Brother ошибка 0b01

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Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Всем добрый день. аппарат brother dcp-1512r. Может кому пригодится данная инфа. При включении пишет ошибку 0B(0B01). Причина — нет +24V на плату высокого. fuse F5 стоит на самой мать плате. сгорел предохранитель из-за пробоя К-Э Q301(NPN). транзистор можно взять с инверторов мониторов. под рукой был 2SD1803, fuse поставил N75. Если поставить транзюк не по параметрам, например С2383(плата гнусмас 4200, 4300) то текст будет дублироваться через 76мм

Добавлено спустя 23 часа 19 минут 31 секунду:
И чуть забыл дабавить. Если высоковольтный транс не исправен, т.е транзюк будет нагреваться, то подойдет от платы 4200. не забудьте поменять обмотки местами. Конечно лучше использовать родной транс, но его еще найти надо)). еще есть 2SD1624 sot-89(он как раз туда сядет как надо). Вообщем эксперементируйте))))

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Сообщение Serg Serg » Ср июн 01, 2016 11:24 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑В моём случае при ошибке 0B и сгоревшем f5, пробит был Q401, корпус sot-23, но я при проверке, при подключенной лампочке параллельно f5, вызвал дым из Q401, соответственно, маркировка была частично потеряна, первая литера W, вторая — либо 1, либо L, либо ещё что-то с вертик. палкой. По схеме один в один с Q301, поэтому понял, что тоже npn. Заменил транзюком D1857 с дохлой донорской платы dc-контроллера от HP 1200. Всем удачи.

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Принтер Brother HL-L2360DNR поступил в ремонт с проблемой: не печатает, на дисплее ошибка: печать невозможна 0B. Эта ошибка говорит о том, что неисправна высоковольтная плата питания. Для начала нужно выяснить подается ли на нее напряжение и не сгорел ли предохранитель «F1» который находится на форматере рядом с разъемом шлейфа (CN1 HVPS) идущего к высоковольтной плате.

В нашем случае предохранитель оказался в обрыве и напряжение 24В не подавалось на высоковольтную плату. Значит нужно проверять наличие короткого замыкания, из-за которого сгорел предохранитель.

Фрагмент высоковольтной платы с транзисторами Q301 и Q401

Проверка мультиметром показала очень низкое сопротивление между коллекторами и эмиттерами трех основных транзисторов на высоковольтной плате. Осталось выяснить, какой из них сгорел. Можно выпаивать их по очереди, и проверять, не пропало ли замыкание. При наличии лабораторного блока питания можно создать в цепи короткого замыкания некоторый ток, чтобы на сгоревшем элементе выделялась мощность около 2 Ватт, после этого смочить спиртом транзисторы и посмотреть с какого спирт быстро испаряется.

Проверка с помощью лабораторного блока показала, что сгорел транзистор Q301. К сожалению, не удалось найти схему платы, и поиск по маркировке транзистора ничего не дал. Можно взять любой более менее подходящий транзистор структуры NPN с донорских плат других лазерных принтеров из аналогичной цепи. Под рукой была плата от Samsung с NPN транзисторами BD139G. В документации указан ток 1.5А, что должно быть более чем достаточно. Корпус транзистора другой, но места достаточно, чтобы его припаять.

Замененный Q301. Назначение выводов слева направо: база, коллектор, эмиттер.

Осталось разобраться с smd предохранителем. Поврежденная маркировка на корпусе в виде буквы «x», судя по типовым таблицам маркировок, говорит о токе 0.68А. Можно поставить что-нибудь близкое по номиналу, не обязательно smd, места много, чтобы впаять большой предохранитель.

После замены транзистора Q301 и предохранителя F1 принтер вышел в готовность и печатает без дефектов. После печати двух десятков листов замененный транзистор ощутимо не нагрелся.

