Couldn t start ошибка привет сосед

Epic Developer Community Forums


Warning! Below is a default instruction with possible solutions to problems that may help.

Run as administrator and in compatibility mode

First of all, try to run the game as administrator. If the game is more than 5 years old, try to run it in compatibility mode with an older version of windows, for example windows 7 (for very old games you can try Windows XP SP3).

Right click on the game shortcut → properties → compatibility → check the boxes «Run the program in compatibility mode with…» and «Run this program as administrator».

These two actions very often solve the problem of launching and stable FPS.

If you play through Steam or another launcher, try to run the game through it (after you have performed the steps above).

Disabling XMP profile in Bios

If you don’t know what it is, you can skip to the next point.

The game does not start in Steam

First of all, just restart Steam. If that doesn’t help, go to game properties → file location → run as administrator (see the very first item).

If you’re using a repack

There is a possibility that the repack is faulty, read more read here. But first, we recommend reading the text below.

Checking / Installing Drivers

First of all, you need to check all the drivers:

  • free utility [Driver Pack] (if you have a blank page, try logging in through an incognito tab or disable AdBlock)
  • analogue Driver Booster
  • go to the website of the manufacturer of your laptop or motherboard and download the drivers there

You can also separately install drivers for video cards and related software on the websites of video card developers, where drivers appear faster than in auto-updaters:

  • AMD
  • Nvidia
  • IntelHD

DirectX update

All errors that have the prefix D3D, X3D, xinput *** .dll most likely report the absence of the necessary DirectX libraries.

  • Here you can download the web installer

Installing the NET Framework library also may help.

  • Download Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
  • Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Updating Microsoft Visual C++ Libraries

If the name mentions the MSVC prefix, and if it does not, updating these libraries for games is extremely important. Even after installation, you may notice that the error keeps repeating. The reason is that you need to download all versions, both x64 and x86, some games require both.

Download Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Libraries

Cleaning the system with Advanced SystemCare Free

Download the program

Run it, use Artificial Intelligence-driven analysis. The program, probably, will find out a huge number of junk files, broken registrys and etc.

Wait until it is complete to apply automatically fix (correction)

System requirements Hello Neighbor (2017)

Make sure your computer meets the minimum specifications required for this game:


OS: 64 Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core i5
Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
Storage: 5 GB
DirectX: 11.0


OS: 64 Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i7
Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
Storage: 5 GB
DirectX: 12.0

Computer Viruses

Check your PC for viruses, you can use free and trial versions of programs, for example:

  • Avast Free Antivirus
  • Dr. WEB CureIT

Antivirus program blocking the launch of Hello Neighbor (2017)

The situation is the opposite of the previous one. Installed or built-in (Microsoft Defender) antivirus blocks the launch of the game. To solve this problem, you must either disable this program for a while, or add the game folder to the exceptions. However, if the defender managed to quarantine any files, the game will have to be reinstalled.

How to temporarily turn off Microsoft Defender Windows 10

Select Start → Settings → Update & Security → Windows Security → Virus & threat protection → Manage settings (In early versions of Windows 10, select Virus & threat protection) → Real-time protection setting to Off and choose Yes to verify.

How to add files and folders to exclusions Microsoft Defender

Go to Start → Settings → Update & Security → Windows Security → Virus & threat protection → Manage settings. Under Exclusions, select Add or remove exclusions → select from files, folders, file types, or process.

Hello Neighbor (2017) full screen game window is offset to wrong position or zoomed, the image does not expand to full screen, screen resolution problems

Of course, you have already checked the «screen resolution» and «full screen» items in the game settings.

The problem may lie in the wrong scaling. Go to shortcut properties → Change high DPI settings → check the box at the bottom and click OK.

Fix the screen resolution problems in video games

Hello Neighbor (2017) misidentifies monitor, runs on wrong monitor

If you’re trying to display your game on a different monitor, article 5 ways to display your game on a second monitor might help you.

