Conan exiles ps4 ошибка

Conan Freezing Crashing PS4
Conan Freezing Crashing PS4

Enjoying Conan Exiles on Playstation 4 – Good we’re Glad! If you’re experiencing complete freezing or crashing while you play then this may indicate a problem. We’ve created this guide to put you in the right direction.

The following Fix Guide for Conan Exiles has been created with similar experiences with other games freezing and crashing on the platform.

The issues or situations listed here may not be found within Conan Exiles however more based on common issues found among other titles on the Playstation 4.

It can be incredibly frustrating when you’re churning your way through Conan Exiles and it suddenly freezes or crashes on you.

So We’re here to help.

It’s important to note a few things here:

Firstly it may not be the fault of Conan Exiles and more so a fault with your Playstation 4, Slim or Pro.

Secondly it’s been a passive issue of console gaming for the longest of time that in-frequent crashes happen. It’s the bane of gamers all around the world but sadly it is the nature of the beast.

However if you believe that Conan Exiles is crashing more and more often and it’s destroying your ability to enjoy the game. We’ve bundled some common issues with the Playstation 4 Console together – aided with some easy fixes to help you fix your freeze or crashing issue.

Conan Exiles is crashing and freezing – explained.

It’s the real killjoy to any gaming experience when you’re enjoying Conan Exiles but your Console begins to seize up, run slow or simply freeze up.

This freeze is then usually followed by a Black screen. However there are two distinct differences between a game Freezing or Crashing on you.

Conan Exiles Freeze:

Usually the game will be running full flow and as you progress through loading screens or mid-game the screen will hang. Alternatively all motion on the screen will stall. During this time audio can be heared to continue or completely lock up.

A freeze is distinguished by its ability to repair it self however if it’s serious it will then continue to crash.

Conan Exiles Crash:

A Crash is easily described when you lose all control over your gaming experience. The screen will freeze and present you with a variety of graphical glitches or errors. At times this may prompt the game to hard-reset it self however more often than not.

A complete Playstation 4 restart or re-boot is necessary to fix the problem.

Both of the above are common faults and may not suggest any serious hardware issue but if Conan Exiles is crashing or freezing on you like this then simply try the fixes below.

Conan Exiles Crashing and Freezing Fixes – PS4

1: Downloading the Latest PlayStation 4 Console Update Fix For Conan Exiles

There are a few things that you can check to ensure that your PlayStation 4 is up to speed in order to play Conan Exiles. Firstly is your console running the latest Console Software Update? Here’s how to check :

Main Menu > Settings > System > Console Info > OS Version.

Latest Optimal Update for Conan Exiles on PS4 is : 5.50.

Guide : Updating your Playstation 4 to the Latest Console Update To Fix Conan Exiles.

Ensure that you’re PlayStation 4 is connected to the internet or a nearby strong Wi-Fi source then download the latest Console firmware. Sometimes games can be released and present issues or anomalies when running older system versions so it’s important you get the latest.

If for any reason your PlayStation 4 fails to update while downloading it maybe possible that either your having issues with your internet connection.

It may also be that possibly Sony servers are having problems on their end.

We advise you to wait and if you find no resolution to this issue then get in contact with the Sony Support Team.

Is Conan Exiles running the latest update?

It is not uncommon for some games to be released with some Game Breaking bugs which may cause your freezing issue. One way to eliminate this issue if its a software problem is to ensure that you have downloaded the Latest Conan Exiles update.

In order to do this boot up Conan Exiles while being connected to the internet and you will be prompted to download the latest updates.

Guide : Ensure Conan Exiles is running the latest update to fix freezing.

Sometimes you can force the update within the options of the games. It’s important though you check that your internet connection is active or the prompt wont appear.

If you’re still having problems with Conan Exiles crashing even with the latest update then it may indicate a Corrupt Update file or a Software install. So we recommend the next step is to start from scratch.

How to Un-Install and Fix Conan Exiles by fresh re-install on PlayStation 4.

Un-Installing software from your PlayStation 4 is surprisingly easy and should not be a concern for most experienced gamers. However if you’re unsure on how to clear your hard drive of any Conan Exiles files then simply check :

  1. Locate game in the Games Menu
  2. When the desired game is highlighted, press the Options button on the controller
  3. Select Delete
  4. Confirm to Re-install and Fix Conan Exiles

Select the Conan Exiles file and choose to un-install. Be warned though this will remove mostly all game files, data files, user settings, file saves and more. However it may be necessary to resolve your crashing issue.