Are you frustrated with your Brother printer flashing error code 0B on its display panel It is a common mechanical malfunction that you can quickly troubleshoot and fix. The Brother Printer Error Code 0B – Mechanical Malfunction can be caused by a variety of things, but the most common cause is a paper jam. If you are experiencing this error, it is important to first check for any paper jams in your printer. Here, we will follow up on the steps to resolve the issue and get your printer back up and running in no time.

Common Causes of Brother Printer Error Code 0B

The Brother Printer error code 0B usually indicates a mechanical malfunction. There are several common causes of this error, including

Paper Jams

If the paper is jammed in the printer, it can cause the error code 0B. To clear a paper jam, open the printer and remove any jammed paper.

Empty Toner Cartridge

An empty toner cartridge can also cause this error. Replace the toner cartridge with a new one to fix the problem.

Dirty Print Head

A dirty print head can also cause the Brother printer to error code 0B. Clean the print head with a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol to fix the problem.

Related: Brother Printer Error Code 03

Troubleshoot and Fix Brother Printer Error Code 0B – Mechanical Malfunction

This can be caused by several things, but fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix the problem.

Check Loose Connections

Firstly, check for any loose cables or connections. Make sure all the cables are securely connected to the printer and the power source.

Clean the Printer

Keep the printer clean. A dirty printer can cause all sorts of problems, including Brother Printer Error Code 0B. Be sure to keep the printer clean and free of dust and debris. Regular cleaning will help keep it running smoothly.

Remove the Jammed Paper

Perform the steps below to check and remove any paper or torn pieces of paper inside the printer.

  • Turn off the printer and unplug all cables.
  • Open the access door of the printer and check for any jammed paper or pieces.
  • After that, remove any paper that is stuck inside the printer.
  • Close the access door and plug all cables back in.
  • Finally, turn on the printer to see if this has fixed the Error Code 0B issue.

Use Quality Paper Stock

Cheap paper stock can cause feeding issues that lead to Error Code 0B. Be sure to use high-quality paper stock in your Brother printer to prevent this problem from occurring again in the future.

Update Firmware

Outdated software can cause performance issues and Mechanical Malfunction errors like Brother Printer Error Code 0B. Here are the steps to update the firmware and work precisely with the printer without any errors.

  • Firstly, go to the Brother website and search for your printer model.
  • Download and install the latest version of your printer’s software.
  • Next, open the Brother Printer Software and follow the instructions to update your printer’s firmware.
  • Finally, restart your printer and see if this has fixed the Error Code 0B issue.

Reinstall Printer Drivers

Corrupt or outdated drivers can cause all kinds of problems with printers including Error Code 0B. To reinstall printer drivers, you must follow these steps

  • Uninstall all existing Brother Printer Drivers from your computer.
  • Next, download the latest drivers from Brother’s official website and install them on your computer.
  • Finally, restart your computer and check to see if this has resolved the issue.

Reset the Printer

Resetting the printer can straight-forwardly fix the Brother Printer Error Code 0B. So, follow the steps to reset the printer follows

  1. Firstly, turn off the printer and unplug all cables.
  2. Press the ‘Go’ button for about 5 seconds until the printer restarts.
  3. Open the top cover of the printer and check if you find any jammed paper or pieces.
  4. Close the access door and plug all cables in again.
  5. Finally, turn on the printer to see if this has fixed the Error.

Related: Brother Printer Error Code 05


What does Print Unable 0B Mean?

If your Brother printer displays the error code Print Unable 0B, it points to a mechanical malfunction within the printer. It means that there is any issue relating to paper jam, debris in the paper path, or a damaged component. To fix this error, you will need to open up your printer and locate the source of the problem. Once you have found and fixed the issue, your printer should be able to continue printing without any issues.

What do you do When your Brother’s Printer Says Error?

When your Brother printer says error, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot and fix the problem. First, check to make sure that all the cables are properly connected and that the power is on. Next, try restarting your computer and printer. If the error persists, you may need to uninstall and reinstall your Brother printer drivers. You can also try resetting your Brother printer by holding down the ‘Menu’ button for about 10 seconds. If none of these solutions work, contact Brother’s customer support team.

