Dark side ошибка сервера

This is mostly a backend server issue so there’s little you can do

by Claudiu Andone

Oldtimer in the tech and science press, Claudiu is focused on whatever comes new from Microsoft. His abrupt interest in computers started when he saw the first Home… read more

Updated on

  • The Backend error, Error signing in Warhammer 40K Darktide is mainly caused by problems with the developer’s backend servers.
  • There are not many things to do but you can still try a few things to re-establish the connection, such as restarting your router.
  • Verifying the game files’ integrity in Steam is another way of approaching this issue.

How to fix Darktide backend error signing in Warhammer 40K

Warhammer 40K Darktide is a co-op-focused game developed by Fatshark and it’s already a hit. However, many gamers are reporting a Backend error, Error signing in when they launch the game or when creating their character.

Why do I get the Backend error, Error signing in Darktide?

Unfortunately, this is a known bug that is related to the developers’ servers hence the name Backend error.

However, you may also get an Error signing in message even if you have a poor connection and you simply can’t reach their servers.

Although this is mainly an issue concerning their servers and you can’t influence that, there are some things you can do about it.

How do I fix Darktide backend error signing in in Warhammer 40K?

Before going into more complex solutions, let’s crosscheck some easy methods to fix this problem off the bat:

  • Check the server status for Warhammer 40K Darktide. To do that, follow the Darktide Comms on Twitter where they post status updates. You may also follow the Darktide channel on Discord for the same purpose.
  • Restart your router. Just unplug and turn off your device, wait for at least 30 seconds, reconnect and power back the device. Follow our guide on how to fix router issues if you have problems with it.
  • If you’re using a Wi-Fi connection, try switching to a cable connection if that is possible.
  • Restart your Steam app and your system. Although it seems weird, it actually fixed the issue for some of our readers.

Now that we got these potential problems out of the way, let’s see how we can fix the problem quickly.

1. Verify the game files’ integrity

  1. Start the Steam app.
  2. Go to Library.
  3. Right-click on Warhammer 40K Darktide and select Properties.
  4. Select Local Files and click on the Verify the Integrity of game files option.
  5. If there are any issues with the game files, the app will fix the problem.

2. Use a VPN

Some of our readers fixed this problem by using a VPN. Since this is a backend server problem and there are different servers for different regions, this might work just fine.

For this purpose, we recommend NordVPN which is the best right now for gaming. It’s extremely fast, has worldwide coverage, and unlocks any restricted content.

After you install the VPN, change the country or region and see if the Backend error, Error signing in error in Warhammer 40K Darktide is still there.


A great VPN source that helps you unlock any restricted content and provide lightning-fast speeds.

3. Disable your firewall

  1. Click the Start button, type firewall, and open Windows Defender Firewall from the results.
  2. Click on Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off.
  3. Now, turn off Windows Firewall for all networks and press the OK button at the end.
  4. Try to start Steam and the game and see if it makes a difference.

If you have a third-party antivirus with a firewall installed, try disabling the firewall from its settings menu.

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Should the solution didn’t work, turn the firewall back on because it protects your system against a lot of threats.

We remind you that this is a backend server problem so sometimes, the solution is to wait until the servers are fixed.

We hope that our guide helped you fix the Backend error, Error signing in in Warhammer 40K Darktide and now you’re enjoying the game.

You might also be interested in our guide on what to do if Steam can’t go online if you’re facing this issue.

For any other questions or suggestions, leave us a comment in the dedicated section below.

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Warhammer 40K: Darktide
Image Via Fatshark

Warhammer 40000 Darkitde sure sports quite, let’s say, a unique name. What is not unique is that when highly anticipated games release, usually there are a lot of issues post-launch, specially those related to connectivity and server issues on behalf of the developer. Well, this game has been out for a month: had problems at launch, and now new users are reporting problems again. Several players are struggling to even connect to a match, having back to back disconnects to the point they are beginning to collect them. Five, ten, fifteen, even twenty back to back disconnect errors. That’s awful. Anyway, here are a couple of tricks you could do in order to fix “Warhammer 40K: Darktide Disconnected From Server” error.