Hello Neighbor (2017), downloaded from Torrent does not work

Pirated versions of games do not guarantee stable operation at all, their developers are not responsible to you for the quality of the product. There is a possibility that the repack will turn out to be inoperative, or unfinished specifically for your characteristics. In any case, we recommend using licensed versions of games, this will save your computer from all kinds of spyware, miners and other troubles, as well as providing stable support and the release of new patches from developers.

Hello Neighbor (2017) not downloading or downloading take so long. Lag, high ping, game latency

First of all, check the speed of your Internet connection on, if the declared speed is in order, check if your channel is loaded, maybe you have several devices connected to Wi-Fi, the operating system is being updated, something is downloading in the browser , or a movie is running. Look at the network load in Device Manager. Check the integrity of the cable going to your device. If you still use a torrent, it is possible that the upload speed is limited due to a lack of distributors. As a last resort, you can always call your ISP and see if everything is okay with your internet.

Hello Neighbor (2017) gives an error about the missing DLL file

Write down the name of the DLL file and download it using an Internet search, there should be a description of what exactly this file is and where it should be. If there is no description, we recommend looking for alternative download sites. Or use the DLL-Fixer utility.

Hello Neighbor (2017) is not installed. Installation aborted

Check for free space on your disk. If everything is in order with the place, we also recommend checking the disk for bad sectors using free programs VictoriaHDD or CrystalDiskInfo

Screen freezes but Hello Neighbor (2017) keeps playing

The problem may be caused by the game itself, this is a good option. But this may indicate a malfunction in the processor and video card. Check the temperatures of the CPU and GPU, the normal level can be found on the developer’s website by the device model. If the temperature is too high, the device is no longer under warranty and has not been cleaned for a long time, do it yourself (if you know how to do) or take it to a service center for cleaning and replacement of thermal paste. If the problem persists, there is a possibility that other components have failed: the motherboard, RAM, or power supply.

Hello Neighbor (2017) slows down. FPS drops and stuttering

Probably your PC does not have enough power for stable operation Hello Neighbor (2017). First of all, enable vertical sync if it is disabled and check the result. After that try lowering all graphic settings to the minimum, except for the screen resolution. Then increase until the picture remains comfortable. If lowering does not help, it remains only to lower the screen resolution.

Hello Neighbor (2017) has no sound. Can’t hear anything

Check the sound in the game settings. We check the sound on the PC, for example, music in the browser. If there is nothing:

  • check the sound level in windows (your OS), maybe the sound level is set to 0
  • check the correct connection of speakers, headphones
  • if the device is non-standard, it may require its own drivers from the developer
  • perhaps there are no sound drivers in the system at all (update it, see the first paragraph)
  • In extreme cases, there is a possibility that the sound card has failed.

Hello Neighbor (2017) not responding to the mouse, keyboard or gamepad. Control not working

Firstly, go to the game settings and check your control device is switched to a gamepad (if the problem is in it). Are the wires tightly connected? Do devices work outside of the game? The solution may be to check the drivers using utilities (see the first paragraph) or do disconnection → connection.

Hello Neighbor (2017) error 0xc0000142

If Hello Neighbor (2017) pops up an error message is 0xc0000142, fix things can in one of the following ways. It is best to try one by one until the problem is solved.

  1. Disable all antivirus software before downloading the game.
  2. Check the path to the game folder, everything should be written in Latin letters (English). For example — C:\Games\Game Folder.
  3. The Windows username must also be in Latin characters. Press Win+R → type the command netplwiz → highlight the username → Properties.
  4. Go to the properties of the game by right-clicking on the shortcut. CompatibilityCompatibility mode → Select a compatibility mode other than your OS → Check the box «Run as administrator«.

If these tips did not help, then you need to look for a problem in the stability of the OS and in the game files.

