Pressing any of the four DIC buttons will acknowledge
the message and clear it from the DIC display. If
your vehicle does not have the four DIC buttons,
pressing the trip odometer reset stem will acknowledge
the message and clear it from the DIC display.
If your vehicle has the passenger sensing system, this
message reminds you to buckle the driver’s seat
belt. See Passenger Sensing System on page 1-80.
This message will display and a chime will sound when
the ignition is on, the driver’s seat belt is unbuckled,
and the vehicle is in motion. You should buckle
your seat belt.
If the driver remains unbuckled when the ignition is on
and the vehicle is in motion, the reminder will be
repeated. If the driver’s seat belt is already buckled, this
message and chime will not come on.
This message is an additional reminder to the Safety
Belt Reminder Light in the instrument panel cluster. See
Safety Belt Reminder Light on page 3-36.
Pressing any of the four DIC buttons will acknowledge
the message and clear it from the DIC display. If
your vehicle does not have the four DIC buttons,
pressing the trip odometer reset stem will acknowledge
the message and clear it from the DIC display.
This message is displayed when the engine oil needs to
be changed. When you change the engine oil, be
sure to reset the CHANGE ENGINE OIL message. See
Engine Oil Life System on page 5-18 for information
on how to reset the message. This message will clear
itself after 10 seconds until the next ignition cycle or until
the message is reset. See Engine Oil on page 5-15
and Scheduled Maintenance on page 6-4 for more
On some vehicles, if there is a problem with the
generator and battery charging system, this message
will appear on the DIC, a chime will sound, and the
battery warning light on the instrument panel cluster will
come on. Driving with this problem could drain your
battery. Turn off all unnecessary accessories. Stop and
turn off the vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so.
Have the electrical system checked by your GM dealer
immediately. See Battery Warning Light on page 3-39
and Voltmeter Gage on page 3-40 for more information.
Многофункциональный дисплей включается при переводе ключа в замке зажигания в положение «ОМ», при этом на дисплее отобразится режим, в котором дисплей работал до выключения двигателя.
На многофункциональном дисплее отображаются следующая информация:
- Информационные сообщения.
- Индивидуальные настройки.
- Показания одометра и счетчиков пробега.
- Показания маршрутного компьютера.
- Показания системы контроля давления в шинах.
- Таймер работы двигателя.
- Ресурс моторного масла.
Переключение режимов и управление работой многофункционального дисплея осуществляется нажатием кнопок, расположенных на рулевом колесе.
1. При нажатии на кнопку (А) на многофункциональном дисплее поочередно отображается показания одометра, счетчиков пробега, системы контроля давления в шинах и таймера работы двигателя.
- а) Одометр и счетчики пробега (на дисплее горит индикация «ODOMETER», «TRIP A» или «TRIP B»).
- Одометр показывает общий пробег автомобиля.
- Счетчики пробега показывают расстояние, пройденное с момента последней установки счетчика на ноль.
- Обнуление счетчика пробега осуществляется более долгим нажатием кнопки (А), когда многофункциональный дисплей находится в режиме счетчика пробега.
- б) Режим показаний системы контроля давления в шинах (на дисплее горит индикация «TIRE PRESSURES»). Нажатием кнопки (D) на рулевом колесе возможно просмотреть давление (кПа или psi) в каждой шине:
- LF TIRE — давление в передней левой шине.
- RF TIRE — давление в передней правой шине.
- LR TIRE — давление в задней левой шине.
- RR TIRE — давление в задней правой шине.
- в) Общий таймер (на дисплее отображается индикация «TIMER»). Показывает время с момента последней установки таймера на ноль (не включая времени, при котором зажигание было выключено). Обнуление таймера осуществляется нажатием и удержанием кнопки (А).
- г) Таймер работы двигателя (на дисплее отображается индикация «ENGINE HOURS»). Показывает общее количество часов работы двигателя.
2. При нажатии на кнопку (В) на многофункциональном дисплее последовательно отображаются показания маршрутного компьютера (примерное расстояние, которое автомобиль может пройти на оставшемся топливе в баке, количество использованного топлива и средний расход топлива) и ресурс моторного масла.
- а) Примерное расстояние, которое автомобиль может пройти на оставшемся в баке топливе (на дисплее отображается индикация «RANGE»). Показания обновляются после каждой дозаправки топливом и отображают примерное расстояние, которое автомобиль может пройти на оставшемся в баке топливе. При низком уровне топлива на дисплее отображается индикация «LOW».
- б) Количество использованного топлива (на дисплее горит индикация «FUEL USED»). Показывает количество израсходованного топлива с момента последней установки счетчика на ноль. Обнуление счетчика осуществляется нажатием и удержанием кнопки (В).
- в) Средний расход топлива (на дисплее горит индикация «AVG EcOn»). Отображает средний расход топлива (L/100 km).
- г) Ресурс моторного масла (на дисплее горит индикация «ENGINE OIL LIFE»). Каждый раз после замены моторного масла, устанавливайте данный счетчик на ноль нажатием и удержанием кнопки (В). Если на дисплее отображается индикация «100%», значит счетчик был обнулен после замены масла.
3. При нажатии на кнопку (С) отображается меню индивидуальных настроек: настройки условий блокировки/разблокировки дверей, настройки наружного освещения при блокировке/разблокировке дверей, настройки условий автоматического изменения угла наклона боковых зеркал заднего вида, условия срабатывания «зуммера», выбор языка вывода сообщений, а также выбор единиц измерения.
- а) Настройка условий автоматической блокировки дверей (нажимайте на кнопку (С) до появления на дисплее индикации «LOCK DOORS»). Нажатием кнопки (D) осуществляется просмотр возможных условий автоматической блокировки дверей:
- LOCK DOORS: IN GEAR — автоматическая блокировка дверей при переводе селектора АКПП из положения «Р» в любое другое.
- LOCK DOORS: WITH SPEED — автоматическая блокировка дверей при скорости автомобиля более 8 км/ч.
- б) Настройка условий автоматической разблокировки дверей (нажимайте на кнопку (С) до появления на дисплее индикации «UNLOCK DOORS»). Нажатием кнопки (D) осуществляется просмотр возможных условий автоматической разблокировки дверей:
- UNLOCK DOORS: IN PARK — замки всей дверей автоматически разблокируются при переводе селектора АКПП в положение «P».
- UNLOCK DRIVER: IN PARK — автоматическая разблокировка замка двери водителя при переводе селектора АКПП в положение «Р».
- UNLOCK DOORS: KEY OUT — автоматическая разблокировка замков дверей при извлечении ключа из замка зажигания.
- UNLOCK DOORS: MANUALLY — автоматическая разблокировка замков дверей не осуществляется.
- в) Включение/выключение функции задержки блокировки дверей (нажимайте на кнопку (С) до появления на дисплее индикации «DOOR LOCK DELAY»). Нажатием кнопки (D) осуществляется включение/выключение данной функции:
- DOOR LOCK DELAY: OFF — при запирании дверей при помощи ключа или брелка системы дистанционного управления центральным замком блокировка дверей осуществляется немедленно.
- DOOR LOCK DELAY: ON — при запирании дверей при помощи ключа или брелка системы дистанционного управления центральным замком блокировка дверей осуществляется автоматически в течение пяти секунд после того, как все двери будут закрыты.
- г) Включение/выключение световой и звуковой сигнализации системы дистанционного управления центральным замком при блокировке дверей (нажимайте на кнопку (С) до появления на дисплее индикации «LOCK FEEDBACK»). Нажатием кнопки (D) осуществляется включение / выключение световой или звуковой сигнализации:
- LOCK FEEDBACK: BOTH — при каждом кнопки «LOCK» на брелке системы дистанционного управления центральным замком дважды звучит звуковой сигнал и один раз мигают габариты.
- LOCK FEEDBACK: LAMPS — при каждом кнопки «LOCK» на брелке системы дистанционного управления центральным замком один раз мигают габариты.
- LOCK FEEDBACK: HORN — при каждом кнопки «LOCK» на брелке системы дистанционного управления центральным замком дважды звучит звуковой сигнал.
- LOCK FEEDBACK: OFF — при кнопки «LOCK» на брелке системы дистанционного управления центральным замком световая и звуковая сигнализация системы дистанционного управления центральным замком не работают.
- д) Включение/выключение световой и звуковой сигнализации системы дистанционного управления центральным замком при разблокировке дверей (нажимайте на кнопку (С) до появления на дисплее индикации «UNLOCK FEEDBACK»). Нажатием кнопки (D) осуществляется включение / выключение световой или звуковой сигнализации:
- UNLOCK FEEDBACK: BOTH — при каждом кнопки «UNLOCK» на брелке системы дистанционного управления центральным замком дважды звучит звуковой сигнал и один раз мигают габариты.
- UNLOCK FEEDBACK: LAMPS -при каждом кнопки «UNLOCK» на брелке системы дистанционного управления центральным замком один раз мигают габариты.
- UNLOCK FEEDBACK: HORN — при каждом кнопки «UNLOCK» на брелке системы дистанционного управления центральным замком дважды звучит звуковой сигнал.
- UNLOCK FEEDBACK: OFF — при кнопки «UNLOCK» на брелке системы дистанционного управления центральным замком световая и звуковая сигнализация системы дистанционного управления центральным замком не работают.
- е) Установка таймера выключения света фар после выключения двигателя (нажимайте на кнопку (С) до появления на дисплее индикации «HEADLAMP DELAY»). Нажатием кнопки (D) осуществляется установка времени задержки:
- ж) Включение/выключение функции дистанционного включения наружного освещения (нажимайте на кнопку (С) до появления на дисплее индикации «PERIMETER LIGHTS»). Нажатием кнопки (D) осуществляется включение / выключение данной функции:
- PERIMETER LIGHTS: ON — включение функции (в условиях низкой освещенности после разблокировки замков дверей при помощи кнопки «UNLOCK» на брелке системы дистанционного управления центральным замком на 40 секунд включится внешнее освещение автомобиля).
- PERIMETER LIGHTS: OFF — выключение функции.
- з) Включение / выключение функции облегчения высадки из автомобиля (нажимайте на кнопку (С) до появления на дисплее индикации «EASY EXIT SEAT»). Нажатием кнопки (D) осуществляется включение / выключение данной функции:
- EASY EXIT SEAT: ON — включение функции (при извлечении ключа из замка зажигания сиденье водителя будет автоматически установлено в положение облегченной высадки).
- EASY EXIT SEAT: OFF — выключение функции.
- и) Настройка системы изменения угла наклона зеркальных элементов боковых зеркал заднего вида при парковке (нажимайте на кнопку (С) до появления на дисплее индикации «CURB VIEW»). Нажатием кнопки (D) осуществляется настройка системы:
Примечание: после включения системы необходимо настроить положение зеркал, в которое они будут перемещаться при движении задним ходом (см. раздел «Управление зеркалами» данной главы).
- CURB VIEW: OFF — система выключена.
- CURB VIEW: PASSENGER — при переводе селектора АКПП в положение «R» зеркальный элемент пассажирского зеркала заднего вида автоматически опускается вниз, чтобы улучшить обзор вблизи автомобиля со стороны пассажира.
- CURB VIEW: DRIVER — при переводе селектора АКПП в положение «R» зеркальный элемент водительского зеркала заднего вида автоматически опускается вниз, чтобы улучшить обзор вблизи автомобиля со стороны водителя.
- CURB VIEW: BOTH — при переводе селектора АКПП в положение «R» вниз опускаются зеркальные элементы обоих зеркал заднего вида.
- к) Включение/выключение световой и звуковой сигнализации противоугонной системы (нажимайте на кнопку (С) до появления на дисплее индикации «ALARM WARNING»). Нажатием кнопки (D) осуществляется включение / выключение световой или звуковой сигнализации:
- ALARM WARNING: BOTH — при активации противоугонной системы звучит звуковой сигнал и один раз мигают габариты.
- ALARM WARNING: OFF — при активации противоугонной системы звуковая и световая сигнализация не работают.
- ALARM WARNING: HORN — при активации противоугонной системы звучит звуковой сигнал.
- ALARM WARNING: LAMPS — при активации противоугонной системы звучит один раз мигают габариты.
- л) Выбор языка многофункционального дисплея (нажимайте на кнопку (С) до появления на дисплее индикации »LANGUAGE»). Нажатием кнопки (D) осуществляется выбор языка.
- ENGLISH — Английский.
- FRANCAIS — Французский. ESPANOL — Испанский.
Примечание: если Вы случайно выбрали не тот язык многофункционального дисплея, то для быстрого перехода в режим выбора языка одновременно нажмите и удерживайте кнопку (С) и кнопку (А), после чего на дисплее будут поочередно отображаться названия языков. Когда будет отображено название необходимого языка, отпустите кнопки (С) и (А).
- м) Выбор единиц измерения маршрутного компьютера (нажимайте на кнопку (С) до появления на дисплее индикации «DISPLAY UNITS»). Нажатием кнопки (D) осуществляется выбор единиц измерения:
- DISPLAY UNITS: ENGLISH — английская система измерений.
- DISPLAY UNITS: METRIC — метрическая система измерений.
Информационные сообщения
Возможные информационные сообщения, а также пояснения к ним приведены в таблице «Информационные сообщения многофункционального дисплея системы DIC».
- Информационные сообщения отображаются при наступлении определенных условий вне зависимости от режима работы многофункционального дисплея.
- При наличии нескольких информационных сообщений они отображаются поочередно.
- Для того, чтобы убрать информационное сообщение с многофункционального дисплея необходимо нажать на любую кнопку системы DIC на рулевом колесе. Сообщение будет убрано, если причина его появления не требует незамедлительных действий, однако это не значит, что причина была устранена.
- Информационное сообщение, причина появления которого требует незамедлительных действий, убрать невозможно.
