Cydia impactor ошибка при установке

An error is something which will generate the difference between computed and correct value. For example, while using Cydia Impactor, you may face runtime error, http-win.cpp158, cydia impactor error 173 or any of such errors. These errors cause a significant delay for a human to get work finished. It is a natural behavior to become frustrated when such errors are not getting fixed.

In this article, we have provided almost all kinds of errors you may face while using Cydia Impactor. You will get the cause of particular cydia impactor error along with its solution. Just stick with the post, and get your error solved. 🙂

Cydia Impactor Errors and Solution

If you fail to solve encountered cydia impactor error while sideloading, you can try cydia impactor alternatives.

1. Cydia Impactor runtime error

cydia impactor error


  • runtime error!
  • This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.


  • Install Visual C++ Redistribution latest version.

2. installation.cpp:42 error

provision cpp 173


  • cydia impactor installation.cpp:42
  • The system version is lower than the minimum OS version specified for_directory
  • File : installation.cpp;line:42;what:
    Failed to verify code signature of
    /private/var/installd/Library/Caches/ executable was signed with invalid entitlements.)

Solution 1:

  • It may be caused by dragging IPA zip file directly to Cydia Impactor. Try to extract at the desktop and then drag it to the software.
  • Try your luck with VPN for making an attempt with a different region.
  • Utilize another tool for signing IPA file and sideload that signed IPA using Impactor. One of the community members used iOS App Signer to resign yalu.ipa and installed with the latest Impactor, it worked!

Solution 2:

The majority of community members are facing the same issue while using Cydia Impactor. Trying out available different solutions are not leading users to walk away without cydia impactor 42 error. But it can be 100% resolved with the following method where impactor won’t be our handy tool.

  1. Go to from your Safari browser.
  2. Type unc0ver -new beta in the search bar.
  3. Upon finding the same, click on Get and let it install the app.
  4. Disable Reload System Daemons and enable Reinstall Cydia
  5. Now perform jailbreak. (Perform multiple attempts if necessary)

You are welcome. 😉

3. installation.cpp:51 error


  • cydia impactor installation.cpp.51
  • ipa does not support


  • Upgrading iOS version will solve the error.

4. lockdown.cpp:57 error

lockdown cpp 57


  • file: lockdown.cpp; line: 57; what:LOCKDOWN_E_INVALID_CONF


  1. Kill the Cydia Impactor, turn off the WiFi on your iPhone and run the impactor again.
  2. Tap on “Trust” on your iPhone while you connect your device to the computer.
  3. Simple download and install the latest iTunes and sign in using your Apple credentials.

5. provision.cpp:62 error

provision cpp 62


  • cydia impactor provision.cpp:62


  • Repeat installation of IPA continuously
  • Disable “Search for iPhone” by navigating Setting >> iCloud

6. provision.cpp:68 error


  • cydia impactor provision.cpp:68


  • Agree with the terms by visiting developer section of apple:

7. provision.cpp:71 error

cydia impactor zip cpp 557 cannot unzip


  • cydia impactor provision.cpp:71


  • It is probably occurring because you are having a similar app on your iOS device.

8. provision.cpp:80 error

cydia impactor provision cpp 81


  • cydia impactor provision.cpp:80
  • You already have a current iOS development certificate pr pending certificate request.


lockdown cpp 57

  • There may be a problem with the certificate causing such action. Navigate to Xcode >> Revoke Certificates. Enter your Apple ID and password and revoke the certificate.

9. provision.cpp:81 error


  • file:provision.cpp;line:81;what:ios/addAppld=9313
    The “Network Extensions” feature is only available to users enrolled in Apple Developer Program. Please visit to enroll.


  • Utilize revoke certificate along with cydia impactor as demonstrated for 80 error.
  • Create a new apple id and use it while cydia impactor asks. This will solve the actual issue.

10. provision.cpp:150 error


  • provision.cpp:150 or provisoin.cpp:168
  • Your Apple ID or password was entered incorrectly


  • It may be because of invalid login credentials. However, if it does not disappear, go to and generate an app-specific password. You can follow our video guide.

11. provision.cpp:158 error


  • provision.cpp:158
  • peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates


  • It seems you haven’t followed our simple guide of installing IPA file on iOS. After drag and drop task, you need to allow unknown certificate. Follow Setting >> General >>Device Management >> Your Installed IPA >> Trust. You can always follow our video guide.

