If the DirectX error is popping up and stopping you from playing MW2, there are a few solutions you can try to get back in the game.
No matter how advanced technology becomes, video games are always hit with errors. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a prime example of that. Errors galore have plagued players, including an MW2 DirectX error. It can end your sessions at any time, so fixing it is a must.
DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces on Microsoft Windows systems. It ensures that multimedia programs, such as games, run correctly. If you’ve come across this error preventing you from playing MW2, actions like updating the applications or reinstalling the game will help.
How to fix the DirectX error and get back to playing MW2
(Image via Esports.gg)
This isn’t as quick and simple as some MW2 error solutions. This is because the root of the problem is currently unknown. You may need to complete multiple steps, or you could be one of the lucky ones who needs to employ just one fix.
Here are the various ways you can get past the DirectX error in MW2:
- Press Ctrl+Alt+Del, open the Task Manager, and select End Task on MW2
- Check for Windows updates
- Update your Drivers
- Ensure DirectX is up to date
- Uninstall and reinstall MW2
- Restart your PC
Players have found that doing anywhere from one to all of these tasks have fixed the problem. It is recommended that you do them in the order in which they are listed. You should also restart your PC after each objective, even though it can be a resolution all on its own.
The DirectX error can occur when your system doesn’t meet the minimum requirements as well. If all of the solutions have failed, double check the PC requirements to make sure your computer and MW2 are even compatible.

When you get Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 / Warzone DirectX error with the «DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error» message on startup, and your game won’t launch, don’t worry. This guide will show you how to fix the «DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error» issue.
The error message:
«DirectX Error. DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error. Check the readme for possible solutions.»
If you encounter the same problem, check out these solutions now.
#1 Delete the «players» folder
You might be able to fix the DirectX error by removing the «players» folder in the Documents on your system. To do this, follow the steps below.
- Navigate to C:\Users\%UserName%\Documents\Call of Duty
- Right-click on the «players» folder.
- Select Delete
#2 Reinstall the GPU driver with DDU
The COD MW2/Warzone DirectX error might be caused by the corrupted or outdated graphics driver. In this situation, AMD, NVIDIA, and Intel users should reinstall the GPU driver with DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller), the most powerful driver removal utility. To do this, you can follow this guide: How to Reinstall GPU Drivers With DDU
#3 End unnecessary background applications
Sometimes, there are chances that your Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II or Warzone 2.0 (Battle Royale & DMZ) may not be able to run properly due to the programs running in the background, and you may get the «DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error» at startup.
In that case, you can disable the applications running in the background on your Windows PC. Such as RTSS Rivatuner Statistics Server, MSI Afterburner, Razer Synapse, EVGA Precision XOC, etc…
To close the applications, you can use the task manager and end tasks. Or you can perform a clean boot in Windows 10/11.
#4 Temporarily disable OC
Sometimes overclocked GPU, CPU, or RAM on the PC might cause COD games to crash. It is better to turn off OC temporarily. To stop overclocking on your system, you can check the official website of your motherboard and graphics card.
That’s it, guys! I hope this guide helped you to fix COD MW2 Warzone DirectX Error.
Solve the COD MW2 DirectX error with the best fixes Infinity Ward won’t tell you about. 😎
DirectX error is a pretty common issue, not only with Call of Duty but also with other games. Users have reported Modern Warfare II crashing at startup or even during gameplay with the message “DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error.”
Even though Infinity Ward’s only suggestion is to update your PC, and the game could disappoint you, we will not let you down.
That is why we have conjured a list of some of the best user-recommended fixes for MW2 DirectX error that are bound to work. Have a look!
Why am I facing MW 2 DirectX error?
There can be a handful of reasons why you may be seeing “DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error”. Some of them are:
- Outdated DirectX and Microsoft Visual C Redistributable
- Older Windows version installed on your PC
- Outdated GPU drivers
- Corrupt game files
- Unnecessary background tasks
- Overclocked GPU and CPU
- Antivirus intervention
How do I fix DirectX error in Modern Warfare 2?
