Brutal doom ошибка opengl

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If you want help you’re going to have to provide lots of info. Like what is your hardware, what is your operating system, what version of GZDoom/LZDoom/whatever you’re using, what mods you’re loading, how you’re loading it, what you’ve already tried for fixing the problem, and anything else that is even remotely relevant to the problem.

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GZDoom «R_OPENGL: OpenGL driver not accelerated!» Intel/w10

(this is cross-posted in an effort to bring more GZDoom topics here)

Sathanas616 wrote:Hi people, Uncle Satan here with a little fix to an annoying problem that affects a lot of people with certain Intel drivers and Windows 10. It’s basically a message you get when trying to open GZDoom… «R_OPENGL: OpenGL driver not accelerated!»:


First, you’ll need to download one of these GZDoom builds here:


After that, extract it to a folder and place any doom wad/wads you wish in the same folder. Then you want to download this: … fi/Release

Place it in the folder you extracted GZDoom and drag and drop the gzdoom.exe file on the wtfi.exe file:


A window will open and quickly ask you to press any key to continue, do it! There you go, you now have a working/patched version of GZDoom!

:bfg: :angel:

So, a little update here, you don’t need to use one of the GZDoom builds mentioned earlier, you can use the latest GZDoom update (v2.2.0) too:
Just make sure you download the 32-bit one, I have a 64-bit system but the 64-bit one doesn’t seem to work, okay?

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Major Cooke

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Re: GZDoom «R_OPENGL: OpenGL driver not accelerated!» Intel/


by Major Cooke »

This may or may not need some form of addressing for those who use ZDL.exe. Just saying. I don’t personally have this problem, but it wouldn’t hurt to provide a workaround for those who use launchers. (I would say if I knew of a good workaround myself, but I do not.)

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Re: GZDoom «R_OPENGL: OpenGL driver not accelerated!» Intel/


by wildweasel »

komplication wrote:is wtfi loclable with metadata iD studio DOOM?

I don’t understand your question. Are you using Google Translate? Can you ask in your native language? There may be someone here who can understand you.

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Re: GZDoom «R_OPENGL: OpenGL driver not accelerated!» Intel/


by Orangewaggs »

I’ve applied this method to several different recent versions( gzdoom 3.2.1, 3.2.5, and SVN ver g3.3) and all of them still say
«R_OPENGL: OpenGL driver not accelerated!»
What causes this anyway? Ver 3.2.1 used to work for me and now it doesn’t, and my computer hasn’t downloaded any updates recently that i can see that would affect this.
I too also use ZDL( not for trying this fix mind you) and would like an answer to this issue as well…..
This just boggles my mind.

Edit: Reinstalled all of the DirectX components and it fixed the issue.

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Re: GZDoom «R_OPENGL: OpenGL driver not accelerated!» Intel/


by .ex.inferis. »

So…weird issue. I go load up gzdoom for the first time today and it gave me the driver is not accelerated error. Problem is I had done the wfti.exe fix already several months ago, and up until yesterday it was working fine. Redownloaded gzdoom and did the fix again but it didn’t work. Display driver has the most up to date driver. What can I do to get it working again?

For context, I’m running laptop with Integrated Intel gfx and win7 32bit, laptop is several years old. Thanks in advance.

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Graf Zahl

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Re: GZDoom «R_OPENGL: OpenGL driver not accelerated!» Intel/


by Graf Zahl »

Please do not post such things without knowing what they actually do. This in no way ‘fixes OpenGL’. It’s an entirely separate software based implementation that is very likely to be a lot slower than what it replaces. Patching the EXE will ensure that it works with the native driver.


Re: GZDoom «R_OPENGL: OpenGL driver not accelerated!» Intel/


by Guest »

I tried using wtfi.exe to fix my problem with GZDoom 3-4-1, but it, er, didn’t work. Doomworld user Gez said (here: … nt=1641369) that fixing the problem is supposed to be as simple as drag-and-dropping gzdoom.exe onto wtfi.exe, but when I try, I get this message:

> ERROR: EndUpdateResource() failed for file c:\users\\******\Downloads\gzdoom-bin-3-4-1\gzdoom.exe with code 0x00000005

> press any key to continue…

Elsewhere I’ve seen
Any idea what I’m doing wrong? Thanks in advance!

Hi people, Uncle Satan here with a little fix to an annoying problem that affects a lot of people with certain Intel drivers and Windows 10. It’s basically a message you get when trying to open GZDoom… «R_OPENGL: OpenGL driver not accelerated!»:


First, you’ll need to download one of these GZDoom builds here:


After that, extract it to a folder and place any doom wad/wads you wish in the same folder. Then you want to download this: … fi/Release

Place it in the folder you extracted GZDoom and drag and drop the gzdoom.exe file on the wtfi.exe file:


A window will open and quickly ask you to press any key to continue, do it! There you go, you now have a working/patched version of GZDoom!

:bfg: :angel:

So, a little update here, you don’t need to use one of the GZDoom builds mentioned earlier, you can use the latest GZDoom update (v2.2.0) too:
Just make sure you download the 32-bit one, I have a 64-bit system but the 64-bit one doesn’t seem to work, okay?

Hey guys having a slight problem with my server, me and a friend will be playing Brutal Doom (latest version.) On the latest version of Zandronum with the Doom2 IWAD, and then suddenly after a few minutes of playing I will receive a Very Fatal Error.

Here is the crash report.

Please help me if you can, I love dooming with my chums but I’ve never been good at hosting. :(

Code: C0000005 (Access Violation — tried to read address 00000975)
Address: 00646C4D
Flags: 00000000

Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3

GS=0000 FS=003b ES=0023 DS=0023
EAX=00000050 EBX=038fa4b8 ECX=0012ed20 EDX=00000051
ESI=0012ed20 EDI=00000941
EBP=03715920 EIP=00646c4d ESP=0012e8b0 CS=001b SS=0023

FPU State:
ControlWord=027f StatusWord=0133 TagWord=ffff


Running threads:
00000694 at 00646C4D*

Loaded modules:
00400000 — 013E8FFF *zandronum.exe
7C900000 — 7C9B1FFF ntdll.dll
64D00000 — 64D3BFFF snxhk.dll
7C800000 — 7C8F5FFF KERNEL32.dll
77F10000 — 77F58FFF GDI32.dll
7E410000 — 7E4A0FFF USER32.dll
773D0000 — 774D2FFF COMCTL32.dll
77C10000 — 77C67FFF msvcrt.dll
77DD0000 — 77E6AFFF ADVAPI32.dll
77E70000 — 77F02FFF RPCRT4.dll
77FE0000 — 77FF0FFF Secur32.dll
77F60000 — 77FD5FFF SHLWAPI.dll
7C9C0000 — 7D1D6FFF SHELL32.dll
763B0000 — 763F8FFF COMDLG32.dll
774E0000 — 7761DFFF ole32.dll
71AD0000 — 71AD8FFF WSOCK32.dll
71AB0000 — 71AC6FFF WS2_32.dll
71AA0000 — 71AA7FFF WS2HELP.dll
76B40000 — 76B6CFFF WINMM.dll
10000000 — 101C2FFF fmodex.dll
77BE0000 — 77BF4FFF MSACM32.dll
5ED00000 — 5EDCBFFF OPENGL32.dll
68B20000 — 68B3FFFF GLU32.dll
73760000 — 737AAFFF DDRAW.dll
73BC0000 — 73BC5FFF DCIMAN32.dll
76390000 — 763ACFFF IMM32.DLL
74E30000 — 74E9CFFF riched20.dll
74720000 — 7476BFFF MSCTF.dll
755C0000 — 755EDFFF msctfime.ime
5AD70000 — 5ADA7FFF UxTheme.dll
76F50000 — 76F57FFF wtsapi32.dll
76360000 — 7636FFFF WINSTA.dll
5B860000 — 5B8B4FFF NETAPI32.dll
77050000 — 77114FFF COMRes.dll
77120000 — 771AAFFF OLEAUT32.dll
77C00000 — 77C07FFF VERSION.dll
02220000 — 024E4FFF xpsp2res.dll
76C30000 — 76C5DFFF WINTRUST.dll
77A80000 — 77B14FFF CRYPT32.dll
77B20000 — 77B31FFF MSASN1.dll
76C90000 — 76CB7FFF IMAGEHLP.dll
72D20000 — 72D28FFF wdmaud.drv
72D10000 — 72D17FFF msacm32.drv
77BD0000 — 77BD6FFF midimap.dll
73F10000 — 73F6BFFF dsound.dll
73EE0000 — 73EE3FFF KsUser.dll
71A50000 — 71A8EFFF mswsock.dll
662B0000 — 66307FFF hnetcfg.dll
71A90000 — 71A97FFF wshtcpip.dll
76F20000 — 76F46FFF DNSAPI.dll
76D60000 — 76D78FFF iphlpapi.dll
76FB0000 — 76FB7FFF winrnr.dll
76F60000 — 76F8BFFF WLDAP32.dll
64000000 — 64020FFF mdnsNSP.dll
76FC0000 — 76FC5FFF rasadhlp.dll
6CE10000 — 6CE47FFF dinput8.dll
688F0000 — 688F8FFF HID.DLL
77920000 — 77A12FFF SETUPAPI.DLL
69500000 — 6A7B0FFF nvoglnt.dll