How to Fix Darktide Internal Error

Like I said before, rest assured that the error is not on your behalf, it is in fact an issue that is plaguing the Fatshark servers currently, apparently due to some kind of overload. Unfortunately, until Fatshark does something, there is nothing that will guarantee that you will be able to play. However, you can follow these troubleshooting tips to attempt to fix “Warhammer 40K: Darktide Disconnected From Server” error.

  • Restart your game and log out from your account. Sometimes forcing the game to reconnect will ensure to validate any data necessary for your connection.
  • Restart your system. The same thing as before, but in a macro way.
  • Reset your internet connection, be sure to use an Ethernet cable for maximum connectivity.

Related: All Playable Characters in Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef

Finally, some users have reported that this issue can be fixed by using a VPN of sorts. If you wish to try that solution, you could use any type of VPN to connect to Fatshark’s servers, but the best bet is to try and wait for them to get fixed. Asking the internet for some patience surely is a bold thing to do, but when the issue is not on the player’s side, it is pretty much our only way of proceeding.

Warhammer 40K: Darktide is available on Windows and Xbox Series X/S. If you like our Warhammer content, be sure to check out How to Play with Friends in Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef.

About the author

Alejandro Josan

A musician with a heart of a gamer, Alejandro’s life has always been accompanied by adventures on Nintendo platformers, countless hours of fantasy RPGs and several third-party FPSs. Currently, he is studying Game Design and Development, preparing for a long career in the video game industry.

More Stories by Alejandro Josan

Are you a gamer and irritated with Darktide error code 9999? You can fix this annoying error by the following methods are

1. Reset your router
2. Renew IP and flush DNS
3. Allow the game through the firewall
4. Try to use a different internet connection.

Darktide error code 9999 is very frustrating as it prevents you from enjoying your game. And people consider this game one of the best games in the world, and this always comes as a negative side of this game.

But before you start thinking that this is the fault of the game only, let me tell you that this issue can be solved very quickly, and no expert knowledge is required for that. And this is why I am writing this article so that you can fix your problem and enjoy your game Darktide.

So, should we start?

What Is Darktide Error Code 9999?

When you try to play the game and the game tries to connect to its server, and it faces any issue while connecting, then you might face this error 9999 on Darktide. So whenever the game fails to connect to the server, it shows an error to the player. And this is error 9999 on Darktide. It can happen anytime, no matter whether you are playing single or multiplayer.

What Are The Causes Of Darktide Error Code 9999

As I told you, failed attempts to connect to the servers of the game is one of the main reasons for error 9999 on the game Darktide. But there could be a few other reasons too behind this error. One such reason is a bad internet connection, the firewall of your computer, faulty IP and DNS, or a Wi-Fi router fault.

But if these are the reasons behind this error, then what are the solutions? Check below for the answer!

Know About: Virtwifi’s Internet Access

How To Fix Error Code 9999

How To Fix Error Code 9999

There are four methods to solve this error 9999 on Darktide, as I said before. Here in this part of this article, I am going to elaborate on them one by one.

1. Reset Router

If the Wi-Fi router you are using is problematic, then you might face this error while trying to play the game. And to overcome the error, you have to reset that Wi-Fi router.

To reset the router –

  • While keeping the router plugged in, find and press the reset button of the router and hold it for at least 30 seconds.
  • Then allow the router to turn on.
  • This process will reset your router. Once done, open your game and check if the problem is gone or not.

2. Renew IP And Flush DNS

This is method no. 2 for you. You should try this if method no. 1 does not work for you.

  • Type CMD in the search bar of your computer, and click on Command Prompt from the list.
  • Type ipconfig /renew and press Enter. This will re-establish your IP address.
  • Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter. This action will flush the DNS for you.
  • Now check if the problem still is there or not.

3. Allow The Game Through The Firewall

If your Firewall is blocking the game, then you should allow it through the firewall.

