D19jkz ошибка коматсу


User code

Failure code



Contents of

• Disconnection or short circuit was detected in personal code relay circuit.


• None in particular (when disconnection is detected).

• Turns output to personal code relay OFF (when short circuit is detected).

Action of

• If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself (when disconnection is detected).


• Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF

(when disconnection is detected).

Problem that

appears on


• This failure code is displayed only when engine lock function is effective.


• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON (Disconnection). Trouble cannot be


reproduced on machine (Short circuit).

1 Defective fuse No. 3

Defective personal code


relay (Internal disconnection

or short circuit)

Possible causes

and standard

value in normal

Disconnection in wiring har-


ness (Disconnection in wiring


or defective contact in con-


Ground fault in wiring har-


ness (Short circuit with GND


Defective machine monitor


(KOMTRAX section)


Personal code relay abnormality


(KOMTRAX system in machine monitor)


Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

If fuse is broken, circuit probably has ground fault (See cause 4).

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-

ing without turning starting switch ON. (Troubleshooting for

relay unit)

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON

and carry out troubleshooting. (Troubleshooting by replace-


Replace personal code relay (R07) with another relay and perform

reproducing operation. If «E» of failure code goes off at this time,

replaced relay is defective.

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-

ing without turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between F01 (3) – R07

(female) (1)

Wiring harness between R07 (female) (2) –

CM01 (female) (6)

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-

ing without turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between F01 (3) – R07

(female) (1) and chassis ground

Wiring harness between R07 (female) (2) –

CM01 (female) (6) and chassis ground

If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, machine monitor (KOMTRAX)

may be defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting can-

not be carried out.)

R07 (male)

Between (1) – (2)

40 Troubleshooting



(300 – 600 z)


Max. 1 z



Max. 1 z



Min. 1 Mz



Min. 1 Mz



  • #1

help! how to disable lock engine function?
komatsu pc200-8N1

5x engine oil flushing
pulled out injectors for flushing of the combustion chamber
reinstalled injectors
replaced monitor and engine controller
cleaned and checked all electrical socket and connectors

it shows error code D19JKZ and we’ve already checked all harness and fuses. they’re all okay.
the engine won’t start but it’s cranking, just wont continue

E01, система автоматического режима в системе HYPER.

E02, система PC-EPC

E03, система поворотного стояночного тормоза

Медианная система джойстика в системе E04 + CALL, HYPER

E05, система управления двигателем

Система привода электромагнитного клапана EPC в системах E06 + CALL и HYPER

Системы E09 и HYPER-GX выключены.

E101. История неисправностей ненормальная.

E102, данные часов ненормальные.

E103, короткое замыкание на выходе зуммера, жгут проводов зуммера и контакт линии электропитания 24 В.

E104, воздушный фильтр заблокирован.

Е108, температура воды выше 105 ° С.

E112, короткое замыкание системы прямого вращения привода стеклоочистителя (новое).

E113, короткое замыкание системы реверса привода стеклоочистителя (новое).

E114, цепь привода опрыскивателя замкнута (новая).

E202, LS выбрать короткое замыкание цепи электромагнитного клапана.

E203 — короткое замыкание цепи электромагнитного клапана поворотного стояночного тормоза.

E204, короткое замыкание в цепи электромагнитного клапана слияния / разделения насоса.

E205, цепь вторичного перепускного электромагнитного клапана закорочена.

E206, цепь электромагнитного клапана преобразования скорости ходьбы замкнута накоротко.

E207, короткое замыкание в цепи электромагнитного клапана быстрого режима.

E208, цепь электромагнитного клапана быстрого режима разомкнута.

E213, цепь электромагнитного клапана поворотного стояночного тормоза разомкнута.

E214, цепь электромагнитного клапана впускного / насосного контура открыта.

E215, цепь вторичного перепускного электромагнитного клапана разомкнута.

E216, цепь электромагнитного клапана преобразования скорости ходьбы замкнута накоротко.

E207, короткое замыкание в цепи электромагнитного клапана быстрого режима.

E208, цепь электромагнитного клапана быстрого режима разомкнута.

E213, цепь электромагнитного клапана поворотного стояночного тормоза разомкнута.

E214, цепь электромагнитного клапана впускного / насосного контура открыта.

E215, цепь вторичного перепускного электромагнитного клапана разомкнута.

E216, цепь электромагнитного клапана преобразования скорости ходьбы разомкнута.

E217, ошибка выбора режима выбора.

E218 — ошибка тайм-аута ответа сети.

E222, в цепи электромагнитного клапана LS-EPC короткое замыкание.

E223, цепь электромагнитного клапана LS-EPC разомкнута.

E224, цепь датчика давления переднего насоса неисправна.

E225, цепь датчика давления заднего насоса неисправна.

E226, ненормальное питание цепи датчика давления.

E227, датчик частоты вращения двигателя неисправен.

E231, цепь электромагнитного клапана режима активации (поворотного типа) замкнута накоротко.

E232, короткое замыкание в цепи электромагнитного клапана переднего насоса TVC (старая модель).

E233, цепь электромагнитного клапана TVC переднего насоса разорвана (старая модель).

E225, цепь датчика давления заднего насоса неисправна.

E226, ненормальное питание цепи датчика давления.

E227, датчик частоты вращения двигателя неисправен.

E231, цепь электромагнитного клапана режима активации (поворотного типа) замкнута накоротко.

E232, короткое замыкание в цепи электромагнитного клапана переднего насоса TVC (старая модель).

E233, цепь электромагнитного клапана TVC переднего насоса разорвана (старая модель).

E235, цепь электромагнитного клапана режима активации (поворотная) разомкнута.

E236, замыкание цепи электромагнитного клапана заднего насоса TVC.

