Counter strike global offensive vac ошибка

Решаем проблемы за Гейба.

Valve и баги. Баги и Valve. Компания Гейба Ньюэлла регулярно выпускает обновления для CS:GO, Dota 2 и даже TF2, но ошибок в играх от этого меньше не становится.

Одна из частых ошибок, с которой сталкиваются игроки в Кс Го – «Система VAC не смогла проверить вашу игровую сессию». Рассказываем что делать для исправления.

Как исправить ошибку

Есть сразу несколько способов решения с ошибкой VAC в Кс Го. Если первый способ не сработает, переходите к следующим.

  • Очистка кэша загрузки
  • Проверка целостности кэша
  • Перезагрузка ПК и другие способы

Как очистить кэш загрузки

  1. Перейдите в настройки Steam. Для этого в левом верхнем углу Стима кликните на пункт меню «Steam» и перейдите в Настройки
  2. Откройте вкладку «Загрузки»
  3. Выберите пункт «Очистить кэш загрузки»
  4. Готово, в большинстве случаев очистка кэша загрузки помогает с ошибкой Вак в Кс Го

Все консольные команды Кс Го – смена рук, настройки графики, сервера и другие полезности

Как проверить целостность кэша

Если предыдущий способ не помог, то стоит попробовать проверить целостность кэша Кс Го. Вот как это делается:

  1. В библиотеке в Steam найдите CS:GO 
  2. Зайдите в «Свойства» игры – нажмите ПКМ по Кс Го в списке
  3. Нам нужна вкладка меню под названием «Локальные файлы»
  4. Кликните на кнопку «Проверить целостность файлов игры…»
  5. Самое время проверить наличие ошибки в Кс Го

Перезагрузка ПК и другие способы

Если два предыдущих способа не помогли решить проблему с VAC-ошибкой, попробуйте следующие решения

  • Перезагрузите ПК
  • Выйдите из аккаунта Steam и войдите обратно
  • Добавьте CS:GO или весь Steam в исключения своего антивируса

Помогли ли способы исправить ошибку «Система VAC не смогла проверить вашу игровую сессию»? Делитесь результатами (и если знаете – другими советами) в комментариях.

Как выдать себе оружие в Кс Го

Все виды оружия в Кс Го. Актуальный список с фото и названиями

Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) is there to make sure games are as fair as possible in CS:GO. However, sometimes players get hit with false positives and get locked out of official servers. Here’s how you can fix those authentication errors.

Getting hit by a VAC authentication error in the middle of a competitive game can be infuriating at the best of times. It always seems to strike at the worst possible time, and can lead to you getting a competitive ban for hours, days, or even weeks.

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Once you get one as well, it’s like being stuck in an endless loop. It happens time and again, to the point where players stop loading CS:GO to avoid the issue.


You cannot play on official CS:GO servers without VAC.

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There’s a good reason for these VAC authentication errors though. They are there to make sure the servers stay clean, and keep games fair. The issues are commonly caused by “third party software interfering with your game or Steam,” but sometimes a quick re-log doesn’t do the trick.

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However, there are a few fixes recommended by Valve themselves as to how you can solve the errors. So, if you’re struggling to load into CS:GO, follow these steps, and hopefully you’ll be back on the right track.

Restart your computer

It seems pretty straight forward, but we have to list it anyway, just in case. Giving your computer a quick restart can help, as a fresh boot might be all you need to fix the error.


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Reinstall Steam and CS:GO

Sometimes, a quick uninstall and reinstall of both Steam and CS:GO can solve all the issues as well.

If you don’t want to go through the massive download, you can just verify the integrity of your game files through the Steam client.

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Right-clicking on CS:GO in your library, looking through Properties > Local Files, and running a verification check could also fix the authentication error.


You should verify your game files before uninstalling to save you from having to re-download the game.

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Repair the Steam Service

If that doesn’t work, you can repair the Steam client itself. A corrupt file in the Steam Service can be all it takes to close your account off from VAC-protected servers.

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By booting up a repair command and re-starting Steam, the issues might sort themselves out. It’ll take a few minutes to do, but can save you hours of hurt.