Guide : How to Format your Playstation 4

“My Conan Exiles is still Crashing and Freezing”

After a Fresh install of Conan Exiles and your still encountering the problem? Then more than likely this will be a Hardware fault with either the Game disk or your PlayStation 4 itself. Here’s some key things to look out for.

2: Is your Conan Exiles Disk Causing Crashing and Freezing?

Important to know if you have digitally downloaded or pre-loaded Conan Exiles then skip this fix as you will not found a solution to your problem here.

There are a few warning signs that you should look out for on your Conan Exiles disk.

PlayStation 4 Disks are covered in a scratch resistant layer which makes them pretty formidable at holding their own under daily wear and tear.

However if you push your finger lightly against the reflective side of the disc and you feel any dents, cuts, or cracks then it may be possible your Conan Exiles disk is faulty.

GUIDE : How To Fix Scratches on Conan Exiles Disk

If any Dents, Cracks, Cuts or significant scratches exist on your Conan Exiles disk and you believe you have not caused.

Then you’re more than welcome to seek a replacement from the source of purchase under your warranty. Remember though most stores or businesses wont honour your warranty if the damage is accidental or from obvious abuse.

Another type of Disk Error is what some people call “Disk Rot” Its due to chemical irritants destroying the surface of your disk and may cause your Conan Exiles disk to become unreadable or provide you with a long list of errors including crashing while you play.

If your Disk has suffered any kind of Disk Rot then its unlikely that you will be able to fix it and should seek a replacement or refund for Conan Exiles.

Fixing Scratches on your Conan Exiles disk.

Luckily enough if your PlayStation 4 Disk is covered in scratches then most retailers and some online services offer a disk repair service which is tried, tested and in most scenarios beneficial.

GUIDE : How To Fix Scratches on Conan Exiles Disk

We were sceptical at first – however having various disks which did not work cleaned we can honestly vouch for the service so be sure to try that.

One important thing to remember.

If your Disk has any evidence of cuts, dents or cracks then there is simply no point sending it for a repair as it’s unlikely anyone will be able to correct that issue.

3: PS4 Overheating Causing Conan Exiles to Crash and Freeze

Often overlooked but a PS4 console running hot can and may cause your games to freeze or crash. This without proper care may result in your console becoming damaged or unusable in the future so it’s important to take action.

Your console will have various grill intakes, and fans throughout the system. Depending on the version of the PlayStation 4 you have. These are designed to allow a substantial of fresh cool airflow through the console.

The later consoles are a lot more adequate at dealing with lengthy gaming sessions. None the less if you notice that your ventilation holes and grills are compact with dust or other debris then it may not be allowing warm air to escape.

GUIDE: PlayStation 4 Overheating Solution and Cleaning Guide

The reason this happens is due to the Components and high-end hardware within your Playstation 4 begins to run hot. Hotter then previously bench marked and can create bugs, anomalies, stuttering, frame drops, complete freezes and crashing for Conan Exiles.

If you believe that your Playstation 4 overheating is causing Conan Exiles to crash and freeze then be sure to use the comprehensive overheating cleaning guide we’ve created to fix the problem.

Once the console has cooled off – boot up Conan Exiles again and try again.

4: Conan Exiles Game Save Corrupt and Freezing

If you’re worried about your Conan Exiles save being corrupt then there are some tell tale signs of this error.

You will find that your game or your system will crash and freeze at a specific point in the game. Maybe it’s before a cut scene – a crucial bot fight – or a particular loading screen.

If it’s happening at the same exact point each time it may indicate that your save file is corrupt.

Guide : How To Recover and Protect your Conan Exiles Save Data

Sadly more often than not if you’re save file is corrupt there’s no real way to repair the issue unless attempting various third party software. Although we would highly recommend not using these software as more often than not.

They are a complete money sink. The best way to protect your Conan Exiles save file is to abide by the loading rules and do not switch the console off while playing.

To Fix your game crashing and freezing on your save file. Simply revisit an earlier save file.

5: Is a Faulty PS4 Causing your Conan Exiles to Crash?

If you have tried all of the above issues and you can confirm that it is not an update issue or an install error.

You’ve tried re-installing the game.

You’ve checked your console for any outside elements which may be effecting it. Then it’s sad to say but it’s likely your console is faulty.

Guide: Console Warranty Explained / Gamers Guide To Online Refunds and Returns

However the good news is the Sony team are incredibly good at offering excellent customer service.

So Contact Sony for your next step – Maybe they can benchmark your console and find the issue or simply source you a repair or replacement.