Why is my Brother Printer in Error Status?

The Brother Printer Error Code 0B  can be caused by various problems with the printer such as a paper jam, an empty toner cartridge, or a problem with the fuser unit. If you see this error, turn off your printer and unplug it from the power outlet. After that, check for any loose paper or obstructions inside the printer. If you find any, remove them and try printing again. If the error persists, please contact Brother customer service for further assistance.

How do I Remove 0b?

To remove the error 0B on your Brother Printer, you need to perform a series of steps below

  1. Tighten up all the printer connections.
  2. Now, check that there is no paper stuck inside the machine. Also, check for the other torn pieces of paper.
  3. Make sure that you are using the updated printer driver.
  4. Next, remove the ink cartridges and clean them with a clean cloth.
  5. Re-install the cartridges back properly in the printer.
  6. Now, reset your Brother Printer to its default settings by pressing the ‘Go’ button for about five seconds. This will help to clear out any errors in the machine.
  7. Finally, reinstall the printer driver and restart your computer.
  8. Now, try printing a document and check if Brother Printer Error Code 0B error is still appearing or not.

How do I Reset my Brother Printer Error?

Here are the quick steps for reset of your Brother Printer.

  • Turn off your printer and unplug it from the power source.
  • Leave your printer in this state for at least 30 seconds.
  • Plug the power cord directly into an electrical outlet and switch it on.
  • Once you see the initializing sequence, release all buttons.
  • Your Brother Printer should now be reset and ready to use.

Why is Brother Printer not Printing?

There are a few reasons why your Brother printer might not be printing. The most common reason is that the printer is not properly connected to the computer.

  • Make sure the USB cable is securely plugged into both the printer and the computer.
  • If the printer is still not printing, try restarting both the printer and the computer. Sometimes, a simple restart is all it takes to fix the problem.
  • Also, check to make sure there is paper in the paper tray and that the ink cartridges are properly installed.
  • If everything looks in order, try running a test print to see if that solves the problem.

How do I Reset my Printer Spooler?

To reset the printer spooler and fix the Brother Printer Error Code 0B, follow the steps below

  • Firstly, open the Run command (Windows + R), type services.msc, and click OK.
  • Scroll down to the Print Spooler service and right-click on it.
  • Select Stop from the menu that appears on your screen.
  • After that open the Run command again (Windows + R) and type %windir%\system32\spool\printers in the box and click Ok.
  • Now delete all the files present in this folder.
  • Go back to Services and restart the Print Spooler service from there by right-clicking on it and selecting Start from the menu that appears on your screen.
  • Close all windows and restart your device for changes to take effect properly.

How to Fix Brother Printer Error Code 0B?

There are a few things you can do to troubleshoot and fix the mechanical malfunction on your Brother Printer

  • Check for any loose or jammed paper inside the printer. If you find any, remove it and try printing again.
  • Make sure that all of the printer’s doors and covers are closed properly.
  • Reset the printer by turning it off and then back on again.
  • If the error persists, contact Brother customer support for further assistance.

More Helpful Guides

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Brother Printer Error Code 8F
Troubleshoot and Fix Brother Printer Keeps Going Offline

■ Error code 0A02

Print Unable 0A

Turn the power off and then back on again.

The main fan failure was detected.



Harness connection failure of the

main fan


Harness connection failure of the

high-voltage power supply PCB


Harness connection failure

between the low-voltage power

supply PCB and main PCB


Main fan failure


Low-voltage power supply PCB



High-voltage power supply PCB



Main PCB failure

■ Error code 0B01

Print Unable 0B

Turn the power off and then back on again

Error in the high-voltage power supply PCB ASSY while the machine is in operation.

Error code 0B02

Print Unable 0B

Turn the power off and then back on again

Error in the high-voltage power supply PCB ASSY in the ready state.



Harness connection failure of the

high-voltage power supply PCB


High-voltage power supply PCB



Main PCB failure





Check the harness connection of the main

fan and reconnect it.