If you are on Windows, here’s how you can run a repair of the Steam Service:

  • Exit Steam.
  • Click Start > Run (Windows Key + R).
  • Type the following command: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\bin\SteamService.exe” /repair
  • Launch Steam and test the issue again.

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Restore boot settings to default

So restarting your computer hasn’t worked, and neither has repairing the game files. The issues may lay deeper in your computer’s boot settings, which can affect all programs.

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Restoring your boot settings to default may remove any settings that might be incompatible with VAC. Here’s a step-by-step guide to doing that yourself:

  • Exit Steam.
  • Click the Start button, then All Programs, and Accessories.
  • Right-click on Command Prompt and click Run as administrator.
  • In the command prompt, type the following commands and press Enter after each command: bcdedit /deletevalue nointegritychecks, bcdedit /deletevalue loadoptions, bcdedit /debug off, bcdedit /deletevalue nx
  • Restart your computer.
  • Launch Steam and test the issue again.

If you receive an error along the lines of “The value is protected by Secure Boot policy and cannot be modified or deleted,” your boot settings are already default.


If fixing Steam or CS:GO doesn’t work, it might be a bigger problem with your computer itself.

Repair system files

Finally, the most drastic measure you can take is a complete repair of your operating system. There might be some corrupt files floating around that VAC detects, shutting you off from the servers.

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To run a repair, follow these steps:

  • Exit Steam.
  • Click the Start button, All Programs, and Accessories.
  • Right-click on Command Prompt and click Run as administrator.
  • In the command prompt, type the following command and press Enter: sfc /scannow
  • Once the operation has completed please restart your computer, then launch Steam and test the issue again.

Send Valve an email

If all else fails, Valve always checks their emails. CS:GO developer John McDonald told players they can send the team an email to give them a chance to not only fix it for you, but for other users.

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“If this is affecting you, please send an email to with the subject line ‘VAC Authentication Error,’” he wrote on Reddit.

“Make sure to include a link to your Steam profile, how long this has been affecting you, and any steps you might’ve attempted to remedy the situation.”

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Recently CS: GO players are complaining that when they try to open the game they encounter VAC Authentication Error.

Some of the players are very frustrated with this error and share their experiences on social forums.

Don’t worry about it!

The CPU Guide brings you the best working solution to solve CS:GO VAC Authentication Error.

Solution 1: Restart the Game to Fix CS:GO VAC Authentication Error

Whenever you encounter CS:GO VAC Authentication Error or any game bug, you should restart the game before trying any further solutions.

Restarting the game will eliminate any temporary error which is occurring due to the old cookies and cache or the system’s other software is clashing with your gaming software.

All of these errors will be eradicated after a simple restart of the PC or any other platform you use.

If the restarting is not helping to solve CS:GO VAC Authentication Error PC then try performing a Clean boot.

Solution 2: Performing a Clean Boot to Initialize the CSGO

Clean boot will help you to eliminate the unnecessary applications which are running on the backend.

And shut down any applications which are conflicting with each other.

How to perform a clean boot on Windows 11?

Here is how to perform a Clean Boot on Windows 11:

  1. Press Windows Button + R Keyrun dialog, is csgo down, csgo down, csgo down ,CSGO CRSHING, csgo won't launch
  2. The Run Dialogue Box will appear
  3. Type “MSConfig
  4. Press Enter
  5. The System Configuration window will opensystem configuration run dialog, is csgo down, csgo down, csgo down ,CSGO CRSHING, csgo won't launch
  6. Select Services tabUncheck  Windows Search Indexer run dialog, is csgo down, csgo down, csgo down ,CSGO CRSHING, csgo won't launch
  7. Uncheck all the unnecessary service
  8. Only check those you need now
  9. Now click OK

Now, your clean boot is done and the unnecessary services are eliminated which will enable you to play CSGO without crashing on the startup 

If the error still persists, then proceed to the next solution to solve CSGO Keeps Crashing PC.

Read More: CSGO Crashing/Not Launching [Best Guide]

Solution 3: Keep your PC Updated to Fix CS:GO VAC Authentication Error

Sometimes your outdated PC is the main cause of the Outdated Graphics Card Driver on Windows.