Bytes near EIP:
00646C3D: 00 00 3b 3d 40 34 2a 01 8b f1 0f 84 b8 08 00 00
00646C4D: 66 83 7f 34 00 0f 84 ad 08 00 00 f7 47 44 00 80
00646C5D: 00 00 75 10 8b 47 50 50 8d 4f 40 e8 23 b5 f8 ff

Possible call trace:
00646c4d BOOM
006D1D46 jmp 004A81E0
004E8C26 call 004C4240
004E95DE call 004C4680
0062AD7B call 00646C30
0062AD7B call 00646C30
00632135 call 00631D60
00632F4D call 00632120
0062AD7B call 00646C30
0062B1BA call 0062AD30
006afdc9 call [006f52e4]
006AFDE9 call 006B9619
006AFDE9 call 006B9619
00466B04 call 006AFD61
004C03C3 call 00466AF0
006BE907 call 006BE9AA
006BE907 call 006BE9AA
004BA6B9 call 004BA4D0
004C3540 call 004BA5E0
004C3984 call 004C34E0
004C0965 call 004C3950
004C7EB7 call 004C04C0
004670D7 call 0040B9A0
004BA6B9 call 004BA4D0
004C5853 call 004C5790
004C58ED call 00630FF0
0062ACBD call 0062B3F0
0062B73E call 0062AC80
0062ACBD call 0062B3F0
0062B73E call 0062AC80
0062ACBD call 0062B3F0
0062B73E call 0062AC80
0062ACBD call 0062B3F0
0062B73E call 0062AC80
0062ACBD call 0062B3F0
0062B73E call 0062AC80
0062ACBD call 0062B3F0
0062B73E call 0062AC80
0062ACBD call 0062B3F0
0062B312 call 0062B110
0062B2F7 call 0062B6B0
0062B2E1 call 0062B260
0062B2E1 call 0062B260
0062B2E1 call 0062B260
006409DB call 0062B260
00642555 call 00640990
0064298A call 006423C0
0043A51E call eax
005036EA call 005036E0
005036EA call 005036E0
00504A2D call 005036E0
006CEDBB jmp 004154F0 => jmp 00466AF0
0043AEB7 call 0043A160
0056A05B call 005691D0
0056DD30 call 00569FB0
0056DD5D call 006AD72F
004157AA call 006AF230
006afdc9 call [006f52e4]
006AFDE9 call 006B9619
006AFDE9 call 006B9619
0041797E call 006ADCED => jmp 006AD921
005459f9 call [006f52e4]
00417AD1 call 005459E0
006CE693 jmp 005459E0
00417B1E call 00417A50
0056CC93 call 00417B10
0056CCC5 call 006AD72F
006CEE42 jmp 005459E0
00466C0A call 006B3F33
00416BA4 call 00466BF0
0056C44E call 0043B3A0
006D5663 jmp 004154F0 => jmp 00466AF0
0056C8CE call 0056C020
006B5336 call 0056C850