12. provision.cpp:159 error


  • provision.cpp:159


  • High probability of facing this error may be the older version of Cydia Impactor. Download and install latest Cydia Impactor.

13. provision.cpp:160 error


  • provision.cpp:160
  • http-win.cpp:160


  • It encounters because of improper internet connection. For removing this cydia impactor error, ensure you are connected to the internet with the firewall. If you’re using VPN, disable it.

14. provision.cpp:168 error


  • provision.cpp:168
  • You already have a current iOS Development certificate or a pending certificate request


  1. Utilize App-Specific Password: This is the same method that we used to eliminate cydia impactor エラー 173. However, go through our video tutorial.
  2. Revoke Certificates: Navigate to Cydia Impactor > Xcode > Revoke Certificates. Enter your Apple ID and password and hit enter. You will get “revoked 1 certificate” message on the screen. Now, try reinstalling your IPA file.
  3. Create a New Apple ID: There might be the possibility of getting this error because of your Apple ID. Create a brand new Apple ID and try sideloading your IPA package.
  4. Install Package Manually: If you are still unable to install the desired app, go to Device > Install Package and pick up your downloaded IPA file. This should remove the cydia impactor 168 error.
  5. Computer Diversification:  At last, give another computer a chance as some existing installed software may be acting as a barrier for this impactor error.

15. provision.cpp:173 error

provision.cpp173 error


  • provision.cpp; line: 173; what:
    Please sign in with an app-specific password


  • As the error depicts, you need enter an app-specific password while sideloading IPA files instead of your Apple ID password. Go to, log in using your Apple ID credentials and generate an app-specific password. Use it when you drag IPA on cydia impactor.
  • Alternatively, you can just create a new Apple ID and give it a shot. This should eliminate cydia impactor 173 error.
  • If it still appears, try disabling two-factor authentification and make an attempt using your existing Apple ID password.

16. http-win, cpp; line 182

cydia impactor error 182


  • file: http-win.cpp; line 182; what: Problem with ssl ca cert (path? access rights?)
  • file:http-win, cpp; line 182; what;SSL connect error
    gnutls_handshake() failed: Error in the pull function.


  • Menu >> Impactor >> Insecure SSL. (It will change your insecure ssl setting and error will be resolved.)
  • Check if you have a double certificate. Turn it off and give it a go. It is worth a shot for cydia impactor 182 error.

17. provision.cpp:698 error


  • provision.cpp.698


  • It appears when Cydia Impactor doesn’t detect iOS device properly. Remove USB cable and reboot iPhone once. Reinstall iTunes and then follow the entire procedure.

18. impactor.cpp:637 error


  • impactor.cpp:637
  • error:desktop.cpp:314


  •  The simplest solution is to install iTunes that you probably forgot to install earlier.

19. zip.cpp:311 error


  • .zip.cpp:311
  • .zip.cpp:420


  • Your downloaded IPA file may be corrupted which is causing this issue. Download IPA file again from any trusted source.

20. ipa.cpp:456


  • ipa.cpp:456


  • It is because of the lack of .app/info.plist. Find the file and replace it.

21. zip.cpp:557 error


  • zip.cpp:557
  • Not a zip archive


  • The primary reason behind appearing this error is an improper archive of the original IPA file or download may be interrupted. Download it again or try out another IPA provider and sideload again.

22. file: zip.cpp; line: 597


  • file: zip.cpp; line: 597
  • premature ends error


  • Restart the OS and try again.
  • If still error occurs, download Cydia impactor 0.9.45 and try again.

23. provision.cpp; line: 81 (Xcode 7.3)


file: provision.cpp; line: 81; what:

ios/listAllDevelopmentCerts = 3018
Please update to Xcode 7.3 or later to continue developing with your Apple ID


This is causing a lot of trouble due to core changes from Apple. Well, the backend has to be changed to get rid of this and there has not been any permanent fix so far. But in the meantime, you can fulfill your requirements using available spoofers or provision.

  1. Install IPAs using Windows-based 3Utools
  2. Use Apple Premium Developer Accounts

This issue is expected to be solved within this December itself.