  • Open Windows Security.
  • Click on Virus & Threat Protection.
  • Click Manage Settings.
  • Scroll down and click Exclusions.
  • Add your game to the list of Exclusions.

4. Use Another Connection

To check if the problem lies in the internet connection, disconnect the present connection and try to use another connection. If the game runs smoothly with the new connection, then you should change the first connection.

The Final Words

Connection problems to the game server are the main reason behind error 9999 on Darktide. But besides that, there are a few other reasons that can be solved by changing the internet connection, renewing the IP and flushing DNS, allowing the game through the firewall, etc. So do whatever you need to fix this issue and enjoy the game.

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Darktide Error Code 4008

Warhammer 40K: Darktide — это кооперативный шутер от первого лица с огромным упором на командную работу. В этой игре вы сражаетесь плечом к плечу со своим товарищем по команде против орды безжалостных врагов.

Многие игроки сталкиваются с технической ошибкой под названием «Код ошибки 4008», из-за которой их игра периодически отключается от сервера. К счастью для вас, у нас есть решение!

Ошибка 4008 возникает в Darktide, когда вы не можете подключиться к серверу. Это происходит из-за того, что мы называем тайм-аутом рукопожатия. Крайне неприятно отключаться от игры во время игры или загрузки.

Обратите внимание, что эта ошибка связана с серверной частью, а это означает, что в конечном итоге она будет исправлена ​​​​в будущем обновлении. Однако на данный момент есть несколько обходных путей, которые вы можете использовать, чтобы исправить ошибку.

  • Перезапустите игру: Это первое, что вы должны попробовать, когда столкнетесь с этой ошибкой. Если это не удается, перейдите к следующему шагу.
  • Перезагрузите компьютер: Иногда простая перезагрузка компьютера может просто решить эту проблему.
  • Проверьте настройки брандмауэра: Возможно, ваш брандмауэр Windows блокирует доступ игры к Интернету. Попробуйте посмотреть настройки брандмауэра для игры.
  • Проверьте настройки антивируса: Ваш антивирус также может блокировать доступ игры к серверу. Попробуйте установить игру как «Надежное приложение» в вашем антивирусе.
  • Используйте VPN (не рекомендуется): Если ничего не помогает, попробуйте использовать VPN для подключения к серверу в другом регионе. Однако мы не рекомендуем этот шаг, так как вы можете столкнуться с новыми проблемами с подключением.

Warhammer 40K: Darktide: как исправить код ошибки 4008

Warhammer 40K: Darktide недавно вышла на ПК и PC Game Pass. Последняя запись во вселенной Warhammer — это кооперативный шутер , в котором предстоит раскрыть множество глубин . К сожалению, ошибки тоже были частью этого опыта, и некоторые из них даже мешают игрокам войти в игру. Код ошибки 4008 в Darktide появляется в любой момент во время игры, и при его получении вы вернетесь в главное меню.

Это раздражает и разочаровывает, когда вас выкидывают из игры во время игры, но у нас есть несколько советов, которые могут помочь.

Код ошибки 4008 в Darktide известен как «неудачное рукопожатие». Это происходит, когда сервер Darktide не отвечает на вашу игру, пытающуюся подключиться к нему. Если соединение не происходит в течение определенного периода времени, вы получаете код ошибки и вас выкидывают.

По всей вероятности, проблема может быть вызвана тем, что серверы не могут справиться с количеством игроков онлайн. Однако есть решения, которые вы можете попробовать и со своей стороны.

Поскольку проблема связана с интернет-соединением между вашим игровым клиентом и серверами, мы рекомендуем для начала проверить ваше интернет-соединение. Надеюсь, перезагрузка маршрутизатора поможет. Также стоит попробовать перезагрузить компьютер и игровой клиент. Если это не сработает, вы можете проверить, обновлены ли ваши графические драйверы. Затем проверьте целостность ваших игровых файлов, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши игру в своей библиотеке Steam (если у вас есть копия Steam) и выбрав «Свойства», «Локальные файлы», а затем «Проверить целостность игровых файлов».

