing with printers. Paper jams happen for many different reasons, such as the paper getting stuck in the machine, multiple pieces of paper being fed to the printer at once, and many more.

    If you are facing a paper jam problem with your Konica Minolta problem, follow these easy steps to get rid of the annoying error message.

    First, you need to determine where the paper jam is located. Luckily, the Konica Minolta printers usually displays the exact location of the paper jam, making it easier for the user to solve the issue. Check the display of your printer, then press the button “start guidance”. The printer will now lead you through the removal of the jammed paper.

    In all cases, you will need to open one of the printer’s compartments, for example  the document feeder, the side compartment, or the paper drawers. Once you have opened it, carefully remove any paper stuck in the printer. After removing the paper jam from your Konica Minolta printer, the error message should be gone. If not, repeat the steps above, or restart the printer.

    Best solution:

    Choose your solution: Bugfix or replacement

    prtg logo white

    With PRTG you’ll never have to deal with Konica
    Minolta Printer Errors
    again. Ever.

    Trusted by 500,000 users and recognized
    by industry analysts as a leader

    trustpilot preview

    “Fantastic network and infrastructure monitoring solution that is easy to deploy and easier still to use. Simply the best available.”

    Read more reviews

    gartner preview

    “Software is absolutely perfect, Support is superior. Meets all needs and requirements, this is a must have solution if you are needing any form of monitoring.”

    Read more reviews

    pcmag preview

    “The tool excels at its primary focus of being a unified infrastructure management and network monitoring service.”

    Read more reviews


       It seems as if Windows 8.1 has some issues with sharing folders since konica minolta Bizhub Multifunction printer SMB Scan failed.when scan folder shared in the root drive(usually C:) and configured in MFP ,during the  process ,scanned
    image could be seen in shared folder but after a while it vanished ,and on MFP panel the error appear «deleted due to server error» and in the log file server error indicated.

      Searched the issue in konica minolta website, found out there is an update regarding this and some other issues all in one  update  under the name (KB2887595) for windows 8.1 — x64-based system .

       This update doesn’t apply to 32 bit operating system ,so the problem still remains! I don’t know of any updates for 32 bit operating systems ,so if someone knows anything in this regard or represent any solution ,that would be appreciated.


     2896636  You cannot use certain third-party devices to send a document to a shared folder in Windows RT 8.1, Windows 8.1, or Windows Server 2012 R2

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