Dash 28 что это ошибка

Crunchyroll has carved out a prominent space for itself in the realm of anime and Asian content streaming. Millions of users around the world rely on the platform to satiate their anime cravings. However, no digital service is immune to technical glitches, and Crunchyroll users may occasionally encounter errors that disrupt their viewing experience. One such error is the enigmatic “Crunchyroll Error Code P-Dash-28.” In this article, we will unravel the mysteries behind this error code and present comprehensive solutions to overcome it.

Read: Fix Crunchyroll Error Code Med 4005

How to Fix Error Code P-Dash-28 in Crunchyroll

The P-Dash-28 error code on Crunchyroll is a playback error that occurs when the platform encounters difficulties in streaming content to your device. This error often appears with an accompanying message, leaving viewers puzzled and frustrated.

The causes of this error can range from simple connectivity issues to more complex technical problems. Luckily, there are a series of troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve the P-Dash-28 error and resume your anime binge-watching without interruption.

Refresh and Restart

The simplest step in troubleshooting any technical issue is to refresh the page or restart the application. These actions help to reset any potential glitches that might have accumulated during your streaming session. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Refresh the page or close and reopen the Crunchyroll app.
  2. Click the refresh button or press the F5 key on your keyboard to refresh the page.
  3. Ensure that you properly close the app before restarting it to prevent any lingering issues from persisting.

Check Internet Connection

A stable and strong internet connection is essential for seamless streaming. Even minor fluctuations in your internet connection can lead to playback errors. To ensure a smooth viewing experience:

  1. Verify that you are connected to a reliable Wi-Fi network or have a strong cellular connection.
  2. If using Wi-Fi, make sure you have a strong signal and limited interference.
  3. Avoid concurrent downloads or uploads that might strain your internet bandwidth.

Clear Cache and Cookies

Both your browser and the Crunchyroll app store temporary data known as cache and cookies. Over time, these stored data can conflict with the proper functioning of the platform. Clearing them can potentially resolve errors like P-Dash-28:

  1. In your browser, access the settings and find the option to clear cache and cookies.
  2. Within the Crunchyroll app, look for similar options in the settings or preferences menu.

Reinstall Crunchyroll App

If the above steps do not resolve the P-Dash-28 error, consider reinstalling the Crunchyroll app:

  1. Refresh the page or restart the app again to rule out temporary glitches.
  2. Ensure your internet connection is stable and secure.
  3. Clear pending cache and cookies to prevent conflicts.
  4. Check regional availability and update the app.
  5. If the error persists, uninstall the Crunchyroll app from your device.
  6. Download and install the latest version of the Crunchyroll app from a trusted source.

. In the meantime, these solutions offer a comprehensive toolkit to conquer the P-Dash-28 error and experience uninterrupted anime bliss.

Read: Fix Steam Error Code E20


Вопрос от пользователя


Подскажите, как узнать название драйвера и где его загрузить, если устройство никак не называется (неизвестно)?

При переходе в его свойства, можно заметить, что система выдает код ошибки — 28 (это в диспетчере устройств). Подозреваю, что из-за этого на ноутбуке не работает Bluetooth-адаптер (не могу подключить телефон). Напишите, что можно сделать…


Да, вы правы, если в диспетчере устройств показывается ошибка с кодом 28 — то для этого устройства в ОС Windows нет драйвера и оно работать не будет!

Разумеется, чтобы исправить это — нужно найти и установить подходящий драйвер. Ниже рассмотрим несколько вариантов, как это можно сделать.

И так…


Содержание статьи📎

  • 1 Устранение ошибки с кодом-28
    • 1.1 👉 Вариант 1
    • 1.2 👉 Вариант 2
    • 1.3 👉 Вариант 3
  •  → Задать вопрос | дополнить 

Устранение ошибки с кодом-28

👉 Вариант 1

Вообще, современная ОС Windows 10 достаточно «умная» система, и во многих случаях может обновить драйвер самостоятельно (хоть это и не всегда хорошая затея, но как временная мера — вполне!).

Обратите внимание, что в свойствах устройства (для которого не установлен драйвер) — есть спец. кнопка «Обновить драйвер». Нажмите ее!

Диспетчер устройств — обновить драйвер

Диспетчер устройств — обновить драйвер

Далее попробуйте запустить автоматический поиск драйвера. Как правило, Windows находит если не полную, то хотя бы какую-нибудь «урезанную» версию драйвера, позволяющую начать работу с устройством (иногда, некоторые функции могут быть недоступны. Рекомендуется после, когда узнаете название устройства, загрузить для него драйверы с офиц. сайта производителя).