  • Use Advanced SystemCare Free to perform a standard cleanup.
  • Replace registry value: SearchRegistry EditorHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NT → *CurrentVersion * → WindowsLoadAppInit_DLLs → in the Value line, replace 1 with 0.
  • Check your computer for malware and viruses. After checking and cleaning, restart your PC and download the game again.
  • Check that you have installed all the necessary versions of the components, namely Microsoft Visual C ++, DirectX, Drivers (see paragraphs at the beginning).

Решение проблемы: что делать, если привет сосед не запускается на вашем ПК?

Если у вас возникла проблема с запуском игры «Привет, сосед», не стоит отчаиваться. В этой статье мы рассмотрим несколько методов, которые помогут решить проблему.

Проверьте системные требования

Перед тем, как начинать исправлять проблему, необходимо убедиться, что ваш компьютер соответствует требованиям игры. Ознакомьтесь с системными требованиями на сайте игры и убедитесь, что ваш ПК соответствует им.

Обновите драйвера

Если ваш компьютер соответствует системным требованиям, то следующим шагом будет обновление драйверов вашего ПК. Драйвера — это программное обеспечение, которое управляет работой аппаратных компонентов вашего компьютера. Обновление драйверов может помочь решить проблему с запуском игры.

Чтобы обновить драйвера, откройте меню «Устройства и принтеры» в контекстном меню «Мой компьютер». На странице, которая откроется, выберите «Устройства и параметры». Затем выберите «Обновление драйверов». Если обновление драйверов не помогло, попробуйте переустановить драйвера или найти новые на официальном сайте производителя вашего ПК или аппаратного компонента.

Переустановите игру

Если обновление драйверов не помогло, то возможно проблема кроется в самой игре. Попробуйте удалить игру с вашего компьютера и переустановить ее. Перед переустановкой игры не забудьте сохранить свой прогресс, если он есть.

Обратитесь в службу поддержки

Если ничего из перечисленного выше не помогло решить проблему, можете обратиться в службу поддержки разработчиков игры или на официальные форумы и сообщества, где пользователи обсуждают проблемы с запуском игр.


Игровой процесс может быть нарушен множеством причин, но не стоит отчаиваться. Следуя указанным выше советам, вы сможете устранить проблему и наслаждаться игрой «Привет, сосед».

Hello Neighbor crashes? Game not starting? Bugs in Hello Neighbor? Solution to most technical problems.

If Hello Neighbor crashes, Hello Neighbor will not start, Hello Neighbor not installing, there are no controls in Hello Neighbor, no sound in game, errors happen in Hello Neighbor – we offer you the most common ways to solve these problems.

Be sure to update your graphics card drivers and other software

Before letting out all of your bad feelings toward development team, do not forget to go to the official website of your graphics card manufacturer and download the latest drivers. There are often specially prepared optimized drivers for specific game. You can also try to install a past versions of the driver if the problem is not solved by installing the current version.
It is important to remember that only the final version of the video card driver must be loaded – try not to use the beta version, since they can have some terrible bugs.

Do not also forget that for good game operation you may need to install the latest version DirectX, which can be found and downloaded from official Microsoft website.

Hello Neighbor not starting

Many of the problems with games launching happen because of improper installation. Check, if there was any error during installation, try deleting the game and run the installer again, but before install don’t forget to disable antivirus – it may often mistakenly delete files during installation process. It is also important to remember that the path to the folder with a game should contain only Latin characters and numbers.

You also have to check whether there is enough space on the HDD for installation. You can also try to run the game as an administrator in compatibility mode with different versions of Windows.

Hello Neighbor crashes. Low FPS. Friezes. Hangs

Your first solution to this problem install new drivers for a video card. This action can drastically rise game FPS. Also, check the CPU and memory utilization in the Task Manager (opened by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESCAPE). If before starting the game you can see that some process consumes too many resources — turn off the program or simply remove this process from Task Manager.

Next, go to the graphics settings in the game. First – turn off anti-aliasing and try to lower the setting, responsible for post-processing. Many of them consume a lot of resources and switching them off will greatly enhance the performance, and not greatly affect the quality of the picture.

