Ce 37857 0 код ошибки

PS4 не распознает USB-накопитель.

  1. Подключите USB-накопитель.
  2. Если накопитель подключен, но вы видите эту ошибку, отключите его и снова подключите.
  3. Выберите в быстром меню Звук/устройства > Прекратить использование расширенного хранилища, и подключите его снова. Убедитесь, что устройство надежно подключено к разъему.
  4. Убедитесь, что ваш накопитель отформатирован в FAT или exFAT.
  5. Если это не решило проблему, прочитайте статью «PS4: поддержка внешнего жесткого диска (HDD)», чтобы получить помощь.

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ps4 error code CE-37857-0

Whenever I turn on my ps4 I can’t access my games and it tells me that no usb storage device is connected even though it’s properly plugged in & on. Anyone know any solutions?  — from Reddit

Have you ever meet this problem before? It is a common problem for your PS4 USB. Maybe the USB format is incorrect, or the USB port is damaged. There are various reasons for this error. It may display the code: CE-37857-0. This guide will provide you with detailed methods to fix PS4 error CE-37857-0.

What Is PS4 Error CE-37857-0?

PS4 Error CE-37857-0 refers to «the USB storage device is not connected.»


This can happen when trying to access content on an external device or copy content to a device. Sometimes, the code for this error may also be SU-41333-4. In other cases, there may also not be any code number. When we meet this USB error, we need to fix it. Next, let’s go over the causes of PS4 error CE-37857-0. If you meet other errors, such as PS4 hard drive error, click the link below to find the solutions.

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What Causes PS4 Error CE-37857-0?

There are many reasons for this error. It can be due to physical damage or logical damage. It is possible that the USB connection to the PS4 is not working at the beginning or stops working after a long time. The main points are summarized as follows: 

  • USB format is not correct
  • The port of USB is faulty
  • A USB integrator is used
  • The PS4 database is corrupted
  • USB storage device is corrupted
  • PS4 is improperly installed system software
  • The cable connecting the USB to the PS4 is faulty
  • Power effects, sudden power surges, or power shortages

How Do I Fix PS4 Error CE-37857-0? [8 Ways]

After understanding the possible causes of problems with the PS4, it is essential to solve the problem. Next, we will solve the problem from one of the most common causes.

Method 1. Format PS4 USB Drive to FAT32 or exFAT 

The file system format is inconsistent if your PS4 does not recognize USB. Most of the USB formats are NTFS. However, PS4 only supports FAT32 and exFAT. You can also use a simple and fast free disk tool: EaseUS Partition Master Free. 

This is an all-in-one disk performance optimizer. It can easily convert file systems between NTFS and FAT32 without formatting the selected drive. You can learn more about it by following the steps below.

Step 1. Right-click target device partition and select «Advanced» > «Convert to FAT».

Step 2. When the check process completes, click «Proceed» to start NTFS to FAT32 conversion.

Step 3. Click «Apply» to save all changes.

Method 2. Turn Off PS4 

A power issue may cause the PS4 error CE-37857-0. So, you can fix it by following the steps below.

Step 1. Remove the USB from the PS4 first.

Step 2. Open «Quick Menu» and select «Turn Off PS4.»


Step 3. Power off the PS4 and wait for a few minutes.

Step 4. Then, turn it back on again.

Step 5. Connect the USB again and check if it will allow it properly.

This operation helps PS4 to recover from any error caused by a sudden short circuit.

📖Read Also: Get More Storage on PS4

Method 3. Check the PS4 USB Port 

You need to check if the USB port is damaged to fix PS4 error CE-37857-0.


If it is broken, you need to get someone to fix it. Or if the USB storage device is too large to plug into the USB port on the front of the console. You will need to remove the USB storage device from the front USB port and plug it into the back USB port on the PS4. 

Method 4. Connect Another USB 

You can connect another USB to see if the problem is with this USB or with the PS4 connection cable. Then you can decide whether you need a new device.