Stack Contents:
0012E8B0: 03715920 00000941 00800000 fff00000 Yq·A···········
0012E8C0: fff00000 03a00000 0e033cf5 01000000 ·········<······
0012E8D0: 03715920 c1a80000 c2800000 42140000 Yq············B
0012E8E0: 42880000 c1800000 00ffffff 00000000 ···B············
0012E8F0: 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000270 ············p···
0012E900: 0369fff0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ··i·············
0012E910: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012E920: 00000000 0369ffb0 00000941 00000985 ······i·A·······
0012E930: 44000000 44000000 c1800000 c1800000 ···D···D········
0012E940: 03971e68 038fa4b8 ffffffff 00000000 h···············
0012E950: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012E960: 00000000 00000000 00000000 0369ffb0 ··············i·
0012E970: 00000941 00000005 0393f978 00000000 A·······x·······
0012E980: 00000000 0012ea0c 006d1d4b ffffffff ········K·m·····
0012E990: 004e8c2b 0012ea58 00416228 00000000 +·N·X···(bA·····
0012E9A0: 02e496c9 004e95e3 d0d5f206 0000f474 ······N·····t···
0012E9B0: ffffffff 0012f2f4 0012f340 019a2bb0 ········@····+··
0012E9C0: 00000000 036ee588 00416228 f5ffff44 ······n·(bA·D···
0012E9D0: 00c00000 02ee771a 00400000 ffff0000 ·····w····@·····
0012E9E0: 0012e9fc 7c915199 0012ea24 001300e4 ·····Q·|$·······
0012E9F0: 00000004 001300d4 00130000 0012ea3c ············<···
0012EA00: 7c91538b 0012ea24 001300d4 00000000 ·S·|$···········
0012EA10: 00000010 7c9153d4 00130000 0012eab0 ·····S·|········
0012EA20: fffffffc 00000002 0012ea7c 7c91606e ········|···n`·|
0012EA30: 0012ea50 100714b7 00000000 02176034 P···········4`··
0012EA40: 02175ff8 001310a4 c0150008 00000000 ·_··············
0012EA50: 0012eae8 00000002 0012eacc c0150008 ················
0012EA60: 00000000 7ffdd000 7ffdf000 0012ea8c ··············
0012EA70: 7c9156a2 0012eab0 0000674a 0012e61c ·V·|····Jg······
0012EA80: 0012ea88 0012f2fc 7c839ab0 7c80e6d0 ···········|···|
0012EA90: ffffffff 7c80e6cb 7c80e4fc 00000001 ·······|···|····
0012EAA0: 00000002 64d226bc 0012eab4 0012f30c ·····&·d········
0012EAB0: 64d086f4 00000000 00352248 64d087a8 ···d····H»5····d
0012EAC0: 00000003 00000002 00000001 00000000 ················
0012EAD0: 35277c24 0012ee14 00262c98 00262cd4 $|’5·····,&··,&·
0012EAE0: 0012ed9c 7c915ed5 00262c88 0012ee3c ·····^·|·,&·<···
0012EAF0: 7c915f0c 00000216 0012f328 00000000 ·_·|····(·······
0012EB00: 00000000 0000137f 0012eb28 77c5047c ·······(···|··w
0012EB10: 0000027f 0000027f 0213270c 02132778 ·······’··x’··
0012EB20: 7c97e2f0 00000000 0012eb54 100295a1 ···|····T·······
0012EB30: 00000000 00000000 02177db8 0213273c ·········}··<‘··
0012EB40: 0012ee20 00163940 3f800000 3cb504f3 ···@9·····?···<
0012EB50: 00000000 0012eb64 00000000 02140f90 ····d···········
0012EB60: 00000002 0012efcc 01005790 02179638 ·········W··8···
0012EB70: 00000000 77c5047c 0000027f 0000027f ····|··w······
0012EB80: 021339c0 02145790 00000000 00000000 ·9···W··········
0012EB90: 00000000 00000000 be369e95 00000000 ··········6·····
0012EBA0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EBB0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EBC0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EBD0: 00000000 00000000 bee253d2 00000000 ·········S······
0012EBE0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EBF0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EC00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EC10: 00000000 00000000 3f6d8ed5 00000000 ··········m?····
0012EC20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EC30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EC40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EC50: 00000000 00000000 3ebecfa7 0062ad80 ···········>··b·
0012EC60: 038881f8 03717e88 0000ffff 0001b0b0 ·····~q·········
0012EC70: 00ffffff 00ffffff 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EC80: 0062ad80 03887638 037182b0 0000ffff ··b·8v····q·····
0012EC90: 0001d0d0 00ffffff 00ffffff 00000000 ················
0012ECA0: 00000000 0012eda4 0012ed80 037182b0 ··············q·
0012ECB0: 0000ffff 0063213a 037182b0 00000001 ····:!c···q·····
0012ECC0: 037182b0 0012ed80 038fa2f0 0360bd45 ··q·········E·`·
0012ECD0: 00632f52 037182b0 00000001 00000000 R/c···q·········
0012ECE0: 038fa2f0 037182b0 0012eda4 03717ee0 ······q······~q·
0012ECF0: 00000000 00000000 0000ffff ffff0000 ················
0012ED00: fe000000 038fa258 03717e88 0000ffff ····X····~q·····
0012ED10: 0062ad80 00000941 03715920 0000ffff ··b·A··· Yq·····
0012ED20: 00017070 00ffffff 00ffffff 00000000 pp··············
0012ED30: 00000000 00000000 02030201 00000000 ················
0012ED40: 000000bd 4d6261ea 43800000 44680000 ·····abM···C··hD
0012ED50: c1800000 3f800000 00000000 00000000 ·······?········
0012ED60: 3f800000 4387f1bb 446878ac 42500000 ···?···C·xhD··PB
0012ED70: 436b2575 4467619f c1800000 0380d090 u%kC·agD········
0012ED80: 3f800000 039437c8 00000000 0062b1bf ···?·7········b·
0012ED90: 038fa4b8 038329a0 00000000 0012f4b8 ·····)··········
0012EDA0: 5e400000 03717e88 00000000 00000000 ··@^·~q·········
0012EDB0: ffff0000 02000000 ffff0000 00000000 ················
0012EDC0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EDD0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EDE0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 03717a60 ············`zq·
0012EDF0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EE00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EE10: 036ed4e8 00000000 00000000 00000000 ··n·············
0012EE20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EE30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EE40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 ················
0012EE50: 00000000 00000000 00010000 00010000 ················
0012EE60: 00000000 000000d0 00000201 00000000 ················
0012EE70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EE80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EE90: 00000000 02000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012EEA0: 00010000 00010000 00000000 02000080 ················
0012EEB0: 003b0201 00000000 0012f404 10080350 ··;·········P···
0012EEC0: 0012f3d8 00000000 003b3d20 00000000 ········ =;·····
0012EED0: 7c0001db 00000000 00000000 0012eeec ···|············
0012EEE0: 00000000 7c9100b8 0393f970 0012efb8 ·······|p·······
0012EEF0: 7c910041 010006e8 7c91005d 0012ef0c A··|····]··|····
0012EF00: 00000000 7c9100b8 0393f970 0012efd8 ·······|p·······
0012EF10: 7c910041 019906e8 7c91005d 0012f240 A··|····]··|@···
0012EF20: 0393f978 00000000 06d7b440 00000002 x·······@·······
0012EF30: 7c910041 036a85f8 0012ef6c 01990000 A··|··j·l·······
0012EF40: 7c910222 00000051 019915b8 01990000 «··|Q···········
0012EF50: 00000000 0012ef44 00000010 01990000 ····D···········
0012EF60: 00000051 038a67c0 00000002 7c9128bb Q····g·······(·|
0012EF70: 7c911086 7c9101db 00000010 00000000 ···|···|········
0012EF80: 01990000 0012f280 00000002 00000000 ················
0012EF90: 0012ef80 06d7b440 00010000 00000002 ····@···········
0012EFA0: 01990000 00000000 0012efe8 7c90e920 ············ ··|
0012EFB0: 7c910060 ffffffff 00010000 00000002 `··|············
0012EFC0: 0012ef1c 00000000 0012f008 7c90e920 ············ ··|
0012EFD0: 7c910060 ffffffff 7c91005d 006afdcf `··|····]··|··j·
0012EFE0: 01990000 00000000 006afdee d0d5ebb2 ··········j·····
0012EFF0: 0012f240 0393f978 00000000 0012f240 @···x·······@···
0012F000: 0012efec 0012efec 0012f198 006b49c0 ·············Ik·
0012F010: d0b27bb2 fffffffe 006afdee 00466b09 ·{········j··kF·
0012F020: 0393f978 0393f978 00000000 004c03c8 x···x·········L·
0012F030: d0d5eb9e 02f90001 0012f240 03af1cc8 ········@·······
0012F040: f59a0000 ffff0000 fe000000 02ec49a2 ·············I··
0012F050: 02ee49a2 00000000 00000010 000a0000 ·I··············
0012F060: 02f90001 f5a40000 f5900000 02ef0001 ················
0012F070: 03030001 03783e68 d0b27bb2 00000010 ····h>x··{······
