Defeating Cheaters For EA
This is a short document for EA (Electronic Arts) Illustrating the many ways they could keep their game C&C Generals cheat free. This document is in no way an insult to the programmers but a document to help EA keep their program free from cheaters. I think that making a cheat would be the only chance to get EA’s Attention to actually see this document or even take an interest.
Defeating Mismatches:
We all know why people will raise mismatches, so that the other players don’t receive a win and so that the loser at the game can laugh at the winner for not receiving a win. Surprisingly, even though EA have not resolved an answer to this issue, this can actually be stopped.
1. What Is A Mismatch:
Firstly a mismatch is caused when a player looses sync with other players in the game, Meaning what’s happening in the cheaters game is different to the other players. The cheater may have more money than what the others think or the Cheater may have 50 tanks when the others don’t know he has 50 tanks, this is all causes of a mismatch. So how do players make their game different from the other players. Well in a program, everything that has to be remembered about the current game is stored in RAM. This includes things like how much money you have, what tanks you have, where all the tanks you have are on the map. Using Hack Tools like WinHack, you can find where this data is being stored in RAM and guess what, you can even change it. So you can set your money to 70000000 if you want to and nothing will stop you from spending that money.
2. How is a Mismatch Detected?
C&C Generals has several checks to see if the game is running in-sync (not different from each others). Firstly other players make sure you have enough money to build something everytime you build something. How do the players know that you have enough to build something? They keep track on the Ram of their machines how much money you have. Everytime, you build something, they deduct the money that the unit costs from where in Ram they are remembering your money, If your money goes below 0 then they know your cheating and raise a mismatch to force all players to leave game.
3. How can the mismatcher be detected?
This next part will be very hard for someone without programming skills to understand this, but here is what EA need to know.
Let take a simple scenario of 3 players, player 2 is going to change their money to 8000 when they really only have 2000, so player 2 is the cheater in this scenario.
Each of the 3 squares are computers in the game, the three numbers below are the stored money amounts. The first number in the column is the money amount for player 1, second is player 2, third is player 3. From this diagram we can see that player 1 & 3 both think that player 2 has 2000 cash, while player 2 thinks he has 8000 cash. Let’s see what happens when player 2 spends 5000 cash on a nuke.
Oh uh. Both player 1 & 3 see player 2 has gone negative cash. Now player 1 & 3 could report to EA Online that player 2 had -3000 cash and if EA found that at least 2 players in that game reported that the same player had the same money amount, they would give a loss to that player and not count a record to the other players left in the game, but we wanna remove the cheater from the game completely right?. This is where the players will start a conversation to detect who is the cheater. We could just assume that if a player had negative cash they were a cheater right? WRONG! What happens if player 3 was to change player 1’s cash amount to a negative cash amount BEFORE player 2 built the nuke and raised the mismatch? Player 3 would think Player 1 Was cheating, yet Player 3 was tricking their game to think player 1 was the cheater.
The first thing the player that detected the mismatch needs to do is to notify the game to stop and warn all other players that a mismatch has occurred. In this case player 3 & 1 will notify everyone. The other players will receive word that player 3 has detected a mismatch. Once player 3 has received word from all players that they received their message about the mismatch, the mismatch detection will take place. Player 3 will talk to player 1 since there is no need to talk to the suspected cheater player 2 and send the mismatch details. These details will include what type of mismatch was it (Money Mismatch), Who is causing the mismatch (Player 2). (See below)
When Player 1 recieves this data it responds back saying yes this mismatch information is true or no it is not true because player 1 can check up to see also on his game if player 2 is building something when he does not have enough money. Player 1 will respond true, and the data will be sent back to player 3. Player 3 recieves this data and sees player 1 thinks player 2 is a cheater too. Player 3 adds to a tally that player 1 thinks player 2 is a cheater and player 3 will remember that he/she has already talked to player 1 and got his story. If a player responds no, player 2 was not cheating, player 3 would add to a tally that keeps record if player 2 was not cheating. When all players apart from the cheater have been talked to, you add up the tally. From the tally score, you can determine who is the likely cheater, all players will need to talk to each other and organize a “drop out” for that player where they all ignore that player and make him disconnect. If the tally ends up that the cheater was not a cheater, then the person(s) who raised the mismatch alert should be “Dropped Out”
Also if a player receives mismatch info that is not true from another player, then that player will start notifying all the other players to find out if they think the same. And using this method a mismatch cannot be determined while there are 2 players in game.