Если ничего не помогло, вы также можете попробовать удалить и переустановить игру. Более официальное решение нужно будет подождать, пока разработчик Fatshark не выпустит официальное исправление .

Feature Best Warhammer Darktide Weapons / код ошибки darktide 4008

darktide error code 4008 solved

What is Darktide error code 4008 ?

The only fix for Warhammer 40K:Darktide error code 4008 unsuccessful acknowledgment timeout is patience. the problem is caused once the server doesn’t answer your game shopper making an attempt to attach. as a result of the servers don’t respond at intervals a precise quantity of your time, the request times out, and you get sent back to the menus.

Warhammer 40K: Darktide found itself coping with several, several problems throughout its pre-order beta, with several probably dogging into the complete unleash. This includes the dreadful backend error, disconnected from server error, and every one the varied error code values that have popped up. One such issue is plaguing loads of players still, tho’ there area unit a couple of stuff you may attempt. Here’s a way to fix error code 

The 4008 error code, additionally called the unsuccessful acknowledgment timeout error, tends to occur at any purpose throughout matches. Randomly, the sport can kick you back to the menus with the error shooting up on the facet. It doesn’t matter if you were simply beginning the mission, within the middle of a horde, or right at the tip, it will meanly seem. This makes it naturally a frustrating issue to handle, tho’ there area unit a couple of stuff you will attempt.

Some users have prompt having restricted success employing a VPN. this may be done through places like ExpressVPN, NordVPN, Surfshark, or others you’ll like. certify to ascertain your country’s net laws tho’, as some veto the employment of a VPN. Another nice technique to mend this issue is to completely restart your game, followed by your laptop and router ought to the initial issue not resolve the matter. detain mind that this is often a lot of or less a short lived fix than the rest.

What is the main causes of Warhammer 40K: Darktide error code 4008?

darktide error code 4008 solved

Error code 4008 in Warhammer 40K Darktide happens once the server is just too busy to retort to your game’s requests. sadly, with the unsuccessful acknowledgment timeout, this may occur at any purpose, including:

When making an attempt to attach to a game.

✅During a match.

✅While matchmaking.

The only fix for error code 4008 in Darktide is to hold back. You’re obtaining unsuccessful acknowledgment timeouts as a result of numerous folks are attempting to play that the servers can’t continue. So, once Fatshark brings a lot of servers on-line, or traffic dies down, you must be ready to play the sport while not issue.

However, if you’re thinking that the problem may well be on your finish, you’ll attempt the subsequent common fixes:

Quick tips and tricks to fix  darktide error code 4008 

✅Reset your router.

✅Reset your electronic equipment(router)

✅Restart your console or laptop.

✅Verify the file integrity.

✅Uninstall and put in the game.

✅Update your graphics drivers.

Take note that this error could be a backend issue, which means that it’ll eventually be fastened by associate update down the road. For currently tho’, there area unit a couple of workarounds that you just will follow to mend the error.

Tips to fix darktide error code 4008 (MW2) permanently?

Relaunch the game: This is that the very first thing you must attempt after you face this error. If it fails proceed to subsequent step.

Reboot your laptop: Sometimes easy rebooting your PC will merely resolve this issue.

Check your Firewall settings: It will be the case that your windows firewall is obstructing the game’s access to the web. attempt observing your Firewall setting for the game.

Check your antivirus setting: Your antivirus may also block the game’s access to the server. attempt setting the sport as a “Trusted Application” on your antivirus.

Use a VPN (Not Recommended): If all fails, attempt employing a VPN to attach to a special region’s server. However, we tend to don’t suggest this step as you would possibly face new property issues.


Other than that, you’ll simply ought to place up with it till Fatshark deploys a correct fix for the problem. they need loads on their plate for errors, tho’ they seem to be diligent with obtaining fixes out whenever potential. when it slow and patience, things ought to be back to normal.

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Warhammer 40K: Darktide is a co-op first-person shooter with a huge emphasis on teamwork. In this game, you fight shoulder-to-shoulder with your teammate against a horde of relentless enemies.