0012F080: 00000010 00000008 00000008 00000010 ················
0012F090: 00000009 00000000 006be90c 00008955 ··········k·U···
0012F0A0: 00000000 00000000 0000000b 00000010 ················
0012F0B0: 00000008 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ················
0012F0C0: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ················
0012F0D0: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ················
0012F0E0: 006be90c 00000000 00000000 00000000 ··k·············
0012F0F0: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ················
0012F100: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ················
0012F110: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ················
0012F120: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 02ef0001 ················
0012F130: 03af1cc8 00000000 03af1cc8 004ba6be ··············K·
0012F140: 031ac538 02f90001 036ed4e8 f5a40000 8·········n·····
0012F150: f5900000 02ef0001 03030001 00000010 ················
0012F160: 00000010 00000008 00000008 00000010 ················
0012F170: 00000009 00000000 00000000 03783e68 ············h>x·
0012F180: 004c3545 f59a0000 03af1cc8 036ed4e8 E5L···········n·
0012F190: 00000000 0006ffff ffc00000 004c3989 ·············9L·
0012F1A0: 036ed4e8 0012f240 004c096a 00000000 ··n·@···j·L·····
0012F1B0: 00000001 03af1cc8 02f90001 f59a0000 ················
0012F1C0: 02f90001 036ed4e8 00050000 036ed540 ······n·····@·n·
0012F1D0: 0012f208 00000000 02f90000 f59a0000 ················
0012F1E0: 004c7ebc f59a0000 00000000 0373215c ·~L·········\!s·
0012F1F0: 0012f228 00000000 fffeffeb ffc00000 (···············
0012F200: ff9f0000 004670dc 02ec49a2 038a67c8 ·····pF··I···g··
0012F210: 00000000 00000000 004ba6be 038a67c8 ··········K··g··
0012F220: 00000020 038a67c8 00000000 00000020 ····g······ ···
0012F230: 004c5858 004c58f2 033a4974 012a21d0 XXL··XL·tI:··!*·
0012F240: 0062acc2 41bcfc80 43d9e400 02800000 ··b····A···C····
0012F250: 007355e8 0062b743 41bcfc80 43d9e400 ·Us·C·b····A···C
0012F260: 012a21d0 0062acc2 43863a80 44d21380 ·!*···b··:·C···D
0012F270: 02000000 007355e8 0062b743 43863a80 ·····Us·C·b··:·C
0012F280: 44d21380 012a21d0 0062acc2 4469a980 ···D·!*···b···iD
0012F290: 4612ab80 01c00000 007355e8 0062b743 ···F·····Us·C·b·
0012F2A0: 4469a980 4612ab80 012a21d0 0062acc2 ··iD···F·!*···b·
0012F2B0: 3ed96840 3ff20700 03400000 007355c8 @h·>···?··@··Us·
0012F2C0: 0062b743 3ed96840 3ff20700 012a21d0 C·b·@h·>···?·!*·
0012F2D0: 0062acc2 454c0600 4771fa00 01800000 ··b···LE··qG····
0012F2E0: 007355e8 0062b743 454c0600 4771fa00 ·Us·C·b···LE··qG
0012F2F0: 012a21d0 0062acc2 3f0d2000 4628d580 ·!*···b·· ·?··(F
0012F300: 03400000 007355d8 0062b743 3f0d2000 ··@··Us·C·b·· ·?
0012F310: 4628d580 012a21d0 0062acc2 44f98380 ··(F·!*···b····D
0012F320: 499a5700 0062b317 038fa4b8 038329a0 ·W·I··b······)··
0012F330: 00000000 5e400000 038fa4b9 038329d8 ······@^·····)··
0012F340: 00000000 0012f4b8 0062b2fc 0062b2e6 ··········b···b·
0012F350: 03832ab8 00000001 00000000 038329a0 ·*···········)··
0012F360: 00000000 0143e502 02c00000 f41cc30b ······C·········
0012F370: 0062b2e6 03833260 00000000 00000000 ··b·`2··········
0012F380: 03832ab8 01400000 0043e502 00000000 ·*····@···C·····
0012F390: ff9cc30b 0062b2e6 00000000 1db38e60 ······b·····`···
0012F3A0: 036ed4e8 03833260 02000000 fd43e502 ··n·`2········C·
0012F3B0: 00000000 fc9cc30b 006409e0 0064255a ··········d·Z%d·
0012F3C0: 0362d618 0109a7e8 00000000 47095500 ··b··········U·G
0012F3D0: 012a20f0 037fc728 14000040 0064298f · *·(··@····)d·
0012F3E0: 42b40000 3fcccccd 3fcccccd 00000001 ···B···?···?····
0012F3F0: 00000500 0109a7e8 00000001 00000118 ················
0012F400: 0043a520 0109a7e8 d0d5efa6 000004a3 ·C·············
0012F410: 00000006 ffffff20 000036ef 034a9630 ···· ····6··0·J·
0012F420: 005036ef 47ec4f43 ffff9afa 3f800000 ·6P·CO·G·······?
0012F430: 00000000 00000000 3e4cccce 034973f8 ··········L>·sI·
0012F440: 005036ef 00000000 00504a32 00000006 ·6P·····2JP·····
0012F450: 00000000 00000000 00000000 43da0000 ···············C
0012F460: 43e00000 c36a0000 4440cf2c 00000000 ···C··j·,·@D····
0012F470: c52604d7 00000000 00000000 d0d5efb2 ··&·············
0012F480: 0012f4ac 006cedc0 ffffffff 0043aebc ······l·······C·
0012F490: d0d5ef12 00000004 00000006 ffffffff ················
0012F4A0: 0199af38 000004a3 0012f490 0012fdb4 8···············
0012F4B0: 006cedf0 00000000 0012fdf8 d0d5ef6a ··l·········j···
0012F4C0: 000000e8 000001f8 00000000 0017d5c8 ················
0012F4D0: 00160178 00000000 0017d5d0 0012f504 x···············
0012F4E0: 019c71a8 0070031c 00160178 00000000 ·q····p·x·······
0012F4F0: 0017e368 0012f514 7c80b9c0 000000dc h··········|····
0012F500: 00000002 00001000 00010000 0000003d ············=···
0012F510: 00000080 00000c38 00000080 7c90e920 ····8······· ··|
0012F520: 7c910060 ffffffff 7c91005d 7c8099fa `··|····]··|···|
0012F530: 00160000 00000000 00160000 00160000 ················
0012F540: 0017d5c8 0012f560 7c910a36 00000187 ····`···6··|····
0012F550: 0017d5c8 00160000 0017c368 00000000 ········h·······
0012F560: 0012f634 00160178 0012f634 7c910981 4···x···4······|
0012F570: 00160608 7c91005d 01b31280 0017d5c8 ····]··|········
0012F580: 0017c370 00000000 00000003 0017c368 p···········h···
0012F590: 00160178 0017c370 0017c370 0017b924 x···p···p···$···
0012F5A0: 0012f584 0012f588 0017e370 7c839ab0 ········p······|
0012F5B0: 0017e368 ffffffff 7c809a0d 747215b8 h··········|··rt
0012F5C0: 0017c0d8 0012f66c 747430cb 0017c0d8 ····l····0tt····
0012F5D0: 00160178 00001260 0017a760 ffffffff x···`···`·······
0012F5E0: 0017c330 00000000 00000000 0000001e 0···············
0012F5F0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00160000 ················
0012F600: 0012f660 7c90d58a 7c81f4dc 0012f640 `······|···|@···
0012F610: 001f0003 0012f620 00001258 7ffdfbf8 ···· ···X······
0012F620: 00000018 00000040 0012f638 00000000 ····@···8·······
0012F630: 00000000 00000000 003e003c 7ffdfc00 ········<·>····
0012F640: 000000e0 0012f664 7c81f58c 001f0003 ····d······|····
0012F650: 00000000 7ffdfc00 0012f6b8 001f001e ···············
0012F660: 0012f6c0 0012f67c 7c90cffa 7c809c2b ····|······|+··|
0012F670: 000000e0 0012f8ec 747215d1 000000e0 ··········rt····
0012F680: 0017d5c8 7473ff25 0061068e 00000002 ····%·st··a·····
0012F690: 0000c0bf 0017c330 0017c330 00000000 ····0···0·······
0012F6A0: 01b30028 00000000 0017c330 0016f650 (·······0···P···
0012F6B0: 0017a750 0017c370 00000000 0012f6c0 P···p···········
0012F6C0: 5443534d 65532e46 6552646e 76696563 MSCTF.SendReceiv
0012F6D0: 76452e65 2e746e65 2e484549 7c004349 e.Event.IEH.IC·|
0012F6E0: 0012f6f4 0017c028 0017bf00 00000000 ····(···········
0012F6F0: 00000001 00160178 00000001 0017bf08 ····x···········
0012F700: 00000000 00000008 00000008 00160178 ············x···
0012F710: 00160478 00160178 0017c030 0017bf08 x···x···0·······
0012F720: 0000000c 00000000 00160478 7c839ab0 ········x······|
0012F730: 7c802608 ffffffff 7c802600 7c802542 ·&·|·····&·|B%·|
0012F740: 0000009c 7c90da2a 7c8024c7 0000009c ····*··|·$·|····
0012F750: 00000000 0012f798 00000001 0000009c ················
0012F760: 74755d2a 0012f7c4 00000030 00000001 *]ut····0·······
0012F770: 01ac0004 0000c0bd 000000c0 00000060 ············`···
0012F780: 00000085 00000570 0000c0bd 00000000 ····p···········
0012F790: 00000694 00000008 0017c370 7c8024c7 ········p····$·|
0012F7A0: 00000084 00000000 0012f858 00000000 ········X·······
0012F7B0: 74725956 00000002 0017abc0 0017bf08 VYrt············
0012F7C0: 0017bef0 00000000 0012f7cc 5443534d ············MSCT
0012F7D0: 65532e46 6552646e 76696563 6e6f4365 F.SendReceiveCon
0012F7E0: 69746365 452e6e6f 746e6576 4845492e ection.Event.IEH
0012F7F0: 0043492e 00000000 00110566 7ffdfc00 .IC·····f······
0012F800: 02d5ef7a 00000018 7c90d52a 7c80b991 z·······*··|···|
0012F810: 000000d0 ffffffff 0012f854 0012f838 ········T···8···
0012F820: 7e42c228 00110566 0000000f 00000000 (·B~f···········
0012F830: 00000000 00000001 0012f880 7e42c1d5 ··············B~