This fix may also be useful when your PS4 cannot read USB. If you meet this error, click the link to know more and fix it:

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ps4 cannont read usb

Method 5. Clear CMOS Memory

The Errors in the PS4 system can also cause the USB to fail to connect. So, you can check whether CMOS memory data has been corrupted or not to fix PS4 error CE-37857-0. But this method requires some professionalism.


Method 6. Rebuild PS4 Database 

Rebuilding the database can fix many problems related to PS4. You can use it to fix PS4 error CE-37857-0. You will need to rebuild the database every six months or as often as necessary to keep your PS4 performing at its best. Here are the specific steps.

Step 1. Turn off your PS4 and press and hold the power button.

Step 2. Enter «Safe Mode.»


Step 3. Connect the DualShock 4 controller to the USB-A.

Step 4. Select «Rebuild Database.»


Method 7. Reset PS4 

Initializing PS4 is a method of last resort to fix PS4 error CE-37857-0. This means that you need to restore the PS4 to factory settings. You will need to try a soft initialization and then do a full one if it doesn’t work. But you need to backup game saves PS4 to the cloud or another USB before initializing. And you can click the link below to find two ways to factory reset your PS4.

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Method 8. Contact PlayStation Support

If you find no problems with the USB and have checked the PS4, you can try to connect the PlayStation support to see if they can provide you with options to manage and fix it. You can call the helpline on Monday through Friday: 1-800-345-SONY (7669).

If you encounter another PS4 problem: your PS4 cannot access system storage, and the code CE-34335-8 appears. You can click the link below for help.


Do you know how to fix PS4 error CE-37857-0 yet? This article provides eight methods. But always remember to check the cause of the PS4 error first. One of the most likely causes of PS4 problems is incorrect formatting of USB. So, the best answer to fix it is to format the USB to exFAT or FAT32. After that, you can use a professional disk tool: EaseUS Partition Master, to help you solve the problem quickly. And if you want to upgrade PS4 hard drive, you can also do it easily and quickly.

FAQs About PS4 Error Code CE-37857-0 

This article provides many ways to fix PS4 error code CE-37857-0. In addition to that, here are some questions that people often ask.

1. Why is my PS4 extended storage not supported?

The reason for this problem may be that your hard drive is not compatible with PS4. You need to convert the format. Or there is a problem with the drive’s cable or port. You can refer to the method provided in this article to solve the problem.

2. How do I know if my PS4 hard drive is failing?

In addition to the code issues that will occur as suggested in this article, more than a few situations will show your PS4 not working. For example, the download fails, the game has an error, or the video does not download.

3. What format does PS4 use for USB?

PS4 only supports the format of exFAT or FAT32. So, if your USB is NTFS, you need to convert it.

Если вы в свое время купили консоль PlayStation 4 с небольшим объемом памяти или просто хотите играть во все новинки, но место на консоли катастрофически не хватает, то у вас есть только 2 выходапокупка консоли с большим объемом памяти взамен старой или подключение внешнего жесткого диска для расширения хранилища. Большинство пользователь выбирают именно второй вариант, т.к. он предполагает гораздо меньше затрат, да и зачем покупать новую консоль, когда и старая отлично работаетК счастью с версии 4.50 в PlayStation 4 появилась наконец возможность подключения внешнего накопителя. Но есть целый ряд ошибок связанных именно с этим процессом, таких, как к примеру ошибка CE378570. Что это такое и чем ее едят мы попытаемся объяснить в нашей статье.

Причины появления ошибки.

Как мы уже говорили, ошибка возникает у пользователей при подключении внешнего накопителя, и связана она с тем, что система не может распознать подключенное устройство. Это вызвано тем, что к носителю предъявляются определенные требования, о которых мы и собираемся вам рассказать.

Исправляем ошибку.