Cydia Impactor Error 173 Solution

Приложения, которые не разрешены на iPhone, не могут быть установлены напрямую, но их можно установить с использованием Cydia Impactor. Однако, иногда в Cydia Impactor возникают некоторые проблемы при установке приложения.  Ошибки возникают, когда мы пытаемся установить приложение на iPhone с помощью файла IPA. Ошибка отображается с сообщением «provision.cpp: 71» (ошибка 71 cydia impactor), и «provision.cpp: 81» (ошибка 81 cydia impactor).


  • 1 Как исправить ошибку 81/71 «Cydia Extender provision.cpp:81/provision.cpp:71»?
    • 1.1 Проверка и подтверждение выдачи сертификатов
    • 1.2 Установка файла IPA с использованием опции пакета
    • 1.3 Создать новый пароль для конкретного приложения

Как исправить ошибку 81/71 «Cydia Extender provision.cpp:81/provision.cpp:71»?

Хороший, старый, простой джейлбрейк ушел в прошлое. С современным джейлбрейком возникает множество проблем.

Если Вы столкнулись с раздражающей ошибкой  provision.cpp:81/provision.cpp:71 в Cydia Extender в самое неподходящий момент, не нужно паниковать или беспокоиться, так как эту проблему можно легко исправить с помощью простого трюка.

ошибка 81 cydia impactor

ошибка 81 cydia impactor

Проверка и подтверждение выдачи сертификатов

Первый метод – проверка и подтверждение сертификатов. Иногда бывает, что файл IPA, который мы пытаемся установить, не имеет достаточного разрешения для установки на iPhone. Файл требует наличия соответствующих сертификатов.

Сydia impactor ошибка provision cpp 81/71, вот как исправить:

1. Прежде всего, вам нужно будет подключить устройство к компьютеру с помощью обычного USB-кабеля.

2. Запустите последнюю версию Cydia Impactor на компьютере с ОС Windows или Mac. В приложение Cydia Impactor, нажмите на Xcode.

3. В этом меню, выберите отозвать сертификаты. (Revoke Certificates)

ошибка 81 cydia impactor

4. Он попросит вас предоставить свой Apple ID и пароль.

5. Напишите свой Apple ID и нажмите «ОК».

6. Теперь попробуйте повторно установить приложение, используя файл IPA в Cydia Impactor.

В большинстве случаев это простой процесс, вы должны исправить provision.cpp: 81/provision.cpp: 71 сообщения об ошибке отображающего при использовании Cydia Extender. Отменив сертификаты через Cydia Impactor с устройством,  должно обеспечить решение проблемы.

Установка файла IPA с использованием опции пакета

Способ заключается в установке IPA с использованием опции пакета. Иногда, если вы не можете установить файл IPA на свой iPhone, вы можете попробовать вариант пакета для его установки. Если у вас все еще вылазит ошибка, вы можете повторить этот процесс два или три раза, и он, надеюсь, будет работать.

Для этого выполните описанный ниже процесс:

1. Откройте Cydia Impactor и выберите опцию «Устройство» в верхнем меню.

2. Теперь найдите файл IPA приложения, которое вы хотите установить на свое устройство.

3. Далее выберите приложение и запустите процесс установки.

ошибка 81 cydia impactor

Создать новый пароль для конкретного приложения

Третий способ – создать новый пароль для конкретного приложения. Специальный пароль для приложения позволяет иметь доступ пользователю только к этому приложению. Разные типы паролей могут быть установлены в приложениях по соображению безопасности. Если вы уже установили специальный пароль для приложения, вам придется его изменить.

Для того чтобы изменить пароль, выполните следующие действия.

1. Откройте веб-браузер и перейдите на официальный веб-сайт Apple.

2. Ведите свой Apple ID и пароль.

3. Прокрутите вниз до конца, и вы увидите параметр безопасности.

4. Нажмите на нее, чтобы изменить настройки пароля.

5. Теперь вы можете удалить предыдущий пароль для конкретного приложения и установить новый пароль.

6. В конце концов, используйте этот специальный пароль для Cydia Impactor.

ошибка 159 Cydia Impactor

Это устранит большинство проблем, связанных с установкой приложений, используя файл IPA.

Мы надеемся, что это руководство помогло вам исправить проблемы с Cydia Impactor. Попробуйте воспользоваться некоторыми из этих методов, если вы хотите исправить ошибку Cydia Impactor ..cpp: 71 и provision.cpp: 81 (ошибка 81 cydia impactor).