0012F840: 00110566 0000000f 00000000 7e42c1e9 f·············B~
0012F850: 0000000f 0061068e 00000002 0000c0bf ······a·········
0012F860: 00000000 00000000 0012f850 00110566 ········P···f···
0012F870: 0012fa14 7e44048f 7e42c1f0 ffffffff ······D~··B~····
0012F880: 0012f89c 7e42c228 0061068e 0000c0bf ····(·B~··a·····
0012F890: 00000748 00000028 00000001 0012f8e4 H···(···········
0012F8A0: 7e42c1d5 0061068e 0000c0bf 00000748 ··B~··a·····H···
0012F8B0: 7e42c1e9 0061068e 00000002 0000c0bf ··B~··a·········
0012F8C0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 0012f8b4 ················
0012F8D0: 0000996b 0012fa9c 7e44048f 7e42c1f0 k·········D~··B~
0012F8E0: ffffffff 7e42c1e9 74740430 0061068e ······B~0·tt··a·
0012F8F0: 0000c0bf 00000748 00000028 0012fa80 ····H···(·······
0012F900: 7474021e 7474043b 01ab0000 01ab0000 ··tt;·tt········
0012F910: 00110566 00110566 00110566 0012f950 f···f···f···P···
0012F920: 01ab0000 7e429165 01ab0000 0000056c ····e·B~····l···
0012F930: 01ab0000 01ab0000 0012f928 0017a5d0 ········(·······
0012F940: 00000000 00000694 00000000 7476305c ············\0vt
0012F950: 00000000 00000001 00000002 00000005 ················
0012F960: 0012f8d4 00110566 0012f9ec 7475f1a6 ····f·········ut
0012F970: 74e50e66 0012f990 74e50e8b 0075069e f··t·······t··u·
0012F980: 0000000f 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012F990: 0012f9bc 7e418734 0075069e 0000000f ····4·A~··u·····
0012F9A0: 0012f9b8 7e42b401 015feb38 00000000 ······B~8·_·····
0012F9B0: 00000000 00000102 0012f9fc 747313d4 ··············st
0012F9C0: 000100f4 00000000 00000001 0012fa00 ················
0012F9D0: 01990000 7c910222 0000000a 01990868 ····»··|····h···
0012F9E0: 01990000 00000000 0012f9d8 0012fa44 ············D···
0012F9F0: 0012fc1c 7c90e920 0000024c 0012fc2c ···· ··|L···,···
0012FA00: 7c911028 7c911086 7c9101db 0012fa40 (··|···|···|@···
0012FA10: 01aa0000 7c910222 00000003 01aa0718 ····»··|········
0012FA20: 01aa0000 00000000 0012fa18 00000028 ············(···
0012FA30: 0012fc5c 7c90e920 00001c0e 0012fc6c \··· ··|····l···
0012FA40: 7c911028 7c911086 7c9101db 0199af70 (··|···|···|p···
0012FA50: 00000010 00000042 0012fa6c 7e41882a ····B···l···*·A~
0012FA60: 0012fb40 0012fb38 016466d8 00000014 @···8····fd·····
0012FA70: 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000010 ················
0012FA80: 00000000 00000030 00000000 00000000 ····0···········
0012FA90: 00000000 0012fa60 00000000 0012fafc ····`···········
0012FAA0: 7e44048f 7e418830 ffffffff 7e41882a ··D~0·A~····*·A~
0012FAB0: 7e4189cd 00000000 7474021e 0061068e ··A~······tt··a·
0012FAC0: 019c0240 00000748 7e42d3bd 7e42fe9a @···H·····B~··B~
0012FAD0: 00000000 fffffff4 00000000 00000001 ················
0012FAE0: 7e418bf6 01aa0640 0199aff8 00000748 ··A~@·······H···
0012FAF0: 00000000 01990178 00000001 0199b000 ····x···········
0012FB00: 01aa0178 019c0238 00000009 01990178 x···8·······x···
0012FB10: 00000000 00010011 01990178 00000000 ········x·······
0012FB20: 0199afb0 0056a060 01aa1f90 0075069e ····`·V·······u·
0012FB30: 7e42f3c2 00000033 0061068e 0000c0bf ··B~3·····a·····
0012FB40: 00000748 00000028 00000008 000000d5 H···(···········
0012FB50: 00000076 0056dd35 01aa0178 01aa1edc v···5·V·x·······
0012FB60: 01aa1f80 0056dd62 00170874 0012fc30 ····b·V·t···0···
0012FB70: 01990178 01aa0178 0199afb0 01aa1f98 x···x···········
0012FB80: 0000024c 00000001 00000000 01aa0178 L···········x···
0012FB90: 00000000 01990178 019c0240 0199af70 ····x···@···p···
0012FBA0: 0012fbb0 00000000 7c9100b8 01aa1f60 ···········|`···
0012FBB0: 0012fbc0 00000000 7c9100b8 01aa1f78 ···········|x···
0012FBC0: 0012fc8c 0012fbd4 00000000 7c9100b8 ···············|
0012FBD0: 0199af68 0012fca0 7c910041 01990808 h·······A··|····
0012FBE0: 7c91005d 00000033 0199af70 00000002 ]··|3···p·······
0012FBF0: 00000000 0199afa8 00000050 0199afb0 ········P·······
0012FC00: 01aa1f80 01990178 00000003 00006369 ····x·······ic··
0012FC10: 00000000 0012fa0c 00000001 00000018 ················
0012FC20: 7c90e920 01aa1f78 01aa0168 00000018 ··|x···h·······
0012FC30: 0012fc40 00000000 7c9100b8 01aa1ec8 @··········|····
0012FC40: 0012fd0c 7c910041 01aa0a18 7c91005d ····A··|····]··|
0012FC50: 000000e8 00000033 00000000 0001fcdc ····3···········
0012FC60: 00000003 0012fbc0 01990000 0001a43a ············:···
0012FC70: 00000003 0012fbd0 004157af 0012fcdc ·········WA·····
0012FC80: 0001e920 00000008 0012fbe4 7c91005d ···········]··|
0012FC90: 0012fcd0 7c90e920 7c910060 ffffffff ···· ··|`··|····
0012FCA0: 7c91005d 006afdcf 01990000 00000098 ]··|··j·········
0012FCB0: 006afdee d0d5e74a 00000033 0199af70 ··j·J···3···p···
0012FCC0: 00000002 00000006 0012fcb4 0199af70 ············p···
0012FCD0: 0012fd30 01aa0000 d0b27bb2 fffffffe 0········{······
0012FCE0: 006afdee 00417983 00000000 00010002 ··j··yA·········
0012FCF0: 00000013 0012fc50 00000000 0012fd30 ····P·······0···
0012FD00: 7c90e920 7c910060 ffffffff 7c91005d ··|`··|····]··|
0012FD10: 005459ff 01aa0000 00000000 01aa1ed0 ·YT·············
0012FD20: 00417ad6 d0d5e682 00000001 01aa1edc ·zA·············
0012FD30: 0012fe74 006ce698 ffffffff 00417b23 t·····l·····#{A·
0012FD40: 0012fd4c 0056cc98 0071e068 0071e024 L·····V·h·q·$·q·
0012FD50: 00000005 00000001 00000a28 0012fd78 ········(···x···
0012FD60: 0056ccca 00000094 00000005 00000001 ··V·············
0012FD70: 00000a28 00000002 76726553 d0d5ef66 (·······Servf···
0012FD80: 6b636150 00003320 0012fdd8 775015b0 Pack 3········Pw
0012FD90: 00000000 000001f8 00000002 00110566 ············f···
0012FDA0: 76363b32 7c80ae40 7c81f31a 00000000 2;6v@··|···|····
0012FDB0: 7ffdf000 0012fe74 006cee47 ffffffff ···t···G·l·····
0012FDC0: 00000006 00466c0f 006fc170 0199af38 ·····lF·p·o·8···
0012FDD0: 000000e8 000001f8 00000208 00416ba9 ·············kA·
0012FDE0: 006fc170 000001f8 000000e8 00000000 p·o·············
0012FDF0: 00000002 0012fe80 0012fe80 0056c453 ············S·V·
0012FE00: d0d5e52a 00000a28 00000002 00400000 *···(·········@·
0012FE10: 00000000 00000000 000001f8 00000165 ············e···
0012FE20: 64d16820 00350000 000001d0 00000000 h·d··5·········
0012FE30: 0056b5a0 00000000 00000000 00400000 ··V···········@·
0012FE40: 02380691 00010011 00000000 00000000 ··8·············
0012FE50: 0071db98 00000001 000f4240 64d1683f ··q·····@B··?h·d
0012FE60: 64d09319 7c800000 01aa1e9c 00400000 ···d···|······@·
0012FE70: 0012fe00 0012ffb0 006d5668 00000000 ········hVm·····
0012FE80: 5f34564e 50534944 00000000 00000000 NV4_DISP········
0012FE90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012FEA0: 04010401 0000007c 007e00a0 00000000 ····|·····~·····
0012FEB0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012FEC0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012FED0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012FEE0: 00000000 00000000 00000020 00000690 ········ ·······
0012FEF0: 0000041a 00000000 0000003c 00000000 ········<·······
0012FF00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012FF10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 d0d5e52a ············*···
0012FF20: 0012ffc0 0056c8d3 00000001 006b533b ······V·····;Sk·
0012FF30: 00400000 00000000 001624ec 0000000a ··@······$······
0012FF40: d0d5e46a 00fbcedc 7c90e920 7ffdd000 j······· ··|···
0012FF50: 00000044 001631f8 00163208 00163220 D····1···2·· 2··
0012FF60: 80000000 80000000 80000000 80000000 ················
0012FF70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
0012FF80: 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ················
0012FF90: ffffffff c0000005 00000001 00000005 ················
0012FFA0: 00000000 00fbcedc 0012ff40 0012e4d8 ········@·······
0012FFB0: 0012ffe0 006b49c0 d0b279f2 00000001 ·····Ik··y······
0012FFC0: 0012fff0 7c81776f 00fbcedc 7c90e920 ····ow·|···· ··|
0012FFD0: 7ffdd000 c0000005 0012ffc8 0012e4d4 ···············
0012FFE0: ffffffff 7c839ab0 7c817778 00000000 ·······|xw·|····
0012FFF0: 00000000 00000000 006b53a4 00000000 ·········Sk·····