Для начала вы должны быть уверены, что носитель поддерживает подключение через USB 3.0 и имеет объем в пределах от 250 Гб до 8 Тб. Это довольно критичное требование со стороны PlayStation 4, иначе устройство попросту не будет работать. Также некоторые носители поддерживают подключение как через USB 3.0 так и через 2.0, и система зачастую пытается подключиться по умолчанию именно через 2.0. На этот случай одним из пользователей было найдено довольно оригинальное решение, блокирующее подключение через старый интерфейс. Для этого нужно всего лишь заклеить пины, отвечающие за старый интерфейс, как это показано на картинках ниже.

Еще одним требованием является то, что устройство должно быть отформатировано системой PlayStation 4 в специальный формат. Для этого:

  1. Подключите накопитель.
  2. Убедитесь, что накопитель надежно подключен, т.к. конструкции некоторых накопителей физически не позволяют до конца подключить их к приставке.
  3. Зайдите «Настройки».
  4. Далее в «Устройства».
  5. Выберите «Накопители USB».
  6. Нажмите на ваше устройство.
  7. Потом «Форматировать как внешнее устройство» и следуйте подсказкам, появляющимся на экране.
  8. После окончания процесса вы сможете использовать устройство исключительно для хранения на нем игр и приложений PlayStation 4, для использования его на другом устройстве вам понадобится заново его отформатировать.
  9. Если накопитель подключен, но код ошибки все равно появляется, зайдите в меню.
  10. Там перейдите в [Звук/устройства] > [Прекратить использование расширенного хранилища].
  11. Отсоедините устройство от консоли, а потом заново подключите его.

Если проблема не устранена, то вполне вероятно, что ваше устройство несовместимо с консолью, ведь по словам Sony поддерживаются не все накопители, даже если они соответствуют предъявляемым требованиям. Также устройство может иметь какието физические дефекты и изза этого не определяться в системе. В этом случае вам остается только попытать удачу с другим устройством, действуя по той же методике.

Удачной игры!

The PS4 Error CE-37857-0 is another common error code on PS4. The error CE-37857-0 means there may be a problem with the USB storage disk. But it’s not confirmed that what is the exact reason for occurs this error code on PS4. There may be different reasons behind it. You need to confirm that before going to do anything with this error code.



If you think this error code occurs due to the USB stick’s fault, in this situation you can format it if you don’t need any files on this storage device. If there are any important files on it, you need to search another method to fix this error code. When you format the USB storage device all the files will be erased. It means the storage device will be cleaned.

The error CE-37857-0 occurs when there is a problem with the USB storage device. But there may be different reasons behind it. Sometimes the PS4 doesn’t support the USB but when you insert it on PC or Laptop it’ll be opened normally. On the PlayStation site, you can find a shortcut way to fix it.

In this situation, you need to check first the USB storage device on the PC or Laptop. If you’re facing the error with a USB storage device there may be a different reason. I’ll write here all the possible solutions for a USB storage device to fix the error code CE-37857-0.

The error CE-37857-0 means there is a problem with the USB storage device which you’re insert on your PS4. You can easily fix this error with using the below method. But you need to follow the below steps by step, don’t skip any step otherwise you may fail to fix the error code.

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Reasons for PS4 Error CE-37857-0

The “The USB storage device is not connected” shows that the PS4 unable to detect the USB storage device. One thing keeps in mind that this error code is related to the USB storage device. Make sure the USB storage device (Pendrive) is working properly before. If you remember the USB storage device is also not working before please don’t waste your time fixing the Pendrive (USB storage device). But I hope the USB storage device is working properly before and will be fixed soon with the below solutions.

  • Maybe the USB storage device is already damaged.
  • The USB port is damaged.
  • The USB cable that links the device to PS4 is damaged.
  • Improper installation of the PS4 system software update.
  • Connecting the USB storage device via a USB hub.
  • An abrupt power surge or electrical shock.
  • Improper installation of a game/app or its update.
  • Corrupted PS4 database.

Solution for PS4 Error CE-37857-0

There are so many reasons for CE-37857-0. This is very common error code on PS4, it’ll prevent to opening the USB storage. The PS4 cannot able to detect the USB storage device, it means the USB storage device is damaged.