E237, цепь электромагнитного клапана TVC заднего насоса разомкнута.

E302, цепь электромагнитного клапана управления ходом короткого замыкания закорочена.

E303, цепь электромагнитного клапана управления ходом открыта.

E306, цепь потенциала обратной связи является ненормальной.

E308, неправильная подача топлива.

E313, неисправность автоматического контроллера подачи смазки (опция).

E315, короткое замыкание выходной цепи реле аккумулятора.

E316, двигатель регулятора не отрегулирован.

E317, цепь двигателя регулятора разомкнута.

E318, короткое замыкание цепи двигателя регулятора.

Код неисправности Komatsu PC200-8:

PC200-8 использует движок EFI, и его код пользователя сильно отличается от PC200-6 / 7.

PC200-8 код пользователя:

E02, система PC-EPC.

E03, поворотная стояночная тормозная система.

E10, сбой питания контроллера двигателя, сбой контура системы управления двигателем (этот двигатель глохнет.

E11, отказ системы управления двигателем (пониженная выходная мощность для защиты двигателя).

E14. Система обратной связи ненормальная.

E15, неисправность датчика двигателя (температура воды, давление топлива, давление масла).

ЭО, сбой сети.

код ошибки:

989L00, предупреждение блокировки контроллера двигателя (режим 1).

989M00, предупреждение блокировки контроллера двигателя (режим 2).

989N00, предупреждение о блокировке контроллера двигателя (режим 3).

CA111, внутренняя неисправность контроллера двигателя.

CA115, датчик скорости двигателя и датчик скорости в режиме ожидания неисправны.

CA122, слишком высокое напряжение обратной связи датчика давления на впуске.

CA123, слишком низкое напряжение обратной связи датчика давления на впуске.

CA131, ошибка высокого напряжения обратной связи датчика дроссельной заслонки.

CA132, ошибка низкого напряжения обратной связи датчика дроссельной заслонки.

CA144, слишком высокое напряжение обратной связи датчика температуры охлаждающей жидкости.

CA145, слишком низкое напряжение обратной связи датчика температуры охлаждающей жидкости.

CA153, слишком высокое напряжение обратной связи датчика температуры воздуха на впуске.

CA154, слишком низкое напряжение обратной связи датчика температуры воздуха на впуске.

CA155, температура воздуха на впуске слишком высокая (выше предела).

CA187, слишком высокое напряжение источника питания 2 датчика.

CA221, ошибка обратной связи датчика давления окружающей среды слишком высокая.

CA222, ошибка обратной связи датчика давления окружающей среды слишком низкая.

CA227, слишком высокое напряжение источника питания 2 датчика.

CA234, превышение скорости двигателя.

CA238, сбой напряжения питания датчика скорости.

CA271, IMV / PCV1 закорочены.

CA272, IMV / PCV1 — разомкнутая цепь.

CA322, обрыв цепи сопла 1, короткое замыкание.

CA323, форсунка 5 разомкнута, короткое замыкание.

CA324, разомкнутая цепь форсунки 3, короткое замыкание.

CA325, разомкнутая цепь сопла 6, короткое замыкание.

CA331, обрыв цепи сопла 2, короткое замыкание.

CA332, обрыв цепи сопла 4, короткое замыкание.

CA342, код коррекции неверен.

CA351, цепь привода впрыска неисправна.

CA352, слишком низкое напряжение питания датчика.

CA386, слишком высокое напряжение источника питания датчика.

CA428, слишком высокое напряжение обратной связи датчика содержания воды в топливе.

CA429, слишком низкое напряжение обратной связи датчика содержания воды в топливе.

CA435, неисправность реле давления моторного масла.

CA441, напряжение аккумулятора слишком низкое.

CA442, напряжение аккумулятора слишком высокое.

CA449, давление в Common Rail слишком высокое.

CA451, ошибка обратной связи датчика давления в Common Rail слишком высокая.

CA452, слишком низкое значение обратной связи датчика давления в Common Rail.

CA488, температура воздуха на впуске слишком высокая (снижение крутящего момента).

CA553, давление в Common Rail слишком высокое.

CA559, давление в Common Rail слишком низкое.

CA689, неисправность датчика частоты вращения двигателя.

CA731, сбой фазы сигнала датчика скорости двигателя.

CA757, все данные потеряны.

CA778, отказ датчика скорости резервного двигателя.

CA633, сбой приостановки передачи данных.

CA2185, слишком высокое напряжение источника питания дроссельной заслонки.

CA2186, слишком низкое напряжение источника питания дроссельной заслонки.

CA2249, давление в Common Rail слишком низкое.

CA2311, Неисправность электромагнитного клапана IMV.

CA2555, напряжение предварительного нагрева слишком высокое.

CA2556, напряжение предварительного нагрева на впуске слишком низкое.

D19JKZ, персонализированное преобразование кода ненормально.

D862KA, GPS антенна сломана.

DA22KK, слишком низкое напряжение питания электромагнитного клапана насоса.

Напряжение датчика DA25KP и 5 В не соответствует норме.

DA29KQ, выбор режима ненормальный.

DA2RMC, CAN разомкнутая цепь (дисплей).

DGH2KB, короткое замыкание датчика температуры гидравлического масла.

DHPAMA, датчик давления переднего насоса неисправен.

DHPBMA, датчик давления в заднем насосе неисправен.

DHS3MA, рычаг ненормально втягивает датчик давления КПП.

DHS4MA, ведро участвует в работе датчика давления КПП ненормально.

DHS8MA, подъем стрелы Датчик давления КПП неисправен.

DHSAMA, датчик давления PPC правого поворота неисправен.

DHSBMA, датчик давления левой руки PPC неисправен.

DHSDMA, датчик давления PPC открыт, ковш неисправен.