Many players are facing a technical error called “Error Code 4008” which is causing their game to disconnect from the server on random occasions. Luckily for you, we have a fix!

How to fix Failed Handshake Timeout in Darktide

Error 4008 happens in Darktide when you fail to connect to the server. This is because of what we called a handshake timeout. It is extremely frustrating to disconnect from the game while playing or booting it up.

Take note that this error is a backend issue, meaning that it will eventually be fixed by an update down the road. For now though, there are a few workarounds that you can follow to fix the error.

  • Relaunch the game: This is the first thing you should try when you face this error. If it fails proceed to the next step.
  • Reboot your PC: Sometimes simple rebooting your PC can simply resolve this issue.
  • Check your Firewall settings: It can be the case that your windows firewall is blocking the game’s access to the internet. Try looking at your Firewall setting for the game.
  • Check your antivirus setting: Your antivirus can also block the game’s access to the server. Try setting the game as a “Trusted Application” on your antivirus.
  • Use a VPN (Not Recommended): If all fails, try using a VPN to connect to a different region’s server. However, we don’t recommend this step as you might face new connectivity problems.

About the Author

Contributor at SegmentNext.

Warhammer 40K: Darktide recently released onto PC and PC Game Pass. The latest entry in the Warhammer universe is a cooperative shooter with plenty of depth to be uncovered. Unfortunately, bugs have been a part of that experience too, and some are even preventing players from entering the game. Error code 4008 in Darktide appears to occur at any time while playing the game, and receiving it will boot you back to the main menu.

It’s jarring and frustrating to be kicked out of the game while playing, but we have some pointers that might be able to help.

Resolving Darktide error code 4008

Error code 4008 in Darktide is known as a ‘failed handshake timeout.’ It happens when the Darktide server fails to respond to your game trying to connect to it. If a connection fails to happen within a specific amount of time, you receive the error code and get kicked out.

In all likelihood, the issue could be caused by the servers being unable to handle the number of players online. However, there are solutions you can try on your end, too.

Since the issue is related to the internet connection between your game client and the servers, we would recommend checking your internet connection, to begin with. Restarting your router should hopefully do the trick. Restarting your PC and the game client is also worth a try. If this doesn’t work, you may want to check that your graphics drivers are up to date. Next, verify the integrity of your game files by right-clicking on the game in your Steam library (if you own a Steam copy) and selecting ‘Properties,’ ‘Local Files,’ and then ‘Verify Integrity of Game Files.’

If all else has failed, you can also try deleting and reinstalling the game. A more official solution will need to wait until developer Fatshark releases an official fix.

Read original article here

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На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 49 Опубликовано 01/12/2022

Warhammer 40K Darktide: как исправить код ошибки 4008

Вот как можно исправить код ошибки 4008 в Warhammer 40K Darktide.

Ни один игрок не любит сталкиваться с ошибками, пока вы ищете немного игрового времени. Вероятно, поэтому многие игроки задаются вопросом, как исправить код ошибки 4008 в Warhammer 40K Darktide. Поскольку эта ошибка может возникнуть в любое время во время игры и отправить вас обратно в меню, это довольно неприятно. Игроки неоднократно искали способ решить эту проблему, так как не могут от нее избавиться. Поскольку вы здесь, вы хотите понять и исправить эту ошибку. Вам не придется искать дальше, так как это руководство охватывает все, что вам нужно по этой проблеме.

Как исправить код ошибки 4008 в Warhammer 40K Darktide

Ошибка, похоже, связана с серверами Fatshark или связана с вашим подключением к Интернету. Следовательно, ваш первый шаг — убедиться, что ваше интернет-соединение работает правильно. Попробуйте перезагрузить модем и маршрутизатор, чтобы очистить кеш, пока вы этим занимаетесь. Наряду с этим убедитесь, что ни на одном из ваших других устройств не происходит серьезных загрузок.