Автоматический поиск драйвера

Автоматический поиск драйвера

Если авто-обновление не «сработало» — проверьте на всякий случай, разрешено ли ОС загружать и устанавливать ПО для устройств.

Для этого нужно открыть 👉 панель управления Windows и перейти в раздел «Оборудование и звук / Устройства и принтеры». После кликнуть правой кнопкой мышки по значку ПК, и открыть параметры установки устройств.

Параметры установки устройств

Параметры установки устройств

Затем установить ползунок в режим «Да», сохранить настройки и попробовать заново запустить обновление драйвера в диспетчере устройств.

Скачивать автоматически!

Скачивать автоматически!


👉 Вариант 2

Разумеется, есть более эффективные утилиты для обновления драйверов, чем диспетчер устройств. Например, мне импонирует 👉 Driver Booster. В ее базе огромная библиотека драйверов — поэтому, она может подобрать драйвер для 99,9% неизвестных устройств в системе!

Кстати, при ее использовании — все действия идут в автоматическом режиме, вам только нужно будет отметить галочками, что обновлять, а что нет. 👇

Driver Booster - найдено 9 устаревших драйверов, и 4 игровых компонента

Driver Booster — найдено 9 устаревших драйверов, и 4 игровых компонента

Кроме того, Driver Booster обновляет не только драйверы, но и самые необходимые библиотеки для игр и работы другого ПО (например, Visual C++, DirectX, Net FrameWork и пр.).


Если на вашем компьютере нет доступа к Интернет — то процесс обновления драйверов с помощью утилит подобного толка невозможен…

В этом случае попробуйте:

1) подключить 👉 к ПК телефон и раздать интернет с него (временно, для поиска и установки драйвера. После, см. п.1, 2 выше);

2) найти ПК, где работает интернет, и загрузить на флешку полную версию пакета 👉 Snappy Driver Installer (ему для работы не нужно подключение к сети). После эту флешку подключить к проблемному ПК и запустить сканирование системы;

3) воспользоваться 👉 рекомендациями из этой заметки.


👉 Вариант 3

Найти драйвер для большинства неизвестных устройств можно «вручную»: с помощью спец. идентификаторов VID/PID (у каждого оборудования они свои, уникальные).

Для этого в 👉 диспетчере устройств откройте свойства «проблемного» устройства и во вкладке «Сведения» посмотрите «ИД оборудования» — длинную строку с кодом нужно скопировать (либо переписать в блокнот).

Копируем строчку с ID оборудованием

Копируем строчку с ID оборудованием

Далее эту строку нужно вставить в поисковик Google/Яндекс — и в результатах вам будут предложены десятки сайтов с драйвером для этого устройства. Загрузку, всё же, рекомендую начать с сайта DevID.info: на нем легко и быстро отсортировать все драйверы под 👉 нужную версию ОС Windows.

Находим сайт, где можно загрузить драйвер (например, Devid.info)

Находим сайт, где можно загрузить драйвер (например, Devid.info)

Собственно, после загрузки архива с драйвером — вам нужно будет его распаковать и запустить установочный файл…

Запускаем установку!

Запускаем установку!


При работе с драйверами для некоторых устройств — вы можете столкнуться с тем, что установочного файла (из распакованного архива) не будет.

В этом случае — нужно зайти в диспетчер устройств, и запустить «ручное» обновление драйвера (см. скрин ниже 👇).

Выполнить поиск драйвера на этом ПК

Выполнить поиск драйвера на этом ПК

Далее нужно будет самостоятельно указать папку с загруженным драйвером и согласиться на его установку (пример ниже). После, ОС установит предложенный вами драйвер и устройство должно начать работать… 👌

Указываем папку с драйвером и начинаем установку!

Указываем папку с драйвером и начинаем установку!


Если вы решили вопрос как-то иначе — чиркните хоть пару слов в комментариях!

Заранее благодарю!

Всего доброго!




Crunchyroll is your go-to destination for all things Anime and Manga, a virtual paradise for fans. But even paradise has its problems, like the annoying error codes p-dash-3, p-dash-28, and med-4005 that can pop up when you least expect them. Don’t worry; we’re here to help you get back to your binge-watching session with some straightforward fixes.

Image credit by Crunchyroll

Register your loved ones to a free Crunchyroll account today!