DHX1MA, датчик нагрузки неисправен.

DW43KA, ходовая высоко- и низкоскоростная коммутация, электромагнитный клапан разомкнут.

DW43KB, короткое замыкание при ходьбе высоко- и низкоскоростного переключающего электромагнитного клапана.

DW45KA, электромагнитный клапан с поворотным затвором разомкнут.

DW45KB, короткое замыкание поворотного удерживающего электромагнитного клапана.

DW91KA, разомкнутая цепь вторичного электромагнитного клапана перелива.

DW91KB, ходовое слияние электромагнитного клапана, короткое замыкание.

DWA2KA, резервный электромагнитный клапан открыт.

DWA2KB, электромагнитный клапан в режиме ожидания замкнут.

DWK0KA, разомкнутый контур вторичного перепускного электромагнитного клапана.

DWK0KB, короткое замыкание вторичного электромагнитного клапана перелива.

DXA8KA, разомкнутый контур электромагнитного клапана PC-EPC переднего насоса.

DXA8KB, короткое замыкание электромагнитного клапана переднего насоса PC-EPC.

DXA9KA и электромагнитный клапан PC-EPC заднего насоса открыты.

DXA9KB, короткое замыкание электромагнитного клапана заднего насоса PC-EPC.

Электромагнитные клапаны DXE0KA и LS-EPC открыты.

Электромагнитные клапаны DXE0KB и LS-EPC закорочены.

Цепи DXE4KA и аварийного EPC разомкнуты.

DXE4KB, аварийное замыкание цепи EPC.

DXE5KA, насосная комбинированная / разделенная главная электромагнитная заслонка, разомкнутая цепь.

DXE5KB, короткое замыкание главного соленоидного клапана слияния / разделения насоса.

DXE6KA, насос с открытым контуром электромагнитного клапана комбинированного потока / сплит LS.

DXE6KB, короткое замыкание электромагнитного клапана слияния / разделения насоса.

Стеклоочиститель DY20KA работает ненормально.

DY20MA и стеклоочиститель припаркованы неправильно.

DY2CKA и двигатель опрыскивателя открыты.

Короткое замыкание DY2CKB и двигателя опрыскивателя.

Komatsu Machinery is a leader in construction and heavy equipment manufacturing, providing durable and reliable machines to the industry. However, even the most robust machines can experience problems, and that’s where error codes come in handy. Error codes provide valuable insight into what might be causing the issue and help you diagnose the problem quickly.

By keeping an eye out for error codes and knowing what they mean, you can keep your Komatsu machinery running smoothly and avoid costly downtime. With a little bit of knowledge, you’ll be able to keep your equipment working to its fullest potential and help ensure your business runs smoothly.