While the game randomly crashing amidst a battle royal gameplay can be really frustrating, here are some solutions that gamers have found to be useful.
But first, make sure your PC ticks off all these preliminary checks.
- Make sure that your PC meets the system requirements for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II.
- Install the latest DirectX update. Also, update Microsoft Visual C++ redistributables.
- Check if you are using the latest Windows version.
- End unnecessary background tasks. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager.
- Check if your PC has a stable internet connection.
- Verify and repair the corrupted game files.
If the issue still persists after making the above basic checks, you can go ahead with trying the following troubleshooting methods to fix the MW2 DirectX error.
- Update GPU drivers
- Enable high-performance mode and game mode
- Turn off default graphics switching to integrated GPU
- Disable RTX video enhancement
1. Update GPU drivers
Most MW2 DirectX error Reddit solutions suggest that the issue is mostly graphics-related.
So, try updating your PC’s graphics card drivers first before trying any other solution.
- Press Win + X to open the Quick Access Menu.
- Next, click on Device Managers and then Display Adapters.
- Right-click on the dedicated graphics card currently in use and hit Update driver.
Alternatively, you can use Outbyte Driver Updater to make this process even simpler and help you get the best and most authentic GPU updates in no time.
Here’s how.
- Download and install Outbyte Driver Updater.
- Start the app to let it automatically scan for updates.
- Once done, you can update everything to solve all driver issues that may be interfering with your game.
Restart your device to fix MW2 DirectX error crash.
2. Enable high-performance mode and game mode
Graphics-intensive games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II require high-performance power on the PC to let you enjoy playing without any lag.
You can turn on this setting in the following steps:
- Navigate to Control Panel and click on Hardware and Sounds.
- Next, select Power Options.
- Click on Show additional plans and enable the option for High performance.
Additionally, make sure to turn on the Game Mode on your PC.
- Go to Settings.
- Click on Gaming and then Game Mode.
- Switch the toggle bar for Game Mode to On.
Reboot your PC to apply changes.
3. Turn off default graphics switching to integrated GPU
Time needed: 5 minutes
Many gamers complain about facing COD MW2 DirectX error even after turning on the game and high-performance modes.
Fortunately, there’s a solution for that too.
If your PC has a dedicated and integrated graphics card, it may have the default setting of automatically switching to the integrated graphics card in high-performance mode. Turning this off may resolve the MW2 DirectX error.
- Press Win + I to open Windows Settings.
- Click on System and then Display from the column on the left.
- Scroll down and hit the link for Graphics setting.
- Now, select the Browse option and choose the COD: MW2 application and hit Options.
- Select the GPU you want Windows to use for the game and click on Save.
Restart your PC to apply the changes you just made.
4. Disable RTX video enhancement
This solution is only applicable to gamers using NVIDIA drivers. After the GPU’s latest super-resolution updates, the drivers are set to the highest resolution by default. This may be interfering with smooth gameplay, as a Reddit user observed.
Although this setting may not have a direct connection to the gaming performance, the Reddit user reported that following through with this process has helped him avoid game crashing on startup and avoiding MW2 DirectX error.
Here’s how you can try the same.
- Navigate to NVIDIA Control Panel and click on Adjust video image settings.
- Now, under the RTX video enhancement section, uncheck the box for Super resolution.
Restart your device to check if you are still getting the MW2 “DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error” message.
Additional fixes you can try:
In case none of the above fixes worked for you, try some of these solutions for MW2 DirectX error crash.
- Lower the Video Memory Scale on COD: Modern Warfare II
- Underclock your PC’s GPU and CPU
- Turn off Antivirus and Windows Firewall
- Do a clean boot
- Uninstall and reinstall the game
In case you still encounter MW2 DirectX error after updating your PC to meet the game’s system requirements, check out our solutions for game crashing after installing new RAM.