Теперь, когда мы исключили подключение к Интернету в качестве источника, нам нужно проверить статус сервера Warhammer< /сильный>. К сожалению, в Warhammer 40K Darktide нет исправления для кода ошибки 4008, и вам придется запастись терпением. Поскольку серверы заполнены, вам придется ждать загрузки новых серверов в Fatshark или снижения трафика.

Хотя это звучит крайне неприятно, многие игроки хотят присоединиться к игре. Неизвестно, была ли эта сумма огромной нагрузкой для разработчиков или подготовка не была полной на старте. Однако вы можете попробовать написать в Поддержку Steam и надеяться, что ваши проблемы будут решены быстрее.

Это все, что нужно знать о том, как исправить код ошибки 4008 в Warhammer. 40К Дарктайд. Пока вы здесь, обязательно ознакомьтесь с другими нашими руководствами по Warhammer прямо здесь, в Guideer.

How to Fix Error Code 4008 in Warhammer 40K Darktide

No player likes to face errors while you are looking for some game time. That is probably the reason why many players are wondering how to Fix Error Code 4008 in Warhammer 40K Darktide. Since this error can occur any time while you are playing and sends you back to the menu, it is rather frustrating. Players have repeatedly looked for a way to solve this issue since they cannot get rid of it. Since you are here, you are looking to understand and fix this error. You won’t have to look any further as this guide has covered all you need on this issue.

How to Fix Error Code 4008 in Warhammer 40K Darktide

Warhammer 40K Darktide Error 4008 Fix

The error seems to have a tie with the servers at Fatshark or is related to your Internet Connection. Hence your first step of action is to make sure that your Internet Connection is working properly. Try restarting your modem and router to clear the cache while you are at it. Along with that, make sure that none of your other devices have any major downloads going on.

Now that we have ruled out Internet Connection as the source, we need to check the Warhammer Server Status. Unfortunately, there is no fix for Error Code 4008 in Warhammer 40K Darktide and you will have to keep patience. Since the servers are full, you will have to wait for fresh servers to load at Fatshark or for the traffic to reduce.

While that does sound extremely frustrating, there are numerous players looking to join the game. Whether the amount was a huge load for the devs or the preparations weren’t full at the start is unknown. However, you can try writing to Steam Support and hope that your problems will be solved sooner.

That’s all there is on how to fix Error Code 4008 in Warhammer 40K Darktide. While you are here, make sure you check out our other Warhammer guides right here at Gamer Tweak.

Warhammer 40,000 Darktide

In this guide we will explain how to solve the Warhammer 40K Darktide Error Code 4008 issue. If your downloaded and installed game is not working or Warhammer Darktide crashing please follow the steps below.

Warhammer 40K: Darktide was published on Xbox Series X / S, PC and PC Game Pass. The most recent game set in the Warhammer universe is a cooperative shooter with a tonne of hidden depths.

Sadly, bugs have been a part of the gaming experience. Some of these bugs have been so severe that they have kept people out of the game.

Darktide Error Code 4008 appears to occur at random points throughout the game. The error forces you to return to the home screen.

Being banned from a game while you’re playing is upsetting and frustrating, but we have some advice that may be helpful.

Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Error Code 4008 is referred to as a “failed_handshake_timeout”. When your game tries to connect to the Darktide server, it fails to respond. You get the error code and are kicked out if a connection doesn’t occur within a predetermined period of time.

Most likely, the problem is because there are too many people online for the servers to manage. You can also try some options on your end, though.

How to fix Darktide Error Code 4008

How to fix Darktide Error Code 4008

Check The Internet Connection

You have to check your internet connection first. Because the problem is with the internet connection between your game client and the servers. Hopefully, restarting your router will solve the problem.

Check this out: How to fix Warhammer 40K Black Screen Issue

Restart The Game

It’s also worthwhile to try restarting the game client and your computer. You might want to see whether your graphics drivers are up to date if this doesn’t work. If none of them enough to fix error code 4008 for you, try restarting your PC.

Check The Integrity on Steam

Then, if you have a Steam copy of the game, check the integrity of your game files.