Error Code Description
989L00 Error Code: Engine Controller Lockout Warning (Mode 1).
989L00 The Engine Controller Lock Warning (Mode 1)
989M00 Motor Controller For Blocking The Warning (Mode 2).
989M00 The Engine Controller To Lock Warning (Mode 2).
989N00 Motor Controller For Blocking The Warning (Mode 3).
989N00 The Engine Controller To Lock Warning (Mode 3).
AA10NX Air Filter Clogging.
AA10NX Clogged Air Filter.
AB00KE Charging Voltage Is Too Low.
AB00KE Ab00Ke Charging Voltage Too Low Or Missing.
B @ BAZG, Low Oil Pressure.
B @ BAZK The Oil Level Is Too Low.
B @ BCNS Engine Coolant Overheating.
B @ BCZK Coolant Level Too Low.
B @ HANS Hydraulic Oil From Overheating.
B @ the HANS The Hydraulic Oil From Overheating.
B BCZK The Coolant Level Is Too Low
CA111 Internal Engine Controller Malfunction.
CA111 The Engine Controller Internal Fault.
CA115 Engine Crankshaft Speed Sensor And Speed Sensor Malfunction.
CA115 The Engine Speed Sensor And Backup Speed Sensor Failure.
CA122 The Feedback Voltage Of The Intake Air Pressure Sensor Is Too High.
CA122 The Intake Air Pressure Sensor Feedback Voltage Is Too High Failure.
CA123 Intake Air Pressure Sensor Feedback Voltage Is Too Low.
CA123 The Intake Air Pressure Sensor Feedback Voltage Is Too Low Failure.
CA131 The Throttle Plate Sensor Feedback Voltage Failure.
CA131 Throttle Sensor Feedback Sensor Failure.
CA132 Hrottle Plate Sensor Feedback Voltage And Low Failure.
CA132 Throttle Sensor Feedback Pressure And Low Failure.
CA144 Coolant Temperature High Temperature Sensor Feedback Fault 145, Coolant Temperature Sensor Feedback
CA144 High Coolant Temperature Sensor Feedback Voltage Fault 145, The Coolant Temperature Sensor Feedback
CA153 Intake Air Temperature Sensor Feedback Voltage Is Too High Failure;
CA153 Intake Air Temperature Sensor Feedback Voltage Is Too High;
CA154 Intake Air Temperature Sensor Feedback Voltage Is Too Low Failure;
CA154 Intake Air Temperature Sensor Feedback Voltage Is Too Low;
CA155 Intake Air Temperature Too High (Excess);
CA155 The Intake Air Temperature Is Too High (Over Limit);
CA187 Sensor Power Supply Voltage Is Too High Failure;
CA187 Sensor Supply Voltage Is Too High;
CA2185 The Power Supply Voltage Of The Throttle Valve Is Too High;
CA2185 The Throttle Plate Supply Voltage Is Too High Failure;
CA2186 The Throttle Plate Supply Voltage Is Too Low Failure;
CA2186 Throttle Power Voltage Too Low;
CA221 The Ambient Pressure Sensor Feedback Voltage Is Too High Failure;
CA221 The Ambient Pressure Sensor Feedback Voltage Is Too High;
CA222 The Ambient Pressure Sensor Feedback Voltage Is Too Low Failure;
CA222 The Ambient Pressure Sensor Feedback Voltage Is Too Low;
CA2249 The Common Rail Pressure Is Too Low Failure;
CA2249 The Total Manifold Pressure Is Too Low;
CA227 Sensor Power Supply Voltage Is Too High Failure;
CA227 Sensor Supply Voltage Is Too High;
CA2311 Imv, Solenoid Failure;
CA2311 Imv, Solenoid Valve Failure;
CA234 Engine Overspeed;
CA234 Engine Speeding;
CA238 Supply Voltage From Speed Sensor Failure;
CA238 The Power Supply Voltage Of The Speed Sensor Failure;
CA2555 Preheat Suction Too High Voltage;
CA2555 Preheat The Intake Is Too High Voltage Fault;
CA2556 Preheat The Intake Low Voltage Fault;
CA2556 Pre-Open The Low Voltage Fault In The Input;
CA271 Imv / Pcv1 Short Circuit;
CA271 Imv/Pcv1 Short Circuit;
CA272 Imv / Pcv1;
CA272 Imv/Pcv1 Circuit;
CA322 Injector Open Circuit, Short Circuit;
CA322 The Nozzle An Open Circuit, Short Circuit Fault;
CA323 Injector, Open Circuit, Short Circuit Failure;
CA323 Nozzle, Open Circuit, Short Circuit Fault;
CA324 Injector, Open Circuit, Short Circuit;
CA324 Nozzle, Open Circuit, Short Circuit Fault;
CA325 Injector, Open Circuit, Short Circuit; Ca435, Engine Oil Pressure Switch Failure;
CA325 Nozzle, Open Circuit, Short Circuit Fault;
CA331 Nozzle Open Circuit, Short Circuit Fault;
CA331 The Nozzle Open Circuit, Short Circuit Fault;
CA332 Injector, Open Circuit, Short Circuit Fault;
CA332 Nozzle, Open Circuit, Short Circuit Fault;
CA342 Correction Code Is Incorrect;
CA342 The Correction Code Is Not Correct;
CA351 Drive Circuit Failure;
CA351 Jet Drive Circuit Failure;
CA352 Sensor Supply Voltage Too Low;
CA352 The Sensor Supply Voltage Is Too Low Failure;
CA386 Sensor Supply Voltage Too High;
CA386 The Sensor Supply Voltage Is Too High Failure;
CA428 Fuel Moisture Sensor Feedback Voltage Is Too High Failure;
CA428 The Feedback Voltage Of The Fuel Moisture Sensor Is Too High;
CA429 The Feedback Voltage Of The Fuel Moisture Sensor Is Too Low;
CA429 The Fuel Moisture Sensor Feedback Voltage Is Too Low Failure;
CA435 Engine Oil Pressure Switch Failure;
CA441 Battery Voltage Too Low;
CA441 The Battery Voltage Is Too Low Failure;
CA442 Battery Voltage Too High;
CA442 The Battery Voltage Is Too High Failure;
CA449 The Common Rail Pressure Is Too High Failure;
CA449 The Total Pressure In The Reservoir Is Too High;
CA451 The Common Rail Pressure Sensor Feedback Value Is Too High Failure;
CA451 The Common Rail Pressure Sensor Feedback Value Is Too Large;
CA452 Common Rail Pressure Sensor Feedback Is Too Low;