Таблица. Информационные сообщения многофункционального дисплея системы DIC
Информационное сообщение на дисплее | Зуммер | Причина возникновения | Способ устранения |
BATTERY NOT CHARGING | (Модификации) Сообщение появляется, если аккумуляторная батарея не заряжается. Дальнейшее движение на автомобиле приведет к полной разрядке аккумуляторной батареи | Выполните диагностику в автомастерской | |
BUCKLE PASSENGER | Звучит прерывисто | (Модели с системой определения наличия пассажира на сиденье) Сообщение появляется, если при начале движения ремень безопасности пассажира не пристегнут, когда подушка безопасности пассажира включена | Пристегните ремень безопасности пассажира |
BUCKLE SEATBELT | Звучит прерывисто | Сообщение появляется, если при начале движения ремень безопасности водителя не пристегнут | Пристегните ремень безопасности водителя |
CHANGE ENGINE OIL | Сообщение появляется при необходимости замены моторного масла и прохождения технического обслуживания | Примечание: для удаления сообщения выполните действия, описанные в разделе «Многофункциональный дисплей (система DIC)» | |
CHARGING SYSTEM FAILURE | Звучит прерывисто | (Модификации) Сообщение появляется, если система зарядки неисправна. Дальнейшее движение на автомобиле приведет к полной разрядке аккумуляторной батарее | См. раздел «Индикаторы комбинации приборов» |
CHECK OIL LEVEL | Сообщение появляется при низком уровне моторного масла | Доведите уровень моторного масла до нормы. Примечание: сообщение исчезнет автоматически через 10 секунд после появления и будет отображаться каждый раз при включении зажигания, пока уровень масла будет доведен до нормы |
CHECK TIRE PRESSURE | Звучит прерывисто | Сообщение появляется при низком давлении в шинах | См. раздел «Система контроля давления в шинах» |
CHECK WASHER FLUID | Сообщение появляется при низком уровне жидкости омывателя лобового стекла | Долейте омывающую жидкость. Примечание: сообщение исчезнет автоматически через 10 секунд после появления и будет отображаться каждый раз при включении зажигания |
DRIVER DOOR AJAR | Звучит прерывисто | Сообщение появляется, если при переводе селектора АКПП в положение «D» или «N» дверь водителя открыта или закрыта неполностью | Закройте дверь водителя |
ENGINE COOLANT HOT | Сообщение появляется при высокой температуре охлаждающей жидкости | Выключите кондиционер. Если температура охлаждающей жидкости будет продолжать расти, остановите автомобиль в безопасном месте, переведите селектор АКПП в положение «P» и дождитесь падения значения температуры охлаждающей жидкости до рабочего значения | |
ENGINE OVERHEATED | Звучит прерывисто | Сообщение появляется при перегреве двигателя | См. подраздел «Перегрев двигателя» раздела «Неисправности двигателя во время движения» данной главы. Внимание: продолжение движения на автомобиле при перегреве двигателя приведет к его поломке |
FUEL LEVEL LOW | Звучит прерывисто | Сообщение появляется при низком уровне топлива | Заправьте автомобиль топливом. Примечание: сообщение исчезнет автоматически через 10 секунд после появления и будет отображаться каждый раз при включении зажигания |
KEYFOB X BATTERY LOW | Сообщение появляется, если разряжен элемент питания брелка системы дистанционного управления центральным замком | Замените элемент питания брелка системы дистанционного управления центральным замком | |
LEFT REAR DOOR AJAR | Звучит прерывисто | Сообщение появляется, если при переводе селектора АКПП в положение «D» или «N» задняя левая дверь открыта или закрыта неполностью | Закройте заднюю левую дверь |
(Chevrolet Tahoe, Avalanche) LOW COOLANT LEVEL | Сообщение появляется при низком уровне охлаждающей жидкости | Доведите уровень охлаждающей жидкости до нормы | |
OIL LIFE RESET | — | Сообщение появляется после удаления сообщения «CHANGE ENGINE OIL» | — |
OIL PRESSURE LOW | Звучит прерывисто | Сообщение появляется при низком давлении моторного масла | Немедленно остановите автомобиль и устраните причину падения давления моторного масла. Внимание: движение на автомобиле с низким давлением моторного масла приведет к его поломке |
PASSENGER DOOR AJAR | Звучит прерывисто | Сообщение появляется, если при переводе селектора АКПП в положение «D» или «N» дверь пассажира открыта или закрыта неполностью | Закройте дверь пассажира |
REAR ACCESS OPEN | Звучит прерывисто | Сообщение появляется, если при переводе ключа в замке зажигания в положение «START» открыта или неплотно закрыта задняя дверь | Закройте заднюю дверь |
REDUCED ENGINE POWER | Звучит прерывисто | Сообщение появляется, если из-за высокой температуры охлаждающей жидкости двигатель работает в безопасном режиме. Примечание: данное сообщение может также появиться при обнаружении неисправности в системе управления дроссельной заслонкой |
См. подраздел «Перегрев двигателя» раздела «Неисправности двигателя во время движения» данной главы |
REPLACE LIFTGATE FUSE | Сообщение появляется при обнаружении неисправности привода замка задней двери и/или при перегорании предохранителя цепи привода замка задней двери | Замените предохранитель цепи привода замка задней двери или отремонтируйте привод | |
RIGHT REAR DOOR AJAR | Звучит прерывисто | Сообщение появляется, если при переводе селектора АКПП в положение «D» или «N» задняя правая дверь открыта или закрыта неполностью | Закройте заднюю правую дверь |
SERVICE 4WD | Сообщение появляется при обнаружении неисправности в системе управления полным приводом | Немедленно остановите автомобиль в безопасном месте, затем выключите и включите зажигание. Если сообщение появилось повторно после включения зажигания или во время движения, система управления полным приводом неисправна. Обратитесь к Вашему дилеру для устранения неисправности | |
(Chevrolet Tahoe) SERVICE 4 WHEEL STEER | Сообщение появляется при обнаружении неисправности в системе 4WS | Немедленно остановите автомобиль в безопасном месте, затем выключите и включите зажигание. Если сообщение появилось повторно после включения зажигания или во время движения, система 4WS неисправна. Обратитесь к Вашему дилеру для устранения неисправности | |
SERVICE AIR BAG | — | Сообщение появляется при обнаружении неисправности в системе SRS | Выполните проверку системы SRS у Вашего дилера |
SERVICE BRAKE SYSTEM | Сообщение появляется при обнаружении неисправности в тормозной системе | Немедленно остановите автомобиль в безопасном месте, затем выключите и включите зажигание. Если сообщение появилось повторно после включения зажигания или во время движения, тормозная система неисправна. Обратитесь к Вашему дилеру для устранения неисправности | |
SERVICE CHARGING SYSTEM | (Модификации) Сообщение появляется при обнаружении неисправности в системе зарядки. Из-за недостаточного заряда аккумуляторной батареи двигатель не может работать в режиме экономии топлива | Обратитесь к Вашему дилеру для устранения неисправности | |
SERVICE RIDE CONTROL | Сообщение появляется при обнаружении неисправности в системе управления подвеской | Остановите автомобиль в безопасном месте, затем выключите и включите зажигание. Если сообщение появилось повторно после включения зажигания или во время движения, система управления подвеской неисправна. Обратитесь к Вашему дилеру для устранения неисправности | |
SERVICE STABILITY | Сообщение появляется при обнаружении неисправности в системе курсовой устойчивости (StabiliTrak) | Остановите автомобиль, выключите и повторно включите двигатель. Если сообщение появилось повторно при запуске двигателя, это указывает на неисправность в системе курсовой устойчивости (StabiliTrak). Обратитесь к Вашему дилеру для устранения неисправности | |
SERVICE TIRE MONITOR | Сообщение появляется при неисправности датчиков системы контроля давления в шинах | Обратитесь к Вашему дилеру для устранения неисправности | |
STABILITY SYS ACTIVE | Сообщение появляется при срабатывании системе курсовой устойчивости (StabiliTrak) | См. раздел «Система StabiliTrak» | |
STABILITY SYS DISABLED | Сообщение появляется после: 1. Принудительного отключения системы курсовой устойчивости нажатием на выключатель системы. 2. Автоматического отключения системы курсовой устойчивости (продолжительное срабатывание системы, неисправность тормозной системы, неисправность системы управления двигателем или увеличенное время самодиагностики системы) |
Сообщение погаснет после устранения возникновения его появления | |
TIGHTEN FUEL CAP | Сообщение появляется, если крышка заливной горловины топливного бака закрыта неполностью | Заверните крышку заливной горловины топливного бака до конца. Примечание: сообщение погаснет после нескольких поездок. |
TRACTION ACTIVE | Сообщение появляется в случае проскальзывания колес и срабатывании противобуксовочной системы | См. раздел «Система StabiliTrak» | |
TRACTION SYS LIMITED | — | Сообщение появляется при перегреве тормозных механизмов | Дождитесь охлаждения тормозных механизмов |
TRANS HOT IDLE ENGINE | Звучит прерывисто | Сообщение появляется при перегреве рабочей жидкости АКПП | Остановите автомобиль и оставьте двигатель работать на холостом ходу, пока сообщение не погаснет Внимание: движение на автомобиле с высокой температурой рабочей жидкости АКПП приведет к поломке АКПП |
TRANSMISSION HOT | Сообщение появляется при повышении температуры рабочей жидкости АКПП | При появлении данного сообщения система управления АКПП переходит в безопасный режим работы (см. раздел «Управление автомобилем с АКПП») | |
TURN SIGNAL ON | Звучит прерывисто | Сообщение появляется в случае, если указатель поворота остается включенным более 1,2 км | Выключите указатель поворота |
Расшифровка ошибки B0070-13 у Chrysler: Обрыв цепи управления срабатыванием натяжителя пряжки ремня безопасности водителя
Обрыв цепи управления срабатыванием натяжителя пряжки ремня безопасности водителя
При подаче питания контроллер удержания пассажира (ORC) посылает тестовый ток на пиропатрон для проверки целостности пиропатрона и проводки. Эти цепи поддерживаются в «плавающей» конфигурации в модуле (не подключены ни к источнику питания, ни к земле) в качестве защиты от непреднамеренного развертывания.
Тип ошибки:
Circuit Open
Этот подтип используется для отказов, когда модуль управления определяет обрыв цепи по отсутствию напряжения смещения, слабому току, без изменения состояния ввод в ответ на вывод и т. д.
Опрос: Где ремонтируется Ваш автомобиль? (Кол-во голосов: 2663)
У себя в гараже
У официалов
В гараже у Васи
Чтобы проголосовать, кликните на нужный вариант ответа.Результаты
From english:
Decoding the error B0070-13 from Chrysler: Driver Seatbelt Buckle Pretensioner Deployment Control Circuit Open
Driver Seatbelt Buckle Pretensioner Deployment Control Circuit Open
When powered, the Occupant Restraint Controller (ORC) sends a test current to the squibs to verify the integrity of the squib and wiring. These circuits are maintained in a “floating” configuration at the module (connected to neither power nor ground) as protection against inadvertent deployment.
Failure Type:
Circuit Open
This sub type is used for failures, where the control module determines an open circuit via lack of bias voltage, low current flow, no change in the state of an input in response to an output, etc.
Еще ошибки категории
Ошибки автомобилей разных произвродителей
Опрос: Смогли ли диагностировать неисправность? (Кол-во голосов: 444)
Да, лично
Да, с помощью знакомого
Да, у официального дилера
Чтобы проголосовать, кликните на нужный вариант ответа.Результаты
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Голосов: 0 чел. Рейтинг: 0 из 5.
Стандартные коды ошибок OBD2:
Опрос: Помог ли Вам наш сайт? (Кол-во голосов: 579)
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Последние комментарии:
Спасибо большое за самый полыный список ошибок!…
Справа спереди точно есть, иначе бы пищало с пустым сидением пассажира, про водительское сидение не знаю, может и нет.
Вчера влез на заднее сидение чтоб там потыкать ремни, блин тесно там .
В общем сзади алгоритм ремней довольно странный.
Если задняя дверь открыта то пиктограмки задних сидений на DIC гаснут.
Если дверь закрыть то пиктограмки появляются, и показывают текущее состояние ремней, кто где пристегнут.
Если дверь закрыта и застегнуть задний ремень то пиктограмка сразу меняе6тся и показывает что сзади человек пристегнулся.
Если сзади пристегнуть ремень и потом отстегнуть, то пиктограмка не меняется сразу, так и остается пристегнутой, мне было лень ждать долго, но пиктограмка так и не изменилась на отстегнутую.
Если открыть заднюю дверь и закрыть, то статус всех ремней обновляется.
И самое главное, что как бы я не манипулировал с задними ремнями я не добился появления надписи топика, так что не удалось экспериментально выяснить что же эта надпись вообще обозначает и при каких условиях она появляется в нормальной жизни.
TSB ID: 11-06-04-007C
This technical bulletin provides a procedure for replacing the throttle position sensor cover for concerns regarding a indicator lamp illuminated reduced power message displayed and dtc p2135 set.
TSB ID: 04-06-04-051E
This informational bulletin provides information for maintenance cleaning of the fuel injectors.
TSB ID: 04-06-04-051D
This informational bulletin provides information for maintenance cleaning of the fuel injectors.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician of a complaint of a sag or hesitation when accelerating. the concern is present when coasting at low speeds of less than 15 miles per hour and then aggressive
TSB ID: 12-03-10-001B
This informational bulletin provides technicians with ways to decrease the tire slipping on the rim and reduce to possible chances of the customers concerns over tire vibration are repair.
TSB ID: 090604026N
This informational bulletin provides information on identifying non-gm engine calibrations for gasoline engines using the tech 2 or gds 2 9u.s. and canada
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about gasoline powered cars, mid-size trucks, light duty trucks, and heavy duty trucks with premature catalytic converter failures. it is recommended to inspe
TSB ID: 09-06-04-028D
This technical bulletin provides a procedure to replace the evap canister and vent to correct the customers concern of the fuel tank hard to fill.
TSB ID: 040604051D
This informational bulletin provides information for maintenance cleaning of the fuel injectors.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicle that may have a service power steering or service hybrid system message displayed on the driver information center, charging system indicator la
TSB ID: 050604022N
This informational bulletin provides information on the top tier fuels that are recommended in gm vehicles.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about gasoline powered cars, mid-size trucks, light duty trucks, and heavy duty trucks with premature catalytic converter failures. it is recommended to inspe
TSB ID: 00-05-22-002O
This informational bulletin provides technicians with a brake lathe calibration procedure.
TSB ID: 15-00-90-001
This informational bulletin provides technicians with diagnostic tips for preventing oil leaks after changing oil and filter.
TSB ID: PI02003D
This preliminary informational bulletin provides technicians a recommendation for when they are performing a front end alignment and find an alignment dowel pin missing .
TSB ID: 12-02-32-002A
This technical bulletin provides a revision for 12-02-32-002 to add the 2013-2014 model years, add noise as a possible condition and add a note in the instructions section.
TSB ID: 150089005A
This warranty administration bulletin provides dealership personnel with policy and procedure requirements for essential tools that include consumable parts (u.s. only).
TSB ID: 09-06-04-026G
This informational bulletin provides information of suspected tampering or vehicle modifications for non-gm (aftermarket) engine and transmission calibrations for v6 and v8 gasoline engines using tech 2® or global diagnostic system 2 (gds
Looking for a warranty? Get a quote.
TSB ID: 13-02-32-001A
This technical bulletin provides a revision for 13-02-32-001 to update the models information.
TSB ID: 10-06-01-008H
This technical bulletin provides a procedure to install afm oil deflector, rocker arm cover-left bank and clean carbon from cylinder due to engine oil consumption on aluminum block/iron block engines.
TSB ID: 10-06-01-008G
This technical bulletin provides a procedure to install the updated valve cover for models built with the prior date listed to correct oil consumption of vehicles with higher mileage.
TSB ID: 05-00-89-072C
This informational bulletin provides information on how to save fuel and proper maintenance without using fuel or oil additives.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on the steps to help diagnose and repair vehicles with a rattle, squeak, clunk, thump, or bump. if published service information diagnostics do not lead to a
This preliminary information communicates to the technician the need to inspect the induction system for potential icing issues in very cold ambient temperatures. to allow the ice to melt so that it can be drained from the related component
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about finding needle bearings during an oil change. technician will gain access to the roller rockers to inspect them. only replace the roller rocker that is
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on the steps to help diagnose and repair vehicles with a antilock braking system malfunction indicator lamp on. technician will find the scan tool will not co
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a buzz or rattle type noise from the right front fender area on hard acceleration or when brake torqueing. technician will need to ap
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician to help determine if the vehicle is equipped with factory or aftermarket compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, or bi-fuel systems. technician will
This pi was superseded to update model years and add information concerning idle surge, reduced engine power mode, and/or dtcs p0068, p0121, p1516, p2101, p2119, and/or p2176 that may be experienced on high mileage vehicles. please discard
TSB ID: 00-06-01-026H
This informational bulletin provides information on intake manifold inspection/replacement after severe internal engine damage.
TSB ID: 050308002F
This informational bulletin was created to aid the technician in diagnosing the difference between a shock or strut that has a fluid residule from a possible external source from a leaking shaft seal.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician of a complaint of a sag or hesitation when accelerating. the concern is present when coasting at low speeds of less than 15 miles per hour and then aggressive
TSB ID: 01-06-01-011I
This informational bulletin provides guidelines and diagnostic/repair information to technicians regarding vehicle engine oil consumption.
TSB ID: 05-00-89-072D
This informational bulletin provides do’s and don’ts for maximizing gasoline engine fuel economy, other various tips and a list of websites for additional information.