  • Right click the name of the game
  • Choose “Properties”
  • Go to “Local Files” tab
  • Click “Verify Integrity of Game Files”

Check this out: How to Fix Warhammer 40K Darktide Error Code 9999

You can also try removing and reinstalling the game if all else fails. It will be necessary to hold off on finding a more official solution until developer Fatshark issues a official fix.

If you want to ask it to the Fatsharkgames, you have to complete these steps before your query:

  • Hit Windows and R together.
  • Type “%appdata%” and then click “OK” in the search field.
  • Open the console logs folder in AppDataRoamingFatsharkDarktide.
  • By examining the timestamps in the log names, find the console log that coincides with the session during which the issue occurred.
  • Upload it to their forum

Video games have been my passion for as long as I can remember. I have been writing and managing in the game industry for more than 30 years. I’ve been playing Diablo 2 nonstop since it first came out.

Warhammer 40K Darktide is the latest co-op first-person shooter game. Hundreds and thousands of players are having a great time enjoying WH40K Darktide but at the same time, many gamers are struggling to access the game smoothly because of several issues including crashing at startup, won’t start, and not launching issues. In addition to these issues, the error codes like 4001 and 4008 prevent players from enjoying the game. In this guide, we will learn why these error codes appear and how you can fix them with some straightforward workarounds.

Players are encountering multiple problems while playing Warhammer 40K Darktide but the error codes 4001 and 4008 are amongst the most known issues. So, here we have prepared a guide addressing these issues. 

Warhammer 40K Darktide Error Code 4001

The error code 4001 occurs followed by the error message ‘Hot join party hub failed’ and it occurs when joining other players in the matches. Players report that they have already tried a few workarounds including creating a new character, rebooting the PC, restarted the game several times but no luck. 

However, to resolve this error, check the connection settings of the host first or you can also try hosting the game yourself and then ask other players to join your party. This will fix the error code 4001 in WH40K Darktide.

Warhammer 40K Darktide Error Code 4008

The error code 4008 indicates a ‘Failed handshake timeout’ and can be fixed with some simple methods. 

1. First of all, try disabling or removing the VPN service before connecting to the game. 

2. Next, try closing other applications and software running in the background and then run the game.

3. You can also resolve the issue by verifying the game files. To do so:

– Open up the Steam client and go to the game library

– Right-click on Warhammer 40000 Darktide and go to its Properties

– Click on Local Files and then click on “Verify integrity of game files”

– Once the process is done, try launching the game again and the error code 4008 should be fixed

4. Make sure your internet connection is fast and stable. You can try switching it to a Wired connection from WiFi as it is more stable and reliable.

5. If nothing helped, your last resort is to uninstall the game and then reinstall it.

These are the only things you can try to fix Warhammer 40K Darktide error codes 4001 and 4008.

Also read – How to fix Warhammer 40K Darktide not showing on Game Pass issue.

The fix for the Warhammer 40K: Darktide disconnected from server internal error is to wait. When you get an error code 2007, it’s usually because the servers are overloaded. When this occurs there’s not a lot you can do on your end to fix the issue.

What causes error 2007 disconnected from server in Warhammer 40K: Darktide?

Error code 2007 occurs in Warhammer 40K: Darktide when you’re discoonected from the server suddenly. This internal error is typically caused by instability with the game’s servers and not anything on your end. Unfortunately, this problem can strike at random, and there’s no way to avoid it.

The only fix for error 2007 is to wait until the Darktide servers become more stable. The most people will be trying to connect right after big updates or maintenance. So, if the issue pops up during one of these times, you can bet that the servers are just overloaded. Wait an hour or so and try to connect again.

If for some reason you think the issue is on your end, there are a few things you can try:

  • Restart your router
  • Restart your modem
  • Reboot your PC or console
  • Validate your Darktide files
  • Uninstall and reinstall the game

However, again, when you get an error 2007 in Darktide, it’s almost always going to be an issue with the servers, not your PC or console.

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