CA452 The Common Rail Pressure Sensor Feedback Value Is Too Low Failure;
CA488 Intake Air Temperature Too High (Reduced Torque);
CA488 The Intake Air Temperature Is Too High (Torque Decrease);
CA553 The Common Rail Pressure Is Too High Failure;
CA553 The Total Pressure In The Manifold Is Too High;
CA559 The Common Rail Pressure Is Too Low Failure;
CA559 The Total Pressure In The Manifold Is Too Low;
CA633 Data Transfer To Suspend Failure;
CA633 The Data Transmission To Suspend Failure;
CA689 Engine Crankshaft Speed Sensor Malfunction;
CA689 The Engine Speed Sensor Fault;
CA731 Engine Speed Sensor Signal Phase Failure;
CA731 Spare Engine Speed Sensor Signal Phase Failure;
CA757 All Data Is Lost;
CA757 All Data Lost;
CA778 Spare Engine Sensor Failure;
CA778 Spare Engine Speed Sensor Fault;
D19JKZ Elimination Of Code Personalization;
D19JKZ Personalized Code Conversion Exception;
D862KA Gps Antenna Circuit;
D862KA D862Ka Gps Antenna Diagram;
DA22KK Pump Solenoid Supply Voltage Too Low;
DA22KK Da22Kk Pump Solenoid Valve Power Supply Voltage Is Too Low Failure;
DA25KP Da25Kp 5V Sensor Supply Abnormalities;
DA25KP Da25Kp Sensor Supply Failure 5V;
DA29KQ Abnormal Mode Selection;
DA29KQ Selection Of Abnormal Mode;
DA2RMC Can Open (Display);
DA2RMC Can Open Circuit (Display);
DGH2KB Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor Short Circuit;
DHPAMA Before The Pump Pressure Sensor Is Abnormal;
DHPBMA After The Pump Pressure Sensor Is Abnormal;
DHS3MA Tick To Recover Ppc Abnormal Pressure Sensor;
DHS3MA Tick To Restore An Abnormal Pressure Sensor Ppc;
DHS4MA Ucket Involved In Ppc Abnormal Pressure Sensor;
DHS4MA Ucket Used In An Abnormal Pressure Sensor Ppc;
DHS8MA Oom Enhance Ppc Abnormal Pressure Sensor;
DHS8MA The Boom Amplifies The Abnormal Pressure Sensor Ppc
DHSAMA Turn Right, The Ppc Pressure Sensor Is Abnormal;
DHSAMA Turn To The Right Ppc Pressure Sensor Is Abnormal;
DHSBMA Abnormal Left Turn Of The Pressure Sensor Ppc;
DHSBMA Abnormal Left Turn Ppc Pressure Sensor;
DHSDMA Ucket To Open The Ppc Abnormal Pressure Sensor;
DHSDMA Or Opening An Abnormal Pressure Sensor Ppc;
DHX1MA Abnormal Load Sensor;
DW43KA Running High-Voltage Circuit Of The Electromagnetic Valve Of The Converter;
DW43KA Walking High And Low Speed Converter Solenoid Valve Circuit;
DW43KB Short And Low Solenoid Solenoid Valve Short Circuit;
DW43KB Walking High And Low Speed Conversion Solenoid Valve Short Circuit;
DW45KA Otation To Keep The Solenoid Valve Open Circuit;
DW45KA Otation To Maintain An Open Solenoid Circuit;
DW45KB Otation To Keep The Solenoid Valve Short Circuit;
DW45KB Urn To Ensure A Short Circuit Of The Solenoid Valve;
DW91KA Two Overflow Solenoid Valve Circuit;
DW91KA Two Overflow Solenoid Valve Circuits;
DW91KB Convergence Of The Short Circuit Of The Electromagnetic Valve;
DW91KB Alk Convergence Of Short-Circuit Of The Solenoid Valve;
DWA2KA Spare Solenoid Valve Circuit;
DWA2KB Short Circuit Of The Spare Solenoid Valve;
DWA2KB Spare Solenoid Valve Short Circuit;
DWK0KA Two Overflow Solenoid Valve Circuit;
DWK0KA Two Overflow Solenoid Valve Circuits;
DWK0KB Two Overflow Solenoid Valve Short Circuit;
DWK0KB Two Short-Circuit Overflow Solenoid Valve;
DXA8KA Ormer Pump Pc-Epc Solenoid Valve Circuit;
DXA8KA Ormer Pump Pc-Epc Solenoid Valve;
DXA8KB Ormer Pump Pc-Epc Short Circuit Of The Solenoid Valve;
DXA8KB Ormer Pump Pc-Epc Solenoid Valve Short Circuit;
DXA9KA After The Pc-Epc Solenoid Valve Circuit;
DXA9KA After The Pump Pc-Epc Solenoid Valve Circuit;
DXA9KB After A Short Circuit Of The Pc-Epc Pump Solenoid Valve;
DXA9KB After The Pump Pc-Epc Solenoid Valve Short Circuit;
DXE0KA Ls-Epc Solenoid Valve Circuit;
DXE0KA The Ls-Epc Solenoid Valve Circuit;
DXE0KB Ls-Epc Solenoid Valve Short Circuit;
DXE0KB Dxe0Kb, The Ls-Epc Solenoid Valve Short Circuit;
DXE4KA Emergency Epc Circuit Breaker;
DXE4KA Epc Safety Switch;
DXE4KB Epc Fault Short;
DXE4KB Emergency Epc Short Circuit;
DXE5KA Pump Confluence / Shunt The Main Solenoid Valve Open Circuit;
DXE5KA Pump Starts / Shunts An Open Circuit Of The Main Solenoid Valve;
DXE5KB Merging Or Disabling The Main Short Circuit Of The Solenoid Valve;
DXE5KB Pump Confluence / Diversion Of The Main Solenoid Valve Short Circuit;
DXE6KA Low Voltage Release / Shunt Of The Ls Solenoid Valve;
DXE6KA Pump Confluence / Shunt Ls Electromagnetic Valve Open Circuit;
DXE6KB Fusion / Shunting Ls Short Circuit Of The Solenoid Valve;
DXE6KB Pump Confluence / Shunt Ls Electromagnetic Valve Short Circuit;
DY20KA Is Not Working Properly. , Exclusion Of Parking Dy20Ma;
DY20KA Wiper Not Working Properly. , Dy20Ma Wiper Parking Exception;
DY2CKA Engine Engine;
DY2CKA Washers Motor Circuit;
DY2CKB Motor Shorting Washers.
DY2CKB Washers Motor Short Circuit.
E02 Pc-The Epc System
E03 Swing Parking Brake System
E10 The Engine Controller Power Failure, The Engine Control Drive System Circuit Malfunction (This Engine Stall;
E11 The Engine Control System Failure (Decrease Of Output Power, In Order To Protect The Engine);
E14 The Feedback System Abnormalities;
E15 Engine Sensors (Temperature, Fuel Pressure, Oil Pressure) Fault;
EOE A Network Failure.