TSB ID: 10-06-01-008F
This technical bulletin provides a procedure to replace the afm oil deflector, rocker arm cover and clean the carbon deposits for conditons related to engine oil consumption on aluminum block/iron block engines with active fuel management
TSB ID: 09-06-04-026E
This informational bulletin provides information on identifying non-gm (aftermarket) engine calibrations for gasoline engines using tech 2 or gds 2
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have low oil pressure, no oil pressure, and/or engine noise. technician will need to replace the oil pump, flush the oil cooler lines.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a malfunction indicator lamp on or engine misfire, rough idle, extended crank, or crank no start in some cases. technician will need
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on the steps to help diagnose and repair vehicles with a rattle, squeak, clunk, thump, or bump. if published service information diagnostics do not lead to a
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on the steps to diagnose and repair vehicles that may have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on at low mileage. technician may find diagnostic
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about engine block of possible cylinder bore damage, scoring or out of round as the possible cause of engine oil consumption, misfire, cylinder leakage or blo
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that some vehicles may have a service engine soon lamp, engine misfire on cylinder 1, 4, 6, or 7 and/or tick noise. technician will follow service information
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have low oil pressure, no oil pressure, and/or engine noise. technician will need to replace the oil pump, flush the oil cooler lines.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that some vehicles may have a service engine soon lamp, engine misfire on cylinder 1, 4, 6, or 7 and/or tick noise. technician will follow service information
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on, engine misfire, and/or engine noise. technician may find diagnostic trouble code
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician vehicles with a slight rough idle. technician should compare the concern with a like vehicle. if the concern is worse than a like vehicle, technician should f
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that some vehicles may have a service engine soon lamp, engine misfire on cylinder 1, 4, 6, or 7 and/or tick noise. technician will follow service information
TSB ID: 06-06-01-010C
This informational bulletin provides information on close coupled converters and there affect on newly installed engines or engines during there break in period.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an oil leak shortly after a cold start when extremely low ambient temperatures are present. technician will need to clean the area of
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about finding needle bearings during an oil change. technician will gain access to the roller rockers to inspect them. only replace the roller rocker that is
TSB ID: 13-02-32-001D
This technical bulletin provides a procedure to flush and bleed the power steering system to correct a condition of power steering noise or fluid leak from power steering pump, gear or high pressure hose during extreme low temperature condi
This preliminary informational bulletin provides a procedure to apply dielectric grease and a piece of adhesive shim stock to the steering angle sensor connector to correct a condition of service stabilitak message displayed in dic and dtc
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on the steps to diagnose and repair vehicles that may have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on at low mileage. technician may find diagnostic
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an oil leak shortly after a cold start when extremely low ambient temperatures are present. technician will need to clean the area of
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about engine block of possible cylinder bore damage, scoring or out of round as the possible cause of engine oil consumption, misfire, cylinder leakage or blo
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on or reduced engine power message. technician may find diagnostic trouble codes
TSB ID: 05-03-08-002H
This informational bulletin provides information to dealership personnel on diagnosis and replacement of shock absorber and strut due to fluid leak.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on, engine misfire, and/or engine noise. technician may find diagnostic trouble code
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on the steps to diagnose and repair vehicles that may have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on at low mileage. technician may find diagnostic
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that a driveline noise or vibration at various speeds and operating conditions. technician should be advised that the vehicle should always be
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on the steps to diagnose and repair vehicles that may have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on at low mileage. technician may find diagnostic
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have low oil pressure, no oil pressure, and/or engine noise. technician will need to replace the oil pump, flush the oil cooler lines.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that are setting diagnostic trouble code p0300 after engine repairs. technician will need to ensure that injector connectors for cylinder 5-7 a
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that some vehicles may have a service engine soon lamp, engine misfire on cylinder 1, 4, 6, or 7 and/or tick noise. technician will follow service information
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a service suspension system message on the driver information center and the rear suspension ride height is incorrect. technician wil
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that a driveline noise or vibration at various speeds and operating conditions. technician should be advised that the vehicle should always be
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on, engine misfire, and/or engine noise. technician may find diagnostic trouble code
TSB ID: 09-06-04-026L
This informational bulletin provides information on identifying non-gm (aftermarket) engine calibrations for gasoline engines using tech 2? or gds 2 (u.s. and canada)
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that fluid contamination may be directed to one of the following testing centers according to the type of fluid needing testing. dealer should send the correc
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a buzz or rattle type noise during light acceleration around 1200-2000 revolutions per minute. technician will need to reposition the
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have a power steering pump whine noise. technician will need to flush and refill the power steering system with lucas power steering f
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an antilock braking system lamp followed by a service stability message in the drivers information center. technician my find diagnos
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about brake rotors on new vehicles and replacement parts from general motors service parts operations. technician should be advised the costing should not be
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a lack of brake assist after disconnecting the battery or after the 12 volts battery has run low on voltage. the antilock braking sys
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that the electronic brake control module and brake pressure modulator valve for the 2-mode hybrid utilities and trucks will be placed on a parts restriction through the gener
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a buzz or rattle type noise during light acceleration around 1200-2000 revolutions per minute. technician will need to reposition the
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about gasoline powered cars, mid-size trucks, light duty trucks, and heavy duty trucks with premature catalytic converter failures. it is recommended to inspe
This preliminary information communication advises the technician of two types of dex-cool 50/50 premix are available through general motors service parts operations, one with bitterant and one without. bitterant is a chemical that is added
TSB ID: 00-05-22-002O
This informational bulletin provides technicians with a brake lathe calibration procedure.
TSB ID: 11-00-90-001A
This informational bulletin provides information on the proper oils to use on gm vehicles including information regarding the differences of the dexos oils.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that some vehicles may have a service engine soon lamp, engine misfire on cylinder 1, 4, 6, or 7 and/or tick noise. technician will follow service information
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician with the steps to diagnosis and repair vehicles with various handling, vehicle dynamics concerns, noises from the suspension or underbody, or issues related t
This preliminary information communication provides steps the technician will uses to diagnose and repair vehicles that have low oil pressure after an oil change with the engine regular production option code l20, l77, l94, l96, l99, l9h, l
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician with the steps to diagnosis and repair vehicles with various handling, vehicle dynamics concerns, noises from the suspension or underbody, or issues related t
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that engine runs and idles rough. technician will find p0171 and or p0174. technician will need to inspect the positive crankcase ventilation t
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp. technician may find diagnostic trouble code p0442. technician will need to review t
TSB ID: PI02003D
This preliminary informational bulletin provides technicians a recommendation for when they are performing a front end alignment and find an alignment dowel pin missing .
TSB ID: 00-06-01-026F
This informational bulletin provides information to technicians regarding intake manifold inspection/replacement after severe internal engine damage.
TSB ID: 15-00-89-004A
This informational bulletin provides technicians with updated information to help identify the differences between what is considered a fluid leak, and what is considered seepage.
TSB ID: 05-06-04-035E
This informational bulletin provides dealership personnel with information on flexible fuel vehicles (ffvs) and the usage of e85 fuel in gm vehicles.
TSB ID: 15-00-90-001
This informational bulletin provides technicians with diagnostic tips for preventing oil leaks after changing oil and filter.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on or a low oil pressure indicated after an oil change. technician may find diagnost
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about gasoline powered cars, mid-size trucks, light duty trucks, and heavy duty trucks with premature catalytic converter failures. it is recommended to inspe
TSB ID: 00-06-01-026G
This informational bulletin provides information to technicians regarding intake manifold inspection/replacement after severe internal engine damage.
TSB ID: 05-06-04-022L
This informational bulletin provides information on top tier fuels and what brands are available.
TSB ID: 10-06-01-008L
This technical bulletin provides a procedure to correct the customers concern to replace the left side valve cover and active fuel management oil deflector to reduce oil consumption.
TSB ID: 99-04-20-002I
This informational bulletin explains a normal condition for what and how the drive line can clunk.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an unwanted stability activation and/or a service stability message on the driver information center. technician may find a diagnosti
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a malfunction indicator lamp on or engine misfire, rough idle, extended crank, or crank no start in some cases. technician will need
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an inaccurate fuel gauge. technician should drive the vehicle to duplicate the concern. the fuel gauge will have a tendency to falsel
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that some vehicles may have a service engine soon lamp, engine misfire on cylinder 1, 4, 6, or 7 and/or tick noise. technician will follow service information
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about engine block that have a possible cylinder bore damage, scoring or out of round as the possible cause of engine oil consumption, misfire, cylinder leaka
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician vehicles with a slight rough idle. technician should compare the concern with a like vehicle. if the concern is worse than a like vehicle, technician should f
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have brake pedal position and or cruise brake pedal parameters are showing «applied» with the brake pedal released. technician will need t
TSB ID: 06-00-89-026L
This warranty administration bulletin provide policy information on a revised customer concern not duplicated/verified labor operation numbers and how to submit ccnd.
TSB ID: 04-06-04-051D
This informational bulletin provides information for maintenance cleaning of the fuel injectors.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on. technician may find a diagnostic trouble code p0011. if the technician has follo
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on or a low oil pressure indicated after an oil change. technician may find diagnost
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have low oil pressure message. technician may also find a diagnostic trouble code p0521 in the engine control module. technician shoul
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on or a low oil pressure indicated after an oil change. technician may find diagnost
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may stall and have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on. technician may find diagnostic trouble code p0bbd. technician will
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a malfunction indicator lamp on or engine misfire, rough idle, extended crank, or crank no start in some cases. technician will need
TSB ID: PIP-5258
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have service engine soon and a diagnostic trouble code p0011. if the technician has followed service information diagnostic trouble co
TSB ID: 10-06-01-008K
This technical bulletin provides a procedure to correct the customers concern to replace the left side valve cover and active fuel management oil deflector to reduce oil consumption.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that some vehicles may have a service engine soon lamp, engine misfire on cylinder 1, 4, 6, or 7 and/or tick noise. technician will follow service information
TSB ID: 14581
14581 — emission recall. general motors has decided to conduct a voluntary emission recall involving certain 2008 chevrolet avalanche, silverado, suburban, and tahoe; and gmc sierra, yukon, and yukon xl vehicles equipped with california bi
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician with the steps to diagnosis and repair vehicles with various handling, vehicle dynamics concerns, noises from the suspension or underbody, or issues related t
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have low oil pressure message. technician may also find a diagnostic trouble code p0521 in the engine control module. technician shoul
This informational bulletin provides additional information on how to install pistons and suggest what tools to use.
TSB ID: 000601026I
This informational bulletins provides information on the intake manifold inspection/replacement after servere internal engine damage.
TSB ID: 000601012F
This informational bulletin provides information to gm dealers on the correct cleaning methods when cleaning engine gasket sealing surfaces.
TSB ID: 030604017I
This informational bulletin explains the use of diesel fuel additives in an engine, are not required unless the customer desires additives to prevent fuel concerns depending on fuel or temperature related conditions.
TSB ID: 030603004R
This informational bulletin provides information on how to test a battery and what is needed to warranty a battery.
TSB ID: SB-07-06-01-016C
This informational bulletin provides information internal engine noise or damage after oil filter replacement
TSB ID: SB-06-06-05-001G
This informational bulletin provides information on changes in exhaust tone for active fuel management engines when in three or four cylinder mode.
Summary to be provided on a future date.
TSB ID: SB-10-06-01-008F
Summary to be provided on a future date.
TSB ID: SB-11273-A
Summary to be provided on a future date.
TSB ID: PIP-5276-E
Cadillac/chevrolet/gmc: on some vehicles and/or trucks, instrument cluster will illuminate, after an oil change, indicating low oil pressure and/or ses lamp will illuminate. model 2007-13 canyon, sierra, savana, yukon, cts-v, escalade, av
TSB ID: PER-14581
Gmc/chevrolet: tsb contains a notification of an owner’s letter. select document search button below. on certain trucks, voluntary emission recall is being conducted due to fuel control system design, was not adequately controlling, unde
General motors: 1998-2015 chevrolet, gmc, buick: concerns regarding fuel gauge being inaccurate and low fuel light comes on. *lj
TSB ID: SB-07-02-32-002N
Buick/cadillac/chevrolet/gmc/pontiac/ saturn: there is fluid leaking from power steering system, along a fluid leak in front of vehicle underneath and should be inspected, cleaned and identified before repairing or replacing. model 2010-
TSB ID: PIT-4954-C
Gm: if the service suspension system is displayed on the dic, the trim height may be incorrect, loose compressor inlet hose, or the compressor self test may be inoperative. also included suburban ld my 2001-2013, yukon denali xl my 2013, y
TSB ID: SB-13-02-32-001
Buick/cadillac/chevrolet/gmc: during extreme low temperature conditions, the power steering makes noises or fluid leaks from high pressure hose, power steering pump or gear. updated 9/30/13. updated 11/7/14.
General motors: low engine oil pressure, no oil pressure, and/or engine noise. this could be the result of a sticking oil pump pressure relief valve.
TSB ID: PIT-5120-A
Gmc/chevrolet/cadillac: instrument panel messages regarding stabilitrak message, traction control message, service brake system message, is off and gauges, in various modules low speed settings, are inoperative. models 2007-13 all escala
TSB ID: SB-11273
Hummer/cadillac, chevrolet, gmc: see document search button for owner letter. engine may have reduced power, running rough, and possible have malfunction indicator lamp on, due throttle position sensor. models 2008-2010 cadillac escalade
TSB ID: PI-0764
Gm-suburban 2500/yukon xl 2500: between pitman arm and vehicle frame, contact witness marks was observed, and between front caliper bracket lower bolts and lower control arm.
TSB ID: 11-06-04-007B
Gm: diagnosis and repair- malfunction indicator lamp illuminated, reduce engine power message displayed, dtc p2135 set. also included model sierra denali year 2010-2011 *js
TSB ID: 12-02-32-001
Gmc: hydraulic power steering leak at hose connection to steering rack. all potential leaks should be completely cleaned and indentified before attempting to repair or replace any power steering components. *js updated 4/22/13.
TSB ID: RB-12009
Gm: see document search button for owner letter. incorrect engine control module calibration. general motors has decided to conduct a voluntary emission recall involving certain 2008 model year vehicles equipped with a 4.8l/0.6l engine
TSB ID: RB-11167
Gm service campaign: see document search button for owner letter. new calibrations to the ecm.
Gm: the air bag light is on with a stored trouble code.
TSB ID: PIT-5075
Gm: the vehicle runs out of gas with a quarter tank still left on the fuel guage. vehicle restarts when key is cycled.
Gm: the service engine soon light is on, there is also a misfire or engine noise. there are multiple possible causes.
Gm: service engine soon light is on with a misfire and a possible tick noise.
TSB ID: PIP-3783-C
Gm: the engine light is on and the vehicle lacks power. there are multiple possible trouble codes. updated 10/15/14.
TSB ID: PIP-4851
Gm: there is an intermittent engine light on due to five possible internal trouble codes. there may also be an extended crank after filling the fuel tank. updated 5/31/11. updated on 06/16/2011. updated a second time
TSB ID: SB-09-06-04-028B
Gm: fuel tank may be hard to fill. malfunction light may be on. there may be four different fault codes present. updated on 6/30//2011.
Buick/chevrolet/gmc/pontiac/saab: excessive oil consumption and/or blue exhaust smoke-investigation update. in most cases did not start until the engine accumulated approximately 30,000 miles or more.
Buick/cadillac/chevrolet/gmc/hummer/pontiac/saab: oil consumption and/or exhaust smoke-possible pcv baffle or lifter concern. upon inspection, obvious oil will be found in the intake manifold and/or pcv vacuum tube. updated 3/21/
TSB ID: PIT-5028
Pontiac/saturn/buick/gmc/chevrolet/cadillac/hummer: vehicle start and stalls after theft deterrent module replacement. model years 2006-2011. does not apply to vehicles with keyless access system.
TSB ID: SB-10-06-01-008
Cadillac/chevrolet/gmc/pontiac: engine oil consumption on aluminum block engines with active fuel management (afm) (install afm oil deflector and clean carbon from cylinder). caused by an uncovered afm valve that sprays oil on the bottom o
TSB ID: SB-07-03-08-009A
Cadillac/chevrolet/gmc: proper application and availability of ball studs for aluminum vs. cast iron front lower control arms.
TSB ID: SB-08-02-35-004A
General motors: the left and/or right steering wheel lower (spoke) cover is warped, loose, discolored or just fits poorly in the steering wheel. the paint finish seems to be peeling.
TSB ID: PIT-4858
General motors: hybrid brake noise or vibration. brakes groan or thump noises during braking; brake pedal pushback or vibration that may resemble a pulsation as the vehicle comes to a stop; a slight drop in the brake pedal when coming to a
TSB ID: TB-09-06-04-024
Diagnostic information on malfunction indicator lamp (mil) illuminated with dtcs p0442,p0446, p0451, p0452, p0453, p0454, p0455 and replacement of fuel tank pressure (ftp) sensor/module.
TSB ID: TB-080849016B
General motors: the low fuel warning light comes on or the gauge shows empty when there is fuel in the tank. updated 11/04/09.
Gmc: fuel gauge fluctuation in park or neutral, causing the low fuel light to illuminate.
TSB ID: 08-04-19-004
Gmc: correct front axle vent hose routing. the front axle vent hose is mounted in the left side of the engine compartment, and may not be correctly routed. updated on 5/1/2012.
TSB ID: 08-06-03-007
Gmc: no start, no crank, intermittent electrical operations (check for poor connections within engine wiring harness junction block).
A no crank/no start condition with dtc b009f set in the serial data gateway module (sdgm) of some 2008 tahoe and yukon hybrid vehicles. may be caused by water intrusion past the weatherpack seal on the high voltage circuit impact detection
TSB ID: 08-06-04-016
Diagnostic information on mil/ses with dtc p0171 (fuel trim system lean bank 1) and/or p0174 (fuel trim system lean bank 2) after brake master cylinder replacement. *nj
(hybrid) no brake assist after a battery disconnect. with rpo hp2. *nj updated 12/3/08. updated 8/19/09.
TSB ID: PIT-4597
(hybrid) additional information on bleeding the brakes. with rpo hp2. *nj updated 6/27/11.