All I can hope is that the EA Programmers will understand this.
У меня не запускается компьютерная игра «Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour» на новых операционных системах Виндовс. С таким вопросом чаще всего сталкиваются новички или те, кто играл в эту игру очень давно и решил возобновить сетевые матчи. Подготовили для вас инструкцию и файлы исправления для запуска игры «Генералы Час Расплаты» на ОС Windows 10/11/Seven Sp1/7 Sp2/8.1/Blue/Xp Sp3 и не важно, какая разрядность установлена на вашем компьютере, это может быть стандартный 32 bit (x86) или 64 bit (x64).
По мимо решения проблем с запуском на новых системах Виндовс, мы так же позаботились о том, чтобы решить аналогичные проблемы с игрой. В сети часто встречаются вопросы на тему, как убрать взрыв зданий в начале игры или назойливая проблема с directx 8 и не только, которая на отрез не хочет производить запуск военной стратегии Generals Zero Hour 1.04.
Список существующих и проверенных решений с запуском игры Генералы:
- NOCD или некоторые его называют NoDVD (файл для разрешения запуска игры Generals ZH без диска);
- Установка файл конфигурации (options.ini и другие);
- Выставить режим совместимости с предыдущими версиями Windows;
- Исправить проблему запуска directx 8.1 (удалите из каталога с игрой файл dbghelp.dll);
- Ресинхронизация данных в игре по сети и частые вылеты;
- Играть онлайн вы можете только на последней версии патча 1.04 ZH.
Необходимые решения проблемы:
Проблема с синхронизацией в Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour решает заменой ключа в Реестре, это можно сделать самому вручную, инструкция есть на нашем сайте, либо добавим в комментариях к этой новости. Так же, если у вас даже минимальные различия в игре с вашим соперником, модификация, дополнение, значения игры хоть немного поменяны, у вас произойдёт проблема вновь и вновь, пока вы не установите одинаковые версии игры со своим напарником по игре в «Генералы Зеро Хоур». Ключ в игре можно поменять через соответствующее приложение, либо самому в нужном пункте реестра и изменение значения (инструкция присутствует на портале).
Найдены несоответствия между игроками — Решение
Когда вы играете через интернет/сеть не нужно забывать про файл конфигурации Options.ini, в котором потребуется поменять ваш IPAddress/GameSpyIPAddress. У вас по умолчанию стоит, если вы что-то не меняли или игра не прописала значения. Иначе вы не сможете нормально сыграть, к примеру, через Radmin VPN/Hamachi. И так, коротко о решение проблемы:
- Установщик игры, в том числе RG Mechanics должен быть одинаковый у всех игроков в матче;
- Версия патча и сам установщик должен быть одинаковый, в том числе NoCD;
- Файлы игры не должны отличаться у вас, кроме как настройками сети и ключа;
- Не забывайте прописывать свой IP, в файле конфигурации Options.ini;
- У вас должны отличаться Ключи Лицензии у игры Generals Zero Hour;
- Желательно играть через Radmin VPN, а не Hamachi (на опыте);
- Даже патч 1.04 скачанный с разных ресурсов, может по разному отработать у вас, даже по этой причине может быть рассинхронизация в игре;
- Можно не ставить мод на камеру в генералах, а просто обзавестись всем вам в сетевом матче, программой GenTool, которая в режиме реального времени, поменяет любые вам параметры, при этом стабильной в игре становится выше.
Сайт в разработке. Если вы нашли проблему на сайте, пожалуйста сообщите нам!
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