Service technicians have no problem recognising breakdowns and carrying out machine diagnostics, Komatsu excavator fault codes list, plus they are familiar with equipment from a variety of manufacturers.

Komatsu PC200-8 / PC200-6 / PC300-6 / PC400-6 / PC200-7 excavator fault code

User code (displayed automatically when there is a fault)

989L00, engine controller lock warning (mode 1).
989M00, engine controller lock warning (mode 2).
989N00, engine controller lock warning (mode 3).

A000N1. Engine overspeed.
A000N2 engine at low idle beyond the ratings.
AA10NX, air filter clogged.
AB00KE, the charging voltage is too low.

B @ BAZG, engine oil pressure is too low.
B @ BAZK, the oil level is too low.
B @ BCNS, engine coolant overheating.
B @ BCZK, the coolant level is too low.
B @ HANS, hydraulic oil overheating.

Service code (the need for switching operation)


CA111, engine controller internal fault.
CA115, engine speed sensor and backup speed sensor failure.
CA122, intake air pressure sensor feedback voltage is too high failure.
CA123, intake air pressure sensor feedback voltage is too low failure.
CA131, throttle plate sensor feedback voltage high failure.
CA132, throttle plate sensor feedback voltage low failure.
CA144, coolant temperature sensor feedback voltage is too high failure.
CA145, coolant temperature sensor feedback voltage is too low failure.
CA153, intake air temperature sensor feedback voltage is too high failure.
CA154, intake air temperature sensor feedback voltage is too low failure.
CA155, intake air temperature is too high (over limit).
CA187, sensor supply two high voltage fault.
CA221, the feedback voltage is too high ambient pressure sensor failure.
CA222, environmental pressure sensor feedback voltage is too low failure.
CA227, sensor supply two high voltage fault.
CA234, engine overspeed.
CA238, speed sensor supply voltage failure.
CA271, IMV / PCV1 short circuit.
CA272, IMV / PCV1 circuit.
CA322, nozzle 1 circuit, short-circuit faults.
CA323, nozzle 5 open circuit, short circuit faults.
CA324, nozzle 3 open circuit, short circuit faults.
CA325, nozzle 6 circuit, short-circuit faults.
CA331, nozzle 2 open circuit, short circuit faults.
CA332, nozzle 4 circuit, short-circuit faults.
CA342, the correction code is incorrect.
CA351, jet drive circuit failure.
CA352, sensor supply voltage is too low failure.
CA386, sensor supply voltage is too high failure.
CA428, fuel moisture sensor feedback voltage is too high failure.
CA429, fuel moisture sensor feedback voltage is too low failure.
CA435, engine oil pressure switch failure.
CA441, the battery voltage is too low failure.
CA442, the battery voltage is too high failure.
CA449, common rail high pressure failure.
CA451, rail pressure sensor feedback value is too high failure.
CA452, rail pressure sensor feedback value is too low failure.
CA488, intake air temperature is too high (torque reduction).
CA553, common rail high pressure failure.
CA559, common rail pressure is too low failure.
CA689, engine speed sensor fault.
CA731, spare engine speed sensor signal phase fault.
CA757, all data is lost.
CA778, spare engine speed sensor fault.
CA633, data transport suspend failure.
CA2185, throttle plate supply voltage is too high failure.
CA2186, throttle plate supply voltage is too low failure.
CA2249, common rail pressure is too low failure.
CA2311, IMV solenoid valve failure.
CA2555, intake air preheating voltage is too high failure.
CA2556, preheat intake low voltage fault.

D19JKZ, personalized transcoding exception.
D862KA, GPS antenna circuit.
DA22KK, pump solenoid valve power supply voltage is too low failure.
DA25KP, 5V sensor supply is abnormal.
DA29KQ, mode selection error.
DA2RMC, CAN circuit (monitor).
DGH2KB, hydraulic oil temperature sensor short circuit.
DHPAMA, before the pump pressure sensor is abnormal.
DHPBMA, the pump pressure sensor is abnormal.
DHS3MA, PPC stick back pressure sensor is abnormal.
DHS4MA, bucket involved in PPC pressure sensor anomaly.
DHS8MA, Boom PPC pressure sensor anomaly.
DHSAMA, turning right PPC pressure sensor anomaly.
DHSBMA, turning left PPC pressure sensor anomaly.
DHSDMA, bucket open PPC pressure sensor anomaly.
DHX1MA, load sensor is abnormal.
DW43KA, walking high and low conversion solenoid valve circuit.
DW43KB, walking high and low conversion solenoid shorted.
DW45KA, rotary solenoid valves keep breaking.
DW45KB, rotary holding solenoid valve is shorted.
DW91KA, two overflow solenoid valve circuit.
DW91KB, walking bus solenoid shorted.
DWA2KA, spare solenoid valve circuit.
DWA2KB, spare solenoid shorted.
DWK0KA, two overflow solenoid valve circuit.
DWK0KB, two overflow solenoid shorted.
DXA8KA, before the pump PC-EPC solenoid valve circuit.
DXA8KB, before the pump PC- EPC solenoid shorted.
DXA9KA, after the pump PC-EPC solenoid valve circuit.
DXA9KB, after the pump PC-EPC solenoid shorted.
DXE0KA, LS-EPC solenoid valve circuit.
DXE0KB, LS-EPC solenoid shorted.
DXE4KA, emergency EPC circuit breaker.
DXE4KB, emergency EPC circuit.
DXE5KA, pumps merging / diverging main solenoid valve circuit.
DXE5KB, pump confluence / diverging main solenoid valve is shorted.
DXE6KA, pump confluence / LS solenoid valve shunt circuit.
DXE6KB, pump confluence / shunt LS solenoid shorted.
DY20KA, wiper not working.
DY20MA, wiper parked exception.
DY2CKA, spray motor circuit.
DY2CKB, spray motor shorted.