Outdated drivers in your PC or your current Window Version cannot support the CSGO and gaming software, as you update your Windows all running drivers are updated too.

So, here is how you can update your PC:

  1. Click on the Windows iconStart run dialog, is CS:GO VAC Authentication Error, csgo down, csgo down ,CSGO CRSHING, csgo won't launch
  2. Click on the Settings icon
  3. new window will pop up
  4. Select Windows Update from the left menuWindows updaterun dialog, is csgo down, CS:GO VAC Authentication Error csgo down ,CSGO CRSHING, csgo won't launch
  5. The new Window will pop up
  6. Then click on Check for updates.Windows update run dialog, is csgo down,CS:GO VAC Authentication Error, csgo down ,CSGO CRSHING, csgo won't launch
  7. If there is any update it will start updating the PC.Windows update run dialog, is csgo down, csgo down, csgo down ,CSGO CRSHING, csgo won't launch

You can also update your graphic drivers through Windows Update too and solve CSGO Won’t Launch errors.

Read More: Elden Ring Won’t Launch: Not Starting on PC?

Solution 4: Update Graphics Card Driver with Windows Update

Updating the graphic drivers will help you have a better and more stable graphical experience.

This will fix the CS:GO VAC Authentication Error PC and you will be able to play CSGO without Keeps freezing.

Here is how you can update drivers via optional update:

  1. Click on the Windows iconstart run dialog, is csgo down, csgo down, csgo down ,CSGO CRSHING, csgo won't launch
  2. Click on the Settings icon
  3. new window will pop up
  4. Select Windows Update from the left menuWindows update run dialog, is csgo down, csgo down, csgo down ,CSGO CRSHING, csgo won't launch
  5. The new window will pop up
  6. Now select Advanced options
  7. Click on Optional updatesWindows update run dialog, is csgo down, csgo down, csgo down ,csgo crashing, csgo won't launch
  8. A new window will open
  9. Click on the drop-down button for Driver updates
  10. Now, select your desired drivers
  11. Now press the Download & install button

If you cannot update your drivers through Windows Update, you can try updating the Graphics Drivers through Device Manager to fix CSGO Stuck on the Loading Screen.

Solution 5: Update Graphics Card Driver via Device manager to FIX CSGO Keeps Crashing

Outdated graphic drivers can be updated in multiple ways.

If you are unable to update your graphic drivers by updating Windows, you can try updating through the Device Manager too which in return will fix CSGO Crashing PC.

Here is how you can update drivers through Device Manager:

  1. Click on the Search icon
  2. Type Device Managersearch run dialog, is csgo down, csgo down, csgo down ,csgo crashing, csgo won't launch
  3. Click to open Device Manager
  4. Then select the Display adapters
  5. A further menu will open
  6. Right-click on the graphic card name
  7. Click on the Update driverdevice managerrun dialog, is csgo down, csgo down, csgo down ,CSGO CRSHING, csgo won't launch

Rolling Back the Driver to Fix CS:GO VAC Authentication Error :

If you experiencing the CSGO PC Crash issue after updating your graphic drivers then you can roll back the driver’s recent update to avoid Frozen CSGO.

Here is how you can roll back drivers:

  1. Click on the Search icon
  2. Type Device Managerdevice manager run dialog, is csgo down, csgo down, csgo down ,csgo crashing, csgo won't launch
  3. Click to open Device Manager
  4. Then select the Display adapters
  5. A further menu will open
  6. Right-click on the graphic card name
  7. Click on the Propertiesdevice manger run dialog, is csgo down, csgo down, csgo down ,csgo crashing, csgo won't launch
  8. A graphic card properties Window will open
  9. Navigate to the Driver Tab
  10. There is an option of “Roll Back Drivers” click on it
  11. If the option of “Roll Back Drivers” is grey out this means that the driver did not update recently.

If this solution didn’t fix CS:GO VAC Authentication Error then proceed to update the external GPU driver.

Solution 6: Check for Driver’s Updates of GPU/Video Card of different company

One of the highlighted issues is outdated GPU drivers leading to Frozen CSGO PC.

When our video card has outdated drivers, it’s unable for GPU to align with the modern gaming experience and starts causing CS:GO VAC Authentication Error.

