Dark souls ошибка при запуске 0xc000007b

While Dark Souls 3 is one of the most popular games on Steam, some players have encountered an error when entering their password. This article will show you how to fix this issue and get back into your game!

The “dark souls 3 fatal application exit 0xc0000005” is an error that can be caused by a variety of problems. Here are some fixes for the error.

In this post, we’ll go through all of the options for resolving the 0xc000007b problem in Dark Souls 3. To repair this issue, we suggest reading this post (How to fix error 0xc000007b).

How can you repair the 0xc000007b problem in Dark Souls 3?

Method 1

Install the most recent DirectX version. We suggest that you use the DirectX End-User Runtimes application, which you can get from the Microsoft website.

Method 2

  1. http://goo.gl/yiGxja is a link to a DLL file that you may download.
  2. Copy X3DAudio1 7.dll to the Dark Souls 3 installation directory after extracting it.
  3. Try running the game again, and if it doesn’t work, go on to method 3.

Method 3

  1. https://goo.gl/vbrJQM Download and unzip Dependency Walker 64bit
  2. Run the software and choose View > Full Paths. Now open Dark Souls 3.exe in it; you will notice an error; ignore it; you will also see a bunch of «Error openingning file» problems in the Module section; scroll down until the errors stop, and you will see some numbers in columns.
  3. For Dark Souls 3, all dll files in the CPU column should now be x64 bit. There will be a red CPU column if there is an x86 dll file. That’s the file that’s creating the 0xc000007b issue and making the game unplayable.
  4. Download the 64bit version of the dll file from dll-files.com and place it in the Dark Souls 3 installation directory. The game should now start up without any issues. If copying to the game directory fails, move the file to c:windowssystem32.


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The “dark souls 3 won t start steam” is a game that has been plagued with error 0xc000007b. This article will give you the steps to fix this issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get rid of error 0xc000007b?

A: A common issue with people using Windows 10 is that they are getting a 0xc000007b error. This can be caused by an update, hardware malfunction, or due to some other factor where the computer does not recognize your audio card for whatever reason. In order to fix this problem you need to make sure your audio drivers have been installed correctly and then try restaring the game again. If it still doesnt work after trying those steps please contact customer service as there may be further considerations needed from Microsofts side of things

What does error 0xc000007b mean?

A: Error 0xc000007b is a message that appears when Beat Saber has encountered an error and can no longer be used. This could either mean there was some sort of hardware malfunction, or simply that your computer ran out of resources to handle the game.

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In this article we will be gathered all the possible methods to solve 0xc000007b error in the game Dark Souls 3We recommend you to read this article (How to fix error 0xc000007b) to resolve this error.

How to fix error 0xc000007b in Dark Souls 3?

Method 1

Install the latest version of Directx. We recommend to use a special program DirectX End-User Runtimes, which you can download from Microsoft official site.

Method 2

  1. Download Dll file from — http://goo.gl/yiGxja
  2. Extract it, and copy X3DAudio1_7.dll to Dark Souls 3 installation directory.
  3. Try to run the game, if it still doesn’t work, try method 3.

Method 3

  1. Download and extract Dependency Walker 64bit from — https://goo.gl/vbrJQM
  2. Run program, go to View > Full paths. Now open Dark Souls 3.exe in it, you will see error, ignore it, there will also be a lot of «Error openning file» errors in Module section, scroll down until errors end and you will see some values in columns.
  3. Now in CPU column all dll files should be x64 bit ones for Dark Souls 3. If there is x86 dll file it will be in red CPU column. That’s the file that causing 0xc000007b error and prevents game from starting.
  4. Go to dll-files.com and download 64bit version of that dll file and put it in Dark Souls 3 installation directory. Game should now start without problem. If copying to game dir doesn’t work, copy that file to c:\windows\system32


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How to fix «0xc000007b» issue

Hopfully this terrible guide will help someone out there.

You will find in your «Dark souls III» folder another called «_CommonRedist». Then into DirectX, then into Jun2010.

Run the .exe to hopefully replace or install missing .dll files. You do not need to restart your computer.

If that did not work you may have duplicates, or the wrong .dll files on your /system32.

You will need a program called Dependency Walker to find the problems relating to Dark Souls.

When you have it open: Click on File -> Find your dark souls III .exe -> wait a for moments.