E01, HYPER system in automatic mode systems.
E02, PC-EPC system.
E03, Swing parking brake system.
E04, HYPER system joystick-bit systems.
E05, governor motor system.
E06, HYPER system EPC solenoid valve drive system.
E08, DK10KZ. Throttle potentiometer failure.
E09, HYPER-GX system shutdown. CALL, HYPER joystick and EPC solenoid valve drive system.
E10, engine controller power failure, the engine control drive system circuit fault (this engine is stopped. E11, engine control system failure (reduction of output power, to protect the engine).
E14, feedback system abnormalities.
E15, engine sensors (temperature, fuel pressure, oil pressure) fault.
EOE, network failure.
E101, fault history exception.
E102, clock data anomalies.
E103, buzzer output short circuit, buzzer driving harness contact with the 24V power cable.
E104, air filter clogging.
E108, the water temperature above 105 ℃.
E112, wiper motor drive forward system shorted (new).
E113, reversing wiper motor drive system short-circuit (new).
E114, spray drive circuit shorted (new).
E202, LS select solenoid valve circuit.
E203, Swing parking brake solenoid valve circuit.
E204, pump confluence / bypass solenoid valve circuit.
E205, two overflow solenoid circuit.
E206, walking speed converter solenoid circuit.
E207, fast mode solenoid valve circuit.
E208, fast mode solenoid circuit breaker.
E213, Swing parking brake solenoid valve circuit breaker.
E214, pump confluence / diverter solenoid circuit breaker.
E215, two overflow solenoid circuit breaker.
E216, walking speed converter solenoid circuit.
E207, fast mode solenoid valve circuit.
E208, fast mode solenoid circuit breaker.
E213, Swing parking brake solenoid valve circuit breaker.
E214, pump confluence / diverter solenoid circuit breaker.
E215, two overflow solenoid circuit breaker.
E216, walking speed converter solenoid circuit breaker.
E217, mode selection input fault.
E218, the network in response to a timeout failure.
E222, LS-EPC solenoid circuit.
E223, LS-EPC solenoid circuit breaker.
E224, before the pump pressure sensor circuit is abnormal.
E225, the pump pressure sensor circuit is abnormal.
E226, pressure sensor circuit power anomalies.
E227, the engine speed sensor is abnormal.
E231, activation (rotary) solenoid circuit.
E232, before the pump TVC solenoid circuit shorted (old).
E233, before the pump TVC solenoid circuit breaker (old).
E225, the pump pressure sensor circuit is abnormal.
E226, pressure sensor circuit power anomalies.
E227, the engine speed sensor is abnormal.
E231, activation (rotary) solenoid circuit.
E232, before the pump TVC solenoid circuit shorted (old).
E233, before the pump TVC solenoid circuit breaker (old).
E235, activation (rotary) solenoid circuit breaker
E236, the pump solenoid circuit shorted TVC
E237, the pump TVC solenoid circuit breaker
E302, rotary stroke control solenoid circuit shorted
E303, rotary stroke control solenoid circuit breaker
E306, feedback potentiometer circuit abnormalities.
E308, fuel dial input anomalies.
E313, Automatic for the fat controller failure (optional)
E315, the battery relay output short circuit
E316, governor motor disorders.
E317, governor motor circuit breaker
E318, governor motor short circuit
E501 mode selection function is not set Error
E502 DA20KT governor pump control data anomalies.
E511 boom angle sensor short circuit.

Komatsu PC200-8, PC200LC-8

CA111, EMC critical internal faults.
CA115, Ne and engine speed sensor fault.
CA122, high pressure pneumatic pressure sensor fault.
CA123, Low inflation pressure sensor fault.
CA131, high pressure throttle sensor fault.
CA132, Low throttle sensor fault.
CA144, high pressure coolant temperature sensor fault.
CA145, Low coolant temperature sensor fault.
CA153, high pressure pneumatic temperature sensor fault.
CA154, low pressure pneumatic temperature sensor fault.
CA155, high-speed inflatable temperature drops.
CA187, sensor supply two low voltage fault.
CA221, environmental pressure sensor high voltage fault.
CA222, Low ambient pressure sensor fault.
CA227, sensor supply two high voltage fault.
CA234, engine overspeed.
CA238, Ne speed sensor supply voltage failure.
CA271, IMV / PCV1 short circuit fault.
CA272, IMV / PCV1 open fault.
CA322, # 1 Injector (L # 1) open / short fault.
CA323, # 5 Injector (L # 5) open / short fault.
CA324, # 3 Injector (L # 3) open / short fault.
CA325, # 6 Injector (L # 6) open / short fault.
CA331, # 2 Injector (L # 2) open / short fault.
CA332, # 4 Injector (L # 4) open / short fault.