If you’re still covered under your retail warranty then you simply can return to the place of purchase and source a replacement!

Conclusion and user submitted Fixes for Conan Exiles

Remember this guide is simply just a troubleshooting guide which covers most common faults or issues that you may get with your PlayStation 4 and Conan Exiles.

Hopefully you wont endure any of these faults with Conan Exiles but if you have used this article and found no resolution to your fault. Then we highly recommend you reach out to Sony PS4 Support and talk about the specific fault your having with Conan Exiles.

Until then Happy Gaming!

Funcom Forums


Правда, официально офлайн не поддерживался и до обновления.

16 июня для многопользовательской «выживалки» Conan Exiles вышел патч, помимо прочего удаливший DRM-защиту Denuvo и добавивший сервис Funcom Live Services, который должен был оптимизировать поиск и подключение к серверам.

Однако после обновления игроки начали жаловаться на серьёзные технические проблемы. Многие пользователи ПК и PS4 заявили, что Exiles вовсе не находит ни одного сервера, или не входит в сеть Funcom. А кто-то утверждал, что «потерял» своего персонажа — игра автоматически предлагает создать нового.

Некоторые также возмутились, что из Exiles якобы изчез офлайн-режим — Funcom Live Services сразу же просит подключиться к сети, и начать игру без связи с интернетом невозможно.

Conan Exiles мертва для меня. Поверить не могу, что они сделали её только онлайн. Мне всегда было плевать на мультиплеер в этой игре. Я купил её со всеми DLC, потому что хотел заниматься строительством в одиночном режиме.

Все деньги потрачены впустую. Само собой, Steam мне не даст возврата. Надеюсь, Funcom прочтут это и поймут, что потеряли клиента. Никогда больше не куплю от них ничего. Теперь они для меня в одном дерьмовом списке с EA и Ubisoft.

Я покупал Conan Exiles только ради одиночного офлайн-режима, и они его убрали. Я не хочу подключаться к сети и не хочу играть онлайн. Я покупал одиночную игру и не получил того, что хотел. Они должны либо вернуть мне деньги, либо вернуть возможность офлайн-игры. […]

Funcom, вы уже получили мои деньги, и преподали мне дорогой урок. Теперь я ещё долго не буду покупать новых игр и точно не буду устанавливать обновления, пока не проверю их с юристом.

Господи, теперь везде надо читать мелкий шрифт, а удовольствия от покупки не получишь, пока не подпишешься на 40 миллионов сервисов…

xxdsidexx, пользователь форума Funcom

Однако, как отметили сами разработчики, официально в Conan Exiles всегда можно было играть только онлайн. Возможность запустить её без подключения к сети добавили в пользовательском моде, который, судя по всему, и использовали многие игроки.

Тем не менее в Funcom заверили, что не ставили перед собой задачу «сломать» мод и уже ищут возможные проблемы.

Офлайн-игра никогда не поддерживалась на ПК — это было возможно только с помощью сторонней модификации. Отмечу, что мы не отключали этот мод специально, не пытались сделать его функции недоступными и не удаляли его из мастерской Steam.

Но наша команда уже выясняет, какие неполадки могли препятствовать офлайн-игре.

Ignasis, комьюнити-менеджер Funcom

Разработчики уже выпустили для Exiles «хотфикс»-обновление, чтобы решить проблемы с поиском серверов, но, похоже, что оно помогло не всем игрокам.

If you are also one of them who are facing and getting this type of Conan Exiles Server Status Down Problem on your Microsoft Windows PC, PlayStation 4 (PS4), or Xbox One, then today just check out & read this guiding article, so that from here, you can get rid out of this issue permanently.

Conan Exiles Server Down

A Quick Info on Conan Exiles:

Conan exiles are one of the survival video game which is published by Funcom. This game runs on different platforms like Microsoft Windows, PS4, and Xbox One. This game is wholly set in the world of Conan, the Barbarian, which is a custom playable character rescued by the Conan while starting the journey. The earlier version of this game released in the year 2017. But, the official release date of this game for all the platforms is on May 8, 2018. The director of this game is Joel below. The engine used in this game is unreal engine 4. This game is on the genre of action-adventure and survival. The game is available in both the single-phase and multi-player modes.