Possible engine oil leak due to pcv freeze-up, equipped with the 4.8, 5.3, 6.0, and 6.2 v-8 engines. *nj
Engine stalls after being remote started. *nj
Oil leak at rear of engine. equipped with a 4.8, 5.3, 6.0 or 6.2 v8 engine. *nj
TSB ID: 08049
Service update for inventory and customer vehicles—coolant leak — heater hose connection — expires with base warranty. *nj
Short duration cold start lifter tick noise. equipped with the 5.3 or 6.0 active fuel management engines. *nj
TSB ID: 4419
Service stabilitrak message c0196 and/or u2142. *nj
Unwanted abs or valve activation on low speed turns. with stabilitrac (rpo jl4). *nj updated 4/1/08. *nj
TSB ID: 070604027
Ei07239 — 5.3l, lmg, lc9 driveability symptoms, hesitation, miss, lack of power, dtc p0300, p0301, p0302, p0303, p0304, p0305, p0306, p0307, p0308, p0171, p0172, p0174, p1174, p1175, check engine light, mil, injector. *nj u
TSB ID: 3917
Engine has low power on acceleration or when towing. equipped with the 6.0l ly6 and l76 engine. *nj updated 1/29/08. *nj
TSB ID: PIT-4056
Gmc: unable to communicate with the ebcm dtc u0121. *nj vehicles equipped with jl4. updated 9/30/08. updated 6/27/11. updated 4/6/12.
Service brakes soon message dtc c0299. *nj updated 5/13/08. *nj updated 12/5/08. no hybrids vehicles.
TSB ID: 050232008
Gear box power steering pump, p/s performance concerns. *nj updated on 6/30/2011.
TSB ID: 070232002
Ei07082 — power steering fluid leaking from power steering gear/rack assembly. updated on 09/21/07. *nj updated 10/5/07. *nj updated 2/15/08. *nj updated 5/19/08. *nj updated 2/17/10. updated 3/30/11. *
TSB ID: 030309002
Rear leaf spring slap or clunk noise (replace spring inserts) updated 10/18/07. *nj
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have a no crank condition after the vehicle has had very low accessory battery voltage or a dead battery condition. technician may fin
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that if the ignition key is turned to the start position, and then released when the engine begins cranking, the engine will continue cranking
TSB ID: 080730035C
This bulletin provides information on the harmful effects of water or ethylene glycol in transmission fluid.
TSB ID: 09-07-30-001F
This technical bulletin provides a revision for 09-07-30-001e to update the correction and warranty information.
This preliminary information bulletin provides a procedure to adjust the transmission dipstick tube and/or install the transmission fluid filler tube sleeve to eliminate a tick, buzz or rattle noise from the front of dash, transmission fill
TSB ID: 12-07-30-001B
This informational bulletin provides information for service agents not required to contact product quality center for cng, lpg or gasoline engine, transmission and/or transfer case.
TSB ID: 030729004I
This informational bulletin was created for the manual transmission operating characteristics. the different noises caused by driver habit, weather conditions , and normal manual transmission noises.
TSB ID: 120310002
This informational bulletin provides a description of the proper wheel installation and proper wheel torque techniques used to install wheels onto vehicles
TSB ID: 09-07-30-018C
This warranty administration bulletin provides information on the change in automatic transmission add conditions documentation and claim submissions
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicle that has a squawk or grunt type noise when shifting from 2nd to 3rd gear. technician should replace the 3-4 clutch friction and steel clutch pla
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a random bump, chuggle, or fishbite sensation when crowding the throttle slightly with the torque converter clutch on while cruising
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician of a complaint of a sag or hesitation when accelerating. the concern is present when coasting at low speeds of less than 15 miles per hour and then aggressive
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician of a complaint of a sag or hesitation when accelerating. the concern is present when coasting at low speeds of less than 15 miles per hour and then aggressive
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on the steps to diagnose and repair vehicles that may have service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on and a constant engine misfire. if service informa
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have a service 4wd message displayed in the driver information center. technician may find diagnostic trouble code c0379. technician w
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician of a complaint of a sag or hesitation when accelerating. the concern is present when coasting at low speeds of less than 15 miles per hour and then aggressive
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that 2ml70 transmission assembly will be placed on a parts restriction through the general motors technical assistance center. dealer will need to contact general motors tech
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician with the axel setup information from american axle manufacturing. technician should be advised that the maximum pinion shim to be used or stacked behind the p
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a rattle, buzz, tick, or vibration type noise that appears to be coming from the center of the dash. technician will adjust the trans
TSB ID: PI0876
This preliminary informational bulletin provides information on replacing the transmission fluid level indicator if a customers comments regarding one being broken.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a service 4wd light on and the system inoperative. technician may find diagnostic trouble code b2725 set. technician will need to rep
TSB ID: 02-07-30-052J
This informational bulletin provides technicians with information regarding automatic transmission oil cooler flow test essential tool j-45096 transflow?.
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that the part restriction for the auxiliary transmission fluid pump control module and pump part numbers 24261817and 19207983 has ended.
TSB ID: SB-03-07-29-004K
This informational bulletin provide information on the operating characteristics of a manual transmission.
TSB ID: 09-07-30-001F
Summary to be provided on a future date.
Gm: click tick whirl noise from rear axle. the noise may be present on acceleration, deceleration, or when there is a torque reversal in the drive-line (acceleration to deceleration). also included escalade hybrid model years 2008/2010/201
Gm: tick or rattle noise from front of dash, transmission filler tube cracked or broken (inspect filler tube, replace tube as necessary). *js updated 05/3/2013 *js
TSB ID: 08-07-30-021G
Gm: loss of high speed gmlan communications, intermittent no crank, ip gage fluctuation, intermittent door look cycling, intermittent chime operation, various ip warning lamps illuminated, transmission may not shift, communication dtcs u007
TSB ID: PIP-3366-B
Cadillac/chevrolet/gmc/hummer: some suvs and trucks are exhibiting a condition where by grinding/ratcheting type noise coming from automatic transmission when shifting into park while in 4wd low (4lo) range.
TSB ID: PI-0615
Gmc/chevrolet: bulletin provides information on the seal revision and the transfer case output shaft slinger for certain model year trucks.
TSB ID: 09-07-30-001A
Gm: when driving at highway speeds there may a shudder or bucking feel at highway speeds.
TSB ID: 09-04-21-003D
Gm: when stopping or accelerating there may be a clunk noise and its as if the vehicle is bumped from behind. this can be caused by a slip in the rear propshaft.
TSB ID: 09-04-17-002E
Gm: there may be a bump noise or clunk feel when stopping or launching. this may be caused by a slip in the transmission.
TSB ID: PIP-4837
Gm: vehicles may have a shudder when driving with a cold transmission or in cold temperatures.
TSB ID: PIP-4653 B
Buick/chevrolet/hummer/gmc/pontiac/cadillac/saturn: technicians may find dtcs p0601, p0603, p0604, p062f or p1621 stored in the tcm as an active or a history code. some of these dtcs can also be set in the ecm or fpcm. make sure that you
TSB ID: PIP-4686
Chevrolet/cadillac/gmc: hybrid driveability or customer concerns of flare, slip, stall at a stop, surge, lack of power, poor fuel economy, reduced ev range/limited electric propulsion, dtc p061b after campaign 09102b or dtc p061b prior to
TSB ID: SB-09241A
Chevrolet\cadillac\gmc service campaign: see document search button for owner letter. transmission clutch housing fracture-reprogram transmission controller. excessive pressure on the transmission clutch could cause a fracture. may result
TSB ID: PIT-4853
Cadillac/chevrolet/gmc: concerns regarding vehicles no crank; loss of high speed lan or multiple u codes in several modules; loss of the powertrain expansion bus or multiple u codes in several hybrid modules; ses lamp, service brake system
TSB ID: PIP-4424
Gmc: leak from transmission oil cooler line fitting on vehicles built in april or may, 2008.
Gmc: certain two-mode hybrid vehicles may not start due to loose pin fit or backed out terminals. updated 10/3/11.
TSB ID: PIP-4395
Gmc: flare and or harsh 2-3 shifts. this condition may be caused by leaking 1-2-3-4 and 3-5-r clutch fluid seal rings (230). models cadillacs, chevrolets, gmc, hummers, pontiacs. equipped with 6l80 (rpo myc) or 6l90 (rpo myd) automati
TSB ID: 08-07-30-033
Gmc: transmission slip, shudder or grind noise in first, second or reverse, dtc p079a set (replace transmission rear case assembly). for two-mode hybrids with 2ml70 automatic transmission.
TSB ID: 08-07-30-023
4l60-e/4l65-e/4l70-e automatic transmission fluid leak from oil pump or bell housing area (replace torque converter hub-to-oil pump seal assembly). attn: this bulletin applies to vehicles built prior to december 2007.
(hybrid) inspect transmission three phase cables for adequate clearance to body. *nj updated 11/24/08.
Eaton locking differential chatter shudder noise on turns, equipped with a locking rear differential rpo g80. *nj updated 7/17/2008.
Dtc p0878, p2714, p2723, transmission slips in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th gears and/or long garage shifts to drive, equipped with a 6l50 (myb), 6l80 (myc), or 6l90 (myd) transmission. *nj
TSB ID: PIT-4575
(hybrid) vehicle stalls when shifted out of park. with rpo hp2. *nj updated 12/3/08. updated 8/19/09. updated 8/1/11.
TSB ID: 070417002
Whine type noise coming from rear of vehicle (diagnose and replace rear propeller shaft). *nj
TSB ID: 4112
Sag or hesitation on acceleration (normal operating characteristics). equipped w/ gasoline engine and automatic transmission. *nj updated 1/30/08. *nj updated 10/01/08. updated 8/12/09. updated 9/23
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that the cruise control being inoperative. technician may find diagnostic trouble code b3894 set in the trailer brake control module. technicia
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a service suspension system message on the driver information center and the rear suspension ride height is incorrect. technician wil
TSB ID: PIT-5144
Chevrolet/gmc: stop lamp switches has failed but not confirmed, due to possible code set by wiring/terminal issue at brake switch.
TSB ID: PIT-4322-D
Gm: there is unwanted stability action or stability light on. this can be caused by the suspension being modified. updated 6/18/12. models 2007-13 all escalade; avalanche, silverado, suburban, tahoe; sierra, sierra denali, a
General motors: during normal diagnostics and/or repair verification the abs light, traction control and/or stabilitrak indicators may be on with no dtc’s displayed by the ebcm. updated 11/17/10. updated 3/14/11.
TSB ID: 4322
Unwanted stability activation and/or c0710 with lift/lower kits-different tires/wheel. with rpo jl4. *nj updated 12/18/08.
TSB ID: 4225
Service stability lamp dtc c0710. *nj updated 3/25/11.
TSB ID: PIT 4162
Service stability lamp dtc c0131. *nj updated 4/1/08. *nj updated 6/26/08. *nj updated 12/18/08. updated 8/1/11.
TSB ID: 10-00-89-010B
This informational bulletin provides information and rules for gm keycode look up applicationa dn the key code security rules and regulations for canada only.
This preliminary information communicates to techniciansthat the daytime running lamps (drl’s) or the auto headlamps will not shut off when using the daytime running lamp disable switch (which is part of the headlamp switch), if the veh
TSB ID: 08-08-44-015C
This informational bulletin provides information regarding the inappropriate warranty claims submitted for damaged radios and instrument panel clusters, provides exampls on whats an acceptable for warranty and whats not
TSB ID: 08-09-41-002H
This technical bulletin provides a procedure to complete a terminal replacement or connector re connection to correct a condition of diagnostic information for supplemental inflatable restraint (sir) system, intermittent air bag indicator/l
This preliminary bulletin provides information on what labor operation number to use for various electrical/electronic control issues.
This preliminary information communication advises the technician about key and theft information for fleet vehicles equipped with rpo 6e2 or 6e8 and converting to fleet mode. technician will need to ensure fleet vehicles with rpo 6e2 or 6e
TSB ID: 00-00-89-027H
This informational bulletin provides information on what products gm has to aid in the eliminating unwanted odors in a vehicle.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that the speedometer needle appears to be inaccurate. dealer should advise the customer the specification for speedometer needle accuracy is +/
TSB ID: 15-08-44-001G
This informational bulletin provides information on a gm of canada onstar cellular communication upgrade.
TSB ID: 15-08-44-001F
This informational bulletin provides information on a gm of canada onstar cellular communication upgrade.
This preliminary informational bulletin provides repair information to correct a customer concern of poor radio hands-free voice recognition performance or sound quality after onstar upgrade.
TSB ID: 10-00-89-005E
This warranty administration bulletin adds the 2016 model year to a communication which provides dealership personnel revised wiring repair labor operations and required additional information.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that are travelling from canada to the united states. while in the united states they are unable to receive turn-by-turn directions. due to the
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that show an error message when a media disc is installed. technician will need to check the regular production option code list to verify if t
TSB ID: 14-06-130-001
This informational bulletin provides information on how to disable high voltage safely.
TSB ID: 49151
49151 — engineering study — your dealership may have been previously advised of being selected to participate in an engineering study to test and evaluate takata front passenger air bag inflators. the purpose of the engineering study is
TSB ID: 030603004S
This warranty administration bulletin provides policy information on the requirements for battery testing and warranty replacements.
TSB ID: 01-08-42-001J
This informational bulletin explains condensation in exterior lights and replacment guidelines for warranty replacement.
TSB ID: 100844006D
This informational bulletin provides information for customers to report missing or inaccurate navigation radio map disc information.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that the heater-vent-air conditioning blows warm air. before calling general motors technical assistance center technician will need to have hi
TSB ID: 08-08-45-004D
This informational bulletin provides information for installing a diode to solenoid/relay to suppress voltage spikes in conjuction with installation of electrical aftermarket accessories-battery, ignition and ground feeds-(do not splice int
TSB ID: 15-08-73-001
This informational bulletin provides information on communication with onstar? module after canadian cellular upgrade.
TSB ID: 05-08-46-009D
This informational bulletin adds the 2014 and 2015 model years to information of a language change for onstar system (u.s. and canada only).
TSB ID: PI1440
This preliminary informational bulletin provides technicians with diagnostic tips for a customer concern of odor emanating from hvac system.
TSB ID: 13-08-116-001A
This technical bulletin provides a procedure on aftermarket alsl or dlc devices causing multiple issues due to suspected tampering.
TSB ID: 13-00-89-003
This technical bulletin provides information on vehicle software enhancements for 2014 and prior gm passenger cars and light duty trucks.
TSB ID: PI0938
This preliminary information bulletin provides information on powertrain and various electronic/electrical control issues.
TSB ID: 07-08-49-020H
This technical service bulletin provides a revision for 07-08-49-020g to add the 2014 model year and update model list.
TSB ID: 13-08-116-001
This technical bulletin provides a procedure on suspected tampering due to aftermarket aldl or dlc interface devices causing multiple issues.
TSB ID: 03-00-89-013H
This informational bulletin provides information on a update for the electronic component exchange program (u.s. and canada only)
TSB ID: 09-06-04-026F
This informational bulletin provides information on suspected tampering on vehicles modifications for identifying non gm ecm calibrations.
TSB ID: 08-08-44-015D
This preliminary bulletin explains physical damage to radios and ipcs must be reviewed and validated if covered under gm warranty or not.
TSB ID: 10-00-89-006C
This informational bulletin provides directions on submitting different pirs
TSB ID: 03-06-03-004I
This informational bulletin provides information for warranty codes that are generated by el-50313 midtronics gr8 battery tester/charger.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an oil leak shortly after a cold start when extremely low ambient temperatures are present. technician will need to clean the area of
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on the steps to diagnose and repair vehicles that may have a no crank concern. technician will need to check the valve train for movement when the engine is c
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on, engine misfire, and/or engine noise. technician may find diagnostic trouble code
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician of a complaint of a sag or hesitation when accelerating. the concern is present when coasting at low speeds of less than 15 miles per hour and then aggressive
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that the incoming caller id may no longer be available or displayed after the canada onstar upgrade. dealer should communicate to the customer
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that the air conditioner blows warm air. if normal diagnostics from service information does not lead to a correction and it is found that the
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an intermittent no crank, no start, or start stall concern with the security light coming on. technician may find diagnostic trouble
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an onstar system that will not power up. technician should turn off the ignition and cancel retained accessory power. after the vehic
This preliminary bulletin provides procedures on how to reset or refresh the xm radio receiver is the customers states that they only get a few channels.
TSB ID: PI1266
This preliminary bulletin explains to the technician to use the vin when reprogramming the radio using the techline/service programming systems.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that for no reason the alarm will go active. technician will need to use a scan tool to verify that the alarm was activated by the inclination
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on the programming and activation of the onstar system. for many 2008 and prior model year gm vehicles, the programming is performed using the tech 2 and the
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have reduced air flow from the heater-vent-air conditioning dash vents. technician may find b3933 sym 05 set in the heater-vent-air co
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may not receiving all channels on the xm band. technician will need to use a scan tool and verify current digital radio receiver status un
TSB ID: 15-06-03-001A
This informational bulletin provides information that may be useful in diagnosing/testing batteries that have set for a long period of time and/or set in cold weather climates to correct a customer concern of symptoms that include, but not
This preliminary informational bulletin adds the 2014 — 2016 model years to cleaning information to correct a customer concern of seeing a white film/residue on the ip pad and/or door trim panels.