One or a combination of the above methods is sure to fix the COD: MW2 error, and if you discover an even better solution, let us know in the comments.
If you encounter any issues or errors while playing your favorite games and require support, feel free to contact us here. Our team is always ready to assist you and ensure your gaming experience is seamless and enjoyable.
Image via Infinity Ward
A lot of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 players have been facing DirectX errors, namely the DirectX unrecoverable error. This occurs due to several different reasons, such as outdated graphics drivers or the lack of proper DirectX and C++ redistributable software on your PC.
DirectX error fix for Modern Warfare 2
There are a few steps to troubleshooting this error, so let’s begin with the basic steps. If one doesn’t work, proceed to the next one:
- Restart your PC
- Head into Windows Update and make sure your PC is updated.
- Ensure your graphics driver is updated. For NVIDIA or AMD, go into the graphics card control panel and check for updates.
- For other integrated graphics cards such as Intel, go into Device Manager, then right-click and update their drivers. Search for them automatically.
- Download and install updated versions of DirectX and C++ Redistributable.
- For good practice, restart your PC once again.
Related: Where to find Smuggling Tunnels in MW2 DMZ & Warzone 2 (Al Mazrah)
Keeping your PC updated with all the drivers and software should fix this error for you. If it doesn’t, then your best bet is to reinstall your graphics card drivers using DDU. Simply uninstall your graphics drivers one by one using this utility, and reinstall them via Windows Update, the NVIDIA website, or AMD’s website.
For more on MW2, check out the Non Discriminatory DMZ Mission Guide here on Pro Game Guides.
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Ошибка DirectX — одна из частых проблем, с которой сталкиваются многие геймеры Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Обычно это происходит, когда вы пытаетесь загрузить игру или, возможно, даже когда вы активно играете онлайн в разгар своей королевской битвы. Это может быть невероятно неприятно и может действительно поставить крест на работе, если вы пытаетесь хорошо провести время. Есть несколько способов борьбы с этим кодом ошибки, и в этом руководстве мы подробно расскажем, как исправить ошибку DirectX в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
Как исправить ошибку DirectX в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
Хотя Infinity Ward знает об этой проблеме, все, что компания может порекомендовать на данный момент, — это попросить геймеров убедиться, что в их системе и игре установлены самые последние обновления. Помимо этого, есть еще несколько вещей, которые вы можете попытаться сделать, чтобы исправить ошибку и вернуться в игру.
Исправьте одну ошибку DirectX в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Принудительное закрытие игры может исправить возникшую небольшую ошибку. Если вы не можете закрыть игру с помощью обычных опций меню, вам придется принудительно закрыть ее через меню диспетчера задач, одновременно нажав CTRL+SHIFT+ESC. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши игру и выберите «Завершить задачу». Это должно заставить игру закрыться.
Исправление двух ошибок DirectX в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Есть причина, по которой мы говорим: выключите и снова включите компьютер. Сброс ПК может позволить игре и ПК повторно синхронизироваться и, возможно, исправить любые сбои или ошибки в системе. ПК и консоли могут быть темпераментными, если оставить их работать слишком долго.
Исправить три ошибки DirectX в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Запуск Центра обновления Windows может заставить ПК автоматически искать все без исключения устаревшие драйверы. Устаревшие драйверы будут автоматически загружены и установлены поверх их старых копий.
Исправление четырех ошибок DirectX в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Обновите графические драйверы. Если вы используете карту Nvidia или AMD, вам нужно зайти в их приложения на своем ПК и проверить наличие обновлений. Для встроенных видеокарт, таких как карта Intel, вам нужно зайти в Диспетчер устройств, щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши видеокарту и принудительно выполнить обновление с помощью автоматического поиска.
Исправление пятой ошибки DirectX в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Если они не работают, вам нужно зайти на веб-сайты распространяемых компонентов DirectX и C++, загрузить последние версии и установить их. Затем перезагрузите компьютер.