Your only interested in the 2nd to bottom table, in column «CPU». If any are in red, they need replacing with the opposite

You can find the relative .dll files in the Dark Souls III/_CommonRedist/Jun2010 folder. You will need a .rar opening software. Put the relative file into your system32, replacing is fine, these files are supplied by microsoft it’s just the installer failed.

If you still have an issue, try looking through the list on the top left of Dependancy Walker to see if a .dll like «D3D…» is on there. Then again get the file from your dark souls folder and put into system32.

This solved my issue. I had 2 «D3Dcompiler» .dll files and one was incorrect, after removing both and putting dark souls in, it worked :)

Best of luck!

Подскажите, как решить проблему 0xc000007b или 0xc00007b в игре Dark Souls 2? Из-за нее не получается нормально поиграть в данный тайтл.

Прежде всего, воспользуйтесь этой утилитой HijackThis

Если не помогло, идем дальше:
1.Установите/переустановите последний Net Framework
2.Почистите реестр с помощью CCleaner и проверьте компьютер на вирусы.
3.Переустановите directx, игру.
4.Установите систему 64 бита. Возможно игра не поддерживает 32 битную ОС
5.Ошибка может связана и с BIOS — обновите или сбросьте его.
6.Проверьте оперативную память и как она вставлена в плату. По возможности, почистите контакты ластиком.
7.Выключите антивирус перед запуском и запустите игру в режиме совместимости и от имени администратора.
8.Если ничего не помогает, то проблема глубоко в работе ОС и ее несовместимости с вашим оборудованием.
9.Кстати, еще проблема может быть с жестким диском. Попробуйте установить игру на другой жесткий диск.
10.Если у Вас крак, то попробуйте его поменять.
11.Попробуйте создать отдельную учетную запись ОС и на ней запустить игру. Если запустится, значит на Вашей учетной записи много хлама, который мешает работе системы.

Если ничего из написанного выше не помогло. Переустановите DirectX. Если после его переустановки игра все еще не запускается, проделайте следующее:
1.Запустите систему в безопасном режиме.
2.Удалите все файлы directx из директорий C:\Windows\System32 для WinXP
и C:\Windows\System32 и C:\Windows\SysWOW64 для Windows 7 и выше
3.Запустите систему в обычном режиме и установите DirectX заново.

Все еще возникает ошибка? Проделайте то же, что и с файлами directx, но уже с библиотеками msvcr и msvcp:
В безопасном режиме удалите все файлы Visual C++ redistributable из директорий C:\Windows\System32 для WinXP и C:\Windows\System32 и C:\Windows\SysWOW64 для Windows 7 и выше. Название библиотек C++ начинается с msvcr или msvcp.
Затем запустите систему в обычном режиме и установите Visual c++ заново MSVCR

Ошибка очень странная и описания как точно решить ее нет. Кому то помогло одно, а кому то другое. Пробуйте и удачи!

Смотрите также:

О игре

Dark Souls 2 logo, coverart, логотип, картинка

Игра: Dark Souls 2
Жанр: Action, RPG
Платформа: PS3, Xbox 360, PC
Разработчик: From Software
Издатель: Namco Bandai
Дата Выхода: 14 марта 2014

В центре сюжета будет история о проклятом герое, находящегося в поисках лекарства, которое поможет излечить его или её агонию. История будет «более эмоциональной», чем в Dark Souls и похожей на историю Demon’s Souls. Разработчики игры упомянули, что сиквел косвенно связан с предшественником и также,…

Подробнее >>

One of the Dark Souls 3 critical issues is the game won’t start 0xc000007b error. The application refuses to run in Steam and won’t start when launching directly from the Steam directory.

Let’s see how to fix this issue. The first method is quite complicated, but it can help you find the right solution.


  • go to Steam\steamapps\common\Dark Souls 3\CommonRedist;
  • find the vcredist.exe file there and run it;
  • press the “Repair Microsoft Visual C++” option in the opened box;
  • go to Steam\steamapps\common\Dark Souls 3\DXRedist;
  • run the DXSETUP.exe file and it will update the DirectX.

Sometimes the issue is much more tricky, so you have to make more actions in order to fix the problem.

In this case, go to the How to fix error code 0xc000007b article and follow the instructions.

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