TSB ID: 030848006J
This informational bulletin provide information for the technicians to repair the rear window defroster contact or tabs.
TSB ID: 110604007C
This technical bulletin provides a procedure for replacing the throttle position sensor cover for concerns regarding a indicator lamp illuminated reduced power message displayed and dtc p2135 set.
TSB ID: 100089005D
This warranty informational bulletin advised the technician that when performing a wiring repair, more information is required.
TSB ID: 080846004A
This informational bulletin provides information regarding the aftermarket device interference with onstar diagnostic service.
This preliminary informational bulletin provides a procedure to replace the first junction block terminal and other terminals to correct a condition of poor hvac performance.
This preliminary information communication a diagnostic tip if the high speed lan bus is shorted to ground, which can cause the bcm to appear off line.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicle’s odometer appears to be inaccurate relative to a known distance traveled. technician should obtain a hand-held gps unit to test the odomete
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about what xm offerings are available for vehicles. a dealer or customer can access the website listed below for vehicle specific xm offerings and availabilit
TSB ID: 07-08-49-020K
This informational bulletin explains the programming method quick reference guide for the ipc odometer.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a diagnostic trouble code b101d stored in telematics communication interface control module. technician will use global diagnostic sy
TSB ID: 08-08-44-015G
This informational bulletin provides information on inappropriate warranty claims submitted for damaged radios and ipcs
This preliminary bulletin provides a procedure to install adhesive back stock to the electrical connector for the steering wheel position sensor, to eleminate the excessive clearance/movement that causes the connector to loose contact and t
TSB ID: 05-08-44-024E
This informational bulletin provides information on return or reimbursement of customer owned cds, dvds or navigation discs .
This preliminary bulletin provides information on service programming system (sps) errors (e4398, e4399, e4403, e4404, e4413, e4414, e4423 or e4491).
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on the programming and activation of the onstar system. for many 2008 and prior model year gm vehicles, the programming is performed using the tech 2 and the
TSB ID: 02-08-42-001I
This informational bulletin provides an out line on headlamp, tail lamp, license lamp or fog/driving lamp damage and what should be considered warranty replacement and not
TSB ID: 01-08-42-001K
This informational bulletin provides information on exterior lamp condinsation and replacement guidelines
TSB ID: 08-08-44-015F
This informational bulletin provides information on inappropriate warranty claims submitted for damaged radios and instrument panel clusters (ipcs)
TSB ID: 03-08-46-004S
This informational bulletin provides information on onstar? vcim is currently restricted parts. by working closely with our dealers and technicians, through the part restriction process, the general motors team will gain a better understand
TSB ID: 07-08-49-020L
This informational bulletin provides information for the ipc odometer programming method quick reference guide.
TSB ID: 07-07-30-010D
This informational bulletin provides explanation on how to take snapshot data with a tech 2 and upload it to a computer and where to email the info to.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a radio display that will show «locked» or «theft lock». technician will need to replace the radio if the radio stills displays «lock
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have at times the xm traffic or weather for the local area takes several minutes to update and may read «no data» or «updating» during tha
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician the steps needed to diagnose and repair the vehicles that may have unwanted or phantom phone calls. technician will need to determine what type of call the cu
This preliminary information communicates to the dealer the process for downloading or updating operating software for the tire pressure monitor, active fuel injector tester, multi media tester, pico scope, gr8 starting/charging tester and
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a diagnostic trouble code b101d stored in telematics communication interface control module. technician will need to ensure campaigns
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on how to diagnose and repair vehicles that may have an onstar turn-by-turn navigation the system that is inoperative. technician verifies there are no diagno
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a message on the radio ?maximum number of phones are currently paired to the vehicle?. dealer should advise the customer this is norm
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on the programming and activation of the onstar system. for many 2008 and prior model year gm vehicles, the programming is performed using the tech 2 and the
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that customers may inquire as to the availability of onstar bluetooth on their vehicle. technician should be advised that vehicles with regular production opt
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that the onstar system will not connect. technician should record module info per the latest version of pic4310 and contact general motors tech
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about customers that may complain of various concerns when using bluetooth components. technician should use the preliminary information to gather information
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have various 2-mode hybrid issues. some vehicle may have service hybrid system lamp that comes on with a diagnostic trouble code p061b set
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have multiple electrical concerns and or intermittent no crank. technician will need to remove the 175 amp mega fuse and inspect for arcin
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a «service stability message» appears on the drivers information center. technician will find diagnostic trouble code c0561 set in th
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a message on the radio «maximum number of phones are currently paired to the vehicle». dealer should advise the customer this is norm
This preliminary information communication advises the technician about key and theft information for fleet vehicles equipped with rpo 6e2 or 6e8 and converting to fleet mode. technician will need to ensure fleet vehicles with rpo 6e2 or 6e
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an instrument panel backlighting flashes, flickers or inoperative, unwanted horn activation, radio controls inoperative or unwanted a
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an engine misfire, oil consumption, and/or a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on. technician may find diagnostic troubl
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that after replacing the instrument panel cluster the exchange center is unable to program the actual mileage on the odometer or the actual mileage is unknown
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an onstar system that will not power up. technician should turn off the ignition and cancel retained accessory power. after the vehic
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on how to diagnose and repair vehicles that may have an onstar turn-by-turn navigation the system that is inoperative. technician verifies there are no diagno
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a frequent «off route» messages while following turn by turn route. technicians will need to remove power from the vehicle communicat
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that the onstar led is staying on after the vehicle retained accessory power has turned off and/or their bluetooth phone stays connected after
TSB ID: 06-08-50-009I
This informational bulletin provides information on passenger presence sensing system (pps or pss) concerns with custom upholstery, accessory seat heaters or other comfort enhancing devices
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that the onstar led is staying on after the vehicle retained accessory power has turned off and/or their bluetooth phone stays connected after
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that during battery parasitic drain test, there may be some confusion as to what the normal power consumption reading should be from the onstar
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an onstar system that will not power up. technician should turn off the ignition and cancel retained accessory power. after the vehic
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about a customer?s request to install onstar bluetooth. dealer should be advised at this time, there are no provisions to add this option to vehicles that wer
TSB ID: 03-08-46-004R
This informational bulletin provides information on part restriction and ordering process information for onstar vehicle communication interface modules (vcim) (gmna only)
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that when a canadian customer may comment that when they travel to the united states, they are unable to connect to onstar or use hands free ca
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that the 2-mode drive motor generator battery placed on parts restriction by general motors technical assistance center. dealer will need to contact general motors technical
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have an air condition that has poor performance during high ambient temperatures. technician will need to check the refrigerant charge
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may stall and have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on. technician may find diagnostic trouble code p0bbd. technician will
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a diagnostic trouble code b101d-37 history in the vehicle communication interface module or telematics communication interface contro
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have diagnostic trouble code b2555 may be found in a driver and/or passenger door module. technician should ignore the diagnostic trouble
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicle that may have an onstar system that has progression tones when pressing the blue or red button. technician will need to call general motors tech
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a diagnostic trouble code c0569 that will not clear. technician should be advised if there are any issues with the rotational positio
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that 2-mode drive motor generator battery will be placed on a parts restriction through the general motors technical assistance center. dealer will need to contact general mo
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have navigation or radio screen is blank or flashes on and off, no sound from speakers, and rear dvd screen inoperative. technician will f
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an onstar system that will not power up. technician should turn off the ignition and cancel retained accessory power. after the vehic
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that, when testing any circuit for open or resistance, it is imperative that all related terminal pin fit and tension be checked when the test steps require disconnection of
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about the multiple diagnostic interface or techline computer terminal locks up during service programming system sequential programming or failed service prog
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a radio display that will show «locked» or «theft lock». technician will need to replace the radio if the radio stills displays «lock
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a malfunction indicator light or service anti-lock brake system message displayed in the driver information center. technician may fi
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have an issue when using bluetooth voice recognition with an iphone. technician should work with the customer to insure the phone cont
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have diagnostic trouble code b2555 may be found in a driver and/or passenger door module. technician should ignore the diagnostic trouble
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an aftermarket, add-on back up alarm will sound when unlocking the doors with the remote keyless entry remote. technician can correct
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that the speedometer needle appears to be inaccurate. dealer should advise the customer the specification for speedometer needle accuracy is +/
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have navigation or radio screen is blank or flashes on and off, no sound from speakers, and rear dvd screen inoperative. technician will f
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have the onstar system does not respond properly to some numbers and/or voice commands. dealer should direct the customer to review the op
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a diagnostic trouble code c0569 that will not clear. technician should be advised if there are any issues with the rotational positio
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that the speedometer needle appears to be inaccurate. dealer should advise the customer the specification for speedometer needle accuracy is +/
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that after installing the gm accessory heated seat kit, one or more of the following issues may be present the heated seat back and/or bottom t
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an onstar system that will not power up. technician should turn off the ignition and cancel retained accessory power. after the vehic
This preliminary informational bulletin provides information on gm accessory remote start not working with onstars remotelink phone applications
TSB ID: 08-07-30-026C
This informational bulletin provides information on vehicles may rock or move slightly forward or rearward while in park at start up after cold soak and that this is considered a normal conditon and no repairs are necessary
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a cold air leak on the front passenger side while driving. technician will need to use black rtv silicone and apply over the seam bet
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a message on the radio «maximum number of phones are currently paired to the vehicle». dealer should advise the customer this is norm
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about the puddle light operation. technician should be advised that the puddle lamps to operate, «approach lighting» must be turned on using the drivers infor
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about the operation of the ground illumination lamp. for the puddle lamps to operate they must be turned on using the drivers information center buttons and i
TSB ID: 06-00-89-029M
This informational bulletin provides information on interior cleaning — instrument panel (ip), hard or plastic surfaces, seats, carpet, leather, vinyl, fabric cleaner, stain remover, restorer — product availability
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about customers may inquire about the availability of the passenger compartment air filter. dealer should advise the customer starting in 2003 the passenger c
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that customers may inquire as to the availability of onstar bluetooth on their vehicle. technician should be advised that vehicles with regular production opt
This preliminary informational bulletin provides information on gm is implementing a new service strategy that uses a set of universal coaxial repair kits to service vehicles. this only applies to cable used for high frequency signals, such
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician with additional vehicle speed sensor diagnostic information. technician may encounter multiple issues when diagnosing a vehicle speed sensor. technician will
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicle that may have an onstar system that has progression tones when pressing the blue or red button. technician will need to call general motors tech
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicle that may have an onstar system that has progression tones when pressing the blue or red button. technician will need to call general motors tech
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about electronic brake control module relearn procedure is required anytime the electronic brake control module is replaced or has been service programming sy
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on how to diagnose and repair vehicles that may have an onstar turn-by-turn navigation the system that is inoperative. technician verifies there are no diagno
This preliminary information communication provides information to help the dealership technicians perform a parasitic drain test for the onstar module. when performing battery parasitic drain test, there may be some confusion as to what th
TSB ID: 05-08-46-009D
This informational bulletin adds the 2014 and 2015 model years to information of a language change for onstar system (u.s. and canada only).
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that vehicles with regular production option code hp2 will have a condition where were the 120v accessory power outlet is inoperative. dealer is to advise the customer that t
This preliminary information communication informs the technician polyalkylene glycol is not compatible with the hybrid polyester oil. when vehicles with hybrid air conditioning system have been injected with any commercially available ultr
This preliminary information bulletin provides a descritption of operation of the echo control and noise cancellation settings for concernc regarding noice drop outs during calls and muffled sound.
TSB ID: PI1440
This preliminary informational bulletin provides technicians with diagnostic tips for a customer concern of odor emanating from hvac system.
This preliminary information communication provides the technician with the steps on how to diagnose vehicles with a no crank with multiple diagnostic trouble codes set in several different modules with regular production option code hp2. t
This preliminary information communication advises the technician after the onstar canada upgrade the onstar vehicle diagnostic email report is inoperative. please communicate to the customer that we apologize for this inconvenience and tha
This preliminary informational bulletins provides information regarding the release of a new designed hvac blower motor assembley. the bulletin provides information on how to correctly install the parts to function as intended.
TSB ID: 13-08-116-001B
The intent of this technical bulletin is to identify aftermarket aldl or dlc interface devices as potential sources for causing multiple customer concerns that do not have other diagnostic methods to identify them.
TSB ID: 12-07-30-001E
This informational bulletin provides information on the product quality center (pqc) assembly replacement process for service agents not required to contact pqc prior to assembly replacement.
This preliminary information communication provides the technician with the additional steps that are needed to help perform a successful brake bleed on the 2-mode hybrid with regular production option code hp2. with a battery maintainer in
TSB ID: G-169310
11273a — special coverage (additional population added). the throttle position sensor may cause the engine to run rough and cause the malfunction indicator lamp and/or and engine reduced power message to illuminate. if this occurs, it coul
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that when dialing certain numbers using onstar hands-free calling, the audio is distorted or has poor quality after performing the onstar canad
This preliminary information communication advises the technician certain accessories are being made available through the integrated business partner. for detailed manufacturer warranty information, technical support, or for possible produ
TSB ID: 10-08-42-001E
This technical bulletin provides repair information for low beam headlamp bulb diagnosis/replacement to correct a customer concern that the low beam headlamp is inoperative.
TSB ID: 15-08-44-001
This informational bulletin provides information on a gm of canada onstar? cellular communication upgrade.
TSB ID: 15-08-42-002
This informational bulletin provides technicians with speed limiter-programmable options-obtaining calibrations for police package vehicles, daytime running lamps (drl), automatic headlights (ahl), dome and courtesy lamps.
TSB ID: 15-08-44-001A
This informational bulletin provides information on a gm of canada onstar? cellular communication upgrade.
TSB ID: 15-08-44-001C
This informational bulletin provides information on a gm of canada onstar? cellular communication upgrade.
TSB ID: 08-08-45-004D
This informational bulletin provides information for installing a diode to solenoid/relay to suppress voltage spikes in conjuction with installation of electrical aftermarket accessories-battery, ignition and ground feeds-(do not splice int
TSB ID: 07-06-04-019E
This technical bulletin provides repair information for repairing the ip to body harness connector to correct a customer concern for intermittent malfunction indicator lamp (mil) illuminated with reduced engine power displayed and dtc p21
TSB ID: 15-08-73-001
This informational bulletin provides information on communication with onstar? module after canadian cellular upgrade.
TSB ID: 15-08-44-001B
This informational bulletin provides information on a gm of canada onstar? cellular communication upgrade.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicle’s odometer appears to be inaccurate relative to a known distance traveled. technician should obtain a hand-held gps unit to test the odometer. i
This preliminary information communicates an issue with aftermarket usb chargers causing sir dtc’s to set.
TSB ID: 03-06-03-004U
This warranty administration bulletin provides policy information on the requirements for battery testing and warranty replacements.
TSB ID: 10-08-42-001D
This technical bulletin provides a procedure to check the headlamp wiring connector and replace if damaged.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have power lift-gate that is inoperative from all the switches and the keyless entry transmitter only with the ignition in the off positio
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an instrument panel backlighting flashes, flickers or inoperative, unwanted horn activation, radio controls inoperative or unwanted a
TSB ID: 10-08-98-002A
This information bulletin explains the use of drilling high strength steel in a collision repair and the gm recommended cryocobalt drill bit.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that are travelling from canada to the united states. while in the united states they are unable to receive turn-by-turn directions. due to the
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that will not crank intermittently due to a dead battery. technician will need to reprogram the heater-vent-air conditioning control module wit
TSB ID: 08-08-44-015E
This informational bulletin provides information on inappropriate warranty claims submitted for damaged radios and ipcs
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that the speedometer needle appears to be inaccurate. dealer should advise the customer the specification for speedometer needle accuracy is +/
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that are travelling from canada to the united states. while in the united states they are unable to receive turn-by-turn directions. due to the
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicle that may have an onstar system that has progression tones when pressing the blue or red button. technician will need to call general motors tech
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician the steps needed to diagnose and repair the vehicles that may have unwanted or phantom phone calls. technician will need to determine what type of call the cu
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have an issue when using bluetooth voice recognition with an iphone. technician should work with the customer to insure the phone cont
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about what xm offerings are available for vehicles. a dealer or customer can access the website listed below for vehicle specific xm offerings and availabilit
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about the use of j-35616-64b terminal test probe, replacement terminals, and terminated leads. the j-35616-64b is the latest test probe released for checking
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that the drive motor generator control module and accessory power module are being placed on restriction through the general motors technical assistance center. dealer will n
TSB ID: PI1404
This preliminary informational bulletin provides a diagnostic tip for low line pressure or pressure regulator valve stuck after transmission service pump cover replacement.