Conan Exiles Server Down

Gameplay & Motive –

The survival in the fictional prehistoric Hyborian Age is the most basic premise of the Conan Exiles game. Conan will rescue the player, and exile will navigate into a harsh desert landscape. The biome was always available for exploring the exiled lands. The frozen north is one of the new biome added in the latest update. Many new armors are present with the new elements to explore various new lands. The star metal is also attached to build better weapons and strong armor. Some customizable options are also available in the Conan exiles like gender, voice, and physical attribute sliders for both the head and body.

Conan Exiles Server Down

Multiple Game-Modes –

You can choose the race of your choice as there are many races available. Religion also plays a crucial role in the Conan exiles game. The players can learn about the beliefs of the NPCs in the game. To change the allegiance, you can use the NPC acolytes in the game. The natural resources can be used by the players to manage hunger and thirst gauges. The aggressive human NPC’s will exist in a large number in the villages, small encampments, and the rare city. The human NPCs can be captured using the thrall system of the Conan exiles. Some benefits are present for a player from the captured slaves based on their profession. The benefits for the players will include faster crafting speeds and exclusive crafting recipes. The customization is allowed at each level by selecting the attribute points and crafting recipes.

Conan Exiles Server Down

Causes of Conan Exiles Server Status Down Error:

The Conan Exiles Server Status Down error and news channels officially air this information. The developers are planning to patch the PS4 version with some crash fixes. No peach routes are available for this update, and the servers will go down shortly. The full patch notes will open when the servers are live again. The Conan exiles servers have experienced a bit of battering at the time of its release. Some users did not join the multi-player adventure due to the crashes, drop-outs, and several outrages in the game. Conan Exiles Server Status Down & Server crashes are one of the frequently reported problems in the Conan exiles game. Many players did not take their first step into the survival adventures due to the server crashes in the game.

Conan exiles servers down Resons

What are People doing to Resolve this Conan Exiles Server Status Down Problem?

  • Attempts by Third Parties –

Funcom has attempted to sort out the issues related to the Conan Exiles Server Status Down & server crashes in the Conan exiles game. It has become one of the most significant problems for the players when the server’s down as they are not able to play the games. New servers were added in the Conan exiles for the PS4 and PC by following the downtime. Additional servers of the Conan exiles were rolled out in the EU and UK. It may take a few days to settle the Conan Exiles Server Status Down issues of the Conan exiles. There are some issues concerned with the game about the servers. The update 1.0 was out on May 8, and further updates are expected to land quickly in order to fix the freezing problems and bugs in the game.

Fix by Funcom

  • Fixing Internal Problems –

The main Conan Exiles Server Status Down issues have also appeared about the frame-rate dropping on the PS4 and PS4 pro. It is better to set up a private server on PS4 if you are continuously experiencing the server problems in the Conan exiles game. One private server can handle up to 70 players in the game. The Conan Exiles Server Status Down issues are just the teething problems right now, and they may also affect the launch of the multiplayer games in the Conan exiles. If you started playing the Conan exile games recently, then you can have a look at some guides to know about the survival in the games.

Third party fix

  • From the Gamer’s End –

There is a downside in the game from the time of its release. As a lot of Conan Exiles Server Status problems are present, which have made the game unplayable. A lot of players are complaining about the issues related to the game from the time it was released. Valuable feedback is obtained from the survival fans of canon exiles in this open world. The essential things should focus on the community at the time of its launch. The issues and errors should be fixed by the team so that the players can enjoy playing the games. The players of the Conan exiles are really upset with the Conan Exiles Server Status Down issues, and they are not able to join any other server as the time is out.

  • Resolving Booting Issues –

Some players are not able to start playing the game because of such launching issues. The stream icon will change to green for a few seconds and then crashes when you try to launch the game. The players may encounter the performance & Conan Exiles Server Status issues and some random crashes throughout the game. First, check the requirements of the system when the servers are down and try to meet the minimum standards of this game. You can upgrade your PC to know why you are encountering such Conan Exiles Server Status Down issues.


(Guide) How to Fix Conan Exiles Server Status Down Problem

One of the most encountered errors in the Conan exiles is the Conan Exiles Server Status Down issues, which annoy most of the players.

How to Fix

  • The developers of the game are trying to fix the Conan Exiles Server Status Down issues as the game suffers from some weird bug.
  • These issues of the game will include crash on the server list, server crash, crash to desktop, and crash after the loading screen.
  • You can optimize the game for maximum performance on your PC until the developers of the game release an update.
  • It is better to install the latest graphics driver to sort out some of the Conan Exiles Server Status Down issues on your PC.
  • The performance of the game is optimized with some constant frame rates.
  • Even though the download service is useful, it is a bit annoying for the players.
  • It will just take a few minutes to download the tools which are required to fix the servers in your game.