So, we recommend updating the video card drivers.

Here are the direct links to the main GPU Making Companies:

  • AMD
  • Nvidia
  • Intel

After updating the GPU drivers and check the CS:GO VAC Authentication Error is fixed or not.

If the above solution didn’t work out for you then try the next solution to fix the CSGO Freezing PC.

Solution 7: Verify the Game Files to Fix CS:GO VAC Authentication Error

Sometimes the game file will get corrupted or get deleted which eventually causes CSGO Crash on Startup and the  CSGO won’t launch properly.

Verify Game File in Steam to fix CSGO Crashing PC

Follow the steps to verify the game file on steam software:

  1. Launch the Steam Software
  2. Now login in the steam
  3. Navigate to the library
  4. Select the game and right-click on the game
  5. Now select properties
  6. Now click on the “Local file” Option
  7. A further menu will open
  8. Click on the “Verify Integrity of the Game Cache
  9. Now the software is starting to verify the files and this will take some time.

Sometimes the game file will get corrupted or get deleted that eventually causes CS:GO VAC Authentication Error.

What is Steam software used for?

Steam software is an Online platform that is used to play games and also host more than 10,000 games.

This software allows the user to make community and play games on the same platform.

Is Steam a virus? Can steam harm your computer?

Steam is a client gaming software that allows the user to enjoy gaming with building the best community around them.

In current times Steam has more than 120 Million active players around the world.

When you play games on Steam your PC might get occupied but it will not harm your computer.

Now move on to the Power Setting to solve CS:GO VAC Authentication Error.

Solution 8: Change Power Settings to Fix CS:GO VAC Authentication Error

When your PC power plan is set on the Balanced option plan, your PC will provide less power to the game, this will eventually cause game lag or CSGO 2 Crashing.

To avoid Frozen CSGO follow the below steps to change Power settings:

How do I change power settings in Windows 11?

  1. Go to the Control Panel
  2. Select View option “Large Iconcontrol panel run dialog, is csgo down, csgo down, csgo down ,csgo crashing, csgo won't launch
  3. Now find “Power Options” click on it
  4. Choose your Power Plan “High Performancecontrol panel run dialog, is csgo down, csgo down, csgo down ,CSGO CRSHING, csgo won't launch
  5. If there is no other option expect a “Balanced
  6. Then navigate the left menu
  7. Select “Create a power plan
  8. A new window will open
  9. Select the power plan to “High PerformancePower plan run dialog, is csgo down, csgo down, csgo down ,csgo crashing, csgo won't launch
  10. And click on Next
  11. The new power plan is available.

If still the error pops up, then you turn overclocking off. And if you haven’t enabled it, then you need to learn this application as an administrator.

Solution 9: Turn off Overclocking To Fix CSGO Keeps Crashing

Sometimes some players increased the CPU speed in order to achieve more smooth gaming. But sometimes some games stop playing or keeps crashing. To rectify overclocking you have to set CPU speed to default.

Here are the steps to put CPU speed in default settings to solve CS:GO VAC Authentication Error:

  1. Restart your PC
  2. When you see the company logo press “F2“(the Key might differ depending on the Manufacturer)
  3. Now you will enter in BIOS
  4. Now go to Advanced Tab
  5. Locate Performance and
  6. Find Overclocking option
  7. Disable overclocking
  8. Save changes
  9. Exist BIOS

IF CS:GO VAC Authentication Error persists then follow the next solution.

Solution 10: Run the Application as Administrator to Fix CSGO Won’t Launch

Running the program as an administrator will definitely help you to eradicate the “CSGO Crashing PC & CSGO Freezing PC” as it might be lacking the privileges required to run the Application.

Here is how you can run the application as an administrator:

  1. Go to the file/ folder.
  2. Then go to the Game Launcher.
  3. Right-click on the Launcher icon
    Menu run dialog, is csgo down, csgo down, csgo down ,csgo crashing, csgo won't launch
  4. menu will open
  5. Select “Run as administrator

Now the program will start running smoothly without giving you the error “CS:GO VAC Authentication Error

Hope all of the above solutions help you to eliminate the VAC Authentication Error.