TSB ID: 05-06-04-060A
This informational bulletin communicates information to technicians on control module diagnostic trouble code(s) (dtc)(s) p0601, p0602, p0603, p0604, p0606, p062f, p06f3, p1621 which can be shared in multiple modules.
This preliminary informational bulletin adds the 2015 model year to repair information on correcting a customer concern of poor, limited, reduced remote keyless entry (rke) or remote vehicle start (rvs) range.
TSB ID: 15-08-42-001
This informational bulletin communicates gm’s position on exterior lighting components ?tinted or smoked? by an outside vendor.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicle that may have an onstar system that has progression tones when pressing the blue or red button. technician will need to contact general motors t
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have an issue when using bluetooth voice recognition with an iphone. technician should work with the customer to insure the phone cont
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about connectivity concerns when connecting an apple device via usb cord. technician should insure the customer is using an original equipment manufacturer ap
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about customers that may complain of various concerns when using bluetooth components. technician should use the preliminary information to gather information
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a diagnostic trouble code b101d stored in telematics communication interface control module. technician will check global warranty ma
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicle starts and stalls on the first initial start after the replacement of the theft deterrent module. technician will need to use the scan tool to c
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about being unable to receive onstar ?over the air? updates. technician will need to press the onstar button and verify they have an active account and that t
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an onstar system that will not power up. technician should turn off the ignition and cancel retained accessory power. after the vehic
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have the onstar wireless fidelity inoperative. technician will need to contact general motors technical assistance center with a scan
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have low oil pressure message. technician may also find a diagnostic trouble code p0521 in the engine control module. technician shoul
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicle that may have an onstar system that has progression tones when pressing the blue or red button. technician will need to call general motors tech
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an onstar system that will not power up. technician should turn off the ignition and cancel retained accessory power. after the vehic
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have an outside air temperature inoperative. to perform an instant update of the ambient temperature sensor, press and hold the recirc
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that after replacing the instrument panel cluster the exchange center is unable to program the actual mileage on the odometer or the actual mileage is unknown
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician the steps needed to diagnose and repair the vehicles that may have unwanted or phantom phone calls. technician will need to determine what type of call the cu
This preliminary information communication advises the technician on the steps for diagnosing the concern. the vehicle may be unable to connect to onstar using the white, blue or red onstar buttons.
This preliminary information communication advises the technician, if unable to place an onstar call in the ignition on mode after the onstar canada upgrade to contact the gm technical assistance center onstar group for further assistance.
This preliminary information communication advises the technician if unable to place an onstar call in the ignition on mode after the onstar canada upgrade, to contact the gm technical assistance center onstar group for further assistance.
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that the part restriction for the accessory dc power control module and the seal kit has ended.
This preliminary information communication advises the technician to diagnose the concern and the steps to repair the concern. the vehicle’s xm travel link may be inopertive.
This preliminary information communication advises the technician the steps on repairing the concern. a customer may identify a concern of unable to reactivate a vehicle’s onstar that has been previously disabled by onstar. dealer is to ca
This preliminary information communication advises the technician on the steps to diagnose and repair the concern of receiving frequent «off route» messages while following turn by turn (tbt) route navigation. the technician is provided in
This preliminary information communication provides information to help the dealership technicians perform a parasitic drain test for the onstar module. when performing battery parasitic drain test, there may be some confusion as to what th
This preliminary information communication advises the technician on the steps to diagnose and repair the concern. the vehicle’s xm radio only has xm preveiw channels.
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that the high voltage battery for the 2-mode is no longer on part restriction.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about the use of j-35616-64b terminal test probe, replacement terminals, and terminated leads. the j-35616-64b is the latest test probe released for checking
TSB ID: 16NA260
This technical bulletin provides a procedure to reprogram the media disc player with the latest calibrations to correct a condition of the rear entertainment system not operating as intended in colder ambient temperature areas due to calibr
TSB ID: 16NA241
This technical bulletin provides a procedure to check the cylinders for damaged pistons and determine if the use of aftermarket calibrations or performance parts may be the cause.
TSB ID: PIT-4713-A
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician how to diagnose and repair vehicle that may have a rattle, itch or tapping noise coming from the center of the instrument panel area while driving. the cause
TSB ID: PIC-5050-A
This preliminary information communication advises the technician the steps on repairing the concern. a customer may identify a concern of unable to reactivate a vehicle’s onstar that has been previously disabled by onstar. dealer is to ca
TSB ID: PIC-4935-E
This preliminary information communication provides information to help the dealership technicians perform a parasitic drain test for the onstar module. when performing battery parasitic drain test, there may be some confusion as to what th
TSB ID: PIC-5374-D
This preliminary information communication advises the technician on the steps to diagnose and repair the concern of receiving frequent «off route» messages while following turn by turn (tbt) route navigation. the technician is provided in
TSB ID: PIT-4539-T
This preliminary information communication provides information on the drive motor generator control module part restriction. dealer will need to call gm technical assistance center for further instructions.
TSB ID: SB-15-06-03-001B
This informational bulletin provides information that may be useful on diagnosing batteries that have set for a long period of time and/or set in cold weather climates and testing those batteries.
TSB ID: SB-06-08-47-001L
This informational bulletin provides warranty information on using the service programming system (sps) for programming control modules
This preliminary informational bulletin provides information on poor radio hands-free voice recognition performance or sound quality after the onstar upgrade.
TSB ID: PI-1280
Cadillac/chevrolet/gmc: loss of propulsion, when speed is less than 5 km/h (3mph), service hybrid system is displayed in driver information center (dic) and malfunction indicator lamp (mil) illuminates. model 2008-2013 escalade, silverado
TSB ID: PIT-4821-C
General motors: hybrid battery parts restriction for high voltage 2-mode battery parts.
TSB ID: PIT-5184
Cadillac/chevrolet/gmc: will have inoperative cruise control; inoperative or unwanted activation of radio controls; backlighting flashes, flickers or inoperative due to possible short to ground on steering wheel coil connector x2. models
TSB ID: PIT-5179
Cadillac/gmc/chevrolet: information on cruise control being inoperative due to bpp circuit signal and/or tcc/cruise brake pedal parameters, when brake pedal is released but shows applied. models 2007-2013 all escalades, avalanche, silver
Gm: j-35616-64b terminal test probe and replacement terminal. also included models verano, regal, lacrosse, cts, srx, volt, sonic, malibu, impala, equinox, cruze, avalanche, tahoe suburban, silverado, sierra, yukon, and terrain for model
TSB ID: PI-0695
Gm: diagnose and repair hvac blower function. may not be any air flow from the hvac vents. one possible of this condition may be the contacts in the hvac junction block(s) located at the right side of the instrumental panel. *js update
TSB ID: SB-07-08-50-022B
Seat rattle and/or hard to latch and unlatch, power release fold and tumble not fully functioning.
Gm: the service stabilitrak message being displayed in dic. the stabilitrak indicator light may also be on. *js updated on 7/9/2013.
TSB ID: 10-08-42-001C
Gm: low beam headlamp bulb diagnosis/ replacement (inspect bulb and connector). do not replace the entire headlamp assembly for this condition. replace the bulb and inspect the connector. *js updated 4/7/15.
TSB ID: PI-0648
Cadillac/chevrolet/gmc: original style blower motor assembly is no longer available. a revised hvac blower motor assembly for full size trucks is required, with modifications, to function properly. updated 2/25/13.
TSB ID: PIP-4966
Chevrolet/cadillac/gmc: certain vehicles experiencing erratic or inoperative speedometer or anti-lock brake system message or malfunctioning indicator light displaying in driver’s information center. updated 08/5/2013 *js
TSB ID: PB-10037A
Gm: onstar is making incomplete calls without the driver knowing. when have a data connection.
TSB ID: 09-09-40-001A
Gm: there are seat belt problems: difficulty latching and unlatching buckle. buckle release button is sticking. seat belt warning light illuminated. likely caused by sticky beverages that are spilled into the buckle assembly. updated 4/
TSB ID: 10-08-50-008B
Gm: the driver or passenger heated seat are inoperative. they are slow to warm or may shut off. there are trouble codes set related to the ground terminal harness.
TSB ID: PIT-5043
Gm: on some hybrid vehicles after updating software there is an internal trouble code stored and it won’t go away.
Gm: a driver motor generator control module is being put on restriction. updated 2/14/12.
TSB ID: SB-08-09-41-005A
Gm: the air bag door may be warped or not sit flush with the instrument panel/dash.
TSB ID: PIP-4817
Cadillac/chevrolet/gmc: (hybrid) information on internal transmission wiring harness repairs. diagnostics of any one of or combination of the dtcs listed may lead to a internal transmission wiring harness concern. transmissionwiring har
Buick/cadillac/chevrolet/gmc/hummer/pontiac/saturn: additional diagnostic information for u0140 or u0073. vehicle may exhibits some symptom(s) as door locks cycle while driving; intermittent no start; service stabilitrak dic message; spee
TSB ID: SB-07-06-03-002C
Cadillac/chevrolet/gmc: information on inspecting top post battery cable bolts, clamps and nuts during pre-delivery inspection (pdi).
TSB ID: SB-10-08-42-001A
Buick/cadillac/chevrolet/gmc/pontiac/saturn: low beam headlamp bulb diagnosis/replacement (inspect bulb and connector). does not apply to vehicles equipped with high intensity discharge (hid) lamps. do not replace the entire headlamp assem
TSB ID: PIC-4872
Gmc/chevrolet/cadillac: sir mil on with dtc b1325 sym 03. during a low battery/voltage condition the passenger presence system may set a b1325 sym 03 along with other faults that are caused by the low batter/voltage condition.
Chevrolet/gmc/cadillac: multiple electrical concerns with dtc c0900 — keywords battery c/k cable clock crank cycle door dimming flicker gage gauge gmc hvac inop inoperative instrument intermittent ipc lock no panel power radio stall start
TSB ID: SB-09-09-41-005
Gmc/cadillac/chevrolet: air bag readiness light on, service air bag message, inflatable restraint sensing and diagnostic module (sdm) corrosion (replace sdm/cut and remove carpet pad).
TSB ID: SB-07-08-42-011C
Chevrolet: police package. daytime running lamps (drl), automatic headlights (ahl), dome and courtesy lamps, trunk release — programmable options.
Cadillac/chevrolet/gmc: on rare occasions, a vehicle may stall and a ses light may set accompanied by one or all of the following codes, p061b; p0afa; p0bbd. in most cases the vehicle will restart, but the ses lamp will remain illuminated
Cadillac/chevrolet/gmc: locations of high speed gmlan wiring concerns. gauges inoperative, no crank, harsh transmission shifting, no transmission shifting, door locks cycling and indicators on. updated 11/17/10.
TSB ID: TB-090842002
General motors: left or right tail lamp inoperative (inspect/repair connector). one or more pins in the tail lamp assembly wiring connector may be bent, resulting in loss of electrical contact.
TSB ID: SB-08-09-41-002C
General motors: diagnostic information for intermittent restraints, air bag (sir) indicator/lamp on with dtc(s) b0012, b0013, b0016, b0016, b0019, b0020, b0022, b0023, b0026, b0033, b0040, b0042 or b0044 set. this may be caused by a loose,
TSB ID: TSB -09-08-42-00
General motors: left or rght tail lamp inoperative (inspect/repair connector). one or more pins in the tail lamp assembly wiring connector may be bent, resulting in loss of electrical contact.
TSB ID: 07-08-45-005A
Gmc: replacement of high and intermediate voltage cables. some vehicles (two mode hybrid system (rpo hp2)) may exhibit impaired or inoperative 300v or 42v systems due to worn or damaged 300v or 42v cables.
Gmc: bmc failure after windshield wiper operation-keywords: ajar door dome driver dimmer flasher fog haul headlight head high hazard inop inoperative lamp light lock low not on off power park radio rap repeat signal shut speed stay switch t
TSB ID: PIT-4715
Gmc: abs and brake lamp and multiple dtc’s. for hybrid vehicles only. update 6/12/09.
Gmc: intermittent no crank and/or discharged battery. could be caused by a loose connection at the 175 amp mega fuse located on the passenger side of the cowl.
TSB ID: 08-08-42-003
Gmc: stop lamps intermittently turn off after coming to a complete stop while still having pressure on brake pedal (replace stop lamp switch). updated 3/1/10.
TSB ID: SB-08-07-30-021
Loss of high speed gmlan communications, intermittent no crank, ipc gauge fluctuation, intermittent door lock cycling, transmission may not shift, dtcs u0073, u0100, u0101, u0102, u0121, u0140 set (repair backed out terminal in transmission
TSB ID: 08-07-30-021
Loss of high speed gmlan communications, intermittent no crank, ipc gauge fluctuation, intermittent door lock cycling, transmission may not shift, dtcs u0073, u0100, u0101, u0102, 70140 (repair backed out terminal in transmission harness co
TSB ID: 08-08-45-002
Left or right power outside mirror inoperative (inspect wire harness). *nj
TSB ID: 4132
Sir light on, dtc’s b0085, b0086, b0087 and b0088. *nj
TSB ID: 4131
Right front turn signal inoperative. *nj
TSB ID: 070849018
Various electrical concerns — intermittently functioning or inoperative component, ip warning light on, dic message displayed, dtc set, no crank/start (repair ip wiring harness) *nj
TSB ID: 070847004
Information on body control module (bcm) grounds. *nj updated 7/19/13.
TSB ID: 070603005
Replacement information for broken t-bolt on negative and/or positive battery cable terminal. *nj
TSB ID: 070941004
New procedure for clearing passenger presence system (pps) and sensing and diagnostic module (sdm) dtcs b0071, b0074, b0081. *nj
TSB ID: 070849010
Information on vehicles built with or without instrument panel cluster daytime backlighting- new feature. *nj
TSB ID: 060845008
Information on auxiliary power wire at trailer and installation of aftermarket trailer brake controller — towing, tow updated 11/02/07. *nj
TSB ID: 4169
Service stability lamp diagnostic trouble code (dtc) c0561. updated 9/30/08.
TSB ID: 4011
Air bag indicator light is on. updated on 12/13/07. *nj
TSB ID: 060941004
Passenger side airbag door does not flush with dash pad/warped. (reposition locking tabs on airbag panel). updated 10/5/07. *nj updated 9/12/08.
TSB ID: 3993
No crank/no start at times. updated 1/30/08. *nj
TSB ID: 3808
Crank no start, rough running, or dtc p0335. equipped with 5.3l, 6.0l, 6.2l engines. updated 1/30/08. *nj
TSB ID: 030089006P
This informational bulletin provides the dealership with how to prep a vehicle for delivery to the customer to aid in higher csi scores.
TSB ID: 01-00-89-010J
This informational bulletin provides a revision for 01-00-89-010i to add the 2013 model year.
TSB ID: 10-08-44-004C
This informational bulletin provides information on usb command and control multimedia player interface/list of supported devices.
TSB ID: 06-00-89-026J
This warranty administration bulletin provides information regarding customer concerns not duplicated and which labor operations to claim when the concern cannot be duplicated. also provides information on how to submit claims within the gl
TSB ID: 12-03-10-002
This informational bulletin provides a description of the proper wheel installation and proper wheel torque techniques used to install wheels onto vehicles
TSB ID: 13-00-89-004G
This informational bulletin helps the technician quick reference repairs to bulletins as opposed to replacing parts that may be un necessary.
TSB ID: 00-00-89-027G
This informational bulletin provides a step by step procedure on how to properly use the gm chemicals to eliminate unwanted odors in vehicles and which products to use for each application.
This informational bulletin provides information on how to properly mount and balance wheels and tires on heavy duty truck models only
TSB ID: 08-08-46-004A
This informational bulletin provides information regarding the aftermarket device interference with onstar diagnostic service.
TSB ID: 10-08-64-002B
This warranty administration bulletin provides information on what should be considerd warranty damage or damage that was at fault of the cutomer and how to properly claim them on the warranty paperwork
TSB ID: 11-00-89-004B
This warranty administration bulletin provide policy information on the change in product field action customer reimbursement procedure.
TSB ID: 06-08-64-001D
This informational bulletin describes warranty part reviews where door glass had chips or scratches.
TSB ID: 00-03-10-003V
This warranty administration bulletin provides information on the tires supplied with a new vehicle are covered by general motors against defects in material or workmanship under the bumper-to-bumper new vehicle limited warranty.
TSB ID: 10-00-89-006D
This information bulletin provides the dealers on how to submit a product information report.
TSB ID: 00-06-01-012E
This information bulletin provides the technician the information on how to properly clean a metal surface using the correct tool.
TSB ID: 02-00-89-002M
This informational bulletin provides additional information to the technicians and how to submit a field product report.