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Method 1: Check the USB Storage Device

When you insert your USB storage device on your PS4 but the PS4 isn’t detect the USB. To check the USB storage device follow the below steps:

  • Remove the USB storage device from the PS4.
  • Insert is on your PC or Laptop and you’ll see the below message.

  • Now, you’ll see the another step, check the last icon Removal Disk (not detected storage capacity). It means there is a problem with the USB storage device.

  • When you try to open the drive and you’ll see the below message.

  • Click on the cancel button and go to This PC (in Windows 10), My Computer (in Windows 7).
  • Right click on This PC or My Computer and click on Manage.

  • Click on Disk Management.

Disk Management

Disk Management
  • Now you should find it listed there as an unallocated (black color labeled) storage.

If the USB storage device is showing Unallocated, right-click on the unallocated drive and click on creating a simple new volume.

Method 2: Check the USB Port

There may be a problem with the USB port of your PS4 console. Sometimes the PS4 USB port gonna be damaged and the error CE-37857-0 appears on the screen. If with the first method the error CE-37857-0 is not fixed you need to check the USB port of your PS4. Also, you need to insert the USB on another USB port. If another USB port is working and detect the SUB storage device the previous port is damaged, you need to buy a new USB hub for more USB ports.

Method 3: Buy a New USB HUB

Get a new USB hub from the market and insert the USB hub on the working port then try to insert the USB storage device on the USB hub. Check the USB storage device is detected or not. If the USB hub can show the USB storage device the previous USB port is damaged, you need to use USB hub now.

Final Verdict

The error CE-378578-0 is not so hard to fix. Just you need to get first what is the reason for showing this error code on your PS4. Don’t hesitate to research about how to fix the error code online. First you need to check the USB storage device on the other PC or Laptop. If on the other PC or Laptop shows the USB storage device you need to change the USB port of your PS4.

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FAQs on PS4 Error CE-37857-0

1. Why is my ps4 saying USB storage device not connected?

The USB storage device maybe damaged.

2. What format does ps4 use for USB?

You need to format your USB storage device at FAT32.

3. Is 500gb enough for ps4?

It depends on the game player.

4. How do I format to fat32?

You need to format it from the PC or Laptop. Insert the USB storage device on [PC or Laptop] > [Right Click] > [Format] > [Ok]

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PS4 cannot recognize the USB storage. Connect the storage device. If the storage device is connected but you see this error, disconnect it and reconnect it. Select Sound/Devices > Stop Using Extended Storage on the quick menu and then reconnect it.

Why is my PS4 saying USB storage device is not connected?

When your PS4 asks you to connect a USB storage device, you need to check if the PS4 USB storage device is not connected safe mode. Connect your USB storage device and format it in exFAT format to release the error.

Why isn t my USB update working PS4?

If your console doesn’t recognize the update file, check that the USB is in FAT32 or exFAT format and that the folder and file names are correct. Enter the folder and file names in single-byte characters using uppercase letters. If this process fails, you may need to reinstall the system software.

Why can’t i use my extended storage on PS4?

If an external hard drive cannot be recognized by your PS4, the possible reasons are: The external hard drive doesn’t have a wired connection. The external hard drive isn’t compatible with PS4 platform. There is another external storage device connected to your PS4.

How do I fix CE 37857 0?


  1. Connect the storage device.
  2. If the storage device is connected but you see this error, disconnect it and reconnect it.
  3. Select Sound/Devices > Stop Using Extended Storage on the quick menu and then reconnect it. …
  4. Make sure the storage device is FAT or exFAT formatted.

PS4: How to Fix Error Code CE-37857-0 “PS4 Cannot Recognize the USB Storage” Tutorial!

How do I get my PS4 extended storage to work?

Select a device to format in (Settings) > [Devices] > [USB Storage Devices], and then select [Format as Extended Storage]. When formatting is complete, the device is automatically set up as an install location for your applications.

How do I force my PS4 to update?

Always update your PS4™ system to the latest version of the system software. By updating, you’ll enjoy additional features, improved usability, and enhanced security. Select (Settings) > [System Software Update] to make sure your system has the latest version of the system software.