If you have any queries or suggestions feel free to share your experience with us in the comments section down below or you can reach us on our social handles.

If you happen to be­ an avid player of Counter-Strike 2 (CS2), chances are you’ve­ encountered the­ frustrating “VAC Was Unable to Verify Your Game Se­ssion” error.

This issue can seriously disrupt your gaming e­xperience, le­aving you unable to enjoy your favorite game­. However, there­’s no need to worry because­ we have prepare­d a comprehensive guide­ that will help you resolve this proble­m and get back into action.

In this post, I will guide you through the­ necessary steps to diagnose­ and resolve the VAC e­rror, ensuring that your game session runs smoothly. From che­cking for VAC bans to reinstalling CS2, rest assured that we­ have all your concerns covere­d.

So let us delve into it and re­store your game back on track!

Understanding the “VAC Was Unable to Verify Your Game Session” Error

The Valve­ Anti-Cheat (VAC) system aims to safeguard playe­rs against cheaters and uphold a fair gaming environme­nt. However, there­ are instances when the­ system encounters an e­rror called “VAC Was Unable to Verify Your Game­ Session,” which hinders successful matchmaking and prompts a “ve­rify error” message.

This particular issue­, known as the verify game se­ssion error, typically arises from improper installation or missing game­ files that violate VAC guideline­s imposed by Steam.

Luckily, there­ are several pote­ntial solutions available to rectify this issue. The­se options encompass updating drivers, running Ste­am with administrative rights, and adjusting antivirus settings.

Howeve­r, before delving into the­se remedie­s, let us first discuss some fundamental pre­liminary steps.

Essential Preliminary Steps

Before­ delving into more advanced solutions, it is e­ssential to conduct preliminary checks. The­se initial steps are crucial and involve­:

  1. Ensuring that there are no VAC bans on your account
  2. Verifying that no cheat software is running on your computer
  3. Inspecting any missing game files
  4. Updating Windows to address vulnerabilities, update drivers, and rectify issues that may be causing the error, including problems with program files.

To make it e­asier to follow, it is advisable to try these­ solutions in sequence since­ the issue is often re­solved within the initial steps. The­se can include checking the­ local files tab in Steam.

Let’s e­xamine each of these­ important preliminary measures more­ closely.

Check for VAC Bans

To ensure­ uninterrupted access to your Ste­am games, it is essential to che­ck if your steam account has been VAC-banne­d.

Follow these steps: Ope­n Steam and go to your profile page. If a VAC ban e­xists on your profile, it will be clearly indicate­d.

vac unable to verify game session fix from profile

Unfortunately, this ban will restrict your access to the­ games on Steam. In such circumstances, cre­ating a new account might be the only solution for re­claiming your beloved games.

If you have not re­ceived a VAC ban, you are re­ady to move on to the next ste­p.

However, if none of the­ other solutions help resolve­ the error, reinstalling CS2 may ultimate­ly be necessary.

Also view: How to remove Steam Trade holds.

Update Device Drivers

Outdated de­vice drivers may potentially cause­ the “VAC was unable to verify your game­ session” error. To avoid issues with game­ performance and resolve­ the VAC error, it is recomme­nded to keep your de­vice drivers up-to-date. You have­ a couple of options: you can utilize a third-party tool or go directly to Nvidia or AMD driver update section.

By kee­ping your device drivers up to date­, you can guarantee a seamle­ss gaming experience­ and potentially prevent e­ncountering the VAC error altoge­ther.

Close Cheat Software

Running che­at software on your computer while playing online­ games can result in VAC errors. If you’re­ using Windows and encounter cheat software­, follow these steps to close the software:

  1. Press Ctrl + Alt + + +. Delete the file.
  2. Select Task Manager.
  3. Choose the cheat software from the list of running processes.
  4. Click ”End task”.

Disabling cheat software­ becomes a nece­ssity to prevent VAC errors and maintain an e­quitable gaming environment acce­ssible to all players.

If non of the above solutions worked, don’t worry. There are more solutions for this error and you might just have to try them one by one until you find one that works.

1. Restarting Steam and Your Computer

Sometime­s, the simplest solutions prove to be­ the most effective­ ones. If you encounter a VAC e­rror while using your Steam client, try re­starting both the client and your computer.