As you may already know, Apple devices don’t allow users to install third-party apps. The iOS devices are restricted to only download and install apps from the Apple Store which may be quite frustrating for some users. This is where Cydia Impactor proves useful by enabling iOS users to install third-party apps by jailbreaking.

Cydia Impactor tool is available on the web for free for iOS users to access those apps and games unavailable on Apple Store. However, like most technologies (if not all), Cydia Impactor gives its users errors along the way. Many users encounter errors while using the tool. One of the Cydia Impactor errors is provision.cpp:71. Luckily, we have found some actions you can take to fix this error.

The Cydia Impactor error message provision.cpp:71 ios/submitDevelopmentCSR=7460. You already have a current iOS Development certificate or a pending certificate request occurs when the iOS development certificates used to sideload IPA files are conflicting. This makes Cydia Impactor unable to sign thus throwing the error.

Solving the “installer.cpp:71 error”

You can try the following to fix the error:

1. Remove the older versions

When you are trying to install a third-party app via Cydia impactor and encounter the installer.cpp:71 error message, it may be due to the existence of an older version of the same app on your iOS device. This leads to the certificate signing issue leading to the error, preventing you from going further.

To fix this, you should first remove the older version of the app you want from your iOS device. Thereafter, try installing the app again.

Read Also: How to use Cydia impactor to install unsigned apps

2. Find and remove the similar app

Sometimes, the error occurs when the app you are trying to install is the same as the one already installed on your iOS device, although with a different name.

If that’s the case, you just have to ensure that there are no such apps available on your device to fix the installer.cpp:71 error.

3. Revoke certificates

Revoking certificates can also help to fix the provision installer.cpp:71 error. To do it:

  • Open Cydia Impactor on your computer
  • Navigate to Xcode and click on it
  • Click on Revoke certificates
  • Enter your Apple ID and
  • Click on Enter. Cydia Impactor will connect to Apple.

All the development certificates will be revoked. Try installing the app you want thereafter.

Read Also: Fix please update to Xcode 7.3 impactor error

If all the above fixes don’t work, try the following:

  1. Check that you are running the latest Cydia Impactor version, if not, update
  2. Set up a second Apple ID. This generates a new signing profile plus a new developer certificate.
  3. If you have two-factor authentication (2FA) in your Apple ID, create an app-specific password that you will use with that ID.
  4. Instead of dragging and dropping the IPA file on Cydia Impactor;
    • Click on Device menu
    • Select install package
    • Click the IPA file that is to be sideloaded.

Hopefully, the above fixes will help you in case you encounter the provision.cpp:71 error. Feel free to share your own experiences about the same in the comments section below.

Read Also: Fixing Cydia impactor error http-win.cpp 160


Alex is an IT technician who shares his experiences with Apple devices occasionally. He has a collection of Apple devices (from iPhone 4) and has recently started trying out Android.
IG: @I M_Alex

We know that Cydia Impactor is an app that can install any app on your iPhone using Windows or Mac. The apps which are not allowed on iPhone and cannot be installed directly can be installed using Cydia Impactor. However, sometimes, Cydia Impactor causes some problems while installing an app. The errors come while we are trying to install an app on an iPhone using the IPA file. The error shows with a message “provision.cpp:71” and sometimes it comes with message “provision.cpp:81”.

provision.cpp:81 error

Many problems can cause these error messages. Here is how to fix Cydia Impactor error provision.cpp:71 and provision.cpp:81.

provision cpp 81 error

If you are having these problems with your Cydia Impactor, you are not alone. Don’t worry about it as you can easily fix Cydia Impactor error provision.cpp:71 and provision.cpp:81. You will have to take care of a few things that might cause these problems.

Method #1: Install IPA File Using Package Option

The first method is to installing IPA using the package option. Sometimes, if you are not able to install the IPA file on your iPhone, you can try package option to install it. If you are having problems yet, you can repeat this process for two or three times and it will hopefully work. To do this, follow the process below.