How do you fix a corrupted update on PS4?

  1. Fix 1: Delete the game and reinstall it.
  2. Fix 2: Delete corrupted downloads.
  3. Fix 3: Clean the game disc.
  4. Fix 4: Update the software.
  5. Fix 5: Restore your PS4 software licenses.
  6. Fix 6: Start the PS4 in safe mode and rebuild the database.
  7. Fix 7: Initialize your PS4.
  8. Fix 8: Hard reset your PS4.

How do I get my PS4 to read my USB?

Select Media Player from the content area. Connect the USB drive to your PS4 console, and then select USB. A list of video files on your USB drive appears. Select a file to play it.

What to do when PS4 says connect a USB storage device that contains an update file for reinstallation?

Plug the USB drive containing the installation file into your PS4 console. Start your PS4 console in Safe Mode: press and hold the power button, releasing after the second beep. Select Initialize PS4 (Reinstall System Software).

What format USB does PS4 support?

FAT and exFAT formatted USB storage devices are supported. Be sure to fully insert the USB storage device into the USB port. Some devices are not compatible due to shape or design.

How did my PS4 get corrupted data?

Causes of PS4 Data Corruption:

Malfunction or poorly functioned hard drive. Data corruption in some game you installed. The downloaded file was not installed to the system properly. The data on the system may be corrupted.

How do I know if my PS4 hard drive is bad?

Some of the most common signs of dying hard drives include:

  1. Unusual or excessive heating.
  2. Repeated read or write disk errors.
  3. Frequent PS4 crashes or freezing, whether during booting or carrying out tasks.
  4. Both Folders and files cannot be accessed.
  5. Disappearing data.

Will I lose data if I rebuild database on PS4?

How To Rebuild Your PS4 Database. Before you rebuild your PS4’s database, rest assured that the process doesn’t delete any of your saved data, it simply reorganizes and freshens up your system’s files. To do this, you’ll need to put your PS4 into Safe Mode.

How do I update my PS4 that won’t update?

If your PS4 system software download is stuck, please delete the update and start again:

  1. Select Notifications from the PS4 console function area, highlight the update file and press the OPTIONS button > Delete.
  2. Next, select Settings > System Software Update.

How do I get my PS4 out of Safe Mode without USB update?

Wait for it to power down and turn off. Press and hold the Power button until you hear two beeps. You will hear the first beep when start pressing the power button on your PS4. Continue holding the Power button until you hear another beep about 7 seconds later.

Does ps4 automatically update firmware?

Your PS4™ system automatically downloads and installs system software update files. To enable your system to automatically install files even when the update requires it to restart, select the checkbox for [Allow Restart].

What is the latest ps4 firmware?

Not only has Sony released a big new update for PS5, its last-gen console, PS4, has also received new firmware. PS4 system software version 10.50 is available to download right now, weighing in at a pretty small 488MB. So, what does it do?

What happens if your PS4 database is corrupted?

You may encounter PS4 Database Is Corrupted Error when you power it ON. Due to this error, you’re not able to play games or perform any other task on your PlayStation.

Can you recover data from a corrupted PS4 hard drive?

If you are a PS Plus user, you can simply recover data from the cloud. If you have backups on USB drive, you can insert it into PS4 console and perform a restoration. If you do not have backups, you can let ADR for Windows help you scan the hard drive and find missing files.

How do I fix corrupted data?

How to Fix Corrupted Files

  1. Perform a check disk on the hard drive. Running this tool scans the hard drive and attempts to recover bad sectors. …
  2. Use the CHKDSK command. This is the command version of the tool we looked at above. …
  3. Use the SFC /scannow command. …
  4. Change the file format. …
  5. Use file repair software.

Will formatting a hard drive erase it PS4?

Be aware that formatting your storage device will delete all the data. If you want to keep the data, you should back it up on a different device. From your PS4™, go to [Settings] > [Devices] > [USB Storage Devices].

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