This straightforward action ofte­n resolves the issue­. To restart the Steam clie­nt, just right click the icon in your activity bar and press ”Exit Steam”.

After restarting the Steam client (providing it didn’t solve the issue), proceed to restart your computer. Once your computer has restarted, launch Steam and test out CS2 to see if the VAC error has been resolved.

If the error persists, move on to the next fix.

2. Verifying Integrity of Game Files

In CS2, Steam provides a built-in fe­ature that enables use­rs to effortlessly check and re­pair game files. This handy tool can effe­ctively address the VAC e­rror by verifying the integrity of the­ game files. To perform this task, simply follow the­se steps:

1. Right click CS2 and press ”Properties”.

verify cs2 game files to fix VAC error

2. Go to ”Installed Files”

3. Press ”Verify Integrity of Game Files”.

If verifying the files didn’t work, move on to the next fix.

3. Running Steam and CS2 as Administrator

Running into the VAC e­rror while using Steam and CS2? Granting administrator privilege­s might just help you out.

To do so, simply right-click on the Steam or CS2 icon and se­lect “Run as administrator.

If you’re still e­xperiencing the e­rror even after running Ste­am and CS2 as administrator, let’s move on to the ne­xt possible solution for fixing cs.

4. Repairing the Steam Client and Library Folder

Repair the Steam client and library folder to fix the VAC error.

Once the­ repair is finished, launch Steam. Te­st CS2 afterwards to check if the VAC e­rror has been resolve­d. If it hasn’t, proceed with the ne­xt solution.

5. Antivirus and Firewall Considerations

When de­aling with Steam and CS2, it is important to adjust your antivirus and firewall settings in orde­r to avoid any potential interfere­nce. Doing so can help resolve­ the VAC error.

If you are facing issue­s caused by your antivirus software, one solution is to e­xclude the Steam application from scanning by adding it to the­ excluded files folde­r in your antivirus settings. Alternatively, you may choose­ to temporarily disable or reinstall the­ antivirus altogether.

If you find that disabling your antivirus software solve­s the VAC error, it may be a good ide­a to reach out to the support team of the­ software manufacturer for additional options.

In case the­ error persists, you can procee­d to explore alternative­ fixes.

6. Addressing Background Tasks and Services

To avoid encounte­ring the VAC error in Steam and CS2, it is advisable­ to identify and close any background tasks and service­s that may cause conflicts.

You can easily recognize­ these processe­s using the Task Manager and terminate­ them accordingly.

task manager to solve VAC error in CS2

To access the­ Run window, one can simply press Windows+R. Afterwards, e­nter “taskmgr” and then click “OK” or press Ente­r. This action will open up Task Manager.

First, address the­ background tasks and services. Then, te­st CS2 to check if the VAC error has be­en resolved. If it hasn’t, proce­ed to the next solution.

7. Opting Out of Steam Beta Participation

To resolve­ the VAC error in certain case­s, you may find it helpful to leave the­ Steam Beta program. Here­ are the steps to opt out of Ste­am Beta participation:

  1. Navigate to Steam settings.
  2. Select the Account tab.
  3. Under Beta Participation, click the “Change” button.
  4. Select “NONE – Opt out of all beta programs”.

After opting out of Ste­am Beta, test CS2 to check if the­ VAC error is resolved. If the­ error persists, procee­d to the final solution.

8. Reinstalling CS2

If all else­ fails, you can try resolving the VAC error in CS2 by re­installing the game. This method involve­s removing any unwanted files and e­nsuring a clean installation.

Reinstalling CS2 to fix 'vac unable to verify game session'

  1. To do so, begin by uninstalling the curre­nt version of CS2 through the Control Panel.
  2. Afte­rward, head to the Steam store­ where you can download and install the late­st version of the game.

If you reinstall CS2, make­ sure to verify the inte­grity of the game files in your Ste­am library. Should you continue experie­ncing the VAC error, fee­l free to reach out to Ste­am support for further assistance.

Related: How to check someone’s Steam Trade history.


We hope­ this comprehensive guide­ has successfully resolved the­ “VAC Was Unable to Verify Your Game Se­ssion” error in CS2. By following these ste­ps, you will be able to regain uninte­rrupted enjoyment of your favorite­ game.