You can manage to fix this Conan Exiles Server Status Down errors in the Conan exiles and explore the world of the exile in order to conquer the foes. You can save a lot of money if you set the underlying issues of the game by yourself by following the guides. The developers will keep on releasing the updated patches for the game.

You will have fun when you explore the Conan exiles world without any Conan Exiles Server Status Down issues. Once the problem is okay, you can click on the launch game button and play the game.

Conan Exiles is a survival video game that was released in 2018. Some players may experience the game crashing frequently on PC, Xbox One, PS4, and PS5, which can be caused by a variety of factors.

Many people are also upset about the server issues. They don’t see any server showing up, or they can’t join any server because it times out.

Others are saying that they can’t start the game because of the launching issues. When you try to launch the game, the Steam icon changes to green for a few seconds, and then it crashes, or nothing happens.

As a quick recap, here are the main issues that users experienced while playing the Conan Exiles:

  • Crashes: crashes when joining the server, random crashes
  • Not Launching
  • Server Issues: server not responding, no servers showing up

If you experience one of the errors above, you are in the right place because we will help you fix Conan exiles crashing and other game issues.

Why do Conan Exiles keep Crashing?

Conan Exiles may keep crashing for a variety of reasons, some of which may include:

  • Incompatible or outdated graphics card drivers
  • Insufficient system resources, such as not having enough RAM or a strong enough processor
  • Corrupted or missing game files
  • Conflicts with other software or applications running in the background
  • Overclocking of the GPU or CPU
  • Issues with the game’s servers or network connection
  • Bugs or glitches in the game’s code
  • Running the game on a computer that does not meet the minimum system requirements

Conan Exiles was reported to suffer crashes on PC, Xbox One, PS4, and PS5, some of which are:

💥 Crash on startup

💥 Crashing when joining server

💥 Crash log

💥 Crash fatal error

💥 Crash when attacking

💥 Crash on launch

💥 Crashes after loading

💥 Server Crash

Yep, the list is long and you are probably experiencing some sort of a crash. It seems that most of them are happening in the multiplayer part of the game, especially when you try to open the server browser.

Why is Diablo 4 crashing on PC?

Conan Exiles Official Early Access Minimum System Requirements

  • CPU: Intel Quad Core i5, or AMD equivalent
  • GPU: GeForce GTX 560
  • RAM: 6GB
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 (64-bit versions)
  • HDD: 50GB free space

Conan Exiles Official Early Access Recommended System Requirements

  • CPU: Intel Quad Core i5/i7 3.3 GHz, or AMD equivalent
  • GPU for Ultra Graphics: GeForce GTX 1070
  • GPU for High Graphics: GeForce GTX 1060, GeForce GTX 970, or GeForce GTX 780 Ti
  • RAM: 8GB
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 (64-bit versions)
  • HDD: 50GB free space

Table of contents

  • How to fix Conan Exiles keeps crashing?
    • Conan Exiles not launching: Why and How to fix
    • Conan Exiles server not showing up

How to fix Conan Exiles keeps crashing?

It’s important to make sure that your computer meets the recommended system requirements for the game and that your GPU and CPU drivers are up to date.

1. Update your Graphics Drivers to the latest version

To fix the Conan Exiles crashes you need to make sure that you have the latest compatible graphics driver and that you have all the required redistributables.

You can update your Graphics drivers by visiting the website of your graphics card manufacturer, via Device Manager, or using a driver updater tool (which we recommend).

➡️ To update your graphics drivers using Device Manager on Windows follow these steps:

  1. Press the Windows key + X and select Device Manager from the menu.
  2. Expand the Display adapters section, right-click on your graphics card, and select Update driver.Update driver
  3. Select Search automatically for updated driver software. Windows will search for available updates and install them if found.
  4. Restart your PC to complete the installation process.

✅ Updating your GPU driver manually can be difficult or time-consuming. A simpler option is to use third-party software like Outbyte Driver Updater, which can automatically update your drivers with just a few clicks, not just for your GPU but for any driver you want to update.

2. Verify the integrity of the game files through Steam

  1. Open the Steam client on your computer and log in to your account.
  2. Go to the Library tab and find Conan Exiles.
    select Properties on steam
  3. Right-click on the game and select Properties.
  4. Click on the Local Files tab and select Verify Integrity of Game Files.
    Verify Integrity of Game File
  5. Steam will now check the game files and compare them to the files on the Steam servers. (If any files are missing or corrupted, Steam will download and replace them).