TSB ID: 14-00-89-003
This information for warranty administration — changes the service policy and procedures section and list the requirements for the dealer to comply.
TSB ID: 17-NA-170
This informational bulletin explains the road force balancers and what they can do for customer concerns.
TSB ID: 03-00-89-006N
This informational bulletin provides the dealership with how to prep a vehicle for delivery to the customer to aid in higher csi scores.
TSB ID: 16-NA-383
This informational bulletin advises of a new fuel injection kit used for decarbonizing the intake valves, and explains how toptier fuels should be used to reduce carbon build up.
TSB ID: 04-00-89-015O
This warranty administration bulletin provide policy information on required operating procedures.
TSB ID: 130089010B
This informational bulletin provides information to dealership personnel on policies regarding a product assistance claim (pac) within the courtesy transportation assistance program.
TSB ID: 00-03-10-006L
This informational bulletin provides additional information to the technician on how to check for tire radial force variations and the difference between balancing a flange and flangeless rim.
TSB ID: 15-NA-069
This informational bulletin provides information for technicians on the reuse of fasteners and the proper reading of torque specifications.
TSB ID: PI1216
This preliminary bulletin provides a procedure to install a new cabin air filter kit for vehicles that did not have one if the customer whants one installed to fix the concern of dust intruding into cabin interior.
TSB ID: 02-08-42-001G
This informational bulletin is to assist with the identification of issues that are not considered warrantable.
TSB ID: 040089015N
This warranty administration bulletin provide policy information on required operating procedures.
TSB ID: 030603004T
Battery testing and warranty replacement requirements (north america only)
TSB ID: 13-00-89-004H
This information bulletin provides the technician with additional information on fixing the vehicle right the first time by listing possible concerns to specific vehicles.
TSB ID: 12-06-01-008B
This informational bulletin provides dealership personnel information on unscheduled supplemental services (including flushing services and additives) and proper use of gm simplified maintenance schedules (canada only).
TSB ID: 09-00-89-016D
This warranty administration bulletin provides retail and wholesale service personnel with the policies and the warranty claims submission procedures that support labor operation 0600014 ? suspected tampering or vehicle modifications.
TSB ID: 12-07-30-001E
This informational bulletin provides information on the product quality center (pqc) assembly replacement process for service agents not required to contact pqc prior to assembly replacement.
TSB ID: 02-07-30-029X
This informational bulletin provides information on the pqc assembly replacement process — for dealers required to contact pqc prior to replacing an assembly (u.s. and canada only).
TSB ID: 05-09-40-002G
This technical bulletin provides a revision of 05-09-40-002f to add the 2013-2014 model years.
TSB ID: 04-00-89-015E
This technical bulletin provides a revision for 04-00-89-015d to update content and incorporate the u.s. version of bulletin 12-00-89-003.
TSB ID: 03-00-89-006J
This technical bulletin provides a revision for 03-00-89-0061i to add the 2014 model year and transport mode heading.
TSB ID: 06-00-89-029I
This informational bulletin provides information on the proper cleaning products for gm hard or plastic surfaces, seats carpet, vinyl.
TSB ID: 070849020M
This informational bulletin provides information for the ipc odometer programming method quick reference guide.
TSB ID: 11-00-89-005D
This warranty administration bulletin provide policy information on clarification of use-dealer empowerment labor operations and customer enthusiasm.
This bulletin provides a procedure to replace the door panel retainers if the customers concern is a rattle noise or gap.
TSB ID: 00-03-10-002G
This informational bulletin provides information on the appearance of chromed aluminum wheels due to chemical staining, pitting corrosion and/or spotted.
TSB ID: 150089004B
This informational bulletin provides technicians with updated information to help identify the differences between what is considered a fluid leak, and what is considered seepage.
TSB ID: 10-00-89-017Z
This informational bulletin provides information on fix it right for first time issues.
TSB ID: 08-08-51-002A
This informational bulletin provides information pre-painting/cleaning process for tpo plastic fascias.
TSB ID: 00-03-10-006I
This informational bulletin provides information on tire radial force variation.
TSB ID: 02-07-30-029T
This informational bulletin provides information on the replacement process for the product quality center.
This preliminary bulletin explains the marks in the glass are normal when wearing polarized sunglasses and do not replace any glass for this reason.
TSB ID: 10-06-01-008J
This informational bulletin is a revision of 10-06-01-008i to add the 2010-2012 chevrolet colorado and gmc canyon, rpo lh9 and update the labor operation to the global labor code (glc).
TSB ID: 13-00-89-004E
This preliminary information bulletin provides a revision of 13-00-89-004d to include updated information.
TSB ID: 13-00-89-004A
This technical bulletin provides a revision of 13-00-89-004 to update car issues information for reference information/bulletin pi0746c.
TSB ID: 13-00-89-005
This technical bulletin provides warranty administration — new labor codes information.
This preliminary information bulletin is for information on coax repair kit availability. revised from pi0572a
TSB ID: 99-04-20-002H
This technical bulletin provides a revision of 99-04-20-002g to add 2013-2014 model years.
TSB ID: PI1018
This preliminary information bulletin provides information on poor or no transmitter range when using the remote keyless entry (rke) and/or remote vehicle start (rvs).
TSB ID: 12-04-21-001B
This technical bulletin provides a revision of 12-04-21-001a to add the 2013 model year, clarify the information from the previous bulletin and to add data throughout. the document should be reviewed and treated as new information.
TSB ID: 02-07-30-029U
This informational bulletin provides information for the pqc assembly replacement process.
TSB ID: 03-06-03-003C
This technical bulletin provides a revision of 03-06-03-003b to add the 2010-2014 model years, update the attention statement, change the terms claim type b to claim type zpti, gm dealer to gm service agent, repair order to job card, warran
TSB ID: 10-00-89-010C
This informational bulletin provides information on key codes security rules and information on gm key code look up application.
TSB ID: 10-00-89-009B
This informational bulletin provides information on key code security and information on gm key code look up applications.
TSB ID: 13-00-89-004
This technical bulletin provides a revision of 10-00-89-017z to include updated information.
This preliminary information communicates to the technician the need to inspect the induction system for potential icing issues in very cold ambient temperatures. to allow the ice to melt so that it can be drained from the related component
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about changing the tire and wheel size on vehicles. general motors will only support a tire calibration for tires that have been sized, tested and designed fo
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on the steps to help diagnose and repair vehicles with a rattle, squeak, clunk, thump, or bump. if published service information diagnostics do not lead to a
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that the turn by turn directions may no longer be displayed after the canada onstar upgrade. dealer should communicate to the customer that we
This preliminary bulletin provides a procedure on how to reset the power folding mirriors after they been folded manually, to fix the customers concern of the mirriors shaking or fluttering at normal driving speeds.
TSB ID: 07-08-42-011I
This informational bulletin provides options/packages that can be installed on ppv.
This preliminary information bulletin provides information on how to remove stainless steel wheel nut caps with the matching depth of socket used on the wheel nut.
TSB ID: 12-00-89-002B
This informational bulletin provides the dealer with information on what to do when requesting a new key code for the customer.
TSB ID: 05-00-89-029C
This preliminary bulletin provides a information to the dealer for the requirements need for equipment.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicle that may have a whistle noise coming from the driver?s side «a» pillar area when driving around 50 mph with the heater-vent-air conditioning in
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have the check engine light, tow/haul, supplemental inflatable restraint, cruise control or other various indicators or warning lamps
TSB ID: 15-NA-017
This warranty administration bulletin provides policy information on causal part requirements for transactions submitted to gm for payment.
TSB ID: 06-00-89-031C
This informational bulletin provides information to dealership personnel on proper engine and automatic transmission/transaxle identification.
TSB ID: 15-NA-030
This informational bulletin provides information to dealership personnel on the use of non-gm approved battery chargers and booster packs.
TSB ID: 05-03-07-009H
This warranty administration bulletin provides retail, wholesale and fleet personnel with general motors recommendations for customer concerns related to wheel alignment.
TSB ID: 08-08-44-029E
This warranty administration bulletin provides policy information on an updated warranty and policy exchange program for electronic products through gm authorized electronic service centers (escs) (u.s. and canada).
TSB ID: 08-08-44-029F
This warranty administration bulletin provides policy information on an updated warranty and policy exchange program for electronic products through gm authorized electronic service centers (escs) (u.s. and canada).
TSB ID: 03-00-89-006K
This information bulletin provides dealers with more information on how to better prep a vehicle for pre-delivery.
TSB ID: 100089017W
This informational bulletin provides a list of newly released pi and bulletins in regards to recent released vehicles so that vehicles can be fixed right the first time in for service.
TSB ID: 000089027G
This informational bulletin provides a step by step procedure on how to properly use the gm chemicals to eliminate unwanted odors in vehicles and which products to use for each application.
TSB ID: 010089010J
This informational bulletin provides a single point reference and strategy document to aid in reducing customer comebacks, and the possibility of buyback situations by outlining specific guidelines, strategy and forms that will assist with
TSB ID: 17-NA-170
This informational bulletin explains the road force balancers and what they can do for customer concerns.
TSB ID: 100864002B
This warranty administration bulletin provides information on what should be considerd warranty damage or damage that was at fault of the cutomer and how to properly claim them on the warranty paperwork
TSB ID: 060089026J
This warranty administration bulletin provides information regarding customer concerns not duplicated and which labor operations to claim when the concern cannot be duplicated. also provides information on how to submit claims within the gl
TSB ID: 04-00-89-015P
This warranty administration bulletin provide policy information on required operating procedures.
TSB ID: 100089010B
This informational bulletin provides information and rules for gm keycode look up applicationa dn the key code security rules and regulations for canada only.
TSB ID: 1008110001C
This information provides the proper way to install the floor mats .
TSB ID: 120089002A
This informational bulletin provides information for requesting a new key code for customers with lost or stolen keys
This preliminary information bulletin provides a procedure for replacement of the liftgate applique for concerns regarding the applique being deformed or dimpled or paint damage at the lower edge of the applique
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles with tire sidewall irregularities. this is a visual condition that will not affect durability, reliability or performance of the tires. dealer
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an intermittent no crank, no start, or start stall concern with the security light coming on. technician may find diagnostic trouble
This preliminary information communicates an issues with the headliner sagging and how to reattachthe velcrousing hardman double bubble epoxy part number 04001.
TSB ID: 09-00-89-008C
This warranty admin bulletin provides retail and wholesale service personnel with the policies/procedures and the warranty transaction submission procedures that support the personal property damage process.
TSB ID: 09-00-89-016E
This warranty nonadministrative bulletin provides information on the proper use of the labor op 0600014.
TSB ID: 11-00-89-005J
This warranty administration bulletin provides information on goodwill tools, customer enthusiasm, and policy guidelines.
TSB ID: 08-08-44-029G
This warranty administration bulletin provide policy information on warranty and policy exchange program for electronic products for u.s. and canada dealers only.
TSB ID: 07-00-89-037J
This warranty administration bulletin provide policy information for courtesy transportation and roadside assistance programs.
TSB ID: 00-03-10-003U
This warranty administration bulletin provides information on the tires supplied with a new vehicle are covered by general motors against defects in material or workmanship under the bumper-to-bumper new vehicle limited warranty.
TSB ID: 01-00-89-010L
This informational bulletin provides information on comebacks prevention information and using customer concern verification sheets (ccvs).
TSB ID: 02-08-98-002G
This informational bulletin provides information on new tools used for the hem flanges and how to repair and seal the flanges when the repairs are done.
TSB ID: 00-06-01-026E
This informational bulletin provides a revision for 00-06-01-026d to add the 2014 model year.
TSB ID: 13-00-89-011
This informational bulletin explains who to contact (kerr) for parts that may be warranty and what information may be needed.
TSB ID: 13-00-89-004D
This informational bulletin provides an update for 13-00-89-004c to include updated information.
TSB ID: 10-08-110-001A
This informational bulletin provides a revision for 10-08-110-001 to add the 2012-2014 model years.
TSB ID: 05-06-04-022J
This informational bulletin provides a revision for 04-06-04-047 to add the 2014 model year.
TSB ID: 04-06-04-047L
This informational bulletin provides a revision for 04-06-04-047k to add the 2014 model year.
This preliminary bulletin provides a pre-inspection symptom list before preforming any repairs to any of windows for noises or performance.
TSB ID: 12-00-89-007
This informational bulletin provides information on dealer responsibility for cargo carrying capacity labeling and the part numbers for the labels.
TSB ID: 10-00-89-017V
This informational bulletin provides information on newly release bulletins used to fi the vehicles in the field the first time.
TSB ID: 07-00-89-037E
This warranty administrational bulletin provides information on courtesy transportation and roadside assistance programs offered through gm.
TSB ID: 11-00-89-005B
This warranty administrational bulletin provides information on clarification of use — dealer empowerment labor operations and customer enthusiasm
This preliminary informational bulletin provides a procedure for relearning the power folding mirriors and road testin to verify they correct a condtion of the power folding mirriors glass shakes, flutters at normal driving conditions.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about installing general motors accessory pats. technician can check service information for some accessories. technician can also contact partect for assista
TSB ID: 16-NA-025
This informational bulletin provides information on behavior of non-upgraded onstar equipped vehicles operating in canada after decommissioning of 2g cdma cellular networks
TSB ID: 02-08-98-002F
This informational bulletin provides information on how to properly repair rust on the hem flange on doors for vehicles that have the condition of rust showing at hem flange
TSB ID: 11-00-89-005I
This informational bulletin provides information on clarification of use — dealer empowerment labor operations and customer enthusiasm (u.s. only)
TSB ID: 12-03-10-001C
This informational bulletin provides information on the proper mounting paste to apply to tires when mounting and balancing them to prevent conditions like vibration shortly after tires are mounted/preventing vibration from wheel slip (tire
TSB ID: 04-06-01-029H
This informational bulletin provides information on unscheduled supplemental services (including flushing services and additives) and proper use of gm simplified maintenance schedules (u.s. only)
TSB ID: 08-03-10-006F
This technical bulletin provides a procedure on how to clean and resurface wheel bead seats. for vehicles that have the condition of tire slowly goes flat, tire air loss, low tire pressure warning light illuminated, aluminum wheel bead seat
TSB ID: 15-NA-017
This warranty administration bulletin provides policy information on causal part requirements for transactions submitted to gm for payment.
TSB ID: 99-00-89-019O
This informational bulletin provides information for the (gwm) and (wpc) on parts return program.
TSB ID: 02-00-89-002Q
This informational bulletin provides information for dealers/technicians on when and how to submit a field product report.
TSB ID: 10-00-89-006F
This informational bulletin provides information for dealers how to submit a product information report.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vibration complaints that are one of the most challenging complaints to accurately diagnose and repair. technician will need to use pico oscilloscope di
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that for no reason the alarm will go active. technician will need to use a scan tool to verify that the alarm was activated by the inclination
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about customers that are unable to override the automatic door locking feature. technician will update the body control module on 2006 to 2007 model years. on
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have grease leaking from front hub bearings. technician should not replace the bearing for grease purge. technician should be advised to n
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that after installing the gm accessory heated seat kit, one or more of the following issues may be present the heated seat back and/or bottom t
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about installing general motors accessory pats. technician can check service information for some accessories. technician can also contact partech for assista
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about the new fluids available for axle service and clarifies usage. technician will use the chart to determine the proper axle lubricant to use.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about the percentage of ultraviolet protection or tint offered by the windshield or side glass. technician should be advised windshield reduces ultraviolet ra
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about the percentage of uv protection or tint offered by the windshield or side glass. technician should be advised windshield reduces uv rays down to 4% or l
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about installing general motors accessory parts. technician can check service information for some accessories. technician can also contact partech for assist
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about the use of j-35616-64b terminal test probe, replacement terminals, and terminated leads. the j-35616-64b is the latest test probe released for checking
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that the valve assembly part number 24255209 and valve body part number 29544409 have been removed from the general motors product quality center parts restriction.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that are unable to set a personalized easy exit seat and/or power tilt column position and they will only move a predetermined amount. dealer s
TSB ID: 05-08-51-001H
This informational bulletin provides information on removing paint stains on the under side of protective shipping film
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that the 2ml70 transmission assembly will be placed on restriction through the general motors technical assistance center. dealer will need to contact general motors technica
TSB ID: 02-00-89-002P
This informational bulletin provides information for dealers/technicians on when and how to submit a field product report.
TSB ID: 99-00-89-019N
This informational bulletin provides information for the (gwm) and (wpc) on parts return program.