Check the high-voltage power supply PCB

harness connection and reconnect it.

Check the harness connection between

the low-voltage power supply PCB and

main PCB, and reconnect it.

Replace the main fan.

Replace the low-voltage power supply


Replace the high-voltage power supply


Replace the main PCB ASSY.


Check the high-voltage power supply PCB

harness connection and reconnect it.

Replace the high-voltage power supply


Replace the main PCB ASSY.


Fix Brother Printer Error Code 0b

Fix Brother Printer Error Code 0b- Brother Printer is a well known and trusted brand which is known for its technology and advanced features, however, the technical issues are common.  Brother Printers are the most exceptional quality-oriented printers in the world. Brother Printers provide phenomenal image quality output. There is a wide array of customers spread all across the globe for these printers.  However, there are specific issues faced by the users while operating a brother printer. However, there are times when users encounter some issues related to the brother printer. One of the problems that often occur while using it is the brother printer error code 0b.  So, we are here to guide you to fix Brother Printer Error Code 0b.

Tech Support Expert is a well-reputed and trustworthy company who provides valuable tech services to its customers. The company understands that the customers don’t have much time and thus their team makes all the possible efforts to provide on-time services. Our services are available for 24 hours. You can connect with us anytime. Tech Support Expert has a specialized group of specialists that will give you give you basic answers to fix Brother Printer Error Code 0b blunder.

Fix Brother Printer Error Code 0b

We have solutions for any kind of printer problems. We are a one-stop platform whenever you need our support, pick your phone and dial our toll-free number 800-742-9005 and get a quick answer. Our Technical experts are capable of supplying effective solutions for printer problems. Our top-notch service will always get a brilliant response from our esteem customers. Even you can share your technical problem regarding printer by dropping us an mail on our official email address

What is Error Code 0b?

Brother Printer error code 0b is a mechanical malfunction of the Brother machine or a malfunction of the black drum unit. Like all mechanical devices over time with constant usage, the working ability of the printer may diorite. There are two ways through which you can Fix Brother Printer error code 0b, by either resolving it or replacing it.

The solution to fix Brother Printer Error Code 0b                          

Brother Printer error code 0b is a very common issue and can be easily resolved at home with a few simple steps. Go through the below-given points to eradicate this Brother Printer error code 0b. Glimpse on the below steps:

  • First and foremost step is to press and hold down the power key to turn the machine off
  • Proceed further to disconnect the power cable from the rear end of the printer.
  • Wait approximately 30 seconds and then plug the power cord back into the machine.
  • To turn on the machine, Press the power key
  • Now, if the machine displays “Ready”, the issue has been sorted out

 Another Method to Fix the Brother Printer Error Code 0b

But if the message ‘Print Unable 0B’ still appears on your machine’s display, we recommend you to replace the drum unit in the machine. For that follow the steps mentioned below-

  • First, ensure that the printer is on and then open the front cover.
  • Now remove the toner cartridge and further remove the drum unit from the printer.
  • Following this push down the green lock level and remove the toner cartridge from the drum unit.
  • Now take the new drum unit and press until you hear a click sound.
  • Further, install the toner cartridge and drum into the printer back.

Dial Toll-Free Number 800-742-9005 for Brother Printer Instant Support

You can always take help from qualified, certified and highly experienced experts in order to fix issues in your Brother Printer. It is the best way to get an instant and accurate solution. Here are things which make Tech Support Experts Best:

  • Availability of 24*7 for all our services
  • Toll-free helpline support number facility
  • Quick results for latest and former printers
  • Certified and experienced professionals available
  • Provides solution to your printer problem by remote session
  • User-friendly, safe and secure approach to providing assistance to our esteem customers

Tech Support Expert are available  for24/7 through our toll-free number 800-742-9005 to provide the best technical help to customers. We are the best among customers for accurate and exact support for all leading printer brands. Don’t hestitate to give us a call at our toll-free number.

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