How to Troubleshoot and Resolve Crunchyroll Error Code p-dash-3

The p-dash-3 error often occurs due to server issues on Crunchyroll or connectivity problems on your end. A reliable internet connection is crucial for streaming, so ensure your Wi-Fi is stable. You might even consider restarting your router.

Clearing your browser’s cache and cookies can also resolve this issue. Here’s a quick rundown:

For Google Chrome

  • Go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Clear Browsing Data.
  • Select “Cookies and other site data” and “Cached images and files.”
  • Click “Clear Data.”

For Mozilla Firefox

  • Navigate to Options > Privacy & Security > Cookies and Site Data > Clear Data.
  • Choose “Cookies and Site Data” and “Cached Web Content.”
  • Click “Clear.”

For Apple Safari

  • Head to Preferences > Privacy > Manage Website Data.
  • Click “Remove All” and confirm.

Try these steps. If the problem persists, Crunchyroll’s support forum is an additional resource.

Fixing and Resolving Crunchyroll Error Code p-dash-28

The p-dash-28 error is a bit of a mystery, but it’s often linked to server or network issues. It can also be triggered by using a VPN or proxy service, which Crunchyroll sometimes flags as suspicious activity.

If you’re using a VPN or proxy, consider turning it off. Crunchyroll has a knack for detecting these services, and disabling them might just solve your problem.

For those on mobile, the app itself could be the culprit. A quick uninstall and reinstall could be your ticket back to uninterrupted anime bliss. Just make sure to remember your login details before you hit that uninstall button.

Solutions for Crunchyroll Error Code med-4005

The med-4005 error usually pops up when you’re trying to stream video. It’s often a sign that something’s off, either with your setup or on Crunchyroll’s end.

Ad-blockers can be the hidden culprits here. These extensions might block more than just ads; they can interfere with video streaming too. If you have one installed, try disabling it and then reload Crunchyroll.

Here’s a quirky fix: switch episodes. If you’re getting this error, try moving to the next episode and then back to the one you want to watch. It’s not a permanent fix, but it can get you back to your anime faster.

Sometimes, the issue is out of your hands. Crunchyroll servers do go down occasionally. If you’ve tried everything and are still facing issues, it might be time to wait it out. Keep an eye on Crunchyroll’s social media for updates.

Why These Errors Happen on the Crunchyroll Streaming Service

Crunchyroll errors like p-dash-3, p-dash-28, and med-4005 can occur for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s a server issue on Crunchyroll’s end, but often it’s something local to your device or network. These errors can be particularly frustrating because they interrupt your anime or manga session, and let’s face it, nobody wants that.

  • Server Issues: Crunchyroll, like any other online service, can experience server outages or slowdowns. When this happens, errors are more likely to occur.
  • Network Connectivity: Your own internet connection can be the culprit. A weak or unstable connection can trigger these errors.
  • Browser Cache: Stored data in your browser can become outdated or corrupt, causing issues.
  • VPN or Proxy Use: Some errors occur when Crunchyroll detects you’re using a VPN or proxy, as it can interfere with licensing agreements.
  • Ad-Blockers: Extensions that block ads can sometimes also block the content you actually want to see.

Understanding the root cause of these errors can help you troubleshoot more effectively. And while it’s tempting to bang your keyboard in frustration, a calm, systematic approach to problem-solving is usually more productive.


Crunchyroll is a haven for anime and manga enthusiasts, offering an extensive library that can keep you entertained for hours. It’s a real downer when technical glitches like error codes p-dash-3, p-dash-28, or med-4005 interrupt your viewing pleasure. The good news is that these straightforward fixes should have you back to enjoying your favorite shows in no time.

Enjoy ad-free streaming of your favorite anime shows by upgrading to Crunchyroll Premium now!

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In this article, we will tell you and give you fully detailed information about the Crunchyroll error code p-dash-28 problem. In this article, we will also discuss more things about the Crunchyroll error code p-dash-28 problem which people are currently facing online. We know about the glitches and bugs of the Crunchyroll error code p-dash-28.

So today in this article we will give you many solutions and fixes for the Crunchyroll error code p-dash-28 which can easily fix all of your problems in it. All the fans of the crunchy roll are so much tired of the Crunchyroll error code p-dash-28 but here we will resolve the issue in just a few steps.

Further ahead in this article, we will tell you all the genuine solutions for the Crunchyroll error code p-dash-28 and many ways of fixing it in just a few steps by applying following all the steps which we will provide to you. So if you want all the related steps of the Crunchyroll error code p-dash-28 you need to read this article till the end to resolve all of your Crunchyroll p-dash-28 issues.