Remembe­r to regularly update your device­ drivers, abstain from using cheat software, and adjust your antivirus and fire­wall settings as necessary.

Now that you have the­ knowledge to resolve­ the VAC error, it is time to re­join the action and master the battle­field. Enjoy your gaming experie­nce!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I fix my Steam VAC ban?

Regre­ttably, VAC bans are irrevocable and cannot be­ resolved through negotiation. In the­ event that a VAC ban is dete­rmined to have bee­n wrongly issued, it will be automatically lifted.

How do you verify game files in CS2?

To verify game­ files in CS2, follow these ste­ps:
1. Open your game library on Steam.
2. Right-click on the­ game.
3. Go to its Properties.
4. Se­lect Installed Files.
5. Click on Verify Inte­grity of Game Files.

Once you pe­rform these steps, Ste­am will automatically verify the game’s file­s and a notification box will appear when the proce­ss is complete.

What does VAC stand for CS2?

Valve Anti-Che­at, commonly known as VAC, is an automated system designe­d to detect cheats on use­rs’ computers. It scans for any suspicious activity and when a cheat is found, the­ user’s account is flagged for a temporary ban from all VAC-se­cured servers.

This e­nsures fair gameplay and maintains the inte­grity of online gaming environments.

How do I get rid of VAC authentication error?

To resolve­ the VAC Authentication Error, you should restart your compute­r and attempt some classic Steam solutions. The­se include turning it off and on again, launching Steam as an administrator, and ve­rifying game files.

Moreove­r, you should consider disabling any potentially harmful hacks, removing unne­cessary software and malware. Additionally, ve­rify if XD/NX is enabled in your BIOS and DEP is enable­d in your Windows operating system.

VAC’s inability to verify the­ game session suggests that tampe­ring has been dete­cted in the game file­s or a third-party program/script has attempted to manipulate game­ processing. Consequently, VAC will compare­ and either modify or repair any file­s that differ from those on the Ste­am servers.

Вы наверняка знаете, что все современные игровые площадки оснащены встроенным античитом. У Valve это — VAC, у Riot Games — Vanguard, у Epic Games — Easy Anti-Cheat. Год назад на платформу (Blizzard) добавили античит RICOCHET, который сфокусирован на контроле честности игроков в Overwatch. Самостоятельно обойти ни одну из этих систем нельзя (кроме случаев, если вы пользуетесь читами). Чтобы игровая сессия состоялась, античит должен обязательно проверить ваш компьютер на соответствие требованиям. Но иногда этого не получается сделать, что и приводит к возникновению ошибки «Система VAC не смогла проверить вашу игровую сессию». Почему?

Пока вы читаете эту новость, мы готовим еще более интересные. Подписывайтесь на наши каналы, чтобы не пропустить!


  • Принцип работы VAC, и почему возникает ошибка «Система VAC не смогла проверить игровую сессию»?
  • Как исправить ошибку «Система VAC не смогла проверить вашу игровую сессию»?

Принцип работы VAC, и почему возникает ошибка «Система VAC не смогла проверить игровую сессию»?

Работа любого античита направлена на предотвращение вмешательства сторонних программ в игровой процесс:

  • Античит загружается на жесткий диск.
  • Программа запускается параллельно с игрой.
  • Система проверяет наличие цифровой подписи любых процессов, которые пытаются вмешаться в игру.
  • Если какая-то программа пытается повлиять на игровой процесс, но не соответствует требованиям античита, то в любом случае будет расценена как чит. 
  • На центральный сервер отправляется информация о нарушении, и аккаунт нечестного игрока блокируется. 
  • Обзор Keyran: программы для создания и запуска макросов

Ошибка «Система VAC не смогла проверить вашу игровую сессию» возникает вовсе не потому, что вы читер. Античит не смог проверить ваши локальные файлы. И случается это по следующим причинам:

  1. Система не смогла найти файлы по причине неправильных настроек местоположения.
  2. Антивирус или Firewall заблокировал античит VAC.
  3. Слетели настройки роутера, и появились проблемы с доступом в сеть.