Hello Neighbor crashes to the desktop

If Hello Neighbor often crashes to the desktop, try to reduce quality of the graphics. It is possible that your PC just does not have enough performance and the game may not work correctly. Also, it is worth to check out for updates — most of today’s games have the automatic patches installation system on startup if internet connection is available. Check to see whether this option is turned off in the settings and switch it on if necessary.

Black of black screen in the Hello Neighbor

The most common issue with black screen is a problem with your GPU. Check to see if your video card meets the minimum requirements and install the latest drivers. Sometimes a black screen is the result of a lack of CPU performance.

If everything is fine with your hardware and it satisfies the minimum requirements, try to switch to another window (ALT + TAB), and then return to the game screen.

Hello Neighbor is not installed. Installation hangs

First of all, check that you have enough space on the HDD for installation. Remember that to work properly installer requires the declared volume of space, plus 1-2 GB of additional free space on the system drive. In general, remember this rule – you must always have at least 2 gigabytes of free space on your system drive (usually it’s disk C) for temporary files. Otherwise, the games and the other software may not work correctly or even refuse to start.

Problems with the installation may also be due to the lack of an internet connection or it’s instability. Also, do not forget to stop the antivirus for the time game installation – sometimes it interferes with the correct file copy, or delete files by mistake, mistakenly believing they are viruses.

Saves not working in Hello Neighbor

By analogy with the previous solution, check for free space on HDD — both on where the game is installed, and the system drive. Often your saves are stored in a folder of documents, which is separate from the game itself.

Controls not working in Hello Neighbor

Sometimes the controls in game do not work because of the simultaneous connection of multiple input devices. Try disabling gamepad, or, if for some reason, you have two connected keyboards or mouses, leave only one pair of devices. If your gamepad does not work, remember — the games usually officially support only native Xbox controllers. If your controller is defined in system differently — try using software that emulates the Xbox gamepad (eg, x360ce — step by step manual can be found here).

No sound in Hello Neighbor

Check if the sound works in other programs. Then check to see if the sound is turned off in the settings of the game, and whether there is correct audio playback device selected, which is connected your speakers or headset. After this check volumes in system mixer, it can also be turned off there.

If you are using an external audio card — check for new drivers at the manufacturer’s website.

Автор вопроса: Анастасия Исламова

Опубликовано: 02/04/2023

Что делать если не заходит в Привет сосед?

У нас есть 18 ответов на вопрос Что делать если не заходит в Привет сосед? Скорее всего, этого будет достаточно, чтобы вы получили ответ на ваш вопрос.

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  • Где находится Зелёный ключ в Привет сосед?
  • Как взять ключ у соседа?
  • Что делать если не заходит в Привет сосед? Ответы пользователей
  • Что делать если не заходит в Привет сосед? Видео-ответы

Отвечает Илья Тарапат

Если Hello Neighbor не запускается, мы рекомендуем вам попробовать отключить ваш антивирус или поставить игру в исключения антивируса, а также еще раз проверить соответствие системным требованиям и если что-то из вашей сборки не соответствует, то по возможности улучшить свой ПК, докупив более мощные комплектующие.

Как попасть на мельницу в Привет сосед?

Теперь в эту локацию можно попасть с помощью лифтовой шахты, которая в этой версии полностью рабочая. Локация приобрела другие текстуры и имеет стены из жёлтого дерева. Теперь на нижнем этаже стены сделаны из дерева.

Где находится Зелёный ключ в Привет сосед?

Нужно будет убрать картонные коробки из проема, изображенного на скриншоте. Для того чтобы добраться до него, можно построить башню из картонных коробок. Внутри комнаты находится зеленый ключ — заберите его.

Как взять ключ у соседа?

Для того чтобы достать ключ, необходимо залезть на первую комнату чердака. Это можно сделать, вскарабкавшись по полкам, которые Сосед оставил на улице у крыльца своего дома. Оказавшись, после проделанного на козырьке крыши, можно разбить окно и проникнуть в заветную комнату.

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