  1. Open Cydia Impactor and click on Device option from top menu.
  2. Now locate the IPA file of the app which you want to install on your device.
  3. Now select it and start the process.

fix provision cpp 81 error

Method #2: Create a New App Specific Password

The second method is about creating a new app specific password. An app specific password allows the app to have access by the user for just that app. User can put a specific password that can provide you access to the app. These types of passwords can be set on apps for security reasons. If you have already set an app specific password, you will have to change it. To change the password, follow the steps below.

  1. Open your web browser and go to Apple’s original website.
  2. Sign into your Apple ID and password.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom and you will see security option in the last.
  4. Click on it to edit the security settings.
  5. Now you can delete the previous app specific password and can set a new password.
  6. Eventually, use that app specific password in the Cydia Impactor.

provision cpp 71 error

This will fix most of the problems regarding the installation of an app using the IPA file.

Method #3: Check and Confirm Revoke Certificates

The third method is about checking and confirming revoke certificates. Sometimes, it happens that the IPA file we are trying to install has not enough permission to be installed on the iPhone. The file requires proper revoke certificates to be installed. You can do this task by following the method below.

  1. Open Cydia Impactor and click on Xcode from the top menu.
  2. Now select the Revoke Certificates options from the list.
  3. It will ask you to provide your Apple ID and password.
  4. Put your Apple ID and click OK.
  5. Now try re installing the app using IPA file from Cydia Impactor.

We hope that this guide will help you to fix Cydia Impactor problems. Try some of these methods if you want to fix Cydia Impactor error provision.cpp:71 and provision.cpp:81.

No technology is complete without giving its users some error message or codes along the way.

In this case, I’m talking about Cydia Impactor.

While it’s no technology device, this utility is critical to a lot of iOS users, especially the ones that do not have a jailbroken iPhone or iPad.

In fact:

Even if you have a jailbroken iOS device, the Cydia Impactor tool can really be helpful as we all know AppSync Unified still hasn’t been updated for iOS 10.

Good News! Version 6.0~b1 now works on iOS 10!

Plus, many of our tutorials here have Cydia Impactor as a prerequisite before proceeding further into the instructions.

That being said, if you ever run into any issues with this tool, the list below will get you out of it.

cydia impactor error 42 image


A user recently reported this error message to me as he tried to use Cydia Impactor on his Mac and it shows:

http-sox.cpp:133 An SSL error has occurred, and a secure connection to the server cannot be made

…after he entered his Apple ID credentials.

I didn’t personally experience this trouble, so the following fix was contributed by a user from Reddit.

  1. Force close Cydia Impactor
  2. Launch iTunes and sync your device
  3. Quit iTunes and re-open Cydia Impactor
  4. Try to sideload your iOS app again


We just talked about an SSL error in Cydia Impactor, so mind as well mentions another one.

Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates. SSL certificate problem: self-signed certificate in the certificate chain

Lucky for you, this problem can be solved without having to do much. Saurik just updated his tool to address to issue. All you have to do is uninstall your current version and click here to download the latest update of Cydia Impactor.


If you see a popup that says,


An invalid value ‘CY- mach_portal’ was provided for the parameter ‘appIdName

Then you might want to also upgrade your Cydia Impactor to the newest version.


Unlike other errors, this one actually gives you an explanation that’s easy to understand. If you didn’t catch it, I would repeat it again.

The system version is lower than the minimum OS version specified for bundle…

In other words, your iPhone or iPad isn’t running on one of the iOS version that’s compatible with the iOS app. The best thing to do is upgrade your firmware.

Alternative fix if extra_recipe is refusing to install.

  1. Unzip the IPA
  2. Navigate to Payload > extra_recipe > Select show package contents > Payload > Info.plist
  3. Change MinimumOSVersion to 10.0.0
  4. Compress the Payload file
  5. Change its extension from .ZIP to .IPA
  6. Now try again using Cydia Impactor. Thanks /u/System0verlord


Here’s the full log:

ipa.cpp 179 application already installed as incompatible team

If you encountered this problem while re-jailbreaking your home depot jailbreak or yalu, then the best thing to do is remove either app from your iOS device and then try again.


Sounds a bit extreme, isn’t it?



Don’t worry; I had this issue before in Cydia Impactor. The way I troubleshoot this problem was super easy.

Disconnect your device from the computer. On your iPhone, go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Location and Privacy. Plug your device back to the computer and open iTunes. On your iPhone screen, it should have a popup with the “Trust” button on it, tap on that and you can use Cydia Impactor again.