3. Clear the game cache

Clearing the game cache on Conan Exiles can help resolve issues with the game such as crashes or errors. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Steam client and log in to your account.
  2. Go to the Library tab and find the game.
  3. Right-click on the game and select Properties.
  4. Click on the Local Files tab and select “Delete Local Game Content”.
  5. Confirm the deletion by clicking on the “Delete” button.
  6. Re-install the game.

*Please note that this will delete all the game files, saved games, and configuration files, so you will need to reinstall the game, and you will lose all your progress.

➡️ Another way to clear the game cache is by going to the game folder on your computer and deleting the “ShooterGame” folder. This folder contains the game cache, including config files, logs, and other data.

**It’s always recommended to back up your game save data before clearing the cache, to prevent losing any progress.

Other solutions that may help:

  • Close any unnecessary background programs that may be running
  • Try running the game in windowed mode instead of fullscreen
  • Disable any third-party programs or overlays that you may have running while playing the game

Conan Exiles not launching: Why and How to fix

If the game won’t start for you, don’t worry, a lot of players are unable to launch Conan Exiles because of different reasons:

  • The game is not compatible with your computer’s hardware or operating system
  • Outdated or corrupted graphics drivers can cause the game to not launch
  • The game files may be missing or corrupted
  • Another program or background process may be interfering with the game
  • The game may have been installed incorrectly or in the wrong location
  • The game may have been corrupted during a previous update or patch
  • There may be a conflict with other software, such as anti-virus or firewall programs
  • The game may require an update or patch to be installed

The good news is that you can fix this issue and start the game in just a few minutes by trying the same steps as for crashing.

1. Verify the minimum system requirements for the game

It’s always recommended to check the documentation provided by the game developer for more detailed instructions.

2. Update your GPU drivers (Worked for most users ✅)

It’s always recommended to have the latest version of the driver as it may have bug fixes, performance improvements, and support for new features. Having the latest version of the driver can ensure compatibility with the latest games and software.

There are several ways to easily update your graphics card drivers for a Windows PC. Choose the best for you:

  1. Use the manufacturer’s website: Most major graphics card manufacturers, such as NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel, provide driver updates on their websites. You can go to the website of your graphics card manufacturer and search for the latest drivers for your specific model.
  2. Use a driver updater tool:  Outbyte Driver Updater can automatically detect and update your graphics card drivers. The tool is easy to use, and it can save you time and effort.
  3. Windows Update: Windows Update may also provide updates for your graphics card driver. To check for updates, go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update.
  4. Device Manager: You can also update your graphics card driver using Device Manager. To do this, press the Windows key + X and select Device Manager. Expand the Display adapters section, right-click on your graphics card, and select Update driver.

3. Verify the integrity of the game files

This process is useful when the game files have been damaged or changed, causing the game to crash or not start at all.

  1. Open the Steam client and log in to your account.
  2. Go to the Library tab and find Conan Exiles.
  3. Right-click on the game and select Properties.
  4. Click on the Local Files tab and select Verify Integrity of Game Files.
    Verify Integrity of Game File
  5. Steam will perform a comparison between the game files on your computer and the files on its servers. If any files are missing or damaged, Steam will automatically download and replace them.

Conan Exiles server not showing up

Conan Exiles no servers showing up is another encountered error in the game and it’s starting to annoy a lot of players on Xbox One and PS4. The second server issue is that players are able to see the game servers but they can’t connect to any because the server times out.

Below you will find some workarounds to fix the server issues and also a definite solution if nothing works for you.


  • Try clicking “Show Invalid Servers” in your server list. The list should populate. All servers marked with white text are valid and you should be able to connect to one.
  • Make sure that the “Combat” and “Community” lists are set to “All”. The filter should be set to “Internet”.
  • Go up to View – Servers. Filter by game – Conan Exiles. And now you should see the servers but the only problem here is that you can’t tell which PVP servers are Regular or Blitz.
  • You have to refresh and then wait about 5 min. If nothing pops up then refresh again and wait again. Eventually, servers will come up.

We hope that by now you managed to fix your Conan Exiles crashing and its related issues and that you already started to explore the vast world of the game and conquer your foes. Our team members are also playing the game at this moment so maybe we’ll see you in multiplayer. Have fun!–GamesErrors Team

If you encounter any issues or errors while playing your favorite games and require support, feel free to contact us here. Our team is always ready to assist you and ensure your gaming experience is seamless and enjoyable.

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