была такая же ошибка, решается просто
1. Go to the DOOM BFG directory in Steam. Typically the path is C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG Edition

2. Right click on the file executable DOOM3BFG.EXE and create a shortcut to desktop. On Windows 7 it would be under right click, SEND TO, and then DESKTOP (CREATE SHORTCUT).

3. Once you have created a shortcut on your desktop, right click on it and choose PROPERTIES. In the target field, add «+set r_fullscreen 0» to the end of the target path (no quotes). There should be a space right before the +. Your target line should now look similiar to the following:

«C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG EditionDoom3BFG.exe» +set r_fullscreen 0

NOTE: You should be able to input «3» instead of «0» in the above command line, which for most users immediately allowed them full screen access to Doom 3 BFG. Other Steam users have mentioned that using «2» or»4″ worked in their case, «4» being the most common after «3». Also, the «+set r_fullscreen 0» can also be placed directly in the Steam launch options for your game (minus the quotes). Special thanks to Darth Guybrush for pointing this out. Steam launch options can be accessed by right clicking on Doom 3 BFG in your Steam library and choosing «properties». It will be titled «Set Launch Options».

4. This trick worked on the old Doom 3 and luckily it still works with the BFG edition. Theoretically you should be able to change the «0» in the fullscreen command I just mentioned to a «3», and bypass all the CFG editing altogether though I haven’t tested that. I don’t see why it shouldn’t work though. At the very least, with the «0» it will allow you to run it in windowed mode and make the fixes listed above. Hope this works for those of you unable to run the game to create a Saved Games directory.


Unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

it just gave me this error

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

1. Go to the DOOM BFG directory in Steam. Typically the path is C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG Edition

2. Right click on the file executable DOOM3BFG.EXE and create a shortcut to desktop. On Windows 7 it would be under right click, SEND TO, and then DESKTOP (CREATE SHORTCUT).

3. Once you have created a shortcut on your desktop, right click on it and choose PROPERTIES. In the target field, add «+set r_fullscreen 0» to the end of the target path (no quotes). There should be a space right before the +. Your target line should now look similiar to the following:

«C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG EditionDoom3BFG.exe» +set r_fullscreen 0

NOTE: You should be able to input «3» instead of «0» in the above command line, which for most users immediately allowed them full screen access to Doom 3 BFG. Other Steam users have mentioned that using «2» or»4″ worked in their case, «4» being the most common after «3». Also, the «+set r_fullscreen 0» can also be placed directly in the Steam launch options for your game (minus the quotes). Special thanks to Darth Guybrush for pointing this out. Steam launch options can be accessed by right clicking on Doom 3 BFG in your Steam library and choosing «properties». It will be titled «Set Launch Options».

4. This trick worked on the old Doom 3 and luckily it still works with the BFG edition. Theoretically you should be able to change the «0» in the fullscreen command I just mentioned to a «3», and bypass all the CFG editing altogether though I haven’t tested that. I don’t see why it shouldn’t work though. At the very least, with the «0» it will allow you to run it in windowed mode and make the fixes listed above. Hope this works for those of you unable to run the game to create a Saved Games directory.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

1. Go to the DOOM BFG directory in Steam. Typically the path is C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG Edition

2. Right click on the file executable DOOM3BFG.EXE and create a shortcut to desktop. On Windows 7 it would be under right click, SEND TO, and then DESKTOP (CREATE SHORTCUT).

3. Once you have created a shortcut on your desktop, right click on it and choose PROPERTIES. In the target field, add «+set r_fullscreen 0» to the end of the target path (no quotes). There should be a space right before the +. Your target line should now look similiar to the following:

«C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG EditionDoom3BFG.exe» +set r_fullscreen 0

NOTE: You should be able to input «3» instead of «0» in the above command line, which for most users immediately allowed them full screen access to Doom 3 BFG. Other Steam users have mentioned that using «2» or»4″ worked in their case, «4» being the most common after «3». Also, the «+set r_fullscreen 0» can also be placed directly in the Steam launch options for your game (minus the quotes). Special thanks to Darth Guybrush for pointing this out. Steam launch options can be accessed by right clicking on Doom 3 BFG in your Steam library and choosing «properties». It will be titled «Set Launch Options».

4. This trick worked on the old Doom 3 and luckily it still works with the BFG edition. Theoretically you should be able to change the «0» in the fullscreen command I just mentioned to a «3», and bypass all the CFG editing altogether though I haven’t tested that. I don’t see why it shouldn’t work though. At the very least, with the «0» it will allow you to run it in windowed mode and make the fixes listed above. Hope this works for those of you unable to run the game to create a Saved Games directory.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

1. Go to the DOOM BFG directory in Steam. Typically the path is C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG Edition

2. Right click on the file executable DOOM3BFG.EXE and create a shortcut to desktop. On Windows 7 it would be under right click, SEND TO, and then DESKTOP (CREATE SHORTCUT).

3. Once you have created a shortcut on your desktop, right click on it and choose PROPERTIES. In the target field, add «+set r_fullscreen 0» to the end of the target path (no quotes). There should be a space right before the +. Your target line should now look similiar to the following:

«C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG EditionDoom3BFG.exe» +set r_fullscreen 0

NOTE: You should be able to input «3» instead of «0» in the above command line, which for most users immediately allowed them full screen access to Doom 3 BFG. Other Steam users have mentioned that using «2» or»4″ worked in their case, «4» being the most common after «3». Also, the «+set r_fullscreen 0» can also be placed directly in the Steam launch options for your game (minus the quotes). Special thanks to Darth Guybrush for pointing this out. Steam launch options can be accessed by right clicking on Doom 3 BFG in your Steam library and choosing «properties». It will be titled «Set Launch Options».

4. This trick worked on the old Doom 3 and luckily it still works with the BFG edition. Theoretically you should be able to change the «0» in the fullscreen command I just mentioned to a «3», and bypass all the CFG editing altogether though I haven’t tested that. I don’t see why it shouldn’t work though. At the very least, with the «0» it will allow you to run it in windowed mode and make the fixes listed above. Hope this works for those of you unable to run the game to create a Saved Games directory.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

1. Go to the DOOM BFG directory in Steam. Typically the path is C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG Edition

2. Right click on the file executable DOOM3BFG.EXE and create a shortcut to desktop. On Windows 7 it would be under right click, SEND TO, and then DESKTOP (CREATE SHORTCUT).