Error Codes for PC400-7, 400LC-7 Electrical Equipment
Error code electrical equipment [E112] (Short circuit in the circuit of the normal rotation of the electric wiper) 20-306
Electrical equipment error code [E113] (Short circuit in the reverse rotation of the electric wiper drive) 20-308
Electrical equipment error code [E114] (Short circuit in the circuit of the electric windshield washer) 20-310
Electrical equipment error code [E115] (Violations in the movement of the windscreen wiper) 20-312
Electrical equipment error code [Е116] (Malfunction of the wiper retractor mechanism) 20-314
Electrical Equipment Error Code [E201] (Short Circuit in Solenoid Blocking Solenoid Valve) 20-322
Electrical equipment error code [Е203] (Short circuit in the solenoid valve circuit of the platform turning brake) 20-324
Electrical equipment error code [Е204] (Short circuit in the circuit of the solenoid valve of the flow divider) 20-326
Electrical equipment error code [Е205] (Short circuit in a two-stage electromagnetic unloading valve) 20-327
Error code electrical equipment [E206] (Short circuit in the circuit of the solenoid valve switching speed range of movement) 20-328
Electrical equipment error code [Е211] (Open circuit of the electromagnetic valve blocking movement) 20-329
Electrical equipment error code [Е213] (Open circuit in the solenoid valve of the platform rotation brake) 20-330
Electrical equipment error code [Е214] (Open circuit in the solenoid valve of the flow divider) 20-332
Electrical equipment error code [Е215] (Open circuit in a two-stage electromagnetic unloading valve) 20-333
Electrical equipment error code [Е216] (Open circuit in the solenoid valve for switching the speed range of movement) 20-334
Electrical equipment error code [E217] (Malfunction in the model code entry scheme) 20-336
Electrical equipment error code [E218] (S-NET block open circuit) 20-338
Electrical equipment error code [Е222] (Short circuit in the solenoid LS-EPC) 20-340
Electrical equipment error code [Е223] (Open circuit in the solenoid LS-EPC) 20-341
Electrical Equipment Error Code [E224] (Front Pump Pressure Sensor Malfunction) 20-342
Electrical equipment error code [E225] (Malfunction of the rear pump pressure sensor) 20-344
Electrical equipment error code [E226] (Malfunction in pressure sensor power supply circuit) 20-346
Electrical equipment error code [E227] (Motor speed sensor malfunction) 20-348
Electrical equipment error code [Е228] (Short circuit in the circuit of the switching relay of the auxiliary equipment) 20-349
Electrical equipment error code [Е232] (Short circuit in solenoid circuit PC-EPC) 20-350
Electrical equipment error code [Е233] (Open circuit in the solenoid circuit PC-EPC) 20-352
Electrical equipment error code [Е238] (Open circuit in the auxiliary work equipment switching relay circuit) 20-354
Electrical equipment error code [Е245] (Short circuit in the EPC solenoid circuit regulating the flow of oil to the additional working equipment) 20-356
Electrical equipment error code [Е246] (Short circuit in the EPC solenoid circuit that regulates the flow of oil to the additional working equipment) 20-357
Electrical equipment error code [E247] (Malfunction of the pressure sensor PPC handle in the FOLDING mode) 20-358
Electrical equipment error code [E248] (Malfunction of the pressure sensor PPC bucket in the FOLDING mode) 20-360
Electrical equipment error code [E257] (Malfunction of the communication channel with the pump) 20-362
Electrical equipment error code [E315] (Short circuit in the output circuit of the battery relay) 20-364
Electrical equipment error code [Е91В] (Motor sensor Ne fault) 20-366
Electrical equipment error code [Е91С] (Motor sensor G malfunction) 20-367
Electrical equipment error code [Е920] (Error selecting engine type) 20-368
Electrical equipment error code [Е921] (Engine type mismatch) 20-370
Electrical equipment error code [Е931] (Error in the fuel control circuit) 20-372
Electrical equipment error code [Е934] (Malfunction in the engine coolant high temperature sensor circuit) 20-374
Electrical equipment error code [Е936] (Malfunction in the engine oil pressure switch circuit) 20-376
Electrical equipment error code [Е93С] (Malfunction in the charge pressure sensor circuit) 20-378
Electrical equipment error code [E93D] (Malfunction in the engine fuel temperature sensor circuit) 20-380
Electrical equipment error code [E953] (Malfunction in the communication channel with the engine) 20-382
Electrical equipment error code [E954] (Short circuit in the starting switch circuit) 20-384
Electrical equipment error code [Е955] (S-NET unit malfunction) 20-386
Error code electrical equipment [E956] (loss of engine power (1)) 20-388
Error code electrical equipment [E957] (loss of engine power (2)) 20-390
Electrical equipment error code [Е95А] (Error in the fuel injection regulator circuit) 20-392
Electrical equipment error code [Е96А] (Error in the engine coolant low temperature sensor circuit) 20-394
Electrical equipment error code [Е970] (Solenoid PCV1 overcurrent) 20-396
Electrical equipment error code [Е971] (Overcurrent of solenoid PCV2) 20-397
Electrical equipment error code [Е974] (Open circuit of the solenoid PCV1) 20-398
Electrical equipment error code [Е975] (Open circuit of the solenoid PCV2) 20-399
Electrical equipment error code [Е977] (Malfunction in the circuit of the pressure sensor of the injection high pressure fuel line) 20-400
Electrical equipment error code [Е979] (High pressure fuel injection line) 20-402
Electrical equipment error code [Е97А] (Unintended pressure in high pressure fuel supply line) 20-402
Electrical equipment error code [Е97В] (Low pressure in the injection fuel line) 20-403
Electrical equipment error code [E97С] (Excessively low pressure in the high pressure fuel injection line) 20-405
Electrical equipment error code [Е97D] (pressure in the high pressure fuel injection pipe is not adjustable) 20-405
Electrical equipment error code [Е980] (Motor controller malfunction) 20-406
Electrical equipment error code [Е981] (Open circuit of the fuel injector 1) 20-408
Electrical equipment error code [Е982] (Open circuit of the fuel injector 2) 20-409
Electrical equipment error code [Е983] (Open circuit of the fuel injector 3) 20-410
Electrical equipment error code [Е984] (Open circuit of the fuel injector 4) 20-411
Electrical equipment error code [Е985] (Open circuit of the fuel injector 5) 20-412
Error code of electrical equipment Е986 (Open circuit of the fuel injector 6) 20-413
Electrical equipment error code [Е98А] (Short circuit in fuel injector circuits 1 – 3) 20-414
Electrical equipment error code [Е98В] (Short circuit in the fuel injector 4 – 6 circuits) 20-416
Mechanical system fault code [A000N2] (Engine speed is below standard) 20-418
Mechanical system malfunction code [A000N1] (Engine speed is above standard) 20-418
Mechanical system malfunction code [AA10NX] (Clogged air cleaner) 20-420
Mechanical System DTC [AB00KE] (Low Voltage Charging) 20-422
Mechanical system fault code [B @ BAZG] (Low engine oil pressure) 20-424
Mechanical system fault code [B @ BAZK] (Low engine oil level) 20-426
Mechanical System DTC [B @ BCNS] (Engine Coolant Overheated) 20-427
Mechanical system fault code [B @ BCZK] (Low engine coolant level) 20-428
Mechanical system fault code [B @ HANS] (Hydraulic oil overheated) 20-429

The diagnosis tool Komatsu excavator fault codes list for trucks provides different possibilities such as information on the use and location of the connectors, detection and description of errors, activation of the fan, compression test and other components, system data information and more.

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