The lockdown:57 error will eventually go away.

Note: If you received this error while running iOS 11, it means that Cydia Impactor is not compatible with your firmware yet. To learn more about that, read this article.


provision.cpp:62 _assert(response.head[“content-type”] == “text/x-xml-plist”)

The fix for this error is quite weird if you ask me. Just keep entering your Apple Id and password until the error no longer appears.

But many times? Several users reported that it took them about 5 – 10 tries until Impactor would start working again.


Someone on Twitter recently reached out to me and asked about an error in Cydia Impactor called provision.cpp:71. Although upgrading to the latest version will not help you resolve this issue, we have found a way to fix it.


You already have a current iOS Development certificate or pending certificate request.

This Cydia Impactor Error is one that has been popping up a lot lately.

Here’s a quick excerpt from the detailed guide on how to fix it this Cydia error:

  1. Launch Cydia Impactor on your Mac or Windows computer
  2. Click Revoke Certificates under the Xcode menu
  3. Enter your Apple ID


./plist.hpp:92 _assert(plist_get_node_type(plist) == PLIST_STRING)

Technically this is an error, but it won’t prevent Impactor from installing the app on your device. In fact, once you see the hpp:92 warning, it means the app has been successfully installed.

Just open your iPhone and check if the application is there. In most cases, it should.


When you install an IPA through Cydia Impactor, it will show a progress bar to let you know the current installation status. At some point in time, you might be stuck at “PreflightingApplication.” This means your iOS device and the sideload apps you’re trying to use are incompatible with each other.

For example, you can’t install a Pangu jailbreak on a 32-bit device. To solve this issue, you will have to download the right IPA file.


Image credit: /user/DeyyTeam

Unlike other errors, when Cydia Impactor is stuck at the VerifyingApplication screen, it means there’s a loss in connections between the utility, the IPA file, and your iOS device.

To fix this problem, use one of the following tips:

  • Turn on Airplane Mode and turn it off (after a minute or so)
  • Hard resetting your iPhone or iPad
  • Delete the existing profile from the Settings app (if this happen during a re-sign process)
  • Check for two-factor authentication

I was able to get past the VerifyingApplication log after deleting Yalu and rebooted my device.


Users have seen this new Cydia Impactor error called provision.cpp:138 which we were unable to find the cause behind it. As of now, we’ve tried the revoke certificate method, making a new Apple ID account, and using a different IPA source. Nothing has helped so far.

The best way to bypass this error at the moment is to install your IPA from a third-party app installer. You can check out a full list of them from here.

Update #1: Saurik just updated Cydia Impactor to version 0.9.44. According to the changelog, this update should fix the “maxQuantity error due to Apple change.”


When you see this Cydia Impactor error, it means that the system version is lower than the minimum operating system version specified. The IPA zip file may be dragging and causing this error to appear. If this is the case, extract the zip file at the desktop and drag it to the software.

You can also try using a VPN from another region to try again or use a different tool to sign in to the IPA file. Some have tried to use iOS App Signer to resign yalu.ipa and then installed the latest Impactor, and this solution worked for them.


If you run into a message that says runtime error or this application has requested the Runtime to terminate unusually, then you should try installing the latest and newest version of Visual C++ Redistribution.


If you signed in to your device with a Microsoft account, then the Cydia Impactor software might not work. When signing in with a Microsoft account, some activities are considered a security breach and are prohibited, and the Cydia Impactor may be one of those things that are prohibited.


No. Jailbreaking is what voids the warranty. If you need to use the warranty, then you can use Cydia Impactor to unjailbreak the iOS device before you send it in for service. You can also choose to restore the system via iTunes. Apple can’t distinguish a previously jailbroken iPhone if a proper restore on the device has been completed.


No. You don’t need X Code for Cydia Impactor, even if you are using the feature to sign into IPA files. When you want to download new versions, check for updates under the Impactor menu. You will also find that the Impactor will occasionally prompt you when there are new versions available.


It’s important to me that those will be the only Cydia Impactor errors that you encountered because the fix for them is included above.

However, if you ever experienced another issue that wasn’t mentioned here, be sure to comment down below so we can all help each other out.

Cydia Impactor Unable to Recognize iPhone

Check out this tutorial if Cydia Impactor fails to recognize your iPhone.

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