3. Once you have created a shortcut on your desktop, right click on it and choose PROPERTIES. In the target field, add «+set r_fullscreen 0» to the end of the target path (no quotes). There should be a space right before the +. Your target line should now look similiar to the following:

«C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG EditionDoom3BFG.exe» +set r_fullscreen 0

NOTE: You should be able to input «3» instead of «0» in the above command line, which for most users immediately allowed them full screen access to Doom 3 BFG. Other Steam users have mentioned that using «2» or»4″ worked in their case, «4» being the most common after «3». Also, the «+set r_fullscreen 0» can also be placed directly in the Steam launch options for your game (minus the quotes). Special thanks to Darth Guybrush for pointing this out. Steam launch options can be accessed by right clicking on Doom 3 BFG in your Steam library and choosing «properties». It will be titled «Set Launch Options».

4. This trick worked on the old Doom 3 and luckily it still works with the BFG edition. Theoretically you should be able to change the «0» in the fullscreen command I just mentioned to a «3», and bypass all the CFG editing altogether though I haven’t tested that. I don’t see why it shouldn’t work though. At the very least, with the «0» it will allow you to run it in windowed mode and make the fixes listed above. Hope this works for those of you unable to run the game to create a Saved Games directory.

didnt work for me too, and i am pretty sure i did it right

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

didnt work for me too, and i am pretty sure i did it right

Guess we have to wait until someone can give us some insite before we can run the game. bummer.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

Guess we have to wait until someone can give us some insite before we can run the game. bummer.

Man still no update yet eh?

I know its not just us having this issue. seems like the forum is blowing up with this issue though..wonder if anyone has figured anything out yet.


Unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

Ошибка вот такого содержания у меня! Чего ему надо?
У меня винда 7/32.
2.67 Ghz/4gb ram/ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

C:UsersАдминистраторDocumentsMy Gamesid SoftwareDOOM 3 BFG/base

Администратор написано по-русски, что не есть гуд.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

Винда по усмотрению так поставила. какие предложения?

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

Изменить русское слово «Администратор» на, например Admin. Или любое английское слово. Но перед тем как будете изменять, все сохраните.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

Изменить русское слово «Администратор» на, например Admin. Или любое английское слово. Но перед тем как будете изменять, все сохраните.

Это папка пользователя, он не сможет её изменить, не сделав учётную запись неработоспособной. Нужно создавать новую.


Unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

For anyone that has an issue with the OpenGL Error, here is what you have to do. You need to locate the D3BFGConfig file. It should be located «C:Users(your computer name)Saved Gamesid SoftwareDOOM 3 BFGbaseD3BFGConfig.cfg». Right click and open with wordpad or notepad. Find and change these settings. You may have to change the set the first two options to whatever resolution your monitor has.

set r_windowHeight «1080»
set r_windowWidth «1920»
set r_windowY «103»
set r_windowX «297»
set r_customHeight «720»
set r_customWidth «1280»
set r_fullscreen «0»
set r_vidMode «0»

Next save your config file and Voila, you should be able to enjoy your game.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

I wanted to try this but I go into the file «base» but the file D3BFGConfig.cfg is not in there.
But also my game files for this is stored on «D:». I tried opening Default.cfg but that didn’t seem like the right one.

For anyone that has an issue with the OpenGL Error, here is what you have to do. You need to locate the D3BFGConfig file. It should be located «C:Users(your computer name)Saved Gamesid SoftwareDOOM 3 BFGbaseD3BFGConfig.cfg». Right click and open with wordpad or notepad. Find and change these settings. You may have to change the set the first two options to whatever resolution your monitor has.

set r_windowHeight «1080»
set r_windowWidth «1920»
set r_windowY «103»
set r_windowX «297»
set r_customHeight «720»
set r_customWidth «1280»
set r_fullscreen «0»
set r_vidMode «0»

Next save your config file and Voila, you should be able to enjoy your game.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

I wanted to try this but I go into the file «base» but the file D3BFGConfig.cfg is not in there.
But also my game files for this is stored on «D:». I tried opening Default.cfg but that didn’t seem like the right one.

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

For anyone that has an issue with the OpenGL Error, here is what you have to do. You need to create the D3BFGConfig file and folder structure on windows 10 7 and 8.1 should not have the issue but cant test. It should be located «C:Users(your computer name)Saved Gamesid SoftwareDOOM 3 BFGbaseD3BFGConfig.cfg». Right click and open with wordpad or notepad. Find and change these settings. You may have to change the set the first two options to whatever resolution your monitor has.

set r_windowHeight «1080»
set r_windowWidth «1920»
set r_windowY «103»
set r_windowX «297»
set r_customHeight «720»
set r_customWidth «1280»
set r_fullscreen «0»
set r_vidMode «0»

Next save your config file and Voila, you should be able to enjoy your game.

bold and single word change is mine, you do have to create the folders and file but once done it works and no need for admin.


Unable to initialize opengl doom 3 bfg edition что делать

Like everybody else, I’ve been butting my head against the wall trying to figure out a solution to the OpenGL issue. For most of you who receive this error, though you may not have realized it, the problem with Doom 3 BFG seems to be with it running in full screen mode. I found a fix for this, but it takes a few steps. Basically you will force Doom 3 BFG to run in a windowed mode in order to access the game, where you can input the settings that will permanently allow you to run it full screen with the resolution you want. Just follow the directions I will list here:

1. On your computer (in this case Windows 7), go to C:Users Saved Gamesid SoftwareDOOM 3 BFGbase. You will find a file called D3BFGConfig.cfg there.

2. Open this file using notepad (right click and use the OPEN WITH command if you need to, and choose Notepad).

In my case I originally set the command line to 0, which «disabled» full screen, and then ran my game in windowed form. Once I accessed the settings, I tooled around a bit until I figured out that Doom would accept my resolution as long as it was under «Monitor 3». Changes under Monitor 1 would immediately crash the game. Afterwards I noticed that the command line I mentioned above now shows as set r_fullscreen «3», which leads me to believe the CFG command line change should suffice for full screen functionality.

From what I’ve seen of other Steam user’s issues regarding OpenGL, this solution should work for most of you. There may be a slight chance the «3» setting may work for me due to the unique video card setup I have (a Nvidia GTX 295 card that the system sees as two cards, plus an integrated video card I do not use) If changing the number to 3 does not work for you, try 2, 4, or at the very least 0 for windowed mode which should positively work. I hope you have success in getting your game to run. Let me know if this works for you.

NOTE: As antibiotic pig has helpfully pointed out, for those of you who are not having any luck using «3», other Steam users are finding success when trying out the other monitor types, mainly «2» and «4». «4» typically being the most common after «3».

EDIT: Some of you are unable to perform this because the CFG file in question is not created until the game has been accessed at least once, which I did not realize. I’ve moved up my solution to that into this initial posting. The fix, and possible edit-free solution is as follows:

Good news for those of you who are unable to access the game in windowed mode. I have found a way to force windowed mode through via making a desktop shortcut. As a matter of fact, this fix might allow you to fix the issue immediately and bypass the CFG file editing entirely. Just follow the following directions:

1. Go to the DOOM BFG directory in Steam. Typically the path is C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG Edition

2. Right click on the file executable DOOM3BFG.EXE and create a shortcut to desktop. On Windows 7 it would be under right click, SEND TO, and then DESKTOP (CREATE SHORTCUT).

3. Once you have created a shortcut on your desktop, right click on it and choose PROPERTIES. In the target field, add «+set r_fullscreen 0» to the end of the target path (no quotes). There should be a space right before the +. Your target line should now look similiar to the following:

«C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDOOM 3 BFG EditionDoom3BFG.exe» +set r_fullscreen 0

NOTE: You should be able to input «3» instead of «0» in the above command line, which for most users immediately allowed them full screen access to Doom 3 BFG. Other Steam users have mentioned that using «2» or»4″ worked in their case, «4» being the most common after «3». Also, the «+set r_fullscreen 0» can also be placed directly in the Steam launch options for your game (minus the quotes). Special thanks to Darth Guybrush for pointing this out. Steam launch options can be accessed by right clicking on Doom 3 BFG in your Steam library and choosing «properties». It will be titled «Set Launch Options».