Crunchyroll Error Code P-Dash-28: Methods to Fix it?

Crunchyroll error code p-dash-28

As you all fans know that the crunchy roll is got to thing for many anime enthusiasts and new upcoming enthusiasts too. However in every platform once in a lifetime glitches occurs same here the new glitch is the crunchyroll error code. But no one needs to bother about it we have brought you the most genuine solution for the Crunchyroll error code p-dash-28.

Don’t fear the Crunchyroll error code p-dash-28 we are always here to guide you and help you with the problems which occur in troubleshooting this error. So let’s move on to the actual problem of Crunchyroll p-dash-28 and we will tell you all the ways of improving and solving this condition in a better way.

Several Reasons Behind the Crunchyroll Error Code P-Dash-28

So here we have mentioned several reasons why the problem of Crunchyroll error code p-dash-28 occurs in your computers.

  • First of all, because of server overload when too many users access Crunchyroll at the same time, the platform becomes overwhelmed and at peak times results in the Crunchyroll error code.
  • Second, several connectivity issues in a crunchy roll may arise due to a weak internet connection or unstable or weak settings. This problem can trigger the problem of Crunchyroll error code.
  • Regional restrictions like certain content on Crunchyroll are geographically restricted to show which sometimes can lead to problems like the Crunchyroll error code.
  • Using the outdated version can sometimes cause problems with the Crunchyroll error code.

So these were all the reasons why the problem of Crunchyroll error code occurs in the game.

How to Fix the Crunchyroll Error Code P-Dash-28?

Crunchyroll error code p-dash-28

So here are the various steps from which you can fix the problem of Crunchyroll error code p-dash-28 easily just by following all the written steps down below.

Fix 1 – Detailed steps to resolve all the Crunchyroll error code p-dash-28

  • First, refresh your page or restart it again and again then hit the refresh button again or press the F5 button close the app and then again restart it.
  • Secondly, check your internet connection that should be your priority to use great wifi signals and have a secure internet connection.
  • Thirdly you need to clear all the pending cache and cookies which lead to the problem of Crunchyroll error code.
  • At last check the regional availability and update the crunchy roll app and then again reinstall the crunchy roll app.

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Last Updated on August 24, 2023

If you are currently struggling with the error code p-dash-28 while using Crunchyroll then here in this post we are going to share all the details for the error, as well as we will also share the possible workaround to help you resolve the error.

Fixes For Crunchyroll Error Code p-dash-28

As of now while we are writing on this error there is no official information from Crunchyroll about the error code p-dash-28. But according to our research Crunchyroll error code p-dash-28 mainly occurs with some specific episodes. So first we will advise you to check if you are also having the error with any particular episode or having the error throughout all the titles.

Are You Having The Error With Any Particular Episodes?

If the error is coming for any particular episode then it indicates that the error is coming from the Crunchyroll’s server. If all the other episodes are working and any particular episodes are showing the error then it indicates there is nothing wrong on your end, instead, it’s Crunchyroll’s system that is causing the error. So we will advise you to wait for some time and try again.

Are You Having The Error Throughout The App?

In case you are having the error no matter what you try to play then it’s very much possible that there are some issues on your end or Crunchyroll is having an outage. Below we have provided some workarounds which may help resolve the error.

  • First, restart your internet and perform an internet speed test to make sure your internet is providing good speed and stability or not.
  • If your internet is working flawlessly then logout from your Crunchyroll account and close the Crunchyroll app. Then disconnect your device from the internet and wait for around 30 to 40 seconds. After that reconnect the device to the internet and re-log into your Crunchyroll account.
  • If the error still continues then power off your device and make sure it’s disconnected from the power source. Then wait for around 5 minutes and then restart the device, then check if the error still comes.
  • Next, you should try clearing the app cache data, if the error is coming because of corrupt cache data then clearing the cache data can help you resolve the error.
  • If nothing above helps you with the error then at last you can try reinstalling the Crunchyroll app. Simply uninstall the Crunchyroll and then restart your device. Once your device restarts go to the app store and reinstall the app.
  • If you still get the error then go to the DownDetector and check if DownDetector is showing any ongoing outage, if yes then you should wait for some hours and try again.

Like This Post? Checkout More

  • How To Fix Crunchyroll Error Code P-Dash-3?
  • How To Fix Crunchyroll Error Code P-Dash-27?
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A Digital Marketer by profession and a passionate traveller. Technology has been always my first interest, so I consistently look for new updates in tech to explore, and also has expertise in WordPress.

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