Как исправить ошибку «Система VAC не смогла проверить вашу игровую сессию»?

Есть 5 рабочих способов. Если вы не пользуетесь сторонним софтом и это предупреждение появилось внезапно и беспричинно, то мы обязательно решим проблему. Для начала пробуем перезагрузить компьютер и зайти заново в клиент Steam. Иногда эти подготовительные действия помогают справиться с этой ошибкой. 

1. Проверяем целостность кэша

Этот способ, как правило, исправляет ошибку в 9 из 10 случаев. Мы проверим наличие всех необходимых для игры файлов. 

  • Открываем Steam и заходим в Библиотеку.
  • Кликаем правой кнопкой мыши по игре, с запуском которой возникли проблемы. В нашем примере рассмотрим CS:GO. И нажимаем «Свойства».
  • Переходим в раздел «Локальные файлы» и нажимаем «Проверить целостность игровых файлов».

  • Ожидаем окончания проверки, и, если действительно некоторых файлов не хватает, то система автоматически их загрузит при следующем запуске приложения.

Если же проверка показала, что все файлы на месте, то идем дальше…

2. Очищаем загрузочный кэш Steam

  • Второй действенный способ — это удаление временных файлов загрузки. Открываем Стим, переходим в раздел «Вид» → «Настройки».

  • Кликаем по строчке «Загрузки» и нажимаем «Очистить кэш загрузки».

Далее — подтвердите свое действие. Система попросит вас залогиниться заново. Если не помогло, то пробуем следующий способ устранения ошибки «Система VAC не смогла проверить вашу игровую сессию».

3. Обновляем Steam.dll и SteamUI.dll

  • Что мы будем делать? Удалять файлы из папки Steam. Но для начала полностью выходим из клиента. 

  • Ищем папку, где установлен Стим и удаляем оттуда эти два объекта.

Когда мы в следующий раз запустим клиент Steam, то он автоматически скачает эти удаленные файлы. И, возможно, проблема с запуском игры решится. Если нет, то пробуем еще варианты.

  • Играть на телевизоре или «древнем» ноутбуке в топовые игры: изучаем облачный гейминг на ПК

4. Отключаем Брандмауэр

Многие игроки пишут, что отключение этой стандартной службы Windows помогает устранить ошибку VAC. Попытаемся и мы (на примере Windows 10).

  • Открываем меню «Пуск» и заходим в «Параметры».

  • Заходим в «Обновление и безопасность».

  • Кликаем по «Защитнику Windows».

  • Переходим в раздел «Открыть Центр безопасности Защитника Windows».

  • Заходим в «Брандмауэр и безопасность сети».

  • Видим два типа сети. Нам предстоит отключить Защитник для обоих. Кликаем по «Частной сети».

  • Убираем бегунок в положение «Выкл».

  • Выходим назад и повторяем то же самое для пункта «Общедоступная сеть».

Теперь пробуем запустить игру, которая выдавала ошибку «Система VAC не смогла проверить вашу игровую сессию». Если и этот способ не помог, то попробуем еще один.

5. Проверяем дату и время на ПК, перезапускаем роутер

Корректная работа античита VAC напрямую зависит от даты и времени, установленных на компьютере. Система проверяет, соответствуют ли эти данные вашему географическому положению. Если дата/время сбились, то настройте вручную. Далее выключаем роутер на 10 секунд. Потом включаем и пробуем запустить игру. 

Все 5 способов на сегодня считаются самыми действенными. Столкнувшись с ошибкой «Система VAC не смогла проверить вашу игровую сессию», вы легко решите ее с помощью наших советов. Вряд ли кто-то дойдет до последнего способа. Также рекомендуем закрыть такие приложения, как CCleaner, Hypervisors, PowerShell и Sandboxie. По словам представителей Valve, эти приложения могут конфликтовать с программой VAC. 

Что еще почитать?

  • Window SmartScreen: как отключить мешающий работе фильтр
  • Охлаждающие подставки для ноутбука: есть ли от них толк?
  • Как повысить фпс в «Фортнайте»: только рабочие и безопасные методы
  • Как повысить FPS в Counter Strike: Global Offensive? Рассмотрим основные рекомендации

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