4. This trick worked on the old Doom 3 and luckily it still works with the BFG edition. Theoretically you should be able to change the «0» in the fullscreen command I just mentioned to a «3», and bypass all the CFG editing altogether though I haven’t tested that. I don’t see why it shouldn’t work though. At the very least, with the «0» it will allow you to run it in windowed mode and make the fixes listed above. Hope this works for those of you unable to run the game to create a Saved Games directory.

Ensuring game runs in fullscreen once you have access to in-game video settings


Complete list of all possible errors and questions that you may find about this mod. If a question is not in this list, make it, and I will add it.

First of all, you need the original game. You need either a DOOM.WAD, DOOM2.WAD, TNT.WAD, etc. There are thousands of ways to get it. You can download it at Steam for US$10,00. Or you can look for a torrent at the Pirate Bay to download it, or search for it at Abandongames. Anyway, just find the original Doom game for PC.I am not sure if you can make it work with the BFG Edition. I heard rumors that there’s a way to extract the main wads from it to use in the sourceports, but I can not confirm.
1) You need a ZDoom derivated sourceport to run it. You can use Zandronum or GZDoom.
2) Install Zandronum or GZDoom in your hard drive. After it, go to the directory that you have the original doom games installed and copy and paste our DOOM.WAD/DOOM2.WAD files in the sourceport folder.
3) Choose the Brutal Doom version you want. Download it, and put it in your sourceport folder.
4) If you are a Windows user, drag and drop the Brutal Doom file over your .exe file. If you are a Mac or Linux user, put Brutal Doom in the skins folder (create a folder named Skins at your sourceport’s directory if a folder called Skins doesn’t exists).
5) Done. Now go to options, mouse options and enable mouselook. Go to customize controls and map your keyboard how you want (movement in WASD, crouch on Ctrl, jump os SPACEBAR, Open Doors in E, etc.) Also, make sure that you have assigned a key for alt fire (preferably, Right Mouse button). This key is required to use the weapon’s alt modes (iron sights, plasma shotgun, minigun spin, etc.)If you want to play with a map pack (Doom2realoaded, Alien Vendetta, Hell Revealed, Memento Mori, etc.) just download the pack, and use the Ctrl button to select multiple objects. Then drag and drop the Brutal Doom pk3 AND the map file together. The same applies if you are wanting to use Brutal Doom’s mutators.

There’s also another way to make it work without needing to drag and drop files (in case you are a Linux/Mac user and can’t do it). Search your sourceport folder for a file called GZdoom.ini or Zandronum.ini. Open it with notepad, and look for a section named [Doom.AutoExec]. Under it, put the name of a wad/pk3 after «Patch=».It will look like something like this:
By this way, you can load custom map packs too. The load order is determined by the file position. Top files are loaded first, and bottom files are loaded after, and will overwrite anything with the same value in the first files.

2) I can’t start the game, and I get a message that says «AVOIDMELEE is an unknown flag».
A: It means that you are trying to play the GZDoom version of the mod in the Zandronum sourceport. You must download the correct version.

3) I am playing in ZDoom/GZDoom and I can’t start the game, and I get a message that says «SERVERSIDEONLY is an unknown flag».
A: It means that your GZDoom sourceport is outdated. Brutal Doom v18 requires version 1.7.0 or higher.
Update here:

4) I can’t start the game, and I get a message that says «THRUACTORS is an unknown flag».A: It means that you are trying to play it in the Skulltag sourceport. Skulltag support has been discontinued since version 0.17. Download Zandronum, which is Skulltag’s successor.
Download here

5) I’m trying it on GZDoom, but it has no sound.
A: It’s a problem with GZDoom itself. It might not be recognizing your audio drivers. Use Zandronum instead.

1) Sprites seems to be halfway cut in the ground.A: Go to Options > Display Options > OpenGL Options > Preferences > Adjust Sprite Clipping — ALWAYS

2) Blood is looking strange. It keeps flickering in the ground, and sometimes I can see the blood pools thru the corpses.A: Go to Options > Display Options > OpenGL Options > Preferences > Smooth Sprite Edges — ALWAYS

3) I am playing in OpenGL mode, but graphics still looks too crispy.A: Go to Options > Display Options > OpenGL Options > Texture Options > Texture Filtering — LINEAR

4) I have updated the mod and now I can’t load a saved game.A: You can’t. It’s impossible to load a previously saved game in a more recent build of a mod.

5) (GZDoom Only) It seems like there are two Reload functions in the key menu. One at the top, and other at the bottom. Which one should I use?A: You must use the bottom one. When I started this mod, the engine didnt supported a dedicated key for reloading, so I had to create my own. Now that they oficially added a reload key for mods, it’s not going to work with Brutal Doom’s reload system.

6) When playing on Multiplayer in ZDoom/GZDoom the game lags too much.A: You are not supposed to play the ZDoom/GZDoom version on multiplayer. If you want to play Brutal Doom on Multiplayer, you must use the Zandronum version. Use the Doomseeker tool to find the Brutal Doom servers.

1) Can I run it on Doomsday engine?
A: No. Brutal Doom requires advanced script languages called DECORATE and ACS. Doomsday engine and its derivates (JDoom, Risen3D, etc) doesn’t support this kind of scripts.But if you only wants to play in the Doomsday engine due it’s superior graphics, there’s a OpenGL hack that emulates the Doomsday engine’s post processing lightning effects. You can download it here
Extract the content of this folder directly into your GZDoom/Zandronum folder.Warning: This will require a lot of GPU power and will greatly decrease your FPS if you have an old computer. If it lags too much for you, you can revert it by just removing these 2 files from your sourceport folder.
Also, this is just an experimental hack, and my now work right or might cause some visual glitches depending of your GPU.

2) How to perform a fatality?
A: Get a Berserk Pack (the black Medikit) and you will able to perform fatalities on any enemies by punching them to death. The effect lasts for the entire level, so to continue Ripin’n’tearing enemies in the next level, you will need to find another Berserk Pack.If you want to disable fatalities, just press the R key with the fists selected and it will enter the Smash Mode. In this mode, enemies are gibbed like in Normal Doom when you kill them with berserk punches.

3) How to use a Human Shield?
A: When an Imp or Zombieman is greviously injured, you just need to punch him. Just aim at his chest because if you aim at his head, you will kill him instead. Also, you need a Berserk Pack to use human shields.

4) How to get the Mancubus and the Revenant weapons?
A: Find a chainsaw and use it to rip the weapons out of the dead bodies.

5) My Framerate is geting bellow the 30fps.
A: Reduce your resolution. If even reducing to super low resolutions like 640×480 doesnt help, unfortunately, all I can tell you is to get a better computer. Doom can be a 20 year old game, but if you want to play Brutal Doom always at 60fps, you will require at least a dual core, 2gb of RAM, and 256mb gpu. Let’s say, if your computer can’t run Battlefield 3 or Skyrim in minimum settings above 45fps, you are going to have a bad time to play Brutal Doom in levels with lots of enemies.As last resort, you can use the Janitor Addon, which reduces the time that blood and ammo cases stays in the ground. This addon will greatly improve your performance if you are playing it in a Pentium 4 or a computer with DDR2 or lower ram.

6) Where can I download high quality music and texture packs?

High Quality music:
High Quality Sound Effects:
High Definition Textures:

Download and unzip, then put everything inside the Skins folder.

7) Where can I download good map packs to play with Brutal Doom?
Doom 2 Reloaded:
Alien Vendetta:
Kama Sutra:
Whispers of Satan:
Eternal Doom:

8) Do you have any plans of brutalizing other Doom Engine games such as HeXen, Heretic, and Strife?
A: Yes, in a far future.

9) Do you make maps?
A: Yes. Check here:

I work hard on Brutal Doom, and if you want to send me any donations to show your gratefulness, send it to my PayPal account and I will be very grateful. The PP email is Thanks for playing.

If you have more questions that haven’t been listed, post it here.

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