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that the auxiliary transmission fluid pump control module and auxiliary transmission fluid pump placed on parts restriction by general motors technical assistance center. dea
TSB ID: 05-00-89-055F
This warranty administration bulletin provide policy information for gm dealer empowerment program and goodwill procedures.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about installing general motors accessory pats. technician can check service information for some accessories. technician can also contact partect for assista
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an onstar system that will not power up. technician should turn off the ignition and cancel retained accessory power. after the vehic
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have «press check to turn off motion sensor» message on the driver information center. if this message is displayed, the vehicle has a
TSB ID: 08-08-44-015H
This informational bulletin provides information on inappropriate warranty claims submitted for damaged radios and ipcs
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about an owner that may request to have a different style mirror installed on their vehicle or request a different mirror before they purchase the vehicle. sw
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that a noise or a vibration in the vehicle that seems to be abnormal may not have been there when the vehicle was purchased. technician should look for non — general motors a
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that the drive motor generator control module, also known as pim) for the 2-mode hybrid utilities and trucks are being placed on restriction through the general motors techni
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that general motors and general motors of canada company do not support cross border sales. the general motors of canada customer care centre is the sole auth
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that a noise or a vibration in the vehicle that seems to be abnormal may not have been there when the vehicle was purchased. technician should look for non — general motors a
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that first responder guides for general motors vehicles can be accessed via the web at
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp. technician may find diagnostic trouble code p0442. technician will need to review t
TSB ID: 03-00-89-006M
This informational bulletin provides information on new vehicle pre-delivery inspection (pdi) — delivering quality vehicles and generating higher csi scores
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp on, engine misfire, and/or engine noise. technician may find diagnostic trouble code
TSB ID: 04-00-89-015K
This warranty informational bulletin provides a list of all the required operating procedures and explains them out to what is acceptable and not.
TSB ID: 07-00-89-037I
This warranty administration bulletin provides information on courtesy transportation and roadside assistance programs
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about changing the tire and wheel size on vehicles. general motors will only support a tire calibration for tires that have been sized, tested and designed fo
TSB ID: 16-NA-075
This technical bulletin provides a procedure to relearn the power folding mirriors and road test to correct a conditon of power fold away mirriors glass shakes or flutters at normal driving speeds
TSB ID: 03-06-03-004O
This informational bulletin provides information on battery testing and warranty replacement requirements (north america only)
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about installing general motors accessory pats. technician can check service information for some accessories. technician can also contact partect for assista
TSB ID: 00-03-10-002J
This informational bulletin provides information on chemical staining, pitting, and corrosion on wheels and the proper cleaners to use to fix the conditions due to multiple causes.
TSB ID: 06-06-01-010B
This informational bulletin provides information on close-coupled converter and engine replacement.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an onstar system that will not power up. technician should turn off the ignition and cancel retained accessory power. after the vehic
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that the power lift gate regular production option code (e61 or tb5) is inoperative. technician will find diagnostic trouble code b153a set in
TSB ID: 00-03-10-003R
This warranty administration bulletin provide policy information new tire warranty program and global warranty management submission information.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles with tire sidewall irregularities. this is a visual condition that will not affect durability, reliability or performance of the tires. dealer
TSB ID: 99-09-40-005G
This informational bulletin provides information on availability for the seat belt extender.
TSB ID: 04-00-89-015J
This warranty administration bulletin communicates gm required operating procedures (u.s. only) for service operations.
TSB ID: 10-00-89-017X
This informational bulletin provides a list off all the issues revolving around new vehicles for a one stop place to find growing concerns around them.
TSB ID: 12-03-10-003
This informational bulletin provides the proper information used to determine the road force variences within new tires being installed and the proper forms used to send the tires back if the road force is not within spec.
TSB ID: 11-00-89-005C
This warranty administration bulletin provides information on the clarification of use for dealer empowerment labor operations and customer enthusiasm
This preliminary information communication provides the technician with a list of modules to check for communication with the scan tool, if the navigation radio does not display the current hybrid mode. dealer will use a scan tool to check
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about what xm offerings are available for vehicles. a dealer or customer can access the website listed below for vehicle specific xm offerings and availabilit
TSB ID: 15-00-89-004
This informational bulletin provides technicians with information to help identify the differences between what is considered a fluid leak, and what is considered seepage.
TSB ID: 99-00-89-019M
This informational bulletin provides dealership personnel with global warranty management (gwm), warranty parts center (wpc), and parts return program information.
TSB ID: 02-08-42-001H
This informational bulletin provides information to assist dealership personnel with the identification of vehicle headlamp, tail lamp, license lamp or fog/driving lamp damage that are not considered warrantable.
TSB ID: 02-00-89-002O
This informational bulletin provides information for dealers/technicians on when and how to submit a field product report (fpr) (u.s. dealers only).
TSB ID: 12-06-01-008B
This informational bulletin provides dealership personnel information on unscheduled supplemental services (including flushing services and additives) and proper use of gm simplified maintenance schedules (canada only).
This preliminary informational bulletin provides repair information to correct a customer concern of iitermittently key will not rotate in door or ignition lock cylinder.
TSB ID: 08-07-30-021H
This technical bulletin provides repair information to correct customer concerns of loss of high speed gmlan communications, intermittent no crank, ip gauge fluctuation, intermittent door lock cycling /chime operation, various ip warning la
TSB ID: 02-07-30-029X
This informational bulletin provides information on the pqc assembly replacement process — for dealers required to contact pqc prior to replacing an assembly (u.s. and canada only).
TSB ID: 09-00-89-016D
This warranty administration bulletin provides retail and wholesale service personnel with the policies and the warranty claims submission procedures that support labor operation 0600014 — suspected tampering or vehicle modifications.
TSB ID: 09-09-40-001C
This informational bulletin provides information to advise dealers about seat belt buckles not operating and/or seat belt warning light illumination, as well as difficulty latching and unlatching the buckle or the buckle release button stic
TSB ID: 07-00-89-037H
This warranty administration bulletin provides policy information on courtesy transportation and roadside assistance programs.
TSB ID: 10-08-110-001F
This informational bulletin provides information on proper use of floor mats.
TSB ID: 10-08-110-001D
This informational bulletin provides information on the proper use of gm floor mats.
TSB ID: 17-NA-126
This informational bulletin provides information on non-design intent wheel lock nuts and lug nuts.
TSB ID: 15-00-89-005
This warranty administration bulletin provides dealership personnel with policy and procedure requirements for essential tools that include consumable parts (u.s. only).
TSB ID: 11-00-89-005H
This warranty bulletin clarifies the use of dealer empowerment to satisfy the customer.
TSB ID: 06-00-89-026M
This warranty bulletin provides labor operation numbers for customer concerns that can’t be duplicated.
TSB ID: 04-00-89-015I
This warranty administration bulletin provide policy information of the job card, for a repair on vehicles and what is acceptable — customer authorization; service manager approvals and transaction authorization; details of concern, cause a
TSB ID: 13-00-89-004J
This informational bulletin helps the technician quick reference repairs to bulletins as opposed to replacing parts that may be un necessary.
TSB ID: 10-06-01-008M
This technical bulletin provides a procedure to correct the customers concern to replace the left side valve cover and active fuel management oil deflector to reduce oil consumption.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that may have service engine soon and a diagnostic trouble code p0011. if the technician has followed service information diagnostic trouble co
TSB ID: 14-00-89-003A
This information for warranty administration — changes the service policy and procedures section and now is refered to article 3.2.9 of the 1st addition manual for details of technician identification and accounting of labor time
TSB ID: 04-00-89-015H
This warranty administration bulletin provide policy information of the job card, for a repair on vehicles and what is acceptable — customer authorization; service manager approvals and transaction authorization; details of concern, cause a
TSB ID: 07-08-49-020I
This informational bulletin provides a quick guide to updating which model vehicle after replacing the ipc.
TSB ID: 06-08-43-003E
This informational bulletin explains how to care for wiper blades.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about changing the tire and wheel size on vehicles. general motors will only support a tire calibration for tires that have been sized, tested and designed fo
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles with the inside door panel material appearing to be pulling back from the door panel backing. technician will check the windows for aftermarket
TSB ID: 05-03-10-020F
This informational bulletin communicates gm’s position on use of nitrogen gas in tires.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about installing general motors accessory pats. technician can check service information for some accessories. technician can also contact partect for assista
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vibration complaints that are one of the most challenging complaints to accurately diagnose and repair. technician will need to use pico oscilloscope di
TSB ID: 05-00-89-055E
This warranty administration bulletin provides information to clarify proper transaction administration of gm dealer empowerment program and goodwill cases.
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles with tire sidewall irregularities. this is a visual condition that will not affect durability, reliability or performance of the tires. dealer
TSB ID: 08-03-10-004B
This informational bulletin communicates comprehensive instructions to gm dealers and authorized gm accessory distributor/installers as to the proper methods for mounting, balancing, and installing accessory wheels and tires.
TSB ID: 01-03-10-003K
This warranty administration bulletin provide policy information on gm of canada new vehicle limited warranty tire program and global warranty management (gwm) submission information.
TSB ID: 15-00-89-003
This informational bulletin provides information on dealer reimbursement procedures for customer assistance center (cac) tier 1 and tier 2 empowerment tools: diagnostic fee, short term rental, and up-front towing (u.s. only).
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that first responder guides for general motors vehicles can be accessed via the web at
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that are unable to receive onstar hands free calling calls and or the onstar center is unable to perform remote services. technician will need
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an intermittent no crank, no start, or start stall concern with the security light coming on. technician may find diagnostic trouble
This preliminary information communication advises the technician of additional steps for diagnosing general motors high speed local area network. this should only be used if normal service information doesn?t lead to a diagnosis this is no
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that replacement transfer case halves will not be threaded. no additional thread tapping will be necessary to assemble the transfer case as the attaching met
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician that general motors and general motors of canada company do not support cross border sales. the general motors of canada customer care centre is the sole auth
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about finding needle bearings during an oil change. technician will gain access to the roller rockers to inspect them. only replace the roller rocker that is
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician on the steps for diagnosing and repairing vehicles with diagnostic trouble code p0c2b with or without p2797. technician should not replace the auxiliary trans
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that the drive motor generator control module and accessory power module are being placed on restriction through the general motors technical assistance center. dealer will n
This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about changing the tire and wheel size on vehicles. general motors will only support a tire calibration for tires that have been sized, tested and designed fo
TSB ID: 10-08-110-001E
This informational bulletin provides information on the proper use of floor mats.
TSB ID: 07-03-10-008E
This informational provides information on slight or mild tire feathering and recommended practices.
TSB ID: 00-03-10-006M
This informational bulletin provides guidance to gm dealers when using gm approved tire force variation measurement equipment.
This preliminary informational bulletin provides a procedure for relearning the power folding mirriors and road testin to verify they correct a condtion of the power folding mirriors glass shakes, flutters at normal driving conditions.
This preliminary information communication advises the technician the steps on diagnosing the concern. vehicle’s sunroof operation intermittent, bind, noise, auto-reverse, and/or water leaks.
TSB ID: 070898001B
This informational bulletin provides information on gm does not approve the use of ?clipping? to repair collision damage to vehicles. gm has not tested or validated a ?clipped vehicle? repair; therefore, gm cannot endorse this type of repai
TSB ID: 16NA119
This warranty administration bulletin provide policy on performing gm covered vehicle services and maintenance on vehicles originating/sold in canada.
TSB ID: G-203256
14262 — special coverage. on some hybrid 2-mode (hp2) vehicles, the accessory power module (apm) may not initialize when the vehicle is started in cold temperatures and the apm is cold. once the apm warms up, it will initialize and perform
TSB ID: PIT-4383-P
This preliminary information communication advises the technician that the electronic brake control module and brake pressure modulator valve for the 2-mode hybrid utilities and trucks are being placed on parts ordering restriction through
TSB ID: PIC-5260-A
This preliminary information communication advises the technician the steps on diagnosing the concern. vehicle’s sunroof operation intermittent, bind, noise, auto-reverse, and/or water leaks.
TSB ID: SB-16-NA-130
This informational bulletin provides information on how to inspect the upper valve body to determine the correct rpo usage to correct a concern that after installation of a replacement upper valve body, the transmission may have no reverse
TSB ID: SB-03-06-03-004Q
This warranty administration bulletin provide policy information on using the el-50313 midtronics gr8 battery tester/charger for diagnosing battery replacements and maintaining batteries on new vehicles in dealer inventory.
TSB ID: PI-0754-B
This informational bulletin provides information on a normal condition on tempered glass of spots showing on the rear and side windows when the vehicle is in the sunlight.
TSB ID: SB-16-NA-119
This warranty administration bulletin provides information on gm?s policy on performing gm covered vehicle services and maintenance on vehicles originating/sold in canada.
Summary to be provided on a future date.
TSB ID: SB-12-03-10-003
Summary to be provided on a future date.
TSB ID: SB07-08-47-004EA
Summary to be provided on a future date.
TSB ID: CA-15096
Chevrolet: tsb contains an owner’s notification letter. select document search button below. single ignition key option is used on some police patrol vans (ppv) that do not have unintended ignition rotation but slotted key is able to be
TSB ID: PI-0018-B
General motors: the windows, front and rear, would bind, poor fit, misalignment, makes rattle or squeaking noises, moves slowly and is inoperative. model 2008-2014 vehicles and trucks.
TSB ID: 05-02-32-008D
General motors: diagnosing power steering concerns. in rare cases, customers may comment on a lack of steering assist when stopped or during parking lot type of maneuvers. *js updated 09/02/14*lj
TSB ID: 12-08-64-002
General motors: rear door handle, latch, lock inoperative, binding will not open, will not release intermittently (perform repairs as outlined). this maybe caused by the outside door handle rod contacting the door under certain conditions,
TSB ID: PI-0532
Cadillac/chevrolet/gmc: due to build up of snow, mud or ice, the right front wheelhouse liner may be contacting or is too close to brake pipe.
TSB ID: SB-09-08-64-032A
Gm: the chrome outside door handle is cracked or loose at the screw where it attaches. grease may have cause the screw to degrade or the torque was too high.
TSB ID: PIT-5070
Gm: there may be tearing of the edge of the tire treads. there is also vibration and wear on some tires.
TSB ID: PI-0011A
Gm: the front or rear door may not open from the inside or outside handle, the door will not unlock with any method. the probably cause an incorrect installation of a handle component. updated on 7/26/2013. all 2014 and prior gm pass
TSB ID: 06-08-50-006F
Gm: the third row seat is difficult to remove and install because of various floor latch situations.
TSB ID: 10-00-89-017C
Gm: information on fixing multiple situations right the first time.
Gm: on some truck models there is some frame corrosion. updated on 5/2/2012.
TSB ID: 05-09-40-002E
Gm: service bulletin explaining when the safety belts are supposed to lock. updated 12/6/11.
TSB ID: SB-07-09-41-010A
Buick/cadillac/chevrolet/gmc: airbag light on, dtc b0071 and b0081 set (diagnose and replace right front seatbelt buckle, if necessary). upon investigation, the technician may find dtc b0071 set in the passenger presence system (pps) and
TSB ID: 08-03-16-004
Gmc: tire pressure light stays on (reprogram rcdlr) even though tire pressure values are correct.
TSB ID: 08187
Service update for inventory two-mode hybrid vehicles only; vehicle quality drive audit — expires june 30, 2008. pe
TSB ID: 08119A
Service update for inventory and customer vehicles; vehicle enhancements — expires with base warranty. two mode hybrid vehicles.
TSB ID: 07-08-43-010
Windshield wiper streak at low vehicle speeds (replace windshield wipers and arms). *nj
Low tire light on and/or dic check tire pressure message when cold, with rpo uj6. *nj
Check low tire / aftermarket wheels / tire pressure monitor / fmvss 138 with (rpo uj6). *nj
TSB ID: 4512
Outside door handle loose, inoperative or does not retract. *nj
TSB ID: 07-08-50-002
Third row passenger seat may not fold down flat and/or high effort to release seat back, right rear seat latch may not disengage (replace inboard recliner latch and cable) *nj updated 7/15/08. *nj
TSB ID: 070847005
General motors: power liftgate may open or close about a third of the way then reverses, dtcs b135e and/or b135f set (inspect liftgate wiring harness and repair as necessary). *nj updated 10/23/09. (dtcs b153b, b153e and/or b153f).
TSB ID: 070940001
Front seatbelt latch plate reversed, front seatbelt twisted (perform repair to untwist seatbelt). *nj
TSB ID: 4261
Tire sidewall irregularities. updated 1/30/08. *nj
TSB ID: 060863001
High closing effort of hood. (align hood latch). updated 09/24/07. *nj
TSB ID: 3189
Unable to disable auto door locks. this includes 05 chevrolet gmc cadillac full size trucks and utilities. *eh also includes avalance, silverado suburban tahoe; gmc sierra, yukon, denali, yukon xl, denali xl. updated 8/26/08.